Sunday, September 15, 2024

we live in a time where you can be a pastor or a preacher by going to school and not even living for God

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1-29-2010-i tore up, said, hollie, like, dark, said, Jesus, hollie, with, pen, she, wrote, 666, its, peace treaty, hollie, said, put it under, thats the pope, hollie, said, riding, sh, she, said, looked around, thats the beast with seven heads, hollie, said, and, ten horns, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, Lord I showed, she said, thats, your geese circling, hollie, said, bob we want you back here, come to glendale, goose, said, they are, penguins, hollie, said, theres nod, thats, nod looking, concerned, theres, blykin, hes, looking, like, now, and, wynkin, hes, not, worried, bobby its come back here, white penguin, said, put it under, hollie, said, they are the penguins of the old glendale mall, a new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, and hollie plays the music, you sounded wierd, hollie, said, that man, trembled, but, speaks, in my name, and his a witch, showed, cut off, it appeared, its, said, hollie, bobs publisher, thats hollie, carved into, the stick, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, aw shut up, said, hollie, playing, music, hollie showed, record, hollie opened up, no, said, hollie, but, claps, shakes, yes, and, then, stomps, foot, thats, char, hollie, said, its tierney, praying, for, its, bob, they both do, thats, silvana lupetti, shes, cute, beautiful, to, bob, but, would, want, to, marry, both, would, but, she, would not want, sex, said, Jesus, put it under, God, said, go ahead and have it, hollie showed, record, hollie opened up, marker, wrote, 666, thats, pontiff, pulling up sleeves, showed, hu come on, said, pope, hollie, said, thats, hollie, plugging in, its flash drive, update pages like 922, lair, hollie, claps, there, she, said, theres hegoat smiting ram, thats ram, with, putins face, thats, hu hintao coming out of one of its horns, and, thats, putin, smiling, with flower, medvedev, no expression, and pope, hollie, said, looking stunned, out of other horn, thats, hegoat charging, and, smiting, ram, thats nuclear fire in, russia, hollie pulled up sleeves, come on, she, said, thats, hollie placing, nuclear rockets in, russia, they are, hollie watches, coming from nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, thats, Jesus looking up at world, and many countries, exploding, thats china invading russia, claiming much of, said, hollie, thats pope, saying to medvedev, you drive them outta there, alright says medvedev, presses nuclear button, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, she, said, beat hand, pope, hollie, said, thats, the new world order, chariot with the pope and hu, hollie claps, pulls out its, she, said, marker, showed, time, with light watch, hollie relaxes, there you have it, she, said, both beasts, pulled by angry red and black horses, oil, hollie, said, it turns into like thick, liquid, if it gets colder then about ten below zero, hollie showed, use 5w30, hollie had quart, its in the newspaper, said, hollie, it appeared, hollie said, iraq nuked, thats second headline, gaza is burned, thats, news paper, showing, president bush, I made war, he, said, ate chicken, gaza first, said, bush, thats, captain, hollie, in, his submarine, gaza exploded, thats israeli prime minister pressing nuclear button, iraq burned, lets, rule, the world, said, putin, bobby, said, hollie, thats pope, in, picture, like, newspaper, spinning, toward you, theres picture of hu hintao, there you have it bobby, both beasts, showed, hollie, relaxed, hollie screamed, again, why for, she, said, showed, pope, hollie, said, im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said, pope, and, who are these, said, hollie, showed, pocket tape recorder, with, hollies image on, take it, said, pope, his face, on, hollie, showed, its, on national t.v., hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, showed, done, away with it, but clapped, shook, yes, then showed, thru, o boy, she, said, hollie showed, turn, big hand, amber colored, im uh website, lets post something, said, hollie, beat hand, that, said, hollie, o, said, its, ship, im the wilhelm gustloff, o, he said, again, God, said, im uh vision lets post, said, hollie, write uh book, said, Jesus, call it, said, hollie, showed, ministry of dreams, im uh vision lets post, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, book, she, said, now wait uh minute, thought hollie, looked at Jesus, its called, the Ministry of Dreams, moon, shows, done im away with it, clapped, its fellowship of the Father, said, hollie, thats staying in visions, hearing Gods voice all the time, seeing visions of, Jesus, and hollie, many hollies, theres male hollies, bob calls most hollie, thats grim reaper with like cape, hollie said, dark face, laughed, look, said, hollie, showed, walk on treadmill, wearing workout clothes, thats bear licking prophet, its teddy, said, hollie, im with him, said, bear, pulled putin to self, looks, bobby, like, some wrote uh book, said, putin, call it ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, its published, o, said, wilhelm gustoff, ship, showed, the world, ship, they were about the same length, but the world towers high above, thats queen mary 2 sailing, and america exploding, new hollie appears, rockets leave america, strike, venezuela and brazil, cuba, exploded, thats, hollie placing nuclear fires in mexico, and latin america, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, Jesus looking at world, russia exploded, moon looks down, clapped, hollie, with big nose, he wouldnt let me said, moon, but laughed in heart, looked worried, sun just opens mouth, laughs in heart, both play, Jesus, there, bobby said hollie, showed, lay down, 7-29-2006-Paws golden, your wanted on the phone, who is it, it is Jesus, thanks for answering, Israel, a cup of trembling, to the whole world, nukes, about, 40, on, short range missiles, hidden, California, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, and the finger pointed, from Russian submarines, and hollie riding the sub, sneaking in on America, fire, and the world wobbled, Moscow and china, the same, fire, and the world wobbled, atmosphere, when the titanic sank, some of the fish worked their way in and lived like kings until, the wood and everything was gone, then, starved, it took about 15 years, they stripped it to metal, hamas and hollie pointed, the philistines, the Lords enemies, and hollie tore up the contract, the france, is scrapped, the Norway, s.s., sank, and he saw Jesus holding the seven stars, the seven Spirits of Jesus, seven jobs, and hollie tore up the, contract, golden, that was the contract, being put back together, and hollie showed, and the finger pointed, seek me until I be found, said mrs. Claus and the finger pointed, no said hollie, white robe, that was God winking, I need all the oil, said the pope, and the door cracked open, yellow and the pope in the lava with hu, and the emporer of japan, and the pope rose, cast out of his grave like an abominable branch, and hollie tore up the contrite, the beast will rise like that from the sea, Im the pope and Im the anti Christian, yep said hu, the second beast, California said the angel of the Lord, and flames up both coasts, and the middle, and the lighted finger pointed, fist fucking stretches bowels, women, men, get to stretch, they cannot hold their feces, thats the hospital, hell, like a white hospital, that was heavenly, and he saw, fire, in the air, color, wherever he is, the Holy Ghost, people feel it, and the recorder was put in his hand, and Jesus pointed, and hollie showed, lucas oil stabilizer, dont use it, it, slows oil flow, if you use it, small amounts, thats not Jesus, shhhh, satan, pointed hollie, but, he looked like Jesus, and he saw hollie, bear paws, Moscow, and satan is the head and the pope is, satans mouthpiece, and the finger pointed, the leopard, the body, china and all those surrounding lands, teeth, mr. prophet, wait a minute, thats what steve perry looks like, white inside of the body, just like, and he saw hollie, carved into the stick, and Jesus, agonizing, fire colored, dont mess with my spaceship, thats new Jerusalem pointed hollie, glasss city, like the boston spaceship, and hollie on top of the space needle, the tower, the one in Canada, tear it down, fire, ruined, it was, on fire, and that is, the end, like hell, Taiwan, destroyed, from, Russian, nukes, in, china, God can see it, it will not, stand, long, replace the top, all, it will fall, with people in it, youll see, that was hollie tearing up the contrite, that was the leopard man like a white cat, and Jesus held the child, but, grow up, enemy, depart, Im suing you said terry long, bring it on, and that was, hulk, like a white spirit, thats the chariot, hu, and the pope, the angry black horse, kim jong, lula, fox, Nicaragua, chavez, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over on America, and the world wobbled like hollie showed, Im heading out said satan, like, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said the pope, and hu, is the false prophet, that was satan, breathing out fire, like, he, looked, angel, white, light, and hollie, and he saw, the bear, large, Im a bear, the angry bear, taller than trees, and the little American soldier, unarmed, the bear pounded, Moscow will pound America, and Alaska exploded, and both coasts, and a nuclear explosion, and the world wobbled, the fire in the atmosphere, on the day of the Lord, EZEKIEL 7, Iraq war, read it, brought in by bush, oilman, to break oil contracts, you know Syria, iran, America will attack, raising up hatred in Persia, the middle east, watch it, and Jesus showed, time, like hollie, and he saw, the snake, the pope, Im the beast, and that was hollie tearing up the contruit, and hollie waved, carved in the stick, that was the contrust being torn up, Being, with golden bear paws, that was God sad, nobody wants me, that was Jesus, and a river of life like, light water, theres the chariot, pointed hollie, hu and the pope, and the angry horse, black, that was satan, shhhh, Im the beast, and he saw, satan, spearing a womans poophole, stretching, fisting ruins, that was Jesus in the fire light, and Jesus praying to the fire, feet, hot water for hollie, and the fire eye, that was Jesus praying, fire like scene, judge him said Jesus, safe, horse hoofs, that was Jesus coming out of mary, and a satan on his back, lke face, following, that was satan, Im, shh, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, said the snake, there aint no time, and turned into the pope, that was the contract being put back, golden, thats Jesus s heart beating rapidly, wrath, fury, watching, that was people bathing Jesus in the pool of silom, like a Spirit man, thus saith the Lord of hosts, That was Jesus praying, garden of gethsemane, agonizing, that was satan, shh, Im the beast, that was an old woman, miserable, single, because, when young, cheated, and now, old, nobody wants, millions, seven woman will cling to one man, look at her, miserable, bob dreamed, playing a violent game, abomination, that was Jesus tearing up the contract like a golden man, that was Jesus, like a white Spirit man, thats the submarine sound, said hollie, pointed, again, contract, torn, and subs sneaked up on America, fire, and the world wobbled, same o website, same o computer, same o back bit, same backstab, same pocket, and hollie tore up the con, and showed, smiling, its the water pump, Im the main ministering spirit, Im hollie, and hollie showed, that cop has who he wants and hollie showed, theres the chariot, and, hu, and the pope, they are, the, new world order, and hollie, tell me about the beast, the, pope, Record the vision hollie showed, time is running out, and the geese winked, and he saw, that girl, in hell, up to kneck, she knows, but, mccains youngest son, joined the military, to get, high, rank, that is why, good paying, plus, everything, free, mel gibson, produces, Jesus movies, thats my favorite subject, and gets caught, for, dui, that is, why, judgment must come to america, harlots, false christians, smite the lentil, the servant, and bob still served, prodding past, soon, thats not prodding, fiery, darts, you know why I agonized, in the garden of Gethsemane, I did not want, to, go yet, people were, listening, and I knew when, I left, they would fall, except for, some, like, paul, he was, the only, that, stood, no matter what, beat, stoned, prodded, in the deep, cold, wet, frost bit, snake, bite, all, and more, and he was, strong, bob is, close, but, Im going to trap you, that is what, satan, wants to, do, with, that young girl, she will, blaspheme, the Holy Ghost later, God knows, he saw it, that was, not from, Jesus, but, he heard from, the, devil, that is what, they will, say, you are, bringing, people, down, like, jeremiah, did, trapping, read, JEREMIAH 1, bob is, wanting, Jesus, more, 7-30-2006-record the vision hollie showed, witness, bush is, the master of, terrorism, like, people, claim, kill, and he saw, him in his coffin, heading there, watch, north korea, has, about, 15, nukes, chinese, df-31's, mulitple, warhead, china, controls, but, they will, sabatoge, to, keep, put it under, liars, cause russia is the beast, russia, wake, up, I need my visions on the internet, give warning said hollie, with the sound, the finger pointed, walmart, closed, watch, high prices, the economy is slipping, in america, collapse coming, already, borrowing, and hollie tore up the con, quest, and hollie pointed, their prices have went, up, walmart, not bargain anymore, I want my vision on the internet, shirley outlaw is cut off, no signs, and hollie, pointed, and he saw the green light twice, and the finger pointed, no one, wants it, but, bob, and hollie was carved into the stick, and the pope and hu and the emporer of japan, in the lava, the beast and the second beast, and, the emporer of japan, you know syria, said the pope, and the finger pointed, and iran, next on americas hit list, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, read it, how come nobody wants it, because, of the pleasures of this life, that was hollie like the silhouette, God is love, like the finger pointed and hollie showed, there's the chariot, and, false prophet hu and the pope, and fox, lula, chavez, jong, castrol, nicaraua, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, on amexico, and all of north america exploded, and hollie smiled, the subs sneaked in, and the tap dancer said, work for Jesus, the economies broke, kim jong has many chinese df-31s with multiple warhead, whoever kills saddam hussein, God will help, whoever, he murdered or was responsible for the death of over 5 million, and he is in prison living like a king, waited on, and hollie showed, there ain't no capricorns, and the lighted finger pointed, I'm a bear, and putin's face appeared, and satan is the head, the pope, the mouthpiece, hu is the leopard, china and all those surrounding lands, magog, the four carpenters that scatter israel, israel is a cup of trembling, he wants you to make up you mind, serve Jesus or self, that was satan, shhh, Im the beast, and hollie was carved into the stick, smiling, and turned into a silhouette, last warning, how do we go to heaven, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, and hollie spoke in tongues, look there pointed james e. tyson, thats it, no, tarry, oil, said the pope, is what, iraq war was over, oil contracts and is bringing armageddon, hit alaska, and alaska exploded, from submarines, sneaking in, and north america exploded, and all of, moscow and china, mostly, that was, the pope over the four horns, magog, hu is the ruler, and the pope rules the rest of the world, that was satan, shhhh, I'm the beast, said hollie, and, satan, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, no, spoke hollie, tell me about magog, north and south korea, china, and japan, situate, a buisness metropolis, iran, syria, watch out, bush, tell me about bush, saith the Lord, hes the maddog, not, hussein, when we hit iraq, then time is short, EZEKIEL 7, read it, Im a bear, and putin, appeared, and satan is, the head, the leopard is, china, and all those, absorbed, surrounding lands, the pope, satan's voice, I'm a bear, russia is the feet, Im the main ministering spirit, I'm hollie, cat, thats the cat man, the leopard, that was satan, Im the beast, thats the recorder, record the vision and make it plain, and he saw, a hand full of lighted seeds, handed down to the mouth of dr. t. garrot benjamin jr., no signs, cut off, that was satan, I'm the beast, like a cat, the leopard is the second beast, hu and japan, and hollie carved into the stick, and he saw, all three, the pope, hu, and the emporer of japan, in lava, and the pope rose, I'm the beast, said satan, and turned into the pope, and hollie clapped, with golden hands, bear paws, no, there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, every idle word, you will give an account for, thats a word not, ordered by God, china, will destroy taiwan, and attack washington state, let me see here, to lure america into war, and moscow will grab, alaska, and, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on moscow and china, the world will wobble, atmospere, and, hollie, russia will wipe out the mainland, the world will wobble, that was hollie, carved into the stick, iran, syria, next, prophet, that was you tearing up the contruck, there ain't no more visions in pentecost, sang the choir, JEREMIAH 1, whats that, trapping, bringing down, replanting, oil is bringing armageddon said the pope, bush, oilman, prophecy is, ministryofdreams, tennesse, and he saw tennesse explode, and captain hollie in her sub, sneaking up on the united states and both coasts went up, and america exploded, and the world wobbled, and hollie showed the time, like a bear, Im a bear, moscow, satan is the head, and magog, is the body, four horns, north and south korea, and, china and japan, and out of one of them came the pope, china will invade moscow, and the pope will come out of italy, and the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, and the door was cracked, light behind, that was Jesus agonizing in a white robe, prayer, bobby, im leaving churches, the vine is clean dried, that was a cross, keep that off of you, or, property, what is does, that puts God to an open shame, that was Jesus blowing the horn, light, and he saw the fire mountain, Jesus, is a rock, and, seven up in the fire scene, MYSTERY, BABYLON is amexico, all of north america, and he saw it explode, from russian submarines, and captain hollie, thats the tap dancer, be humble before the Lord, and the finger pointed, look, that, hollie, saith, when america and china, goes to war, that, then moscow will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american, submarine commanders, and they will fire on moscow and china, and, that, the world will reel to and fro, that, and moscow will wipe out the american mainland, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked in on america, moscow, and china, and the world wobbled, and greg oliver said, leave me alone boy, he is cut off, and preaches, look, that, the rapture of the church, that, and hollie showed, seven and ten, the beast, the horns and the heads, the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, has jsut arrived, and hollie smiled, silohette, and the finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the horse hooves, and false prophet hu and the pope at the reins, the new world order, and lula, fox, kim jong, chavez, castrol, nicaragua, in the chariot, they will give their power and strength to the beast, me said the pope, the united states, desolate, said the angel of the Lord, 8-2-2006-Whoever kills saddam Hussein, God will bless, said the angel of the Lord, and, another spirit, and the lighted finger pointed, and babyfleas, lighted, at, the 500 race track, and bit the prophets head off, and hollie in her submarine, fire, and the world wobbled, Jesus stayed up all day and all night for years at a time, you can to, God can wake you up, and the lighted finger pointed, and Jesus pointed, oh my God again, lighted finger, irving Baxter, cut off, on the head lines, of the newspaper, and the lighted Jesus pointed, Im a bear, Moscow, the leopard, is, china, and hollie tore up con revelation, again, with golden bear paws, the bear is, Im a bear said the possum, thats what its really like, happy, Moscow, the pope is, satan, shhhh, pointed, hollie, how do we get this economy back said the pope, collapse, start all over, low wages, Isaiah Thomas, when he got hadcuffed, he was, rowdy, wanting to be autographed, nope, commend that sheriff, that was a ghost ship, and Jesus pointed, put your visions on the internet, saith the Lord, and he saw, the powerplant in iran destroyed, and the finger pointed, Syria president, hide, and the finger pointed, and the finger pointed, new Jerusalem, glass, and he saw, the statue of liberty, let me see here, and the woman which thou sawest is the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth, Washington d.c., the MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats it, and the light came down on the Jesus man, and the finger pointed, ready or not hes coming sang dennis deyoung, he dreamed, That was satan, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, theres the submarine sound, I'm hollie like a bear, and he saw hollie in her sub sneaking up on America, fire, and the world wobbled, and America exploded, on the day of the Lord, theres the submarine sound, and subs fired on Moscow and china, and hollie was carved into the stick, and silhoette, magazine, irving Baxter, cut off, no signs, but, deceiving, over, 400,000, o my God said irving Baxter, and hollie pointed, hes a prophet, prophet didnt know that at the time you met, mexico, is one the biggest reasons, judgement to America, immigrants flocking, bringing false gods, and the lighted angel pointed, and hollie smiled, record the vision, and hollie showed, and hollie licked the prophets, theres the submarine sound, Im hollie, the main, I will pour out my vial of wrath, look pointed Jesus, at the statue of liberty, boom, America exploded, thats the day of the Lord, and the subs sneaked in, boom, Moscow and china, and America, all over, north America, and hollie smiled, and pointed, and, the lighted finger pointed, there, wanting you oil, America, gobbling, iraq is EZEKIEL 7, read it, said hollie,a nd the finger pointed, tell my visions on the internet, witness, you have been filled with the Holy Ghost, and you don't even show it, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie smiled, and was carved into the stick, silhouette, and pointed, silhouette, and he saw the patriot, and the large bear, America will not have a chance, git, started, said the woman, librarian, against, Russia, and Russia likewise, nukes, Im; a bear, Moscow, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouthpiece, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, and subs sneaked up on, and the finger pointed, America, boom, and the world exploded, and that was the contruit being torn up, and the fire rock mountain, go to EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, prophesied, right there, read it, Nuclear exchange, the Palestinian state will be destroyed, gaza, forsaken, and the lighted finger pointed, prophets, there's the chariot, and hu and the pope, and hollie carved into the stick, lula, fox, calderon, kim jong, hollie pointed, they will give their power and strength, Nicaragua, chavez, to the beast, send it over, on America, said the pope, and the world wobbled, and north America exploded, prophet, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked in on America, fire, boom, and the world exploded, and reeled, now let me see here, his pope, was over the four horns, magog, the new world order, hu will rule magog, and the pope will rule the rest of the world, 666, will be born at the table, between, the pope, and false prophet hu, to prevent them from destroying each other, and he saw, the pope in the furnace, lava, red hot coals, and hu, and the emporer of japan, and the pope pointed, and satan waved, and hollie showed new Jerusalem, a city of glass, in the spaceship, like boston, and hollie pointed, thats a tap dancer pointed the lighted finger, seek Jesus, theres the submarine sound, and subs, sneaked in on America, boom, and hollie, and the world exploded, theres the submarine sound, your wanted on the phone, don't tell me about amexico, America, Canada, cuba, mexico, and hollie, smiled, all destroyed, from Russia submarines, sneaking in, and the sun and the moon are blocked for sixteen hours, and hollie pointed, like a bear, I'm a bear, Moscow, theres the submarine sound, uto, that was jeff nyquist, satan, pointed hollie, hes now cut off, no signs, I'm the main ministering spirit, Im hollie, But, acts like, and he will wadd this up when he gets it, and he saw the man walk, and rays of light coming out, and that was the white hollie, theres the chariot pointed hollie, hu and the pope, let me see here, thats the new world order, theres the submarine sound, and prophet hollie, fire, and the world wobbled, and America, atmosphere, and subs all around, and they fired and the warning was sent on the radio, by, the prophecy club, but, and irving Baxter was on the headline, and hollie pointed, lighted finger, I lost it, he said, you never had it, guesser, and hollie, Chicago, and hollie climbing the sears tower, watch it, terrorists taget that, but, it will stand till Chicago gets nuked, and he saw it, and hollie rode the missile said sunnysnet, And fireworks went off behind the statue of liberty, and a big nuclear explosion, and hollie pointed, clap to the Lord, make a joyfull sound, like hollie showed, record the vision hollie showed, new york bobby, boom, and he saw an explosion, behind, the statue of liberty, Sodom is the dead sea, and he saw, fire, being rained down, and Sodom became the dead sea, and the lighted finger pointed, that was hollie carved into the stick, smiling, and that was God winking, Nicaragua, thats a main, and hollie pointed, point for Moscow to attack America, far but near, and he saw, Babylon, come out of the explosion, America, and he saw, light, in the mist, heavenly, that was hollie tearing up the, con trust, with golden bear paws, California, and he saw, both coasts, up in flames, and up the middle, And the statue of liberty came out, and the woman which thou sawest is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth, America, theres the alarm, that was satan, shh, pointed hollie, Im the beast, and the finger pointed, blood, thats why America is called the woman, killing innocent, like iraq, saddam Hussein, will be shot at point blank, California said the angel off the Lord, boom, and both coasts went up, and up the middle, and the statue of liberty appeared, on America, thats the woman of REVELATION 17 pointed hollie, that was putin, satan, shhh, pointed hollie, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and the finger pointed, the head, the pope will, go to greek orthadoxed church in Moscow, and make an agreement, to gain control, and hu will rise and withstand with japan, like a lamb, out of the sea, and hollie pointed, 666, will be born, at the table, between, those two, to prevent them from destroying each other, and hollie, the pope, will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and the idol Shepherd is born, and he saw, the pope, with, 666, on his forehead, smiling, the number, the mark, the name, of the beast, bush will not give iraq back, at the end of the year, like the claim, put it under, liars, you get it back, when, you give up, all your, oil, Lula, will be in on with chavez, castrol, putin, and hollie tore up the contruit, with golden bear paws, putin and hu, the ram, china was the horn that came up last, magog, a business empire, and hollie tore up the conquest, with golden bear paws, and the lighted finger pointed, i take oil said bush, theres the submarine sound, and subs with captain hollie sneaked in on Americano, Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, that was a hand, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope over the four horns, magog, and hu, rules, like a lamb with japan, rising, to withstand, you know iran, and Syria next, on americas hit list, and Jesus showed the time, that was the eye of God like an eye of fire, theres the submarine sound, and hollie waved, captain, and America was on fire and sank, desolate, Im hollie, the main ministering spirit, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, thats the pope, pointed hollie, 666 on his forehead, like an angel of light, and hu, pointed hollie, the new world order has just arrived, and the black chariot, with hu and the pope, and kim jong, lula, chavez, castrol, Nicaragua, they will give their power and strength to the beast, right here, said the pope, send it over on amexico, and he saw, north America explode, and Moscow and china, hillary Clinton pushed the button, tell my visions on the internet, and hollie had the horn like a light spirit, lighted, and the finger pointed, war, and the pope pointed, Im the new main ministering spirit, with blue eyes, not, was, the pope and hu will be at verbal war, threats, and the lighted finger pointed, saddam hussein, shot, point blank, watch, Syria, iran, next, on the bush it list, and he saw the statue of liberty, and fire behind it, America, the woman, and hollie pointed, and that was Jesus on the white horse, conquerer, and the black horses, and the red horses, and the grizzeled, and bay, pale, from between the two brass mountains, in chariots, the black, take peace off the earth, no, that was the red saith hollie, the black, quiet the Spirit of God, no difference, the pale, death and hell, follow, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, and Jesus pours out the vials of wrath, and the beast, on his seat, and, darkness, gross, it was filled with darkness, and people gnawed their tongues for pain, and Jesus hand pointed, judas, that was satan, pointed hollie, shh, new york city, terrorise it, and he saw the statue of liberty like a white spirit, thats the woman, and the lighted finger pointed, no said hollie, the space needle in Canada that caught on fire, weakened, God can see it, tear down, it is going to fall with people in it, that was a huge city, called, that's new york, boom, millions, die, lost, it will be a desolation, and the fingers pointed, one was lighted, from submarines, and captain hollie waved, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, and hu is the false prophet, you devil, steve vitito, how about Nicaragua, plucked, said the pope, like, mexico and cuba, to invade America, then leave, those are the three ribs, plucked, in the bears, mouth, and the lighted being pointed, And he saw the statue of liberty with fire behind it, explosion, America will burn, and captain hollie, in her sub, sneaked up on ameirca, theres the submarine sound and hollie sneaking up on amexico, fire, and amexico exploded, and the world wobbled, and that was bright light, that was heavenly, fire like, that was the contruit being torn, golden bear paws, that was an angel like white light, hamas, is the Lords enemies, the philistines, arabs, Persia, three kings, will stand up, in persia, the fourth, powerfull, the pope, as the, idol Shepard, satan, inside, of the pope, watch, the abomination, of desolation, theres the horn, warn, its a snake, There aint no more visions in pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in pentecost, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, o no said hollie, no, there are no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apstolics in pentecost, and hollie tore up the contrast, Im the beast said the serpent, and hollie showed, and the contract was torn up, they did not want to hear the truth, only those whose names are written, in the Lambs book of life, will listen and repent, and hollie showed, theres the chariot, and false prophet hu and the pope, lets see, and hollie pointed, lula, fox, calderon, chavez, jong, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over said the pope, on America, and the world wobbled, and hollie licked the prophet, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, but, he put his head it, stay away, I did not like my vision she said, and pointed, and smiled carved into the stick, silouhette, and hollie tore up the contrast, lets shut down, but, why is the problem, its not needed, Im the main ministering spirit, Im hollie, auto shut down relay, and hollie licked the prophet, is not working, and hollie with fist clenched, theres the submarine sound, pointed hollie, like a bear, Im a bear, Moscow, us, said putin, and subs sneaked in on America, and the world wobbled, on the day of the Lord, and Moscow and china, boom, from ohio class subs, and the world wobbled, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie showed, and hollie shwoed, record the vision hollie showed, prophet, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and subs sneaked in on America, on the day of the Lord, boom, and the world wobbled, And Moscow and china, boom, and hollie pointed, and the world wobbled, put Ukraine is Russia said yushenko, thats how the beast will be built, saddam Hussein will be shot, your open said the angel of the Lord, stay open, telephone, what you said was acceptable to God, but, if something goes wrong, dont call, she said, alright, I knew, have you ever been fisted, thats abomination, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked in on Americano, boom, and the world exploded, theres the alarm, hes on his way, record the visions, lynard skynard perished, join him, tell my visions on the internet, and bob passed the test, scales, just came off, and hollie showed, you know what I need, a broken spirit and a contritie heart, God will not reject, and the price of coffee went up to 69, like God showed bob back when it was 49, theres the alarm, and the finger pointed, record the vision hollie showed, fix it, theres the alarm, you fix, and the contract got torn up, thats Jesus pointed hollie, the fire rock mountain, record the vision hollie showed, itll work, youll see, back to normal tomorrow, record the vision hollie showed, prayer, midnight, telephone, witness, and the angel of the Lord showed up, fix it, 2 hours, and the finger showed, record the vision hollie shwoed, that man does not want to talk to you, but, God told him, whoevers got the vision, put it on the internet, thats a tap dancer, hollie, sexy, but putting on weight, looking way better, stay humble, Record the vision, hollie showed, flip the tape, tell my visions on the internet saith hollie, the main ministering spirit, and hollie pointed, Ronald Elliott, you blew it, down to one service, nice building, very few people garsnett, youll be back, record the vision hollie showed, seek the Lord, youll be alright, youll be glad, still cheaper than most shops charge, how come your not open, said the angel of the Lord, no prayer, record the vision hollie showed, You just fulfilled ISAIAH 37, record the vision hollie showed, and he saw, the black spirit, and the finger pointed, whoever kills saddam hussein will revenge the blood of 5 million people, do it saith Jesus, and hollie showed to record the vision, betwixt between two opinions, not wanting to serve the Lord anymore, but, not wanting to go back, deny yourself, thats all you can do at that point, paul was like that for about the last most of his life, that was a snake, Im the beast, said the snake, with the popes face, and the ducks wagged their tails, iran, Syria, next on bushs hit list, iraq, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, prophet, theres the submarine sound pointed, hollie, and subs, sneaked in Americano, and the lighted finger pointed, fire, and the world wobbled, Moscow and china to, one third of the population wiped out including mexico, here I come saith the Lord, and the lighted finger pointed, Canada and cuba, and the world wobbled, afflict yourself by chastizing, denying priviledges, and the Lord will exalt you, if you suffer, you, will, and the finger pointed, thats the leopard pointed hollie, your bringing on the heartbreak is about oral sechs, not finishing what you started like van halen, come on baby finish what you started, this is why, judgment to Americano, and judgment to the whole world, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, fire, and the world reeled to and fro like a drunkard, theres the alarm, when the united states, and the lighted finger pointed, hits Moscow and china, then, alice cooper, will you finish this, the pope will rise up over the four horns, what is that, raise your hand and repeat after me, thats, Moscow and magog, the new world order, the pope, will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement and, Gain control till false prophet hu rises and withstands with japan, 666, like alice cooper was wearing, is born at the table to prevent, them from destroying each other, the king of grecia and the king of the south, the pope, will get slashed, and, satan will enter in, and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, but, they will hidden in the people said sunnysnet, she knows, shes the ministering spirit, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, Christ will appear, with thousands of his saints, and hollie, wait, after all, the beast, and the false prophet, in the lake of fire, and the rest, he will, rapture, that, the jewish remnant, the rest are thrown in the lake of fire, and Jesus kissed the Fathers feet, and, war, said the pope, it will start with, America and china going to war, repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, the leopard is, north and south korea, japan, and, china, satan is the head, and, Moscow is the feet, the beast with the pope as the mouthpiece, and holle tore up the con trast, that was with golden bear paws, and satan pointed, and the pope, at the door, like an angel of light, that was the con spirit being torn up and hollie pointed, and hollie showed to record the vision, post, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast, with her face hidden, Im a bear, me, putin, the alarms going off, come down and sit in the dust o virgin daughter of Babylon, and the hand pointed, and the hand, golden, with hu, number one finger, putin, the pope, chavez, castrol, lets seen now, mexico, fox, lula, calderon, let me see here, jong, Nicaragua, they will give their power and strength to the beast, and he will send it over, on amexico, and all of north America exploded, and the world wobbled, and Moscow and china, and hollie in her sub, ohio class, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, Honduras, Honduras is Nicaragua, nations are coming together, let me see here, against, America, watch what happens, and he saw, chavez, he is, uniting the world against amexico, thats the chariot and, let me see here, hu and the pope, lula, and hollie pointed, like a dark angel, Im a bear, and fox, calderon, chavez, lula, putin and hu, jong, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over on amexico, and all of north America exploded, and captain hollie, let me see here, in her sub, sneaked up on amexico, all around, and they fired, missiles streaked, and the world wobbled, Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top of the world, and the lighted fingers pointed, and Jesus spued, and thats the tap dancer, leave it alone said Jesus, and Jesus spued, Honduras is nicaragua, theres the alarm, alright, and the lighted finger pointed, amexico is america, canada, and, mexico, and cuba, and they all exploded, from, russian submarines sneaking in, and the lighted finger pointed, prophet, hes the one thats going to do it, and the lighted hand pointed, theres the alarm, wait on God, that was satan, shhh, saith hollie, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope, said the little head, bald, lighted, the little horn, theres the alarm, and subs sneaked up on moscow and china, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top of the world, and the pope was over the four horns, magog, the pope will come out of italy, and then moscow, tell me about russico, russia will invade america out of, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, whats that, and the lighted satan pointed, california, and he saw both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, and satan in the atmosphere, america is given to satan, It was a golden cup in the Lords hand, but, they didnt want it, they, gave themselves, and the lighted hand pointed, to, Lucifer, and he saw, satan playing the harp, and the nude children dancing, in the park in Indianapolis, satan is, thats it, Sodom and Gomorrah, the dead sea, and amexico desolate, and satan pointed, theres the alarm, and radio towers, sounded the warning, but nobody listened, they fell back down to the earth like dust, there aint no Capricorns sang hollie, theres the alarm, and he saw the woman getting fisted, spread, work it in, like that, either hole, and Jesus winked, elder tichenor, is cut off, no signs, Im a bear, theres the alarm, Moscow, and satan is the head, and the leopard is the body, china and all those surrounding lands, and he saw the four horns coming up and kings came out, putin, hu, north and south korea, and japan, and out of one of them, let me see here, came the pope, Moscow, one sixth, left, china invaded, and Jesus bowed, theres the alarm, I told you to wait on Jesus, and he saw, the lighted serpent, with the popes face, and hu as the second head, Im the new main ministering spirit, Im hollie, and she kissed, nigger, blacks call blacks, but, if a white person says it, fight, jim nabors, jim nabors is cut off, but, sings gospel, write him, there aint no visions in Pentecost, because there aint no apostolics in Pentecost, that was hollie, hit Chicago, and he saw hollie riding the missile, Chicago will burn, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, he saw, a black chariot, pulling false prophet hu and the pope, lula, fox, calderon, Nicaragua, let me see here, kim jong, Let me see here, and hollie, with golden bear paws, theres the alarm, and Chicago, exploded, and hollie was on the missile, it will burn, raise your heart, and repeat after me, and hollie tore up the contract, with golden bear paws, Im a bear, from Russian submarines, and they sneaked in on, Americano, said the pope, and the horn was blown by the angel, judgement to amexico, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, theres the alarm, no, EZEKIEL 7, whats that said sunnysnet, and the lighted finger pointed, iraq war, read it, nuclear exchange, how do we hit Chicago, from bombers over Canada, let me see here, Canada is defenseless, almost, because, and hollie, they dont want America to protect them for a fee, they are there, but, even iraq, is paying, bear paws, golden, tearing up the con trust, the united states is under attack by Russian missiles, and the pope, as satan, orders, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, thats the alarm, and lure, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, and he saw, Alaska explode, Im a bear, California exploded, from subs, all around, and they sneaked in on amexico, nuclear war is coming, said the pope, theres the alarm, and satan pointed, theres the alarm, Godll take car of it, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, he saw, a black chariot, pulling false prophet hu and the pope, lula, fox, calderon, Nicaragua, let me see here, kim jong, Let me see here, and hollie, with golden bear paws, theres the alarm, and Chicago, exploded, and hollie was on the missile, it will burn, raise your heart, and repeat after me, and hollie tore up the contract, with golden bear paws, Im a bear, from Russian submarines, and they sneaked in on, Americano, said the pope, and the horn was blown by the angel, judgment to amexico, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, theres the alarm, no, EZEKIEL 7, whats that said sunnysnet, and the lighted finger pointed, iraq war, read it, nuclear exchange, how do we hit Chicago, from bombers over Canada, let me see here, Canada is defenseless, almost, because, and hollie, they dont want America to protect them for a fee, they are there, but, even iraq, is paying, bear paws, golden, tearing up the con trust, the united states is under attack by Russian missiles, and the pope, as satan, orders, china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan, thats the alarm, and lure, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, and he saw, Alaska explode, Im a bear, California exploded, from subs, all around, and they sneaked in on amexico, nuclear war is coming, said the pope, theres the alarm, and satan pointed, theres the alarm, Godll take car of it, set the watchman in tekea, and what did he see, he saw, a black chariot, pulling false prophet hu and the pope, lula, fox, calderon, Nicaragua, let me see here, kim jong, They will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on America, said the pope, and hollie, tore up, the, con spirit, with golden bear paws, that was satan, shhhh, saith hollie, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, prophet, theres the submarine sound, you will see, and the lighted finger pointed, that was satan, Im the beast, and sam tore up the contract, blond and blue, the most beautiful, prettier than paris Hilton, but, a no name, but, will always be that, paris would not let her go, sechs, if, they collided, and hollie, tore up the con, trite, with golden bear paws, thats abomination, pirates of the carribean, there were never pirates, Hollywood created it, and the lighted Jesus pointed, seven woman will cling to one man, because, they stayed single, and got old, and satan pointed, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked in America, and the world wobbled, satan, pointed hollie, with the lighted finger, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, Im scared, you should be, what was that, pointed hollie, a white hand, grabbing, a man, and, taking him to hell, dont think your bullet proof, and he saw a burned out van, people are dying everyday, intercede, And hollie tore up the con spirit, and the singer pointed, lighted, that was a angel, like, lighted, wearing like leather, skins, Im, he said, satan, the idol Shepherd, theres the alarm, record the vision hollie showed, Im a bear, Moscow, satan is the head, and, the feet are, Moscow, and the body is, the leopard, china, and all those land, around, there, that was the contract being trashes, theres the alarm, put Ukraine in Moscow said yushchenko, this is how the beast, will be built, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, and the angel pointed, that was hollie tearing up the contruit, wait a minute mr. christian, said hollie, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, with her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, cause china, will not take, america keeping taiwan much longer, Theres the tap dancers, juke box hero by foreigner, they needed to, work with longer, to make the song a classic, it is, but, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that, is, the, pope, and hu is, the, false, prophet, the new world order, has just arrived, russia is the beast with seven horns, and they are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, kim jong, china, they will give thier power and strength, to, putin, and he will, send it over on, amexico, and he saw, all of, north america, exploded, it will burn, and the world will reel, to and fro, like a drunkard, and, moscow, and, china, from, america, returning, fire, and the world will reel, to and fro, one third of the population, will be wiped out, entries made 7-31-2006-russia is the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the pope, and hu is, the false prophet, the new world order, hi, I'm hollie, thye new, main, ministering, spirit, and the finger pointed, watchman radio is, richard, keltner, cut off, no signs, entries made 8-3-2006-and hollie tore up the contrast, and, he saw, a, man, in the like the, fiery mist, twice, and hollie like a bear took off, and satan left him, like a, lighted, angel, I'm a bear, said the bear, moscow, and he saw, putin, and, satan is, the, head, and the pope, is his, mouthpiece, and, the leopard is, the body, north and south, korea, and, japan, where, china and all those, lands are, 8-4-2006-record the vision hollie showed, fasting and prayer will get God to do something that he ordinarily won't, like, move the strongman, and the lighted ginger pointed, and hollies a silhouette and caved into the stick, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, subs sneaked in on america, and it expldoded and the world wobbled, And hollie pointed like a bear, subs are for sudden destruction, and hollie showed to record the vision, and north America exploded, and the finger pointed, from subs sneaking in, boom, and the world wobbled, sstand still said the faceless lighted man, and wait on Jesus, and God winked, like a man on a white throne, white, and he saw, sammi terry drinking coffee, that was a beautiful woman, spirit, waving, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked in on Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, that was a lighted finger pointing, China, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on America, china, and Russia, fired, and the world exploded, that was the eye of God, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, that was satan, Im, the beast, said the serpent, lighted, thats what the devil wants to do, cage you, that was God winking, theres the alarm, and he saw, four horns come up, magog, the leopard, and out of one of them came the pope, magog is, north and south korea, japan, and china, china invades moscow, abosorbs, the pope will come out of Moscow, I did not want Jesus, but, right before I died, I started seeking him again, I knowed, but I did not want to lay down the pleasures of this life, my name is marge tanner, theres the alarm, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns and Im the pope and hu is the false prophet, that was satans eye like a lion, seeking, whom he may devour, resist, steadfastly, that was a crystal like glass coming off the sea, and he saw, a, glass, skyscraper, new Jerusalem, is, a, city of glass, streets of Gold, like, clear glass, bluish, and he saw it, and he saw empire state building, like a white, light building, with needled, terrorise, ok said captain smith, after finging out the titanic will sink, and he saw where the plate was missing, and he saw the statue of liberty with fire behind it, judgment to America, ChicaGO, AND HOLLIE RODE THE MISSILE, AND HE SAW, IT, CHICAGO EXPLODE, FROM, BOMBERS, AND SUBMARINES, they MYSTERY, BABYLON, NO, YELLED CAPTAIN SMITH, AFTER, HEARING, HE HEARD, NO, SAID CAPTAIN SMITH, AND HE SAW, BEINGS, SMITH IN LAVA, BELIEVING, THE TITANIC WAS GOING FAST, NO, LIGHTOLLER WAS NOT WATCHING, HE GOPT COLD, THAT WAS Jesus laughing at the calamity of the titanic, God cant sink, it, theres the alarm, thats Jesus smiling, theres the size of the world to God, like a drop in the bucket, ocean pointed hollie, look, that, pointed, hollie, that was hollie tearing up the contract, golden bear paws, that was a dark horn rising up, and the pope popped out, and hu, north and south korea, japan, out of the other four horns, magog, and hu pointed, and the fingers pointed, those were seven lighted heads, and those were ten lighted heads, these are, nation, the ten are, ten, nations, that, hate america, and he saw them, on the popes head, and, the, seven heads, are seven nations, that, have an agreement, and hollie pointed, with america, the beast, of the, seven, the eigth, and, he comes out of, italy, the little horn, those were lighted fingers, theres the submarine sound, and hollie waving, they sneaked in on america, moscow, and china, fire, north america exploded, moscow and china, and the world wobbled, that was a serpent with the popes face, and another with hu s, the beast and the false prophet, that was lucifer like a lighted bandit, and the finger pointed, and the lighted hand pointed, bobby, and he was at church and he told them that God showed him in many many visions, you'll see america and china go to war, and china was attacking washington state and grabbing taiwan, then, russia, will attack america, then, america will attack china and moscow, the world reel to and fro, and they liked it, but, rejected, it, that was Jesus looking at, your hair, lighted, and he saw Jesus like bright light twice, there's the alarm, be nice, God, will finish what he started, israel, is, a cup of trembling, to the whole world, nukes, many, on missiles, and Jesus showed to record the vision, iraq, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, watch, bush brought in, oil, man, bush, el paso was soaked, and, many, disasters, coming to america, because of, blaspheme, 8-4-2006-there's the submarine sound, said hollie, and subs sneaked in, on america, fire, said captain hollie, after looking at, the condition, the, churches, in the world, and all of, north america, exploded, and, subs, sneaked in on, china, and moscow, and, fired, ohio class subs, boom, and the world wobbled, reeled, to and fro, like a drunkard, and hollie was on top, what about israel, said stan johnson, nuclear, exchange, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by, oil man bush, to break, oil contracts, and, prevent, china, from, gitting, four horns, will rise, out of, the, ruins, of moscow and china, the leopard, ran by, false prophet hu, they are, north and south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands are, even, part of moscow, on one sixth left, out of one of them, comes, the, pope, and he is, he will go, to the greek orthadoxed church, and moscow, and make an agreement, to, gain control, and will have it, till, hu, rises, with japan, withstand, 666, born at the table, between, them, to prevent, them from destroying, each other, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and, destroy, seeking, the jewish, remnant, Christ will appear, with, thousands, of his saints, the beast and the false prophet, are thrown alive, with, the rest of the world, into, the, lake of fire, it will start, with, china, grabbing, taiwan, destroying, and, attacking, washington state, your wanted on the phone, who is it, said, it's, JEsus, read and do, ACTS 2:38, for, bible, salvation, prophesing is, recieving, visions, and telling, what the, ministering spirits, say, greeting, stan johnson, remember, saith, Jesus, bob told you, long ago, that, putin, and not, lebed, when, lebed was, alive, will in, charge, of, this, on the phone, saith, Jesus, have a nice day, you cannot recieve, this, propeht, he will, destroy, because, that is what, Jesus, has him, doing, mess with me, said, sunnysnet, and, I will, come after, in Jesus name, and God will, fight, for, me, aman, saith, Jesus, who, you all say, we serve, said, stan johnson, but nobody does, except, this prophet, theres the submarine sound, saith, hollie, and, subs, sneaked in, on, america, saith, sunnysnet, boom, and the world wobbled, not sneaked in, unders, ships, slowly, all around, saith, Jesus, there's the submarine sound, and, subs, sneaked in, on, moscow, and, china, and, the world wobbled, ohio class subs, many, 3, out of, moscow, comes, the, pope, the greek orthadoxed church, and hu, will rise, with, japan, to withstand, 666, born at the table, between, them, to, prevent them, from destroying, they will speak lies, and, not prosper, hu will say, worship the pope, and, he saw, the pope's image, on, hu s, hand, or, 666, on the forhead, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, you can't do this, said, michael boldea, what, serve, two masters, one or the other, the pope will, I won't have you, said the apostle, doyle, davidson, cut off, no signs, the pope, said, I am god, but, he will come to his end, kill, jews, searching for, the jewish, remnant, Christ will appear, with, may, it will start, with, china, grabbing, taiwan, and, attacking, washington state, and when america, goes, then, moscow, will grab, alaska, then, orders will go, to american, submarine commanders, watch, moscow, and china, saith, them, 8-6-2006-And jimmy carter said, bush is, israels, worst, ally, truth, put it under, Israel, is a, cup of trembling, because of, nukes, and bush, kiss, hall of fame, rock and roll, yeah, said, gene simmons, they are, blaspheme, put it under, write, they are all, prophets, and now, rockers, the psychics, predict, pregnancy, for, lun lun, nope, they are, of the, those are from, the, devil, said, donald winters, the upci, pastor, right to bob's face, and hollie pointed, the cost of oil, is going up, unfortuneatly, get, good, gas, car, and hollie, pointed, record the vision holie showed, the duncans will love it, if you come, but, dont stay, said first lady Duncan, and r. h. Duncan pointed, lighted, raise your hands and repeat after me, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, showed, again, Moscow is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, no, she said, yep, and out of the little horn came the pope, and the finger pointed at italy, and rome, he will go to the greek orthodoxed church and make an agreement, to gain control, satan is the pope, but, hu will rise and withstand, with the emporer of japan, and he saw them all in lava, and he saw four horns rise out of the ruins of Moscow and china, from ohio class subs, Russia and china and Americano, all fired on each other, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, and on the missile, and the statue of liberty had fire all around it, and Moscow and china, almost destroyed, darkened, but four horns rose, north and south korea, and hollie rode the missile, japan, and china, bear paws, hollie had, where Moscow and all those lands are, and he saw magog, written where all those lands are, and it, was yellow, that means war, said hu, Moscow will have but one sixth, and the finger pointed, and hollie, thats where the pope will come from said hollie and pointed, and the ten toed beast, with putin, hu, Nicaragua, north korea, germany, iran, Venezuela, brazil, cuba, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, and the horns were on his head, the popes, and coming from behind number one and number two, and thats the hegoat, was the ram, putin and hu, hu came up last, 666, born at the table, to prevent them, from destroying each other, thats the king of the south, east, and grecia, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, hidden, amoungst, the people, wanting favor with God, iran, and Syria, soon, and the head lines showed, irving Baxter, is cut off, no signs, paper, came to, spinning, and hollie, Christ, will appear, With thousands of his saints, and cast the beast and the false prophet, hes done, said babyfleas, in the lake of fire, forever, and he saw, a multitude, in the lake of fire, and the jewish remnant, raptured, and hollie tore up the con spirit, and rode the missile, and hollie pointed and smiled, o my God, hes a prophet, and the headlines showed, irving Baxter is cut off, endtime ministries, no signs, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, and a massive ship movement, and, subs all around Americano, and the statue of liberty, coming out, thats the woman pointed hollie, riding the missile, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, that roadrunner is junk sang Jesus, Plymouth roadrunner, he ll find out, soon, and hollie on the missile, golden, and America was on fire, and, the sun and the moon were blocked for sixteen hours, and Moscow and china, boom, and the world reeled to and fro, dont tell me, people dont want the truth, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, and the pope rose up out of the horn, italy, and Moscow, the greek orthadoxed church, and hu will withstand, magog, where china is and all those lands, Israel is a cup of trembling to the whole world, and the finger pointed, nukes, lighted, and bush, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, bob, work, and hollie on top of the world, that was hollie tearing up the con trust, with golden bear paws, Im a bear, Moscow, and satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth speaking great things, and, hu is the leopard, the body, with, north and south korea, japan, where china and all those lands, are, those are the four horns, and the pope came out of italy, and Moscow, and he saw, both coasts, in America, on fire, and up the middle, theres the submarine sound, said hollie, subs sneaked in, on America, fired, boom, and the world wobbled, lets hit Moscow, boom, and the world reeled to and fro, like, a, drunk, ard, put it under, China will invade Moscow, absorb, five sixth of it, and hollie pointed, with, the lighted finger, diet rite is diet pepsi, and the lighted finger pointed, that was a lighted finger pointing, and hollie, theres the submarine sound, and the pope, on the sub, fire, pointed the pope, on amexico, boom, and he saw, all of north America, explode, that was satan, pointed hollie, shhhh, Im the beast, and Im the pope, satan, shhh, Im the beast, werewolf, prophet, theres the pope, I will not put up with you Christian, you are my enemy pointed satan, thats the black horse, that was heavenly with Jesus, bright light, and hollie, let me see here, said sunnysnet, and the finger pointed lighted, shining down, that was satan, Im the beast said the little head, the pope, and the popes face came out, like the horn with the popes face, and foxs, lulas, chavezs, jongs, pointed hollie, castros, irans, germany, hu and putin, the ram, the ten horns, and hollie, and the pope was over them and pointed, the seven lighted heads are seven nations, and hollie tore up the conquest with golden bear paws, these are seven nations that have an agreement with America, five fall away, one is, and that is, Canada, and, the pope is the eight and of the seven, out of italy, americas friend, that was Jesus, lighted, helping a woman pray thru, that was jack Reynolds running from the fire, Vermont, the band member that died, perished, and knew before the show started that fire was likely, he could not get out, quick, and the finger pointed, heat, that was satan, Im the beast said the caterpillar, thats me said the pope, with, putins voice, and hollie, pointed, out of Moscow comes the pope, the four horns, that was satan, shhhh, Im the beast, said the lighted face, and hollie tore up the con spirit, with white hands, That was satan, shhhh, Im the beast, said the werewolf, thats the yard characters talking, listen, it sounds like the news, social security, collapse coming, when, America hits iran, then, Syria, thats when, Russia will say, thats enough, and the finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, the government will be going to prophecy ministry soon, and want to kill this prophet, theres the submarine sound, hillary Clinton, yeah, will be president, bush will get shot, and hollie, and dick cheney will submit to the vice president, john Edwards will not run, cause of hillary, john kerry, and the lighted being pointed, and hollie, would not beat hillary, but, nobody else would beat kerry, not gore, this is why, gore is out of the picture, to long, quayle would be the best, but, wont run, cares, I want my vision on the internet, kerry did not beat bush because, and john kerry pointed, hipocracy, and the people saw it, Wesley clark, and john kerry, both for the iraq war, but, not in, public, people pleasing fools, thats the reason, liars, and hollie, theres the submarine sound, and subs fired on Moscow and china, ohio class, and hillary Clinton will order, because, Moscow just hit Alaska, Moscow will wipe out the American mainland in about two hours, no return fire, And hillary and bill, will die in the mountain, a direct hit, and hollie, radiation, hillary will, no, bill will do it, nuke Moscow and china, to avenge America, wait a minute, o.k., said hillary Clinton, do it, said bill, but, they are coming, your way to, and bill will throw it away, china, will attack Washington state and destroy Taiwan, almost, then, Moscow will grab Alaska, and then, out of the oceans, cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, and hollie pointed, wipe out the American mainland, and hollie, and hollire tore up the contrast, and pointed, and showed, and he saw, 666, and the lighted finger pointed, born at the table, now lets see here, said sunnysnet, and hollie, between false prophet hu and the pope, to prevent them from destroying each other, and satan pointed, both have nukes, the king of grecia, and the king of the south, and the four horns came up and out of one of them came the pope, and, the finger pointed, iran, next, Syria, same time, and hollie rode the missile, boom, and the world wobbled, mx, Americano, still has, but, the warheads are on los angeles class subs, and satan pointed, what, yep, subs are for sudden destruction, Hezbollah is the phillistines, arabs, Persia, the Lords enemies, allah, and mullahs, and the lighted finger pointed, the nations are a drop in the bucket to Jesus, like a marble, tell me my visions, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and subs all around amexico, north Americano exloded, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, of the world, and on the missile, mx, boom, golden bear paws, America still has all of their mx missiles, in storage, but, the warheads are on tomahawks, thats was satan, shhhhh, said hollie, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, mickey on chex cereal, come to Jesus, you have 30 days, hes only 41, prophets age, how about the marine corp., in the streets in America, in the last days, And the lighted finger pointed, look that, saith hollie, that, china and America going to war, that, then Russia grab Alaska, that, pray in yoru vehicle, that, record the vision, that, pointed holile, post, that, mickey on the chex cereal, jawbone, you know in Daniel, he fasted and prayed, let me see here, for 21 days, for an answer, that was, the price, wait on Jesus, he cant give you everything for nothing, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and hollie smiled and showed, thats bobs favorite ministering spirit, that was God winking, jeff Gordon found out how to win, lap, not, follow, draft, thats what he does, he wins right now, and tomorrow, jeff, will not win, but place real high, he will not live very long, wreck, that was the mona lisa, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, and hollie, and hollie pointed, twice, Im a bear, now lets see here, and the lighted finger pointed, how about sunshine, now let me see here, thats sunnysnet, on the beach, let me see here, sunnysnet, is, cut off, period, and hollie pointed, no, she said, now let me see here, no signs, and hollie, with a lighted finger, sunnysnet wont repent and wont hear it, that was her, thats America, blaspheme, and the statue of liberty, that, the torch, turned into a gun, then a sword, America threatens the whole world, uto, cause george bush, lets see here, warlord, awaken Russia, and Jesus dropped the thought, lets rule the world sang putin, china, the horn, that came up last on the ram, with putin, Nicaragua, mexico, and hollie, cuba, plucked, to invade America out of, and he saw a bear, Im a bear, with three ribs in its mouth, and the lighted finger pointed, thats it, and north America exploded, and the world wobbled, and the statue of liberty came up out of America, thats the woman, showed hollie, the whore, and America was on fire, and hollie, showed, lighted finger, and it spread into Canada and mexico, it all exploded, and pointed, we thought on zion and wept, it will haunt you if you climb high with Jesus and go back, no thats the vision pointed hollie, America is the whore, A cheater on God, harlots, thats what that means, and hollie pointed, at the recorder, drink coffee, showed Jesus, I want my vision on the internet said the hollies, and showed, Record the vision and make it plain, get ready for nuclear war said Robert cavaness, theres the submarine sound, what about g.t. haywood, never go saved, but, believed, he did, like most, do the signs, follow, and that was Jesus winking, hollies in hot water, Chicago, and hollie rode the missile, and smiled, theres the alarm, hiroshima was, uncalled for, japan, would have, withdrawn, but, not, surrendared, no differrance, innocent, people, still suffer, I submitted, stay, submitted, or, perish, and hollie showed, And the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, and he saw dan bohler and cut off was above his head, dan bohler never prayed thru, and hollie pointed, you pressed to the mark of the high calling, now your heart is open, charles taylor ordered the massacre of thousands, cut off their limbs he said, and pointed, write the hague and tell them, hes guilty, do the same to him, those people layed on the ground, knowing they could not walk any more, they couldnt even get up, how do you think they felt, saith, Jesus, wishing death on themselves, and the lighted finger pointed, and charles taylor is living like a king, shoot, him, torture him first, and hollie, God would tell bob, cut off his limbs, one at a time, torture, bob would, hit Chicago, and he saw, and hollie pointed, hollie on the missile, with golden bear paws, boom, and the world wobbled, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and hollie smiled, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, and America exploded, all of north Americano, and the pope ordered, boom, and the world wobbled and hollie was on top, and prophet was raptured, and Jesus, said, come up, you know what I want, a broken spirit, and contrite heart, God will not despise, dont mess with my spaceship, and hollie was in, look, new jeruslam, pointed hollie, with golden bear paws, a city of glass, bluish, reflection, theres the submarine sound, and subs and hollie, sneaked up on, china and Russia, china was the horn that came up last, and the finger pointed, boom, and the world wobbled, thats a whale, the biggest animal alive, and they are killing them, stop doing that, that whale dies a painful death, they scream, people laugh about it, show it to the emporer of japan, git out of here he said, but he knows, that was a lighted finger, and r. h. Duncan pointed, they love you, but, cut off, the duncans at greater one way apostolic church, write them and tell them, Babylon pointed hollie, and he saw, the statue of liberty, America, the woman, and America was on fire, thats the reason, and the finger pointed, How would you feel, if, Jesus, did not, hear from you, anymore, how would you feel, saith, Jesus, and the pope is the beast, hu is, the false prophet, the four horns, the pope came out of, north and south korea, japan, and china, where all those lands are, and hu rules, and the pope came out of, italy, and then, Moscow, I like the vision, the new world order has just arrived, and he saw, hollie point, and, the black chariot, said sunnysnet, pulling, with hu and the pope at the reins, lula, fox, calderon, jong, chavez, putin, they will give their power and strength, and hollie tore up the conquerer, send it over, said the pope, and bob saw hollie, and the finger pointed, lighted fingers may times, riding the missile that hit Chicago, call it ministryofdreams is big in Chicago because, and he saw, Chicago, explode, like fire works, from captain hollie in the sub, Im a bear, Russia, theres the alarm, stay open said the angel of the Lord, dont watch womens butts, and he saw womens butts, in clothes, beautiful, out of, cellulite, young, all, have, babyfat, dont lust, dont think asses are pretty out of clothes, and he saw a baby erupt sitting on a toilet like, sickening, same, with older, if you could only see, you would not think, I think its funny, many of the people said, and the lighted finger pointed, watching you, musing, but, and hollie, you had fun and they did to and they knew you represented Jesus real well, at the all state brickyard outside witness, many, well done saith hollie, now, theres hollie, riding the missile, hit Chicago, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, and prophet, raptured out, and Jesus, in a white robe, bearded, receiving, tell your visions on the internet, the ten kings that come out of one nation, arise, politburo, and out of one of them, came, boris yeltsin, the old u.s.s.r., and now, Russia, and now, putin, thats why, they have no kingdom, but, for one hour, have power as kings, and he saw, the pope, with ten kings, on his head, politburo, is, a, ruling, party, like, nato, with ten nations, and the pope rose, out of, china, after, invading, Moscow, one sixth left, the greek orthadoxed church, uto, saith Jesus, he will go there to make an agreement, to gain control, and get it, and have control over moscows nuclear arsenal, and hollie, tore up the, con, quest, go and get a coffee, and hollie showed to record the vision, and then, hu will rise with japan, to withstand, like a lamb, and hollie pointed, out of the sea, and he saw, the four horns, rise, Moscow, china, north and south korea, japan, situate, where all those lands are, china will invade Moscow, abosorbed, out of the ruins, and captain hollie in her sub, and subs sneaked up on America, china and Moscow, and the world wobbled, and out of the ruins of Moscow and china, the four horns arose, the leopard, and the lighted finger pointed, Magog, hu will rule, the king of the south, and the lighted, hollie, pointed, and the pope, will rule, grecia, the rest of the world, and be stronger, than hu, worship the pope, he will, say, write the vision and make it plain, 666, will be born at the table, between the pope and hu to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, but, the pope will be over the four horns, right said Jesus, and the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and, destroy, And hollie pointed, at the trash, persia, is, the, middle east, persia, the arabs, tithe, as led, by Jesus, if you, find, things, with golden bear paws, the pope will sit in the temple and say, I am god, but, and the finger pointed, 666, on the forehead or the image of the pope on the hand, hu will say, worship the pope, because he stronger, said sunnysnet, and people will see thru him, but love, him, satan inside, and the lighted pope pointed, speaking great things, and hollie, revealing the secrets of the heart, they will love him, and hu, the other beast, I will not put up with you, the pope and hu will say to each other, but, they will speak lies to each other and laugh, but, they cannot whip each other, and hollie, fingers, and the lighted finger pointed, the pope will come to his end when, the vials of wrath start getting poured out and things get real shaky, he will see it and know, hamas, ememies, cant worship me said the pope, satan, but, he will, return to his own land, italy, and they will not want him, but, receive him gladyly, acting, with much riches, but his heart shall be against the Holy Covenant, and slaughter jews, searching for the jewish remnant, but, the people will hdie them wanting favor with God, he will threaten, get caught, beheaded, but, Christ will appear, china will invade russia, and force russia all the way to israel, the battle of armageddon, Christ will appear and cast them all in the furnace, and he saw a great multitude in the furnace, and the lighted pope pointed, have a ncie day, and Jesus will rapture the jewish remnant and deliver the church up to the Father and be subject unto the father, the Spirit that made him, and the lighted finger pointed, what time is it, and Jesus showed the time, its late, said hollie, like a bear, and satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth piece, and tom griswald looked at it and wadded it up, but got It and read it, bob likes bob and tom, they gave him alice cooper concert tickets, underneath market square arena, and tom, and hollie pointed, and bob and tom was laughing, he will remember, he was the one that said, hows it going man, that was alice cooper, they didnt want to go because of, popularity, they were not suppost to be seen out in the open, not said bob, but, he will understand, they will both like it, and he saw, him with bob and tom in the picture, and bob was laughing, and tom was afraid, they live for the worng Jesus, I cant find him said bob, but, this bob could intercede, and God wont here, for them, to late, those two are satan, and sunnysent pointed, and hollie, bob and tom, and he saw them both in lava up to their hips, and the flames went to ther chins, they will not like it, but, they will now, they both had many dreams, from Jesus, but, put them on the internet bob and tom, show what Jesus has showed you, they will laugh, even prophet mad dog mathis and kristi lee, prophetess she said, and the lighted tom griswald pointed, and wadded it up, bob is looking at a man, that had both feet removed, but, has replacement feet, bob feels very sorry for him, but, and hollie, why hes here so late, he doesnt want people to see him like that, but, and hollie, he will get used to it, and not care, he will walk normal, but needs to learn how, and hollie, he was in an accident, mexico, is, not, wanting, to help, america, with oil they need, and want, around, the oceans, but, america, says, no, put it under, the, treacherous, dealer, dealeth, treacherously, Wait for me and I will wait for you says the Lord, and bob is ashamed for not recording visions and mocking and sunnysnet pointed, right here, she said, and Jesus pointed, 24 miles per hour is how much bob averages, his speedometer does not work, and he asked God to help him, he thought he was going about 35, and the lighted finger pointed, no he knows, the cars speedometer is accurate, theres the submarine sound pointed, hollie, and subs all around, america, china, and moscow, on the day of the Lord, boom, and the world wobbled, and the finger pointed, finish that, and up came four horns out of the ruins of moscow and china, magog, and the pope came out of one of them like he saw, china, after invading moscow, and absorb, the leopard is, china and north korea, japan and south korea, situate, where all those lands are, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church, and make an agreement to work decietfully, but, hu will rise to withstand with japan, theres the submarine sound pointed hollie, and subs all around amexico, pointed hollie, with the lighted finger, what is that, and he saw, all of amexico explode, and the world wobbled, and Jesus talking at the recorder, and hollie, post the vision and make it plain, amexico is all of north america, and the world wobbled, and hollie, boom, on top of the world, and the lighted finger pointed, finish your drink and go home and tarry, theres the submarine sound said hollie, pointed, in the recorder, boom, moscow and china, and the four horns rose, and the ten toed beast, and hollie, with putin and hu, the ram, hu came up last, calderon, fox, lula, chavez, kim jong, nicaragua, and later, germany and iran, syria and iran next on the bush hit list, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, and the woman pointed, old lighted finger, bob preached and was long winded and knew it, the pastor loved it, but, hit iran, then, moscow, will get, that one mind, lets rule the world, and putin pointed, russia, said china, hurry, we need, america, out of, the way, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, 8-9-2006-theres theres the submarine sound, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, in her sub, fire, and, the world wobbled, and, hollie was on top, Moscow, china, and, north America, one third of the population, wiped out, the second beast, is, false prophet hu, he will rise, with, japan, to, withstand, the, pope, he will, but, worship the pope, he will say, both have nukes, but, the pope is, stronger, the, russian nuclear arsenal, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, the king of grecia, is the, ruler of the world, 9-10-2006-pulled by the angry black horse, this quiets, the Spirit, of Jesus, in the world, with, lula, fox, chavez, putin, hu, the pope, venezuela, they will give ther power and strength, to the, beast, send it over, said the pope, and the world wobble, and hollie, on top, on america, on the day of the Lord, prophesied, in JOEL, and moscow and china, ohio class subs, fired, and hollie pointed, boom, and the world wobbled, and four horns came up, magog, north and south, korea, japan, and china, where all those lands, are, and out of, china, after, invading, moscow, comes the pope, And hollie licked the prophet, and hollie showed up, and hollie tore up the con try it, and pointed, and the beautiful woman pointed, she wanted anal sex only, and hollie licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, and pointed, and hollie tore up the con spirit, and hollie showed the recorder, 0 engine damage, and hollie tore up the con correction, tomorrow at national city, and he saw %o.oo, and the lighted finger pointed, and the pope rose out of the four horns, magog, north and south korea, japan, situate, where, china, and all those lands are, china will absorb Moscow, except for one sixth, and the pope will come out of the one sixth, the greek orthadoxed church, he will go there, from italy, to make an agreement, to gain control, and get it, till, hu and the emporer of japan, rise and withstand, 666, and the lighted finger pointed, you know, born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, and he saw, 666, that was a being, showing number one, with a lighted finger, and hollie, that was a lighted finger pointing, and a hand put the golden recorder in bobs hand, and the lighted hand pointed, we know it, said sunnysnet, do it, then, let me see here, the pope rose out of the sea, out of hell, cast out of his grave like an abominable branch, that was hollie like a golden bear, tearing up the contract a different way, Im a bear, me, putin, the feet, satan, is the head, and the leopard is the body, let me see here, north and south korea, japan, and china, the four carpenters that scatter isarel, like yitshak rabin, Signing the agreement with Arafat, to give up gaza, I knew it, he said, right there, they knew it, he knew, Arafat, is philistine, and the finger pointed, and the seven lighted heads, and he saw, the ten lighted heads, and, kings faces popped out, germany, lula, kim jong, fox, iran, putin, hu, castrol, Nicaragua, the seven lighted heads, australia, Canada, let me see here, great Britain, italy, france, and hollie pointed, with a lighted finger, italy is the little horn, and hollie pointed, thats the black chariot pointed the hand, with false prophet hu at the reins, and the pope, like an angel of light, and the contract got torn up, 666, is born at the table, lets see here, between, them, to prevent them from destroying each other, thats a golden bear pointed, the lighted hand, theres the alarm, Syria, iran, next, on warrior bushs hit list, iraq war, EZEKIEL 7, read it, and hollie tore up the con, querer, Im the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and those are the seven lighted heads, and fox popped out of one, and putin, hu, castrol, chavez, Nicaragua, king jong, germany, iran, australia, these are, no, some, of the horns become heads, but now, in that order, let me see here, all those nations, have an agreement with Americano, france, great Britain, austrailia, italy, and the lighted finger pointed, Indianapolis will explode, from, submarine, s, and captain hollie in her sub, and the lighted being pointed, theres the alarm, iraq, after, saddam Hussein is wasted, iraq, is nuked, and the lighted finger pointed, great Babylon will come up into rememberance, before God, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, there aint no Capricorns, iran and Syria soon, what time is it, restore engine oil additive, excellent, use it, it fills, and the lighted finger pointed, iranq, Will raise up the spirit of the medes, hate for bush, thats when putin will get the evil thought, lets rule the world, he sang, Moscow, china, nicarvania, and that is, cuba, mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and brazil, they are one, kim jong and china, one, theres the alarm, putin will not put up with the united states ruling the world, much longer, he will speak, to hu, lets rule the world, and putin pointed, and he saw, eight kings sitting at the table, with putin, the pope, hu, calderon, kim jong, Nicaragua, lula, and chavez, and putin, threw down the plan, allright, and he saw, amexico, bombers over the top, submarines all around, God told, boom, and amexico exploded, all of north Americano said sunnysnet, and the lighted finger pointed, its because of harlots, false christians, and and iranq, and he saw the statue of liberty given a sword, America threatens the whole world, hit it, iranq, raising up Persia, all of the middle east, they planned it, the three kings that stand up, after nubuchadrezzer, hu, the pope, and the idol Shepherd, and the finger pointed, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, and the finger pointed, When bob read dumitru dudumans vision about russia and china, planning an attack on americano, the church was, wo, and they were all having visions, that was awesome, but nobody said anything, it sent chills up their spines, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, your not praying, is what they all thought, but, they didnt have a clue, bob was doing more than all of them put to gether, hit iranq, the spirit of the medes raised up toward americano, thats when, Ive had it putin screamed, and he saw putin, lay out the battle paln, with hu, fox, calderon, chavez, castrol, lula, jong, and they will, give their power and strength, nicaragua, to me, said putin, and the pope, send it over, on amexico, and he saw, north america explode, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, michigan, and he saw, michigan explode, from bomber, s, you know two ohio class subs san do said the pope, and the finger pointed, destroy the whole world, your slipping said Michael boldea, theres the submarine sound, git home showed hollie, thats what that woman things, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, hit Milwaukee, boom, and he saw Milwaukee explode, and gene Schmidt came out, and pastor kent, cut off was written over his head, I knew it said gene Schmidt, and the finger pointed, God is, angry, at america, over, iraq, many, children, killed, maimed, that, no planet, And babylfeas bit the prophets head off, I want my yard said the cat, not, in the back, not stupid prophet, and he saw the big cat stick its head in, most of moscow, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie pointed, theres the submarine sound, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off and pointed, and captain hollie, with a prates hate on, fired, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top like a golden bear, Im a bear, me, said putin, pointed, satan is the head, the pope came out, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, situtate, japan, where china and all those lands are, and, the pope will come out of, italy, and then, the greek orthadoxed church in Moscow, put it under, the new world order, had just arrived, out of china, china will invade moscow and push them to france, and they will sign an agreement, for 666, to prevent them from destroying each other, they both have nukes, but the pope is stronger, worship the pope, false prophet hu said, theres the black chariot, pulled by the angry black horse, lula, and fox, king jong, castrol nicaragua, putin, lula, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it away, over on amexico, and he saw, north america explode, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top like abear, you know who I am, I'm a bear, and Jesus pointed at the recorder, ohio class subs, one, could destroy, most of, the world, and he saw africa, one trident missile right in the middle would cause the world to wobble, and take out, a chunk of africa, and the radiation would take out the rest of africa, thats one missile, they have 24, anti Christ said the pope, false prophet said hu, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, and the world wobbled, ohio class, and the pope came up out of the four horns, out of one of them, china, after they absorbed moscow, and hu and king jong, korea, and north korea and south korea and putin are the horns, one sixth of moscow left, thats alice cooper, we know said the chinese, man, thats the main ministering spirit, and the angel, put it on your website, said hollie, and putin came out of, ten kings, out of one nation, politburo, boris yelstin came out last, and he chose putin, politburo, that is, there's the alarm, I want my website full of visions, and the finger pointed said kristina and hollie, the main ministering spirit, and the angel showed, and the finger popinted, we had an agreement said putin, and hu came up last on the ram, china will attack moscow, as the hegoat, and stomp it, and break its horn, and four horns will come up, thats the chariot, with false prophet hu, and the pope, lula, fox, calderon, let me see here, and the finger pointed, castrol, nicaragua, Let me see here, kim jong, putin, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on amexico, and he saw amexico explode, it will burn, now let me see here, and Moscow and china, and the lighted satan pointed, iranq, that will raise up the spirit of the medes, and Syria, hate, Persia, and Jesus descended on the cloud like an angel man, that was hollie,om a bear, thats putin, and hollie pointed, satan is the head, and, the pope came out of his face, the leopard is the body, that is, north and south korea, Moscow, china, and japan, and he saw, the ittle horn come up, and the pope came out of it, and the pope came out of the horns, said the pope, he sang it, alice cooper, whats happening, do you accept the penalty for what you hae done, uhm hum, now let me see here, he is, dumitru duduman said, SPALMS 19, dreamed, that was a lighted hand, and the pope up out of the four horns, magog, that, pray in your van, and he saw an old friend and walked away, but he came to him, joking, stay away, and hollie had the recorder, Im the beast said the pope, Coming out of the little horn, and hollie was lighted, the united states will be a desolation soon said the angel of the Lord, look that, pointed, the yellow hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there aint no apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie tore up the contract, and Jesus showed, kill it, And he saw, the, pope, come out of the horn, Im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and Im the pope, and hu, I will not put up with you, him and, the false prophet hu, will say to each other, both have nukes, record the vision hollie showed, cause Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, the new world order, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, cause Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns sang Jesus, meet me at Sunday school, so we can have sex after church, its been going on for a long time, its started said, we will not be set free by the Holy One sang the pope and Jesus if we do not repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there aint no apostolics in Pentecost, Whats the problem, there aint no problem, they all say, but, where are the signs, theres the black chariot with hu, the false prophet, the pope, the anti Christ, and lula, chavez, jong, castrol, Nicaragua, brazil, Venezuela, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over on America the pope said, and hollie in her submarine, fire, and the world wobbled, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there are no more apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie pointed, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, and the world exploded, and wobbled, Moscow, china, and all of north America, on the day of the Lord, and hollie, and cuba to, and four horns rose up, magog, and hollie pointed, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, and hollie rode the mx missile, with golden bear paws, on the side, dont go to Tennessee, and he saw tennesse explode, and captain hollie, in her sub, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and the beauty pointed, on the day of the Lord, and the pope came up out of the four horns, Moscow, china, north and south korea, japan, korea will become one, and he saw magog, where all those lands are, but Moscow was one sixth, left, and the angel looked at the recorder, the pope wil go to the greek othadoxed church in Moscow to make an agreement, and the angel pointed, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, smiling, God will not at all aquit the wicked, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, chomp, she did not like, her vision, the united states will be a desolation real soon said hollie, that was the main ministering spirit pointed the angel of the Lord, and he saw, Jesus, typing visions, at the, computer, with, a, white robe, kill it, Jesus showed, witness, love you, said babylfeas, for telling me the truth, cut off, no shes not said Jesus, but, shes not living for Jesus, not she said, so whats the difference said sunnysnet, and holie tore up the con, trast, the united states will be a desolation real soon said the angel of the Lord, and hollie pointed, there aint no visions in Pentecost, and the lighted finger pointed, cause there aint no more apostolics in Pentecost, and Jesus had the recorder, And Jesus smiled, and the pope came out of the horn, and hollie tore up the contract, golden bear paws, that, china and America going to war, contract, that, then, Moscow grabs Alaska, and hollie had the recorder, look that, pointed hollie, i.u.p.u.i., post, and the pope with 666 on his forehead, born at the table between him and false prophet hu, said the pope, to prevent them, that, said hollie, from destroying each other, both have nukes, the king of grecia, and the king of the south, look that, peace in the streets, the marine corp., will be in the streets, in the end, the last sign, that, go, post, and hollie with the recorder, that, read the king james bible, not the apocrapha, that, iraq war, EZEKIEL 7, that, hollie in the crane, and the lighted hollie pointed, that, and hollie showed up, look that, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, look, that, pointed hollie, monument, abomination, and hollie pointed, that was hollie pointing at the recorder, Im the beast said the pope, his face came out of the little horn,italy, he will go to the greek orthadoxed church to make an agreement in Moscow to gain control and get it, and hu, will rise, and the finger pointed, to withstand with japan, tell me about the greek orthadoxed church said sunnysnet, catholic, boris yeltsin kicked out religious freedom, and china will attack Washington state and grab Taiwan to lure, then, Moscow wil grab Alaska, and he saw, Alaska explode from hollie in her sub, Im a bear, and he saw, putin, with many kings, this is what I want, fire, out of cuba, Nicaragua, mexico, bombers over the top, plucked, bob just realized, prophecy over the internet way before it happens, thats hu pointed the finger, with the black chariot, at the reins, with the pope, lula, fox, Brazil, calderon, nicaragua, king jong, germany,iran, castrol, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over on america, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, Im the beast, said satan and the popes face came out, said the red demon, tell your visions on the internet said the hollies, and he saw Jesus, bow down to hitler, thats what hitler wanted, Im the beast said the face in the sea, and the pope rose up, people are happy because there is peace here, said the two angels, on the red horse, but, soon it will change to war, and hollie did the face lift on the prophet, bright white robe, snip, pull, tado, sew up, and he saw, the pope, popp out of the horn, italy and rome appeared, and the popes image on false prophet hu's hand, 666, on the fore head of the pope and hu, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, ang hollie, the pope, and 666, on his forehead, wait, said, hollie, yellow, color, that, war, magog, that means, china is, the, dragon, Let me see here, kim jong, putin, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on amexico, and he saw amexico explode, it will burn, now let me see here, and Moscow and china, and the lighted satan pointed, iranq, that will raise up the spirit of the medes, and Syria, hate, Persia, and Jesus descended on the cloud like an angel man, that was hollie,om a bear, thats putin, and hollie pointed, satan is the head, and, the pope came out of his face, the leopard is the body, that is, north and south korea, Moscow, china, and japan, and he saw, the ittle horn come up, and the pope came out of it, and the pope came out of the horns, said the pope, he sang it, alice cooper, whats happening, do you accept the penalty for what you hae done, uhm hum, now let me see here, he is, dumitru duduman said, PSALMS 19, dreamed, that was a lighted hand, and the pope up out of the four horns, magog, that, pray in your van, and he saw an old friend and walked away, but he came to him, joking, stay away, and hollie had the recorder, Im the beast said the pope, Coming out of the little horn, and hollie was lighted, the united states will be a desolation soon said the angel of the Lord, look that, pointed, the yellow hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, there aint no visions in Pentecost because there aint no apostolics in Pentecost, and hollie tore up the contract, and Jesus showed, kill it, 8-2006-china, will not, put up with, america, ruling the world, lets rule the world, sang putin, russia, china, cuba, nicar, agua, and don't you forgit about mexico, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, send it over, said the pope, on america, and the world wobbled, korea, and, brazil, to, said hollie, it's israel, a cup of trembling, to the whole world, nukes, and, warrior, bush, look, that, pointed hollie, yellow, hu, with the popes image, on his, hand, and, 666, on the forehead, and the lighted, being, pointed, the mark of the beast, the marine corp, will be in the streets, when, america, gets, hit, look, that, pointed hollie, work, for, Jesus, look that, save yourself, ACTS 2:38, repent, and, live for Jesus, baptised, look, that, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the, gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, that, the pope with 666, that, on his forehead, that, the mark of the beast pointed hollie, that, false prophet hu, I'm the beast, that, they both are, that, drink this, that, pointed hollie, that, the black chariot with hu and the pope, that, in the back, lula, fox, nicaragua, putin, kim jong, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, that, send it over, on amexico, and all of north america exploded, that, the world wobbled and hollie was on top, Im a bear, me, you got it said putin, and satan is the head, with the pope, as the mouthpiece, and the pope pointed, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, that, america and china going to war, that, then, moscow will grab alaska, that,pointed hollie, yellow skin, and Jesus looked at the frames with the ministering spirits on them, and he saw, hollie, and the white angel bowed, and all the ministering spirits, together, babyfleas, hollie, sunnysnet, ron meins, the cat woman, and the sky was turning red, behind, the statue of liberty, from, I'm a bear, me, you got it, putin, attacking aemricano, from subs, and captain holie, fire, boom, the world wobbled, and babylon came out, iran and syria will raise up the spirit of the medes, for america, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, read it, thats gaza, thats israel, the palestinian state nuked, out of iraq, and returned, american nukes boht ways, iraq eliminated to take the oil, brouht in by bush, where are we, and Jesus showed the time, america knew iraq was going to invade kuwait, but, saddam would not sell america oil, o yes he would, and the lighted hollie pointed, gas would be, about, right now, less than one dollar because of military assistance, saddam wanted saudi arabia as well, and could have, no, said king fahd, o yes he could have, easy, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hollie licked the prophet, and hu is the false prophet, somebody wrote me said the angel of the Lord, thats the submarine sound pointed hollie, and subs alla round america, fire, boom, and babylon came out and the world wobbled, and moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and up came the pope, out of four horns, china will invade moscow, and, force, moscow to invade israel, called the battle of armageddon, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and he tried to get out of her smiling mouth, the pope will come out of moscow, one sixth left, china will have the rest, absorbed, out of china, china will claim all of moscow, it will, as the hegoat, and hollie, with the pope, stomp the ram, which it is part of with moscow, china came up last, and the lighted hollie pointed, out of that one horn, moscow comes four horns, magog, look, that, the pope will come out of moscow, and hu is the false prophet, he will rise to withstand, with japan, that was hollie, pointing at the bible with a lighted finger, blowing the horn, king james, english only, and hollie tore up the con, tract, with golden bear paws, and hollie blowed the horn, theres the submarine sound, and the pope came out of the horn, I'm the false prophet said hu, that was Jesus giving you hair transplants, look pointed james e. tyson, hollie speaking with tongues, hollie blowed the horn and the angel of the Lord came out, warn people, that was the eye of God like a fire eye, 1.99 gas prices, that was hollie tearing up the con, tract, golden bear paws, ptfe, riselone stop smoke, the same thing, iran, syria, soon, bush, tomahawks, and that was hollie, that was, the conract being torn up, with golden bear paws, theres the alarm, new day pentecostal church, cut off, no signs, and the lighted finger pointed, I love you, said pastor jones, but, liar, theres the alarm, that was, something falling, and 666 on the popes forehead, and the popes image on hu's hand, same computer, same o website, same o contract being torn up, there ain't no capricorns, that was Jesus like a light man, the best of times, I will not honor you sang hollie, thats the red dragon with the popes face and hu's, the wo beasts fast pointed Jesus, and the possum lives inside of the tree, oil said the pope, is leading to armageddon, theres the alarm, those old cars outside of muncie, buy, zero body damage, poor gas milage, use modern parts, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and the lighted finger pointed, that was a lighted finger, that was satan, I'm the beast said the werewolf, that was a lighted finger pointing, Jesus is a judge, thats Jesus on the white horse, conquerer, and the lighted man pointed, magog is china, with hu as the ruler, the false prophet, that was hollie like a golden bear, I'm a bear, me, said putin, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, the leopard is the body, magog, north and south korea, china, and japan, and out of moscow came the pope, the hegoat stomped moscow, absorbed, and the pope came out of china, and Jesus rode the cloud like an angel man, and hollie keeps blowing the horn, music, while bob prays, robe, that was the kiss sound, raise your hands and repeat after me, kiss are all prophets, and now, kiss, and Jesus like an angel man shook his head no, milwaukee pointed the lighted man, and he saw milwaukee explode, and gene schmidt and micheal boldea came out, and ann to, hand of help, cut off, no signs, nineveh repented at the preaching of jonas, america, will not repent, I will not repent said the statue of liberty, you will drink of the cup of the fierceness of my wrath saith the Lord, and the lighted finger pointed, again, Im captain hollie, tis is my sub, boom, and the world wobbled, hollie on top, and babylon came out of amexico, that was a large bear and a soldier, american, the bear, taller than tress, swiped the soldier, with no resistance, canada, and he saw, bombers, come over the top, and subs all around, and putin planning, you know what I want, out of cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and hu, will attack washington state and hit taiwan, to lure, then, we ll grab alaska first said putin, lula was there, fox, chavez, nicaragua, kim jong, and hollie pointed, lets rule the world sang putin, alice, do youa ccept the penalty for what you have done, and the two golden bear paws, tore up the contract, no, said alice cooper, now wait a minute said the white hollie head, alice cooper is a prophet, lets see here, how come nicaragua, and the lighted finger pointed, close but far, put missiles there, that, pray in yoru van, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, the end of iraq and the palestinian state, gaza, and the lighted finger pointed, that was hollie, tearing up the contract, golden bear paws, bring end time prophetic ministry back, they hit are silo's, but, no missiles, on trident subs, and los angeles class, and hollie pointed, that, at the, light coming out, that, of the door, look that, 666, born at the table, between, false prophet hu and the pope, that, he dreamed he was at a chruch, and ministryofdreams signs was out, that, front, God told him, it would fill up, that, but, something needed to happen, didn't, and as he left, that, a table of ministers, he told them, interrupted, two nuclear explosions, that, is this city, indianapolis, one wanted to interrupt him with his onw vision, but, bob would not let, that, hollie played the horn, that, the squirrel, look that, china and america going to war, that, hollie teraing up the contract, pointing, look that, dumitru, the bright light came to him on the rock, that, 8-12-2006-and he saw, the demons, at, paul mooneys church, and hollie was there, and he saw, the, lighted hollie, and, china was the horn, that came up last, the ram, theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, captain hollie, in her sub, fire, and all of north America exploded, and the pope came out of the horn, JEREIMIAH 51 is about America said hollie moodie, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie had a lit tongue and pointed, Indianapolis 500, abomination, that was a lighted, iranq, EZEKIEL 7, read it, that was the contract being torn up, silver paws, casuse when we hit iraq, the spirit of the medes, hate, raised, up, Syria and iran, even more, and the lighted finger pointed, and the finger pointed, that was the contract being put back together, theres the submarine sound, and holie ri8ding the mx missile, with one golden bear paw and one silver, and the finger pointed, dream, night vision, theres the alarm, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and he saw the pope with 666 on his forehead and come out of the horn, thats a lighted head, me popped out the pope, and he saw, shadrack, meschek, and abednigo, in the furnace, with one like, unto, the Son of man, there, fire all around, And hollie blowed the horn, and that was an angel with the horn, theres the alarm, that was the prophet being raptured out of the fire, and hollie skinned, golden, and was carved into the stick, theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, and fired, and the world wobbled, and hollie, was on top, there aint no visions in Pentecost, because there are no apostolics, and the lighted finger pointed, in Pentecost, and the headlines read, irving Baxter, cut, off, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, Palestinian state, destroyed, gaza forsaken, iraq, eliminated, brought in by oil man bush, and the lighted figner pointed, and Jesus rode the cloud like an angel man, and the pope came out of the horn, Moscow, italy is the little horn, that was the contract being torn up, and the lighted finger pointed, at the recorder, the pope will rule grecia, all of the world, hu will rule magog, china and all those surrounding lands, and hollie, in the ohio class sub, fired, Moscow and china, destroyed, hu will rule shanghi, one sixth of Moscow left, the pope will go to the greek orthadoxed church and make an agreement, to gain control, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destroying each other, they both have nukes, and babylfeas bith the prophets head off, and hollie blowed the horn like an angel, prophet, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and she licked the prophet, Im a bear, me, said putin, and the lighted finger pointed, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, and china, situate, where all those lands are, and he saw, that was the contract being torn up, that was a syraphin flying, and Jesus riding it like an angel man, and he saw, and the lighted angel pointed, isaiah knew Jesus would come back when babylon was destroyed, but, where is babylon, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw, the statue of liberty, thats the woman, thats babylon, that was a lighted finger pointing, theres the alarm, theres the submarine sound, theres the alarm, there ain't no capricorns, recrd the vision holie showed, I'm the beast said the little horn, and the popes face came out, and the lighted finger pointed, I'm the false prophet said hu, look that, china and america going to war, that, moscow, that, bombers over canada, and subs all around, that, the world wobbled, and hollie on top, I'm a bear, me said putin, and he saw putin, hu, fox, calderon, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, nicaragua, and putin laid out the battle plan, attack america from all around, boom, and the world wobbled, one hour, and he saw where missiles will hit, about 30, multiable warhead, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, no, and hollie tore up the contract, and the lighted finger pointed at the recorder, like putin, do you accept the penalty, no I won't, for what you have done, no, prophet, that was hollie in her sub, fire, trap, and the world wobbled, aI'm the beast, said the little lighted head, and the popes face came out, and the little horn had eyes like a man, I'm the beast, shhhh, satan, thats hollie blowing the horn, and God looking, that was satan, shhhhh, I'm the beast, that was satan, shhhh, I'm the beast, and the pope popped out of the horn, I'm the idol shepard, and hu popped out of the other, the new world order has just arrived, and the hegoat was angry and stomped the ram, china and the pope stomped russia and four horns came up, magog, north and south korea, japan, and china, where moscow and all those lands are, I will not put up with you, said the pope, to hu, I will not put up with you, they will say, speak lies, threaten, I see were not going to get along, wait a minute mr.s christian, there are no visions in pentecost, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, and the lighted finger pointed, that was satan, shhh, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope, and he saw magog where china and all those lands are, moscow, only one sixth left, and hollie licked the prophet, saddam huseeing, shot in the head, and the statue of liberty came out of america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman, iraq, and he saw, missile, boom, and the palestinian state, two missiles, boom, raising up hate, for americano, lets rule the world, moscow, china, nicarvania, and that is, and the finger pointed, look that, putin, hu, calderon, chavez, lula, kim jong, nicaragua, they will give thier power to putin, and he will, he laid out the plan, bombers over the top, subs all around, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked, and the finger, golden, boom, america exploded, and hollie went into the heavens, the uninted states will be a desolation soon, said the pope, with balck hair, and hollie put the contract back toget her, golden bear paws, that was Jesus, get the Holy Ghost, that was a lighted man walking away, that was Jesus on the cross, his feet, were, one nail, stripes on back, give me a call said the angel of the Lord, and Jesus descended on the cloud like an angel man, theres the alarm, purolater pure one, will you hold the oil up to the top of the engine, yes, it showed, but, no it doesn't, if it did, why when you check your oil, does it still show full on the dip stick, and you didn't put another quart in it, we won't said the filter like an angel, what it does is, holds it up past the filter, meaning, quicker engine oil, and the lighted hollie pointed, the rest hold it to the filter, wait a minute said Jesus, some don't hold it at all, but, if it works right, it will hold it to the filter, you will not get more engine life out of either one, save your money, I have been given, power to rule the protestants said the beast thru the megaphone, and he saw, and he saw many black dressed soldiers, armed and about the same height, my chosen, said the pope, and it vanished and hollie pointed, and hollie licked the prophet, theres the submarine sound, and captain holie, git, and she fired her sub, boom, and the world wobbled, america, and moscow and china, and hollie rode the mx missile with golden bear paws, on the side, and chicago exploded, and subs all around amexicano, and they fired, and the world wobbled, and hollie showed, nobody cares said hollie, but, the prophet, and the lighted being pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, like a golden hollie, and in her white robe, all of bobs ministering spirits, want thier vision on the internet, bob chooses, which ones he wants, theres the submarine sound, and the black chariot, with false prophet hu, and the pope, boom, and the world wobbled, and false prophet hu and the pope, were the new world rulers, the king of the south, and the king of grecia, and hollie showed which way to turn, with golden arms, that was a lighted finger pointing, 666, will be, born at the table, between the two beasts to prevent them from destroying each other, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie showed, again, smiling, white robe, and the lighted finger pointed, 2000, super sport chevy, that, pray in your van, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, and hollie turned into the silhouette, I will send a fire on magog, and the finger pointed, ohio class subs, magog is china and those surrounding lands, and one sixth of moscow will be left, china and moscow, will attack america first, and hollie pointed, you finally got thru said dumitru duduman, don't stop trying, do you remember me, yes, said hollie, bob and hollie are just alike, uhm hum, record the vision hollie showed, spiritual warfare, only prayer can protect, and holie pointed, lighted hand, record the vision hollie showed, tell my vision, tell my vision on the internet, and the lighted finger pointed, record the vision hollie showed, nicaragua said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, russia needs, near but far, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, 117 a, the stealth bomber, a waste of money, can be tracked, alaska said the angel of the Lord, we'll hit said putin, first, when the united states goes to war with china, then, moscow, will attack, alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and they will target moscow and china, please, look, that, when china attacks washington state said the angel of the Lord, then, moscow will hit alaska, then, america will wipe out moscow and china, almost, then, russia will wipe out the american mainland, 8-2006- can't you see, can't you seeeee, what that woman, s, been doing to me, can't you see, can't you seeeee, what that woman, s, been doing to me, can't you see, can't you see, can't see e e, what that womans, been doing to me, sang by, kristina fox, gene simmons, and, hollie, I'm hollie moodie, this is my vial of wrath, I will pour it out, I'll allow it, said, Jesus, on, look, that, the statue of liberty, and, the, torch, was, taken, and a, sword, was given, look, that, then, boom, fire behind, new york, by, a, russian, submarine, and, captain hollie, fired, boom, and the world wobbled, and, babylon, came out, and, msocow, and, china, boom, and hollie was on top, and the world wobbled, and out of, the four horns, came the, pope, and, false, prophet, hu, the new world order, has, just, arrived, the pope came out of, the, horn, russia, one sixth left, from, american, submarines, and captain hollie, look that, pointed Jesus, moscow, targeted, after, attacking, alaska, then, look, that, pointed, the yellow skinned, hollie, war, said, hu, china will, invade, moscow, and force, to, invade, israel, stomp, the, horn, and, four horns, north and south, korea, and, japan, where, china, and all those, lands, are, including, most of, moscow, the pope, will go to, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in, moscow, and, make, an, agree, ment, to gain, control, and get it, and, hu, with, japan, will rise, to, withstand, put it under, the new world order, has just arrived, and hu, I will not, put up with, you, they will say to each other, the both have nukes, but, the pope is, stronger, worship the pope, show it, hu, will say, and the pope, 666, born at the table, to prevent them, from, destroying, each other, the pope will get slashed, and, satan, will enter in, and, destroy, searching for, the jewish remnant, Christ will appear, and, rapture, the church, and, throw the rest, in the lake of fire, it will start, with, america, and, china, going to war, then, moscow, grabbing, alaska, then, orders, will go to, american, sub, marine, watch, moscow, and china, the marines, will be, in the streets, as the last sign, america, will hit, syria, and, iran, iraq war, EZEKIEL 7, nuclear exchange, between, israel, and, iraq, brought in by, oil man, bush, to, break, oil contracts, and prevent, and hollie pointed, china, and, moscow, from, getting, read and do, ACTS 2:38, theres the submarine sound, said hollie, and she, fired, boom, and the world wobbled, one third, of the, population, wiped out, all of north america, even, cuba, now, hear what the Lord says, you need to, make, your calling, and, election, sure, repent, and be, bap, tized, in Jesus Christ name, and receive, the, gift of, the, Holy Ghost, look that, alice cooper, pointed, james e. tyson, and said hollie, hollie spoke in tongues, and, james, thought, you will, when you get the Holy Ghost, yep, I'm a, false, prophet, said hu, that is why, he is called, the, false, prophet, he was, but now, a, traitor, and hollie pointed, irving, bax, ter, is, cut, no signs, t like the, headlines, say, and hollie licked the prophet, the Lord needs, many, to answer, hism, call, do it, now, or, perish, you need to, do it, right now, this, instant, this is, your, day of, sal, va, tion, discipline, that noise, sechs, is, what, people want, I can feel it slipping, the economy, that is what, is meant, keep slipping, time is, short, now, the marine corp, will be, in the, streets, in, america, in the, last, days, the last sign, to protect from, terrorise, said, putin, this will be, the, last, thing, in, america, its, over, saith, Jesus, close, return, or, look, that, america and china going to war, that, pray in your van, please return, that, said, hollie, with, yellow, skin, that, your, will be, ok, that, test, olmost, complete, that, pray, without, that, cease, ing, that, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, that, take that off, that, look that, said, hollie, hu is, the, false, prophet, put it under, there are no more visions, in pentecost, because there, that, are no more apostolics, in pentecost, stand, look that, in the air, black, spirits, and hollie pointed, that, pray in your, at the river, that, work for Jesus, never, she said, that, but, you will, regret, my burden is easy, that, my yoke is light, moscow, and, china, will, be, the, ram, the, military, agreement, that, they are, the, horns, on the, hegoat, but, the pope is, the, goat, put it under, the new world order, has, just, arrived, the pope will, using, china, no, china will, invade, moscow, and, stomp, put it under, and four horns will come up, thats cool, they are, north and south, that, korea, japan, situate, that, china, and all those, surrounding lands, put it under, the pope will come out of, moscow, the, little horn, italy, that, china broke up, and divided, magog, but, rules, the pope will rule, the rest of the world, grecia, and hollie pointed, listen to me, this is, sealed, till the end, revealed, here, on, ministryofdreams, work for Jesus, this is, elijah, entries made 8-14-2006-the prophet, f., l., anderson, is cut off, no signs, but, keeps, teaching, writing, wants to be like, the cut off prophet, and is, irving baxter, same, look that, the pope comes out of the horn, that, black, spirits, dropping spikes, that, tormenting, those praying, protected, spiritual warfare, that, america and china going to war, that, businesses are closing, that, pray in your van, that, and he saw, the yellow ministering spirit, war, said hu, thats what, yellow means, war, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, that, to lure america into war, amd wnen they go, that, moscow, will attack, america, alaska, then, orders will go, to american submarine commanders, that, and they will fire on moscow and china, that, the world will wobble, and the hand pointed, that, drought, the rain is withholden, that, and hollie tore up the con spirit, jazzman, that, the end day message, that, on your site, appologies, that, it will get, about, it figures he said, 200 hits before you find out, and you will leave it on and beleive it, that, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, to lure, then, moscow will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders, and he saw the world wobble, and four horns rose out of moscow and china, magog, the new world order, that, God is letting the devil sift you as wheat, and somewhere along the line, it's been 9 months now, that, he knows, and when he prays, you will, that, be set free, and hollie pointed, chinas going to destroy taiwan, almost, and hollie in her sub, git, fired, boom, and the world wobbled, holie on top, like a golden bear, Im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope, is the mouth piece, and, the leopard is the body, pointed the lighte finger, with north and south korea, japan and china, where all those lands are, theres your beast, lets rule the world, and he saw, putin, hu, fox, calderon, nicaragua, mexico, castrol, jong, they were planning to attack amexico, out of, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, russia will destroy america, and the world will wobble, bombers over the top, the marine corp. will be in the streets in america, as the last sign, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, git, and subs fired on, let me see here, mexico, canada and cuba, and america, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, look that, possum food, cat food, that, serve the Lord, that, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, targeting moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie showed, look that, china and america going to war said the pope, that, look that, cause there ain't no more visions in pentecost because there ain't no apostolics in pentecost, theres the submarine sound, that was hollie tearing up the contract like a golden bear, that was hollie blowing the horn, prophet, hollie showed time out, that was a finger pointing, lighted, that was hollie, riding the mx missile, with a partial golden hand, and tearing up the contract, golden bear paws, partial silver, that was a lighted angel, with horn, that was hollie tearing up the con trast, and he saw hollie, blowing the horn, white angel, woman, that was a cat woman, I'm the leopard, and the lighted finger pointed, magog, north and south korea, japan, situate, where china and all those lands, are, most of moscow, and the pope will come out of russia, I'm korea said putin, that was golden bear paws, that was seven lighted heads, america has an agreement, with these, and he saw, ten lighted heads, and kings popped out, fox, jong, hu, putin, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, horns, and italy, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, git out of here, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, that was hollie with a helicopter, and bush hanging, drop him, before its to late, theres the alarm, that was satan, shh, I'm the beast, theres the alarm, the timing belt on the car, still good, record the vision hollie showed, texas tech, number one, watch, new york said the angel of the Lord, theres the alarm, and he saw the statue of liberty, and fire behind it, and bobby knight showed to record the vision, theres the alarm, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, this will, thatll cause babylon to come ino rememberance before God, that was satan, Im the beast, shhh, theres the alarm, and hollie in her submarine, go git coffee, and that was the submarine sound, fire, moscow and china, ohio class, boom, and, the world wobbled, and hollie was on top like a golden bear, satan, shhhh, Im the, beast, and the lighted finger pointed, bush will attack iran soon, that was the meerkat smiling and wept, and the lighted finger pointed, and dumitru duduman was in the tear, and this prophet, wearing a white robe and yellow hair, magog was yellow, war, is what that means, theres the alarm, and captain hollie, in her sub, git, and she fired, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, that was hollie, like a bear, running, amexico, and he saw, all of north america explode, you blew it, saith the Lord, its all prosperous, and hollie showed to record the vision, prophet, leave me alone, people say, the visions are from Jesus, theres the alarm, that was bright light descending, and a robe was put on you, and he saw, terry cannon, come and lift me up, witch, he said, that was satan, flying, I'm the beast, and he saw, prophecy, that was satan, Im the beast, and hollie, a different color, that was satan, like a two headed serpent, and holie licked the prophet, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, theres the black chariot, and false prophet hu and the pope, lula, fox, pulled by the angry horse, the black horse, that quiets the Spirit of the Lord in the north country, all of the world, nicaragua, let me see here, kim jong, hu, putin, let me see here, that was the contract being torn up, they will give thier power and strength to the beast, send it over, said the pope, and captain hollie in her submarine, fire, git, and the world wobbled, boom, and hollie was on top, cause ministryofdreams is an end time ministry sang ron meins, i'm te main ministering spirit and the angel showed, and hollie licked the prophet, and thats the angel with the sword, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off smiling, write the vision and make it plain, record the vision hollie showed, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and he saw, 3.28, gas price, s, how about new york city, terrorise, boom, and he saw fire, behind the statue of liberty, judgment to amexico, america, and captain hollie in her piates hat, pirates of caribean, thats abomination, raise your hands and repeat after me said the pope, I'm the beast and his face came out of the little horn, I'm the false prophet said hu hintao, the ruler of magog, china and all those surrounding lands, thats magog, the four horns, the four carpentars, that scatter israel, north and south korea, two, one, china, and japan, and most of moscow, absorbed, after invasion, and, the pope will come out of, moscow, I will not put up with you, hu and the pope will say to each other, both have nukes, grecia is all the world, magog, those four nations, the united states will become a desolation said sunnysnet, you know, right here, hundred, s, times, judgment is coming to amexico, ready or not, record the vision hollie showed, the fields are ripe, the laborers are few, witness, they say they know, but, they lie, record the vision hollie showed, again, record the vision hollie showed, drive the van, s, sell the aries, the van seeps, the aries drips, but, when stopped, when going, they both use about the same, record the vision hollie showed, sandi patti is blaspheme, sing christians songs and cheat on her husband, she did not know God, but cashed in, and still calls her self christian, she is reprobate mind, not, subject to the laws of God, if you sin, you do not know, git out of here, she said, and he saw, sandi patti, allright she said, I confess, in lava, up to her chin, and the flames went over, she knew the truth, git out, of here, yur cut off patty, sandy, to late, record the vision wayne watson showed, I knowed he said, but, and hollie poitned, and macaulay pointed, bless your heart, but, you did not, bless, Jesus's, over, ten million, never tithed, record the vision hollie showed, paris hilton, sex tape, I watch it, many people say, how could you take advantage of, whore paris hilton, she made that tape, on purpose, but, did not know, it would, end up on the internet, she, humiliated, and macaulay showed the trash, now, billionairess, paris hilton, not long after, finding out, it was on the internet, sue, but, who, she does not know who put it on, but, the one who did, will get, embarrassed himself, she will find out, in hell, God will put them, right next to each other, cause, this cut both of them off, record the vision hollie showed, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hu, and hollie showed, is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, look that, said hollie, china and america going to war, that, hollie, said, when a fish gets to big at a pet shop, that, they usally release them, in a pond, that, the barracuda will starve, that, cannot catch, but, big ones, that, and cannot eat them, only, that, bite, small chunks, that, they will live, but, always, fear, the cuda, that, the cuda, will not survive, but, about, till, I ain't poopin, that does not mean anything, record the vision hollie showed, I don't want money he said, but, fule, get a job, both liars, I gotta stupid job making 3 dollars an hour, said the other one, and the lighted finger pointed, tell my visions on the internet, and the lighted hollie pointed, there are no more, apostolics, in pentecost, because, they have all, fell away, all, everyone, 8-15-2006-record the vision hollie showed, recrod the vision hollie showed, git, in her sub, fire, and, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, that was a lighted finger pointing said the pope, keep slipping said Jesus, the economy in america, borrowed money, and hollie pointed at the beercan, people are parting in america, all of the world, and judgment is hanging on amexico, and he saw, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, all of, north america explode, and hollie in her sub, git, those old houses can be fixed, cheaply, do it your self, and the world wobbled, the united states will become a desolation real soon said the pope, and hollie pointed, the pope will come out of grecia, the whole world, minus magog, and hollie tore up the con truck, again, but, the contrast, this time, golden bear paws, leave me alone said babyfleas, I don't care, said the pope, thats what, many people say, but you do, you just don't wanna hear it, but, it's coming, and hollie, I made all of this says the Lord, and hollie tore up the conquest, and truit, cant you live for me saith Jesus, theres the alarm, git, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top and hu and the pope, came out of the horns, the ram on the hegoat, and the angry hegoat, s, face, turned into the popes, that was hollie, counting out the money, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, git, fire, and the world wobbled, I'm a bear, said hollie, on top, thats putin, satan is the head, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, situate, where china and all those lands are, that was hollie, and she slithered away, dark spirit, the united states will become, and the finger, a desolation real soon, said the angel of the Lord, and the geese winked, and he saw noahs ark, and the pope, the catholic church is cut off, no signs and they know it, the Lord said, unto the Lord, sit thou at my right hand, till I make your enemies your footstool, and the world wobbled, and Jesus came in the cloud, thats when, americA, gets hit, prophet, put your vision on the internet, and hollie pointed, again, and fox popped out of the lighted head, theres the submarine sound and hollie pointed, and the world wobbled, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, ok, she said, I'm cut off, now, what do I do, can a branch be put back in to a tree, when the united states goes to war with china, look, pointed the blue finger, theres no chance, said the angel of the Lord, thats the black chariot, and hollie pointed, with the pope and false prophet hu, and lula, and fox, nicarvania, they are, the new world order, nicarvania is, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, venezuela, and brazil, they are one, tell the vision, when america and china go to war, then moscow will attack amexico, said the pope, thats all of north america, and the world wobbled, and captain hollie in her sub, with the prophet, waving, ohio class subs, fired on moscow and china, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, new york, said the angel of the Lord, whats that, pointed Jesus, the statue of liberty, and fire behind, boom, and the world wobbled, and clinton was president, someone wrote me, landslide, saith the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order has just arrived, closer man, said the angel of the Lord, get closer, man, said the angel of the Lord, and blackie lawless pointed, and the finger pointed, lighted, shup said babyfleas, and the white angel hollie pointed, hunt uh, that was the pope, like an angel of light, cast out of hell, and brought into power, like an abominable branch, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, and she licked the prophet, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the lighted being pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, that was babyfleas, biting the prophets head off, and hollie pointed, record the vision hollie showed, that was babyfleas, biting the prophets head off, angry, thats the black chariot and false prophet hu and the pope, the new world order has just arrived, and hollie pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, it, and hollie tore up the contract, iraq, brought in by oil man bush, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, go back to freds, and hollie pointed, lighted, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, 666, born at the table, between, false prophet hu, and the pope, to prevent them from destroying each other, and hollie pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, there ain't no visions, and the lighted finger pointed, in pentecost, because, there are no apostolics in pentecost, that was satan, I'm the beast, hu hintao, false prophet, I'm the beast said the pope, and the lighted finger pointed, that was hollie like a golden bear tearing up the con trash, and he saw the lava with the pope, false prophet hu, let me see here, and the emporer of japan, and hollie, silhouette, carved into stick, smiling, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, putin as the feet, I'm a bear, and the lighted finger pointed, satan is the head, let me see here, the pope is his mouth, and the leopard is the body, north and south korea, japan, situate, where china and all those lands are, theres the alarm, contract being, torn up, golden bear paws, that was a lighted serpent with the popes and false prophet hu's face, and seven heads and ten horns, lighted, the ten horns hate americano, and the seven heads, like america, and the finger pointed, bobby, its iraq, thats hasting judgment to amexico, theres the alarm, nobody can do me like Jesus, and the lighted finger pointed, that was the contract, torn, tell me about the horns, and he saw, politburo, ten kings, out of one nation, let me see here, thats a ruling party, and hollie, we know, they say, politburo is a ruling party, nations, ten, north korea, and the lighted finger pointed, germant, iran, mexico, venezuela, brazil, china, nicaragua, moscow, and he saw, those ten horns, on the popes head, and the seven lighted heads, seven nations that agree with americano, and the lighted finger pointed, the beast, comes out of, one, italy, the little horn, and he saw, israel, a cup of trembling to the whole world, nukes, about, all of america's arsenal, that was al unser, not a very good race driver, but, that was hollie, tearing up the con truit, theres the submarine sound, git, and captain hollie, in her sub, that was the pope, let me see here, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, hit syria and iran, and hollie caved into the stick, that was hollie tearing up the con try it, that was the contract being torn up, by hollie, golden, prophet, theres the submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, and he saw hollie, git, and hollie in her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, and hollie pointed, at the for sale sign, are you for sale, the united states will become a desoaltion soon said the hollies, put the vision, put the vision, put the vision, on the internet, and hollie showed, lighted, and pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, git, and captain hollie, in her sub, fire, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, om praying, but, what else are you doing, said the pope, and the lighted finger pointed, ACTS 2:38, is salvation, said the pope, like clock says, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie showed, again, theres the black chariot, turn, with false prophet hu and the pope, the new world order has just arrived, and he saw, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, syria and iran, next, and he saw, the pope, with ten kings on his head, plitburo, fox, putin, kim jong, hu, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, lets see here, germany, iran, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on americano, boom, and the world wobbled, and captain hollie in her sub, thats not tap dancing, but, hand clapping, ohio class sub, git, and the prophet was in the sub with hollie, boom, and the world wobbled, moscow and china, destroyed, don't ask about california, and he saw, both coasts up in flames, and, up the middle, from captain hollie in her sub, boom, and the world wobbled, I'm a bear, said the golden hollie, thats moscow, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth piece, the leopard is the body, north and south korea, and japan, and china, where al those lands are, and hollie pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, smiling, and hollie pointed, raymond samples is cut off, no signs, thats the black chariot, with many kings, and the lighted pope pointed, I'm the beast he said, with hsi face coming out of the little horn, italy, rome, look that, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, that, captain holie in her sub, that, and she fired on amexico, that, and all of north americano exploded said the pope, that, and moscow and china, that, and the world wobbled, and hollie on top, that, I'm the beast, said the pope, that, and hu is the false prophet, look that, that was satan, I'm the beast, shhhhhh, that was satan, I'm the beast, that was heaven, and that was hell, and he saw, lava, and a glass city, shhh, entries made 8-16-2006-and Jesus had the recorder, and laughed, cause russia is the beast, theres the submarine sound, and captain hollie, fire, let me see here, boom, and the world wobbled, what heappened, test, moscow and china and all of north america, said the pope, and the finger pointed, boom, and hollie pointed, and the world wobbled, and up came four horns, out of moscow and china, magog, north and south korea, and japan, part of moscow, where china and all those lands are, and the pope was over the four horns, ruled by false prophet hu, the pope will come out moscow, after china absorbs, record the vision hollie showed, do that, 3 lugnuts, go to the junkyard and get, there, the united states will become a desolation soon said the pope, and the finger pointed, and the pope came out the horn, war, said the pope, coming to, taiwan, america, china, and moscow, reccord the vision hollie showed, everything will click if you live for Jesus, the united states will become a desolation soon said the angel of the Lord, put you on the radio, read these visions on the radio, the united states will be a desolation real soon said hollie and the angel of the Lord, that was hollie, your favorite, lighted, record the vision, prophet, said hollie like a white angel, and the traps spirits bowed, hollie, hollie, hollie, hollie, and babyfleas, head off, smiling, prophets, bit, and Jesus bowed, nothins, neather than a vision from Jesus, and the finger pointed, lighted, and hollie, and hollie pointed, rail road crossing, stop when lights are flashing, he is here, praise his name, look that, u.p.c.i., cut off, no signs, and he saw, Jesus, on the cross, dropped, in the hole, shred, thats what killed him, when his Spirit came out of that body, he pointed, you are not going to get away with this, and the graves opened, people came out, darkness, the viel was rent in twain, pilate, and hollie showed, tore up his con, trast, golden bear paws, pilate knew that was God, but, wanted to release him, that was satan, shhhh, I'm the beast, wow jumped king david, david wanted, I'll build, no, nathan said, do whatever is in thine heart, for God is with thee, but when nathan, prayed, God said, I did not speak that to you, go tell david, he is a man of war, and has shed much blood, you will not build me a house, I dwell, whereever, people will have me, even solomon knew that, what solomon built was, golden, all, with, silver, and, nice wood, no really pleasing to the eye, gold, but, o well, and he saw, solomon, kneeling on the gold floor, but, solomons heart, was gone at that point, wisdom, and hollie pointed, no need for God, that killed him, he was like satan, because, hollie, hands, he knew what people were thinking, and hollie point, ted, thats what God gave him, ok, he said, apppeared, twice, whatever, you want, he, chose the wrong, and hollie, thing, watch, what you ask for, tellem, God knew, thats not what you should have asked for, you should have asked for, something else, watch what you ask for said Jesus and sam neill, damien, about, a hundred thousand people a day watch the final conflict, cult, they love it, he looks like, a genius, but, live, he is not interviewable, that was a angel, flying, with the everlasting gospel to preach, and hollie pointed, hands, saith hollie, that is satan, shhh, I'm the beast, that was satan, I'm the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, neimiah worked 15 hours per day to rebuild jerusalem, and prayed the rest, he stayed awake for years, how, Jesus, can do it, that was what king david looked like, I perished, said king david, because of, numbering israel, tempted by satan, he knew not to, and was warned, are you, playing, with the, grace of God, jelosy, is, horrible, saith, hollie, it will not, you can not, git over, lift Jesus up, in the fires, and, in the, hell hole, like, king david, said, look that, when america, and, china, that, goes to war, that, then, moscow, that, will grab, alaska, that, then, order, s, will go, that, to, american, that, submarine commanders, and they will, raise yur hands and repeat him, the pope, that, the world will wobble, and hollie was on top, that, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia, is the, bear, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, pope, and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, has just arrived, theres the black chariot, and, false prophet hu, and the pope, like an angel of light, with, lula, chavez, jong, putin, hu, nicaragua, hollie pointed, they will give ther power and strength, to me, said putin, send it over, said the pope, on, and he saw, america, explode, all of north americano, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, I'm a bear, hollie pointed, I got a warning pointed Jesus, chicago, terrorism coming, like new york, and that was a finger, white, all over america, terrorism, from me, putin behind, to cripple, right before, no, yep, said hollie's, and captain hollie in her sub, theres the alarm, I need my vision on the internet, that was hollie, bear paw, s, and he saw, the man in the wreck, I did not cause that, but, depart, said Jesus, I knew he said, in lava he will say, I made over 400,000 per year, cement, but, and hollie, pointed, I did not want Jesus, I sold him, for money, and he saw many in hell saying the same thing, thats kenneth haney, the leader of, upci, I wanted popularity, and mislead, upci, general, super, intendent, paul mooney has already been told, cut off, no signs, that was heavenly, fire, mist like, theres the alarm, and he saw, his old friend, in a dream, and sneaked out, afraid, late at night, leaving his brother there, that meant, depart, from, sin, and, leave all, and, receive, many, in this life, and the life to come, bob chose, left all, lets go fox, mexico, is, having, economic collapse, soon, said the pope, no, fuel, and america, is, gobbling, anger, lets rule the world, sang, putin, china, nicaravania, and that is, mexico, nicaragua, and, brazil, venezuela, and, cuba, all are, one, united, against, america, and he saw, the white Jesus praying, and the finger pointed, lighted arm, no, no, shorts, coming, no, and the angel blowed the horn, no, she knew, the girl from, paul, mooney's, church, no, she will, beautiful, like demi moore, but, already, cut off, at, about, 20, no, yep, your day of, salvation, come and gone, don't go to new york, said, sunnysnet, terrorise, you slipped, said, michael boldea, what he doin, nothing, that is, not, but, take it off, he said, but, and hollie, there ain't no capricorns, sang, and blowed the horn, music, while prayin, and hollie, bob don't do it, said, the girl, from, paul, mooney, s, church, he is, cut off, no signs, all of, upci, go, and, witness, to cut off people, and hollie pointed, I'm sorry, said, sunnysnet, nope, you are, pretending, and God is, and he saw, Jesus, angry, and, internet, porno, is, helping, bring, judgment, to the world, children, get, exposed, and he saw, macaulay, about to, fist, a, yur blowing it, said, hollie, work for, Jesus, and, you will, have, what you need, for, today is, the day of, salvation, let, not, yur heart, become, hard, en, ed, because of, and hollie, pointed, Jesus is, saving, right now, dealing with, many, all over, the ruthless drug lord, and hollie pointed, stick with me, he said, javier arellano-felix, and he is, not, yep, he is, what they, clain, put it under, life, without, parole, coming, murderer, he killed, or had, about, 400, some, for no reason, they knew, he was in, and hollie, left, that boat, but, waited, until, about, one year, hidden, lived off, raw, fish, good for you, this is, the, last, prophet, and, he is, closing out, the, world, like, JEREMIAH, 1, read, jus, like, no difference, 8-2006-God has showed me, ministerings, spirit, s, and they have said, tell on me, said, mrs., winters, from, westside pentecostal church, show up, with, signs and wonders, get put out, you know how I did it she said, ignored, but, here it is, saith, Jesus, bob, told, them, at, the, apostolic, church, yard sale, being, put up, that, God showed him, in many visions and dreams, that, china and america, were going to war, and here is, what, they, said, donny joe winters, your reprobate, and God told bob, are visions and dreams, reprobate, yeah, he thought, put it under, mrs. winters said, git the Holy Ghost, and Jesus told bob, tell her, you have to be cut off to say that, this is why, bob cannot go, people lying, saying, they are, apostoles, but, are, not, but, liars, like, donald, winters, the pastor, at, u.p.c.i., westside, pentecostal church, those are from the, de, v, il, he told bob, right to his face, visions, that is, blaspheme, of the Holy Ghost, and he is still, pastoring, but, cut off, this is how far, u.p.c.i., is away from, Jesus, I feel bad, she, thought, he has, and we know, but, lied, to, that is, the, devil, put it under, I'm broke, they are, and, reject, Jesus, but, and hollie, showed, when, bob comes around, they do not want, anything, goddam, said, donny joe winters, they are all, cut off, no signs, but, lead, many at, westside, pentecostal, church, how come we don't dream, she said, but, you are, cut off, dreams is, a, sign, and he saw, Jesus, no, riding the syraphin, and, mrs. winters, and fireworks, around, the, statue of liberty, and, it was, coming out of, america, and, america, was, on, fire, and it was, coming out of the middle, syria, and, iran, next, on the bush hit list., and he saw, Jesus, coming out of, his back, and, hollie, and hollie pointed, crossword, many are playing, and he saw, people falling into the fire, while, the church, sleeps, half an hour, is about, prayer, time, for, most, not enough, try, two hours, git close, but enough, and hollie, were outta time, he said, yeah, I ain't running with you, said, mrs., winters, yep, but, he is, running with, and he saw, Jesus, coming out of his back, and hollie, there ain't no capricorns, she sang, theres the alarm, she says, warns, theres the alarm, missile defence, and he saw, will fail, cuise, missiles, out of, subs, from close range, will, not, be, stopped, and he saw, captain hollie, in her sub, and many, subs, sneaking up on, the usa, they are, fire, and, the world, wobbled, and, hollie was on top, and, moscow, and china, and the world wobbled, ohio class subs, and up rose, said, mrs., winters, four horns, out of, the, ruins, of, moscow and china, magog, and the pope was over, and hollie, pointed, the four horns, they will, hu will rule, magog, and, the pope, will rule, grecia, the rest of the world, and he saw, 666, born at the table, to prevent them, from, destroying, each other, both have nukes, Christ will appear, with, many, of his, m, saints, and they will, gather, the, elect, and hollie, tore up the con, tract, many time, I'm a bear, me, putin, china is, the body, the leopard, and, the pope is, the, head, satan, theres your beast, of REVELATION, 13, theres the submarine sound, said, hollie, and showed, the, recorder, post, and sub, s, sneaking up on, right now, conditioning, but, the day will come, fire, said, putin, he will, not order, but, the one, after, him, and he saw, ten kings, on the popes head, politburo, ten, nations, out of, one, they are, iran, germany, kim jong, china, russia, venezuela, brazil, mexico, cuba, and hollie, and he saw, and hollie, pointed, at the website, seven lighted heads, they are, nations, that, love, america, the, ten horns, and he saw, them, ten kings that, hate, america, the beast comes out of, the, seven, italy, rome, the pope, I'm the beast, said, the, little, horn, with, the popes, face coming out, and he saw, the, angel, flying, and, baby, flea, s, bit, the, prophet, s, head off, chomp, same o website, some o computer, same o, same o, said, irene, and she is, back, like the, walmart, girl, there aint no capricorns, and hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, lighted finger, And the finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, I know, said donna, dmlgarrotson, I know, shes wanting to, that was heaven, and that was hell, pointed hollie, the city of glass and lava, put your visions on the internet said hollies, and hollie showed how to do the clutch job, put the car on blocks, loosen transmission, let me see here, take off cable, let me see here, and hollie showed, again, get somebody else to do that, 400, clutch and all, worth, and babylfeas bit the prophets head off, and smiled, mr. Christian, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, politburo, and he saw the pope with ten kings on his head, fox, lula, chavaz, Nicaragua, hu, putin, kim jong, Venezuela, brazil, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, on amexico, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and Moscow and china, from ohio class subs, boom, and out of the ruins, four horns arose, magog, and hollie pointed, write the vision, and make it plain, said the pope, and pointed, and the angel of the Lord showed the recorder, California, up in flames, up both coasts, and up the middle, from captain hollie in her sub, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, ptfe when in vehicle, unbeatable, leaves a very thick coating, starts faster, Im falling, call on Jesus, whoever kills saddam Hussein willavenge the blood of five million saith the Lord, that will get Gods attention, iraq war, EZEKIEL 7, read it, record the vision hollie showed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by oil man bush, to break oil contracts between iraq and whoever, done, but, dreams are night visions, and he saw, him praying like an angel, and the lighted finger pointed, that was hollie, shredding the contract, yellow hands, that was the contract, vigina, said the pope, listen to me, thats satan said hollie, and hollie tore up the con, truit, theres the alarm, That was the contract being put back together, silver bear paws, that was the contract being torn up, golden bear paws, Im a bear, me, said putin, the leopard is the body, thats north and south korea, and japan, situate, where china and all those lands are, ruled by false prophet hu, and thats the pope, hu, I will not put up with you, they will say to each other, 666, born at the table, and hu, theres the alarm, magog, and grecia, grecia is, all of the world, minus magog, that was a finger pointing, Syria and iran next, iran will raise up the spirit of the medes, hate, to the next level, toward America, that was God winking, theres the submarine sound, git, out of here, waved hollie, and captain hollie, fired, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, like a golden bear, that was a lighted hand, finger, pointing, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, theres the alarm, Atlanta, Said the pope, boom, from captain hollie, in her sub, git, she waved, and the world wobbled, and he saw, the statue of liberty, and fire behind it, explosion, and president Clinton, hillary, uto, 1,2,3, the devils after me, sang, theres the alarm, record the vision hollie showed, watch me said captain smith, with celine dion, dancing, near, far, wherever you are, they sang, and hollie pointed, parties on, said the angel of the Lord, at churches, no signs, Taiwan destroyed by china, mostly, china will attack Washington state also to lure Americano in to war, and the pope pointed like an angel of light, then, and hollie, Moscow will grab Alaska, then, orders will go to American submarine commanders, and they will fire on Moscow and china, and the world will wobble, theres the alarm, sound, God told bob to tell, them from Westside, Pentecostal church, that, America and china was going to war, they said, git the Holy Ghost, your reprobate, thats why, bob cant go to church, those are from the devil said pastor winters, that is how far Pentecost is away from Jesus, what they think now is, 15 minutes later, he knew he couldnt stop, but, thank you Jesus, for warning us, there aint no Capricorns, fuck him, said donny joe winters, thats what he meant, and the finger pointed, now, they know, the one they kicked out in prayer, has the message, and he saw, hollies hands, the dark microphone put in his hand, hi mrs. Winters, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, thats your friend, shell be, on ministryofdreams real soon, shhhh, satan, and he saw, mrs. Winters with yellow eyes, like Donald winters, and donny joe winters, and pastor m. mckinney, and Kenneth haney, all of upci, cut off, no signs, and he saw, minstryofdreams, with mrs. Winters looking at it, Judgment to America, lets see here, shell look at the first vision, and the angel, lighted with the sword, and she will say, o no, hes real, and hollie tore up the contract, and putin, hollies hands, I hate mrs. Winters saith the Lord, deceiver, that was satan, shhh, Im the beast, and hollie blowed the horn, and he saw, the pope rise out of the four horns, magog, Moscow, after, absorbs all those lands, china, and cut off over sister rexfords head, and that is lightning, flashing around Jesus, sister winters will see that, wearing a white robe, lit up, and Jesus walked away from, but, grab him, dont let him go, hollie, loose belt, hell said donny joe winters, and he saw, all of the winters in lava, up to their chins and the flames went over, the united states will be a desolation real soon said mrs. Winters, and hollies blowing the horn, with the white robe, and the lighted finger pointed, bee gees, are cut off, we know, the united states will be attacked real soon said the angel of the Lord, and turned into hollie, with the loose belt sound, and the finger pointed, gratitude is good, put Jesus first, and he saw, JEREMIAH 1, trapping, to close out the world, let me see here, said hollie with the loose belt sound, theres the alarm, just like jeremiah did israel, there ain't no chance pointed donny joe winters for us now, they all know, theres the alarm, hes hearing from Jesus, and seeing visions and dreams, signs, there it is, JOEL, we are the ones that need to get the Holy Ghost, thats it said kenneth haney, theres the alarm, toby hardy on death bed right now, tell him, whoever kills saddam hussein, dead, avenges, five million persons, near, far, whereever you are, sang captain smith and celine dion, dancing, satan, Im the beast, shhh, the winters are cut off, and know it, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the alarm, they will, from the warning, tell, westside, pentecostal church before they leave, and hollie tore up the conspirit, the one, that we rejected, has the message, said mrs. winter's, and donald winters, and the meerkat smiled, and dumitru duduman and this prophet was in the tear, theres the submarine sound, go to louisville, and he saw louisville explode, it will burn, and hollie came out, let me see here, new home, thats the tap dancers clapping, work for Jesus, and he saw, fireworks around the statue of liberty, then, fire behind, judgment to america, boom, and babylon came out, that was a 71 cadillac, powerful, but, gas hog, look that, palmer dodge, stay out of here, blaspheme, vince acted, theres the alarm, and hollie, theres the alarm, work, put my visions on the internet, said the tap dancers, and hollie was dressed sexy, and hollie showed, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, no, there is hope christian church van driver caught wearing shorts abomiantion, and he saw Jesus coming out of his back, smiling, prophets not happy, and he saw the angel praying, and hollie running like a drak angel, Im the beast, said putin, and laughed, with seven heads and then horns and Im the pope, and he saw, the pope like an angel of light, with ten kings on his head, and he saw, indianapollis, desolate, lockerbie, and captain hollie in her sub, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, no, hollie said, prophet, didn't the liar say, I still got work to do, hum hum, grunted putin, and hollie pointed, the narrorater, of the end time message, bob prayed putin away cause, getting attached, but, now wants him back, he thought putin was satan, but, he was a ministering spirit, hum hum, and hollie pointed, feed the hungry children with visions and hollie pointed, smiling, evil like, can't ya see, cant you see, what that woman, s, been doing to me, can't you see, cant ya see, what that womans, been doing to me, sang, gene, simmons, and, hollie, over and over, hillary clinton, president, usa, leave me alone, said Jesus, if you don't want to serve me, bob tell my vision, put it on, theres the alarm, and, the lighted being pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, get open said hollie, whoever kills saddam hussein, will avenge, over, five million, and hollie pointed, do it, and the being pointed, and hollie showed, to record the vision, I'm not, said babyfleas, you will, but, to late, bob, om almost over, she said, repent now, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hi, Im the beast, and Jesus showed, to record, bob, same o computer, same o website, Im irene, and Im back, and the lighted finger pointed, hum hum, I'm putin, and I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, I'ts comin, said, the, librarian, judgement to, the world, but, america, north america, and, moscow and china, first, heres what will happen, first, china will, attack, washington state, let me see here, that, pointed, the yellow hollie, look that, then, destroy, almost, taiwan, then, moscow, will grab, alas, ka, then, orders, will go, to, american, submarine, commanders, and they will, fire on, said, brother, stair, moscow and china, one third, of the, population, will be, wiped out, including, all of, north america, and, four horns, will arise, out, moscow and china, the leopard, and, they are, north and south, korea, and, situate, japan, and, china, where all those lands are, then, the pope will come out of, and, hollie, tore up the, con, truck, after, china, invades, moscow, and he saw, the pope, come out of, the, horn, and, he will rule, greica, and, hu, will rule, magog, they both have nukes, but, the pope is stronger, worship, the pope, hu will say, but, he will sit, in the, temple, and say, I am god, but, he is not, but, a man, he will be, slashed, and satan will enter in, and, destroy, searching for, the, jewish, remnant, to, eliminate, God's, witness, Christ will appear, and Jesus, poured out the vails, of, wrath, and, cast, alive, them, in the furnace, and he saw, a multitude, in the furnace, and rapture, the rest, deliver, the church, upto, the, FATHER, and, become, sub, ject, himself, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the gift of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the, evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, a, new language, the, SPIRIT, causes, you to, speak, listen, to me, saith, Jesus, I will, that, no man, perish, but, all, come to, LIFE, but, you must, follow, thru, cant ya see, cant ya see e e, what that, woman, s, been doin to maee, and that is, hillary, clin, ton, president, the liar, she, said, whitewater, guilty, as charged, but, liked, by, even, republicans, how to, win, president, wreck, your, can, di, date, and he saw, the pope, with, 666, on his, fore, head, and hollie pointed, 8-18-2006-and hollie pointed, continue fallin, said, Jesus, till you, get, the prcie, paid, for, sin, in the, past, if you are, seeking, JEsus, and hollie showed, smiling, westside pentecostal church, in indianapolis, hey, is cut off, no signs, and hollie pointed, those are from the, devil, said, pastor, u.p.c.i., donald, winters, to, bobs, face, when bob, wanted, revival, for, them, look that, they, railed, when, bob, showed, love, he told them, america, and, china, are, going to war, look that, they said, git the Holy Ghost, and that was, mrs. winters, your reprobate, and that was, donny joe, winters, put it under, this is how far, the church is, away from, they were having, preparing, for, a, rummage, sale, right on, the, apostolic, church, property, when they know, Jesus, walked thru, the, church, and said, my Father's house, shall be, a, house of prayer, when you have made it, a, den, of, thieves, put it under, they are all, cut off, upci, and he saw, 6.9, way more visions, there ain't no capricorns, and he saw, the, lighted gun, and God winking, many times, with, an, eye of, fire, color, God will not always, but, grace is available, right now, trumpet winds, I'm naked, said, pamela, clark, but she acts, like, a, prophetess, git out of here, she will say, when seeing this, liar, and he saw, the, arch, angel, michael, like light, and, gabriel, like, light, bright, and Jesus, and, they, fired, and, explosions, all over, the earth, this is, disasters, from, and Jesus, was standing, in the, middle, put it under, like flood light, angels, and lucifer, was, brighter, but, Shannyn Biggs, you need to, have the, ACTS 2:38, I know it, you knew, not to write, but, you did, put it under, trapper, no, you got trapped, slipped, no, you wanted, put it under, I'm, hollie, moody, not bob, nope, they are, just alike, both, two, trappers, she is, coming back, to the internet, soon, watch, and he saw, messages, added, to her, message, board, alright, said JEsus, these two, are, closing, the world, I'm the anti Christ said the pope, on the, king, billy, canvas, I'm the false prophet, said, china, president, hu, put it under, the new world order, has, just arrived, saudi arabia, has bought, 72, eurofighters, and they are, and hollie pointed, as good, as, american, thank you, said, berlusconi, now, saudi, can, defend, it, s, self, that plane is, as good as, a, f-14, not, a, raptor, or, f-15, record the vision hollie showed, there ain't no visions in pentecost because there ain't no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, and the lighted hollie pointed, and hollie pointed, glendale, said the angel, go, post, america, and, china, will go to war, then, moscow, will attack, alaska, and, then, orders, will go, to american, sub, marine, commanders, and they will, fire on, moscow, and, china, and the pope, came out of, the, horn, magog, nope, grecia, and that is, the whole world, magog, is, where hu rules, the four lands of, china, and, north and south, korea, and, japan, situate, a, buisness, just, like, today, only, better, and hollie pointed, russia is, hi, i'm putin, I'm the bear, the ram is, putin, and hu, and, the leopard is, china, and all those, surrounding, lands, there ain't no visions, in pentecost, because there, are, no more, apostolics, in, pentecost, and hollie licked the prophet, 8-19-2006-and he saw Jesus, coming out of his back, and head on top of the van, using, this body, to do hims will, and the lighted finger pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope, and hu is the false prophet, new world order, and the lighted finger pointed at the recorder, post the vision, and the chevette woman pointed, she knows you want the car, but, dont mention it, o my God, and the headlines said, hes a prophet, prophet irving baxter, no signs, false prophet, and the lighted finger pointed, head, and the lighted Jesus pointed, that, pray in your van, that, china and america going to war, moscow leading an allout attack, that, fire behind the statue of liberty, that, record, record the vision hollie showed, hollie tore up the contrast, like a golden bear, I'm a bear me said putin, satan is, the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, oilman, to break contracts, and the lighted finger pointed, and the lighted hollie pointed, we know, and wanted, and hollie pointed, that, china and america going to war, that, and hollie tore up the contruit, that, and hollie had the recorder, that, gas is on its way up, said the angel of the Lord, that, record the vision hollie showed, and pointed, twice, at the conputer, I want my website back, said hollie, magog, is north and south korea, china, and japan, situate, where all those lands are, and he saw, the pope over grecia, the whole world, except magog, ruled by hu, there aint no capricorns sang, and pointed, the lighted hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, and the lighted finger pointed, theres the submarine sound, pointed, hollie, git, and subs, and the lighted finger pointed, sneaked on, america, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and the lighted finger pointed, again, theres the alarm, post, that was hollie tearing up the contract, tract, that was a lighted man pointing, theres the alarm, kathy troccoli is but off, yep, she said, and knows, and Jesuys threw the tape away, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, you liar said kathy tricoli, and hollie played the horn, and pointed, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, no, said hollie, white robe, no, theres the submarine sound, git, and subs sneaked up on america, and, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and he saw, the pope, with 666, on his forehead, that was satan, falling from heaven, theres the tap dancers, pointed hollie, and the pope and false prophet hu, were two, of them, didn't hollie say, uhm hum, and the tap dancers said, I've got new friends, char tierney, and silvana, table of the remnant, both cut off, now, and he saw, alaska, and the pope looking at, we need it, and putin, bomb, and alaska, exploded, from, submarine, I'm a bear, putin, new war said the pope, syria, iran, and the lighted finger pointed, next, on the hit list, bush, and he saw, babyfleas, bit the prophets head off, smiling, that vision was not true, and he saw, the pope, riding the dragon, and hollie pointed, lighted, the pope is, the, anti, Christ, the dragon is, satan, and, the seven heads are, seven, nations, that, agree with, america, and, the ten horns, are, ten, nation, s, that, hate, america, and seven heads and ten horns, lighted, that was God winking, and he saw, contract being torn, and he saw babylon is america, and the finger pointed, j. tyson, cut off, no signs, new york said the angel, and he saw fire behind the statue of liberty, judgment to america, theres the submarine sound, git, and hollie, and subs sneaked up on america, boom, and the world wobbled, and moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and the pope came out, of, this is, the event, that brings him, in power, the, destructing of america, and, hollie, and Jesus, descending, on the, cloud, putin, is, after, oil, like all, and, america, is, gobbling, put it under, the new world order has just arrived, and hollie tore up the contract, theres the submarine sound, submarine sound pointed hollie, git, and subs sneaked up on, ameirca, and, china, and, moscow, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and the lighted finger pointed, work for Jesus, stop, said, hollie, heading in the way, you are going, and, turn to Jesus, 8-2006-cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, and he saw, the red dragon, with, the pope, and the woman, riding, they are, america, and, the, anti, Christ, right, said the, male, child, that will be, a, homo, when he, grows, more, the internet, makes, it, possible, for, filth, to, show up, right at your, door, you can loose it, said, michael, boldea, put it under, work, if you can, while you can, for, Jesus, saith, the Lord, that was a lighted finger pointing, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, oil contracts, brought in by bush, to, break, between, iraq, and, moscow, and prevent, china from getting, you know what I want, a broken spirit, and contrite heart, God will not, reject, and hollie pointed, didn't the angel brother stair, your welcome, and the lighted finger pointed, call, tell visions, he would love you, no, said hollie, white robe, its iran, syria, next, bush, and he saw, bush like a warrior angel, warlord, that was hollie putting the contract back together, golden bear paws, he could talk real good, but, he didn't have anything sang the ministering spirit hollie, willy duncan, that was hollie, on, and he saw, the statue of liberty come out of america, the woman, and subs sneaking up, boom, and america was on fire, and the world wobbled, this is hollie, with the loose belt sound, they want you back, revival temple, an oil change is good for about 12,000 miles ang the Lord, put that on your website, after that its to thin at start up, that was hollie tearing up the contrast, t,r,a,s,t, and captain smith sang, near, far, where ever you are, and danced with celine dion, willie duncan beleived every word that you said, but, cannot put it together, and the lighted finger pointed, delighted to have you back, willie, duncan, that was satan, I'm the beast, said dracula, shhhh, and holie pointed, hollies in hot water, theres the alarm, that, record, said hollie, look that, heaven, buildings of glass, hell, lava, thats the prophet stephen hanson in there, hell, smiling, trials, that, said hollie, pray in your van, that, china and america, going to war, that, said hollie, mocow grabbing alaska, that, pointed, hollie, ohio class subs firing on moscow and china, that, russia wiping out the american main land, that, the four horns rose, that, magog, and the pope over, that, I'm the beast, that, tap dancers, hollies in hot water, the pope came out of, he knew, is what they thought, now, willy duncan, now, they question, that, thats why, God waited to send you, the leader, that, withstood bob, there, said, willies been teaching on, DANIEL, and, REVELATION, what he meant was, I don't know, about your prophecies, they all thought, but bob, told visions, and dreams, and told them, they guess, that, record, the vision, and make it plain, and the lighted finger pointed, that, trap, willie duncan pointing at the pullpit, tell us, that, and the golden head showed, the pope and false prophet hu, the new world order, in the palm, that, golden, said hollie, that, the beast with the seven heads and the ten horns, and the woman riding, and the lighted finger pointed, shh, thats, america, the woman, and the woman turned into the statue of liberty, the beast turned into the pope, satan, the ten horns, turned into, poliburo, ten kings, fox, lula, chavez, castrol, jong, hu, putin, heads, nicaragua, these are, the seven heads, is what, these are, seven, nations, that hate, america, put it under, revelations recieved 8-21-2006-uhm uhm, said putin, I'm the, beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, they are, one, the greek orthadox church, and hollie pointed, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, he sang, allow me, said, Jesus, to show you, the seven heads, and he saw, seven lighted heads, they are, politburo, ten, ruling, party, kings, the former, soviet union, is, ran by, us, said, putin, ten, kings, and out of one of them, came, putin, boris, yeltsin, was that man, chosen, to rule, moscow, fulfilled, and hollie pointed, people are, wasting, time, on, computers, the seven heads are, seven, nation, that, hate, america, and the ten horns, they, hate, america, hunt ewua, said, the child, yep, here are the seven nation, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, kim jong, venezuela, after that, said the librarian, hu, and putin, the ram, and the hegoat, is, the pope, with, the ram, in, the, horns, china came up last, and this is, what, JEsus, is telling me, prophesying, recieving, visions, while right there, telling, what the, fiery, ministering, spirits, tell, like, hollie, and she bowed, like a white angel, sunnysnet, and she bowed, like a, yeshua, is her, JEsus, and, no, said, the girl from, no, that was, hollie, white robe, babylfeas, and she, bit the prophets head off, and she, did not, like her, vision, no, she said, cut off, was, what she said, but, she was, even though, young, beautiful, prophet said when he saw her, thats my wife, she is, the, main, ministering spirit, on, ministryofdreams, tell her, at,, she won't write back, but, will laugh, and that was, and the, finger pointed, babyfleas, modified, bobs favorite, that was, babyfleas, with, a, monkeys, mouth, cute, bob loves, she, shows bob, which way, to turn, while, driving, and points, but, doesn't talk, much, and the real babyfleas is laughing, when she sees, this is, bobs, that, she said, babyfleas, with, yellow, look that, she says, bobs, favorite, she is, babyfleas, but, yellow, skinned, bob would marry babyfleas, but, he is, older, hunt uhn, she said, she would do it, they are, about, ten years apart, now, said, putin, I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, pope, said, the pope, and hu is, the, false, prophet, and they are, the, new world order, now, hum uhm, grunted, putin, I'm the beast, with, seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, russia is, ruled, by, the greek orthadoxed church, brought in by, me, said the pope, he is, the, anti, Christ, Im the beast, he said, with, his, face, coming out of, the, little, horn, and he is, the, anti, Christ, hu is, the, other part, this is cool, said the child, children are not, accountable, do not try to, make them, serve Jesus, they do not understand, now, theres the alarm, post, and maucaulay culkin, pointed, lighted, partially, this is cool, she said, when, america, hits, israel, that is, the, apple, of my, eye, said, Jesus, and they will, out of, iraq, nuked, the palestinian state, brought in by, oil man bush, planned, this will, fullfill, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, america, will nuke, to, get, out, and hillary clinton will do it, now, here is what, this will, bring, america, into, rememberance, before, Jesus, and he will, like, REVELATION 16, babylon, is, america, lets rule the world, Jesus, will give, them, one heart, and they will, give thier, power, and, strength, to the beast, REVELATION, 17, and hollie pointed, thats why, I hate God, said, terry, hendrickson, and, babfleas, stripped, said tarry, we perish, said, his wife, terri, now, these, seven, kings, five fall, one, stays, and that is, mexico, they are, attached, depend, on, america, have to, said, fox, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sang, the, ministering, spirits, sunnysnet, and she bowed, and, hollie, like a white angel, her real name is, bob don't blow it, hollie, I'm moodie, and that is, hollie, moody, she is, the, last, prophet, write her, and tell, that letter, bob sent, no, she said, was, prophesied, and you came, against, do not, come against, praise him, she said, it's me, nope, yep, she is, open, leave her alone, her, message board, on, yahoo, you can write, from there, and hollie pointed, but she is not permitted, to write back, yet, she thinks, God, stripped, her, and she will, be back, soon, I want my, website back, said, hollie, as, babyfleas, now, moscow, will, plan, and he saw, putin, with, seven king, s, and the pope, fox, now, calderon, and hollie pointed, and, venezuela, brazil, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, china, they will, give thier power and strength, to, me, said, putin, and he will, send it over, on, america, that, REVELATION 17, and, 18, might be, full, filled, and that is, ISAIAH 13, 47, 21, JEREMIAH 51, america is babylon, the woman, and he saw, the statue of liberty, coming out of, the, on fire, america, and that is, and he saw, russian, subs, sneaking up on, the usa, and they will, after, china, attacks, washington, state, like henry gruver saw, that, said, hollie, and bob saw it to, the same vision, but, yep, he can describe, then, moscow, will grab, alas, ka, and, after, that, orders will go to, american, submarine, commanders, watch, moscow, and china, and they will, then, wipe out, the, american, mainland, and he saw, the, america on fire, and, china, with, dark, places, and, moscow, almost, completely, destroyed, cause, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope, shouted, the, pontiff, and the are, one, moscow, will, and hollie pointed, wipe out, america, in just, one hour, china will, and he saw, most of, taiwan, destroyed, and, he was there, but, on the internet, that was, a bear, putin, satan is, the head, and, magog, is, the, leopard, and, and that is, china, and, north korea, japan, and, south, korea, and, where, most of, moscow, and, all, those, lands, are, china will, absorb, most of, moscow, after, america, wipes out, only one sixth left, and that is, submitted, to, china, weakened, and now, the pope, will go, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, in moscow, and make an agreement, and they will, give, to, him, and he will, gain, control, putin knew, that, by, attacking, he would be, yep, said, hu, and he will, go to, shanghi, to, and hollie pointed, china, and, form, magog, and that is, those, four, lands, mentioned, and they are, north and south, korea, and, japan, and hollie pointed, the leopard, the four, carpentars, that, scatter, israel, what is left, gaza, yes, said, the, child, destroyed, by, iraq, america, and, out of, iranq, said Jesus, and that is, persia, the, three, became, kuwait, and hollie pointed, iran, and, iraq, now, three, but, still, one, even though, they war, wild, men, arabs, the middle east, all of, persia, they are, ruled by, clap your hands and repeat after me, me, said, saudi, the, main, oil, supplier, called, opec, now, moscow, will, attack, amexico, all of, north america, will be, destroyed, fire, said, Jesus, now, and, be, spared, suprise, fools, using, china, when china will, attack you, called, america, and this is, how, they are, they need, each, other, to, and hollie pointed, survive, agreements, now, china will, absorb, moscow, and, use it, as, milatary, and they are, it will be, no, said hollie, and china, will force, moscow, to invade, israel, the battle of armageddon, china will force, moscow, to invade israel, the battle of armageddon, the, prophetic, final, and that is, what, Jesus, wanted, now, open your mouth and I will fill it, thats what, prophesying is, recieving visions while right there and telling what you are told, that, angel, cop, that, babyfleas, chomp, that was satan, I'm the beast, I'm the beast, said the dragon, that was the cat man, I'm the leopard, that, north and south, korea, japan, where china and all those lands are, that, the pope, with ten kings, politburo, ruling party, of, the former, u.s.s.r., and the finger pointed, that, fox, lula, castrol, chavez, kim jong, hu, nicaragua, that, the seven heads, the beast, the pope riding the dragon, that, said hollie, a multitude in heaven, and hell is heaven to those that go there, that, new jeruslem, a city of glass, and a, that, a crystal sea, leading up to, that, said hollie, hollie on the banner, carved in the stick, silhouette, that, the red moon, blood, that, and hollie, that was satan like a warrior angel in armour, and willy duncan pointed, I'm a bear, that, the beast, satan is the head, the pope, and the leopard is, cat man, in hell, north and south korea, china, and japan, where most of moscow and all those lands are, contract, torn, and the pope pointed, like an angel of light, that was satan like he lookied covered fine, jewels, and the lighted finger pointed, magog, china, and all those surrounding lands, and the lighted finger pointed, I want my website back, said hollie, like babyfleas, hollie would blow the horn like this, and hollie pointed, carol waltz would not humble herself, and the lighted finger pointed, now in lava up to her lying chin, I knew, over, 67 years, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope and hu is the false prophet, the new world order, that was the contract being torn up, golden bear paws, me said putin, satan is the head, the leopard, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that the pope, the ten horns are, politburo, the ruling party of the former ussr, out of them came one, and that was, boris yeltsin, and he chose putin, putin is the pope, putin, hum hum, americas out of order, ok, the pope and putin said to each other, raise your hands, and clap your horns, the seven heads are, seven nations, that hate america, five fall away, one is, and that is mexico, attached, russia will pluck, the beast, is the eighth and of the seven, italy, they hate america, but, they will fall away, theres your beast, and holllie bowed like a white angel, and Jesus, and sunnysnet, ministryofdreams is now compelte, but, bob will post everyday till, judgment hits, and he saw, america on fire, and, the statue of liberty coming out, the woman is keeping that beast from coming forth, lets rule the world, sang putin, and hollie pointed, russia, china, cuba, mexico, venezuela, brazil, north korea, give me your power and strength said putin, and I will eliminate america, said the angry putin, sang and said hollie, boom, and subs sneaked up on, america, and he saw, north america explode, it will burn, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on moscow and china, and the world will wobble, and russia, will wipe out, the american mainland, thats the day of the Lord, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, this is the one mind, that God gives us said putin, lets rule the world, I want to rule the world, said putin, and the possum pointed, leave it alone said putin so it will stay said sunnysnet, your pet, the cat, ate, run, like most people, when they get what they want, from, Jesus, taht woman is MYSTERY, BABYLON, the whore, america, the statue of liberty holding all those nations back, theres the alarm, there are no mroe visions in pentecost, and hollie pointed, because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie, licked the prophet, and hollie bowed, and sunnysnet, we know, the ministering spirits, get me off there, they both say, bob likes them both and babyfleas, at,, write her and tell, most of the visions, where he says hollie was really, me, babyfleas, modified, sometimes, her face was changed a little, like a monkey mouth, she said, Om gonna git ya, no I'm not, no I'm not, om gona git ya, no om not, no om not, she did not like her vision, and eh saw the beast, the seven heads and the ten horns, on the page, put it on, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns said the lighted serpent, and I'm putin, and the pope, putin is the pope, the pope rules moscow, with putin, greek orthadoxed chuch, the ten horns, are, politburo, the ruling party, of the, ussr, the seven heads, are, seven nations, that, hate, america, they give thier power and strength, to me, said putin, send it over, said the pope, and he saw, subs, sneak up on, america, boom, and the world wobbled, and the lighted hand touched the recorder, on america, boom, and the world, wobbled, the day of the Lord, and, moscow and china, from ohio class subs, and captain hollie, fire, and the world wobbled, one sixth of, moscow left, most of china, taiwan destroyed, mostly, hollie there, like a bear, 8-22-2006-hollie showed to, record the vision, and r.h. duncan pointed, and hollie showed to record the vision, record the vision hollie showed, and he saw, wait a minute mr. christian, God is helping you, God says leave my visions off the internet if you won't live the life, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, america, on fire, and, the statue of liberty coming out, whats that, the woman of REVELATION 17, whore, lets rule the world, china, putin, nicaragua, brazil, cuba, Mexico, north korea, they will give, thier power, and hollie pointed, to the beast, and he will, send it over, on, and he saw the ten horns, on the popes head, these, ten nations, hate america, ten kings, you said it, said the pope, they give thier power and strength to me, said putin, and he turned into the pope, send it over, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw, america on fire, and the statue of liberty coming out, and Jesus, descending on the cloud, politburo nations, and hollie showed to record the vision, the holcombs are cut off, el shaddai apostolic church, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and hollie pointed, wait a minuted mr. christian, and hollie licked the prophet, to much said Jesus, kindness, no, desparate, he knows, alice cooper, git me off, of this, website, he will, find out about it, and he saw, alice, being carried by the one eyed zombie to lava, thats what he chose, he cannot do that, screen show anymore, I'm out he said, he would have to sell out more to do that, and wants to, but, put it under, nobody wants to see him, but, the following, about, half capacity every show, just barely, but, he would do it cheaper, but not as much, aging, iran, said Jesus, attacks coming, tell them, and they will say, we know, and the lighted being pointed, and hollie, theres the alarm, kathy triccoli is cut off, I know it, yep she said, and knows, no signs, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, you liar, said kathy triccoli, and hollie played the horn, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by bush, lets push, said JEsus, no, said hollie, white robe, no, again, theres the submarine sound, git, and subs sneaked up on america, and moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, hollie was on top, and he saw, the pope, with 666, on his forehead, that was satan, falling from heaven, theres the tap dancers pointed hollie, and the pope and false prophet hu, where two, of them, didn't hollie say, uhm hum, and the tap dancers said, Ive got new friends, char tierney, and silvana, both cut off, now, and he saw, alaska, and the pope looking at, we need it, and putin, bomb, and alaska exploded, from, submarines, I'm a bear, me, said putin, new war said the pope, syria, iran, and the lighted finger pointed, next, on the bush hit list, and he saw, babyfleas bit the prophets head off, smiling, that vision was not true, and he saw the pope riding the dragon, lighted, and seven heads and ten horns, lighted, that was God winking, and he saw, contract being, torn, and he saw babylon is america, and the finger pointed, j. tyson, cut off, no signs, new york, said the angel, and he saw, fire, behind the statue of liberty, judgment to america, theres the submarine sound, git, and subs sneaked up on america, boom, and the world wobbled, and moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie tore up the contract, I started over, right, no, you are, now, cut off, no signs, repent, waste, your, time, theres the submarine sound, submarine sound pointed hollie, git, and subs sneaked up on, isaiah knew Jesus would come back, when babylon was destroyed, but, he, did not know, who babylon was, stop, said Jesus, and he saw, the, lighted, angel of the Lord, on the, pulpit, descend, ed, stop said Jesus, pray, more, and he saw, hollie point, moske, m, o, s, k, e, she said, on top of, willie duncans, church, and hollie tore up the contrast, and he saw the statue of liberty, thats the woman, thats babylon, that was a lighted finger pointing, theres the alarm, and hollie, theres the submarine sound, theres the alarm, there ain't no capricorns, record the vision hollie showed, I'm the beast said the little horn, and the popes face came out, and the lighted finger pointed, Im the false prophet said hu, look that, said hollie, china and america, going to war, that, moscow, that, bombers over over canada, and, that, said hollie, and pointed, moscow, and, china, going to war with, america, the ram, they are, now, planning, put it udner, shaq, is what, america, wants, pleasures, now, under, judgment, and he saw, america, on fire, and, the statue of liberty, coming out of it, and now, they are, shrinking, because of, iraq, and, iran, next, syria, bush is, a warlord, put it under, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, bush, nuclear, exchange, coming, between, them, israel, and, the palestinian state, gaza, gone, and, iraq, eliminated, to steal, the, oil, I'm the beast, said, putin, and he turned into, the, pope, russia is, the, greek orthadoxed, church, put it under, putin, was chosen by, yeltsin, and he was, he came out of, the ten, kings, politburo, ten, kings, out of one nation, put it under, the seven heads are, seven, nations, that want, moscow, but, like america, five fall away, one is, and that is, mexico, attached, depends on, and now, fallen, but, the beast, comes out of, italy, the eighth, and of the seven, now, fallen, but, still with, whoever, the seven heads are, mexico, cuba, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, cause russia is the bearst with seven heads and ten horns, and hollie pointed, sang the ministering spirits, now, and hollie pointed, work fur Jesus, while you, have time, saith, the Lord, stop, said Jesus, and the lighted hollie, tore up, the, whats that, she said, the deal, with, Jesus, you have, con, spirit, and there is, the, con, quest, trast, trust, and, more, don't you want to come here, she said, why, to worship, your pastor, that is, what people are doing, going to church, to, lift up, their, pastor, and he saw, the world, wobbled, and on fire, was it worth it, I know, they do, but, they say they don't, put it under, tarry, and he saw, him, tarrying, prayer, go, welcome, to the, house of praise, bull, praise for, them, self, ves, and, the beast is, moscow, and, they are, the, feet, and, hollie pointed, the titanic, is, collapsing, and, churches are, collapsing, because of, no, anointing, no, miracles, no, any, thing, yep, she said, but, this is what, we want, to, play, to eat, and, to, rise, darnit, nope, hell, and he saw, the multitude, in hell, and the flames, over, and, new jerusalem, the city of glass, with the crystal sea, coming up to, the, shore, and he saw, the beast, with, ten kings, coming out of, one nation, raise your hands and repeat after me, said the pope, politburo, the ruling party, of the, former, soviet, union, ten king, s, and they are, ten, ruling, and, they chose, the, new, kremlin, and he is, was, boris, yeltsin, and, is now, putin, there it is, the, ten, horns, and the, seven, heads, and he saw, seven, lighted heads, they are, seven, nations, that, hate, america, and, they are, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, plucked, the three ribs, in the, bears, mouth, and, kim jong, china, venezuela, brazil, and they are, and the beast, is, the eighth, of the seven, he is, bavarian, germany, of the, of, the, former, ussr, now, there is, your, hidden, message, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, bring it right here, said, willie, duncan, get saved, now, before, it is, to late, I want you, to post visions, said, the, waving, hollie, in the stick, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and they are, politburo, a, ruling, party, of, nations, and he saw, ten kings, politburo, on beasts head, put it under, ten, ruling, representing, kings, no, kingdom, but, power, as, kings, and they give their, power and strength, to, me, said, the pope, put it under, that is, the, beast, the seven heads are, seven, nations, and he saw, seven, lighted heads, and they are, seven, nations, that, no, yep, like, america, but, hate, also, and they are, mexico, cuba, nicarag, ua, and these are, plucked, by the bear, and, to invade, america, the seven heads are, italy, australia, no, yes, said, Jesus, and, the, trap, spirit, and hollie bowed, canada, great britain, france, and hollie blowed the horn, buy the chevette, that, and he saw, the man in prison, jail, hell, flames coming up, behind, the dark wall, prison bars, looking thru, thats your black chariot pointed, with hu, and the pope, the new world order, we see, she said, thier amazed, all, go there, one more times, mokse, pointed hollie, on top, the golden dome, get out of here, they will all say, after, noon, said, duncan, willie, muskegon bible institute, nope, the economy is slipping, do you accept the penalty, uhm hum, for what you have done, hell is for hollie, that, flames on the car, abomination, I'm on my way down said the prophet to willie duncans to bing him out or close him, I know he said, I don't have, but, act like I do, Holy Ghost, baptizm, I need you said the angel of the Lord, 8-22-2006 at 8:22-russia is the beast, said the angel of the Lord, no, that was, satan, pointed hollie, yep, hi, I'm the beast, said, putin, tell, that is, moscow, and they are, politburo, and that is, a, ruling, party, of, ten kings, and out of one of them, came, the, kremlin, and, reader, said, look at it, on the internet, and they are, chose, from, amoungst, and they chose, boris yeltsin, you said it, and, he chose, putin, hum hum, said, putin, I'm the beast, he said, and turned into, the, pope, and that was, the, greek, orthadoxed, church, and that is, catholic, and they are, one, hum uhm, grunted, the pope, america, is, getting, out of order, he said, to putin, I understand, lets rule the world, sang, putin, master, plan, china, and, the ram, putin, will attack, america, and he heard, them planning, out, the, demise, of, america, china will, attack, washington state, and, almost, destroy, taiwan, to, lure, america, the, MYSTERY, BABYLON, into, war, then, orders will go, to american, submarine, commanders, watch, china, and, moscow, and, russia, will grab, alas, ka, and, america, will fire on, moscow, and, china, and the world will wobble, and, russia will wipe out the american mainland, and they are, planning, right now, waiting, terrorise, said, putin, when, the marines, are in the street, s, then, look out, saith, hollie, the ministering spirit, and pointed, the, four horns, rose, out of, the, ruins, of, moscow, and, china, magog, the, leopard, the four carpentars, and they are, north and south, korea, japan, where, china, and all those, lands are, magog, even, most of, russia, only, one sixth left, a fire, sent on, magog, fulfilled, right here, saith, the Lord, now, out of, moscow, comes, the, pope, he will, rule the world, the king of grecia, and, the king of the east, or, south, is, hu, the ruler of, magog, he will rise, with, japan, to, withstand, the second beast, worship the pope, he will say, and, he saw, the popes image, on, hu's hand, or, 666, born at the table, between them, to prevent them, from destroying each other, both have nukes, moscow and china, and they are, aimed, at, each other, and hu, o man, he said, submit, no, you submit, two devils, both, but, the pope will be, stronger, and he has, more nukes, grecia is, the, whole world, raise your hands and repeat after me, the ten kings, are, ten, ruling, praty, nations, like, italy, no, out of, one, came, the pope, and he will, no, out of, one nation, and it is, moscow, the ten kings, are, politburo, like, back when, the, former, ussr, was, ten, kings, ruling, the, whoel nation, and, out of them, they chose, one, and he was, boris yeltsin, and he will, chose, putin, and he will, the seven heads are, seven, nations, that, hate, america, the whole world, does, and the beast, is, the, eighth, of the seven, italy, lets rule the world, sang, putin, the one mind, Jesus, gives them, from God, and they will, give their power and strength, to the beast, and he will, send it over, said, the, pope, on, america, and the world wobbled, and, those, nations are, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, plucked, the ribs in the bears mouth, china, venezuela, brazil, north korea, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, the, pope, italy, even though, an allie, the pope is, rome, there you have it, the pope will get slashed, and, satan, will enter in, and, destroy, searching for, the, jewish, remnant, and, want to, eliminate, God's, witness, and, they will be hid, den, in the people, wanting, God's, favor, but, they took the mark, and he saw, 666, on the forehead, or, the popes image, on the hand, Christ will appear, and, the, vials, of, wrath, will be poured out, and, china will, invade, moscow, and, force, to invade, israel, the battle of armageddon, now, fist, the iraq war, will be, nuclear, and that will, cause, great babylon, to come, to, rememberance, before, Jesus, and hollie, babylon is, america, and he saw, subs, sneaking up on, america, and they are, russian, and now, ohio class subs, sneaked up on, we know, said, michael boldea, gene schmdit, is cut off, like, wife, ollright, said, wife, ann, schmidt, both, no signs, like their pastor, ken, now, repent, and be, bap, tized, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift, of the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of speaking with, new tongues, and many signs, will follow, and he saw, Jesus, coming out of his back, america will hit syria, and, iran, the iraq war, was over, breaking, oil contracts, with, moscow, and, preventing, china, from, recieving, brought in by, oil man bush, now, serve, Jesus, and, live, aman, brought to you by, the minsitering spirits, hollie, and she bowed, like a white angel, sunnysnet, gene schmidt, anne schmidt, michael, boldea, we'll take it, and, many more, like, the Lord of hosts, hunt uuuu, that, was not, the Lord of hosts, said, hollie, that was satan, but he looked like, Jesus, and he looked, stunned, we know it, said, sunnysnet, liar, yeshua, is, her, Jesus, what is yours, and hollie pointed, and he saw, three, angels, raptured, wait a minute, said, hollie, out of the fire, hollie, moody, this prophet, and, thomas, gibson, the, main, these two, call, and also, bob, s, friend, thomas, heward, the phoenix, and he saw it, ask, him, where the vision is, now, cheers, said, sam niell, leave it there, that was heaven, and that was hell, pointed, hollie, white hand, a city of, glass, with, a, crystal, sea, leading up to, and hollie, like, babyfleas, at, bob, favorite, ministering spirit, he call, s, her hollie, but, babyfleas, she did not, and she, bit the prophets head off, like her vision, cut off, get right, bob wants to, marry, but, to old, and you are, getting, you would, marry, bob, but, we3 need this down, here it is, now, live for Jesus, aman, all right, said, Jesus, now, go on, work, while it is day, git out of here, saith, Jesus, like a, bear, ed, Jesus, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and they are, politburo, a, ruling, party, of, nations, and he saw, ten kings, politburo, on beasts head, put it under, ten, ruling, representing, kings, no, kingdom, but, power, as, kings, and they give their, power and strength, to, me, said, the pope, put it under, that is, the, beast, the seven heads are, seven, nations, and he saw, seven, lighted heads, and they are, seven, nations, that, no, yep, like, america, but, hate, also, and they are, mexico, cuba, nicarag, ua, and these are, plucked, by the bear, and, to invade, america, the seven heads are, italy, australia, no, yes, said, Jesus, and, the, trap, spirit, and hollie bowed, canada, great britain, france, and hollie blowed the horn, buy the chevette, that, and he saw, the man in prison, jail, hell, flames coming up, behind, the dark wall, prison bars, looking thru, thats your black chariot pointed, with hu, and the pope, the new world order, we see, she said, thier amazed, all, go there, one more times, mokse, pointed hollie, on top, the golden dome, get out of here, they will all say, after, noon, said, duncan, willy, muskegon bible institute, nope, the economy is slipping, do you accept the penalty, uhm hum, for what you have done, hell is for hollie, that, flames on the car, abomination, I'm on my way down said the prophet to willie duncans to bing him out or close him, I know he said, I don't have, but, act like I do, Holy Ghost, baptizm, I need you said the angel of the Lord, 8-23-2006- and hollie pointed, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, and, smiled, I smiled, she said, and hollie, showed, again, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, and he saw the man in the furnace, flames in the prison cell window, dark, and hollie showed the recorder, no said hollie, nunt uhhhh, that was not Jesus, satan, I'm the beast, said the Lord of hosts, and he saw, putin, moscow is the pope, look that, the recorder, there aint no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie showed, to record the visions, ACTS 2:38 is salvation like the clock said, keep on slipping, hunt uhhh, thats not Jesus, thats satan, but he looked like Jesus, like, most pastors, no signs, and hollie tore up the contruit, like a golden bar, don't do it, and bob prayed for the sick dog, paralyzed, and he saw it walking, she saw it to, and cannot beleive, but, didn't say anything, really, she doesn't care, but, I care said the dog, put it under, bring on the sick folk, s, what are you doing, saith the Lord, with your time, and hollie desolation is coming, and pointed, sell, record the vision, hollie showed, I don't feel it she thought, but, she is, in her 40's, and gave God no glory, dad will loose both legs, diabetes, is caused by, inherited, no, overworking your system with, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and the lighted finger pointed, the ten horns are, politburo, they chose, ten kings, from amoungst them, the next soviet president, and, they chose, yeltsin, and he chose, putin, the seven heads are, seven nations that hate america, and the beast comes out of one, of them, italy, rome, then, moscow, he is out of, there aint no capricorns, record the vision hollie showed, politburo, ruling party, ten kings, out of one kingdom, that was, the ussr, and they chose, yeltsin, and he chose, putin, from amoungst them, they don't exist anymore, but, russia is ready, that was the king, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, with the ten horns, and putins face appeared, politburo, the ruling praty, the kremlin came out of, the seven heads, like russia and america, but, fall away from americano, and Jesus tore up the con try it, and putin is that king with the ten horns, and the lighted finger pointed, hollies in hot water, theres the alarm, and hollie played the horn, mr. christian, wait a minute, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie, kissed at the prophet, carved into the stick, 8-23-2006-do you accpet the penalty for what you have done, uhm hum, theres the alarm, tell me about politburo, the ruling party of the old ussr, ten kings, and they chose the next from amoungst them, boris yeltsin, and he chose putin, and the lighted finger pointed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang hollie, look that, thats a spirit, that traps people to thier pastors, the strong delusion, and he saw, the united states, flag on the inside, and the statue of liberty coming out, thats the woman, and it was, and it was, from, captain hollie, subs sneaking in, fire, boom, and the world wobbled, on fire, and the finger pointed, that was new jerusalem, clear skyscrapers, and lava, your choice, 8-2006- ellen white, was, cut, off, she, left, Je`sus, she, said, now, if you don't believe, on of her books, she calls, MYSYERY, BABYLON, something other than, america, she was not led, but, had, many, awesome, visions, put it under, and the pope pointed, satan, and he saw, hell, and that was, like, a, fire, color, and ellen white pointed, let, s, see it, she said, she knew, not to write, but, I did, anyway, she said, and he saw, the lighted finger, post, please promote the gospel on the internet, sang, hollie, and sunnysnet, they are, ministering, spirits, 8-25-2006-and he saw, the winds, striving, upon the sea, and four beast, s, rose, kim jong, hu, the pope, and, the idol shepherd, and he saw him, with, a, slash, and the emporer of japan, no eye, no, arm, the pope, the idol shepherd, there you have it, the, four, beasts, and the pope was dreadful, and angry, and had, ten horns, his horns, politburo, ruling a party, and out of one of them came, boris yeltsin, moscow, this was, the old ussr, and he chose putin, and there it is, right there, make a page for it, the seven heads, and he saw, are, seven nation, and he saw, seven lighted heads, that, like, america, the beast is, the, eighth, and of the seven, the pope, italy, the little horn, those ten kings, are, already, full, filled, long ago, the soviet union, hated, america, and, when, america, put, missiles all around, this, caused, them, to, break up the soviet, and, turn into, and, loose, non, oil, producing, nations, put it under, gorbachev, did this, and, he was, the, last, ruling, politburo, kremlin, now, putin is, those, ten, horns, please promote the gospel over the internet, sang, hollie, many times, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang the pope, this is, the event, that, brings, the, beast in, and, Jesus, back, the judgment to, amerirussia, and they are, the two leading, the whole world, right now, not the ram, that is, moscow, and, china, they are, the hegoat is, the pope, in the middle, record the vision hollie showed, if you are burning, eat, it will top it, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, read it, brought in by oil man bush, to break oil contracts, please promote the gospel on the internet sang hollie, I want you to post visions, waved hollie, carved into the stick, said the pope, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the pope, and he is, the, ten, toed, beast, with, kim jong, hu, japan, china, venezuela, nicaragua, and, brazil, germany, and, iran, also, cuba, mexico, they are, the, ten, toes, but, they will, hate, but, cling, nope, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, no, she is, like, demi moore, let me lone, she said, let me talk, said, sunnysnet, but, live for Jesus, then, stop, pointed Jesus, post, live, this is, the, beginning, of the, ministry, of, healing, for, prophet, he prayed for, a, dog, healed, he saw him, walking, was, no back legs, healed, and the owner, did not, say, one thing, but, saw, 8-29-2006-Im the beast, said hu, Im the false prophet, said, hu, and pointed, lighted finger, at, Christ temple apostolic faith assembly, blies, they are, cut off, by, the late, g.t. haywood, no signs, charles finnell, step out, but, nope, america is, the, mother of, harlots, alright, he said, but, and the lighted being pointed, like satan, allright, now, saying, you are a christian, and, lying, is, abomination, and he saw, the, four horns, and they are, and the pope, with, ten, horns, he came out of, the, four, horns, magog, chinas, that is, after, china, absorbs, most of, from, american, return, fire, nukes, and he saw, captain hollie, in her sub, ohio class, fire, and, moscow, and, china, were, destroyed, they are, after, they, destroy, america, and this is, the, day of, the, Lord, prophesied, in, bob aint christian, they say, but, he, speaks, the word of the Lord, prophesies, you expect me to believe that, said, charles, finnell, it, cleary, in JOEL, that is, seeing, visions, while right there, and telling, what they, ministering, Spirits, say, put it under, the four horns are, magog, and the pope is, the, ruler of, the world, except for, magog, which, hu, rules, and hu laughed, he knows, that, he will, attack, taiwan, hard, and, washington, please tell it, he said, state, tellem, and he saw, the, angel, alice cooper, with his, sword, drawn, ready to, strike, america, russia, and, china, will, the ram, and, this is, how, china will, attack, washington state, and grab taiwan, and, lure, then, unknowing, russia, will, order, an, nuclear, hit on, alas, ka, then, orders, will go to, american, sub, marine, commanders, and they will, fire on, mos, cow, and, china, thats what I heard, this will, putin will, order, the hit on, the, ameri, can, main, land, and that is, wiped out, chomp, and babyfleas, bit the prophets, head off, put it right here, homo, alice, cooper, is, but, not active, but has, not, would like to, him old, and, all these, good lookin, young, men, walking, put it under, america is, the, whore, and he saw, Jesus, on his, throne, like, bright, white, light, all, and, some, sitting at, the, table, like, spirits, yellow, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, white, and the finger pointed, Christ will, sup, with, him, s, chosen, no way, said sunnysnet, there are, no, open, but, this prophet, in, america, one more, hollie, Im moodie, she is, open, stripped, but, will be back, now, but not like, this, God can, use, him, however, hollie, somewhat, and maucaulay, showed, this is heaven, and he saw, the, city of, glass, clear, but, bluish, and hell, lava, color, leave it alone, said, vince, furnier, aka, alice, cooper, the, acid rock, star, nope, he is, 50, 8, and, still, recording, hey stupid, sold, 33, million, copies, and, he is, to cash in, taking, songs off, that is, what he does, to, make, new, records, make, one good song, and, take, others, now, Jesus, says, to, work for, him, till, the four horns, are, raise your hands and repeat after me, magog, and the pope is, Im the beast, him and, false prophet, hu, says, both, hu will, rise, with, japan, and, withstand, him, put it under, the pope will get slashed, you got it, show it, witness, you been filled, with the Holy Ghost, said dorien, and you dont even show it, this is it, and hollie pointed, do a tour, said, stan johnson, saying, to, michael, boldea, lets do, nope, you have, henry, gruver, is, open, mature, and he will, laugh, when he, gets this, and they met, this prophet, and henry, this prophet, approached, and henry didnt like it, boad, ly, henry, knew, if you have sin, stay away, from, them, put it under, appreaciate, what you have, and he saw, america, explode, and, babylon, came out, this is, hollie, Im moody, and that is, pour out the vial of wrath, and, look, pointed Jesus, and he saw, thomas, heward, where, the, stat, ue, of, liber, ty was, and thomas heward is, reaching, for, Jesus, and will find him, and, Jesus poin, ted, with, at the statue of liberty, the woman, and, behind, a, explosion, it will burn, said, thomas, heward, read and do, ACTS, 2:38, said, this is hollie, with her, and she waved, carved into the, stick, 8-30-2006-and he saw, hollie, Im moody, writing, 666, on her, fore, hand, or, head, and that is, the, number of, the, beast, and, the image, on the, hand, put it under, the popes image, on the, hand, like, false prophet hu, showed, put it under, and, new jerusalem, like a, glass, city, and, a, glass, like, sea, leading up to, hell is not, the, and hollie pointed, save, hell is not the sun, pointed, the angel of the Lord, no, said Jesus, hell is, the, in the, bowells, of the, earth, like, lava, valcano, that is where, many, are, stored, up, for, the, great, white, throne, jud, ge, ment, put it under, hell or heaven, your choice, record the vision, hollie showed, and he saw the pope, with the ten horns, poitburo, God says, politburo, is, the ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., ten kings, that give, thier power, and strength, to the beast, the leader of russia, and he saw, the pope, as an angel of light, with, holding hu, the false prophet, Im the beast, both are, the two beasts, and, the finger pointed, hand, who is politburo, they are the former, soviet union, s, ruling party, right there in the g8, the seven heads, nations that like america, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, broke the recorder, if russia found out, china was going to, stripped it said hu, take taiwan back, by force, they would say, lets do it, but, ill handle it said putin, by negotion, and hollie showed, record the vision and stomped, and hollie licked the propeht and showed, and, submarine sound, and captain hollie, in her sub, fire, sneaking up on america, boom, and all of north america, and the world wobbled, record the vision, hollie showed, and the four horns, and the lighted hand, bobby, we need it, work, thats the pope showed hollie, record it, thats the pope coming out of, the horn, magog, he will rule, grecia, after, china absorbs moscow, and the car dealer showed, and the lighted finger pointed, and he saw Jesus, all white, on his, all white throne, lit, and the golden spirits, sitting at the table with Christ serving, sup, and he saw, Jesus, angry, people, are doing what they want, and many call themsleves christians, harlots is what they are, no signs, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, go where God leads, and hollie shwoed, to record the vision and complained, stomped the recorder, and the four horns, head, s, popped out, the pope and hu out of the same horn, leave my website alone if you wont live the life said Jesus, white on the white throne, Im a bear, me, putin, moscow, satan is the head, and the other two horns are, north and south korea, magog, the pope will rule grecia, thats the whole world, tell the vision, the pope, Im the beast he said, with his face coming of the horn, im the false prophet said hu, and the lighted being pointed, raise your hand, s, and repeat after me, sang the pope, im the beast, im the second beast, and hu pointed, Christ temple apostolic faith assembly, cut off, no signs, when we hit alaska, then youll have two hours to prepare for hell or heaven, keep stalling, running from Jesus and, whose holding it back, Gods remnant, and they are weakening, its over, said, hollie, im moody, thunderstorms said the angel of the Lord, are, and hollie tore up con trast, no said hte girl from paul mooneys church, bobby, hes leaving the churches, whatta you want, said babyfleas, whatta you want, Jesus has it, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, thats it, timing, Jesus, whatta you want, Jesus, has it, whatta you want, your back, pointed Jesus, stay, on this website, and the pope came outta the horn, china, after, china, invades moscow, and forces to invade israel, but absorbs, that was Jesus tearing up the contrast, golden, Im a bear, and the bear tore up its contract, me, putin, the feet, moscow is, going to attack, america, grabbing alaska forst, nuking after, china attacks washington state and grabs taiwan to lure america, into, war, iran, said Jesus, debate, make a fool out of president bush, easy, they do anything they want he said, but, moscow, I will give you oil if you, Jesus is smiling, and the horn went to hollies mouth, chicago, and hollie was on the mx missile with almost, two silver bear paws, its slipping, americas economy over, iranq, war, said the iranian president, bush, warlord, theres the alarm, you gotta stand said Jesus, white, all, throne, and he saw the statue lf liberty, and, whore, america is the whore, babylon and, the woman, theres the alarm, this is hollie with the loose belt sound, air conditioning, waving out of the horn, washington state, attacked by china, terrorists, its iraq, said Jesus and my pope, and the lighted finger pointed, how about new york city, and Jesus pointed, boom, explosion, and hillary clinton came out, president, the last, put it on your website, people are falling away, God let them go is what happened, thats, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, hollie on, the, mx, missile, partial, golden, bear, paw, partial, silver, and hollie pointed at the recorder, lighted, and like celebrated, moses found out he was a jew when God spoke to him, after, fleeing egypt, and the lighted finger pointed, he perished, when the hit iraq, the united states, will go to, judgment, that was a golden bright light man, tell me about politburo, and he saw, ten crowns, on the popes head, thats, the former ruling party, of the u.s.s.r., ten kings, out of, one nation, and they chose, the next, soviet president, the seven heads are, the g8, minus america, and theres russia, right, in the g8, and the lighted hollie pointed, theres the alarm, the united states will be destroyed, for blaspheme, rejecting Jesus, and Jesus pointed, like a white light man, thats the sun blocked, thats the moon, turning into blood, and smoke coming from behind the statue of liberty, look, pointed Jesus, and hollie, and Jesus pointed, and hollie blowing the horn, thats the black chariot, with false prophet and the pope, with ten crowns, politburo, ruling party of the u.s.s.r., former, president bush orders the iranq hit, before he even came into office, that was Jesus, telling that, theres the alarm, nuclear exchange, iraq and israel, theres the alarm pointed hollie, keri fox has herpes said Jesus, and spreads them, you committed blaspheme israel, you committed blaspheme united states, judgment pronounced saith the Lord, thats my spaceship with new jerusalem in it, a city of glass, you gotta stand said Jesus, learn to stay up pointed Jesus, and hollie tore up the con, trast, theres the conspirit, conquerer, condrive, con, tract, con quest, there all the same, raise your hand and repeat after me, sang hollie and the pope, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, its the pope, and the ten horns, crowns, politburo, the ruling party of the former, ten kings, and out of one came putin, yeltsin, was, he chose, and satan, was in hell, and, he said, surrendar, but, your choice, put it under, and the lighted, satan, pointed, seven nations that like america, and there is moscow right there, the g8, I knew is said cless barger and norm heaggy, record the vision hollie showed and complained, heres what God says, stand still and see the salvation of Jesus, iraq will bring america into Gods, shew wee, lets rule the world, sang putin, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie tore up the contrast with golden bar paws, one was silver, and, the lionman pointed, satan, your down to your last hour, said the pope, and hollie, tore up the con spirit, the united states will be a desolation, that was the contry it being trashed, sliver bear paws, redeemed, that was Jesus talking but he didnt move his lips, stop, he pointed, that was captain hollie turning into an angel, lighted, in the spaceship, with new jerusalem, she, showed, smiling, stop, said, Jesus, save, said hollie, that was a serpent, with, hu and the pope, and, chavez, kim jong, putin, mexico, cuba, nicaragua, they will give thier power and strength, to, me, said, lets, rule the world, china, and, mos, cow, will, and, they will, return, fire, all three, wiped out, mostly, thats your friend, said, babyfleas, willie duncan, worship me, and bob went, to, revival temple, and that is what, they do, bob saw it, and laughed, and willie saw him, no, he thought, I know, but, its a, spirit, that, causes, people, to, worship, people, the, strong, delusion, is already, here, that was a serpent and a hand, with somebody in it, thats false prophet hu, and the pope, nailing hu, to magog, surrounded, grecia is the world, but, both have nuke, s, and hu, I will not put up with you, they will say to each other, I see, were not going to get along, threaten, 666, and the pope pointed, born at the table, between them, to prevent them from destroying each other, that was an angel man with a white robe, and hollie pointed, flower halo, alarm, post, hollie, saith, were, running out of, spiritual, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, and stomped, and showed, again, and Jesus laughed, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on americano, moscow, and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie raised the horn and blowed it, that was hollie tearing up the con try it, im a bear, putin, and putin pointed, satan is the head, and magog is the body, and he saw, four kings coming out, and the intercepter missed the cruise missile, theres the alarm, and hollie pointed, and he saw, false prophet hu, and the wind strive, ing, come out, of the, wind, and, king jong, and, putin, and, stop, no, the pope, in his, estate, and, the emporer of japan, the, four, beast, s, put it under, there it is, and quickly, the pope, turned, and hu, I will not, put up with, you, they will say to each other, both, have nukes, 666, born at the table, awesome, and hollie wrote, 666, on her, fore, hand, and pointed, and the popes image, worship the pope, they will say, the pope is, strong, er, they will, hate, but, cling, and he saw, the pope, sitting in, the, temple, worship, me, he will say, and that was, hu, both, beasts, of, REVELATION, 17, you ever lost your head, saith, Jesus, if you, protect, against, the mark, the jewish remnant, he will, put it under, Christ will, pour out the, vial, s, of, wrath, and, the beasts, seat, will, his kingdom, dark, ness, and he saw, the, great earthquake, that is, the great, city, divided into, three parts, one for jews, one for, gen, tile, s, and, one for, arabs, that was hollie, tearing up, the, con, ra, coon, and pointed, and bob dreamed, he was talking to irving baxter live, and irving, o, let him talk, and beleived, about america and china going to war, and america returning fire, and more, but that was all, Jesus, wanted, and hollie tore up the contry it, and truit, cause russias gitton prepared, and hollie pointed, nope already are, put it under, when john the revelator and joel saw airplanes, they knew, their flying like the birds, they knew, saith the Lord, you missed it, said, Jesus, both, but, they saw, how fast, and could not believe, and when people see, military aircraft flying, they cannot believe it, so fast, people in iraq see that everyday, and dont know where the missile is heading for, terror, bob has been there and knows, and he saw, the four horns, when china attacks america and destroys taiwan, putin, when america, starts nuking china, all around, putin, without hesitation, will hit, alas, ka, but, not think about america, returning fire, and they will, put it under, the day of the Lord, and hollie pointed and licked the prophet, I needed out, said Jesus, upci, they, would not serve, but, say they would, put it under, there aint no visions in pentecost, and hollie, because there are no apostolics in pentecost, and the hand, that was Jesus, like an angel man, descending on the cloud, put it under, work for the Lord, and hollie, in, the, b-1, stealth, bomber, and hollie, waved, flying the, sanyo, blimp, perishing, said, michael, boldea, put the phone, down, and, tarry, work out, your, and hollie, like dumitru, no, said, mike, regret, you knew, I knew, he said, dumitru, helped him up, the mountain, in the vision, bob saw it, and the finger pointed, im a bear, me, putin, and satan is the head, and the pope is, now, let me see, his mouth, and he saw, the idol shepherd, slashed, one eye, and one arm, magog is the body, thats north and south korea, china, and japan, and hollie, showed, magog is, bob went to, antioch, the apostolic, church, helpum out, said, Jesus, and, bob told, this, when, he told, about, revelations, help, uhm, out, saith, Jesus, and the lighted, finger, nope, said, sunny, s, net, no, said, Jesus, they, rejected, I, rejected, said, hollie, the speaker, said, when, bob, prophesied, only, Jesus knows, where, people, are, but, he, did not know, Jesus, told bob, what to say, and, no signs, followed, any, and they are knew, and, Jesus, told bob, what to say, when, and he told him, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, you are cut off, no signs, no, he, waved, yep, saith, the Lord, and that is, being, talked, about, all over, and they know, bob, but, not, him, s, name, and hollie, and he saw, Jesus, the, sign, of, him, s, coming, in the, sky, like, darkness, something, coming, be ready, for when you, think not, then, cometh, the, Son, of, man, see daniel, no, said the angel of the Lord, and, hollie, work, for, and hollie showed, record the vision, and the ra, ccoons, ate, hurricane ernesto, is, going to, soak, and that is, aktie couric is, I know, she, said, out, soon, watch, nobody, when, young, and, beau, ti, ful, whew, but, ten years ago, she said, put it under, thank, Jesus, for, makeup, dont come tonight, said, hollie, why, so you can, sin, more, that is, what, people, deathbed, sal, va, tion, nope, you are, cut off, when, you, reject, so, great, a, plan, of, sal, va, tion, read and do, ACTS 2:38, repent, and be, bap, tise, d, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the, gift of, the, and he saw, the, Spirit Man, sitting on, the, all white, like, white light, Jesus, on hism, throne, put it under, work for Jesus, aman, your gettin in trouble with my boss, said the, pope, hunt uhhh, said, hollie, satan, how art thou, he did not, want to, stand, before, Jesus, and do his, m, job, he did it, for, and hollie pointed, about, one million, years, but, could not, and Jesus, would not, but, leave, way, but, not, good, enough, satan knew, yeh, he said, about, hell, he saw it, and knew, but, for, a, season, ill have victory, he thinks, but, he knows, in, his, m, heart, no, he said, but, for, just, being, Jesus, to the world, for, a, moment, he will, eternally, hell, and knew it, I want you out, but, Jesus, keeps, them, that are, called, acorrding, to, his, m, purpose, put it under, and you have to, deny, your, self, ves, aman, that is it, and hollie, wrote, my 666, on, her, fore, hand, and, hu, had it, on his, m, head, and, the, pope, s, image, on the, fore, head, put it under, you cannot buy or sell, without, you will, tattoo, yourself, required, or, and he saw, hollie, tatoo, 666, on her, fore, hand, and, counting out, the, and the horse said, work, I got bills, but, work for, and he will, help, there you go bobby, said the pope, post, live, jeremy thorne, I been, cut off, no, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and you know it, I knew it, he said, terry holstine, I know, then, why did, I write, she, thought, him, both, him and wife, both, cut off, no signs, read and do, ACTS 2:38, and you both know it, stand, before, saith, Jesus, and I will, let bob, come, to you, and, help, both, they know it, said, Jesus, both, put it on, saith, the Lord, tell people, and, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, said, people, spirits, put it under, this will, bring, into, remember, ance, before, Je`sus, america, soon, brought in by, oil man, bush, to break, oil, con, tracts, put it under, mos, cow, knew it, it was on, cnn, they knew, and bush, when he saw, knew, but, I wont admit, liar, saith, Jesus, and the four horn, s, came up, and, the pope, came out of, one, and, hu, came out of, the, same, one, china, after, and, captain, hollie, in her, sub, ohio class, fire, returning, fire, moscow, and, china, and, america, and subs, sneaked up on, all, and the world wobbled, and he saw, Jesus, on the white horse, to conquer, and, and on, the white horse, as, Judge, put it under, Jesus, is, God, Almighty, I AM, said, the lighted face, and that means, he is, and you are not, nope, creation, worhip, Jesus, and give him, glory, put it under, gezunetite, said, Jesus, yep, said, michael, boldea, put it under, yep, he chose, letting, geno, work, there, and knew, him, and, ann, were, cut, off, both, no signs, put it under, and he saw, Jesus is God, words, and Jesus pointed, and hollie, there aint no vision in pentecost, because there, are no more, apostolics, in pentecost, and he saw, irving baxter, and richmond, indiana, explode, it will burn, and captain, in her, sub, fire, and the world wobbled, im a bear, me, putin, what you want, said, the angel, hollie, Jesus has it, put it under, work for Jesus, bobby, you can loose it, he knows, and you know to, that aint spiritual, said, sunny, s, net, yep, ill take it away, storage, both, get it, update, and he saw, america, on fire, and the statue of liberty, coming out of, babylon, the whore, the mother of, har, lots, and that means, christians, people, calling themselves, christians, but arent, but are, liars, no signs, this is, thats not right, they say, but, these signs, follow, them, that, obey, casting out devils, visions and dreams, miracles, speaking with, new tongues, miracles, record the vision, hollie showed, time is, up, for now, Jesus is, starting to, but, the day is, prayer time, coming, allnight, try it, weeping, endureth, for a night, and joy, in the morn, ning, or, just, deny yourself, 9-2006-o my God, hes a prophet, and that is, irving, bax, ter, no signs, but, is a prophet, all are, none, arent, but, no, yes, all signs, follow, those that, obey, boring, said babyfleas, but, bob had, as much, fun, witnessing, as, he wouldve had, doing, put it under, he replaced, now, he, rarely, witnesses, but, and the lighted Jesus pointed, and he saw the pope, and Jesus sang, pershing, when you dont have to, deliver yourself, and macaulay pointed, to the Lord of hosts, I will, that you not perish, sing it to me, saith the Lord, he can actually see and her Jesus singing, put the vision, on my website, sang the Lord, I will that everybody have life, now he can hear the music singing, I will that you have life, said Jesus's face, coming out of the music, bobby, stick around, said, babyfleas, but, and he saw, her, babyfleas, and she, bit the prophets, head off, smiling, but, mad, after, her, vision, cut off, young, and, beau, ti, ful, put it under, and he saw her, dunging, animal, thats what, you are, like it, or, not, saith, Jesus, and the dark hollie pointed, people lining up for sin, while subs are sneaking up on amexico, and hollie showed, and hollie on the mx missile, golden and silver bear paws, with a little golden, that, america and china going to war, that, look that, saith hollie, and she, showed the recorder, post, moscow grabbing alaska, that, and he saw, Jesus with the recorder, trying him, that, and hollie pointed, lighted hand, showed, submarine sound, and hollie licked the prophet, record the vision hollie showed, and hollie waved in the truck, and Jesus ahd the recorder, and the pope, im the beast, stay tuned and watch what Jesus does, and pointed, lighted, and hollie pointed, and crowned the prophet, lighted crown, and hollie pointed at the recorder, and he saw 1.99 gas price, s, and the being pointed, and hollie showed, nunt uhh, that wasnt, hollie, that was, Jesus, and the lighted, pointed at the recorder, did you pray, said the angel of the Lord, umm hum, did you fast, yes, said hollie, waht if, and hollie showed, help me bob said the angel of the Lord, on the internet, there aint no more visions in pentecost because there aint no more apostolics in pentecost, and hollie tore up the contract, and truit, saddam hussein said the angel of the Lord, ill hear it, is guilty as charged, slaughter, and hollie licked the prophet, bobby were down to the last hour, I know said the angel of the Lord, and the girl from plainfield apostolic church, she wont do, but, for a while, she has not, prayed thru, and knows it, yet, but, thinks she has, the pope will rule grecia, the united states will be attacked real soon said Jesus, all the nations of the world fell, the only one that aloows christianity, and they are fallen, thats why babylon was golden cup in the Lords hand, that made all of the earth drunken, because they allowed christianity, and, no, were friends, to israel, God blessed them, now hes taken it away, and raising up china to, lets rule the world, they are closer than you think to crumbling america, put it under, they could right now, but, ohio class subs, and hollie showed heaven and hell, a city of glass, and lava, from her boston spaceship, and pointed, and Jesus pointed, lighted, and hollie pointed at the pope, and he saw, and she pointed, the seven headed beast, seven dragons, and the popes face appeared on one, and hu, and calderon, and, chavez, and hollie tore up the con spirit, lula, nicaragua, kim jong, putin, the pope had, ten horns, politburo, ruling party, of the former u.s.s.r., the pope got slashed, and hollie was carved into the stick, smiling, stuck her tongue out, and the pope was slashed, the deadly wound, the idol shepherd, russia is the bear, the feet, magog is the body with hu ruling, the four horns are, magog, north and south korea, and, somebody pointed, japan, and, the pope, is, the head, the ten toes are, politburo, the ruling party of the former u.s.s.r., im the beast, said the dragon, sting broke up police, but, he wrote most of the songs, he didnt need them anymore, raise your hands and clap your horns, and hollie, pointed, the united states will be a desolation soon sang Jesus, and the choir is singing, it, i'm the main ministering spirit, hollie, im back, post, bobby, post, im the main ministering spirit, i want visions on my website, record the vision hollie showed, look that, the recorder, go, that, america and china going to war, that, moscow grabbing alaska, that, make your calling aand election sure, that, and hollie pointed, this will be read today, saith, Jesus, people are on there now, post, that, Jesus painted on the car, abomination, record the vision hollie showed, russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and he saw both coasts up in flames, california, said the angel, and up the middle, from captain hollie in her sub, and subs sneaking up on, and the angel pointed, amexico, north america, and he saw, all of north america, explode, it will burn, space, the final frontier, these are the voyages of ministryofdreams, and hollie showed, 666, born at the table, between hu and the pope, to prevent them from destroying each other, theres something in your gasoline called ethanol, said the angel of the Lord, thats paying for the iraq war, instead, record the vision the angel showed, and hollie licked the prophet, that woman is not as pretty as she thinks, and the lighted being pointed, the united states will be a desoaltion soon said Jesus, work, if I showed you what it would be like in 2015, there it is, people, flood, one country, and tear up their contract, we need it said the angel of the Lord, and hollie pointed, people flood one country and bring it down, it has alway happened, china would be next, they are listening, to prevent, overthrow, soon, open, like america, hu, is doing it, God cannot let this go on because, witnesses, are shrinking, and the Lighted, God has to, we know, go out of his way to keep his servants from sin, but, he always has, bob has a car, that, he ptfed, and still like new, running after, over, 100,000 miles, it had over 60, when he bought it, zero wear, use it, and hollie pointed, and Jesus showed, but it, theres the submarine sound, and hollie, whatta you want, saith the Lord, I have it, thou fool, and he saw irving baxter, and richmond, indiana exploded, and hollie showed, he knew, the signs didnt follow him, and when he and propeht collided, and prophet told visions, ok, he thought, so what, but, it just went against what he, i knew, was teaching, he knew it, I caint handle nightmare, s, but, a night vision from Jesus, all dreams, come from God, you oil said dumitru duduman, yep, he knew it, dont change it, it does not wear out, keep full, and pointed, lighted, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, and hollie, it will start using it when it darkens, how, it goes up the pcv vavle, or, egr, but, keep it full, that woman committed blaspheme of the Holy Ghost, you know it, sin, she thought, in her heart, dont speak it, said russell hylton, but, cut off, and hollie tore up the contrast, and now she will tell, people are playing, drinking, and, judgment, is hanging over, america, and subs are sneaking up on america, tell my visions, on the internet, and the angel blowed the horn, and hollie showed, I want open said satan, but, i dont want to live the life, thats everybody, when america gets hit, God will rapture out his chosen, those that lived for him, run to finish said Jesus, that church with that on that sign, isnt even, they rejected bob, everytime, but, thats how, all of america is, calling themselves christians, but, are liars, harlots, the mother of, theres the alarm, that was new beginning, s, church, and the lighted finger pointed, at the recorder, it pressed and pressed and pressed it on like hollie showed, p.t.f.e. stays on, unless you run it out of oil, it aint your body, and maucaulay pointed, and he saw him finding, and the lighted finger pointed, stp oil treatment, fulfilled, and hollie tore up the, trast, that was hollie tearing up contrast, how come you aint open, because you dont want to be, 1.99 gas prices coming, and the lighted maucaulay pointed, they, are building and planting in america, and judgment, subs sneaking up on, and he dreamed that, he was at the ocean, and saw a russian, sub, out in the ocean, but, about a football field away, then, many showed up, and docked, and one, even drove on the shore, and the russians got out, america gave away all of its secrets, when, bill, clinton, let, a russian jet, fly over, and picture, snap, what ever they wanted, you fool, he figured they already knew, the did, but not exacts, and hollie, but what they didnt know was, bill changed everything, bill clinton had america ready to attack anybody, you know what I heard, said the angel of the Lord, now america is, on alert, lets rule the world, sang putin, and the lighted maucaulay pointed, now dilapidated, and moscow knows it, no we aint, said, bush, they are making it, faster than you can imagine, they want moscow to think, war is brewing, once the united states will be accepted, again in the world, cant do, said the new moscow president, dark bushy hair, lets rule the world, sang putin, then, watch out, thats the last sing, and with bill and hillary in the white house, and he saw bill smiling, thats what i want pointed the new russian president, they knew, man, your battle stations, its over, said, Jesus, nope, said, babyfleas, yep, said, and the lighted finger pointed, lets rule the world, cause russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the pope, and he saw, the seven headed dragon, and that was, the woman, riding, it, america, is, controlling, the, world, but, it is, over, put it under is what, that, means, its over, said, baby, fleas, no, come to Jesus, and he saw, her, looking, at, this, im out, she thought, but, bob, loves, pray, he will be in, l.a., soon, watch, and will, write, you, there, from, raise your hands and repeat after me, sunnys, net, s, house, and macaulay pointed, and the pope had ten crowns, and, you devil, kenneth, haney, you knew, you were, cut off, and there you are, no, o yes you are, no signs, and kenneth haney, with black hair, that is, abomination, tell me something, he said, you are, stepping, and he saw it, down, and, raise your hands and repeat after me, you will not be replaced, allright, he said, paul mooney, is, and, was, told, to face, done, saith, Jesus, no signs, and he knew it, after we hit, alas, ka, you will have, you aint gonna accept it, said the pope, two hours, and you will not know, the government, will not tell, and they will, nuke alaska, moscow, after, china, attacks, destroyes, taiwan, and, terrorises, washington, state, what are you going to do with alaska, said the pope, waste, land, frozen, and russia, knows, but, america, nukes, alas, ka, and, mos, cow, after, then, moscow, wipes out, the, american, mainland, this will, cause the, world, to wobble, the day of the Lord, post, saith, Jesus, its iranq, bringing, judgment, to, america, let me post, said, sunny, s, net, nope, live the life, she has, many, visions, uposted, but, your promise is, to, stick around, and you will, do it, saith, Jesus, bob will, help, said, the, pope, hes coming, soon, he wont, she said, watch, and the lighted poin, ted, raise yur hands and repeat after me, north carolina, said, the angel of the Lord, i had it, said, rick joyner, but, lost, it, because of, greed, and knew, more than, anybody, dont come around here, he wanted, this life, and has it, a, muti, million, aire, but, nope, he is, open, visit, let him, teach, and, mis, lead, morningstar, ministries, is, cut off, no signs, said, rick, joyner, the hell, he said, after, reading, this, you knew, saith, judgment, he will laugh, no, he will, be, con, cer, ned, but, no change, he didnt accept me, said, baby, fleas, you did not, show, Jesus, any, thing, but, a little, five minute, im sorry, think it about it, live, for, Jesus, first, then, seek, the, Holy, Ghost, no difference, put it under, and hollie poitned, show God, something, fuck you, said, rick, joyner, nope, you are, coming, down, and you know it, you lost, your hunger, God can, give it, bob, lost, and is, being, stripped, said, rick joyner, almost, daily, but, denied, himself, i know it, said, rick, but, when, bob, found, the, hordes, of, hell, are, coming, at the, li, brar, y, he, could not believe it, and rick, smiled, bome back rick, thats what, and he saw, rick, praying, crying, and bob is, smiling, rick will, come back, bob wants to, did, not now, he knows, he is, nothing, but, a vessel, Jesus can, thru, put it under, that is, all, aman, EZEKIEL 7 is iraq war, read it, nuclear, exchange, between, iraq and, is, rael, nuclear, both, the palestinian state, and, iraq, destroyed, and the pope came out of the four horns, magog, out of, chinas, 9-2006-this could be your last vision, rick, read it, got it, he will, jennifer, an, is, ton, was, photographed, almost, all nude, but, he only caught, some, put it under, your sins will, find you, she was, sinning, steve irwin, knew, when, the, stingray, got, him, soon, dead, because, he knew, no cure, what he thought was, my husband, said, mrs. irwin, dead, now, se, chs, much, still beautiful, show over, animal planet, the spy plane, the, raf, nimrod, re, con, nai, s, s, ance, plane, worth, about, fifty, million, was, a, missile, a fire in the back, now, britain, wants, out, but, bush will, reimberse, the united states will be attacked real soon, said Jesus, and hollie pointed, im warning you said Jesus, get right real quick after reading this, site, wheres my respect said Jesus, put me first, said babyfleas, and he saw, babyfleas on her knees, sleeping, wanna talk said Jesus, no said babyfleas, then why did you write bob, you knew, I knew, she thought, what did you expect him to say, I knew, but, when bob told her, cut off, he knows, honey, are you naked said the pope, yes, said babyfleas, no, Spirit of God, you know it, said Jesus, why did you try to trap my servant, thats what you really did, you wanted him to look at your beauty and tell you what you wanted to hear, but, everybody else does, tell me said babyfleas, im cut off is what bob saw you say, when she saw that, snatch, nope, om gonna git ya, no im not, no im not, om gonna git ya, no im not, no im not, im tired of hearing it said Jesus, im sorry, but, keep going right back to, it was me bob, I wanted you to lift me up, but, you told what God showed, no, said hollie, thats amazing, thats the Spirit that I like, the main ministering spirit, thats hollie, really its babyfleas with the sound, said babyfleas, as, she read it, yep, and hollie showed, that man tore up his, con, trast, homo, this world is becoming homo, Gods got to, shut down, sunday school, said mrs. stewart, teach, in, terry, cannon, s, church, nope, he wont let, even though, he knows, i will live, by myself, said, babyfleas, you are, a, enuch, because, you are, short, nobody, wants, a, mid, get, put it under, and he saw, Jesus, floating, with, the robe, scarlet colored with white, and a golden crown, transfigured, turned into all white, everything, robe and all, and hollie, tore up the contrast, I cant beleive that, said, sunnysnet, a lot of people have seen it said the main ministering spirit, and the finger pointed, and hollie, licked the prophet, the united states will be a desolation real soon, said Jesus, moscow, im a bear, me, putin, moscow, the feet, satan is the head, and he saw, the pope, like a spirit, white, lucifer, and magog is the body, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and hollie took off running, the united states will be attacked by missile launchers called submarines, and he saw, the body, magog, north and south, korea, china, and japan, heads, coming out, of, the, body, hear that, said, Jesus, and hollie, showed, white, finger, hands, subs sneaking up on amexico, and all of north america explode, it will burn, and ohio class subs, and hollie, and captain hollie, boom, moscow and china, destroyed, im a dog and i know, back, sli, der, come back, try, to, get, Jesus's, attention, weoll, see, said, babyfleas, come back, china is going to attack washington state and grab taiwan, and, when putin finds out, sees it on the screen, ohio class, thats america, pounding china, he will order, an hit, on alaska, and america will, hit, moscow, and babyfleas, and moscow will wipe out the main land, americano, said, sunnysnet, and the world wobbled, and hollie, was on top, and four horns came up, one sixth, of moscow left, the pope came out of the horn, and hu, came out of the same one, magog, write the vision, magog, is ruled by hu, and hollie, tore up the con, querer, and pointed, thats the main ministering spirit, blew it said sting, i cant believe that he said, he broke police up over control said putin, that was the pope blowing fire, like an angel of light, and lucifer in hell, leave hollie moody alone if you not want to, live the life, show is, she said, said Jesus, like, a, bearded, man, Spirit, i will punish you, and he saw, israel, gaza forsaken, the palestinian state, EZEKIEL 7, the iraq war, nuclear, brought in by oil, man, bush, lucifer, you know, to break oil contracts, soon to be fulfilled, my God said Jesus, chinas magog, pointed the pope, heres, leave me alone, if you do not want to, stay, humble, how to get ten more horsepower out of your engine, ptfe, thats it, you know how it works, it makes it, seal better, more compression, im a bear, me, putin, im al gore, your favorite narrorater, and the pope had 666 on his forehead, born at the table, between him and false prophet hu, to prevent them from destroying each other, both ahve nukes, hu rules magog, north and south korea, and japan, where china and all those lands are, including most of moscow, the pope will rule grecia, and hollie pointed, the rest of the world, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, that, america and china going to war, that, and hollie, tore up the contrast, look that, said hollies, moscow, that, record, hollie showed, that, its iranq, this will, bring, judgment to america, lets rule the world, sang putin, china, moscow, nicaragua, mexico, north korea, venezuela, and brazil, cuba, shoot, they will give thier power and strength, to me, said, the pope, send it over, and he saw, subs sneaking up on america, and the world wobbled, saudi, arabia, is, cutting, america, off, soon, watch, that is, opec, but, america, has, more, than, saudi, check, said, king, faud, but, it will, get, lower, all over, because of, more, ava, il, able, moscow, has, more, than, the whole world, not, but, much, they could be, yeltsin, wanted, but, economic, but, they knew, collapse would follow, so, keep, it, where it is, the need, s, mocow and china to, ohio class, boom, and four horns came up, out of the ruins of moscow, and china, magog, I will not put up with disobediance saith the Lord, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, let me see here, that, pointed hollie, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, that, fly a kite, theres the black chariot pointed hollie, the pope and hu, lula, fox, chavez, castrol, putin, jong, nicaragua, they will give their power and strength to the beast, send it over, send it over, and america, and all of north america exploded, that, and hollie showed the recorder, that, the pope came out of, magog, the greek orthadoxed church in moscow, the agreement, nope, said babyfleas, this is, to, gain, control, of, russia, said, yeltsin, he gave, the pope, the, nuclear, control, s, of, russia, and, putin, does not have them, this is how, he will, come into, power, the russian, nuclear, arsenal, i will not put up with you, after hu rises to withstand, that, with japan, and hollie tore up the con, trast, im a bear, me, putin, fire, said michael boldea, gene schmidt, no salvation, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by oil man, bush, I know, said bush, when he sees this, to break oil contracts, that, him in his coffin, that, shot, four hundred million people in america will perish in one hour, work, that, save yourself, and hollie, look that, fly a kite, willie duncan preached, Christ temple apostolic faith church, git out of here, they thought, when they saw you, and hollie pointed, and Jesus moved by the pew, there, he preaches while, and acts like, im praying, people think, i know it, you wanna talk to me, said, the, man, at, Christ, Church, apostolic, yes I do, said, Jesus, lets go, but, you are not, saved, and, try to, decievin, people, acting, like, you want, pastor, of, the, assembly, in, peoples, hearts, come help me, you think, you dont have anything, and, are, cut, off, nothing coming, it, annoyes, that, pray in your van, said hollie, and the lighted finger pointed, that, ask me about nostradaumous, he was, a guesser, no, Holy Ghost, teresa hedger would have made you a good wife, she, used, t, to be pentecostal, but, backslid, now, oral sechs, america went back on God, soon the united states will be a desolation, saith the Lord, work, that, planes, dropping bombs on america, we want it, said bush, that, but, look out, and hollie stuck her tongue out, no, said the girl from paul mooneys church, respect me she thought, I sing at apostolic churches, but, no Holy Ghost, lost, repect Jesus, God led bob, to, you, and you knew it, both, nope, she said, she will not, admit, but, cut off, and knows, by, sin, moscow, and he saw, moscow, ex, plode, it will, from, ohio class, subs, 9-5-2006-this, major oil find, in the gulf, was, always, and they knew it, the, republicans, want to, build, hopes, of, cant find it, said, Jesus, look harder, I got some updates on the heavenly said the librarian, and he saw, the pope, with 666, on his forehead, born at the table, between him and false prophet hu, to prevent them from destroying each other, both have nukes, record the vision, hollie, showed, and he saw, america on fire, and the statue of liberty came out, babylon, the woman, and the angel came out of the google bar, it wont cast them out, but, will plan on it, change, record the vision hollie showed, the nude people in america, sitting on the streets, hell for you, and he saw, Jesus, angry, we knew, we did it anyway, record the vision hollie showed, pastor dorothy mcgordin, cut off, no signs, all right she, said, record the vision hollie showed, walmarts are in trouble, stip malls, dollar stores, china will attack washington state, terrorise, and grab taiwan, and moscow, will nuke alaska, then, ohio class subs will destroy china and taiwan, not, only china, soon the united states will be a desolation said the Lord, china will destroy taiwan, no, said hollie, but, will not think america, will do anything, allright said bush, but, when terrorists hit washington state and they track it to china, theyll know, too much, the reason china will hit washington state, to destract, and hollie, to late, for social security, said the angel of the Lord, bankrupt, cause china, will not let america, keep taiwan much longer, put it under, war, china will not let taiwan, declare independance, statehood, but, they dont belong to china, they are really their own nation, that was hollie, leaving and pointing like a dark spirit, and he saw lucifer, bright, like the sun, and gabriel, bright, and michael, curly hair, all alike, lucifer fell because, he didnt want to bow down to Jesus anymore, submaRINE SOUND, AND SUBS SNEAKED UP ON America, and china, and moscow, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie showed, and pointed, there are no visions in pentecost because there are no spostolics in pentecost, Jesus, when he walked, jerusalem, people followed, because, what he was doing, iraq, said the angel of the Lord, we know, said, the woman, from, the church of nativity, we know, said the priest bob emailed, and was respectfull, did not, mention the name of Jesus, get up and pray, said, Jesus, to that, cut off, I know, then why are you, money, but, Jesus is God, no way, said that priest, bob knew in hism heart, but, God was inside, now, why should God send bob, no, the girl from paul mooneys church wont go, but, bob would, and love it, group tour, he thought of that, but, he didnt think, o my God, how about irving baxter, he goes, and Jesus says, something awrong, said the angel of the Lord, if you wont put Jesus first, and the angel showed the recorder, and he saw, the palestinian state on fire, and iraq, thanx george bush, oil man, contract war, he found it said Jesus enthusiastically, benjamin netanyahu will be prime minister again, he will see it, I wont he thinks, but, watch, lets rule the world, sang putin, ben, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, your rejected, but, lead israel away from americano or be destroyed, when iraq turns nuclear, the palestinian state, destroyed, by, nukes, coming out of iraq, o my God, he said, now, your going to hell, but, save israel, saith the Lord, and he saw benjamin netanyahu in lava, up to his neck, something, to think about he said, but, and benjamin netanyahu showed up, and amexico exploded, all of, from, captain hollie, waving in her sub, akula class, and moscow and china, ohio class, that was God winking and the devil running, and the finger pointed, the world is rocked to sleep, and hollie smiled, submarine sound, submarine sound, submarine sound, from, that, hollie showed the recorder, that, and hollie pointed, hit israel, and, you hit, the, no, the appled of Gods eye, is, his, m, servants, wrong, no, pe, chinas got about as much as amexico has going on right now, thats all of north america, magog, the horn that came up last, the ram, with, moscow, they have more money coming in than you can imagine, lets rule the world sang, putin and hu, that was hu, with putins voice, get it, they will hate each other, but, cling, figure it out, and Jesus pointed, sang the choir, lighted, and Jesus laughed at putin with the dolphins, did you see em, you what the dolphins thought, lets play, like he was a fish, he knew it, and hollie pointed, there she is, im the main ministering spirit, im hollies, and hollie pointed, prophet, didnt the angel say, soon the united states will be a desolation, and hollie licked the prophet, God showed bob where he set the timing in his four cylinder van, and when he floors it, it spins tires, the timing adjustment that God showed bob, he wasnt even close to, it gets way better gas, and, has, this much horsepower, it was rated at 100, but, now, 112, and, 147 torque, and hollie licked the prophet, that hurt said Jesus, when people say no, that hurt, to to hism call, buy two cases of dexron soon, and hollie pointed, he did, it cooked, and cooked, and cooked, the oil, thats why it darkens, but, its still good, its dark when it comes out of the ground, dont change it, keep it full, check it, with your hands, submarine sound, submarine sound, and Jesus showed, prophet is nailed to the cross, and smiles, there she is, im the main ministering spirit and im back, and hollie licked the prophet, and he, saw, america, on fire, and hollie showed, again, i dont care, care, or perish, and he saw, cut off, over, babyfleas's, head, how, did I get cut off, no, you didnt when Jesus dealt with you, didnt babyfleas say, judgment is already past, and the lighted finger pointed, gas, 1.99, that, moscow, and hollie tore up the con, spirit, and the finger pointed, lighted, and Jesus was in the tear, dropped by the meerkat, witness, you been filled, with the Holy Ghost, show it, and dorein winked, the united states will be, a desolation real soon, and hollie, lighted, arms, said hollie, and the four winds strove, and, up came, four beasts, kim jong, hu, the emporer of japan, no, yep, and let me see here, the pope, and he had, ten crowns, and the lighted satan pointed, out of one he came, politburo, the ruling party of the former soviet union, ten kings, out of one nation, go back and try to get that red van for parts, 50 bucks, on washington street, the united states will soon be a desolation said Jesus turning into the angel of the Lord, not in that order, and the lighted finger pointed, on my death certificate, said the angel, blasphemy, that was a lighted angel, pointed, that was hollie pointing, and that was a lighted finger, and hollie played the horn, you like it said, Jesus, i hear, you lost it, said, michael boldea, no signs, an accident steve irwin, im in hell he said, i knew, said his wife, stay out, of those waters, when he stepped on that, stingray, he knew, what it was, he said, he knew, death, he lived, about, thirty minutes after, helped, back to shore, feed me he said, with, medicine, but, when he found out there wasnt any, died, strait to hell, for, not getting right with Jesus, young, a, multimillionaire, could do what he loved, now, lava, in hell, hes saying, I do not want Jesus even now, but, I wish I did, bob, the money, the wife has it, now, all, and does not care, now, free, and God let bob, feel what, steve irwin felt, numb, and, getting number, until, sleep, called death, he knew, new show, nope, and the lighted finger dropped, to stay out of those waters because of stingrays, they, are there, and, warnings are posted, and he saw, i knew, the sign, awesome, said steve irwin, he stepped on the stingray, the tail, boom, venom, he struggled, five seconds before, laughing, what the fuck, helped back to shore, cameras, in the ocean, steve irwin is asleep in his grave waiting for the great white throne judgment, hell, he said, he already knows, I want my name in the book of life, bobby, dont you come here said mrs. irwin, she will, sechs, and he saw, dumitru dudmnas visions, it was accurate, just like, thirty -five prophecies, dreams, and visions, for america, how stan wrote that, allright he will say, is exactly how the angel told, iraq, war, do you see that, thats what, most people have done, is thrown me in th etrst, said Jesus, liar, wheres the signs, perfect said Jesus, on timing, try it, that was a beam, that, left the hand of hollie, EZEKIEL 7, iraq, war, brought in by oil man bush, to break oil con, tracts, your running, upci, stop it, and he saw, a hand, open, lighted, and the egg cracked, and out came keneth haney, cut off, no signs, but, leads upci, china is magog, the four horns came up after captain hollie, in the ohio class sub, nuked, moscow and china, the pope came out of, the greek othadoxed church, the greek orthadox church, in moscow, he made, an agreement, and he got, control, deciever, hu, will rise with japan, to withstand, the other two horns are, north and south korea, 666, born at the table, to keep them from destroying each other, and the meerkat, was in the tear, and hollie tatooed, on, arm, or, head, the popes image, and smiled, and he saw the tranfigured Jesus in the red robe with white, scarlet, like a white Spirit man, turned back into, and the finger pointed, Jesus, your a witch, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, smiling and angry, she did not like her vision, shut up, cut off, no I aint, and the lighted hollie, tore up the con quest, and he saw donald winters hindering at the door, of westside pentecostal church, no I aint, those are from the devil, he said, Jesus wants him to know that he committed blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, right to bobs face saith the Lord, and hollie, you caint go back, said Jesus, to westside, said pator donald winters, and he saw him calling 9-11, when bob only wanted revival for the church, they wouldve had it from his testimony, whats the word, he committed blaspheme, I know, but, still pastors, when he is, i know, cut off, no forgiveness, and he saw, the horn, and the pope, popped out, and hu came from around, magog, and the pope was over the four horns, watching, ruling the world, minus magog, hu rules, that was Jesus, in the fire, moving, in the trial, of affliction, look that, china and america going to war, and hollie pointed, that, moscow grabbing alaska, that, captain hollie in the ohio class sub, that, the world wobbled, whatta you want, said hollie, Jesus has it, the streets of gold, are like pure glass, bluish he saw, and he saw Jesus in the cloud, and lightening came out, kenneth haney, esau, chris amonett said Jesus, step down, you teach against the visions Jesus gave prophet, and you knew, and the finger pointed, and Jesus put the horn to his mouth, blow the trumpet in zion, the church, let all of the inhabitants of the Land tremble, the day of the Lord cometh, om on fire said sunnysnet, but, no signs, california said the angel of the Lord, and both coasts up in flames and up the middle from russians subs, and he dreamed, he was at, and told visions, of the anti Christ, first I saw the pope and he saw, I am God, the second, after thinking, I reached my hand out to him, and said, save me, and he nooded yes, they will not have a chance, that strong delusion, and hollie pointed, my witness, pointed Jesus, hollie moody, grow up, she said, leave her alone, said the angel of the Lord, this is why we need to be close to God said willie duncan, but, he was telling visions, and hollie, tatood 666 on her fore hand and on the forehead, and hollie tore up the contrast, look that, and hollie showed the recorder, that, america and china going to war, and hollie showed the hydraulic jack, and hollie put the sticker, on the rich gas station, and showed, speedway, and hollie showed, and hollie, tatood 666, on her forehand, and, the, fore, head,, you are, committing, blas, pheme, richard, kelt, ner, coming against, you fool, I knew, he said, johhny cash, right, he said, saved, what do you think, you stupid idiot, and you want, bob to, come on, even now, but, furget it, saith, Jesus, you are, shorts, on your, former, web, site, lair, you want, moeny, donate, and he saw, richard, close, down, and hollie, put your money, in, gas, station, said, the angel, of, the, Lord, I wish, he would, shut up, said, richard, kelt, ner, when, on, phone, and bob was, recieving, visions, of, all, of, them, I cant help it, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, bob never, committed, but, wanted, God would not let, lair, you are, hopeless, saith, Jesus, watchman radio .com, 9-6-2006- I dont want Jesus, I want mishuwauka, and that is, america, s, businesses, said, felipe, calderon, and hollie showed to record the vision, and complained, and walked away, and the lighted finger pointed, the new oil find in the gulf will be a major thing, you knew it, said the angel of the Lord, like a white man, gas prices will go lower than you can imagine, the economy will cook, businesses thrive, look out saith the Lord, moscow, and he saw, the angry putin, aint gonna let, america, recover, and hollie showed to record the vision, right here said the pastor, bob you blew it, no, you know what, everybody wanted, Jesus, but, when bob comes around, said michael boldea, om goin home, no, said Jesus, you, knew, gene, told, trouble, said, mike, this is what, every, body, should be like, and the lighted finger pointed, the spyders web, caught, trapping, like, JEREMIAH 1, right before judgment hits amexico, when you testify said the angel of the Lord, no, look that, go hollie showed, restored, after about three months of not much witnessing, that, stop, only as led, pointed, hollie, again, look that, moscow and china attacking america, and all nof north america exploded, and ohio class subs returning, look that, said hollie, and hollie showed the recorder, and showed to record, look, that, 6, sechs, 6, america, oral, anal, all, abomination, look, that, said, hollie, im the main ministering spirit, and im hollie, work, post, and bob dreamed, Jesus said, disgusted like, I would, that, ye, all, have, life, and, none, perish, look that, and hollie showed the recorder, and showed to record, and smiled, and pointed, and pointed, hand, iraq, said the angel of the Lord, you knew it said babyfleas, and he saw, the palestinian state on fire, and the lighted finger pointed, and iraq, nuked, brought in by said the main ministering spirit, i knew, said babyfleas, nuclear, bush, oil contracts, break, he wants it, said babyfleas, iraqs oil, allow me, saddam, you are guilty of murdering five million people, and you will soon join them, shot, an angel trans formed, into, an, angel of light, the pope, slash, ed, the idol shepherd, lucifer in the popes body, and he saw 666, and hollie, tatood on her, fore, head, and hand, buy or sell, not, without, and hollie tatood 666, on the fore, hand, and head, and the popes image, tatood, and the pope winked in my tatoo said the pope, and turned into the slashed idol shepherd, and, the lighted hand pointed, and the lighted hollie showed, look that, hollie showed the recorder, and the lighted 666 on damiens head, I found it, wrong said sam neill, take off he said, and hollie pointed, prophet sam neill, and hollie blowed the horn, and Jesus, and the golden arm pointed, sunnysnet deeds to drop off, and the lighted finger pointed, appreciate said irene, and dorien winked, brought back, and hollie showed they both tore up thier con, spirits, irenes a go go dancer, former, over, 40, now, and the lighted hand pointed, wrong said sam neill, and he saw, satan, with 666, on his forehead, and turned into the pope, prophet, iraq, and he saw, a circle around iranq, and american bombers, dropping bombs, no iraq, no palestinian state, nuked, both, and the lighted hand pointed, robe, look around, your quitting, said, Jesus, work, till, help shows up, saith, the Lord, he can, give you, a, desire, to go on, its beautiful, flowers, and people are making God destroy what he created, and he saw, the world spinning, thats how, people on the side of the earth, both ways, can stand up right, and he saw, ram horns, putin and hu, china came up last, and he saw, china attack washington state, you make me said hu, and destroy, said putin, taiwan, cause when you hit korea said putin, thats magog, all, lets rule the world, sang putin, and hollie showed, they tore up the con trap, prophet, hollie showed, richard keltner tore up his, wearing shorts, claiming Jesus, I want your visions on my website said hollie, and she showed, j.r. dalton, tore up his con, tire, liar, daltons, food, pantry, the write off, of, his tire company, you thithe by, buying food, and giving it away, you write your buisness off, he knows, said the angel of the Lord, God gave him, he prophesied, said dalton, and hollie, no Holy Ghost, nothin wrong, he said, no, your lost, and you knew it, im rich, not fur long, but, dalton didnt do, im cut off now, in the morning, fuck, he ll now, mess around, said the angel of the Lord, your out, said Jesus, that was Jesus in the cloud, lighted, and Jesus pointed, save me, said hollie, save yourself, marino, and hollie showed, tore up his con, with golden bear paws, partial silver, prophet dan marino, and when he sees this, almost weep, and ACTS 2:38 appeared with dan marino, take it off, said, Jesus, no, said, dan, tease, not, inform, you are, seeking, but, I knew, o my God, hes a prophet, said irving baxter, when steve irwin stepped on the stingray, the stingray, put that stinger right in, his, chest, right thru bone, fool said Jesus, you wanted a new show, now, lava, they were running out of, show, s, but, people liked, about, one million, faithfull, steve, is what they wanted to see, and God winked, and hollie pointed, and he saw, the partially transfigured Jesus, part man, part Spirit, and hollie pointed, save, turned into all Spirit, and then, all man, you know it said Jesus, Jesus is God, words, lets see said Jesus, prophet is, prophetically number right behind thomas gibson, out of the mouth of two witnesses said hollie moody, dont, said, the angel, and, hollie, leave it, said, Jesus, unt uuhhh, that was not, Jesus, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, but he looked like, Jesus, thomas will get that, prophet, doesnt like that, I paid said gibson, israel tore up its con trast, when they, slaughtered Jesus, now, worse, promote me, said Jesus, pointed, put me on the prophecy club said Jesus, thatll work said stan johnson, no I aint, not, an open prophet, he wants, a joker, not, another dumitru, duduman, that stingray, steve irwin stepped on, even though it could not see him, knew right where he was, boom, theres the alarm, walgreens is going under, cvs, is getting them, but, theres the alarm, showed hollie, blow the whistle, alarm, alarm, drink, blood, saddam, murderer, over, five, million, saith, Jesus, kill, avenge, saith, the Lord, shot in the head, boston under, larry bird, was not as good as the lakers, but, more motivated said kevin mcchale, they were not, as quick as, half court, as good as, the lakers were better, boston had, home court, I can not beleive said james worthy, when he reads this, saith the Lord, kareem, was, not as good as parish, now let me see here, pointed hollie, with a lighted hand, mcchale, better than worthy, bird better than, magic, where the lakers were better were, guards, and bench, starters, boston would win, ten out of ten, mostly, the 1986 boston team with bill walton, and greg kite could beat any team in history, but, and bird saw it, but, they would win the championship, michael jordan, s, chicago, they never would have won, against, one game, detroit with isaiah, not as good as, tell said Jesus, the prophecy club, cut off, no, said, stan johnson, pastor, intruder, into the, priest, hood, you knew not to, prophecy ministry has, over, 50000 hits in two years, ministryofdreams, over, 100000, and the lighted hand pointed, thats 150000 hits in just over, four years, china, wants taiwan back, but, its not theirs, and he saw, america, appear on taiwan, hollies in hot water, pointed hollie, theres the alarm, I want my website back said hollie, and it was really, babyfleas, but bob calls her, hollie, like, most, but, different, ministering, spirits, like, Jesus, and he bowed, hunt uhhhh, thats not Jesus, said, hollie, and, baby, no, hollie, that, was, satan, but he looked like, Jesus, bobby, your headed to, destruction, churches, they are, like, roaraness, lions, seeking, whom they may, worship me, said, willie, duncan, and bob saw it, they, actually, praised, in thier own way, and bob laughed, and willie saw it, and, laughed, in his, m, heart, mexico, said, calderon, felipe, wants, americas, buisness, es, lift me up, said Jesus, and I will, maybe, help, you, I had a dream, night vision, vitran, alaska, said the angel of the Lord, nuked, by moscow, and God had bob feed the raccoons, friend now, petting soon, you aint prayin said babyfleas, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, said the pope, im the beast said the serpent, and the popes face appeared, the idol shepherd, said hollie, and she bowed, wite robe, look, that, hollies in, hot, water, on the seven headed dragon, and the dealy wound was healed, the idol shepherd, thats the pope with 666, on his forehead, 9-6-2006-and hollie pointed, stingray, they are, poisonous, but, friendly, bob caught one, that, and hollie showed, the, recor, der, and Jesus, danced, to, fernando, abba, number, one, but, old, yucky, she will think, Jesus, brown beard, hair, white robe, bright white, there is something, in the air tonight fernando, that is about, oral, sechs, and they no it, and hollie pointed, put it under, abba, had, oral, anal, and then, concert, and they know it, this is what, broke, them, apart, jelousy, we know it, said the, lead, singer, give me a problem pointed Jesus, ill destroy you, how said josey, youll find out, and the lighted finger pointed, both, you h ad a choice, do your job or, that, and hollie showed the recorder, look that, moscow and china going to war, that, at the end, that, hu, the ruler, magog, china and all those surrounding lands will force moscow, that, to invade israel, your quittin upci, and hollie tore up the con, trap, that, no said hollie, and, the words, palestinian state and iraq, appeared, in the fire, and the finger pointed, tell on me, and he saw, thw word, whore, and the statue of liberty, the woman, MYSTERY, BABYLON, no, said hollie, theres the alarm, sin brought sickness, lets go back said Jesus, and the finger pointed, to the beggarly elements of the world, after, he brought you out, youll be, and the finger pointed, stuck, pray for me, pray for yourself, strip, said Jesus, that, your self, so I dont have to, then, ill give you meat, and the finger pointed, in due season, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, bush, oil contracts, the united states will be a desolation soon, and Jesus pointed, said the pope, and idol shepard, one eye, one arm, slash, satan in, short time, that was satan, shhh, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, and, hu is the false prophet, theres the black chariot, and he saw, the black horse, angry, this quiets the Spirit, of Jesus, in the world, iraq, EZEKIEL 7, brought in by, oil man bush, to, break, oil, con, tracts, with, moscow, and, prevent, china, from, gitting, you knew, that, things, would be, good, at the end, the WORD, says, so, the ships, were, still, coming, in, REVELATION 18, and Jesus danced, go ahead and tell it, fernando, abba, white robe, and he saw, 666, put it on your website, that was Jesus, on the cross, and prophet with bright light, why are you here, witness, ill stay here, until you, this is, on the cross, with prophet, watching, at, feet, would not leave, dont, leave, when he died, many people came out of the grave, and prophet, just looked and turned into Jesus, the Holy Ghost, no, said hollie, and he saw, no, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, bush, oil, we know, said, putin, abomination, idols, the, mount, rush, more, walmart, is, bank, rupt, owned, no, said Jesus, yep, the bank owns, and knows, looser, s, big time, the eaverage, walmart, is, about, super, center, ten million, taxes, millions, per year, walmart, always, in debt, now, they win, your lying, said, the, young, walton, no, said Jesus, dont tell on him, he should be, california, he said, and he saw, both coasts, up in, flames, and up the middle, from, captain hollie, in her, sub, prices, going up, said walton, and he saw walmarts shutting down, you know, about one year ago, God told bob walmart, broke, and he, couldnt beleive it, lawsuit, he thought, but, strip malls, and prices, didnt kenneth haney say, im cut off, no, but, look where hes at, you knew, that was satan, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, said the round face, you knew said the pope, with kenneth haneys voice, and the finger pointed, theres the whistle, and hollie, played the horn, while prophet, prayed, trumpet, and Jesus, blew, the, trumpet, the day of the Lord, is, near, the valley of, in, de, ci, sion, and hollie pointed, donald winters, those are not from the devil, your fooled, said, Jesus, like you said to bobs face, satan, star wars pointed, there are, about, one, hundred million per day watching, abomination, if they didnt release on vhs, every, eight years, re, release, trillions, profits, and indiana jones, that was the eye God, going to and fro, both, thats lucifer pointed kenneth haney at joel urshan, and he turned into nathaniel urshan, then, paul mooney, and donald winters, u.p.c.i. pointed, kenneth haney, cut off, no signs, i hate signs, said, haney, so im headed to the lake, said babyfleas, cut off, prophet saw it, but she didnt do anything about it, the vision, he would that all have life said the pope, and turned into Jesus, israel, seek me, leave it own yelled Jesus, steve irwin going to hell, steps, thats all sex is for, the baby, not toy, those were heavenly beings of light, and Jesus pointed, no, said hollie, and the lighted angel pointed, hamas, philistines, arabs, since I, that any should perish, but your sins have seperated, said Jesus, dreamed, put it own, kansas city said the angel of the Lord, boom, might use you, and he saw, it explode, and prophecy club, came out, that was a lion man, satan, shhhh, and he saw, the two headed serpent, the two beasts, hu and the pope, and Jesus pointed, chernobyl, planned out to get forein aid, I warned you pointed Jesus, again, upci, nobody wants it, said michael boldea, not him, either, saddam hussein, killed millions, slay, avenge, and the four horns came up, magog, and the pope, came out of, and hu, pointed, chinas, moscow, but, regains, control, hu will rise to withstand, that was hollie tearing up the con, trap, I want your prayer said Jesus, I heard you fell, hills auto repair shop, and hollie pointed, why do you have a cross on your, we need it said the owner and his wife, have nothing to do with them saith the Lord, thieves, and hollie tatooed, 666, on her, you know what I want, said Jesus, a broken spirit, and hollie pointed, and a contrite heart, theres the alarm, if an engine makes, an unusal noise, dont buy it, after running for about ten seconds, and hollie pointed, and he saw, Jesus, in the coffin, funeral, but, people wont, serve, even though, he died, said babyfleas, that you might have life, I found it, said the pope, and, slightly angered, looked away, his vision, and the lighted finger pointed, anti Christ, thats the devil, saith the Lord, im the main ministering spirit, write my vision, post, and hollie showed the recorder, satan, im the beast, said sponge bob, look, right here, that, trash truck, im the main ministering spirit, and hollie licked the prophet, main ministering spirit,, abomination, act like, Jesus has, nothing to do with, we need this, said, baby, fleas, and hollie tore up the con, tract, leave, alone, said the angel of the Lord, that site, and Jesus is, looking at it, abomination, liars, get out of here, liars, trying to cash in on the name of Jesus, like, j.r. dalton, thats a devil, called, kenneth haney, of, upci, cut off, no signs, the united states will be a desolation soon said Jesus, and the kendal fingers pointed, two, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by oil man bush, to break oil contracts, and hollie licked the prophet, look that, said hollie, china and americano, going to war, said the pope, that, moscow grabbing alaska, that, america firing on moscow and china, that, work for the Lord, good news, now, your running out of time said the pope, cant go back to church, heres why, they will muse at you, and, physically, and, verbally, come against you, like, they did Jesus, they cant bear it, theres the alarm, and the lighted maucaulay pointed, it works, and the lighted finger pointed, thats how, you shouldve, always been, broken, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, smiling, I hear you had a vision, and the lighted finger pointed, she wanted, to know what God thought of her, but, cut off was the vision, that threw her, in a rage, shew, put it under, why did you ask, ask alice cooper said maucaulay, babyfleas did not want Jesus, yeah I did, nope, she wanted, sechs, God to, bow down to her, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, and hollie licked the prophet, and Jesus pointed, the moon is like sand, but, looks lit up like an angels face, God knew it would lite the earth at night, and Jesus held the recorder, and hollie, a hundred bucks, the van, will not get it done, but, three hundred will, and you will think, I wasted my godam money said sunnysnet, im hollie, the main ministering spirit, over four hours ago, you would have eaten, EZEKIEL 7, iraq war, brought in by, oil man bush, to break, oil, contracts, but, now, not hun, gry, God can take it away, im wrong said babyfleas, try to get right, why said Jesus, america, will, go to far, and hollie pointed, that car, no, shot, he knows it, leave it alone, you said, youd pray, you have, leave it alone, and he has, because of, the, vision, wants, and hollie pointed, at the 1966 chevy impala, buy it, no problems, 17 city, 17 highway, the united states will be attacked real soon said hollie, and she licked the prophet, car, no way, your out, and Jesus laughed, plainfield, indiana exploded, they are building like you cannot imagine, and hollie pointed at the good, but, when walmart closes, it will shut down, and walmart is on its way out, record the vision Jesus showed, go, and hollie pointed, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, like the sign says, speedway, theres the submarine sound, and hollie pointed, and licked the prophet, right here, and hollie pointed, bible baptist church is blaspheme said hollie, no signs, and the lighted hollie pointed, and the dar spirit man walked, leave me alone, said the angel of the Lord, prophecy is being fulfilled, on prophecy ministry, record the vision hollie showed, and complained, that will kill, anything on the planet, said the Lord, the stingray, no antedote, steve did not know that, allright, is all he wouldve said, it happens, almost, everyday, not, but, and hollie, when your alone, and the lighted finger pointed, drown, write the vision and make it plain, theres the black chariot pointed hollie, and the pope and hu, fox, and the pope was over the four horns, with, chavez, fox, lula, castrol, putin, they will give thier power and strength, to the beast, lets rule the world, sang, putin, and americano ex, plo, ded, the day of the Lord, and moscow, and, china, magog, and the lighted hands showed, and hollie tatooed 666, forehead, hand, and the lighted hollie, record my vision, record my vision, record my vision, hollie said, theres the tap dancers, and the pope, was one of them with 666, what time is it, late, prophet, your messing with, the wrong people, u.p.c.i., is cut off, you knew, no signs, and jesus looked at the picture, frame, that, said hollie, record, post, that, that, post, pointed, that, dont buy, old, junk, that, moscow and china going to war, that, at the end, and Jesus showed, kill it, record, come back, record the vision the pope showed, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, putin, is, and he saw, putin, kneeling, before the pope, hum hum, americas gitton out of order, he, allright, shook putin, lets rule the world, record the vision the pope showed, tha man paid five hundred and its worse now, dented, but, the cheapest you can get it is 600, right now, go there, and sell the van, there aint no more visions in pentecost because there are no more apostolics in pentecost, you need to post said babylfeas, the Lord says Im not prayin, thats why, no move, of the, Spirit, of the Lord, aint gonna happen, said, Jesus, going bankrupt, walmart, s, all, kill it, Jesus, showed, late, tomorrow, you will post, two, tapes, on, both, sides, not, but, lots, theres the alarm, lets go post, I want my vision on the internet said the cabbage patch doll on the train, tithe, ten percent, and hollie pointed, and bill delacruz pointed, lighted, git out of here, and donny joe winters pointed, donny winters, are visions and dreams reprobate donny like you said, and he will se it, and, be saddened, but, he is cut, or, he, would not, come against, the servant of Jesus, if Jesus walked theface of the earth, allright said donny, no, said Jesus, donny would say, crucify him with donald winters, and, sister, winters, how do you do it, said, donny, winters, serve Jesus, not, your, dad, and you only want, westside, pentecostal, church, cut off, he said, you got it, said, Jesus, work, enjoy, trap, like, JEREMIAH 1, absolutely, said, sunnys, net, read, it, o my God, she said, when, read, again, bob is, california, and saw, kenneth haney, I move, he said, nope, you are, trapped, yeah, i am, wrong spirit, sunny, and, ken, said, cut off, Jesus, showed, this is the last times, theres the alarm, visions and dreams, are biblical, why dont you have them, and Jesus smiled, that, laughed hollie, rolex, five thousand, made in taiwan, 1.99, fool, that, rallys, out of buisness, that, america, and china, going to war, that, visions overload, said hollie, write my vision, and he saw north america explode, and captain hollie in her sub, let me see here, subs sneaked up on, moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and up came the four horns, magog, and the pope, came of chinas horn, the one that came up last, magog is, north and south korea, china and japan said the pope, and he saw them at the table, the pope and false prophet hu, 666, born, there, to, prevent, them, from destroying each other, both have nukes, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, showed, and the lighted finger pointed, that, pray for, a move of the Jesus, i killed, said, baby, fleas, try to, get back, now, dont do, finish, that, post like hollie showed, golden hands, typin, that, china and america going to war, that, Jesus dancing, reo, said the angel of the Lord, finished, old, but, songs, still on, the, ra, di, o, aman, hit chicago, said the angel, of the, Lord, and hollie was on, the, mx, mis, sile, riding, with, golden, and, silver, bear, paws, again, 9-8-2006-and hollie rode the mx missile, since I would that, you have life, but your sins have separted you from me said Jesus, frustrated, in the dream, theres the alarm, mx, on, cruise missiles, you know it said Jesus, and he saw mx missiles absolete, missile defence, thats why, both, moscow and america, have it, works, most, of, the, time, said the pope, cruise missiles are unstoppable, the patroit three, will not hit, cruise missile radar, does not exist, thats why, in a.a. allens vision, the subs, launced, missile defence went off, but, none hit thier target, america exploded, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie, moscow and china, boom, ohio class, and captain hollie, im a bear, me, putin, satan is the head, and the pope is hism, mouth, magog, is the body, north and south korea, japan, and, china, and he saw four heads came out of the midsection, these are, the, four, car, pen, tars, that, scatter, israel, and he saw, the pope, with, ten crowns, politburo, the ruling party, of the, soviet, union, former, they chose, the, president, ten kings, out of, one, nation, and, he saw, the door to hell open, and the beast, in there, and, he, rose, out of, the, sea, like, a, abominable, brance, cast out of his, grave, and, hell, door, opened, and babyfleas, screamed, no, and, was, taken in, and, and he saw, the door, opened, and, flames, randoll moore, you are not, filled, with the, Holy, Gost, at, 8, years, old, children, are not, and you know it, do it, or, stop, preaching, it, saith, the Lord, and he saw, Jesus, you were not, accountable, yet, randall, moore, upci, 9-9-2006-the pentecostals of arlington, are, cut, off, no signs, and hollie showed to record the vision, and hollie showed to record the vision, and hollie, piloted the stealth bomber, smiling, waving, b-1, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns, politburo, the ruling party of the soviet union, the seven heads are seven nations that like america, five have, fallen away, one, is, and that is, raise your hands and repeat after me, canada, and he saw, the door of hell open, put visions on the website, said Jesus and hollie, and he saw, america, on fire, and the statue of liberty came out, your ready said Jesus, higher calling, and hollie blowed the horn, and Jesus, and hollie was on the mx, missile, one golden, and one silver, bear paw, again, one, partially silver, and hollie showed, and the finger pointed, and he saw the pope with 666 on his forehead, and, 666, being born at the table with false prophet hu, record the vision hollie showed, randoll moore, cut off, no signs, he knows, shut the vision, up, and seal it, and God winked, fire eye, and hollie, played the organ, lighted finger, pointing, and he saw, the lihgted vagina with eggs, and the, horse dick go in, they are doing it, even oral, what do you think God thinks, and he saw, new jerusalem, skyscrapers, many, again, and hollie, rode the harley, on the streets of gold, crystal sea, and hell, lava, thru the door, thats sam neill, with, 666, on his scalp, not, forehead or hand, or, the popes image, and hu, he said, from the image, I will not, put up iwth you they said, hate but cling, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destoying each other, the ruler of magog, north and south korea, china and japan, the pope said, with hu, grecia is, all of the world, said the randoll, moore, that was the eye of God like fire eye, los angeles said the angel of the Lord, up in flames, and hollie there, im a bear, both coasts and up the middle, theres the alarm, you know how many stingrays there are in the ocean, billions, up close, hollies a white bear, lighted, me, putin, the feet, satan is the head, and the pope is the mouth piece, magog is the body, thats north and south, korea, china and japan, and hollie licked the prophet, and the pope, threw the lottery balls, 666, like an angel of light, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, go and post visions, theres the black chariot, theres the alarm, will he save me, i was never saved, but, i know the ACTS 2:38 truth and I do internet porno, the answer is, I wont, said Jesus, and he saw, her hands open, and blood, childrens, watching, halloween bob, abomination, thats a cat, I knew, said the man, bob, witnessed to, and he was doing, internet, porno, unkowing, right after, and the lighted being pointed, theres a man on the internet, spamming, wanting, acting like a sick dying widow, from, lagos, nigeria, really, he is in, california, and has an office in mexico, drives, get credit card numbers, stupid people send him, for attorney fees, transfers, no, yep, they target cities, moscow, and he saw, cities, being, hit by missiles, boom, hollie, im a bear, america exploded, and babylon, and then, the statue of liberty came up, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the woman, and, america, the whore, and he saw, the angry black horse, and the chariot of horses from between the two brass mountains, they take peace off the earth, the chariot with hu and the pope, the new world order, with fox, lula, calderon, jong, putin, nicaragua, they will give, to me, said the pope, politburo, the ten kings on his head, the ruling party, me said putin, and he kneeled before the pope, hum hum, grunted, americas gitton out of order, ok, said putin, lets rule the world, and he saw, subs sneaking up on, and all of, amexico, north america, exploded, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and moscow and china, boom, ohio class, subs, and the world wobbled, four horns came out out of, the ruins of moscow and china, magog, north and south korea, china and japan, situate, and the pope came out of moscow, witch china, claims, but, he makes an agreement at the greek orthadoxed church in moscow and gains control, 666, born at the table, to prevent them, from destroying each other, both have nukes, the pope will get slashed, satan will enter, and sit in the temple, in rome, his, own land, and say, i am god, but, start slaughtering jews, searching for the jewish remnant, hidden in the people, Christ will appear, pour out the vials of wrath and, rapture, the jewish, remnant, deliver the church up to the Father, thats the woman, the statue of liberty, that was satan, im the beast said the mouth, lighted, bob, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, that was satan, im the beast, shh, but when the Son of man comes, and the lighted finger pointed, will I find faith up on the earth, people doing, what, Jesus, is, leading, yeah, but not, much, please help me said the big angel from the back, warrior, gabriel, lighted, michael, lighted, curly hair, lucifer, light, that was an angel said the angel of the Lord, with a helmut, the prophet, that was satan, im the beast, shhh, california, and he saw both coasts up in flames, and up the middle, give me my hope again, try to get it, and he dreamed, duane plane wrecked and faught to get back, swam in the snow, like, do it, let, to the lake, said kenneth haney, theres the alarm, most pastors are cut off, and he saw, Jesus, and Jesus laughed at, them, and clapped, trying him, that was a face in the bright light, and we know the rules, because God will work out, for them, he sang, boom, we know who is the false prophet, they thought, zion tabernacle, you, and you, witnessed, to them, but, when the fish ate out of the water, meaning, no signs, the indianapolis police said joseph farris, the lake, that was the skeleton, everybody will die, theres the alarm, you see him, walking in the streets, coming from a cherry limosine, you hes been laid, said, van, halen, minnesota, and he saw, jesse ventura, liar, explode, it will burn, from, me, putin, moscow, look at that, that, that was satan, im the beast said, davey allison, git your hands off me, git your hands off me, yelled emit smith, eighties, homo, millionaire, thats the pope tap dancing, and ten horns, and hollie pointed, politburo, the ruling party, and the finger pointed, of the former, u.s.s.r., and putin bowing before the pope, hum hum, americas gitton out of order, ollright said putin, lets rule the world, and he saw america on fire, and the statue of liberty coming out, and he saw the pope, like an angel of light, having anal sechs with a man, thats what he is like, and the people said, how could you do that to him, and Jesus said, what, I just, didnt protect from satan, and hollie put the ccontract back together, lighted, that was satan, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, hu is the false prophet, the new world order, lula, fox, chavez, they will give, putin, thier power and strength, to the, beast, the pope, send it over, and, america, ex, ploded, boom, and the world, wobbled, and hollie was on top, and, ohio class subs, and hollie, boom, and, most of, moscow, and, china, destroyed, but, four horns came up, magog, and the pope, came out of, china, s, they, claim, moscow, he will, regain, control, over, mos, cow, and, they, will, rule, the, world, the only, big, nuclear, power, the pope will have, the, codes, and, threat, ten, hu will have, a, small, nuclear, like now, but, can, destroy, moscow, a, troubulous, time, raise your hands and repeat after me, said the pope, stop right there, pointed, Jesus, the huge rally against, taiwans, chen, is, they want, china, the, worlds, super, economical, power, the only, only, oil, slows, the, leader, of, iran, and, iraq, visit, this is is over, the, united, states, said, the, angel, of, the, Lord, sever, one or other, iran will say, and he saw, the, iran, q, power plant, get it, 9-10-2006-and he saw, this, is, heaven, and this is, hell, saith, hollie, and he saw, a, city of, glass, and, lit up, and, Jesus, way under, neath, it, and, lava, recrod the vision hollie showed, record the vision, hollie showed, wait, and hollie pointed, no, saith hollie, record, the vision, hollie showed, and complained, thats the tap dancers, and theres trouble in persia, the middle east, called bush, attacking whom he will, but, its over, and the finger, tell me about the anti Christ, no, yep, no showed hollie, grecia is the world, the pope will rule, magog, raise your hands and repeat after me, is, china, north and south korea, and japan, situate, 666, born at the table, to prevent them from destoying each other, both have nukes, that is a 70 cutlas, fast, with a 350, two fifty horsepower, it will run a quarter mile in, fourteens, and he saw, Jesus, with the recorder, and nobody to do it thru but prophet, and the Lord of hsots bowed, cause russias gitton prepared, and hollie showed to record the vision, and, complained, and, waited, cause, russias gitton prepared, this is uh tap dancer, hollie, tap dancing, im the main minsitering spirit, hollie, and hollie licked the prophet and pulled back, and licked the prophet, and hollie showed to record the vision, walk, and he saw, the pope, with 666, on his fore head, and false prophet hu, signing the agreement which prevents them from destoying each other, you said it, both have nukes, record the vision, hollie showed, complained, and, stomped, tell me about grecia, the whole world, and hu, will rule magog, china and all those surrounding lands, whoever kills saddam hussein said the angel, speaking into the recorder, and, Jesus pointed, and hollie, a harley davidson, 882, is only worth about 25, that was not a good deal, like you are thinking prophet, and he saw, hollie riding the harley on the streets of gold, those are junk saith the Lord, they, are maintenance nightmares, just to replace the belt, when the chain never needed replaced, it, 700, it takes, two hours, shops make a killing, that woman wearing shorts is thinking about poophole sex, and is in her forties, cmon, write the vision, and make it plain, im the main ministering spirit, hollie, with the sound, put my visions, on the internet, that was a ground hog, eating grass, they, hibernate in the winter, that one looked a little thin, but, sleep, loose no wieght, they dig into the ground, and, in spring, dig back out, it, reseals, no air, some air, it doesnt matter, hibernate is, almost dead, God made it that way, they, what happens it, get sleepy, and, struggle to dig thier hole, when it starts changing, thier bodys produce a chemical, that, makes, them, sleepy, all the time, the united states will be a desolation said the angel of the Lord, and satan rose out of hell, in the popes body, the judgment to amexico brings him in, and hollie tore up the contrast, and hollie showed, and hollie played, the horn, and hollie played the horn, and tore up the, con, trat, and pointed, theres the alarm, theres the alarm, at mccormicks creek, we come to church to talk about Jesus, but we dont live the life, and mcckormicks creek looked at the prophet angry, like, because of, testimony, and hollie showed to record the vision, and Jesus pointed, lighted, and Jesus skinned, and the being pointed, and the lighted finger pointed, this is hollie with the loose belt, no shook Jesus, the pope rips, canada, on, gay, marriage, but he is, in his, heart, a, homo, put it under, lets, rule, the world, and he saw, the black chariot, with, false prophet hu, and the pope, the new world order, and, lula, fox, chavez, kim jong, putin, nicaragua, they will give, thier, power, and, strength, to the beast, im the beast, said, the, pope, with his, face, coming out of, the, little, horn, and he saw, america, on fire, and, the, the woman, the statue of liberty, coming out, 4-27-28-2006- and hollie showed to record the vision and complained, cause prophet wouldn't, and hollie tore up the contract, and the lighted finger pointed, the gay bar is packed, and if prophet went in, no problem's, he can have his pick almost, and he saw, illinois explode, it will burn, from russian submarines, on the day of the Lord prophesied in ISIAIAH 13, and he ssaw Jesus like a lighted man, rememeber me and I will rememeber you, its iraq, that is bringing judgement to america sooner, innocent people are being slaughtered, that was stephen hansen in the fur, nace, thur the, fire's, of, affliction, he will come, bush, rejects, the, windfall, tax, on, oil, companies, because he is, an, oil, man, put it under, the, iraq war, is, causing, this, and you voted, for, the, oil, team, of, bush, and, cheney, and the lighted finger pointed, who hit the gas company said paul mooney, thats what that cruise missile was, and it won't do the damage that you would think, bob suspected, russia will launch a small attack, no response, then, all out, no response because of, orders will go to, american, submarine, commanders, and they will, fire, on, moscow, and, china, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, china and russia will be hit to, your fallen said Jesus, and pointed at paul mooney, no signs, step down, he won't, bless you said Jesus, put it on your website, if a torpedo hit the bismarck in the right spot, to the bottom, they reinforced the steel in about the area the torpedo's hit, it was scuttled, thats why the front part is missing, it is, never been found, but, about, 2 miles from where the ship hit the bottom, it sailed down, and the lighted Jesus pointed, the bismark is still in good shape, there is little oxygen down there that deep, iran's nuclear power plant, will be, attacked, by, america, diplomacy, is, weapons, planned out, they, know it, if the titanic was righ there, almost like it was, when it sank, limited attack on iran, and put it on your website, run from me and I will run from you saith the Lord, and hollie showed the still, that is how you make ethanol, your own fuel and she smiled, I knew said gene schmidt of hand of help, he and ann are both cut off, no signs, lets rule the world sang hu and putin and kim jong and fidel castro, hugo chavez, lula, they will, give thier power and strength unto the beast and he will send it over on america, the pope is the beast, new gasoline said the pope, ethanol, the old one, just charge more to pay for the iraq war, the new additive, lying bush, washington state said the pope, attack it, china will, attack washington state and grab taiwan to lure america into war then russia will grab alaska, then orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on china and russia the ram, and hollie, and russia will wipe out the mainland, america, one third of the population will be wiped out, including mexico, and he saw it explode, cuba, and, canada, the earth will reel to and fro like, and God winked, drunkard, rats, lay it down, was talking about sex, oral, record the vision hollie showed, again, and hollie tore up the contrast, now, go, and, cut, grass, God knew, that is all, he wanted, charles edward tyson, is, cut, off, for, tossing, a, baby, in, the, canal, and, the, mom, is, cut, off, to, shameka, mosely, both, she did not, she isn't even, crying, while, interviewed, free, she, thinks, in her, heart, and wants him, freed, but, prison, the 44 dolphins, in, zanzibar, were, tide, caught, that is how, they know, not, to, go, to, close, to, the, shore, there are, almost, 5 million, dolphins, in, the, ocean, s, iran, will not, keep, thier, nuclear, program, bush will, destroy, lula, bush needs to, die, nobody, want, s, him to, live, he is, and, ameria, gobbling, up, oil, and, we, all, need, it, says, the, emporer, of, japan, lets rule the world, china, said, hu, they will, give, thier, power, and, strength, unto, the, beast, and he will, send it over, magog is, china, moscow, invaded, divided, into, 4, and, the pope comes out of, moscow, and, hu is, the king of the east, the new world order, 4-28-29-2006- bishop herman davis is, cut, off, no, signs, and was, informed, to, face, greater, new jerusalem, temple, record the vision hollie showed, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sh, satan, the pope, said hollie, pointed, and hu is the false prophet, theat moth, will live, leave it alone, it will not die, it will eat, and hu is he false prophet, the new world order, don't be embarrased if you fart and Jesus heard you, california said hollie, whats that, and he saw it, explode, with nevada, america is, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots is false christians like charles finnell, abominations is sin like paul mooney, false worship, that is a geese, it is not thinking about anything, and it stands on one leg, do you think about eternity, read and do ACTS 2:38 prophesied in joel, and hollie showed to record the vision, give me an hour said Jesus of recording, the beast is similar to what daniel saw, and he saw, 2 horns growning up and the taller came up last, that was china, and putin, is the other horn, the hegoat is the pope with putin and hu, and he saw the pope, with ten horns, like an angel of light on his head, hu, and putin, were, the ram, this is, the hegoat, the beast, the ten horns are, ten kings that hate, and hollie tore up the con, trust, america, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, and the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked to invade america, then, leave, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is the pope and he saw the pope like an angel of light with ten horns on his head and hu, the false prophet and the pope, the anitchrist, were fighting, they will hate each other, but, cling, to, each other, because both have, nuclear, weapons, the pope is, the, king of, grecia, and, hu is, the, king of the east, persia is all of the kings of the east, the middle east, your not my problem screamed hollie, she is gone back, chris amonett of upci, cut off, he thinks prophet is a joke, and prophet tells visions and dreams, and chris has none, who do you think the joke is, what about china said hu, they will attack washington state and grab tiawan to lure america the MYSTERY, BABYLON into war, and when they do, russia will, grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on russia and china, the ram, the pope is the hegoat, like he saw, china was, the horn that came up last, russia and china will be almost destroyed, america, russia will wipe out the mainland, the whore is, america, a cheater on God, that is what that means, false harlots, the mother of, my name is sharone and I cost israel about 100,000 dollars per month, I'm dead, but, machines keep me alive, my soul, is gone, I wanted material said sharone and turned into g.t. haywood, and he saw a casket by a tree, a eunuch is not a dry tree, fruit, to, Jesus, jeff gordon said, nascar, the biggest sport in the world, he is over, one wreck he said, hell, and know's it, cut off, and I'm, you mean I can't have my car screamed gordon, he will loose his, car, because, he's not even trying to win, sh, that was satan, pointed hollie, I'm the beast said the black like serpent, with, seven heads, and, with, ten, horns, and I'm the, p, o, p, e, prophet knew fooolish pleasure was going to win the kentucky derby, he knew it, but, was only about ten, I wonder how, the iran attack is coming, word got back to pastor kent gray, that he wears shorts, at work, postman, apostolic pentecostal pastor, ucpci, write, u, p, c, i, churches and tell them that kent r. gray wears shorts while delivering mail, bob was at kent's church, and hollie pointed, antioch, the apostolic church, and called for alter call, there wasn't any, greg oliver preached, no signs, he is, cut off, and kent's mom, who has been married over 5 times, who leads the service, who is cut off, no signs, slapped bob, your out of order she said, write, united pentecostal international churches and tell them, somebodies going to pointed the sexy angel, I found it she said, write and God will bless you, you need one more chance, granted, lets pray said kenneth haney, general superintendent of upci, cut, off, no signs, write, chewbacca, if kenneth haney is cut off, then what is he doing there said chewbacca with sunnynets voice, iraq, pointed, the angel of the Lord, is raising up hatred for america, all over the world, bush knows it, the iraq war was over oil, breaking oil contracts, pointed, the angel of the Lord, with moscow, they had them saddam cancelled, tell people, lick me in the butt, she said, and the angel pointed, thats what america wants, sodom was not that bad, sh, that was satan, I'm the beast, chucky goldbold is cut off, no signs, he wants money, prophet overheard, they did'nt pay any money, evangelists, carolyn, godbold, is, cut, off, same, don't even let her near the pulpit, no signs, that was satan, sh, said hollie, pointed, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, leave me alone said pastor dalton and pointed, kings house of prayer, cut of, no signs, the diamond, was over, another church, write him pointed Jesus, remember a. c. valdez, he, did not finish, he was open, but, did not, endure until the end, satan, bill deagle, cut off, no signs, he went back, if you don't beleive it, while live on the prophecy club, he mentioned watching the kansas city football game, thats abomination, lay, big, money, at the feet, of, sports, idol, s, and, leave, me, out, saith, Jesus, bob heard it, tell me what you want pointed Jesus, 300 and 52 thousand people have seen, and hollie pointed, ministryofdreams, visions, and, dreams, from, Jesus, pointed that library broad, that, said hollie, when america and china goes to war, then, moscow, will attack, america, on the iupui board, that, moscow will grab alaska, first, then, the students at iupui, are hearing, about that, that, pray in your van, that was satan, sh, I'm the beast, california here I come, catch me said hollie, there's blood on my hands said president bush, iraq, innocent, not ordered by God, turn him over to war crimes, satan, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I'm the pope, said the pope, iraq is hasting, america, 's, judgment, and hollie, tore up the con, cious, satan, sh, I'm, I want your money said pastor mark stone, and he saw the hands shaking and the feet stomping, that was Jesus dressed in a rocky horror picture show outfit, who are you going to call, when all else fails, that show makes people homosexuals, and he heard many people screaming, talking, judgement will hit america when you least expect it, it's time to go out in the street now, he said, in the, dream, and hollie pointed, anal sex, is, helping, bring, america, down, and, oral, perry, smith, was invited by bob to hear him preach, and perry said, bob I have to minister to, he wants, but, has nothing to say, this is, what, he would do, to, try to, get in, calvary, temple, 's, platform, Jesus knows, in this, night, vision, richard and gayle were almost married, gayle loved in, richard, tall, cute, farted around her all the time, turned her off, finally, she, left, and, richard, never found another, richard, like gayle, she was, pretty, he still thinks about her everyday, and its been almost, 20 years, watch what you do, and hollie tore up the contract with golden bear paws, bob witnessed to richard, but, no, repentance, the protest in new york, was, over, bush, the iraq war, protest, if, Jesus, leads, you, on your knees, that will not do anything, people, were, just, doing, something, but, impeach, for, war, crimes, against, humanity, is what, bush, needs to, mexico, will, leaglise, pot, and, co, caine, to, stop, america, from, harrasing, that is why, the taylor university students, whitney e. cerak, laurel e. erb, bradley j. larson, and elizabeth a. smith, all perished, all, knew, not, to, go, on, that, trip, it was, sin, a, party, in hell, they will think, I was so young, but, they, all, had, a, chance, to, serve, Jesus, and the students, are, mourning, not, they don't, and know, that they all perished, how to turn, and hollie showed, your, home, into, a, office, get a desk, chair, phone, record the vision hollie showed, get batteries, asap, duracell's are the best, but, any alkaline, but, way better, cause russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and hu, I will not put up with you said the pope, and there were ten horns on his head, and, fidel castrol, hugo chavez, they are on his head, berlusconi, austrailia's king, they are, the seven heads, with germany, great britain, and israel, amerca's allies, canada, ify, but, allied like mexico, and they are, the seven heads, some fall away, and the beast is the eigth and of the seven, he comes out of italy, the little horn, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the bear, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked to invade america out of, the lion is the pope, satan, the red dragon with the pope as the mouth, the leopard is the new wolrd order, with china, invaded moscow, and japan, and north and south korea, the ten horns are then kings that hate america, they give thier power and strength unto the beast, the pope, and he sends it over on america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots, that is, false christians, like donald winters, the pastor at westside pentecostal church, he committed blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, those are from the devil he said to bob's face, bob didn't say anyting, hope to see you in heaven, but, bob knew what he just did, the cincinatti bearcats people are at i.u.p.u.i., indiana university, purdue university, at, indianapolis, jogging, sport's event, track meet, young people, but, all cut off, they chose, not to serve Jesus, sang the pope, choose you this day whom you will serve, Jesus or the lusts of the devil, that dog did not want to walk, don't think, your dog wants to go for a walk, they don't, they want to, and hollie tore up the con, cious, they want to stay at home and do nothing, like people, abundance of bread and idleness, is the main reason for judgment to amexico, all 3, canada, americano, and mexico sang the pope, and hollie, sh, thats satan, pointed, hollie, the pope is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast, china will attack taiwan, and, attack washington state, to lure aemrica into war, then russia will lead an all out attack, the mistake they make, is, grabbing alaska first, then orders will go, to american submarine commanders, and they will fire on, china and moscow, one third of the population will be wiped out, ford motor compnay names thier engine's but that doe not make them sell on bit better, out of the ruins of moscow and china come the pope and flase prophet hu, they will make an agreement at the table for 666, the mark of the beast, to prevent, them from destroying each other, and, they will not, get along, but, hate each other, and hu, I will not, put up with you, said the pope, the pope will get slashed, and satan will enter in, and, search for the remnant jews, and destroy them, trying to eliminate, the, witness, es, Christ will appear, and the viols of wrath will be poured out, it will get horrible, Christ will deliver the church up to the father, and the beast and the false prophet, are thrown alive, into, the, lake of, fire, where the taylor university students are, with the rest of mankind, into the lake of fire, that burns with brimstone, forever and ever, aman, repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ name, and recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, amexico will burn, when you least expect it, so be ready, record the vision and make it plain, sang hollie, as she tap danced, and he saw florida explode, it will burn from russian submarines, and hollie's tap dancing with her tongue sticking out, raise our hands and clap your horns, lets do something for the Lord, tell my vision, tell my vision, tell my vision, tell my vision, tell my vision, there's an iran attack coming, that is not a tv, on the radion, america is given to pleasure's, they dwell carelessly, like braking thier military down and kicking out Jesus, they are isolated, uto, nuclear attack coming from moscow, try to help, not to hurt your borthers and sisters, and hollie toer up the pavement to run from Jesus, nope, keep working, leave it alone screamed hollie, if it works, then don't fix it, and the sexy angel pointed, trap he said with Jesus's voice, the sons of silence motor cycle club is just hanging out doing nothing, what are you doing, and judgment is hanging over america, what is I want something to eat, then eat but don't pig out, thats abomination, you are in an animals frame and you need food, God can feed you Spiritually and you will not poop or pea for how ever long, but, you might loose wieght, the cars packed with students, from, montbello, high, scholl, racing, perished, in hell, right now, knew, speeding, and, rejected, JEsus, if you help me, one, said, to, Jesus, in the judgment, Ill, live, for, you, liar, hell, at, a, young, age, a plymouth breeze, with, about, a, 100, 45, horsepower, engine, was it worth it,, two will die, two will die, the girl that died, perished, young, in, hell now, mauro, najera, and, jose, garcia-felix, shame on you, call it, an, accident, that left, one, beautiful, young, woman, in, hell, no, pussy, tonight, and you don't care, but, she is, cooking, right, now, where you will be, when you die, and he saw denver explode, it will, burn, from, russian, submarines, on the day of the Lord, prophesied, in, joel, 4-29-30-2006 k. templeton, is, cut, off, wayne beveridge is cut off, no, signs, josh is, cut, off, from, heavenly, life, apostolic, church, no signs, like, pastor, terry, cannon, jake, schaffer, is, cut, off, no, signs, record the vision hollie showed, God is the God of the living, not the dead, don't remorse over the deaths, of the taylor university students, seek and fing that which is lost, hell will be decorated, with young people, cute, and he saw the 4 taylor unversity students in hell, who cares, somebody found it said the mouth, the website, local, josh, at heavenly life, apostolic, tabernacle, now is, cut off, bob found it, e-mailed, bob you blew it said pastor assissant, butler, at mccormick creek, apostolic faith church, he, is, cut off, no signs, your out said Jesus, talking to all of, mccormick creek pentecostal church in indiana, sh, satan, I'm dracula, don't watch those movies, and Jesus pointed, michael boldea said, your letting me perish, your letting yourself, and the lighted hand pointed, people will try to, destroy, your walk with God, like that woman at family dollar, she tore up her contract, don't let her tear up yours, and hollie pointed, turn, and he saw the west coast with flames going up it, and the east coast, and going up the middle, from russian submarines, on the day of the Lord, prophesied in ISIAIH 13, sh, that's satan, and he looks like Jesus, record the vision hollie showed, and hollie tore up the contrast, her agreement with Jesus, not, she's open, that picture on the maifested love didn't trap everybody, sang the pope, most everybody said hollie, young and cute and open like thomas gibson, and the sexy angel pointed, the united states will be attacked soon said the angel of the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is the antichrist and hu is the false prophet, and hu pointed, wur catching up with america, technology, military, china is the horn that rose last, on the ram with putin, the hegoat is the pope with the two horns, china and the pope will invade russia, write my vision, magog will born out of, the hegoat and the ram, china, north korea, south korea, and japan, where all those lands are including moscow, and he saw america burned up, it will burn and MYSTERY, BABYLON, america, on the map, in yellow, whats that said hollie, somebody stole manifested, write them and tell them, 30 days to take it down, or sickness, and hollie tore up the contract, thats her agreement with the Lord, that, when america and china goes to war, then moscow will lead an allout attack, the day of the Lord, prophesied in all of the bible, that, pray in your van, 4-30-5-1-2006-record and the big golden hand said, enough, andrew strom is cut off, no signs, record the vision hollie showed, hollie said, pray, and he saw him alseep like a spirit, and he saw mexico explode, canada exploded and america the babylon of REVELATION 17, and hollie tore up the con, trust, your deal with Jesus, kim jong of north korea will in on the attack of america with china, moscow, and he saw, a table, and there were kings there, putin, hu, jong, castrol, they will give ther power and strength, chavez, to the beast and he will send it over on america, we know she said, and she tore up her concious like hollie showed, read and do ACTS 2:38, the tap dancers said, and hollie and the pope were two of them, seek the Lord while he may be found, this is what is coming, judgment to america, russia will lead an all out attack, ann and gene schimdt of hand of help, have sex, and that is for reproduction only, call it, an open shame for hand of help, raise your hands and clap your horns, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and he saw the pope with ten horns on his head, and hu and the pope were fighting, they will hate each other but cling to prevent destroying, both have nuclear weapons but, one is the king of grecia, and, one is the king of the east, the kings of the east are, all of the middle east, raise your hands and repeat after me, all of the middle east, led by false prophet hu, and when the pope gets slashed, satan will enter in, and God will pour out the viols of wrath, and the world will be one hell of a place to sleep, Christ will appear, and, the mountain will split in twain, congresswoman julia carson knows the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts and preventing china from getting them, I wasn't for it she said, so she voted against it, and hollie tore up the concious, mayor bart peterson of indianapolis got a new domed stadium built and the old one was fine, call it, good bye bart peterson, it will only sell out some of the time, and hollie tore up the concious, the tap dancers said, close out the charter id he didn't do what he said, he did, he will be, he won't care, but, make your requests known to God, but, if you wnat a sex child, only according to his will, and hollie tore up the contrast and turned into sam neill, damien, the final conflict, people watch like you would not beleive, he gets paid royalties, not much, but, it adds up, about 1 million per year, but, he is cut off, admit that your fallen saith the Lord and healing begin, my pastor, superintedent, nathaniel draughn, 28th street church of God in Christ, is cut off, no signs, flood him, and what that woman is thinking in her heart is, that was all true, but, we don't want Jesus, I won't tell, and hollie showed to how to make a porch on your house, buy the lumber, measure, cut, with saw, start buidling a porch, then, clean up, roof, porch, and holie smiled, and holie pointed at the speed limit, Christ temple christian academy, Christ temple apostolic faith assemblies, is cut off, under, pastor, charles, m., finnell, no signs, and holie pointed, the immigrants, need to, go home, from, america, they lift up a shout, not all, but, most, against, america, here to, drain, the, stupid, government, of, america, put it under, there is an iran attack coming, iraq, will end, nuclear, EZEKIEL 7, exchange, between, iraq, and, israel, americaqn nukes, both, ways, the freedom of the seas, is, the, largest, cruise, ship, ever, but, nothing, compared to, the, norway, the norway, could, survive, a, hurricane, but, this ship, high wind, could blow over, and the norway, the, ss, france, is, being, scrapped, when it, had, a, hundred, years, left, easy, wasting,cuba, castrol will, die, soon, and be, replaced, by, a, hater, of, the, usa, lets rule the world, cuba will be, against, the, attack, of, america, but, have no choice, russia will, the bear, invade, part of, and, leave, after, the, attack, on, the united states, cuba, and, canada, and, mexico, will be, wiped out, and, china, and, moscow, over, one third, of the, population, will be, killed, on the, day of, the, Lord, condeleezza rice, says, tehran, is, playing, games, america is, but, iran is, seeking, help, and will not find, build another, moscow, no, eliminate, america, this is when, those ten kings, get that, one, mind, to, give, thier, power and, thier, strength, unto, the, beast, and he will, send, said, the, pope, over on, america, repent, and be, bap, tised, in Jesus Christ name, and recieve, the, gift, of, the, Holy, Ghost, with the evidence, of, speaking, with, new, tongues, which is, a, new, language, understood, down, here, on, earth, aman, robaer washington is, cut, off, no, signs, he will not, repent, but, still has, visions, but, they will be, stripped, soon, he knows, what, to, do, but, won't, put it under, all, know, but, don't, cut off, saith the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, seek, Jesus, while he may be found, aman, record the vision hollie showed, speak the word of the Lord and that is it unless he tells you to tell, your alignment is off a little, check, corrected, come by here said g.t. haywood, martin luther king, both the same, no signs, both cut off, no signs, both did lots of thing, but, they did not make their calling and election sure, you might look around, for something goiing wrong with your brakes said the tap dancers and hollie was one of them with her tongue sticking out, and charles finnell pointed at the stop sign, stay away from my church he said, we don't see it like you do, how do I get out of here said charles m. finnell, I'm cut off and they are cut off, and I know it, and they do to, do what you want said the tap dancers, but, Jesus needs something else, and hollie sticks her tongue out, bob sent pastor willie duncan visions and dreams, awesome he thought, but, who has visions and dreams like this, everybody does, but, they do not, recognize it, if God just pulls the plug, if you do not live for him, iraq, will end nuclear, EZEKIEL 7 fulfilled, o my God, o my God, said the hollie's, churches are cut off and God is telling people, that woman that you told will, at testimony service, uto, said hollie, and hollie pointed, recreation is, and hollie tore up the contrast, sin, every body who does ACTS 2:38 follow's thru, if you really have it, you will follow thru, people think that judgment has passed, for when they shall say peace and safety is when destruction comes, watch out, who your following saith the Lord, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the pope is the antichrist, and hu is the false prophet, for when they shall say, peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh, that is for america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie pointed, write the vision and make it plain, judgment is coming ready or not to america, the world will reel to and fro like a drunkard, from submarines firing on america, and ameriCAN submarines firing on moscow and, china, one third of the popualtion will be wiped out, including, mexico, canada and cuba, read and do ACTS 2:38, bob was told to beat his alignment and did, and maybe it is, no, it is, fixed, better, he can tell and hollie took off running, smiling, and hollie pointed, how come you ain't open they say, when bob comes around, they don't recognize the Spirit of God, they are, cut, off, to far away, and hollie, people are flooding their bowells and having anl sex and vaginal, men and women, fist fucking, both, holes, and a fist will go in both, and you will feel an orgasam like, but, you will feel violated, disgusted, because somebody did that to you, you let them, but, you won't want it a second time, if you have filmed or porno, you will, hate yourself for one minute, of pleasure, the rest of your life of hate for self because fist fucking on, and people watch it on the internet live and rent movies, that needs to come off of the internet, write your congress people, children are being, have access to the best porno that exist, ten and 11 year olds, and guess what they do, call it, an open shame for porno, perished, all of you, who, do, porno, on the internet, all, cut, off, make, this available, for, kids, and they, watch, greet one on the street's, 5-1-2-2006-record the vision hollie showed, nostrodaumas was not a prophet of Jesus Christ, magog is china, north korea, south korea and japan, india, pakistan, and hollie pointed, where all those lands are including moscow, he's young and cut ot most people, but to God, all people are just animals with souls on the inside, where's your soul going to spend eternity, heaven or hell, save yourself, read and do ACTS 2:38, and hollie took off running, and hollie showed how to fix the flat tire, jack it up, put in the fix a flat, jack it down, plug the hole, put on the glue, stick it in, pull the nail out, jack it down, fix a flat, then air at your local gas station, keep fix a flat, but, not a miracle cure, and hollie pointed, you could buy that house and become rich off that one house because this will become historic, when you pray and ask God to make it, then sell, mooresvilled christian academy is cut off, no signs, and hollie tap dancing, with her tongue, that, said hollie, when america and china goes to war, then russia will lead an all out attack on america, on the iupui board, that, that officer will be laid off soon and you will know about it, that, no anal or oral sex, there ain't no capricron's sang hollie, that, and he saw the words, prophecy club, tell the prophecy club these visions, that, and he saw, stan johnson, pastor stan johnson, cut off, no signs, that, said hollie, and he saw, hollie, she is, open, manifested love, bob likes her, you fallen said Jesus, admit, and then he can heal you, and he saw the west coast in flames and the east coast, america will burn from that, said captain hollie, russian submarines, here's what henry gruver saw, and he saw the earth like the sattelite and america outlined in white and explosions like little fire balls along the west coast and then all along the east coast, misslies were coming out of the ocean and firing on america, and then the whole nation exploded from planes and cruise missiles, it will be just like that, planned out in perfection, but, after china attacks washington state and grabs tiawan and the lighted hand touched the recorder, america will fire on moscow and china after russia grabs alaska, one third of the population will be wiped out including, mexico, cananda, and, cuba, there's the alarm, that girl won't trap you but will be attracted, but, don't even witness to her, she has had 38 years to get right, and hasn't, get ready said Jesus for at an hour when you think not then cometh the Son of man and he saw Jesus with many of his saints, and hollie is tap dancing with her tongue sticking out, lucas oil products is, stp oil treatment, no differance, if you like using that kind of stuff, use cheap ones like the one at walmart for less then a dollar, there all the same, you know, what you have to do, if you are a salesman you have to sell, but, this prophet doesn't hardly ever talk about ministryofdreams or much but, God and judgement, that's what God wants, he dosen't care about ministryofdreams, cause God has control of it, the poor nations, will get, internet, aid, but, no, internet, bob has been praying, but, for the gospel, only, put it under, china will, attack, when you least expect it, washington state, and grab taiwan, to lure america into war, and then, moscow, will lead an all out attack, they will grab, alaska, then, out of, the ocean's, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will, and he saw, america, explode, it will burn, and be, a, destruction, in it's, perfection, and God winked, and he saw, the pope with ten horns and hu and putin were two of them, the pope will be, and he saw, the pope, like a white faced spirit with two horns, hu and putin, the ram, that is, the hegoat, the pope will with hu atttack moscow and divide into 4, and out moscow comes the anti Scripture, china wants war right not but they are not ready and he saw magog where all those lands are, china, north and sout korea, japan, and moscow, india, and pakistan, china is, not, the, red, dragon, satan is, sh, said, hollie, that was, satan, and he looked like, Jesus, sh, let Je`sus, have his way, on this, situate, that, record the vision, and he saw missy baker giving him a blow job and Jesus come out of his penis, oral sex is bringing america down, and Jesus said, stan's in the hospital, and he saw a white prison, hospital, stan johnson, of the prophecy club, cut off, no signs, and he saw, inside of the cinema and they were throwing rice, the rocky horror picture show, they dance and make homosexuals out of people, don't go there or that spirit, and once it does, permanent, new york said alice cooper,a ttack it, terrorise, and the lighted finger pointed, alice cooper 80, flush the fashion, sold millions, and still sells, the song, pain, is about sex, anal, oral, any, on the song, how you gonna see me now, from, on the inside, and alice cooper pointed, at the furnace, and stephen hansen was in the fire, in a wizard's uniform, how you gonna see my now was number one, God told alice, two number one's, it didn't stay very long, he suspected, the album flopped, but sold millions and still sells, alice cooper has sold over 300 million records, the stats aren't kept, but, God knows, but he is cut off and sing, Om a shepherd for the pentecost, I got my sriptures and my wires crossed, nurse rosetta, and alice pointed, it's lightening, judgment is coming to america because people like alice cooper, blasphemer's, taht know the truth, his dad is a pentecostal pastor but cut off, like his mom, steve perry sang, with storm, I've got a lot to learn about love, that angered the members journey, cause, that would've been number one, and they knew it, they stay away from him because, he can't sing the journey songs without them, come on steve said the leasd guitarist, but, he won't come back, let me sing the songs, and pay royalties, no way, and he saw two spirits, the devil said, mess with me, and I'll mess with you, one looked like satan, and one looked like Jesus, don't touch God's anointed or punishment unless prophet intercedes, and that was hollie tearing up the concious, many times, bob always wanted a 1966 ford fairlane and knows where one is, buy it, drive it, that was, kim jong, they will, cling to each other but, hate, the ten toes, kim will like china, but, hate, south korea, china will like kim, but, hate, the pope, magog is china, with all those lands around there like south korea, china's the horn that came up last on the ram with putin, the hegoat, the pope with the two horns, testify pointed Jesus, were perishing said hollie, pray for yourselv'es, havoline oil would be number one if they dropped texaco from it, and marketed texaco separately, it would sell about as good as havaoline, the iraq war was over, oil, breaking oil contracts with moscow and preventing china from getting them, EZEKIEL 7, and Jesus pointed, fulfilled, nuclear exchange, iraq and israel, and he saw, the statue of liberty standing so tall, when america thinks, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, that they rule the world, and her torch was glowing, then, moscow will launch an all out attack, and he saw the fingers, and the finger tips, and hu and the pope, were, two prints, they are, the new world order, the false prophet and the antichrist, and hollie tore up the contract, and hollie tore up the concious, michigan said the angel of the Lord, and he saw it explode, it will burn, from russian submarine's, and the angel of he Lord pointed, and hollie tap danced with her tongue out, many times, and he saw the light, going, to the, 426 hits, yesterday, hit, and hollie tore up the contrast, cut off, your lost she said, stephen a. hanson, stay away from him, watchman, the last crusade, cut off, no signs, God would not let bob speak on there, but, could and run him out of buisness, easy, bob wants to, only about 200 people listen to watchman radio, alex dodson and, apostle steve ball is cut off, no signs, magog is china, where all those lands are, including moscow, invaded, bob you knew it said watchman's radio owner, no, but, he knew before sunday, God would not let him call and won't, watchman radio in babylon, newyork cashes in on false teaching like johnathon hasen, michael boldea knows the truth but doesn't do it, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, thou fool said stephen hanson, post visions of the antichrist on my message board, you helped get it taken down, but they were true and he knew it, jelous, true, thats what he said, but, not here, and I'm putin and here is the end time story, moscow will attack, after, planned out, china will attack washington state and grab taiwan, then, russia will grab alaska, then, orders will go to american submarine commanders and they will fire on china and moscow, moscow will then wipe out the american mainland, and, one third of the population will be wiped out including, mexico, and, canada, and, cuba, the three ribs are, mexico, cuba, and nicaraugua, plucked, by the bear russia, to invade america, then, they will leave, watchman, radio, .net, is cut off, no signs, the pope will come out of, russia will be divided into 4, and magog will be where china, north and south korea, japan, and all those lands, are, including, moscow, and he saw magog, where, they all are, in, yellow, and that means, war, persia is the middle east and putin will be killed, hu will be, the false prophet and the pope will be, the little horn is italy and, he will come out of moscow, the king of grecia, the kings of the east are, hu, and all of, the, middle, east, led by false prophet hu, hu will say, worship the beast because the pope will be stronger, more nuclear weapons, the rest of the world, 666, will be, born at the table to prevent them from destroying each other, the pope will be slashed and satan will enter in, and destroy, searching for the jewish remnant, Christ will appear and the mountain will split in twain, he will deliver the church up to the father, the rest will be, cast into the lake of fire alive with the woner of watchman radio . net, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation narrorated by hollie and she bowed, putin dropped off, aman, when bob spoke to watchman radio, .net's owner, bob was having visions while speaking to him he excited, bob did not tell him he was cut off, but, needed to be closer to God, seek God, bob knew, and he knew, from bob talking that he was in trouble, both owner's of watchman radio are cut off, and hollie took off, watchman radio is cut off said stephen hanson, they needed ministryofdreams, but, God would not let ministryofdreams talk, and hollie pointed, those buildings will look good but flop, they should have lowered the rent, and he saw, many place's, in, indianapolis, desolate, from russian submarine, work while it is day, 8-9-2006-Feel it slipping, prophet did you pray, tarry, said, sister, stewart, from, heavenly life, apostolic, tabernacle, church, pastored by, the cut off, no signs, pastor, terry, cannon, we know it, he will say, but, only because, somebody told them, the, typist, we know, who he is, but, where is he, why should, we know, no you dont, you are, a, liar, and not an apostle, theres the submarine sound, and subs sneaked up on America, Moscow and china, boom, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, bob, you had your way said the angel of the Lord, now let Jesus, your happy, van, and the lighted finger pointed, dont lust womans butt, poop, and the lighted finger pointed, and hollie, and he saw, ten, lighted heads, politburo, nation, s, that, hate America, and hollie showed, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and thats the pope and hu is the false propht, raise your hands and repeat after me, Im the main ministering spirit, hollie, work for the Lord, God says, if you work for me, I will wo9rk for you, theres the submarine sound, and, hollie licked the prophet, subs are everywhere, and Russia fired on America, and he saw it, from all around, and bombers over the top, America exploded and Babylon came out, and captain hollie, and the angel pointed, and hollie tore up the contract, twice, put my visions on the internet sang Jesus, raise your hands and repeat after me, Russia is the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, and thats the pope sang Jesus and the pope, hunt uhh, thats not Jesus, thats, satan, but he looked like Jesus, shhhhhhh, and hollie licked the prophet, and hollie licked the prophet, andf he saw, seven lighted heads, these are, seven nations, that have an agreement, with, America, the beast, is the eighth, and of the seven, Russia is the beast with seven head and ten horns, and thats the pope, sang, hollie, and the pope came up out of the four horns, and hollie showed, prophet theres the submarine sound, and babyfleas bit the prophets head off, work for Jesus, and the world wobbled, and hollie was on top, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw hollie, get put into his heart like a golden bear, and hollie pointed, and hollie anxiously, theres the submarine sound, and subs, all around, america, china and Moscow, And he saw, ten, lighted heads, these are, ten, nations, that hate America, politburo, theres the alarm, the seven heads, and he saw, seven, lighted, heads, these are, seven, nations, that have, an, agreement, with, America, the beast, is the eighth, and of the seven, italy, rome, pope, theres the alarm, said, hollie, work for Jesus, aman,
(0)the end time revelations-visions received 1-30-31-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie,, the Lord of Host, and Jesus, and when He gives He sings for the most part, and others and they said: lets rule the world, china, russia, nicaragua, those 3, will cause, more damage, then, problem, they will give thier power and strength unto the bear, and that is, russia, the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, He will give some to pestilence, some to famine, some to destruction, go and put it under thus saith the Lord of Hosts, turn, and I will heal, and gene schmidt said, need you, we wants sechs, thats anal oral, he said he, but, and he saw Jesus with satans voice, control, box, He said, he saw a viper with a man it its mouth, thats, he saw the viper is trying to beat him, Jesus says, I'm the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, I always was, I always will Be, I have the keys of hell and death, write what thous seest, 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, a threescore, a spirit just left him and now he feels better, mozel sanders was blaspheme like martin luther king jr, they had no Signs but claimed to be, feel after the Lord, find Him, now he saw a Hand, point, ministryofdreams is number 1, he saw a Man blowing, God can blow on you and destroy you, he saw a Lighted serpent with a man in its mouth, pray for protection from Jesus, satan is gettin the children in his mouth, the Lighted Man, smoking is abomination, copromise, firget it, he saw a wolf, howling, and then it turned into satan, he is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, satan is the, the pope, hollie said, that was satan, he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and hu is the false prophet, and tyre is magog, that is the new world order, satan is the bear and the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaraugua, and amexico, plukcd, they will be destroyed, half the western hemisphere, that is, and the woman which thous sawest is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth and that was the statue of liberty and that is america, and the beast and the rope said, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and hollie was in on that, and so was kyle woods, and he saw a tingue, mick jagger is a prophet, git the phone, who is it, it is mick, what does he want, mick is cut off, he is 65 and still touring, a Golden hollie bear, you tore up the contract babyfleas, she is cut off, bob told her, she is so beautiful bob wanted to marry her but can't, judgment to amexico is canada, mexicano, and america from russia subs, the day of the Lord prophesyed in ISAIAH 13, that was a beast rise out of the sea satan is the beast and satan is the pope, the palestinian state will be destructed by the united states out of iraq, and iraq will be dismantled and the united states will pay the penalty for hitting the Apple of God's Eye, the oil will be lost and the pope rose up like a wizard and he said, I am god, he'll be god of this world for about seven and one half years minus 3 months minus 3 months, he saw the rock man, thats abomination, judgments already here said kristina and hollie, he saw the Angel of Lord Leave Him, that prayer request was heard, start a prayer meeting at your home, bob went to a prayer meeting and the man was prophesying to whoever wanted it, he was preaching at them, they all knew it, you knew it prophet, its not possible to decieve the very elect, you'll know the Spirit of God from the spirit of error, he left visions and she read them, but, didn't beleive nothin, they are uncircumcissed, no Spirit of Jesus, were running out of time, he saw a woman pussy, thats what people want, they want bankrupt, that is death, that is for reproduction, that is abomination, that was the statue of liberty and the statue of liberty is america, God, this is when america fell, they traded the statue of liberty for Jesus, now reap america, judgment is passed, help said the statue of liberty, but not from Jesus, they trust in their military, judgment is coming to amexico, hollie said, that, praying in your car, where ever you are, somebody might need it, america is running out of time, wake up america, you will burn, and Jesus on the Cross said, Jesus on the mainline, tell'Em what you want, he saw 149 hits, its picking up, kendal oil is not that good, its low destergent, it needs more detergent, its all right, Jesus left the prophets mouth in a Scarlet colored Robe, prayer request, its the phone, who is it, its Jesus, what does He want says greg kite, seek the Will of the Lord, america is going to answer for its sin by fire, ameria has been a Golden Cup in the Jesus, Hand, that made all the earth comit iniquity, america's got blood on its hand, attack russia, its, be prepared, israel will be attacked by united states out of iraq, this is EZEKIEL 7 being fulfilled by american nukes, israel will respond with nukes, he saw a billboard advertisement, he saw the image nebuchadnezzar saw with the golden head, popped in the head by the Rock, oww said the image, that was the Rock Christ Jesus, kenneth haney is the general superintendent of u.p.c.i. and he is cut off, dr. grant is the leader of pentecostal assemblies of the world and he is cut off, no Signs, that was the Angel of the Lord leaving bob, prayer request heard, he saw the idol shepherd with 6 threescore 6 on his forhead, he's the antiChrist, that was the fired of the Lord, It will burn your problem right out, he saw ohio explode, it will burn, he saw the beast with 7 kings on its back, that was russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, north korea, those are 8 kings that will come against america, it had 10 horns, the beast did, those ten horns are a ruling party called politburo, they are many nations, like ukraine, thats italy, great britain, france, germany, iraq, iran, there both the same, you get the picture, the united states is attacked by this beast, the beast is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, the pope is the best, hu is the false prophet, the new world order, he saw a serpent ready to strike, thats the false prophet hu, he will make the world worship the pope, they will hate each other but cling to each other, the pope will get slashed and satan will enter in and 666 will be born at the table, magog is tyre and that is china and russia, thats the ram, the pope is the hegoat horn, they will destroy, russia will , will be attacked by china, divided into 4, thats the new world order, the pope will come out of russia, and he will destruct wonderfully, he will come to his end at the sound of the coming of the Lord, he'll just Speak the Word, aman, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, danny glover and mel gibson are both prophets, lethal weapon for satan, God had nothin to do with mel gibson's Jesus movie, there both cut off, and he saw the Lord of Hosts, with His Mouth open, and He could, see, Him, 's, open Throat like Gold, Jesus caome out, Spirit, and said, Come unto Me, and the Children said, come unto Me all ye that labor, and, Jesus, will, gie you , the, Kingdom, he saw a hot iron sear, oww, you better watch what you do, your concious will get, done, you will not be the same cause russ is the bear and he saw a Lighted Hand, hu and pope on Fingertips, the Lord came out of the Lord of Hosts Mouth, the Bride of Christ, adorned, like, a, Bride, I'm the false pope, this is, the, false, prophet and the beast, they are the new world order, hollie said, thats satan, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, pope, and he saw macaulay culkin on Fire, a place cleard to show, who he, was, and he saw a lump, burned, crust, fire, jerry barger came out, perished, that was hu and that was the china jap man, they are one, they will lead the new world order, on the Fingertips, and he saw, beast of snake face, fire, ready, in for hollie, snake come out of mouth, go and he saw 3 beasts laughin, they were, like, faces of, fire, they are, the, and he saw water, watering, plant, it, needed, Feed God's children, 2 broken Fingers, hu and pope, the beast and , Jesus spued, grabbed with Tongue, and Jesus spued out the Lord of Hosts and prophets saved, but, pojama's, that is what, the, Host was, wearing, but, not, asleep, that was satan, he was a arc angel, face of Gold, mouth open, the body was the new world order, the ten toes are politboro, 10, kings that God will use to destroy, america, they are, russia, china, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, and north korea, lets rule the world, sang, vladimir putin, they are, the, God will give them, one, heart, and they will, give, their, power, and, strength, to, the, beast, READ REVELATION 17, he sided with, man, hit friend, trapped him, he was dring the bus, told, they were, many, witness, he said, witness, you been filled with the Holy Ghost and you don't even show it, and hu and the, the pope was the Finger tips, thats the false prophet and the beast, the palestinian state will be destructed by american nukes out of iraq, iraq will be destructed by israeli nukes, its is planned, like, It is in EZEKIEL 7, palestinian state is a violation to israel's rights, they will, terror, ised, He saw Fingertips,a Green Hand, the pope and hu and they are the new world order, the pope has something in his forehead, 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, whoever God gave the Gift of Healin to, finished out, none went back, God can keep you, none went back, tase and see that the Lord is GOOD, all the time, as michael boldea said, God will let people do what they want, but, judgment will come.
(1)the last times visions-visions received 1-28-29-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: LETS rule the world, that is, russia, china, pakistan, and that is, venezuela, look at what, down with, the, u.s., empire, he will, be, in, on, put it under, they will give their power and strength, to the, be, eas, st, and he will, destruct america, the sunbeam bakers girl said, said the night wwind to the little lamb, do you see what I see, way up in the sky little lamb, and others sang, he saw the cop tore up his contract with Jesus and the Lord said, don't make a deal with God and break it, don't make a vow with God and break it, he saw the word, cock, don't trade your soul for sex, thats the number one big killer of Christians, woman rule over men, present yourself as a living sacrifice to Jesus and He will exalt you, by prayer and fasting and ACTS 2:38 salvation, and he saw people in the fire, colored Light, and they wating for Jesus and He was there, God dwells in the midst of praise, hollie showed to wash his clothes, like the women back in the old days used to do it, and the worm said, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope is satan and thats the idol shepherd, he will get slashed and satan will enter in and destroy wonderfully, put it under, 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 6 is a flanged cross like the catholics wear, a threescore, that was hollie and she tore up the contract, again, hollie said, whats that, and he saw the statue of libery explode and a helicopter was there, and the statue of liberty said, I am the great city that reigns over the kings of the earth and thats MYSTERY, BABYLON, the mother of harlots, whats harlots, that's false Christians, and the mother of abominations, whats abominations, that is sin, the waters where the whore sitteth are people's, multitudes, nations and tongues, many different races of people that make up america, the whore means, a cheater on Jesus, he saw the words, write the vision, make it clear, he saw a Hand of Gold, like Dust, the Word of God is with him called the Holy Ghost, thats God the Father on the inside, read and do ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:38, and live It, george said, bobby I live, in Heaven and hell is Heaven to those that go there, goerge said, you know what I did, I committed blaspheme, he's done, that was a Spirit on a Horse breaking that yoke, Jesus is a helper, Jesus will write you a bill of divorcement if you don't do it like He wants, he saw a new contract being written, it'll be about, 6 hours prayer for the Gigt of Healing, gerold forld said, bobby in 79, we singed an agreement to protect israel, your falling israel, they can't protect you any more, the united states will destroy israel from iraq, this will be an exchange israel and iraq, EZEKIEL 7, if you fall, you'll be helpen with little help, your answer is stand, when they hit isreal, they will it the Aplle of God's Eye and God will destroy the united states for doing this, I AM HE who IS, and WAS, and ALWAYS WILL BE, the FIRST and the Last, the ALPHA and OMEGA, and have the Keys of Hell and Death, seek this Jesus, help Me said Jesus, work for the Lord, God reached about 50 young people and most got cut off because of what they did afterwards, 18 year olds give or take, they don't need to be reached again, he saw the statue of liberty with Jesus Head, that was the ANGEL of the Lord, thats who should be there, but, that would be sacrelidge, abomination, thats a graven image, don't do, that Jesus statue in brazil is abomination, grind to powder and drink, that is what it will take, to, change God about, bra, zil, abomination, that is abomination, that big redwood tree in california drinks about 100 gallons of water per week, a tree doesn't need very much water, it will live till the end, and they will said, what are thses wounds in Your Hands and Feet and Jesus said, these are the wounds I received in the House of My friends, and macaulay pointed and said, culkin, look, Jesus died for you, what do you, do, for, Je`sus, serve, depart you apostolic pentecostal holy roller, MY FOOT, no Signs, speaking in tongues, casting out demons, you fell, the monkey claped its cymbols, paul mooney is cut off, that was paul mooney in the fire, he will perish, he saw a Hand full of Seeds, Jesus is throwing Seeds, paul mooney is an anti Christian, pastor paul mooney has never been set free, but, preaches at calvary Temple and Indiana Bible college, the prophet wants salvation, he saw the tallest building in the world, china will attack taiwan and america to draw america into war and when they go, russia will ahnialate amexico, thats america, mexico, and canada all at once, this is one third of the population of the world, the whole western hemisphere will be affected, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, he saw a viper, satan is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and he's the pope and that is, the idol shepherd, tyre is magog, hu is the false prophet, magog is, china, russia, and north and south korea and japan, read EZEKIEL 37, 38, 27, and 28, aman, he saw and heard michigan explode, michigan will burn, when you least expect it from russia subs, don't hold a rabbit by its ears, that hurts it, anal sex is abomination, that was phil iriais, and he said, that is what I want, rick butler, to, see that, they want me, that is, all, that, see, we want your dick, said, rick, but, let, that wsa New Jerulsalem, It's a City of pure Gold, like glass, he saw a man in the fire, that was prophet irving baxter, he'll perish, no Signs, world war 2 ships would be in waves that came over thier decks, but, they never broke up, they were made for that, world war 2 was started by adolf, hitler, he wanted control, I need You, he wanted, Jesus, his biggest mistake was not taking moscow, he got within 50 miles, but, that was to short, it would've taken, all, he, had, but, he had, other, battle, front, 's, they could've done it, russia knew how to, planned, he got, forest, if he would've taken moscow, the world would different today, they'd still have it, none of those on that Church bus believed you, they all got cut off over that, they were young, 15, but, account, ta, ble, the Word came, the Kingdom of God had drawn nigh, God did do Hism, job, it wasn't required, but, they will perish, reverend forster, time forster's Church, they were warned, they, laugh, ed, but, soon, tear, 's, laugh now, lots of people won't be, and he saw a Man Riding an ALL WHITE GIANT HORSE, JESUS is the JUDGE, He will come for to conquer, he saw a White Jesus Spirit on the ground, this is what, it, oil and gas are a big reason that the world is moving toward war, the usa is gobbling and they all see it, and hollie tore up the contract, press to the mark of the High Callin in Christ Jesus, pay Him HIS PRICE, prophet caught a turtle, box turtle, and, saw it looking at the outside and put it back, it was pregnant, it is dead, but, babies are alive, all, thanks the turtle said, in the winter turtles cover themselves with leaves, but, sleep all winter, they wake up when heat, thats how, the shell is just bone, that was the little head, fierce countenance, he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he is, pope, he saw his hair and it was cut, cute, again, as DANIEL stood before nebuchadrezzer and was ging God glory for the vision, nebuchadreezer was saying, yes, uuuuhuh, but in his heart he was screaming, give me the interpretation, he realised that it was a dream from Jesus, not much longer, prophet saw the image, Gold Head, a mans body, and 10 toes, feet, like, you, and the, im, a, age, and the stone was cut out of Rock, and popped the image, smote, knocked, but, not, this is the interpretation of it, the Gold head, satan, he knew the Word of the Lord, the toes were, politburo, nations, they are, china, russia, venezuela, brazil, north and south korea, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, iran, germany, italy, the beast comes out of italy, he is the, idol shepherd, and that is, the pope, thats it, no, that is, clo, ose, but, more, thats the new world order called, tyrus, he saw escalators going to heaven, hell is heaven to those that go there, people on'em, fire all over the place, he saw the pope, thats the antichrist, thats the antichrist, the beast, with 7 heads and 10 horns, hu is the false prophet, he saw the american flag bleedin, ACTS 2:38 is salvation said the pope, he knew the, TRUE, th, but, decieved, God says, if you seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, He'll give you a ministryofdreams, Jesus said, hold it, did witness pray, did witness fast, that is the reason, try it, whatever you need from the Lord, hollie tore up the Contract, I can't handle visions, tina was a prophet, irene said, theres a reason for the season and the reason for the season is, learn to smile said hollie, the Angel of the Lord looked at the prophet, america wastes to much, jerry garcia perished grateful dead fans, go with him, trouble riseth out of the north, thats russia, like a lion coming from its thicket, the destroyer of the gentliles is, on, it's, way, and hollie tore up the contract, that is, JEREMIAH, whats that, the, agreement, with, Jesus, 4, saddam hussein will, not, be, convict, shot, at, point, blank, because, judgement, from, Jesus, hear o Israel, prepare, trouble, from, deapartment of, revenue, they are, out, bush, will do away with, but, not, yet, they are, done, Jesus does not want to be angry anymore, close, the, world, apostle, wait, but, I don't want to be angry anymore, judgement, apostle, go and put it under, except the Lord of Hosts had, shortened, no flesh would be saved, he saw a naked woman, there was blood in, cunt, that is what the people want, pussy, they all want it, even, though they know, death, , by, that is what, than, for, put it under, they will not recog, nize, don't even, its the phone, well, who is it, its Jesus, do what He wants, hollie showed to use your debit card, reduce taxes, why, collpase the economy, that is, not, to get states to, raise, then, republican, will, win, and, control, wait till next year, its to late, economic collapse is, is here, put it under, the people wanted bush, they got what the wanted, economic collpase is here, within 7 months, no, already, borrow, from, world, bank, social security, that is, where, it is, coming, from, out, no, more, it is, go and put it under, I want my sechs and sechs is anal sex oral sex, judgment to america, God showed prophet a womans butt, people would pay big bucks to have that butt next to them, but, it is only a womans butt, it poops and poops and poops hold it, Jesus said, people would spend 10 dollars in china for a nice pair of shoes, that in america would cost olmost 79 dollars, america has to fall and bush knows it, it will be a suprise, but, the beginning of judgment to america, and he saw the image that daniel saw, and it had a golden head and the Rock hit it, pop, knocked it on its but, the ram is china and russia, and the hegoat is them and the pope, he is the antichrist, holle pulled the covers of the prophets eyes, its over, it'll be sooner than you think, prophet went to Church and the service was traded for a meal, apostolic pentecostal, and that woman showed her hand, my blood is off, the idol shepherd is the anti Christ, not, dorein, the Lighted Angel said, are you gonna swim, he saw him writing the vision and making it plain, I want people to feel after Me and Find Me while I can be found, I saw texas explode, it will burn, texas will burn, like new york, like all of amexico, and that is canada and raise your arms and repeat after me, america will burn when you least expect, witness, you've been filled with the Holy Spirit and you don't even show It, put it under, that was dorein, the reason for the season is, Jesus won't leave nobody, they all leave Him, we want sechs, thats, anal, oral, any, the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts and Jesus said, time, go and post, post it under, mooney is on his way out, the Church will be talking about him being cut off, china is america's problem, attack said the china jap man, david j. gibson is cut off, they are building, a gymnasium, abomination, charity tabernacle is cut off, floyd matthews, pastor of southwest apostolic Church is cut off, no Signs, new york, its under attack, terrorists, food shortages, come to, america, she told you, it did not, work, it, did, not, because, she would, not, turn, on, he, turned, on, worked, but, she, lied, olmost, trapped, caught, escape clause, to late, she, did not, tell, the, truth, but, you, didn't, do, what, they will, both, bobby there's trouble, they, will, perish, not, you, leave them, a, alone, she is, not, con, cerned, but, call a complaint in, if, you will, not, but, you are, clear, you will, call, but, they will not, make, mention, I'll see, she wanted to, trap, satan, but, you got trapped, but, apologized, free, stay away from them, he will, not, let, you, mess with, her, but, you are not going to, yet, you are, not, clean with this, but, Jesus will, make, you are, now, clear, but, she is, not, she will, be, fired, if you, need mercy, trap, both, now, call, com, plain, prove it, recipt, but, let it go, aman, you are, clear, you trapped it, she, lied, all the way, she kept lying, she will keep lying, mixed messages, but, you told, she did not let you out, but, God made you, missed out, they want to, abanden, but, they are, not, free, this is not going anywhere, you are, not, clean, you, are, clear, apologize to anybody you wronged, you are clear.
(2)the end times dreamin-visions received 1-29-30-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: you must savor the things that be of the Lord, and he saw the viper with a man in his mouth, he saw that Jesus had Teeth of Gold, the Word of the Lord is with the prophet, he saw a Hand tap him, prophet is clear, he was a two headed viper with hu and the pope, they are the beast and the false prophet, 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, north and south kings, that was a viper picking up a man, satan is a snake, he's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, he's the pope, he's the antichrist, the pope is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, he saw a Hand of Light with two Finger Tips, hu and the pope, the beast and the false prophet, the shelby cobra was the faster production car in the 60's anbd the cobra is the viper of the 90's, now, the new corvette is the fastest, come see, it's the phone, well, who is it, its Jesus, what does He want, you bought 3 dollars worth of gas and got it, but, you didn't, left, they, laugh, but, the titanic, captain smith said, we need your help, he was trying to break a speed record, he did, speed for the ship, lasting 4 days, 1500 people plus and the ship, 9 million, lawsuits, many, they are not, but, still, smith shot himself, smith was going to retire after, but, he went down with his ship, he knew it would sink, he knew about icebergs, but, he saw debbie and she said, I love you and she was being held by a big Hand and IT put her in the fire, she offended many times, jack barger said, open the Door, God won't let you go back there, they took pentecostal out of the name, the Church of Jesus Christ, they are all pastors, self, pro, claim, ed, the bargers are all cut off, the Angelic Cop said, let'em park, the palestinian state will be destroyed by american nukes out of iraq, exchange, that was Bright Light, and Jesus in the midst of It, thorns, he saw hugo chavez, lets rule the world, russia, china, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, these are the nations that will attack america, fidel castrol will not be in on it, dead, cuba is not that bad of a place to live, pray, you can live off the ocean, plant food, obey, the, law, no corruption, not, but, its not that bad, the soviet union, same, perished, and he saw Jesus with a Crown on His Head, A crown of Gold, and a Big Hand in back of'em, like king kong, patting on HIS BACK, king kong is, abomination, don't watch, anal sex is abomination, and he saw two lighted Heands, that was hu and the pope, the pope is the bearst and hu is the false prophet, the new world order will be thses two, you are given what God wants you to speak by visions and dreams called prophesying just like prophesyed in THE BOOK OF JOEL fulfilled in ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:38 is slavation, he saw a Lighted Angel Blowing a Flute of Light, Jesus has piped but people won't repent the whore is america said roger gilmour, the woman, the whore, MYSTERY, BABYLON, that is united states, it will be attacked by 8 nations, they are, russia, china, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, and north korea, when you see united states and china go to war, then, russia will strike, they china will strike russia, force to invade israel, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, the sun and the moon will be blocked out for 16 hours, thats the day of the Lord, america is destroyed, I will reward you for obediance, seve Jesus before its to late, tomorrow comes and its to late for somebody, do it now, if your tomorrow comes, you will live, but be cut off, look at that, said, michael, bol, de, a, they are, not, living, for, Jesus, they are, ken haney said, up, c, i, is, cut, off, they are, the, the united, pentecostal, Church, inter, na, tion, al, they are, suppost to be, POWER, but, not, under, kenneth, general superintendent, upci, of, today is the day of salvation, and he saw the Father, you know what I'm gonna do, the Father Pointed, I AM the FATHER with teh WONDERFUL NAME OF JESUS, Jesus means, saved, but, HE came to HIs own, but, they, rejected, He, turned to the, gentile, but, they are, rejecting, now, back, to, the, jew, but, only, a, remnant, will, be, set, free, about, 20, out of, million, s, the way you live for the Lord is, prayer, fast, look at that, simple, but, ACTS 2:38 salvation, pray, and then, press to the mark of the High Callin, the wicked are, afraid, when, no man, pur, sue, s, he saw, macaulay, culkin, in the Hands of, Big HAND, of, Jesus, fighting, in, diaper, 's, Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost, lot was, forced, out of, gomorite, that was, sodom, sin, they were, rained, Fire, from, Heaven, burned, into, the, ground, over, 1800, look at that, feet, the, salt, dead, sea, that is where, they, know, no, trace, but, nothing, you become, salt, when, you, go, look, back, that is, not, and the Hand pointed, take ministryofdreams off your websties, that was the beast face, the beast is satan, satan is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and satan is the pope, thats the idol shepherd, that was a Golden Man image, it was, keep you babies clean, that was a Man of all Light, I'm the lion and I don't want Jesus, om the beast with seven heads and ten horns and I'm the pope the lion said, hollie showed to, hollie tore up the contract, he was in the crane, spinning, afraid of, height, he saw, a sentence, was allowed to, read, many, didn't, write, the number 2 al qaeda leader, called, bush, butcher, he is, right, but, he is, too, they are, both, bar, bar, i, an, that, murderer, both, the iraq war was over, oil, breaking, contract, s, with, russia, it, did, but, economic collapse to, the, world, coming, the, new world order, will, not, know, but, short, about, 7, year, 's, they are, enough, oil, without, canada, america, mexico, but, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and I'm the little head, the beast, the palestinian state will be, destroyed, hamas, arising, against, israel, for, no, reason, israel, gave, and, they, take it from'em, said, the, number, 2, leader, of, al, qae, da, they are, russian subs will launch a suprise attack on america, but, china will, launch, on, russia, both, the day of the Lord, the sun and the moon will be, black, like, sack, cloth, for, a third of the day, and, a, third of the, let me see here, night, he saw the american flag, bleeding, blood on, the, american, people, that, voted for, bush, insurance will, be, killed, in, america, but, not, for, a, while, they cannot, afford, america needs to, collapse, they are, currupt, you don't need, nuclear, weapon, s, cause, God can, but, labor in, vain, america will not get one, shot, fired, cause, russia will, su, pri, se, you'll, see, america will be, judge, ed, by, Jesus, using, russia is the beast with 7 horns, and they are, politburo, pluck, most of them, but, give, back, room, no, stay, they will, invaded, a spot, attack, leave, cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, but, they will, be, de, stroyed, with, cause, radiate, tion, it will, be, one third of the population, one fourth will be, with, pestilence, from.
(3)end time instructions-visions received 1-30-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and I'm the little head, what you doing with My Word, I'm watching MY WORD to perform IT, what are you doing, seek the Will of the Lord, with prayer and supplications and weeping, rend your heart and not your garments and I will be there, see if you can press for one hour, russia is the bear and the three ribs are cuba, nicaragua, mexico, plucked up, invade, he saw a watch and Hand, arm, press, Jesus said, you ain't gonna stand, face, its not you, its, Jesus, and the Lord adds to the Church daily, such, as, should, be, delivered, he saw, an, escalator, that, went, to, hell, fire, with people on, if you don't press to the mark of the High Callin, take My advice one more time, if you don't make the most of this chance, you won't do it the second chance either, he saw four presidents, thses are those that daiel saw, they are the new world order, hollie said, whatta you want, make your request known to Jesus, he saw a Hand tapping on HIs shoulder, pray, wrestle with the Angel of the Lord in prayer, he saw the Angel of the Lord, like Bright light Man, Jesu said, problem, the palestinian state must be destructed by american nukes out of iraq, they will terrorise israel to death, they are the, philistines, the enemies of the Lord, God will, deliver, but, they have to, do, ACTS 2:38, do it, its the will of Jesus, EZEKIEL 7, an end is come to israel, lets face it, people don't love the Lord, they want this life, deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow Jesus, and have life and that more abundantly, in, Christ, Jesus, you need to, open, your, wallet and heart, both, to, God, He needs to have, complete, control, its a, a, choice, God can, let, you, go, or, keep, its the, POWER, of, Jesus, that, keep, delivers, how many times, keep in mind, didn't the people see you in the Churches, you are, wanted, he saw the china jap man, thats hu the false prophet, he will make the mark of the beast at the table, worship the pope he will say, he and, an, the pope are the new world order, magog, that is, russia, china, north and south korea, japan, all, interesting, one, china will, make, divide, out of, russia, come, 's, the, pope, he will, exalt, terminated, leave the library, fool, leave her alone, she is, not, wanting, Jesus, I traded for Jesus, she, traded, for, the library, they will have a littel while to work together, then the vials get poured out from God and it gets terrible, and great babylon came in rememberance before Jesus to give to her of the cup of the fierceness of His wrath, thats the judgment of amexico, america and mexico will be destructed by russia subs from the oceans, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, do it, God will make drunk the kings and the princes of america and they will sleep and not wake, if you don't beleive, bush invadedd afghanistan and iraq and the economy is collapsing, prophet, after america hits israel, they will have a short time, Israel is the Apple of God's Eye, if God geeds the birds of the heavens, He will take care of you, see ye His Will first, and He will add to you what He wants you to have, take no thought for your life, Jesus wants a body to chauffer, thats to drive, take My advice, don't, think, that, you are, gifted, God, adds, and, increases, and, you, know it, rejoice, in, the, work, no computer, God can, remove, and, set in, new, don't, pro, voke, Jesus, He'll take care of His Body, wouldn't you, that is, the, Body, of, Christ, the, Church, you are, the, Church, if, you are, born, a, gan, lets face it, you take care of your looks more than anything on this planet, God knows it, if you don't beleive, throw away your mirror, he's wanting to sleep but needs to press and press and press and he's doin that, know Jesus in the fellowship of His sufferring and the fellowship of His ressurection, that is, both, Christ, did, you are, no, different, trust Him, but, you, must, live, for, Jesus, you, are, not, exempt, cause Jesus suffered from start to stop of His ministry, they wouldn't leave Him alone, and the Angel of the Lord held up number 1, that is, put God first, he saw Hands clapping, clap you hands ot Jesus and make a joyful noise, wolfshead oil is good oil, you can use it if you want to, its some of the beast, they all are good, accept Me for who I AM, I'm the KING of KINGS and the Lord of Lords, treat Me like I deserve to be treated, not, like a, its Christ in bob doin thse wonderful things, its cheap, sigh and cry for the abominations of the wicked, he saw the Angel of the Lord, He looks like, a animation, let me see here, a Person, with, curly, Brown, Hair, emagine, gladis johnson is cut off, she committed blaspheme, but she claims she's a Christian, turn me over to a reprobate mind so I can do what I want to, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns said the rope, he saw it, on, the, road, and that was a snake, the rope is the snake, satan is the rope, he saw a Hand with TWO FINGERS, the Tips were, hu and the pope, the false prophet and the anti Christ, thats the new world order, I want that, and I'm a homosexual, deny, o.k., but, lust, but, deny, hang on while It's free, if you sin, you, have, an, Advocate, in, the, Father, but, He does not, have to forgive you, they are the rulers of the new one world government, statues are abomination, the pope showed the prophet how to do sacrelidge, what a crock of bull crap, like the rosary, pray to the rosary, that is mary, she is dead, but, Jesus is alive, pick your poison, who you gonna pray to, Jesus or mary, wheeler mission is blaspheme, the homeless people there are there by choice, wheeler makes it so they don't have to work, abomination, gary coleman's got a beautiful voice and do does diana hughey but their both blaspheme, they both want this life, if your mind is not made up, live for Jesus anyway, He'll help you, if you fall in love with Jesus, your mind will make itself up, I'm the sloth and I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, I'm that great state that reigns over, the rule of the earth, washington state attack it, the sticker said, you can't be both, put it under, choose this day whom you will serve, Jesus or mamon, I want to get back, live for the Lord, and you will, know, if you can or not, you need to, insurance companies in america will fail because high expense, if doctors, they are charging to much, Jesus, don't get, angry at the Lord for chastisement, whom the Lord loves He chastens, the Lord is helpin everybody to serve Him, you cant serve the Lord like you want to, He needs to, be, the Lord of all, if the Lord tells you to take your money and throw it in the street, then do it, you will be oclear, thats open, this is, basic instructions before leaving the earth, people are sufferring more than you can imagine, look at that girl that got paralyized in the columbine high school massacre, God can heal her, but, she won't serve Jesus on her back so why should He, she will be only worse, the only POWER you have is , is your decision, shoose Jesus, put it under, serve Jesus while you have a chance, Jesus wants to to give Him all, but, if you won't, that is your replacement for Jesus, try to pray around it, but, it will git you, you can't have 2 MAsters, soon the lights will go out in the united states and russia will attack, there ain't no more visions in pentecostal because there are no more apostolics in pentecostal, thats the werewolf said hollie, he is satan, that is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and he is the, pope, and that is the idol shepherd, he will get slashed and satan will enter into that body and destroy wonderfully, hu will be the false prophet and they will be the one world government, they are politboro nations, and he saw the Children of Light, like many Lighted People, he saw the pope and he looked like an angel of light, john paul would've been the anti Christ, but, he got sick, he knew the pope was going to be the anti Scripture, and michael boldea said, ain't there something you want to tell us, hand of help is, cut off, thats the beast, the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts between iraq and russia, they are angry over that, the pope is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and the ten horns are nations that hate america, the seven heads are nations that like america, 5 fall away, one is, the beast is, the, eight, and, of the, 7, he is, a, king in, in, the, nation, but, not, of, the, nation, theya re seven mountains, a mountain is a nation, iran will not be attacked by aermica, but, the nulcear power plant will be, the iraq war will end nuclear, a nuclear exchange between iraq and israel, EZEKIEL 7 might be fulfilled, economic collapse to america is coming soon, due to, iraq, and, buisnesses, moving, this is the beginning of the end of amexico and that is, amexico, america, mexico, and canada, all 3, destroyed by russian submarines, attack on america, one third of the population will be wiped out, the earth will be moved out of its spot, put it under, amexico will burn, hallaluiah, amexico will burn when you least expect it, that is when your not looking for it, the united states is babylon and babylon is MYSTER, BABYLON and that is the woman whore of REVELATION 17, the woman means blood, the whore means, a cheater of God, the mother of harlots is, false Christians, abominations is sin, the waters are, the nationalities that make up america, have a nice life, amexico will burn, and the cop tried to get prophet to break his contract with Jesus but no, here is how, he got him to look back, they both used to work at the same place, when you look back and its wrong is, when you want to go back, not remembering, thats it, sodom burned a whole hour after God rained down fire from Heaven, there wasn't anything there to burn, coretta scott king was, blaspheme, perish, shed, no, Sign, s, like, the Gospel according to ST. MARK, chapter 16, the new russian missile, the, topal, not, new, but, can, in, vade, the, us, and that is, america, the, missile defence is, a, lie, er, they are, not, working, like, but, put, nuclear warheads, in, alaska, they are, not, but, russia will attack alaska, we need a new battleship, obsolete, they can, knock out, with, one, nuclear tipped, condoleezza, rice is, not, wanting, afghanistan, to, leave, but, they are, wanting, them, out, kharzi can, do, with, out, he is, al qaeda, but, ex, not, he saw a viper with a man it its mouth, thats, he saw the viper is trying to beat him, Jesus says, I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, I always will Be, I have the Keys of Hell and death, write what thou seest, he saw, a, a Hand, It was, playing, like, piano, there was, open, wound, and, the, Lord, like, A White, White Spirit, playing, making, the, the Hand, play, 666 is the mark of the beast and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, a threesore, a spirit just left him, and now he feels better, mozel sanders ws blaspheme like martin luther king jr., they had no Signs, but claimed to be, feel after the Lord, find Him now, he saw a Hand, ministryofdreams is number 1, he saw, ministryofdreams, on, prophecy ministry, they are, one, he saw a Man blowing, God can blow on you and destroy you, he saw a Lighted serpent.
(4)end time things-visions received 2-1-2-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: and the Lord of Hosts popped out of Jesus Mouth and said, danger, sarah said, eat that, anal sechs, abomination, the Lord of Hosts tore up the contract and the Lord of Hosts came out of Jesus Mouth and said, I have an eraser, he can erase your name and replace with them other names, the Lord of Hosts said, how come you don't read, the, GOOD WORD, this will tell somebody whatever they need to know, if the man you told that pastor william l. harris is cut off tells, he will not be allowed on the pulpit, william harris knows, he got cut off by blaspheme, he did not, nono of them, pray thru, to the Holy ghost, they don't need no revival, they need the ALTER, and he saw a ATLTER of fiRE, and he saw the woman he gave dumitru, duduman's book to, smoking, and he would like to have It back, those who will come will and will not tarry, praise the Lord while you have a chnace, he saw the words, tyre is magog, that is, russia, china, china is magog, thats what magog really is, magog is, if you don't want Me, I don't want you says the Lord, that was the Lord of Hosts jump out of Jesus Mouth, seek Jesus, russia is about to attack, amexico, and that is, canada, mexico, and america will be destroyed, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, on my death certificate said that woman that works for admiral gas station, I committed blaspheme against Jesus, she slammed you, and the geese winked at him, thus saith the Lord of Hosts, presss to the mark of the High Callin in Christ Jesus, that is HIS PRICE HE charges you everyday to serve Him, hollie pointed at the fan, and he saw GOD, they are wanting to close, they need freight, dayton freight will, close, said, tony, craft, he saw hollie clapping her hands, make a joyfull noise to Jesus, that was renea hazel barker, she is a lesbian, I poop she said, blood comes out of her vagina when she urinate, but, woman still engadge in oral sex, oral sex is abomination, the palestinian state will be destroyed by american nukes out of iraq, exchange, he saw a pen put in his hand, write the vision and make it plain, the iraq war was over breaking oil contracts, dumitru duduman knew the iraq war was going to end nuclear, the war memorial in indianapolis is abomination, he saw a man masterbating, thats abomination, he saw hollie get a whippin, and hollie said to hollie, do you accept the penalty for what you have done, yes I do, blaspheme, God healed the prophets gums and he just realised it, and he saw Jesus come out of the Lord of Hosts Mouth, post visions, He had a Golden Throat, bill w, bill wilson and dr bob, aa, alcoholic anonymous is abomination, they talk like that program saved them, prophet said, a vision is one of the most major things that exist in this life, where there's no vision the people perish, he saw the monkey write and he saw the word vision, put them on the internet, this is the information highway, he saw the Stamp of Approval stamp, Approval, he saw the word, approval, he saw the cop looking in his van with the flashlight, they want trouble, and God is adding hits to ministryofdreams and God wants to do miracles thru the prophet and all he wants is Website, and he saw Jesus on the Cross and Fire all around, people in the fire, Jesus preached to the spirits in hell for 3 days, none came out, and he sas the Lord of hosts come out of Jesus Mouth, Jesus speaks thru this prophet, dumitru duduman's visions are from the Holy Ghost, they are accurate, he saw several states explode, the united states wil be destroyed by russian nukes, make Me an offer said Jesus if you want to serve Me, he saw, a person look at, the, vision, length, read, they are, but, the Lord of Hosts dance, pow, said, hollie, beat, on, the tongo, if you take rubbing alcohol and mix it with a gallon of water, you can put it in your tank and it will run, thats what the government's wanting to do, thats called ethanol, ethanol is water and alcohol, they, dillute, they are putting alcohol in the gas to pay for the iraq war, hollie tore up his contract, congress woman julia carson knew, Jesus said you know what I did, He showed His Hand, Hole in It, the Spirit in the Hole, work for Jesus, he saw a mans but, thats what people want, anal sex, and he saw the word beleive, that means obey the Gospel, hollie said, that was satan and he's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and he is the pope, parking meter's are abomination, your tax dollars pay for that space, hollie pointed, I'm the little horn and I will become the idol shepherd and 666 will be born at the the table with hu, thats the new world order, president ford was corrupt like all u.s. presidents, he pardoned nixon and he knew nixon was guilty, thats what cost him the next election, that was two White Hands checking out the prophet, cast out devils prophet, that is, the, Gift, of, Heal, ling, it's been granted to the prophet, about, 10 years ago, they tied Jesus Hands to the Cross, then they nailed them, he saw him nail and Jesus, I allowed you, you'll have My Blood on your hands, Jesus was in more pain than you can imagine, He said, don't do that in HIS HEART, they did it, Jesus cried and Jesus prayed, stop it, I warned you, I warned you, follow Jesus, you can never have eternal life, I warned you, they won't stop, you will die for this, I will not hurt you, o no, no, no, no, put your hammer in its place to late for you, don't hurt Me, o MY God, I cannot take this pain, put your hammer in its place, I won't hurt you, please leave Me, be good to Me, don't, to late, please don't hurt Me, when they dropped the Cross in, it hurt very much, it fell about 9 feet, Jesus went into shock from the pain, that was it, HE didn't recover from that drop, it tore Him up, He lived about 2 hours after that, tell Me what you think about Jesus, He didn't even move one inch on HIS WORD, you'll go to hell for this, please don't hurt Me, I did not do anything wrong, they knew it, but, they did it any way, MY MY GOD help ME Help you, put that on your WEBSITE, I don't care where you put It, it's later than you think, hurry, read and do ACTS 2:38 that is salvation, Jesus pointed, put it on the fron of prophecy ministry, lets face it, prophecy ministry is number 1, call it, the crucifixation of Jesus Christ, I warned you not to do this, in the judgment they will look upon whom they pierced and I wll say, depart you worker of iniquity, don't hurt Me no more, stop sinning, bob lets close, said, michael, boldea, and stop trampling MY Blood, I wasn't prepared for it, it hurt so bad, I'll still have those wounds, petrifying sores, they will not heal, they will hurt thru out eternity, have a nice day, they said, but, in the judgement they will cry out for mercy and I will laugh at their calamity, I AM LAUGHIN now, I will not saw upci, they are fallen, I'm laughing now, I came ot die, but, woe to them that did it, they depart from Me with tears in thier eyes, all I have to do is hurt Jesus one time and that is it, I AM a Man of WAR, you'll see, I'll tear you up, you don't know how I feel, you won't live for Me and I died for you, woe, hollie tore up the contract, they ripped hands loose, they olmost tore Them off, God will save Me, they slapped Me, I warned then not to offend Me, but, they did, not there in the lake of ire and I'm in Heaven, what did you do this for, you will pay, they all said, I'm sorry in the judgment, I laughed at them like thye laughed at Me, I AM suffering right now because of this, God won't preven Me from Jesus screamed, OWW MY HAND, OWW MY FEET, they flangedMe more times than you can imagine, thye couldn't break Me, I had to go to the bathroom all over MYSELF, I pushed, pray until something happens, I will destroy workers of iniquity for what they did to Me, I will not spare anybody, you will burn to a crisp intanly in the lake of fire, you will see, I will forgive you but, don't you trample MY BLOOD by committing sin, read and do ACTS 2:38, It is a free Gift, but, you have to make up your mind, do It now, aman, he heard lightening, thunder clouds are coming to america, it will burn, when you least expect it, russia will lean an all out attack, mexico and canada will be destroyed to, hollie said, that, praying in your car, that won't hurt you said hollie, that vision made you think about what you are doin with your, save Me, that was satan, satan is the beast with seven heads and ten horns and satan is the pope and the pope is the beast, the antiScriptures, and that is, the, Jesus, He is, the, Holy, that was His name, in, the, Old, Test, ta, ment, Jesus is the Word of God, he saw, Jesus, come out of, the, Lord, of, Hosts, Mouth, seek Me first and you will not taste, death, but if you refuse, you will, suffer, now, and, hu is the false prophet, they will hate each other but work together to keep from destroying each other, they will be the rulers of magog, the oscar meyer wiener mobile in abomination, the indianapolis, 500, is, abomination, worship, Jesus, not, race, car, driver's, thats promoting food not Jesus, he saw hu and the pope on the fingertips and they were fighting, thats satan said hollie, he's the leopard, thats the new world order with china, north and south korea, russia, and japan, these all are one, and he saw a cat, satan is this cat, thats the leopard, the bear is russia, satan is its mouth, warning, stay away from red light cameras, they will get you, they are not bullet proof, that was a Room of Gold, like, Gold, Dust, Lighted, Jesus, Jesus has, Stuff, reach, He will, give, that was, that was a were wolf, that was satan, satan is the pope, he will sit in the Church of nativity and said, I am god, God will send a strong delusion that they will beleive a lie and be damned that had pleasure in unrightousness, its the phone, who is it, its Jesus, what does He want, said, hollie, He wants to, seek and to save, that, which, is, lost, put it under, post, and, seek, and, do what God leads you to do, hollie tore up the contract, take no thought for your life, what, you, eat, wear, live, pay your bills, Jesus, will, make, a, away, put Him, take Him, for, Hims, Word, william smither, is, blaspheme, he is, cut, off, but, can be, if, that strong delusion is, like, what, follows, a, rock, movie, star, you, are, probably, being, decieved by, your, pastor, and, the, strong, delusion, is, got you, seek, Jesus, to, break, that, yoke, of, bondage, he saw a sick fish, swim, it was, like, fish eater, but, had, white, disease all over it, looked, happy, but, he saw news anchor wounded in iraq, he's doomed, he was, wounded, wor, orse, than, you, know, you will, never, injuries, are serious, you'll see, he knew, that was the dragon, he's, he's reaching for you, those are are Golden Hands making intercession to the Lord, these are, the, remnant, read ACTS, 2:30, something, do, all, that was satan, that was satan, he's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and he's the pope, no, he is, the, devil, but, in, the, pope's, uniform, that is, like, hism, body, the pope will have, no, con, trol, over, that, body, satan, will, but, hu, the, fal, se, proph, prophet, will, withstand, that was an old man, that was Jesus, he saw the word, by, he saw the word prophesyed, he's reachin for the children of Lord, he saw the words, tree's on, word, that was a Horse of Light galloping, that was a Man in the Light, get out of your car and pray, he saw friends and he went around them, avoid, that was satan and he saw a woman transformed into a whore, america is full of whores, america is the whore, and that is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, the, mother of, harlots, they are, false, Christians, abominations is, is, is sin, the waters are, people, from, all, countries, he saw a whole nation burst into flames, thats what nuclear weapons are for, judgment, hollie tore up the contract, she, had, a Scarlet colored Robe, a Gold, den, Crown, he saw many people, they are the ones that God will give one mind to to destruct amexico, and that is america, canada and mexico all at once, that was satan, that was satan, he is angry and he look ed like Jesus, that was an astronaut, space, exploration is abomination, he saw a full length dress split, up the side, abomination, he saw 3 faces, thats the, leoppard is prepared, awesome, that is, china, north and, south, korea, russia will, be, added, by, divided, into, four, out, of, one, pope, out of, russia, he will rule, wonder, full, ly, he saw the words, ISRAEL IS FORCED, america makes israel sin, medicine is abomination, to please arabs, america, will, do anything, for, oil, but, betraying, israel, is, it's, end, put it under, live, ve visions, are, coming, from, Jesus, and that was a nuclear explosion and the wind that consumes a city, america will burn, maucalay culkin said, there's trouble, Jesus showed prophet the western hemisphere and there was a line out lining what will be destructed when russia attacks america, canada and mexico will be destructed, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, a woman said, the leopard is, china, and that is magog, but, china will abosorb south korea, north korea, they will divide it into 4, and hollie tore up the contract, the pope will come out of russia and will be trouble, he's the antichrist, he saw spiderman come out of hell and that is where these demons come from, they are spirits working thru, people, anal sex is abomination, and he saw the Heaven open and one like the Son of Man looking at Him, write visions, hollie said, the catman is satan, put it on your Website, thats the leopard, four kings on russia's back, russia will be invaded by china, and divided int 3 plus 1, , and magog will be born, that will be the new world order, o tyre, tyre will be ran by the pope and the false prophet hu, worship the pope says hu, but they will hate each other but work together to keep from destroying each other, the pope will be slashed and satan will enter in that body and hell will break loose, tidings out of the east will trouble him, thats china, and they will at war, the ships of chittam will come against him, thats china, but he will have russia's nuclear arsenal at his disposal, it'll be a troublous time, at the end, china will invade russia and force russia to push at him called armageddon, but, Christ will appear and the mountain will split in two and He will Speak the Word, good bye planet earth, then He will deliver the Church up to the Father and He will be suject to the father, but, the Bible says, that Jesus will be Ruler over all, that body will have fullfilled Its purpose, he saw the pope like an angel of light, he'll decieve with flateries, he'll sit in the Temple and say, i am god, but, they won't beleive it, 666 will be born at the table with hu the false prophet and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, like the catholics wear, he saw the Lord of Hosts blowing the Trumpet, time is drawing nigh, redeem the day for it is for you or against you, rad and do ACTS 2:37, 2:38, all of It, and he saw the pope come out of the number 10 horn, he'll come out of italy, the iupui jaguar said, I'm the cat and I'm the leoppard, that is magog, pastor stone of pentecostal Church of Jesus is cut off, russia is the catholic church, the greek orthadox church, boris yeltsin, the 427 cobra would run a 1/4 mile in the 12's, 12.3, the gm diesel was not very good, it was made to last about 100,000 miles and it didn't very often, it would have to many problems like v4-6-8 engine, go, put it under, post the visions and make it clear, God's rescue squad is cut off, hollie showed to stretch the heater vent hose, the wrong one, its about 2 inches to short, the Lord showed him how to make it work, changing lives for Jesus Christ is cut off, this is a, A Church, where are the Signs, the dragon said, I'm the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, he saw the words, tyre is magog, thats the new world order, hollie laughed, bono, wants, the, united, states to give, 1%, of, federal, budget, to, the, poor, countries, but, he, doesn't, put that under, u2, bono, is, hippocrit, thus saith the Lord, of, the, World, bono is, cut, off, hell for bono, carter, jimmy, wants, hamas to, destruct, israel, because, he, is the one, that, pushed, for, the, palestinian, state, reverend jimmy carter is, cut, off, no, Signs, but, still, larry king live is, blaspheme.
(4)end time visions of Biblical mysteries-visions received 2-3-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: hollie showed raise your ahdns and give God glory, he saw the words, palestinian state destroyed from american nukes out of iraq, exchange, the iraq war was over, the, oil cntracts, by, russia, france, and iraq, put it under, this is what the iraq war was over, exchange, israel will be demolished, but not all, put int under, this is not the end, but, only the beginning, huh, recycle your trash, it'll be fun, saw this earth, david gilmour said, I want my visions, and he pointed, he had gray hair, but if you see him at a pink floyd concert, he will have brown hair or no hair at all, he shaved it to look youn, ger, but, he is in his late 50's, he can's sing no more, he will cough when he hits high notes, they are the most successfull ban in history, over 200 million records sold, but, they are all cut off, roger gilmore tore up his contract, he knew, that was hollie tearing up the contract, when you dye your hair hollie tore up the contract, thats sin and pastor mckinney knew from apostolic Church, he's cut off, hollie tore up the contract, don't think about pink floyd said hollie, cat, that was hollie tearing up the contract, appreciate what you have while you have it said Jesus, that times coming when the wheat and the tares have to be separated, work prophet while it is still possible, brother caldwell of drexel gardens apostolic Church tore up his contract like terry canon did, they know they are cut off, he saw the words, no Signs, READ ST. MARK chapter 16, the economys back but people still areent living for the Lord, judgment is passed on amexico, thats america, mexico and canada, come and take my word, thats what pastor caldwell says, that woman from drexel gardens apostolic named the name of Christ, and was, cut, off, new testament Christian Church in plainfield, indiana is blaspheme, prophet went, the Service was about 5 minutes, the message was prepared, he got cut off right then they both did, even though God gave him a vision of hell, if you have Jesus why don't you tell people, pastor jordan is cut off, pastor bart of agape apostolic Church is cut off, pasor owen brown is cut off, no Signs, and he saw the whole state is indiana explode, it will burn, Jesus said, you see Me, I died for you, live for Me, and he saw an Old Man carrying a Candlestick that had seven Candles, It looked like, They are teh seven Spirits of Jesus, they do different Things, and you answer is, everything that God does He uses One of Those Spirits, pharmacy is abomination, medicine is your Jesus if you take it, he saw a four wheel drive ford ranger truck, 15 miles to the gallon and gas, 2.22, and he'll put it, see that mustang, its not sporty, but, that person loves to drive it, they are mad about their idols, america will burn when you least expect it, you see that, thats what people want, sex, thats anal sechs, thats oral sechs, pastor bart held his hand out to show bob to stop, he couldn't bear It, leave is what he said in his heart, he saw pope joh paul II, he was suppost to to be the antiChrist, but he passed away, they all are against God, but, the new pope will not live very long, he'll be replaced, but, by, satan, this will be the one, he knows the Bible but he doesn't beleive It, thats why he knows to make the mark of the beast, 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, like a threescore, like the catholic wear, satan will enter in him and destroy when he is slashed and the idol shepherd is born, he's the king of the north and hu is the king of the south, they will hate each other, but, cling to each other, to keep from destroying each other, God's exposing pastors thru prophesying and visions and dreams, God showed the prophet to brush his teeth, gum disease, cause by dirty, teeth, and he saw him in a White Robe kneeling kissing Jesus Feet, thats what I want said Jesus, hollie said, that, humble yourself before Jesus and He will exalt you in due time, boys scouts and the cub scouts, is sin, and the woman that you saw is that great sith that reigneth over the kings of the earth, thats washington d.c. and washington d.c. is, america, the mother of harlots, thats false Christians and abominations is sin, and that was hollie, and the Hand pointed, you see that, gas will stay about where its at, at 2.21, the 1978 pontiac trans am put out about 220 horsepower, 6.6, thats a 400, small block, thats not very good, the 3.8 v6 puts that out olmost, technology, unleaded fuel wasn't as powerfull as leaded fuel was, not as potent, cause octane, lowered, hollie showed tearing up the red light ticket, no, that was, explosion, that was a separate vision, how an engine works, the engine works like this, air comes in and the fule injection pump mixes fuel in with it, and it goes into the piston chamber, the valve closes, the piston moves up and down, compressess air, the spark plug ingnites the fuel, boom, the explosion moves the piston down, the crankshaft is what the piston is connected to, and that turns the transmission, and the car moves, there is is, that woman that you witnessed to tore up her contract with Jesus, have a good time says Jesus, pastor wayne grace is cut off at shelby street pentecostal lighthouse, no Signs, robert palmer said, prophet, but, he's a prophet of rock and roll prophet, he's a backslider like alice cooper, hollie tore up the contract, when america and china go to war, russia will strike america, and that, Jesus, would, walk, if, here, to, day, he saw, Jesus, driving, the, mini.
(5)prophetic visions-visions received 2-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: he saw the number, russia will be divided into 4 and that is, and that is, north and south jorea, china, these are, magog, the pope will come out of russia, hu will be the false prophet, the pope will be the tyrant of the tribulation perisod, they will hate each other but cling to one another, they will be, the worlds most powerfull nation, that is, china, that is russia, that is north and south korea, and that is japan, north and south korea will be one, God said, I don't want your Website no more if you live the life, loo at Me, I died said Jesus, what are you doing, america is the new sodom and gomorrah and in like manner will be destroyed by russia nulcear submarines, america will burn, that was satan, he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope and that is satan, don bohler said, I want your video, that was a whippin from the Holy One, your over prophet if you hand causes you to sin, cut if off, it's better to enter into eternal life maimed that hell with both hands, seek said the space man, he saw Golden Hairs growing, he saw a.a. allen speak and a bird left his mouth, he got cut off for dying his hair, stay away from Jeremiah 1 website, sunnysnet stole the name end time prophetic ministry from the prophet, nobody will ever take ministryofdreams, but you don't need 2 names, God had a plan sunnysnet and you took the plan away, call it an open shame for Jeremiah 1, hollie pointed at the fan, leave it on, the Angel of the Lord said, open up the Website to the world, america will attack iran soon, president bush said, oil, that is what is bringing everything together, bush wants it all, he saw the torch of the statue of liberty, america was a Golden Cup in the LOrds Hand that made the earth drunken, the nations drank her wine, the wine of the wrath of her fornication therefore the nations are mad, babylon will be destroyed by russia subs, and the king of saudi arabia said, cut america off and opec will cut america off, and hollie clapped her hands, make a joyfull noise unto the Lord, mullah is the devil, thats mohamed and allah, that was satan coming for you, and he saw the writing on the wall, but, couldn't make it out, that was hollie coming at ya, she's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and thats the pope and 666 is the mark of the beast and that will be born at the table with hu, the king of the north and the king of the south, 666 will become the new national anthem of magog, that was hollie tearing up the contract, that was a waoms beaver shaved, abomination says Jesus, that was put there to, that was Jesus with In His Mouth, Jesus died a horrible death on that corss, what are you doing for Him, ACTS 2:38 is slavation, that was hollie, like, Light, bear, teddy, she was showin to get away from prophet, savor the things that be of God, hatman, that was a Golden Nugget, the Word of the Lord is with this prophet, follow Christ in him, and the jack popped out of the box and said, I'm satan he is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, that was satan, he's the accuser of the brethern, that was the Angel of the Lord kissing the prophet, that was an egg cracked open on the prophet, hims hair will grown back, paint ball is abomination, that egyptian ferry was over loaded, to many people, most of'em perished, that was satan, he's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and he's the pope, that was satan coming for you, that was satan, he had fire in his hands, that was hollie, she tore up the contract, that was a bear, russia is the bear, the 3 ribs are, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they will be plucked up, they will be used by russia to attack america, mexico and canada will be destroyed, thats the day of the Lord prophesyed in ISAIAH 13, and thises Signs shall follow them that obey, visions and dreams, casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, prophesying and other miracles, that was an ANgelic Being like a Light Bulb Man, those were Heavenly Beings, that was a Heavenly vision like all White, prophet, this is how you clean a fish, put'em on the Website, that will embarras him, that was satan, he looked like the swamp man, and he saw black smoke and hearld like thunder, that was thunder clouds over amexico, amexico canada, the united states and mexico, they all will burn from russia missile attack on amexico, and he saw mcdonalds, that is a busy buisness, ray krok started it then he died but he had competition called burger chef, burger chef would've runa mcdonalds out of buisness had it not been for the burger chef murders, 4 young people slaine, that was a nonkey tearing up his contract called rodney dangerfield, he knew that operation was gonna kill him, and he would perish but he couldn't stand the pain no more, I would have lived another 9 years, but, I had that operation, an open shame for rodney dangerfield, I didn't need that operation, I just wanted to be better, but,he was 80 years old, I died on the operating table, but, they kept my body alive until my wife unplugged it, I don't get no respect, write the vision and make it palin, that was the loeappard man, the leoppard is, china, russia, north and south korea and japan, this is the magog and that is the new world order ran by false prophet hu and the pope, thats the werewolf, satanic movie, that was babyfleas and she tore up up her contract with Jesus, she just laughs and God laughes with her, she is young and pretty, but, she'll have to give an account one day for her life, call it, an open shame for, he saw tennessee and ohio explode, they will burn from russia submarines.
(6)stand -visions received 2-6-2006-God has showed me in a vision the word, stand.
(7)death-visions received 2-6-2006-God has showed me in a vision like a white spirit and he was, coming out of his penis was, black flag.
(8)the Church-visions received 2-6-2006-God has showed me in a vision being inside a Church, and my old pastor was leading service, and there were people there, and I saw like two Yellow Beings, and was made aware to make alter call, so I rose and invited people to pray, and I went and prayed.
(9)the White Face Man-visions received 2-6-2006-God has showed me in a vision, this White Faced Man, and I only partially saw His FAce and He spoke to me, and I heard, but, I didn't write down what He said.
(10)iran will be over nuclear power plant destroyed-visions received 2-6-7-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: God said, we don't have not ime left, go and put it under, God says, the military is in iran, usa, right now, people just don't know it, special forces, look at that, said, micheal, bodea, american, it is soon, oil will, not, but, he saw a quart of walmart accel oil, its as good as anything on the shelf, and he saw hollie with work clothes on mashing the trash down, in, dumpster, bury it in the yard, I need you to depart from workers of iniquity instead of puttin Me to an open shame.
(11)the beast with seven heads and ten horns-visions received 2-7-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: he saw the red dragon and he said, I'm the beast with seven heads and 10 horns and my name is the pope, and I'm the beast and I'm the antichrist, that was satan, he's the accuser of the brethern, satan is the beast with seven heans and ten horns and thats, the, pope, and he saw hollie bear singing, she haves, transformed, into a, teddy, God wants you to sing to Him, He gave you a beautiful voice, noel means, gladness, I had a dream, from, Jesus, all, write them, post, the Hand pointed, write, write the vision and make it plain, george daughtery worked for coca cola all of his life and he could've retired but the coke plant sold and now he's facing layoff with no pension, he's olmost 65 and they want him out of there and he will not have any compenstaion when he would've had a pension, he should have served Jesus, he will only have about 1500 per month from social security and that is going to collapse, call it an open shame for george daughtery, the palestinian state will be destroyed by american missiles out of iraq, he saw JEREMIAH 16, no Church, no wife, judgment to israel, all is coming to america, it is closer thatn you think, and vladimir putin said, were all persian, the kings of the east, the euphrates river will be dried up by dams, when the euphrates is driend up, 3 spirits like frogs will jump on them and then hell will break loose, they will invade israel like a cloud to cover the land, china will make russia do this, the pope is what they will push at, then Christ will appear and He will speak the Word and the world will ceast to exist, the pope and the false prophet will be cast alive in the lake of fire and brimstone to burn for ever and ever, and Christ will deliver the Church to the Father and be subject Himself unto the father, His hob will be done, MYSTERY, BABYLON is ameriaca and washington d.c. is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, thats the mother of harlots and abominations, thats sin and false Christians, the woman and the whore of REVELATION 17, the womans means blood and america is shedding it, whore is a cheater on God, they will burn in one hour in one day by russia missiles out of cuba, nicaraugua, mexico, these are the 3 ribs plucked up by the bear, arise and devour much flesh, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunkard, the sun and the moon will be bloccked out for 16 hours, and thats the conclusion of this endtime story from the Holy Ghost, read and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation and follow thru, pray and give God thanks if He gets you home safely, and he saw a large explosion in africa, that was from a trident missile, one will destroy half the united states, he saw some White Angelic Figures waving their Hands and Arms, shell rotella 15w40 is the best oil on the market, ti has high detergent and leaves a thick coating, use it, its, worth it, and he saw stephen hanson wink, a local Church with a global vision thats blaspheme, sang, stephen, that is, pastor, ramsey, john, f., ramsey, he's cut off, that was hollie tearing up the contract, sing prophet, hollie was, composing, and hollie tore up the contract, and he saw a Golden Hand, Thunmb up, and he saw his hand in hollies, bear claw, she is a bear, teddy.
(12)the ram and the hegoat-visions received 2-7-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: the ram is china and russia, the hegoat is china and russia and the horn is the pope, the flase prophet hu and the pope will attack russia and divide it into four, and the pope will come out of russia and russia will become magog along with southj korea and north korea and japan, 666 will be born at the table wtih hu and the pope, he will be slashed and satan will enter that body and the idol shepherd will be born, he will have one eye and eone arm, his agreement as the pope will be broken and he will slaughter jews, he'll sit in the Church of the nativity and say, I am God, but, they won't beleive it, God will pour out viols of wrath and all hell will break loose, it'll end with china forcing russia to invade israel, then Christ will appear, then the thousand year reign will begin and thats one day , and the Church will be delivered up to the Father, Christ will girt about the Paps and serve those who made it, thats the abomination of desolation when the beast sits in the Temple and claims to be the Holy One, and, Hollie said, Pony, a red One, the Red Horse is the the secon deal, this Horse is released to take peace from the eath, It is released after the coming of Christ, that will be a troublous time, they will kill each other like nothing, he sw a baby bear, russia looks broken down, but, they have missiles everywhere, look out for russia, they will destroy america, he saw some LIPS, WEBSITE is open, she said, the fifth seal is america on fire from russian missile submarines, the third seal is the black horse, a measure of whaet and barely for a penny, but, don't hurt the wine and the oil, the wine and the oil is the jewish remnant, the measure of wheat and barely is, you'll have to have the mark of the beast to buy, 666, the fourth seal is the pale Hors and death and hell followed this Horse, when america gets bombed, hell will be right there to claim that sould, and he saw a Trumpet Blown and a Fire colored Scene, Heavenly scene, awesome, said, anne, schmidt, there's much singing in Heaven, brother stair read the visions from prophecy ministry on short wave Jesus said, come unto Me all ye that are burdened and I will give you rest, brother stair is cut off, hollie showed that brother stair tore up his contract when he slept with, that was a missile launch, that was like, White Jesus, give Me MY PRICE, that is, what, He, wants, out of you, who knows, every, day, that is, HIMS, charge, that was, serpent, out of, lava, that was, the, beast with, seven, haeds, and, and, ten, horns, satan, the, the pope, that was like a White Man, Light, that was 2 Beings lying down, one was ready, one was not, satan said, I'm russia, politboro, said putin, that is the ruling party of of russia, the ten horns, ruling party, that was like, Mouth, of like, MUMMY of Light, saw, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, he saw a White captain smith being stabbed in hell for sinking the titanic, that was a snake, he said, pope, pope, face turned int, spoke, I;m the beast, and he saw a Light Body dance, and the pope gace say, satan, that was a devil flying, I'm the pope said the worm, the worms, face, turned into, the, pope, and, back, the pope is the beast, it, said, seven heads and ten horns, and that is, the, new world order, with, hu, the, false, prophet, from, magog, tyre, is, magog, that looked like a werewolf, he is satan, that was a womans bones standing before Jesus, mercy, depart, none, soul in bones, they will not, burn, in, lava, they were, made, that, way, put it under, you will, give, an, an, account to Jesus, in, however you are, dead, or, alive, dead will, be, only, bones, broken, will, be, broken, healthy will be, healthy, and duane said, no, he sw many people he knew in hell, screaming, and he saw New Jerusalem like Gold, clear Glass Buildings, Streets the same, walking, and he saw him in the lake of fire, flame coming off, mouth opened, hell like, lava, that was Water being put in a heart to encourage, to undepress, that is a spirit that hangs around your butthole, that is why you think about, don't, he saw Jesus open Mouth, stick out Tongue, Golden Nugget of, Fire, Jesus is the Word of God in the FLESH, that was Jesus with TEETH of like Fire, White Jesus on the WHITE THRONE, that was Jesus on the THRONE with people all around, Light Flowing, Bright, God IS, see that, that is POWER, and I can throw It on whoever I choose, but, is is too late, that was the Fire of the Word of the Lord in the Mouth of of Jesus, open, witness, tell people you are on borrowed time if you don't repent and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, the palestinian state will be destructed by american nukes out of iran, exchange, persia will be awakened, hollie tore up the contract, twice, like a Lighted beard, once, people are making a deal with God and breaking, there it was again, bobby, the palestinian state will, I'm the cat and that is the leoppard, china, russia, north korea and south korea, they all will be, with japan, thou art situated amoung the seas, all precious things are in thee, but, thou are, magog, and yushchenko said, put ukraine in russia, this is how the beast will be built to attack america, were with satan, said, vladimir, putin, they are, blaspheme, and that is, rejected, Jesus, they are, the, the greek orthadox Church, boris yeltsin, approved, but, is, lost, and that is, the, catholic, the pope will, obey, him, said, putin, he is, god to, to many, the tap dancers said, I want my vision, lets rule the world.
(13) endtime Words-visions received 2-7-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like, Jesus, hollie, the Lord of Host, and others and they said: that was a star falling to the ground, Jesus beheld as satan fell to the earth like lightening, he is the pope, that is the idol shepherd, that is the besat with seven heads and ten horns, and that is the pope, he will rule magog with the false prophet hu and they will be the new world order, all POWER belongs to Jesus in Heaven and In earth and that is the Holy Spirit, that was satan, he is the accuser of the brethern, wirte the vision and make it plain, and he saw fidel castrol in a casket, he will die soon and garth brooks sang, you don't ahve any song, he saw flags in america lowered cause assassinated president, that was caked prophesying, that is like what JOEL talked about, thats receiving visions and dreams while your right there with the people, and he saw a Mouth, its time to separate the wheat from the tares, there's no more mercy, the palestinian state will be destructed by american nukes out of iranq, that is persia, the are the kings of the east, that looked like, Jesus in a Fire Room scene, a Havenly vision, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america and america and canada and mexico will all be destroyed to when russian subs attack america, it will be destroyed, canada and mexico, and most of the western hemiphere will be in ruin, one third of the population, run from Me and I'll run from you says God, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, Jesus gave His Life for you, what are you gonna do for Him, persia is the middle east, the kings of the east is persia and that is tyre, o tyre, magog, tyre is magog, that is japan, north and south korea, russia and china, china and russia are the ram, china is the horn that came up last, china is, 123 repeat after Me, they are the new false prophet, the pope is the antichrist and he will have the upper hand and 666 will be born at the table between the king of the south and north, china is south of russia, china will make russia invade israel, go and put it under, this the MYSTERY, BABYLON's worse nightmare, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, go, put it under, pray, fast, and do ACTS 2:38 for salvation, china will strike america and grab taiwan and then russia will strike america out of the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, they are the three ribs that are in the bear's, mouth, russia will pluck up, amexico will burn when you least expect it, he saw Jesus come out of a womans vagina, warning, if I didn't spare he ANGELS I won't spare you, he saw feces moving thru the colon, poop gives God glory, think about it, even farting, when you drink water, nothing, it, it will, make, the, body work, to, digest, but, it goes, right, into, the, blood, no, good, but, not, to, much, of, it, because, brainwash, and that is, tired, but, energized, give God glory for protecting you, he saw kentucky explode, kentucky will burn, they have thought about towing the prophets vehicle and the Angel Cop of the Lord would tell them, no, the lion said, I'm the beast with seven heads and ten horns and that is satan and he will be in the pope, the antichrist, the son of perdition, and he saw, macaualy, culkin, cut, with, scissors, people, got, cut, off, prophet, witnessed, God in Him, but, here's what coretta scott king is saying, om, in, hell, uu, om on, uu, fire, abba God, where are, oh, I didn't, I died of a heart attack, now, frying, but, i still, wouldn't, live for, Jesus, even is, I, got, out, put it under, coretta and, martin luther, king are, reunited, they are, both, in, hell, for, blaspheme, they, knew, but, didn't, do, what did we do wrong about the iraq war, invading, nuke the palestinian state, go and put it under, they won't, it'll, be, an, accident, but, EZEKIEL 7, must be, but, woe, to, who shoots, wait for Me, said, Jesus, when they do it, it will be, to, late, the palestinian state will be, destroyed, but, that is, is israel, the radiation will, planned, but, God did not, put it under, the palestinian state, is, israel's, but, america will be, punished, for, no blessing, the hegoat is china, and, russia and the pope.

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