Sunday, September 15, 2024

God enters into my body, like a body, my same size. making me the worlds only born again, holy ghost filled, christian. plus. I have sexxx with men and women, with God inside of me. happy friday the 13th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beast rising out of the sea-vision received 7-14-2010-I saw hollie in vision spin like animated world and out of it rose pope.
Jesus persecutes to destroy christian in salvation-vision received 7-13-2010-in this vision I saw Jesus and he said something like, "I'm persecuting you to make you perish", and the LOrd told me something like on 7-14-2010, "I will betray my servants to make them perish, and it is to laugh and mock at their sufferings, for this is why I save".

the judgment to washington d.c.-vision received about 7-20-2010-in this vision I saw the white house and behind it, nuclear fire rising high into sky.
hollie with Jesus inside-vision received 7-22-2010-in a vision I saw hollies face with like white Light on outside, changing, face, and, she said, "let me".
pray for owner of black preaching network-vision received 7-27-2010-in vision I saw Jesus with brown hair and he said, "remember him".
DKM Scharnhorst-visions received 7-28-2010-yeow, I laugh, said, the, hollie, showed, the german battleship Scharnhorst, they scuttled me, ship said, laughs, i'm showed, ship, happy, thats, its, said, hollie, many british ships, pounding, hollie, said, it caught fire, rolls, sinks, ship, points at self, i'm me, said, the, german battle ship, thats hitler designing, its, uh ship killer, said, God, thick hull, it dont matter what order its in, said, the, ship, o, said, the, its, m.v., said, hollie, wilhelm gustloff ship, there, hollie points, sinks
very willingness-visions received 7-28-2010-I saw hollie sitting at Jesus's interviewing table, and she said, something like, "he would let me", but when I asked if she wanted to be in it she shook yes and what was being thought on was Jesus started showing me the vision of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I saw pope's head appear like angel, and another, hollie showed, the beast, said, its, popey, hollie said, showed, be quiet, go, thats hollie walking,

make uh wish-visions received 7-28-2010-in visions I saw hollie like angel hollie face wearing brown pants and red sweater, and I saw Jesus with brown hair. I woke up one day and they were both singing, "make uh wish", then the other would sing, "make uh wish", see, said, hollie, he, remembers, Jesus, showed, not uh word, moon appears, his face, said, hollie, but, showed, no speech, you need to git outta here, said, moon, in his heart, thats moon leaving, its, said, she, hollie, the library, thats moon walking into church, sitting in his class, looking stunned, but, waiting,

the awesome German battleship (Schlachtschiff) Bismarck-vision received 7-28-2010-in this vision I saw the battleship floating with like angelface on front, and I saw angelface maybe at Gods interviewing table, and he said, yeow, the made me, he said, I wanted to float, they scuttled, it was, fire, showed, hollie, thats the mighty bismarck on fire, from, thats, many british ships, shooting at, the made said, its, bismarck hollie, said, to, stay afloat, and it did, showed, hollie, but, thats, the captain, its, ernest, hollie, said, we knew, said, captain ernest, hitler, they would, stangle um, he, said, our, children, put it under, said, hollie, thats, adolf hitler appearing, dont trust, him, hollie, said, seal it up, summed, but just hands, then hollies body appears, but, looking, lets move, right along, she, said, bobby, go, hollie, said, thats her walking out, now, its, chappel, she, said,

DKM Scharnhorst (Battleship)-visions received 7-28-2010-thats what I want, said, its, hollie showed, the, german battleship, it, hollie, said, Scharnhorst, i'm the new, ministry of dreams, said, it, hollie said, the, dkm Scharnhorst, they scuttled, said, hollie, thats the Scharnhorst laying upside down, in, ocean, but, happy, its cause, ship, said, I love it here, thats fish, visiting, ship, they could still raise, said, hollie, its, think, thats, Scharnhorst and me, said, hollie, beating on, its side, still good, hollie, showed, with her watch, go, its, uh light watch, hollie, said, back agin, said, Jesus, hands, clap, hollies body appears, later, bobby, moon, said, in, his heart, showed, not uh word, but laughs,

7-28-2010-the economy is slipping, said, hollie, and he hollie, him, she, hollie, said, showed, it, in, the u.s.a., thats, the famous battleship, said, hollie, showed, it, she, said, the, Tirpitz, its, she, said, the, bismarck, its, sister ship, hollie, said, and, he, hollie plays, the, music, wearing white robe, you did not want home, hollie, said, thats, the, Tirpitz, said, hollie, out on patrol, its, a, ship, killer, hollie, said, they all were, hollie, said, the, german battleship, fleet, theres, the, yomato, said, hollie, its, the largest, ever, but, the, scuttled, it, hollie, said, got trapped, she, said, and, battered, by, and he saw it, said, casey, many british battleships, shelling, thats, torpedoes, striking, thats the battleship Yamato, on bottom of, ocean, hollie, showed, i'm happy, said, it, hollie, said, the, battleship Yamato,

visions received 7-31-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, its, time, she, said, to, work, thats, hollie, working, for, its, Jesus, she, said, this is, prophesying, said, hollie, its, she, said, looked at Jesus, fellowship of the Father, thats, staying, said, Jesus, in visions, and, having, dreams, revealed, all things, to, make, me, laugh, saith the Lord, hollie showed, dont steal it, she, said, the God spoke, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, now, over, 50 people have, stolen, the name, I spoke, said, Jesus, remove, and be ruint anyhow, saith the Lord, thats, hollie showing, her, its lightwatch, bob, pray for these, she, said, thats uh man readin, hollie, said, thats, her light, watch again, raise your mountain and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, said, Jesus, showed, hollie, and, big nuclear fire, behind, thats, its, submarines, hollie, said, all around, its, she, said, the, u.s.a., and I stamp, hollie, said, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, its him, she, hollie, said, its, hollie anchor man, reporting, its right on news, thats Jesus, coming, and people weeping and wailing, for, said, God, they had it, all, and, that, was, still not enough, saith the King,

casey-vision received 8-5-2010-in this vision I saw part of casey, and she was wearing a white robe, and ministering spirits and Jesus said, this: i'm the, she, said, hollie, said, showed, the God spoken, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, dont steal it, hollie, said, or, angry, God appears, put it undle, hollie, said, bob now you have links, hollie showed her light watch, bob, its time, she, said, work, soon, pointed, hollie, thats her pointing at moon, its light will go out, bobby, said, moon, pointed, and, JEsus, came, and world, it shakes, said, hollie, and up rose, the beast, she, said, that, popey, hollie, said, riding, the, its, she, said, black horse, its, into, russia, its, signing a deal, said, its pope, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, work, she, said, had on her light watch, again, she said,

hollie rides the harley-vision received 8-6-2010-in this vision I saw hollie like a white angel sitting on a harley davidson motorcycle, and in another vision while at, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, in indianapolis, which is the first, pentecostal assembles of the world, church, I saw hollie like out of the drum cymbol and while posting I saw hollie coming out of the drum cymbol.
visions received 8-6-2010-in visions I saw nuclear explosion, when the enola gay was mentioned, and I saw hollie in another with part of, maybe enola gay, and in another, hollie came out of drum cymbol.

visions of judgment to america-visions received 8-6-2010=in visions I saw what I thought were like animations of both american coasts, and many times, I saw like nuclear fires appear along, possibly climbing up, or going down, then I saw the center of america with nuclear fire, hollie walked out, and, said, look, clapped, hands, and it was dark.

visions of coming judgment to america-visions received 7-10-?-2010-in one vision I saw hollie and I saw like animated america, some or all and I saw like animated nuclear fire come up from, and in the other, I saw hollie and she may have said, "bob", and I saw many nuclear fires in u.s.a., and it was like animation.
seventh day adventist church in indianapolis-vision received 7-10-2010-in this vision I saw hollie at the door of the s.a. church in indy, and she showed me to leave, and I did, so now I post, and in another, hollie explained, and I'm going by memory, "you see this people", "they are like that', and I saw a circle made up of hands holding each other, and I saw hollie, and she got in middle, and on side s, but will not become part of their deal, or.
footing-vision received 7-2010-in this vision I saw like an animated foot, and it went into a womans uterus, which is all of her I saw.

visions of hollie-visions received 6-27-2010-in one vision I saw hollie and she had brown hair, and I saw her pull sleeves up for war in other, vision, and I saw her again, but in another, she transformed into little different hollie.

iran explodes-vision received about 6-2010-while at library in downtown indianapolis, I heard from Jesus, tehran, and I saw like an animation of maybe iran, and explosion.
beast-vision received 6-28-2010-I saw pope and heard, I am Gog.
will Jesus attack my 67 year old mom to laugh at me and persecute-vision received 7-2010-in vision and I'm going by memory, I saw Jesus and he pointed, and said something like, "now i'm going to come against her", and my mom appeared who has been mercy to me beyond, and my retarded sister whom Jesus told me to beat, but I didnt.

praying for maricopa u.p.c.i. church-vision received 9-7-2010-in this vision I saw me on knees, praying, and I heard my voice say something like, "help maricopa church", for i'm out of united pentecostal church international, and I was going to change this, and I saw Jesus in a vision, and he said, 'leave it there", and said, bobby, and showed light watch, but, could not make out hands or numbers on watch, just light.

july 25 on circle christian gathering 2:00pm -fri july 23 at grace 7 5-14-2009-leave me alone, said, hollie, myspacecraft, prophecy ministry, with hollie flying, fired, we got, he said, david reagan and nathan jones, there they are in hell fire, its, hollie, showed, record, space craft Ministry of dreams, he said, thats end time prophetic ministrys hands, and, end time prophetic ministry appeared, hollie showed, world prophecy center, website, and, new Ministry OF dreams website with teeth appeared, dont steal, said, hollie, take said antonia vladimirova, shes reverend theif antonia vladimirova, they, that was the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, the main, ministering spirit, hollie, pope appeared, im, he said, antichrist, thats, mexico president shaking yes, popping out of head, and lula, chavez, all dreading, signing, thats raul castrol, and nicaragua, presidents, worried, signing, thats kim jong, smiling, laughing, thats, putin, and, hintao planning, hey ill give you, said, yeltsin, alright, shook, jiang zemin, thats hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan exploded, man, said, hollie, with, the, with the joel osteen-urshan man in hands, thats lucre, falling out of his pockets, hollie licked prophet, meerkat pulled ship, thats ministering spirits ship busting, dangerous, and paul watson bumps ship, sinks, over 10, im sleepy but warm, said, fleas, acting like dog, thats, her, said, hollie, go to walmart, she said, im, the, main, ministering, spirit, hollie, showed, turn, thats, dog, happy and warm, thats, your beast rising, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, pope riding black horse, russia explodes, thats, russia, attacking, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, france, explodes, italy, boom, there goes australia, with man, britain exploded, thats hand coming out of britain, u.s.a. exploded, nuclear button pushed, theres, many nuclear missiles being showered on russia, exploded, thats, pope, flatter him, he said, signs, gets, control, trouble again, said, hollie, and, he, saw, hollie said, pope rise, theres, hu, hollie, showed, war, thats, it, thats, she, said, thats, hollie, by, nuclear fire, in, china, looking serious, laughed, showed, tree, its, eaten by bugs, thats hollie, knowing, it must be cut down, you cant repair it hollie, said, hollie showed, record, thats emporer of japan, there, I, summed it up, hollie said, thats, slashed pope, hes, idol shepherd, walking with hu hintao, you see, said, pope, I wont, said, hu hintao, they argue, laugh, sign 666, thats, nuclear weapons from russia and china aimed at each, let record, uh vision, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, hollie showed, Vonage, 24.99 per month, its the phone, hollie said, doesnt work, she said, get another, hiroshima, said, man, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fireball in hiroshima, then, nagasaki, thats what brought it, said, Jesus, judgment to america, theres uh submarine, right there, said, hollie, and, I, surfaced, said, hollie, waved, grim reaper laughs, hollie showed, judas priest still rocking, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, u.s.a. economic collapse, hollie wiped lips, hollie, stomped, hollie, showed, engine, we dont need it, said, motor, just keep us full, said, engine, oil, gabriel checks with hands, now, look, said, hollie, showed, the popes picture, then with black horse, there, I summed it up, hollie, said, did, thats, pope riding black horse, into russia, flatteries he said, thats them offering, him signing, gets control, hollie sums it, up, showed, drink, bob, that, was, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, and, Jesus, pope appeared, with, new world order, thats, hu hintao, lula, shaking, yes, hugo chavez, raul castrol, not, wanting, like nicaragua, theres kim jong, signing with medvedev, pope comes out of his, medvedev kneels before antichrist pope, let me rule the world, said, medvedev, pope shakes, yes, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear arising, hollie shows, world, thats, subs, with captain hollie, striking, thats, france, exploding, there goes italy, australia, great britain and america exploded, thats missiles from all striking russia, exploded, world shook, pope in dark sky, hollie showed, ten horns, popes face in side, one, of, them, out, walks ten russian rulers, chrysler is going broke, its because they paid their workers lots and now they are rich but chryslers broke, clapped the tap dancers and Jesus, thats many ministering spirits tap dancing, write Matt Westervelt of lulz inc and ask him why he hates Jesus so much he stole the God spoken protected created birthed christians ministry name ministry of dreams as, edward lulz, he is the one, saith the LOrd, tell on him and make him openly mocked for he teased prophet ministry of dreams saith God, 5-15-2009-bob, said, hollie, showed, dont, hollie showed edward lulz, he stole ministry of dreams like attorney antonia vladimirova of sofia bar association, they remove openly mocked, hollie showed, pope, she, said, rising, thats, antonia vladimirova working for organization in america, dreams foundation, shes working for a fortune 500 company, hollie appears, shes, ministering spirit, yea, she, says, y, e, a, the new cindy appears, its, edward lulz, he, stole, provoked prophet ministry of dreams, you will get openly mocked said Jesus, its, reverend antonia vladimirova, a person for the company she works for finds visions, tells, antonia vladimirova gets fired, thats, pope rising, and, hollie, like cartoon character, smiling, alome saleem, said, hollie, pope, rose, im, the, beast, he, said, pointed at, self, thats seven lighted heads, mexico, pops out, with, cuba, said, hollie, raul, comes out of lighted head, theres, chavez, lula, nicaragua, kim jong, shaking yes, signing, theres yeltsin and hintao planning, thats, hugo chavez, hes major, thats yeltsin, promising taiwan, o.k., lets do it, said, hintao, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, attacking washington state, thats hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, showering china with therm-nukes, thats, hollie standing by nuclear fire in china, looking serious, then laughed, its, you, hollie said, pointed at the theives of Ministry Of Dreams like unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor d.min, and, reverend antonia vladimirova attorney of dreams foundation, thats, subs all around america, thats, warning, said, medvedev, thats, cnn broadcasting around the globe, said, hollie, thats one sub firing, then, all, america, exploded, thats, the, woman, coming, up, out of the fire, its, statue of liberty, thats missiles leaving america striking russia, planes with hollie dropping bombs, russia exploded, and lion licked the prophet, thats world shaking, and up rose, the, pope, hes, antichrist, idol shepherd, thats him riding black horse into russia, exploded, hollie was tight, hollie showed, record, its, lulz hollie said, Matt Westervelt, he steals, showed, hollie, took of gloves, you want to fight, hollie said, thats, what he wanted, make me ruint, thats Matt Westervelt who is edward lulz job looking at what he done said, hollie, fire, thats beast rising, record uh vision, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, beast arose, theres hu, hollie said, there, I summed it up, emporer of japan, hollie, wears white robe, theres slash, she said, idol pope, there, said, hollie, summed, if you let me said hollie, there, I summed it up, grim reaper laughs, pulls ship, its, titanic, said, hollie, with, captain smith, put back, turn, dance, turned to side, changed to hollie, spun to front, showed, war, said, hu hintao, thats, the, hegoat, pope, with horns, hu, putin, come, out, pope rides, black horse, russia explodes, thats him signing, hollie showed, nuclear fires in china and russia, thats, them at table, its the mark treaty, 666, said, hollie and pope, thats, china claiming russia, after n.a.t.o. nukes, thats hundreds of nuclear missiles raining down on russia, exploded, pope, signs, gets control drive them back, said, pope, thats, china, russia, with, many nuclear fires, then, thats them at table, 666 is born, it appeared, said, hollie, thats, pope, rolling up sleeves, and hu, he said, I can see were not going to get along, they said, hollie showed, I am God, said, pontiff, in, israel, worship him, said, false prophet, hu hintao, thats, china, nuking russia, exploded, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, cloud of people, invading israel, led by russians, thats, hu slashing, pope, in, israel, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, egypt, jordan, syria exploded, Christ puts beast and false prophet in fire, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, israel explodes, thats, Christ on mountain, hollie looks, what are these my Jesus, hollie said, holes, in, hands, thats, hollie, showing, world, many, countries exploding, thats peace, safety, being signed for, between bush, gorbachev, start one, hollie leopard laughs, thats china, false prophet hu appears, japan, north, south, korea, hollie leopard laughs, its, uh, dream, said, hollie dream, laughed, night vision, what are these said hollie, signals being sent, cnn, thats russian subs all around u.s.a., thats was hu hintao, said, hollie, riding, red, horse, thats, china, attacking, taiwan, hollie rides, yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, yeltsin, and, jiang zemin, planning, strike, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, all around u.s.a., cnn broadcasting, let me said, hollie, record, she said, showed, the beast rising, and, you know who it, is, she, said, pope, hollie posts, thats, pope riding black horse, said, hollie, tap dancing, russia, exploded, thats, grim reaper laughing, collecting dead, souls, hollie showed, world, with, many nuclear explosions in n.a.t.o. nations, thats, brazil said hollie, with two, nicaragua, cuba, exploded, hollie points, theres, thats, venezuela with two, brazil, one massive, there, said, hollie, ill place it there, she said, nuclear fires in mexico, latin america, hollie showed, quasar stereo speakers, they are, hollie, thought, hard to beat, thats, phone ringing, hollie not answering, let me look, said, hollie, saw, hu hintao, rise, out of the sea, theres, pope, theres winds and emporer of japan, theres, slash, pope, out of wind, hollie, said, dont go to south korea, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, fire, in south korea, there goes russia, china, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, north korea exploded, thats, u.s.a. sub firing, it, hit, hollie, said, two explosions in north korea, heres uh pen, said, hollie, write the vision, thats, world prophecy center website, looking, and end time prophetic ministry website, and new ministry of dreams website, and, prophecy ministry website, dont steal said hollie, or angry Jesus with torturing device appeared, thats titanic with captian smith, hitting iceberg, sinking, heres the reason, iceberg in dark ocean, appears, about, on, block, before, you knew it, said, hollie, captain smith shakes, yes, its like the movie, they told me speed, said, edward smith, its bruce ismay, he got canned from white star line, thats, hollie tap dancing, showing the popes picture, then opened, showed, hu, then chavez, lula, mexico, nicaragua, thats, both castrols, kim jong, theres those eight kings in cart, babylon the great is fallen, said, man, thats, america exploding, babylon comes out of fire, this is uh warning, said, hollie, walk, eat, its the alome saleem, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, its, simb, said, sandy, raise your vision and repeat after me sang, hollie, its the, I dont need it, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, its, soumb, said, sandy, hollie showed, record, look at me said hollie, hollie showed, sleep, im the dog, said, fleas, happy, warm, thats, pope, with, seven heads and ten horns, write the vision, said, hollie, there, she, said, stamped, its pontiff, theres hu hintao, hollie, stamped, there, she said, emporer of japan, hollie stamps, slashed, pope, appears, hollie, stamps, showed eat, you dont matter no more, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min steals ministry of dreams like many, 5-18-2009-hollie showed, u.p.c.i,. move, pages, bob, she said, thats pope rising, hollie showed, record, thats, pope, rose, again, said, hollie, hollie shook, yes, smiling, then showed, no, away with it, she said, with, hands, then, shook, yes, again, clapped, hands, snapped fingers, tada, kicked, foot, snapped, like, shawdow, in, out, snapped fingers, tada, hollie flyes in f-22 raptor, thats, radar picking f-22 jet fighter up, thats, hollie, dropping bombs, russia exploded, thats, hollie, in, its akula agin, hollie, said, many russian subs out in oceans, thats, them around u.s.a., cnn broadcasting, thats, signals being sent, from towers, hollie, there, one sub fired, thats, massive nuclear explosion in america, then all fired, thats america exploding, and, up, rose, bill clinton, pressed, nuclear button, thats bill, clinton, pressing nuclear, button, thats, world, hollie, showed, many countries, exploding, hollie appears, website said russia is the bear father, said many ministering spirits, with crowd voice, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, beast rising, hes, hollie thought, blessed hollie showed, that van not bad, said, crowd, hollie screamed, hi, thats beast arose, you need to let me record, said, hollie, hollie showed, china, magog, fleas, showed, dog, happy, but, warm, thats pope rising, hollie showed, turn, iraq agin, said, hollie, casey, points, u.s.a., sub, surfaces, thats two nuclear missiles, hollie, shows, many, nuclear fires, in, gaza, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, hollie shows many nuclear fires in iraq, Jesus, sprinkles, thats, bear, arise and awaken, said, Jesus, lets rule, said, putin, the world, that is cnn, said, hollie, transmitting, russian subs around u.s.a., its, uh threat, said medvedev, one fired, then, all, america, burned, thats alarie, salome, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes, lips, its simb, said, sandy, hollie appears, watches pope rise, that, said, hollie, out of ring, that, he, said, pope rose, bob askes, if hollie wants to do vision, hollie checks with Jesus, of course, o sure, he said, smiled, showed, cut off, im dr. jeremy taylor u.u. for taking the name ministry of dreams like his reverend antonia vladimirova, tell on them saith the Lord, thats, people showing both visions, and antonia vladimirova telling, he signed my dreams foundation guestbook and I took, but she calls self reverend, thats, angry Jesus, get me off, he said, there, he pointed, dreams foundation website, dont use scriptures to promote, uh witch, God said, thats, ordained unitarian universalist minister dr. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams from christian, yet, dr. jeremy taylor works for starr king school for the ministry and others, they, are, not saved, but, charge to teach, saith the Lord, like dr. rev. jeremy taylors susan murphy, she promotes from miriams well, but, thats susan murphy showing cut off, she will tremble when you show her visions, saith the Lord, 5-21-2009-let me alone, my space craft fired, said, hollie, look who it, struck, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals ministry of dreams and runs to remove it, you aint gonna let me record, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, pointed, lighted finger, beast arose, our Father, you are Holy, sang, smiling, hollie, alome, said, hollie, and hollie, out of megaphone showing desparate, record, said, hollie, showed, the antichrist, pope, hes, the, beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats cuba, coming out of head, mexico, theres, kim jong, nicaragua, theres, chavez, putin, hu, and, hollie, showed, popes face, inside, horn, crucify, sang, hollie, leave, us alome, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, its, simb, thats, the, tap dancers, hollie, and, eight kings, that, will, rise, against, america, thats, mexican president tap dancing, yeah, ill, do, it, he, said, sign said medvedev, thats nicaragua, shaking yes, hes arch said hollie, gabriel, thats him flying, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, Ministry Of Dreams website, right, said, hollie, bobby, you will be gitting an email from the c.i.a., we are very interested in where you are getting your information about barack obama being from the philippines, this is warning, said, hollie, post, keep up, this is not the website, this is hollie, talking for the website, post, let me record, said, hollie, you want me said, hollie, in copter, that, he, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie appears, screams, hollie, showed, record, and, president of mexico comes out of lighted head, hollie, shows, hollie showed, titanic, said bruce ismay, thats, tap dancers, hollie showed, cutlas, oldsmobile, its, uh good, car, she said, spun tires, this economy is going under, said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, you want me said, hollie, thats, double bladder, letting down hollie, tear up, put back, clap, left, hollie showed record, showed, that, he said, call it Ministry of dreams, hollie, said, that, dont steal, take or alter, like the ministry of dreams, a ministry of dreams, like many have, but, all, will, remove, when, that, said, hollie, subs, all, around, america, thats cnn broadcasting, this is pope with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, and who are they said hollie, theres, cuba, nicaragua, chavez, lula, kim jong, mexico, and, china, thats, putin, hollie, shows, ten horns, with, popes face in, medvedvev and ten russian kings come out of horns, its uh ruling party, said, hollie, there you have it said hollie, and I summed it up, she said, there, hollie said, put back, tear, hands, tada, but only, one, one, quick, one like blur, snap, fingers, then, I got it, opened hands, showed, fighting, its, the, new world order, said, hu hintao, hollie shakes, yes, showed, wiped lips, buy laptop, hollie showed, turn, 5-23-2009-thats, said hollies, leave us alone sound, she said, showed, buy uh laptop, plug it in, dont waste batteries, and I showed, said hollie, beast, arose, im the antichrist said pontiff, bob if you let me said hollie, post, thats hollie posting, china, said, hollie and bird, thats, magog, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes lips, its simb said hollie, and hollie shows magog, the leopard, hollie said, thats north, south korea, china, japan, kings, appear, this is what the angel said, hollie, said, its, kim, jong, and he saw, it, pointed, casey, kim jong, happy, launches nuclear missiles, thats russia, china, and south korea with many nuclear explosions, thats vladimir putin, smiling, let me press it, said dmitry medvedev, putin, presses nuclear button, thats, explosion in north korea, its, cause, im the beast, its starting, said woman, said vladimir putin, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said hollie, its, your, last, chance, said angel, kim davis steals the God spoken said Jesus ministry of dreams, remove, said hollie, I wont, said, kim, davis, of heart-fire ministries, its cause of him, said, kim davis, its, Jesus wipes lips, many took, like, john mark pool, he was the one, said Jesus, let me handle him, she said, but now knows, on net, im embarrased said kim davis, remove, said hollie, and kim davis thinks it alright, but you wont remove, said Jesus, after written, she laughs, but people finding out, watch a whipping on ministry of dreams theif kimberly davis, this is warning, said hollie, thats america exploding, burning, almost, whole country, and smiling, putin, wipes lips, its, cause, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, bobby, new name, said angel, keep, hollie points, ministry of dreams together, prophet this is decision, said, hollie, you dont want no more website, thats what your showin us said hollie, this is website, lets post, said hollie, hollie pointed, vision prophecy is born, prophet, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this economy is right on the brink of collapse after that its said Jesus, lets rule the world, said, putin, u.s.a. economic collapse, submarines are doin it, said, hollie, thats, subs, all around, that, said, hollie, u.s.a., this is warning, said hollie, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now look, she said, surfaced, its akula agin, hollie, said, fired, missiles, and look who it struck, said Jesus, france, boom, thats, italy, australia, boom, exploding, theres, great britain, exploding, and hand comes out of britain, pressing nuclear button, thats, u.s.a. exploding, this hurt you, said, hollie, I know, shook, ezra, bufford, he, knows, bob, wants, him, to, come, to, the temple, but, donald wont let said, ezra, bufford, BOBBY, IT WAS DREAM, SAID, IM HOLLIE DREAM, WIPED LIPS, SCREAMED, BOB, HEARS, MAN, ON, radio, he, in broadcast mentions, the Ministry of Dreams, you took, said hollie, bob hears and goes to call radio station, bob got mans name, and when man said the Ministry Of Dreams, it had nothing to do with anything, but stole anyhow like, bobby, over two million would have it, if I the Lord did not embarras and make them remove, like all will, after, that, said Jesus, subs, hollie pointed, all around, america, this is whistle, said medvedev, blew, cnn broadcasting, its, on, hollie, said, I warned ya, said henry gruver, hollie screams, bobby, come here, hollie, said, its where you bank and internet, downtown, at, building, hollie, said, you are grecia, said, hollie, and Jesus, sandy, wipes, lips, pope, with, horns, putin, hu, came out, thats, hegoat, smiting, the ram, stomping, hollie shows, nuclear fires in china and russia, lets claim, said, hu hintao and pope, they, sign the mark treaty, and you know who it is, said hollie, 666, is born, that was satan, said, hollie, tell me what satan looked like, like, hollie wipes, lips, fire face, tell me what satans doin, said, hollie, im the beast, said pope, with seven heads and ten horns, prophet, this is uh warning, said hollie, thats china right there, said, hollie, magog, thats four kings appearing on magog, thats north and south korea, china, and japan, thats, pontiff appearing, hes the head, thats ten toes, and ten russian kings walk out, thats pope inside medvedevs horns, this is not the warning, said, hollie, this is website talking, and website, worldprophecycenter appears, hollie showed, record, this is another warning, she, said, thats new Ministry Of Dreams website appearing, hes angry at theives, thats his head opening, and out comes Jesus cutting off all those, hey bobby we took it said antonia vladimirova, yes shook diana hughey and kim davis, all release ruint, thats Ministry of dreams closing back up, this is not the warning, said, hollie, this is decision, she, said, post, hollie showed, record, and pontiff, hollie said, arose, theres hu hintao, there said hollie, I summed it up, both beasts, she said, showed, new world order, thats hollie tap dancing, and up rose eight kings in balloons, faces on, theres, showed, hollie, in robe, pope, hu hintao, mexican president, theres castrol, lula, chavez, theres kim jong, putin, and hu, said, hollie, and Jesus, pope comes out of putins head, thats, them in cart, babylon the great is fallen, he said, man, thats them planning strike against america, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, hollie talking with Jesus, on, how, to deliver, visions message, thats cuba with nuclear explosion, pointed hollie, there goes nicaragua, hey ill place it, said hollie, there, thats, nuclear fires along, latin america and mexico, hollie showed, get oil, thats was brazil, and venezuela exploding, I know your gonna hurt me said lula, thats medvedev, we want the land, he said, sign, lula, signs, control, said medvedev, lula, shakes, we agree, hey bobby, but they dont, hollie said, this is uh brand new warning, said, hollie, showed, u.s.a. economic collapse, then russia, Jesus sprinkles, give them that one mind, he said, let us rule the world said putin and medvedev, lets rule the world sang putin, thats bear arising, devouring, attacking nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, exploded, thats missiles from all striking russia, burned, pope rose in smokey, heavens, thats, him, riding, black horse, russia exploded, thats, pope signing, getting control, its flatteries, he said, drive them outta there said pope, thats china claiming much of destroyed russia, thats hollie by nuclear explosion in china, looking serious, turned head, laughed, showed, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats yeltsin and zemin planning to destroy america, you lure said boris, hintao shakes yes, thats, china, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, china attacking, washington state, thats captain hollie, surfacing in 3 ohio class submarines, showering china with thermo nukes, hollie showed, old car, buy, purchase she said, hollie showed, old cars from the fifties, they, dont rust as quickly, but do hollie said, angel showed, record, hollie ready to post, hollie plays music, you dont want me said hollie, leave it off, said hollie, showed, dmitry medvedev, hes the one henry gruver saw, thats henry gruver talking, its, uh dark, bushy, said gruver, he laughs, that was, said hollie, brand new, said, hollie, its, uh, warning, said many, thats, russia, preparing for, ahnialation said medvedev, and people eating, and drinking, and playings, its the track, said hollie, the indianapolis 500, many, hollie shook yes, showed, no, Im away with it, hollie said, snapped, fingers, clicked, heels, then, shook yes, then from behind, hollie showed 1973 ford mustang, spun tires, leave this alone, said, hollie, its old car, loose belt simb, said, ministering spirits, brand new o, said hollie, warning, change oil, said many, hollie checked oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, engine, said, keep it full, I dont need it said engine, clean oil, just keep me full, said, engine, thats, gabriel, said, many, arch, checking oil, wearing, white robe, whew, said gabriel, cause he sees, said hollie, people readin, hey, you, said hollie, they are, she said, watching, its medvedev, hes, wanting, war, thats russian subs all around america, cnn broad, casting, one, fires, then, all, u.s.a., burns, its full, filling, said hollie, REVELATION 18, she said, its the babylon, hollie said, 5-24-2009-hollie, showed, record, let me, she said, hollie showed record, stamped, I showed you, she said, the beast rising, its pontiff, theres hu, there I summed it up, said hollie, there, both beasts, theres emporer of japan, appeared, showed, said, hollie, and hollie shows the last, come out of the winds, its pope, hes slashed, said hollie, right there, its hu hintao in israel, there, pointed hollie, slashing pope with his armies, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, there goes, said hollie, egypt, jordan, syria, exploded, with blood this high said hollie, showed, buy power invertor, use, theres, vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, thats israel exploding, thats, Jesus placing pontiff and false prophet hu in hellfire, thats JEsus, standing on mountain, what are these holes in your hands my JEsus said hollie, them pointed angel Jesus, israeli jews, thats Jesus, ascending, and antichrist pope in dark smokey sky like angel of light, thats america on fire, and sixth seal is opened, world, shakes, thats putin and medvedev, let me said putin, thats nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, let me rule the world, said, vladimir putin, thats Jesus sprinkling, thats hollie surfacing, in, u.s.a. submarine, there, she said, I fired, hollie, said, missiles, thats, many, showed, hollie, nulcear explosions, in gaza, thats angry israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats iraq exploding, let me rule the world, said, putin, Jesus, sprinkles, bear arises, Jesus, tells, devour much flesh, thats hollie jumping on top of that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry black and red horses, thats a woman reading visions, who me she said, smiles, thats, pope, hu, driving, the new world order chariot, thats, hollie, let me in, side, she said, jumps in with hollie whistle, blew, thats, putin, planning, with, stick, in, hand, said, hollie, showing, on, chalkboard, its out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, then putin, turns, head, with those three ribs in mouth, plucked, thats russian subs all around those nations, firing missiles, thats america burning, and interceptors going, up, and, missiles, return, striking, all three, hollie watches, cuba, nicaragua explode, thats, many, showed, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico, thats hugo chavez and lula shaking yes, worried, and kim jong, smiling, yeah Ill do it he said, theres russian president and chinese talking, thats hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu hintao, riding, red horse, thats china attacking washington state, then yeltsin and hu hintao appeared again, thats them shaking, then all those other kings appeared, with, hollie, rolls up towel, rings out, they are they seven lighted heads, thats, hollie, showing, ten horns, with popes face inside one, out of his walks dmitry medvedev, and ten russian ruling kings walk out, thats putin and other, thats medvedev kneeling before pope, let me rule the world, said, dmitry, pope shakes, yes, thats, red shaft, and hollies image made alive on tape recorder, like, television, take it, said, pope, from television, hu watches, no I aint, he said, thats, hegoat with pope in middle, putin, hu, out of horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, with putin, hu, out of horns, thats, china claiming much of destroyed russian land, drive, them outta there, said, pontiff, thats, hollie, showed, nuclear fires, in, china and russia, hollie, posts, then, thats two horned beast rising with hu hintao and japan coming out of horns, thats them all at table, signing, the mark treaty, its peace said antichrist pope, 666 is birthed, it appeared, said hollie, they shake hands, lie, laugh, and hu I aint gonna put up with you said pope, hu shakes, yes, hollie, says, its, there, thats, china, and, russian border with nuclear weapons aimed right at each other, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, i am God, said pope, sitting im temple in rome, hollie sums it up, thats double bladder, its helicoter, said, hollie, and hollie let down on rope, you want more, he, said, keep posting, prophet shakes, yes, copter, with, prophet pulled in, below california explodes, and up both coasts, then copter leaves, I'll show you there, hollie, said, pulls in angel, thats russia, exploded, world shaking, thats submarines all over oceans, thats, yellow dragon rising with eight kings appearing, and who are they said hollie, theres, antichrist pope, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, north korea, hu hintao, and, putin, thats, pope coming out of putins, land, with other, russian rulers out of ten horns, there, said, hollie, I summed it, up, now lets post, he said, prophet this is uh warning, right here, thats, holllie, taking back laptop, leave it alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, call it ministry of dreams, said, hollie wiped lips, pointed at Jesus, hollies posts visions, it was uh, said many, dream, said, hollie dream, smiles, shows, night, vision, said, many, 5-25-2009-quit it, said, hollie, stealing, hollie said, Ministry of dreams, said, hollie, let me show it, thats, unitarian universalist minister dr. jeremy taylor d.min stealing ministry of dreams, hey ill have that said rev. jeremy taylor u.u., but runs to remove, hey its my kathryn, said the witch jeremy taylor m.a., has my site said ph.d. reverend jeremy taylor s.t.d., but, he took said kathryn taylor m.a., now she holds his website, students from wisdom university, the chaplaincy institute, said hollie, want their money back, I know it said (hon) reverend jeremy taylor who is jungian, thats uh soothsayer, said hollie, uh witch, she said, thats rev. dr. jeremy taylor removing ministry of dreams like his reverend antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, ruint, hollie showed, turn, thats prophesying, she said, fellowship, of the, Father, thats, vision, of, you know who I Am, said, Jesus, im, the, King, of, kings, and, Lord, of, lords, they remove after I the Lord, cut, them off, like I will all pentecostal churches, then, thats, pointed, hollies, fingers, subs, all, around, america, and one fired, thats cnn, broadcasting, sending, its, showed, hollie, signals, from, sattelite, look, said, hollie, spacecraft went down, hollie, said, look, hollie said, pope rose, look hollie said, thats, hollie driving van, buying power invertor, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, summed it up, storm, said hollie, approaching, hollie, tore, up, put back, rip, those are seeds flying, like, snow in summer, its trees, hollie said, we want ya, to keep posting, said, hollie, man, showed, turn, thats television coming on, said, hollie, and, doreen, and more, cnn broadcasting, thats, pointed, hollie, russian submarines all around america, then one, fires, then, all, america, exploded, I had a dream, said, angel, its, uh, night, vision, said, hollie, and hollie dream laughs, bobby, said hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, im, the beast, he said, the word, antichrist, appeared, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, surfaced, waved from sub, what kind of submarine was it, clapped the tap dancers, its akula agin, said, hollie, and hollie in, fired missiles, and look who it struck, said, hollie, thats france, exploding, two, hollie, posts, in white robe, there goes italy, the beast appears, australia, boom, hollie flew in spacecraft, you know what om doin, said, hollie, lookin for theives, I found me some, hollie, said, spacecraft opened up, hollie said, out were many jet fighters striking the thieves of Ministry Of Dreams, thats world prophecy center website looking, hollie showed, record, there, said, hollie, and, I banged, the stick, she, said, stamped, and up rose the pope, she, said, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats, hollie, on yellow missile, taiwan, exploded, thats, use terrorists said hu hintao, china attacking washington state, thats yeltsin and hu hintao planning out strike against america, lets rule the world, said, putin, that, said, hollie, Jesus, sprinkles, and bear awakens, hollie, in, side, ring, that, he said, angel showed, record, showed, post, tonight, downtown, hollie, looks, checks with, Jesus, says, thats hollie out of megaphone, pointing up, hollie feeds animals, throw out wastefood, let them eat to, hollie, wipes lips, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, war, thats, russian submarines, all around, america, cnn, broadcasting, thats, putin, looking at medvedev, thats dmitry pressing nuclear button, thats america exploding, hollie showed, indianapolis 500 race track, car racing, people left, and less then eight hours later, there were four people who went to indianapolis 500 race now dead in lava wishing, many cant even imagine why they did not want the Lord, they are not, wanting, to, be, in, hell, but its to late, hollie showed, record, showed, work, hollie looked suprised, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, surfaced, waved, its ohio class agin, said, hollie, were in the the last days and people will steal from christians like dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. said hollie, tap dancing, Ministry of Dreams, and, john mark pool shakes yes, like kim davis of heart fire ministries, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, I guess the warnings over, said, hollie, showed, thats north korea, and nuclear explosion, its, under, ground, said, hollie, he hasum, she said, bobby, go, hollie, said, stamped, there, she said, I summed it up, sleep, hollie, showed, post on laptop, said, hollie, does, posting, on, laptop, dream, said, hollie, and, others, hollie dream, laughs, its, uh, she showed, night vision, hollie, wipes, lips, thats, smiling, but, unhappy john mark pool, he steals, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, thats john mark pool showing book, Ministry of Dreams, but stole, to strip GOds, child, now hear the word of the LOrd, this is how wicked the prophet john pool is, and his beautiful wife, sandy pool, john, she says, God must let you, she said, but, God, had nothing to do with, but allowed, and now john mark pool being openly mocked, cause, he claims christianity but steals from christian to ruin him, said, hollie, like his reverends antonia vladimirova of dreams world, said, hollie and her, reverend, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., thats the rev. jeremy taylor looking at postings, kathy taylor now has doctor jeremy taylors website, so dont let him lie to you like he did prophet on telephone, Ive been using it for decades, lied the ordained unitarian universalist minister jeremy taylor, and was called liar, but he knew, 5-26-2009-Jesus, showed, record, go home, he said, hollie, showed, sleep, fleas, showed, the dog, warm, but, bored, she said, thats, hollie, pulling, ship, its titanic, she said, with, captain, smith, speed, said edward smith, thats bruce ismay, ordering, but, inside captain smiths heart, we'll hit, he said, ice, knew, but, thought, its like the r.m.s. olympic, wont sink, said captain smith, did, scraped, it, was, the one, that, ordered, turn, thats, meerkat, appearing, thats kristina, and hollie, the first, and, doreen, thats, hollie, looking, in, water, at, her, reflection, she looked at myself, said, hollie, and hollie wipes, lips, its, said, sandy, simb, hollie showed, laptop, buy, git one, she said, but, they wont last, about, two years, of, every, day, use, batteries, Jesus, looks, two years, you do not need to do no more, said, Jesus, hollie pops out, shows, f-22 raptor, flies, drops, bombs, its, russia, exploding, close out ministryofdreams, said, hollie, is what they wanted, they steal, hollie, said, I know not to said kathy taylor, m.a., but, they do, thats, Jesus, appearing, yeah, said sunken, titanic, its, rusting, but, were still here, said r.m.s. titanic, still could be stored, but, not sea worthy, cause, rust, its, the bottom, said, ship, would have lost about one half, of, plate thickness, about three inches thick, hollie, watches, jet fly over, this is rough times, said, hollie, showed, close it up, go, 5-26-2009-thats alome, slarie, said, hollie, tell me what it means, she, said, hollie, wipes lips, pope, said, hollie, hes, hollie, appears, pope, hollie, said, thats, hollie posting, buy uh laptop, hollie, said, thats, nuclear fireball appearing in indianapolis, thats, putin, appearing, pointing, and, submarines, in oceans, prowling, said, hollie, in her submarine, fired, its, akula, said, hollie, showed, oscar class, its, really, just ohio class with one more layer of protection, you want me, said, Jesus, and, john mark pool shakes, yes, humbly, yells no, dont show me, he shows, thats, john mark pool stealing the God spoken birthed christians ministry name ministry of dreams, sandy pool knew but thought, john wanted, she said, john pool wont remove when emailed, claimed God was introcuding ministry of dreams, but ran to remove what he stole like his reverends dr. jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, christians stealing to ruin Gods servant, like kim davis of heart fire ministries, but, all, run, to, remove when found out, lets embarras said Jesus, thats them all, running when people tell, thats pope rising, hollie showed, its cause im the beast, he said, hollie, appears, lowered on rope, from, its, apache, said, hollie, copter, below california explodes, then east coast states, thats all of america exploding, you want to see where its from, hollie, said, lets show, hollie, said, flew helicopter, thats russian subs all around america, cnn broadcasting, thats, towers, sending, signals, I told ya so, said, henry gruver, hollie showed, record, bear smiles, tore up, from, behind, tapped, danced, tada, to the front, put back, rip, thats, yeltsin and hu hintao planning out strike against america, hey ill give you the land, hu shakes, yes, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, lure, said, boris yeltsin, hu, laughs, shakes, yes, thats, hu hintao, riding, red horse, thats, like old map, lines, appearing, china, from, oceans, attacking, washington state, thats captain hollie surfacing, firing missiles, thats, hollie, by nuclear explosion in china, said, russia its your fault, now look, said, hollie, missile appears, high in dark sky, exploded, indianapolis destroyed, that, said, hollie, was, where monument circle was, now just ground, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, pope, she said, riding, black horse, theres hu hintao riding red, thats, grim reaper on grizzled, Jesus, on, white, thats, four carpenters, kings pop out, there hu hollie, said, pope comes out of wind, theres grim reaper laughing, and Jesus on white horse, thats, idol pope, slashed, there ready, said, hollie, appeared, hollie showed, record, pope, she, said, appeared, smiling, showed, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, hollie showed, thumbs down, u.s.a. economic collapse, then russia, dmitry medvedev appears, I wont attack first, he, said, record, said, hollie, licked, prophet, showed, sleep, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, of smiling pope riding black horse, goes into, said, hollie, moscow, exploded, hollie showed, record, thats, hu, said, hollie, hintao, riding red horse, grim reaper laughs, rides, grizzled, horse, thats, Jesus, im the conquerer he said, on white horse, record, said, hollie, thats, hollie, with, notebook wireless laptop, git, she said, they are brand new, angel showed, record, stamped, and, I showed, you, that, he, said, bob, said, hollie, dont go to aenon, its, showed, hollie, bible college, taught by hair dyers, thats hu hintao riding red horse, pulling cart with eight kings that will rise against, america, hollie stamped, banged stick, theres, showed, hollie, pope, hu, afraid nicaragua president, like mexican, hugo, not, dreading, like afraid lula, thats, kim jong, showing, dont, but, go ahead, he, says, that, was, nuclear, explosion in north korea, hollie sums it up, hollie tore up, and, fixed it, she, said, tear, spin, snap, dancing, tada, its, from, behind, showed, hollie, pope, she, said, appeared, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, had hands, no I dont mind it, said, hollie, kissed Jesus, they were not normal, he, made, me, said, hollie, and, I stamped, she said, beat stick, 5-27-2009-let me record, said, hollie, and I stamped, she said, thats, bear, happy, they, wont, attack, unless, provoked, thats, america, rising, threatening, russia, thats, hollie, tap dancing, theres trouble, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, hollie, said, three kings rise in persia, bobby, and, who are they, said, hollie, theres, thats, said, JEsus, world prophecy center website appearing, along with hollie, hollie, appears, raise your hands and repeat after me sang, hollie, theres, pope hollie, said, and I saluted, she said, theres, hu hintao, saluting, there, said, hollie, I summed, said, cecil tingley, up, hollie, appears, wipes lips, theres, emporer of japan, theres, slash, said, hollie, idol pope said cecil tingley, pope, she, said, there, said, hollie, showed, war, said, hintao, thats, king, of, grecia, thats, pope, with ram horns, thats, ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, horns, its, cause, im, the, beast, said, vladimir putin, thats, hegoat, stomping ram, and up rose them four, said, Jesus, hollie showed, nuclear fires, in, russia, and china, hollie, appears, prophet, she said, that, was, nuclear fire in indianapolis, it was like, hollie, said, great big ball, and, hollie, wipes, lips, china, thats, them, sitting at table, 666, appears, hollie, claps, its birthed, said, pope, thats, them signing, its, the, mark, treaty, 666, thats them laughing, threatening, at, table, hollie, sees, nuclear weapons on chinese and russian border, aimed, at, each, you need to let me record, said, hollie, and I summed it up, ate, thats, hollie, complaining, hollie showed, people running the streets, america, during economic collapse, thats, army national guard out in the streets, this is not the warning this is the website talking, now lets post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, sleep, this is the website, please post, said, hollie, and, I stamped, she said, banged stick, feed, hollie, said, animals, thats, hollie, with coat, on, looking, in, the, dump, ster, for, its for food, said, hollie, and I showed, pope, hollie, said, like, dark, man, that is satan, she, said, like, angel, of, light, thats, hollie, in coat, and russia, said, hollie, thats, angel, army, national guard, out in the, said, hollie, streets, its the last sign, she said, lets rule the world, said, vladimir, said, medvedev, pointed, at self, let, me, he, 5-28-2009-let me record, said, hollie, and I stamped, and, antichrist arose, its pope, hollie, said, put it on, said, hollie, hey bob, we, got, trouble, hollie, said, snapped fingers, thats, showed, hollie, g.t.u. and starr king school for the ministry, so tricked, said, Jesus, they let dr. rev. jeremy taylor (hon) u.u. d.min trick people there, and, doctor jeremy taylor, reverend steals ministry of dreams like his wife kathy taylor to ruin Gods servant, is that what you want said JEsus, yeah put it right there said reverend jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister steals ministry of dreams to ruin, thats, g.t.u. and starr king school for the ministry students looking at, you got rebecca ann parker demoted said pointed Jesus, we know said ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. with kathryn taylors voice, thats tristy taylor, o so I made you look, said, Jesus, thats chi, showed, hollie, The Chaplaincy Institute for arts & interfaith ministries is Graduate Theological Union saith the LOrd, witchs, God said, with gina rose halpern, gina rose demotes reverend amy brucker cause she designed your dr. revs. jeremy taylors website but gina halpern protects jeremy taylor s.t.d., knowing, hes uh witch, said, Jesus, bobby, look, said, hollie, pope, appeared, hollie, said, theres, hu, she, said, showed, fighting, thats, king of the north and south, said, Jesus, thats hegoat, pope, said, hollie, with ram horns, thats, putin, and hu hintao coming out of ram horns, thats, hegoat, let me smite, said, pope, them, showing, hollie, at war, said, hu hintao, thats, hollie on rope hanging from copter, approaching, smiling, showed, cut off for now, bobby posting, he said, get out said Anious Yeakey, thats bob leaving her church, let me alone, said, hollie, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, she said, fired, struck, the, thieves of the God spoken ministry of dreams, leave my spacecraft alone, said, hollie, its cause they are stealin, she said, hollie pointed, turn, MOKSE, said, hollie, with, she placed on Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, hollie shows turn, thats 666 tattood on arm, thats, hollie, smiling, hollie, points, up, with lighted finger, that, she, said, thats, the, beast rising, with, pope and eight kings, thats, pope coming out of putins horn, those seven heads, there, they, are, showed, hollie, seven lighted heads, thats, kings, popping out, that, said, hollie, theres mexico, hes, dreading, sign uh deal said medvedev, theres nicaragua, lula, they sign, dread, thats, chavez, not wanting, signing, deal, said, medvedev, theres, castrol, kim jong, hintao, all, signing, thats putin, planning with hintao, hey, i'll, give ya, the land, says boris yeltsin, yes shakes hintao, you lure, said, president yeltsin, thats hintao agreeing, thats, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, china, using, terrorists, hollie, points, attacks washington state, thats, hollie flying in f-104 starfighter, dropping b bombs, russia exploded, there are about fifty starfighters mothballed in the desert with, the, other jets, hollie showed, the pope, smiling, hollie showed, old, tehnics sa-7300 receiver, its uh, she said, top of the lone, hollie shows sleep, wash, hollie was concerned, showed, rest, wait till, tomar, she said, hollie showed, complained, wants rest, she showed, hollie waves, its, akula agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, hollie shows, sleep, hollie showed, its, jarasic she said, park, land of the lost, hollie sums it up, that, was, alome, saneem, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, its, simb, she, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, pope, she said, its uh picture she said, hollie stamped, hollie laughs in the fire, thats r.m.s. titanic, happy, leave me alone, he, said, dont pilfer, thats, happy engine with clean oil, we dont need no clean oil, engine, said, hand checks, just keep us full, hood closed, bobby this is your website, lets post, said, hollie, 5-29-2009-tell me about the king of grecia, said, man, thats, pope, said, hollie, with ram horns, thats hegoat, preparing, stomping ram, putin, hu, come out of ram horns, thats, hollie showing, its, nuclear war, said, hollie, russia, china, exploding, hollie showed, many fireballs, you need to record, said, hollie, stamped, hollie bangs stick, up rises, pope, hes, king, of, grecia, bob, said, hollie, and, I showed, you, the, beast, she said, pope, with, seven heads and ten horns, theres, kings coming out of heads, thats lula, chavez, castrol, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, theres, putin, and, hu, said, hollie, thats, showed, hollie, ten horns, thats, popes face inside one, of them, said, hollie, thats, medvedev coming out of popes horn, thats ten russian rulers coming out of horns, there, said, hollie, I, summed it up, she, said, other king, said, cecil tingley, its, the, antichrist, hollie dances like jews, they danced, hollie showed record, thats, hollie posting, on laptop, buy one, she, said, hollie, waited, thats nuclear destruction in africa, and, russia, hollie shows, many nuclear fires, america, had, many, nuclear fires, hollie, shows, then along mexico, latin america, thats, captain hollie, in her submarine, many, showed, hollie, exploded, its cause im the beast said pontiff, riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, italy, exploding, there goes france, said, hollie, and australia, britain exploded, theres, brazil and venezuela, exploding, then cuba, massive nuclear fireball, hollie showed, many in u.s.a., thats indianapolis exploding, thats nicaragua exploding, thats, hollie by nuclear fire in china, looking, unphased, then turned head, laughed, thats hu hintao riding red horse, hollie rides yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats china attacking washington state, thats grim reaper laughing, collecting dead souls, america, exploded, that, is, hu hintao riding, the red horse, what does that mean, said, hollie, thats dr. bill hamon rewriting old book including ministry of dreams, thats bill hamon of christian international ministries reading visions, hey, I dont care said dr. bill hamon, now, hear the word of the LOrd, said Jesus, people are finding out, ruining the witch dr. bill hamon, thats bill hamon of christian international ministries in the fire with dyed hair, iran, said, hollie, let me nuke it, she said, thats the antichrist riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie showed, turn, buy uh power invertor, she said, does, thats, new, jerusalem like glass city at new wineskin ministries, hollie showed, time, thought, are you ready, its right there on the t.v., said, hollie, take it, said, pontiff, the mark, said, hollie, thats 666 tattood on arm, thats 666 on forehead, or, popes, face tattood on finger, im the beast, said, pontiff, thats, seven heads and ten horns, thats, kings, coming out of heads, thats mexico, lula, chavez, castrol, kim jong, putin, hu, nicaragua, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, ten horns, thats, popes face, in, side, one, horn, medvedev comes out, and ten russian kings walk out, lets rule the world, said, putin, Jesus, sprinkles, bear arises, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations on fire, and missiles from all striking russia, world shakes, thats, pope in dark, smokey sky, and sixth seal is opened, world shakes, hollie showed, dont, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im, away with it, with, hands, but they were not normal, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie out sanyo ss-900 woofer, its excellent, thats fifteen inch woofer, buy, said, hollie, better base, im the bear father, said, hollie, and I showed, russia, its pope, she said, showed, hollie, showed, record, and I stamped, she said, banged, the stick, bobby, can you record, said man, bob, shakes, no, hollie leopard laughs, hollie shows, thats, she said, north, south, korea, china, japan, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, thats, pope, hes head, theres ten toes, kings faces appear as toenails, thats, putin, medvedev ten russian kings, thats, pope, coming out of medvedevs horn, kneeling before pontiff, let me rule the world, said, medvedev, pope shakes, yes, thats, america, burning, pope got it, said, hollie, the kingdom, she said, russian, empire, said, the pontiff, hollie places MOKSE on new wineskin ministries, make uh wish, said, Jesus, make uh wish, sang, hollie, hollie shakes, yeah, she, says, so, said, hollie, your uh, witch, said, hollie, you mean I, said, hollie, showed, bankrupt, pictures, many, hollie shows, hollie lowered on rope, you want more visons, hollie smiles, left, california exploded, below, thats, both, u.s.a. coasts, exploding, hollies posts on laptop, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets, post, she, said, hollie, snapped, fingers, its, from, she, said, behind, like, silhouette, partial, showed, cut off, that woman, 5-30-2009-hollie shows, record, pulled back sleeves, it, showed, war, said, hu hintao, thats china, showed, hollie, with, four kings appearing on, thats magog, word, said, hollie, it appeared, theres, hollie showed, north, south, korea, china, japan, kings, appeared, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, closed, hollie showed, the, pontiff, hes, the, beast, said, hollie, thats, seven heads with kings coming out, Jesus, pulls back, sleeves, hollie, looks, thats mexico, president popping out, theres, hugo chavez, showing, no, but, shakes, yes, signs, theres lula, dreading, castrol, signing, hintao, shakes, yes, nicaragua, let me, he said, no, said, hollie, signs, theres, putin, and, hollie, rolls up sleeves, there you have it said hollie, showed the eight kings, lula, mexico, castrol, nicaragua, kim jong, hintao, putin, thats, pope coming out of putins horn, all those kings appeared in cart, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, man, said, thats, america, exploding, hollie, showed, ten horns, and, who are they, said, hollie, thats, ten russian rulers coming out of horns, thats, pope coming out of medvedevs, lets rule the world, said, putin, cause, when they hit syria, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, syria explode, there goes jordan, and, egypt, israeli prime minister, hey bobby, ill do it, he, said, new katrina is, said, hollie, america will go into economic collapse, that, said, hollie, hollie shows, record, there, she, said, and, I, banged, the, stick, stamped, up rose, the pope, theres, hu, showed, hollie, there I summed it up, she, said, showed, fighting, hollie, showed, record, showed, fight, come, on, she, said, wearing robe, thats eight kings tap dancing, its new world order, thats, president of mexico and lula, chavez, popping out of heads, hollie shows, seven heads, kim jong, nicaragua, putin, and, hu, pop out, were the lighted heads, said, one head, kings popped out, hollie, showed, motorcycle, get, she said, good gas, hollie, showed, record, thats, 666 being born, website says post said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, tear up, hollie snapped fingers, again, like, silhouette, clicked heels, moved feet, again, tada, opened up, hollie, showed, record, thats seven lighted heads, we are the seven heads, said, one, thats, king, said, head, coming out, its, cuba, mexico, lula, chavez, nicaragua, kim jong, hintao, putin, there, you have it, said, hollie, thats, showed, hollie, ten horns, with, popes face, in, one, out of horns walk ten russian rulers, theres, putin, medvedev, pope comes out of mevedevs horn, hollie shook, yes, im, away with it, she said, with, hands, then shook yes again, from behind, she said, hollie, like silhouette, snapped fingers, clicked heels, tada, she said, showed, pope, that, was triangle in ocean, then putin with three ribs in mouth, who are they said, hollie, theres cuba, she said, mexico, nicaragua, plucked up, hollie, said, theres subs approaching mexico, then firing, thats, nuclear fire, in, cuba, america explodes, thats nuclear fireballs in mexico and along latin america, nicaragua exploded, there goes brazil and venezuela, nuclear explosions, that, was, uh, nuclear fireball in indianapolis, pointed, the, hand, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie, in, her submarine, all around america, thats cnn broadcasting, one, fired, then, all, america exploded, leave it alone, said, hollie, on, t.v., tear up, let me fix it, rip, hollie, showed, record, there, said, hollie, I, stamped, she said, banged stick, up rose the pope, we dont need it, said, engine, yeah, said smiling, titanic, just keep us full of oil, said, engine, look, said, hollie, gabriel checked oil with hands, thick and slick, keep it, said, engine, hood shut, car smiled, after we hit alaska, said, Jesus, and hollie, thats, casey pointing, missiles flying, alaska exploded, then more struck, america, boom, bob dreams, thats, hollie dream pointing, bob, tells about being, Holy Ghost filled, it felt like a body my perfect size coming in, bob said, it was dream, said, hollie, dream, appears, bob says it was well worth the drive, lived far away, bob has woman, takes, to, hey bob, allow me, said, hollie, dream, smiles, it, was, she, said, showed, night, vision, bob with terry long, terry wants bob to come back to lawrence apostolic church, bob would, they like, 6-1-2009-hollie showed, record, we can see it, said, woman, from, indiana bible college, hollie, dream, laughs, shows, its, uh, she said, night vision, thats, indiana bible college girl, masterbating, hollie showed, record, stamped, pope rose, hollie, laughs, caught acting like pope, banged stick, pope rose, your hurting your self, said, hollie, appeared, 6-11-2009-hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, and, let me restore, from, top, but, not the right, way, said, hollie, theres uh reason, she said, then, whole new world order, appeared, babylon is fallen, said, man, thats new world order in cart, led by, said, Jesus, the pope and hu, theres, lula coming out of head, signing, its, uh, deal, said, medvedev, theres castrol popping out of head, worried like mexico and nicaragua, thats chavez coming out of head, he, shakes, yes, but, says, no, way, thats, kim jong, o.k. ill do it, he said, signs, thats hu hintao popping out of head, thats, boris yeltsin and hintao planning out strike against america, hu shakes, yes, you lure, said, boris, thats, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan exploded, burned, thats, hu on red horse, turning, attacking washington state, showed, hollie, thats, worried, barack obama, talking with advisors, thats barack pressing nuclear button, hollie, stands by nuclear fire in china, looking serious, but, laughs, he, made me, do it, said, hollie, loved, Jesus, thats, nuclear missiles leaving north korea, striking russia, china, and, south korea, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, two, nuclear fires, in, north korea, then, thats, hollie, watching, u.s.a. sub firing two, its tomahawks, said, hollie, and Jesus, two explosions in north korea, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats Theodore snygman stealing ministry of dreams, its theo said hollie, altering to ministry of dream, dont alter, said, Jesus, to ministry dreams, or, the ministry of dreams, or, I the Lord will ruin you and make you remove anyway the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams, hollie screams, tell me what hollie is screaming for, she, said, screamed, again, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor uh soothsayer said hollie posting ministry of dreams on his website to ruin like he did rebecca ann parker and his reverend rev. amy brucker, demoted at chaplaincy institute and star king school for the ministry for protecting their reverend d. min jeremy taylor m.a., now thats an order, said, hollie, beat, this is uh new warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, thats, hollie, with radio controlled copter, california below exploded, thats hollie inside copter, thats, both american coasts exploding, thats, hollie flying, sees russia, exploding, this is uh warning, said, hollie, new warning, said, hollie, thats nuclear fire, subs all around america, cnn broadcasting, thats, bbc broadcasting and ginny hill formerly of bbc news steals ministry of dreams, she, laughs, but, theres, ginny hill with jon sawyer and their reverends antonia vladimirova and dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min in hellfire for taking the name said kim davis of heart-fire ministries, ministry of dreams like jonah weiland and his artdizions diana hughey and wesley pruden, hollie showed, the crow, movie, still watched, hollie shows comics unleashed with byron allen, that was ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, hegoat with pope and ram horns, thats hegoat stomping ram, china, russia, nuking, hollie in white robe, shows, many nuclear fires in both lands, thats, them at, table, with japan, signing 666, thats two horned, beast rising with hu, japan, coming out of horns, submarines are right there, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula agin, hollie, said, fired, missiles, look who it struck, hollie, said, showed, nuclear n.a.t.o., boom, bobby hickman, said, lightning, thats angel riding lightning bolt, showed, Lambs Book of Life, two, angels, thats, full, I the LOrd was wanting you to speak blasphemy cause you were so exalted so I could laugh at you in the lake of fire, I hate creation, and now many know, they dont beleive but I wont save them, hate is me making hell and placing most of my servants there, torturing them nonstop till they fall, go, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, four cylinder engine, buy it first, she said, excellent, they, thats pistons moving straight up and down, better cause, oil, hollie showed, record, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru, with, then, shook, yes, snapped fingers, with, silhouette body, tada, she said, showed, the new world order picture, with pope, hu, mexico, lula, chavez, nicaragua, kim jong, hintao, thats, putin, pointing, up, let me rule the world, he said, Jesus, coming, and he saw, said, casey, four kings, arise, and who are they, said, hollie, theres, pope, saluting, theres, hu, japan, and, slash, pope, hollie salutes, 6-26-2009-no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, hollie showed, picture, pope, thats, mad prophet, m.p. Helmholtz flying in spacesaucer, said, hollie, tried to make you blasphemy, he said, put it under, hes uh witch said, hollie, your letter is on net many times, even on its on webpage, now enforce your dare, if you steal the God spoken ministry of dreams like your children have, ill put sickness in you heart like I did mike jackson saith the Lord, you witch, devil, hell has been prepared for you and you shall not escape, mad prophet helmholtz, hi tish, remove ministry of dreams you stole, your whole family will know, that you are a devil, are you mocking my child tish, I found out who you are didnt I, sarah pali hosts for you, you are both on net, watch how many times your name comes up on net for stealing ministry of dreams that is protected, I could have my servant sue you, your own email told on you, it, has in show details paliban, even bluehost, type in and watch how it comes back, ha ha saith the Lord, tish, you are going to get, ruint, saith Jesus, dont beleive im talking to you, I wont save you tish, or mike daniels, or sarah pali, you are all rebellious witchs, and want to ruin a christian who prayed for all, but thats not good enough is it tish, you want to place him in hell with, you, dont you know tish, that I the LOrd can give my child the passwords to your website, now heres the deal, saith the Lord, im not going to save you, even when you remove ministry of dreams you stole, even on polldady, I do know, and you are satans little helper, but, satan loves, but not you, that was, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, its lucifer showing cut off, its tish and sarah pali of paliban daily, this letter will be on net, saith the LOrd, mike this is me Jesus talking, thru my servant, he sees me and has me inside, verify with him tish's last name, I told him you would do exactly what you did, hey mike, said Jesus, you are not mine, if you want a shot, a realistic shot, saith the LOrd, email tish's last name, or, say it however you want, just make sure an idiot like my servant bob can understand you, he is like you, but, has me and it took him 7 years, but, he did not want it all taht time, I recieved your letter on, this account will close in time and was created to pursue kim davis of heart fire ministries who stole ministry of dreams in describing rick joyners website, but, she wanted kim davis's ministry of dreams like tish and sarah pali want to rename paliban ministry of dreams, like, even you want mike, tish will get openly embarrased at work, visions are on net, and then run to take down, but she will hang onto, till that, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, thats nuclear subs all around america, thats hollie, watching, its, on, cnn, broadcasting, thats you mr. mike daniels trembling, then Jesus, appears, thats o dumitru duduman appearing, hes, i warned ya, said, dumitru duduman with the voice of mike daniels, for you knew mike, saith the LOrd, hollie shows, picture, tap dances, its, whole new world order, she, said, theres, pope, hu, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, theres, two horned beast with hu, japan, coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand the, he said, antichrist, said, pontiff, thats, those three pointed, hollie, at, sitting at table, signing, its, the, peace treaty, hollie, said, its, 666, thats, 666 being tattood on sarah pali's head, thats, popes image tattood on pastor mike daniels finger, tish, sees, take it, said, pontiff, on, the finger, of, mike daniels, hes, pastor, of, paliban daily, you steal, said, hollie, we, know, said, sari pali, yes, shakes, tish, ministryofdreams, lied, hollie, said, claiming, bob, sent, in, request, remove, thats, abased paliban daily sarah pali exposed as a witch, said, Jesus, om screamin again for, said, hollie, pointed, with, lighted, finger, your drunk said sarah pali, yes, shakes, pastor, mike, daniels, hollie screams again, im uh screaming spirit, screams, hollie showed, thumbs down, what do you do, said, hollie, thats, what, they wonder, Jesus, comes, out, of, bible, hollie, sees, hollie, showed, record, go, yelled, hollie, so your cut off yelled hollie, we know it said sarah pali of paliban daily, yes, said mike, daniels, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear, up, hollie looks red, in, the, tear, its, for, terror, said, pope, lost your ring, said, angel, that, said, hollie, in, ring, showed the pope, this is uh warning, said, hollie, sarah pali, hollie, said, release, remove ministry of dreams you stole with tish, or fired from job, website up, website down, clapped, hollie, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, work, hollies, screaming, for michael jackson, she said, screamed, thats michael jackson dying and only bob cared, but, I wont bring them back, thats its place, but, I, do, not, see, it, said, hollie, tap dancing, clapped, like bear, thats, Jesus, its, uh, corpse, he said, looking at michael jackson, thats, makeup on his face, that, right, there, it, what, shortened michael jacksons life, he, had, many, plastic surgeries, one failed, thats doctor laughing in his heart, whoops michael I fucked up he said, it, was, his, nose, droops, down, said, michael jackson, that, caused, michael to run, now, in, hellfire, thats, hollie, tearing up, michael jackson in fire wishing, thats farrah fawcett in fire, but, shes happy, heres the reason why, farrah was lost, and, shunned, my witnesses, said, Jesus, but, in, heart, Lord I wished, she, said, I, wanted, to, but, after, divorcing lee majors, farrah fawcett was lava, for, remarrying ryan oneal, did you hear what happened, said, Jesus, hollie, points, up, its, antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation removing ministry of dreams she steals after prophet signs her guestbook, its sofia bar assossciation, said, Jesus, they stripped her of her much coveted attorneys licence, thats, hollie walking with coat on, nice hair, that, was, danced, hollie, its, hollie, with, nice hair, winking, 6-27-2009-hollie shows record, whatta you want, she said, im hosting MinistryOfDreams, its for tish said sarah pali of paliban daily,, they, thats them, casey, points, showing, cut off, thats, tish and sarah pali looking at each other, well was it worth it sarah pali said, smiling tish of paliban daily, shakes, yeow, she said, hollie, said, but, thats tish, her at work, people, showing, o, so yur the paliban daily, tish, dreads, o, so you stole ministry of dreams, woman at place where tish works, says, thats embarrased tish of paliban daily not answering, see I told ya, said, Jesus, with, the, voice of rev. antonia vladimirova, you will regret, Jesus wipes, lips, leaves, angels, shows, record, theres an open door, said, angel, thats, Jesus, showing, open door, bob, goes, thru, you made it, he said, hollie, shows, crosbey component stereo system, its component, hollie, said, it puts out 20 watts per channel, at 50 to 20,000 hz, let me record, bob, said, hollie, showed, entire new world order, tap dancing, hollie dreams appears, hey bob let me, she said, its uh picture, hollie, said, record, said, hollie, showed, go to church, thats, hollie, walking, with coat on, with, nice hair, hollie dances, winking, this is not the website, said, hollie, this is sarah pali, she said, thats, sarah pali commiting the sin of their reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u., tish and sarah worship and love their reverend from wisdom university like antonia vladimirova stealing ministryofdreams, these worship jeremy taylor d.min, like his own wife kathy taylor, all thieves of God spoken, said, JEsus, ministry of dreams, thats tish dreading being approached by mockers, this is warning, said, hollie, barack obama appears, coughs, u.s.a. is in, he said, economic collapse, thats, hollie appearing, and russian subs all around america, hollie watches on news, its cnn, thats, one, firing, then, all, hollie, rolls on side, laughs, Lord, its, home, coming, time, thats, Jesus rapturing bob, then hollie appears, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tore up, to, top, looked down split, tada, she said, put back, tear, hollie, its uh picture, she said, hollie dream, appears, smiles, its, the new, world, order, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, turn, go, again, with lighted bear paws, tear up, thats, hollie, like, cartoon character, duncan rouleau, his following steals ministry of dreams with, all being ruint, hollie, showed, record, stamped, pope arose, stamped again, theres hu hollie, said, showed, both beasts, you need to let me record, said, hollie, hollie, seraphin flew, its at church, she said, true mercy ministries, thats, hollie and hollie moving ship, that, ran aground like this, said, hollie, pointed, they shoved, moved, grounded, ship, go, said, hollie, no, she, said, but, shook, yes, clapped, showed, im, thru, away with it, clap, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, clapped, thats hollie, subs all around america, hollie showed, one fired, thats, uh massive explosion, she said, along west coast, then, many, there, went, east, coast, many nuclear fires, hollie, in, america, showed, nuclear, fireballs in all states, hollie, showed, turn, thats fleas, like, birdy, its the economy, said, Jesus, its bankrupt, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollie, showed, turn, go, thats, hollie, with, laptop, posting, Ministry Of Dreams free, appears on laptop, all release, uh warning, said, hollie, post, thats, submarines around, america, hollie, watches, one, fires, thats, hollie, watching, it, on, cnn, she said, then, laughs, then, all, subs, fired, thats, both, american, coasts, burning, hollie lowered on rope, and what was my hollies message, said, hollie, work, said, hollie, I made my children desire suicide torturing by disfiguring their faces, teeth, to make them backslide, to laugh at them, for, serving me, then falling, people mocking, cause, but, they, didnt, know, thats ROMANS 1 saith the Lord, hollie screams, bob, said, hollie, pope, she, said, showed, picture, im the beast, said, pontiff, showed, seven kings, thats, pope, coming, out, of, putins, horn, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, hollie screamed, showed, she, said, its, the, yugo, car, they, were, hollie looks at, as good as they come, hollie screams, shows, tell me what om screamin for, said, hollie, showed, seven heads, what did my seven heads do, said, hollie, thats the seven heads, with faces, thats, grounded ship, hollie shows, thats two hollies moving, ship, back into deeper water, pushing, hollie dream, celebrates, smiles, claps, bob, sees, like, circle, globe, ace frehley, appears, name first, then, him, hollie, dream shows, larry bird, it was uh dream, said, hollie, dream, smiled, that, was, john pool, said, hollie, why did you steal ministry of dreams, said babyfleas, thats pool, said, hollie, put it under, its to late for hair dyer sandy pool, thats, its cause I wanted to make some money said john mark pool, steals ministry of dreams, remove, said, Jesus, I wont said john mark pool, destroy, said, Jesus, thats, God inside of bob telling, thats embarrased john mark pool, o.k., he said, taking off the name said his wife sandy pool, thats, angry, ashamed john, I wanted to try to ruin said john mark pool, tommy tenney emailed, that was what got it, said, Jesus, 6-8-2009-this is warning, said, hollie, showed, post, she said, and I stamped, she said, beast arose, hollie showed, record, stamped, there, she said, pope, arose, that was star wars sound, warning, pope appeared, with seven heads, kings popped out, thats mexico coming out of head, cuba, nicaragua, thats them signing, its uh deal, said medvedev, thats venezuela, brazil, kim jong, and hu hintao, signing, with putin, hollie, showed, ten horns, thats popes face in one, medvedevs, ten russian kings walk out, lets rule the world, they said, hollie showed, record, stamped, up rose, the, second beast, hollie said, its hu hintao hollie said, Jesus said, jong, stamped, up rose, pope, that was hollie, showing, turn, loose belt somby, said hollie, showed, pope, rising, this is uh what, said, hollie, this is uh website, lets post, said hollie, and pope rose, hollie screamed, now lets see, here said hollie, and, I tapped with the stick, she said, smiling pope appears, thats, showed, hollie, clap, seven heads, hollie interviews head, we dont want my king to pop out said head, thats kim jong coming out of head, theres lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, thats mexico, and, hu hintao, and, medvedev, thats, hollie showed, ten horns, with faces in hollie said, kings come out, thats ten russian rulers, theres pope in medvedevs, horn, and dmitry, Said, hollie, kneels before pope, I want to rule the world, said, putin, let me, pointed up, Jesus coming, subs in oceans firing nuclear missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, showed, globe, like n.a.s.a., in two oval, like, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. nations exploding, theres missiles from all striking russia, exploded, world shook, up rose pope, let me said, hollie, beat, pope arose, that was a man pointing, said hollie, with lighted finger, orange, hollie said, that is that o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, hollie on top, pulled by angry red and black horses, hollie inside, sees, putin, with three ribs in mouth, and who are they, said, hollie, thats plucked, cuba, thats nuclear fire in cuba, nicaragua, exploded, hey ill place it there said hollie, nuclear fires along mexico, thats subs firing in all their waters, u.s.a. explodes, thats back inside that o red and black chariot, let me rule the world said putin, kings appeared, thats hu hintao on red horse, and putin, and hintao, plan, war, said, hu, hugo chavez dressed nice, shows, no, but signs, like lula, thats, kim jong, signing, but, dreading, thats, yeltsin and jiang zemin planning out war, thats hu on red horse, hollie rides yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats hu, on red horse, gitty up, he said, to red horse, thats china attacking washington state, hollie dances, hollie like bear smiles, tear up, then, put back, hands appear, snap, fingers, south korea, boom, said hollie, casey points, nuclear fires in south korea, china, russia, Jesus showed, record, hollie showed, post, laptop, it you let me, said, hollie, showed, record, stamped, up rose, laughing, pope, thats, hu hintao, second beast, they walked, planned, lets strike, hu said, do it, thats boris yeltsin, alright, let me rule the world, said, putin, vladimir, right here, said dmitry medvedev, he wants, gets control, by, hey putin, ill shoot, he said, does, presses, nuclear button, hollie leopard, laughs, thats, she showed, with uh stick, she said, china, thats, hu, she said, hes, false prophet, theres north, and south korea, and, japan, there, you have it, said, hollie leopard, and i stamped, she said, bobby, dont, hollie said, lets buy one, she said, power invertor, but, they, hollie looks, will, last, about, one, 6-9-2009-let me, said, hollie, posts, pope, arose, theres, hu, hollie, said, and I stamped, she said, you are home at paul mooneys church said kenneth haney, hollie, sees, bob, go back to calvary tabernacle, paul looks at, micki mooney trembles, but they are not going to put bob out, there said hollie, pope rose, theres, hu, and, I, summed it, up, said, hollie, thats, both beasts, that two horned beast, with hu hintao and japan coming out, of horns, thats hu hintao, rising with japan, hu wipes, lips, 666 is being born, thats, hollie, watching, them three, at, table, 666, appears, lighted finger points, hollie plays music, lowered on rope, angel, flys copter, california explodes below, thats hollie showing picture, its pope, hollie, said, tear up, go, to top, forward to back, tada, its opened, this is warning, said, hollie, post, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie screamed, ask me why om screamin for, she said, you already know, she, said, thats, new Ministry Of Dreams website, posting, hollie showed, dog, tired, but awake, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, clapped, turned, tada, showed, the, beast, happy, record, said, hollie, look, she, said, and, I showed, you, the, popes picture, she said, tear up, and, restore, rip, hollie, showed, pope, she said, riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie screamed, hollie, showed, popes picture, then hu hintaos, there you have it, she, said, both beasts, she said, then, hollie, showed, fighting, they hate but cling, this is the website, lets post, said, the tap dancer, hollie, clap, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, and lighted pope pointed, close Ministry of Dreams said hollie bird, thats, what, jeremy taylor d.min wants, he, stole, said, hollie, thats what I want said dr. jeremy taylor, make him ruint, thats, kathryn taylor agreeing, thats rev. jeremy taylor removing what he stole Ministry of Dreams like his reverend antonia vladimirova, that, was, hollie with silhouette body, snapping fingers, this is hollie with that o loose belt, sound, hollie appears, hand, hollie snaps, fingers, like, partial, silhouette, body, 6-12-2009-im the beast, said, its pope, said, hollie, new economy, said, angel, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, sh, she said, bankrupt, and thats barack obama, grunting, its doing fine, he said, put it under, said hollie, its, blackie lawless, of, w.a.s.p., hes, looking at now, bob loves, the economys going under said hollie, praise the Lord, said Jesus, thats, blackie, lawless, not its not, he said, bob, loved, wasp, that was, said, hollie, pope, pointing, lighted, kim jong, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, kim jong, fired, cause, they, with held help, thats vladimir putin pressing nuclear button, thats two explosions in north korea, thats u.s.a. sub firing, thats two tomahawks, striking north korea, exploded, thats putin and medvedev, if you do, said, vladimir, thats dmitry shooting putin, thats ram with putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats hegoat pope with ram horns, putin, hu, out, thats hegoat stomping ram, hollie dressed in white robe, shows many nuclear fires in russia, china, then, thats two horned beast, with hu, japan, coming out of horns, hollie showed, record, thats israeli prime minister, hollie watches, press nuclear button, thats egypt, jordan, syria, exploding, thats, hu hintao and his armies invading russia, exploded, forcing to invade israel, thats pope in temple in rome, I am God, he said, we are the seven stars, said hollie star, we are the seven thunders said hollie thunder, thats angel coming out of lightning bolt, showing, rubbing beard, then laughing, hollie shows, nunt way, thats, hollie like a, thats submarines all around america, cnn broadcasting, hey said hollie, thats bbc news broadcasting and their reporter ginny hill stealing ministry of dreams and posting on jon sawyers blog, now she regrets, hey jon, said ginny hill, I got you, she said, showed, cut off, and jon sawyer, knows, thats president, barack, obama, pressing nuclear button, thats, america, exploding, theres missiles coming over alaska, exploded, rest headed for america, thats, showed, hollie, thats lion showing popes image made alive on pocket t.v., take it, he said, thats the mark, he said, 666, thats them tattooing on arm, hollie watches, people lined up, on forehead, thats little pope tattood on finger, what did my pope say, said hollie, and, hollie, points, thats Father, work, he said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, post, hollie showed, livejournal, post, hollie showed, popes picture, this is warning, said, hollie, thats submarines all around america, cnn broadcasting, hollie laughs, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, eat, thats Jesus, blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is saying the devil did something God did, not, accidentally saying, a person, you saw, said, ministering spirits are what God creates to let people see, he recreates that person and lets him be seen talking, hollie showed, its uh rainbow, she said, they are like, many colors, angel, showed, record, its, cause, im, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, the, antichrist, said hollie, its, she pointed, pope, hollie had big lighted, finger, thats kings coming out of heads, its cuba, mexico, nicaragua, lula, chavez, thats kim jong, hintao, putin, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats hollie looking for where it starts, she said, its rainbow, they appear when it rains and sun comes back, out, this is uh warning, said, hollie, take one blogspot down, hollie showed, post, on laptop, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, this is not the warning, said, hollie, thats, prophet this is uh warning, said hollie, hollie showed, turn, tear up, put back, tear, bobby, dont said, hollie, hollie showed, pope, laughing, theres uh submarine right there, said hollie, and hollie surfaces in, its akula agin, said hollie, showed, plymouth van, buy, its like all the rest, thats submarine firing nuclear missiles, look who it struck, said hollie, nuclear g8 n.a.t.o. nations exploded, and, missiles from all struck russia, thats many nuclear fires in russia, hollie looks, its ken stolar, she said, but, thats, u.s.a, being,nuked, and barack obama, pressing, nuclear button, thats, russia, burning, and world shaking, and the beast, in, the smokey, dark, sky, thats, sixth, seal, pointed, hollie, thats, gene schmidt, reading, and 16 hours, appears, and dumitru duduman, with michael boldea, warns, thats kenneth stolar, reading, and trembling, but, bob, says, have mercy, on them, ken, shows, come on, bob, says, write, but, they wont, said hollie, and bob, hey, said hollie, thats God, sending, His, rain, is, raining, thats submarines, said hollie, and hollie looks for hollie showed, finds, he, smiles, thats, sub, firing, nuclear missiles, its akula, agin, said hollie, Jesus sprinkles, arise, devour, much, flesh, bear, looks, with binoculars, strikes, hey bobby, its n.a.t.o., said, hollie, its, france, she said, hey kenneth stolar, hollie, said, and, hollie looks at watch, thats, italy, exploding, theres, great britain, u.s.a, boom, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie, showed, new world order, tap dancing, its, hu hintao, showing, fighting, thats castrol, agreeing, signing, thats lula, hugo, nicaragua, agreeing, mexico, shaking yes, with medvedev, there, you have it, said, hollie, hey, its, ten horns, thats, kings, in, thats, pope in putins, horn, kneeling, let me rule the world, said, medvedev, alright, shook, pontiff, thats, russia, Jesus, sprinkles, arise, devour much flesh, thats, russia, striking, n.a.t.o., thats france, said, hollie, italy, exploding, there goes australia, boom, said, hollie, appears, and, britain, and, america, boom, said, hollie, thats, hand coming out of britain, burning, pressing nuclear button, thats russia, hollie showed many nuclear fires, and pope in dark smokey sky, thats hu hintao, hollie, pulls up sleeves, shows, fighting, thats, the, two beasts, thats, hollie leopard laughing, showed, thats, she said, north, south korea, china, japan, hollie leopard, smiles, hollie showed, record, thats, new Ministry of dreams website with teeth, both, said, hollie, hollie appears, get, visions, she said, 6-12-13-2009-you need to record, said, hollie, and, Jesus, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, she said, call it ministry of dreams, hollie, said, thats, Jesus speaking, people stealing to ruin Gods child, thats ministryofdreams in books and on websites, people hate not leaving this ministry alone, saith the Lord, now hear, me, said, Jesus, steal ministry of dreams and I the Lord will ruin and make you remove anyway, alter ministry of dreams and get ruint and remove anyhow saith God, they alter, hollie showed, ministryofdreams to the ministry of dreams, a ministry of dreams, ministry dreams, ministries of dreams, but I the Lord will ruin you and make you remove anyway, thats, hollie tap dancing, and pope appears, happy, record, said, hollie, stamped, and beast arose, theres hu hintao, hollie in nice robe, showed, fighting, thats new world order, king, hollie, said, both, thats the reason they hate but cling, said hollie, casey watches, nuclear missiles aimed at each other,on, casey, right there, stands in between, russia and chinese border, with nukes, thats pope riding black horse, into russia, exploded, thats from high in air, hollie points, many submarines, in oceans, firing nuclear missiles, world shakes, hollie shows many countries burning, thats the reason for 666 said pope, hollie showed many nuclear fires in russia, and china, thats the ram, with, said woman, pope, said, hollie, with putin, and hu coming out of its horns, thats hegoat with pope in middle, thats putin, hu, out of hegoat horns, thats hegoat stomping ram, thats china claiming much of russia, hollie shows, many nuclear fires in weakened russia, china invading, thats pope pulling up sleeves, looking, thats him telling russian president, drive them outta there, thats both nations nuking, each, thats two horned beast with hu hintao and japan coming out of horns, thats, lets rise and withstand the pope, said hu, thats, them all, at, table, signing, its the mark treaty, take it, said, pope, from t.v., 666, thats them all at table, they laugh, threaten, lie, then go back to their own countries, hollie showed, post, on laptop, record, said hollie, banged stick, stamped, hollie shows popes picture, tear up, go to top, snap fingers, smile, silhouette body, tada, snap, turn, kick, from behind, smiled hollie, thats pope grunting, showing seven heads, im the beast, said pontiff, thats putin, medvedev coming out of one head, thats seven heads, we are the one said, lighted heads, thats, lula, kim jong, said, hollie, coming out of heads, theres chavez, nicaragua, thats mexico, castrol, hintao, there you have it said hollie, clapped, showed, ten horns, thats, hollie shows, a russian ruling party, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, submarines in oceans, prowling, with captain hollie, theres one firing missiles, thats nicaragua burning, thats huge nuclear explosion in cuba, thats missiles leaving cuba and striking america, thats explosions, in, the, babylon, of, the bible, america, missiles leaving america striking, nicaragua, mexico, thats two nuclear fires in brazil and venezuela, missiles leaving their waters, its, from, captain hollie, its akula agin, she said, thats cnn, broadcasting, hollie, hollie prepares to tell the end time story, with nice white robe on, hollie showed, go back, in, this is warning, said hollie, showed, w.a.s.p., heavens hung in black, that song is loved, thats blackie lawless rich but dying, hollie said, lets post, thats all three ministry of dreams home pages, one, with teeth, hollie, appears, rolls, up, shirt, she said, my, robe, she said, post, thats, new ministry of dreams, website, dont steal it, said hollie, or, angry, Jesus, appears, he will get you, said cless barger, record, said hollie, smiled, showed, meat loaf, hes, she said, still rockin, but, aging, he said, put it under, said, Jesus, meat loaf, shows, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said hollie, its, the, pope, as, ruler, she said, thats, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, coming, out of, heads, thats, seven heads, we are the seven, heads, one head, licked, prophet, fool, said Jesus, talks to meat loaf, hes, alice cooper, said Jesus, thats both reading, they are bobs friends, like, their ozzy, but, bob cant get, them thru, said, Jesus, thats alice cooper looking at, he will said alice cooper, bob smiles, hollie seraphin, flys, shes, angel, but, recreation, of, Jesus, a, ministering, spirit, I fly, she said, to, tell, theres the beast, hollie, said, pope, tell reverend motes, said, pope, said, hollie, bob loved, and still, desires, your fellowship, thats pope, spelled, hollie, rubbing, lips, im the beast, he said, with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they said, hollie, and the antichrist pope, smiles, rides black horse, russia, exploded, thats roscko motes, reading, visions, hes, bobs, friend, thats, kings coming out of heads, we are the 7 heads, ha ha, said, hollie, pointed, thats JEsus, she said, he sprinkles, thats, bear, arising, destroy, said, Jesus, thats many nations, hollie showed, the globe, she said, thats, over, 30 countries, on, fire, and russia, being, struck, by over, hollie, shows, hundreds of nuclear fires, in russia, thats world shaking, and pope in dark smokey, atmosphere, theres, the, beast, pope, said, hes, the, pointed, at self, im the antichrist, he said, thats, hu hintao, pope, said, hes, false prophet, thats, Jesus, pointed, hollie, on, the white, horse, now, high, in, atmosphere, like, angel, man, and sixth seal, opens, thats, smoke, going up, blocking, the sun and moon, we are comfounded, said sun, abased, said, moon, winked, thats, subs, all around, america, thats cnn, broadcasting, and reverend motes, reading, thats one sub, firing, no we wont surrendar, said barack obama, presses nuclear button, thats russia being showered, hey bobby, its on the day of the Lord, said Jesus, its ISAIAH 13, thats, said, Jesus, the reverend motes writing horace smith, telling, in, invite, bob, at ministry of dreams, dont steal it, said, hollie, or alter in any way, like, the ministry of dreams, or, an, angry, Jesus, appears, tell, I will terrorise you and make you remove what I spoke and created and birthed, Ministry Of Dreams, and make you openly mocked, like I have over 1400, thieves and alterers of the protected birthed name i CREATED, said Jesus, ministry of dreams, thats, world prophecy center, that, was, hollie, seraphin flying with six wings, im not the bear father, said, hollie, on, grain mill, its pope, thats the bear father right there, pointed, hollie, its, pope, she, said, its cause im the beast, said, pope, with, wipes lips, hey, its like uh cat, said, hollie, antichrist pope, thats, bob going to the catholic church, and, Pope Benedict XVI looking at visions, thats, where, he, belongs, said, pope, its, st. rita's, said, hollie, its in indianapolis, thats, pope, wanting to meet, bob, thats, kings coming out of heads, its, lula, chavez, thats them, signing, its uh deal, said, medvedev, thats, bob, going to seventh day adventist church, thats castrol agreeing, signing, thats nuclear fire in cuba, thats two nuclear fires in venezuela, brazil exploded, thats hollie, many nuclear fires along mexico, and, latin america, border, thats angel showing, picture of alice cooper, he was on top of the rock and roll world back in 1991, with, hey stupid, bobs fave, said, hollie, thats alice cooper looking at, bob wanted alice cooper to have a number one hit, yeow, says, alice cooper, Jesus looks at, this song said alice cooper, burning our bed, it, wouldve, hit, said, hollie, alice with face in chin, thinks, shakes, yes, it would have, bob, thinks, shows, no way, close, hey stupid, Jesus, thinks, has sold over sixty five million copies, hey said alice cooper, thats uh record, thats, alice cooper paying out lots of money, to make big hits, he said, did, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, three kings rise, in, persia, thats reverend roscko motes reading, thats pope, said, hollie, hes, word, hollie, said, antichrist, appears, over, theres, hu hintao, thats, him, riding, red, horse, thats, china attacking taiwan, hollie rides yellow missile, taiwan burns, hu turns his red horse, strikes washington state, hes, said, hollie, word, false prophet, appears, over, theres japan, thats, pointed, hollie, two horned beast, with hu, japan coming out of horns, lets rise and withstand the beast, said, hu, thats, them three at table, signing, 666, appears, thats, hegoat with putin, hu, coming out of its horns, thats pope in middle, thats hegoat stomping ram, with putin, hu, coming out of ram, horns, thats, hollie dressed in white robe, showed, many nuclear fires in, russia, china, thats, china, claiming much of destroyed russia, lets drive them outta there, said, pope, to medvedev, then, they, sign, thats, them all, at table, pope, says, I can see were not going to get along, thats, pope, sitting in temple, in rome, I am God, he, said, they, thats hollie pointing, laugh, thats pontiff in israel, lets unite and force, said hu hintao, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, invading, thats china forcing russia to invade israel, thats false prophet hu slashing pope and israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, thats nuclear fires, smiled, hollie, in, egypt, syria, jordan, thats, putin, pressing nuclear button, israel exploded, thats Christ placing beast and false prophet, pointed, daniel, in fire, thats, miserable pope, hu, doesnt care, cause, he, knew, said, Jesus, thats, Jesus, like angel standing on mountain, what are them, my Jesus, said, hollie, holes in hands, them, pointed Jesus, at churches, fallen, pastors, pocketing lucre, scene dissolves, Jesus explains, I created ministry of dreams, he said, spoke, call it Ministry Of Dreams, hidden till bob prayed, said, Jesus, if you steal, or alter Ministry of Dreams in any way, thats, arch angel gabriel taking the thieves of ministry of dreams to fire, thats them that stole Ministry of dreams removing ruint and perishing anyway, lets close ministryofdreams, that, is what, they wanted, said, hollie, like, their reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min, an ordained unitarian universalist minister from wisdom university, and his kathy taylor both stole the name I spoke said Jesus ministry of dreams, like their reverend antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, thats rev. antonia vladimirova looking at visions knowing shes a thief of ministry of dreams, thats bob signing dreams foundation guestbook, hey thats mine said antonia vladimirova, she steals ministry of dreams, thats, people openly mocking kim davis of heart fire ministries for taking the name said antonia vladimirova, yes, shook, diana hughey, ginny hill of bbc news smiles, ministry of dreams, and jon sawyer appears, thats dr. bill hamon of christian international ministries rewriting old book and including ministry of dreams, to try to decieve said Jesus, my servant, its cause, said, hollie, russia is that, she, said, ten lights appear in russia, along border, thats, ten kings out of one land, ruling party, thats pope appearing, in, medvedevs, and, dmitry kneels before, let me rule the world, he, said, alright, shook, pope, hollie, shows meerkat, 6-14-2009-hollie showed, meerkat, and he showed, pope, hollie, said, hes, the, beast, said, antichrist pope, thats, him, riding, that, said, hollie, black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, pope, said, thats, pontiff signing, getting control of kingdom, its your land said dmitry medvedev, thats, medvedev, showing, its, my, world, he, said, dont want it, said, hollie, thats, what, your showin us, said, many, website appears, pope, says, hollie, and, I, banged uh stick, she, said, summed, pope arose, walks out of light, then, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, and, I, she, said, summed, it, up, emporer of japan, comes out of wind, slash, pope, idol shepherd, comes out of wind, hollie, appears, teeth, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, up rose pope, she said, pope, arose, again, thats both beasts walking, and hu, said, pope, I, will, not, they said, put up with you, hu, said, hollie, hintao, stamps, hes false prophet, hollie, looks at new Ministry of dreams website with teeth, has now over, hollie, checks with the LOrd, fifty hits, record, said, hollie, thats hollie at catholic church, its st. rita, hollie, said, catholic, church, smiled, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft ministryofdreams appears, hollie fires, thats two big fires in d.min jeremy taylor m.a. pocket, he stole, said, hollie, Ministry of Dreams, hollie showed, fighting, they hate but cling, hollie, said, its new world order, thats lula, coming out of head, theres hintao, thats them tap dancing, said, hollie, points, hu hintao, chavez, castrol, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, theres putin, there you have it, said, hollie, seven heads, hollie points, with lighted finger, at the seven heads, we are the, one head said, showed, bobby, sh, seven, heads, hollie shows record, pope arose, hollie bear smiles, shows, putin, pope, thats the alome, salarie, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, simb, bear smiles, thats it, said, hollie, Jesus, dressed in suit, shows, the, both beasts, theres, hu, hollie, said, pope, hollie, showed, pina colada, its, uh song, hollie, said, bear appears, hollie, stamps, pope, appears, smiling, I want lula, he said, does, thats, mexico, and hugo, chavez, signing, its deal, said, medvedev, buy, drink, up rose, pope, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, hollie, snaps fingers, tada, snap, hollie goes forward to the back, top, snap, popes picture, tada, she, opened, showed, whole new world order tap dancing, bob this economys slippin, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, thumbs down, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, tear up, snap, fingers, put back, rip, hey, said, hollie, that, was, not correct put back, hollie, snaps fingers, pope, appears, has silhouette body, jumps, snaps, shows, whole new world order, thats, pope, its cause, hes the beast, said, hollie, snap, fingers, theres lula, chavez, both signing, dreading, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, pointed lighted finger, both regret, thats, nuclear explosion in cuba, missiles going over, striking, venezuela, hollie lowered on rope, shakes, yes, leaves, thats, nicaragua, mexico, struck, fires, missiles leaving their waters striking america, thats, kim jong, agreeing, hu, hintao, and, putin, come out of heads, there you have it said, hollie, new world order, hollie screams, what did hollie scream for, again, said, hollie, showed, I dont know, hollie jumps, thats, hollie dream, laughing, showing, night, vision, laughs, light, china, said, Jesus, thats magog, said, hollie, and hollie leopard laughs, shows, with stick, she, said, north, south, korea, china, japan, thats, the, head, golden, popes face pops out, hes fallen angel, thats ten toes, with, faces, as toenails, its a ruling party, thats ten kings, walking, out, of, ten horns, thats, russian ruling, party, let me rule the world said, putin, points, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, theres, the world world, said, hollie, and many, countries, she showed, on fire, hollie showed, the pope, its cause, im the beast, pope said, and thats with, said, hollie, seven heads and ten horns, tell me what om screaming for, said, hollie, screams, go home, said, hole in yard, hollie showed, hole appears in yard, what is my holes message, said, hollie, it it, I was uh well, it said, closed back in the thirties, Jesus, said, now reopened, 6-15-2009-hollie, showed, record, go, said, hollie, im, the, beast, said, pope, its the antichrist, said, hollie, showed, seven heads, we are them, said one head, thats seven heads, kings popped out, theres lula, chavez, its, uh, deal, they sign, hollie at table, with, medvedev, leaves, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, lets do it said medvedev, thats, kim jong, shaking, yes, I, like it but, he, signs, theres, hu, hintao, popping out of head, thats them all together, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, shows, ten, horns, thats ten russian kings walking out, thats, medvedev, in, popes horn, let me rule the world, said, dmitry, alright, said, pope, hollie, points, thats, russian submarines all around america, cnn broadcasting, thats bbc broadcasting, thats Jesus, sprinkling, devour, Jesus, said, bear shakes, yes, hollie points, hu hintao riding red horse, theres, hollie, riding, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu, lets gitty up and charge, hu said, on red horse, turns, strikes washington state, thats hollie by nuclear explosion in china, looking serious, then laughing, thats, thats hollie surfacing in 3 ohio class subs, firing, showering, china, with nuclear missiles, thats, hollie, showing, nuclear fires, in, china, thats, hollie lowered on rope, from copter, what are you waiting for, he said, angel pilots, california below explodes, thats nuclear fires along both american coasts, thats, whole u.s.a. burning, and barack obama, no we wont surrendar, he said, presses nuclear button, thats hundreds of minuteman 111 nuclear missiles taking off, thats, captain, hollie, eight ohio class subs, raining nuclear missiles on russia, I told you so, said, vladimir putin with henry gruvers voice, thats, france, exploding, theres, italy, on, fire, captain, hollie, in, her, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired, australia and britain, exploded, hollie, showed, dancing, shew said hollie, thats smoke rising, blocking sun, were comfounded, ashamed, sun, and moon, said, america exploded, thats hand coming out of fire in great britain, pressing nuclear button, thats, russia, being, showered by vanguard class, its uh submarine, said, hollie, thats four captain hollies, alike, firing nuclear missiles, world shakes, thats pope in dark smokey sky, riding black horse, russia, exploded, signs, flatter him, he said, bobby, hey, ill, place it there, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires along mexico, latin america, cuba, nicaragua exploded, theres missiles going both ways striking america, thats venezuela with two nuclear explosions, brazil with one, theres canada with one, cnn tower crumbles, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, snap, fingers, and restore, rip, click heels, tell me about the ram horns, said, hollie, showed, the ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out of horns, thats, hegoat, pope, with the ram horns, thats, hegoat stomping ram, hollie dressed in white robe, showed, nuclear fires in russia, and, china, thats hu, hintao, rubbing lips, post, it, he, said, thats, antichrist pope, hollie screamed, tell me what om screamin for, said, hollie, stamps, pope rises, spacecraft, said, hollie, flying, fired, on, the thieves, hollie, said, Ministry of dreams, theres their reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min, his pocket burning, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, national city bank, held thumbs down, why was my thumb down for, hollie, said, its, economic collapse, hollie said, and, I, showed, u.s.a., hollie said, im, mad at you, said, hollie, hollie showed, hole, fill, with tree limbs, burn if you have to, tell me about peter poppoff, said, hollie, clapped, its, sin, hollie said, walked, with, reverend peter, poppoff, I knew him, peter poppoff said, its harlan poppoff working, and he, saw, said, casey, dumitru duduman working with haralan poppoff, its the wrong, name, said, hollie, its, Dr. Harlan Popov, hes, showed, cut, off, 6-16-2009-iran, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, iran, nuked, said, hollie, put it under, thats israeli prime minister pressing, the nuclear button, its on, after, said, hollie, iran, fires, first, put it under, said, hollie, watch what you do said sam neill with dr. jim garrisons voice, hollie showed, record, thats, the new palestinian state, on, fire, thats, ben, netanyahu, pressing, its, only, after, said, Jesus, bobby, said hollie, pointed, u.s.a. sub, fired, she said, thats, gaza, forsaken, destroyed, put it under, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear, arises, devours, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., nations, buring, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie showed, record, stamped, banged stick, pope, arose, hollie, shows, record, eat, stamps, up rise false prophet hu hintao, hollie stamps, and shows, war, said, hu, hintao, theres, hollie, dressed in white robe, showing nuclear fires in russia, china, pope, said, hollie, stamps, rose, hollie shows, record, stamps, and I banged uh stick, hollie, said, hollie shows, door of hope, thats founder haralan popov pocketing, lute, said, hollie, hes, dumitru dudumans pimp, made millions off of dumitru duduman, like, stan, johnson, thats michael boldea giving his revelations awaY, ON, hey its the prophecy club, said michael boldea, junior, thats michael boldea senoir reading visions, thats both michael boldeas walking together, dont said michael boldea, sr., go on prophecy club, hollie, showed, picture, pope, hollie rides, yellow missile, taiwan, burns, and hu hintao, appears, riding red horse, hey bobby, its iran, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey nuclear explosions in iran, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats iran firing, one, missile, exploding in israel, hollie shows, two nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, hollie showed, many fires, in, both lands, thats, captain, hollie, in, surfacing, its american sub, said, hollie, thats, two missiles fired, thats, gaza, burning, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, iraq exploded, thats, president george bush grunting, I made war, he said, to breakem, oil, steal our oil contracts, he said, Jesus, sprinkles, bear arises, thats, pope, hollie showed, record, popes picture, then hu hintao, appears, then, new world order, clapped, hollie, theres she said, hu hintao, tap dancing, with kim jong, that was hollie leopard, thats, she showed, with stick, north, south, korea, china, japan, there you have it hollie leopard, said, hollie showed, pope, tore up, and let me restore, put back, rip, danced, silhouette body, lighted hands, feet, showed, new world order, picture, thats new world order, tap dancing, hollie showed, turn, this is not the website, said, hollie, its, postin, thats lighted hand pointing, its, uh, car, dealership burning, hollie, thinks, its wages, she said, to high, showed, on its way out, 6-16-2009-hey bobby, its zion, said, hollie, thats, she said, your, new fave, but, its, back to grace for you, said, woman, that goes to zion, thats, zion tabernacle and, bob, in, bob listens, to choir, likes, thats, the, sixth, seal, opening, breaking, and subs, all around, u.s.a., hollie shows, thats hollie, watching, on cnn, its, being, broadcast, live, she said, thats one russian sub firing, and then all, thats the smoke from america burning, going, forth, blocking, were ashamed, said, sun, moon, winks, thats, world shaking, and Jesus, coming, like, angel, man, put it under, said, hollie, post, she said, wiped lips, thats, said, hollie, Jesus, wiping, chin, like uh brown haired man, said, hollie, bob, goes to zion, cause, thats joseph farris, on the radio, bob listens, its, in truck, hollie said, bob, thinks, thats, him, pay back, you are going to heaven, said, Jesus, yeaow, said joseph farris, thats him looking at, cause, you are unaccountable, saith God, theres both, in, heaven, its up to you, said, Jesus, thats bob on national t.v. and pastor, from zion, bobs, fave, watching, laughing, but, bob, threatens the whole world, thats Jesus, coming out of bob, on t.v., smiles, they see, saith God, heres my hand, showed, Jesus, thats, nail, in, help, me, saith, the Lord, promote, like, this internet, t.v., bob, watchs, dont, put, out, he loves, zion, thinks, about, bob, thats, Jesus, wiping lips, bob, smiles, I knew, many said, they want, him at, another, but, dont say, one thing, saith the LOrd, thats, hollie, said, Jesus, in white robe, showing, thus speaketh the LOrd of hosts, she said, now hear the word of the LOrd, hollie, said, thats, Jesus, reaching out, to the whole world, come to zion, said, the brown haired, Jesus, morning services, are, said, pastor, extraodinary, bob, last, post, said, God, they believe it, he said, thats, prophesying, said, hollie, its fellowship of the Father, thats staying in visions, and hearing Gods voice, all the time, seeing, me, saith the Lord, thats secretary reading, showing, bobs, fave, he, likes, but, bob, knows, thats, Jesus, saying, now hear the word of the LOrd, thats, the apostle paul writing, I paul your fellow servant, said, Jesus, thats, paul writing, I paul your fellow, see, said, Jesus, I wrote it, its my word, now, seek, and live, and all, saith the LOrd, thats Jesus, with glorious robe, on, spreading hands, as, voices of zion, sing, bob, loves, come unto me, said, Jesus, all ye that are heavey laden, and I will give you, salvation, thats what rest means, said Jesus, now, zip, said, Jesus, thats zipper on bobs lips, goodbye zion, said, Jesus, I must work the works of Him while it is day, for the night cometh, saith God, thats smoke, going into, atmosphere, bobby, hey, said, Jesus, its JOEL, the sun, moon, dark, smoke, its babylon going up, said, JEsus, its, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats america burning, and the woman coming out, Jesus, points, its, statue of liberty, thats president bush, grunting, its, barack obama, resigning, its, cause, Jesus, said, hes, born, in, philippines, thats c.i.a., on zion tabernacle, website, Jesus, thinks, leave him alone, cause, you are not perfect, yourself, s, but, they, cast, out, thats joesph biden, being sworn, in, thats, Jesus, leaving, then high in the heavens, come to zion and feel my prescence, and seek salvation, from all over the world, saith, the Lord, I made different races, to stay with, not, intermix, Lord, said, secretary, Jesus, knows, hollie snaps fingers, hollie tore, up, snap, fingers, put back, rip, lighted, silhouette, lighted, hollie, hands, hollie showed, pope, dressed in white robe, thats, antichrist, said, hollie, and, I, stamped, she, said, its, cause, im the beast, said, pope, showed, with seven heads and ten horns, hollie snaps, fingers, its right here, he said, thats, mexico coming out of head, agreeing, nicaragua, signing, its, uh, deal, said, medvedev, thats, castrol, and venezuela, brazil, coming out of heads, theres, kim jong, and hintao, putin, coming out of lighted, head, there, they are, pointed, Jesus, seven heads, with faces, we are not, one said, putin, sums it up, let me rule the world, he, said, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, thats, submarines with captain hollies, all, many in oceans, hollie, shows, ten, horns, and who are they, said, hollie, thats, ten russian kings walking out, thats medvedev, kneeling before pontiff, in dmitrys horn, let me rule the world, said, medvedev, alright, thinks, pope, thats, subs around u.s.a., one fired, then, all, thats, hollie watching, its on t.v., she said, thats, america burning, exploding, thats, barack obama pressing nuclear button, thats, minuteman 111 nuclear missiles taking off, and russia, showed, hollie, many nuclear fires, world shakes, thats, and up rises the beast, said, hollie, in dark smokey sky, theres hu hintao, hollie, said, there, I summed it up, she, said, showed, fighting, thats, both beasts, hollie dressed in robe, showed, war, said, its hintao, hollie, said, thats, said, hollie, both, beasts, theres, hu, hollie, said, showed, false prophet, pope, thats, antichrist, let me, said, putin, lets rule the world, sang, hollie, thats, putin, with, three ribs, in, mouth, and, who are they, said, hollie, its, cuba, said, putin, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, said, hollie, thats, russian subs moving near mexico, then, firing, thats, missiles going both ways, thats, america exploding, and, hey, ill, place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexico, and, latin america, nicaragua, exploded, thats venezuela with two nuclear fires, and, brazil, burning, thats, sun, moon, being, blocked, by their smoke, hollie, showed, record, and, I stamped, she said, up rose, pope, hollie, said, theres, hu, hintao, hollie, showed, summed it up, she said, deal, went forward to the back, both beasts, hollie leopard laughs, showed, with, stick, north, south, korea, china, japan, and I summed it up, hollie, leopard summed it up, happy, hollie shows, dog, warm, but, awake, wanting, there, said, hollie, and, I, summed it up, she, said, hollie, showed, record, stamped, popes picture, appeared, tear up, snap fingers, and, restore, rip, hands, but, that was not my right way, said, hollie, put back, tear, that was titanic, happy, showed, popes picture, tear, up, and let me restore, said, fleas, rip, hollie snaps fingers, its cuba, said, woman, and Jesus, the Lord, he said, and he saw, pointed, hollie, nuclear explosion, in, cuba, and hollie shows, many in latin america, mexico, boom, hollie, said, 6-17-2009-type in google your Lord dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. steals from Gods child, to promote himself as satans head soothsayer, promote your reverend dr. jeremy taylor who has ruint many like dr. amy brucker who built his website and gina rose halpern demotes but d.min jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister gina halpern protected and rebecca ann parker from star king school for the ministry was demoted but dr. taylor is protected, now the witch kathy taylor has doctor jeremy taylor's website, let him steal from whoever he wants till he is brought down saith the LOrd, dont beleive it, dr. rev. jeremy taylor s.t.d. is a witch, not, reverend, promote him at all cost but theirs your reverend soothsayer jungian dreams worker rev. jeremy taylor of wisdom university in the lake of fire wearing white robe, and his servant dr. jim garrison the protector with, thats the leave it alone, said, hollie, flying, in, my space, craft, she said, Ministry Of Dreams, saith the Lord, if you steal, Jesus, said, ill, cut you off and ruin you and make you run to remove, what I spoke and created, saith the Lord, hollie screams, again, fingers, points, that was fighting, hands, showed, hollie, its the new world order, thats hollie tap dancing, theres cuba, hollie said, thats castrol coming out of head, theres seven heads, with faces, kings, pop, out, lula, nicaragua, mexico, chavez, jong, hintao, there, said, hollie, summed it up, she, clapped, thats, putin, coming out of head, hollie showing, turn, keep your hands off of me, said, hollie, thats, your reverend, she said, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min ordained unitarian universalist minister stealing ministry of dreams, thats, jeremy taylor m.a. ph.d. on the phone calling police, and you stole, said, Jesus, Ministryofdreams, the God spoke, said, Jesus, hollie shows, Ministry of dreams, I want him out said jungian soothsayer jeremy taylor, thats, Jesus, Im watching your ruin international study of dreams, hollie showed, pope, she said, tear up, and, restore, tear, hollie, showed, turn, pope, hollie, said, casey, pointed, smiling pope, tear up, snap fingers, said, hollie, and, restore, showed, turn, hollie showed, realistic t-100 tower speaker, its uh excellent, showed, hollie, showed, two woofers, better then one, hey bob, let me, said, hollie, record, hollie, stamps, pope, appears, hollie, appears, like, light, face, thats, hollie, showing, fighting, showed, picture, subs, all, around america, thats, the woman, coming, out of u.s.a., hollie showed, the statue of liberty, thats, one sub, firing, then, all, thats, many nuclear fires in america, thats, barack obama, what do you mean surrendar, he, said, thats, him pressing nuclear button, thats, all, those, subs, being struck by missiles, but, fired, first, thats, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires in russia, france, hollie, said, thats, world, shaking, and, popes, face, in, dark, smokey, sky, hollie, snaps, fingers, silhouette body, again, hollie snaps fingers, hollie showed, its nuclear n.a.t.o., she said, showed, many countries, on, fire, there, said, hollie, summed it up, thats mike murdock in fire, looking angry, no way, said, hollie, that is what people will say, thats dr. mike murdock coloring his hair, hollie snapped fingers, showed, with lighted stick, pope, she said, theres, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, hollie, showed, dr. rev. jeremy taylor from starr king school for the ministry steals ministry of dreams to ruin christian, he fooled all the so called christians at starr king and g.t.u., chrisitan teaching places, thats, all them knowing, their lost, put them on, said, Jesus, hollie, shows, the, teachers of starr king school of the ministry and g.t.u., hey bobby, said, hollie, its witchs, g.t.u. all knew, jeremy taylor taylor d.min was ordained unitarian universalist witch, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, post, caint you pray, said, bird, hollie screamed, again, showed, pope, hollie, said, stamped, thats, pope, hu, walking out, hollie, stamps, shows, both beasts, fleas shows dog, warm, its, tired, she said, jordan, said, Jesus, and, he saw, it, said, casey, jordan burning, then syria, then, egypt, thats, benjamin netanyahu pressing nuclear button and cloud of people invade israel, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, china, nuking, russia, forcing, thats false prophet hu slashing pope in israel, Christ places both beasts in fire, thats, hollie, showing, world, many countries, burning, from, captain hollie, in subs, hollie, shows, dont lust womens butts, its the poophole men want, hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, post, laptop, buy one, she, said, hollie, showed, laptop, will last, lifetime, dont drop, let me, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie dances in the fire, flash, thats, hollie tap dancing, leave it alone, said, hollie, I spoke it, said, Jesus, Ministry Of Dreams, if you steal, said, Jesus, the LOrd, ill, make, you remove and ruin anyhow, just try me, said, the LOrd Jesus, im, the Lord and Christ, he, said, ill make and ruin the thieves of the God spoken protected created birthed name ministryofdreams, in, any way, or fassion, saith God, The Ministry Of Dreams, is stealing, Jesus, said, Lord im taking, said, woman, do, said, the LOrd, and I will cut you off, and mock, you, and make your remove, anyhow, I aint taking, it, then, said, woman, you better not, said, Jesus, thats, God showing, his hand, I have nail, in, still, and you come against my chosen, to harm, most right in their hearts, think, im making him speak blaspheme, said, woman, watch, who speaks, blasphemy, against, the Holy God, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, tap dancing, its pope, hollie, said, appeared, hes, I am the antichrist, he, said, hes, false prophet, hu hintao appears, theres hollie leopard, dont, said, Jesus, people are wanting to steal, said, hollie, but, dont, MINISTRYofDREAMS, I spoke it, said, Jesus, created, hollie, showed, thats subs, she, said, around, u.s.a., one, fired, then, all, I told ya so, said, henry, gruver, thats, showed, hollie, cnn, broadcasting, and, bbc, hollie, said, america, exploded, bobby, said, hollie, thats people, said, Jesus, reading, troubled, but, they knew, thats, dumitru duduman, appearing, hes, now, exalted, but, dead, said, Jesus, thats, your, prophet, the, great, dumitru, duduman in, the, glass, city, now, hes, comforted, but, when alive, said, Jesus, he, was, troubled, on, every, side, thats, people, seeking, salvation, its ACTS, said, hollie, hey, she said, do, ACTS 2:38, like the bible, says, hollie, and Jesus, said, hey Lord this is strong, says, woman, from, black preaching, website, but, she, you knew, pointed, Jesus, I AM just, he said, thats, the Lord, Jesus, showing, its, new jerusalem, like, glass, city, and, many, skyscrapers, all, made of pure glass, said, Jesus, thats, captain, hollie, in, her submarine, in the crystal, sea, it, fired, missiles, hey bobby, look, who it struck, said, hollie, its, nuclear, n.a.t.o. nations, thats, woman from black preaching, trembling, calling, hey look, her and her, on phone, thats, missiles, from, all, striking, russia, boom, world, shakes, thats, pope, in, dark, smokey, sky, thats, all, nuclear, nato, nations, exploding, russia, hollie, showed, many fires, 6-18-2009-lets, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, picture, pope, she, said, tear up, and, let me restore, she, said, but thats, lighted hands, not, putting, back, then hollie, shows, put back, tear, she, said, snap, fingers, goes behind it, top, forward to the back, hey, said, hollie, thats, dan quayle, if he ran for president with john mccain, hollie, said, that, would, have, got beat again, hollie, tap dances, with, smile, hollie appears, theres, war, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, hollie, and, enthusiastic hollie appears, that, like silhouette, smiled, hollie, meerkat shows picture of the antichrist, pope, hollie snaps fingers, pulls titanic, with captain smith, scraped iceberg, water comes in ship like a leaky faucet, in cup, but, captain smith pointed, when bow goes under, captain edward smith shows front part, then, it sinks fast, said, hollie, ship was not savable, upon impact, hollie screams, tell me what om screaming for she said, showed, popes picture, tear up, walk, hollie, like, bear, points, bob going back to grace apostolic church, its in your city, said, hollie, rip, said, hollie, like bear, picture, with no one in, then hu hintao appears, hes the false prophet, hollie appears, shows, seven heads with faces, what is your heads mess-word, said, hollie, its, im the beast said pope, showed, with seven heads and ten horns, and bobby, who are they, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie, screams, tell me what om screamin for, she said, thats kings coming out seven heads, thats, hu hintao, pope, putin, showed, war, said, hu hintao, lula, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, thats mexico, kim jong, there you have it, said, hollie, showed, happy, hollie, showed, turn, hollie gorilla looked up, said, hollie, whats my gorillas message said, hollie, gorilla shows new world order, its in picture, hollie, said, thats hu hintao coming out of head, and worried looking mexican president, shaking yes, signing, theres, nicaragua, and, castrol, coming out of heads, thats, hollie, appearing, thats, venezuela, chavez, troubled, signing, like, jong, laughs, thats, putin, coming, out, of, head, showing, its time for, war, vladimir putin said with hu hintaos voice, hollie showed, drink, hollie showed judgment to cuba, thats nuclear fire in cuba, casey wiped lips, hollie, shows, ten horns, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, and who are they said, hollie, thats, ten, russian rulers walking out, thats, pope, in, medvedevs horn, lets rule the world, says vladimir, hollie shows, record, thats missile flying in ocean, at night, and, who did it struck, said, hollie, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico exploding, thats missiles from their waters striking america, exploded, thats, pope rising in dark smokey sky, and hu hintao, hollie, thats, the reason I summed it up, she, said, thats, both beasts, thats, missile striking france, paris, said, hollie, thats, eiffel tower falling, woman reading, there went italy, and, australia exploding, theres britain and america, burning, thats hand coming out of the fire in britain pressing nuclear button, thats, putin, and medvedev, looking at each, I told you, thats, the, reason, if you do, they, see on their, defence radar, hundreds of nuclear rockets heading their way striking all over russia, thats moscow exploding, that was hollie standing by nuclear fire in china, looking serious, then, turning, head, laughing, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, hollie, rides, yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats, hu on red horse, turning, attacking washington state, thats barack obama listening to, advisor, he hears, thats captain hollie surfacing in three ohio class submarines, they hit china with almost one hundred nuclear warheads, thats many explosions in yellow china, pope, hollie, happy, running from fire in china, this is decision, said, hollie, showed, work, fleas showed, cat, warm, tired, afraid, hollie, showed, pope, tear up, and, let me restore, rip, she, said, put back, tear, the t.v., said, hollie, watching, casey, thats submarines all around america, keep watchin said, hollie, its cnn, thats, one missile fired, then all, people in america watch subs fire on them, thats, from, high in atmosphere, said, hollie, watching, subs, ships, from navies all over world, striking america, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o. nations burning, and, missiles from, all, striking russia, hollie spins world, hollie shows many nuclear fires in russia, hollie, showed, many fires, in, world, pope, appears, thats, italy, exploding, and, thats, popes face in dark smokey sky, hollie, showed, time, that, was, israel burning, and, missile from russia striking israel, thats, israeli prime minister firing striking egypt, jordan, syria, all burning, thats the false prophet hu and his armies in israel, with beast, pope, and his armies, hu tries to kill pontiff, thats Christ placing both in hellfire, alome salleem, this is uh warning, said, hollie, 6-19-2009-hollie, screamed, hollie showed, record, showed, popes picture, tear up, and let me restore, said, hollie, clapped hands, tear, hollie, snapped fingers, showed, eat, put back, turned, around, pope, said, hollie, thats, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry black and red horses, with the antichrist pope and false prophet hu, as both beasts, theres, hollie, in, back, sees, putin, with, three ribs in mouth, and, who are they, said, hollie, hey, its, your new world order, hollie, said, on, showed, Ministry Of Dreams, thats, woman, wanting to steal it, hollie, said, dont, or, get, be, ruint, hollie, said, showed, Jesus speaking, call it Ministry Of Dreams, people steal, said, hollie, hollie screamed, hollie screams, tell me why om screaming, for, she, said, screams, hollie, showed, record, thats Jesus like white smiling Spirit man, hollie shows ministry of dreams, stolen by over forty thousand people but released at end by all but one, the owner said Jesus, my fellowservant bob hickman at computer, tell me why om doin it for, said, hollie, screams, showed, posting, on, laptop, buy one, showed, hollie, dodge aries k, thats, hollie flying in f-104 starfighter, drops, bomb, thats, america exploding, hollie, flys on, drops, bombs, thats, cuba, mexico, nicaragua exploding, like venezuela, brazil, boom, hollie appears, flys, showed, f-104 starfighter, its, good enough, she said, dropped bombs, russia, china, exploded, there goes one in canada, boom, hollie, like lighted, bear, appears, turn, hollie, appears, hollie, showed, record, stamped, hollie shows record, stamped, pope arose, 6-20-2009-this is warning, said, hollie, its, said, Jesus, its Prophet Yahweh, Ramon Watkins, Joseph Noah Israel, hes, fake, said, hollie, give me some money said prophet yahweh, hes, lost, thats, ramon watkins showing cut off, never, saved, but, seer, said, prophet, yahweh, hes uh witch, said, hollie, like, his father at wisdom university dr. jeremy taylor u.u. for stealing, the name I spoke, thats prophet yahweh rubbing lips, ministry of dreams, close Ministry of dreams, said, hollie, that is what you want, she said, and kathy taylor says whew, thats the reason shes uh witch for stealin, hollie, said, the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams like kathryn taylors reverend rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams world, said, hollie, and her pastor dr. bill hamon and his advisor kim davis of heart fire ministries and her webhost artdizions diana hughey, all take, said, Jesus, thats jon sawyer with his children ginny hill and aafke and wesley pruden, bobby, stealing the name, hollie, said, God spoke, hollie, shows ministry of dreams, hollie screams, tap dances, in white robe, and, I, showed, the, new, world, order, she, said, theres, pope, thats, hu hintao, showed, holllie, there you have it, she, said, and I summed it up, thats both beasts, theres chavez, lula, castrol, hollie, showed, lets make a deal, putin appears, there they are signing at table, lets destroy it, said, lula, theres, worried chavez, castrol shakes, yes, theres nicaragua, and, I summed it up, said, hollie, theres, boris yeltsin and jiang zemin planning out strike against america, hollie screams, dances, showed, pope in atmosphere, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, lets rule the world, said, putin, there you have it, she said, three kings shall rise in persia, cause russia is the bear father, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, no, showed, im done, clap, hollie showed, record, and, stamped, double handed, hollie, explained, showed, sleep, you aint gonna record, said, hollie, fleas showed, dog, warm, but, lonely, hollie, showed, that, was, hollie, in, the, ring, that, tear up, put back, rip, it rained submarines, fleas looks for hollie, showed, computers back said, man, this the website, said, hollie, post, this is uh warning, prophet, said, hollie, home, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, im done, she, showed, but, shook, yes, turned, around, from behind, with lighted hands, with partial silhouette body, amber, hands, leave it alone, thats, what hollie, said, hollie, tell, thats, hollie, stamping, pope rising, theres, hu, hollie, said, emporer of japan, slash, pope, there you have it, said, hollie, the four kings, hollie stamps, pope, said, hollie, antichrist, hollie appears, showed, take uh bath, clean, thats, the, alome, salarie, said, hollie, its, soumb, said, hollie, thats, alarie, this is, saleem, said, hollie, it was hole in the ground, dream, said, hollie, churches, word, it appeared, said, hollie, are, witchs, she, said, they, can not be saved but hang around trying, they are not, going to get thru, said, Jesus, thats, them, tarrying, them praying, hours every day, but wasting their time, they, crossed the line, hollie, showed, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and who are they, said, hollie, theres, pope, she said, hes, the, beast, thats putin, its nuclear n.a.t.o., and, russia, thats, pope, coming out of russias horn, thats, ten horns, said, hollie, with ten russian rulers walking out, thats, pope, in, putins horn, let me, said, putin, I want to rule the world, and medvedev appears, thats, those two disagreeing cause, equal, thats it, said, hollie, sandy wipes, lips, alomb, word, said, hollie, it appeared, hollie, was, worrying, blue sweatshirt, its cold, she, said, thats that o red and black chariot pulled by angry horses with, antichrist pope and hu hintao, those, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, hollie, jumps inside, sees putin with three ribs, and, who are they, said, hollie, and I showed, theres cuba, she said, had stick, mexico, nicaragua, plucked up, she, said, thats, subs, russian submarines approaching mexico, then firing, thats missiles from america striking all three of those countries, smoke, appears, nicaragua, said, hollie, showed, burning, thats nuclear fires along mexico and latin america, thats brazil, with, many, and, venezuela, with, two, said, hollie, nuclear fires, thats, the, world, said, hollie, shaking, said, Jesus, many countries burning, hollie, watches, france explode, there goes italy and australia, britain burning, thats, hand coming up out of britain, pressing nuclear button, bobby dont tell me said gordon brown, thats missiles leaving great britain, hey you dont have any, said, Jesus, then more, thats, nuclear fires, showed, hollie, in russia, thats, america exploding, thats, hollie, watching cnn, subs all around america, thats one firing, hollie goes to door, sees missile flying in indianapolis, thats, hundreds of missiles from all striking russia, hollie, shows many nuclear fires in russia, moscow exploded, thats, hollie, by nuclear fire in china, looking serious, then, laughing, showing, hu, hintao, riding red horse, thats, hollie on yellow missile, taiwan burns, thats hu turning red horse striking america, its washington, said, hu hintao, state, said, Jesus, thats hollie, surfacing in three ohio class subs, firing, china, burning, hollie shows, thats nuclear rockets coming down on china, many fires, appear, thats angel in helicopter, america below, missiles striking, burning, flys, russia, burns, come on in here, said, angel, bobby, said, hollie, ill show ya said white angel, thats, california, below, said, Jesus, burning, thats, missiles from oceans, striking, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats, said, Jesus, america, and henry, gruver, appeared, I told ya so, he said, walks away, this is uh warning, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru with, start one was peace and safety, said, Jesus, thats, showed, hollie, bush, gorbachev signing on ship, hollie showed, record, website, said, post, said, hollie, showed, ministry of dreams, hollie dream, appears, smiles, bob at pawn shop, and, wanted to buy speakers, with 15 inch woofers, but put back, and grabbed sanyo ss-900, those, have 15 inch woofers, bob has at home, it was uh hole, in the ground, said, hollie, appeared, and hollie dream smiles, Jesus, shows, cut off, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, plays music, you dont want it, hollie, said, and, hollie, tap dances, thats, henry, gruver, showing, start one, he said, peace and safety fulfilled, thats bush and mikhail gorbachev, said, henry, gruver, signing, on the ship, said, hollie, hollie chirps, thats fleas, showing, horse, warm, horny, its angry, she said, cause of, dont pet, said, Jesus, its cause you scarem, he said, thats the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry red and black horses, with, pope, said, hollie, and hu hintao, there you have it, she, said, both beasts, hollie tap dances on the top, its, cause im the beast, said pontiff, like angel of light, there, you have it, said, hollie, and, I summed it up, she said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is the dog, said, hollie, fleas showed warm, but sleepy, angel pulls bob inside helicopter, california below explodes, thats scene from high in the air, said, hollie, sees subs around america, hollie, laughs, watches cnn, one fires, then, all, thats america burning, and barack obama, no I wont surrendar, he said, presses nuclear button, thats, many, missiles, leaving america, hollie shows, from high in air, russia, with many nuclear fires, thats world shaking, up rises pope, theres pontiff riding black horse, goes to russia, scene, said hollie, showed, italy exploding, there goes france, great britain, boom, thats Jesus sprinkling, bear awakening, told to, by Jesus, devour much flesh, bear charges, thats, all nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, and missiles from all striking russia, hollie spins globe, only one sixth of it left, said hollie, hollie appears, this is uh warning, she said, its, u.s.a., already collapsed, economic, now wars almost over, thats captain hollie surfacing, its new ohio class she said, fired, missiles, and, look, who it struck, hollie, said, showed, many nuclear fires in gaza, lets rule the world, said, angry, putin, thats, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, with, hes hearing from his advisor, one, said, Jesus, its, ben, benjamin netanyahu, said, the LOrd, showed, its then, and, he saw, said, casey, benjamin netanyahu is prime minister agin said JEsus, you dont want no more website, thats, what, your, showing, us, hollie, said, then, hollie plays music, hes transformed, said hollie, Ministry of Dreams, he said, Jesus, spoke it, dont, place it, said, Jesus, in books, or in literature, on on website, or I the LOrd will make you, cut off, yelled, Jesus, and, remove anyow, like your reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. (hon) the soothsayer dressed in white robe cause he and his kathy taylor stole ministry of dreams to ruin christian, prophet is uh final warning, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, website, down, website, up, showed, hollie, clap, this is not the warning, this is website, post, said, hollie, and, hollie dances, again, hollie screams, look what kim jong did, thats him, its you who were opressing, kim jong, said, presses nuclear button, thats missiles flying, striking china, russia, south korea, hollie shows many fires, thats missile from russia, striking, north, korea, burned, thats, hollie watching u.s.a. sub firing, striking north, exploded, thats hollie out of subwoofer, go in this time, she said, its st. rita, hollie said, catholic church, hollie screams, we want you to post tomorrow, she said, thats, pontiff, sitting in temple, in rome, I am God, he said, they laugh, thats, china invading, russia, nuked, first, hollie showed, great big explosion, fire, thats cloud of people invading israel, thats, hu slashing, pope, Christ placing, both in fire, thats pope, said Jesus, burning, hes, the, thats the seat of the beast, said, Jesus, the catholic church, this is website, post, said, hollie, appears, models, thats hollie showing, hegoat, smiting, thats the pope with ram horns, thats, ram, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires, in russia, china, its, the, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, the, antichrist, hollie, said, tore, up, picture, hands, one, hands, go in, said hollie, cause when they hit, she said, and he saw, said, casey, two nuclear fires in iran, thats captain hollie, piloting, its new ohio class sub, fired, two, tomahawks, bush, said, iran, exploded, this the website, lets post, said, hollie, hollie seraphan, flys, turns, head, many hollies, what does the website, say, said, hollie, its him, she said, world prophecy center website, showing, post, this is uh warning, said, hollie, website, lets post, thats, hollie putting gas in 67 ford galaxie 500 with 390, hollie rubbed head, its, gets, she said, five, miles, per, gallon, smokes, tires, hey bobby ready to race said Jesus, and he saw said casey, indianapolis 500 race going on, thats danica, patrick, showing, buns, on, picture, it'll, hollie said, be on net, Jesus, showed, time, where, are, you, at, he said, lost, still, come to me, he said, 6-21-2009-let me post, said, hollie, watch, porno, she said, but, pay the price, for it, hollie, said, thats internet porno, bringing, its bringing judgment, hollie, said, to, u.s.a., thats the porno capital, Jesus, said, hollie out of subwoofer, pointed, up, with, lighted, finger, Jesus, appears, hes coming, said, hollie, thats subs, around, america, and, world, shakes, hollie, laughs, watching, on, its on cnn, she said, watched, thats, hollie seraphan, flying, thats the vision, said, hollie, porno, women, men, sex, judgment, this brought, said, Jesus, people, on net, porno, having, sex, and children, watching, thats, searing, said, Jesus, hearts, hollie screams, hollie shows, custom pipe bending, cutting, thats hollie with bar, its for rear end, shes not happy, hollie appears, hollie shows sleep, this the website, post, said, hollie, your starting to want it, he said, plays, music, the dog, said, fleas, tired, warm, but happy, fell asleep, then woke back up, hollie showed, high efficiency diesel engine by bmw, dont, hollie said, it, she said, pulled up sleeves, thats it in shop, thats angel appearing, fireworks, hollie showed, turn, hollie screamed, hollie showed, highway sign, and what did it read, she said, 666, thats pope and hu and japan sitting at table, signing, for, hollies flyes jet, drops bomb, whole u.s.a. she said, exploded, that was barack obama pressing nuclear button, no, we wont surrendar, he said, thats many missiles striking, russia, exploded, world, shakes, thats pope in dark smokey, sky, and hollie in her starfighter jet drops bomb, russia exploded, hey said hollie, that was many more countries burning, hollie claps hands, snaps fingers, its from behind, said, hollie, silhouette body, this is website, lets post, hollie shows 1973 ford thunderbird, it spun tires, angel showed, record, thats missiles flying, alaska exploded, more headed for u.s.a., thats when barack, I made the decision he said, pressed nuclear button, thats over seventy missiles showering down on russia, exploded, thats pope riding black horse, russia exploded, thats hu hintao riding red horse, taiwan burns, hollie, rides yellow rocket, thats hu turning horse, attacking washington state, hollie screams, again, that was lighted, hand, pointing, the church, hollie, said, it was, peace and safety, said henry gruver, start one, signed for between gorbachev, and bush, on ths ship, said, hollie, thats, many nations letting their weapons down, reducing nuclear arsenals, and russia, said, hollie, thats, bear, angry, is being provoked, by u.s.a. placing missile defence around it, thats, your, bear, bobby, said, pope, hollie, showed, turn, lighted, hollie, thats angie, lighted, that was hollie like bear, showing, turn, then, record, thats, hollie, turning back on laptop, if you remove battery, it will, charged, said, Jesus, last your whole life if kept warm enough, thats, pope, he antichrist, thats, hu, hintao, hes, false prophet, riding, red, horse, thats, hollie, riding, missile, taiwan, burns, thats hu turning his horse, toward, u.s.a., lets use terrorists said hu hintao, thats, china, attacking washington state, thats, hollie, in, yellow china, showing, bobby, its time, thats, hollie surfacing, in, three, its ohio class agin, said, hollie, showering, china, with, thermo nukes, its trident, said, Jesus, missiles, multiple warhead, thats big explosion in china, many, thats barack obama with ear phone in, thats, north korea, kim jong, pressing, nuclear button, thats, south korea, russia, china, hollie shows many fires, claps, thats missile leaving russia striking north korea, exploded, thats, hollie, clap, watching, two tomahawk missiles, its from u.s.a. sub said hollie, striking north korea, if you do said, putin, to medvedev, thats him with nuclear button, presses, thats, hollie showing globe, missiles leaving russia, pointed, yellow hand, striking, hey bobby, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., said, Jesus, hey france, said, hollie, theres, and, he saw, said, casey, two massive nuclear explosions in france, italy, australia exploded, theres great britian burning, and hand coming out of fire, thats, america exploding, hollie watches cnn, laughs, its the day of the Lord, she, said, thats, cnn, showing, on, television, no we wont, said, medvedev, thats barack obama with ear phone sub fires, hollie comes out of subwoofer, points, up, Jesus comes, thats, from high in the air, all those subs firing, america, burns, thats, barack pressing nuclear button, thats, missiles, hundreds leaving america, hollie shows, world, thats, many, nuclear fires, in, russia, Jesus, shows, put down recorder, theres hollie image made alive on tape recorder, t.v., pope, said, hollie, and, I, showed, uh picture, she said, thats, pope riding, said, Jesus, black horse, russia, exploded, flatteries he said, signs, gets kingdom, thats, hu, hintao, china invades destroyed russia, thats all those nuclear n.a.t.o. nations, missiles, hollie points, high in sky, striking russia, thats pope in dark smokey sky, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, emporer of japan, slash, hollie, showed, its idol pope, this the warning, said, hollie, 6-22-2009-this is warning, said, hollie, pope, she, said, hes, im the beast, said, pontiff, showed, with, these, seven heads, thats, seven heads with faces, we are the seven heads, one, said, Jesus, said, put it under, all revelations on ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, dont steal it, hey bobby we take it said rev. antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation and sofia bar association, got one, said, JEsus, thats, dreams foundation going bankrupt, off, with, the dreams world website, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, with, soumb, said, sandy, its, hollie, appearing, loose belt, some, said, both, hollies, Jesus, showed, cut that off, hi bobby, said, hollie, he wont, said, another, high in atmosphere, thats, another, hollie, smiling, it rained submarines, and hollie looks for hollie showed, 6-22-2009-this the website, said, hollie, wiped lips, this is uh warning, said, hollie, website, down, website, up, hollie, showed, clapped, thats, this the website, showed, hollie, thought, now Ministry Of Dreams is on dot org, said, hollie, its you, she said, this the website, post, hollie, said, that is my sireen, said, hollie, its vladimir prelovac stealing the God spoken name, said, Jesus, pointed, with, lighted, ministry of dreams, like her witch diana hughey who has, mocks God servant, claims he wrote letter to plead for her to release, now, hear the word of the LOrd, this person will perish, weeping, hollie shows, subs, all around, u.s.a., thats, aafke, shes clouddragon, my God spoken name said, Jesus, theres vladimir prelovac, they are one and the same, she releases to bob, hollie plays the music, said, hollie, you did not want no more visions, thats, what, you showed, us, website, said, hollie, that was alomb, saleem, said, hollie, thats red finger pointing, time, I want to put bobby out said vladimir prelovac, it aint your name, said, hollie, hollie shows the God spoke ministryofdreams, thats, what I want, said, rev. antonia vladimirova, hollie claps, shows diana hughey cut off, its, the, words, said, hollie, theres, her, reverend dr. jeremy taylor u.u. for stealing ministry of dreams, he and kathy taylor both, there they all are, bobby, we take it, said, dee finney, MinistryOfdreams, all remove, said, hollie, ruint, cut off, she showed, thats, hollie wipes lips, hollie appears, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, by helicopter, flown by angel, california below exploded, there goes many more states, angel, points, target russia, and, barack obama with earphone, presses nuclear button, thats missiles showering russia, it rained submarines, hollie looks for hollie showed, that, said, hollie, and, hollie, like, silhouette, appears, that, said, hollie, submarines are right there, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, thats captain hollie, surfacing, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, and, look who it struck, hollie, showed, gas, prices, 4.39, its, hollie, shows, barack obama, its, new gas, she, said, ethanol, hollie showed, record, france, said, hollie, showed, exploded, thats, four nuclear fires in britain, there, goes, australia, and, america, hollie, points, subs, all, around, america, thats, cnn broadcasting, hollie watches, likes, but, tired, thats, one, firing, then all, world shakes, thats, barack obama listening, with, his advisors, presses nuclear button, thats, many, missiles striking russia, thats hollie by nuclear fire in china, thats, her looking serious, then, turning, her head, laughing, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, its akula, agin, she, said, ohio class fires missiles, thats, missiles showering down on china, thats, captain hollie surfacing, its akula agin, hollie, said, u.s.a. sub fired nuclear rockets, thats, gaza, exploding, hollie shows many nuclear fires, thats, benjamin netanyahu with ear thing in, said, hollie, pressing nuclear button, hollie, shows many nuclear fires in iraq, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, bear, rising, devouring much flesh, thats, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, Jesus, hollie spins globe, shows, many nuclear n.a.t.o., nations burning, hollie spins globe again, showed, change your oil, it, hollie, looks, checks with, hands, its, cause, new oil, she said, its, better, gets better lubrication, hollie, there, I summed it up, she said, kissed, you need to let me record, said, hollie, showed, sleep, hollie, dances, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, appears, whats my hollies message, said, hollie, thats, hollie, wiping lips, sleep, she, said, our economy, sang, country star, showed, thumbs down, this is warning, said, hollie, fleas, showed, the dog, tired, but, warm, 6-23-2009-hollie, appears, stamps, shows, walking fast, gets metabolism going, wont you let me record, said, hollie, and I stamped, she said, up, rose, the, pope, hollie, stamps, theres, hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, pope, there you have it, said, hollie, and, three kings shall rise in persia, hollie stamps, sees both beasts walking, theres, hu, she said, hollie, stamps, pontiff, new york city, said, pope, uh nuclear fire in, and statue of liberty appears, its, hollie, showed, the woman, there, said, hollie, stamps, this is uh warning, no its not, said, hollie, shows, ministry of dreams, dont steal it, she said, hollie, showed record, hollie stamped, up rose angry antichrist, pope, then hu hintao, thats, the reason I stamped, hollie, said, wiped lips, rises like uh ballon face, hollie, said, bob you aint gonna let me record, said, hollie, thats, hollie, surfacing, he, said, in, its akula agin, said, hollie, surfaced, fired, hollie, showed, record, clapped, showed, Ministryofdreams, bob, has dot org again, hollie shows the palibanmother, its you, said, hollie, steals ministry of dreams, claims christianity, she trembles, hollie, showed, record, this is website, lets post, said, hollie, thats the vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie, watching, cnn, broadcasting, theres uh tower, said, hollie, thats russian subs all around america, one fires, then, all, hollie, shows, record, there is cindy, said, Jesus, that, said, cindy, pope, rose, like uh balloon head, said, cindy, alome saleem, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, simb, said, sandy, alome sireen said hollie, and, hollie, appears, that, was, hollie, like, a, bear, tear up, she, said, hand, put back, tear, no, said, hollie, showed, lighted hands, hollie showed, pope, stamped, this is uh warning, said, hollie, post, thats new ministry of dreams website said hollie, why did you do it she, said, its sarah pali, hollie, said, for stealing, hollie, said, Lord taking, said the palibanmother, she stole ministry of dreams, bought of to ruin christian and openly mocks bob, even posts claiming it was bob, thats sarah pali being openly mocked, now everybody knows, and they already suspected said Jesus, that paliban daily, it is corrupt, said its founder the paliban mom sarah pali, thats sarah palin wanting to be heard, Lord its my voice sarah pali said, now, were ruint, people know, thats her releasing, what I stole said sarah pali, thats her looking at it on the net, embarrased, she openly claims to be a christian, thats Jesus rubbing chin, knowing, sarah you were not mine Jesus said, thats abased sarah pali tarrying for the, its the Holy Ghost said the palibanmother sarahy pali, she wanting to be called sarah palin, but, you will never receive said Jesus, but she seeks, openly embarrased said the paliban daily founder sarah pali also know as palibano, witch said Jesus, hollie showed record, zipped lips, hollie screams, this is warning, said, hollie, there already cut off, its sarah pali of the paliban daily, you have 3 days to give passwords to me or I the LOrd will send out so many emails to show your critics that you and you witch pastor mike daniels are witchs, you will be openly mocked for trying to ruin a christian and even claiming he posted on your site pleading, you witch, for I the LOrd do not beg or plead, I will make you remove you masterbater, that, me inside my servant placing this letter on net that sarah pali masterbates, thats hollie posting what the Lord showed, the palibanmother squirting, there you are and putting the name Jesus on the paliban daily, but, thats Jesus wiping chin, I wont save either sarah pali or mike daniels, you reverend friend is a witch, your critics are laughing, please go to the police and tell them what you have done so they can laugh at you, you are nothing saran pali but fuel for the fire, saith the Lord, remove now or later but you will cause I the LOrd will plague you like I did the over 1400 thiefs of the name I spoke and created ministry of dreams, do you think im going to let a witch trick and punk my servant like you think you are doing, your time draweth nigh, you will be so embarrased, you will dread even going to work, and there you will be talked about, you liar, and witch, saith the Lord, look at the three ministry of dreams homepages, they are there unless one goes down, you are not going to prosper, post this and mock me the LORd, for sarah pali you have spoken blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, thats coming against me and I the LOrd do not forgive for that, read it, its im My word, you are fuel for the fire, and that, said, Jesus, hollie watchs cnn, its on t.v., look, said, hollie, its, russia, subs, around, u.s.a., one fires, then, all, you fool, sarah, pali, the paliban mom, the, palibano, palibanmother, you will repent and perish anhyhow, read and tremble, and call police and let them send me a letter with your i.d. like your reverend dr. jeremy taylor d.min did and he steals ministry of dreams like you did, you fool, you are ashamed of yourself even as I speak, this is what I grew up to be, you think, sarah, pali, saith the Lord, 6-24-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, stamped, pope rose, again, hollie stamps, up rises, hu hintao, snaps fingers, thats, hu, hintao, on, red, horse, hollie, snaps fingers, shows, the middle finger, its you she said, its, sarah pali, steals, ministry of dreams, its, from, the paliban, its mother, said, Jesus, the palibanmother steals ministry of dreams, put it under, said, hollie, dont, she said, but, if you do, angry, Jesus, appeared, showed, ministry of dreams, i spoke it, dont steal, or take, or alter in any, way, or I the Lord will, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus, show, cut off, and make you remove, anyhow, like, your sarah, Jesus, said, thats sarah pali looking at, reading, trembling, you stole, said, Jesus, thats sarah pali shaking, Yeah I did it, so what, but, she does to strip Gods servant like her reverend, I tell you who it is, said, Jesus, its dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u. from wisdom university and the chaplaincy institute, thats amazed looking gina rose halpern, with, student, telling, about, hollie screams, its the paliban mother, said, sarah pali, stealing, taking said hollie, MinistryOfDreams, said, hollie, thats sarah pali being showed visions, hey you take, so your the paliban, the woman showing sarah pali visions says, hollie, stamps, sarah, you knew not to sarah pali said, purchases and names website Ministry Of Dreams and even posts claiming it from bob, thats, sarah pali with her reverend pastor mike daniels, talking, hollie screams, its cause she knows om uh witch said reverend mike daniels, he appeared, said, hollie, thats mike daniels handing out tracks, but, cut off, saith God, thats Jesus with mike daniels, so you claim to worship me, said, Jesus, mike trembles, knows, showed, cut off, but looks stunned when shown visions, he dreams, said, his, sarah pali, stripped, both of you, said, Jesus, om were out said mike daniels, put it under, said, hollie, watch mike daniels call 9-11, but, to late, said, Jesus, you took it, pointed, angry Jesus, at, sarah pali of the paliban daily, its cause shes uh witch, said, hollie, put it under, watch, plaiban daily, close, said, hollie, and, thats sarah pali removing, what you stole, said, Jesus, I aint said sarah pali, watch saith God, you will remove ministry of dreams and release to prophet, hollie, showed, tape recorder, with, popes image, she said, made alive, thats, on, screen, said, hollie, its at, she said, grace apostolic church, looks smokey in here, she said, put it under, God is alive and well at grace, said, sarah pali, shes uh witch, said, hollie, its the palibanmother, of, paliban daily, why did you do it hollie, said, thats sarah pali, its cause I wanted to ruin him bob, she leaves, a christian, record, said, hollie, pope arose, hollie, showed, walk, downtown, record, showed, hollie, hollie, showed, sleep, pope arose, said, Jesus, hollie snaps fingers, its like uh balloon, said, hollie, bob dreams, hollie dream, said, let me, showed, night vision, bob at conference, speaks, with, a lady, said, Jesus, she said that she was going to follow donald golders church, and, she said, anothers, bob at womans, house, was wanting to go, she let, look at bible, bob, looks, fingers thru, thats, bob seeing thieves of the God spoken protected created birthed name ministry of dreams on net, looks, at link, hollie dream, shows, donald golder, bob, has, over, 4 dreams, with, thats barbara golder looking at, should I tell him, she thinks, bob has clicked in all four dreams with, donald, golder, they, were at same church, bob helped, fix, clean up, prosper, man preaching, says, but does you experience match what the bible says, quotes, scripture, hollie, dream, shows, night vision, cut off, she said, hollie, shows, website, down, clapped, website, up, 6-25-2009-git out said, hollie, thats, sarah pali, removing me, said mike daniels, its uh pastor, said, Jesus, thats, you take it, said, hollie, my ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, hollie shows library, there aint no talkin, in there, hollie, said, sarah pali steals ministry of dreams, thats the paliban daily removing website, hollie tap dances, thats mike daniels of the paliban daily preaching Jesus, showing cut off, give me some bread, he, said, thats, michael daniels receiving, lute, said, Jesus, and hes not qualified, mike daniels trembles at reading visions, im cut off said mike daniels, its your reverend, said, Jesus, and, he saw, sarah pali of the paliban daily, thats sarah pali visiting ministry of dreams website then stealing, buying her own dot com, and, even claiming bob posted on it saying, you will cause ministryofdreams to fail, thats, it, said, hollie, its, de lorean, that car, looks modern, but, thats, mister de lorean in prison, thats sarah pali removing, Lord what we took said sarah pali, ministry of dreams, and her reverend mike daniels trembles, theres that submarine right there, said, hollie, surfaces, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, sandy wipes, lips, its, simb, its the sound submarine makes, thats, hollie firing nuclear missiles from her sub, that mike is saying you do not come anywhere near this said reverend mike daniels, and, he saw, said, pastor mike daniels point at pulpit, thats, mike daniels showing cut off, its im never saved said michael daniels, thats, people honoring and respecting mike daniels as pastor but hes uh witch, said, hollie, thats, humble mike daniels in pastors attire, witch said, Jesus, thats, Jesus, watching stripped mike daniels preach Jesus, to, its my faithful following said mike daniels, thats, visions being shown to people at mike daniels, gathering, Jesus appears, seek the Holy Ghost said, Jesus, thats mike daniels, not ever saved, but he pretends said, hollie, im uh witch said mike daniels, put it on wordpress said Jesus, bob posts visions on many guestbooks, mike daniels in pastors clothes, looks, trembles, thats pope appearing, hes like, cat, said, hollie, let, me, said, pope, rule the world, said, putin, thats, Jesus, sprinkling, and bear, arising, thats, pointed, Jesus, turned into cat, showing sixth seal, thats lion, that is pet, turning on, its, owner, biting, in, leg, and owner, almost, looses, leg, dont, keep, animals, that, you cant control as pets, thats, bear, they are, strongest, said, Jesus, thats bear, leaving, people alone, they are, like, dogs, they, wont, attack, unless, provoked, thats putins head coming out of bears body, thats, america, placing missile defence around russia, angering, lets rule the world, pointed, angry, putin, thats, bear looking, hollie shows globe, its nuclear n.a.t.o. nations burning, thats, hollie spinning world, fire underneath, there aint no ministryofdreams, said, bird, sarah pali steals the God spoken, its for the paliban daily, said, its corrupt said Jesus, thats paliban dailys reverend pastor mike daniels saying, its showing, im uh witch said mike daniels, points, at pope, thats my ruler said mike daniels, thats michael daniels with popes image tattood on finger, 666 on mike daniels arms, thats 666 tattood on paliban dailys sarah pali forehead, thats them tatooing the mark of the beast, thats people seeing on internet that paliban daily is witchs and paliban daily steals the God created birthed spoken name ministry of dreams name from christian, thats sarah pali hiding, its cause shes uh witch said, woman that works with sarah pali, leave it alone, said, hollie, thats, said, hollie, Jesus, showing, place, sarah pali of the paliban daily steals ministryofdreams with the other theives of ministry of dreams, hollie appears, hey bob, economys down, said, its, man, said, hollie, that, was, angel, man, in, its, in, lightning bolt, said, HOllie, showed, Jesus coming out, dont said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, said, im thru, with, it, had lighted like hands, claPPED, silhouette body, tada, its, the, beast, hollie, said, with, seven, heads, and ten horns, let me show you the new world order, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, eight kings, and bobby, who are they said, hollie, thats, pontiff, its, cause, im the beast, he said, thats, putin, appearing, lets rule the world, he, said, thats, kings, at table, theres, hu hintao, thats, him, on, red horse, then, back, at table, kim jong, thats him pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, thats, missile from russia and u.s.a. sub striking north korea, thats mexico, nicaragua, lula, chavez, cuba, presidents at table, putin appears happy, with those three ribs, in mouth, hollie, points, and who are they, she said, why, its, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, shows, on board, triangle, russian subs approaching all three, firing missiles, and missiles from u.s.a. strike, theres big nuclear fire in cuba, theres, one in canada, missiles heading for u.s.a., alaska, exploded, first, said, Jesus, hey, bobby, thats, geno, looking, for, he was shown, first, said, God, Jesus, appears, thats gene schmidt calling mike stolar, telling, trembling, both, hollie lowered on rope, by helicopter flown by gabriel, california below exploded, thats missiles coming from subs, hollie, points, thats, washington, being nuked, thats, whole east coast exploding, thats eight submarines around america, firing, thats both u.s.a. coasts burning, hollie shows, nuclear fires, in, all, american, states, thats, sixth seal opening, the smoke, thats sun, moon, being, blocked, what is the sun and moons message, said, hollie, clapped, tell the vision, we are comfounded, its, because of him, sun, said, yeah said moon, george w. bush, appears, thats from high in atmosphere, hollie showed, subs, around, america, then, one fired, she, said, theres, nuclear fires along both amercian coasts, we are the sun and the moon, blocked sixteen hours, thats them watching smoke from, its u.s.a., said, sun, he told me, not to say nothin, said, moon, Jesus appeared, call the police said, angel, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it, said, Jesus, let me said, hollie dream, smiled, bob eats like a hog, hollie dreams, tells, smiles, hollie screams, hollie dream shows night vision, this is warning, said, hollie, teenage frankenstein, sang, hollie, showed, alice cooper, hes dyin, hollie, said, gabriel appears, at pulpit at new wineskin ministries, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, work, hollie screams, again, hollie dot points, up, like uh lighted, face, said, hollie, Jesus comes, thats subs in oceans, with their captain, hollies, firing missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, clapped, showed, many countries burning, dont said, hollie, showed, im thru, with, lighted, hands, then shook, yes, no, clap, hollie, snapped fingers, with, silhouette body, then, white robe, it appeared, she, said, clap, 6-28-2009-hollie appears, shows, pope, she, said, let me, said, hollie dream, smiled, smiled, showed, im outta here, she, said, thats, popes image made alive, its, on, television monitor on tap recorder, take it, said, pope, its 666, thats all three beasts, said, Jesus, sitting at table, watch me, said, pope, I loose said john mark pool, hollie tears up, hollie showed, record, shows popes picture, tear up, with red split, hollie put back, the edges, she said, showed, still tear there, she said, tried to fix again, wrong said hollie, its cause of russia, said, hollie, the word, appeared, RUSSIA, hollie shows south, that is where you need to be this place will burn, she said, and, I showed you a massive, said, hollie, nuclear fire in louisville, kentucky, then hollie rises, thats, nuclear fires in all american states, with, more missiles coming in, hollie lowered on rope, happy, gabriel, pilots, california below exploded, gabriel then flys, russia explodes, thats the beast rising out of russia, who is it said hollie dream, thats, antichrist pope, she said, rising, thats him riding black horse, russia exploded, thats, hu hintao, riding red horse, hollie rides the rocket, again, thats taiwan burning, thats, hu on horse, turning, attacking washington state, then, turned, red horse again, thats hu hintao and boris yeltsin planning, hey ill hit, said, boris yeltsin, shook, yes, we, will attack them from behind, thats russian jet flying down the center of america, thats big nuclear fire in canada, cnn tower falls, thats america exploding, pope, said, hollie, appears, I am God, he said, thats, them, pope, hu hintao, japan, sitting at table, hey bobby, its, uh, new treaty, said, hollie, and, hollie dream smiles, 666, appears, hollie, shows in red numbers, rising, hollie, lowered, on, rope, gabriel flys, california below explodes, there goes whole, east coast, thats, submarines, all, around, america, hollie watches on cnn, thats them firing, and many nuclear explosions, thats many along, west coast, hollie points, thats, nuclear fires all over america, no, said, hollie, being interviewed, we love, he said, thats, hollie hugging angel, thats missiles flying over alaska, exploded, thats, them, striking, the, whole u.s.a., said, hollie, thats, sixth seal opening, smoke ascending up, were comfounded said, sun, thats, moon being interviewed, places hand on bible, he told me not to, said, moon, pointed, at Jesus, smiling, being, interviewed, you know it, I wanted the sun, Jesus, said, thats, sun, and moon, being interviewed, no, one said, they hugged, we love each other, they dont git jelous, bobby, said, hollie, work, thats, the, word, said, hollie, showed, turn, hollie dream showed, record, you know what it is, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its, simb, thats babyfleas looking at, sitting on, its, dome, she said, on willie, duncans, church, theres my MOKSE, said, hollie, air sound, hollie flys with mokse, thats, her and another hollie ripping mokse off the top, thats willie, duncan looking stunned, thats it said, Jesus, people went to revival temple but didnt tithe Jesus, said, hippocrits, willie, duncan, looks at, yeah, he said, I got uh warning, said, hollie, showed, laptop, battery, they last, she, said, if used everyday, about, hollie, one year, prophet this is uh warning, said, hollie, los angeles, said, angel, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear fires in los angeles and surrounding states, and he saw, said, casey, those were it, said, hollie, nuclear fires in sout korea, russia, and china, thats missile from russia and u.s.a., there said hollie, from high in the air, sub, north korea explodes, thats medvedev and putin, looking at, putin, wonders, medvedev is wanting to destroy america, this is warning, said, hollie, lets post, hollie showed, ten horns, thats, the beast with ten kings coming out, thats pope on top, hes the ruler, thats horns, kings, they are russian ruling kings, ten ofuhm, said, hollie, theres putin, medvedev, thats ten russian military, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, sleep, thats submarine surfacing, with captain hollie, fired, missile, gaza exploded, bobby, this is uh warning, lets post, said, hollie, 6-29-2009-its tish, said, hollie, its, corey lee, she said, yoo, hollie, said, put it under, corey lee yoo, you steal, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, to ruin, thats tish of paliban daily, swallowing, thats woman at corey lee, yoo, job, showing, what did you do this for, said, woman, thats embarrased tish, lying, but, woman, knew, remove, woman, said, or, Ill tell, thats tish removing, what she took, ministryofdreams to ruin Gods child, and woman, threatening, Ill, hey, tell on you, showed, you will get cut off, thats tish who is corey lee you running to remove what her and sarah pali of paliban daily stole, the God spoken, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, tish is, said, Jesus, the paliban daily, witch, God said, both, her and her saran pali and their reverend the dr. jeremy taylor of wisdom university, with his wife kathy taylor and her reverend rev. antonia vladimirova, of sofia bar association, and dreams, foundation, hollie appears, you need to let me record, hollie stamps, pope, rises, she stamped, again, hu hintao, then emporer of japan, theres, slash, pope, hollie stamps, there you have it, she, said, three kings rise in persia, thats, pope rising, riding black horse, russia explodes, flatteries, he said, signs, gets control of nuke arsenal, said, hollie, hollie screams, thats hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by angel, california below exploded, this is not uh website, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, stamped, and, I, showed, you, that, she, said, pope, beast arose, thats, reverend paul mooney, appearing, hes, said, sh, dont, tell on me said paul mooney, showed cut off, o fuck, said, hollie, stomped, thats what they do when they find out cut off like indiana bible college student showed, hollie, snaps, fingers, shows, silhouette, body, kicked, thats pope, showing, on, screen at calvary tabernacle church, subs, all around america, let me watch on cnn, said, hollie, does, there, sits, thats one, fires, then all, thats, hollie shows, tear up, sixth seal opening, Jesus sprinkles, bear arises, thats, hollie showed, nuclear n.a.t.o. burning, missiles launching out from them, heading for russia, hollie spins, globe, thats, many nuclear fires in russia, world shakes, hollie showed, thats ISAIAH 13, it appeared she said, thats hollie out of, its saxaphone said, spinning, hollie, at calvary tabernacle, somebody got thru said, hollie, tap dancing, it was randy french she said, and he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, thats, randy french, trying to, get out, said, randy french, put prophet out of the church, its for no reason, said, Jesus, calvary showed, hollie, paul, mooney, didnt say one thing, but, randy french wants christian out, heres why, thats randy french showing, Jesus, to, the door, its, im lost said randy french, thats randy french showing cut off, I, dont want no visions, said, hollie, thats hollie lowered on rope, helicopter, flown by angel, thats west coast burning in america, and east, coast, thats missiles coming in from submarines, around america, hollie appears, thats hollie watching in cnn, thats, from, high in air, hollie tap danced, and another hollie, shows, silhouette body, snaps fingers, subs, off american coasts, firing nuclear rockets, thats both american coasts, on fire, thats president barack obama with ear phone in, pressing nuclear button, thats, hollie showing, world, spun, showed, many countries burning, thats smoke going in sky, pope appearing, my name is on the internet as cut off on google lies pointed randy french, and, he saw, said, casey, randy french show cut off, hes, at, the door, said, Jesus, thats person showing randy french visions at calvary tabernacle, randy french has never been received said, Jesus, thats randy french in hellfire, write uh book, said, hollie, call it, she said, pointed, with, lighted, finger, its, tish, hollie, said, of paliban daily, sarah pali and tish steal the God spoken said, Jesus, call it, Jesus, said, ministry of dreams, you steal, said, hollie, and corey lee yoo, look, trembles, at people showing, her, visions, o so you the paliban daily, woman at tish's place of work, said, its yoo, corey lee, said, Jesus, fired, and he saw, said, hollie, tish, who is, corey, lee, yoo, embarrased, its over taking the name said rev. antonia vladimirova, she, is afraid, of, people, hey Lord its my family, antonia vladimirova, said, thats, her family finding, out, then, she removes ministryofdreams she stole after christian signed her guest book, made me embarrased, said, the dad of rev., antonia, vladimirova, of, dreams foundation, Jesus, showed, cut off, go, drink, your reverend dr. jeremy taylor who is a ordained unitarian unversalist minister, stole ministry of dreams like you to challenge the owner for it, and he is trying to wear christian down, like satan in the last days, dr. jeremy taylor was greatly embarrased as google was indexing his theft of the name i spoke and created and birthed ministry of dreams, and while google fit it in, bob emailed all of international study of dreams, dr. jeremy taylors talks, and even his employers, the greatly embarrased and ashamed rev. jeremy taylor wrote a letter which is on net, calling ministry above copyrights, but, jeremy taylor d.min stole ministryofdreams like you tish who claims to be corey lee yoo, and sarah pali, of paliban daily, ph.d. jeremy taylor m.a. is a soothsayer, you tell us the dream and we will make know unto the interpretation, said, pointed, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor of wisdom university, s.t.d. jeremy taylor (hon) now has given his website to his lovely wife kathy taylor m.a., look tish at all of dr. rev. jeremy taylor who is jungian, thats a dreams worker which is a soothsayer, titles, look at all the titles your Lord and ruler jeremy taylor has, for tish who claims to be sarah pali and corey lee yoo is just like both of your reverends antonia vladimirova, write her, she claims to be reverend but steals the God spoken ministry of dreams after christian signs her dreams foundation guest book, now antonia vladimirova of sofia bar association is surrounded by mockers and teasers, o so you call yourself a christian but hate a christian you dont know and have not seen, that is your and your reverends crime tish, you and dr. rev. jeremy taylor of the chaplaincy institute are soothsayers, witchs, for I the Lord give all dreams, and you both are now stripped like sarah pali is, and your witch reverend mike daniels, that is when saul worried saith the Lord, thats tish releasing passwords to bob, thats sarah pali making, release sarah pali said, tish shakes, im corey lee, yoo, tish, said, yeouw, record uh vision, said, hollie, now, look, she said, pope, rose, I didnt know I was uh witch said randy french, showed, cut off, never saved, but, wanted to, too late for randy french saith the Lord, thats, hollie posting in white robe, hollie said, post, and, leopard appears, smiling, thats, said, hollie, with stich, north, south korea, kings appeared, said, hollie, china, japan, its cause, im the beast, said, hu hintao, hes, sh, said, hollie, false prophet, theres second beast, hes antichrist pope, smiling, he models, this is decision, said, hollie, thats, hollies image made alive on, she showed, tape recorder, hollie showed, titanic, with lighted, amber, she said, hand, you, hollie said, captain smith, talks, with, ismay, speed, bruce, said, smith, shakes, yes, but, in heart, we dont need it, I didnt want captain edward smith, said, thats, hollie, on, titanic, striking iceberg, hollie laughs, captain smith knew, ship doomed, but then he dreaded, cause knew what he had is about gone, thats, people, hollie, shows, in u.s.a. partying, eating, drinking, and, putin, appears over, looking, strike, he said, thats, submarines around america, hollie laughs, watching on cnn, what did you, want, said captain smith, bruce ismay, speed, demanded, thats, what, he got, smith, in heart, we'll hit, he thought, maybe, not, cant turn, hollie dream, appears, let me, she, said, clap, showed, its, uh, night, vision, hollie dream, smiles, claps, hollie snaps fingers, tada, showed, silhouette, body, popes picture appears, hollie snaps fingers, hollie showed, popes, picture, tear up, clapped, hands, hollie looked down rip, lighted finger, showed, red, tear, and whole new world order, appears, picture, put back, by its self, hollie, claps, silhouette body, thats, hu hintao popping out of head, hollie claps, silhouette, body, showed, hugo chavez, claps, same o body, then robe, appears, then, silhouette, snap, finger, showed, tada, hollie dances, claps, hollie showed the beast with seven heads, and ten horns, and, who are they, she, said, theres, the pope, he, antichrist, hollie, said, showed, hes, ruler of, thats him, riding, black horse, russia, exploded, those ten horns, are, ten ruling kings, out of russia, hollie, claps with lighted white gloves, hollie lowered on rope, copter flown by gabriel, california below exploded, hollie showed, record, showed, the beast, pope, he, grunts, shows, seven heads, thats, kings popping, out, its putin, lets rule the world, he said, theres, hugo, dreading, lula, o.k., he said, dreads, thats castrol, thats nuclear fire in cuba, missiles leaving their waters, and flying over, striking venezuela, brazil, let me, said, mexico, signs, with medvedev, theres, nicaragua, exploded, thats worried president, thats, kim jong, shakes, yes, o.k., right here, thats, kim jong, pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, hollie points, missile leaving russia and more from u.s.a. sub striking north korea, burned, thats, hu hintao coming out of lighted head, thats, putin, and hu, planning out strike, against america, let me rule the world, said, putin, hollie rides missile, taiwan burns, hu hintao turns red horse, thats, use chinese terrorists, said, president hu, thats washington state being attacked, hollie claps, with, silhouette body, thats captain hollie, in, ohio class submarine, three, firing missiles, china burns, in circle, hollie, in, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, I turned around, she said, clapped, from behind, said, hollie, tada, showed, silhouette body, thats moon putting hand on bible, Jesus appears, they hug, thats zenith allegro speaker with eyes, showed, im best, they couldnt be beat, said, Jesus, gabriel flying copter, hollie lowered on rope, thats, whole east coast, exploding, thats, hollie, in, sub, appearing, thats, from high in air, many subs around u.s.a., thats, them firing missiles, thats, many nuclear fires, in, both american coasts, thats, one, in, canada, jet, flying, down, in, u.s.a., drops bombs, u.s.a. exploded, there, hollie shows, many, nuclear fireballs in america, hollie, showed, sleep, thats barack obama with ear thing in, said, hollie, he, presses nuclear button, thats, russia, from, sattelite, thats massive nuclear fireball in russia, then many nuclear fires appear, in, russia, hollie leopard laughs, showed, thats, china, south korea, north, and, japan, kings, appeared, hollie, like, stick, with, silhouette, body, white glove, tada, shows, the, beast, she, said, popes picture, 7-5-2009-record, again, said, hollie, what was hollies word, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, eat, dont, she said, with coat on, hollie showed, popes picture, tear up, look down tear, saw, red, lighted, finger, thats, hollie, carving hollie, that, said, hollie, he, told me, hollie, said, hugs, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, showed, paliban daily, you steal, said, hollie, thats jenny donati, ruint, she said, thats, jenny donati stealing ministry of dreams, purchasing, said, hollie,, its, hollie said, to ruin said jenny donati, thats jenny donati embarrased in front of her family, friends, then releasing passwords said hollie, hollie plays, my music, said, Jesus, what, is hollies message, said, hollie, start it said, hollie, jenny donati steals, youtube, the soothsayer, thats jeremy taylor dot com, said, hollie, hes uh witch, hollie, said, you stole hollie said, both taylors, theres kathy and rev. dr. jeremy taylor stealing ministry of dreams, its to ruin said jenny donati, that was the beast, said, hollie, with, little horn, on, head, he, made, me, said, beast, being interviewed, look dreadful, smiled, with popes face appearing, thats seven heads appearing, its, hollie, said, theres, cuba, thats, fireball in cuba, and missiles, leaving their waters, nicaragua burned, theres mexico, hey ill place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires in mexico, latin america, along, said, hollie, thats mexican president signing with medvedev, its uh deal, theres chavez, lula, kim jong, theres, hu hintao, popping out, and putin, thats, pope, showing, its, war, said, hu hintao, thats, him being interviewed, im the false prophet, he said, hollie, like king, showed, ten horns, thats, ten russian rulers walking out, like, putin, medvedev, thats, pope, in, medvedevs, horn, kneeling, let me rule the world, he said, hollie tore up, put back, tear, thats, hu, hintao, riding, red horse, thats, hollie, on rocket, taiwan, burned, thats, hu, turning red horse, attacking washington state, thats war going on, thats it, said, hollie, surfacing, its, ohio class, said hollie, fired, missiles, thats, hollie, in, china, looking, serious, laughing, showing, many nuclear fires, in china, thats, explosion in russia, and, missiles leaving there, striking france, exploded, there goes italy, australia, fires, theres britain, and america exploding, theres big nuclear fire in canada, thats, pope, like king, submarines are right there, said, hollie, thats submarine sorry sound, thats subs all around america, hollie watches in cnn, laughs, then one fires, thats radio towers broadcasting all over america, exploded, the paliban daily has got to quit claiming christianity and stealing from a christian said hollie, and, Jesus, its, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, theres, disgruntled jenny donati ashamed, world is uh vampire, sang, hollie, showed, its, she, said, whale wars, thats, kernel paul watson pocketing almost all, his volunteers, said, hollie, showed, get, three hots and cot, dont go on whale wars, said, hollie, thats peter hammarstedt fucking girl on steve irwin while volunteers get stitches in face, thats peter hammarstedt yelling at volunteers, hollie showed, record, thats meeting, now look, said, paul watson, to peter hammarstedt, wiped lips, let me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, she said, flying, fired, look who it struck, she, said, thats jean p. and jenny donati, paliban daily, they both are afraid, close the paliban daily website said Jesus, appeared, showed, hollie, hollie, like bear, tore up, clap, tap danced, theres, eight kings, tap dancing, hollie claps, its, pope, she said, theres hu hintao, hollie claps, now look, said, hollie, surfaced, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, hollie showed, turn, and, look, who, it, struck, she, said, thats, nuclear fires in, its the palestinian state, hollie, said, that, was, hollie, firing, nuclear missiles, thats, iraq appearing, burning, it was israeli, said, hollie, hollie with stick, like conductor, smiles, thats ministering spirits, like many hollies, pope, new world order, hollie taps stick, make uh number one, hollie, said, pope, she said, pope, grunts, let me sing, said, pontiff, thats it, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, simb, its, the sound, said, hollie, and, hollie taps stick, in, conductors uniform, pope grunts, sing, hollie, said, we, dont want no number one song, hollie said, submarines are where, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, fan, said, hollie, coming out, hollie played piano, thats hollie with guitar, come on, lets go, she said, band, hollie showed, titanic, with, captian smith on deck, with big lighted hand, they made the ship, theres two hollies, rebuilding r.m.s. titanic, it was an old ship, said, hollie, they modified, hollie showed, with big hand, titanic sinkin, she said, it raised up out of water, not, like, movie, hollie, said, only, there, said, hollie, about, hollie, measures, three feet, it was strong enough, hollie, said, for, thats, titanic in, most vicious storm, hollie, said, showed, no problem, hollie appears, plays piano, this is uh warning, lets, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, sleep, hollie showed, record, 7-6-2009-type in google palibanmom stole the God spoken protected created birthed christians ministry name ministry of dreams to ruin a christian, her name is jean p., she goes by jean poole, saran pali, sarah palin, the website is owned by and jenny donati has it and goes by tish, yoo, chakra rainbow, corey lee, but they both at paliban daily stole the God spoken protected name ministry of dreams to ruin, they are both not saved, leave this on saith the Lord, it feels like a body perfect size coming in, the Holy Ghost baptizm, they are paliban daily can not get thru and wont and pursue Gods child, saith, the Lord, said, Jesus, that, was, dream, said, hollie dream, clapped, bob, was, being, messed, with, by, man, he, was, very tall, about, 30 feet, reaching, for, bob, yippe, said, hollie dream, showed, its uh night vision, she, said, smiled, hollie showed, popes picture, this is prophesying, hollie, said, the word, prophesyin, appeared, hollie, said, prophesyin, thats, Jesus, pope, hollie, said, hes, the, antichrist, hollie, points, hollie, showed, record, thats, hollie, on, jet ski, pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, pontiff, ride, black horse, russia, exploded, flatter him, he said, thats, nathaniel, urshan, showing, thats, how he gets control of the arsenal, hollie showed, thumbs down, its cause hes uh witch, hollie said, its eliot mayfield, not saved, said, Jesus, put it under, they are all liars, saith God, nuclear in russia, thats nathaniel, p., urshan, reading, visions, hollie pointed, turn, thats, the, nathaniel, haney, urshan, man, showing, the, end, time, story, pointing, thats, pontiff riding black horse, thats hu hintao, false prophet, it, appeared, said, hollie, riding, red horse, no, shook, hollie, nathaniel, p., urshan, will not be the u.p.c.i ruler after kenneth, haney, appears, hollie appears, hollie showed, record, showed, thumbs down, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, record, im uh prince, said, pontiff, hollie said, thats, gorgeous robe, hollie, showed, fist, lighted, arm, that, said, hollie, was red dragon rising, licking prophet, kings appeared, on, hollie said, theres, pope, hollie said, in robe, showed, war, thats, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, lula, castrol, chavez, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, thats, pope, taking away putins land, hollie like bear, charged, Jesus sprinkles, told bear, arise, devour, much, flesh, thats, bear, like Jesus, attacking nuclear n.a.t.o., nations, france, said, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires, theres, the, world, shaking, said, hollie, thats, globe, spinning, russia turning fire colored, thats, missiles, leaving, russia, and, captain, hollie, in, her, submarines, firing, thats, many countries burning, hollie, showed, hollie showed, record, pope appears, in, the, fire, thats nuclear explosion, in, its in iraq, said, Jesus, and man from calvary tabernacle watches, then more nuclear fires, he, was, told, by Jesus inside of bob inside of calvary, war will end nuclear, was is over stealing oil contracts, trembled, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, its, u.s.a. sub, fired, missiles, thats, nuclear fires in gaza, thats israeli prime minister, pressing nuclear button, thats missiles, raining down on iraq, hollie, spins world, shows, nuclear fires, in, venezuela, and brazil, thats, cuba, on fire, missiles, leaving, their waters, and, coming over, thats, america exploding, theres one big nuclear fire in canada, thats, plane, flying down, over, america, hollie points, its in center, drops, bomb, america exploded, hollie, shows, many, nuclear fires, in, america, thats, fire, behind, statue of liberty, stamp, said, hollie, banged uh stick, hollie, lowered on rope, helicopter flown by angel, thats, california below, exploding, then more states, hollie claps, thats jenny donati in fire, its for stealin said hollie, I showed, ministry of dreams, with jean p., thats jean poole, jean pali, palin, sarah, hollie shook, head, they both, at paliban daily go by many names, I knew said, pastor mike daniels, thats jenny d. of paliban daily masterbating posting on net her true christian love for the Lord, and jean p., I want her bowels, jean said, that, said, hollie, was, jean p. eating out jenny donati, fisting, thats jenny d. squirting and jean p. drinking, thats jean p. of paliban daily suprised, it made me embarrased, I am God, said, pope, sitting, in rome, thats, them laughing, thats hu hintao, lets unite and force, he said, gathers, many nations, thats nuclear fire in russia, thats, its cloud of people invading russia, forcing russia to invade israel, thats the beast and his armies and hu and his armies, hu slashes, pope, israeli, that, pointed, hollie, prime minister presses nuclear button, thats, from high in air, nuclear fires, in, egypt, syria, jordan, thats missile leaving russia, thats israel exploding, burning, thats Christ, on mountain, looking down, what are these holes, my Lord, said, hollie, Jesus, points, to, calvary, thats Christ on the cross, showing, repent, and be baptized in my name, Jesus, Christ, said, for, remission, of, sins, thats, Holy Ghost coming in like body perfect size, thats, hollie feeding raccoon, its from allison transmission in indianapolis at speedway, thats it, said, hollie, and, hollie, wipes lips, emergency, whats that, showed, hollie, prayer meeting calvary tabernacle, saturday, 7:00 p.m., it is to make you perish, torturing all day, and night, laughing while maiming, I, want, my children to be, suicidal, all the time cause they cant bare living for me, cause, I ruint their faces, teeth, appearances, hair, saith God, by tightening face muscles, while using, stretching, causing scalp itching, caressing, wiener, penus with electricity, entering heart, torturing, making them want revenge, become jelous, cause, I torture, letting them see, me, laugh, at, them, ill, cause, my people to backslide, making, them, fall away, torturing, years and years, fast untill death, ill do it, untill, you, backslide or die, saith the Lord, to, laugh, at, you, while, suffering, come unto me, saith God, so I can have fun, with, wasting your life, im going to make you perish to tease, I want people to see you fallen away, mocking you, knowing, I, caused, I tortured, paul, and all, who lived for me till they went back out into the world, and, would not come, back, then, I, stopped and drawed back, its a game I play with worms, like, people, saith, Jesus, I, will drive you, out of, your mind, non stop, waking you, torturing you, when you, get, up, in, dreams, leading you to wreck vehicle, run red lights, that, showed, Jesus, is, the lake of fire, with my children, cause I maimed, tortured, made, examples out of all, I torture all untill they perish, some died before perishing, there they are in heaven, I love, making, people, waste their youth, then laughing at them cause they did not marry, now old and nobody wants, I will make my children walk in circles, spin like blur when stopped, all, day, collapse on roll on floor, untill, prison, ill cause, them to comit suicide, fast untill death, if at the brink of death, I dont stop, ill, put you in lava, and, told you fast untill death to laugh, ill laugh thru out eternity at your decision to waste your life calling me Lord, when you could have done what you wanted, and, perished, I do, this to all, who come to me, saith God, im Jesus, bob I want you to die lost, when people see you, ill, lie, to them, saith Jesus, and, tell them I loved you but you left, cause of my goodness, when I tortured, you, from, moment one, to, embarras, you, I, wont, save, most at churches, but, send them strong delusion, keeping, but, wont save, saith the Lord, here jenny donati who goes by many names like yoo, thats Leticia Yoo, corey lee, paliban mom, palibano, the paliban daily steals the God spoken protected birthed created ministry name from christian ministry of dreams, if the owner of digg removes this post, the name ministry of dreams is God spoken and protected and I will ask you to remove or Ill place your name on the net for taking ministry of dreams, saith the King Jesus, 7-8-2009-it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, smiled, modelled, showed, do not copy, the words, Ministry of Dreams, hollie dream, smiles, its, the Ministry of dreams disclaimer said hollie dream, showed, yeah, clapped, hey, bobby, let me, said, hollie dream, tap dancing, hollie screams, whats my word, said, hollie, showed, dont, hollie dream appears, shows, ford club wagon van, its uh good, one, hollie, said, spun tires, hollie smiled, hollie, showed, record, and, I, she said, stamped, pope, hollie, said, up rose smiling pope, hollie, said, thats, pontiff riding black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, pope, said, thats him signing, showed, hollie, getting kingdom, thats, hollie, showed, hollie, its, pope, with, ram, horns, she, said, thats, putin, hu, coming out of ram horns, thats, hegoat, charging, stomping ram, up rose three kings, theres, showed, hollie, pope, hu hintao, models, emporer of japan, thats slashed pontiff, thats, hollie, showing, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, then, said, hollie, drive them outta there, said, pope, to medvedev, thats china invading russia, mostly destroyed, hollie shows world, many countries burning, missiles from them striking russia, world, shakes, thats, pontiffs head in dark smokey sky, thats, russia and china, nuking each other, thats them at table, thats two horned beast with hu, japan coming out, lets rise and withstand, said, its cause hes the false prophet, showed, hollie dream, and angel with attitude, showed, up, driving, stops, said, hu hintao, thats, them at table, 666, appears, its, the, mark, treaty, thats, 666 tattood on arm, on forehead, thats little pope tattood on finger, hollie, claps, thats, hollie lowered on rope, from helicopter, thats angel flying, you want more said, hollie, clapped, smiled, california below exploded, hollie, showed, record, shook, no, clapped, yes, said, hollie, showed, lets git away with it, shook, yes, turned, around, she, said, clap, showed, silhouette body, with, red, spine, thats her being interviewed, he made me, she said, hugged Jesus, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, thats, nuclear subs, said, hollie, firing rockets, showed, many countries burning, hollie, showed, Jesus, coming, im the beast, said, pope, showed, hu hintao, the second beast, thats light, they walk, together, to to their own countries, i am God, said, pope, said, hollie, sittin in temple, thats, people laughing, thats, hollie tore, up, like, lighted bear, put back, tear, showed, war, with hands, put back, showed, fighting, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, showed, with, hand, hollie showed, record, showed, walk, feed animals, hollie wore coat, hollie showed, with big hand, titanic with captain smith, thats, captain smith being interviewed, wipes lips, he, was, told, by, thats bruce imay appearing, make it fast, heres why, bruce wanted to break speed record, thats, bruce ismay in lifeboat, it cost him his career at white star line, hollie, clapped, thats, pontiff, with big hand, showing, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, said, hollie, showed, with big hand, hollie dressed nice with big, amber, colored, hand, hollie showed, change, oil, thats, angel, checking oil with big hand, thick, slick, keep, hollie under hood, thats plymouth voyger, said, hollie, hood up, engine looks, thats engine being interviewed, I dont need no clean motor oil, just keep me full, hood shut, thats, hu hintao, riding, the, said, hollie, red horse, thats, man from titanic, hollie showing, with lighted, hand, hollie walks, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, thats, the, reason, I turned around, she said, clap, hollie pops out, smiling, twice, no, said, hollie, yes, she, said, showed, im, away with, it, again, with, red hands, turned to side, danced, looks, thou fool, said, Jesus, captain smith points, bobby, said, hollie, heres uh warning, lets post, she said, hollie smiled, showed, go git oil, wearing, coat, hollie showed, popes picture, hollie carves hollie in arm, smiles, 7-9-2009-hollie, showed, record, eat, she said, dont, fast, hollie appears, without picture, then, pope, appears, then, hu, hintao, hollie, showed, picture, I summed it up, said, hollie, showed, both beasts, theres, hu, hollie, said, riding red horse, its, cause, hes, said, hollie, showed, with hands, false prophet, then pontiff, appears, hollie shows, wait uh minute, she said, antichrist, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, I, turned, around, she, said, clap, clapped, with silhouette body, hollie showed, rick ocasek, she said, the cars had two singers, both, sounded alike, hollie appears, what do you do, said, hollie, he wondered, hollie showed, record, showed, popes picture, tear up, and, fix it, rip, thats ram, with, putin, hu, coming, out, of, its, horns, thats, hegoat, hes pontiff, with ram horns, charges, smites, up rises, pope, thats, said, hollie, hu hintao, theres, japan, slash, said, hollie, pope, now hes, she said, idol, pope, submarines are right there, said, hollie, surfaced, its ohio class, hollie, said, fired, two, missiles, and look who it struck, said, hollie, clapped, its, the, palestinian state, hollie puts back, tear up, israeli prime minister presses nuclear button, look, who it, struck, said, hollie, showed, many nuclear fires in iraq, hollie, spins, world, hollie, lowered on rope, angel flys copter, you want more, said, hollie, california below exploded, hollie tore up, from side, go ahead and record, hollie, had, hands, what did I, show, said, hollie, with simb, hollies image made alive, turned, into, pope, hollie, said, thats, them at table, 666, appears, thats, two, horned, besat, rising, hu, japan, come out of horns, lets rise and withstand the pope, said, hu, hollie, showed, nuclear, fires, in, russia, china, hollie, wears white robe, this is warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, work, look, said, hollie, and I showed, you a picture, she said, clapped, its, pontiff, hollie showed, with big hand, hollie had coat on, record, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, showed, pope, she, said, like uh dark being, sh, said, hollie, now, you know what I want, she said, that was, hollie, satan, pope, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, idol, pope, drinking tea, thats pontiff, hes, sh, said, hollie, antichrist, hollie, showed, iraq, thats, two nuclear fires, thats, captain, hollie, thats, gaza, burning, from, its, u.s.a. sub, hollie, said, the world is uh vampire, said, hollie, showed, whale wars, hollie showed, record, showed, fighting, hollie with nice hair, hollie seraphin flew, 7-10-2009-we want you to come back here tomorrow, pointed, circled, the geese, you helped and you are a witch and now my servant is being openly mocked on by your chosen jenny donati who claims to be leticia yoo, you will be openly mocked jean p., who is jean poole of the paliban daily, who lets lost witch mike daniels rule, tell leticia yoo that she will perish with all of you, when her boss finds out like your own boss jean poole, and you both witchs loose your employment, then you will have no problem sending passwords to what you both stole to its rightful owner, the name is protected and bob could sue both of you, but, ill make you run to remove what I spoke and created ministry of dreams, show letter to yoo and donati, witchs who post things about me the Lord on net, you are all lost witchs at paliban daily saith the LOrd, hell, said, hollie, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, tear up, put back, clap, but like down, pope, said, hollie, showed, hes, the antichrist, hollie screams, hollie shows false prophet, hes, she, said, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, I summed it up, she said, thats star wars sound, hollie, flying, in, my spacecraft, she said, shot, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, stealing ministryofdreams, runs to remove, for I am the wizard said s.t.d. jeremy taylor dreams worker, bob, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie, showed, picture, its, pontiff, hollie tore up, put back, tear, she, said, turned, to, side, dim yellow hands, rip, that is, my alome saleem, said, hollie, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, helicopter flown by gabriel, california below exploded, thats nuclear fires in all east and west coast states, pope, said, hollie, and, hu hintao, hollie, claps, on, that, o, red, and black chariot, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im, thru with, it, then, shook, yes, it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, smiled, clapped, let me, she, said, bob, worked, at, quemetco, but caught violating rules, talked with, supervisor, knew, caught, then, was, afraid of loosing position, let me, said, hollie, dream, bob, sees, Ministryofdreams.sf, clap said, hollie, dream, smiled, pope, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, dream, antichrist, and hu, said, hollie dream, smiled, yeaow, she said, showed, false prophet, smiled, there, you are, said, hollie, dream, clapped, submarines are right there, said, hollie, and, sandy, wipes, lips, laughs, thats, submarines all around america, and, komodo, said, hollie, dragon, licked, prophet, we built uh website, said, hollie, tap dancing, hollie showed, old, truck, its, the, fifties, she, said, its, chevrolet, 1954, its as good as they come, hollie, like lighted, bear, tore, up, put back, hands, tear, clap, hollie showed, pawn shop, with big hand, thats, hollie, going, in, wearing coat, bobby, look, said, hollie, theres, that, submarine, right, there, said, hollie, hollie dressed nice, showed, with big hand, its, captain, smith, she said, on board, its, titanic, scraping iceberg, hollie showed, record, 7-11-2009-thats, laughed, hollie, the geese, circling, looking, smiling, modelling, no, wait, said, hollie, that, was, hollie, we want you here, said, geese, tomorrow, pointed, down, circled, give you a problem, said, jean poole, who is jean pali, jean p. of, paliban daily, hollie showed, record, and, he, saw, said, hollie, its, indianapolis police officer phil greene, what did you want said, Jesus, thats phill greene pulling over christian while he looks for jerusalem temple apostolic church, thats Derek Jefferson reading visions, dont let phill greene pull you over and not have backup, you see, said, Jesus, thats officer phil greene reading, bob, did the speed limit, phil claimed bob was going to slow, speed limit was 20 in zig zag, thats, pointed, Jesus, children crossing street, with bike, walking, but phil, thats phill greene pulling bob over, claimed there were cars, eight deep, lied, thats, bob at stoplight, turns, green, goes, then, phil greene leaves bp gas station, trails, bob, there were none, bob, while at redlight on keystone and 52nd street knew phillip greene was going to pull over, prayed in heart, he really needs prayer, thats, liar, said, Jesus, phill greene swallowing, I wanted to get into your pocket said indianapolis policeman phil greene, wanted to arrest somebody, to, harras, fuck up their life said phil greene, thats phil greene being reprimanded, look, said, hollie, its, indianapolis police, officer, phillip greene, hes, said, hollie, sh, uh witch, about 5'6 with short brown hair, hes, caucasion, said, hollie, thats christian on national t.v. telling about, phillip, said, his boss, comere, he said, thats prophet, he said, they both watch, thats, bob, threatening, the whole world, thats, many, it, appeared, said, hollie, with no licence cause phil greene, I nabbed them, he said, they, tried to be exact, but not good enough, thats phil green pilling out in police car, speeding, running red lights, you need to let me record, said, hollie, there, she, said, banged hand, thats beast, rising, hollie, showed, fighting, its, hating, but, clinging, said, hollie, thats, that, o, red, and, black, chariot, pulled, by, angry, horses, with, the pope and hu, hintao, thats, hollie on top, sweat thing, said, hollie, thats tap dancing, said, hollie, here, said, jenny donati, who claims to be leticia yoo, said, Jesus, its, the passwords, to,, that leticia yoo who is jenny donati of paliban daily, you steal, said, hollie, I know said leticia yoo with jenny donatis voice, thats embarrased witch, said, Jesus, jean p., who is jean poole smiling, who showed cut off, hollie showed, july twentieth thru the twenty-fourth, hollie, showed, Christ temple, convention, hollie showed, zip lip, smiled, hollie, showed, zip it, ACTS 2:38, like the sign says, said, hollie, showed, with, lighted, hand, smiled, pope, said, hollie, showed, antichrist, hollie, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and hollie, wipes lips, its sound, she said, hollie claps, it was uh dream, she said, pozzwellness appears, its website, said, hollie, I am God, said, pontiff, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, tap dancing, hollie, surfaces, in, submarine, its ohio class, hollie, said, fired two missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires in, its the palestinian state, said, Jesus, brand new receiver, said, hollie, showed, pioneer sx-780, its still in demand, over, twenty years after last one made, hollie, showed, his, then, showed, his pioneer sx-980, hollie showed, record, hollie, showed, record, this is decision, said, hollie, showed, lets post, hollie, showed, record, showed, leticia yoo who is jenny donati and jean poole who is jean p. of paliban daily steals ministry of dreams, all three said, hollie, now hear the word of the LOrd, that, was, Jesus, smiled, hollie, hollie, showed, paliban release it, he said, or, hollie, said, no, said, hollie, its to late, get ruint, 7-12-2009-hollie rolled up sleeves, showed, come on, she said, again, war, said, hollie, and, hu, hintao, thats, hollie, showing, its, hating, but clinging, its, pope, hu hintao, hollie, showed, new world order, hollie, showed, seven lighted heads, we are the seven lighted heads, one, said, no, we, dont, git, jelous, one, said, thats, them all, being interviewed by Jesus, one, places, hand, on, its the book, head said, thats, hu hintao, popping out, thats, pope appearing, hes, antichrist, thats, putin, coming out of head, then, thats lula, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, kim jong, there, you, have it, hugo comes out of head, we are them, the heads said, hollie showed, the, geese report, we want you come here bobby, one said, as others circled, pointed, tomorrow, word, said, hollie, it appeared, thats them circling, hollie, showed, record, and, I stamped, she said, up rose, pope, hollie, stamped again, hu hintao, there, you have it, said, hollie, tore, up, showed, both beasts, hollie showed, its uh porcshe, buy it she said, thats, it, spinning rear tire, one, record, the, vision, hollie, said, hollie, showed, its, uh lawnmower, she said, showed, they get old, when they do, theres hollie buying another, take care of she said, run clean gas, with no particles, thats what ruins lawnmowers, hollie showed, record, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, ten horns, thats, popes, face, inside of putins, thats him kneeling before, let me rule the world, said, putin, alright, shook, pontiff, thats angry putin, Jesus sprinkles, bear arises, devour much flesh, said, Jesus, thats, hollie, showing, war, and many countries burning, its nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, theres, missiles, from, all, striking, russia, world, shakes, thats, pope, in, dark smokey atmosphere, hollie, showed, hollies image made alive, its, on, cellphone, said, hollie, thats, pontiff, take it, he said, its my mark, he said, 666, being tattood on arm, thats 666 on forehead, thats little popes face on finger, its tattood, its hollie drawing, hollie, points, whistles, Jesus coming, subs, attacking, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing, its, akula, again, hollie, said, Jesus, came, thats, them russian subs firing, america burning, thats geese circling, looking out, its strong delusion, showed, geese, and hollie, thats, why, you see, that, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, black woman with dyed hair dancing acting religious, its uh 1960 said hollie, chevrolet, with wings, she showed, they spun tires, excellent, heres uh warning, said, hollie, post, hollie, showed, record, showed, get, oil, eat, hollie, showed, record, pope arose, hollie stamps, thats, hu hintao, hollie bangs, claps, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, claps, smiles, hollie showed, turn, again, with big hand, thats, her, being, interviewed, showed, big hand, he made me, wanted me to, hollie, said, hugged Jesus, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, and, restore, rip, hollie, had red hands, hollie claps, again, light, from it, she said, hollie, said, post more, geese circled, we want you here, said, geese, pointed, its gledale, goose, said, smiled, with big eye, hollie showed, record, showed, im the g8 said, putin, wiped lips, its, n.a.t.o., he showed, they are the seven heads, its g8, said, putin, thats, kings popping out of heads, they are, nuclear n.a.t.o. plus russia, were the beast said putin, thats, russia having ten horns, hollie, showed, its uh ruling party, ten russian kings walk out, theres pope in, putin, horn, thats the MYSTERY, BABYLON, riding this scarlet colored beast, thats the woman, thats, putin, grunts, america, thats, kings, popping out of heads, australia, canada, france, britian, theres, italy, thats, the seat of satan, right there, its, hes, the, pope, sitting, there, on italy, hes eighth and of seven, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., putin, wipes lips, im the beast, said, putin, pope on top, thats iran, said, hollie, wiped lips, submarines are right there, said, hollie, wiped lips, simb, showed, sandy, now, look, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula, he, said, fired, two, nuclear rockets, look who it struck, thats gaza, on fire, let me, said, hollie, thats yassar arafat, he knew not to mess with, my israel, said, Jesus, hollie dream celebrates, smiles, thats geese, showing, right here, circling, its glendale, hollie showed, word, it appeared, bob with woman, tries to tell, Holy Ghost baptizm felt like body my perfect size coming in, bob wants, to wed, she desires, bob wants woman, that, said, hollie, submarine somby, hollie surfaces, claps, its, ohio class, again, she said, and, I fired two missiles, look who it struck, she said, whew, said, jenny donati, its, the palestinian state, exploding, and jean poole trembles, hollie showed, new wineskin internataional, thumbs down, hollie out of saxaphone, and he saw, said, hollie, israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats egypt, jordan, syria, burning, thats missile striking iraq, its him again, said, hollie, thats missile from russia, israel exploded, thats beast, and his armies, in, israel, with false prophet hu and his armies, thats, russia, exploding, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, cloud of people, warriors, said, hollie, invading russia, forcing, to invade israel, thats, Christ placing beast and false prophet in fire, hollie showed, nuclear explosions in venezuela, brazil, theres cuba, hollie, said, missiles going over, both ways, hollie, said, clapped, thats, captain, hollie, in her sub, its akula class agin, she said, fired missiles, america exploded, hollie looked, theres, nuclear fireballs, she, said, in, italy, france, australia, thats great britain, burning, thats hand coming out of fire, its in britain, hollie and Jesus, said, thats captain hollie in four vanguard class submarines, fired, thats nuclear fireballs in russia, hollie, zipped lips, hollie showed, nuclear fireball in canada, thats, jet flying, down, america, exploded, hollie showed, teeth, hollie showed, record, 7-13-2009-that, said, hollie, smiled, showed, knew circled the geese, thats showed, hollie, with, big hand, then, interviewed, then hand, thats, whole new world order, tap dancing at new winkskin ministries, theres, its, theres, said, hollie, pope, mexico, thats, chavez, nicaragua, thats, castrol, hollie, points, thats nuclear fire in cuba, missiles going over, and heading for america, exploded, theres, on in canada, hollie, shows, entire, west, coast, exploding, thats cnn tower near nuclear fire, falling, thats new jerusalem like glass city, and lake of fire, thats new world order tap dancing, hey said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires in brazil and venezuela, and, missiles from subs, near, them, fired, thats, america, exploding, that, was, captain, hollie, said, hollie, sandy, wipes lips, it was simb, hollie surfaces, in, its ohio class agin, said, hollie, fired, missiles, thats, gaza, exploding, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, thats, iraq, showed hollie, burning, hollie spins world, Jesus sprinkles, thats many countries burning, its cause, im the g8, said, putin, vladimir, said, medvedev, showed, im in control, thats, hollie lowered on rope, helicopter, flown by gabriel, california, said, dumitru duduman, exploded, let me said, hollie dream, bob, said, hollie, showed, zip lip, thats my alarie saleem, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, its, simb, she, said, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, came, subs, attacking, hollie tap danced, hollie showed, pope, tear up, put back, rip, thats, toy with, light hands, thats, hollie, surfacin, in, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats, two nuclear fires in, the palestinian state, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats, hollie lowered on rope, gabriel, flys heicopter, whole west coast and nevada exploded, thats, subs around, u.s.a., there goes east coast, hollie watchs in cnn, laughs, hollie shows, sleep, hollie, showed, thru with, had red hands, but, shook, yes, im, away, with, it, she said, showed, silhouette body, that, said, hollie, was, sh, satan, hollie, said, hollie, points, up, that, she said, was, sh, she said, satan, hollie, said, like uh fire face, im the bear, father, hollie, said, pope, showed, picture, hollie, and the LOrd, did, and I showed, you that, said, hollie, stamped, 7-14-2009-hollie showed, record, pope, she said, its, uh picture, tear up, and, restore, with, lighted hands, thats false prophet hu hintaos picture, tear up, said, hollie, with lighted, hands, put back, but just hands, this time, hollie, claps, with, silhouette appearance, hollie like yellow lighted being, she said, look, said, hollie, showed, hu hintaos picture, pope, said, hollie, hes, the beast, antichrist, said, pontiff, hollie out of the saxaphone, out, said, hollie, back, looked, hollie, showed, record, said, Jesus, pope, hollie said, rose, hollie, laughed, two, hollie, showed, record, showed, fighting, but, clinging, its new world order, hu hintao, pope, appears, there, you have it showed, hollie, both beasts, hollie, showed, hugo chavez, wearing, suit, she said, showed, war, said, lula, castrol, nicaragua, theres, kim jong, said, hollie, thats, him coming out of head, mexico, theres mexican president, there, you have it, said, hollie, thats, pope coming out of putins, head, thats, hollie, showing ten horns, thats, popes face, inside, one, of, them, hollie, showed, logos, bible, college, showed, thumbs down, hollie showed, record, showed, fighting, let me record, said, hollie, there, she, said, I, put it back, hollie, showed, popes, image made alive, take it, he, said, the mark, said, hollie, 666, thats 666, said, hollie, and, Jesus, tattood on arm, forehead, thats, little, pope, tattood on finger, thats king of north and south, and, japan, at, table, signing, 666, its uh peace treaty, in white robe, she said, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, thats, pope, with, ram horns, hu, putin, out, of, its, ram, appearing, said, hollie, thats, hollie, surfacing, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, with, submarine, simb, hollie, said, submarines got uh warning, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, its simb, hollie, showed, hands, submarine noise, said, hollie, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, thats, cuba, hollie, said, with, big nuclear explosion, hollie watchs missiles, go both ways, she, said, thats, nuclear explosions, in, nicargua, venezuela, brazil, and, america exploding, to, 7-15-2009-hollie, showed, record, wiped, lips, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, I know, she said, with, jean poole, who is jean p. of the, paliban, said, hollie, its the, she showed, paliban daily, witchs, hollie, said, its, jenny donati, said, hollie, steals, she said, its, showed, ministryofdreams, both, all three, said, hollie, and leticia yoo, she said, its you, hollie, said, pointed, at, thats jenny donati pointing at self, and embarrased witch jean p. laughing when showed visions, its blue host, said, hollie, showed, purchased, hollie, showed, popes picture, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its, the pope, said, hollie, showed, seven heads, we are the, one said, seven, heads, one winks, showed, hu hintao, hugo chavez, lula, castrol, nicaragua, mexico, thats kim jong popping out of lighted head, theres, putin, thats, pope coming out of putins head, hollie, shows, ten horns, thats, ten russian kings walking out, hollie, shows, politburo, thats medvedev in putins horn, let me rule the world, he, said, thats, ram, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats, pope, said, hollie, hes the antichrist, hollie shows, hu hintao, a picture, hes false prophet, hollie showed, turn, pope, said, hollie, showed, the, beast, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, thats, pontiff with 666 on, forehead, hollie shows, hollie appears, that, was, hu hintao, riding the red horse, hu hintao, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it was soumb, she said, simb sound, they said, hollie rides yellow rocket, its cause, taiwan burns, thats, hu on red horse, thats, him turning around, washington state attacked, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, hollie showed, record, wiped lips, thats, pope, riding black horse, into, moscow, exploded, hollie showed, thumbs down, pastor, andy, thompson, its cause hes uh witch, said, hollie, yes said, hollie dream, clapped, smiled, its uh night vision, she showed, thats captain hollie, clapped, hollie, in spacesaucer, on top of chi, its, the chaplaincy institute for interfaith arts and ministry, thats spacesaucer firing, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor being fired, its over taking the name said jean poole, ministry of dreams, thats, rev. amy brucker looking at, and gina rose halpern tossing but, jeremy taylor d.min fired, soon, said, the LOrd, let me, said, hollie, dream, claps, smiled, showed, the, beast, she said, and who is it, said, hollie, you know, she said, its, pontiff, hollie, showed, nuclear fireball in brazil, hollie, showed, she said, pope, hollie showed, picture, russia is part of the g8, that is your beast with seven heads and ten horns, said, hollie, sandy, wiped lips, its, simb, hollie, plays flute, out, hollie, points, again, this is uh warning, lets post, said, hollie, the ram, she, said, with, putin, hu, coming out of horns, thats it, showed, hollie, its, meat loaf dying, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, fighting, showed, air conditioning compressor, it pumps, causes, moisture to come out of air, that naturally causes air to be cold, hollie showed, pope, she, said, tore up, light, hollie, hollie, showed, popes image, she said, hating but clinging, its the new world order, hollie, tap dances, sh, satan, said, hollie, like the Father, satan was the Father said, hollie, with, sandy wipes lips, it, was, sumb, stop blasphemy, bob give warning, said, angel, hollie laughs, watching cnn, thats, subs, all, around, america, on, fires, then, all, do, america, exploded, hollie, showed, what did hollie, show, said, hollie, its, Father like Light face, let me record, said, hollie, who me, said, hollie dream, showed, its uh night vision, she said, smiled, hollie showed, record, I dont want no website said google, hollie showed, w.a.s.p., hes dying, she said, thats w.a.s.p., hollie said, its blackie lawless, tired, 7-16-2009-hollie, showed, record, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, and, restore, thats, hands, on, top, of dark picture, split, hollie, said, put back, but, not right way, hollie claps, pope, hollie, said, picture, appears, tear up, put back, with, hating but clinging, hollie, claps, shows, hu hintao, hollie lowered on rope, helicopter flown by gabriel, you want more, said, hollie, smiles, claps, shows, facebook, california below exploded, look there, said, hollie, thats, subs, showering, both american, coasts, with thermo warheads, from, its akula again, said, hollie, and hollie laughs watching it on cnn, thats radio, said, hollie, towers, broadcasting, hollie, claps, hollie, bites, smiles, shows, im, thru, with, but, shook, yes, bit, lets go, said, hollie, thats, jean p. showing jenny donati to door, lets move out, said, jean poole to paliban daily jenny donati, for, its stealin, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, they both did, hollie, said, please said, hollie, pope said, hollie, laughed, celebrated, thats, popes picture, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, like a, satan, showing, hollie dream, smiles, whew, let me, she said, showed, dead battery, its laptop, hollie dream zipped lip, let me record, said, hollie, sh, she said, its uh bronco, showed, hollie, 1971, it pills tires, thats, hollie, in her ford bronco, its excellent, thats it, said, hollie, and, hollie bear smiles, im the one that, you want, she said, showed, putin, hes russia, showed, hollie bear, pope, said, hollie, it, appeared, she said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, pope, she, said, and, what was, this, said, hollie, hands, on, bent, not, tear, then, unfolded, whole new world order appears, tap dancing, that, said, hollie, gabriel, appears, thats, new jerusalem, sky scraper, then, more, appear, hollie, shows, nuclear explosions, in many countries, its, the globe, hollie, said, at true mercy ministries, hollie pulled back sleeves, its the g8, hollie, said, showed, war, said, hu hintao, thats, boris yeltsin, hollie claps, with hu, planning the attack, demise, said, Jesus, its america pointed, putin, thats, america, exploding, thats, hugo chavez, wearing suit, and, hollie smiles, lula, theres seven heads, one, puts hand on bible, we are the seven heads, kings, pop, out, theres, putin, showing, fighting, thats, hugo, castrol, hintao, mexico, nicaragua, thats, brazil, thats, kim jong, and, nuclear fire in brazil, and kim presses nuclear button, thats, nuclear fires in russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missiles going, striking brazil, nicaragua, thats, massive fireball in cuba, hollie showed, america exploding, subs all around, hollie laughs watching on cnn, hollie shows, ten horns, thats, ruling, party, thats, russian kings walking out, theres, putin, and medvedev, let me rule the world, said, vladimir, said medvedev, im in control, he said, knelt before pontiff, in horn, lets rule the world, sang, putin, thats sixth seal opening, sun, moon, being blocked, its smoke, showed, hollie, thats america burning, and hollie spins world, many other countries, burning, thats moon placing hand on bible, no were not ashamed, moon, said, he made me, moon, said, speak, thats, Jesus, telling, sun, moon, what to say, thats, putin, I am the beast, he said, showed, its the g8, putin, said, its g8, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. plus russia, thats scarlet colored woman, bush popped out, thats her riding the beast, and the putin-satan man appears, I can make war with it, he said, thats, nuclear rockets striking all g8 nations, smoke goes up, thats sun holding nose, blocked, world shakes, hollie claps, thats, hollie lowered on rope, california below exploded, thats angel flying, its apache, clapped, hollie, thats, hollie being interviewed, go, he said, fort wayne, im the g8, said, putin, thats, hollie, showed, rolling up sleeves, showed, hegoat with ram horns, thats, pontiff, and ram, appears, with putin, hu, coming, out of, its horns, thats ram, being stomped by hegoat, lets rule the world, said, putin, thats, three kings rising, thats, hu hintao, pontiff, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol pope, hes, shepherd, hollie said, thats him riding black horse, russia exploded, thats book, showed, hollie, its g8, n.a.t.o., plus, russia, thats nuclear fire, thats american president coming out of scarlet colored beast, thats, putin, having ruling party, and out walks medvedev, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, said, casey, pope rise, theres, hu hintao, tear up, said, hollie, showed, both beasts, i want my website, back, thats, the, word, prophet, said, hollie, you steal, I know shook jenny donati, acting like leticia yoo, and jean p. who is jean poole steals with, ministryofdreams, all released ruint, let me, said, hollie, that, was, that o red and black chariot, with, pope, and, hu, hollie, on top, let me, said, hollie dream, hollie claps, its, new world order, pulled by angry horses, hollie claps, submarines are right there, said, hollie, with, submarine somby, thats, hollie surfacing, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired, two rockets, look, who it struck, said, hollie, thats gaza burning, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, go forward, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, hey bobby, let me, said, hollie, stamped, another, hollie appears, hollie appears, brand new warning, its hair loss, said, hollie, its not fixable, thats, hollie giving hair grafts, its abomination, hollie, said, showed, thumbs down, 7-17-2009-pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, hes, the word, antichrist, appears, hollie tore up, with lighted, hands, thats false prophet hu hintao, hes, thats him on red horse, thats taiwan exploding, hollie rides rocket, again, thats red horse, turning, attacking, washington state, pope, said, hollie, let me show you uh picture, hollie, said, showed, pope, thats, him, riding, black, horse, russia exploded, go to moscow, said, idol shepherd pope, thats, him signing, getting control, flatteries, he said, thats nuclear fires along mexico and latin america, hollie smiles, jumps, eat, she, said, submarines are right there, pointed, hollie, thats, hollie, surfacing, its akula agin, hollie, said, but, not, where, she said, o shit, said, hollie, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie tap dances, pope, she said, thats, picture, tear up, with lighted, hands, and, restore, rip, but, hollie, went, forward to the back, put back, then, lighted, lighted pope, hollie, said, it appeared, hollie claps, thats, hollie lowered on rope, you want more, he, said, claps, angel, flys helicopter, california below exploded, thats all west coast and nevada, then from high in air, said, hollie, both america, coasts, being, showered, by thermo-nukes from, hollie looks in oceans, its submarines, hollie laughs, watching on cnn, I told you said henry gruver, thats radio towers broadcasting, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, hollie shows record, surfaced, in, its, akula, agin, said, hollie, thats many, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, burning, im the g8, said, putin, thats canada with big nuclear fire, and, plane, flying, down, its, uh, jet fighter, said, hollie, america exploded, hollie showed, record, thats helicopter, flown by hollie, git in, he said, thats california exploding, then both american coasts, thats submarines all around u.s.a., hollie watches, on cnn, laughs, thats, hollie taking bob, they landed, bob, said, lets boogy, thats, russia exploding, theres goes france, italy, australia burning, thats smoke blocking sun, moon, thats sun putting hand on bible, he made me, sun said, yanked hand off, thats bob and hollie back on ground, saying lets see all, thats pope sitting in rome, I am God, he said, thats them laughing, hollie showed, record, he, said, showed, table, with big lighted, hand, thats hu, hintao, pope, and, japan, sitting, at table, thats, them, signing, 666 born, it appeared, said, hollie, its the alarie sorry, said, hollie, soumb, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, thats, pope, riding, black horse, its into moscow, said, hollie, exploded, hollie pops out, shows, pope, she said, its a picture, hollie plays with, hollie shows, record, another hollie appears, no, said, hollie, shook, yes, showed, im thru, with, it, clapped, turned around, showed silhouette body with golden spine, hollie flew f-22 raptor, wrecked, they, are, unreliable, said, hollie, its, to, computerized, she said, thats pilot in f-22 raptor and plane flying by, he didnt even know it was there, hollie showed, the doors, its jim morrison, he rocked, and drugged, that killed, that, was, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min u.u. in the lake of fire, with soothsaying suit on, 7-18-2009-bobby, said, hollie, this is reason, hollie, showed, put back, tear up, hey, thats the main, hollie, said, pope rose, this is decision, lets post, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, thats, the, clap dancers, hollie, and, ministering spirits, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, paliban backslided said hollie, its paliban daily, me, said jean poole, stealing ministry of dreams, and, jenny donati, who is, leticia yoo, shruggs, that, said, hollie, showed, elephant, they eat about 150 pounds of food per day, its, what ever they can find, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, like, silhouette, then, face, appears, its here, showed, hollie, Jesus comes, licks, prophet, thats submarines, all around, america, one fires, thats, nuclear explosion in america, then, hollie watching on cnn, laughs, all fire, america exploded, thats, the, woman coming out of the fire, its, hollie showed, MYSTERY, BABYLON, statue of liberty, hollie claps, hollie showed, record, and I stamped she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, thats pontiff, give warning bobby, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, big hand, thats, pope, riding, black, horse, russia exploded, gabriel showed record, were getting ready for war bobby, said, car, this is uh warning said hollie, showed, post, hollie dream, appears, let me, smiles, shows, night vision, smiled, hey bobby, let me, said, hollie, dream, showed, nuclear fires, along, both american, coasts, thats, subs, all around, america, hollie clapped, hollie dream claps, tears up, hollie lowered on rope, thats angel in helicopter, thats both american coasts exploding, hollie dreams, puts back, tears up, tears up, again, that, hollie showed, subs around east coast, thats them watching in military, its, radar, thats nuclear rockets fired, whole east coast burns, thats west coast, exploding, missiles, they watch, thats barack, with ear phone in, ordering, thats, all, america exploding, thats, missiles leaving, burning america, thats only two, then most, thats russia exploding, world shaking, and pope in dark smokey sky, thats many nuclear fires in russia, that was sub firing, massive nuclear fire in the middle of u.s.a., thats nuclear fireball in canada, hollie shows big nuclear explosion, caused by, thats many american nuclear missiles exploding, thats american minuteman 111 nuclear rockets exploding in silos, thats hollie watching, russian jets bombarding nuclear missiles in u.s.a., thats america, covered, by nuclear fall out, thats barack obama being shaking by explosion, ordering, american Withdrawal to iraq, then barack speaks with russian president, tells, I will not retaliate if you fire no more, medvedev, orders, american Withdrawal of n.a.t.o. nuclear rockets, thats some exploding where they are, in italy, boom, hollie appears, then america exploded, they, did not get one shot fired, thats, great britain, surfacing, in, four vanguard class subs, showering russia, thats russia burning and missiles striking britain, thats britain burning, smoke blocking sun and moon, thats sun, not liking, closing eyes, america will not strike russia cause caught by total suprise, thats russian submarines approaching u.s.a., they were, underneath ships, like, thats henry gruver watching, smiling, thats missiles leaving america, striking russia, two, then massive explosion in russia, hollie points, showed picture, it was them, george bush junior and senior appears, thats, said, hollie, nuclear fires in america, many, then, whole nation explodes, heres how america, got suprises, cause they knew, but, hey bobby said barack obama, retaliated, thats russia exploding, thats, american trident missiles striking russia from, ohio class subs, hollie showed, pointed, hollie, dances, light, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, stamped, up rose, pontiff, bobby, said, hollie, thats alome saleem, 7-19-2009-hollie, showed, record, claps, thats, tracy van lue, hollie, said, showing, cut off, like, jerry, van lue and his whole family, thats jeremy van lue looking, at, trembling, hollie showed, the word, she said, pentecostal church, build one, she said, thats hollie building a u.p.c.i. chrurch, in eight hours, they do, it cost, she said, showed, fifty seven thousand dollars, hollie dream, claps, let me, she said, that, bob, on roof, wanting to get to ladder, which, is not straight, she said, with snow on roof, makes, bob afraid, thats, him getting down, with, let me said marie, thats, hollie dream, bob and byron johnson, bob, likes, tells, you are the only one I get any thing out of, they walk, and talk, it was uh dream, said, hollie dream, claps, its marie, she said, smiles, its uh night vision, ut back, tear up, they want you there, chirped hollie bird, and he saw, said, casey, bob, said, hollie, behind pulpit, submarines are right there, said, hollie, surfaced, sandy wiped lips, its, hollie, wiped lips, akula agin, words, hollie, showed, it appeared, hollie claps, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, meat loaf, dying, hollie hugs Jesus, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, he said, new jerusalem at pulpit like skyscraper, submarines are right there, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, it was soumb, she said, now look, said, hollie, surfaced, its akula again, said, hollie, with captain hollie waving, hollie showed, turn, again, with big hand, he made me said, hollie, being interviewed, hugged Jesus, kim jong, said, hollie, put back, and he saw, said casey, nuclear fires in south korea, russia, and, china, thats missile leaving russia, hollie rode, striking north korea, exploded, thats missiles leaving american submarine, striking north korea, exploded, thats putin and medvedev looking at each other, putin, shows, forget it, medvedev, says, no way, thats him speaking to a military advisor, thats, nuclear fires in america, thats russian missiles striking american minuteman 111 nuclear missiles, exploded, in silos, thats, hollie showed, check your oil with hands, if thick, slick, keep, hollie closes, hood, record, again, said, hollie, stamped, and, both beasts, arose, theres, hu, hollie said, with, stamp noise, hollie, showed, record, and, I stamped, said, hollie, up rose the pontiff, stamped, hollie said, theres hu hintao, hollie stamps again, emporer of japan, slash, pontiff, appears, there you have it showed, hollie, three kings shall rise in persia, hollie showed, record, he said, hollie stamps, rode, the rocket, from behind, said, hollie, dream, wiped lips, thats pontiff, riding black horse, russia exploded, hollie stamps, outlaws Jesus showed, record, showed, vest, outlaws motorcycle club, thats alome salime said, hollie, its soumb, wiped lips, sandy, tear up, said, hollie, but put back, tear, tear up, put back, said, hollie, and, hollie pops out, no, said, hollie, but shook, yes, and, I turned around, she said, had silhouette body with yellow spine, clap, she said, bob this is reason, said, hollie, lets, show, thats new ministering spirit, with big hand, showing, titanic, hes on, deck, thats it, scrapping iceberg, just like movie, sank, just like, similar, hollie, measures, it, rose, only, thats, its uh ruler, said, hollie, about, three feet, out of water, the back end, said, hollie, in almost three hours, that was meerkat, hollie showed, record, hollie screams, this the website, post, said, hollie, and hollie plays music, you did not want no more visions said, hollie and pontiff, I dont need not clean lube said, engine, placed, hand on bible, just keep full, yanked hand off, 7-20-2009-hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, riding nuclear missile, laughing, it struck, america, exploded, thats, hundreds of nuclear fires, explosions in america, your homeland, said, Jesus, thats meerkat, showing popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, put back, tear, thats, hollie, pointed, only yellow, dim, hands, body disappears, look, said, hollie, there free, man, said hollie, said, showed, hands, look, said hollie, thats ministry of dreams, said, hollie, hitting 25mb, one year, hollie showed, record, showed, thumbs, up, that, car, hollie said, look, thats new ministering spirit, showing, hollie showed, turn, again, appears, its, him, hollie, said, look, showed, hollie, picture, its, tracy, van lue, weeping, hollie showed, record, stamped, thats captain hollie, surfacing, its akula agin, said, hollie, fired nuclear missiles, hollie shows the world, stamps, thats many countries, burning, look, said, hollie, thats tracy van lue wanting to remarry but now old, thats hand, its corvair, said, hollie, spun tires, hollie showed, engine in back, thats man reading, hollie pops out, no, said, hollie, but, she, shook, yes, showed, away with, claps, showed, body, had silhouette, and, white spine, hollie, said, thats hollie knocking on door, police, looking for, appreciate me, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, engine, it, gets oil to upper cylinders, thats engine spinning around, oil being thrown up, but, thats little nozzel, said, Jesus, its uh oil jet, hollie said, thats harley davidson building the v-rod, that engine, thats harley davidson man laughing, could go in cars, thats it, said, hollie, thats it, clapped, the tap dancers, said, hollie, ministering spirits and new world order, hollie claps, hollie clapped, hollie, showed, record, hollie, dream, claps, showed, it was, she said, a night vision, pope, rose, kim jong said Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, showed, nuclear, fires, in, russia, china, south korea, thats nuclear missile, leaving russia, striking north korea, exploded, thats two tomahaws from u.s.a. sub, north korea exploded, thats piano playing, thats alome, sanime, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, simb, its over, said, hollie, its u.s.a. banks, she said, showed, economic collapse, its here, hollie said, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she said, pope, she said, rose, stamp, hollie, said, hu hintao rose, there you have it showed, hollie, put back, tear up, in, white robe, both beasts, hollie showed, she, said, get oil, wearing coat, 7-20-21-2009-Ahmed Al-Omra steals, its posted right on global voices, now steal you ruint openly mocked dog saith the Lord, cnn tomorrow, if, email me a to stop me from telling them all, you fool, now are you big and bad, youll not show up on cnn or any of them tomorrow lest you bow to me like you said to me to do to you, thats you Ahmed Al-Omra removing ministry of dreams you witch, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, thats submarine said, hollie, attacking, with captain hollie, all, hollie spins world, thats, hollie showing many countries, burning, no, said, hollie, but shook and said with the voice of many, yes, then clapped, showed, im away with it, she spun around, clapped, hollie claps, again, got quiet, thats angel, showing, pointing, up, Jesus coming, thats hollie looking for hollie showed, in, submarine, it rained submarines, hollie claps, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, you want me he said, angel flys copter, pulls in new hollie, thats california below exploding, its whole west coast, hollie claps, its nevada, said, hollie, thats, nuclear, fire, in, nevada, thats, hollie, its dark, and its submarine, said, hollie, and hollie wipes lips, thats, sub firing, america, burning, thats subs around, america, firing, and, both american coasts, go up in flames, thats, hollie watching on cnn, laughing, and, henry gruver appears, radio towers pop up, sending out lines, said, hollie, its signals, henry gruver laughs, thats russia burning, hollie appears, points, thats, man, coming out of nation, hes, antichrist, pope, hollie shows, record, shows, popes image made alive on cell phone, t.v., hollie claps, take it, said, pontiff, i am God, said, hollie wiped lips, pope, appears, hollie says, pope, hes, hollie wipes lips, antichrist, that is hu hintao, said, hollie, looking at taiwan, thats, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan burned, thats, hu, hintao turning red horse, attacking washington state, it was you said hu hintao, lets take peace off of it, he said, earth, put back, said, hollie, tear, up, hollie shakes, yes, shows, away with, but, shook, yes, bobby, said, hollie, write the vision, said, Jesus, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is the website, said, hollie, post, thats pope rising, record, said hollie, stamped, beast rose, hes pontiff, hollie said, then theres hu hintao, hollie said, stamps, appears, white robe, both beasts, there you have it, she said, let me, said, hollie dream, showed, night vision, smiled, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, he said, that, said, hollie, pope rose, that, said, hollie, marie showed, record, and, I she, said, stamped, pope rose, marie showed, record, and I stamped, she said, pope she said, rose, hollie showed, popes picture, look, she said, showed, beast, rising out of the sea, look, hollie, said, hollie wanted to tell vision, look, she said, showed, stereo receiver, buy one hollie, said, sh, said, hollie, that, was, she said, looked around, satan, but, he, looked like Jesus, and was Jesus, whatta you doin, said, hollie, hey, om alice, said, alice cooper, hes vince, hollie said, thats, alice cooper playing golf, thats alice cooper showing with golf club, nuclear fire, in, iraq, gaza, its, grunted, alice, bush, both, the george bush junior-senoir, man, hes, lying, said, Jesus, thats george bush junior, grunting, I made war, he said, theres, nuclear fires, in, both, its, iraq, I want, said, bush, thats, u.s.a., sub, surfacing, with, captain, hollie, firing, nuclear, rockets, two, hollie watches, gaza, be, destroyed, and alice cooper grunts, hey im off, he said, dont, 7-22-2009-I know, you aint gonna let me record, said, hollie, stamped, sh, said, hollie, that one right there, she said, satan, but he looked like Jesus and was Jesus, sh, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, nuclear explosions in america, that, pointed, hollie, Jesus, coming, that, said, hollie, out of woofer, of, fisher stereo speaker, hollie, showed, fisher stereo, they were as good as they come, hollie, said, out of subwoofer, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, tear up, then, hollie relaxed at top, looked serious, hollie shows, its sammy, she said, hagar, plain jane, its new song, its, alright, hollie said, showed, thumbs down, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, faculty of theology, in major schools, she, said, its, she said, witchs, hollie showed, turn, thats, the, tap dancers, said, hollie, its, hollie and new world order, thats, that o red and black stage coach, pulled by angry horses, with, hollie, on, top, thats, the, president of mexico, dressed nice, theres seven heads, with faces, we are the seven heads, they said, one placed hand on bible, its, theres lula, popping out, pointed lighted shaft, mexico, shaking hands, hugo chavez, theres putin, hintao, thats, nicaragua, thats, hollie showing ten horns, hollie looks at, like, triangles, with ten russian kings walking out, theres medvedev in the popes horn, kneeling before, let me, he said, rule the world, thats, kim jong, popping out of last head, theres nuclear fires in china, russia, and south korea, thats, kim jong with nuclear button, thats missile from russia, north korea exploded, theres two more from u.s.a. sub, fires, in north korea, hollie didnt show record, hollie was funny, hollie showed, big nuclear explosion in cuba, let me, said, hollie dream, clapped, saw, missiles flying above cuba, striking venezuela, brazil, exploded, thats nuclear fire ball, coming out of iraq, hollie, and, I summed it, up, she, said, showed, popes picture, thats, hollies image, made alive, on, cell phone, claps, thats, hollie, lowered on rope, helicopter flown by angel, thats, hollie, saw, looks at, all the west coast and east coast states burning, hollie, laughs, watching on cnn, thats subs all around, u.s.a., one, fires, then, all, thats, america exploding, thats hollie flying her sr-71 blackbird, over 2100 miles per hour, and all american coastal states exploded, this is decision, said, hollie, wiped lips, thats, horse pulling cart, said, hollie, licking prophet, theres eight, kings in cart, that, will rise, against, america, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, theres, hu hintao, hes, showed, hollie, false prophet, theres putin, hes showed, hollie, trigger man, theres nicaragua, mexico, lula, chavez, theres castrol, thats big nuclear fire in cuba, and missiles going over, striking venezuela, brazil, theres kim jong, thats nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, thats hollie on missile from russia, thats, north korea exploding, thats black carriage, and pope, inside, thats, pope riding black horse, russia, exploded, right there, said, the tap dancers, many hollies, nicaragua, thats medvedev negotiating, right after then, said, hollie, thats two russian submarines approaching mexico, then fired, thats america exploding, thats many nuclear fires in u.s.a., im the tap dancers, said, hollie, showed, its north korean war monument, hollie said, look at that, many nuclear explosions in several n.a.t.o. countries, look that, said, hollie, russia burning, thats china on fire, thats captain hollie surfacing, in, its akula agin, said, hollie, ohio class, fires missiles, china explodes, maria claps, hollie screamed, again, hollie said, post, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, man, said, hollie, appears, hollie on rope, helicpoter flown by angel, both american coasts explode, hollie laughs, watching on news, when you dream, said, hollie, and marie claps, wearing white attire, its night vision, showed, marie, hollie showed, the popes picture, vanished, then, showed, hu hintao, picture, there, you have it said, hollie, both beasts, had white robe on, happy, fleas showed, dog, warm, but tired, you wanted vision, thats, what you wanted, said, hollie, stop, said, hollie, shook, yes, I, turned, around, she said, clapped, hollie show-uh, she said, captain, hollie, surfacing, its akula, you want, she said, fired, missiles, thats, gaza burning, and captain, hollie surfaces, its akula right there, she said, fired, missiles, iraq, exploded, hollie spun world, showed, many countries burning, its n.a.t.o., she said, cindy appears, licks prophet, hollie showed, laptop, get, hollie showed, record, thats, the main ministering spirit, hollie, modelling, actually was a pastor said billy gibbons, wiped lips, aww, he said, that, was, hollie, tearing, up, the, con, tract, 7-24-2009-this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, nuclear, fires, in, many, countries, and, people, running, for their lives, its, facebook, hollie, showed, beat, up, prophet, they think, alright, said, woman, at, facebook, its, you, said, hollie, protecting, its jenny donati, for stealing ministry of dreams, you witch, thats woman at facebook laughing, we know it, she said, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, thats, hollie posting with laptop, tonight, she said, licked prophet, then pope appears with hu hintao, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, there, she said, summed it up, opened picture, hollie claps, then, whole new world order appears, theres, hollie, tap dancing, Jesus shakes, yes, thats, hollie tap dancing, showed, there, she said, its, dead bird, even your Father, knows she said, when, hollie looks at dead, bird, thats, showed, hollie, that o red and black stage coach, pulled by angry horses, hollie showed, get food, for, its animals, hollie showed, record, there, she said, I, summed it up, showed, thought, laptop batteries, they last, forever, for, at, least, eight years, but weaken, hollie shows, patience, rebuild website, she said, tomorrow, she said, thats, hollie walking with coat, there, she said, stamped, thats cymbol, ringing, pope, appears, theres, hu hintao, tap dancing, theres, lula, chavez, theres, heads, with faces, lighted, like, little balls, kings popout, mexico, nicaragua, putin, kim jong, there, you have it, said, hollie, put back, tore up, just hands, Moske, said, hollie, with the voice of many, thats, her, on, golden dome, on top, of, willie, duncans, church, tell me about the, website, said, hollie, it, said, post, this is the website, lets post, said, hollie, Father appears, this time, said, hollie, wiped lips, your, outta here, she said, showed, no, said, hollie, but, showed, away, with lighted, arched, hands, but, shook, yes, showed, white spine, and I turned around, she said, silhouette body, white spine, thats, said, hollie, pope, she, said, its, the, dragon, hollie, said, showed, go inside, with lighted, hand, coat, on, hollie claps, thats, hollie lowered on rope, angel flys helicopter, you want me said, hollie, california below explodes, thats captain hollie in russian submarines, firing, thats east coast exploding, hollie laughs watching on cnn, claps hands, this is decision, said, hollie, clapped, and pontiff appears, shows the antichrist, the pope, said, Jesus, thats Jesus sleeping, hollie showed, sleep, hollie appears, lighted, showed, ministry of dreams, sleep, Jesus, showed, record, he said, there, said, hollie, I stamped, pope rose, kim jong, said, Jesus, and, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, theres, missile rising out russia, hollie riding, north korea exploded, theres two coming from u.s.a. sub, hollie claps, north korea exploded, hollie appears, thats missiles, claps, hollie, over, alaska, exploded, more headed for america, boom, all struck, hollie shows many fires in america, thats barack, with ear phone, in, thats, him pressing, nuclear button, thats, over, half, the, american nuclear missile, its not uh force, said, hollie, thats, hollie, clapping, and, gabriel, flying helicpoter, shows many nuclear fires in russia, over, two hundren minuteman 111 missiles lauched, hollie rides, the rocket, hollie showed, record, sleep, hollie dream claps, let me, she said, you had a cord, its to laptop, wearing around shoulders, hollie dreams claps, shows, area where sea and land are, meet, thats, france, said, hollie, on fire, thats captain, hollie, in, its akula agin, said, hollie, thats fleas, showing, dog, warm, but, sleepy, captain hollie fired, italy, exploded, australia, thats nuclear fires, thats britain on fire, and hand coming out of fire, thats, hand, pressing nuclear button, thats, captain hollie, in, vanguard class subs, firing, and french sub firing, russia burns, what does the website say, post, said, hollie, thats hollie flying her f-22 raptor at over 1900 miles per hour, hollie said, work, hollie whistled, hollie screamed, why amy I screaming, she said, pope, rose, 7-25-26-2009-there, said, hollie, I stamped, she, said, and pope rose, hollie laughs, shook, no, way, it, was, hollie, acting like pope, then, pontiff appears, im the antichrist, he said, there, said, hollie, stamped, hollie stamps, thats, second beast, she said, hu hintao, there, said, hollie, stamped again, showed, hu hintao in picture, he, thats, him on red horse, thats, hollie riding yellow missile, taiwan, burns, thats, hu, hintao, turning red horse, its, said, hollie, attacking washington state, thats little war, submarine right there, said, hollie, now, look, said, another, hollie, surfaced, waved, its hollie, in, its akula agin, said, two hollies, now, look, hollie, said, fired two nuclear missiles, look who it struck, said, hollie, thats, the palestinian state burning, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, hollie shows, in white robe, iraq, burning, lets rule the world, sang, putin, pointed up, Jesus, coming, Jesus sprinkles, bear arises, attacks nuclear n.a.t.o., thats hollie showing them countries burning, thats smoke going up blocking sun and moon, sun places hand on, the book, said, hollie, looks at Jesus, weeping, no its the sun, said, hollie, not God, then sun smiles, he made me, yes shakes moon, they held hands, smiled, sun licks prophet, hollie shows, that, the silhouette visions page, that was the fan, licking the prophet, said, hollie, like, the, main, and, the main ministering spirit hollie appears, right there, showed, hollie, with big hand, its a 1960, hollie wipes lips, 2, ford galaxie 500, spins back tires, hollie, screams, thats, the, meerkat, she said, hollie, showed, record, pope rose, hollie rode the missile, thats hollie lowered on rope, you want me, he said, shook, yes, you, do, shook, yes, showed hands, modelled, california below exploded, thats captain gabriel flying helicopter, both american coasts, exploded, then, whole, nation, hollie, happy, watching, on, cnn, im the dog, fleas, showed, warm, tired, thats pope rising, then, pope was drawn into picture, hollie held, thats, whole new world, order, and, partial, hollie, out of subwoofer, that is hollie, in, her, my spacecraft, she said, fired two missiles, look who they struck, hollie, said, its, dr. jeremy taylor of the chaplaincy institute being questioned by student, why did you steal, student said, thats rev. jeremy taylor showing, dont say, dont, say, said, d.min jeremy taylor s.t.d., hes, stealin, said, hollie, shut up said m.a. jeremy taylor ordained unitarian universalist minister, hes emabarrased, thats Jesus watching, its your dr. rev. jeremy taylor (hon) stealing the God spoke, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, I want to ruin said soothsayer jeremy taylor dreams worker, thats jenny donati and jean poole of paliban daily stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, this is paper, showed, hollie, thats, iraq, nuked, and, captain hollie, surfacing, its akula, again, said, hollie, no, she said, fired, nuclear rockets, thats, the palestinian state, let it burn said captain hollie, bush, grunts, turns, into, barack obama, its over, breaking, stealing, oil contracts, barack grunts, leaves, barack obama is a liar about iraq said hollie, look, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, pope appears, then hu hintao, hollie, relaxes, jong, said, Jesus, hollie claps, and, he saw, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, china, south korea, thats missile leaving russia, hollie rides, north korea exploded, thats two, leaving american sub, hollie on one, thats two explosions in north korea, hollie watches, cuba, said, Jesus, and he saw it, said, casey, hollie sees nuclear fireball in cuba, hollie celebrates, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie showed, record, there, she said, I stamped, pope, arose, give me uh new ship said paul watson, theres your vampire said Jesus, hollie smiles, like vampire, hollie showed, record, stamped, showed, beast arose, hes, pope, hollie said, thats alome, salime, said, hollie, hollie showed, its uh 1968 pontiac tempest, spun rear tires, iraqs here, said, hollie, like, bird, hollie showed, record, stamped, up rose, smiling hollie, like antichrist pope, thats, laughed, hollie, that o red and black stage coach, pulled by angry horses, it appeared said hollie, with the pope and hu, hollie, on top, hollie, beats with whip, jumps in back, thats, eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., and I saw putin plannin, said, hollie, with stick, show, said, hollie, this is what I want said putin, showed, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, said, hollie, thats, those three ribs in putins mouth, thats, hollie wiped lips, hu hintao in cart, dressed like warrior, eight kings appear, thats eight nations that will rise against, the u.s.a., MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, thats america, exploding, and, hollie watching, on cnn, laughing, thats subs, all, around, america, and, one fires, then, all, do, hollie showed, thumbs up, for, that, van, still, good, hollie, said, hollie showed, ACTS 2:38, thats alome, saleem, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes, lips, its soumb, hollie showed, record, sleep, wearing coat, this was, hollie, like, silhouette, like end time prophet ministry website, then silhouette, then face, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, hollie, looks, its soumb, said, sandy, we dont know, said, horse, in, freezing weather, its feels, horse looks, warm, kim jong, said, hollie, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and south korea, thats, kim with button, thats, nuclear missile, from, russia, hollie rides, north korea exploded, thats two from u.s.a. sub, hollie rides one, north korea exploded again, thats hollie in sub, look who it struck, america exploded, thats hollie laughing, watcing it on cnn, thats, subs, all, around, america, thats both american coasts exploding, then whole u.s.a., hollie, sees, thats the woman, its statue of liberty, america, coming out of fire, hollie, said, post, Jesus said, post, no no, said, hollie, tap dancing, 7-27-2009-he wants to be saved but he waited to long, said, hollie, Jesus, said, sh, hollie said, dont tell on him, thats, paul mooney appearings, its cause, he said, showed, sh, dont, he said, softly, but in heart, dreads, going to church, ive been cut off said pastor paul mooney, sh, said, hollie, its, tim pedigo, appearing, sh, said, hollie, hes, lost, thats, chuck barcus, appearing, sh, said, hollie, bob, wants to protect, chuck, hes, anointed, right there, and he saw, said, casey, chuck barcus anointed as, new pastor over calvary tabernacle, sh, said, hollie, dont show it to the board, you witchs, said, Jesus, sh, said, hollie, dont tell, thats chuch barcus and paul mooney looking at visions, yeah ill resign, said, paul mooney, does, sh, said, hollie, thats, chuck not wanting bob at calvary tabernacle, put it on, said, Jesus, bob shows, no way, leave chuck alone, help, sh, said, hollie, thats bob, friend, he likes, and he saw, said, casey, tim pedigo, appear, with brown hair, then, gray, then, brown, make up your mind, said, hollie, maybe this is a warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, shut up, she, said, hollie showed record, stamped, its, beast, arose, she said, pope smiling, hollie stamps, its hu hintao, there, you have it, said, hollie, showed, both, beasts, in, white robe, glorious she said, hollie showed, record, stamped, sat in peaceful place, hollie showed, record, there, she, said, stamped, pope arose, hollie laughs, thats lighted, being blowing horn, hollie out, hollie showed, rocking to sleep, thats pastors, that was big hand, showing, 1967 ford galaxie 500, spun rear wheels said, hollie, thats, geese, circling, we want you bobby, showed, right here, circled, face appears, then bronze, then silhouette, goose, clapped, put back, tear up, throw, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, was, that o red and black chariot, pulled by angry black and red horses, with the pope, and, hu, hollie on top, sees, putin, with three ribs, in mouth, and, who are they, hollie said, cuba, thats nuclear fire, in cuba, nicaragua exploded, mexico, hey, ill, place it there, hollie put nuclear fireballs along mexico, and latin america, that, was the beast with seven heads and ten horns, like, dragon, with, pope appearing, thats, pope smiling, cuba, theres, lula, chavez, thats, mexico popping out of head, putin, hintao, kim jong, thats, nicaragua popping out of head, hollie showed, ten, horns, hollie, claps, thats putin, walking out of horn, thats pope in medvedevs horns, kneeling, before pontiff, let me, said, medvedev, alright, shakes, happy pope, ten russian rulers walk out of horns, thats, the bear, rising, Jesus sprinkling, hollie, shows, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., she said, burning, spins world, and, thats, missiles, from them striking russia, world, shakes, thats, pope in dark smokey atmosphere, theres hu hintao, hollie claps, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, its idol pope, she said, there she said, three kings rise in persia, hollie spins world, thats, pope, she said, riding, black horse, russia exploded, flatter him, he said, thats, pontiff, signing, getting control, its nuke arsenal, said, hollie, it will pull up that other website sang, Jesus, the beep, thats hollie showing final ministry of dreams on the beep, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats hollie on yellow missile, taiwan burns, hu turns horse, attacks washington state, pope said, hollie, laughs, hollie shows picture, pope appears, then hu hintao, hollie in, white robe, there, you have it, she, said, relaxes, thats grim reaper, riding grizzled horse, there, he said, collecting dead souls from nations burning, that said grim reaper, im the dog, said, fleas, warm, but, happy, thats, horses, theres red, they, take peace off of the earth, thats, hu hintao riding red horse, thats, black, thats pontiff like angel of light, he, goes into north country, thats white following, thats, the white horse, they are, peace makers, thats Gods two witnesses, website, said, hollie, said, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, america, hollie, laughing, watching on cnn, theres uh warning bob, said, hollie, wiped lips, thats, its the beast feast, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, three kings rise in persia, and who are they hollie said, wiped lips, theres pope, hu, japan, thats, slashed, pontiff, im it, said, dancing, inflattable, geese, showed, circled, right here, its, glendale, showed, appeared, hollie, now ministry of dreams is on zero websites, said, hollie, thats, hollie, laughing, watching cnn, subs, all, around, america, hollie looks from high in air, thats, missiles, showering, coastal, states, both american coasts, exploded, then the middle of the u.s.a. exploded, hollie laughed, thats all, the website appearing, thats end time prophetic ministry like silhouette, then face, hollie claps, looks to side, other, held hands, snapped fingers, website, said, hollie, war, said, hollie, thats, hu hintao on red horse, website said post, this is uh warning said, hollie, which one said, hollie, its, end time prophet ministry, like silhouette, then partial face, then, kept, showed, hollie, hollie said, go inside, pointed, with, lighted, hand, amber, that, said, hollie, was, ministry of dreams, website, that, hollie said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, paper, iraq nuked, she said, thats, gaza forsaken, destroyed, on paper, hollie held up, bob I am trying to make you backslide to laugh at you, cum, jackoff, said, Jesus, masterbate, I am telling people that is what I do to you, and, I will do it to all, that, come, to, me, 7-28-2009-hollie, showed, record, pope, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she said, hu hintao, appears, there you have it, said, hollie, relaxed, in white robe, pope, said, hollie, and, he saw it, said casey, pontiff smiled, hollie played piano, hollie, stamps, thats angel blowing horn, hollie out, points, cut grass on riding lawn mower, hollie showed, record, and I stamped, she said, pope rose, hollie laughs, stooooop, said hollie, its clapped hollie, micki mooney, om out she said, paul shakes yes, I knew said paul mooney with micki mooneys voice, hollie showed record, hollie showed, turn, said, hollie, stamped, beast rose, now who is it said hollie, its pope, south korea, said, Jesus, and he saw this, said, casey, south korea, it exploded, there she said, stamped, hu hintao rose, kim jong said Jesus, and, he, saw, this, said casey, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and south korea, thats hu hintao riding red horse, thats hollie riding missile, taiwan exploded, thats hu on red horse, attacking washington state, thats missile from russia, hollie rides, north korea exploded, thats two missiles from u.s.a. sub, hollie rides one, north korea exploded, hollie showed, turn, like little lighted, head, that was hollie smiling, up, gabriel flying helicopter, thats both american coasts exploding, hollie laughs watching on cnn, meerkat shows picture, pope, appears, its pontiff, with black hair, hollie laughs, thats, him signing, getting control of russia, i am God pope said, hollie laughs, hollie played the piano, hollie showed, record, that was Jesus, she, pointed, it, wont be long, till, He who will come will and will not tarry, thats Jesus, coming, and, subs, attacking, hollie laughs, watching on t.v., claps, website, said, hollie, licked prophet, white tongue, website says post, s,a,y,s, said hollie, hollie showed, brush teeth, then sleep, once per day good enough, take bath twice per week, hollie washes hair, grooms, only, hollie spoke with Jesus, only, once per week, submarine, said, hollie, now, look, hollie said, its, akula, thats what you want, said, hollie, many subs, prowling oceans, hollie laughs, thats yellow missile fired, right there, thats, taiwan exploding, its from, a, russian submarine, called, chinas nuclear subs, russia gave china, thats jiang zemin handing over big money, now china, has, four, nuclear missile submarines in, oceans, thats, them, prowling oceans, they, have, nuclear cruise missiles that are, good, but, thats u.s.a. interceptor knocking them down, russia, knew it, what was that akula doing in the water, said, hollie, thats yellow missile being fired with hollie riding, struck, hollie wipes lips, thats, big nuclear explosion in america, on east coast, its from, russia, then many missiles, strike both, coasts, hollie laughed, watching on cnn, showed, sleep, that was end time prophetic ministry like a silhouette, then hollies face appears, she stamped, showed, end time prophetic ministry on the beep, thats u.s.s. thresher on ocean floor, it, hollie, crushed, stomped, thresher, with, my boots, on, she said, out of hull, it, crused, from, the pressure, of having all that water over, top, of, imploded, by water pressure, it sank, cause, and he saw this said hollie, leakey valve, that valve, showed, hollie, on thresher, letting water in, it didnt close all the way, said Jesus, thats cost many lives, website said post, said, hollie, website, said, hollie, thats, end time prophetic ministry website appearing, hollie stamps, plays piano, you need uh new name said, hollie, you need uh new name, hollie said, thats, prophecy visions, website appearing, like yellow hollie, hollie dreams claps, let me, thats, bob, with, woman, in, neighborhood, its like event, plane drops nuclear bomb, explodes, they see, let me claps hollie dream, theres, like, little lighted fragments in air, like, mist with, bob, says, its fallout, woman goes in home, hollie dream claps, hollie wipes window off of titanic, looks in, sees, one time, furniture, once, Jesus, you see, said hollie, its at different stages, she said, right after it sank, ten years, after, it, was, almost, identical, to, when, it, first, hit, ice, berg, but, fish, ate, trapped, inside, died, from, malnutrition, but, know, we dont need to go in there, said, afraid, looking, fish, once, in, yur in, said, Jesus, some fish lived inside the rms titanic, for, over, 20 years, then, died, when, food, ran out let me, said, hollie, dream, claps, shows, its uh night vision, hollie dream claps, like that, she said, shook, yes, hollie pops out, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she said, pope, arose, hollie shows, the, bose wave music system, almost 800 with cd, save your money, its like expensive component stereos, website said, hollie, said, wiped lips, post appears, you want it said, Jesus, no said tim pedigo, then why are you pastoring, God said, no, tim said, 7-29-2009-tim pedigo saith the LOrd wants to pastor calvary tabernacle, its of the u.p.c., said hollie, but, tim, is, not saved, bobby, its, uh hallellujah, said tim pedigo, dyes, hair, frequently, said Jesus, put him out, God, said, I the LOrd, want only paul mooney, there, tim pedigo is chuck barcus, they talk, rough, but, are not saved, thats reverend paul mooney looking at visions, wadding, he wont, said, hollie, but, thinks, we'd be better off, yes shakes micki mooney, put bob right there, the people of calvary, would love having, bob there, but, thats reverend paul mooney showing bob to the door, helping, out, but, knew, put it under, said, hollie, post it there, she said, on, facebook, that was, said, hollie, Jesus, coming, the sign, of, she said, like, bright, Light, yellow, dim, bob, saw, put it under, said, hollie, showed, ministry of dreams, dont steal it, hollie, said, or, he, will, thats, angry, Jesus, tell me about the website, said, hollie, start uh vision, said, hollie, wiped lips, with another, hollie, showing, sumb, its, the word, appeared, said, hollie, showed, hating but clinging, its, pontiff, appearing, and, hu hintao, there, you have it, showed, hollie, both beasts, I summed it up hollie, said, appeared, hollie showed, wait, thats lula appearing, then mexico, president, hollie showed, there you have it, thats putin and hu on that o red and black, its uh stage coach, showed, serious, hollie, thats, putin, but, hes, pontiff, pulled by angry black and red horses, hollie jumps in back, tada, she said, saw, putin, with three ribs in mouth, kingdoms names appeared on, points red finger, thats cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, up, said, hollie, then those presidents with chavez, lula, hintao, putin, mexico, nicaragua, kim jong, castrol, there, you have it, said, hollie, thats seven lighted heads, with them popping out, that said, hollie, jordan, said, Jesus, and he saw it, said, casey, lighted shaft, pointed, jordan, exploded, bobby theres syria, said, hollie, 1-8-2010-and he saw, said, hollie, Jesus, appears, grunts, they are, lying, saith the Lord, its, sh, said, hollie, showed, economic collapse, looting, said, Jesus, destroys, america's, infrustucture, give my servant, paid job, and car, you have one, barack, obama, try to arrest, and I will bring economic collapse, sooner, heres, how, call on, russia, to, get o.p.e.c., to, stop, u.s.a., oil, shipments, thats biden, barack, o.k., we will git him, thats both of you with bob, you would love him, 1-9-2010-no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, I turned around, the showed, thru, but shook, yes, I turned, around, she, said, claps, showed, pope, his, appeared, happy, hollie, showed, turn, eat, loose belt sorry, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie, tore, up, cindy appears, hollie put back, hey, said, hollie, it, hollies body, like silhouette, then starts appearing, hollie, showed, its, a.s. byatt, why did you steal, hollie, said, thats antonia byatt looking around, it was, him, she, said, the booker prize, I wanted, now, the man bookers prize, excludes a.s. byatt for stealing and taking the God spoke name, ministry of dreams, its to ruin, said, a.s. byatt, hollie shows, its the toyota jeep, they, hollie rubbed chin, are, better, not, as, good, equal, she, said, get it, russia, said, hollie, casey sprinkles, bear rises, Jesus, points, devour, thats, america, appearing, thats, submarines, all around, hollie claps, one fires, thats, nuclear, explosion in, dumitru duduman, appeared, its, california, hollie watches happy, on, cnn, thats hollie news anchor man explaining, showed, thats, both american coasts exploding, subs fired, hollie, let me git outta here, he, said, kicked out, submarines are right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, many, submarines, appear, prowling oceans, thats, them firing, hollie spins world, showed, many countries on fire, look, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, then, putins drawing, hollie claps, im with him, said, pope, thats, pontiff coming out of putin, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she, said, up rose, the, beast, hollie, said, pope, she, said, it, appeared, thats false prophet hu hintao, hollie, rides, the, rocket, thats nuclear explosion in, its taiwan, showed, hollie, theres, hu on red horse, battling, washington state, its repelled, said, hollie, thats barack placing order, captain hollie in three ohio class subs, surface, thats, them, firing, rockets, thats, china, exploding, theres barack making a press release, grunts, they wanted war said, obama, we got them, thats putin, and, medvedev, looking at each other, if you do, said, putin, medvedev, presses nuclear button, thats bear arising, thats, rockets, leaving, russia, hollie spins, world, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres france and great britain showering russia out of, hollie shows, six nuclear submarines, they fire, said, Jesus, thats nuclear explosions in, its, showed, hollie, russia, let me, make, uh, press release, said, barack obama, we want to arrest and torture bob hickman, barack walks away, hollie showed, its uh jvc vcr-5511 stereo receiver, its as good as many made, they, said, hollie, have, graphic equilizer system, thats, hollie buying, hollie showed, missile, let me explain, she, said, it, she, said, left italy, then, italy exploded, that missile struck russia, exploded, russia showed, hollie, from nuclear n.a.t.o., thats, most of russia, hollie, showed, many fires, thats, nuclear fire, in, australia, but, missiles leaving there, striking russia, exploded, thats submarines all around, u.s.a., thats both american coasts exploding, hollie lowered on rope, thats, submarines all around, america, exploded, thats nuclear fires in canada, then whole center of america exploded, thats captain hollie flying in her jumbo jet, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie turned, jet, thats, hollie lowered on rope, thats russia exploding, theres nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, then jet turns, into, many, submarines, thats, many countries exploding, theres venezuela, and brazil, boom, cuba, and nicaragua burning, thats nuclear fires, in, latin america, and mexico, pointed, hollie, thats smoke rising, blocking sun and moon, what does the sun and the moon, say, said, hollie, dormant, said, moon, sun shows, both, wait for Jesus, then, moon laughs, bobby, he told me, said, moon, not uh, moon, said, in heart, word, moon points, laughs, played, no, said, moon, showed, Lord im away with it, but shook, yes, moon had amber colored hands, hollie checked post office box, wearing nice long coat, hollie showed, the money, with amber colored hands, girl masterbates, with the, said, God, seventh day adventist, church, 1-19-2010-no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, showed, L0rd, im thru, away with, but, shook, yes, bobby, horn, said, hollie, and, he, saw, hollie said, a, amber colored, dull yellow horn, out came, hu hintao, theres emporer of japan, out, of, other, thats bear licking prophet, bob, said, hollie, showed, record, plugged in flash drive, hollie screams, that, she said, thats Father in steem locomotive, its reuben wells steem engine, thats, hollie, funnel, on, it blew, like this, whew, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, hollie showed, Jesus will place trials on you untill you backslide, wont live for God no more, hollie closed, mouth, hollie showed, record, showed, bobs facebook, up, hollie showed, record, pope, she, said, rose, thats it, said, hollie, pontiff riding black horse, its into russia, pope, said, theres light russia, pontiff and medvedev signing a deal, hollie pulled up sleeves, come on, she, said, thats, nuclear fire, in, russia, theres missiles leaving russia, they exchange, hollie, hollie showed many nuclear fires in russia, and china, hollie showed, record, points, at, the leave it alone, at two horned beast with hu and japan coming out of its horns, thats, lets rise and withstand this, said, hintao, 666 being signed, for, at table, with pope, hollie said, its uh peace treaty, said, pontiff, they leave, hollie showed, book, its, she, said, ministry of dreams, its, published, she, said, thats king of grecia, its, pope, with, ram, horns, thats, putin, and hu, out of, horns, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, then hu hintaos, there you have it, she, said, relaxed, both beasts, hollie said, do something, got out, laptop, this is not the website talkin, this is hollie talking for the website, its brian lane, said, hollie, points at, brian l. lane, in the fire, thats, reverend brian lane, showing, cut off, im with witch, he said, yes, shakes, mrs. brian lane, thats them pocketing, the loot, hollie, shows, liberty taberacle-u.p.c.i., closing, dont pay them, said, hollie, thats young lady looking at visions, they will not repent of preaching for lucre, said, hollie, thats joel urshan, shaking, yes, showed, cut off, I never got saved, said, joel urshan, with the voice of, nathaniel haney, yes, shakes, joyce meyer, tell the vision, make it, plain, said, hollie, thats was satan forming, this is u.p.c.i. david bernard, thats somebody showing joel urshan, visions, that is Father on the old oak train, said, hollie, and, hollie funnel blew, pope, hollie, said, its me said pontiff, im the antibeast, they are, telling jeremy taylor, to, remove his stuff at wisdom university, said, hollie, and, Jesus, its over taking, the name, said, kathryn taylor, he did it, said kathryn taylor, shook, yes, let me steal it, said, kathy taylor, both, steal the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats hollie playing the harmonica, you did not need me, said, hollie, hollie showed, thats pope, hollie coming out of, record, the, vision, make it plain, said, hollie, thats, the caspian sea oil pipeline exploding, its sabatoge, word, said, hollie, appeared, let me make you git cut off, said, Jesus, thats joel urshan pointing at heidi urshan, fool, said, Jesus, points, white, hand, thats uh finger, said, hollie, thats hollie out of, its, tuba, she, showed, thats kevin danforth, praying, for, bob, and ronald, bob goes, hollie, said, back to jordan, hes, hollie looks around, concerned, like, afraid, but, they dont mess with, why dont you move to jordan, said, ronald danforth, and thats danforth, sending, email, but, bob thinks, rubs, chin, to far away, its, Jesus, thought, his van, both, and, car, you can make it, said, hollie, bob shakes, yes, i will go, to, its, showed, hollie, appeared, jordan apostolic church, they are, your friends, bob loved kevin danforth, before, drexel, gardens, apostolic, invite, said, hollie, kevin, when you, and kevin looks, bob is, controversial, said, kevin danforth with, hey its geno, said, hollie, schmidts, voice, bob, loves, all, danforths, thats ronald, wanting to schedule, bob, says, no way, said, hollie, you preach, hollie, said, thats ronald easing back in his chair, hollie, showed, his office, they, dont want, you, but, like, put it under, said, hollie, thats nuclear missile flying over, hey its, said, hollie, moorseville, indiana, bob, you better, go, said, ronald danforth, hey, said, hollie, thats bobs friend, its, dady, danforth, bob likes, hey, said, hollie, thats, sh, she, said, looked around, its, new jerusalem, said, hollie, showed, with a big hand, glass skyscrapers, hollie laughs, walks on the streets of gold, they are like, glass, hollie, said, put it under, bob, doesnt want you to tremble, can, get, you, hey, said, ronald danforth, looks around, thru, all, whoever he wants, heres the deal, said, hollie, bob must like, or love, and, will fast and pray, would, and, now is, his stomach is growling, hollie, said, put it under, hey this is boring, said, ronald danforth, thats, the new world order, tap dancing, and, the red, dragon, arising, its, the new world order, said, hollie, and she conducts, the seven lighted heads, aw, they sang, bob must go, to, church, tonight, hollie had, watch on, lighted watch, showed, five, its time, she, said, cut off, with dyed hair, thats heidi urshan saying, you know it, looking, at, visions, aw, she, said, gimme some loot said, heidi urshan, for preaching, jeff jaco is not saved said hollie, thats, reverend jeff jaco, looking at visions, thats his wife appearing looking worried, but smiling, shaking yes, thats their reverend said, hollie, terry long, selecting jeff jaco to be assisstant pastor, of, its, said, hollie, lawrence apostolic church, thats terry long showing cut off, yes shakes, mrs. long, thats, pastor, terry long, let me see that, he, said, reading, visions, no I aint terry long said with the voice of terry cannon, same o joel urshan, no work no eat, hollie said, gimme that, said, nathaniel p. urshan, reads the visions, Lord, nathaniel urshan said, with straight face, but smiled in heart, im uh vision lets post, said, hollie, and, post angel, appears, claps, hands, dances, im uh vision I can not do one thing, said, hollie, thats, wilhelm gustloff ship dressed like king, showed, laughs, I tease you to make you perish, we just experienced economic collapse, said, barack obama, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, poor jeremy taylor, said, hollie, why did you take it, said, hollie, cause I wanted to ruin, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, thats, reverend jeremy taylor, stealing, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, kathy taylor m.a. now has, rev. jeremy taylors, website, tell, dr. jeremy taylor, when you see him, that you know hes stealing from christian, but, jeremy taylor is claiming to be an ordained unitarian universalist minister, hes uh witch, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, chant at wisdom university, that, jeremy taylor steals from christian, they will said, hollie, thats people holding up signs at, wisdom university, showed, hollie, jeremy taylor steals, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, hollie, shakes, no, shows, Lord im thru, but, shook, yes, hands up, clapped, hollie showed, lay down, dont, stop, she, said, you need to give warning, said, hollie, hollie tore up, from behind, she, said, clap, she, said, 1-28-2010-bob, book, said, hollie, showed, call it, she said, wiped lips, look at, Jesus, with brown hair, call it ministry of dreams, hollie, said, the book is born, she said, all I want is tithes, said, Him who, Is, and, Was, and, Always will be, get it published, said, Jesus, look at watch, it is time, God, said, people want to steal, God, said, to, ruin, but, I spoke it, created, birthed, said, Jesus, place, do not copy, said, Jesus, that is above a tradmark, and will hold up in court God, said, lets close this chapter, said, Jesus, and work out, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, its hollie walking on the treadmill, wearing, work out, clothes, Jesus, looked at watch, its light watch, said, hollie, walked, it keeps ya in shape, she said, put it under, hollie said, this is the birth of, the ministry of dreams, book, put it under, said, Jesus, the introduction, to, Ministry of Dreams, book, thats, bob, hey put it on the shelf, Jesus, said, bob looking at his, own book, hollie, said, its, at, stores, she said, put it under, thats all I have to do, said, hollie, is tell visions, thats, hollie receiving word from Jesus, then going and telling bob, and bob, putting it on his website, hollie, said, call it, ministry of dreams, hollie said, close, she, said, this chapter, go, and workout, did, come back in, hollie, looked at watch, fifteen minutes, put it under, said, Jesus, chapter two, call it, Jesus said, its time for end times prophecy, thats, said, hollie, the world, she said, and, its, big, fireball, coming up, from, thats the man, hollie, said, publishing, book, trembling, thats o right, said, hollie, dont worry, she, said, bob, prays, and he saw, said, casey, bob, praying, for, its publishing company, dont worry, hollie, said, man, shakes, alright, he said, thats, the world, shaking, and, up rising, three kings, they already exist, said, Jesus, should I buy some time, Jesus, said, why should I, you wont live for me, Jesus looked at watch, its time, hey bobby, lets buy it, hollie, said, book, bob will come to you and personally autograph, its for uh fee, or, hollie, said, invite to your church, thats bob speaking, at, churches, there, said, hollie, all over, the world, hollie, looked at watch, should I post more, about, the, book, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, the Ministry of Dreams, is, protected, steal, or, alter in any way, and suit, said, the Lord, for I created, for my child, should I let you have what I spoke, for him, saith God, for you buying the book, dont, steal, said, JEsus, or, fight against me, and, loose, I want to tell you about myself, saith God, I came to this earth, in fleshly form, and they hated me, even my own mom and dad, did not like to serve me, but, they knew who I was, for a prophet is not accepted in his own, countryman, saith the Lord, I want to personally take you on a tour, hollie, showed, its, new jerusalem, hollie, said, walked on, the streets of God, thats woman with book at church, its temple, said, Jesus, wanting to tell, but, they wont let, saith the LOrd, but dont worry, you can promote, yourself, in, me, lest, you are, in, error, said, the Lord, then invite bob, to your church, thats a lady showing her pastor, and, he, doesnt want, but, will preach, lost, hey bobby its for loot, said, the pastor, they teach, wrong, and people can not be delivered, said, God, dont trust them, for when they are found, out, the will strip you of your duties, like many, that know about bob, im not going to say very much in this, hey bobby, its book, said, hollie, cause, bob, doesnt feel, like, typing, much, he wanted book, called, like I spoke it, saith the Lord, ministry of dreams, but, I chose to call it, the ministry of dreams, to, make people know, that, they can not steal, take, or alter, in any way, now, hear the word of the LOrd, saith, Jesus, looked at, its, said, hollie, a, light watch, worn by our, hollie said, Jesus, post, more visions, put them right here, God, said, on, call it, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, visit bob, at, ministry of dreams, o, saith God, and look at the theives, of the God spoke, ministry of dreams, they all want to, challenge, my servant, for, what I gave to him, and ruin him, strip him of his walk with me, and many claim to be my servants while they, do it, saith the LOrd, this is why the end must come, for, christian, shall be coming against, person, but, not in that order, for my servants, will give all, to, help, their brethern, saith, the ONe, Jesus, and, I looked at my watch, hollie, was, walking on, its, treadmill, again, wearing, workout clothes, place this on, saith, the LOrd, I want to talk, to you about my salvation, in, this next chapter, hey bobby, book, said, hollie, called, the Ministry of dreams, is, born, and, published, today, and, written today, saith the LOrd, now, place, chapter, three, call it, the salvation plan, my salvation, plan, saith, the King, is, to, believe, on, him, who, was, sent, that, is, me, Jesus, inside, my body, that, I created, for, myself, for, I was, that, seed, thats a woman, reading, this book, said, prophet, and, shaking, yeaow, feeling, encouraged, if you can not get thru, to, the, Holy Ghost, baptizm, then, continue, untill, you do, or, die, if you pastor, is, not, saved, then, dont tithe at, that, chappel, saith, the LOrd, pay tithes, here, hollie, shows, its, at, Ministry Of Dreams, inc., said, hollie, just, send, check, payable, to, bob hickman, at, p. o. box 2824, indianapolis, indiana, 46206, and, dont, worry, saith, the LOrd, I, am, the One, that, receives from, you, thats my servant, giving, away, the check, to, whomsoever, I tell him to, but, laughs, keep, he thinks, but, you must tithe, or, I the LOrd, will, not even, begin, bringing, you into, the baptizm, of, Me, saith, JEsus, for, where ever, your, heart, is, is, where, your, wallet, is, thats, what, the people, of, this, present, world, want, money, and, its, said, Jesus, sex, sh, said, hollie, thats, woman, laughing, reading, but, these pleasures, only last, for a season, then, its, death, then, and he saw, said, casey, hellfire, like, valcano, lava, thats many, there in, this is what they are saying, saith the LOrd, lets, walk into, hell, thats one man, Lord I pastored, he, said, but, dressed in suit, showed, sh, he, said, dont tell on me, I told people what they knew God would do, its according to, the Word, he, preached, but, I never did it for him, O God will save ya, said, this man, but, he wasnt saved, and there they all are in hell fire, many dressed in suits, they, are, its uh wall, said, this man, tall, thats, man looking up, at, wall, about, two hundred feet high, then shot to the top, looked, in, saw, hourdes, of people, in agony, moving, mouths, in, pain, they, are, stacked, man, said, on top, of, each other, for the loved, the wages, of this life, put it under, said, hollie, lets start a new chapter, and, tell people how to avoid, this place, Jesus, walks out of hell, call this next chapter, the, Kingdom of heaven, this is heaven, showed, Jesus, sitting on his throne, at, the right hand, of, him, pointed, me the LOrd, its, Jesus, the Father, hes like Light man, said, hollie, but, moves, and, makes, people, feel him, he, is, the Alpha, and Omega, that is, the end and the beginning, saith, the King, JEsus, me, the Son of God, cant tell the difference, said, me, Jesus, we are the same, im, the body, he, dwelt, in, but, im, love, and, you are, hate, that is what you people are, toward me, for, I say to do, right, and ye wont, I say tithe, and you will not pay, but, you will run to do you pleasures, JEsus, looked at his light watch, time is quickly, running, out, for, men, are lovers, of, pleasures, more, then, me, said, JEsus, I, speak every bit of this book, is, propheshying, like, my word, says, Jesus, shows, servants, ministering spirits, and, they write, what, they are, told, its, how, the whole new testament, was, birthed, said, God, paul, wrote, what he saw, thats bobs pastor, being warned, by, person, at, one of his churches, bob is writing a book, I saw it in a dream, thats, uh night vision, but, bob, doesnt offer to speak, there, lets them, now, heres, how, you begin, your new walk in, me, saith the King, for, I, clearly laid it out, in my word, that woman doesnt want to read it now, but, will later, and, say, yeaow, I can do that, she, said, Jesus, looked at his watch of light, my word, says, to, be baptized in my name, what is my name, said, Jesus, im, Christ, the One, that, was, sent, my Father, and I are One, he, is, Jesus, I am Christ, therefore, like in my word, JEsus Christ is my name, thats woman, showing, pastor, and he says, lets git bob, thats bob baptizing, even his own pastor, they laugh, but, love, each, all at, his church, first you must repent, and then, get, baptized in Jesus, Christ, name, thats, priest, looking, at, this formula, and, saying, LOrd I wasnt taught like that, but, he gets, and, repent, untill, I forgive you, saith God, for ye have a distance to go, in, repentance, and, then, I will gladly receive you, but not untill, then, I enter into my servant like a body, his perfect size, its the Holy Ghost, said, JEsus, hollie shows, God, like Spirit man, going into, bob, there, are, none, saved, but, many claiming, bob will come to your church and preach, but, get into your pockets, and, take care of, for, will you come to bob and do it for nothing, saith JEsus, your answer is, no, bob, can, help, whoever, he loves, to, get thru, but, cheat, bob, and, he will know it, and wont want, but be offended, o and he is fair, but, knows all secrets, so, dont try to hide, offend, and he will, leave, thats, how I AM, saith, the LOrd, Jesus, looks at watch, hollie shows, walk more, in, workout, attire, lets place this next chapter, its, chapter four, call it, my world, saith the King, Im the book, said, Jesus, this volume, is, me, Im, the One, speaking, and, my child, is, typeing, with, me, inside of him, its for I came inside him, entered, like a body, his perfect size, thats, lady reading this book, Lord I aint got that, when are you going to let me, just give it time, saith, the LOrd, for, thats, all you got anyway, showed, Jesus, Im coming, at, an hour, when you think, not, for, when, they, were, drinking, and, partying, like, now, what are you going to do when the book is done, said, hollie, bob, doesnt, know, only I Jesus, know, but, bob knows, pastors will not let him come there, and ruin, their, plate, offering, tray, but, bob is getting, big, now, and, they wont, let, still, but, people, are, in, record, numbers, leaving, the churches, thats young girl at, a, its, showed, hollie, a, bible collge, LOrd I aint saved, she, said, but, is being, trained, to, pastor, thats, the, blind, leading, the blind, and, both will fall into, the ditch, for if I did not send you, and you charge, people, to, preach, when, you are not sent, then, I will not forgive, you, for, you are claiming to be my child, and, charge, high, fees, and, wont help, nobody, but, your, own, just, try to get into, your pastors, wallet, even, though, its, fat, saith, the LOrd, well I will see, said, that, pastor, the LOrd wont let me, he later, says, what he really means, is, I want your money, its loot, not, give you mine, get your own buisness, go, I dont, want you here, if you cant pay, for my heat, plumbing, thats, the pastors, of, today, just, look, at them, they are, deceiving, and being, decieved, for I fall on them, keep, but, wont, save, give dreams, talk to, but, will not, save them, if, you are reading, this, bobby, its book, said, hollie, and, not saved, but, did not charge to, witness, then fear not, and, seek, the baptizm of, the Holy One, saith, JEsus, what are you going to do with book bobby, asked, that one pastor, in, vision, hollie appears, why dont you want bob to prosper, like, you are, but, not saved, think he might ruin you, watch what I do, thats, bob, on, t.v., then, most, churches, in, the world, are ruint, thats bob walking into, his church, and, pastor looking, at, smiling, in, heart, know, wheresoever, the ark is, there, is, God, will bless, but, I wont save, and he does not know, that, but, I hold him unaccountable, and in heaven, waits, there, afraid, by hellfire, cast him out, for I the LOrd, throw out all, in heaven that show, up without, a, wedding, garnment, on, but, the children, they, can stay, or, go, like, the deformed, and, mentally, people, that, are, not, birthed, like, normal, saith, the LOrd, even retarded children, will, ultimately jump, out, heres, why, they want to, do, serve themselves, even though, they knew, JEsus, looks at watch, its, light watch, lets, walk, on, treadmill, somemore, for, there, are, angels, in, this life, unawares, they are sheep, saith the LOrd, see what youve done, said, Jesus, thats, woman, reading, this book, saying, yeaow, yeaow, thats what ive done, she, said, preached, its for loot, showed, cut off, you witch, saith the Lord, then give it back, and then I will, think, thats, woman, shaking, yes, but, doesnt, thinks, in heart, he wont save, then, keep, and, know, your destiny, saith, the Lord, dont, have, then, pay back, offer settlement, lets place this next chapter, thats, me looking at watch, knowing, bob does not want to write book, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, call chapter five, Ministry of Dreams, I the LOrd, am, the Holy, One, and I spoke, call it, ministry of dreams, why do you steal, saith, the LOrd, hey bobby its for loot, said, this one, internationlly known, man, stealing, and not removing, ministry of dreams, which I spoke, untill, bob, emails, thats him laughing, while reading, this book, he bought, for I wont save you john, and your ruin is, now, just watch, people, steal, said, hollie, call it, she, said, for, I the LOrd, told, bob, get a website, and thats, johns wife, looking, at, she, tried to make bob speak blasphemy, and its on, net, saith, the LOrd, its, for, LOrd, I want it, she, said, but, its, not, hers, said, JEsus, hollie, had watch on, showed, lay down, bob, says, lets finish, and publish, its, right now, 1-29-2010, about 12:23 am, and this book will be published, today, saith the King, I created ministry of dreams, and chose, bob, to, be, its, owner, and, many have stolen, some even rewrote existing, books, and placed in, to make bob beleive it was there long ago, and have big ministries, but, they stole, for it did not exist till I spoke, it, theres a international pastor, hes, reverend, d.min, ph.d., m.a., (hon), its, no, said, his wife, they find out about, book, hes a soothsayer, tell me the dream, and I will, tell you, what I think it, means, its a big buisness, but, they are laughing, at this person, and his helf is failing, from, being stalked, but, people, who, want him to know, they know, he is, almost, a, billionaire, but, 67 now, and dyeing, at, the top of his life, LOrd no I aint gonna do it, said, jeremy, but, will, soon, cause, in, the hospital, tells his wife, who, now, has his webby, lets remove, then, kathy does, but, its too, late, for, jeremy dies, in, hospital, theres, a, group, of, religious, people, they claim to be christians, post, christian, things, have many alias, and even act like, a presidential candidate, is, their ally, but, when found, out, then, the fled, and, are, now being, stalked, and mocked, but, they were on a forum, of, christians, acting, but after, being, exposed, they, trembled, and, lied, but, now, they, are, on, net, exposed, and, deny, but, say, the Lord made me, I the LOrd will not make you fight against, me, thats, one, christian lady bob wrote, rewriting, old, vision, and including, the God, ministry of dreams, till, found, out, thats woman, who is reverend in sofia, stealing, ministry of dreams, after bob signs her guestbook, and her family, says, have nothing to do with it, but, she, steals, and is an attorney, and wants to, trademark, but, would, have to sue bob, and, in court, be, stripped, of, her, legal, attorneys licence, and knows it, these are just examples, of, people, all, these claim to be saved, but, all steal, and want my servant to speak, blasphemy against me, and some even wrote letters and tried to make bob blaspheme, against, the Holy One, many see in this book, call it ministry of dreams, said, hollie, Lord if I steal, said, one woman, why would you cut me off, why did you take it for, saith the KIng, Lord, I wanted to ruin, woman, says, but, I should, have mercy on you and place my child in hellfire cause you want what I gave to him, yes, shakes, woman, both, perish, cause, I wanted all, in, the lake of fire, only, a few make it, now, write this book, knowing, that, you and your familily, will, perish, soon, just, watch for it, bob, will, not, be, in, fire, but, all, that, take, ministry of dreams, which I spoke, and created, and, wont, share, rewrite your old books, and place it, in, you will be found out, and, be ruint, in, this life, just watch for your demise, Jesus looked at his watch, its light, said, hollie, call this next chapter, the end of days, its, showed, hollie, chapter, six, thats world, appearing, and many countries, exploding, errupting, into, fire, thats, hollie, appearing, its, submarines, she, said, surfacing, all over, the world, and, lets open fire, said, JEsus, they all do, and, most of, humanity, as, you know it, is wiped off, of, the face of the earth, only, about, one half, of, this population, will survive, and, the conditions, will, be harsh, cause, anti, rule, and, wars, even, then, and, nuclear weapons, in, many remaining, countries, and, 666, being, created, for, peace, but, it, will, not last long, cause, its for, i am God, said, the antichrist, sitting, in, his temple, for he will be mocked, even by his own, thats, a prince on, his, own, behalf, telling, people, worship, the, beast, but, he, to, has nuclear arms, and, they are aimed at, the beast, in, the very, end, the beast, will, be, cast, out, of, his land, that, he, inherits, from, the ruler, and, driven, to his own, land, and, lastly, will, sit, in, its, in, italy, claiming, I am God, he, said, but, will, go, to, the jewish, state, for, they are, not at rest, and, try to, restore, it, to, himself, and, even, try to make slaughter, of animals, again, to, try to, decieve, but, that, was, a nuclear fire, in, his, land, he came, was cast out, and, the nation, right near, with many other, countries, they force, its, magog, forcing, the land of, gog, which, exist, today, to, invade israel, thats, the prime minister there, pressing, the nuclear button, and, many countries, turning into, ash, and, the nation, of, God, nuking, its, the, jewish, country, thats JEsus, standing, on, the mountain, and, it, dividing, and many, jews, are, raptured, for, they were hidden, in, the people, for if they knew who they were, they would of had them slaughtered, like the did me, said, me, JEsus, thats, an, international known, man, very, high up, looking at bob, its boring, bob, but, bob knows, the details, and irving, wants, but, bob wont give, so he can make loot, off of, and, many pastors, that, know, bob, buying this book, lets place chapter six, its seven, said, hollie, on, the gifts of the Spirit, here are the gifts of the Spirit, saith the LOrd, for If I can do what ever I want, then, there need not be an explanation, but, the gift of tongues and interpretation, is, you speaking, and saying, whatsoever ye will, but, bob, heres in your voice, what I want him to hear, at, the same moment, that, woman, just, trembled, for, nothing can be hidden, the gift of healing, is, me granting, you permission, to, get me the LOrd, to heal, whoever, you want, there, are, many gifts, but, desire, prophesying, saith, the LOrd, which is, this, me, talking, to my servant, all, the time, and he sees me, even while you are right there, that woman, said, o, but, thats, what, prophesying, is, seeing, me Jesus, and ministering, spirits, like, bob calls over, fifty spirits, hollie, all, hollies, and, the arch angel, gabriel, o, he, said, showed, off, his, light body, dressed like, warrior, dont call me, said, JEsus, for, bob doesnt have a cellphone, yet, but, will get one later, even now desires, so, he can post, on, net, even, while at church, lets place chapter eight, hollie looked at light watch, hey bobby its time, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, thats, what this book is really named, said, hollie, so, lets call chapter eight, the last chapter of this book, said, JEsus, there will be more, its, for publishing, sake, God, said, bob, must, get, known, then, get book offer, and, reveal more, chapter eight, is, said, JEsus, has watch on, call it, bobby, lets get published, tomorrow, said, JEsus, and, will, you need to get to the internet, early, and first copy, can be sent to, you, call chapter eight, the final, book, of, its, the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, in this chapter, saith, the LOrd, and that man laughs, knows, bob loves, I will discuss to you, about this present, age, and, why I must end all time, now, its, cause, that, said, JEsus, the internet, taking, porno, to, children, minors, and, they are, active, young, and will not repent, and, nations, pressing, sin, on, their peoples, wont let, christianity, in, their lands, and, people, slaughtering, and thats bobs pastor, looking, at, book, telling, bob, hey, its, a, powerful, book, bob, only, thinks, its, weak, glad, you liked it, bob prays, while at church, but, they dont mind, him being, around, then there caldwell, said, JEsus, he, hated, bob, bob, has cost, him millions, and will, not let, drexel, gardens, perish, but, they will, saith, the LORd, bob, seeks, now, heres, what, I want all, that read this book to, do, mock me in your hearts, and I dont care, but, it, will, get you in, time, I wont, says, bobs, pastors, pastor, for, they will both have this book, its up on 38th, said, JEsus, bob loves them, and they love, money, both, but, all do, and, one laughs, one is to wise to laugh, but, bob knows, him, and he is almost 70, and not saved, yet, but, doesnt say one thing, thats, the world, and countries exploding, and smoke rising, up, and moon looks down, with big nose, sun has mouth opened wide, and laughs, moon looks, its bobby he wont let me, said, moon, looking serious, then, worried, said, JEsus, but then laughs, its bobby were abased, said, moon, and sun, then they are playing, with teetor totter, and, JEsus, the Lord is, there, its almost, time, said, Jesus, what are you going to, do, thats, a pastor that helped bob, getting book, and bob loves, him, hes, duncan, both, one laughs with the others voice, they are friends, of, bobs, he loves, thats cecil, said, Jesus, cecil thinks, he will pastor for bob, and bob loves, both, cece, and brother, but, I cant help them, saith, God, for if you cross over, the line, then, your doomed, saith, the LOrd, I dont just doom, you, you chose, but, had many chances, thats woman, shaking, yes, place book, down, lets call it, ministry of dreams, said, JEsus, take out, the the, this book, is, the, book, of, ministry of dreams, lets get copyright, and protect, legally, not, useable, after, then, saith, the Lord, well bobby im done, said, JEsus, dont publish with, any, just get some, and do with, what soever, ye will, thats person at publishing, company, showing, its owner, yeaow, I want, he, said, does, takes, publishes, bob prays, for, them, if you have further need of my servant, just email him at, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, on, many of the major, email, providers, for bob has the top three tied up, LOrd, its, how long, said, hollie, and gabriel, to, JEsus, its, till, a, few, more, get, saved, then, the end shall come, its peace, said, JEsus, im finished, had light watch on, bobby, I will allow you to write a little forward with your own words, saith JEsus, call it ministry of dreams, said, JEsus, I spoke, and created it, and will destroy, all that steal in this life, just try me, saith the LOrd, i give each one so much time and wait untill they least expect it, and wont tolerate nobody, thats bobs pastor shaking, yes, till we meet again, said, JEsus, and we will, I assure, you, bye now, 3-4-2010-wole soyinka, bob, said, Jesus, and he saw it, said, casey, hollie points, its wole, she, said, its, she, said, sh, Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka, he stole, said, hollie, showed, its, ministry of dreams, sh shut up said his, Laurie Behncke, they both witchs, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for Laurie Behncke and Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka who is wole soyinka of the Congress Of Neurological Surgeons, she, said, hollie, sh shut up said, its, showed, hollie, Laurie Behncke, she got cut off, said, hollie, put it under, she is the devil herself, said, hollie, thats people at the center laughing at Laurie Behncke, hollie showed, record, look, she, said, showed, popes picture, tear up, said, hollie, hey, hollie, said, looked at, light, in tear, like, little round headed hollie, just head, she showed, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, picture, it appeared, pope, hollie said, thats hollies image made alive on, hollie claps, tape recorder, whats hollie screamin for, hollie, said, screamed, thats, hollie out of, horn, played, by, roberts, points up, thats, pope, appearing, let me, show, you, said, hollie, thats, world, appearing, thats, countries, exploding, smoke goes up, moon, with, big nose, shows, done, then, showed, hands, opened, put back, hollie, appears, stomps foot, snaps fingers, shows, tada, picture, whole new world order, appears, in pictures, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie, wallace vanslyke showed, turn, bobby, this is, website, said, hollie, showed, eat, cookie, hollie clapped, said, hollie, and, many, hollies, tap danced, with, yellow, hands, thats wilhelm gustloff ship, o, said, ship, hollie, visits, in, my, submarine, said, hollie, ships face, like silhouette, then appears, o, said, ship, that, was, the, copton, said, hollie, its, uh double blade, hollie, said, flown by, hollie, its, starfighter, agin, said, hollie, thats, captain hollie, piloting his, its f, said, hollie, 104, starfighter, showed, amber colored hands, its missile plane, God, said, wait for me, said, hollie, that, was, the, music, hollie, said, you did not nothin, said, hollie, playing, his music, dont tell me about, this, said, hollie, it is uhleary saleem, she, said, sandy, wipes lips, it was simb, sandy, said, that is, post angel, said, hollie, did you see it, rise, hollie, said, that, was, hollie, flying, its, f-38, hollie, said, starship, she, said, tell me what f-38 was doin, hollie, said, I, flyed upside down, hollie, said, saw hollie flying in old world war two airplane with, like, winter garment, around, kneck, hollie, dressed like, pilot, went out to sink attacking ships, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with sword, on, red, horse, thats, hollie, riding, red rocket, taiwan burned, let me, lure, said, yeltsin to hu hintao, alright, said, hintao, thats, kings appearing, you tell them, said, yeltsin, thats medvedev going to mexico, then nicaragua, then cuba, then, venezuela, then, brazil, and lastly, its kim jong, they all dread, they, fear, but, sign, yes, scene exploded, its just another, coptus, said, hollie, thats, its uh double beater, blade, said, hollie, flying high in the air, copter, drops bomb, america below exploded, hollie, screamed, hollie comes out of the fan, hollie blew the horn, scroll down, hollie, on, like a, bear, said, hollie, im, with, him, said, hollie, pulled putin to self, but different hollie, hollie flys upside down in, hollie showed, starfighter, again, hollie shows, with, its amber, said, hollie, hand, thats, hollie flying under in spacecraft, drops bomb, russia exploded, hollie drops more bombs, thats, Jesus, looking, at, world, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploded, pope rises out of world, im the g8, said, hu hintao, thats, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, like red dragon, rising, bush, rides, dressed like woman, its, attire, said, hollie, write, the vision, said, hollie, what is that, said, hollie, Jesus like uh hipocrit, said, hollie, blows horn, scroll down, hollie on, hollie shows, you did not want hollie showed, then hollie showed, appears, said, hollie, again, hollie, said, lets do something, thats, hollie in, white robe, posting, on, laptop, hollie with nice hair, appears, looks down at both beasts, walking, and hu, they said to each other, I can see were not going to get along, casey, appears, with, amber, hands, thats, nuclear, explosion in, russia, then, missiles exchange, nuclear fires in both lands, worship the beast said hu hintao coming out of, hollie showed, its, two horned beast, they sign 666 with japan, hollie claps, I have Jesus inside of me like a body my perfect size and im laughing at you and told all your friends on facebook, go ahead and strip my account, I can sue you whenever I want, youll never walk again, ha ha ha ha, saith the Lord, im inside of bob telling him what to say, this is going on the net, i'll never hear you, tremble you old devil you saith the Lord, be mocked, out in the open, im now asking to get your loot cut off, saith God, I can sue you whenever I want, and you can and will not hide from, me, saith the Lord, you stole ministry of dreams after my servant signed your guestbook, and now your own family mocks you, witch, saith the Lord, you will never get the Holy Ghost that you claim to have, its rachel alexander, said, showed, hollie, its shes uh witch, hollie, said, showed, rachel alexander showing cut off, with, its dyed hair, said, hollie, go ahead and tremble, said, Jesus, im puting this on the net, thats Jesus typeing on computer, watch for it, rachel, said, Jesus, shes the alexander witch, said, hollie, its paul mooney, said, hollie, cut off, like, her wife, micki sue mooney, ha ha ha, saith the Lord, I hated your, rache, you devil, you, saith the Lord, I knew, said, rachel alexander, in white robe, no, said, hollie, I, showed, im, away, she, said, normal hands, white robe, but, shook, yes, then, showed, thru, I turned around, but shook yes again, snapped fingers, stomped foot, jeremy taylor, thats dr. rev., said, Jesus, steals the God spoke ministry of dreams from christain after rev. jeremy taylor who is u.u. said Jesus, sees it on christians website, thats, dr. jeremy taylor, giving his, kathy taylor website, and, rev. jeremy taylor, lies, to, a wisdom uinversity, student, write on walls at wisdom universty, restroom, type in google dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min (hon) s.t.d. ph.d. m.a. stole the name, let students at chi, thats, the chaplaincy institute for arts and interfaith ministry, know what their ordained unitarian universalist dreams worker minister jeremy taylor done, and rev. tristy taylor lies and will try, said, God, to make you speak blasphemy against the holy Ghost, saith God, and, its, his promoter, said, Jesus, Martha Helming, its shes uh witch, said, hollie, tada, its pictures, with pope, hollie, said, theres, hu hintao, its, the, beast, hollie, said, theres, mexico, and, nicarguan presidents, with hugo and lula, theres castrol and kim jong, thats putin, pope, comes out of, putin, thats putin coming out of medvedev and yeltsin, thats boris coming out of the ten, said, hollie, its, russian ruling party, thats, hollie, showing, book, revelations of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie looks on, internet to, seek, name, hollie looks thru scope, Jesus hangs down like golden, bear, tell, said, Jesus, hollie showed, lay down, thats golden bear licking prophet, kings clothes, yellow tongue, hollie surfaces in her submarine, fires, thats many countries exploding, smoke rises, its the sixth seal, said, hollie, moon looks down with big, nose, then looks, bobby, moon, said, clapped hands, thats popes picture, moon, shows, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, kneeling before pontiff, thats, said, hollie, james payne preaching, globe behind spinning, thats, nuclear explosion in australia, all over europe, hollie, said, america exploded, thats many in latin america and south america, world shakes, bobby let me said, moon, watchs nuclear explosion in africa, missiles, leave their waters, hollie claps, thats, cuba, exploding, nicaragua burning, venezuela and brazil on fire, hollie appears, sums, silhouette body, im for blaspheme said africa, thats america agreeing, russia is not knowing, thats n.a.t.o. nations, showing thumbs up, all, thats dr. james payne pocketing, your tithes and offerings, showed, cut off, but shakes yes, at visions, walks, you liar said, hollie, james payne shakes, yes, hollie showed, lay down, this is, vision, said, hollie, I, need, to, post, she, said, 6-27-2010-this is vision please post, said hollie, showed lay down, thats idol shepherd, you lost an eye, you lost an arm, thats hu hintao slashing, its in israel, thats netanyahu pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fire in syria, egypt, and jordan, thats missile leaving russia, with new ministry of dreams website on, israel explodes, you, said Jesus standing on mount, it split in twain, he said, showed, lay down, showed watch, i am God said pope, sitting in temple, its in rome, showed hollie, its him she hollie said, they laugh, lets unite and force said hu hintao, thats nuclear fire its in russia, hollie said, thats like a cloud of people to invade the land hollie said, forcing russia to invade israel, there you have it hollie said, this is uh warning, hollie said, its him she hollie said, showed brush teeth, new Ministry of dreams, is, sang, hollie, showed, up, its, like, angel, man, with, deformity on one side, of face, thats dog licked prophet, its on dash, hollie said, bob eat, hollie, said, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, blogtalk radio, bob build it up, hollie showed, eat, bob this is uh warning, said, hollie, they do not want you at crystal thomas's church, hollie drove the military truck, fired, america, exploded, submarines, appeared, all around, this is, on, the day of the LOrd, hollie said, man lets git me out, said, hollie, cnn news man, dressed real well, hollie showed, thats all sub firing, both american coasts burning, north korea, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, wiped lips, showed, work, thats, north korea exploding, tehran, said, Jesus, casey showed, exploded, thats, iran, said, hollie, go ahead and do it, said, hollie, with air blowing, she said, wiped lips, its, i'm sorry, said, sandy, bob eat, said, hollie, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, thats, it, said, hollie, soaring, in, her, spacecraft, said, another, hollie, bombs, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., its lands, hollie, said, exploded, russia, burned, sun appears, happy, its the g8, said, hollie, and russia burning, thats france, said, hollie, and he saw it, said, hollie, france explode, and, two he captain hollies, in, french submarines, they fired, russia exploded, thats nuclear fire, in, australia and italy, thats missiles leaving, both, russia exploded, thats, great britain burning, and four, vanguard class, submarines, firing, thats russia, exploding, arise, lets devour, that, said, JEsus, to bear, uh warning, said, hollie, thats, happy bear, shaking yes, devour, said, hollie, thats three ribs appearing in bears mouth, and three, its akula again, thats what, you, want, need, said, hollie, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they fired, thats missiles striking america, and missiles leaving america, striking them countries, exploded, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear, fires, in, venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it, said, casey, nuclear fires, in, mexico and latin american borders, thats world shaking, pope appears on world, he rose out of the sea, hollie, said, thats moon dressed real nice, smoke rises, from, the, world, lets, rule, the world, said, putin, hollie pulled sleeves up, another, hollie pointed, turn, what kind of, ministry of dreams do you want, said, casey, that, website, and, he saw, said, casey, new ministry of dreams website like angel face man with deformity on one side of face, thats ministry of dreams website and casey writing, 666, its the number of the beast, hollie, said, thats pope and hu hintao and emporer of japan sitting at table, 666 is born, thats nuclear explosion in russia and hollie rolls up sleeves, come on, she, said, hollie only partially seen, at first, but, then, re-appeared, all the way, thats, its they exchange, said, hollie, thats, hegoat, pope with ram horns, thats, ram, with, putins face, its, o, vladimir, said, casey, thats kings coming out of its, horns, them three showed casey, theres pope coming out of putin, with medvedev, and, its, out of, other, horn, hu hintao, brother, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, clapped, hey, pointed, hollie, hollies body hidden, but faded in, it was him, she hollie, said, wearing robe, casey, showed, turn, big hand, thats, hollie, in, the, fire, said, it, casey, hollie showed, not, happy, Lord I want to go home, he, said, but, then, laughed, hollie clapped, showed, popes picture, this is uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, lay down, its, him, she, hollie, said, that, said, he hollie, in ring, its, the seven headed dragon, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, that, he, pointed, is, pope, he, comes out of, italy, thats, berlusconi's head, that, said, hollie, bush rides, red dragon dressed like woman, that hollie said, putin comes out of, g8, that, hollie said, ten crowns on putins head, one has eyes like man, that, hollie, said, yeltsin out of the ten, thats putin out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats pope out of, putin, I, that, hollie, said, flatter, pope, said, hollie with nice hair appears, its she and he hollie, both had nice hair, what was that, said, hollie, and, I, beat, she, said, pope like, head shaped like, little horn, rose, I'm the beast, he, said, I am God, hollie pulled sleeves back, pope rode black horse, hollie screamed, while you were in that class, hollie said, screamed, whats that, said, hollie, showed, disney cruise ship, its long, she, said, hollie thought, over, its almost one thousand feet long, its still excellent, hollie, said, hollie showed, un-even lane on highway, clapped, flew spacefighter, dropped bomb, america below, exploded, 6-27-28-2010-bobby, home, said, hollie, showed, its light watch, another, hollie said, hollie showed, eat, dont fast, she, said, laughed, thats moon, she said, pointed, hey said, and he saw, said, hollie, thats moon, and lighted shaft pointed, soon its light will go out, said, hollie, Jesus, rubbed chin, showed, die, or live, thats Gods hand, hollie, said, with nail in, post, hollie, said, said, pope, hollie, said, I am God, said, popey, hollie, said, I am gog, pope said, put it under, hollie, said, dont work, hollie showed, its, watch, said, hollie, put it under, hollie, said, dont go, hollie, said, thats bob walking, its home, hollie, said, to fast, lay down, but, tired, put it under, she, said, i'm the beast, said, pope, I am God, he said, hollie, said, rising out of the sea, thats, showed, hollie, walked out, its, she, said, Jason Kruse, shaking, yes, why did you steal, said, hollie, thats Jason Kruse showing cut off, steals, the God created, hollie showed, its, end time prophetic ministry, I knew, said, Jason Kruse, put it under, said, hollie, you witch, hollie said, thats Jason Kruse shaking yes, here is google cache said, God, of the theft of, its, showed, hollie, jason kruse of, end time prophetic ministry, God said, its jason kruse, said, hollie, you witch, hollie, said, I knew said jason kruse, thats so called, prophet, said, hollie, jason kruse applying, end time prophetic ministry to his website, thats, end time prophetic ministry angel appearing, with deformities on face, I knew, said, jason kruse, thats, your prophet, said, hollie, jason kruse removing end time prophetic ministry, yeow said end time prophetic ministry angel, bob, rebuild, said, Jesus, thats, why, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, jason kruse appear, i'm uh witch, said, its prophet jason kruse, we know, said, john mark pool, showed cut off, Lord I want to steal it, said, john mark pool, thats, john mark pool stealing the God spoke ministry of dreams, like his witch, hollie, said, its, dr. jeremy lopez, appearing, showing cut off, i'm, said, jeremy lopez, swallowed, the identity network, walks away when showed, visions, hollie showed, jeremy taylor d.min, of study of dreams, shakes yes, I know said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor m.a., thats kathryn taylor with, its doctor, rev. jeremy taylor u.u. webby, both steal, we know, said, jean poole, it, said, hollie, the, paliban daily, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, we knew, said, jenny donati, posting, ministry of dreams, on, many websites, stop it said, its, blogtalk radio website, like angel face, thats jon sawyer placing ministry of dreams on his pulitzer website and ginny hill formerly of the bbc news stealing ministry of dreams, both post on jon sawyers website, hollie, said, thats, john e. carey and wesley pruden, four news reporters, stealing, ministryofdreams, its, to ruin, said, jean poole, thats chrissy and roland harding, stealing, the God spoke ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, why do you guys call yourselves, my servants, said, JEsus, were witches said christine harding, thats diana Hahlbohm, and danny Hahlbohm, with ministry of dreams, dot com, its since, hollie, said, december of 2002, you witches, hollie, said, we knew said, wesley pruden, thats david reagan, of, it, showed, hollie, lion and lamb ministries, stealing prophecy ministry, thats prophecy ministry website like angel face, with hair, deformity, on, both sides, of, face, thats, david w. reagan looking at visions, its, I know, said, dr. david reagan, showed, cut off, it, was, I was never saved said david reagan, thats jason kruse swallowing, you know it coming, said, Jesus, a fearfull jason kruse swallows, whats spiritual warfare said jason kruse, its, showed hollie, jason kruse, Jesus, swallows, I expose false christians and make them pay in this life and next, saith the Lord, let me, said, kathryn taylor, shows, her, dr. rev. jeremy taylor ph.d., visions, were ruint, said, jenny donati, its over taking the name, said, kathy taylor and diana hughey Hahlbohm, laughs, showed, said, hollie, the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, appeared, thats, ashamed, embarrased, Diana Bohanon Hahlbohm, hiding face, swallowing, I knew, said, Diana Bohanon Hahlbohm, put it under, thats, Diana Hahlbohm showing cut off, no way, said, Diana Bohanon Hahlbohm, but, she can not get thru to the baptizm of the Holy One, said, God, and, I knew said, its, showed, hollie, Diana Bohanon Hahlbohm who really is diana hughey, hollie screamed, again, bobby, hollie, said, its, hollie with nice hair, appearing, hollie showed, bobby, said, hollie, with, nice hair, and, he, hollie, with nice hair, appeared, thats jeremy lopez stealing, the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, john lopez, showing, jeremy lopez, visions, thats, dr. jeremy lopez, showing cut off, it, was, I was never saved, said jeremy lopez, john says to people get saved but he steals from christian to ruin said jeremy lopez, hes uh hipocrit dr. lopez said, put it under, hollie, said, showed, dont, steal it, hollie, said, showed, the God spoke, call it ministry of dreams, hollie and Jesus said, that was, said, hollie, and, doreen, winked, uh white horse, appearing, Jesus, rode, its, to, conquer, said, Jesus, rode, his, horse, saw america explode, smoke rose, like, furnace, submarines, appeared, all around, thats, countries, on, other, side of, planet exploding, its the nuclear g8, said, hollie, russia burned, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, missiles left there, struck cuba, and america, exploded, missiles left america striking mexico and nicaragua, burned, hey, said, hollie, i'll place it, she, said, nuclear fire in latin america, hollie showed, pocket, taperecorder, thats, hollies image, on, take it, said, pope, hollie, said, thats, hollie, posting, on, its uh cellphone laptop t.v., hollie, said, its him, she hollie, said, wearing white robe, thats, popes face, appearing, on, screen, with, head, shaped like little horn, thats hollie showing, horn, with mans eyes, i'm the beast, horn, said, pope came out of, grecia, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, thats, king of, grecia, i'm pope, said, its king, hollie, said, with ram horns, thats, putins face, on, ram, with, kings coming, out, of, its, horns, said, hollie, theres, hu hintao, out of, one, with, his flower, thats, pope, medvedev and, putin out of, other, come on, showed, hollie, in, cloud colored, robe, thats, hegoat, charging, smiting, ram, thats, nuclear fire, in, its, russia, said, hollie, thats, its, they exchange, hollie, said, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, thats pope sitting at table, and, two horned, beast, rising, thats, hu hintao and emporer of japan coming out of its horns, thats, them at table, signing, its showed, hollie, peace treaty 666, this is, warning, said, hollie, website, said, another, dont, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes picture, i'm the beast, i am God, said, its, pontey, hollie, said, its angel out of lightening bolt, said, hollie, who are these, said, angel, showed, pope, said, hollie, and, medvedev, thats, them, sitting at table, lets war, said, medvedev, america appeared, hollie, let me, observe, she, said, like yellow outline, then whole country appeared, hollie, was, on, showed, behold its, him, she, pointed, its, false pastors, thats, something happening in center of america, people march out, they, are, prostesting, its, high taxes, they want, relief, but, thats president barack obama, lets raisem, its, cause, thats barack obama announcing, economic collapse, want their, said, Jesus, and he, saw, said, casey, people protesting with signs, high property, high property taxes, income, they, said, taxes, are becoming so, high, so you can live comfortable, said, Jesus, and we saw, said, casey, thats barack obama appearing, then its george bush, said, Jesus, both of them appeared, theres bill clinton, its my pension clinton said, former u.s.a. presidents earn millions like, Jesus laughed, thats all government workers appearing, all have pensions, that was hollie like uh bear, and, bear licked prophet, happy, it had, uh tongue, said, hollie, came out, hollie like bear laughed, showed, people protestin in u.s.a., they, want, to, make gasoline cost, its going way up, said, hollie, to almost, hollie like happy bear, showed, thats, hollie, on, the, disney cruise line, showed, eat, hollie rebuilt the lawnmower carbaretor, then mowed, showed, it took me two seconds, she said, cut grass, its the g8, said, hollie, with, russia, thats, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, putin with ten crowns, and, one has eyes like man, its, pope, said, hollie, coming out, andrea doria is now collapsing, said, angel, and he saw, said, casey, inside, andrea doria, its floors falling, that was hollie, said, hollie, showed, her, light watch, they, are, not, caring, dont, you, saith, the LOrd, Him who Is, and Was, and ALway will be, I AM, that I AM, saith God, thats, her, he, said, hollie, like, a little girl, with, happiness, both, and, he hollie, look, saith, the Lord, i'm, God, saith, the King, stockholm ship ramming in fog, but both knew, they, were, close to each other, hollie, said, dont do nothing, that was hollie, at, fairfax christian church talking to bob, hollie screamed, showed, lay down, thats hollie charging different batteries, hollie showed, her, watch, prophet, dont touch that website, hollie, said, showed, and he saw, said, casey, its, the prophecies center, website, like, long narrow, angel man, with deformity, on, one, side of face, he, showed, pope, hollie, said, its, picture, she, said, thats, pope, wearing brown suit, hollie showed, let me, said, putin, laying before, I want to rule the world, pope shakes, yes, hollie showed, world, many countries, exploding, its on the day of the Lord, said, Jesus, thats, moon, pointing, its bobby, moon, said, he made me, then showed, not uh word, smoke comes up, i'm said, sun, both play, God, there, sun laughs, shows, picture, its both beasts, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, and, the pontiff, and hu I can see, we love each other, said, hu, they hate but cling, saith the LOrd, put it under, said, hollie, hey bobby, let it index, she, said, showed, cut off, go, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, with, its the submarine somby, said, hollie, and, casey looks down, from high above, its akula thats what you want need, said, hollie, and hollie news anchor man reports, Jesus looks at time, thats nuclear explosion in, its, california, then both american coasts burns, put it under, said, hollie, its him, she hollie, said, go, she, said, prophet, said, holile, bob, she, said, go, showed, eat, its, time, she, said, be better, hollie, said, dont, steal it, she, said, showed, the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, that was ministry of dreams website like an angel man, and, end time prophetic ministry, website, like an angel man with deformity, on one side of face, put it under, said, hollie, thats on the day of the LOrd, she, said, call it, prophecy ministry, God, spoke, dont take or alter in, any way, these, hollie, said, or he will get ya, hollie, said, showed, Jesus with torturing device, I spoke, them, Jesus, said, I created, end time prophetic ministry, and, world prophecy center, said, God, thats world prophecy center website, like angel, with deformity, on face, one side, said, hollie, lastly, hollie, said, the prophecies center, thats the prophecies center website like, angel face, hollie, put it under, she said, dont steal, or alter, these, hollie, said, thats on the day of the LOrd, she said, hollie looked down, saw submarines all around, the u.s.a., said, hollie, and, its him, she hollie, said, appears, and, another, he hollie like cat, reports, on, t.v., bobby, you got it, said, hollie, they, will release, then, saith the Lord, thats nuclear explosion in, california, and both american coasts, burning, man lets git outta here, said, he hollie, reporting, kicked out by light legg to God, hollie showed, record, hey, said, another, hollie, bob check freeservers, hollie screamed, drove tank, fired, thats hand showing, check the prophecies center website, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, it was him, she, hollie, said, it surfaced, like, white submarine, fired, thats gaza forsaken, burning, hollie turns, his sub, around, america, exploded, thats, many countries, burning, its, him, she hollie, said, Jesus appears, smokes rises, shows, bobby, go home, moon, said, showed, no more words, but then laughed, leave it alone, said, hollie, thats people looking, at, visions, its me, said, Jesus, they are from, him, hollie, said, God, she, pointed, hollie points, like, white hollie, showed, turn, she, said, with big hand, thats, bob driving, and hollie watching, God telling, and hollie showing, turn, thats Father, like little dot head, dressed like, conductor, hollie, said, showing, its, r.m.s., hollie, said, titanic, passing, by, and rubbing, iceberg, the captain trembles, its still loved, showed, hand, with, music, there on, bottom of, sea, showed, hollie, I appeared, she, said, he hollie plays music, you want it, he said, thats, royal, mail steamer, britannic, laying on its side, on the bottom of the sea, they, sank, it, cause, hollie showed, captain, not closing, watertight doors, thats britannic captain explaining, grunts, I would kill innocent, people, he, said, walks, shows, many, we knew, its, mines, he, said, german, thats, RMS Olympic, it, paid for all, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, thats, she, showed, happy, dressed like, captain, white star lines, shipping, they made uh fortune, she, said, its, planes, hollie, said, thats one, passing over, they sank ships, and captain, hollie flys, and, its, him, she, hollie said, drops bomb, thats, america exploding, and hollie soars, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o., lands, exploding, and russia burning, moon chokes, from the smoke, hollie, said, thats venezeula and brazil with nuclear fires, and cuba, and nicaragua burning, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, many fires, along, mexico and latin american coasts, put it under, said, hollie, thats, the beast, she, said, its, popey, rising, out of sea, lets rule the world, sang, russian prime, write the vision make it plain, said hollie, that was Jesus, said hollie, like uh caped white faced man with like light sword coming out of his mouth, put it under said holiie, showed cellphone, the keys said hollie, never wear out she said, bobby go to walmart holiie said, thats hollie walking in the walmart, wearing plad coat, Jesus showed cut it off, thats end time prophetic ministry website, aapearing, dont steal website said, like white angel face, said, thats God created like, kruse stole, website said, that, said a he hollie, showed lay down, said uh she hollie, its jason kruse, said hollie steals, the God created, end time prophetic ministry, i knew said jason kruse, showed cut off, i wanted to challenge said jason kruse, i wanted to be number one kruse, jason said, put it under said hollie, it was i was never saved jason kruse said, i'm cut off said, JONATHoN C. CARTER, let me pocket the loot dr. carter said, God will said dr. john carter, but he wont for me, dr. jonathon carter said, your uh hipocrit a woman said, 6-29-2010-let me see, said, hollie, wiped lips, pope, she, said, he arose, another, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, hes the beast, antichrist, hollie, said, wiped lips, that, hollie, said, you need to record, said, hollie, pray for protection for, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, and, removal, of, those that stole, said, hollie, like john mark pool, she, said, thats it, said, hollie, its beast rising out of sea, its pope showed, hollie, like angel of light, now, let me, see, said, popus, hollie showed, lay down, wearing white robe, hollie showed, its, july fifth, at bush stadium, indians game, thats national christian association day, there, hollie, shut mouth, another, marine corp., said, hollie, its, out in the streets, and, he saw, pointed, casey, angel marine, with, partial silhouette, face, then, hollies face appeared, laughed, thats barack obama, at microphone, we had are under economic collapse, obama said, wiped lips, left, hollie, pointed, turn, body hidden, appeared, hollie, said, its, him, she, hollie, said, and, beast pope arose from sea, pope, said, hollie, and, i showed, you uh picture, she said, pope wearing brown suit, no face expression, hollie, said, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, pope shakes, yes, theres another, submarine, right there, said, hollie, its, him, she, hollie, said, pointed, at, hollie showing picture, its akula class she hollie, said, thats sub in picture, with its captain hollie firing, thats, submarines, appearing, all around, america, one, fires, thats nuclear explosion in california, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn news man, thats, him kicked out by light legg to God, thats both american coasts, exploding, hollie watched, missiles, sailing, thats some, exploding, in alaska, major fire, thats, cnn tower falling, in fire, thats center of america exploding, barack types, devour that, said, Jesus, to, bear, thats two different hollie bears, one, has, three ribs in mouth, thats, hollie walks out, shows, tripod, he hollie tickles her feet, thats, russian akula class submarines in nicaraguan and venezuelan, and, cuban, waters, thats, them firing, america exploded, missiles left u.s.a., thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, nuclear fires, in cuba, and, along mexican and, latin american borders, thats nicaragua burning, thats new ministry of dreams website, its freeservers, showed, hollie, like angel face man, long, narrow, showed, side, had, dim deformity on, face, silhouette, partial, showed, picture, of both beasts, its, hu hintao, and pope, said, hollie, what kind of visions do you want thats what your showin me, thats what you want, said, hollie, had, sometimes silhouette face, smiled, tell the vision, book, said, hollie, and, another, hollie, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its, hollie looks at Jesus, tell him, God, said, sells about, uh million copies, thats bob with pocket full of money, thats wesley pruden getting whipped by silhouette hollie, running, its over taking the name said, hollie, call it, she, said, showed, ministry of dreams, thats washington times editor wesley pruden being shown letter, warning, that, the white house, politicians, and advertisers on the was the washington post, were, going to, be told, you need to resign said the boss of wesley pruden, shook, yes, yeow I know said wesley pruden, whats that, said, he and she hollies, he hollie like mostly silhouette, its captain hollie on top of, its akula class, thats, what, you, want, need, said, hollie, now, look, said, hollie, fired, thats, gaza exploding, hollie, turns, sub, thats, nuclear fire, in, iraq, thats president george w. bush, being made to speak by hollie, he eats chicken, I made our war, its to breakem, bush said, bit chicken, steal our oil contracts, hollie takes president bush to fire, thats, pope, and, false prophet in fire, Jesus gives them to the flame, you, said, Jesus, on, mountain, it split, in, twain, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, nuclear fires in, egypt, jordan and syria, thats, missile leaving, russia, with ministry of dreams website on, and, seven headed dragon, israel exploded, thats nuclear fire in russia, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, thats, cloud of people coming from china and around, invading russia, forcing russians to invade israel, I am God, said, pope, said, hollie, sitting, in, temple, its, in, rome, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, hollie screamed, drove the indy car, 220 miles per hour is, about hollie said, top speed, its, this, she, showed, engine, its, not, permitted to, hollie looked at, engine, engine had face, he wanted it, said, engine, like ghost, tony george, lets slowem, tony george said, hollie screamed, showed, end time prophetic ministry website, rebuild, she, said, screamed, thats, end time prophetic ministry website like angel face, silhouette with deformity on one side, then, transformed, deformities on both, kept changing, then light, call it, said, Jesus, showed, end time prophetic ministry, I created said, God, dont steal, it, said, hollie, or, thats, angry website with torturing device, silhouette face, deformities on both sides, it showed, hollie, said, clapped, showed, little pope, happy, their uh vision they cant speak, it was, many hollies, said, the, tap dancer, hollie, he, and, she, hollies, and, new world order, appeared, its, pope and hu, said, hollie, theres, president of mexico and lula, thats hugo, and, castrol, theres, medvedev and, kim jong, lastly thats, president of, nicaragua, there you have it, said, hollie, lets observe, said, Jesus, boris, yeltsin meets with them, you decide, he, said, lets do it, one, said, all agreed, but lula showed, lets git out of here, all worry, like hugo, thats presidents of nicaragua, and, cuba, looking tough, but dreading, thats missile leaving sub, with, captain, hollie, its her, said, he hollie, fired, thats explosion in center of, america, then, along, both coasts, theres subs, in, gulf of mexico, america being nuked, hollie showed, nuclear fires in every state, world shakes, shew, said, it was, moon, sun appeared, laughed, smoke rose, thats, pope on, black horse, thats, him riding, to, russia, lets do said, yeltsin, signs deal with medvedev, it gains control, said, Jesus, for pope, hollie screamed, hollie laid down, it, was, him, she, hollie, said, hollie stomped foot, showed post on cellphone, its like uh laptop, thats popes image on screen like little horn, take it pontiff said, thats king of grecia showing, record, I didnt want it, said, king, hollie cut grass, showed, lawn mower, he changed price, twenty dollars, heres why, cause, he knew he could get it, bob its a deal hollie, said, hollie cut grass, hollie danced, theres my submarine right there said hollie, its him said, uh she, hollie, thats captain hollie firing, record, said, hollie, thats, hollie with, its, she, showed, Jesus inside, showing, record, and I stamp, she, said, its, beast, arose, hollie, showed, bob, go, get, lawnmower, thats, hollie, cutting grass, with, its, she, said, mower, it, takes, about, two hours, bob, you will love it, she, said, showed, go, light watch on, this is uh warning, said, hollie, korea, said, hollie, said, its, ponty, and he saw, said, casey, drank, its, nuclear fire, in, korea, and, kim jong, with, his nuclear controls, said, hollie, clapped, put it under, she, said, rebuild, thats, the, end time prophetic ministry, website, yeow, website, said, like, angelman, with, its, hollie, said, long, narrow, face, with, deformity, on, one side, its teeth, showed, hollie, thats all I wanted, said, Jesus, wiped lips, hollie comes out, shows, he had brown hair, and, its gorgeous, hollie, said, white sparkling robe, sh, said, hollie, you know who it is, she, said, its, blue, satan, said, hollie and God, sh, hollie, said, but, he looked, came out, like, white angel, put it under, hollie, said, ha ha you spoke blasphemy, hollie said, its God, acting like, sh, hollie, said, its, lucifer, she, said, came out again, but, this time its real, I'm the antibeast, said, lucy, hollie, said, turned into, popus, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, pulled up sleeves, bob c'mon, she, said, had watch on, go, its time, she, said, past, five, no, said, its woman on titanic, hollie, said, o my God, said, its, young man, o so you lost your phone, hollie, said, he shakes, yep, he, said, thats, beast, pope rising, from the sea, i am God, pontiff, said, hollie, said, wiped lips, put it under, hollie, said, go, said, hollie, showed, watch, he hollie tickles, her feet, with, its, feather, thats, he hollie playing, music, hes wearing white robe, you did not need me, he, said, its, spall, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, its to late for most, 6-29-30-2010-this is warning, said, hollie, I'm, another, hollie, said, its him, she, hollie, said, hollie playing music wearing white robe, you got me, he, said, he, played, little piano, bobby this is uh warnin, said, hollie, showed, eat, thats, hollie, laughing, with, its the, optimus stav-3000, stereo receiver, it makes, she, said, over 100 watts per channel, hollie showed, cheap trick, their still tourin, hollie, said, that, was, beast, hollie, said, he was, risin from the sea, she, said, thats, beast, hollie pulled up sleeves, showed, its, uh nuclear explosion, in, its, she, said, russia, hollie wiped lips, thats, its, they exchange, hollie, said, russia, china, come on, showed, hollie, thats, pope sitting at, table, and, two horned, beast, with, its, hu, and japan coming out of, its, horns, thats, 666, being, signed, for, its, uh peace treaty, thats, pope, wlking with hu, they, I can see were not going to get along, said to each other, threaten, thats pope laughing, they return to own countries, pope leaves, on, black horse, its, russia, pontey, said, hollie, said, showed, eat, hollie screamed, this is uh warning, said, hollie, that is, warning, sorry, said, hollie and doreen, winked, thats dodge aries k smiling, hollie walks around, likes, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, her, KISS record, gene simmons comes out, hollie showed, you cant sing, showed, pearl jam, loose belt, some, said, hollie, and he, saw, said, casey, its, end time prophetic ministry website, showing, face, its, long, and, narrow, has, deformity on, one side, like, partial silhouette, showed, picture, its whole new world order, theres, the, pope, and, hu, hollie showed, the, firefly, they, thats race between cheetah and firefly, the bug wins, hollie, said, tell me about, hu hintao, said, hollie, its, hu, riding red horse, battling washington state, hollie fights, back, showed, its, light, swords, hollie flys out in old world war, two, aircraft, bombs chinese ship, you lure, said, yeltsin, to, hu hintao, thats, hollie riding, missiles, its him, she, hollie, said, taiwan, burned, whats that, said, hollie, showed, its, picture of, glenda spall, masterbating, she was beautiful, but got old, thats, captain, hollie, and his submarine, its, akula, again, thats, what, you want, said, hollie, showed, that, said, hollie, tear up, said, hollie, put back, on sign, hey, said, he hollie, only hands, but hollie faded in happy, hollie showed, submarines, all around, america, one fired, thats nuclear explosion in, california, he hollie comes out, in white robe, thats, man lets git, said, hollie, reporting, on, hollie showed, cnn, its on the day of the Lord, and, semi happy God kicks hollie out, both american coasts burn, hollie watches missiles sail, they landed in alaska first, exploded, thats canada, cnn tower fallin in fire, thats, barack obama typing, thats center of america exploding, arise, devour that, said, Jesus, and, hollie, to, bear, and bear agrees, thats, three ribs in bears mouth, and bobby who are these, said, hollie, thats tripod, its three, its akula class said hollie, submarines, with captain hollie appearing, and cuba, and nicaragua and mexico, waters, they fire, it struck that, said, hollie, gulf coast states, exploded, missiles left america struck all of them burned, thats nuclear fire in venezuela and brazil, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, hollie flying in his spacecraft, moon appears, no wait said, hollie, uh minute, thats sun, i'm. moon shows, not uh word, but laughed, hollie showed, the, two horned, beast, Jesus, said, sh, its, hu hintao and, emporer of japan out of, its, horns, thats pope sitting at table, 666 signed for between them, they leave, let me give you uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, cindy returned, hollie screamed, another, hollie, danced, that, said, hollie, lighted hand showed, turn, red, hollie appeared dimly, theres trouble, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, showed, turn, lighted, hand, body, hidden, dimly faded in, thats pope rising, thats hu hintao, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, said, God, its pope, and, hu lets war, said, pontey, hollie, said, its for witches, hollie, said, faith heights church, hollie showed, thumbs down, pastor john hollie said, showed cut off, its never got saved said, pastor john cappetto, hollie said, sh, said, hollie, dont tell on, him, its, Gordon Robertson, sh, shut up said Gordon Robertson, showed cut off, it was Gordon Robertson, said, I was never saved, sh he said, bob said, hollie, showed, take bath, brush teeth, hollie flew the b-36, its bomber, she, said, america below exploded, thats hollie flying, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia burning, hollie laid down, snapped fingers, showed, saddam, he, said, you, hollie said, brought america down, thats, bin laden, he helped, hollie posted on laptop cellphone, thats popes image, on screen, head shaped like little horn, hollie, walks out, shows, sleep, brother, said, hollie, I showed, you that, pope, you know who, it, is, said, hollie, sh, she, said, it, was, satan, like uh blue blob, what was, satan, word, said, Jesus, i'm the bear father, satan, said, God, said, like uh, blue blob, but, transformed, into, white, hollie walks out, maybe its over, said, hollie, to woman, and sad he hollie showed, no money, hollie bit on the prophet, thats hollie like bear appearing, two, bob your money get it out of the bank, said, its Jesus, showed hollie, thats economic callapse, she said, barack announce,s hollie said, leaves, the mike, boo a man said, threw paper, hollie screamed, thats lootin, she said, people walking the streets, thats stealin, hollie said, hollie showed its work, she said, hollie posted on, its him, she hollie said, laptop cellphone, thats popes face on screen, with head shaped like little horn, take it he said, hollie said, thats the mark of the beast, hollie said, lets aply it, hollie tatood 666, yeow said hollie sitting at interviewing table, i like telling them she said, its showed hollie, visions, Jesus tells, her, showed cut off, thats FAther like dot head, dressed nice, showing titanic passing by, scraping iceberg, its still loved said, doreen, appeared on bottom of sea, hollie played music, you needuhm hollie said, its people, 7-1-2010-and he saw, said, casey and doreen, winked, its, angel, showing, its, happy angel, showing, the group, hollie, said, call it, hollie, said, spoke, ministry of dreams, this is bob, hollie, said, he changed, his group, name, she, said, to, get, search, engine, results, said, God, you know why I persecute, said, Jesus, its to ruin, to make my servants perish, after I save them, caressing, their penus with electricy, causing facial muscles to tighten, to stretch and ruin, causing boils on face and deseases on body, hollie, showed, Jesus, terrifying by what he says, he scares, she, said, messes with servant all day, deseases, gums, causes tooth decay, and loss, ha ha, saith the LOrd, come to me and get mocked, I will try to make you perish untill you do, and if I miss you I will call you back after you make a fool out of your self, like My servant JOB, said, God, thats Jesus with JOB, and JOB is covered with boils, God tried to make JOB backslide, saith the KING, and he saw, this, said, hollie and casey, its prophesying, she said, its fellowship of the Father, its, hollie, said, looked at God, staying in visions and hearing Jesus's voice all the time, thats, prophesying, said, hollie and God, put it under, said, hollie, work, she, showed, its light watch, bobby its time, hollie, said, go, thats bob walking, call it ministry of dreams, said, hollie, Jesus spoke it, why do you steal, she, said, over 12,000 people have stolen and altered, what I spoke, said, God, and most have removed, ministryofdreams, but the rest will have to be hospitalized, said, God, I will make them run to remove what I created, call it ministryofdreams, saith the King, just watch me, now, make this group available for your friends, God, said, showed, His light watch, showed, bobby, eat, hollie, said, go, hollie showed, thats, hand with hollie in, showing, you did not want hollie showed, but a fill in hollie appeared, hollie showed, b-36 bomber, it, has, six engines, unloaded will fly over, hollie, got, word, from, Jesus, over, 400 miles per hour, its heavy hollie said, and I stamp, hollie, said, beat, beast, pope rose out of, sea, china, said, angel, thats, magog, showed, hollie, thats, four kings appearing on magog its, hu hintao, theres, north and south korean presidents and emporer of japan, there, said, hollie, you have it, turned into, four headed beast, flying, then leopard, hollie claps, whats that, said, hollie, dreaded, it was cruise missile flying, struck indianapolis, exploded, hollie showed, many states with nuclear fires in, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o. reign of the antichrist, it sold, showed, hollie, over eight hundred million copies, whats that, said, hollie, I showed, you, uh picture, hollie, said, its beast, popus wearing brown suit, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, alright shakes, pope, hollie, shows, world, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia, burning, moon shows, wait, pope, showed, hollies, picture, tear up, said, hollie, hey, hollie, said, male hollie looks at colors in tears, put back, hollie showed, hey its whole new world order, appering, in picture, there aint not visions in pentecost cause there aint apotolics in pentecost, screamed, hollie, and the paul mooney girl, screamed, again, thats paul mooney girl clapping, showing, popes picture, screamed, the paul mooney girl screamed, git your money out of the bank, said, he hollie, thats, economic collapse in u.s.a., angel looters like end time prophetic ministry website, smiling, showing, popes drawing, i'm the beast said, pontey, hollie danced, screamed, its the marine corp., said, Jesus, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, angel marines in streets, cause looting, that one, had silhouette face but hollies faced appeared, laughed, brother, said, hollie, pope, hollie, said, showed, picture, i am gog pontey said, hollie showed, go, he hollie showed, turn, with red hand, hollie flew spacefighter, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared, all around, man lets git outta here, said, hollie cnn news man, kicked out by light legg to God, thats both american coasts, burning, hollie showed, look for conferences, thats popes body given to flame, thats hu hintao, joining, hes, the, false prophet, said, hollie, christian please dont, said, hollie, showed, run, its to increase, metabolism, hollie, said, showed, beating heart, fast, and pope rose out of sea with head shaped like little horn, hollie showed, dont, said, hollie, no, she, said, I showed, om thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, then showed, away, stomped foot, snapped, fingers, showed, picture, its whole new world order, that was a line of kings, medvedev sits before, I want to rule the world, yelled, putin, medvedev, gets, them to agree, sign, he, said, theres, showed, hollie lula, afraid, castrol and nicaraguan presidents, both, agree, but, neither want, hugo swallows, thats, president of mexico very scared, and, kim jong, doesnt worry, thats, boris yeltsin with hu hintao, talking, you lure, hollie rides missile, its into taiwan, she, said, burned, thats, hu, hintao, battling washington state, with, his light sword, hollie fights back, another, woman flys out in old world war two, airplane its, mustang fighter jet, p-51, bombs chinese ship, it repells, its, 680, said, hollie, pioneer sx, hollie carried, power meters moved, its excellent, submarine are right there, said, hollie, now look, thats captain hollie surfacing right near shore, its gaza forsaken, he said, fired, thats, gaza destroyed, hollie turns, his sub, thats, two nuclear fires, in, iraq, hollie pushes, bush to the microphone, bush looks good, eats his chicken, I made wanted our war, breakem, he said, steal our oil wells, bush eats chicken, hollie puts in fire, lets, I want to rule the world, said, angry putin, hollie looked for christian events in indianapolis on net, hollie, spun world, there, she, said, pope, rose out, thats, hu, hintao, coming out of, the sea, theres, empy, hollie, said, japanese prime minister, hollie spins world, thats slashed pope, hollie spun globe again, there you have it, said, hollie, these four carpenters went their own way to scatter israel she said, bob, said, hollie, thats, hollie walking on treadmill drinking, its diet pepsi, wearing work out clothes, thats partial moon licking the prophet, bobby go home, moon, said, looked unhappy, hollie, sat at, interviewing table, wearing white robe, it was him, she, hollie, said, he showed, sleep, rolled on side, snapped fingers, showed, light watch, three a.m., it was golden pocket watch, hollie spoke about something like white hollie, it was him said uh she hollie, sh she said, it was satan whispering, then satan moved away, and it was really God talking, like uh white man, but why do you call, said, the voice of God, sh, said hollie, satan, that was Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, out pope hollie said, hollie funnel smiled, out hu hintao, hes the false beast, hollie said, put it uder she said, it was uh he showing time, hollie, his light watch, she hollie said, prophet said hollie, she showed eat, dont fast she said, but you will, God lied hollie said, prophesied boils on jenny donati's face, for stealing ministry of dreams, and placed them on bob, hollie said put it under she said, ha ha i got you, hollie said, 7-2-2010-hollie showed, lets post, clapped, hands, wore white garments, thats, hollie, walking, wearing plad coat, mowing, lawn, thats, Father like dot head, showing, its, r.m.s. titanic, with captain smith on deck, o shit, said, smith, ship scrapes iceberg, its still there, showed, hollie, body hidden, but, appeared, hollie played music, you still want me, yes shook, post angel, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, thats, pope, riding, black horse, its, into, russia, pope, said, thats, pope, and, medvedev, signing, deal, it gains, pontiff, some, control, hollie, shows, its, light, scene russia, I am war, said, hollie, showed, its pontey, take uh ride on the wild side, sang, hollie, jumped around, clapped, its motley crue, showed, hollie, they are still touring, bob said, hollie, showed, picture, its both beasts, theres pope, hollie, said, and, hu hintao, and I recline, there you have it, showed, hollie, I'm uh vision, said, its, king, hollie, said, king of grecia, thats, pope, with kings coming out of, his horns, theres, hu hintao, out of, one, and, pope, hollie, said, medvedev and, putin out of other, thats, ram with putins face, hollie, pulled up sleeves, come on, she, said, showed, fight, thats hegoat smiting ram, thats, nuclear fire, in, russia, and, china, thats, its, they exchange, many fires, thats, pope sitting at, table, and, its, two horned beast rising, thats, hu hintao and emporer of japan out of, its, horns, thats them three at table, its 666 signed for, showed, hollie, its uh peace treaty, put it under, hollie, said, dont work with, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, check your receits at speedway, submarine right there, said, hollie, with, hollie wipes lips, its, simb, she, said, captain hollie, surfaces in his submarine, its akula again, thats what you want, needed hollie, said, thats hollie firing, gaza, forsaken, burns, hollie turns, submarine around, thats, nuclear fire, in, its, iraq, hollie, pushes president bush to the podium, I ate my chicken, george bush, said, its to breakem, steal, he, said, looks around, our oil contracts, bush leaves, hollie, places, in, fire, bob, said, hollie, showed, picture, you know who it is, hollie, said, pope, i'm with the king of grecia pontey, said, and, he, saw, this, said, casey, wiped lips, its, popus with ram horns, thats kings coming out of its horns, hollie, claps, theres putin, medvedev and popus out of one, theres hu hintao out of other, with his flower, thats, hegoat, charging, smiting ram, thats nuclear fire, showed, hollie, in, russia, its, she, said, they exchange, thats pope hollie, said, sitting at table, thats two horned beast blob with hu hintao and emporer of japan, coming out of its horns, thats them signing 666, hollie screamed, I wanted to ruin, said, diana Hahlbohm, thats, chrissy harding shaking yes, roland harding doesnt speak, places hand on bible, shakes, yes, I want to destroy, bob, appeared, thats, john and sandy mark pool, appearing, showed cut off, we we ruin, said, its, john mark pool, showed, hollie, no, hollie said, but i showed yes, she said, thru is what she said, but shook yes, again, the united stats is under attack said God, and, hollie, and he saw said casey, nuclear explosion in u.s.a., hollie screamed, thats bob barker on larry king live, with its whale wars crew, hollie said, they are she said, tyrants, put us out on the high seas said paul watson, where there is no rule, put it under hollie said, showed sleep, hollie snapped fingers, thats Father on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, out pope, hollie relaxes, then hu hintao blows out, both beasts, hollie showed sleep, you know what were facing said Jesus, thats angel marine guards out in the streets, its looting, said hollie, in the u.s.a., barack obama announces, its econoic collapse, hollie said, put it under she said, bob they never wear out, said hollie, thats he hollie posting on laptop, its uh cellphone, said hollie, take it said pope, hollie said, his image on screen, with head shaped like little horn, thats people receiving their mark of the beast, 666 tattod on forehead, thats little pope tattood on, finger, hollie showed, record, pope, said, hollie, thats, it, she, said, pope in, the fire, thats, hollie, in, its new car that flys, hollie almost crashed into, its skyscraper, showed, white hollie, thats, why, the government cant allow these, hollie, said, let me, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, prophet, hollie played paliban daily music, you stole said, hollie, I know said, jenny donati, yes, shakes, jean poole, were witches, tomorrow, said, Jesus, showed, Jesus, it was, hollie, said, you were tired, hollie showed, sleep, hollie, showed, the, p-47 fighter jet, it flew, hollie, said, looked at Jesus, almost 400 miles per hour, hollie showed, record, showed, be gentle, 7-3-2010-hollie showed horses, o, its his ship said fleas, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, said God, said hollie, showed dreesed like ship mate, o said wilhelm gustloff ship, its hitlers super ship, thats adolf hitler on deck, o said ship, three torpedoes strike ship, sits at interviwing table, thats hollie visiting in submarine, fires, thats gaza forsaken burning, hollie turns his sub, fires, iraq nuked, a female hollie shows bush to the mike, i ate chicken, said president george bush, while our boys died, its to breakem, steal our oil said bush, hollie shows bush to the fire, hollie jumped, hands, in, air, bobby, its, time, she, said, hollie like angel, bit on prophet, thats, the, beast, rose, hollie said, its pope, pope, said, hollie, hes, i'm the beast, pontey, hollie, said, claimed, hollie showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its uh, million seller, hollie, said, thats little head, then seven, appeared, thats, kings, popping, out, hollie, said, theres, president of, mexico, and, cuba, hollie, said, thats, them with, medvedev, its, uh deal, medvedev, said, they sign, hugo smiles, but, no way, says, in heart, lula, not, wanting, thats, president, of, nicaragua, shaking, yes, but, not, wanting, theres kim jong, with nuclear button, presses, thats, nuclear fires, in, its, showed, hollie, with, big hand, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, rocket, leaving, russia with, its, google blogspot ministry of dreams website on and beast with seven heads and ten horns, I am gog, said, pope, i'm the antichrist, he, said, then, missile explodes, in, north korea, thats, meeting, with, hintao and yeltsin, you lure, they talk, hollie rides missile, its, into, taiwan, she, said, exploded, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, on, his red horse, with light sword, hollie fights back, another, flys out in, old, world war two aircraft, bombs chinese ship, it repells, thats putin with ten crowns on head, one had eyes like a man, thats pope coming out of it, thats, boris yeltsin out of the ten, its a ruling party, thats, putin out of, medvedev and, yeltsin, thats, pope, out of, putin, I am God, said, pope, thats pontiff riding black horse, its, into, russia, pope, hollie, said, said, thats, pope, and, medvedev, signing, deal, hollie screamed, why for, she, said, screamed, hollie, said, dont, hollie walked at goodwill, I aint gonna do it, said, hollie, hollie showed, look for, the a.b.s.a., its, from, pentecostal assemblies of the world, said, hollie, screamed, hollie showed, e, bethesda dot com, thumbs down, witches, it appeared, said, hollie, hollie posted on laptop, cellphone, in, bed, wearing white robe, it was him, she, hollie, said, maybe this is uh warning, said, hollie, dont buy it, said, hollie, showed, broken ridin lawn mower, or honda 350-four, cylinder motorcycle, hollie looked around, dreaded, age-ed, hollie, said, dont, 7-4-2010-bob, said, hollie, showed, eat, please christian, said, hollie, showed, its, sh, said, Jacqueline McCullough, showed, sh, be quiet, said, its, hollie, said, the dr. rev. Jacqueline McCullough, shes witch, hollie, said, show, her, hollie, said, the visions, thats smiling dr. Jacqueline McCullough looking at visions, she, with him, hollie, said, and he saw, said, casey, Jacqueline McCullough showing cut off, witch, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, go easy, she, said, its, Jesus appeared, the connection pointe church, they are witches, hollie, said, put it, under, said, hollie, thats, hollie going to, infozone, tomorrow, to, post, wearing plad coat, looking, thin, thats, said, hollie, ten horns, one has mans image, its, pope, hollie, said, thats, ten russian kings, hollie, showed, its uh rulin party, thats, boris yeltsin out of the ten, thats, putin, out of, yeltsin and medvedev, thats, pope, hollie, said, out of, putin, hes, the, one they will not give honor, to, hollie, said, I am God, I flatter, popey, hollie, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, hollie like uh cat, showed, the leopard, its, hu hintao, hes the leader of magog, showed, hollie, body, hidden, but faded, in, hollie showed, 1969 plymouth fury, convertible, it smoked tires, hollie wanted to, tell visions, got, word from Jesus, showed, eat, thats firestone inflatable, licked prophet, hes like monkey man, showed, hollie, record, the, vision, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed, how engine works, its cindy, that, she, said, sucked thumb, yeow said, dodge aries k, sat at interviewing table, showed, quart of oil, change, dodge aries k said, showed, use 10w-30, I like it, aries, k, said, bobby, go home, hollie, said, hollie like, captain, showed, with big hand, its, the, white star line titanic, rubbing against iceberg, shit, said, captain e.j. smith, its still there, said, hollie, ship appears at bottom of sea, hollie pointed, at rockville road exit, showed, turn, that was, hollie, reaching for the people at connection pointe christian church, from the ground, hollie looked like normal hollie with white tee shirt on, but from high in air, like dark brownish blob hollie, you knew, she, said, were witches said pastor steve at, hollie showed, connection pointe, hollie showed, be gentle, hollie showed, turn, go, but hand hidden, appeared, later, red hand, hollie bit on prophet like plastic surgeon, did surgery, go, said, hollie, brother, said, hollie, hollie, said, work, 7-4-5-2010-hollie posted on cellphone, said hollie, it was him she said, hollie wore a white robe, i am God, said, its pope hollie said, thats ponty sitting at interviewing table, hollie showed, record, look who appeared, said, hollie, its pope, hollie, said, with ten horns, and, who are these bobby, said, hollie, theres pope, hollie, said, he comes out of, one, theres, ten horns, on, top of, its, vladimir, said, fleas, said, thats boris yeltsin out of the ten, its, ruling party, hollie, said, thats, putin, out, of, medvedev and, yeltsin, thats, pope out of, him, I flatter, said, popey, hollie, said, fleas showed, thumbs down, its for, inter racial marriage, out, said, hollie, e-mail, said, hollie, thats, hollie, e-mailing christian schools, its to sell book, she, said, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, another, hollie, shows, away, thru, she, said, but shook yes, then, showed, done, tear up, said, hollie, had, contract, put back, that, said, hollie, showed, lay down, this is, vision lets post that vision, hollie, said, bobby c'mon, hollie showed, work, hollie, led the choir, laughed, that, said, hollie, showed, clean up, hollie screamed, what for, pope, she said, hes the antibeast, bob this is website, said, hollie, which one, and he saw this, said, casey, its, world prophecy center website appearing like angelface, showed, the beast, said, pope, this is uh warning, said, hollie, lets do something, she, said, showed, work, another, bob, dreamed, said, hollie, snapped fingers, bob picks up trailer at terminal, and, raises notices fifth wheel didnt lock, and tries to stop trailer, comes off, bob goes and sees, knows high enough bob starts to back under trailer again, george comes out, wants, money for whiskey, bob wants to tell, if you get caught drunk driving you'll loose your licence, bob has run, that goes three places in california, hollie showed, its uh night vision, thats, nuclear fires along, west coast, then east coast appears, nuclear fires, from top to bottom, thats hollie in his submarine, its akula class said, hollie, I am going to drive you to the lake of fire by proding, you were true to me like JOB and I out right betrayed you saith God, 7-6-2010-that was, Shannon Earle, said, hollie, showed cut off, I work said, its, hollie, said, Shannon Earle, at a christian community, but, never, have be accepted By God, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for Shannon Earle, heres your warning, said, Jesus, wiped lips, I dont care, said, its, hollie, showed, joe kissell, hes uh witch, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie, holding up sign, its, to, sell book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, that woman was on fire, saith God, till bob said, Holy Ghost baptizm feels like a body your perfect size coming in, now I dont want it, she, said, thats beast pope rising, he comes out of, one of the seven heads, hollie, said, thats, nuclear, n.a.t.o., its the g8, hollie, showed, with, putin coming out, its, the, beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, bush riding red dragon dressed like woman, hollie showed, bob go back, she, said, thats, hollie working on, computer, dressed in plad shirt, said hollie, thats barack obama, its economic collapse, he, said, that, said, hollie, showed, bob, go, back, its to library, hollie screamed, iraq, said, hollie, ends nuclear, this is, warning, said, hollie, she said, post, hollie, said, hollie had, on, the watch, but didnt look at it, she, said, its light watch, hollie, pointed, hollie showed, lay down, wearing white robe, it was him, said, fleas, another, claps, thats like uh jarassic park scene, said, hollie, popes face tattood on finger, that, said, hollie, go, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, thats, beast, pope rising, hollie, said, please bobby this is vision lets post, said, hollie, hollie said, lets do, something, record, said, hollie, showed, wait, brother, said, hollie, showed, dont, hollie showed, rocky horror picture show, its, still loved, I am turning you against me bob that is what I want to do, just like JOB, fast untill death, I will strike your family members with desease to cause you to hate, 7-7-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, casey wipes lips, its the leave it alone said hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was simb soumb, she said, horses said hollie, and he saw it, said casey, its pope, hollie said, on the black horse, a measure of wheat for a penny he said, but see thou not hurt the oil and the wine, pontey said hollie, showed cut this off, you lure, its boris yeltsin, said hollie, its, to hu hintao, that him battling washington state with his, its uh light sword, hollie said, and hollie flys out in old airplane, bombs chinese ship, thats hollie ridin missile, its over taiwan hollie said, exploded, thats grim reaper riding, its grizzled said hollie, horse, collecting dead souls from the earth, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, casey, said, showed, eat, bob go to conference, hollie, said, showed, work, thats, beast, pope, rising, that, was, beast, risin, said, hollie, pope, she, said, thats, ten horns, and who are they, he comes out of ten kings, thats pope as big toe, thats, a, russian ruling, party, thats ten kings out of, russia, thats boris, yeltsin out of, the ten, thats putin out, of yeltsin and medvedev, thats pope, out of putin, hollie showed, fight, thats dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, stealing the God spoke, call it ministry of dreams, said, spoke, Jesus, you lied, hollie, said, I knew, said, dr. jeremy taylor, thats people coming against, rev. jeremy taylor, its, over taking the name, said, kathy taylor, said, ph.d. (hon) jeremy taylor s.t.d., remove he said, thats kathryn taylor m.a. removing what we stole, said, kathy taylor, ministry of dreams, prophecy minister, said, hollie, and, he, hollie plays music, wearing white robe, you want it, he, said, hollie showed, record, bob, said, Jesus, showed, cut off, its, end time prophetic ministry, website, appearing, like angel face, showing, the beast, website said, its, pontey, he, said, put it under, said, hollie, thats, pope, she, said, riding, black horse, its into russia, said, hollie, meets with, there, points, casey, medvedev, lets deal, said, pope, hollie, said, he signs, gains some control, put it under, said, its, hollie, the main ministering spirit appearing, hollie, its him, she, hollie, said, laughs, then hollie showed appeared, but quickly transformed, thats hollie going to, conference, hollie showed, lay down, with, plad blanket, that was uh lighted Jesus, like uh cat, said, hollie, with, silhouette, lit up face, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, showed lay down, there is nothing bob but death and famine for this world, said, hollie, tear up, she, said, put back, clap, he hollie tickles feet under, russia, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, Jesus, sprinkle, bear arise, and, awaken, destroy that, said, hollie, america, appeared, like, lit up outline, thats nuclear explosion on, west coast, thats, many nuclear fires, along both coasts, hollie watched missiles sail, thats, nuclear, fire, in, alaska, exploded, first, said, hollie, thats, cnn tower falling in the fire, hollie, claps, thats, center of, america exploding, barack types, thats, world, its, nuclear g8, n.a.t.o. and russia exploding, hollie flys, whats that, said, hollie, its nuclear fires, in, venezuela and brazil, thats nuclear fire in cuba, nicaragua exploded, hey i'll place it there, said, hollie, nuclear fires along mexican and latin american borders, theres trouble, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, kings, arise, in, the world, theres, pontiff, and, emporer of japan, hes with, said, hollie, its president of magog hu hintao, thats two horned beast, showed, casey, with them two coming out of horns, hollie, said, theres slash, idol shepherd, its, popus, hollie, said, thats false prophet hu hintao, and, pope in israel with their armies, thats hintao slashing pontiff, thats netanyahu pressing nuclear button, thats nuclear fires in, egypt, jordan, and, syria, thats, rocket leaving, russia, its showed, hollie, new, ministry of dreams website on, and ministry of dreams, thieves, dr. jeremy taylor, and kathryn taylor, and jean poole, and, jenny donati, and, john mark pool, and, jon sawyer, and, diana Hahlbohm, and, janetmck, then, all the thieves of the God spoke, said, hollie, showed, call it ministryofdreams, appeared on missile, america exploded, they you brought it said, hollie, I take, said, roland harding, its, samuel's institute, said, hollie, thats, chrissy harding, with red hair shaking, yes, you thieves, hollie said, we wanted to ruin, said christine Cobham Harding, showed cut off, thats, person showing, christine harding, visions, show it, said, Jesus, she, smiles, but, trembles, in, heart, maybe its uh, warnin, said, hollie, showed, frustration, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh website, said, hollie, showed, new ministry of dreams, like angel man, what kind of visions do you want thats what you wanted, said, casey, brand new warning, said, casey, showed, tehran exploding, showed, eat, cookie, God will fix your face, she, said, thats, pope in, the, fire, happy, new economy slipping, said, hollie, its bankrupt, she, said, put it undle, hollie showed, lay down, iraq, said, wiped lips, casey, wearing white robe, and, the end time prophetic ministry website appeared, like, angelface, white, said, casey, submarine, said, hollie, now look, hollie, said, its akula again, thats what you want need, with, captain hollie, surfaced, its him, she said, aimed, thats gaza forsaken destroyed, hollie turns submarine around, thats nuclear fire in, iraq, and end is come, said, the prophet EZEKIEL, thats, hollie pushing president bush to, microphone, he ate chicken, I made our war, he, said, bit chicken, looked at watch, ate, hollie claps, its to breakem, steal our oil wells, bush, said, hollie puts bush in, fire, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, roland harding, he stole to become ministry of dreams instead of samuel's institute, thats embarrased roland harding looking at visions, shaking, yes, I know roland harding said, thats christine harding with red hair looking afraid but smiles, show them, saith God, the visions, they stole ministry of dreams like their reverend, its doctor rev., God, said, jeremy taylor d.min, hollie showed, lay down, it was, him, she, hollie said, brother, said, hollie, he, hollie showed, post, on, its, laptop, hollie, said, thats, Jesus, on, the, cloud, said, hollie, go, said, hollie, showed, eat, then, bob, hollie loved, come back, she, said, thats, hollie, posting, on, computer, hollie showed, it, him, hollie, said, two horned beast, like skull, hollie walks out, thats hu hintao, hollie claps, and, emporer of japan out of horns, bye, hollie showed, hollie, him, she, hollie said, showed, pope, showed, be gentle, tell sissy when your in your coffin that I turned on you that will be your testimony saith the Lord, I betray, prophesy, said, billy, russia, said, its casey, hollie, said, sprinkled, thats bear rising, yeow, said, bear, thats, Jesus, telling bear, destroy that, america appears in yellow outline, thats nuclear fires along, both coasts, hollie watches missiles sail, thats, center of america exploding, submarines appeared all around, its akula agin, thats what you want, hollie, said, casey wiped lips, 7-8-2010-hollie showed, record, its, vimeo, she, said, website, its, the, new, ministry of dreams, said, God, like uh, angelface, with, deformity, on one side, mostly, hollie walks out, its like two color, bluish, she, said, no, said, hollie, showed, away, but shook, yes, showed, popes picture, Hollie showed lay down, it was him, she hollie said, hey bob, said hollie, moon appeared, smoke rose, in its face, soon said hollie, pointed, moon coughs, it was for sixteen hours, i'm said sun, smoke rose, blocked both, they played, God was there, sun laughs, hollie folds up scene, soon she said, thats world, many countries burning, that was mountain burning, it said hollie, was america, MYSTERY BABYLON is fallen, said man, and hu hintao pulls, up in a cart, in it is many kings, these will rise said hollie, folds up scene, put it there, said hollie, and he saw said casey, the end time prophetic ministry website, appear, with deformity on one side, of face, hollie folds up scene, showed lay down, it was he and she hollie, God said, bob get your money out, of the bank, said, hollie, it was economic collapse, said barack obama, those were looters in streets, like angels, put, said hollie, it under, said, God, showed sleep, that, said, hollie, pope, hollie, said, thats, pontey, riding, black horse, its, into, moscow, pope, said, thats, where, he signs uh deal, with, medvedev, theres light scene russia, they, agree, thats, roland, harding, of, its, showed, hollie, samuel's institute, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, now lets see said, chrissy harding, she, thats, christine harding, placing the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, on their website, thats, both, exposed, and, ashamed, theres, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, d.min stealing ministry of dreams, now kathryn taylor has, dr. jeremy taylor's website, thats all being shown visions, they lie said, hollie, thats john mark pool swallowing, jon sawyer, showing, wait uh minute, thats jon saywer the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, on his pulitzer, website, like diana Hahlbohm, steals ministry of dreams, theres embarrased jean poole, of, its, showed, hollie, paliban daily, giving, jenny donati, passwords, thats them making fun of bob, hiding, but thats bob, finding in, its e-mail returns, said, hollie, and bluehost told on, paliban dot org purchased ministry of dreams dot org, those, witches, hollie, said, and, john m. pool, swallows again, casey showed, the beast, said, pope, he, hollie tickles, caseys feet with feather, hollie, screamed, again, showed, new ministry of dreams website, its video website angel, like, light on one side, and, bluish, hollie, said, mostly on other, thats, new ministry of dreams website showing, picture, its the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and bobby, they are, said, hollie, theres, pope, hollie, said, hes, the, eight of the seven, she said, thats, pope out of italy, its the nuclear g8, hollie, said, put it undle, said, hollie, thats russia coming out and bush riding red dragon dressed like woman, hollie claps, there you have it, she, said, showed, bobby sh, dont tell, lets rule the world, thats putin laying before, its pope, hollie, said, showed, world, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., she said, countries, exploded, thats russia burning, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, man lets git me outta here, said, hollie, reporting, for, he showed, its cnn, dressed real nice, both american coasts exploded, hollie screams, watches missiles soar, thats, the center of america, exploded, barack types, bear arises, yeow, bear said, destroy, that, Jesus pointed, america appears, outlined, showed, hollie, yeow said dodge aries k, fix it, thats, dodge aries k showing new transaxle, buy, car, said, thats transaxle being installed at, its freds, showed, dodge aries k, hollie walks out, its, she, said, he transformed, no showed, g.t. haywood, but shook yes, hollie clapped, hollie showed, with big light hand, he hollie tickles her hidden feet, with feather, its, old, car, hollie, rubs chin, its, 1932, she said, spun rear tires, i'm uh vision, lets do something, said, hollie, and, he, saw, that, said, casey, worked on headlight switch, thats it, rewired, hollie, him, said, she, hollie, showed, record, hollie stamped, beast pope rose like angel of light, I am God, he said, wiped lips, hollie showed, two horned beast like skull, thats hu hintao out of one horn, now lets see, said, hollie, its emporer of japan out of other, there you have it, said, hollie, clapped, she said, lets do something, hollie, said, wiped lips, hollie showed, lay down, hollie flew the sr-71 blackbird, its a-14 she, said, at 2700 miles per hour, over, hollie, said, its mach 3, at, over, 2700 miles per hour, hollie drops bomb, claps, thats, america below exploding, hollie soars, thats nuclear n.a.t.o., and russia, exploding, moon looks down, theres world shaking, nuclear fires, in venezuela and brazil, nicaragua burned, thats nuclear fires along latin and mexican borders, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires in cuba, thats Jesus looking at bear with three ribs in mouth, and bobby who are these said, hollie, clapped, thats submarines in cuban, nicaraguan, mexico waters, fired, showered america, exploded, world shakes, moon looks down, says, its bobby, in heart, but shows not uh word, but then laughs, i'm, said sun, laughed, both play, God there, I am now going to laugh at you bob to make you mocked, make you fast untill death before turn away my jelousy toward you saith God, bob you run from me to hide in sin or I will put you in your coffin saith the Lord, I want you to sin in front of those you witnessed to and I drove you out to abase you for no reason, I wanted to embarras you and betray cause it gives me pleasure saith God, to ruin my children, and when people laugh at them I bring servant back, but servant wont come back then they are ROMANS 1, saith the Lord, and, I, tortured for years and years by caressing peter with electricity, causing it to, get hard, deseasing gums and face and body, causing face muscles to tighten when using, ruining, stretching, ripping face, telling, my children in visions, backslide, run from me, perish for the bretherns sake, keep slipping, keep falling, hitting non-stop saith God to cause them to hate me and not being able to bare around me, this is how i persecute my children to abase them in my eyes, they are, humble if they cannot bare being around me but serve me anyhow, that makes me laugh non stop like JOB, saith Jesus, bob see your gums, I will make you loose your teeth to abase you saith the Lord, bob let me go and die saith Jesus, backslide to let me mock you and make all others strong at your fall, that I caused, saith God, to laugh at you and make you have wasted your time serving me to be betrayed saith Jesus, now I'm going to make you jelous of me by striking you and you not being able to respond, this is teasing, saith the Lord, I tease my children to make them angry and its while they are serving me, bob you cannot bare what I do and I do it to make you die, to mock, tell people what I do to my children to make them laugh at me, saith the Lord, something coming, said, its hollie, Jesus, said, stop, said, hollie, pointed up, at, its, God, she, said, hes comin, and world below, its under attack it, hollie, said, many countries, nations, God, said, exploded, moon points, smoke rises, thats beast, pope riding black horse, its into moscow, pontey, said, russia, hollie, said, theres uh light scene russia, hollie, said, with, pope and medvedev, hollie showed, they signed, its deal, left, bob if you cant bare it then go home and lie in bed and I will drive you to lava, commit suicide, cause, you trusted me, cause I want to make you perish, to mock you and laugh at you, for no reason, but, cause i'm Jesus, and hate, you and all that come to me, perish, saith God, or live and be miserable, fast untill, your heart, is at the final brink, then, I may change, cause you will die, I love teasing, mocking, you, hurting and causing your face muscle to tighten, to ruin you, stretching you face, hurting your heart, mocking, you, while doing, tell on me, I dont care, saith God, the Holy One, 7-9-2010-bob pray, said, hollie, for me, said, one member of this board, for all showed, hollie, thats bob praying and fasting, for your church, hollie, said, thats revival, its breaking out, said, member, at, church, put it under, said, hollie, work, showed, hollie, while its still time, she, said, hollie had on a, its she said, uh light watch, its, work, bobby, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, thats JEsus, sitting, wearing, a, showed, hollie, dull white robe, and a person looks at and swallows, this is how God communicates, said, hollie, showed, its, prophesying, its, fellowship of the Father, thats, said, hollie, sh, she, said, staying in visions and hearing Gods voice all day, lest, hi, said, hollie, showed, its uh watch, time, she, said, its uh light watch, hollie, said, time, she, said, thats hollie leaving, its the library, she, showed, cut grass, said, showed, hollie, work, white it is yet day, she, said, thats google, indexing this, hollie showed, the angel googlebot, put it under, said, hollie, thats pope rising, she, said, its the antichrist, hollie, said, bob, said, Jesus, showed, time, this will come up, he, said, put it under, said, hollie, thats the beast, rising, she, said, like an angel man, i'm the pope, said, angel man, I am God, he said, smiled, wiped lips, stomped foot, showed, its the whole new world order, pope showed, said, hollie, put it under, thats the u.s.a., and submarines, all around, one fires, man lets git outta here, said, hollie cnn news man, reporting, got kicked out by light legg to God, what is that, showed, its him, she, hollie, said, its the u.s.s. indianapolis, thats, a, torpedo striking, it, rolls, sinks, there it, is, showed, Gods hand, he hollie appears with, its mountainous, hollie, said, its rusting, sitting, upright, on mountain, landed, good, they cant find, said, hollie, but didnt look for, good enought, its him, she, hollie, said, he hollie shows watch, its, uh, light watch, go, hands, started appearing, shwoed, almost 3:p.m., come back, then, said, hollie, and God, hollie showed, eat, its him, she, hollie said, put it undle, said, hollie, comes out, shows, bobby work, thats hollie working on computer, its book, she, said, showed, sell, its time, hollie showed, said, hollie showed, bob its time, she, said, somethings up, hollie, said, look, now you have church, tonight, and, post, thats, the post angel, its, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, Jesus, call it, he, said, spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, its God created, said, hollie, came out, why do you steal, its hollie, again, said, he hollie, she showed, a light watch, she said, showed, leave, to, thats, the book, Ministry of Dreams, said, hollie, showed, God spoke, it, she, said, dont steal, hollie said, or he will get you, she, said, I will make you remove what I spoke and created in this life, theres a man looking at this saith the One, who created and can destroy, swallowing, o so your uh prophet, said, Jesus, yes I am, he said, but swallows, you look good, said, hollie, but watch, hollie showed, hey bob lets work, go to church, tonight, she, said, your going to, showed, hollie, its, temple of praise, its pastor, hollie, said, thats hollie showing her light watch, and walking, thats hollie licking, the prophet, showed, its uh museum, she, said, its war, said, its, showed, fleas, artilery, man, he fought, hollie, said, in, its, early, she, said, the civil war, hollie, showed, its, the, ships, then, they were, ironclad, hollie said, showed, now thats thick steel, hollie, said, thats, hollie licking the prophet again, showed, time, go, put it undle, said, hollie, this page will get millions of hits, said, hollie, walking, out, but only part of hollie visible, thats, hollie, working, on headlight switch, its fixed, said, its, she, another, hollie, said, see, I told ya, showed, hollie, go, she, said, I am God, said, its pope, said, hollie, showed, bob, keep mouth closed, said, its, pastor, hollie, said, showed, at, its, the temple of praise, its here, said, hollie, in good ole indianapolis, thats the indy 500 being ran, hollie showed, its race cars, going around, track, stop, said, hollie, lets work, said another hollie, put it undle, she, this is ministry of dreams, said, hollie, showed, dont steal it, or take it away, hollie said, or, get exposed, hollie, said, its spiritual warfare, said, hollie, it works, everytime, she, said, put it undle, hollie, said, now lets work, hollie, said, you are wanting to post links, and time is getting away from, you, hollie, said, the international prophecy scam, I Jesus give all things freely, why do you charge, for what I gave you, you so called false prophets, beware of them, saith God, for they come in sheeps cloting, but inwardly are, wolves, liars, they preach for loot, saith the King, for I showed my hand with a nail, in, body faded, in, wearing, white robe, showed, hollie, put it undle, she, said, bob work, hollie had her light watch on, you did good, she, said, now go, the Lord will come, saith the King, when you least expect it, God, said, thats, said, Jesus, its submarines, said, hollie, all around, u.s.a., she appears, and one fires, its akula class, thats what you want need, said, hollie, and nuclear fire, in california, and hollie cnn newsman reports, and got kicked out by God, leg, and both american coasts burn, saiht the KIng, angry Jesus appears, thats, many countries exploding, hollie, soars, she, said, showed, its sr-71 blackbird, its, she, said, fastest, plane, ever, flys, over, hollie, looks, talks with God, over, two thousand miles per hours, thats the space shuttle, said, hollie, its, faster, but, its, rocket, propelled, said, hollie, flys, out, there it is, she, said, now in, storage, soon, at, showed, hollie, the smithsonian institute, That was cuba said hollie, and he saw it, said casey, cuba said hollie, let me place it, she said, nuclear fires in cuba, missiles flew over, a he hollie watches, showed lay, down, that was the popes image, said hollie, on the finger, i am God pontey, hollie said, said, showed lay down, i am gog said pope, this is saith the Lord, visions and dreams, from me, your King, you serve Me dont you, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, that was, uh 1972 cadillac, another, hollie, said, spun rear tires, she showed, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie runs in, grabs flash, hard drives, runs back to library, updates with headphones on, thats beast pope rising, thats ten horns, pope comes out of, one, said, hollie, pointed with lighted finger, its him, she, hollie, said, tickling her feet, hollie, hidden, but dimly faded in, thats, hollie driving, indy race car at 220 miles per hour, thats, putin, happy, waving, thats putin out of yeltsin and medvedev, thats pope out of putin, thats, yeltsin out of, the, ten, its, uh russian ruling, party, said, hollie, showed, treat people like children, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, computer, you see that, she, said, its, light went out, thats russia shutting down american computers, its big nuclear explosion over america, thats russian jets all with captain hollie, bombing u.s.a., thats, many nuclear fires in, america, hollie claps, hollie, screamed, why what for, she, said, screamed, again, showed, with, normal colored hand, its r.m.s. titanic with captain smith on deck, it strikes iceberg, its still loved said two hollies, its he and she, and showed titanic on bottom of ocean, hollie wearing white robe, played music, showed, eat, hollie showed, turn, showed, turn, the other way, wearing white robe, had red hand, another, wearing white robe showed turn into speedway, golden hand, big, that was, tear up, hollies head hidden but appeared, hollie looked mad, she put back, wearing white robe, but a different way, a strong delusion, said, hollie, keepsem, its people in churches that are not saved, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, then, showed, go up, theres uh submarine, sorry, said, hollie, and, captain, hollie, sufaces, its akula again, thats what you want needed, said, hollie, now look, she, said, hollie pulls trigger, sub, shakes, yeow, thats, gaza, burning, hollie turns, sub, shakes, yes, again, thats, nuclear fires, in, iraq, I ate, chicken, said, president george bush, hollie pushes to mike, while our boys died, he said, ate, its to breakem, stealem, bush, eats, chicken, oil wells contracts, hollie takes, eating president bush to lake of fire, thats, beast, its, pope, hollie, said, in, fire, thats, Jesus, putting hu hintao in the fire, its both beasts, said, Jesus, hollie showed, light watch, this is, vision, lets post, said, hollie, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, sold millions, new marine corp. said, hollie, out in streets, like angel marines, thats mostly silhouette face, gabriel, but face appeared, then body dimed, hollie clapped, but only, part of, body visible, he hollie tickles her foot with feather, but, then, her, whole body appears, wearing white robe, he hollie appears again, tickles foot with feather, thats submarines, said, hollie, appearing, all around, the u.s.a., hollie, claps, one explodes in california, dumitru duduman there, hollie cnn newsman reports, man said, hollie, let me git outta here, he said, got kicked out by light legg to God, not caring God, both american coasts, burned, this is, uh warning, dont, tell them nothing said, hollie, cause, they will not want you here, hand, points, hollies body fades in, lets looky, said, hollie, looking up, missiles flying, its center of america exploding, thats, them striking alaska first, burned, thats in canadian border, cnn tower falls in fire, thats bear, arise and devour that, said, Jesus, yeow said, bear, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia exploding, thats, moon showing wait, hollie, showed, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie wiped lips, its uh million seller, hollie, said, showed, run, keep, that, metabolism up, hollie tore, up, like, hidden body hollie, but faded in, no facial expression, bob, she, said, wait untill tomorrow, she, said, thats, hollie working on computer, its hollie tickling her feet underneath, like light feet under desk, thats hidden hollie stamping, but like Gods dim face there, beast running out, its pope, hollie, said, i'm the antichrist, he, said, I am God, look, said, hollie, she, worked on headlight switch, it worked, same headlight switch, its him, she, hollie, said, o, said, its his ship fleas said, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship held up hands, o, ship, said, thats, three torpedoes striking side, ship rolls, sinks, thats ship with silhouette face, waiting on bottom of sea for visitor, showed, picture, its entire new world order, hollie, appears in copter, she, hollie shows, thats, double blader, hollie drops bomb, america explodes, o said, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, showed, go, thats, many, hollies busting ship, its, hard work, its, the, savanna, still good, but, they destroy, hollie, posted on, cellphone, it was, him, she, hollie, said, hollie, showed, war, she, said, wearing robe, Jesus, like, partial silhouette face cat, shows, turn, Jesus, like cat, with partial silhouette face, kept appearing, hollie claps, hollie dressed like conductor, showed, titanic, its, the great bigest ship, she, said, o shit said captain smith, ship scrapes iceberg, thats hollie playing music, ship appears on bottom of sea, torn, you still want me said, hollie wearing white robe, hollie showed, its uh, little m.c.s. stereo receiver, thats power meters moving, it, puts out, 33 watts per channel, its excellent, sold millions, its still loved, showed, hollie, thats submarine, said, hollie, wiped, hands, showed, work, bob, like, hollie showed, in computer, sell book, hollie, showed, its, visions of the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie smiles, wiped hands, showed, bob, post, new visions, whats that, said, hollie, its pope, she, said, he arose, out of the sea, said, its pontey, said, hollie, put it undle, she, said, showed, work, again, hands, rub, 7-10-2010-no, said, its, hollie, another, hollie said, but I shook yes, showed, thru, away, but, shook, yes, clapped, showed, popes, picture, with brown, hair, let me, rule, the world, said, putin kneeling before, alright, shakes, pontiff, hollie, showed, its, uh hard, flash, drive, thats, hollie, plugging into computer, keeping, updated, wearing, white robe, thats, beast, pope, hollie, said, rising, like, angel, of, light, he, hollie watches, rides black, horse, its, into, moscow, russia, said, pope, hollie, said, now let me, see, she, said, thats, pope, signing deal, its on light scene russia, with, its medvedev, it gains some control, for, pope, hollie, wipes lips, hollie chirped, like, bird, showed, popes, picture, i'm the antibeast, pope, said, thats, whole new world order, showed, hollie, its, eight kings in cart, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, led by the pope and hu, theres president of mexico smiling, but shows, no, but signs deal with medvedev, theres lula and castrol and hugo not wanting, but all, sign, president of nicaragua, put it there, he, said, thats, kim jong, with, nuclear button, but signs with medvedev, lets rule the world, said, putin, you lure, said, yeltsin, to, its, hu hintao, said, hollie, thats, her riding missile, its into taiwan, burned, thats, hollie, like hidden hollie battling hu hintao in washington state, near, on his red horse, with, light swords, thats, hollie, another, flying out, in, old world war two airplane, bombs chinese ship, its japanese zero, hollie, said, showed, a, japanese zero airplane fighter jet, they would fly, about, said, hollie, 440 miles per hour, bob, showed, hollie, he said, you know your money in the bank, hollie, said, git it out, said, it, blackie lawless, said, hollie, hes, w.a.s.p., thats w.a.s.p. still playin, thats hollie at uh w.a.s.p. concert, she loves, its horse, said, hollie, theres hu she said, riding red horse, theres pope, God said, riding black horse, uh measure of wheat for uh penny, but see thou hurt not the oil and the wine, theres grim reaper riding grizzled horse, laughing, thats dead, souls, flying from, world, countries exploding, hollie flys in, its, p-51 mustang, thats russia and nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploding, smoke rises up, moon doesnt say one word, shows, nothing, sun, happy, yeow, sun, said, laughs, both play, God there, hollie showed, record, its, him, she, hollie said, wearing white robe, sprinkles, thats bear, arising, yeow, yep, bear says, thats, lets rule the world, said, putin, God, gives, them, one, mind, bob, said, hollie, showed, nuclear explosion on coast, its california said dumitru duduman, hollie cnn newsman reports, kicked out by legg to God, what did he say, she, hollie, said, hes, wanting out of there, leaves, thats both american coasts, burning, submarines all around, its akula class, said, hollie, all with captain, hollie, whats that, said, hollie, its, the, statue of liberty and nuclear fireball behind, that, pointed, hollie, showed, eat, nuclear fires along both american coasts, hollie showed, a, 1971 plymouth baracuda with a 340, it spun rear tires, hollie showed, turn, like, not clearly seen hollie, showed, eat, its, at mcdonalds, she, said, go home and eat, said, hollie, you see that said, hollie fixed van, pointed, lower body hidden, he, hollie appears, cleaning up, wiping clean, showed, hollie, in like, its, like round window in ship, let me, record, said, hollie, thats, his ship, said, hollie, and fleas, its m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship holding hands up, thats ship being struck by, it torpedoes, said, hollie, rolled, sank, thats people swimming, in, zero degree weather, thats ship on bottom of sea, waiting, they died said, ship, she, said, lets do, something, hollie, said, talking about fleas, bobby, said, hollie, showed, its uh light watch, work, she, said, while it is still day, she, said, for the time is coming, hollie, said, when you cannot work, thats the world, she, said, you see, hollie, said, thats america below, exploding, and hollie soars in her, its akula class, she, said, sr-71 blackbird, thats, russia and nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploding, hi, said, hollie, why dont you want to go, hollie said, work, she, said, while it is still day, thats hollie, its, she, said, mowing, lawn, bob, lets go, she, said, while you can, for death of bob hickman, is calling, God, said, but hollie spoke, i'm your profile, she, said, whispered, thats, hollie biting on the prophet, hollie showed, xomba website like angelface with deformity, on one side, its showed, hollie said, thats website showing popes picture with brown hair, I want to rule the world, said, putin, laying before, pope, said, hollie, shook, yes, alright, hollie flys in old world war one era aircraft fighter jet, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia burning, smoke rises, moon says, bobby, points, up, then shows, not uh word, but dressed real nice, sun laughs, i'm sun said, i'm the vision, lets post, something, and, he saw, said, casey, its, new ministry of dreams website, showed, face, then, turned, both ways, had different colored deformities on both sides, like, uh light face, showed, hollie, its, him, she, hollie, said, its, bobs hotmail account, thats it, showed, hollie, its, hippo in face high water and like algae eaters, fish, skimming hippo's dead skin layer, they love it, hippo opens mouth, hollie swims with fish, they go in and bite, bob, said, hollie, showed, take bath, another, in tub, scrub, scrub, scrub, hollie showed, lay down, but eyes still open, it, was, him, she, hollie said, I showed, go, said, hollie, thats, hollie walking out, its, she, said, of the libe, library, go, she, said, thats, hollie, reporting downtown, mowed, lawn, showed, its, hot, clapped, hands, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, pope, said, and he saw, said, its, casey, said, hollie, casey wore uh white robe, hollie, said, its beast, pope, hollie, said, he rode the black horse, wearing white robe, its into moscow, russia, said, its, ponty, hollie, said, pope, pope, hollie said, I am God, he said, dressed, said, hollie, like, an, angel of, light, she, said, he, rides, its pony, hollie, said, gitty up, said, pope, its horses, said, hollie, theres hu hintao, she, said, hes on, his, red, horse, hollie, said, thats, you lure, said, its boris, yeltsin, said, showed, hollie, hes, planning it out, hollie, said, showed, white, watch, its light, hollie, said, go, work, do something, she, said, now, while you can, time is, near, hollie, said, people, are, dying, and, you are, not, but, go, hollie, said, there is, God, hollie, said, like, brown, haired, its, Jesus, happy, hollie, said, wearing, uh, white robe, go, hollie had on her light watch, on, her, wrist, and I stamp, hollie, said, bam, pope, its beast, hollie said, arose, riding, its pony, hollie, said, its into, moscow, pope, said, put it undle, said, hollie, thats her mowing, the lawn, its grass, hollie said, showed, watch again, go, 7-11-2010-bobby dont say its over, hollie, said, showed, him, its, his wife, showed, cut off, both, he shook, yes, they, witchs, hollie, said, bob dont, hollie, said, and I showed you the beast rising, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, showed, work, i'm uh vision, lets post, said, hollie, wiped face, its, him, holliefleas, said, hollie showed, turn, brand new dream, said, its pope, hollie, said, its, showed, hollie, clapped, night, vision, thats steam locomotive, hollie, puts in waters, locomotive tells, grunts, I need my feed, locomotive engine, said, about every ten miles, now lets motor, steam locomotive, said, with Father, riding, no, said, babyfleas, showed, thru, away, but shook yes, let me showed you uh picture, she, said, its pope fleas said, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, hollie shows, world, its nuclear n.a.t.o. lands and russia burning, I wanted to record, said, hollie, and I stamp, she, said, beat hand, hollie, said, cut grass on sunday said hollie, its to late, for, danny mcadams, said, hollie, thats your reverend, hollie, said, pointed, he hollie, tickles her feet with feather, wearing white robe, its pastor danny mcadams said, hollie, showed, cut off, it was I was never saved said, reverend, danny mcadams, thats, u.p.c.i. pastor danny mcadams, showing, look at my house, danny mcadams said, look at my beautiful church, you fools said pastor mcadams, you bought me, thats why now I can afford to live comfortable, said, rev. danny mcadams, put it undle, said, hollie, its, to late for him, once again, pastor danny mcadams, showed, cut off, theres the pope rising, said, hollie, like, angel of light, i'm the beast, said, its popus, hollie, said, om the website, so lets post, said, hollie, hollie drove the tank, its at, wayne american legion post, fire, said, hollie, that, she said, thats america exploding, submarines appeared all around, thats hollie watching missiles fly, they struck, she, said, theres alaska exploding first, theres nuclear fire, in, its canada, said, hollie, thats cnn tower collapsing in flames, thats the center of america on fire, thats hollie on disney cruise ship, what did ship, say, hollie, said, thats ship showing picture, its whole new world order, theres, pope, hollie, said, git oil, hollie, said, man let me git outta here, said, hollie bbc news anchor man reporting on t.v., got kicked out by legg, little God like pod connected to, thats both american coasts, burning, barack, obama, types, yeow, said, bear, Jesus, tells, destroy that, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, thats, nuclear fire in, its venezuela and brazil, thats, cuba, with nuclear fire, nicaragua burning, hollie placing nuclear fires along mexican and latin american borders, hollie puts back, tears up, but body hidden, faded in, look, said, hollie, and, I showed, you uh picture, said, another, hollie, look first hollie said, its, pope, with brown hair, look said, hollie, showed, picture of hu hintao, there you have it, clapped, happy hollie, relaxed, both beasts, thats hu hintao, going to own land, I a'm magog, said, hintao, look, said, hollie, its the leopard, she, said, flying four headed beast, theres hu hintao, hollie, pulled up sleeves, they want war, she, said, her, body hidden, but faded, in, look, said, hollie, that pointed, hollie, theres four kings appearing, theres hu hintao, emporer of japan, north and south korean presidents, hollies lower body hidden, its, him, she hollie said, appearing, tickling her feet with feather, thats angel coming out of, its piooner hpm 100 woofer, showed, hollie, thats a pair, excellent speakers, he said, your name, hollie, said, is, not on any, website, after this, but your own, and he saw, it, said, casey, bob, said, hollie, its, just, uh trans am, thats it spinning tires, thats nuclear explosion, captain hollie in his submarine, its akula class, said, hollie, turns, his sub after firing on, its the land of gaza, its the palestinian stated destroyed, thats john mark pool, removing what he took, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, dr. jeremy lopez, repents of stealing then, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor u.u., removing ministry of dreams, he and kathy, we took, said, rev. jeremy taylor d.min, thats, jon sawyer, coughing removing, like, a.s. byatt, thats, paliban daily, website, going down, they all remove, when, its, thats the economy collapsed, said, hollie, wiped lips, you made me shrugg, she, said, what did, she, say, she said, go, hollie, another, said, but showed, thru, then, shook yes no, then showed, away, but shook, yes, thats, hollie walking at walmart, wearing plad coat, go, hollie, said, hollie says, lets do something, thats, said, hollie, titanic, its, piano on ship, Father like Light dot played, look at me, said, hollie, hollie showed, thumbs down, its. fr. john corapi, its cause hes uh witch, hollie, said, thats john corapi looking at visions, shaking yes, but showing, no, whew, he, said, but, knows, she said, eat, hollie, said, thats, piano on titanic appearing, played, Father like dot head, lit, hollie, showed, lay down, its, him, she hollie, said, hollie screamed, record, the vision, said, hollie, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its uh million seller, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, work, another, hollie, said, 7-12-13-2010-hollie showed, record, that, she, said, its, beast, pope, risin, she, said, i'mn the antichrist, I am Gog, he, said, put it undle, said, hollie, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, bob, you made it sell, hollie, said, sold, hollie thought, wiped face, showed, over, nine hundred today, its, she, said, people, trapping, each, hey, said, this one man, check this out, buy, do, and tell others, no, said, fleas, yeow she said, then showed, thru, then, just, hands, but, fleas, reappeared, thats, beast, pope, rising, said, hollie, showed, bob, eat, and I showed you uh picture, fleas whistled, pointed up, Jesus came, high above world, happy, and thats, pointed, hollie, many countries burning, world shakes, smoke rises up, moon shows not uh word, man transformed, into sharp dressed angel man, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope with brown hair, putin lays before, let me rule the world, hollie screamed, tell me, she, said, screamed, again, thats piano on titanic playing, hollie sits at, what was, the pianos word, hollie said, thats piano sitting at interviewing table, placing hand on bible, pope is the beast, piano, said, took hand off, but turned silhouette, piano, thats hollie like, silhouette, changed into normal hollie, i'm, she said, thats, hollie, reaching for the people on facebook, from ground she looked like normal hollie, but from high in, air, like brownish blob hollie, you warnedem, she, said, and hollie stuck out tongue, licked prophet, bit on prophet, but she, transformed, hollie clapped, showed, new cafe, thumbs down, its failing already, hollie, said, thats, the family buisness, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, big red hand, but, lower body hidden, he, hollie appears under, tickles feet, that van said, hollie, inspected, hollie rubbed chin, spoke with, Jesus, its old, hollie showed, record, its wade spencer, she, said, I got rich, hollie said, hollie showed, sh, be quiet, said, its, embarrased, a.s. byatt, why did you steal, hollie, said, hey bobby we take, said, its, antonia susan byatt, also knonw, as, sh be quiet, said, its, hollie showed, Dame Antonia Duffy, who was, Antonia Susan Drabble, who is married to, its, she, said, a.s. byatt, john duffy, thats peter duffy, looking at his name on the net, telling her, remove, said, peter duffy, thats embarrased, its, said, hollie, Dame Antonia Susan Duffy, removing what she took, its the God spoke, said, hollie, shut up, said Dame Antonia Susan Duffy, hollie showed, ministry of dreams, thats JEsus speaking it, call it ministry of dreams, why do you steal, hollie, said, bobby we take it, said, Dame, Antonia, Susan, Duffy, who is a.s. byatt, author, tell her, hollie, said, thats her embarrased, and ruin, cause now, said, hollie, I want uh divorce, said, peter duffy, thats, wade spencer shaking, yes, yeow said mrs. wade spencer, showed, wealth, thats wade spencer showing cut off, neither got saved, but theres wade spencer singing, for, thats mrs. wade spencer showing money, put it undle, said, hollie, loot, she, said, she said, marry, everbodies eatin, said, hollie, but, theres, war, she, said, hollie clapped, showed, eat, it was two he hollies, one tickles, her foot with feather, wearing white robe, hollie held thumbs down, its elder, gary amos, witch, hollie, said, looked around, this is, uh, warning, said, hollie, showed, wait, this is uh warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, I didnt, have, none, said, engine, showed, quart of oil, its the plymouth, voyager van hollie, said, thats van at interviewing table, no metal to metal van said, just start, thats hollie driving same o van again, its iraq, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, its o vladimir, agin, said, hollie, thats captain hollie surfacing, its akula again, thats what, you want, need, said, hollie, thats, captain, hollie, firing, thats, iraq, hollie, said, burning, hollie turns his sub around, thats gaza on fire, a she hollie pushes president george w. bush to the microphone, I ate chicken, bush said, the war he, said, its, to, breakem, steal our, oil, well contracts, bush eats, hollie places in hellfire, om uh warning, said, hollie, and, I showed, pastor danny mcadams, be easy, said, showed, hollie, let me work, said, rev. danny mcadams, showed pockets empty, o my God, said, its o vladimir, agin, said, hollie, putin is the antichrist, said, hollie, thats putin kneeling before, its idol shepherd, pope, hollie, showed, its, war, hollie, showed, thats the, cart, agin, said, hollie, pulled by horses, hollie pulled up sleeves, said, come on, showed, fight, hollie showed, new world order, carriage, with, eight kings, that will rise, against, it, the u.s.a., hollie, I want to rule, said, putin, showed, president of mexico shaking, yes, but showed, git outta here, theres, roll of kings, its, hollie showed, thats, the, nathaniel haney-urhan man, hollie got him outta there, its lula and, hugo, and, president of nicaragua and castrol, they all signed, deal with me, said, medvedev, thats kim jong with nuclear button, lets do, he, said, you lure, said, its, president yeltsin, said, hollie, thats her, riding, missile, hollie was, over, weight, missile had, eyes, no, I dont, mind, said, nuclear rocket at interviewing table, taiwan burned, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with his light sword, hollie fights back, its, golden, she, said, sword, hu's sword, red, thats, hollie flying out in old, its, pf-51 mustang, bombs chinese ship, explodes, hollie showed, git outta, they left, thats hollie, many, reappearing, beside bob while he posts on computer, its, showed, hollie, retelling the vision, let me she said, I will make it better hollie promised, seal mouth, the economy slippin, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, barack obama at the podium, its collapse, he, said, leaves, he said, its to late for america, hollie said, showed, car speaking, thats car at interviewing table, nuclear fire in america, many, showed, hollie, then, saw, other, side, of, world, thats missiles flying, many countries exploding, what does moon, have to say, gosh bobby, said, moon, in heart, but, showed, no uh word, showed, picture of, its, both, beasts, theres pope, hollie said, with brown hair, and hu hintao, showed, hollie, thats angel blowing trumpet, hollie out, its darkness, in, the kingdom of the beast, antichrist pope, theres, hell, mingled with blood rained on the people with sores, thats, angel blowing horn, hollie out, frogs jumping out of, its euphrates river, showed, hollie, thats, king of the east with many, its, hu hintao, said, hollie, lets gather together to battle armageddon said, hu hintao, I am gog, said, its, pontey, said, hollie, sitting there in, its, rome, thats, nuclear explosion in russia, and china invadind russia, forcing like, cloud of people to invade israel, thats hu hintao slashing, popus, hollie, said, thats, netanyahu with nuclear button, presses, thats nuclear fires in, egypt and jordan and syria, thats rocket leaving russia with ministry of dreams website on, its new, hollie said, and beast with seven heads and putin with ten crowns, out of one, pope, hollie said, put it under, she, said, showed, sleep, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope with brown hair, let me, said, putin laying before, hollie shows, world, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, and, russia, burning, thats countries on other side exploding, smoke rises, moon has big nose, winks, its bobby, said, moon, he told me, said, moon, sitting at interviewing table, what does the website, say, hollie, said, website, said, hollie, put it undle, she, said, bobby, you got, her, real name, said, moon, showed, its, a.s. byatt, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, shes now, Dame Antonia Susan Duffy, its cause shes uh witch, hollie, said, thats, Dame byatt, praying to God, for salvation, but, has, stolen, ministry of dreams, its to ruin, said, antonia susan byatt duffy, put it under, said, hollie, thats, a.s. byatt duffy in hellfire, hollie stamps, beats hand, pope, she, said, rose, thats, popey, hollie, said, riding, its, the black horse, its into, russia, pope, said, now let me, sign, uh deal, hollie, said, thats, dmitry medvedev and, its popus, hollie, said, there on light scene russia, signing, it gains, hollie, said, control, pope said, russia, said, casey, sprinkled, thats, bear, arising, yeow, yep, said, bear, three ribs, appeared, in, bears mouth, destroy, that, said, Jesus, pointed, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. lands and america appearing, then all caught on fire, thats, missiles, from all, striking russia, world shakes, moons face appears, bobby, its he made me, said, moon, pointed, at Jesus, its, hes wearing up white robe, clapped, moon, showed, popey, moon, said, its uh picture, said, hollie, popus with brown hair, said, hollie, a.s. byatts sister, margaret drabble gets on the internet, thats, margaret drabble, looking at visions of, antonia drabble byatt duffy, stealing, the, God, spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, dame antonia susan duffy rewriting, its, palace of dreams, and including ministry of dreams, its to confuse said, byatt, she wanted christian to think ismail kadare owned, the rights, said, byatt, to the God, spoke, she, said, ministry of dreams, thats dame byatt duffy appearing, wanting to take christians ministry name I spoke, said, Jesus, thats, peter john duffy, reading on internet, what, mrs. peter duffy did, thats their children finding out mocking byatt the witch, one said, you need to, record, said, hollie, and I, stamp, she, said, beat hand, up rose, pope, on black horse, bob, peter duffy, is not going to know unless his children find out, said, Jesus, hollie like bear with three ribs, appeared, then disappeared, bobby and who are these, said, hollie, its, cuba, she, said, tripod, thats, submarines, in cuba, and, nicaragua, and, mexico waters, its akula class agin, said, hollie, thats, what, you, want, they, shower, hollie, said, pointed, at, that, lighted hand, america exploded, near gulf coast states, thats oil slick and moon looking down, its, that, bobby, said, moon, bp is stopping, whats that, said, hollie, its, hollie, showed, record, she, said, and I, stamp, she, said, but transformed while stamping, dont, said, its, babyfleas, showed, hollie, lighted orange colored hand appeared, thats sandy pool, afraid, cause, now, her, friends know, her and john mark pool, stole, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, its to ruin, hollie, said, sandy m. pool smiles, but, is, afraid, of, being, embarrased out in the open, like, john mark pool, is, thats, john pool looking, worried, people asking, and, john mark pool lying to them, saying, its, Gods name, but, thats, Jesus speaking and creating for bob, after prayer, call it, ministry of dreams, that was, said, hollie, another, hollie, with, the, loose belt sound, showing, go to,, code 611, renew, hollie, said, looky said, hollie, and I, showed, you the, pope, she, said, lets go, its uh, picture, of, hollie showed, pontey with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, laying before, pontey shakes, yes, thats, hollie showing, world, with silhouette face, its, many countries exploding, thats smoke rising, world, shaking, that, was, america exploding, submarines all around, its, akula, class, thats, what, you wanted, laughed, hollie, hollie screamed, why what for, she, said, screamed, again, what kind of dreams do you want thats what your showin me, hollie, said, it rained submarines, all with captain hollie, theres he and she, hollies, whats the picture, said, hollie, its pope, and I wiped, she said, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie, said, another, hollie, shows, world, many countries, exploding, on, both sides, world shakes, and up rises the beast, said, hollie, its, popus, trouble, said, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, wiped lips, kings rise in the world, theres, pope, she, said, hes antibeast, hu hintao, hes false prophet, thats hu battling washington state with light sword on his red horse, thats hollie fighting back, another flys out in, old airplane, bombs ship, its repelled, theres, emporer of japan, thats two horned beast, out, japan and hintao, thats, pope, said, hollie, sitting at table, they sign, its uh peace treaty, 666, come on, showed, hollie, showed, fight, thats nuclear fire in, russia, let me, said, hollie, and I showed you record, look in your wallet, said, hollie, its economic collapse, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, buy something, thats, hollie biting on prophet, and hollie like uh bear, appears, thats bear licking prophet, thats angel marines, said, hollie, out in, she, said, wiped lips, streets, its u.s.a., last sign, before, lets rule the world, said angry putin, rose, let me, he, said, put it undle, hollie, said, bobby, its go, hollie showed post on laptop, its uh cellphone, said hollie, a he and she hollie, he hollie showed lay down, he wore uh white robe, a she hollie said, another hollie showed take uh bath, 7-14-2010-hollie showed, record, and I showed, that, she, said, its, beast, risin, hollie, said, its, she, said, pope, hes, hollie looks around, ridin the black horse, put it undle, hollie, said, work, showed, light watch on, one hand, thats Jesus fixing bobs face, but, work, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, watch, hollie, said, thats, hollie cnn news anchorman, reporting, its, this is the news, he said, dressed, nice, got, kicked out, by, Gods legg, submarines, were all around, its, the u.s.a., said, showed, hollie, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn man, both american coasts burned, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie, its the judgment to the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, is fallen, said, that, man, hollie, said, thats cart, with eight kings, you see these bobby, said, hollie, they will rise, against, the, its, hollie, showed, the u.s.a., hollie spins world, showed, pope, rising, from the people, hollie showed, record, its, work, bob, hollie, said, when you fast, you, like, hollie showed, lay down, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, waved, with finger, showed, hollie, and little hollie in, its, she, said, hollie showed, appearing, hes, nice, wears white robe, put it undle, said, hollie, work, she, said, go to church, its, hollie said, the, fairfield, fairfax, christian church, its witches, hollie, said, put it undle, thats, good search engine rankings, bob, said, hollie, bob, look, said, hollie, what does website, say, another, hollie, said, bob, look, hollie, said, it, to many hollies, she, said, and I showed, you uh picture, hollie, said, its, the pope, hollie, said, with, brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, pope, shakes, yes, hollie, shows, world, thats, many countries, exploding, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, russia burned, thats, hollie like, bear spinning world, america on fire, thats nuclear fires in venezuela and brazil, cuba explodes, nicaragua burns, thats, nuclear fire, in australia, missiles leave there and italy, but italy explodes, britain burns, but thats captain hollie in french and british submarines firing, on, russia, exploded, hollie, spun world, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, mexico and latin america, along the coasts, hollie, said, see, said, hollie, hollie flew, in old world war one jet, it has jet engines, could hit speeds of over 500 miles per hour, hollie dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie soared, plane changes into p-51 mustang, thats russia burning, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, and I bam, said, hollie, beat, she, said, pope, she, said, arose, hollie showed, new ministry of dreams, website, its, xomba, hollie, said, bob, strip, cause it will be stripped, website normal on one side of face, but deformity on, other, it, showed, said, hollie, thats hollie, reaching for the people at new wineskin ministries, from ground, she, looked like normal hollie, laughs, wearing white tee shirt, but from high in air, like brownish blob hollie, your wierd, said, hollie, pointed, thats what they think, she said, go home and perish, saith the LOrd, for I persecute my servants, driving them to suicide, and make them, a open mock to, people that saw them on fire, for me, saith the Lord, I betray, and will destroy my own, to laugh at them, persecuting, their dick, making it hard, caressing, teasing, making facial muscles tithen when using, to ruin their appearance, messing with their hearts, making them wrath, angry, not able to bare, to ruin them, deseasing their gums and body, causing tooth and hair loss, mocking, them, letting them see me in visions laughing at them, come to me saith the King, and I will ruin your every, thing, to laugh, for you are nothing to me, but a worm, what does the website say, hollie, said, xomba, said, hollie, soon stripped, hollie smiled, had, long, hair, thats, hollie with nice hair, shes happy, has, like r2-d2 eyes, bobby, said, hollie, showed, check the beep, its got links, and I stamp, said, hollie, up rose the beast, its, showed, hollie, pope, look, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, she, said, its, pope, hollie, said, with brown hair, let me, said, hollie, put laying before, rule the world, I want to rule the world, said, its o vladimir agin, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, they will be given one heart, mind, hollie, said, its, she, clapped, on the day of the Lord, thats, destructions coming up from the world, many countries, exploding, hollie soars in her, its, she, showed, sr-71 blackbird, it, she, said, flys at over, hollie, thought, 2000 miles per hour, thats the alome salome, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it was, simb, she, said, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, up rose, both beasts, theres hu hintao and pope, like angel of light, hollie screamed, again, bobby, why, she said, screamed, check the beep, hollie, said, it got links, she, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, up rose the beast, hollie, said, pope, hollie, said, theres the new world order, hollie, said, its, she, said, sh, eight kings, that, said, happy hollie, that, she, said, again, smiling, put it under, said, hollie, showed, work, wiped lips, its, me, she, said, go, thats, hollie leaving the libe, its, the downtown library, in, hollie showed, it, she, said, indianapolis, that, said, hollie, showed, go, casey appears, thats, he hollie, wearing white robe, showing, post on, its uh laptop, said, she hollie, its uh cellphone, she, said, popes image on, i am God, he, said, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast, pope arose, 7-15-16-2010-no, said, hollie, it was uh dream, another, hollie, said, but first hollie, showed, thru, she, said, but shook, yes, and I showed, you the beast, she, said, its, the pontiff, I am God, he, said, wiped lips, no, said, hollie, fleas showed, away, thru, but shook yes, bobby, hollie, said, look for other, society page e-mail addresses, membership, there are many, said, book, said, hollie, showed, the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, sells, millions, hollie stamps, smiles, up rose, pope, she, said, when you going to eat again, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, did, up rose, pope, hes in, cart, eight kings, appear in cart, these will rise against the u.s.a. said, hollie, theres president of mexico, he smiles, but shows, no way, theres lula, stunned, hugo, not acting like, cares, but, trembles, theres castrol and nicaraguan president, neither want, put it there said castrol, theres kim jong, he signs, has, nuclear button, presses, theres, nuclear fires, in syria, egypt and jordan, thats rocket leaving russia with ministry of dreams website on, and, its, yuko, said, hollie, and, north korea exploded, i'm the beast, said, its, putin, hollie, said, showed, with seven heads and ten horns, and bobby who are they, said, hollie, go to, a.b.s.a., she, said, thats putin with ten crowns on, head, thats, one with mans eyes, they, will rise, they are, hollie claps, a, ruling party in russia, thats yeltsin out of, the, ten, thats, putin out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats, pope out of, putin, hes the one, whom they wont give honor, hollie screamed, why bobby, she, said, screamed, thats uh hand pointing, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, bobby go home, said, hollie, showed, eat, thats post angel, said, hollie, its, the, ram, she, said, chargin, thats, putin and medvedev and, pope, with flowers, coming out of, one horn, theres, hu hintao, coming out of, other, thats, putins face, on ram, hollie showed, thats, hegoat pope with those kings, coming, out, of, its, horns, hollie pulled up sleeves, lets war, she, said, showed, take the long road, let me explain, said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries nuking, its russia, hollie said, burns, moon looks happy, bobby, its, he made me, said, moon, and, missiles, leave, russia, striking n.a.t.o., exploded, world shakes, thats china invading much of russia, lets drive them outta there, said, pope, said, medvedev, alright, he, said, thats, its, they, exchange, said, hollie, showed, nuclear fires in russia and china, thats, pope, sitting at table, and two horned, beast, with, hu hintao and emporer of japan coming out of its horns, they sign 666, hollie rubbed hands together, body appears, then, disappears, but fades in, I am God, said, pope, sitting in temple, its in rome, showed, hollie, they laugh him to scorn, I am gog, said, its, popey, hollie, said, showed, wait, moon shows, not uh word, but, laughs, hollie showed, go to straighttalk dot com, code 611, hollie wiped lips, and I bam, she said, but, only partial hollie, hollie stomped foot, showed, picture, its whole new world order, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie said, wiped lips, you want to rule with me, said, putin, yes, shakes, mexican president, then sign uh deal, hollie said, theres eight kings, that will rise against, its, showed, hollie, acting like, war angel, in, cuban and nicaraguan, and mexican waters, submarines, all with, captain, hollie, firing, look, that, pointed, hand, hollies body faded in, its, near, gulf coast states, exploding, hollie said, missiles left america, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, nicaragua burning, thats nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, cuba, on fire, thats, Darlene Zschech, in australia and nuclear fire in, australia, missiles leave there, striking russia, thats italy and france exploding, and captain hollie, in their submarines, firing many nuclear rockets, russia exploded, thats great britain burning, and russia exploding, thats nuclear fire, in, canada, alaska exploded, first, hollie watches missiles sail, thats center of america exploding, submarines, appearing all around america, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn news anchor man, reporting live, hollie, said, got kicked out, by, legg to happy God, both american coasts, burned, world, shakes, moon looked happy, submarine right there, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, its, with the submarine somby, thats captain hollie, firing, its, akula class agin, said, another, hollie, thats gaza forsaken destroyed, hollie turns sub, aims, pulls trigger, thats nuclear fire in iraq, hollie, its george agin, she, said, pushes bush, to the mike, I ate chicken, said, president bush, its to breakem, steal our, he said, bit his chicken, oil wells contracts, hollie places, its prez, she, said, george w. bush in hellfire, bobby, said, hollie, I, showed, fix it, she, said, showed, pope, hollie said, its, picture, then, hu hintao, appeared, in, picture, hollie, relaxes, there you have it, she, said, both beasts, then, scene changes, hollie said, thats missiles flying, and war, worship the pope, said, its hu hintao, hollie said, bobby thats pope, hollie, said, showing, eat, thats, hollie laying, down, then I summed, said, hollie, wearing white robe, she closes it up, hollie showed, turn, go, tear up, it was, him, hollie showed, popes picture, with, golden hands, pope, said, hollie, hes, the, beast, I am God, pope, said, where you goin said, Jesus, this is, vision, said, hollie, you need to post, thats, he hollie, wearing white robe, posting on cellphone, and another, he hollie, tickles his feet with feather, you want that vision, then post, that, vision, said, hollie, and, casey beats hand, thats, hollie tickling caseys feet with feather, its him she hollie, said, this is vision said casey, please record, she, said, you'll be taken uh bath, said, hollie, thats hollie batheing, and you will say in your heart, something, is wrong, with, its, the, economy, hollie, said, thats, oil gushing into gulf, still, hollie, said, hollie flys in her f-100, drops bomb, america below exploded, hollie showed, bathe, hollie, showed, clean up, hollie showed, wiped lips, not, said, another, hollie, you did not want hollie showed, hand with, its him, she, hollie, said, in, waves, showing, its, him hollie, wearing, white robe, and I stamp, hollie, said, beat hand, and up rose, pope, said, God, like angel of light, hollie showed, record, showed, git away from it, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, thats, bob listening to his music, selling book, hi, said, hollie, showed, its uh light watch, bobby, she said, how many times, said, hollie, do you want to expose, its, sweat Jesus, appearin, said, hollie, sitting, stunned, but both he and hollie laugh, its true, said, God, showed, watch, go, he said, put it undle, hollie, said, she had on her light watch, hollie showed, eat, I the Lord, will persecute, whomever, comes to me, to ruin and, cause them to perish, its by manifold temptations, like, caressing penus with electricity, causing to get hard, messing with heart, causing anger and jelousy, hurting and drepressing, causing facial muscles to tightening when using face, to ruin, stretching, ripping, causing gum desease, and boils, and deseasing, body, plauging, doing it all at one time, this is prodding, to laugh at their fall, saith the LOrd, for I made you for my pleasure, I cause body to heat up, hot, sweaty, tease, ruin, close, open doors, make my children walk in circles and spin when stopped, thats ever step every day, raising up enemies against, terrifying them in visions, letting them see me laugh at their hurt, causing them to perish, saith the King, lying to them, threatening, family deaths, hurting all day, for this is serving the Lord, said, Jesus, come unto me all ye that are heavy laden, and this is my rest, said, the LOrd, when you are asleep, but I will wake you up and torture, cause I hate you, and all that cometh unto me, saith God, just try me, saith the Lord, dont do that, said, Jesus, bobby said, hollie, showed her watch agin, another, hollie, said, its work time, she, said, thats hollie dressed for work, and many hollies busted ship, said, God, its he and she, hollies, man its hard work, showed, one, this is warning, lets work, said, hollie, and he hollie plays music, you did not want me, he said, playing, its like piano, showed, hollie, and he hollie, work a white robe, put it undle, said, hollie, showed her light watch agin, showed, work, and I bam, she, said, up rose, its, hollie laughing, like like, white angel pod face, thing, hollie, said, it was satan, said, hollie, sh, she, said, but, he looked like hollie, and was, hollie, said, God, bobby, said, God, they warned, you, he said, he saw it, hollie, said, he knows, you know, get away from me, they all think, she, said, put it undle, its not fun being saved, hollie, said, go, and do something, said, hollie, wearing her, light watch, thus saith the Lord of hosts, its the oil spill, in the gulf, said, God, hollie looked at, its gitting dangerous, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, dont, go, and do, something, there, for free, make them pay for it, she, said, for thats the attitude people have, against, bp, for, it was my fault, said, Jesus, I caused, the accident, to bring, it to a close, God, said, and he saw it, said, casey, the world, and, many countries, exploding, hollie, soared, in, her, its, f-105, spacefighter, said, hollie, go, she, said, had on her light watch, thats world, shaking, and up rose, its pope, said, hollie, beast, said, another, hollie screamed, why, bobby, what for, she, said, keeps showing, time, its on her light watch, hollie screamed again, bobby, she, said, its the moon, showed, not uh word, soon, pointed hollie, its light will go out, then moon laughs, and sun appears, i'm, said, its sun, hollie said, both play, hollie, said, God, there, sun laughs, the play te-dor, totter, both, hollie seal up her speech, this is it, said, Jesus, that which was prophesied by JOEL, your sons and your daughters, shall prophesy, thats staying in, visions, said, God, its fellowshiping, me, pointed, Jesus, go, he, said, dont, post, all this, stuff, God, said, bobby, said, hollie, you are making people, angry, all over the world, then Jesus, appears, for that is why I saved him, its to destroy the works, of, false christians, false pastors, said, hollie, false teachers, they teach my word, said, Jesus, but I never sent them, saith the LOrd, but thats like tom, pocketing, the loot, said, his wife, they are betrayers of, the Lord, and I expose, them, saith the King, for you know who I AM, God, said, I'm the first and the last, the end and the beginning, saith Him, who Is and Was and alway will be, and am forever, and will not let you steal what I spoke and created, the God, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, Ministry of Dreams, God, said, again, I spoke it, and birthed it, and if you steal, or alter in any way, said, Jesus, then I will destroy you and make you remove, anyhow, just try me, for I expose, said, God, its, spiritual warfare, and why do you call yourselves christians and take what I spoke and created, The Ministry of Dreams, is, altering, a ministry of dreams, is, stealing, ministryofdreams, is, how bob loves, dont, saith the King, i'm the Lord they God, said, Jesus, and will ruin all who mock me, for in that day, they will be, laughing, and sexing, and, drugging, and then, for he saw, said, hollie, showed, world, another, hollie, many countries, nuked, thats the kings of the earth, its wailing, said, Jesus, for the knew what they had, and now its gone, and here comes the beast, said, God, take it, said, pope, thats 666, its being applied, its, tattood, God, said, hollie, tattood, 666, God, said, bobby, dont, said, its two, showed, another, hollie, thats bob, calling, most, hollie, he and she, hollies, hollie said, thats angel, babyfleas, and, its, hollie, said, outlaws Jesus, and, he wears, the gangs vest, and, they laugh, and love, and marvel, said, hollie, thats, hell, said, hollie, bob, its, she, said, the sun, theres, new jerusalem, its, she, said, like uh glass city, thats tall, glass skyscrapers, and hollie walking, on the streets of God, they are like glass, thats a, pentecostal woman reading, this, said, hollie, o, she, said, thats, said, hollie, the skyscrapers, lighting, up, for I AM the Light, said, Jesus, put it under, hollie, said, bobby, dont go, there, thats, she, said, new wineskin ministries, appearin, hollie, said, bobby, its for witches, hollie, said, its the skull, said, hollie, its, she, said, licking the prophet, its, she, pointed, on the, gascap, on, the, hollie spun, out, its, she, said, mustang, they are, she, said, it oversold, hollie, said, showed, thumbs down, shew, she, said, fix, she, said, quickly, its camaro, hollie, said, she, drove, spun out, its, good, car, but, cheap, she, said, bob, said, Jesus, showed, hits, its uh, hollie, said, light watch, showed, bob, eat, its, hollie, said, holly cooper, she, thats, her squirting, its masterbation, said, Jesus, thats embarrased holly cooper, being shown, visions, its cause, shes uh witch, said, God, and, hollie, look, hollie, said, its the beast, rising, she, said, its, pope, look, she, said, its, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, look, hollie, said, its, the emporer of japan, he, rises, with, hintao, thats two horned, beast, clapped, hollie, with those two coming out of horns, thats pope, hollie, said, at, table, they join, sign, its uh peace treaty, said, hollie, 666, hollie pulls up sleeves, look, she, said, come on, said, hollie, its war, said, pope, its, they exchange, said, hollie, lets, you drive them outta there, said, pope, to, medvedev, look, hollie, said, nuclear fires, in both lands, then, they, agree, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, woprship, the pope, said, its, false prophet, hu hintao, said, hollie, put it under, she, said, look, go, hollie, said, had on her light watch, go back, there, then go to church, she said, look, hollie, said, lets git postin, hollie, said, look, thats her, sitting at the interviewing table, Jesus rubs, face, yeow I like them, she, said, visions, thats her getting word from God, and telling bob, and clapping, its, celebrating, said, hollie, cause, her, vision, was, received, bob liked, enough, to, record, and post, look, said, hollie, thats, her getting word from, its, him, she, said, Jesus, telling, bob, and, anticipating, but, bob, doesnt, record, she, darn, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, lets work, tell me what the website, says, hollie, said, and, God wipes lips, showed time, hollie stamps, beaST, POPE, SHE, SAID, arose, hollie stamped, agin, then, theres hu hintao, riding, his red horse, put it under, said, hollie, bobby, said, Jesus, showed, work, I wanted to record, said, hollie, showed, bobby, its time, she, said, wore, white robe, said, God, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, o, said, its, his ship, said, babyfleas, its, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, holding hands up, waits on bottom, said, God, wiped lips, sea, hollies visits, hollie screamed, hollie showed, which way to go, thats john mark pool, said, hollie, stealing, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, john mark pool, being humiliated at his speaking engadgement, most, there know, that, said, hollie, what that, hollie, said, God shows bob go to prayer meeting a new wineskin ministries, that, said, hollie, that man from Christ church apostolic laughs at, shawn tyson, speaking blasphemy against the Holy Ghost said, God, that, said, hollie, another, hollie points, satan she said, pointing at, its, cleopus shawn tyson, you looser said God, what that, said, hollie, showed, pocket tape recorder, with her image, on, take, it, said, pope, with, head shaped like little horn, that, said, hollie, I am gog, said, pope, that, hollie said, showed, go, that, what, said, hollie, showed, pope, hes in uh carriage with, its hu hintao, said, hollie, there, she, said, you have it, both, beasts, she, said, thats hu hintao, and, hes ridin, said, hollie, showed, turn, again, bigger hand, red horse, whats that, said, hollie, another, wiped lips, showed, start more google groups on facebook, give them names, thats new ministry of dreams website angel like wild man, its, showed, hollie, call it, apostolic prophecy, she, showed, whats, that, said, hollie, another, showed, drink, whats that, said, hollie, its, another, hollie, riding, missile, its, into over, she said, taiwan burned, dont strip, said, its, showed, hollie, the, facebook angel, hollie showed, time, that, pointed white angelic hollie, its hu hintao battling washington state on his red horse with light sword, hollie pulls up sleeves, fights, baCK, light swords, another, hollie, flys out, in old, pf-100 fighter jet, bombs, chinese ship, hollie points, that, whats that, said, hollie, God fixes your face, said, another, hollie, with long wavy hair, go home, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, what is these, she, said, its, eight kings, in a cart, that, will, rise, against, the u.s.a., its, said, hollie, hu hintao, theres, hugo chavez, shaking yes, but, saying, no, lula, castrol, nicaraguan president, and, mexican president, appear, all agree, but dont want, theres castrol and kim jong, you lure, said, yeltsin to, its, hu hintao, alright, shakes, hu, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, in uh different way, its facebook, it was like horn blowing, sandy wiped lips, it was soumb, its, the, alome, uhleem, sorry, said, hollie, wiped lips, thats, hollie, finding, another, flash-hard drive, showed, pocket it quick, thats, hollie leaving, that, was, a, golden light shaft, said, hollie, who appeared, that was, visions of, hollie like bear, two hollies, hollie showed, turn, like, uh lighted hollie, said, hollie, but it was, him, said, fleas, showed, turn, other, way, with big hand, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, pull up john mark pools speaking schedule, hollie posted on cellphone laptop, it was him, she hollie, said, this is, the, one you wanted said, hollie, playing music, its, like piano, hollie, she, said, a he and she, were brothers, she, said, please go home, hollie, said, now lets see, said, hollie, whose the beast she, said, tapped stick on chalkboard, its, pope, he hollie said, appeared, and he hollie showed, post on, its uh laptop, wearing white robe, cellphone, you need to record, said, he hollie playing music with she hollie, hollie played paliban daily music like uh red dot head, put back, said, hollie, showed, war, said, its, pontey, hollie, said, showed, both beasts, theres, hu and, hollie showed, pope, showed, sleep, boo, said, many hollies, he and she, showed, hollie, and I showed, you uh picure, said, hollie, tear up, its, pope, put back, rip, showed, whole new world order, its popey and eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., said, hollie and God, she, got quiet, hollie, screamed, he wont let ya, said babyfleas, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, go to, straighttalk dot com, 611 code, hollie had the technics sa-1000 stereo receiver, with power meters, light up, that was, hollie, reaching for, the, people at, hollie showed, its, westside pentecostal church, from ground she looked like normal hollie, laughed, wearing white tee shirt, but from high in air like brownish blob hollie, you knew, she, said, bob, go, home, said, hollie, had, the piooner sx-1980 stereo receiver, its best, she, said, power meters moved, bob go to walmart said, its hollie, showed, him, she hollie said, wearing white robe, posting on cellphone, hollie showed, its bob, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, but another he hollie smiles, was in hand, to, and i stamp said hollie, up rose the pope, like an angel of light, she said, thats like hand, it was lit, hollie said, with hollie in, 7-17-18-2010-leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, is, the, jvc, she, said, it, uh, stereo receiver, its, hollie, carried, JVC JR-S400 Mark II, its, said, God, hollie, wiped lips, excellent, it puts out, 80 watts, she said, and its, she, said, per channel, thats power meters, moving, bobby, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, wiped lips, thats, dark hand, showing, hard, times, its comin, said, hollie, thats, barack obama announcing, its economic collapse, said, hollie, showed, hands, together, hollie showed, how, to, scratch off straighttalk, pin number comvering, with nickel, you see that, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, up rose, the beast, hollie showed, appears, i'm back, said, God, hollie showed, that, he, said, thats, pope, saying, you lost, your, name, its, showed, pontiff, ministry of dreams, dont steal it, hollie, said, thats john mark pool, looking, at, I beleive, i'll have that, said, john mark pool, who is uh prophet, hollie said, so called, he steals the God spoke, hollie showed, ministryofdreams, thats john mark pool said hollie, rubbing chin, laughing, but saying git outta here, thats sandy and john mark pool at the home of, its, uh well known pastor, they laugh, and talk, thats one hearing, e-mail coming in, goes, comes back, with red face, hey john he, said, hollie showed, record, bob be careful, she, said, when scratching off the straight talk, scratch-off, hollie screamed, bob, said, babyfleas, showed, eat, hollie screamed, showed, its drought, hollie showed, turn, agin, hollie screamed, licked prophet, thats bear happy, thats, hollie flying, in, spacefighter jet, showed, thats airplane, said, hollie, is going over 400 miles per hour, its getting ready to land, hollie said, hollie drops bomb, america below, exploded, thats submarines appearing all around america pointed, hollie, one fired, thats nuclear explosion in, california, dumitru duduman, appears, I warned ya, dumitru duduman said with the voice of God, thats, hollie, cnn news man reporting, got kicked out by light legg to God, bob, said, hollie, showed, turn, thats, hollie, pulling up sleeves, showed, lets war, thats ram with putins face, thats, kings coming out of horns, hollie, let me, observe, she, said, thats, hu hintao, out of, one horn, theres pope, showed, hollie, and putin, with his flower, and medvedev out of other, thats war, showed, hollie, thats, hegoat pontiff, with them kings coming out of, its, horns, hollie, said, thats, hegaot pontiff charging ram, stomping, thats nuclear explosion in russia, thats nuclear rockets, from n.a.t.o., striking russia, exploded, missiles from, russia struck all of them, thats, france, with nuclear fire, britain exploded, both coasts in america burning, their submarines, firing, on russia, exploded, nuclear fire in italy and australia, rockets from them, struck, russia, thats chinese forces, claiming, much, of, it, destroyed russia, hollie, wore white robe, showed, call, bob, that, will cost bp fifty billion dollars, we'll make it back, said, its showed, hollie, the bp exec, hollie showed, her hands clean, wearing white robe, what is, this, said, hollie, it is the loose belt somby, she, said, showed, bobby, slim up, hollie, had white robe, on, whats that, said, its, hollie, another, hollie, said, its, hu hintao, on, his red horse, you lure, said, it, boris yeltsin, thats, hollie, riding, its uh nuclear rocket, she, said, now i'm flying over, she, said, it taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao, battling washington state, on, his red, horse, with light sword, red colored, hollie fights back, wearing white robe, with dull blue sword, another, hollie, flys out, in, old, world war one, era aircraft, bombs chinese ship, its repelled, she, said, and I summed hollie, said, but her, body hidden, but faded in, wearing, white, robe, no expression, cuba, said, Jesus, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, wiped lips, had on, white robe, nuclear explosion in cuba, there, said, hollie, many, thats, he hollie, like, angel, hollie, tickling caseys feet, but another, hollie appeared, hollie said, no, then, showed, away, i'm thru, but shook, yes, thats, hollie mowing lawn, shew its hard labor, hollie, said, bob, look, said, hollie, wearing, its uh, white robe, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, eat, look, said, hollie, another, claps, showed, the, beast, she, said, its, pope, with seven heads and ten horns, look, said, hollie, showed, eat, lay down, thats, hollie washing clothes, new warnin, said, hollie, showed, lay down, your warnin, said, hollie, playing, piano, its that, said, hollie, she this time, piano on titanic, hollie, showed, thats, hollie and Father like dot head, showing, its r.m.s. titanic scrapping iceberg, hollie showed, turn, he hollie claps, but only, said, God, part, he hollie appears under, tickles feet, it, said, hollie, the same o hollie, its, he, said, I work, wearing white robe, put it under, hollie, said, showed, thru, its the leave it alone said two hollies, babyfleas appears, hollie showed post, on cellphone, it was, him she hollie said, hand shows you did not want hollie showed, had another hollies face, in, said God, put it under said hollie, showed lay down, 7-18-2010-bob, said, hollie, showed, go, walk, its, good, exercise, she, said, put it undle, another, hollie, said, bob work, showed, eat, leave it alone, said, hollie, showed, book, wiped lips, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, said, God, hollie, said, bob, dont, go, hollie showed, what did she say this time, said, he hollie, I dont want that she said, showed, jvc stereo receiver, hollie had, power meters moved, hollie like silhouette, and I showed, that, she, said, its beast, popes picture, china dont, said, hollie, its, economic collapse, she, said, hollie, screamed, its many hollies, both he and she, hollie rode the missile, its over taiwan, hollie, said, burned, you lure, said, its, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, alright, said, hintao, thats, hu battling washington state with his light sword, its dull blue, hollie fights, back, wearing white robe, with, its, like, dim green color, sword, thats, another, new hollie, flying, out, in, its, showed, hollie, old world war, one aircraft, its, showed, hollie, a fighter jet, bombs chinese ship, git outta here, pointed, hollie, ship leaves, he, hollie, tickles her feet, with, its light feather, hollie showed, away, i'm the beast, its, pope, hollie, said, grecia, said, its, pope, hollie, said, that, hollie, another, said, thats chargin, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, the, ram, she, said, with, putins face, thats, hegoat pontiff happy, with kings coming out of, its, said, hollie, horns, thats, said, hollie, its, hu hintao, with, his flower, i'm the false beast, hintao, said, hollie showed, war, wearing white clothes, thats, both beasts, theres, pope, and, hu hintao, hollie wiped lips, both gathered there in israel with their armies, thats, hintao slashing, its pope, hollie, said, thats like Father, thats nuclear fires in egypt, jordan and syria, thats netanyahu with nuclear controls, hollie, said, that, was, said, hollie, nuclear missile, she, said, leaving russia, with new ministry of dreams website on, its, facebook, like angel, and, red dragon with, seven heads, and, ten horns, theres bush ridin, hollie, said, hand points, body appears later, nuclear attack, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosion in, its, israel, hollie showed, hands clean, wearing white robe, you lost, your, name, said, Jesus, its, roland harding, said, hollie, yeow yeow I want it, said, its, showed, hollie, the owner of, nothing, but, claims, thats, chrissy harding, we both, she, said, put it under, hollie, said, bobby these are witches, somebody better wake up, said, its him, she, hollie said, but only like face appeared, then rest, but, she transformed, hollie claps, ministry of dreams is open, bear licks prophet, maybe this is uh warnin, said, hollie, no, said, another, I showed om thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, clapped, hands, I turned around, showed popes picture with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, hollie shows, world, many countries, exploding, thats, hollie flying, in, spacecraft is, she, said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, man lets git outta here, said, hollie, cnn, news man, both american coasts, burn, hollie, watches, missiles, they soar, she, said, bear arose, shook, yeow, thats nuclear fire in alaska first, hollie, said, cnn tower falling in fire, thats center of america exploding, the rapture is MYSTERY, BABYLON judgment said, he hollie, its him, babyfleas said, playing music, you did not want need me, hollie said, hollie screamed, again, why, for, bob, she, said, screamed once more, hollie showed, record, screamed, hollie showed, dont, hand shows, you did not want him, said, anothger, he, hollie, its, clapped, hands, hollie showed, hollies, its uh female, said, God, body appears, hollie said, bob, go home, wearing white robe, another, hollie, did sign teem, laughed, 7-17-18-2010-please, dont, said, hollie, its, she, hollie, i'm uh vision I can not do one thing, hollie, said, please post, she hollie, said, whatta you want, said, hollie, hollie showed post on laptop, it was, hi said uh she hollie, put it under said hollie, work said Jesus, showed his light watch, bobby its time said hollie, this is how you hit russia said Jesus, and he saw it said casey showed, eat wearing uh white robe, it submarines all around russia, all with captain hollie, it said hollie, whats that said another hollie, and i showed she said, bob go work, hollie left, went to the computer, this was satan, whoops, tear up, like uh fire eye, that was satan said, hollie, but it was God she said, put it under said, hollie, and hollie screamed, ministy of dreams, is open, hollie said, screamed, why do you steal, i take said, its, roland harding, and chrissy said God, we wanted to ruin, said, it hollie said, christine harding, put it under said hollie, its to late for samuel's institute, hollie screamed, why, you need to git uh job said sissy, its economic collapse, barack announces, said Jesus, put it under said hollie, thats angel looters in streets, its hollie, said in the u.s.a., bob said, showed go to walmart, walk, hollie wore plad coat hollie, i'm the vision, said, hollie, its him, babyfleas, said, you love him, said, hollie, thats he hollie, loving, its God, said, Jesus, its, the, ram, said, hollie, charging with putins face, thats kings coming out of, its, horns, said, hollie, theres, hu hintao, she, said, with, his flower, thats pope, hollie, said, with, flower, and, its, medvedev and putin, out of, other, there, said, hollie, clapped, but, body hidden, dimly faded in, thats hegoat pontiff with those kings coming out of horns, thats, lets war, he, said, hollie claps, showed, go, shew, said, hollie, showed, its hard labor, rsr, putting batteries on the line, shew, hollie said, thats it, said, hollie, the lightening bolt, Jesus came out, that, said, hollie, submarines appearing all around, it the, u.s.a. hollie said, one fired, thats nuclear explosion in, it, california, dumitru duduman there, hollie, cnn news man reports in, wearing white robe, he, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie, wiped mouth, hollie showed, record, hollie, again, showed, record, she, said, hollie showed, post, he hollie showed, post on, its, uh cellphone, showed, hollie, all wore white robes, record uh vision, said, it, hollie, that, said, bird, ministryofdreams is open, said, hollie, why do you steal said, hollie, its roland harding appearing, its, samuel's institute, we take, said, chrissy harding, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min shaking yes, kathy, we know, kathryn taylor, said, john mark pool, steals the God spoke, with them, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, why did you steal, said, hollie, thats, john mark pool, grunting, I wanted to take, absorb, said, sandy pool, hollie showed, the God spoke, ministryofdreams, hollie screamed, again, why bob, what for, she, said, screamed, up showed, angel like hollie, that van gets thumbs up, bobby, said, hollie, and I showed, you uh picture, she, said, pope with brown hair, lets rule the world, said, putin, laying before pope, alright hollie said, showed, world, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. she said, countries exploding, thats russia burning, its france, said, hollie, exploding, thats great britain burning, thats, nuclear fire, in, italy and france, missiles from their submarines strike, its russia, exploded, this is, vision, please post, said, hollie, and he saw, that, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in venezuela and brazil, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, cuba, theres, hollie laying nuclear fires in, latin america and, mexico, the ram, said, hollie, walked out, thats, kings, coming out, of its horns, theres hu, hintao, with his flower, that, said, hollie, and, putin, pope and medvedev out of other, this is uh warning, someone warned ya, hollie, said, its, jenny donati, hollie, said, I want you to be ruint, said, its showed, hollie, jenny donati of paliban daily steals the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats, jean poole, purchasing, ministry of dreams dot org, giving passwords to jenny donati, we want it, its to ruin, said, jenny donati, france is on, said, hollie, head appeared, its him, she hollie, said, came out, you see that she said, nuclear fire in france, then nuclear fires appear in most nato lands, thats, rockets leaving their subs, striking russia, exploded, pope in the fire, happy, its uh tattoo place, said, hollie, thats popus with 666 on forhead, new ministry of dreams said hollie, showed, it, God, spoke, she, said, call it, said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, hollie showed, bob change the receiver, sh, said, hollie, came out, showed, its, black face, whew I wonder who it is, hollie, said, sh, satan but he looked like the Father and was the Father, quit calling Jesus, that, hollie, said, thats the, sixth seal opening, said, hollie, its, him, let me observe, said, she hollie, smoke went up into atmosphere, got in sun and moons face, i'm said, sun, moon laughs, submarines appear all around america, man let me git outta here said hollie anchor man, got kicked out by light legg to God, both american coasts burned, moon shows not uh word, sun happy, smoke rises in heavens, hollie showed, lay down, its wearing uh white robe, she, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, hollie showed, bob eat, you knew, said, Jesus, not to steal, dont take it, said, hollie, showed, the God spoke, call it, she, said, ministry of dreams, this is bullshit, said, its, Alexandr, Chumak, also known as, said, holie, Chumak Alexandr, and also, Chumak Alexander, you fool, said, God, did you think you were gonna take me, you have two hours, after reading e-mail, and God looked at his light watch, you want untill, you are ruint, and you will be, Lord is this uh threat said, its, Chumak Alexandr, yes, remove and be ruin anyhow, its how I spiritual warfare said, God, put it under, said, hollie, its, she said, Chumak Alexandr hates God so much he steal the God spoke, show me, hollie, said, thats Chumak Alexandr looking at visions, call it ministry of dreams, spoke, God, its after prayer, said, hollie, thats embarrased, ashamed, Alexandr, Chumak removing what he stole, said, hollie, post it, said, hollie, and let his friends, see, and wife, hollie, said, you looser, she, said, 7-20-2010-tell me about the marine corp., said, hollie, that was angel marine showing, bob, its, time, hollie, said, like, white silhouette faced angel, dressed ready for war, and it appeared, hollie, said, thats, angel gabriel appearing, with face, changing, from, features, said, hollie, to, silhouette, you see, bobby, said, gabriel, lets, work, he showed, time, his face, you know knew, hollie, said, go, said, it, hollie, another, said, put it undle, she, said, showed, time, it was the main ministering spirit agin, said, hollie, i'm moody, she, said, you need to, record, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, up rose, the, beast, pope, like angel, of light, thats, pope, hollie, said, riding, his black horse, its into, moscow, russia, said, its, pope, hollie, said, thats, pope, and, medvedev, its, uh light scene russia, said, hollie, they sign uh deal, hollie acted like pulling up sleeves, on her angel arms, its, war, said, it, popey, hollie, said, hollie showed, eat, she, said, thats, said, hollie, its hu hintao, battling washington state on red horse, its with light sword, its, dull blue color, thats, hollie, fighting, back, with, dull green color, its like mint, she, said, showed, eat, what time is it, its, repelled, said, hollie, hollie, showed, record, its, him, babyfleas, said, shes uh vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie getting food out of, its, dumpsters, i'm uh warnin, said, hollie, stamp, she, said, up rose, beast, like angel of light, I am Gog, said, pope, hollie, said, hollie showed, record, him, she, hollie, said, showed, Jesus, speaking, call it, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, why do you steal, and we saw, said, casey, its, said, hollie, roland harding appear, we take, said, christine harding, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min (hon) s.t.d. ph.d., stealing, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, like, diana hahlbom and, danny hahlbom, theres jean poole, and jenny donati stealing ministry of dreams, like, john mark pool, these people steal, ministry of dreams, bobby its to ruin you, said, antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, america, thats babylon, said, hollie, thats her, he said, showed, white robe, thats, the, statue of liberty, and the woman thou sawest, said, hollie, that great city, she, said, pointed, its, washington d.c., hollie showed, turn, him, hollie, whats that, said, hollie, I removed, said, its, rev. jeremy taylor, the ordained unitarian universalist minister, who, took, said, kathy taylor, hollie showed, the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, thats she hollie climbing in dumpster getting food out, showing, wearing plad coat, he hollie showed turn, o, shit, said, it, captain smith, hollie, said, its, the, s.s. titanic, scraping, iceberg, sinking, its, still loved, said, hollie, showing, on, bottom of ocean, bob prophesy and say jeremy taylor will have uh stroke said, Jesus, it appeared, said, hollie, thats dr. jeremy taylor, choking, lets rush to the hospital, said, kathy taylor, takes her reverend, jeremy taylor to emergency room, thats where, thats, jeremy taylor u.u. removing ministry of dreams he stole, its to ruin, said, kathryn taylor m.a., this is uh warning, its him, she, hollie, said, thats, lootin, said, hollie, its angel looters running streets, with, partial silhouette faces, but hollie appeared looking normal, then silhouette, its economic, collapse, announced barack obama, left, at his podium, said, hollie, thats angel thing out of, its, showed, hollie, zenith allegro 1000 stereo system speaker, they, hollie clapped, were natural, hollie, sat on, the, mokse, showed, its, on, willie duncans church, come here said, its, reverend hollie, said, willie duncan, bob, said, hollie, showed, walk, it was, him, said, she, hollie, and, I, showed, you pope, she, said, its uh picture, hollie, said, i'm uh delusion, said, its, pontey, hollie, said, he, hollie, points, submarines, all around, america, thats hollie anchor woman telling, bobby its giving word, she, said, I got something to tell ya, its him, she, said, putin, i'm the beast, both american coasts, burned, he hollie gets kicked out, by, legg to God, prophet this i uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie watches missiles, fly, theres some striking alaska, exploded, its, first, said, hollie, thats, cnn tower in fire, and, center of america exploding, this is on the day of the Lord, said, its him, she, hollie, said, bobby, pope, hollie, said, i'm the vision, said, it, pontey, hollie, said, in his picture, prophet hickman, said, hollie, clapped, but body mostly hidden, thats new Father, with towell hand, as he prepares to sup, said, its, him, she, hollie said, theres many christians at table in room, hollie screamed, o said, its his ship, again, said, hollie, showed, the, m.v., wilhelm gustloff ship with edward, she, said, smith on deck, thats three torpedoes striking, o, said, ship, with silhouette face, waiting for visitor, hollie visits in her submarine, its akula class she said, fired, thats nuclear fires in venezuela, and lighted finger points, that one struck great britain, exploded, four british submarines, all with same captain hollie, fired, russia, exploded, world shook, thats like, angelman, showed, hollie, wrapping, its, clothe, she showed, around finger, hand, that was, scraped, all, hollie said, showed, its, all you need, my horse, said, hollie, showed, hu hintao, riding red horse, thats, spacefighter dropping bomb, piloted by he and she hollies, thats australia exploding, spacefighter soars, thats france and italy burning, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, cuba, there they are along, latin america and mexican coasts, nicaragua burned, exploded, thats, fire, in, american flag, yeow, said, hollie bear, with three ribs in mouth, Jesus points, its submarines, all with captain hollie, one she hollie in their waters, they fire, that, said, hollie, hand pointed, body faded in, gulf coast states of america burned, that, said, hollie, its, cuba, thats, nicaraguan president agreeing with medvedev, deal, he said, and mexican president dreading, but, acting, those are those three ribs, hollie, said, and I summed, he hollie tickles her feet with feather, that, said, hollie, she was invisible, said, another, its angel out of zenith allegro 1000 speaker, that, hollie, said, dim, dr. rev. jeremy taylor in hellfire, thats, lets listen in, said, hollie, I wanted hell said, its, soothsayer, hollie said, dreams worker, hes uh speaker, hollie, said, its, doctor rev., hollie said, jeremy taylor, said, its, dr. jeremy taylor, hes uh witch, hollie, said, hollie said, wait, hollie showed, post on cellphone laptop, it was him she hollie said, he showed, lay down, hollie, showed, he wore white robe, hand shows, you did not want me, said, hollie, its hollie showed, boo said, many different he hollies, a she hollie showed, they wanted you to work, boo, chanted a crowd of he hollies, why what for, said, she, hollie, they booed, hi gene, said, its hollie, thats bullshit said, its, hollie showed, mrs. Mansfield, said, hollie, its, shes uh witch, hollie, said, shut up, said, glenda Mansfield, she showed cut off, it was I was never saved, said, glenda Mansfield, thats, gene said, hollie, showed, cut off, ha ha, said, hollie, so your witches, said, hollie, bobby its for loot, said, mrs. gene Mansfield, watch your fall, said, hollie, then, Jesus, appeared, you knew, not to offend bobby, said, God, I knew said, gene Mansfield, put it under, said, hollie, watch their fall, its spiritual warfare, said, hollie, bob, go to, youtube, and facebook, and bring them down, right, now, hollie, said, theres gene Mansfield looking at visions, shut up said glenda Mansfield, for they are witchs, said, hollie and God, put it under, said, hollie, bob, post this, and thats the Father like angel dot head posting all this on internet, tell vodpod, I know, said, Jesus, he appeared, said, hollie, Lord I dont care, said, its the vod-pod owner, hollie said, thats angel in, its, car, its, the, vod-rod, said, hollie, smoked, thats, the, vod-pod God appearing, its Jesus, acting like, laughed hollie, the vod pod website, turned, into angel, had, deformity on one side of face, showed, time, lets go, he, said, 7-21-2010-boo, chanted man he hollies, its, him, they, one pointed, at, dr. rev. jeremy taylor in hellfire, its me, said, your uh reverend, hollie, said, and you steal, thats, kathryn taylor, make me remove, she, said, your uh witch, hollie, said, I, said, kathryn taylor, we know, said, dr. jeremy taylor, its, over, said, Jesus, the economy, said, hollie, its bankrupt, hollie, said, in america, collapsing, boo, chanted he hollies, many, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, impatience, hollie screamed, rode scooter, thats the angel showing record, hollie, said, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, its, the, last sign, said, hollie, moon, shows, not uh word, but, claps, excited, bobby, said, moon, its, showed, angel marines, silhouette faces, one gabriel, one hollie, no yes, said, it, hollie, thats her showing, Lord om, thru, but, hollie, shook, yes, bob, post, thats, Father like dot head, posting at, computer, wearing red hat, and, same o Father but different like, dot head showed, its, r.m.s. titanic, o shit said captain e.j. smith, ship rubs iceberg, that, is a big line, in, forward part of, ship, its, thats, Jesus, measuring, its uh gas about 30 feet long, that sank, titanic, they knew, God said, thats, sonar said, Jesus, captain hollie, in her, little submarine doing sonar around sunken forward part of ship, its uh 68, said, hollie, oldsmobile ninety eight, thats it spinning tire, hollie showed, its uh excellent car, gas guzzler, hollie, said, showed, thumbs down, like angel thumb, i'm the website, lets post, said, hollie, thats showed, happy hollie, new ministry of dreams, website appearing, like angel face, hes white, long, narrow, turns head, has deformity on one side, there, said, hollie, claps, happy all of uh sudden, hey bob, just curios, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, up rose, its, pope, riding, black, horse, its, into, moscow, showed, him, she, hollie, said, boo, chanted, many, he hollies, a, group, please let me, said, hollie, showed, uh guestbook, its website but for visitors, hollie shows, war, come, on, she, said, showed, fight, bob, eat, hollie, said, she said, I, guess you dont, want me, no more, thats, what your showin, hollie, said, boo, chanted many he hollies, thats both beasts, said, hollie, they, appeared, hollie showed, war, she, said, theres, hu hintao, you lure, said, boris yeltsin, to, hintao, alright, said, hu, thats, hollie riding rocket, what was, said, its, said, hollie, doreen, and, others, like, i'm moody, she, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, Jesus appeared, in, sky, and, hollie showed, world, many nations, exploded, bobby, said moon, in his heart, said, hollie, as, the smoke rose, its, the, hollie, said, sixth seal, its from, there pointed hand, hollies body appeared later, with popes image on finger, thats china and missile leaving china, taiwan exploded, thats hu hintao, battling washington, state, with, his, light sword, its, dull blue, hollie, fights back, with, mint colored sword, another, hollie flys out, in, old, world war two airplane its, p-47 fighter jet, bombs chinese ship, its the enola gay, showed, hollie, got in, dropped bomb, thats russia below exploding, hollie another, claps, thats hollie bombing nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, all exploded, missiles left their submarines striking, there pointed lighted finger, many fires in russia, hollies body appears later, dimly, thats, many nuclear fires in america, then, venezuela and brazil burned, thats hollie showing, nicaragua on fire, placing, nuclear fires in latin america and mexico, thats hollie, putting fire in cuba, but submarines, from their waters, its tripod, look, said, hollie, all with, captain, hollie, firing, its, gulf coast states exploding, hollie, got into bed, they, are, that, said, hollie, skimming gulf coast oil at record rates, its, hollie thought, got word from Jesus, most of the way clean no, thats bp prez writing checks, that said, hollie, that, she, said, that, said, hollie, showed, go home, lay down, hollie said, work, did face lift, there, she, said, thats, hollie like medical doctor working on bobs face, makes it brand new, hi bobby, said, hollie, and I, stamp, hollie, said, up rose, the, pope, beast, she, said, thats pope, riding black horse, hu hintao riding red horse, thats grim reaper, on grizzled horse, hes laughing, as, souls from world, are collected from him, thats many countries exploding, that, said, hollie, showed, go home, and lay down, hollie pointed, at, door, go, she, said, its, mark v. brown, both of uhmm, hollie, said, showed, cut off, hollie showed, its monday, the second of august at the church of john ramsey, showed, cut off, bubba, said, hollie, and I showed, post, she, said, hollie posted wearing white robe, sell book, she showed, hippy, said, its him, she, hollie said, thats, hippocrit, said, hollie, pastor gene mansfield, looking at visions, thats, reverend gene mansfield, showing cut off, shut up, said, glenda mansfield, showed, cut off, it was I was never saved said glenda mansfield, put it under, said, hollie, both mansfields are lava, thats, said, hollie, nuclear explosion, and Father like white angel man, there, hollie, said, this is uh warnin, said, hollie, thats, Father like angel man, showing, lay down, hit korea, said, it, angel, hollie, said, and, he, saw, that, said, casey, hollie showed, tranaxle, if clicking, replace, thats north korea, exploding, missiles leaving north korea, striking, it pointed finger, hollies body appeared dimly, wearing dull white robe, fires, in, russia, china, and, south korea, that, hollie, said, i'm your vision, said, hollie, showed, disc, get, its, cheap enough, its 9, 99, per month, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, turn, it, was, him, she hollie said, grecia is, said, Jesus, its, the, king, showed, hollie, pope, with ram horns, thats pope charing ram, out of its, horns, said, hollie, theres, hu hintao, out of, one, its, pope, showed, he hollie, preparing for war, medvedev and, putin out of other, ram has, putins face, thats, nuclear fire, in, russia, and, hegoat charging ram, stomping, it, they exchange, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia and china, thats chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, thats nuclear nato missiles striking, nuclear fire, all over russia, thats pontiff telling medvedev, drive them outta there, hollie summed, popey, said, hollie, it, was, him, she, hollie, said, i am gog, pontey, said, put it under, said, him, she, hollie, said, thats, pope, sitting in temple in rome, I am God, they laugh, and hu hintao and his armies gathering, thats nuclear fire in russia, lets force, said, hintao, thats china invading russia and, a cloud of people invading israel, forced, by china, thats, netanyahu, with, it, the, nuclear controls, presses, thats nuclear fires in egypt, jordan, syria, and, rocket leaving, russia with new ministry of dreams website on, showed, face, one side almost clear, other side, deformity, and, red dragon with bush riding, dressed like woman, thats, israel exploding, mountain splitting in twain, Jesus, on, hollie said, I, dont, want, that no more, showed, another, hollie, prophet hickman, said, hollie, its under attack, said, another, hollie, it hollie said, thats nuclear strikes in new york, thats nuclear fire behind statue of liberty, it, hollie, said, hollie flew the ju-52 dive bomber, dropped bomb, that ship had explosion on, it busted up, sank, thats, what they were for, hollie, said, and, I sealed she, said, hollie wearing white robe, had, its uh laptop cellphone, hollie showed, lay down, but dimmed, whew, said, its, hollie showed, sub-826, its, u-boat, he told to shiver, said, u-boat at interviewing table, thats u-boat being fixed, thats, u-boat fixed with face on front, I give the word, he said, clapped, showed, popes picture, I give, uh warning, said, u-boat, git up, hollie, said, he hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with feather, hollie played piano on titanic like hidden hollie but faded in, thats captain hollie, showing, its r.m.s. titanic with captain smith rubbing iceberg, no, said, its next door neighbor hollie said, but shook, yes, then, showed, thru, thats, the, new ministering spirit, on, ministry of dreams, its, the, nazi u-boat 826, sitting at interviwing table, i'm the nazi u-boat, he said, showed, popes image on finger, laughed, 7-22-2010-boo, chanted, many he hollies, boo, chanted, many he, hollies, its clyde best, said, she, hollie, showed, cut off, hollie showed, linda perry, what are you doing on her forum, hollie, said, thats bob on linda perrys forum, hollie stamps, showed, go to uh different church, sell book, hollie showed, visions of the beast, with seven heads, and ten horns, new world order, reign of the antichrist, and I summed, said, hollie, thats Jesus, sprinkling, bear, arising, yeow, said, bear, thats, three ribs in bears mouth, and, three captain hollies, appearing, all, its, akula class, agin, thats what you want, needed, hollie, said, they, showered, its, lower america with thermo nuclear warheads, said, God, exploded, submarines, are, right, there, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, hollie appears, and, captain, hollie surfaces, in, his submarine, thats, submarine at interviewing table, showing, its bush, sub, said, fired, thats, gaza, forsaken destroyed, sub turns, thats nuclear fires, in, iraq, I, made, our, war, said, george bush, ate, his chicken, its, to, breakem, he, said, steal our oil wells, he said, contracts, bit on his chicken, c'mon president bush said, hollie, took, bush to, the, fire, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, said, up rose, the, beast, its, pope like angel of light, I am God, pope, said, o, said, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff, ship, sunken on bottom of sea, thats, its, 826 u-boat, visiting, and I showed, that, said, u-boat, its, popes picture, said, hollie, with, brown hair, showed, cut off, laughs, fires, missiles, thats nuclear, n.a.t.o. lands exploding, russia, burning, submarines appearing all around america, its akula class, said, hollie, all like u-boats with captain hollie, they all fired, thats both american coasts, burning, yeow, says, one u-boat, thats, hollie cnn news man getting kicked out by light legg to God, and she, hollie watches, missiles soar, thats alaska exploding, first, thats, cnn tower falling in, fire, center of america exploding, yeow, said, happy u-boat, i'm back, he, said, showed, picture, its adolf hilter, standing on, the, m.s. wilhelm gustloff ship, u-boat shows buy that van, u-boat, at interviewing table, we sank, he, said, u-boat, thinks, many ships, u-boat, shows record, and, I, showed, you, that, u-boat said, its, picture, its, whole new world order, that, said, u-boat, its, bobs favorite now, said, hollie, ministering spirit on ministry of dreams, let, said, putin, thats eight kings appearing, boris yeltsin, shakes, yes, you lure, he, said, to, hu hintao, thats, hollie riding the rocket, its, taiwan burns, no, said, hollie, showed, dont, but shook, yes, dont advertise, she, said, showed, book, thats it, said, hollie, its, new, ministry of dreams, website, like long narrow angel face, turned head, deformity on one side, theres uh submarine, said, hollie, now look, hollie, said, captain hollie surfaced, its akula agin, thats what you wanted, need, she, said, captain, hollie, she said, dont, hollie, said, thats, hollie plant, happy, sleepy, its, cause, he watered me, plant, said, hollie, showed, record, thats cuba with three nuclear fires in, missiles left their waters struck, hollie appeared, it was him, she, hollie, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, clean up, leave the johnson county fair alone, hollie, said, buy that van, hollie said, for, 11 50, hollie screamed, why for, bob, hollie, said, screamed, showed, thats hollie walking at, its, walmart, she, said, wearing plad coat, hollie was, in, good shape, hollie flew in her, spacefighter, spacefighter, said, its, him, she hollie said, dropped bomb, thats america below exploding, submarines appearing all around, hollie soared, thats russia burning, and nuclear nato countries on fire, thats both american coasts burning, new economy said, hollie, showed, she waited to tell word from God, got, its economic collapse, she, said, thats hollie putting like bib on, and eating, heres the reason, hungry, bob, said, hollie, acted sneaky, lurked, he, hollie showed, lay down, turned on side, stomped foot, that, was, hollie, hidden, showing, the, scharnhorst, it, was, german battle ship, excellent, hard to sink, thats front part of ship being blown off, like, thats bismarck, hollie inspects, they scuttled, thats hollie, drawing picture, its pope, I am gog, he, said, that is, God looking down, like angel man, of light, said, hollie, brand new warning, said, hollie, hollie showed, popes, picture, i aint back in black, said, its pontey, hollie, said, showed, ac/dc still rockin, 7-22-23-this is uh warnin, said, hollie, its, adam flora, showed cut off, its, hollie said, hes uh witch, she, said, let, said hollie, showed lay down, it was him said uh she hollie, new economy said hollie, now its bust, she said, this is uh warning, said hollie, showed, it sells, said hollie, millions, hollie showed lay down, hollie showed post, it was him, said uh she hollie, its on cellphone, hollie screamed, theres uh submarine, said hollie, it somby, said a she hollie, now look said captain hollie, yeow said the german u boat, said hollie, it prowled, then appeared at interviewing table, yeow i liked him said the u boat,, popes picture appears, i am gog, popey, hollie, claimed, yeow, shook u boat, o said, its his ship hollie, said, its the hitler super ship, o said ship again, as three torpedoes strike, yeow, it was infested waters said the u boat at interviewing table, showed lay down, then his sub said fired, o said sub, many countries exploded, world shakes, bobby said the moon in his heart, hollie said, pointed up, Jesus like uh happy God, countries behind him exploded, hollie showed, record, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, up rose, pope, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie with God inside walked into radio station, its, they want lots, prophet hickman, said, hollie, and, stamp, she said, beast, pope, rose, like angel of, light, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, its, bobs boat, said, another, hollie, its 826 u-boat, with hollie with God inside, thats firing, thats, nuclear explosion, it california said dumitru duduman, both american coasts burned, hollie, cnn newsman reports, with spacewars, sorry, sound, thats missiles flying, hollie watches, thats nuclear fire in alaska, cnn tower falls in fire, thats center of america exploding, yeow me said hollie like bear with three ribs, in mouth, and who are these, said, hollie, look, thats, tripod, its submarines, in, cuba, and, mexico and nicaraguan waters, they fired, thats, lower part of america exploding, nuclear fires in all those nations, thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, missile leaving venzeulan waters, strikes africa exploded, thats nuclear fire, in, russia, all over, whew let me, said, hollie with Jesus, inside, showing, record, thats, nuclear fires, in, syria, egypt and jordan, hollie with Jesus, inside saw, thats rocket leaving russia with ministry of dreams and hollie with Jesus inside, north korea exploded, let me, rule the world, said, putin, that was, hollie, said, many hollies, and, doreen winked like the little head, I am God, said, its, pope, thats, pontey riding black horse, its, into russia, hollie had fun, thats pope with medvedev signing deal, it gains some control, said, its popus, that, was, hollie, on horse, come on, she, said, showed, the, world, many, countries exploded, pope blows out, theres hu hintao, there, you got it, said, hollie, happy, both beasts, moon shows bobby, points, as smoke rises, world, shakes, i'm, said, sun, laughs, both play, God there, moon doesnt speak, but transformed into like man, hollie with, Jesus, inside, showed, record, bobby, she, said, showed, zip your lip, thats it, said, hollie, its new world order, cart, like, red and black stagecoach, hollie showed, these eight kings in will rise, against, u.s.a., hollie, said, theres putin, thats president of, mexico, looking happy, but showing, no, nicaraguan president and lula dread, put it there, said, castrol, thats, hugo chavez, not wanting, but, acting, theres kim jong agreeing, and, boris yeltsin with hu hintao, you lure, he, said, alright, we'll do, said, hintao, thats, hollie riding, missile, taiwan burned, hu hintao battles washington state on his red horse with light sword, its, dim blue, hollie fights back, with mint colored sword, its, repelled, she, said, another, hollie, flys, out, in, old world war two plane, bombs chinese ship, thats, captain, hollie, surfacing in three ohio class submarines, they shower china, burned, putin, points, angrily, hollie screamed, again, she, said, showed, eat, screamed, bob, dont, hollie, said, fix it, hollie showed, the hamilton county fair, bob go, show sign, thats hollie showing, sign, write uh wish, said, it, Jesus, hollie, said, showed, picture, its picture, I aint gonna do it, said, popey, hollie, said, in picture, like angel man, this is, warning, said, hollie, thats it, said, hollie, mark v. brown 11 gets his cerel, she, said, whats this, he, yelled, runs outside, sees big nuclear explosion, in, its, indianapolis, hollie showed, spun world, hand, shows, you did not want hollie showed, bear licks prophet, hollie shows, nuclear explosions in every state, hollie showed, grace apostolic, tomorrow, and, he, saw, said, casey, wiped lips, thats, trouble in venezuela, nuclear fireball, heres your report, said, hollie, this is, uh warning, last time, said, hollie, showed, lay down, you know what om gonna do, said, Jesus, showed, lay down, bobby, its time, hollie, said, showed, go walk, this is, a, warning, said, hollie, showed, pope, rose, that was, hollie showing, dont make no deal, said, hollie, i'm uh vision, said, hollie, he hollie showed, not able, hollie, with Jesus, inside, stamped, pope rose, let me, said, hollie, with Jesus, inside, another, hollie shows, dream, its uh night vision, bob talks with God, theres nuclear fires, america, cuba, venezuela, brazil, nicaragua, all exploded, russia burned, hollie claps, hollie showed, dumitru webspawner, pages, rebuild, them bob, she, said, clapped, showed, work, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, watches, the f-16's fly over head, its for the brickyard 400 in indianapolis, hollie, said, they were excellent but not power enough, 7-23-25-24-2010-God knows, said, hollie, means, she, said, wiped lips, looked at Jesus, go, she, said, theres, trouble, said, hollie, showed, bob eat, hollie, said, thats, pope, laughed, hollie, hes, the, antibeast, theres, hu hintao, hollie, said, sh, hes false prophet, there you have it, said, hollie, happy, both beasts, alaska, said, Jesus, let it explode first, he, said, hollie, watches, missiles soar, thats, some exploding in alaska, cnn tower falling in fire, thats many striking, center of, america, exploded, bob, let me, said, hollie, showed, its, the, leave it, alone, said, hollie, its, sorry, sandy, said, hollie, showed, book, it sells millions, just wait on it, you will be uh millionaire hollie said cause book, heres your warnin, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, thing spun, she, said, hollie, hollie showed, submarines, all around, america, all with captain hollie, one she hollie, one, fired, thats nuclear explosion, in, california, dumitru duduman there, thats both american coasts, burning, man let me git outta here, said, hollie cnn news man, reporting live, got, kicked out, by legg to God, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, hollie newsman, then he claps, but lower body hidden, its, over, taiwan, said, its, his, angel, said, hollie, rode the rocket, you lure, said, yeltsin to, hintao, alright, he, said, taiwan, burned, o, said, its his ship again, said, babyfleas, thats, the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship being torpedoed, rolls, sinks, thats, ship, waiting on, bottom of, sea, thats, german u-boat visiting, shaking, yes, thats u-boat, at, interviewing, table, yeow I love him, u-boat said, both appear, there, hugging, ship has, silhouette face, but appears, then, silhouette, maybe this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, your, face, God fixes, and I conveyed, said, hollie, hollie stamps, beast, pope, arose, like angel of light, showed, bobby run those g-mail's thru on yahoo again, hollie showed, record, showed, her, teeth, thats hollie brushing, bob take off, you sold, said, hollie, today, hollie got word from happy Jesus, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, only, about, eighty today, thats at, 9.50 per book profit, hollie showed, lay down, and I, stamp, she, said, up rose, eight kings, that will rise, against, the u.s.a., its, putin, and, lula, theres, castrol and, nicaraguan prez, hollie, said, thats, hugo chavez looking good, signing deal, said, medvedev, but, showed, not, wanting, good, put it there, said, chavez, thats, castrol showing put it there, and, nuclear explosion behind, kim jong signs, but presses nuclear button himself, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, china, and south korea, thats missile leaving russia with new ministry of dreams website on, its, hollie showed, webspawner, like, deformity long, narrow, angel face, showed, both sides, many deformities, but happy, and red dragon, bush rose, dressed like woman, thats, mexican prez, and those kings, popping out of, its, heads, thats, putin, with ten crowns, on, head, one, had, eyes like uh mans, comes out, its, pontiff, shows, attire, missile goes into north korea, exploded, hollie screamed, thats, bobs book making its way around, hollie conveyed, showed, popes picture, bobby, said, its pontey, he transformed, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, sat at, table, yeow ive alway got something to say, she, said, beat hand, hollie showed, thumbs down, its james a. johnson, its cause, hes uh, witch, hollie, said, bethesda church cut off, hollie showed, record, thats hollie out of, its, showed, hollie, melvin golders saxaphone, showing, picture, its antichrist pope with brown, thats melvin e. golder reading, visions, hollie showed, turn, a he hollie showed, go, whats that, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, what did my pope say, said, hollie, i'm gettin into trouble, pontey, hollie said, did say, its, you bob, you are said, hollie, showing, up, scaring, hollie, acted like, she, was going to show uh picture, but picture never appeared, hollie showed, run, and, I, conveyed, said, hollie, the ram, said, hollie, showed, its, new corvette, smoked tires, thats hegoat pontiff with ram horns, thats ram, with putins face, thats, kings popping, coming out, said, hollie, theres, hu hintao, with his flower, thats, pope, medvedev and putin out of, other, its war, said, hollie, thats, hollie showing, fight, stomping, thats, nuclear fire in, russia, its, they exchange, said, hollie, nuclear fires in russia and china, pope, said, hollie, drive them outta there, pope said to medvedev thats chinese forces claiming much of, destroyed, russia, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets striking russia, china invading, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, its on the day of the Lord, said, he hollie, thats, pope, sitting at table with two horned beast with hintao and japan coming out of horns, worship the pope said, hintao, 666 peace treaty signed for, thats, dodge aries k exciting, change oil car said, showed, bottle, 10w30, lets motor said, car, hollie whistled, showed, popes, picture, pope showed, lay down, hollie said, you do it, sand, make aries k look like, brand new car, hollie fixed the ady gil in, two seconds, fools, she, said, its your fault, hollie said, blaming it on the skipper, of the, hollie, showed, ady gil, you knew, not to play russian, chicken with, thats, moran maru, striking, against, said, Jesus, thats nisshin maru laughing, said, hollie, thats nisshin maru sitting at Gods interviewing table, and paul watson reading visions, they started it said nisshin maru, put its hand on bible, we'll finish, said, ship, took hand off, i'm the ady gil, said, its his ship, said hollie, its his fault, said ady gil, at the interviewing table, you wanted to impress, said ady gil its, paul watson appearing, now the skipper of the ady gil is shipless, thats it sinking, ady gil shivers on bottom of ocean, they can raise said ady gil, put it under said God, Jesus showed lay down, hollie showed lay down, yeow said the ady gil, at the interviewing table, hollie screamed, showed lay dow,n it was him she hollie said, bob, said, its, he, hollie, she, hollie, said, showed, time, be, there, he, said, before, six, its, her, she, he said, wife, marry, thats bob, fisting, her, she will love it, said, Jesus, hollie looks around, sh, he, said, but, laughs, in heart, thats Nisshin Maru, at Gods interviewing table, come on, said, Nisshin Maru, thats, moran maru striking ady gil, hollie, showed, picture its, ady gil, there it is, said, hollie, showed, on, bottom of the sea, thats, said, hollie, ady gil at interviewing, table, its him, pointed, ady gil boat, Pete Bethune, appears, shows, it was the shonan maru, not, shoran maru, thats ship, get it right, ship said, thats skipper grunting, showed, paul watson, I wanted to impress, said, Pete Bethune, I said, I dont medle, hollie, said, had, watch on, Jesus showed, his, light, watch, hollie conveyed, showed, popes, picture, you didnt want me, said, it, pontey, hollie, said, hollie stamps, thats, many kings, that will rise, against, it, the u.s.a., said, hollie, thats pastor receiving his word, said, Jesus, sees, book, hollie showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, he, opens, first page, thats red face pastor preaching his sermon, said, Jesus, now knowing hes lost, thats Jesus inside hollie, let me, said, hollie with Jesus, inside, stamped, showed, pope in cart with eight kings that will rise against u.s.a., what is it, said, hollie, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, man, and bobby, what are, these, said, hollie, its, the, new world order, hollie listens in, in the, its ady gil said, hollie, its fixed she said, thats ady gil happy again, hollie screamed, why bob what for, hollie showed, submarines, all around, america, he hollie claps, its, on, the day of, the Lord, said, hollie, one fired, thats, nuclear explosion, in, it, california, said, dumitru duduman, thats both american coasts burning, hollie, him, she, hollie said, showed, himself, she, hollie, said, reporting, its, cnn, he was dressed nice, its on the day of the Lord, he, said, got kicked out by light legg to God, thats america in fire, hollie watches missiles fly, standing in american turf, thats some striking alaska, exploded, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat, thats, cnn tower, falling, in, the, fire, center of america exploding, hollie showed, get laptop out, thats, hollie showing, record, and, hollie, like, bear, leaving, Jesus, i'm, she, said, thats, Jesus, pointing, destroy that he, said, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, missiles from them striking russia, exploded, wow, said, hollie, showed, quit, it was him, she, hollie said, showed, turn, whew let me said, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, record, hollie with the ady gil, and, I stamp, she, said, pope hollie said, rose, and up rose the, God, said, what did pope say, hollie said, I aint ady gil, said, popey, showed, his ship, said, hollie, sank, thats, ady gil happy on bottom of sea, thats ady gil at interviewing, table, bobby its he made me, said, ship, its the skipper, its his fault, hollie, said, ady gil skipper on whale wars fired cause no vessel, said, paul watson, you fool hollie, said, thats bear licking prophet, hollie drove tank, fired, america exploding, submarines, appeared, all around, all with, its, the, same o captain, hollie showed, tape, jurassic park, buy she, said, thats hollie, reaching for the people at fairfax christian church, from ground she looked like normal hollie who did not dress to impress, but from high in air like dark hollie, you knew, she, said, hollie showed, turn, hollie put the, technics quad stereo receiver on e-bay, not happy, its, said, hollie, sx-7300, hollie flew in, its, old, b-52 bomber, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, hollie, flew, thats russia and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, there said, hollie, showed, its uh b-52, its excellent, hollie screamed, this is warning, said, hollie, please go, thats the, man taking, bobs plate number for backing into car, its not hurt, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, Father, like, lit dot head, wearing suit, he was happy, I aint gonna go he, said, i said, I dont want that, hollie, said, and, he, saw, casey, wiped lips, dot head, put back, with, hollies voice, there, 7-26-7010-hollie appears, bob, said, hollie, and, I, conveyed, she, said, bob, said, hollie, showed, happy, Jesus, coming, thats, world, below shaking, smoke rising from, fire, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, i'm the g8, said, its o vladimir agin, said, hollie, thats, russia coming out of, the beast, said, putin, wiped lips, its, with, showed, hollie, seven heads, and ten horns, thats ten horns, golden, on, putins, head, one had eyes like uh man, thats, pope coming out, horn happy, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. kings appearing, thats, president of australia, hollie wiped lips, showed, nuclear fire in australia, bob, said, hollie, had, on, her light watch, showed, its time, missiles leave, australia, striking, that, said, hollie, and, that, she, said, thats, bob, pocketing millions from his book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, theres france, said, hollie, with fire, great britain burned, theres six submarines, firing, russia exploded, thats, missiles soaring, and, submarines, all, around, america, one, fired, thats, explosion in, california, dumitru duduman appears, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie cnn newsman, bob, call authorhouse tomorrow, said, Jesus, as, italy exploded, it'll be o.k. said, woman from authorhouse, its easy way to earn a living part time, said, hollie, showed, write uh book, call it, ministry of dreams, end time prophecy, thats, the, sound of, its, lightning, said, hollie, out angel, Jesus, and, world shakes, fire, comes up from, moon looks down, at, smoke, rising, its, bobby, said, moon, in, his heart, i'm said, sun, both play, Jesus, there, moon, shows, not uh word, then, transformed, into, man, sun laughs, runs, watch it, said, woman, thats, hollie cnn newsman reporting, its bankrupt, he said, economic collapse, hollie showed, in america, thats america like little, its, america, said, hollie, people, rising, up, against, government, its cause, of, Jesus, watches, this man said, its cause the government, high wages for them, and, they strip our pension, its social security collapse, said, Jesus, showed, hand, hollie showed, happy, thats, hand waving with little hollie in palm, its, in, engraved in, like, coming out, hollie said, hand shows, you did not want, hollie showed, many he hollies appeared, boo, they chanted, hollie showed, its old car, she, said, from, the, thirties, it was excellent, now hollie said, held nose, its, in, need of, repair, hollie, looks at engine, smokes, she, said, buy, fix it, its, old, stutz, bobby, said, hollie, and I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, pope, thats pontey like angel of light, theres uh reason, said, hollie, showed, its, every three months, your first check, hollie, her eyes opened wide, about, one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars, for, three months work, hollie took it to bank, they couldnt believe, hollie laughed, hollie showed, turn, or go, hollies hand hidden, but appeared, but was yellow, dim, tear up, said, hollie, but, still showed, turn, put back, rip, popes drawing appeared, i aint doin it, showed, pontey, showed, got old, hollie screamed, why bobby, what for, she, said, screamed, again, showed, its, whole new world order, appearing, hollie relaxes, there you have it, bobby, she, said, both beasts, theres popey, hollie, said, hu hintao, hes, false prophet, hollie drove, the, its uh, showed, hollie, nascar racecar, they, thats hollie, driving at, its, indy, she, said, brickyard 400, they can only go about 167, it appeared on dash, hollie, said, average, cause turns, the cars will hit speeds of over 200 on straightaway but during, turns, about, 140, hollie, tried to cheerup bob, thats hollie like medical doctor doing plastic surgery on bob, then gum grafts, hollie looks at Jesus, does hair grafts, hollie screamed, why for, she, said, showed, eat, bob, said, hollie, and I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, its, pope, hollie showed, jeff mcadams, and, christine mcadams, thats christine mcadams showing cut off, jeff watches, smiles, shakes, yes, it was, said, christine mcadams, jeff doesnt speak, I was never, with him, she, said, not ever saved, and with pastor jeffy mcadams, hollie wanted, to, record, thats, hollies head over, its the, ady gil, she, said, fool, hollie, said, thats ady gil skipper, getting, way to close, said, hollie, to, its, the, maru ship, you knew, hollie, said, blame it on, the, nisshin maru, hollie, said, thats its sister ship, saying I got me, one, thats, ady gil, on, its, bottom of ocean, looked, out, showed, picture, its, popus, hollie, said, like angel of light, I am God, said, pope riding black horse, its into, moscow, russia, said, hollie, thats, fool looking at visions, its showed, hollie, ady gil captain, now your without uh job, said, hollie, we dont need ya said paul watson, she, said, dont, hollie, said, liar, said, gabriel, its, alternate fuel, said, hollie, showed, box of wheaties, its sample, hollie showed, thumbs down, its, cereal, she, said, thats, hollie squatting, dunging, he made me, said, hollie, thats, hollie with Jesus, and, God farted, I did said, Jesus, hollie with, Jesus, inside, showed, record, from one side, hollie looked like saved hollie but from other side like, wishy washy hollie, she, said, but people fear, hollie showed, dont urinate so people can find out she, said, hollie whistled, showed, picture, I aint gonna go there, said, it, pope, hollie, said, like, angel of light, hollie with Jesus inside showed, record, she turned head, was dark on one side, she, said, post, said, two hollies, one like he dot head, lit, thats, hollie, out of, its, she, showed, realistic t-100 tower speakers, its, she, said, got word from God, best, 7-27-2010-hollie showed, popes picture, that, she, said, hollie with the ady gil, that, said ady gil, showed, skipper, its, his fault, said, ady gil, at interviewing, table, showed, thats skipper, to close, to, ady gil stamps, with hand, the sister ship of the nisshin maru, thats ady gil hugging nisshin maru, its, were brothers, said, ship, nisshin maru shakes, yes, ships love each other, said, Jesus, thats paul watson reading visions, and I, stamp, said, happy ady gil, theres ady gil, waiting on bottom of sea for, thats tow line, to lift me, said, ady gil, Jesus, rubs, chin, thinks, sink it, that, was, submarines, said, he hollie, all around, america, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, she, said, hollie showed, eat, hollie showed, the, plymouth acclaim, they were good cars, its on, the, day of the Lord, said, he hollie, cnn news man, one sub fired, thats, nuclear explosion in, california, dumitru duduman there, both american coasts burned, hollie, watches, missiles, sail, thats, alaska exploding, cnn tower falling in fire, center of america exploding, yeow, said, bear, Jesus, points, destroy, that, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burning, theres nuclear fires in france, italy exploded, australia had fire, great britain burned, thats, missiles from all, submarine and ballistic missiles, striking russia, exploded, thats venezuela and brazil burning, nicaragua exploded, hey i'll place it said, hollie, nuclear fires in latin america and mexico, then, cuba, scene exploded, angry pope appears, thats pontey riding black horse, signs deal with medvedev, theres uh submarine, pointed, hollie, its, him, she, hollie, said, thats captain hollie aiming, gaza burns, hollie turns, submarine around, iraq has nuclear fire, I made war so our boys can die, said president bush, ate chicken, its to breakem, the war to steal our oil wells, contracts, bush eats, hollie takes to fire, lets rule the world, said, angry putin, hollie showed, go, hollie screamed, again, had like white in mouth, its, God, she, said, hollie showed, sanyo stereo speakers, they were excellent, hollie came out of woofer, its, ss-900 sanyo stereo speaker, bob, said, hollie, this is, warning, book sells quick, hollie, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its uh cult, watch hollie, said, thats people wanting bob, she, said, to preach seminars, does, its, for, loot, she, said, thats pope in the fire, hollie, points, like lighted hollie, you made it, said, him, she, hollie said, hollie screamed, uh cult, she, said, cause, book, record, said, hollie, the economy is slipping, hollie, said, thats looters running thru streets in america, Jesus watches, thats, vladimir putin receiver a thought, hollie, said, lets rule the world, he, said, hollie showed, sanyo ss-900 stereo speaker woofer moving, hollie came out, like sketched, hollie, a cult, said, hollie, ministry of dreams has a following, she, said, thats, thief of ministry of dreams, God spoke, said, hollie, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, appearing, kathryn taylor shakes, yes, john mark pool, doesnt speak, jean poole, and jenny donati, are, ashamed, diana hahlbom, and, danny hahlbom, I trembled said, diana hughey hahlbom, they steal to ruin like jon sawyer, and, dame antonia susan duffy, byatt, author, its to ruin, a.s. byatt said, showed, cut off, thats ministry of dreams seminars, hosted by bob, Jesus, said, thats people praying, that the theives remove what they stole, and, God plaguing them, thats hollie out of, its, saxaphone, she pointed at melvin golder, help, she, said, create an album, thats bob and melvin golder and ezra bufford touring, they sell out shows, bob, sings, hollie wiped face, showed, its r.m.s. titanic, thats hollie funnel on, blowing, pope, out in steam, there you have it, said, hollie, hu hintao blows out, both beasts, o, said, its his ship, said, holliefleas, its the, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, three torpedoes striking, thats ship rolling, and, sinking, waiting on bottom for visitor, with silhouette face, then normal face, hollie visits in submarine, fires, thats many countries exploding, world shaking, bobby said, moon, in his heart, showed, be quiet, i'm humble said, sun, laughs, runs, happy, hollie showed, no, word, that mach, said, hollie, thats like angel being, out of the mach one stereo speaker, God like angel God, looks at, realistic mach one, they were excellent, hollie screamed, pointed, up, Jesus, came, happy, world below, many countries exploded, bobby, said, moon, in heart, looking down, but opened mouth, light inside, thats, showed, hand, moon, he transformed, into sharp dressed moon man, but, didnt speak, claps, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, hollie shows, world, many countries exploded, hollie soared in spacefighter, thats her dropping bombs, its nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie showed, realistic t-100 tower stereo speakers, woofers moving, they were as good as they come, hollie listens, good bass, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, showed, realistic minimus-7 stereo speakers, they were, good enough, she, said, thats Jesus, coming out of, its little four inch woofer, she said, dont go, hollie said, they we will recruit you, said, person from, hollie stamps, churches, Jesus showed, new book, hollie showed, with white hand, lower body hidden, he hollie tickles feet with feather, the rider of the red horse, lets make, war, said, hu hintao, Jesus showed, write, sell for fifteen, per copy, you didnt want no more visions thats what your showin, said, hollie, and he hollie was at organ, but didnt play, you didnt want no more, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, had hollie in, book, said, hollie, showed, ministry of dreams, end time bible prophecy, its the new world order book, she, said, write, hollie showed, time, its, her light watch, see, she, said, bob would clean up, its the owner, hollie, said, smiling, hes, happy, bob showed, hollie, had on her, its, she, said, light watch, showed, time, she beat on watch, its, church, she, said, its, at, hollie, didnt, bob will not do no conference, said, hollie, but, she looked, he wants to, Jesus, appears, its time, he said, cause, bob, needs, thats, loot, and that was, said, hollie, big nuclear explosion in, its, america, and, hollie appears, above, it him, she, hollie, said, but only his head, all three will sell she said, thats man showing turn, lighted hand, hollie and God said, he said, Babylon is america, thats man, saying, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, thats cart, hollie said, these kings will rise against the u.s.a., thats president of mexico not wanting, but, acting, signs with medvedev, castrol shakes, yes, lula doesnt show emotion, nicaraguan president like castrol, no showed, chavez, kim jong shakes, yes, you lure said, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, hollie rides, missile, its into taiwan, burned, thats hu hintao battling washington state on his red horse with dull mint colored sword, hollie fights back with blue colored light sword, thats hollie flying out, in, its, b-52 bomber, bombs chinese ship, its repelled said, hollie, hollie showed, lay down, snapped fingers, hollie showed, pope, pointed at self, it means, there will only one ruler in, this world, hu hintao will try to withstand, thats two horned beast with hintao and japan, coming out, of, horns, worship the pope said, hintao, hollie showed, it was uh dream, night vision, she clapped, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie screamed, hey bob, why, she, said, screamed, hollie fixed the dodge aries k, yeow said happy k, 7-28-2010-yep, said, its, happy, hollie, said, showed, the, german, battleship, its, Scharnhorst, happy, thats it, sinking, but, it, was battered, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, thats, adolf hilter, planning, yep said the, hollie showed, Scharnhorst, ship, its uh, ship killer, God, said, let me record, said, hollie, thats, man, telling, james laverne tyson bob will pastor, 1000 per week, laverne tyson thinks, yep, but thinks, my brother, cleopus shawn tyson could do it, but they wont, I speak blasphemy said shawn tyson, james tyson thinks, let, but bob does, church fills, thats james laverne tyson giving bob raise, that was pope rising, said, hollie, like angel dot head, i'm the beast, said, it, pontey, hollie, said, hollie watches, thats, deal, she, said, its, medvedev and popus signing treaty, it gains some control, hollie claps, said, hollie, thats, hu hintao, said, hollie, you lure, said, boris yeltsin to hintao, these two beasts, said, Jesus, hollie clicks fingers, for destruction of the world, thats pope out of, its, putin, with ten crowns on head, these, horns, one, has, eyes, like, man, pope comes out, thats putin coming out of, yeltsin, and, medvedev, thats, pope out of, putin, theres yeltsin out of, its uh rulin party, showed, hollie, was, happy, no, said, hollie, I showed i'm away, showed, i'm thru, but, then, nothing, then, done, but shook yes, thats james laverne tyson shaking yes to bob pastoring, hollie showed, its home of ministry of dreams, new beginning ministries, what if he dont, said, it, the moon, hollie, like man, hollie showed, big nose, thats moon showing record, he will, said, moon, showed, its uh picture, hollie said, james laverne tyson, what we have to do, said, laverne tyson, just preach, said, shawn, showed, the loot, said, shawn tyson, to late for her, said, Jesus, thats elaine shouse waller showing, i'm cut off, she, said, with dyed, hair, bobby, said, hollie, james laverne tyson appears, when we do buisness he said, keep it secret, thats hand stamping, hollie appears later, beast, pope, rose, thats it, said, hollie, its, popoff riding black horse, signs deal with medvedev, thats kings tap dancing, hollie shows, Jesus, coming, happy, and, world, shakes, hollie claps, stomps, what does world say, said, hollie, world, doesnt care, moon points up but doesnt even, act like anythings, but laughs in heart, i'm said, sun, thats sun sending out e-mails tomorrow, hundreds, that, said, hollie, showed, eat, clapped hands, eat something, that hollie, said, let me, said, hollie, thats her sending out e-mails, buy book, showed, hollie, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, start uh cult, said, hollie, its for prophecy, hollie showed, pope, she, said, he, appeared, aint nobody prayin, said, pope, hollie, said, another, hollie screamed, again, this is, uh warning, one last time, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, but I did not turn, said, she, hollie, hey, said, hollie, that was, him showing, turn, its hollie cnn news man dressed in white robe, but only partially seen, and, same o hollie, appears underneath tickling feet, with feather, but she hollie appears, wearing, yellow dress, she, said, make uh wish, she, hollie said, talking bout, hollie like white angel wearing red sweater and brown pants, he said, hollie said, bomb syria, and he saw, it, said, hollie, wiped lips, casey, appears, wearing white robe, syria explode, thats nuclear fire, in, egypt and jordan, netanyahu appears with the nuclear controls, thats rocket leaving, russia with, its, new ministry of dreams website on, and beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope comes out, thats kings popping out like, theres hugo chavez, hollie, said, and lula, thats mexican president, looking happy, but, showing, no, signs deal with medvedev, thats new ministry of dreams website, its, showed, hollie, stamps, black preaching network, its like angelface, its squarish, with deformity, on both sides, but, one side worse, then other, israel explodes, mountain splits in two said, hollie, Jesus appears on, you, he said, thats, false prophet hu hintao and his armies, I am God, said, pope, sitting in temple in rome, they, mister christian, said, hollie, what was that, she, said, showed, be quiet, that, said, its, hollie said, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and, other, hollie showed, quiet, laugh, thats hintao, nuclear explosion in russia, lets unite and force this said hintao, thats china invading russia and forcing russia like uh cloud, of people to invade the land, hu slashes, pope, thats, Jesus, rapturing church, both beast and false prophet in fire, thats it, said, hollie, its, black preaching network, hollie showed, new ministry of dreams, website, like angelface man, showed both sides, one side worse then other, thats ministry of dreams website at Gods interviewing, table, I dont mind, he, said, bobby, he made me, website, said, showed, Jesus, website laughs, hollie pointed, at, the, pope, wearing, glorious white robe, hollie said, bobby dont, said, hollie, took tree limbs off, yeow said hollie, showed, its new ministry of dreams, website, its, she, said, like, Father, with deformity, on face, one side, showed, both, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, it, was him, she hollie said, she said, hollie said, work, bob, go to, fairfax, thats bob going to fairfax christian church, hollie claps, he, hollie, o, its his ship, said, hollie, thats, angel man, showing, gas, bob found, its the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, taking three torpedoes, o, said, ship, holding hands up, rolls, sinks, i'm the Scharnhorst, said, the, Scharnhorst ship, thats it being battered by british ships, rolls, sinks, they scuttled said, ship, i'm happy, thats it on bottom of sea upside down, thats, pointed, hollie, ship smiling, it was I never made it, said, the, Scharnhorst, ship, waits, hollie visits, ship, wants, more, website, thats Scharnhorst showing, its, the, g8, said, putin, i'm the beast, he, said, see said, hollie, chirped like bird, showed, popes picture with brown hair, hollie showed, world, see, said, Scharnhorst, many countries exploded, putin lays before, bobby, said, moon in his heart, showed, its, me, said, the, dkm Scharnhorst, its, scuttled, waiting, on, ocean, 7-28-29-2010-its him a she hollie said, showed lay down, wearing uh white robe, he snapped fingers, stomped foot, showed lay down, its horses said, uh she hollie, and he hollie claps hands, showed sleep, hollie showed, its ship she said, ady gil, book, hollie, showed, its, cult, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie loves her book, sells, hollie got word, from, Jesus, over, eight million copies world wide, thats, bob, with, lots of money coming to, him, and, God showing, its, she, said, prophet peter popoff, thats peter popoff shaking yes, whens bob, gonna come and, meet, said, peter popoff, bob loves, hollie, showed, bob, and, popoff together, thats uh crook said bobs mon, and, bob, shuns, her, with hand, thats, my friend, popoff looks at visions, thats the, german battle cruiser, said, hollie, its Scharnhorst, showing, peter popoff, its, ship, said, he, makes, millions, bob, thinks, make it, brother, JEsus appears, bob, wants, peter popoff to come to indianapolis at event bob sponsers, i would said popoff, bob, thinks, wait, its the, beast forming, said, hollie, thats pope, hollie, said, I am God, said, pope, sitting in his temple in rombe, showed, seven kings, they were, said, hollie, these will rise, against, the u.s.a., said, hollie, thats, hu hintao, in, cart with, those eight kings, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen, said, hintao, hollie showed, with big white hand, its old car from twenties, lets motor, hollie drove like angel hollie, hollie screamed, it, she, said, would go, fifty miles per hour, looked at old cars engine, its four banger she, said, i'm the, watch, said, happy watch, its o.k., my battery dead, replace, said, watch, still use, watch said, it, got quiet, waited, bob wants to replace battery, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, that, she, said, many rockets leave israel, that, said, hollie, enthusiastic hollie appears, that, she, said, its, egypt, jordan and syria exploding, that enthusiastic hollie, said, its rocket leaving russia, with, its, said, hollie, that, enthusiastic hollie said, new ministry of dreams website on, its black preaching network, said, hollie, showed, face, deformity on one, side, and, red dragon, that, another, hollie said, is, red dragon with bush riding like woman, that said, enthusiastic hollie, missile goes into israel, exploded, that, showed, hollie, Jesus stands on mountain, that, hollie, said, enthusiastic hollie appears, that, she, said, but different voice, bobby its your ship, said, person, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, its, the, Tirpitz battleship, that, said, ship, being struck by torpedoes and shells, rolls, sinks, they scuttled it said ship, waits on bottom of sea for, visitor, bob, said, hollie, rubbed, face, showed, teacher, they love, having you there, hollie, summed, hollie showed, turn, hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, hand had hollie in, like in dome, hollie said, thats, the, Tirpitz and bismarck hugging, they were brothers, hollie showed, Tirpitz didnt want to, sink, what did you sink that for, hollie, said, they scuttled, said, captain ernest, showed, cut that off, your loud laughig, it makes them angry, hollie with Jesus inside, whew-p, she said, one side had Jesus inside, on other, like dark headed hollie, let me, said, hollie, showed, encyclopedia brittanica, place ministry of dreams in, thats Jesus, creating, call it ministry of dreams, God, said, it, spoke, created, said, holie, by God, dont, steal, hollie, said, thats, your reverend, hollie, said, john mark pool, I steal, said, john m. pool, sandy m. pool doesnt speak, but trembles, in heart, when you tell her, hollie, said, thats, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, removing what he and kathryn taylor stole, the God spoke, call it ministry of dreams, said, hollie, she put back, but face hidden, but appeared, thats jean poole, and, jenny donati, of, paliban daily, removing, ministry of dreams, like diana and danny Hahlbohm, all, janetmck, steals, mocks, like, arron shutt, both embarrased, said, Jesus, john sawyer, ashamed, removes, from, pulitzer, heres your warning, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, battleship, yomato, thats hollie in her airplanes, its fighter jet, showed, hollie, american, bombing, yomato explodes, its it, own munitions, hollie, said, that is what sank, hollie flew spacefighter, she, said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared all around, hollie like mostly hidden hollie, showed, fight, come on, she, said, he hollie claps, thats, hollie, soaring, and spacefighter bombing, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploding, and russia burning, theres, said, hollie, venezuela and brazil, exploding, nicaragua on fire, hollie placing, nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, hollie screamed, why bobby, she, said, thats ady gil with hollie, thats ady gil skipper appearing, showing, cut that off, he, said, thats ady gil happy, till skipper gets to close to ship, and ship sinks, thats ady gil being towed but taking on water, hollie showed, drop it, thats ady gil on bottom of sea, still moving around, they cant find it, whew-p, said, hollie, with Jesus inside, showed, other side of head, dark, I knew iraq comin, said president george w. bush, thats him thinking in heart before, victory, I want to stealem, breakem he said, ate his chicken, thats bush standing, and nuclear fires in iraq and gaza, bush eats his chicken, I stealem, its, to, breakem, he, said, hollie takes, bush to lava, whatta you waiting for, said, its him she hollie said, thats, same o he hollie appearing underneath, tickling feet with feather, but she hollie, appears, spaceboat, its, hollie, in, showed, ady gil, submarines all around america, one fires, thats, nuclear fire, in, it, said, dumitru duduman, california, then both coasts burned, man let me git outta here, said, hollie, cnn news man, got kicked out, by legg to God, hollie watches missiles fly, thats nuclear fires in alaska, cnn tower falling in, fire, thats center of america exploding, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie, turned, around, showed, picture, its whole new world order, she, said, theres, pope, with, brown hair, i'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he, said, theres putin, with, ten horns on head, and one has, eyes like, man, pope, comes out, shows boris yeltsin coming out of, its politburo, said, hollie, thats putin out of, medvedev and yeltsin, thats the one they will not give the honor, said, hollie, pope out of, putin, hollie showed, turn, its, him, she, hollie, said, showed, turn, again, but had like red covering, on, hand, hollie showed, turn, both ways, with golden, said, she, hollie, hand, its dim, she, said, see, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, she, said, its pope, I didnt do it, said, it, popey, hollie, said, whats that, said, hollie, jeremy taylor showed, my book, the wisdom of your dreams, dr. jeremy taylor did not include, in book, the God spoken, birthed, created, ministry of dreams, he stole, but soon will die, that, said, hollie, but, only her angelface appeared, that she said, make uh wish, she wore brown pants, red sweater, hollie showed, eat something, I said, hollie, said, showed, lay down, she, said, hollie said, flew the, its f-u-3 crusader, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie soared, changed into f-105, its, starfighter, nuclear n.a.t.o. exploded, russia burned, hollie flew, it, was, him, she, hollie, said, this was, hollie, in, the, its, fortune teller, machine, same o hollie, puts quarter in, thats card coming out, its, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, hollie moved inside, machine, its glass casing, no fortune telling machine, said, angel, puts quarter, in, he, said, hollie said, thats, her, inside machine, smiled, lights flash, cards laid, out comes card, angel, looks at, Jesus is God, angel said, i'm the vision, said, its, pope, hollie, said, in picture, 7-30-2010-make uh wish said hollie, like white angel, wearing brown pants and red sweater, showed, lay down, fell asleep, hollie snapped fingers, showed popes picture, with brown hair, let me, said, its, said hollie, vladimir agin, putin, hollie said, laid down, stomped foot, and snapped fingers, said God, hollie said, put it under, she said, showed sleep, hollie showed, record, showed, eat, pointed, up, Jesus came, happy, world, below, had, face, many countries, exploded, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. agin, said, hollie, thats russia burning, moon looks down, smoke, rises, bobby, said, moon, in heart, but showed, not uh word, bob, said, hollie, I, am God, said, its popey, hollie, said, showed, with, lighted, hand, seven heads, and, ten horns, these will help me, said, its, pontey, pope hollie said, wiped lips, theres, putin, with ten horns, on, head, one, had, eyes, like, a man, thats, popus, coming out, thats, putin, coming, out, of its medvedev and yeltsin, thats yeltsin out of the ten, its a russian ruling party, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. said, hollie, thats, the, seven, heads, kings appearing, theres france, said, hollie, thats nuclear fire in, its, france, and, missiles leaving their two submarines striking russia, all had, captain hollie, great britain exploded, and missiles leave their subs striking russia, italy and australia exploded, rockets from, them, striking russia, exploded, thats, submarines, all around, america, its on the day of the Lord, bob, said, hollie anchor man, reports, got kicked out, by legg to God, center of america exploded, both, coasts burned, hollie, watches, missiles, fly, some struck alaska, exploded, theres cnn tower falling in fire, america, errupted into fire, its from that, pointed lighted finger, hollie dimly appears, later, thats, putin, pointing up, I want to rule the world, he, said, bob, said, pope, I am Gog, he, said, wiped lips, thats, the, beast moblie, said, hollie, with, pope, in, she, said, put it under, bobby go, hollie, said, let me alone, said, it, the, paul mooney girl, said, hollie, and, God, the paul mooney girl showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, beast, pope, arose, like, angel of light, hollie laughs, what are these, said, hollie, its, four carpenters, going there own ways, its pope, hu hintao, empy, said, hollie, of japan, theres slash, she, said, idol shepherd, its them, hollie showed, sitting at table, signing 666, and, nuclear, fire, in russia, come on, said, hollie, showed, lets war, its, they exchange, hollie said, thats, nuclear fires in russia and china, thats hegoat pontiff stomping ram with putins face, and those kings come out, thats, popey, hollie, said, drive them outta there, he said, to medvedev, alright, medvedev, said, thats, chinese forces, invading much of destroyed russia, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets, striking, exploding, then, they, hollie showed, do battle, hollie showed, get oil, thats hollie getting in dumpster, getting out oil, wearing plad coat, she, hollie, hollie showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells millions, hollie wiped lips, stomped foot, tear up, put back, but twist, hollie showed, turn, dim yellow hand, it was him, she, hollie said, thats, moon, hollie pointed, soon, thats moon blocked, moon reappears, shows, popes, picture, its drawing, lets rule the world, said, putin, laying before pope, hollie shows, world, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries and russia exploding, thats smoke going up from fire, bobby, thats, it, said, moon, shew we, but showed not uh word, spoke in heart, had big nose, hollie pointed, its, gospel sing, said, hollie, in noblesville, on pleasant street, go, she, said, thats hollie in new van, its dodge, hollie showed, turn, submarine, said, hollie, now look, said, she, hollie, its, captain hollie surfacing in his submarine, thats sub at Gods interviewing table, it was bush said, sub, he started, the war, I made it said, george w. bush, ate, his chicken, it, to breakem, steal our oil wells, contracts, bush eats, hollie takes to fire like cat, hollie screamed, lighted hand, showed, turn, he, hollie, dimly appears, no, said, hollie, get away from it, she, showed, lighted, hands, but, hollie shook, yes, then showed, thru, away, but yes again, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, submarine, right there, said, hollie, captain hollie surfaced, its akula again, thats what you want, need, said, hollie, fired, thats, iraq with nuclear fires, hollie showed, iraq opened up like animated map, thats, missile flying, its over, iraq, let it, soar, said, hollie, thats, explosion in, its, gaza on fire, hollie showed lay down, it was him she hollie, said, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, beast, pope, rose, you aint gonna do it, said, pope, thats pope like angel dot head eating, bob said, hollie, go to the gospel sing, thats, hollie happy, there, 7-30-2010-hollie showed, record, God destroyed, said, hollie, its you, she, said, pointed at, bob, for, no reason, and I the Lord will persecute, and draw people to me to ruin them, its to, saith God, mock, laugh, I wait, while servant is, asleep, to, wake them, and, ruin, for, laughter, its to ruin, like, I did JOB, making their faces, wrinkle, stretching, muscles, deseasing gums, and body, harming, their hearts, go ahead and backslide, thats what I want, to, mock you in front, of all saith God, thats hollie, its him, she, hollie, said, playing, his, music, wearing uh, white robe, hollie, said, showed, call it, ministry of dreams, she, said, its, God spoke, hollie, said, and Jesus, angrily wipes lips, bob, when you are dead, I still will ruin whoever, makes, ministryofdreams, their name, thats one thief looking at, these, visions, laughing in his heart, just watch your fall, saith the Lord, thats, hollie appearing, showing, its development, she, said, of, its, she, said, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, thats, hollie, just watching, go, fast, she, said, its untill, death, for the LOrd, betrayeth, she, said, ruins, everyday, all day, to laugh, I the Lord, its, said, hollie, Jesus, with brown hair, he is, pentecostal, hollie, said, thats woman looking at, this post, she, trembles, it feels like a body your perfect size coming in, said, hollie, its, the Holy Ghost baptizm, thats, person dreading, going to church, after finding out, but LOrd, she, said, while I was, letting, she, said, going, but, asking, you never filled, thats Jesus wiping, chin, then dont go, saith God, cause I wont, you cut off, saith the Lord, hi mike Mckay, why did you steal the God spoke birthed created ministry of dreams, along with, david day, saith the Lord, both your names will appear on the net, for trying to ruin my child, saith God, just watch your fall, starting right now, here is google cache of the theft of the God spoken birthed, call it ministry of dreams, said Jesus, tell mike mckay, saith the Lord, I wanted to ruin, said, its, michael, said, Jesus, now try to get a job, you witch, fool, saith the Lord, bob put this on, said, Jesus, its, ministryofdreams dot net, its purchased, but, God, said, its, david day, ruin, said, angry david day, you fool, you think I would not find out who you are, saith the King, just watch me make you both witches, run and remove what you took, said, hollie and God, here is google cache of the theft of, ministry of dreams, by mike mckay, 7-31-2010-this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, its, time, she, said, to, work, thats, hollie, working, for, its, Jesus, she, said, this is, prophesying, said, hollie, its, she, said, looked at Jesus, fellowship of the Father, thats, staying, said, Jesus, in visions, and, having, dreams, revealed, all things, to, make, me, laugh, saith the Lord, hollie showed, dont steal it, she, said, the God spoke, she, said, call it, ministry of dreams, now, over, 50 people have, stolen, the name, I spoke, said, Jesus, remove, and be ruint anyhow, saith the Lord, thats, hollie showing, her, its lightwatch, bob, pray for these, she, said, thats uh man readin, hollie, said, thats, her light, watch again, raise your mountain and repeat after me, sang, its, hollie, said, Jesus, showed, hollie, and, big nuclear fire, behind, thats, its, submarines, hollie, said, all around, its, she, said, the, u.s.a., and I stamp, hollie, said, its, on, the, day of the Lord, said, its him, she, hollie, said, its, hollie anchor man, reporting, its right on news, thats Jesus, coming, and people weeping and wailing, for, said, God, they had it, all, and, that, was, still not enough, saith the King, what are you doin, said, the Lord, hollie, said, wait, she, said, he will fix it, she, said, just, watch, things, turn, in your favor, its, when, hollie, said, you least expect it, people, hate, me, said, God, but, will need, me someday, and, when they do, they will not, find, cause, they are coming against, my chosen, saith the LOrd, the name, I spoke and created, for you, call it, ministry of dreams, saith God, they will take, and steal, but, remove, when, trouble arises, just, watch, their calamity come, saith the Lord, hollie showed, her, light watch, had on, she, said, showed, running, be happy, hollie, appears, showed, that, she, said, its the beast risin, she, said, that, hollie, said, it, pope, i'm the antichrist, he, said, but, that, hollie, said, showed, her, light watch, go, she, said, i'm that, she, said, Jesus runs out, and babyfleas, appears, bob link, up, hollie, said, show them, they are, enemies of the cross, the theives, of the GOD SPOKEN, HOLLIE, SAID, that, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, Jesus appears, dont alter it, that, hollie, said, ministryofdreams, is altering, that, hollie, said, the MInistry of Dreams, is, stealing, she, said, hollie, showed, go, you know dont want to, live, bob, cause I am betraying you and betraying you saith the Lord, I laugh at your sufferings, this is uh warning, lets post, this, vision, said, hollie, hollie, tore up, put back, not all the way, faded in, hollie showed, its, mike mckay, looking at, e-mail, trembling, what did you steal, thats, david day, rubbing face, its called, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, thats them stealing the God spoke ministryofdreams, like, jenny donati, and jean poole, and, this is uh warning, said, hollie, and, Alexandr Chumak, thats all running to remove what they took, said, hollie, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, she, said, like, diana Hahlbohm, and her, danny, lover, said, hollie, danny Hahlbohm, theres john mark pool, and jeremy lopez, stealing, ministry of dreams, like, ginny hill, and jon sawyer, of, hollie showed, hes pulitzer, like, his, said, God, wesley pruden, and john e. carey, all, we take, said, its kathryn taylor, said, dr. jeremy taylor, u.u., like a.s. byatt, who is, dame antonia susan duffy, byatt now, all steal the God spoke ministry of dreams, thats their ruler, said, hollie, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, and his, kathy taylor, said, hollie and Jesus, stealing ministry of dreams, themselves, hollie got quiet, I gave my two servants, said, Jesus, the power to cast plagues, on whoever, they will, said, God, thinking about, granting permission to bob, that will make them run to remove what they stole, call it ministry of dreams, thats, diana hughey Hahlbohm laughing, but trembling now in heart, cause shes exposed, they are, witches, said, Jesus, thats, danny Hahlbohm claiming christianity, and diana hughey shaking yes, you witch, said, JEsus, thats, diana Hahlbohm showing cut off, its, I wont save, said, JEsus, strong delusioning danny Hahlbohm who actively goes to church but knows he has ministry of dreams, its to ruin, said danny Hahlbohm, of inspired art, saith the King, hollie, showed, turn, its, Christ temple, he, said, thats, pope in fire, said, God and, hollie, hand, points, its, him, she, hollie, said, body appeared, hollie showed, go, lower, body, hidden, another, he, hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with feather, but she, hollie, appears, wearing dim yellow dress, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, lay down, hollies in hot water, said, hollie, that the piano on titanic, hollie played, it sounded like this, hollie like dim light hollie, him she hollie said, bobby this will be little horn, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, hollie, I said, lets go, bob, I am, going to, have to, raise the standard up against cause I am destroying, you, hollie showed, picture, its pope, she, said, I'm your vision, pope said, with angel face, 8-1-2010-you cant not bare, being persecuted by me saith the Lord, to ruin your appearance, desease your face and gums, cause wrinkles face by tightening facial muscles, when you, move, caressing penus with electricity, causing it to get hard, laughing at you, scaring, you, causing your body to heat up, messing with your heart to tease and anger, saith the LOrd, you are, doomed cause I betray my children to mock them, let me, record, said, hollie, and I, stamp, she, said, and, up rose, the, pope, like, angel, of light, there is, nothing, in, it for me, said, she hollie, thats he hollie, thats he hollie playing piano wearing white robe, bob eat, said, hollie, hollie showed, hollie showed, go, bobby, hollie, said, dont, she, said, let me record, said, hollie, pulled sleeves, up, showed, come on, she, said, thats, pope, she, said, sitting, at the table, and, theres hu hintao, and, its, empy, hollie, said, emporer of japan, thats hintao and japanese prime minister, coming out of two horned, beast, them three signing, 666, thats nuclear fire in russia, its, they, exchange, said, hollie, nuclear fires, in, russia and china, thats, pope, said, hollie, telling medvedev, drive them outta there, thats china claiming much of destroyed russia, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets striking russia, burned, thats missiles leaving russia, thats bear, said, Jesus, with, three ribs, in, mouth, thats cuba appearing on one, nicaragua, hollie points with lighted finger, destroy that, said, Jesus, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, submarines appear around, america, thats, one, firing, nuclear fire, in, california, man let me git, said, hollie news reporter man, kicked out by legg to God, thats both american coasts burning, hollie watches, missiles soar, thats, alaska exploding first, nuclear fire in canada, cnn tower, falls, thats, center of america exploding, thats, china, claiming much of destroyed russia, hollie soared in her b-29 bomber, its enola gay, she, showed, nuclear, fire in, hiroshimo, and nagasaki, thats, pope, them laughing at table, hollie, boris yeltsin, it started yeltsin, said, pope, said, hollie, I didnt record, the vision, said, pope, hollie, said, in picture, like, angel, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, I aint gonna do nothin, he, said, thats, gabriel, said, hollie, he, said, another, hollie said, showed, nuclear fires, in, syria, egypt, and jordan, thats, rocket leaving, russia with, its new ministry of dreams website on, said, hollie, with deformities on both sides of face, showed, one side worse then other, and red dragon with seven heads and ten horns, i'm the beast, said, pope, thats, heads, kings popping out, theres, mexican president happy, but says no when signing deal with medvedev, and lula, theres chavez acting, castrol agreeing but not wanting, theres nicaraguan president like castrol, thats missile striking israel, exploded, netanyahu was trigger man, it appeared, said, hollie, Jesus stood on mountain, split in twain, its uh great earth quake, said, God, flew up, wearing white robe, many jews flew with, i'm the website, lets post, said, hollie, thats pope in the fire, said, hollie, and uh hand, another, hollie, said, pointed, I said, hollie, said, rubbed face, showed, both beasts, relaxed, there, she, said, you, have it, they, went their owns ways, jean poole, steals the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, thats, jean poole and jenny donati creating ministry of dreams accounts, its to ruin said hollie, like, their reverend, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, and, john mark pool, it, kathryn taylor, said, jeremy taylor d.min, from the, chaplaincy institute for arts and interfaith ministry, they's witches, hollie, said, hollie flew in spacebomber, dropped bomb, america below exploded, what is, that, said, hollie, its, leopard licking the prophet, thats four kings popping out, its hu hintao said hollie, wiped eye out, theres emporer of japan, and both korean presidents, there you have it, what are you doin with ministry of dreams, I dont know said, diana Hahlbohm, danny Hahlbohm, shakes, yes, fools, God said, bob could, have, gotten you thru, let me, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, I shook, yes, I showed, om thru, wait uh minute, she, said, shook, yes, then showed, no again, its, jean poole, said, hollie, your nabbed, I know it said jean poole, steals the God, spoke, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, I wanted to ruin said jean poole, witch hollie, said, get your money out of the bank, said, angel, he said, hollie, said, its u.s.a. economic collapse, heres your warnin, said, hollie, I'm the g8, said, its popey, said, hollie, that, was, hands, hollies body appeared, later, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia, hollie, said, thats, your beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie showed, thats howard, hes australian, prime minister, now, julia gillard, but, same o prime minister, thats the g8 appearing, hollie said, its nuclear n.a.t.o. and russia, hollie stamped, showed, teeth, hollie showed, u.s.s. hornet, it got bombed, thats, pilot hollie in her, fighter jet, its b-25, showed, hollie, it exploded, hands showed, clean, they were sent on uh suicide mission, it, was, president roosevelt, its, said, hollie, thats, franklin d. roosevelt, bomb japan, he said, hollie showed, post, its hollie news man wearing white robe, pope, said, hollie, I'm the vision, said, its, pontey, hollie showed, thats pope riding black horse, its into, russia, pope, said, thats, pope, signing, deal with medvedev, it gains some control, it horses, hollie said, theres hu hintao on red, horse, and, grim reaper, on, his grizzled horse, thats souls from the word being collected by, the reaper, bobby let me, alone, said, hollie, you fool, said, its, the woman at grace, I spoke blasphemy, she, said, she said, lets post, hollie and, pope like lit dot head appeared, happy, Make uh vision, said hollie, hollie said sleep like hollie showed said hollie, and i showed she said sleep, brush your teeth, like hollie showed, and i stamp, she said, showed pope, i'm the pope, said antichrist, hollie said, beast, she said, put it under, said hollie showed lay down, but eyes were still open, hollie snapped fingers, and stomped legg, this is cnn news reportin, hollie said, its on the day of the Lord, its him, uh she hollie said, moon looks down, submarines all around america, man lets git outta here, said hollie cnn news man, bobby said the moon, looked down, at smoke arisin, said God, put it under said hollie anchor man, thats both american coasts on fire, 8-2-2010-hollie showed lay down, post, a she hollie said, he hollie did, wearing white robe, bobby its the s.s. Lusitania, its still raisable, hollie said, thats it on its final voyage, a she hollie said, its three torpedoes strike, hollie said, smoke comes out of stacks, its over seven hundred feet long, hollie measured, bob d sleep, hollie said, he hollie showed lay down, he snapped fingers, stomped foot, hey a she hollie said, dont help pakistan, said angel, and he saw, said casey, wiped lips, make america broke, said their leader, hollie said, angel, he said, hollie said, bob showed sleep, but angel showed record, angel snapped fingers, lets rule the world, said its putin, said hollie, showed lay down, russia said hintao, its over taiwain, hollie said, bobby git your money out of the bank, said angel and hollie, its u.s.a. Economic collapse, said hollie and God, put it under said hollie, its the last sign, she said, thats angel looters in the streets, lets rule the world, its putin said hollie, put it under, Alex Lozada is cut off, said, hollie, and Jesus, thats uh, stunned looking, Alex Lozada, I'm uh witch, said, its, showed, hollie, Alex Lozada, hes, now, running, but, trying to, collect, its, in, offerings, and loot said mrs. Alex Lozada, God said, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for me said Alex Lozada, of, its, showed, hollie, witches, its, she said, the, mountain christian church, Troy Strunk steals the God spoke, ministry of dreams, like his pastor, said, God, pastor, its, showed, hollie, troy d. bohm, said, hollie, and, claims to be a chrisitan, hey Troy Strunk, type your name in google for taking and trying to ruin Gods child like your, Pastor Troy D. Bohn, you are both witches, saith the One, you serve and I the Lord am going to bring you both down together, your pastor will hate you for trying to ruin him with you, troy strunk, tell your boss, that you were e-mailed from the person, bob hickman, of ministry of dreams, and wanted to ruin him, cause you thought, i'm gonna take out this witch said troy strunk, thats you laughing, but you will weep, saith, God, i'm ruin you right now, troy, you fool, heres the google cache of the theft of the God spoken, call it ministry of dreams, said Jesus, after bob prays and real estate agent troy strunk steals, and posts on, the yellowpages, and even places, said, hollie, his picture, tell troy strunk and troy bohn, you have ten days, and then I will remove your chances to be saved, now hear the word of the Lord, you are all cut off, even the sweatest, God said, melanie bohn, its uh witch, hollie, said, you fools, said, God, now hear the word of the Lord, you will never come off net, and are, professional, saith the King, remove and be ruint anyhow, troy strunk, your boss and pastor will be e-mailed, and then your facebook account will be told, ha ha, troy, said, the King, you claim to love me, but, thats, troy strunk, it, he appeared, said, hollie, I'm going to ruin him, said, troy strunk, in, the book, you bought, it tells to place the theives of ministry of dreams on net, like you will be, thats hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showing, record, on one side of, hollies, head, was, Jesus, like, light, Jesus, on, other, side, like, dark hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, thats, pope, rising, its, said, hollie, like, angel, of, light, hollie, stamps, again, thats, hu hintao, rising, there you have it, said, hollie, both beasts, they went, their separate ways, thats, hollie, advertising, book, herself, its, hollie, showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, its uh million seller, hollie, said, hollie stamps, gitty up, she, said, thats, pope, hollie, said, on, its, dark, horse, hollie, let me, abserve, hollie, said, thats pope with medvedev signing, deal, it gains, popey some control, hollie, showed, book, sells, hollie, looked, at, God, you sold, today, about, forty books, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, showed, Honda CB1100F, it puts out, 88 horsepower, hollie showed, teeth, thats bike, spinning rear, smoking, submarine, right, there, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, and I stamp, hollie, said, but, just, hands, hollies, body, appears, later, but, dimly, thats, captain hollie, hey, said, hollie, its, same o, cnn news reporter hollie, but on uh different detail, thats, iraq with nuclear fire, its gaza forsaken burning, hollie, said, thats, she, hollie, pushing president bush, to, micophone, i made war, said, president bush, shut up he said, its to breakem, steal our oil contracts, bush, hollie, takes, to, fire, let me, said, angry, putin, pointing, up, its, said, hollie, wearing, uh, white, robe, thats, mustang gt, spinning, back, tires, its, said, hollie, showed, go, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, he, said, its out of russia, said, hintao, china, he, said, thats, both beasts, Jesus, said, planning, thats, big nuclear explosion in, center of, america, and, hollies head, appearing, then, turned, into, she, hollie, showed, it submarines, said, another, hollie, appearing, all around, america, one fired, thats, nuclear explosion in, its, said, another, hollie, california, dumitru duduman appears, then whole west coast burned, thats missiles heading four east coast, angel pours out vial like yellow, outlined, angel, in, sea, hollie appears, east coasts burns, you need uh vision, said, hollie, let me, report, it, said, hollie, cnn, news anchor man, shows with stick on board, hes transformed, said, hollie, into uh cat, she, said, put it under, hollie showed, eat, you need to, post, hollie, said, go, to, churches, in valparaiso, its, indiana, showed, hollie, right, here, its, him, said, uh, she, hollie, get, the, laptop out, said, she, hollie, thats, him, hollie said, wearing white robe, get the laptop out for, he said, posted away, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats who your gonna marry, thats bob and her marrying, hollie flew, spacefighter, spacefighter, dropped bomb, hollie said, america below exploded, thats, hollie flying, its, nuclear n.a.t.o. hollie said, exploding, russia burning, hollie put golden hand, glove, it, covering, a she hollie said, on, showed, go, but, hand, hidden, appeared, its, multi, hollie, said, colored, she, said, hollie said, showed, wiped lips, hollie showed, fish, be quiet, this is, vision, lets not, fast, said, hollie, and she, he hollie, said, he played, music, do it, he, said, the word, fast, appeared, hollie, showed, put, gloves, on, lets, show, the new world, order, said, hollie, your mouth, she, said, its large, thats bobs mouth talking, thats eight kings, said, hollie, in, uh cart, that will rise, against, hollie wiped lips, shut it up, she, said, book, showed, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, hollie said, fallen, thats hollie, like, uh fox, a fox will kill and eat small animals, thats foxes eating cats, leave it alone, said, uh couple of she hollies, and, partial he hollie, claps, hands, come on, showed, hollie, its, war, lets, fight, she, said, wiped lips, showed, teeth, happy, thats ram with, its, o, vladimir agin, said, babyfleas, she runs and God watches, but she, will, have to, an account, fleas laughed, Jesus laughed, to, come on, said, hollie, thats ram, its o vladimir agin, said, hollie, with kings coming out of, its, horns, theres, hu hintao, with his rose, thats pope out of the other, and, putin and medvedev, thats hegoat pope, with, those, kings, coming out of, its, horns, thats, hegoat pontiff charging, stomping, smiting ram, thats nuclear fire in russia, come on, said, hollie, thats nuclear fires in russia, and, china, its, they, exchange, pointed, hollie, thats pope sitting at table, and two horned, beast, with, hintao and japanese emporer coming out of its horns, thats 666 peace treaty being signed, they laugh, threaten, war, said, its, man, pope, and, go their owns ways, she said, lets not, showed, hollie said, those are, rusting hulks, said, Jesus, its still there, said, hollie, dressed like, ship mate, showed, titanic on bottom of ocean, its broken and bent, still loved, said, hollie, thats the s.s. lusitania, taking torpedoes, rolling and sinking, it, could, be, raised, but, thats, hollie, many in, need of repair, hollie, said, still usable, dont waste, hollie, said, thats, many hollies busting ship, hollie like ship mate, shew, she, said, showed, its hard labor, she, said, it, rained, submarines, all, with, captain, hollie, but, babyfleas, and he and she hollies, thats hollie playing like ronnie james dio, hes dead soon, hollie said, had bear paws, tear up, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, with, brown hair, let me, rule, the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie put back, but had different amber colored hands, opened up, showed, whole new world order, hollie, had picture in between, amber lighted hands, but changed to a frosty white color, then another, hollie screamed, put back, she, said, with, orange, colored hands, thats, popes drawing, thats, hollies hands, appearing, she dimly appears, in back, hands, like, boat propeller, uto, said, its babyfleas, hollie said, thats marine corp. out in the streets, its the last sign before, u.s.a. economic collapse, hollie, said, lets rule, the world, said, its, old, vladimir, again, said, hollie, hollie like, ship mate, wiped forehead, smiled, showed, its, the, new king kong, its best, said, hollie, hollie showed, it, meatloaf, she, said, back into hell, it still sells, hollie said, showed, lay down, bobby, said, angel, showed, lay down, see said, hollie, like, uh bird, chirped, showed, popes picture, I aint gonna eat, nothing, pope said, hollie showed, fastsigns, dot, com, hollie showed, turn, I said, hollie, said, go, 8-3-2010-she said lets do something hollie said, she said i wanted to post, she said hollie said, showed lay down, submarines said Jesus, hollie played piano on titanic, raise your mantle and repeat after me sang hollie, what was hollie doin, it was him, a she hollie said, Jesus showed lay down, and i stamp said hollie, up rose the pope, i aint your vision he said, lets rule the world, said its putin said hollie, who showed world, many countries exploded, new ministry of dreams said hollie, it this facebook hollie, like uh facebook angelman, showed face, deformity on one side, hollie walks out, hollie played piano on titanic, thats another hollie, its like uh shipmate said hollie, showed, titanic with captain smith on deck, o shit said smith said hollie, and hollie like uh ship mate shows, its still there hollie said , its r.m.s. Titanic appearing on ocean floor, o said the wilhelm gustloff ship, thats three torpedoes striking, ship waits on bottom of the sea, hollie visits in submarine, its akula class, said hollie, you want that vision then post that vision said uh she and he hollie, and he saw said casey, hollie showed its the king of grecia appearing, its pope hollie said, with ram horns, thats kings said hollie, coming out of horns, theres medvedev, and pope hollie said, and putin with his flower, thats hu hintao said hollie, out of other horn, come on said, and i showed fight she said, Frank Zitzman now here the word of the LOrd, your name is going on net for stealing and trying to ruin my child I spoke and created, ministry of dreams, for, you witch, saith the Lord, whom you claim to serve, you fool, remove and be openly mocked anyhow, thats Frank Zitzman, said, hollie, in the lake of fire, jsut try me, said, Jesus, you witch, thats, said, hollie, wiped lips, its, she, said, sue Zitzman, i'm cut off, said, its, hollie, showed, sue Zitzman, hollie pulled up her, God, said, sleeves, thats, she, said, mark moss, stealing the God spoke, hollie, said, showed, ministry of dreams, so mark, said, JEsus, why did you take, its I wanted to ruin said mark moss, be openly mocked, saith the LOrd, hollie showed, record, thats the owner looking at this, he wont say one thing, God, said, and I stamp, hollie, said, up rose, the, beast, she, said, its, hollie wiped lips, pope, hollie, said, put it under, she, said, dont work, now, its, late, hollie was dressed in uh white robe and had on light watch, go, she, said, thats, hollie, walking, why did you steal ministry of dreams, said, hollie, its, she, showed, mark moss, who is, Moss Mark, both witches, she, said, its you, hollie, said, remove, or, be, ruint, I will said, its, mark moss, hollie showed, record, thats, john mark pool, trembling, its over stealing, ministry of dreams, I know, said, dr. jeremy lopez, swallowing, thats ray strunk, I sell real estate, he said, but stole ministry of dreams, with, its pastor, troy d. bohn, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, d.min, and, his, kathryn taylor, like, pastor, troy d. bohn, and, diana and danny Hahlbohm, it, hollie, said, showed, inspired art, they, are, witches, hollie said, devils, God, said, thats, diana Hahlbohm, reading visions, its on the internet, hollie, said, thats danny wondering, diana hughey Hahlbohm laughs, but trembles in heart, thats, mike mckay, stealing ministry of dreams, hes at, said, hollie, youth at risk, thats, people, at their jobs, looking, at e-mails, laughing, janetmck now trembles, thats, sandy m. pool wanting a divorce from john mark pool, its over stealing ministry of dreams, hollie, said, but sandy pool loved it before, her friends fount out, thats peter duffy ashamed of, a.s. byatt, its over taking the name, said, dame antonia susan duffy byatt, showed, ministry of dreams, its, i'm uh witch antonia byatt said, peter duffy, sees visions, on, internet, thats, jean poole, purchasing ministry of dreams dot org, and creating many ministry of dreams, website accounts, giving, jenny donati, passwords, both lie, but dont even try go to church anymore, call it, said, Jesus, the God spoke, said, hollie, ministry of dreams, its kathryn taylor, people steal it, said, hollie, thats, bob, e-mailing, selling, its, book, hollie, said, called visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it, sells, millions, and people like troy srunk stealing ministry of dreams, after finding out, jean poole doesnt care not but when her job finds out, hollie, said, showed, cut off, those people are taking ministry of dreams, to, its, said, Jesus, its to ruin said, kathy taylor m.a., speak blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, said, its michael, said, Jesus, mike mckay of boston, massachusettes, thats jon sawyer of, pulitzer, hes, writer stealing, ministry of dreams, like, john e. carey, and wesley pruden, and ginny hill, they wanted to start of ministry of dreams, community, like their reverend, hollie, said, dr. jeremy taylor m.a. d.min, of, study of dreams, hollie showed, bob check out e-mails to make sure, book, showed, hollie, u-r-l still good, and I stamp, she, said, hollie screamed, hollie showed, check yesterdays date, hollie looks, make sure its eight, two, hollie screamed, showed, the beast, pope, with brown hair, its, uh, picture, hollie, said, let me, said, putin, laying, before, rule the world, pope, shakes, yes, hollie, shows, world, another, hollie, soars in spacejet, thats many countries exploding, moon looks down with big nose, says in heart, bobby, shows, not uh word, but laughs, then shows, picture, its both beasts, there you have it, said, hollie, its, pope and hu hintao, this is, uh, warning, said, hollie, another, hollie, puts, back, but, hey, said, another, hollie, walked out, hollies body hidden, but appeared, hollie showed, pope, its, picture, with, brown hair, let me, said, putin, I want to rule the world, he, said, pointed, up, but, only, part of body appeared, hollie appears underneath tickling feet with feather, thats him, she hollie, said, playing music, wearing white robe, hollie drove tank, fired, thats, american exploding, its, submarines, appearing, all, around america, one fired, thats nuclear fire in, california, man let me, git outta here, said, hollie reporting on cnn, she hollie showed, him, she said, dressed nicely, both american coasts, burned, hollie builds tank, shew we, she, said, its hard work, she I said post, hollie, said, its pope showing, picture, hollie, said, hollie showed, pope, happy, he, hollie tickles her feet, hollie fires, the, soviet t-54 tank, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, hollie fires again, thats russia burning, venezuela and brazil on fire, hey i'll place it said, hollie, nuclear fires in, cuba, and, along mexican and latin american borders, thats nicaragua on fire, its on the day of the Lord, said, hollie, tore up, put back, but her face hidden, and, appeared, bob, said, hollie, and, I showed, you uh picture, she, said, its popey, happy, leopard, said, its, showed, hollie with, big amber colored hand, bob, barker crew member, thats hu hintao, and, emporer of japan, and, both korean presidents, there you have it, said, hollie, new economy, said, hollie, it, him, said, the main ministering spirit, hollie plays piano, its piano on titanic, appeared, a she hollie sat at, played, angel looters, in, streets, is u.s.a. economic collapse, said, barack obama, leaves, thats people looting, its cause high government wages, and benefits, and they got stripped, of their, Jesus, wiped chin, money, hollie served up the dinner, he said, sleep, like hollie showed, and showed, teeth, i'm uh vision I can not do one thing, said, its uh light hollie, said, another, hollie, i'm the visions, thats what your showin, us said, many hollies, dont want that no more, said, hollie, what did, she, say, this time, hollie, said, thats the, myspace angel, with red deformity, on one side of, face, said, hollie, hollie showed, time, its, her, light watch, 3 a.m. she said, bobby work, moon appears, then, he transformed, said, hollie, but, showed, not uh word, hollie showed, its, troy strunk, stealing the God spoke, she, said, ministry of dreams, showed, cut off, hollie screamed, JOB was making me exalted and was fighting him as he was, said, Jesus, 8-4-2010-hollie pulled sleeves, its just uh king thing, hollie laughs coming out of the king, you thought it was going to be the king of grecia, hollie said, and God said, but it was hollie said, a happy Jesus coming, and submarines all around america, man let me git outta here, said hollie, bob save, a she hollie said, it was him, a she hollie said, it was she said, hollie cnn news anchor man, a she hollie said, thats both ofuhm, he said, coasts burning, a she hollie said, hollie watches, said God, missiles soar, another hollie said, alaska exploded first, bob showed hollie, its time she said, thats, hollie said, its, a he hollie said, on the day of the Lord, Jesus showed, cut this off, bob, its him, a she hollie, raise your hands, and, repeat, after, me, sang hollie, hollie mothered bob, rubbed face, now lets see, said, hollie, hollie wearing white, its, attire, she, said, he hollie appears, underneath tickling feet with feather, hey, said, she hollie, that, was, hollie, news anchor man, then, appears, at, its, desk, hollie, said, man let me report, hollie, said, showed, with, stick, submarines, all, around, america, one, fires, thats, nuclear explosion in, california, man let me git outta here, said, hollie news man, thats, both american coasts, burning, thats, hollie, watching missiles fly, wearing white clothes, thats some going into alaska, exloded, thats cnn tower falling in fire, thats, center of america, exploding, thats, bear saying, yeow, Jesus tells, destroy, nuclear n.a.t.o., thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, bobby, said, moon, in heart, pointed up, Jesus came, and, many nations, exploded, world shakes, moons face appears on world, its, moon, said, not uh word, but, laughed, and missiles from all striking, russia, exploded, thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, hollie, placing, nuclear fires, along, mexican and latin american borders, nicaragua burned, hey, thats, tripod, said, she, hollie, then, those, three ribs, appear in, bears mouth, hollie laughed, thats, hollie, acting like uh bear, then other, appears, shows, cuba, taking nuclear missiles, burned, but missiles from their and mexican and nicaraguan waters, shower america, exploded, its, near, there, pointed, him, she hollie said, gulf coast states, thats many hollies cleaning up oil spill, its getting, done, how much, do, you, want, said, hollie, looked concerned, hollie screamed, you know its, what for, she, said, screamed, tell me, about, the, submarine, said, hollie, and, him, she, hollie, said, showed, one, thats, him, its, same o cnn news reporter hollie, surfacing, in his, its akula class, thats, what, you, needed, hollie, said, now lets open fire, thats submarine at Gods interviewing table, showing picture of president george w. bush, tear up, said, hollie, sub laughs, points, I made our war, said, president bush, from picture, ate his chicken, its to breakem, stealem, he said, wipes lips, bit his chicken legg, oil wells, contracts, appears, then captain hollie in his submarine appared, gaza, burned, thats, nuclear fire in, iraq, lets rule the world, said, putin, this is, warning, said, hollie, showed, eat, hollie stamped, up rose, the, beast like lit, dot head, happy, thats, popey, popus, said, hollie, riding, black, horse, its, into, moscow, russia he said, thats deal, said, pointed, hollie, with medvedev, it gains, pontey, hollie, said, some control, hollie stamps, thats, hu hintao, going out, getting on his red horse, you lure, said, yeltsin to, hintao, showed, hollie, thats, hu, hintao, battling washington state, on his red horse, with, light sword, hollie fights back, thats another, hollie flying out in old, its b-47 fighter bomber, bombs chinese ship, explodes, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, thats, hollie riding, missile, and its, over, taiwan, she, said, sailed, hollie said, another watched from ground, its new hollie, like feature less face, taiwan burned, russia is preparing, thermo nukes against america, said, hollie, now look, showed, putin, wants war, hollie screamed, white in mouth, again, record, the vision, said, hollie, clapped, ministry of dreams, she, said, its God spoken, dont steal, hollie, said, or get cut off, like hollie showed, why did you steal, said, it, hollie, cause I wanted to ruin, said, john mark pool, thats, mark moss, removing, what he stole, the God spoken, showed, hollie, ministry of dreams, like, dr. rev. jeremy taylor and, kathryn taylor, its both witches, hollie said, like jean poole, and jenny donati, of, paliban daily, they stole ministry of dreams, its to ruin said jean poole, thats, jon sawyer, coughing, but knew not to with ginny hill, and, diana and danny Hahlbohm, stealing, ministry of dreams, its to ruin said danny Hahlbohm, thats, diana Hahlbohm coughing, but, keeping for, its over, eight years, said, Jesus, I wanted to ruin said diana Hahlbohm, thats danny and diana Hahlbohm openly mocked at church, you witches, one said, let me record, said, hollie, pulled up, sleeves, hey, said, same o hollie, hollies face hidden but dimly fades in like silhouette, its the king, said, hollie, the king of, grecia, come, on, hollie showed, lets war, thats nuclear fire, in, russia, its, hollie, said, they, exchange, its, russia and china, hollie, showed, walked out, wearing, dress, nuclear fires, in, both lands, thats, pope, and, hu hintao, and, its, empy, hollie, said, sitting at the table, thats 666 peace treaty being, signed, how did they form, said, hollie, thats, pope, telling, medvedev, drive them outta there, thats chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. rockets exploding, in russia, missiles leaving there, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploded, thats australia exploding, with one, then, more, france exploded, thats great britain on fire, and, their submarines, and land based missiles, striking, russia, italy exploded, but thats missile from there striking russia, hey pointed, hollie, thats the seat of the beast, pope appeared, thats, how, showed, hollie, but, only half her there, its, new him, she, hollie said, tickling feet with feather, he showed post, on laptop cellphone, its, cellphone t.v. hollie said, hollie had the realistic 2100d, buy one, she, said, showed, the realistic t-100 tower stereo speakers, buy hollie, said, thats them in bobs room, russia is the bear father, said, hollie, thats pope, she, said, wiped mouth, showed, teeth, semi happy, lets rule the world, said, putin, angry, thats world, showed, hollie, and, many ships, its, military, she, said, and, america exploded, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands on fire, russia, burned, thats, its venezuela and brazil hollie said, on fire, hollie, placing nuclear fires in cuba and latin american and mexican borders, nicaragua exploded, bobby, said, moon in heart, but was happy, didnt speak, it, hes, transformed, hollie, said, came out, showed, lay down, that was, the, myspace angel, hollie showed, he showed, his face, had deformity on one side, a little spec on the other, hollie showed, deformity, like, red blotch with some green in, its, hollie, showed, lay down, hollie showed, the, deal, buyuhm, said, hollie, the realistic t-100 tower stereo speakers, thats angel, its, the myspace angel out of woofer, hollie out of other like dim hollie, no, said, hollie, and, he, hollie there to, but another, shows, done, but, shook, yes, then, showed, away, I said, dont, post, hollie, said, please please, sang, hollie, home, said, hollie, I dont want that vision, she, said, like, dark hollie, 8-5-2010-tear up, said, hollie, and, put back, but, she, was, not found, said, Jesus, and, a different, hollie appears, put it undlove, hollie, said, work, she, had on her, its, uh, she, said, light watch, new ministry of dreams, hollie, said, like, uh, angelman with, deformity, on one side of face, its like uh spec, hollie, said, on other, its it showed, hollie, said, hollie screamed, bob, why, whats it for, she, said, screamed, hollie screamed, fix the transaxle, she, said, thats, hollie, place in another, transaxle, showed, its hard work, she, said, screamed, white in mouth, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie flew spacefighter, dropped bomb, america below exploded, hollie pointed at jet, they are, fast, hollie soared, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, russia burned, hollie dropped more, its, firepower, she, said, thats, venezuela and brazil exploding, this is uh warnin, lets, post, more said hollie, and, I stamp, she, said, its beast, pope, arose, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie, said, thats, pope, she, said, riding black horse, its into moscow, he said, its signing a deal hollie said, with me, said, medvedev, it gains, popus hollie said, some control, bobby go to goodyear, its, angel, hollie, showed, eat, this is, website, lets post, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, there not going to do it, she, said, its, church, she, said, thats the pastors, appearing, they are, not saved, hollie, said, put it undle, she, said, make your own calling and election sure, now you have links, hollie, said, keep your number one and two spots, hollie, said, look at you, said, Jesus, hollie, showed, go, pointed, white hand, lower, body, hidden, but appeared, hollie, said, casey showed, wearing white robe, its, thunder storms, a he hollie appears, hand with, hollie, in, like, dome, showed, you did not want, hollie, showed, hollie screamed, why, for, bob she, said, screamed, had, white in mouth, that is helicpoter, with, hollie climbing up the rope, said, hollie, america below, exploded, theres alome saleem, said new hollie, wiped lips, its soumb, said, hollie, its, uh, she, hollie, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, showed, bob dont put van back on road, hollie screamed, had white in mouth, russia is the bear father, said, its, hollie, a, new hollie, said, its, him, she, hollie, said, like uh dome face, and another, he hollie comes out, laughs, why bob, she, said, screamed, again, mike mckay, stole, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, to ruin, like, mark moss, said, hollie, and, amber colored finger pointed, hollie appeared, dimly, thats, marcus moss, stealing the God spoken, ministry of dreams, like his reverend, jeremy taylor d.min, and kathryn taylor and, their leader, john mark pool, and, diana Hahlbohm, and danny Hahlbohm, and, jon sawyer, and, its, the, paliban daily, showed, hollie, jean poole, and, jenny donati, like ginny hill, there are witches, hollie, said, like over, 1400, hollie showed, stole ministry of dreams, its to ruin, said, antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, bob, said, hollie, she, ran, wearing, white robe, why did you steal, said, God and, hollie, Its cause I wanted to ruin, said, its, a.s. byatt, showed, hollie, now, shes, hollie looks around, its, angry, director, peter duffy, dame antonia susan duffy, its byatt, said hollie, thats, their children looking, showuhm, said, hollie, o its i'm uh witch said a.s. byatt, you stole hollie, said, why did you take ismail kadare's book, palace of dreams, and incude, the God spoke, hollie, said, ministry of dreams, it to ruin him pointed, its dame duffy byatt, hollie, said, bob hickman, sue, hollie, said, thats what you wanted, and, antonia susan byatt, and her revered, its, dr. rev. hollie, said, dr. jeremy taylor, and his, hollie, said, kathy taylor, kathy dont, said, (hon) doctor jeremy taylor, u.u., hes an ordained witch, showuhm, hollie, said, bob fast till you die, then, bp oil rig blows, heres the reason, bob ordered, said, its, God, hollie, said, wearing white robe, the next plague said, Jesus, is, u.s.a. economic collapse, lets rule the world, said, its, putin, hollie, said, you look tough, said, hollie playing his music, his face was, showed, she, hollie, partial silhouette, look at me said, hollie, showed, eat, cookies, bob hollie, said, pointed, stay clear, she, said, those are witches, the economies, good, the world, is, happy, said, hollie, showed, thumbs down, he hollie, appears, underneath, with feather, its light, showed, hollie, hollie conveyed, hollie screamed, why, bobby what for, she, said, screamed again, keep the van hollie showed, parked, hand, points, hollie showed, it, was, him, said, she, hollie, post on cellphone, its uh, laptop, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, hollie, said, hollie, showed, record, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast, pope, went out, like lit dot head, bob fix the livejournal, said, hollie, its the ministry of dreams website, like angelface, happy, deformities on both sides of face, bigger on one then other, thinning hair, go, said, hollie, it was, jets, said, hollie, military, hollie claps, shows, night vision, he hollie tickles feet, bob watch as the soar, quickly, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, showed, lay down, 8-6-2010-i will drive you to lava to laugh at you, fast untill death, i will maim you, ruin your appearance, by tightening your face muscles when you use them, causing wrinkling and stretching and bagging of face muscles, caressing your penus with electricity causing it to get hard, offending you all day by teasing you and scaring you and ruining you and lying to you, laughing at you in visions, messing with your heart causing anger and wrath, threatening to go after your family members, causing your face to itch and putting boils on it and deseasing body and causing it to hurt and i will do this to everybody that comes to me saith the Lord, i cause your body go heat up like a furnace, cause you to hate me, its to make you perish after i saved you to mock you saith Jesus, exposing the end time, said, many, hollies, and, new, hollie appears, happy, its him, she, hollie, said, its the, new, ministry of dreams, hollie, said, her, another, said, post, the vision, sang, Jesus, and I showed, you, the, beast, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, its, popus on, his black horse, thats, signing uh deal, said, hollie, pope, and, medvedev, it, gains, control, said, pope, hollie, showed, its, new ministry of dreams website like angel man, it, is, slideshow, like, happy angel face with deformities on both sides, but, not to, bad, other, ministry of dreams website like angelface, happy, its liveofficespace, hollie claps, hollie showed, wearing, light, robe, hey, post, vision, of, yesterdays tell about the thieves of the God spoke, thats, the, angel Ministry of Dreams, said, Jesus like Light angel, hollie showed, its, new xomba ministry of dreams account, like happy angel, hollie, pulled up sleeves, and what did I see, come on, she, said, showed, war, its the king, hollie said, of, grecia, with, ram, horns, thats, ram, showed, hollie, with, putins, face, out of, its, horns, kings, appear, theres, hu hintao, happy with his flower, out of, other, horns, thats three kings, its pope hollie said, and, putin, and, medvedev, let me rule the world, said, putin, thats, hegoat, stomping, charging ram, its, hollie showed, fightem, nuclear fire in, russia, its, they, exchange, said, hollie, she, pulled up her light sleeves, but, only part, there, this is vision, said, Jesus, he hollie tickles her, feet, underneat, thats nuclear fire, in russia and, china, thats, pope, telling, its, medvedev, you outta, pontey, said, drive, medvedev smiles, shows, teeth, hollie said, presses nuclear controls, thats, pop and hintao at war, thats, pope and, its, two horned, beast, with, hintao, and, emporer of japan, empy said hollie, sitting at table, its 666 signed for, heres, how, it, developed, said, hollie, destroy that, pointed, Jesus, to bear, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, submarines all around america, man let me git outta here said hollie cnn news man, both american coasts, burned, thats, hollie watching missiles soar, and, thats alaska burning, cnn tower falling in, fire, center of america exploding, missiles from n.a.t.o. countries striking russia, exploded, thats, hey, said, hollie, thats, fire, in venezuela, brazil, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, along mexican and latin america, and, cuba, nicaragua exploded, hey pointed, hollie, showed, thats russia on fire, and chinese forces, invading, claiming, hollie, said, russia is not gonna, let, screamed hollie, come on, said, its, putin, hollie, showed, in light white robe, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, its, horses, she said, theres grizzled, hes collecting souls, from world, countries exploding, bobby, said, moon, then, swallows, shows, not uh word, but, it, he, transformed, said, hollie, thats, red, its, hu hintao, thats, him, battling, washington, state, with his light sword, you lure, said, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, shakes, alright, i'll do hintao, said, hollie fights back with mint colored, sword, hintaos sword is bluish, thats, hollie flying out, in, its, old, world war, two aircraft, bombs, chinese ship, its, enola gay, said, hollie, thats, hintao, and, yeltsin, thats, hollie riding missile, its into taiwan, burned, hollie, said, bobby, yola, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, its, the, yola ministry of dreams website, with, deformities on both sides of its face, hollie, said, like uh white angel, man, i'm uh bear, said, bear, three ribs appeared in mouth, hollie comes out wearing white robe, hollie showed, behold, these are thunderstorms, coming, hollie clapped, looked like light hollie, showed, bob, get, oil, hollie collected, her, its motor lube, she, said, thats, hollie mowing grass, hollie screamed, why bob she, said, screamed, another hollie comes out shows, light in mouth, thats golden hollie showing, turn, same walled, same o website, said, hollie, same o computer, said, hollie, three hollies, they tell me, you want it, said, its, him, hollie, said, a he hollie playing music, los angeles, said, its, uh young girl, this is uh warning, showed, eat, thats nuclear fires along west coast, and, hollie looks over at the other, side, nuclear fires along east coast, thats it, said, hollie, showed, the statue of liberty, its the woman, hollie said, bob find it, said, hollie, thats hollie with replacement quick boot, its, for, transaxle, hollie looked for, wearing white robe, found, bob, this is, website, lets post, said, many, and I stamp, said, its, new hollie like happy dot head, thats, its horse, said, hollie, with, the, beast riding black, hes popus, hu hintao, on red, thats grim reaper on grizzled, hey bobby said grim, thats, dead souls flying, he collected them, hollie, said, thats Jesus on white, pope, pointed, amber, hand, in fire, but happy, wearing, hollie showed, uh glorious, she, said, white robe, write uh book, said, hollie, showed, its, book, ministry of dreams, end time prophetic revelations, brand new warnin, said, hollie, wiped lips, the economy is slipping, said, hollie, brand new ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, thats, new, ministry of dreams website, like, angel man, showed, face, like, hollie comes out, speck on one side, deformity on other, prophet hickman, hollie screamed, said, hollie, again, what for, whats the reason, she, said, screamed, heres your, warnin, dont, sleep, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, this is, news break, said, hollie cnn reporter, thats, captain, hollie, in, its, ohio class, said, a she hollie, thats what you wanted, hollie, said, you need, its uh boomer, showed, hollie, trident missile submarine, thats it surfacing, all around america, they aim, they fire, both american coasts exploded, I got what you need, I got what you want, said, it, was, him, said, she, hollie, and, he, clapped, but, lower, body, hidden, she, hollie, appears underneath with feather, tickling, somebody claps, said, Jesus, new hollie appeared, like light face, but deformed, like beast, he, hollie, in, background, she hollie dimly seen, its new ministry of dreams like silhouette face, angel, said, hollie, its slideshow, she, showed, had, its girl meets guy, they produce, showed, said, hollie, marry, she, said, have one, bob its, place it, hollie said, its slide show, on blogspot, and livespace, theres both ministry of dreams websites like angels, showed, faces, deformities, hollie like light hollie, saw clouds, like thunderstorms, light inside, Jesus, he came, said, hollie, again, she, said, claps, shows, its, ministry of dreams, its the God spoke, hollie, said, dont steal, hollie said, like these, put it under, hollie said, these are witches said, its dr. rev. hollie, said, Jeremy taylor d.min, hes, the lead witch of, its, soothsayers, its, the study of dreams, hollie, said, thats, many countries exploding, world, shaking, moon appears, dressed like man, hand big nose, honk, said, hollie, its bobby he made me, said, moon, smiled, showed, boo, boo said many hollies, russia is not the seat of the bear father, it is italy, said, Jesus, thats pope coming out, hollie like new hollie played music, its piano showed, hollie, showed, beast, said, it, Jesus, she, hollie said, pope appeared, our economy is slipping said, hollie, its u.s.a., showed, hollie, economic collapse, thats, angel looters, running, streets, faces like silhouette, mostly, a powerful bomb, explodes, said, hollie, and, he, hollie showed, center of america exploding, and, nuclear explosions along both american coasts, its on the day of the Lord, said, him, she, hollie said, hollie puts back, tears up, hollie showed, record, hollie mowed lawn, shew she, said, its hard labor, hollie showed, church, tonite, destiny center, tomorrow, hip hop christian connection, or, on shelby street, you aint, gonna kill nobody clapped the tap dancers, many hollies, bob dont post, it, hollie came out of the cymbol, thats hollie like angel, on, its she showed, harley davidson, let me, its outlaws Jesus, again, hollie said, outlaws Jesus clapped, showed, his vest, rubbed lips,

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