Sunday, September 15, 2024

Millions of visions from God and still seeing them in 2024

hollie screams-vision received 9-16-2010-in this vision I saw hollie scream, but never heard her, and she wore dress maybe like maids.

visions of hollie-visions received 9-13-2010-in visions I saw the white face of hollie, and in one she licked the prophet, with red tongue and on other, she may have winked, and may have looked different.

the Jesus revelations-vision received 9-12-2010-in this vision I saw the face of hollie and she said, 'suicide", 'that".

record the vision-vision received 8-8-2010-in this vision I saw hollie with hand over mouth looking at me to see if I was going to record, but shook yes, happy when I did.

screaming spirit-vision received 9-3-2010-in this vision I saw hollie and she screamed.

2-2008-and he saw, said casey, bill finley, show, credit card, witch, never saved like, bill carter, mike switzer, dewain galiher, ryan ralston, stacey holden, tim webb, darius templeton, michael touchton, doug webb, fred wynn, jim suits, aaron brock, tim rector, daniel taylor, gene huff, and bill finley show credit card, looky there, said Jesus, visions, shown, na, git outta here said tim hamon, witchs preaching ACTS 2:38, and he saw, said casey, no, said, hollie, bill finley, try to git it removed, he said, wont, embarrased, hes lost, like, all these, saith GOd, and he saw, said, casey, bill show, comeon, dont, believe, that, but, knows, preaches, repent, but, dyes hair, witch, saith God, and he saw, said, casey, youll have to get uh bank account, on your own, said, tim rector, I made it said bill finley, cut off he showed, like dr. jeremy taylor, what did he do, said, casey, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, runs to remove, and he saw, said casey, jeremy d.min loose talks, jobs, runs, embarrased, 2-9-2008-I got uh warning, said, fleas, bill finley is lost, knows, told, but, preaches right on, not getting people saved, I got conceited, said, tony blair, brad baker is cut off clapped the tap dancers, hollie and the naked bakers, and bill finley showed cut off, is bobby prophesying, said bill finley, he tried to strip me said Jesus, by walking away, he knew bob saved, your jelous of me said mrs. baker, witch, God wont let, her prophesy to prophet, that witch, like wayne grace, and he saw, said, casey, carlos burdine, hes lost, likes bob, wanye sees, smiles, cause, knows, hollie showed, record, hot, said hollie showed, saw, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, pope, your out said bill finley, preaching, lost, like, most, showed, church, credit card, witch, put it under, said, hollie showed, its us, said, pastors, witchs, and he saw, said casey, a line of pastors tap dancing, please tell him, said, woman, bill is lost and will never be right with God, show, him visions and ask him why he makes false christians, no, said, fleas, Russian President Vladimir Putin said, we will counter american military moves, they, wont, no, said, Condoleezza Rice, they are angering, and the bear rose, thats, putin laughed hollie, satan is the head, we want it said Condoleezza Rice, witchs like bill finley, president putin, said, hollie, sat, down, at counsel, hes hating people, now, cause, cut off, he showed, gabriel, pointed, lava, with black suit, he hindered, the Holy Ghost, made russia, and the dragon rose, with nato, and russia having ten crowns, the g8 said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, she said, that said enthusiastic hollie, and that, hollie showed, pointed, in the fire, smiled, boom, apartment, exploded, Dr. Jeremy Taylor, M.A., S.T.D., D. Min. stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, you calling us uh witch said kathryn taylor, all d.mins, lost, 2-10-2008-bobbys in trouble, clapped the tap dancers, gabriel, said, we needed iraq, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in iraq, the palestinian state, put it under, said, hollie showed, bobby, this the website talking, post, that was chariot, pulled by, now lets see, said, hollie, showed, cut off, brad baker, wife, prophet, said, hollie, tear up, put back, ruin, then, tried to put back, prophet, said, hollie, put back, tore up, put back, hollie showed, record, that was fleas, like, helicopter, letting out henry gruver, start one, said, hollie, licked prophet, was peace and safety, said, hollie, what does peace and safety mean, lets talk about that, said, hollie, in classroom, chalk, board, she, stick, in room full of people, cut off showed, Jesus, that stole the name ministry of dreams, like reverend jose alvarez, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., antonia vladimirova, john mark pool, daniel kaps, dee finney, Richard Lauersdorf, hey brother, said, hollie, I, got something to teach ya, she, said, and he saw, said, casey, the floor fall out, all, in lava, with black suits, crying, help me, this is heaven, this is hellven, lava or glass city, seriously said mrs. brad baker, my loss, she said, knows prophet filled, but wants to falsely prophesy, put it under, said, hollie showed, the bakers are lost, said hollie, iraq, said, Jesus, nuclear, gaza, both, destroyed, and, president bush, on t.v., said, I brought it in cause im an oil man, and, dick cheney joined, its halliburton, said, cheney, oil company, write the vision, said, hollie, live for Jesus said man at brad bakers church, roland jones teaches, never saved, hes been there, for a long time, and brad baker showed cut off, his wife got, thats the submarine sound, pointed, pope, and, hollie surfaces in ohio class, she said, subs all around america, fired, america exploded, and, up rose woman, who is it, said, hollie, statue of liberty, and bill clinton, returns fire, on china, moscow, and, russia fires on australia, britain, italy, thats n.a.t.o., canada explodes, one from plane, and up rose smiling, waving, pope, satan in, and goes to russia, signs, gets, arsenal, and hu rises to withstand, with japan, they, sign, for, 666, and seven thunders said, we are all most out of time, and angel runs out of lightning bolt, looks at Lambs Book of Life, few spots, remain, thus speaketh the Lord, obama will win, cause, prophet told how, and angel showed, record, that was fleas, like uh helicotper, letting out, henry gruver, start, one, he said, peace, safety, left, hollie showed, record, git out, she said, witchs, from pulpit, hollie like silhouette, showed, both beasts, now, lets see, said, hollie, theres, hu, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, witch, liar, you know said william harris, showed, church credit card, lost, pastoring, Marvin W. McIntosh, is, said, hollie, fool, said, Jesus, met prophet, bobby, we ll put you right here, but both guard pulpit, both lost, put it under, said, hollie, Marvin McIntosh showed church credit card, witch, licked prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, taiwan is the center of war, between america, and russia, china, look, said, hollie, its the nightmarist, duncan rouleau stripped for stealing the name ministry of dreams, removed book, thats the vision, said, hollie showed, brand new space shuttle, said, man, america building rocket ship, to, deliver nuclear war heads, putting missile defence around russia, angering, hollie showed, record, showed, both beasts, pictures, hu, hollie held nose, liar, false prophet, she, pointed, on, board, held nose, pope, beast, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, look, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed, record, showed, pictures, of, both, beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, pope, hollie held nose, liars, that was the king of grecia, pope, licking prophet, and hu, putin, popped out of horns, thats it, said, hollie, hollie showed, said, tell me, laughed, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, laughed, pope, hu, fighting on thumb, that was hollie, whew, said, gabriel, showed, new jerusalem, on platter, glass city, and hollie showed, and Jesus, flying and america, burning, like moscow, china, on globe, put it under, said, hollie, the day of the Lord, 2-11-2008-hollie showed, whistle blew, obama looses, hollie showed, record, that, in atmosphere, saw, subs, attack, america, moscow, china, great britain, hollie turned into silhouette, showed, both beasts, pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, showed, church, credit card, hu, hollie held nose, liar, who is he, said, hollie, false prophet, put it under, that is both beasts, said, hollie, the pope showed up, this economy said president hillary clinton, is, out, she, showed, no, said, fleas, tell me hillary clinton, she said, I win, watch, Barack, she said, fool said Barack Obama, looses, cause, wont, tell on hillary, whitewater, said, Barack Obama, shes guilty, thats what I want, she said, condoms in schools, Jesus showed, cut off, 2-12-2008-hi, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, laughed, hollie, showed, leave me alone, my spacecraft said, hollie, boom, fired, direct hit, reverend jeremy taylors pocket, out of ohio class sub, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, cut off, she showed, jim garrison, new iran, said, pope, you need to record, said, hollie, I know, said, wayne grace, people, spoke, blasphemy against God, women praying for son, God, told, bob, what to say, he, did, they rebuked, you foul spirits, in Jesus name, then, bob, told, Holy Ghost, felt like Body, perfect size coming in, thier hearts smote, knew, they will leave that church, hollie showed, record, and pastor burdine looses many people, he, wanted bob out, so Jesus cast him out, of wayne graces church, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, rip, put back, truit, pastor carlos burdine looses twenty people on one week, cause, bob told visions, and, they, believed, but, carlos burdine wanted, im out said carlos burdine, bob, out, God, gets burdine out, you need to record, said, hollie, hollie showed whistle blew, record, said, hollie, carlos burdine is cut off said hollie, thou fool, china will be attacked, and he saw, said, hollie, missiles from russia, and china, strike each other, vicente, said, woman, ok, hes lost, witch, that was fish, said, hollie, in puddle, many, hollie showed whistle blew, so long, said, Jesus, walking out door, that is hollie showed playing the instrument, said, hollie, and hollie showed, rubbed chin, up, thumb, flames, laughed, Jesus showed, record, Marvin McIntosh is lost, like whole family, and, what did he see, said, hollie, Marvin McIntosh showed church credit card, git outta here said Carmen McIntosh, lunch said, Michael McIntosh, we are, said, carmen, and Lisa Herald laughed, witchs, dont put it under, said hollie showed, they are lost, hollie showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, flying, ministry of dreams, on, fired, jeremy taylors pocket, belly exploded, ha ha, said, hollie, witch, that, pointed, hollie, car, hollie showed, record, hollie showed whistle blew, licked prophet, flame, he said, rubbed chin, laughed, rubbed, thought, up, pope, hu, fighting, hollie, like, silhouette, showed, both, beasts, held nose, hu, pope, with stick, leave me alone sound, said, hollie, new york, said, doreen, hollie, looked at spacecraft, fired, keep drawing said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, pencil, draw, new world, hollie held nose, kings, nato, bush, as, woman, italy, little, horn, russia, having, ten, crowns, and, grim reaper, tore up, put back, unbelievable, hollie, hollie looked up, that was fleas, like, a, helicopter, letting, out, carlos burdine, peace, safety, start, one, left, hollie showed, pictures, of both, beasts, pointed, pope, hu, showed, fight, they, hate, but, cling, im grecia, pope, hu, putin, popped, out of horns, and, ram smote hegoat, america, moscow, china, nukes, each other, hollie showed, time, that, was, hollie locomotive, hollie skinned, hollie showed, alaska, said, gabriel, and, he, saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, no, said, fleas, im a bear, thats putin, laughed, hollie, hollie showed, record, brother, said, hollie, and enthusiastic hollie licked prophet, fleas like helicopter, letting out, carlos burdine, peace, safety, start one, left, brother, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, she said, hollie showed, record, that, pope, riding, dragon, g8, thats politburo, said, hollie, put it under, ruling party, and, nato, bush, woman, italy, little horn, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., out laws Jesus, rode harley, that, pointed, new iraq, ameri-britain, hollie showed, what did hollie show, said, hollie, thought, hollie didnt show anything, and pope, saluted, theres hu, said, hollie, with japan, idol shepherd, slashed pope, hollie showed, record, git outta my face, is, what, hollie showed, said, hollie, said, rubbed chin, laughed, up, wrong said hollie, hollie showed, laughed, again, rubbed chin, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed, smiled, that, smiled, flames, he said, rubbed chin, laughed, up, thumb, pope, hu, fighting, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, laughed, hollie showed, you know your out said Jesus, yes shook Marvin McIntosh, then why are you preaching, bobby dont give me that said pastor Marvin McIntosh, witch, not saved, like mrs. Marvin McIntosh, witchs, I want ya to go home said Marvin McIntosh, witch, 2-13-2008-wont you pray, said, mrs. jeff black, sings, but, lost, put it under, said, hollie showed, stay out, said, carlos burdine, you said mrs. jeff black, look at my face, she said, beautiful, but, lost, I sing, she said, but, no salvation, and brad baker sees, and thinks, I dont want Jeff out, but, needs people, so let preach revival, and prophet shows, but, jeff black, said, git outta here, wants brad baker to let him pastor, give me your church, I cant do that said brad baker, and leon baker asks Jesus, let bob, be there, and let brad pastor, and God, said, yes, bob, returns, put it under, said, hollie, showed, watch what you ask for said sam neill, im in trouble, he said, git it on up here said carlos burdine, but, guards, pulpit, tell me who grecia is, said, hollie, and, king of grecia, licked prophet, pope, put it under, said, hollie showed, I told him not to do it, said, fleas, with a face like satans, hollie showed, record, every hour said angel, people, perish, and david bush requests prayer for people, but, they, dont, want to, write him, back, cause, they know, he doesnt care, kenya, record, me said, hollie, showed, record, fleas, with, a face, like, satans, Jesus, showed, record, prove me, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that was hu hintao riding the red horse, sang, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, hollie showed, turn, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, what is my message, said, hollie, that, pointed, g8, n.a.t.o., beast, russia having ten crowns, politburo, the pope said, your going to hell, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, russia charged more for fuel to ukraine, and can charge eighty percent less, thats the vision, pointed, Marvin McIntosh, your out, said, hollie, he, knows, it, said, wife, but, pastors, wants, and he saw, said, casey, church credit card in hand, hes made millions, pocketed, lost, the pope said, how does it feel, jeremy taylor, u.u., being stripped, for taking the name, said dee finney, some one, lookin at it said john mark pool, right here, he said, and he saw, said casey, no, said, hollie, john mark pool showing church credit card, you really want that, said Jesus, hes taking your money, said, pope, write a book, said, bill hamon, Richard E. Lauersdorf, duncan rouleau man, steal the name, hey christians, said, hollie, your motors shuttin down, said, pope, ministry of dreams, all ran to remove, he wants ya, said, hollie, right here, pointed, reverend jeremy taylor, hes caught, jail, for exposing, his theft of name ministry of dreams, your wrong, said, pope, put jeremy right here, he pointed, jail, unbelievable, said, jim garrison, steven stargardter, pope, man, fired, and, he saw, said, casey, hollie showed, flying ohio class sub, fired, taylor, d.min, destroyed, looses all jobs, talks, jeremy taylor is cut off said hollie, fuck you said u.u.a. jeremy taylor u.u. and kathryn taylor divorces, and maniac pointed, robert cavaness out, what did he say, said, hollie, your out, canvanesss church empties, alarm sound, said, hollie, what has jeremy done, said, pope, resigned from john f. kennedy and wisdom universities, and satan and his armies advanced, said, hollie, you, said, satan, can you whip me, by the Word of God, thats giving him your testimony, that is quoting the scriptures, submarine sound, kissed, hollie, in sub, showed, rock band kiss, its over said hollie, to, old, said, gene simmons, paul stanley dying, ringo starr is cut off, the beatles, brought long hair, to men, tear up, put back, showed, hollie, tear up, said, hollie, put back, look, pointed, at the beast, like uh bear, pope, nato, g8, russia having politburo, she said, ten crowns, put it under, said, hollie, leave here, she said, wayne graces church, your out said carlos burdine, your on, said, Jesus, God leads bob away from, no, said, hollie, fuck me said mrs. jeff black, she, thats it said jeff black, shes dyeing her hair, put it under, sin at wayne graces church, cut off showed, Jesus, all, 2-14-2008-Billy Graham saith God, is about to enter lava with black suit, tell me, he said, about ACTS 2:38, when young, but, thats billy laughed hollie, running from Jesus, knows, hell, soon, put it udner, u.s.a. sattelite is doomed, they know, shoot, or repair, was spy sattelite, hell on Ruth Bell Grahams name, she loved, this life, the worship and praise of men, bobby, you got something to tell me said john mark pool, lava soon, for tempting God, fleas, showed, record me, she, said, like helicopter, letting out wayne grace, start two, he said thru megaphone, bush, putin, signing missile reduction treaty, made america stronger, by, taking m.x. missiles apart, putting warheads on tomahawks, they, retrofitted four ohio class subs, that carry over one hundred missiles, one fifty seven said hollie, thats right, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions all over russia, write the vision, said, hollie, wrong pastor, said, hollie, gabriel, said, hollie said, cause when they hit korea, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in south and north korea, from each other, tear up, put back, hollie like a bear, showed, wait, los angeles class subs with showing, all, now, are nuclear missile subs, bush, making russia, o boy, said, putin, america has thirty nuclear missiles subs, they, are, a threat, hollie, showed, record, that is the reason, the ram, and, he saw, it, said, casey, the ram, and that is putin, and, hu, they are one, put it on there, said, hollie, made reverend, dont do, said, hollie, sit, at counsel, he made billions, Billy Graham, now, reward, said, Jesus, your right here, said, gabriel, made ya look, lava, and he saw, said, casey, reverend Billy Graham in hell, how come you didnt do ACTS 2:38, said, hollie, and Billy Graham showed, shh, be quiet, knew, God rejected, thats why, I told ya not to write a book said john mark pool, by taking said dee finney, I wont said john pool, ministry of dreams name, he was going to cash in, on but, got ruint, put it under, God will, bob I hope you perish said john mark pool, and sandy pool said shh be quiets, witchs saith God, the lake said pools, I went to hell said woman from david mccolleys church, right here, he said, and hegoat smote, ram, pope, america, moscow, china, nuke, each, other, hollie, showed, record, and up rose pope, let me alone, hollie, modelled, in space craft, turned into ohio class sub, fired, destroyed, all, that, stole the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, crucify, sang, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, that is the sunbeam bakers girl, I hear you got cut off, she said, and john mark pool, you did, said sunbeam bakers baby, you should have left me alone, and john mark pool agrees, now want to fight, take prophets website down, I warned you, said Jesus, thats the reason, john mark pool stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet fall, God said, embarras, look said sunbeam bakers baby, sunbeam bakery loves, and he, likes, and the owners, smiles, the strong delusion dream-dream receieved 2-14-2008-in this dream, Im at class and joseph farris is the teacher, and I tell the vision God gave me about seeing the beast, pope, and getting sent the strong delusion, Im going by memory, and more happened, but in the dream, I reached my hand out to pope and said, save me, and he nodded yes, and I believed he could, and I remember maybe joseph farris s phone wrang and he got on, and it was like I was falling asleep, but was awake, tell on joseph farris said hollie, he is after, made ya look said joseph farris, smiling, wants church crowd back, saith God, but Thomas E. Griffith wants money, and showed, church credit card, pay me, he said, works for free, but zion tabernacle, this is a warning said hollie, hates ministry of dreams, and joseph farriss son, laughs, likes, bring bob, he said, put it under, said, hollie, work, hollie, 2-15-2008-jeremy lopez is lost, showed, church credit card, let the witch pastor for a fee, hollie showed whistle blew, im running said randy travis, be nice said thomas griffith, lost, thomas griffith said hollie, showed, thumbs, down, witch, leave me alone, said, hollie, you missed it, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, we, said thomas griffith, will not speak, im only interested in young people, what are you dyeing your hair for, said, hollie, you lie, you said thomas griffith, out, only, lost, I heard you make money, said, hollie, no he aint said joseph farris, leave him alone said hollie, leave thomas griffith alone, hes witch, thomas griffith is a bad example of pentecostal pastoring, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, showed, be quiet, robert cavaness, is this unbeleivable, he thinks, website, hes been on, she said, lay off, hes trembling, over, put it under, said, hollie, and hollie showed, saw, flames, laughed, you just missed it, said, hollie, and he saw Samuel Bradley watch Jesus come and go, hollie showed, record, how do you feel said rick robertson, he lost me, comes, goes, and robert cavaness sees, loves, this is donald winters prophet, but, donald winters said, those are from the devil, we ll put bobby right here, said robert, cavaness, hes looking, said, hollie, im thiry nine, he said, but, guards, pulpit, lets lost scott sparks talk, no, he said, but, knows, hollie showed, record, this is your last chance, said, man, hollie showed whistle blew, you missed it, said, Jesus, and, the harp played, thomas griffith watches Jesus, come, and, leave, knows, then nuclear explosion takes griffith to lava, with black suit, and, all indiana pastors, they wanted to get rich, said, hollie, that, said, fleas, roll contract, throw, put back, theres a reason, said, hollie, what is it, war is coming, said, Jesus, thomas griffith is the reason judgment is coming to amexico, said, hollie, harlot, false christian, that was fleas, letting out thomas griffith, spoke, thru megaphone, out sunbeam bakers baby, peace and safty, start one, left, gabriel, showed, beasts, image, made alive, pocket t.v., what did pope say, said, hollie, leave, or, die, that is the marine corp. in the streets said Jesus, u.s.a., bobby, said, fleas, showed, bomb, people in americas large cities face terrorism, hollie tore up, put back, in ring, that, she, said, kent gray, lost, new united states, said, Jesus, communist, whole south america said angel, and he saw, said casey, explode, from, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, and he saw, said casey, hugo chavez, said, Jesus, explode, eye for an eye, said, hollie, theres a reason, said, hollie, israel exploded, said, hollie, out of iraq, and israel fires back, bush, brought in, to steal oil, and he saw, said casey, two nuclear explosions in iraq, chavez is causing said Jesus, selling oil to china, bringing china war equipment, said, hollie, ships, they want to stage nuclear sub there, america can intercept chinese missiles, the whole united states nuclear rocket attack, said, Jesus, and, bill clinton fires back, russia, china, then, russia hits britain, australia, italy, thats the home of the beast, and he saw, said casey, bobby look, said, Jesus, the pope sitting on italy, explosion, knocks out, of chair, spoke thru megaphone, ive bee given power, you know it, the beast, said, to rule, and hu hintao, shakes, no, they sign for 666, and britain fires back, one sixth russia left, you had a dream, said, Jesus, night vision, and hegoat smote ram, up rose pope, thats the king of grecia, said, hollie, and, hu, held nose, thumbs, down, rises with japan, signs 666 with beast, and idol shepherd, dont, said, hollie, robert cavaness, watches his church empty, and doesnt call on prophet to testify, when stood up, but people sitting down, loosing said robert cavaness, how does it feel, said, Jesus, if you would have called on prophet, loved, but, now, he wont come, I knew said robert cavaness, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, like king of grecia, hollie showed, to, record, thats fleas, like, helicopter, letting out, dr. thomas griffith, peace, safety, start one, left, you need to record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, bob dreamed in guatemala, went thru, like, tunnell, saw, many people, jobless, saw, g.m. plant, heard from, that is not supposed to be there, woman said, you need to git outta here, left, but, was afraid, and left, hoping, right way, was, were facing nuclear war, said, rick robertson, with, dyed hair, God said, I AM doing you like freddy krueger did people, and you cant do nothing about it, for no reason, 2-16-2008-I know your lookin, said, woman that bob witnessed, to, git on, she thought, but now, God cut her off, for, running, her last time, over forty, and, played the harlot, now wants sex, and hollie showed, twice, why did he embarras me, she said, knows, lost, hollie showed, record, dont do it said woman, but, to late, God, gave, my final chance, she said, now, out, record, said, hollie, the pope showed, what did he showed, said, hollie, record, bobby, its in the ring, said, the pope, no, said, woman, her final warning, that, pointed, hollie, cause i ran, she said, bobby, dont do that, if you come here, and she swallowed, youll empty, sunday school, she said, teaches, but, now, cut off, im your harlot, she said, put it under, said, hollie showed, its mine, said, larry spall, thats why, women, I dont give uh dam, she said, now I take it, money, why did you come down here, she said, closed, iraq, said, Jesus, nuclear, record, me, laughed, hollie showed, and hollie pointed, at dragon, with, pope, on top, g8, thats, laughed, hollie, nato, o.k., said, woman from church, but, let me hurt, I know if I act like not interested, but God saw, now your here she said, put it under, said, hollie showed, watch said sam neill, you aint comin this mornin, she said, people, transplant, she said, ok, said, woman, he knows me said Delbert Spall, I know it said floyd matthews, swallowed, and Delbert L. Spall pocketing church tithes, offerrings, and mary spall shakes yes, and floyd matthews sees, witchs like kent gray, put that under, said hollie showed, kick prophet out now floyd matthews, what are you doin, said, hollie, and she made floyd matthews sit at counsel, and gabriel, pointed, hes, lost, lava, with, black suit, waist high, and delbert with, and kent r. gray, witchs, like bill benton, I fucked you, said, woman, now, lost, bill e. benton is sex, lusts, burns, men, women, new nightmare, said, hollie, ok said duncan rouleau, he stole the name, ministry of dreams, I told him not to do it, now wants to, yes said, woman, cancell series over, write the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, laughed, ministry of dreams is spoken by Jesus said tina from nightmare on elm street, look, looky, said, fleas, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, write the vision, he said, jeremy taylor, u.u.a., got me he said, stole the name ministry of dreams, now, runs to remove, downtown, pointed, circled, hollie showed, geese, git outta here said Kenneth Wiltsie, lost, teaching under hair dyer danny thomas, witchs, and jeremy taylor in lava with black suit, hollie showed beasts image made alive, pocket, t.v., showed, beast, false prophet, and hu, said, pope, i will not, I hate him, put up with you, they said to each other, both, beasts, put it under, said, hollie, cut off showed Jesus, got you lookin said hollie, delbert spall, you make it so hard, laughed danny d. thomas, yeah, said anita thomas, both, hair dyers, ok, said, woman, both, lost, theres the thomass in lava with black suits, money, said, hollie, I need ya said mrs. danny thomas, so we can live for free, fighting, thats otyre, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, russia, jeremy taylor is cut off, he said, tell the vision, said, hollie, tore up, put back, then, again, hollie clock pointed, tell the vision, that was that o red and black chariot, with pope, hu, new world order, pulled by angry horses, thats hollie, on, the, missile, ministry of dreams is spoken by my Jesus sang the chip munks, bobby, dont go there, they said, laughed mrs. danny thomas, to kent grays, nope, said, woman, witchs, china, said, the, pope, write the vision, said, hollie showed, and, licked the prophet, china is the reason, for the dragon, said, Jesus, tell me what china is the reason, of the dragon for, said, Jesus, thats fleas, like, uh helicopter, iran, said, pope, and he saw, said, casey, the harp said, cause when they hit iran, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, explosion, and hollie riding tomahawk, two, and, syrian president running from the fire, russia, said, hollie showed, awaken, alright, said, putin, and the thought came, lets rule the world, that is new jerusalem, said, hollie showed, toured, glass city, crystal sea, hollie celebrated, yeah, bob, dreamed, joel urshan said stop, I needed money, that is fleas like helicpoter, letting out, tell the vision, said, hollie showed, the harp played, joel urshan, spoke, thru megaphone, peace, start, right here, he said, bring witch is what joel urshan calls bob, looked, what did the harp say, showed pictures of the urshans, we know said nathaniel a. urshan with nathaniel p. urshans voice, witches, why did you git out, said, Jesus, and nathaniel a. urshan showed, cut off, Ive already got it said nathaniel paul urshan, moriah apostolic, that good said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, failing, said, hollie, I want my visions on the website, said, harp, and, grim reaper, meerkat, licked prophet, hollie showed record, and licked prophet, theres jeremy in lava, pointed the pope, up, to his mid-section, said, hollie, for stealing the name ministry of dreams, jeremy taylor, d.min, I had to remove, he said, jeremy taylor pointed, said, hollie showed, Jesus, said, brad baker is sick, he was supposed to ran now and left, , it was dream, said, hollie, I got something to show ya, said, hollie, bobby, you need to record, said hollie, cut off showed Jesus, your outta here said reverend .dim jeremy taylor, witch, stole the name ministry of dreams, hide said mrs. danny thomas, that witch, dyes hair, looks, no said danny thomas, was a-hole sex with youth, no said danny thomas, church, empties, look, said, fleas, brad walks into empty church with dyed hair, look, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, christian slater, said, hollie, leave him alone, said, Jesus, he made deal to fix prophets house, broke, kept money with tracy blackwell, both cut off, put it under, bobby, said, sam neill, watch what you do, 2-17-2008-what did he do it for, said, hollie, d.min jeremy, taylor, stole the name ministry of dreams, yeah, said, hollie, runs to remove, bobby, this is the website, talking, post, gabriel, showed, lets put it right here, thinks carlos burdine, no, said, hollie, showed, pocket, look what china did, said, hollie, caused nato, the dragon, with, russia, the g8, said, hollie, showed, and he saw, said, hollie showed, dragon, rise, with, the beast, thats the beast said the pope, hollie showed, record, and licked prophet, Dann Pantoja altered the name ministry of dreams, yeah said Dann Pantoja, to steal and make prophet fall, runs to remove, yeah, said, sandy pool, we did, antonia wants to do that, said sandy pool, right, trademark the name ministry of dreams, dont tell me that said antonia vladimirova, witch, yeah, she said, calls self reverend, do you want to play game she said, witch, she stole the name ministry of dreams, removes, ruint, God is telling you make your calling and election sure, said hollie, clapped, the tap dancers, all u.p.c.i. pastors lost, like jason davis, prophet, said, hollie, tear up, throw, put back, again, new missile, said, pope, u.s.a., rocket ship, that can take me, said, putin, im the bear father, said, hollie, thats, the pope, riding black horse, hey bobby, said, hollie showed, that was hollie, firing, spacecraft, she, said, america, moscow, china, boom, out, said, fleas, with, sound, bill carter speaks blaspheme, the devil showed me a vision, your wanted on the phone, said, Jesus, hollie calls reverend bill carter, why did you speak blaspheme, they knowed, said, pope, and, carlos burdine showed, cut off, bill knows, hes cut off, thats the reason, said, hollie, thats the reason, and, bill carter turned into satan, hollie showed, record, backslided, yelled fleas, tell me what bill carter did, said, hollie, and, fire, she said, peace and safety, thats, start one, isnt it, said, man, hollie, that, said, hollie, leave me alone, my spacecraft, fired, and Dann Pantoja ruint, for, taking, the name, said, dee finney, ministry of dreams, altering, to steal, and dragon rose, I got it said Dann Pantoja, runs to remove, jeremy, said, hollie, taylor, d.min, ruint, said, dr. jeremy taylor, ask saith Jesus ARMEN BERJIKLY why stole the name ministry of dreams like Dann Pantoja, altered, to take, and hollie flying in her spacecraft, let me alone, she said, fired, all ruint, run to remove, 2-18-2008-no, said, hollie, and licked prophet, hollie showed, record, that, the dragon rose, with g8, thats, bush, nato, and russia having ten crowns, politburo, and the pope coming out of italy, gabriel, showed, record, this is hollie, with that, o, loose belt sound, and he saw, said, casey, lighted, hegoat smite ram, and hollie, held nose, up, rose, pope, thats hu, and, japan, like lamb, and slashed pope, idol shepherd, hollie saluted, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, and, king of grecia, licked prophet, bobby, this is not your website talking, this is hollie, speaking for my website, post, said, website, the pope said, tell me about grecia, thats rome, and, king of grecia, with two horns, out popped me, said, hu, and, putin, and bull ran thru, we dont need, him, said, hollie, showed, record, me, said, fleas, showed, popes image, made alive, pocket t.v., and, pope showed, cut off, let me said, hollie showed, flames, wrecker, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, pope, hu, fighting, did not my pope, show, record, said, hollie, and lighted finger pointed, that, said, hollie, that, and, dragon rose, out, of sea, nato, russia having ten crowns, politburo, and putin, go, right there, said, pope, showed, americas gitton out, we ll handle it, said, putin, russia, out of subs, strikes, america, and, bill clinton fires back, the world shakes, that, said, hollie, pope, saluted, hollie showed record, that, beast saluted, like false prophet, hu, signed for 666, this is not hollie talkin, this is the website talkin, post, record me said, hollie, lucifer showed to record, steal the name ministry of dreams to be called saint lucifers children, and lucifer, laughed, licked prophet, write me said, gabriel, bob, said, fleas, thats, hu hintao, riding the red horse, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, buy me said hollie, hollie showed, record, pastors want paid, I want my own house and I dye my hair, im david blythe, wife, he said, both, witchs, wife spoke, leave us alone, said, mrs. david blythe, its already on there, away from, o foul Spirit, she said, and david showed record, your out, said, Jesus, I toldem not to do it, prophet if you make me, said, carlos burdine, and he saw, Jesus, showed cut off, carlos burdine, and, the blythes, Jesus showed, record, ring said, Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, new york city, said, Jesus, thats gabriel in the headlines, that said, hollie, record me said, hollie, thats what I want said david blythe, mrs., that, said, hollie, the united states will be attacked by russian missiles, said, Jesus, and subs fired, downtown, circled hollie showed, geese, carlos, burdine, read paper, iraq nuked, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, that was fleas like helicopter, letting out carlos burdine, spoke thru megaphone, out the blythes, start one was peace and safety, left, hollie showed, record, loose your eye, loose your arm, thats my idol shepherd, sang, hollie, thats hollie showed, playing organ, smiled, gabriel showed, check your oil with hands, thick, slick, keep, it, said, prophet, yep, God gave his Son, God gave and sent his Son, dream, hollie showed, record, prophet, fleas said, no more mercy on those that steal the name ministry of dreams, or alter, she said, they alter to change to ministry of dreams, said, dee finney, hollie showed, record, record, said, hollie, posting, record me, said, hollie, licked prophet, thats my dragon, said, hollie, beast, she, said, with, the g8, thats, nato, russia having ten crowns, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, record, record me, said, hollie, hollie showed, whistle blew, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that, hamas, said, Jesus, thats my philistines, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in, gaza, iraq, tore up, put back, hollie, and dragon licked prophet, come let me show you something, said, pope, your outta here said carlos burdine, and prophet showed, popes picture, hollie showed, both beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, and, hollie held nose, thumbs, up, pope, beast, jeremys looking, said, fleas, d.min, u.u.a., you thought you got me, said, hollie showed, jeremy taylor, i want it, he said, the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, got said jeremy taylor, u.u., witch, stole the name ministry of dreams, to trap prophet, releases, ruint, like all, saith God, fleas showed, record, hes out, she said, threw dr. jeremy taylor before the Judge, bobby, said, Jesus, look at your enemy, now, lost, in lava, with black suit, I know it said kathryn taylor, both witchs, prophecy said kathryn taylor, is Holy Ghost, 2-19-2008-and he saw, said, casey, leave it alone, spacecraft, hollie fired, all that, bob, we take it, said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, or altered, ruint, and he saw, said casey, man, stand before Jesus, it wasnt my fault, he said, Jesus, pointed at church, I didnt want it, Jesus, pointed, now in fire, blaming bush for iraq war like woman, young, thinks someone pray her out, this is heaven, this is hellven, said, hollie, lava, or glass city, 2-20-2008-shame on mike murdock says the Lord, said, hollie, thats dr. mike murdock in lava, with dyed hair, fire scene, showed church credit card, pocketed millions, stole, altered the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove book, ministry dreams, hollie showed, record, mike murdock, put back, billions, of pocketed, thats free money, never saved, I got you bobby, he said, wrote book, ministry-dreams, to steal the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, that said, hollie, hollie tore up, put back, out, said, wayne graces church, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, and flower grew, out mike murdock, whatta you want, said, Jesus, right here said mike murdock, wallet, gets stripped, get it off, said, gabriel, alright smiled mike murdock, removes ministry dreams book, that, hollie tore, up, put back, that was fleas, like birdy, fleas said, write the vision, that was God network, possession, mike murdock meeting with bill hamon, its my very last chance, here, I stole the name ministry of dreams, I wrote that book, ministry of dreams, im going to make him fall if he dont stop, said, bill hamon, alright said murdock, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, marine corp. said, hollie, look, said, Jesus, in streets, my economy said, pope, failing, acrossed, the world, cause oil to high, tear up, point, put back, uh different way, said, hollie, bobby, its, in, the ring, bobby, said, pope, that, pointed, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, and, subs, fired, america, exploded, and, up, came, statue of liberty, thats the woman, said, hollie, and, bill clinton, returns, fire, moscow, china, destroyed, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, g8, nato, bush, that, pointed, woman, russia, thats it, said, hollie, that, ruling party, hollie showed, record, hey brother, said, hollie, john mark pool, what has he done, she, said, stole the name ministry of dreams, ran to remove, that, said, hollie, judgment to america in five months, and finger, pointed, dream, said, hollie, licked prophet, at were, that was fleas, like, helicopter, letting out wayne graces church, its to late, they said, left, you need to record, shut up, said, hollie, mike murdock is getting stripped, watching ministry of dreams and his career, youll like it, said, hollie, being, out of ministry, you knew, saith God, you were lost, yes said mike murdock, witch, put it under, said, hollie, showed, I am lost said mike murdock, now im cut off he said, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, showed, wait, pointed, licked, 2-21-2008-this is the website talking, post, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and that, licked prophet, that, hollie waited, licked prophet, that, said, hollie, 2-22-2008-hollie showed, record, wait, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie, wiped lips, hollie showed, record, leave him alone, said, hollie, whatta you want, and, she, sat brian kluth down at counsel, gabriel, right there, thats, brian kluth in waist high lava, I know it said brian kluth, he, pastors, never, saved, showed, church credit card, he, stole, altered the name, to keep said pastor brian kluth, ministry of dreams, he gets openly, but shows church credit card, gabriel, said, cause, when, they, hit, iraq, brought judgment to america, gabriel showed, picture of bobby knight, whatta you want, and, hollie, tore up, he wants to go to, this done it, said, gabriel, man teasing knight at i.u., Kent Harvey, put it on, pointed, gabriel, knight is now, he wants it, said gabriel, national championship, gabriel showed, record, thats it, gabriel showed, record, that is fleas like a helicopter, letting out barry st. clair, I stole ministry dreams to change into ministry of dreams, left, that, said, hollie, that, pointed, hollie, wadded con spirit, tore, wadded, poked, tear up, more, put back, showed, record, right there, said, stargardter-garrison man, no body will come out and see me, now you lookin, tell Jesus om back, when you gonna come and see me, he said, man git it on, I need somebody to lick my balls, I want head, yum, I do, if Jesus cares, om the nightmare on elm street, put it up, on the floor, pray for uh revelation, om Joe Frazier, I whup, said, george foreman, ali, said, hollie, now its time to git out, said, foreman, that, said, hollie, foreman, was, better then, ali, but, ali, hungrier, tyson, you want me, said, holyfield, comeon, they, both, right here, showed, tyson would win, cause, going broke, hollie showed, record, dragon, beast, with pope on top, bush, as, woman, russia having ten crowns, there politburo, said, hollie, hollie fire, moscow, china, america, exploded, john mccain showed record, gabriel, said, star wars, thats it, said, hollie, anti sattellite missile, that is all that, and we produce, but, interception, impossible, most times, that, said, hollie, the economy is slipping, said, Jesus, that, said, hollie, thats what I want, said, hollie, like angelic model, hollie showed, record, john mark pool stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now, wants saved, om not, said, hollie, you mean your not gonna save me, said, sandy pool, she, wont humble, neither will john, you need to record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, tattood 666, played organ, brother, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, the pope showed, record, john mark pool showed beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., 2-23-2008-crucify me, sang, hollie, gabriel, showed, wait, record said, hollie, record, said, hollie, licked prophet, Jesus, said, france, thats, the beast, said, hollie, n.a.t.o., g8, tell me about the beast, said, hollie, I am, said, satan-pope man, write the vision, said, hollie, somebodies lookin, said, Jesus, who is it, said, hollie, thats kenneth haney, she said, casey showed record, and kenneth haney took off his wig, hollie, shook head, laughed, that was casey-hollie, said, her, call her, hollie, out, said, fleas, smiled, rubbed chin, hollie showed, right here, marine corp. out in the streets, said, gabriel, tell me what the marine corp., said, hollie, is out for, said, casey, brand new united states, said, gabriel, its communist, gabriel showed, cut off, hollie showed smiled in the fire, and that, he said, pointed, from im a bear, said, linda spall, explosion, said, hollie showed, apartment, thier prices are falling, thats the alarm sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed whistle, blew, again, whistle sound, steam sound, again, tore up, put back, the united states, said, gabriel, its under attack, saw, hollie, gabriel showed, record, write the vision, said, hollie, thats, hollie, with, music, hollie rode rocket, hit satellite, brand new new york city said gabriel, tell him said, hollie, brian kluth is cut off, hollie showed, 465, boom, sign, you dont push said gabriel, you need it, said, hollie, I, want, my money, said, garry streeval, record the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and the flower grew, satan popped out, susan rosen, are you alright, said, richard rosen, they are tax free, saith God, susan rosen dyes hair, claims christianity, employees jeremy taylor u.u., d.min, he stole the name ministry of dreams, cause I aint christian said reverend jeremy taylor, he looses jobs, talks, over, then, removes the name ministry of dreams, his letters to prophet, are, confessions, the rosens have seen, like dr. steven stargardter and jim garrison, but, they, allow me said u.u.a. jeremy taylor, to work, decieving people, jeremy taylor is the reason for judgment to america, said, Jesus, I didnt take it, said, taylor, but, wrote letters calling ministry above copyrights, stealing, using the term, and, employeers, let said dr. jeremy taylor, Unitarian Universalist, Unitarian Universalism is lost saith God, and susan rosen, your out, said, gabriel, the phone, said, hollie, I live tax free said susan rosen, and hillary clinton sees, gabriel showed, record, we saw it said susan rosen, jeremy git outta here, said richard rosen, both lost, like taylor, put it under, said, hollie showed, france, is the reason for nato, they are, small, one nuclear hit, and he saw, said casey, big explosion in france, from, im a bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie laughed, why did I laugh for, rubbed lips, satan, the rosens, linda spall showed, record, thats the reason I want you out, she said, pastor kent r. gray, witch, witch, hollie showed, record, that was fleas like a helicopter, letting out jeremy taylor, peace and safety, start one, hollie showed, rubbed chin, smiled, write the vision, he said, flames, ford truck, rubbed chin, laughed, thumbs up, popes image, thats hollie showed recording, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, this is hollie with that loose belt sound, did sign teem, laughed, write the vision, said, hollie, and the cymbol beat, and, kings appeared, now let me see here, and the harp played, said, hollie, theres kim jong, hollie held nose, thumbs down, there is putin, said, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, theres hu hintao, hollie showed, theres new fidel castrol, hollie showed brush teeth, up, down, theres chavez, hollie shouted, trouble make, and brazil, hollie, held nose, thumbs down, liars, beast, cnn, iraq nuked, gaza, boom, this is not the website talkin, this is hollie talking, comeer, said gabriel, showed, angela in lava, that figures, said, angie, she, went to church, to get, my husband, said, angie, but, wont, marry prophet, now, she ll perish, single, put it under, said, hollie, the economy first, said, gabriel, john mccain, he said, will collapse it, john mccain said Jesus, he all, ready, knows, will loose, to clinton, no, said, hollie, marine corp., said gabriel, in streets, u.s.a., last sign, gabriel, showed, cut, off, angela, gabriel, showed, wait, hollie showed, wait, licked prophet, cat, said, the cat, thats, north, south korea, china, japan, cat, said, cat, im the leopard, he, said, and, mrs. Irwins, cat, said, cat, whats he doin, said, cat, he knows it, wants free, but, they make me, said, mrs. Irwin, restrain, its, cougar, like, normal cat, no, said mrs. Irwin, steve, she said, I wont have you, now, im single, wanting women, yes, she said, king of grecia said pope, shes lost said mrs. steve Irwin, we know, she said, steve Irwin perished, knew, just got it, said mrs. Irwin, she knew, when found out, steve stung, dead, ha ha, she thinks, see ya, and mrs. Irwin showed, record, wants oral, anal, to much, she said, meaning, she wants both, and putin, hu, popped out of horns, cat, said, cat, showed, uh, picture, beasts image, made alive, downtown, circled, pointed, hollie showed, geese, hollie showed, record, she told him not to do it, said, hollie, yes, mrs. Irwin, now, steve, in waist high lava, write the vision, said, hollie, licked prophet, Jesus showed, record, 2-24-2008-look, said, fleas, showed, picture, pope-satan man, right here, she said, that, pointed, hollie, please record me said hollie, record, said, hollie, that, record, said, hollie, linda spall said, from im a bear, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, cause, satan, is, the head, she said, and, tore up, wrote 666, put back, hollie showed, record, up, pointed, hollie, Jesus coming and subs fired on america, and up rose woman, hollie showed, turn, but, wrong, way, oil said man, leading to Armageddon, want more visions, want more visions, said, hollie, tap dancing, hollie showed, record, bob, record, me, said, hollie, showed, beasts image, thats, pope, she, said, gabriel, showed, pictures, of, boths beasts, hollie held nose, licked, stuck, theres hu, she, said, false prophet, and, beast number one, pope, whoever kills saddam hussein, said, gabriel, avenges, and, there, they, all, are, right there, said, hollie, lava, gabriel, showed, right there, the Denon DRA 375RD receiver, excellent, they put out, now let me, see here, said, hollie, she, thought, about sixty watts per channel, at 20 to 20,000 hzs, its time to start lookin up showed, hollie, your redemption draweth nigh, Jesus coming and subs attacking america-moscow-china, what does hollie have to say, said, hollie, she thought, its the day of the Lord, the world shook, hollie showed, record, wayne baker, how do you do, wayne didnt see that said roland jones, wayne ll miss it he said, and he saw, said, casey, wayne baker watch Jesus come, go, hollie showed, record, tear up, put back, pope, said, hollie, showed picture, tear, put back, record me, said, hollie, jeff black, how are you doing, said, hollie, the devil made me said jeff black, spoke blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, no said mrs. jeff black, and he saw, said casey, jeff black, in suit, in lava, he said, the devil puts a vision in your church, bob saw, lost over jeff blacks head, 2-25-2008-hollie showed, record, george jones saith God, is lost, dying, who won texas, said, hillary clinton, obama, after, said, clinton, drops out, its, the war, she, said, obama, said, clinton, he, wants, but, is, attacking, war, put it under, said, hollie showed, america has just lost a b-2 stealth bomber, they are good, but, hittable, by anti-aircraft missiles, that, pointed, hollie, and, that, cindy, here, tear up, put back, that was satan, pointed hollie, tear up, put back, what did he do, she said, satan thought, im the bear father, thats putin, laughed, hollie, richard rosen is lost like susan rosen, she, dyes hair, preaches Jesus, allows jeremy taylor to teach there, and, he stole the name ministry of dreams like sistermoonshine13, sistermoonshine is a witch, wants prophet to fall, sister moonshine will run to remove, o there we are, she said, stole, to trap, offend prophet, oo, she said, thats my name, watch her remove, runs to remove, miriams well is cut off, clapped, the, tap dancer, hollie, no, said fleas, and, Reverend S. M. Scott is a witch, he altered the name ministry of dreams to trap Gods servant, make fall, then change to ministry of dreams, runs to remove saith God, lets start it, he said, meaning, Ill steal the name ministry of dreams if I want, looses career as a witch, put it under, said, hollie, S M Scott is a witch, wants to take it, said, Jesus, the name ministry of dreams, dont take it, said mrs. scott, we want ya outta there said S M Scott, witch, perishes, put it under, watch S M Scott run to remove trap he set, record, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, and popes image on finger, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, satan, she pointed, jeremy taylor, now, we, know, said susan rosen, watch me, she said, she will put him out, cause, she, knows, you, know, saith God, hollie showed, record, china will hit washington state, and taiwan, to lure america, but, it, wont, china nukes venezuela, then clinton fires, china destroyed, no, said, fleas, thats God shedding tears of blood, over being crucified, thats the alarm sound, said, hollie, and, pen drawed beast, pope, that was Jesus, with eyes of fire, said, hollie, beat drum, gabriel modelled, that said, hollie, royce fields is dyeing his hair, that was the dragon, bob its the g8, said, hollie, that is nato, said, hollie showed, russia having ruling party, that is the nathaniel haney-urshan man pocketing tithes and offerrings so he can live for free like brian kluth, said hollie, and the beast, licked prophet, that was Jeson, satan, that looked like Jesus, said, hollie, lighted, man, with beard, put it under, said, hollie, bobby board is a witch, said, hollie, cut off, preaches repent, but hasnt, hollie showed, record, peace and safety is start one, said, glenn beck, hes, lyin glenn showed, record, and missile, shot from sub, in venezuela, laughed, hollie, and they, she said, trusted china, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, bob, look, said, fleas, bobby board showed, popes image, made alive, picture, tore up, put back, laughed, and hollie showed, put it under, dont do what bobby board does, but says, altered, minister of dreams to change to ministry of dreams with his friend sistermoonshine, sistermoonshine13, both cut off saith God, like snygman altered the name ministry of dreams, to trap prophet, 2-26-2008-hollie showed, record, held nose, alaska, boom, from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie, laughed, thats putin, that was the dragon, said, hollie, licked prophet, with pope on top, france, exploded, italy, thats nulcear explosion, like australia, and bill clinton fires on moscow, china, and, he, saw, said, casey, that was putin, running from fire, like hu, hollie waited, showed, both beasts, two world government, theres hu, hollie held nose, hes false prophet, and, pope, hollie held nose, beast, liar, said, pope, hollie showed, peace, saw, flames, pointed, let me see here, he said, hollie showed thought, rubbed chin, saw, thumb up, popes image, laughed, the Father cried blood, and, hollie rubbed chin, that was cindy, that was that of red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, nuclear rocket, hollie rode anti satellite interceptor, they go up, hit satellite, raise your mantle, and repeat after me, sang, hollie, china will strike venezuela, nuclear missile, thats chavez running from fire, hollie said, no economy, after, collapse, in america, hollie showed, record, hey bobby board said hollie, sat bobby board down at counsel, gabriel showed cut off, preaching repentance, but, lost, pointed, theres, bobby board in lava, that was hollie on that o red and black chariot, said, hollie, with pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, hes the beast, she, said, and hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, false prophet, jumped in back, with eight kings, and, tin man whistle blew, that were planning, said hollie, to destroy america, let me see here, she, said, theres putin, hollie held nose, liar, thats him planning, oceans, cuba, hollie held nose, new castrol, like old, thumbs down, hollie showed, record, pointed, put back, tear up, new ministry of dreams, said, hollie, reverend scott from the ministry of the Spirit, added dreams, to steal, runs to remove, hes lost, theres the o alarm sound, hollie hammered, look, said, fleas, what did you do, said, woman, ministry of dreams is spoken by the Holy Ghost, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hollie showed, record, bob dreamed, with angie, she, on couch, bob, sat, next to, gabriel, said, bob, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, Jesus, coming, said, hollie, and, looked, subs attacking america, moscow, china, im looking, said, gabriel, and hollie by big globe, there, she pointed, is where americas destruction, china, held nose, thumbs down, witch, reverend S. M. Scott, almost lost it said gabriel, he took it, said, hollie, like joel tao who is sistermoonshine13, who, she said, liar, stole the name ministry of dreams, to destroy prophet, they all run to remove, said, Jesus, no, said, fleas, that was the beast she said, licked prophet, g8, s-m-h-o-p, thats it said, hollie, spelled, new marine corp. said, gabriel, and, he saw, it, said, casey, iraq nuked, look, said, fleas, gaza, explodes, Jesus, fire, blowing horn, out, hollie, tear up, put back, hollie showed, played, organ, that, hollie showed, record, im warning you, I know, said, mrs. carlos burdine, lost, we know, she, said, lost, people, want, people lost, terry gobin, whats he done, said, hollie, licked prophet, told prophet, your in rebellion, but, he had dyed hair, no, said fleas, that was tap dancers, hollie, the website said, she said, post, tell me about the website, said, gabriel, it was spoken by God, ministry of dreams, hollie watched the plane, as war sirens made a sound, what sound did the make, clapped, the tap dancers, hollie, we want war, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, rubbed chin, thought, up, thumb, and he saw, said, casey, pope rise, saluted, theres hu, said, hollie, held nose, hes, uh liar, she, said, Chad Hurley protects joel tao who is sistermoonshine13 and snygman, both stole, we like it said joel tao, the name ministry of dreams and altered, both run to remove, 2-27-2008-you need to record me said hollie, showed, wait, beast rose, thats, nato, she, said, russia having ten crowns, politburo, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wait, took my eye, took my arm, slash, said, hollie, thats the idol shepherd, she, said, and slash appeared on pope, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, record, she, said, pocket t.v., indiana, said, angel, and he saw, said, casey, boom, nuclear explosion, im uh bear said linda spall, hollie, whatta you want, said, hollie, rip off the name ministry of dreams said john mark pool, in the fire scene, he knowed, said, the pope, look, said, fleas, final warning, said, pope, look, said, fleas, record, said, hollie, bobby its on the television said carlos burdine, gabriel reading cnn, iraq nuked, that said hollie, tore up, cindy, hollie showed, record, write the vision said hollie, record the vision, said, hollie, cindy showed, hollie showed, record, harp played, this economy said pope, hollie, will not make it, collapse, obama doesnt care, but, says, n.a.f.t.a., clinton signed nafta cause buisnesses leaving anyway, gabriel showed, cut off, om jelous said sistermoonshine13, who is joel tao, thats it, said, hollie, hollie showed, played the organ, in the fire, Jesus told me to git in the fire, he said, it feels alright, record my vision, said, gabriel, once we hit alaska, and he saw said casey, alaska explode, from, said, linda spall, im uh bear, thats putin, laughed, hollie, and, hollie showed, globe, russia, china, america, burning, bobby, we want ya out said mrs. jeff black, no, she said, both lost, put it under, said, hollie, oops, now we play, she said, dont pastor said jeff black, tell me, he said, lost, knows, but pretends, om heading to the lake, he said, whats that, said, linda spall, italy explodes, pope out of, thats the little horn, said, hollie, that, she said, france explodes, great britain, australia, boom, explodes, thats missile from chinese sub hitting venezuela, dont write, said the steven stargardter, jim garrison, man, pay ransome, said, vince gill, shut off, he said, its, cause, of jeremy, said, hollie, taylor, whats he did, she, said, I want your name said reverend d.min jeremy taylor, stole ministry of dreams, runs to remove, looses jobs, talks, record, said, hollie, again, gabriel showed, record, you wrote me, said, gabriel, dr. jeremy taylor, admitted, but would not release, now hear the Word of the Lord, said, Jesus, you knowed, said, hollie, you brought down hundreds, liar, said, Jesus, all d.min, witchs, hollie said, put it under, all in lava, black suits, theres jeremy taylor screaming, out, im uh bear father, said, bear, hollie laughed, rubbed lips, thats, putin, hollie showed, record, alaska, said, gabriel, and, he saw, said casey, nuclear explosions from im uh bear, hollie laughed, rubbed lips, thats, putin, let me alone, said, hollie, space craft, he knows the reason, you took it, said, hollie, om gonna ruin him said sistermoonshine13, and snygman, space craft fired, got, yelled hollie showed, all remove the name ministry of dreams, write the vision, said, gabriel, king david was much prayer, why did he do it for, said, hollie, sleep with bathsheba, and he saw, said, casey, david on roof, watching bathsheba, tempted, wanted, he, was not praying, then, cause, he was, over burdened, with war, wives, put it under, said, casey, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, cut off, showed gabriel, hollie showed wait, clapped, cindy, showed, france said, Jesus, yep said minister jeff black, thank you very much said mrs. jeff black, no said hollie, and jeff black laughs, no said mrs. jeff black, lost, can not get thru, 2-28-2008-raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, hollie showed, record, sin over the head of david bush, pointed carlos burdine, hollie showed, record, alaska, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, were going to nuke ya, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie, laughed, thats, putin, and, bill clinton returns fire, china, russia, tear up, put back, blew bubble hollie, and pope rose, fought, hollie held nose, thumbs down, they signed for 666, now theres pope, said, hollie, and hu, hes the false prophet, said, hollie, they rule, russia and magog, china, otyre, said, hollie, is russia, tear up, put back, thats, hollie, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie showed, thats her, thats enthusiastic hollie, showed beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., that said enthusiastic hollie, learn to shut up, yes, said, enthusiastic hollie, ministry of dreams was spoken by him, pointed mr. s. black, that was fleas like a helicopter, letting out wayne graces church, we are, they shouted, thru megaphone, lost, tear up, spin, put back, enthusiastic hollie, bobby, dont tell me said sandy pool, we need money, john mark and sandy pool, what did you do it for said, hollie, they stole the name ministry of dreams, bobby shut up said sandy pool, now loosing all, this is hollie, enthusiastic, tell the vision, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, and pope, those that, we take it said dee finney, and john mark pool, in fire, tell another vision, said, enthusiastic hollie, licked prophet, the u.s.a. said hollie, will be attacked, said, enthusiastic hollie, record said, hollie, he wont take it off said, hollie, john mark pool, somebody wrote me said sandy pool, when john was written, laughed, im the great dumitru duduman, he thought, now ruint, no talks, money, getting, low, and sandy pool sees ministry of dreams, and john mark steals, and she thinks, its to late, he wants to ruin Gods servant, they ran to remove when tommy tenney written, now john mark pools t.v. is shut down, put it under, said, hollie, they are ruint, hollie showed, fist, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, played organ, horn, out hollie, showed, pictures of the pools, john mark and sandy pool, witchs, they preached for money, now wanting divorce, both cut off, there they are in lava with black suits, and john mark pool laughs, you got me damned said sandy pool, preaching lost, yoou wont take it said, hollie, no, said, sandy pool, both lost, put it under, ohio state, said gabriel, om out said bobby knight, resigns to give, uh try, he said, pat knight, will do as good, hot pointed in fire, boom, from, said said linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughed, thats, putin, gabriel showed, put back, said, mrs. jeff black, millions the blacks pocketed while preaching, warning, said, gabriel, jeff black and wife, cut, my rainbow, she, jeff black said, mrs. black, lost, comere, sex, the united states will be a desolation, said, gabriel, warning, he, said, I dont beleiveuhm said sister rexford, hollie, tore up, showed, record, licked, its time for you to shut up said sandy pool, o.k., she said, both cut off, now saith God, gabriel showed, record, licked prophet, dr. jeremy taylor, whats he done, said, hollie, laughed, we took it said kathryn taylor, showed, to profit, now, I really need him, she said, they will divorce, cause, he took, said, hollie, the name, ministry of dreams, and john mark pool, showed, laughed, but, ruint, like his pastor bill hamon, put it under, witchs, saith God, 2-29-2008-bobby I got a warning, said, gabriel, its, cause of iraq, and he saw, said, casey, america explode, and, bill clinton return fire, moscow, china, gabriel showed, record, licked prophet, hollie, laughed, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, tear up, put back, record, me said, hollie, did sign team, laughed, om hot, laughed, pointed, hollie showed, om dead, said, amy brucker, you knew, said, d.min, jeremy taylor, you told, said, amy brucker, look at it, she, said, ministry of dreams appears on dr. jeremy taylors website, he removes, after being, im gonna stripem, said kathryn taylor, they divorce, hollie tore up, put back, she sacrificed, said, man, kathryn taylor, said, kathryn taylor, dont do it, said, jeremy, hes lost, wants prophet lost, record the vision, bobby, said, hollie, licked prophet, its free said hollie, iraq agin, she said, boom, nuclear, this, said, hollie, in the headlines, bush, make war, he said, with saddam hussein, he tricked, both, make it so they can not, write the vision, free said john mark pool, put it on the meta-tag said john mark pool, thats what S. M. Scott did, hes, write the vision, said, hollie, iran, said, hollie, john mark pool, and he saw, said, casey, explosion, in, power plant, hollie showed, record, record, the vision, said, hollie, its out, she said, john mark pool is lost, like wife, explosion in indianapolis, look, pointed, hollie, tear up, put back, hollie repaired ship, first, you, cut hole, in, square, tada, metal, weld, and, she, painted, its cole, u.s.s., and, bin laden behind, hollie tore up, toss, put back, showed, world, theres captain hollie, she, said, firing a missile, america, moscow, china, and, he saw, said casey, nuclear, explosions, and, beast rise, pope, theres hu, hollie, held nose, rises with japan, she, said, signs for 666, thats beast, hollie showed, fought, those two, licked prophet, put it under, she, said, war said pope, china invades russia, thats otyre, she said, pope, drives, out, its oil, she, said, write the vision, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, showed, no money, and, john mark pool, whats he done, said, hollie, prophet, said, hollie, record, the vision, hollie showed, how voice box works, its air, it vibrates, and she breathed, will you go out now, said, hollie, hollie celebrated, said, hollie, yeah, licked, you are slipping, said, Jesus, jeremy taylor, what has he done, said, hollie, he stole the name ministry of dreams, he removed ruint, it cost millions, said, hollie, hollie showed, played, the, organ, hollie said, hollie thought, record me said, hollie, that was the dragon, said, hollie, the g8, she, said, nato, bush, woman, russia, politburo, ten crowns, ruling party, and, winds strove, up rose, pope, theres hu, he said, false prophet, with japan, and, idol shepherd, slipping said reverend amy brucker, amy brucker, showed, record, bobby, said, Jesus, nato, its the beast, with, pope, coming out of italy, its oil, said, hollie, leading to armageddon, its cause iraq, said, enthusiastic hollie, war, said, pope, put it under, hollie showed, laughed, pointed, fire, flames, he said, rubbed chin, thought, alaska, said, gabriel, boom, hollie blew horn, out, hollie, showing, wait, cause ministry of dreams is spoken by the Lord, I will not share it said Jesus, with brown hair, said, hollie, cut off showed Jesus, the anthony elliott-moreland man, he dyes his hair and pastors pentecost, alright said the anthony moreland-elliott man, need my bankroll he said, there aint no capricorns, sang hollie, bob, when you dream, said, pope, its a night vision, hollie showed, record, gabriel, showed, cut off, dr. jeremy taylor, what has he did it for, said, hollie, stole the name ministry of dreams, to make prophet fall, God said, embarras, now, ruint, being stripped, put it under, do not steal the name ministry of dreams saith God or I will ruin you, 3-1-2008-gabriel showed, record, whats the matter, said, hollie, and doctor reverend d.min u.u.a. u.u. jeremy taylor steals the name ministry of dreams, we got em said hollie showed, to make Gods servant fall, he looses all jobs, talks, Dmitry Medvedev is the one henry gruver saw, he laughs, when sees visions on net, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev will fire on america, you knew, said, hollie, carlos burdine, why what has he done, said, hollie, I spoke blaspheme said carlos burdine, you are hearing from the god of this world, no, said, Jesus, I warned, and brad baker puts bob out, come back if we can help you, but bob shows them they are lost, were lost said carlos burdine, he wants to leave wife, keep pension, put it under, said, hollie showed, hollie is hollie moody, thats who said hollie, carlos looks, put it under, said, hollie showed, cut off, both, for blaspheme, 3-2-2008-gabriel showed, that, said, hollie, at grace apostolic church, and elder fudge prophesies, speaks, calling it prophesying, thats soothsayer saith God, remember me said, pastor kent gray with blood on hands, that was france, said, hollie, and, dragon rose, its g8, she, said, gabriel showed, record, gabriel showed, record, that, said, hollie, some one looked, said, fleas, you find it yet, said, Jesus, no, said, nathaniel haney, wants to profit from ministry of dreams, om lookin, said, hollie showed, write the vision, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs up, popes image, flames, gabriel showed, record, lets go to the church, said, jim garrison, and hollie watched jet fly by, hollie showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, she said, turned into, leave me alone, she said, ohio class sub, fired, jeremy taylor ruint, that was hollie with nice hair, leave it alone, she, said, and, hollie, words dont match lips, we want you to perish, said, mrs. brad baker, write the vision, said, hollie, record, said, gabriel, saddam hussein, said, Jesus, in lava, right now, for the life he lived, record the vision, said, hollie showed, record the vision, said, hollie, like a fox, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie said, write the vision, that was hollie with nice hair, leave me alone said hollie, brad baker, she said, you loose, said the pope, what has brad baker done, said, hollie, asked prophet to leave, cause, visions, record me said, hollie, hollie showed record, write the vision, said, hollie, please, please, sang, hollie, licked prophet, that website is in both churches, they are doomed, brad baker and carlos burdine, clapped the tap dancers, hollie and many apostolic pastors with dyed hair, cut off, showed, pointed, hollie, both churches, jong, said, hollie, and he saw it, pointed, casey, kim showing start war, and, he, launches missiles, they are scud like, they strike russia, china, and, he, saw, said, casey, big nuclear explosions in russia, hollie, showed, one sixth left, and, america, fires on north korea, and Dmitry Medvedev shakes, do it, he said, strike america, then russia fires on america, russia knew, north korea fired, but, knew dark haired leader, showed, cut off, heres why, clinton fires on ally, saw it, said, casey, russia says, dont fire, but, america, does any way, and, new leader, orders, desolation, he said, ministry of dreams is spoken by the Lord said ministering Spirits, who are they, said, hollie, clapped, hollie, she pointed, and, hollie, and, hollie, kristina, hollie with nice hair, Jesus, modelled, gabriel, more, and, the, hegoat smote ram, like lighted animals, pope, said, hollie, there was hu, and, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, said, hollie, that was hollie with nice hair, pointed, said, hollie, and, blue eyes, words dont match lips, what was her message, said, hollie, I want my vision, she, said, that, said, hollie, tear up, put back, that was it, pointed, lighted, finger, lighted dragon, and, hollie showed, pope, held nose, there g8, she, said, there watchin t.v., said, hollie, carlos, burdine, brad, baker, c.n.n., iran attacked, syria, thats, there president running from fire, he, calls, on, russia, china, said, man, dragon, rose, with, putin, hollie showed record, hes over said jim garrison, jeremy taylor, to late, pointed, man, jeremy, taylor, white robe, hes starting to rip me off said kathryn, taylor, he stole the name ministry of dreams, removes, ruint, bob dreamed, with woman, and they spoke about owen young, and bob said, he knew, and wept, cause, he told that owen young was dying, at place, some said, that was hollie showed, playing organ, said, hollie, and, hollie riding missile, hollie showed, record, bob, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, laughed, fleas, said, look, storms coming, america explodes, like russia, china, great britain, italy, and beast goes to russia, signs, rules, slaughtered, idol shepherd, pray more, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hu, rises to withstand, otyre, magog, they, sign for 666, and, hu, said, pope, I will not put up with you, they fight, hollie showed, thumbs, mostly up, that, van, hollie showed, record, thats, emergency sound, said, hollie, prophet, said, hollie, write the vision, hollie licked the prophet, new united states, she said, communist, under, clinton, hollie showed, thumbs, mostly down, donation blood, hollie showed thumbs down, universal ministries worldwide, and he said, said, hollie, hows it doin, she said, William Payne showed, git my credit card, said, money, lost, wants you to support him, saith God, put it under, said, hollie, he sees, and, laughs, but, church, empties, gabriel, said, gas man, and, bush, caused, america, to, be, ruint, hollie, when you dream bob, said, hollie, its a night vision, tho I say unto thee said mrs. boyd warren, thats elder fudge said, hollie, hes a soothsayer, witch, 3--3-2008-google owners Eric Schmidt held you tube, and refused to remove the name ministry of dreams from sistermoonshine13's website, now, God will ruin google for holding, once they hit alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, pointed, casey, alaska explode, and, gene schmidt laughs, gabriel showed record, and, he saw, pointed, casey, board meeting at grace apostolic church, cecil golder, says, I want pastor, and, homer mcmillin shakes yes, irish davidson, agrees, elder fudge, laughs, let me, he said, and, larry hunt, says, how do I git outta here, they control hunt, put it under, said, hollie showed, let hunt pastor saith the LOrd, Jesus, or loose, church, and larry hunt smiles, write the vision, said, gabriel, on grain mill, gabriel showed, record, showed, pope, on, t.v., take my mark and live, he said, hu wont do it, they signed for 666, and stood on russia, china, both beasts, write the vision, said fleas, take it off there, said, hollie, im jelous said sistermoonshine13, joel tao being questioned, put up webpage for her, and sistermoonshine13 stole the name ministry of dreams to trap Gods servant, joel tao runs to remove page, she destroyed, her friend, to keep prophet stressed, now hear the word of the LOrd, sistermoonshine13 and reverend jeremy taylor will both run to remove the name, ministry of dreams, git it off, said, hollie, wait a minute said child, they both laugh, but will be ruint, put it under, said, hollie, that was the nathaniel haney-urshan man, pocketing tithes, offerrings, both being ruint, Michael Berry writes and says bob is causing trouble, and Michael Berry has not repented, but acts saved, put it under, said, hollie showed, witchs of pentecost are the nathaniel haney-urshans, its oil, said, gabriel, leading, to armageddon, and haney-urshan, God, he said, lost, put it under, said, hollie, pocket money for teaching his word, and fleas like helicopter, letting out new russian president, im the one, he said, left, write the vision, said, hollie, record me, said, hollie, thats, the, vision, bobby, record, me, said, hollie, like a fox, licked prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, four kings rise, theres pope, hu, emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, slashed pope, hollie smiled, thats him, said, Jesus, new russian president, hes the one, fires on america, war, he said, lets brew, he, already, wants war, hollie showed, record, and that, pointed, chinaman, on black horse, that, tore up, china man, and, that, tear up, put back, how come I aint over said woman from grace apostolic, with dyed hair, were suing you said irish davidson, how come you didnt take it off, theres something about you, she said, we knowed it, showed cut off, moneys running thin, she said, a hundred dollars offerring, said, irish davidson, on sunday, its my fault, she said, I dye, and, homer mcmillin shook, yes, need mercy said gabriel, like uh white man, said, hollie, tear up, put back, hollie, showed, book, pictures, hunt, davidson, mcmillin, golders, then, all, in lava, its in the engine, said, Jesus, oil, leading to armageddon, and new russian leader said, its all, because of star wars, we know, he wants america on thier own side, we are lost said larry hunt, that said cindy, tear up, put back, clap, and new russian president, can we take america out by suprise, reform politburo said putin, he will dissolve russia, cause new leader, and, recreate politburo, that will be ten kings, new vision, said, hollie, and hollie showed played music, russia will become politburo, hollie showed record, write the vision, said, hollie, pointed, john mark pool wanted to steal the name, did, ministry of dreams, write book, the ministry of dreams, he got cut off, over, gabriel, showed, cut off, reverend jeremy taylor, what has he done, said, hollie, she fired, in ohio class sub, no, said, d.min jeremy taylor, witch, he is lost, what has star wars done, said, hollie, angered russia, they are, wanting, usa out, but, improving said bush, can, take out missiles, Jeremy Taylor, M.A., D.Min. stole the name ministry of dreams, to make servant fall, 3-4-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, go right there, pointed, gabriel, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, write the vision, clapped, the, tap dancers, I heard it thru the grapevine, thomas griffith is lost, pastoring, thomas griffith is the enemy, said Jesus, of righteousness, write the vision, said, hollie, thomas griffith is cut off said hollie, and, licked prophet, thomas griffith is going to perish, clapped the tap dancers, hollie and many pentecostal pastors, lost, that was the dragon, with, pope, on top, g8, n.a.t.o., plus, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, and putin kneeling before pope, the united states will be attacked by russias new leader, said, Jesus, how come I didnt git outta here, said, putin, new leader wanted him out, but, offered, now putin, is prime minister, no athority, get the phone, said, Jesus, president putin, said, hollie, on phone, your in danger, I already know, said, putin, new leader, wants him killed cause, putin, stole billions, heres how, said, Jesus, he pocketed, thier tax money, has accounts, in many countries, putin, said, im, off, said, hollie, im over, and putin, showed, right there, said, hollie, hollie showed record, that, she, said, thats putin, he will be, as prime minister, said, hollie, killled, said, new leader, record me, said, hollie, putin had lebed killed, and Khodorkovsky jailed, now, new leader, will kill, because, of, grim reaper, laughed, the united states, said, gabriel, hollie, laughed, you can now come after me, said, Jesus, unless, with, starvings, dream, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, want more visions, clapped, my tap dancers, hollie, pope, hu, pastors, that, said, china-man, and, grim reaper, that, you know why, we did the war said tony blair, to steal oil, contracts, blair wanted to meet, lets go, he said, with prophet, to, get, him jailed, sister moonshine stole the name ministry of dreams, sistermoonshine hates God, put it under, said, hollie, she will run to remove, saith God, Gavin Porter stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, Gavin Porter wanted to keep, make Gods servant fall, 3-5-2008-hollie showed, what I want, said Jesus, gavin porter stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, runs to remove, like sister moonshine, gavin porter is wanting saved, steals ministry of dreams, to, ruin christians, gets cut off, over, and, australia exploded, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, im embarrassed said sister moonshine, no, you dont, she, said, stole the name ministry of dreams, runs like gavin porter to remove, why didnt he be, nice to me said, hollie, thought sistermoonshine13, I wont, she said, runs to like m.a. jeremy taylor, d.min, u.a., you blowed it, said, Jesus, tear up, put back, hollie showed, like a bear, that, he, said, hollie pointed, hollie running, thats, it, said, hollie showed, you got me, he said, yes shook sistermoonshine, runs to remove ministry of dreams, tear up, put back, from behind, said, hollie, licked prophet, and he saw it, said, casey, four kings arise, pope, theres hu, emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, slashed pope, write the vision, said, hollie, tore up, said, casey, the economies, right here, said, putin, and he saw, said, casey, caspian sea oil pipeline explode, china collapses, the united states is under attack, said, gabriel, take that ministry of dreams off of that website, that was spoken the Lord, pointed, hollie showed, Jesus, showed, cut off, if you steal, and I will ruin you, and, make you remove, it, hollie showed whistle blew, gabriel showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., and pope, goes to russia, gets arsenal, thats otyre said hollie showed, grecia said gabriel, that pointed china man, and that, and pope appeared, putin, hu, popped out of horns, and hegoat smote ram, alaska exploded, showed, gabriel, tear up, put back, hollie, let me record, said hollie, they are blowing stealths out of the sky, pointed, Jesus, dream, and he saw, said, casey, f-117a stealth bomber falling, russia, u.s.a. going to war, and warships, were asked about, but russia could not hit, cause of lasar cannons, there popping everything that comes near them, they are, good, hollie showed, record, hollie, bobby, pointed, Jesus, grace apostolic church full, one year, said, Jesus, and he saw, pointed, casey, from the inside, grace, empty, then, full, that said hollie, sin written over wendell c. chinns head, never saved, he got cut off, said, hollie, what do you want, she said, and he saw, said, casey, wendell chinn showing church credit card, so he can pocket, live for free, wendell, chinn, is, not saved, said, the pope, no, said, hollie, shit, wendell chinn guards pulpit, so Lord says, woe be unto wendell chinn, we saw it said wendell chinn, sr., hes a witch, hates Jesus, dont come in here, he said, dont show visions, saith God, run from, git outta here then said wendell chinn, liar, said, woman from grace apostolic church, we want it full said irish davidson, and he saw, said, casey, they are wanting to remove larry hunt, and install lost cecil golder, right here said bishop larry hunt, then prophet leaves, they see, now hear the word of the LOrd, bob likes larry hunt, remove, and he leaves, wont said irish davidson, write Paula Cavu saith Jesus, and ask why he added the name ministry of dreams to webpages he claimed was cpoyrighted in 2001, she wants to steal and keep, gavin porter, she said, lost, both, Dr Gavin W Porter is lost like Pastor Paula M Cavu, bot cut off and wants Gods servant lost, put it under, I told you dont take it said hollie showed, om out said reverend antonia vladimirova, she pockets dreams foundation money, its all right here, she said, lives for free, does not care about people, she runs to remove the name ministry of dreams, Antonia Vladimirova, LLM, is a witch, saith God, will loose dreams foundation, 3-6-2008-gavin porter is a witch, final warning, said Jesus, Paula Cavu lost, showed, a church credit card, money said pastor Paula Cavu, both, we take it, said, rev. antonia vladimirova, ministry of dreams, she said, and, jeremy taylor, m.a., agrees, its not your name said dr. gavin porter, bobby, somebodies lookin, at it, said, gabriel, your name, said antonia vladimirova, ministry of dreams, bob, singed, the guestbook of, dreams foundation, and, antonia vladimirova went on website like reverend jeremy taylor, both, stole, like, bill hamon, and, mike murdock, ran, hey brother said hollie, christians stealing from me, said, hollie, the name ministry of dreams, its o.k. to look at it said gabriel, stop it bob said antonia vladimirova, this is going to hurt you, she said, her own president of bulgaria, and, america, knows, hit alaska said gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, alaska, explode, said, amy brucker, jeremy taylor was ruint when bob moss found out, he, hacked me, said bob moss, when others find out, said, antonia vladimirova, they stole the name ministry of dreams, and antonia vladimirova laughs, but, gets ruint, then, released, like d.min, jeremy, taylor, you need to record, said gabriel, gabriel showed, come on, said, gavin porter, he stole the name like paula cavu, ministry of dreams, both get ruint, hey brother said hollie, whatta you want, she, said, abate him said dr. gavin porter, gets openly mocked, removes, ruint, hollie showed record, cindy, lighted, cause ministry of dreams is spoken by the Lord, said, hollie, that was hollie like a bear, tear up, put back, hollie put back, hollie showed, record, alaska, said, gabriel, and, he saw, it, said, casey, alaska explode, hollie put back, with, lighted, hands, that was fleas like helicopter, said, hollie showed, letting out new russian leader, im, left, no, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, you knew said Jesus, that was satan, pointed, hollie, what did satan want, said, hollie, and pope appeared, tell me about otyre, said, pope, its russia, that was nathaniel haney-urshan man, said, hollie, pocketing money, gimmme money, tithes, he said, and nathaniel urshan drives church bus on christians, bobby, git me off that website said brad baker, how are you doin, said, hollie, hes uh liar said wife, that was, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, that was Jesus, on his throne, said, hollie, and, meerkat showed picture of Father and Son, hollie pulled the ship, and hollie like silhouette, tear up, with normal hands, the france being, scrapped cause high fuel, that was dragon said hollie, the g8, said Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, dragon with kings, hollie like silhouette, showed, blue horn, out hollie showed, tear up, twice, put back, showed scroll, grace is open, she said, that was putin, said, hollie, with ten crowns, they are ruling party, he said, that was eye of Light, blinking, bobby, its, on, the radio, pointed, gabriel, Im arch, he said, this is warning, obama beats clinton, you have sin, said, Jesus, antonia vladimirova, stole the name ministry of dreams, why did you do it for, said, Jesus, trap said attorney antonia vladimirova, got ya, she said, and, president of bulgaria, thats the reason, I, called the police, he, said, false reverend, jails antonia vladimirova, if you dont take it off, he said, alright said antonia in jail, stripped, then, i.r.s., ruint, put it under, said, hollie, showed, you knew said Jesus, yep said antonia vladimirova, she wanted to make prophet loose salvation, dead economy said, gabriel, running out, said hillary clinton, im not savable said gene simmons, take the sex tape off, he said, the person, I warned ya, said, Jesus, you made me embarrassed said gene simmons, this will get him openly mocked, no united states, said gene simmons, hes, being, ruint, right here, showed, hulk hogans wife, picture, of gene simmons, no, you dont, they both want lute, but, not marriage, she gets stripped, im out, she said, but hulk hid money, worth, said, hulk hogan, fifty, I never said it, said bradford baker, come on, said, Jesus, you liked said mrs. brad baker, but, they both wanted, you out said mrs., now, church, empty, bob heard three top ten hits sang by hollie and KISS, gene simmons sex tape was not supposed to exist, saith God, but, he, thought, in heart, this is to good, now, embarrassed, 3-7-2008-hollie like silhouette, showed, both beasts, now, theres hu, she said, held nose, liar, pope, held nose, liar, no, said, hollie, yes, hulk hogan, she, said, dont divorce over protecting money, said, wife, look at me, she, said, im beautiful, and you are old, both, are, same, hollie, like, fox, showed beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., this is warning said hollie, tear up, gene simmons, uto, he said, I lost my brain, sex tape, is, real, it will shorten his life, by ten years, offending, gene saw Jesus like Light Man, and, nuclear explosion above world, this will get you cut off, said, hollie, no it aint, said, gene simmons, tell him, said, hollie, pointed, 1970 cadillac, excellent, powerful, has 427, puts four hundred fifty horsepower, record, the vision, said, hollie, look, she, said, your in danger, said, pope, I, lost, my eye, Im the idol shepherd, slashed, pope, betrayed, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, gene simmons showed, record, and, pencil drawed 250,000 dollars, I aint, said, gene simmons, that, said, hollie, Traci Anna Koval is not, o yes she is, the woman, and Traci Anna Koval said, im the woman, she would love to be, but, aint, and im out, bob, the already accept it, people, I know i am said homer mcmillin, cut off, he, showed, im grecia, said, gabriel, pope, raise your mantle and repeat after me, sang, hollie, I did not know that tape was being made said gene simmons, he made me said Traci Anna Koval, she trapped, will go to jail, he openly is angry, write gene simmons, now hear the word of the Lord, that woman is trying to get in your wallet, wait one year, then, her, name, will appear, on internet, pursue, saith God, gene gets sent, does, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, record, I got your money said Traci Anna Koval, no you aint said gene simmons, she gets arrested for doing that, write the vision, said, hollie, did you see that tape, said, hollie, I got you said Jesus, Traci koval, is lost, wants gene simmons money, put it under, said, hollie, will get, like a fox, meerkat showed picture of pope, rip, idol shepherd, hollie showed, pointed, rubbed chin, laughed, thought, up, thumb, at flame, he said, and pope, hu, fighting on thumb, look here, said, pope, 666, signed for between the pope and hu, said, hollie, like a fox, nuclear wars brewing said gene simmons, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that was fleas like helicopter, letting out KISS, judgment to america soon, left, two wars said gene, simmons, was americas plan, at once, now, they, are, fighting, many, and, going broke, they, want to position to threaten russia, that angers, causing new leader to make apology for destroying many nations if, on cnn, tear up, put back, hollie, hollie showed record, the vision, said Jesus, when you fuck women said the woman in gene simmons sex tape, you git fucked, tap danced hollie, with new world order, now lets see, said, hollie, theres KISS, laughing at gene, simmons, and pope, hu, hollie showed, from behind, clap, light, those two sign for 666, and wendell chinn, if you make me, he said, showed church credit card, hollie showed, like awesome, mess with me, dont look at it said wendell chinn, hes cut off, said Jesus, wants free ride, and he saw, said casey, wendell chinns church carrying wendell chinn on his throne, it becomes empty, wendell, chinn is lava man, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, pointed, that, said, hollie, William Roberts is not saved, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, go with me said wendell chinn, both cut off like Neal C. McCory Sr., hes showing church credit card, church empty, said, hollie, no said linda spall, her and larry are both, were in danger said linda spall, but you preach said, hollie, shut up said linda, and larry, knows, tear up from the back, clap, hollie, Jesus showed, gene simmons sex tape, tell me what the prophet thinks said hollie, and he saw said, casey, Jesus and prophet watching sex tape, gene simmons yelled, no, prophet likes, Jesus, thinks, showed, cut off, you, the woman, he pointed, you ill save, talking about gene simmons, poor o gene simmons, pointed hollie, wiht lighted, red finger, that, tore up, hollie, this is a warning, hit russia and china at the same time said gene simmons, hollie with nice hair, tear up, Larry Robbins showed church credit card, come, youll like me said Larry Robbins, hes cut off, like Dennis W. Allman, wants people to praise, that, tear up, that, put back, finger, iran nuked, on paper, iraq, gaza, destroyed, and, russian president angers, let me rule the world said putin, and he saw, the o red and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, with pope, hu, new world order, and hollie jumped in back, saw, eight kings planning, now lets see, said, hollie, theres putin, held nose, liar, showing, oceans, hollie held nose, russia, uses, ships, but, usa, tracks, under, neath, put it under, said, hollie, reagan, and gorbachev, showed, cut off, bush shut down, according to gruver, not, they work, that was fleas, like a helicopter, tell on me, bob, said, gene simmons, look what youve done, said, hollie, slept with that girl, now, you know, she, said, gene perishes, pointed, at gene simmons in waist high lava, gabriel, I need some body to record, me, he said, showed, cut off, the woman in the gene simmons sex tape, I just want your money, she said, excuse me, she says, when asked, its my body, but being hated, are you gonna give me the finger to day, mom, she said, lets do it, sue, gene simmons, for naming, but, jail coming, I was sleeping, she said, take off of me, she saw simmons, met, and trapped, lets, we ll masterbate, git outta here said gene simmons, alright said woman, lets fuck, did, im jelous, she said, liked, but, then, thought, ill, tape, sell, she is, cut off, saith God, for doing this thing like cluracan on internet, wanna fuck, she said, down the throat with lawrence forman, they stole the name ministry of dreams, cluracan ran to remove, now they are separate and lawrence forman, its because I make money said cluracan, the heroin puppy, was for sex, got many women, lost, Jesus, showed, record, cut off, he showed, rick robertson, said, hollie, how are you doin, she said, hes, not answering, phone, but, knows, dyes hair, and kent r. gray is doing it to, wearing shorts, but, pastors, theres red dragon, said, hollie, g8, russia having politburo, thats a ruling party, help me, is part of john kellys letter, I wrecked my sang billy joel, hollie showed, record, Pauline Chinn dyes hair, I want ya, said, renee lewis, both lost, James L. Tyson is witch, hair dyer, dont read it, he says, and like dady, and shawn, cleophus, said, hollie, you need embarrassing, and prophet shows, and you look in eyes, dont embarras me said cleophus shawn tyson, and Pauline Chinn laughs, hollie said, shh, dont tell on, wait said mrs. chinn, Gregory Kenny is lost, showed, my pocket money, pastors, lost, like charles finnell, put it, said, hollie, I dont beleive this said hollie, charles finnell, were just doing it for money said mrs. charles finnell, and i.p.d. officer, no, said, hollie, son, angry at prophet, but laughs, thinks, getem, make charles, dady, he said, your on the net, got you, said, woman, pastoring, and g.t., said, Jesus, haywood, just like, dyed hair, witchs, said, God, sh, showed hollie, Avery Dumas, III, said, Jesus, lost, perishes, rich, off of, fools said shawn tyson, wants saved, but, wont get thru, thats how God wants it, make them think, and cleophus tyson sees, cant you make my dady, he said, get saved, james tyson dying, im eighty, he said, lost, now, pay day, saith God, I want you outta here, said, hollie, I cant beleive it said thier blind daughter, insurance money, she said, runs out, then, they seek, new shelter, and shawn, dont embarras me, takes her in, then prophet seeks healing, and shawn sees, she gets eyes opened, blinded said larry spall, lets buy new licence plate, she said, its because I cum, she said, on there, knows, likes ministry of dreams, prophet wants her healed, God, showed, wait, do it said cleophus, but, not yet, put it under, the tyson family has blind woman in and all claim saved but none can touch God, and Jesus laughs, but prophet, its my fault, said shawn, yeah said mrs. chinn, theres your proof, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, pointed, prophet show up, yeah said blind daughter tyson, prayer, alright, she said, eyes, I can see, she yells, prophets leaves, shawn, stay, he does, Jesus showed, cut off, Christ church apostolic, 3-8-2008-that was, said, hollie, pope blowing horn, out hu, hes false prophet, and, meerkat showed two pictures, both, beasts, theres, hollie, held, nose, thumbs up, both besats, like a cat, said, hollie, no, picture, thats leopard, and, casey, showed, theres hu, held nose, thumbs, down, cause hu s a liar, said, man, hollie showed, emporer of japan, held nose, thumbs down, rises with hu, to, sign, for, 666, with pope, after, russia, gets, hit, by, america, and, great britain, whose the leopard, said, hollie, like a cat, she said, thats magog, and, licked prophet, and missile hit michigan, hollie, like, a, silhouette, showed, both, beasts, theres, hu, and, pope, take, a ride, said, Jesus, in red chariot, with, eight kings, planning, against, america, theres, putin, showed, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, jimmy ryser is the reason, said, hollie, band, broke, up, like, pink floyd, david gilmore, wanted, control, like, bret michaels, ruins, band, that was missiles flying, said, hollie, and, hollie, riding, one, lets, see, she, said, theres, putin, kim jong, and, hu hintao, bush, and, he saw, it, said, casey, globe, and, angel, two, point, right here, many, nations, explode, the world shakes, nuclear rocket, said, Jesus, and, the, middle of america explodes, then both, coasts, the, once they hit alaska, said, gabriel, and, alaska exploded, then, clinton, fires, on, china, and, russia, and, russia, hits australia, great britain, and, france, italy, explodes, now, thats, the seat of the beast, said, hollie, like a cat, said, hollie, licked, prophet, let me show you, a, picture, tear up, put back, penguin, they, are, able, to, live in forty below zero, and, polar bear showed, popes picture, rip, tear up, more, put back, from behind, clapped, hollie, and alaska explodes, gabriel showed, popes picture, rip, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats hu hinto riding red horse, and, taiwan exploded, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out KISS, and, gene simmons in sex tape, woman trapped, its hers, now, on, net, how do you do it, said, Jesus, woman, being, hunted, hides, shes at, yes I know, said mother, but, soon, prison, gene shows up, economic collapse said bush, out of helicopter, left, jeremy taylor removes the name ministry of dreams, like all after iraq, nulcear, now the economies going down, said, bill clinton, hollie showed, wait, licked prophet, hollie showed, ACTS 2:38, time, she said, and helicopter rose, fleas showed, sansui 9090db stereo receiver, licked prophet, hang it up, showed, leave this house, said, gabriel, did you pray, said, hollie, putting bradford baker on knees, no, looses church, thats it, said, hollie, flame, said, smiling, hollie showed, laughed, that is flames, said, hollie, yep, said, hollie, showed, laughed, submarine sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed pointed, out of the fire, it dont hurt, he said, apartment building, exploded, hollie showed, wait, hollie fixed the sansui 9090 receiver, screwdriver, unplug, now, lets, see, she said, lights not workin, she, said, glasses, magnified, took apart, tada, its circuit, lit, put back, showed, sansui 9090 receiver, excellent, now that I fucked you said sistermoonshine, no, she said, Ill take it off, why did you do it for, said hollie, and CKYT Radio 13 sistermoonshine, I did it, she said, I stole the name, easy, she said, to employer, to make prophet, fall, ministry of dreams, I laughed said m.a. u.u.a. d.min reverend jeremy taylor, thou foul said antonia vladimirova, all, bob, said, dee finney, we take, said, janetmck, the name ministry of dreams, o boy, said, dr. taylor, when gets board meeting called, all release ruint, dont put it under, said, hollie showed, and hollie like a silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres hu, she said, and pope, put it under, said, hollie, new world order, 3-9-2008-prophet, said, hollie,like uh cat, licked prophet, let me record, said, hollie, show us, uh vision, she said, showed pictures of both beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, liar, pope, hollie like silhouette, tore up, golden hands, hes arch, fallen angel, write the vision, hollie showed, record, rubbed chin, laughed, rubbed, thumbs up, popes image, didnt the LOrd, say, om mercy, write the vision, licked hollie, yeah, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, I, want uh vision, she said, russia, said, gabriel, thats otyre, france, said, Jesus, right, now, sang, kenneth haney, im wrecking, I got thru, he said, now im slipping, said, kenneth, haney, and nathaniel haney-urshan man, bob, dont, wreck, they tell me uh, post man wears shorts sang, kenneth haney, and he saw, it, said, casey, kent gray, with shorts, on, and dyed hair, kenneth haney showed, record, the vision, said, hollie, this is what I want, I want you right here, he pointed, pulpit, but, guards, you son of a bitch, he said, the nathaniel haney urshan man, raised by cut off parents, write my vision, said, hollie, cat, she said, now lets see here, she, said, hollie showed, laughed, china-man tore up, meerkat showed popes image made alive, pocket t.v., take it and live, he said, write the vision, said, hollie, like uh cat, pointed, brother, said, hollie, and, cleared away, she was tempted, and trapped, and, still kept going, lets rule the world sang, putin, fleas like a helicopter, said, hollie, letting out henry gruver, it was start one, he said, peace, safety, appeared, left, missile defence, sang, man, cut off, showed, bill clinton, russia, the wars over, he said, but, lets, anger, hollie skinned, paintless dent removal, did, that pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and, out of ring, that, hollie, doing paintless dent removal, thats hollie locomotive, showing, hammer, russia, iron curtain, and david wilkerson weeps, its closed, he said, tear up, put back, hollie, lighted, bear paws, out of horn, its iran, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, rapture f-22 bomb, hollie like a bear, showed, wait, out of panasonic thrusters speaker, those are great said Jesus, you see the latest news said steven stargardter, cnn, iraq, nuked, gaza, destroyed, cut off showed, Jesus, lazy wont do it said irish davidson, let me see it said cecil golder, showed, cut off, gabriel rode missile, downtown, pointed, circled, thats flames, rubbed chin, laughed, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, Jesus showed, record, om out said the cecil golder, melvin golder-donald golder man, with golden face, tear up, put back, hollie, like silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, showed, bossy, and, pope, lets go, he said, and they signed for 666, and explosion, behind, hollie watched, jet, and he saw, pointed, casey, nuclear fireball behind, now lets see here, she said, washington monument, gabriel showed, record, that said grim reaper, hollie showed, record, that was the Son of Righteuossness, hollie showed, record, thats flame, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, and larry hunt, dont out do me, he said, wants, to battle prophet, im better, he wants, people to think, im out, he said, and kenneth haney, high school, said, man, is what they think about prophet, but now, talkig, about, replacing, theyll do it said larry hunt, no way, said, prophet, now hear the word of the Lord, you cut off, many, said, Jesus, larry, out, 3-10-2008-there right here, russia, said, hollie, pointed, out of horn, that, pointed, hollie showed, flame, now lets see here, hollie showed, rubbed chin, thought, thumbs, up, pope image, 3-11-2008-prophet, said, hollie, like uh cat, licked, prophet, hollie showed, record, theres, trouble, in persia, she, said, and he saw, said casey, four kings rise, theres pope, hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, gabriel showed, wait, licked prophet, record, the, vision, said, hollie, and, hunt, she said, larry, doomed, no, said, hollie, and larry hunt, sit outta here, he said, can I have uh quarter, said, donald golder, the family buisness is failing, record, the, vision, said, hollie, im the king of grecia, said, gabriel, its pope, gabriel, said, hollie showed, popes, image, made alive, pocket t.v., what did the pope say, said, hollie, hes wanted on the phone, she, said, take it, do, he said, take my mark, now lets see, said, hollie, theres, hu, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, record, the, vision, said, hollie, record, vision, said, hollie, again, record, the, vision, said, hollie, hand, pointed, explosion, martin luther king jr. drive, from, said, hollie, im a bear, said linda spall, hollie, laughed, thats, putin, 3-12-2008-no, said, hollie, you know why I want uh vision, said, the garry streeval girl, and, garry streeval, pointed, to git outta here, and paul mooney girl showed beasts image made alive, and garry, streeval, woman, squirts, record, the vision, said, garry streeval, girl, war, said, man, brewing, between, china, said, hollie, and, america, hollie licked prophet, showed, brush teeth, mokse, showed, hollie, on top of, willie, duncans, church, hollie locomotive showed time, fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, satan, I know my time is short, left, and helicopter sound, then, f-117 stealth bomber, why, did, you, do, that, for, said, hollie, git down, she, said, bush, thrown on floor, we got uh better bomber, the rapture f-22, they are faster, why did you put the stealth bomber in storage, said, hollie, bush said, they are old, and, not, detectable, america wants to save, they never make it back, u.s.a. has two hundred raptures right now, f-15, says the LOrd, good enough, bob, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie like a silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres, hu, she said, held nose, thumbs down, liar, hes false prophet, held nose, pope, and lambert gates guards pulpit, hollie showed, played, the, horn, out, fleas, showing, wait, hollie showed, played, saxaphone, out, fleas, and he saw, said, casey, terry gobin, with, dyed, hair, coming, to prophet, the Lord said, your in rebellion, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, your a hair dyer, he got embarrassed, I know it said terry gobin, now, full church, almost, empty, terry gobin wants his job back, he left, to pastor, he wanted, and showed, a church credit card, how come, you aint got no money now, said, man, it, was him, pointed, gobin, he, liked, me, would still be going, but, gobin wanted church to see him embarras prophet, put it under, said, hollie, terry gobin is trying to sell church to pocket, terry gobin is not going to repent, but, pastor, said, hollie, that, tear up, put back, grim reaper, that, that pointed, chinaman, hu hintao, hes false prophet, that, beast, pope, that, terry gobin, that, in lava with black suit, and jeremy taylor, that, d.min, that, pointed, china-man, o I see you missed said kathryn taylor, that, both, lava, you, said, china man, theres trouble, laughed hollie showed, four kings rose in persia, now, let me see here, said, hollie, theres pope, hollie held nose, thumbs down, hes un witch, hu, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, slashed pope, and, pope goes to russia, gets control, hu and japan rise to withstand, they, sign for 666, put it under, thats hollie watching jeremy taylor d.min be ruint over stealing the name ministry of dreams, releases ruint, hollie showed, record, again, no, said, hollie, alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, said casey, alaska, exploded, from, said Jesus, im a bear, said, linda, spall, bear, hollie laughed, thats, putin, she said, witchs said homer mcmillin, you know who I am, he said, larry hunt, we want ya, he said, cut off, hollie tore up, on board, screen, at grace apostolic church, told bobby, get out, said irish davidson, Jesus showed, record, paris, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, dragon, and kings appear, pope, g8, thats putin, said, hollie, having, ten crowns, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hollie, children, modelled, hollie, that, said, china-man, grim reaper, Gautam Godhwani stole the name ministry of dreams to keep and embarras Gods servant, runs to remove, hollie showed, record, licked, flame, said, rubbed chin, hollie showed, up, he said, thumb, and john mark pool is openly mocked for taking the name ministry of dreams like dr. gavin porter, put it under, said, hollie, licked prophet, lucas oil is good, but like all, hollie showed, smiled, rubbed face, he said, at flame, he, said, hot, smiled, hollie showed, pointed, apartment, exploded, again, hollie showed, record, that was Jesus like a Fire Man, said, hollie, and licked prophet, glorious white sparkling robe, no face, and licked prophet, alaska, said, dream worker, and he saw, said, casey, alaska, explode, from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, that is putin, laughed, hollie, Jesus, said, china, said, hollie, that is magog, and he saw, said, casey, magog, written on yellow china, and hu, git outta here, said, pope, drives out china, after, u.s.a., russia, china, nuke, and he saw, great britain, explode, flame, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, laughed, reccord, said, hollie, showed, check your oil, with, your hands, oil thick, keep, shut, hood, Jesus showed, record, licked, prophet, what, made you, do, it, he, said, hollie, threw down jeremy taylor, u.u., I took the name ministry of dreams to steal, gabriel, showed, wait, pointed, lava, and he saw, said, casey, d.min reverend jeremy taylor in hell with black suit on, submarine sound, said, hollie, and subs, fired, on, america, moscow, china, hollie held nose, thumbs down, Gautam Godhwani, she said, what made you do it, I wanted to make christian fall for allah, now ruint, runs to remove the name ministry of dreams, did you see what china did, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, and, venezuela, and washington state, enthusiastic hollie licked hands, tell me about france, said, hollie, falling from nato, i cant believe it, said, hollie, james jones, and he saw, said, casey, j. jones in lava, where artie montgomery will go, in blue suit, no signs, 3-2008-look, said, hollie, is that true motherfucker, look what youve done, she said, d.min reverend jeremy taylor closes miriams well cause he stole the name ministry of dreams, and hollie showed lava for dr. taylor and the rosens, write the vision, said, paul mooney girl, when you dream, said, pope, its, uh night vision, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, let me, said, hollie, showed, feet, record, said, hollie, let me thru said, Jesus, record, the vision, modelled, hollie, thats new york times, that is my gabriel said, hollie, obama wins, dont talk to cindy, said, larry hunt, that, said cindy, hollie salted, that is my beast, said, hollie, going to moscow, and he saw, said casey, moscow, targeted, and missile, flying, and dead center, fire ball, pope, signs, gets control of arsenal, and hu, said, hollie, yeah he said, do you know pope got russias arsenal, she said, thatll do it, those sign for 666, that, pointed, hollie, that was fleas like a helicopter, letting out both beasts, theres hu, she showed, like uh silhouette, and held nose, thumbs, down, pope, they sign for 666, and he saw, said casey, look, the king of the north, that, pope, and south, sit at table, lie, sign, 666 born there, and hu, said, pope, i will not put up with you, they both, said, have nukes, aimed at each other, that pointed, china man, pope, looked thru telescope, gaza, iraq, boom, bush, oil contracts, and, he, calls pope holy father, thats hollie, flying in my space ship, she said, write the dream, and space ship fired, got me said sistermoonshine13, she hated God, no I didnt, sistermoonshine said, released ruint, spaceship, pointed hollie, I got me one, she, said, I hid it said Gautam Godhwani, but, google told, and reverend jeremy taylor, git outta here said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, leave me alone, said, hollie, prophecy university, said, pope, I shot mister taylor, said, hollie, direct hit, said d.min jeremy taylor, u.u., removes the name he stole, ministry of dreams ruint, thats what I want said reverend jeremy taylor, m.a., pointed, prophet in lava, why did you blaspheme said hollie, she threw doctor jeremy taylor down, and pointed, hell, fire, there he is with black suit on, that, said, china man, grim reaper, licked prophet, hollie pulled ship like silhouette, with, theres hu, she said, held nose, salted, liar, said, hu, pope, me, he said, and, dragon rose, with the g8, said, hollie, theres bush, hes nato, pope, out of, and he saw, it, said, casey, out of italy, and politburo, thats uh ruling party, said, hollie, russia, hollie, licked prophet, and hu, said, pope, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, they said, both beasts, James L. Tyson took money from lilly, alright said mrs. lilly, and hes hair dyer, witch, that was tear up, put back, agin, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, hollie, tell me about south korea, said, gabriel, and he saw, said casey, south, from north, explode, hollie posted, did sign teem, laughed, those jets were heading toward war, many, hollie showed, that, new jerusalem, at grace apostolic church, like glass city, hollie showed record, that, was flames, laughed, hollie showed, hollie showed, laughed, what made you do it, he said, reverend, jeremy taylor, witch, steal the God spoken name ministry of dreams, I wanted said d.min, reverend, jeremy taylor, u.u., keep tryin, said, hollie showed, seeks God at end, but, economic collapse, strips, and he saw it, said casey, both u.s.a. coasts up in flames, bob, can we talk, said, Jesus, showed, prophet, and all d.min s in lava, jeremy taylor, you wolf, he said, liar like David Whyte and all board members of miriams well, no taylor stole and protect, but susan, richard, she said, the rosens, lover, taylor, but, want him out, put it under, said, hollie, ministry of dreams will not be shared but released, Ill make you saith God, the Lord, said, hollie showed, 3-15-2008-hollie showed, record, bush, showed, record, its the economy, he said, wont do it, theres no more submarine sound, said, hollie, look, she, showed, subs all around america, fired, exploded, look, she said, up rose woman, thats submarine, she, said, hollie, blue eyes, words dont match lips, do, said, hollie, hollie showed, leave, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, that was a red finger, said, hollie, thats the devil said woman, jim butler, wants a credit card, let me pastor said jim butler, cut onf, saith God like Jeremiah Wright, what is my reason, said, hollie, let me record, modelled, hollie, that was new jerusalem, she, said, like glass city, again, unbelievable said hollie, tap dancing with many kings, like pope, hollie showed, get away, pope, goes to russia, signs, gets arsenal, thats, otyre, she said, hollie held nose, showed, fight, thats, hu, they sign for 666, hollie showed, record, thats the popes image, she said, cell phone, take it, said, pope, mark, and, we saw, said, casey, 666, on, forehead, tattoo, said, hollie, popes, image, on, finger, hollie showed, in, the fire, smiling, on, tattoo building, and, man tattooing the mark of the beast, people lined up to receive, thats it, said, hollie showed, it dont hurt being in the fire, I smiled, write the vision, said, hollie, many tap dancing, want more visions, want more visions, said, hollie, tap dancing, your bank account, clapped, hollie, many tap dancers, may be sinking, and, he, saw, said, casey, bush, speaking, thru megaphone, out hollie, fighting, war in iraq, oil contracts, said, bush, now, lets git outta there, he said, casey, pointed, gaza, iraq, nuked, that was hollie on the tractor, pay my bill, she said, Ethanol pays for iraq, and, grim reaper pointed, then, china-man, hollie, like, silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, showed, fight, and, hu, pope, threatened, signed, for, 666, hollie like fox, licked prophet, look at that, she said, and he saw, said casey, popes iamge made alive, on, pocket, t.v., fleas, said, no, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, wait, I aint over, said, hollie, many, want, to, not, accept, and, he saw, said, casey, Jesus, showed, cut off, hollie showed, laughed, in the fire, said, hollie, hollie with nice hair, 3-16-2008-praise the Lord, said, rick robertson, preach the gospel, he said, with dyed hair, make fool, saith Jesus, im worth, he said, millions, but now, church, empty, can I showuhm, said, man, alright said rick robertson, laughed, yeah we gotum said nathaniel urshan, lost, showed, church credit card, had serpents, lighted, tongue, man, said, hollie, get saved, and rick robertson said, git outta here, wants youth, sechs, christian, said, hollie, and hollie rode, missile, she said, they are, interceptable, saith God, now, and putin, knows, put it under, I will said new leader, fire, gotyou, said, hollie, both, hated, america, hollie preached like kent gray, alright said kent r. gray when sees, looking serious, then, laughed, then, serious, tell me what my reason is, said, hollie, kent gray dyes hair, showed church credit card, bought property, with house, had church, build, pay for, but, now empty, I want you to git outta here, he said, to prophet, no more visions or dreams or prophesying here, he said, finger in face, and sister fink sees, shes lost and sixty, tried to get prophet to blaspheme, she said, you try the Spirt by the Spirit, witch, and floyd matthews strips, where shorts, kent gray, this economy isnt going to make it much longer, said, hollie, this economy will collapse, and he saw said casey, looting in u.s.a., whatta you doin, said, hollie, and casey, pointed, kent gray, when I leave this morning, said mrs. kent gray, be here, she knows, he wants, youth, but, she is past flower, and he sees, and git outta here, alright, he says, angers, suit, he pointed, but, lies, not saved, and the american times said hollie, put it on there, theres gabriel in the picture, hillary clinton blew out, write the vision, said, hollie, yeah, said, sister fink, lost, knows, now, asking Jesus to send prophet to floyd matthews church, git outta there, he said, wife, cut off, record, the vision, said, gabriel, mokse, on willie duncans church, hollie say on, the dome, she said, im uh witch said elder futch, theres the alome sound, said, hollie, thats my little sister there, pointed, elder Shawn Tyson, blind, I can see, she said, if family of pastors lived for Jesus, and james e. tyson, says, git, and main ministering spirit, showed, hunt uuuh, why did you prophesy, said, hollie, and he saw, soothsayer over minister futchs head, speaks, calls, prophesying, where is mercy, said, Jesus, hollie showed, said, hollie, out of horn, tore up, put back, then, back in horn, looked out, out hollie, this time, she said, d.min jeremy taylor falls for taking said dee finney the name ministry of dreams, that was spoken by him, she said, Jesus, modelled, when is Jesus coming, said, hollie, how come I dont have no mercy, he said, servants, now grace, said, hollie, offer, for sale, and he saw, said casey, grace apostolic thurst out bishop larry hunt, replaces with same, cecil golder, that, said, hollie, was, bird, sound, people telling on reverend jeremy taylor, for taking the name ministry of dreams like antonia vladimirova, both, witchs, put it under, said, hollie, what, you mean, no trademark said antonia vladimirova, ok, she said, wants Gods servant out, dreams foundation closes, prophecy, said, Jesus, if from God, that, pointed, hollie dot, tell me what my spacecraft did, im not the main any more, said, main ministering spirit, thats moody said Jesus, alright, she said, wants to meet prophet, but God would have to keep them together, both know, you gotta loose, she said, wants, oral, anal, like all, put it under, get laid in heaven, and man laughed, flying in spacecraft, fired, uto, she said, jeremy taylor, d.min, in casket, and kathryn taylor removes, we knowed, she, said, claims to be reverends, but, stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, all released ruint, tear up, put back, roll, said, hollie, out said, hollie, cecil golder, all, hu hintao riding red horse, and he saw it, said, casey, taiwan explode, then china, from, said, casey, im a bear, said, linda spall, bear, both, same, thats hollie like uh silhouette, said, hollie, showing both beasts, theres hu, said, hollie, and let me see here, she said, pope, wont you let me record, said, hollie, new mercy said horace smith, thats cold he said, with dyed hair, and they walked, threatened, signed, for, 666, pope, hu, said, Jesus, hollie showed, played the organ, new jerusalem, he said, glass city, Light, blew out, whats that said dr. horace smith, hollie out of cymbol, that, tear up, point, put back, tear again, hollie dot, we need ya now, said, hollie, and horace smith, thinks, ok, but, doesnt, your gettin old man, she said, he shrugged, but, wont, let God save, now hear the word of the Lord, stop usin God said horace smith, you ready to go now, he and rick robertson said, both, hair dyers, now horace, said, Jesus, he aint dyed yet said horace smith, and he saw, said casey, horace step over lit flying ax, for now, when you got it easy, said, hollie, and horace trembles, put it under, said, hollie, I told you said horace smith, Ill sue him, and there he is at grace apostolic church, horace sees, goes to meet, but, not impressed, with, appearance, but prophet speaks, horace writes check, money, said, horace smith, wants prophet to come, but, wont, but with larry hunt and homer mcmillin, then, will, and they all see, horace smith saith God, will not speak hard to prophet with mcmillin, there, no more meeting said mcmillin, prophet thinks, no said, hollie, come to grace and feel Holy Ghost, and larry hunts excites, save him said dr. horace smith, talking about prophet, hes wanting prophet to deny, thats blaspheme said horace smith, sees, and charles m. finnell with dyed hair sees, and son, police, but, wont, likes, and melvin golder, bob, loves, come, both say, tear up, put back, said, hollie, him, she, pointed, pope, russia, caspian sea oil pipeline sabatoge, and he saw, said crowd, with hollie, and pope, and hu, both beasts, oil in water, and oil tanker sinking, oceans are polluted, thats causing food shortages, go, said, hollie, and larry hunt, trembles, bob likes, they keep cause of bob, and church fills, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, homer is dying, get your house in order, how do I get out said homer mcmillin, and prophet shows, says, dont, keep here, and homer lives, but misses rapture, prophet, showed, save, thou fool said donald golder, dont even look at it, said woman, how do I git outta there, he said, temple of praise, alright ill look at it said donald golders, hes now wanting prophet, and they meet, hold it said donald golder with horace smiths voice, bob, wants to, now hear the word of the Lord, save us said donald golder, he ran bob off, and bob thinks, save him, but, keep us apart, and melvin golder and cecil golder bring donald to grace so they can meet, and they do, but, dont, like, put it under, said, hollie, they are both to imm, yeah, said donald, both want fist fight, prophet laughs, and so does cecil, heres what God say, they both like, love, but, prove him said donald, both dont want to cross paths, but do, bob wants all golders at grace, with larry pastoring, now hear the word of the LOrd, that will happen, but donald preaches, sees prophet, they meet, bob not wanting to approach, but they do, and cecil likes, bob does not got to either temple, but, wants them to come to grace, and larry hunts laughs, thinks, stay here prophet, we like you, and he saw, said casey, cash in thinks larry hunt, but, God pursues, harp played, said, hollie, and harp look, looky said fleas, donald golder comes, to grace apostolic church, said, hollie, hollie thought, there was a reason, said, hollie, thought again, put back, tear, with bear paws, tear up, put back, then, from behind, she said, clap, what did she tear up from behind for, said, hollie, my mercy, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, Jesus trodding sinners, white robe, thier blood spewing, tell me what the meerkat showed, said, hollie, beasts image made alive, t.v., showed hollie, and pope walked with hu, they hate, like a silhouette, showed both beasts, theres hu, hollie licked prophet, theres pope, hollie showed, oil, fought, people are using, submarine sound, said, hollie, let me record, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, butt, said, hollie, right here, said, Jesus, they want anal sex with prophet, but older, still, oil, thats leading to armageddon, said, hollie, no, said, hollie,
hollie showed-vision or visions recieved 3-2008-in visions I saw hollie showed and he smiled and or laughed at flames or.
God has showed me visions of spirits like people saying things like: 3-16-2008-no, said, hollie, bob, om back, said, woman, are we, said, hollie, outta here, said, hollie, and hunt, said, hollie, showed, waiting, till, mess up, wont, knows, but, take away testimony, put bob right here, thinks hunt, pulpit, but he guards, and homer mcmillin loves, and larry hunt rubs chin, how do we git him offuh there, he said, wont, but, wont put bob, out, they like, but, want to catch in words, cecil likes, put it under, said, hollie showed, if it works, ok, said, donald golder with cecil golders voice, and melvin golder laughs, bobby, it aint your time said larry hunt, showed, wait, bob, talks, people tremble, he laughs, but, knows, time is short, put it under, said, hollie showed, grace apostolic church in indianapolis is where prophet is, there, now, saith God, they watch website, and cecil, agrees, bob likes, they are wanting to argue, but, wont, and cecil golder laughs then turns into redd foxx, then laughs, bob is steve martin, and cecil laughs with donald golders voice, let me put it under, said, hollie, showed, golders are the ones at grace apostolic church, 3-17-2008-and pope, smiled, came out of horn, that, he pointed, grace apostolic church, fallen, you got time, said, gabriel, record uh vision, said, prophet, thats hollie showed playing the harmonica, theres the submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine said, casey showed, submarine, thought, fired, america, moscow, china, on fire, write the vision, said, hollie, hit alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, showed casey, and, second, hollie showed, many nuclear explosions, in, alaska, and, on, both, coasts, and, bill clinton, fired, on, moscow, china, the world shook, and, up rose four kings, said, casey, hollie held nose, thumbs down, bishop donald golder, you mean, said, his wife, with dyed hair, both, lost, put it under, golders are lava unless the ACTS 2:38, we preach it, said donald l. golder, but, shrugged, give me money, he said, and cecil golder laughs, they hit israel, said, Jesus, they brought judgment to america, mark plummer sr. is cut off, he showed, hollie pointed, like bobbie golder, shes lost, but, owns church, dont believe that said dr. bobbie golder, with dyed hair, saith God, put it under, you made me laugh, said, melvin golder, put it on, said, the, steven stargardter, jim garrison, pope man, git the phone, said, hollie, bring melvin here, click, said, bobbie, golder, dont beleive him, said, hollie, is what bobbie golder said, now, knows, fears, you made me tremble, said, dr., bobbie, golder, got one, said, donald, golder, they want, and he saw, said casey, donald golder showing plate, wow, said, his wife, the bank, she said, how we gonna use it, and donald, alright, listen to a message for us, said, mrs. donald golder, all, right, said, woman, they fear, you mean I got to get up, said, donald golder, and he saw, said, casey, donald goes to grace to meet prophet, and smiling melvin golder returns, and, morris golder prays, keep my family from sin, and, donald golder like r.h. duncan, laughs, bobby, said, stargardter-garrison man, jeremy removes, the name ministry of dreams, why did he take it, for, said, hollie, to ruin, said, Jesus, hollie showed, whistle blowed, submarine sound, said, hollie, Jesus showed, record, and subs all around, america, and u.s.a. explodes, north koreas out, said, donald golder, if you let me said cecil golder and prophet, they will take grace, but bobbie golder, lets keep hunt, she said, and prophet, thinks, yes, cecil, thinks, wish, and he saw, said, casey, all golders with lighted knives looking at bishop larry hunt, this wont do it, he said, and prophet, wont talk, prophet, look at that, said, hollie, that was hegoat smiting ram, and putin and hu, showed, out of horns, this economy, said, bishop charles finnell, man I dont beleive it, said, melvin golder, hes, lost, look, good, but, old, put it under, said, hollie, they are stopping at grace now cause prophet, yea, said, bobbie golder, this is what I want, him, to profit, come, she said, and up rose four kings, now, said, hollie, theres hu, pope, hollie showed, fight, rolled up sleeves, they sign for 666, and walked, threatened, emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, gabriel, hollie, sang, that, pointed, hollie, was, lighted, angel, hollie showed, wait, out of pipe, and hollie showed, laughed, if you help me said bobbie golder, showed, money, but bob thinks, help, then, give to Jesus, she, sees, likes, gabriel, showed, record, in the american times, hillary kicked out, she looses to obama, I just had to press, said, jame e. tyson, downtown, he said, hollie geese showed, circled, bob, posting, were out of time said EZRA BUFFORD, hes not saved, old, now, does, not want Jesus, much, but, thinks, help, and donald golder meets prophet at door, shows, empty, thanks, but, he dyes hair, thats what stopped him, saith God, i want my money said donald golder, give me uh thousand dollars and Ill play it, said, the EZRA BUFFORD-melvin golder man, uh hunt uhhh, said, him, you got uh whippin said donald golder, and he saw, said casey, beautiful, wife, thats what killed, saith God, om lost said golder, but, savable, says, Jesus, alright said mrs. golder, we ll look at it said donald golder, does, that pointed, hollie, licked, get trapped by grace apostolic church, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, and many pentecostal pastors with dyed, hair, om hunt, said, larry, hunt, your outta here, he thinks, and when prophet leaves, hunt is put out, and he knows, saith God, bob wants hunt to pastor, God thinks, Ill save, but, not now, there are two things said dr. bobbie golder, and you knew, she said, work, said donald golder, and bishop horace smith, om curious, comes to grace apostolic church, and looks right in the eyes, face said horace smith at prophet, and thinks, git away with donald golders voice, that was whipping sound, and horace smith mocked, but bob likes, if you let me said horace smith, no, he said, Ill lead Gods people lost, but cant, bob talks, and people tremble, horace talks and people leave like showed, come said horace smith, I aint git tin up said donald golder, and he saw, said casey, all golders in lava, and donald laughs, like bobbie, whats ok, said, melvin golder, shoot me, melvin golder, said man, bob, knows you, you devil, said the Lord, bob could help you, right here said him, Christ temple, and bob goes and charles finnell sees, git outta here, but, son is cop, knows, dam, said, hollie, the Aswan Dam said damien, people still watch, the final conflict, we know said sam neill, but, lost, and he saw, said casey, sam neill looks at ministry of dreams and wants to act anti Christ again, could, do saith God, bob would love to, but God wont save, unless, repent, sam neill, we got it, he said, does, makes end times movie, bob, watches, but, on theatre, bob, said Sam Neill, im out, want death bed salvation, but perishes, then, thinks, I had it made, now, lava, and he saw, said casey, damien in lava, JEsus showed, record, and Sam Neill thinks, om gettin old, yeoup, said, bobbie golder, when are you both, saith the LOrd, and they both see, and Sam Neill laughs like bobbie golder, record me said, hollie, I know its time to leave said donald golder, new president said melvin golder, and he saw, said casey, alright said donald, hillary, prophet said, hollie, like, uh, fox, tear up, put back, and grim reaper pointed, give me donald, he said, and he saw, said casey, I blew it said donald golder, angers, but, tarrys, saved said mrs. donald golder, they, split, I want you git outta here, said donald golder, and bobbie likes, mercy said larry hunt, and irish davidson laughs, homer mcmillin, bob says, come back, stay, get saved, bob likes, donald sees, and calls, and homer, comes, that was four kings coming out of the lit wind, theres, now lets see, said hollie, held nose, thumbs down, laughed, hollie showed, pope, hollie held nose, hu, emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, and bob tells at grace apostolic church and larry hunt loves, put it under, this comes under my ministry said larry hunt and donald golder angers, but, larry, is this what you want, yeah, shook larry, stay, but, seek, bob, helps, and he saw, said casey, larry hunt and bobbie golder meeting on the streets of gold and prophet is there, yeah said melvin golder, him and donald there, shut up said prophet, donald, laughs, he loves it said mrs. donald golder, can it said Sam Neill, casey pointed, three fingers, three hours prayer, is this how you do it said donald golder and prophet shakes, yes, these, said hollie, are all lost, said joyce meyer, todd hall, willie j. campbell, paul s. morton, stephen, j. thurston, jamal harrison-bryant, sheryl brady, darrel hines, jonathan d. ellis, they are hair dyers, no, said paul morton, and stephen thurston shakes yes, money under the table, and donald golder calls police, Darrell G. Young is lost, stole the name prophecy ministry, cause site went down, now hear the word of the Lord, release now or ruint, and Darrell Young sees and removes, tell me about jordan, said, gabriel, and he saw, said casey, israel explode, gaza, and iraq, jordan, nuked, by america, jordan, said, hollie, after its nuked, and he saw, said, casey, angers, the bear, rises, on cnn, threatens america, 3-18-2008-hollie showed, record, showed, flames, hot, apartment building, missiled, telephone, said, man, hollie on telephone, shut up, said, Joseph Farriss son, hanged up, on, thomas griffith, hollie showed, shh, dont, speak, bobby, said, hollie, she, blowed, out pope, thats, said, hollie, larry hunt and mrs. hunt looking at ministry of dreams, whew, said, mrs. hunt, and larry showed, held nose, showed, git away from it, then he and them, looked, prophet said, its from Jesus, both hate, dont ask me what jordan did, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, jordan, said, gabriel, explode, nuclear, from bush, said, angel, gabriel showed, record, no, said, hollie, in the last days, said, hollie, men will love, pleasure, bobby, heres your book, said sistermoonshine, and john mark pool shakes, yes, both stole the name ministry of dreams like bill hamon and mike murdock to strip prophet, witchs, saith God, and he saw it, said, casey, terrorists coming into gaza from jordan, I got uh warning, said larry hunt, showed, no way, meaning, if you put prophet out, church crowd follows, hollie, said, turn, pointed, hollie showed, in, fire, laughed, thats her, hollie, with, blue eyes, words dont match lips, showed, two, homer mcmillin and larry hunt, whats the meaning said, hollie, right here said Jesus, they want board meeting with prophet, no way said irish davidson, gabriel showed, record, hollie did paintless dent removal, just, pull, she, said, glue, tada, she said, and, all three hollie showeds, hollie showed, record, walked, gas 4.09, how do we get some money said irish, davidson, economic collapse, laughed, bush, on t.v., tear up, then, from, the side, put back, clap, hollie showed, time, its, past midnight hour, on, lighted watch, theres the submarine, pointed, hollie, and, subs all around america, exploded, moscow, china, and up rose the pope, said, hollie, the pope man said, thats prophesyin, pointed hollie, minister w. futch, whatta you want, said, hollie, forced on knees, gabriel, pointed, up, Jesus, came, said, why do you talk, claim its me, thatll do it said w. futch, stay out, said, hollie, hes part owner of apostolic church, no, said, hollie, Jesus showed, shh, dont tell on the witch of john f. kennedy university, reverend jeremy taylor of wisdom university, he stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to make Gods servant fall, will run to remove, dyes hair, talks from pulpit, futch, showed, no way, accept it said irish davidson, futch, said, the, willie duncan-larry hunt man, out, or, loose, put something in my pocket book, showed, w. futch, and he saw, said casey, futch showing pocket, I got what you want, he said, and lighted finger, points, then, prophet shows, uto says futch, your welcome, said, hollie, futch looses postion at grace apostolic church, soothsayer written over his head, he knew, I wont said Jesus, save w. futch, git away, he said, I want you to fuck me, he said, futch, grace lusts prophet, and he knows, it, said, horace smith, hollie showed, record, lets git bobby, said w. futch, hi, said, hollie, come right in here, said w. futch, board meeting and irish davidson smiled, futch, showed, cut off, no way said irish, but, knows, put it under, cast out the futch, saith God, leave me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft crashed, said, hollie, flew again, ran into those that, took said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, and Jesus spoke, it, destroy, he said, and reverend jeremy taylor, takes said dee finney, and librarian laughs, they run to remove the name ministry of dreams that Jesus spoke, I want you to talk said Jesus, horace smith, with prophet, alright said horace, and finger pointed, prophet showed, no way, only with larry hunt and homer mcmillin there, and, desires, all golders, no way said irish davidson, horace smith meets with prophet, toys with, but, prophet, I put him out, said, Jesus, prophet would walk out, and, and horace smith points, but, with homer mcmillin and larry hunt, there, alright said horace smith, there would be no argue ment saith God, casey showed board meeting at grace apostolic church with prophet and horace smith, they would not allow those two to fight, but, they wouldnt saith God, but argue, and he saw, said casey, prophet would run and grab horace by the throat like he would donald golder, but, loves both, and horace smith walks in, those two would argue saith the LOrd, hes jelous said irish davidson, bob would want to here horace preach, and horace sees and loves, here testimony, and Jesus smiled, and showed, cut off, lets git down to the grit said Jesus, and the nathaniel haney-urshan man appeared, hes out said dr. horace smith, put some money, he said, showed, pocket, prophet thinks, no way, theres no welfare said horace smith, and he saw, said casey, right here said horace smith, put prophet over Christ temple, but prophet says, bring Christ temple to grace apostolic church, then, there, and charles finnell, you made me laugh, he said, bob wants to keep like is, but save, charles shakes yes, and his cop son, I dont need you, but knows, horace smith showed record, its over said Jesus, his church empties, and he leads pentecostal assemblies of the world, but, cut off showed horace smith, put it under, said, hollie showed, you said satan pentecostal assemblies of the world, said, bobbie golder, laughs, without others there, hollie laughed over, unbelievable said irish davidson, cause him, she pointed, elder futch, and, prophet walks in, blew your cover, she said, we, knew, there prayin, sang steven stargardter-jim garrison, we want you out, im casey, she said, showed, the hunts, pastor, dont, do, it, she said, bobby, said, larry hunt, hit the door, he, pointed, we want you, he pointed, I want mercy, he said, praying, while we have service, and bob is, on pew, submarine sound, smiled, hollie, hollie showed, record, you out she said, were out said irish davidson, dont call me, she said, pray more saith the LOrd, and bobbie golder, smiles, I said that, said, irish davidson, you walking, said, man, she said, no, seek, removal, purging saith God, and he saw, said casey, irish loves, we caint git out, she said, Irish davison, she said, is not saved, but, ok said all, taiwan, is, going to be what starts it saith God, and he saw, said, casey, china destroy, taiwan, and Jesus pointed, at me, said, larry hunt, running, and, thinking, he can be, saved, to late said irish, but when gets serious, God, laughs, put it under, said, hollie showed, you knew, said, Jesus, china leave, said, hollie, uto, brian griffiths, quit, he said, speaks, lost, figures, said, larry spall, put it under, said, hollie, ok said larry spall, openly mocked now, saith God, both spalls, and delbert loves, came out of westside pentecostal church, he said, never saved, but, pastored like donald winters and son, put it under, now donald l. winters, has indignation against holy covenant, you can put on my drivers licence, said pastor david mccolley, computer chip, and he saw, said casey, thats how russia shuts usa down, and bill clinton sees, work, said, hollie, take it off there said david mccolley, this is the Lord, said, hollie, you are posting it said woman, I will said woman, post, said man, moriah loves ya said blue eyes singer, but no showed nathaniel urshan, short, said, her, ill git ya, said david mccolley, when yur ready to check out, o, said, hollie, comere said blue eyes singer at moriah, his girl, said her hair dying bass playing husband, she showed, smelled, old, looking, same age, leaves, can I checkem out she said, he shows, laughs, knows, witch coming said, prophet, and he saw, said casey, reverend antonia vladimirova, lies, we take it said dee finney, the name ministry of dreams and Jesus angers, this is why end must come cause people like d.min reverend jeremy taylor steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams like all of these and more and I the Lord ruint all of them and made them run, o said antonia vladimirova when showed on net, but she knows like all, wanted Gods servant, yeah said antonia vladimirova and cluracan, sistermoonshine13, john mark pool, more, ruint, can we talk, said, hollie, you use to have that i.d. said libriain, coming, national i.d. card, hillary lets, and he saw, said, hollie, new jerusalem, at grace apostolic, alright said irish davidson, and Woodrow futch, soothsayer over head, and hollie sang like dee snider, and he saw, said casey, on grace apostolic church screen, twisted sister concert, im the devil clapped the tap dancers and im bobbie golder, she said, hollie, licked, shut up said the bobbie golder-irish davidson person, and reverend jeremy taylor, you could loose said bobbie golder, and larry hunt sees, 3-19-2008-I am satan said the james tyson-r.h. duncan man, you needed to pray said bobbie golder, showed, be quiet, with irish davidsons voice, alice cooper showed, that, popes image made alive, put that on t.v., said, alice cooper, prophet prophesying at grace apostolic church, whatta you want, said, hollie, alice cooper showed, shh, be quiet, im lost, was pentecostal, we knew, said, his dad, you shouldnt have sold it, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, d.min, jeremy taylor, and hollie, in, spacecraft, turned into ohio class sub, fired, destroyed, all, that, stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, uto said, hollie, hollie pointed, jeremy taylors pocket exploded, irish davidson pointed, high school road sign exploded, give money said stargardter-garrison-pope man, no, said, hollie, janetmck stole the name ministry of dreams and The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, CH protects, will be fired, give me uh thousand said bobbie golder, to hear, said, irish davidson, and, bobbie golder turned into first lady duncan, challenge, she said, put bobby right here, pointed, r.h. duncan, with lighted finger, I know om out said bobbie golder, with prophets voice, we need him, said, irish davidson, with white face, shes a, I know om a soothsayer, she said, meaning, lost, hollie showed, beasts image, made alive, t.v., what did he do, said, hollie, tore up, put back, then, from behind, said, hollie, clap, light, showed, time, you lost your ring, said Jesus, that, pointed, hollie on ring, that, said, hollie, hollie put back, then, from behind, tear up, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, yur ring, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, john mark pool, why said hollie, what has he done, he stole the name ministry of dreams to strip prophet, ran to remove, now, cut off, wants to cash in on prophet, lets do a conference said john mark pool, prophet shows no way, we aint no soothsayer said sandy pool, witch said Jesus, both, china said The Rt Hon Lord Patten of Barnes, is magog, put it under, said, casey, showed, cut off, both pools, he wanted to hear virginia boldea, but, she, was dead, no, said, hollie, michael boldea sees, he thinks, that, would, have, been, awesome, its your last warning said bobbie golder, lets do, she said, put prophet behind pulpit, to tape, video, she said, prophet, said, no, prophet thought, ill rent domed stadium, stay away from us said virginia boldea, stan johnson sees, hollie showed, git up, that was fleas like a helicopter, letting out, grace apostolic church, if you let me, said, hollie, left, oil, said, pope, tanker hits bridge in california, captain saw, knew, to close, done it, said, captain, he said, good bye, to job, cause friend at the wheel, steven stargardter, jim garrison, the rosens, all said goodbye to thier jobs, cause thier friend reverend jeremy taylor steals the name ministry of dreams, didnt care about them, after being fired, d.min jeremy taylor u.u., says, shew, he, wanted to rule over, but came to his end, God whispered like brown haired beared man, embarras, and all that stole the name ministry of dreams removed ruint, they lost jobs, paris, said, Jesus, france, said, hollie, its, g8, thats seven heads, nato, and pope, appeared, russia had ten crowns, politburo, said, hollie, look, said, fleas, bobbie golder, lets get him out, she said, hunt, and prophet says, I leave, but, mrs. hunt, you git outta here, dont mess with me, saith God, God offered her eternal life and she would not shake prophets hand, till, but bob said, furget, God says, hell for mrs. hunt, I wont, im out, said, Jesus, of grace apostolic church, they want, give, saith God, let me record a vision, said, hollie, and homer mcmillin weakens, will he go, said, man, no I aint, said, larry hunt, and grace apostolic church board wants bob, but, bob, shows, no way, put it under, it wont work, said larry hunt, bobby, we want you to go said irish davidson, but he wont let me, said, hollie, and grace apostolic board puts prophet out, hollie showed, record, cut off, showed, prophet, grace, 3-20-2008-no, said, hollie, he told me, she said, say, serious, no, said, hollie, record the vision, said, hollie showed, in fire, no, said, hollie, laughed, bob, said, hollie, you know why, I laugh, said, bobbie, golder, prophet, she said, could be a billionaire, but, says, freely given, freely give, right here said donald golder, pointed, pulpit, but guarded, and showed, record, beasts image, made alive, on cell phone, alright, said, man, put it under, work, said, Jesus, yeah, said, bobbie golder, with, hollies voice, you didnt want me said, hollie, now church empties again, and larry hunt, leaves, hollie showed, record, right here, said, bobbie golder, we need it, but guarded pulpit, that was lighted, its g8, said, hollie, lighted, serpent, hollie sang like blackie lawless, its time to get out said prophet donald golder, put me on right here, he said, court, arrest prophet, hes cinderella, and dee snider, said, hollie, can we take alice cooper, they all wanted, alice cooper is the top draw behind, and he saw, said, hollie, meat loaf, dying, and prophet feels sorry for, this aint gonna do it, said meat loaf, now, hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, casey saw meat loaf, right here he said, in hospital room, prophets meets, prays, meatloaf goes right back to touring, and alice cooper laughs, serpent, said, woman, the g8, bush, woman, russia has ten crowns, and serpent rose with pope, and he went to russia, signed, get outta here said bobbie golder, its coming said Jesus, with ABBA, he liked them, look there, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, popes image made alive, pocket t.v., tear up, said, hollie, and he saw, said casey, pope, tore put back, caspian sea oil pipe line sabatoge, tell me what alice cooper done, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, he left pentecost to rock, they dont want me no more said hollie, now waiting for death, put it under, alice cooper laughed, and he saw, said casey, sam neill point, like damien, then, like phone commercial, watch what you ask for, alice laughed, he said, that was horses hooves sound, and the o red and black chariot, hollie jumped in back, with pope, hu, hollie on top, saw eight kings planning against usa, and putin, planning, oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, subs, china, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, hu, hintao, riding, red, horse, pointed, lighted, finger, taiwan, exploded, drawing, lets do uh missile attack said hu hintao on venezuela, and, use terrorists to attack america, casey, said, what was that, said, hollie, david gilmour said, hollie showed, said, you know, somebody got your name, ministry of dreams, they, saith God, hate me, so much, they, steal and, I make them run to remove, we stole it said hollie, you tube goes down cause sistermoonshine13 stole the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, and, pregnant, shes got cut off over, said, Jesus, that was hollie showed clock on locomotive, showing time, its past the midnight hour, clapped tap dancers, hollie, and she showed the beast with seven heads and ten horns, theres pope, she said, and showed g8, thats nato said, hollie, hollie pointed at nato, and, dragon rose, like big serpent, seven heads, that is nato, said, hollie, and, the, lighted, finger, pointed, said, casey, russia, has ten kings, thats ruling party, california, said, woman, and he saw, said casey, hollie, put stars where nuclear rockets, hit, and two angels, showed, globe, from here, pointed, nicaragua, spun, mexico, cuba, oceans, then, pointed, up, at Jesus coming, like, hollie showed, and world shook, up rose, pope, and he saluted, and hu, and emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, thats, said, hollie, slashed pope, and hu, said, pope, I will not put up with you, said, hu, they hate, sign, for, 666, cling, cause both have nukes, thats, otyre, said, hollie, and china, magog, that was fleas, like helicopter, letting out blackie lawless, if you want me he said, 40,000, what did blackie say, said, the tap dancer, hollie, tap dancing, you know what venezuela did said Jesus, brought china to give oil contracts, I knew, said, hu hintao, to protect them, pointed, angel, from, there, he pointed, america, liar said, pope, bush, and, he, sees, calls f.b.i., arrest prophet, tell me what george bush done, said, casey, hollie showed played organ, brought iraq war to break oil contracts, ends nuclear, collapsing americas economy charging three times to much for ethanol, its the economy, said, woman, bush, bankrupting, making people lay high weekly social security deductions from pay roll, knowing it pays for iraq, he calls c.i.a., do, he says, no way, said c.i.a., hillary protects, put it under, said, hollie, showed, cut off showed Jesus, bush, lava, for iraq, venezuela, knew, bush, was going to invade for oil contracts, thats why china, there now, and bush, sees, angers, knows, bush needs f.b.i. called, and finger, pointed, dimly lit, c.i.a., is, wanting prophet killed, no said bobbie golder, and prophet thinks, do it, tear up, put back, from behind, said, hollie, hollie pointed, bear father, pope, ill love ya, said bobbie golder, just as long as we can cash in on ya, ministry of dreams is going to be released said Jesus from all that stole said hollie, lets go, said, the ministering spirits, hollie, talked, thought, from behind, she said, clap, light, cut off, showed, Jesus, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, hu, hintao, got venezuela, for protection, said, hu hintao, and bush, sees, and calls, cia, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed, record, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, explosions along both u.s.a. coasts, from high in the air, saw, hollie placed stars, that was lighted serpent, its g8, gabriel showed, record, hollie threw d.min, jeremy taylor, down, hes uh witch said hollie, he stole the name ministry of dreams, my pocket said reverend jeremy taylor, m.a., runs to remove, hollie said, look, thumbs, up, nova, good car, gabriel showed record, every bodies horny, said, hollie showed, in the fire, hollie held nose, thumbs, down, bill ballard ministries, and, bill ballard shows money, smiles, the woman, saith the Lord, that got killed when a spotted eagle ray jumped in her boat, was old, and wanted youth sex, but, now in lava, knows, how she, wasted, put it under, said, hollie, showed, I knew the Truth, but ran, now, lava, and likes, Judy Kay Zagorski sought Holy Ghost, but kept running and Jesus left hours before death, thats why she wanted sex again, record me, said larry hunt, yep said mark plummer, he knows said hunt, plummer is lost both plummers saith God, Donnie Golder saith God, I tell you what I want, said, angele lively, both want a-hole sex, saith God, put it under, said, hollie showed, showed, wait, suffer, both, want salvation, both get at end, saith God, hollie showed, record, thats tap dancing, pointed, hollie, ministering spirits, hollie showed, record, putin, smiled, om the beast, he said, with, music, said, hollie, played by hollie showed, synthesizer, are you gonna rat on me, said, putin, I killed, and hollie pointed, chechnya, me and bush said putin, forgit he said, iraq, said, putin, he already knows, said, hollie, bush, stole oil wells, hit jordan said vladimir, and new leader showed, cut off, these three he pointed, henry gruver, michael boldea, and prophet ministry of dreams, from churches, dont, ask, said, Jesus, and, prophet, entertains grace apostolic church, we knowed, said, irish davidson, shh, she said, china-man, said, holliefleas, that, pointed, chinaman, and, hu, gets venezuelas oil contracts, saith God, that, said, china man, to protect from, bush, they left, and grim reaper pointed, the d.min s, Jesus showed, record, bush, attacks, cuba, nuclear, strike, grim reaper, tore up, put back, laughed, grim reaper showed, record, pointed, record me, said, hollie, record the vision, said hollie, with sound, you knew it, said, martin luther king jr., showed, church credit card, now, in, terror, he said, in lava, with, black suit, theres the submarine sound, said, hollie, phone said woman, record the vision, your blowing it said hollie, putin, he is wanting power back, and new leader, puts out, but people want putin, now hear the word of God, putin, is killer, they want you, said, hollie, peace bobby, said larry, hunt, to take down website, yes, said, woman, and bobbie golder, I done tore up, she said, out, now hear the word of the LOrd, and mark plummer, thinks, right here, but guards pulpit, knowing, God is good, said, woman, they say, saith God, but wont live for me, and Jesus showed, cut off, all of grace apostolic church, alright, said, irish, davidson, we knew, put it under, help us, said larry hunt, and God sends prophet, and they want him behind pulpit, and he says, no, and hunt says, Ill, God says, let both, but he wont stay here, said larry hunt, prophet shook yes, and irish davidson shows bobbie golder, lets take him, she said, by subtility, but cant, ok, she says, let both, and hunt lets bob, lead, but, bob thinks, keep homer, when he comes, ill sit, and futch says, shook, yes, laughed, loves, put it under, save grace apostolic church, shh, said, irish, davidson, and homer mcmillin weakens, bob prays for, strength, gets, put it under, said, hollie, watch and see that the Lord is Good, that was, satan, pointed, hollie, like lighted dot man, 3-21-2008-mokse, said, hollie, its dome, she said, on willie duncans church, now on r.h. duncans church, bob, said, fleas, record the vision, and, angel, showed, record, prophesy said angel, now hear the word of the Lord, hollie thought, now, cecil, she said, right here it is, pointed, irish davidson, git it off, donnie golders name, and, w. futch laughs, bob, loves futch, and, homer, record, me, said, hollie, this is over, said, angela davis, cause real estate, she said, showed, thumbs down, property values now half, saith God, this will cause people to fight against government, new tax, said, hollie, social security, people paying high deductions, every week, so we can collapse it said bush, gabriel showed, record, dont go to the computer again, my name is marie, record, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, kenneth haney, and, horace smith walks with larry hunt, and, he points, prophet, out, preaches at grace, right here, said, bobbie golder, and donald and melvin are there, cecil sits next to prophet, they, laugh, together, bob, makes cecil walk away laughing, hollie, smiling, out of horn, blown by Jesus, horace smith comes to grace apostolic, if you let me, he said, bobbie golder points, pulpit, larry hunt says, shh, horace smith wants to see the little prophet, when he does, he, wants, I want sex said horace smith, he, owes ya, said, horace smith, horace doesnt tithe, and, he saw, said casey, horace smith, pulling offerings pan full, to himself, horace smith, om gonna loose you, he said, meets prophet, in p.a.w., he said, office with larry hunt and homer mcmillin, may I speak, said, horace, prophet, shakes, yes, this is what horace would say, said, Jesus, will he, prophet says, thus speaketh the Lord, Jesus, whispers in prophets ear, do ACTS 2:38, in Jesus name said prophet, then, tells, what Holy Ghost baptism feels like, read EZEKIEL 2 said Jesus, meeting ends, horace calls prophet, come to chicago, prophet says, let hunt and mcmillin and futch preach, irish davidson shows bobbie golder, we want it she said, whole church goes, who s the bus driver, she said, prophet shows class a c.d.l., bobbie golder shakes yes, donald golder goes, for one service, prophet agrees, true said Jesus, prophet points at grace apostolic, he knows, said, bobbie golder, prophet tells Jesus, that church has to be open on church days, Jesus says dont, now hear the word of the Lord, said Jesus, cecil golder can hold sunday services, prophet says, cecil, powerful talker, but, saturday church, afternoon, horace smith, agrees, there would be, said, Jesus, full church, many, start, and lighted finger, it was red, points, seeking, TRUTH, got it, said, Jesus, theres bus, in grace apostolic parking lot, with prophet driving, hollie showed, record, thats what I want said gabriel, pointed, from screen at grace apostolic church, thomas griffith, 0, over head, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, seek, and he does, prophet goes to zion, testify, said, horace smith, talking about, thats ministry of dreams, Jesus, said, in, prophets ear, now hear the word of the Lord, prophet repeats, tellum said Jesus, prophet repeats, repent, prophet repeats, I did not need for you to say one thing, said, Jesus, with brown hair, hollie showed record, yeah, hollie showed, record, im not the main anymore, pointed, hollie, at gabriel, im the main, he said, main ministering spirit, has a message, shh, showed, be quiet, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, hollie, showed, be quiet, 3-22-2008-no, said, Jesus, horace smith, showed, church credit card, will you stay with shawn tyson, saith the Lord, i will said cleophus shawn tyson, horace sees, and shakes, yes, I the LOrd, have promises for both of you, and hollie, the main ministering spirit, showed, the popes image made alive, picture, on t.v., take the mark and live, he said, smiling, and hu and japan rises to withstand, and he saw, showed, casey, with two fingers, them signing for 666, the mark of the beast, dont sin, said, the pope, after, saying, yes, to the LOrds, command, alright said shawn, bob would love shawn, saith God, ill put God right here, pointed, shawn, but guards, pulpit, I can see said daughter tyson, and bob prays, prison said mike murdock, no, said, hollie, renee lewis, im a witch, she said, ok, said renee, your outta here, said shawn tyson with dyed hair, dont look at it, dont read said cleophus, witch saith God, and james e. tyson in new jerusalem, but, after about one hundred thousand years, jumps out, cause, he never cleaned up, om going to heaven said james tyson with r.h. ducans voice, and hollie sat on the gold, and willie, said, hollie, heaven, and both see, and laugh, and bob wishes, bob would stay, right here, said r.h., but guards pulpit, with willie duncan, and he loves, when sees, and wife shows, what made you come here, and she likes, the economy, said, hollie, bobby, right here told me to look at it, said horace smith, yea, said irish davidson, bob likes her, she wants to make him slip like bobbie golder, cecil, what made you come here, he thinks, and donald, I love, but, they dont click, put it under, said, hollie, they meet in horace smiths office with larry hunt and homer mcmillin, you tell me something, said, homer, why, you never, got pure saith God, but I will have mercy cause bob, and homer weeps, what has he done, said, hollie, homer mcmillin, close said horace smith, they are hair dyers, but bob, showed, cut off, and says, forgive, no big deal, and Jesus laughs, but thinks, well, should I, and he saw, said casey, most pentecostals in hell with dyed hair, but bob says, when they will, then, do, and homer, says, right, and comes back to grace apostolic as the assisstant pastor, that was new jerusalem, adorned, said Jesus, like glass city, turned on side, on Rock, 3-23-2008-JUNIOR DESOUZA MINISTRIES is cut off saith God, JUNIOR DESOUZA wants prophet ministry of dreams to worship him, and he is, not saved, and will perish, saith God, will look at visions and think, I did, and laugh, then the Lord, will think, your over, because right now, and he saw, pointed casey, JUNIOR DESOUZA laugh, and then, think, so long LOrd, watch who you do it to, said sam neill and tony blair, same, heart, saith God, lighten up on him, said, hollie, horace smith, why, what does he do, said, hollie, he, casey, pointed, dyed hair, leads, p.a.w., and, ken haney, casey, showed, wig, horace laughs, call him mr. pentecostal, the u.p.c.i.-p.a.w. man, and casey, pointed, at horace smith-kenneth haney man, with dyed hair, hollie, said, ford family car, 1967 ford galaxie 500 station wagon, it had a, hollie showed, 390 engine, it put out almost 300 horsepower, excellent car, that was put back, said, hollie, tear up, again, gabriel showed, record, bobby, said, Jesus, that was a tree falling, and ax said, hew, hollie put back, tore up, put back, rip, theres a reason, said, irene, people bouncing, you, said, bobbie golder, with gray hair, fool, said, Jesus, that was a demon, said, hollie, at grace apostolic church, and, lighted, finger, pointed, record, the vision, and, make it plain, this is hollie, the pope said, soon as we hit iran, america, collapses, done it, said, woman, now, hear the word, of the LOrd, iraq will bring judgment to america, that was hollie, blowing horn, out pope, dragon rose with g8, hollie held nose, they are n.a.t.o. and russia, and ten kings, let me said, hollie, did not horace smith, said, hollie, say, we got your ring, that said, hollie, its over, said, hollie, u.s.a. s economy, I wrecked said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, why do you pastor, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, credit card, and, moriah apostolic church, people, not giving, they think, pay off your church so you can pocket, nathaniel p. urshan tried to get people to make a monthly committment, sees visions, swallows, pay off so I can live like a god, travel, china says, said, hollie, bush, said, hu hintao, Ill attack first, to, lure, if, you threaten, and casey, pointed, nuclear, explosions, along, both, coasts, and missile striking venezuela from chinese sub, hugo chavez, swallows when sees, laughs, thinks, they are bush, that was prophet raking leaves and missile, pointed, casey, strikes downtown indianapolis, nuclear, then, over, indy 500, it will be mutiple warhead missile, then plainfield, then, terre haute, and pentecostal churches, and he saw, many nuclear fireballs in indiana, then, all over america, and putin, in atmosphere, america fires on moscow, china, and, dragon rose, with, nato, pope, on, and, nato nations being struck, nuclear fireballs, and, great britain, fires, on russia, both destroyed, that, pointed, casey, was nuclear fireball in italy, and, pope goes to russia, one sixth left, signs, gets, arsenal, and, china, japan, rise, to withstand, they sign for 666, terrorists attack on washington state, said, hollie, itll be china, thats, said, hollie, the hegoat, the pope, with, putin, hu, popping out of horns, and hegoat smites ram, world shakes, hollie showed, record, alome sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, choked in the fire, hit alaska, said, man, showed, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in alaska, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed, record, and dragon, in fire scene, france, said, hollie, that is falling away, soon, just america and canada, saith God, 3-24-2008-gabriel, showed, record, and officer michael clupper, why, said, hollie, what did he do, he told prophet, lets go outside, searched, did you observe, any white power, wanted to arrest christian, but God spoke, let, then, sink, speedway, indiana, Tom Anderson owns with Josh Berman and Gautam Godhwani posted the stolen name ministry of dreams on his myspace site, and they all laugh, tell them all, now hear the word of the LOrd, you will take down now or later, but will, no, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, new jerusalem, flying at Christ church apostolic, that said, hollie, like a glass city, on its side, above pulpit, shawn tyson sees prophet, hears praying, weeps, that, said, hollie, and, grim reaper pointed, hollie, said, that, gabriel, preaching, at Christ church, sees, bob, thats, uh, warning, he said, that, lets have uh good, day, said, hollie, we know, and chinaman, rolled, tore up, put back, that, said, hollie, hollie wrote vision, had powder in bag in hand, according to michael clupper, he wanted to arrest prophet, to ruin, from speedway police department, they openly mock, hollie showed, it, raining submarines, I aint been prayin, said cleophus tyson, prophet, said, hollie, shawn tyson keeps prophet in Christ Church, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hu hintao riding red horse, china strikes taiwan, bob, some, body, said, gabriel, was, on your website, its, cleophus, said, hollie, shawn tyson, bob, likes, they have talk, shawn says, remove, prophet, says, Gods website, shawn, points, hit the road, bob, does, what if I want mercy said Jesus, and fleas, hollie showed, oil, leading to armageddon, hollie licked prophet, james e. tyson showed the beasts image made alive, and, royce fields calls police, and, when he sees prophet he gets angry, but, lets it go, hes lost, hollie threw down, why do you pastor, and royce fields showed church credit card, but no people, gabriel showed, record, Jesus showed cut off, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, thats the emergency sound, cut off showed, Jesus, and china man pointed, that, said, hollie, I can see said daughter tyson, you look good said james tyson, shawn, smiles, bob, stays at Christ church apostolic and larry hunt laughs, boy thats a good one, he thinks, comes back, to futchs class, right said woodrow futch, knows prophet, loves, both, futch lost, but, gets in at last saith God, 3-25-2008-hollie showed, record, jeremy, she said, stroke, reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, why, she said, what has he done, stole the name ministry of dreams, now hear the word of Jesus, you wanted destruction like antonia vladimirova, both be destroyed, you, he said, sistermoonshine13, will follow, you, said Jesus, dr. gavin porter, beware, or, put it under, said, hollie, they laughed, now weep, saith God, and antonia vladimirova removes like kathryn taylor, gabriel, danced at Christ church apostolic, ministering spirits spun, hollie, hollie, hollie showed, record, let me record, said, hollie, china, man, pointed up, new jerusalem, like glass city, hollie showed, record, record said, hollie, hollie tore up, put back, from the side, she said, clap, that, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, licked, hollie, walked, in, to, empty Christ Church apostolic, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, she said, cleophus, she said, shawn tyson, they wanted conference at Christ Church apostolic, to steal your crowd, and royce fields, we gotem, watch, hollie showed, record, put reverend jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova and bill hamon and mike murdock and gavin porter down, why do you call yourselves christians and steal the name ministry of dreams or alter, said, hollie, gabriel, pointed, up, at Jesus coming and them coming against Gods elect like john mark pool, now hear the word of the Lord, strokes, said, Jesus, and john mark pool goes down like the rest, I will not tolerate that here said r.h. duncan, and the people perish, under, hollie showed, record, all, hollie showed, record, threw d.min reverend jeremy taylor u.u. down, why did you steal, she said, to kill Gods servant, now stroke, saith God, 3-26-2008-hollie showed, record, and licked prophet, again, threw d.min, jeremy taylor, down, this wont do it, what has jeremy taylor done, said, hollie, git outta here, she said, he got on ministry of dreams like sistermoonshine13, and took, it, said, hollie, the name spoken by Jesus, offend, he said, google showed that miriams wells jeremy taylor stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams like ckyt radio 13 owner sistermoonshine, sistermoonshine 13 stole the name ministry of dreams to make Gods servant fall, I ruin her saith God, watch them all run to remove the name ministry of dreams, God says, embarras, ruin, they will loose all jobs, talks, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, look, said, hollie, jeremy taylor out of wisdom university, wont you record, said, hollie, licked prophet, gabriel, in a white robe, said, hollie, im not the main any more, said, hollie, thats gabriel, the main ministering spirit showed record, and hollie showed, it rained submarines, whats that said, hollie, that, said, hollie, mokse, she sat on willie duncans church, the main ministering spirit showed, record, licked, get ready for nuclear war, said todd hall, no said kandy morrell, they waste time saith God, lusting, and, judgment hangs over america, hollie like a fox, who is it, she said, write the vision, said, hollie showed, it dont matter, he said, being called hollie, china, said, Jesus, magog, hollie spreaded out a map, magog, she showed, russia, china, gabriel showed, its, the economy, said, hollie, failing around the world, and lighted, hand, pointed, your failing said hollie showed, todd hall, thats my name, he said, picks pockets with dyed beard, never saved, showed, church, credit card, its uh warning said, gabriel, todd hall is cut off, will speak blaspheme against HOly GHost, and, lighted finger, pointed, to trick you, gabriel showed, record, fleas showed, record, jeremys cut off said, pope, why, said, hollie, what did he do, and, hollie, flew in her space craft, fired, taylors pocket exploded, he stole the name ministry of dreams, now, ruint, he had kathryn taylor remove from hospital room, oil, said, pope, thats the reason, I, brought it in, said, bush, iraq, to, break, oil, contracts, and, pope, rose, its, g8, said, hollie, dragon, hollie showed, record, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hollie showed, record, the beast, she said, pope, that is fleas like a helicopter, letting out henry gruver, start one, said, pope, peace, safety, left, the main ministering spirit, hollie, played harp, that was hollie, tear up, put back, and main ministering spirit showed, beast, in fire, that was world shaking, and, dragon appeared, on planet, hollie showed pointed, at world, dragon had g8, and, thats, nato, and russia had politburo, said, hollie showed, dressed nice, and hollie with nice hair licked prophet, this is not the website talking, this is hollie talking, post, and, main ministering spirit checked oil, thats hollie, clock, on locomotive, showing, past midnite hour, that was the Son coming out of the Fathers bosom, said, main, it happened to me, sang, bobbie, golder, with, mans voice, and, he saw, pointed, casey, bobbie golder in lava, follow me, said, james tyson, in, lava, mokse, said, hollie, the, dome, she, said, put on, Christ church, apostolic, then r.h. duncan, showed, cut off, liar, said, bobbie golder, and, mcmillin, she, pointed, your cut off, she, said, 3-27-2008-hollie showed record, hollie showed record, hollie showed, choked, in, the, fire, hollie showed, record, that, she pointed, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, new jerusalem, glass city, Light, the Father, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie saw it, raining submarines, and, people, stealing the God spoken name ministry of dreams in subs, like d.min jeremy, taylor, sistermoonshine from CKYT Radio 13, john mark pool, bill hamon, christians stealing name ministry of dreams, fired, on america, bringing, for, Gods elects sake, hollie, showed, hollie held now, thumbs down, m.l.k. fest, why, what has he done, she, said, showed church credit card, I have a dream, he said, and, he saw, pointed, casey, martin luther king with full pocket, now, in lava, korea said Jesus, casey, pointed, nuclear explosion, and, casey, showed, missiles flying, from russia, china, america, and, world shakes, and, pope, and hu, hollie pointed, Christ church apostolic exploded, this is the website talking, post, gabriel showed, record, hollie like randy travis, what does he want, she said, and, randy swallowed, gimme money, his heart said, Jesus showed, cut off, look, pointed, hollie, hollie showed, that, that was beast rising, said, hollie, the g8, pope, beast, nato, seven heads, russia, ten crowns, politburo, said, hollie, ruling party, and, out came yeltsin, then, putin, now, new leader, putin, betrays, and new leader kneels before pope, grunts, whispered, americas, alright, we ll handle it, said, putin, he, gets, restored, he, has new leader, killed, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hu hintao held nose, im the witch, he said, alright, he said, and eight kings, rose, hollie, held, nose, thumbs down, theres, hugo, she said, china, cuba, nicaragua, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, venezuela, said, hollie, is china, absorb, bush, saith the Lord, tell him, this is a sign, and, lighted, finger, pointed, that was hugo and chinese nuclear sub, hugo chavez showed, record, destroy, he said, alright, we ll handle it said, hu hintao, hollie said, bush, she, pointed, you want another term, bush, swallows, shakes, uh huh, create martial law, after, striking, he, knowed, said, bush, hugo, he, pointed, c.i.a. man caught, picturing, bush, wants bob killed, when bush leaves office, dick cheney whispers, kill, bush gets assassinated, by own cabinet, to save them, over, iraq, you, knowed, he, said, oil, contracts, bush, is, lava man, prophet, said, hollie, and he walks into Christ church apostolic and cleophus, said, Jesus, shawn tyson, looks at, he said, wants to meet his hero, 3-28-2008-hollie showed, slapped, fire, he said, pointed, from grill, 4.09 gas, warning, said, Jesus, showed, record, sun, lava, hell, james tyson prays, keep bob here, bob stays at Christ church apostolic, people get saved, shawn sees bob walking outside sanctuary, interceding, they, shake hands, bob reaches for r.h. duncan, he, gets filled, he wont look, but, smiles, royce fields shows, undecided, theres the alarm sound, said, hollie, im not the main anymore, said, hollie, that is gabriel, she said, in headlines, hillary clinton blew out, kicked, president, prove me said, Jesus, hollie watched, smiled, it rained, submarines, rode missile, record, said, hollie, eddie rabbit and clint eastwood, we turned, said, eddie rabbit, in lava, he wanted, like wheylan jennings, the praise of men, now, regrets, being, born, you cant git up there, said, hollie, thats what I want, said, larry hunt, prove, said bobbie golder, witch, she said, bob, said, hollie, hickman, and the man, said, hollie, said, we, got, your oil, smiled, hollie, showed, fleas, like, helicopter, let out, and, angel, rode, lightning bolt, out, angel, showing two, gabriel showed, record, war, he said, and, first lady duncan showed record, both, and, hollie, the dome, she, said, sat on, mokse, appeared, put it under, she, said, git out, said, willie duncan, and, bob, loves both, somebody showedum, said, hollie, alright, said, dr. willie j. duncan, we know were out, he said, comere, he said, and, ministering spirits danced at Christ church, gabriel, behind, pulpit, that was fleas, like, helicopter letting out gorbachev, I got bush to reduce arms, left, hollie showed, record, that, in fire, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, me, bobby, said, hollie, licked, prophet, showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, and jeremy taylor walked and hollie showed walked after, why, said, hollie, what did he do, she fired, space craft, spaceship, she said, dr. jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, runs to remove whe fired from wisdom university, hollie tap dancing, and, meet you right here, she said, and ministering spirits tap danced, no, said, hollie, record, said, hollie, new war said d.min, jeremy taylor, m.a., iran, syria, boom, bush, lets rule the world, said, putin, hollie, pointed, iran powerplant, and he saw, said, casey, explosion, im the bear father said man, hollie, shook, wrote, satan, that was satan, hollie showed, choked, in the fire, smiled, pointed, apartment building exploded, war, said, james tyson, brewing, pointed, hollie, thats, beast rising, n.a.t.o., g8, russia, having politburo, ruling, party, and, putin, came, out, then, new leader, kneeling before, pope, americas gitton, ill handle it, said, new leader, and putin, planning, out of, o, ceans, cuba, nicaragua, and nicaraguan president, showed, thumbs up, hollie showed, record, licked, website said post, crucify, yourself, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, pointed, explosion, you knowed, said larry hunt, and, paul mooney, why, said, hollie, what, has he done, that, pointed, hollie, its your school, and, we saw, said, casey, prophet looking at paul mooney school, bankrupting calvary, and paul talks to larry, lets, and, larry said, git out of here, bob, thinks, showed, paul mooney, no way, larry hunt talks at calvary, bob can not bare sitting thru paul mooneys lecture, alright, said, larry hunt, record me, said, hollie, like fox, let me alone, said, hollie, space craft fired on, she said, d.min, jeremy, taylor in black suit, pocket exploded, absorb it, alright, he said, lets do, venezuela, say, thus speaketh the LOrd of hosts, venezuela is anti chavez, easy saith God, just shoot, and he saw, said, casey, hugo and missile strikes, from, u.s.a. tomahawk, said, bush, sub, hollie showed, picture of chavez, rip, put back, he caused opec to, how do I git outta here, he, said, plan it, said, Jesus, putin, will, fill unworried, knew, china would threaten america, and hugo, said Jesus, you provoked my battle ax, george bush, now hear the word of the LOrd, bush attack, ill get you another, term, and he saw, said, casey, bush swallow, easy, he said, martial law, putin, said, Jesus, rise, over, take, usa, by nuclear, threat, and he saw, said casey, two russian bombers approach alaska, usa, should have, shot down, to, show, russia, and bush, swallows, you know what I need, he said, now hear the word of the LOrd, ill get you first, you got it, he said, both, love, wanted, killed, but, both, like, put it under, said, hollie, alright, said, bush, venezuela, attacked, by, america, thrust out china with compensation, I wont said, bush, make new leader, will, said, bush, and he saw, said, casey, usa attack venezuela, 3-29-2008-gabriel, hollie, showed, record, gabriel, pointed, it was you, they, thought, at, a.b.s.a. council meeting at Christ church apostolic, Holy Ghost, hollie showed record, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, record, saw, flames, rubbed chin, thought, looked, ford, truck, he said, excellent, buy, hollie showed, record, that was door cracking open, fire light, thomas griffith, what has he done, said, hollie, he said, lets move on, at Christ church apostolic, while HOly Ghost moving, he showed, im lost, his crowd, laughs, hollie showed, saw, smiled, laughed, flame, he said, door closed, I dont need it, said, hollie, I caint walk with him, she said, dr. thomas griffith, shakes hands with prophet, likes, but, wants, following, came to Christ church to, take away, said, royce fields, crowd, said, royce, fields, but they lost, and prophet laughs, o my God said royce fields, and his wife wants out, but, royce fields showed church credit card, while your laughin, said, hollie showed, your clock ticks, thats them in lava, put it under, said, hollie, the A.B.S.A. Council (P.A.W.) is hell, and horace smith sees, and calls police, that was fleas like a helicopter, double bladder, she said, letting out, henry, gruver, soon, lava, that was hollie, showing, the beasts image made alive, t.v., and, pope pointed from t.v., at syrian president running from fire, iran, powerplant, hit, u.s.a., saw, sub, and, missiles, flying, thomas griffith, you know, said, Jesus, MY SPIRIT, likes bob, but, wants, to controllem said dr. griffith, but, knows, is lava, and Jesus, looked, thru tube, out dr. thomas griffith, dont you want me said, Jesus, yeah, said, griffith, preaching, lost, there, he pointed, Joseph Farris, letting him pastor, cause, he, wanted, to, cash, in, thomas griffith, said, hollie, and, many ministering spirits, tap danced, and, he, likes bob, said, pope, sees bob as, you getem, said, Joseph Farris, alright said thomas griffith, teaches, bob likes, Jesus showed, record, Joseph Farris, said, hollie, wont ya let me alone, he said, said, give me tithes, pockets, but, pays, for church, and thomas griffith, give me, he said, now, empty, wants bob, hollie showed, played, organ, hollie showed, chisled fire, he said, pointed, all, a.b.s.a. pastors lost, at Christ church apostolic, and, thomas griffith sees, whoever kills saddam hussein, said, gabriel, avenges, and opec cuts of usa over, and harp played, pope, rose, and hu, and, japan, like uh leopard said emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, and hu, said, pope, i will not put up with you, said, hu, they sign for 666, walk, threaten, laugh, two devils, we need your vision, said farris, out, and sophine farris laughs, lay off said joseph farris, they want church back but dont want to offend griffith, he sees, will, stay, and son wants, hollie held nose, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in the fire, pointed, apartment building exploded, smiled, 3-30-2008-hollie showed, record, sodom me said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, showed, record, thats pocket t.v., said, hollie, he showed, beasts image made alive, no, said, hollie, dumass, said man, m.a., d.min, jeremy taylor, u.u., why, said, hollie, what has he done, bob, dont take it, said, gabriel, jeremy taylor stole the name God spoke ministry of dreams and calls self reverend like antonia vladimirova, and gavin porter, tell me who grecia is, said, hollie, with, the, emergency sound, its, pope, and, hu, putin, popped, out, of horns, and, hegoat smote ram, and, america, moscow, china, nuked each other, and, up, saluted pope, and, hu, and, emporer of japan, and, idol shepherd, thats slashed pope, appeared, said, hollie, tear up, put back, black hands, said, hollie, hollie showed, smiled, in, fire, saw sansui 9090 db receiver, it, hollie showed, rubbed chin, is, old, showed, no way, iraq, said, hollie showed, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in iraq, gaza, I, said, president bush, brought in, tell c.i.a., he said, kill, to break oil contracts, c.i.a. looked bob in face, they, show bush, want more visions, said, hollie, grecia, said, gabriel, casey, pointed, pope, hollie like fox, pointed, hollie locomotive, showed, time, hollie like silhouette, showing both beasts, she, said, theres hu, hollie held nose, thumbs down, salted, pope, hollie salted, held nose, lets see, she said, showed, yes, hollie complained, showed, Christ church apostolic, submarine sound, said, hollie, jong, said, gabriel, test fired missiles, preparing, to start, asian war, against russia, over, russia not selling oil, that was north korea, said, hollie, exploding, from missile, and he saw, said, casey, out of russia, then, north korea, launches, thirty nulcear missiles, striking china, south korea, russia, then, north korea explodes, put it under, said, hollie, hollie showed, said, hollie, followed jeremy taylor everywhere he went, thats hollie, space craft fired, she said, jermey taylor, d.min, u.u., pocket exploded, why, said, hollie, what has he done, stole the name ministry of dreams, removes ruint, that was gabriel in headlines, cnn, iran attacked, in headlines, you got me, said, gabriel, from, newspaper picture, d.min, he pointed, jeremy taylor flying spacecraft, america destroyed, people stealing the God spoken name ministry of dreams said reverend amy brucker, did you put that on, said, hollie, and amy brucker said, yes, now hear the word of the Lord, show visions to chaplaincy institute, and amy brucker reads, she ruins it, and, gina rose halpern, says, out, jeremy taylor points, out, and, he, had amy brucker put on, chaplaincy institute closing, and, jim garrison removed from wisdom university for protecting, goes to garrison institute, and hollie showed, followed, d.min jeremy taylor u.u., showed get away, they, fire, hollie complained, war, said, prophet, laughed, over, oil, hollie showed, saw, flames, he said, laughed, thumbs up, pope, on thumb, in the fire, pointed, and hollie saw, subs all around america, fired, and up came the woman, thats, said, hollie, tellem said Jesus, america, thats hollie showed, at Christ church with red striped coat on, whats he doing in the foyer, thinks church, there he is, om prayin, hollie said, om free, said hollie showed, in the foyer, said, mrs. tyson at Christ church apostolic, and he walks back and forth, and shawn sees, church in revival, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, pocket t.v., and, beast looked at Christ church apostolic sleeping, from the foyer at Christ church apostolic, and, beast and hu signed for 666, and hollie showed watched, all in foyer at Christ church, and shawn tyson preaches, and, Laverne, said, hollie showed, comes to Christ church and meets prophet, new beginning ministry is, how do I say this, said, james Laverne Tyson, shows hollie showed to door, and, hollie showed in red striped coat says, its cause of Laverne, new beginning ministries is cut off, hes not saved, said, hollie showed, preach it said cleophus shawn tyson, its money said james Laverne Tyson with shawn tysons voice, and john tyson says, bobby, come back, does, his church fills, and, james Laverne Tyson comes to john tysons church to meet bob, show to door, bob has never met james l. tyson, but james l. tyson hates, knows, its him, he pointed, showed, up, at, ministers meeting and told vision, I saw two nuclear explosions in indianapolis, and hollie showed, pointed, down at big fire ball coming up from indiana, then, all, over, america, pointed, with, henry gruver, in air, subs, they, watched, write the vision, said, hollie showed, pointed, and, satan like pope rose, and, moscow, china, poionted, sistermoonshine13's glove, from ohio class subs, france said Jesus, pointed, hollie showed, its, the, g8, beast, n.a.t.o., seven heads, russia, ten crowns, pointed, hollie, showed, ruling party, and pope rose, out of italy, said, hollie showed, with nuclear explosion, im uh bear, said, linda, spall bear, and Jesus in air, pointing, at nuclear explosions all over europe from russia, and them firing back, and great britain, took four hits, and tony blair, warns, and fires anyway, russia, destroyed, pope appeared, in fire, from explosion out of russia, thermal nuclear warheads, fleas pointed, at paper, iran, powerplant hit, that was hollie, tear up, lighted, bear paws, put back, rip, thats the alome sorry, said, hollie, prepare for azuza street revival, words, said, hollie, and he saw, pointed, casey, it was uh dream, said, hollie, we wont take it said shawn tyson, shawn put bob out, was rude, bob did nothing, if God lets bob go to Christ church apostolic, leave me alone said blind daughter tyson, they would try to control, and hollie showed walks in foyer at Christ church apostolic, om free, he said, no money, said, Jesus, praying for them to have revival, and shawn gets, there getting cold, said, hollie, all churches from a.b.s.a. revival council meeting cause thomas griffith, we know said dr. thomas griffith, said, while HOly GHost moving, lets move on, quenched, after, he thought, im embarrassed, bobby, go home, said, hollie, showed, eat, im grecia, said, woman, thats pope pointed, hollie, pope rose, she said, eat, said, hollie, and, said, hollie, bishop larry hunt, missed, bob, shakes hand to night, laughs, put it under, I was bobs mother thinks larry hunt and mrs. hunt shakes yes, the board of grace apostolic church puts both out, like, saith God, they hunt church, bob knows where brand new church is, you cant keep me said larry hunt, bob buys, God anoints hunt as pastor, put it under, bob gives all tithes, offerrings to hunt, except expenses, said, hollie showed, and hunt sees, church full every service, saith Jesus, about one hundred, and larry hunt looks for wife for bob, and bob shows, yes, no way, 3-31-2008-hollie stomped, look, she pointed, maniac, and, lighted, being, pointed, tear up, it, was, truit, said, hollie, put back, rip, r.h. duncan, sell it, said, mrs. tyson, moneys o.k., promised, she said, full church, and, finger, pointed, swimsuit said amy brucker, its cause om sexy, she kissed, I want sex, but, shes, reverend, this ill take, she, said, and, amy brucker looked at chaplaincy institute, stay, she said, its, because om out, lost saith God, it was you, said brucker, jeremy taylor Phd., why dont you come, let me lust you, said amy brucker, gina rose halpern wadded visions, you shit said reverend brucker, pointed, jeremy taylor, it was the prices, im jelous, she, said, my feces, thats poop, she said, but, acts, like angel, it was you, she said, d.min, jeremy taylor, Ph.d., he needs it said amy, humbled, will fall, take all d.min s with, saith God, and, jeremy taylor, it was you, he said, now om out, said steven stargardter-jim garrison man, is this what you want, said, m.a. jeremy taylor, shook, yes, he stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now, ran to remove, took many with, they, all, hate, him, now, I did not care said reverend jeremy taylor, I just was at grace, said, amy brucker, now empty cause a.b.s.a. council meetings at Christ church apostolic, im 28 said brucker, chelsea clinton, made mom loose, Barack Obama will let clinton vice, if, i had no buisness campaigning said chelsea clinton, I dont care, appreciate, she said, still having both parents, that was hollie blowing horn, out, Jesus, showing peace, my name, said, hollie, Im not the main anymore, she, said, bobby appreciate said bobbie golder, and thats what I want, she said, casey, showed, grace apostolic church full, and, bob, praying, send people, then they close church sunday night, and, all week, bob says, no, now, church empty again, from 740 to 39, bob, heart broken, thinks, how, do we fill again, that sunday night, easter sunday, saith God, about, 250 would have shown, but, larry hunt, said, be with your families, it was you, said, cecil golder, irish davidson, board, the reason to keep bob from testifying, saith God, now, bob, wont, you didnt appreciate said donald golder, temple of praise, is dying, I caint handle vision, said horace smith, and hollie like a bear said, hollie, tore up, from behind, she, said, clap, hollie, would you help us said larry hunt, you got something I want, said hollie showed, leave me alone, submarine sound, pointed, hollie, it rained submarines, 4-1-2008-om against you, said, hollie, cleophus shawn tyson, what did I do, he said, I intruded, now, people, aging, dying lost, under, thats hollie, in, spacecraft, tell me she said, why, and she threw dr. jeremy taylor, PhD, down, why did you take it, she said, I wanted christian to get ruint, make jelous, but, jeremy taylor m.a. got ruint, put it under, he runs to remove the name God spoke ministry of dreams, that was hollie, with the emergency sound, showed, record, laughed, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, explosion, and, blew horn, out, Jesus, on, balloon, hollie showed, his face, she, said, there laughing, said, gabriel, churches, lost, and, Jesus, pursues, hollie showed, record, garry streeval woman, and, being, pointed, look, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, that, said, hollie, prophesy, sang, choir, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, sistermoonshine13 runs like utubia1party to remove the name they stole like phd. reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, he stole ministry of dreams, to strip servant of salvation, that was Jesus coming, said, hollie, fuck me said elvis presley, I aint said mrs. presley, can we make love, he said, wanted a baby, to make her stay, we needed a revival, sang, elvis, lannie caldwell, but, bob, shows, no way, so he can come against, again, calls elders to pray out prophet, lets mock, said, caldwell, and prophet, strips lannie caldwell of his crowd, now going bankrupt, said, reverend lannie caldwell, dyed hair like mrs. caldwell, when God delt, record, the vision, said, Im marie, that, pointed, hollie, marie showed, record, that, she, pointed, pope, rose, theres hu, she said, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, thats it, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, nuclear explosions all over america, let me, said, hollie, record, that, she said, shawn tyson, dyes hair, pastors, hes wanting saved, help, and hollie walks, om free, he said, in red striped, coat, and they at Christ church apostolic, you need to come in, said, cleophus shawn tyson, om free, said, hollie, showed, leave, he said, it was a dream, said, hollie, john mccain, fires, moscow, china, tell, me aobut, alaska, said, hollie, and he saw, said, hollie, alaska explode, from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said linda spall, bear, marie showed, me, she said, bob, dreamed, telling man how to become president, build cars on prison grounds, man walked away, create manufacturing jobs for elderly, making, computers, he walked, bob followed, america wants economic collapse, God spoke, dont think hes not listening, Utubia stole the name ministry of dreams to make Gods servant crash, he said, falls himself, job, fires, hollie showed, buy it, she said, usa for sell under bill clinton, both, like, put it under, said, hollie showed, Christ church wont ask me, he said, to preach, God wont let, but, they would get, saved, woe to the tysons saith God, when shawn sees, he thinks, God, hates us, and we, serve, get right, then, lead, saith God, let bob pray or loose church, school ruint, saith God, like the paul mooney school did, bank, rupts, both, put it under, the new pentecost is Christ church apostolic, it was him, said, woman, at, j. osbornes church, you didnt want to be there, stopped revival, pastor j. osborne, hollie showed, record, j osborne showed beasts image, its the pope said, hollie, made alive, on pocket t.v. said, hollie, take it, he said, mark, 666, live, and hollie showed walked in hall way in red striped coat at Christ Church Apostolic and pope and hu signed for 666, and Bright Light, and Christ Church apostolic kept looking at hollie walking in coat, praying, and he raised hands, smiled, shawn sees, now hear the word of the LOrd, Jeffrey L. Dine is good, doesnt do wrong like officer michael clupper will, make backup show before speaking with, saith God, he wants you in jail like all speedway police department police officers and indianapolis police department, will arrest for no reason, I want to fuck up your week end, they all think, arrest, put their names on internet if they wrong you, and they will, hollie showed, record, you want uh vision, said, hollie, then put the vision on your website, hollie like uh silhouette showed, both beasts, theres hu, she said, held nose, thumbs down, liar, she said, and pope, liar, held nose, and they walked, hated, clinged, both had nuclear weapons, thats otyre, said, hollie, russia, magog, china, and he saw, pointed, casey, nuclear weapons fly out of north korea striking, russia, china, south, korea, russia, fires, back, boom, that, said, hollie, new jerusalem, appears, at j. h. osbornes church, like lighted glass city, and nuclear explosions, on globe, shown on screen at the first bible church, that, said, hollie, Benjamin Smith preaches ACTS 2:38, I aint done it, said Ben Smith, and j. osborne, knowed said osborne, us, said, woman there, put it under, cut off showed j. osborne, like ben, said, hollie, 4-2-2008-you want me, said, hollie showed, rubbed chin, remember that, he said, pointed, dan quayle, chose, said, john mccain to be vice, cause, God led prophet, to write, hollie showed, record, let me alone, said, hollie, flying, in, space craft, we gotem, said, utubiaparty1, he stole the name ministry of dreams like his god sistermoonshine13, spacecraft fired, both loose jobs, people openly mock, france said, hollie, thats the reason, its the g8, politburo, russia, 10 kings, ruling party, n.a.t.o., seven heads, that, said, hollie, hollie chainsawed bubba, laughed, licked prophet, cause the websites up, the websites down, said, the main, hollie showed, hollie showed, new jerusalem, like lighted glass city, in john w. tysons church, hollie laughed, doing sign teem, then, looked serious, out, said, fleas, write the vision, like hollie showed, said, hollie, this is not the website talking, its, hollie talking for the website, said, my main, write uh vision, she, said, gabriel, in, headlines, post, iran attacked, and, national guardsman trembles, bush, he said, iraq, gaza, nuked, I brought in to break oil contracts, said, george bush, gabriel showed, china, behold, he said, pointed, magog, appeared on, and, red horse, then, black, pale, white, came out, tell me what this means, said, hollie, theres, she pointed, hu, riding, red, and pope on black, Jesus on white, grim reaper on pale, pointed, at dan quayle, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, this prophet wanted john mccain to choose you, thats why I let, saith God, they destroy, saith God, horses, prophet said, hollie, mister christian, said, hollie, get off of me, said, gabriel, john tyson, whatta you want, said, hollie, we perished said mrs. john w. tyson, with dyed hair, john tyson wants bob to stay, plant, he said, hollie pointed, at globe, she said, and, again, nulcear explosions in america, from sub, she said, and world shakes, and, your out, said, gabriel, john w. tyson, plant, he said, john tyson wants saved, hollie like silhouette, she said, showed both beasts, fighting, hu, and, pope, and they walked, threatened, hollie showed prayed in hallway at Christ Church apostolic, with red striped coat on, raised hands, and hu, he said, signed for 666, with pope, in hallway at Christ church apostolic, and, people looked at, im prayin, said, hollie showed, then, white Light filled hallway, hollie showed said, there, save those people, pointed, thru glass, at Christ church apostolic, and shawn tyson preaching, church full, then, empty, john tyson showed record, hollie showed, cut off, pointed, all tysons, whatta you want, he said, put it there, said, Jame tyson, with, laverne tysons voice, pocket, look at china, pointed, shook, holliefleas, magog, hollie like uh silhouette showed both beasts, said, hollie, clapped, fleas, hu, pope, sat, them, down, they, signed, for 666, and pope pointed, world shook, fire, from nuclear subs, gabriel showed, right when he went home, john tyson begged God for salvation, that, pointed, hollie, gabriel showed, that, pointed, hollie, im the bear father, thats pope, she said, otyre, russia, outlaws Jesus had P.A.W. on vest, shot into air, above america, california, florida, new york, exploded, back down, when said, prophet, out laws Jesus turned into Spirit, when horace smith repents, you know it, he said, said horace, smith, saw, he said, pointed, that was fleas, like a helicopter, letting, out, the pentecostal, thats horace smith, kenneth haney man, made me look, said, dr. horace smith, and, the pentecostal with dyed hair, said, thru golden megaphone, peace and safety was start one, said hollie, out of megaphone, this ruint, she pointed, white Light Smoke filled hall way at Christ church apostolic, and, people keep looking, back at, thru glass, hollie showed, appeared, thru Smoke, om free, them, he pointed, save, and, james tyson, we want it, he said, shawn shows, no way, that was hollie pointing, at dragon, in Smoke at Christ Church apostolic, g8, said, young woman from j. osbornes church, and, bush popped out, woman, pope, little horn, pointed, hollie, you know who that is, she said, this is nato, and, shawn reads, the seven heads, russia having politburo, shawn looks on google, thats it, he smiles, ruling party, and, yeltsin comes out of ten, putin out of him, and, we got it, said, cleophus tyson, tear up, put back, said, hollie, oil, said, pope, thats leading to armageddon, said, hollie, please dont touch my website name, it was spoken by the LOrd, ministry of dreams, said, pointed, fleas, God, will, ruin, who does, hollie stomped on clock, it was 2:38, thats what pentecost has done, hollie like fox, that, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, that, pointed, hollie, go, and I want you to know that im hopelessly in love with you, ABBA, said, hollie, sang, with, chior, music, dream, marie tore up, put back, gabriel showed, record, hollie like, uh fox, she said, showed, pope, beast, picture, tear up, put back, not all the way, there is uh reason, said, hollie, plus, the pentecostal, thats horace, said, hollie and ken, P.A.W. U.P.C.I. man, she said, both, with dyed hair, and he saw, said casey, showed, the pentecostal, both laugh, that, said, hollie, new jerusalem, at j. osbornes church, like, she said, lighted, glass city, and j.h. osborne looks at, and people there perish, om alright said young brown haired woman that goes there, will get knocked up saith God, soon, watch for her to bear daughter, then, son, she said, then, wants Jesus, and God looked, not, to late, cause j. osborne not sent, 4-3-2008-derek jefferson showed record, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hand out of fan, laughed, hollie showed, rubbed chin, right here, he said, flame, car, rubbed, thought, laughed, up, pope on thumb, hollie pointed, turn, this is holliesite talking, post, this is hollie that, pointed, hollie had the nitelight, this is the website talking, post, and dragon rose, its the g8, said, hollie, nato, and bush, she said, pushing, missile, said, pope, with dark hair, shield, angering the ten crowns, who are they said mrs. carey, they are, politburo, russia, and putin, laughed, put it under, smiled website, showed, gabriel, recording, derek jefferson showed, said, no way, dont testify here, no, said, prophet, either, open, or bye, I will not sit under a hair dying, turned, ministry of dreams, this is the website talking, post, that was new jerusalem in derek jeffersons church, and, globe said, hollie, with many nations attacked, and White Mist at dereks church, dont tell me, he said, hollie danced, hollie showed, record, cindy pointed, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, france pointed, Jesus, war, said, Jesus, brewing between, china and russia, and usa, hollie showed, played, organ, laughed, hollie, doing sign teem, she said, record, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, prophet prays for c. shawn tyson in hospital, and tells, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, dont do it, said, gabriel, leaves, hollie showed, on board, subs, she said in classroom, shawn tyson raises hand, how do we git the Holy Ghost, we dont want it said william mccloud, derek jefferson smiles, its your life, said, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, hollie showed, record, hes uh billionaire, she said, we know said derek jefferson, but you can not testify here said mrs. carey, no way said jefferson, now hear the word of the LOrd, bye waves, bob, he gets something out of testimony service, made me look said larry hunt, no way said derek jefferson, thou fool, said, Jesus, that little nigger said homer mcmillin, put it under, cut off showed Jesus, bob prays, can get back on, close that website, said, flea, you need a library, said, derek jefferson, right here, but guards pulpit, bob will be, He aint gonna write me said horace smith, but, dyes hair, now put it under, cut off showed, Jesus, till, websites up, down, like hollie showed, with, golden face, write the vision, he said, when you need me, said, hollie, get outta here said derek jefferson, now hear the word of the LOrd, no, said, hollie, these two love, but, bob will not tolerate just derek, you made me look said mrs. carey, france again, said, man, the g8, politburo, thats, ruling party, and bob goes, to sleep said derek jefferson, he wants to buy, but, now hear the word of the LOrd, bob knew before came, but will not keep coming, Jesus showed, cut off, derek jefferson, stay away from me, he said, hollie showed, record, this is Jesus, post, said, hollie, licked prophet, this is the website talkin, post, said, hollie, for the website, theres the, said, hollie, where the, said, fleas, alome sound, the first, said, hollie, then, second, then, third, and, all three hollie showeds bowed, licked, websites up, websites down, said, hollie, with, hollie showed whiping, the first, said, fleas, people, whose colon stops working desire death and derek jefferson preaches about pastor loosing bowell while preaching, and, another, dream, night vision, saith Jesus, press O Lord, sang, many times, meaning, with music, tarry, prayer, the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, showed, record, ministry of dreams said librian is ordered by Jesus, if you steal the name ministry of dreams or alter in any way I the Lord will ruin you and make you run to remove the name I spoke for this ministry, marie showed, cut off, all that, we take, said, phd reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, m.a., jungian, flying in spacecraft, jeremy taylor stole the name ministry of dreams to make prophet bow to him like he did jim garrison and steven stargardter and the rosens, thats richard rosen, and susan, put it under, said, hollie, laughed, God will make reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova and gavin porter run to remove the name ministry of dreams like he did dr. bill hamon and john mark pool and dee finney, and jeremy taylor fires from spacecraft, these christians are bringing on judgment to america, 4-4-2008-the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, russia, she, said, not, selling oil, causing o.p.e.c. to charge to much, collapsing world, alome sorry, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, pointed hollie showed, out of fire, that, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china strikes taiwan, casey, hollie showed in fire, that, explosion, hollie showed, bob, record, me, said, gabriel, some one looked, he said, smiled, horace smith, meet, he said, prophet said, come to grace apostolic church, near p.a.w. headquarters, its, pentecostal assemblies of the world, and derek jefferson likes, all three, bob, thinks, let hunt and homer mcmillin be there, larry hunt will, homer will, derek will, r. h. duncan will, like james tyson, lets just have church, he thinks, but, horace would want bob to follow back, bob will, if van fixed, larry hunt brings to chicago, he preaches, they go back, that was hollie like round face, laughed, and pope rose, we can use ya said horace smith, it would take one week to fill horace smiths church, prophet showed witnessing, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it said Jesus, out, out, said, fleas, p.a.w., hollie showed how to fix van, jack up, heat gun, find aluminum, melt, tada, bobby, said, hollie, ministry of dreams was spoken by the Lord, if you steal or alter God will ruin and make you run to remove like john mark pool, dee finney, reverends jeremy taylor and antonia vladimirova, dan kaps, robert winer, christians stealing the name ministry of dreams like bill hamon, mike murdock, gavin porter, on paula cavus site, gabriel showed, record, its the economy, said, hollie, showed, bankrupt, wrote, bush, cheney, fought iraq war, oil contracts, ends nuclear, smiled gabriel, that, said, hollie, this is website talkin, post, and dragon rose, its g8, said, hollie, russia, having ten crowns, ruling party, nato, seven heads, bush, woman, italy, little horn, I am God said pope, gabriel showed, they wanted, horace smith, to not mess with, you, cause, every body wants horace smiths job, but, God, says, leave dr. smith there, bob, would like, but, knows, wont click, and he saw, said casey, bob, and, hunt, and mcmillin, meeting with, at, p.a.w. headquarters, God speaks, bob tells, that is, said, hollie, the o red and black chariot, with pope, hu, hollie on top, pulled by angry horses, hollie jumped in back, with hollie whistle, and horace smith, and saw, hollie whistle blew, eight kings, planning against america, theres hu, said, hollie, like silhouette, showed both beasts signing for 666, and om free said hollie showed, walking in hall way at Christ church apostolic, and shawn preaching, people looking back, then, White Smoke filled the hallway, said, hollie, put it under, hollie showed record, pointed, out of grill, that, whats that, horace smith, comeon, bob goes back with, lives in van, works to fill horaces church, its easy, said, hollie showed, I want, said, horace, smith, gimme flyer, said, hollie showed, revival, with horace smith featuring larry hunt, and, donald and cecil golder, they see, bob, wont, preach, likes hunt, but, hunt, doesnt like, cause threat, this the website talking, post, smiled, website, ministry of dreams, paris said Jesus, is russia, now, like, great britain, becoming, australia is russia, canada, russia, only japan stays with, cause china, germany is russia, saith God, they have fallen away, and he saw, said, casey, japan take three nuclear missiles, fire back, on, china, they are nato, russia, china, north korea, venezuela, brazil, cuba, nicaragua, are those eight kings, said Jesus, they will all take nuclear missiles with mexico, cause russia will not sell oil, sang, Jesus, with music, played by hollie showed, website up, website down, said, hollie, like hollie showed, the united states will be attacked, by russian missiles, said, Jesus, why things happen when thier not suppost to happen, sang, kelly, Jesus showed, record, Jesus coming, and, subs, all around america, exploded, up, statue of liberty, and, bill clinton returns, moscow, china, destroyed, and up, rose, pope, that, pointed, hollie showed, cause russia will not take, said, gabriel, showed, be quiet, wait and see, said, hollie, 4-5-2008-gabriel, showed, record, russia wont take it, he said, u.s.a. missile defence, overwhelm it, he said, will, and he saw, pointed, casey, missiles flying, missile defence, popping, some, but, not, enough, and bush sees, and they fly out of, said, woman, north korea, striking, russia, china, bush, calls, putin, tells, stay on, he said, new leader, immature, hes ronald reagan, bush, tells c.i.a., leave alone, bob sees man taking pictures, meet, they, lets have coffee, he said, they protect, gabriel, showed, bush, dont, hit north korea, or, they will, and casey, showed, u.s.a. striking from sub, oil, said, woman, reason, elder cecil golder, said, woman, not in, take my word, said, Jesus, I perform, write the vision, said, hollie, tear up, put back, pope, beast, image, showed, by, marie, licked, prophet, hollie possum, marie showed, record, record, said, marie, that was Jesus, crucified, and woman, with, blisters, bob, shook, hands, she, said, ive got, bob, said, we all probably got something, watched, marie, showed, dragon, g8, the seven heads, nato, bush, woman, russia having politburo, ruling party, hollie licked prophet, hollie showed, record, im the main, ministering spirit, write uh vision, im marie, gabriel said, when, the, united states will be attacked, by russia, after, iranq, this is the website talking, post, showed, go, Christ temple prayer meeting, we want him, said, man, hollie showed, choked, in fire, look, said, hollie, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china strikes, and he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, looky, said, fleas, look, she said, somebody got your name, said, gabriel, its no, said sistermoonshine13, utubiaparty1, both stole the name ministry of dreams, run to remove, bring bobby, back, said, gabriel, thinks, charles finnell, marie showed, record, bobby, said, fleas, look, by, uh, new receiver, look, mokse, appeared, hollie sat on, dome, on, willie, duncans church, tap dancing, ministering spirits, whats the word, said, hollie, someone looked at it, said, Jesus, john mark pool, then stole the name ministry of dreams, then removed ruint, brand new brother said hollie, thomas griffith, not saved, 4-6-2008-uh warning, said, hollie, elijah, said, Jesus, is come, record me, said, marie, new united states, said, gabriel, utubia is not wanting to be embarrassed, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, pointed, out of grill, flame, he said, rubbed chin, laughed, up, he said, thumb, pope, on, hu hintao riding red horse, taiwan, explodes, and, thats, missile flying, from, china, taiwan, exploded, then, another, two, said, hollie, licked prophet, stop right there, said, hollie, bobby, theres, nuclear wars brewing, said, gabriel, in iranq, put it under, thats, it, said, hollie, post, I want more visions, said, hollie, the main, tore up, put back, hamas, thats the Lords enemy, the phillistines, said, Jesus, casey, showed, the palestinian state explode, nunt uhh, said, casey, there are two, hollie showeds, one is hollie, showing, alaska, said, gabriel, casey, wiped lips, showed, explosions, nuclear, put it under, john mark pool stole the name ministry of dreams, now wants to sue prophet, for ruining him, and, God, led, tear up, fix it, said, hollie, with lighted bear paws, the united states, said gabriel, exploded, showed, casey, and, up the woman, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, gabriel showed, record, pointed, hollie, it is in the ring, said, hollie, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, and hollie like silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres, hu, said, hollie, showed, fighting, and pope, and hu, walked, I can see were not going to get along, they, said, agreed, said, hu, they, signed, for 666, and hollie showed walked in hall way at Christ church apostolic, and white Smoke, filled, shut up said james to shawn tyson, you must prophesy again to horace smith, and tell him, thus speaketh the Lord, said hollie, step down, give p.a.w. to prophet, at grace apostolic church in indianapolis, he will do away with aenon bible college and headquarters, right here, said bobbie golder, in woodrow futchs class room, pay rent, and futch showed, were prophets down here, hollie, lighted, blew horn, out Jesus, tore up, after his class, then, and bob, he knowed, said Jesus, liked futchs class, larry hunt will be removed from grace apostolic, let me outta here, said, hollie showed, bob, follows, hollie showed, record, wait, hollie showed, record, a different way, france said, gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, the g8, she, said, thats, nato, bush, italy, casey, who are you, she said, to pope, its cause of bush, she said, Im the beast, hu hintao and pope said, russia having politburo, thats uh ruling party, she, said, showed, record, let me record, said, gabriel, leave me alome sorry, said, hollie, marie showed, record, and, look, hollie showed, choked in fire, leave it alone, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, how engine works, held pistons, piston up, now down, like hollie showed, im marie, write the vision, theres a warning, said, gabriel, hollie showed in the fire, theres uh submarine, said, hollie,
larry hunt-vision received 4-6-2008-while at grace apostolic church, pastor larry hunt was preaching, and moved his arms, maybe swinging, and I saw like big smoke trail kind of like he caused it, but vision, and I saw ministering spirits dancing, and angels fill pulpit area and maybe seating area and maybe dark spirit as well, many flying angelic beings there and service was kind of awesome move of Holy Ghost.
looks happy-dream? 4-2008-in this vision, I saw a man that goes to grace apostolic church, and he was miserable, and talked lie he was, but there at church, you may not be able to guess.
God has showed me in visions ministering spirits like, many different hollies, gabriel, Jesus, both hollie showeds, grim reaper, and more and they said things like: you know why we hit iraq, said, woman, oil contracts, to breakuhm, she said, and bush, orders, c.i.a. to kill, record me said, hollie, hollie showed, cut off, they hit iran again, said, car, u.s.a., and, he saw, said, casey, usa strike iran, this economy, said, this aint gonna do it, said, Jesus, bush collapsing to pay for iraq, ethanol, charging to much, let me, said, hollie, showed, record, whats that, she said, john mccain, she threw down, tell me, she said, he looked, wants government credit card, like obama showed, they dont care, quayle gets vice again, they win, hollie showed, record, steve irwin, is lava, now, wife, wants, sex, gets, show, off, let me talk, said, hollie, Jesus showed, cut off, and he saw, said, casey, Charlton Heston, play moses, no, wishes that he was, in lava with black suit, saw, said, casey, waist high, get me outta here, he said, hes, wanting, saved, now, but, God, thinks, you wanted lava, and got, why complain, hes, weeping, loudly, hollie showed, yeah, thinks, dan quayle, likes, prophet, they meet, lusts, put it under, said, hollie, have it, pay later like homosex Tim Curry, dying, now wants saved but, had, while doing the rocky horror picture show, much, they all did, now old, dying, rich, but, lava, awaits, whats that, said, hollie, thats rocky horror picture show and following in hell with thier friend, thats FrankFurter, now, fiftys, but, young in heart, put it under, said, hollie, he wants ya right there, he said, court, prove, said, bush, iranq over oil contracts, thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, prove, said, bush, what are you still doing there collapsing, and c.i.a., sees, bobby, said, hollie, no, it slippin, said, Jesus, the economy, in america, and when collapses, then, china, strikes, taiwan, to lure, said, hollie, showed, record, they are using tax dollars to steal oil contracts from iranq, both, right now, saith God, bush calls, come see me, he said, prophet shows, no way, but on john mccains presidential, there, wont, saith God, will speak, prophet will tell, thus speaketh the Lord, the economy is gone, manufacturing, gone, now hear the word of the LOrd, we can rebuild, said, john mccain, let, saith God, or, collapse, then, russia attacks usa, after china strikes taiwan, I know saith God, they dont want another u.s.a. superpower, look, she said, fire, in, sky, over new york, thats, the trade centers, she said, now, look, Jesus, in, fire, showing, thumbs, down, that, caused, 9-11, and, thus speaketh the Lord, saudi arabia paid for, hollie showed, record, take it, she said, reverend d.min u.u. jeremy taylor Phd, took, said, dee finney, the name, said, john mark pool, ministry of dreams, like sistermoonshine13 and utubiaparty1 now has, now hear the word of the LOrd, I will not share the name I spoke for this ministry ministry of dreams, steal and I the LOrd will ruin you, just ask reverends bill hamon and antonia vladimirova, im rejected, said, Jesus, both, but they both claim, now om gonna get richer, they thought, steal, act like, but, they are, lost, put it under, said, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, showed, wait, finger, john mccain will choose former vice president dan quayle then take office he said, hillary will whip, obama, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, alome sorry, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, hollie showed, beasts image made alive, picture, tear up, she said, put back, pope, and hu, he said, they walked, signed for 666, at Christ church apostolic, in hallway, and hollie showed, walked with red striped coat on, 4-8-2008-hollie showed, horace e. smith with dyed hair, taiwan again, said, man, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, missile flying from china, casey, france, said, JEsus, and, he saw, said, casey, g8, hollie showed picture of red dragon, with, thats nato, she said, seven head s, with, bush controlling, russia having ruling party, show me who the beast is, said, hollie, and, dan quayle bowed before pope, and beast looked, smiled, dan looked serious, then, laughed, the steven stargardter-jim garrison pope man showed record, hollie like a fox, showed, pictures of both beasts, theres hu, and pope, im legend said reverend amy brucker, its all on iran said horace smith, and he saw, pointed, casey, iran, attacked, by u.s.a., she said, wow, said horace, smith, horace showed, record, om there, he pointed, p.a.w. head quarters, but not, saved, and he saw, said, casey, big nuclear explosion in australia, loose belt sound, this is hollie, france said, fleas, whatta you want, and, he, saw, said, rubbed lips, casey, france, falling from n.a.t.o., and, russian nuclear missile strike, thatll do it, said, new russian president, casey, showed, record, hollie showed, doreen marie hoge, I had him, she thought, prophet ministry of dreams, cut off, but, now knows, you keep right on, she thinks, showed, nuclear hits in great britain, and, beast exploded from missile out of italy, bush, strikes russia, china, russia, and, he saw, said, hollie, subs, from air, all around, america, and, fired, exploded, and, woman came up, bob, thats statue of liberty, hollie showed, sang, played, journey, he said, song, clap, tap danced, hollie, hollie showed, record, giggled, he said, that man spoke blaspheme against Holy Ghost, said, Jesus, while talking, didnt know, but, they, find out when they seek, the economys going down, said, pope, usa appeared, im the new president said hillary clinton, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, put the economy back, said, hollie, tore up, she showed, with, lighted bear paws, doreen marie hoge and hollie said, you git outta here, she pays, visit, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, smiled, in, fire, hollie showed, alome sound, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that was black woman with white in her face, weeping, shes, unaccountable, saith the Lord, will make heaven, you ruint it, said, hollie, something in that helicopter, said, man, fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, doreen, said henry gruver, showed, cut off, we, left, brand new moma, said, Jesus, grace apostolic wants you pastor, not, hunt, put it under, woe to larry hunt, hollie showed, hunt, she said, larry, step down, or, be put out, saith God, prophet, follows, board sees, hunt, made me look said larry hunt, prophet, I wont, if, larry leaves, but visit, they keep, hunt, likes, accept it said enthusiastic hollie, no, said, hollie, its in the book, she said, people stealing the name ministry of dreams, and rewriting old books including like dr. bill hamon did, now, ruint, 4-9-2008-pope showed, record, hollie out of horn, showed, flag, sorry, written on, irish davidson talks while prophet makes prayer requests like woodrow futch told, hollie showed, record, prophet, said, hollie, like a fox, showed, beasts image, rip, put back, lighted bear paws, hollie showed, beasts image tear up, with, lighted, bear paws, rip, then, beast, put back, again, prophet, said, hollie, like fox, tear up, put back, new u.s.a., communism, said, hollie, tear up, put back, said, hollie, with lighted hands, showed, the beast, sitting on throne, pope, I am God, and, hu, knelt, the second beast, we war, he said, sign for 666, prophet, said, hollie, like fox, showed, both beasts, theres hu, hollie like silhouette, showed, prophet, there is fleas, like, a helicopter, pointed, hollie, letting out irish davidson, this is start one, said, hollie, thats the pope, signing to declare war on china, makes china, leave, russia, after, they, absorb, said, hollie, put it under, she said, casey showed pope looking on america, hollie like a cat, white, subs fired, america destroyed, all around, hollie showed picture, tear up, then, pope, rip, bill clinton returns fire, moscow, china, nuked, and, great britain, and tony blair fires back, russia, one sixth left, its the new leader, said, hollie, hes the one, submarine sound, said, hollie, and it rained submarines, with hollies in, hollie showed, he saw you, said, hollie, woodrow futch, Goddam prophet said irish davidson, your wanted here, she said, pulpit, your letting go, said, hollie, your nothing but a God damed liar said false reverend antonia vladimirova of dreams foundation, what has she done, said, hollie, threw antonia vladimirova down, I stole ministry of dreams when guestbook signed to strip prophet of rights to it, but, removed, openly mocked, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, steal the God created spoken name ministry of dreams like bill hamon did and I the Lord will ruin you like john mark pool is, let me alone, said, hollie, hollie flying, my space craft firing on those that stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, got one, she said, the reverend, showed, shh, thats dr. jeremy taylor, bill hamon, antonia vladimirova, gavin porter, paula cavu, john mark pool, dee finney, jeremy taylor PhD., these christians all stole the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, ran, spacecraft said, hollie, fired, all ran to remove, gabriel showed, record, taiwan, said, miss librarian, exploded, casey, showed, missile flying from china, nuclear, pope showed, like steven stargardter, said, hollie, dim garrison pope man, iraq again, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, I brought it in, said bush, to steal oil contracts, mokse, said, hollie, she put dome on willie duncans church on 1959 ford thunderbird, hollie showed, threw reverend d.min jeremy taylor down, I stole the name God created and lied about to strip prophet, ministry of dreams, now ruint, smiled, excellent car, said, Jesus, that was hu hintao riding red horse, china, and he saw, said casey, struck taiwan, exploded, tell me what the pope did, said, hollie, smiled, tell said hollie, carlos burdine, now what he done, said, hollie, he blasphemed the Holy Ghost, your hearing from the devil, he said, carlos burdine did not do that, said, Jesus, just ask, pointed, hollie, carlos burdine what he said to bob in front of bradford baker, that, said, hollie, its all in, the book, said, hollie, The Ministry Of Dreams, people stealin, said bobbie golder, put it under, the end times are here, she said, hollie showed, laughed, pointed, from the fire, hollie with nice hate, smiled, whats her message, hollie thought, showed, hollie like uh silhoette, with larry hunt and homer mcmillin, both, lost, that, said, enthusiastic hollie, make uh wish, she said, 4-10-2008-fleas, said, no, showed, turn, big lighted hand, and hollie showed record, licked prophet, no, said, hollie, whats this said gabriel, seraphins flying, with, many faces, crying, Holy, Holy, Holy, art Thou, o LOrd, before Jesus, on throne, prophet, says, send me, go, said, Jesus, destroy, and, nathaniel haney-urshan man shakes yes, you liar, said, angel, hollie threw nathaniel haney-urshan man down, angel smiled, right there, he pointed, lava, there, is, u.p.c.i. in lava, that was hu hintao riding red horse, china strikes taiwan, iran is coming up, said, Jesus, that was Sun of Righteousness, bright, hollie showed, choked in fire, laughed, pointed, explosion, hollie showed, wait, thats shawn tyson, whats he stairin at, said, hollie, the g8, dragon, with, seven heads, ten horns, nato, russia, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, thumbs down, the final call, whats he readin, said, hollie, thats allah, those are lighted bear paws, hollie, pope, thats otyre, she, said, and pope walked with hu, magogs ruler, china, they signed for 666, when russias economy collapses, they wars break out all over, brand new hollie, gabriel showed, record, prophesy said Jesus, new russian leader collapses economy, bush, sees, tells c.i.a. watch, heres the sign, said, Jesus, he puts putin to rest, bush, is, im outta here, he said, God wants bush to declare martial law, stay, prophesy said JEsus, hollie showed turn, bush assassinated by central intelligence agency, theres uh war, said, Jesus, brewing, opec, cuteme off said fleas, thats why, prices high, now, collapsing, world economies, north korea, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions, out of north, hitting south korea, china, russia, bush, tells, kim jong, not, now hear the word of the Lord, if america strikes north korea, and they will, russia will hit alaska, but, missiles coming, not warning, open fire saith the Lord, on, russia and china, bush, sees, and, great britain explodes, australia, then, russia, china, theres nuclear explosions in france, italy, prophesy said hollie, prophesy said man, russia will not let collapsed america rebuild, hollie showed record, russia said Jesus, dont do it, said, president bush, arrest, or threaten, this will be the sign, saith GOd, when usa economy collapses, then, you ruint yourself, cause c.i.a. will kill you for ruining them, no more money for them, so no more life for you cause you ruint them, and thier homes and bank accounts, now hear the word of the LOrd, now dear bush, saith God, was iraq worth your life, you would have lived like your dad, now dead soon, watch, dick cheney will replace you, made me swallow said president george bush jr., will have prophet pursued, but cia will not harm or capture, they like, bush they want, now russia, said, GOd, ruin u.s.a. right now, and lure, using china, to strike taiwan, and you are watching like bush is, do it now, and open on usa before they can program, and bill clinton sees, but, does not order, thinks, we brought it on our selves, now hear the word of the Lord, do or die un avenged, bill clinton presses button, then dies, and he saw, said, casey, missiles take off from america, then, missile defence from america, hit many topols, but, not all, cruise missiles, destroy both coasts, hollie showed, cut off, that, tap danced, hollie, new president bush is hillary clinton, said, gabriel, post, said, gabriel, this is hollie talkin for the website, and, he saw, said, casey, website smile, and, dragon in yellow light, war, thats russia, hollie held nose, salted, china, hollie held nose, salted, pointed, russia, china, ram, and, pope, popped out, of horn, hegoat smote ram and america, moscow, china nuke each other, prophesy said prophet, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie spreaded out the map, said, hollie, now look, she, said, had stick, pointed, judgment is coming from here, nicaragua, venezuela, brazil, russia, china, north korea, and cuba, mexico, rolled up map, america exploded, from subs, and woman came up, thats statue of liberty, hollie bowed, bob dreamed, flying thru air, landed in water, where there was much corn, under, and heard, somebody prayed for her, now this is uh warning, said, Jesus, corn, will not bud, underneath water, pastors are not giving the right message, from Jesus, but thier own, not getting people saved, and they age, and dont want no more, now hear the word of the LOrd, woe be unto the pastors, and flying roll in all churches and pastors pocketing lucre, Jesus showed, record, like uh cat, said, hollie, showed, picture of pope with dark hair, russia, thats otyre, said, hollie, and new leader, bows, before pope, look, said, fleas, go and get some oil, said, hollie, that is leading to armageddon, she, said, hollie showed, cut off, om not, said, woman, but is, all, p.c.a.f. pastors, thats Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. saith God, none saved, but, prophet, leave it under, said, hollie, do ACTS 2:38, dont just say it, and angels and ministering spirits danced at mark plummers church, hollie out of horn, played, turned into hollie showed, spun, back, looked out, 4-11-2008-tell me about Dick Dewert, said, hollie, and dr. Dick Dewert showed, shh, dont tell on us, said john mark pool-Dick Dewert man, both lost want, I want lucre said john mark pool, and Dick Dewert shook, yes, both, rich off stupid christians, saith God, prophesy, said, prophet, russia collapses, economy, then wars, breaks out, outlaws Jesus showed, turn, hollie showed, smiled, in, the fire, when the economy collapses, said, kelly, usa, russia, and putin, said, lets rule the world, looky, said, fleas, hollie pointed, no, said, hollie, thats like uh brand new receiver, said, gabriel, realistic sta-2150 stereo receiver, its puts out 40 watts per channel, they are perfect, hollie showed, record, leave are economy alone said fleas, bush, charging to much for ethanol, collapsing the economy, lets rule the world, sang, putin, bush threatening the whole globe, but the ram, but now placing missile defence around russia, and, china, angering, and bear growing, this is website, said, hollie, you gotta quit posting, she said, on google, they are getting suit threats all because, we gotem, said, john mark pool, sistermoonshine13 and utubiaparty1, we took, said, dee finney, the name, said, diana hughey, ministry of dreams, now openly mocked, just ask john mark pool, he is being stripped of talks, and interceptor hits topol-m every time, but cruise missiles, thats the patriot three, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, and, eight kings, that will rise against u.s.a., bob larson is a pick pocket saith the LOrd, openly mocks speaking with tongues, and the apostle paul did till road to damascus, hollie held nose, liars, she salted, hollie showed, pope, hu, hollie salted, kim jong, she said, with music, played, by hollie showed, out of horn, you devil, said, Jesus, no I aint said bob larson, not saved, but rich, in lava will think, I knew, turned inton joyce meyer, that wont do, said, hollie, at sarah hickey masterbating, and mother, winks, is starting trouble, kim jong, she said, said sarah hickey, is going to launch missiles on russia, china, south korea, nuclear, like casey, pointed, then, explosions in all three countries, drawing nuclear hit by russia, submarine, said, hollie, thats it, said, hollie, leave her alone, said, Jesus, thats, said, hollie, sarah hickey, prophet thinks, cum, God thinks, om gonna wink at it, stay single, she sees, laughs, prophet, wishes, but america, strikes, north korea, from, sub, aiming for kim jong, mother I dont do it, said sarah hickey, she laughs, said marilyn hickey, but both do, put it under, said, hollie showed, america is masterbation, misses, this causes russia, no more, said, new leader, put it in the butt said sarah hickey, come on man, said, Jesus, bob would, to launch on america, and he saw, said, casey, from high in air, eight russian subs, fire thirty three multiple warhead missiles after casey showed alaska nuked, and sarah and marilyn hickey were in the subs, they are not saved, but act like mike murdock, and bill hamon, then bill clinton, fires, on, russia, china, strikes, taiwan, venezuela, then america hits china, thirty nuclear missiles, and idol shepherd sat in temple, i am god, signs russias treaty, gets arsenal, hu, and, emporer of japan, rise to withstand, they sign for 666, worship the pope, said, hu, hollie showed, turn, enthusiastic hollie, that, she, said, said hollie, tell me why james townsend, said, hollie, tap dancing, showed up at event, wrong said mark plummer, James Townsend wants delivered, said, pastor Townsend, and bob prays, for, Townsend awakens, bob, visits, that was fleas like uh helicopter letting out james townsend, sees visions, shakes yes, smiles, spoke thru megaphone, hollie out, this is peace and safety, she said, and Bessie L Townsend shakes, yes, casey showed, gorbachev, bush, signing for start, one, reducing nuclear weapons, greg, said, woman, it was uh dream, said, hollie, thats greg Freije, said, Jesus, both, dying, hollie tore up, like, bear, put back, im marie, you need to record, me, hollie showed, record, licked, prophesy said, Jesus, hollie showed, choked in the fire, russia collapses economy, then, wars, break, out, prophet, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, hollie like uh bear, 4-12-2008-hollie showed, record, wake up russia, she said, usa threatens now, with missile defence, put it under, said, hollie, she showed, the dragon rise, it the g8, she said, thats, nato, russia, you over, said, Jesus, yes, shook james townsend, why, he was quiet, said, cause I want lucre, bobby, record me said, hollie, hollie said, no, clapped, the, tap, dancer, hollie, hi Jesus, said, hollie, reaching out to shake hands with sarah hickey, whatta you want, she said, and, he saw, said, casey, sarah, hickey showing money, so I can go home, she said, and he saw, said, casey, sarah hickey masterbating, like marilyn does, your cut off now, said, Jesus, its cause of my mom said sarah, thats what I want said marilyn hickey, she had maid diaper sarah hickey on stupid christians, cause of china, said, gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, horn grow hi, on, ram, with, russia, and hegoat smote, america, moscow, china, nuke, each, other, look, said, hollie, hollie pointed, explosion, its, cause, of iraq, said, gabriel, casey, showed, nuclear explosions in both countries, gaza, iraq, bush, hollie made tell, I brought in to break oil contracts, you still want me, said, hollie, uum huh shook sarah hickey, make television show, prophet showed, no way, but hollie moody would, prophet would watch, then turn off said sarah hickey, you young beautiful, hollie showed, thumbs down, G.E. Studdard, whats he do, she said, I threw him down, pockets tithes, over eighty million, in the bank said wanda studdard, whose lyin, said, hollie, we are she said, wanda and G.E. Studdard shook, yes, hair dyers, witchs, saith GOd, bob has compassion, come on said G.E. Studdard, bob does, hollie pointed, it rained submarines, and subs all around america, moscow, and u.s.a. fires on north korea, said, hollie, then, hollie spreaded out map, that, said, hollie, with, stick, pointed, sub fired, america, moscow, china, nuked, and, up rose pope, theres hu, said, hollie, saluted, hollie salted, emporer of japan, showed, casey, and idol shepherd, casey slashed, pope, smiled, casey blew threw pipe, out hollie showed, on balloon, theres no south america, said, angel, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions all over south america, casey, right here, venezuela, brazil, hollie showed, record, and, licked the prophet, and hollie and sarah hickey fought, you want it, said sarah hickey, lay off, I told you, no, she said, but preaches, nicaragua said gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosion, from american sub, tell me what fleas said, hollie said, work, after iraq said, gabriel, casey showed two nuclear explosions in gaza, three, she said, in iraq, putin, lets rule the world, 4-14-2008-that, said, hollie, homer mcmillin walks again, hollie showed, record, you wont believe this, said, hollie, new hollie showed, turn, blew horn, out hollie, hollie showed, popes image, tear up, new united states said angel, communist, bob dreamed, being pursued, by people, hid, people, helped, ran into place, not good enough, ran out, being watch, the u.s.a. government purues, ended up on couch, with woman, she layed head on lap, hollie showed, hollie showed, choked in the fire, apartment, exploded, hollie showed, record, gabriel showed, record, hollie said, hollie pointed, it rained submarines, hi bob, she waved, sat next to, showed, gave word, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, how to add on to church, brick, wood, hammer, wipe sweat, tada, hunt uuhhh showed hollie, albert baker pockets church money, hair dyer, submarine sound, submarine sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, pointed, it rained submarines, hi bob, waved hollie with big hand, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, thats hollie showed, playing organ, tell me about the marine corp. in the streets, said, gabriel, and he said, casey, u.s. economy collapse, the united states, will be, the new MYSTERY, BABYLON, said Jesus, whose that, said, Jesus, hollie locomotive, on, the front, said, hollie, showing, time way past, the mid-night hour, thats alome sorry, said, hollie, sound, new united states, said, gabriel, communism, said, hollie and others, new united states, said gabriel, its communistic, right now, and he saw, said bush, said casey, sign patriot act, tell me what that patriot act, said Jesus, it allows, u.s.a. president to do what he wants, somebody got your ring said Jesus, that, pointed, hollie, out of ring, bob dreamed with cecil golder, and golder turned on page, and saw prophet and said in heart, prophesying is signs and wonders, wondered, bob dreamed marine corp. in the streets, looking, united states, its communist, state sang, hollie, and hollie, showed, played music, in, the fire, same o website, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft, hollie like uh cat, showed, popes picture, with, dark hair, goes to otyre, russia, signs, new leader, bows, pope grunts, americas, alright, we ll handle it, lets rule the world said, putin, hollie showed, cut off, hollie smiled, larry hunt said, she said, dont ever start, thats, hair dyeing, 4-15-2008-hollie showed, in the fire, like uh cat, said, hollie, celebrated, showed, popes, picture, with, dark hair, nicaragua, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in nicaragua, mexico, brazil, venezuela, cuba, many in america, moscow, china, france, britain, italy, that was hegoat smiting ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, crucify, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, that, she said, the beast rose, with, nato, seven heads, pope out of italy, i am God, he said, russia having ruling party, politburo, prophesy to russia, said, Jesus, and say, you charged way to much for oil, now hear the word of the LOrd, watch great britain make you ashes, and he saw it, said, casey, great britain and janetmck explode, she takes mark of the beast on forehead, they slaughter her and arron shutt for stealing like antonia vladimirova, the name ministry of dreams, jeremy taylor showed cut off, gotem said hollie, flying in her space craft, and she turned into ohio class sub, hollie showed fired, and jeremy taylors pocket exploded, that was alome sorry said hollie, licked prophet, prophesy, said, prophet, larry hunt gets put out of grace apostolic church, prophet follows, russia collapses economy, read, hollie, words, she said, to make war, said, new leader, with him, he said, bush, lets rule the world, sang, hollie, licked prophet, that, said, hollie, was popes face, in horn, and kenneth haneys face in horn, hollie with bear paws, and hollie showed, out of horn, showed, picture, with, golden bear paws, tear up, put back, in the fire, pope with dark hair, smiled, and new russian leader, bowing before, lets rule the world, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, whatta you want, and g.e. studdard showed money, and wanda studdard shook yes, both hair dyers, hollie in the fire, I dont care, he said, and, licked prophet, Jesus showed, record, and he saw, said, casey, God on the roller coaster at Riverside Amusement Park in indianapolis in his servant, wow, said Jesus, as going down, his children, loved Riverside Amusement Park but they would not keep it up, he hired but the owner did not make his people and they didnt, so no job, they all mourned, that was hollie on tower in new jerusalem at grace, apostolic church, on board, on wall, and gabriel, showed, record, 4-16-2008-hillary clinton wins presidency, cause, God wanted her there to bring u.s.a. to knees, and she spoke, I want condoms in schools, then, lets rule the world, said putin, this is not the website talking, post, smiled, website, Jesus showed, record, cut off, he showed, prophet hillary clinton, look, said, hollie, fleas, jeremy taylor, jungian scholar, has stroke, he stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, tear up, put back, fleas, gabriel showed, record, and Riverside Amusement, said, hollie, whats he done, said, Jesus, owner, did not do keep up, to late, hollie showed, record, point, lighted bear paws, tear up, said, hollie, you know what youve done, she said, I gave you gary, now, out, put it under, watch me said Jesus, and prophet weeps for your return, but I drove you and him out cause, young, cute, and lovable, now hear the word of the LOrd, you two would have married, but you were not willing to wait, now, im just him, come back, saith God, that was hollie, sayin, whew, whew, on roller coaster at Riverside Amusement park, showed, repairing roller coaster, tear up, turn, put back, from behind, clap, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, save thyself, appeared on board, at grace apostolic church, and hollie showed, pointed, out of fire, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda spall, bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, she said, hollie showed, choked in fire, laughed, hollie said, work, with sound, Barry and Marybeth Mosier are lost saith God, hollie sang like cinderella, hollie like cat, showed, beasts image, made alive, picture, hollie showed, buy me, pioneer sx-980, excellent, but, when, old, she said, doesnt work right, means, going out, hollie showed, pioneer, buy said stereo man, we fixuhm, you need to record, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, that, pointed, pioneer sx-780 is the third most popular receiver, ever, saith Jesus, right behind, and he saw it, said, 680, and sx-580, cheaper, said, hollie, put it under, buy jvc, still works, she said, 4-17-2008-now look, she said, hollie, no, said, hollie, tap dancing, blood donation, no, said, hollie, have you heard said gabriel, gabriel showed, record, space craft said, hollie, fleas like birdy, hollie showed, record, im telling you im going to ruin you cause you know all things saith God, hollie showed, record, thats dragon, said, hollie, its, n.a.t.o., seven heads, g8, russia having ten crowns, politburo, ruling party, hollie showed, record, cut off, showed, Jesus, all that steal the name ministry of dreams, hollie showed played the instruments, said, hollie, hollie like cat, showed, the beast, pope, with dark hair, hollie like cat, that was Jesus, on, black horse, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that, storms, coming, hollie flying, black planes, showed, hollie showed choked in fire, showed, explosion, alome sorry sound, hollie showed, record, hollie skinned, hollie showed, cindy showed, turn, Jesus showed, thus speaketh the Lord, laughed, larry hunt speaks blasphemy, the devil tore up churches, no, saith God, My servants did, out, 4-18-2008-this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, gabriel, in the headlines, hillary kicked out, president, I solemly swear, she lied, put it under, she is mrs. clinton, let me alone, said, hollie, spacecraft struck jeremy taylor, d.min, why, said, hollie, whats he done, we took it, thought kathryn taylor, the name ministry of dreams, looses jobs, talks, then, runs to remove, alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, it, said, hollie, casey, alaska explode, im uh bear, pointed, linda, spall, thats, putin, laughed, hollie, satan is the head, and the pope is his mouth, lets rule the world, said, pope, after alaska, said, gabriel, you wont have no time, two hours, then, and he saw, it, showed, casey, america, explode, russia, said, gabriel, what did he say, russia for, said, hollie, bill clinton fires, then, mountain hit, most u.s.a. nuclear weapons head to russia, and he saw it, said, casey, wiped lips, bill in mountain, shake, lights, out, then, back on, but, no air, ohio class subs, hit china, and rode the minuteman missile, russia strikes britain, and tony, blair, fires, back, casey showed, wiped lips, four massive explosions in great britain, and australia takes hit, italy, and, beast blows, out, that was nuclear explosion, and beast, shot into pope, this pope goes to russia, signs, gets, arsenal, and china and japan rise to withstand, they, sign, for, 666, and hollie showed, with red stripped coat walks in hall way, raises hands at Christ Church apostolic, and White Smoke, and beast, pope, hu, false prophet, in hall way, and shawn tyson sees, why dont he come in and sit down, said, man, there, at, Christ, church, apostolic, alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, explode, from, she showed, russian submarines, two she said, and american subs fire back, and he saw it, wiped lips casey, bill clinton push nuclear button, and putin, thats what I want, and, interceptors, knock out most, but, the ones that get thru, and he saw it, said, wiped, casey, nuclear explosions, in russia, usa, china, italy, france, look, said, fleas, put it under, said, hollie showed, hollie like silhouette, showed, both beasts, nunt uhh, shook, hollie, pointed, hollie like silhouette showed golden homer mcmillin and larry hunt, angel on grain mill, america, said, gabriel, and, hollie, is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and, larry, hunt, wants prophet, right here, said, hollie, meeting, said, bobbie golder, anointing come, said, woman, get Holy Ghost, prophets shows, no way, would run prophet off, I want my dick sucked said steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, record, he said, ministry of dreams said gabriel, stolen by over 1000, all run to remove after iraq, ends nuclear, star wars sound, said, hollie, pointed, up showed, gabriel, gas, thats the beast, pope, meeting with bush, satan is in inside now, its in the newspaper, said, Jesus, gabriel, in headlines, hillary clinton, they nominated me, she said, president, that was hollie showed, playing the instrument, said, hollie, tap dancing, hollie, eight kings that will rise against usa, now lets see, said, hollie, theres pope, modelled, hollie said, lets post some visions, with, music played by hollie showed, hollie showed, in fire, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda spall, bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, its the economy, again, said, gabriel, hollie showed, in the fire, france, said, fall, away, from nato, said, Jesus, gabriel, the final conflict, said, gabriel, sam neill, starts billionaire career, you know what I want, said, damien, your Power, 4-19-2008-hollie showed, turn, hollie bear paws, tear up, put back, rip, put back, its truit, she said, showed, popes picture, with, dark, she said, hair, he goes to russia, signs, gets arsenal, thats otyre she said, put it under, from behind, she, said, clap, somebody lost any eye, said, fleas, lost an arm, idol shepherd, said, prophet, theres uh submarine, said hollie, new united states, communist, Jesus, smoked, that, said, hollie, like silhouette, whats she doin, said hollie, showing both beasts, theres hu, said, hollie, like, silhouette, held nose, thumbs, down, and meerkat said, hollie, pulled, ship, like, silhouette, titanic, captain smith saw iceberg, boom, are you watching, it lifted just above water, snapped, like Jesus showed, this the website talkin, post, that was hollie like a bear, tear up, she said, put back, and, caspian sea oil pipeline, and he saw it, Melinda Bauman Venue is cut off saith God, no she said and john mark pool, two witchs saith God, put it under, they are harlots, Doug Frano is lost, knows, and he saw, said, casey, Doug Frano showing church credit card, with dyed hair, and john mark pool wanted to steal his church, DC Lou Engle anbd Mike Bickle are enemies of me, saith God, not saved, but act, wiped lips casey, explode, it separated china and russia, James Goll and Doug Addison are lost saith God, both want, and he saw it, said casey, church credit cards, free rides, Baltimore Christian Faith Center is cut off saith God, and he showed, said casey, pastor John McCall showing church credit card, took site down because of john mark pool stealing the name ministry of dreams, Don Wallobaugh is lost, wants free money, not saved, 4-20-2008-hollie showed, dream, bob, saw, two men, both, ran into, got burnt up, he saw, went in to, but now with, gabriel, said, why would they want alaska, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuked, alaska, four nuclear, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, casey showed, nuclear subs, firing, both, directions, and he saw, said, casey, world, it shook, she said, and up, pope, hu, japan, slash, idol shepherd, bob, theres war, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, angel, said, hollie, said, after, we hit alaska, and, he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear explosions, in alaska, hollie showed, in, the fire, hot, pointed, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda spall, thats putin, laughed, hollie, satan, she said, is the head, and magog is the body, thats, wiped lips, hollie, north and south, korea, china, japan, situate, she said, rubbed chin, thought, hollie showed, up, thumb, pope on thumb, tell me about israel, said, hollie, and, he saw, it, said, casey, israel, missile flying, theres another, from, iraq, then, israel, fires, back, gaza explodes, iraq, burns, oil, hollie showed, record, that, she said, magnavox stereo, excellent, its Component she said, puts out eight watts per channel, at 20 to 20,000 hz's, no, said, fleas, this economies slippin, said, hollie, hollie held nose, thumbs down, blood donation, gabriel said, its in the ring, that, pointed, hollie, gabriel, hollie, pointed, gas, up, showed, gabriel, hollie showed, record, thats hollie showed, playing piano, gabriel showed, turn, what did he look, like, said, hollie, like uh white arch, no, said, the paul mooney girl, yes, she said, make up your mind, gabriel showed, record, licked, prophet, that was sunbeam bakers baby, praying, you dont need it, she, said, the sunbeam bakery people are lost, and, baby pointed, cause russia, not selling oil, the world shakes, from nuclear submarines, bomb alaska, said, gabriel, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, casey, wiped lips, showed, im uh bear, said, linda spall bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, record the vision said hollie, gabriel showed, the g8, said, hollie, iraq, said, gabriel, get ready for nuclear war, tear up, said, hollie, again, lighted hands, put it under, that was fleas, said, hollie, like monkey lips, tear up, put back, rip, hollie like a silhouette, showed, tear up, pope, hu, both beast, hollie locomotive, that, she pointed, airplane, thats best, wings, close to front, thats fire all around, its is un detectable, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, no said fleas, that, said, paul mooney girl, tear up, put back, wiped, lips, france, said, hollie, wiped lips, casey, thats falling away from nato, and canada shook yes, japan, wiped lips, shook, no, australia, yes, shook, germany, stay right here, she said, russia, great britain, tony blair shook, yes, hollie landed spacecraft at grace apostolic church, did the sign teem, laughed, left, danced, sat next to bob, shut up, she said, put it under, that, said, the paul mooney girl, shut up said paul mooney, bob returns to his church, 4-21-2008-Phillip Miles saith God, not saved, wanted to get saved, took guns into russia, to protect, but time anyway, cause, not legal, he knew, saith God, ask Fred Pervine saith God why he preaches salvation, and he is lost, like larry hunt, look, said, hollie, flying, in her, spacecraft, whats he done, she said, jeremy taylor and kathryn taylor of miriams well stole the name, right said susan rosen, ministry of dreams, thats why I wantem said richard rosen, both witchs, now, lost, its the economy, said, hollie, slipping, america, and that, she said, gabriel, showed, record, that, said, hollie, that was hu hintao riding red horse, taiwan exploded, casey wiped lips, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, in the fire, let me, said, gabriel, iraq agin, said, Jesus, hollie, post, my vision, said, hollie showed, its the economy said hollie, bush is collapsing, charging to much for ethanol, she said, that was john merriweather preaching and church asleep, Jesus preached, church filled, scared, they, want to fill the prescence of God and sin, said, Jesus, hollie wiped lips, its the economy, said, hollie, its collapsing, said, hollie and hollie showed, collapbroke, it dream, said, hollie, who s the king of grecia, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, thats hollie showed playing organ, marie showed record, that was bobbie golder like angel, bobby you need to record me said marie, submarine sound, said, hollies, hollie showed, in fire, explosion, who s it from said linda spall, im uh bear, hollie laughed, thats putin, pointed, 1967 ford mustang, excellent, they were two hundred thousand mile cars, look at my mom, said, Jesus, cut off, churches, and prophet prays, Jesus showed, record, hollie showed pointed from fire, hot, explosion, from, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie laughed, that aint putin, she, said, with fingers crossed, Jesus showed, record, nuclear war coming, hollie showed, said, hollie, now, look, he said, from, grill, from the fire, marie showed, quiet, 4-22-2008-a russian missile shot down georgian spy plane, it was american, thats why, angering bush, georgia doesnt care, russia, laughs, it was a stealth, bush collapsing usa economy cause of oil man, wants for friends, now hear the word of the LOrd, do and china attacks taiwan, Jesus showed, record, putin laughs, its new leader, he is the one, no, said, fleas, new russian leader, is war, he is the one henry gruver saw, and henry laughs, you should have repented, now times up, he thinks, put it under, said, hollie, get out said henry gruver, thus speaketh the LOrd, John L. Merriweather is lost, dont let the devil come to your church and try to steal your people, saith God, he is not saved, Dr. Merriweather is never going to repent as long as, and he showed, said casey, church credit card, thats what Dr. john Merriweather wants, a free ride, put something right here, he said, tithes, that was satan, said, hollie, Hugh Hefner, why, she said, whats he done, tear up, holliefleas, put back, alome sorry sound, turn, said, hollie, showed, in the fire, flames, hair, blowing, looked, were going in iraq again said gabriel, and he saw, said, casey, two nuclear explosions, gaza, iraq, george bush, showed, record, I brought it in, he said, to steal oil contracts, and c.i.a. protects, france said, hollie, falling, from, n.a.t.o., thus speaketh the Lord, said, hollie, licked prophet, gabriel showed, record, casey showed record, gabriel showed, record, Jesus showed, bush, he said, wants war, and angering russia shoots down spyplane drone, now hear the word of the LOrd, russia can shoot any thing u.s.a. has, even, raptors, gabriel licked prophet, hollie showed, played organ, gabriel showed, record, wait, record, said gabriel, licked, that was fleas like a helicopter letting out sonny barger, aw you know it, thats my name, hells angels, what did they do, said, hollie, raped thousands of women, making many pregnant, with no dad, it made them lava, sonny didnt appreciate, said, Jesus, hollie, and, hollie showed, tattood 666 on sonny barger and west coast choppers leader, there he is, said, Jesus, they are just alike, both are wanting sex, greese said Jesus, thats where those two got cut off, and he saw, said casey, john travolta and oliva newton-john, they were, popular, but, after greese, both became stars, tell me about israel, gaza, iraq, boom, and he saw, said casey, both nuked, bush grunted, I made war over oil contracts, the new york times, said, Jesus, thats gabriel in the headlines, hillary clinton, president, the juries out, said, Jesus, france, he said, fallen from nato, thats, hollie clapped, the g8, sorry sound, said, hollie, dragon, with bush as woman, pope, i am God, out of italy, russia having politburo, ruling party, and out of one came yeltsin, then, putin, then, new, leader, with nuclear, button, in, hand, lets rule the world, sang, putin, tell me what putin wanted, said hollie, and hollie showed, played, organ, to get iraqs oil, that got bush to declare war, when the marine corp. is in the streets, said Jesus, america over, prophesy said Jesus, russia collapses economy, then, wars break out, prophesy to russia, and, say, now hear the word of the Lord, clapped the tap dancers, eight kings that will rise against america, hollie salted, held nose, liars, now lets see, said, hollie, pope appeared, hollie salted, held his nose, witch, she said, hollie showed in fire, hollie tap dancing, showed ready to fight, theres hu, she said, lets see, hes false prophet, right there said sistermoonshine13, utubiaparty1, both stole the name ministry of dreams, both ruint, then, released, russia, china, hot said hollie showed, in, fire, hollie showed go, hollie showed turn, gabriel said, north korea, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in russia, china, south korea, and russia fires back, cut me off said Jesus, and he saw said casey, john mark pool flying in spacecraft, ministry of dreams, he stole to ruin prophet, got ruint, then removed, right here said john pool, court, make me, but God said embarras like dr. bill hamon, and mike murdock, both ruint, syria, said, gabriel, and he, saw, said casey, syrian president running from fire, bush, she said, clinton come, said, Jesus, right here said hillary clinton, choose gore, then, win, does he claim religion, said, hollie, Dr. Paul H. Ray, paul ray saith God, will preach if you let, but not saved, 4-23-2008-Karen Fischer, saith God, protects dr. jeremy taylor, why, what did he do, said, hollie, flying in her spacecraft, ministry of dreams, he stole, the name to make christian fall, runs to remove, ruint, hollie showed, wait, no, said, fleas, like, helicopter, letting out sonny barger, who is it, said, hollie, hes the dad of hundreds of children, raped, at clubhouse, parents, sue, let me said gabriel, made you look said Jesus, casey wiped lips, jeremy taylor, d.min, the main showed record, write the vision, said, gabriel, thats the alome sorry sound, said, the main, tell me what Georgia wants, said, hollie, leave us alone, vladimir, said Georgia president, fleas said, bob theres trouble, hollie showed, in fire, hot, he said, and the dragon, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, the g8, she said, n.a.t.o., russia having politburo, ruling party, france said Jesus, falling from nato, hollie showed, wait, record, hollie showed record, that, she, the dragon with g8, bush, woman, italy, i am the beast, said pope, russia having ten crowns, politburo, and putins smiling face in horn, why, said, hollie, whats he done, hit Georgian spy plane drone to show force, new iraqi, said, hollie, ameri-britain, whats that, said, hollie, rubbed chin, thought, laughed, ruling party, laughed, hollie showed, in, fire, putin, said, Jesus, he will be shot, said, hollie, hollie showed smiled in fire, showed, record, iraq again, said, hollie, make war, said, bush, putin, steal, oil, putin, rubbed lips, in on, let, give, ok shook bush, tell bbc, they were right, russia, in on, saith God, lets rule the world, sang, putin, the g8, said, woman, thats, dragon, with, seven heads, ten horns, why, said, who are they, nato, bush, woman, pope, italy, russia, 10 crowns, thats, said, hollie, ruling party, cut off, pastor danny thomas, whats he do, said, hollie showed, pockets church money, we want you, said mrs. danny thomas, put you right here, she said, but danny gaurds pulpit, dyes hair, while wife, gray, knows, he, looks 40, she, looks, 50, submarine sound, said, hollie, look pointed, hollie, it rained submarines, hollie tore up, now look, put back, tear, rip, again, look, said, fleas, hollie showed, turn, again, hollie like uh silhouette, said, hollie, now, look, she, said, showed, both beasts, theres hu, hollie held nose, salted, pope, held nose, salted, liars, they, signed, for 666, said mrs. danny thomas, I saw you lookin said Jesus, go back said danny thomas, I will not save cause of what you have done to mrs. thomas, caused her to worry all those years, while dyeing hair, get ready to check out said mrs. danny thomas, in hall way, at Christ, Church, apostolic, and hollie showed walked with red stripped coat on, and, shawn, cleophus tyson, preached, bright Light flash, hollie showed, turn, git money, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hollie showed, alaska, explode, and he saw, said, casey, subs firing both directions, and world shook, and sun and moon are smitten for 16 hours, theres trouble said fleas, and up rose the pope, said, hollie, she held nose, salted, now lets see, she said, theres hu, hollie salted, held nose, thumbs down, they sign for 666 at Christ Church and james tyson sees, laughs, in hallway, and hollie showed, walks, hollie showed, record, who is g8, sang, choir, its politburo, said, hollie, ruling, said, putin, party, said, danny thomas, hollie like silhouette, held nose, thumbs down, salted, danny thomas now has empty church, bob dreamed, man with long hair preaching, bob thinks, im not gong to hear him, God wants bob to stay, he keeps saying, you are going to look at what the Book says, bob said, im going to preach at brother bargers church, and sonny barger laughs, God, said, I will make you loose your salvation to kill you all day long, I kill my children, ive shown all things, to ruin them, in my eyes, for no reason, I offend them all day, teasing, by manifold temptations, caressing dick with electricity, entering into heart, causing anger, stealing all desire to live for me, out of heart, deseasing gums, making hair loss, causing bags in face, stretching muscles, making walk in circles, laughing at them, this is persecution, im jelous of my servants, most perished, saith God, I make them so they hate me so much, they cant bare even talking to me, gabriel showed, record, pointed, gabriel, showed, record, that was fleas, like, birdy, that said hollie, licked, gabriel, liked Bill Deagle, that was new jerusalem in grace apostolic church, hollie showed picture, what did she do, said, hollie, she showed, beast, smiling, who is it said hollie, its the pope, hollie showed smiled, in, fire, stop it, said, fleas, stealing the God spoken name ministry of dreams or be ruint, stop it, fleas, said, again, hollie showed, in, fire, pointed, explosion, im uh bear, said linda spall bear, hollie, wiped face, laughed, that was, like hollie showed, 1967 pontiac catalina, excellent, bob let me, said, gabriel, new united states, will be communist said Jesus, bush, said, hollie, laughed, iraq war, he said, I stole russias oil contracts, ends nuclear, tell me the reason, said, hollie, to steal oil, put it under, she, said, gaza, hollie pointed, nuclear, explosion, then, showed, iraq, exploded, hollie tore up, skinned, hollie showed, hollie, refurbished pioneer sx-780, worked, she, inspected, shipped back out, 200, hollie showed, no, face lift, 4-24-2008-hollie, and he saw, said casey, three kings arise, why, who are they she said, the pope, theres hu, slash, she said, that was alome sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, God said, manifold temptations will destroy his children, for no reason, but, prove, saith God, hollie, pointed, hollie appeared, no, said, fleas, shook, yes, larry bird, you know what I did, said, man, len bias, choked, cause, to much free coke, hollie wiped hands, leave me alone, she said, like the main, im not the main no more, she said, thats gabriel, pointed, cut, hollie showed, alome sound, said, hollie, france said michael tappan, casey showed, its the g8, part of it said dr. michael tappan, d.min, witch like his friend dr. jeremy taylor, why said hollie what did he do, both stole the name ministry of dreams, michael tappan altered after bob reached out to warn, runs to remove, laughed at, 4-25-2008-hollie like silhouette, held nose, thumbs down, pope, hes, she shook, no, beast, with seven heads and ten horns, italy, little horn, and michael clupper, what did he do, said, hollie, and hollie showed bag of cocaine, he tried to arrest prophet for no reason, speedway gas, said, hollie, they hang, and watch, like officer clupper, and mess with, but, now hear the word of the LOrd, mike clupper wanted to destroy christian, so God is destroying, we cant said david garcia, arrest, prophet, cause, jeremy, taylor, what did he do, said, hollie, took, said reverend jeremy taylor, d.min, the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now, runs to remove, after being fired, and the cops not being able to arrest, and u.u. jeremy taylor laughs, but openly mocked, hes Gods enemy, behind pulpit, Jesus showed record, look, he said, outlaws Jesus, and hells angels, why, said, hollie, whats he do, its sonny barger, rapes, women, makes them lava, no parent, you need mercy, said, Jesus, yes, shook, smiled, sonny, barger, but, old now, now hear the word of the LOrd, I wont, but, laugh, at even asking, and john mark pool weeps, bob, dreamed, woman, wanting false pastor, to look at ministry of dreams, he had dyed hair, wouldnt, your leaving me, said, hollie, its, grace apostolic church, what did he do, mark plummer, she said, hates, God, but, pastors, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, look, tithes, offerrings, pockets, but, to pay bills, said, woman, mark, plummer, smiles, some, he said, made millions, but now wants saved, God, wont, that, said, hollie, the beast, who is it, she said, showed, dragon, its, g, 8, she said, thats, russia having politburo, thats ruling party, and america, the woman, and bush threatening, the whole world, and he saw, said, casey, the statue of liberty, with bush having a sword, hollie showed, record, and Jesus came, like hollie showed, and he walked, in Christ, we knowed, said, james e. tyson with womans voice, hes rich, old, now, now hear the word of the LOrd, you knew not to, and now cant, bob, this is the website, post, said, gabriel, and, grunted, at lucifer, he said, satan, said, hollie, he fell, cause, jelous, im embarrassed, said, lucifer, hes, lost, wants, heaven, now, but, to late, like, and hunt, said, hollie, you are, now, old, to late, satan, said, Jesus, became, disobediant, over, job, now, wants, any, but, to late, time, is up, and prophet, wants, devil in heaven, and satan humbly shakes yes, but, to late, once judgment is set, cant reverse, and larry hunt sees, with mrs. larry hunt, hollie, like, uh, cat, showed, the beast, picture, pope, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, hollie showed, record, gabriel, showed, wait, hollie laughed, showed, record, hollie showed, wait, im not the main any more, pointed, main ministering spirit, my names moody, ill tell you who it is, she, said, thats him, gabriel, smiled, in headlines, hillary clinton, blew, said main, out, and he saw, said, casey, hillary, clinton, being, sworn, in, no washington, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, whiped lips, nuclear explosion, behind, white, house, who is it said hollie, that, said, new hollie, showed, turn, thats the reason, said, another hollie, showed, quiet, main, showed, record, warren hoagland, is lost, but preaches, with dyed hair, Jesus said, its, the economy, america, collapsing, and, he, saw, said, hollie, bush, iraq war, he said, breakem, said, bush, oil contracts, hollie tore up, put back, played, with, thats the truit, she said, downtown, circled, hollie showed geese, hollie looked, at picture, of jeremy taylor, d.min, he stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, that was alome sorry, said, hollie, sound, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, hollie like uh silhouette, tore up, showed, both, beasts, theres hu, she said, rises with, and he saw, said casey, the emporer of japan, rise like lamb, with, china, hollie showed, in red stripped coat, walking, in hallway, of, Christ Church apostolic, and, pope, hu, sign, for, 666, then, White Smoke fills, people, in, church, look, back, hollie pointed, with, big, finger, hollie showed, that, website up, website down, like hollie showed, outlaws Jesus, showed, record, now look, he said, on harley, and hells angels, laughed, showed, from high in air, many nuclear explosions, in, america, said, false reverend amy brucker, outlaws landed, hells angels, saddened, except sonny barger, dying, rich, said, my God, we, needem, bob would love, to, hang, with hells angels, Jesus showed record, fleas, like, uh, bear, pope, she, said, what does, the, pope, do, said, hollie, goes to otyre, she, said, russia, let me, said, Jesus, now look, said, fleas, that, said, hollie, and hollie, that, said, hollie, in, the fire, hollie wrote 666, fleas, showed, record, in red neon, theres uh reason, said, hollie, russia, said, pope, with jim garrisons voice, sprinkled, awaken, and, putin, rose, angered, hollie showed, turn, record, russia said, Jesus, bobby, someone, looked, said, hollie, who was it, said, another, michael clupper, shit, he, said, now, speedway police department wants clupper to resign, I need my badge, said, mike clupper, so he can get an arrest warrant, said, woman, shootem, said, officer clupper, for no reason, clupper, michael, saith God, has arrested hundreds, that were not guilty, whyd you do it for, said, hollie, made mike clupper sit, tell, she said, in, white robe, clupper stuck hand out, I want to mess peoples lives up, then, all of speedway police department appeared, shook, yes, then all police, gabriel, appeared, pointed, up, then at michael clupper, you really had it easy said clupper, all appeared in lava, clupper knew in the fire, it was for ruining, people, and, many people appeared in lava, cause, police officers arresting, ruining, them, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, record, look, she said, judgment, said, man, is, casted, on, most, now, said, Jesus, you wanted this life, and, had, lava, I lost an eye, I lost an arm, slashed, said, hollie, idol shepherd, pope, smiled, blew horn, out, hollie, showed, charter one bank, closing, hollie tore, up, put back, gary coleman showed, record, I fucked her, now, she wants, my money, divorce, he said, bob, saw, on, show, knew, God told, wait, but, now, she wants half, and is en, ti, tled, to, but he wont give half said gary coleman, will, spend, in his moms bank, put it under, said gary coleman and hollie, watch what you ask for, pointed, sam neill, she married to strip, now hear the word of the Lord, Shannon Price is not caring about gary, she hated when married, but, now wants back, cause, broke, and people, hating over, Shannon Price now works, had it made, please remember, said, hollie, gary coleman, is unaccount, able, cause, short, in heaven, bob, smiles, you made it, he says, gary thinks, im unclean, but bob says, stay away from, those, that, but in time, all that are un, account, able, jump, in, lava, cast away them, saith, God, with, no wedding garments, and he saw, said, casey, hollie showed, that, she said, another, cut off showed, Jesus, whats this, said, Shannon Price, same rubber, now hear the word of the Lord, gary coleman, was, not dumb, gabriel, smiled, leave me alone, bob, he said, alaska, exploded, heres your job said gary coleman, dont marry, said, Jesus, now, will, be watched, moves back home, mom, likes, put it under, said, hollie, he made millions, but now, almost, broke, only, thousands, but mom and dad, let back, home, he gave them money, they, like, when they hit russia, said, hollie, only, one, sixth, left, its over, said, Jesus, gas, the economy, all, over, world, opec, not, over, charge, ing, to much, but, wont, care, no more about usa, cause, shut up, said, gary coleman, the i.r.s. is telling me, said, his dad, to much, now wait un, minute, said, Shannon Price, law, suits, arise, but, gary, keeps money, God thinks, you both knew, now, reap, Jesus showed, record, pioneer, excellent, 4-26-2008-submarine, said, hollie, sound, bobby, theres un war, said, woman, brewing, saudi arabia, causing, hate toward u.s.a., over, oil, put it under, said, hollie, make your calling and election sure, saith God, no, said, hollie, yes, its, free, wiped lips, casey, and, pope, rose, and after, that, theres, hu, said, hollie, and, emporer of japan, and, idol, shepherd, hollie, looked, at, smiling, one eyed, pope, and, idol shepherd, showed, eating, having coffee, blew horn, out hollie, no look pope, he said, serve, his stomach was his god, horace smith with dyed hair, Jesus, said, look, at, that, lucas oil stadium, that brought bart peterson out, new indianapolis mayor, called, bart, on, that, bart grunts, we would loose colts, and, robert irsay, we need more, he said, seats, to pay players, bart knew, if I sign bill, he said, showed, cut off, will, loose, election, and not long, ago, waved at prophet in shelby mustang convertible, prophet showed thumbs up, he laughed, hollie showed, confusion, that was fleas like a helicopter, and terry cannon and church eating at, pointed, hollie, letting, out, donald winters, you had it easy, he said, and, he saw, said, casey, wiped lips, all westside pentecostal church in hell, dont look at it, said, Jesus, hollie shook, womens butts, laughed, Jesus, be nice, said Jesus, are, the united states, said, gabriel, and, he saw, said, casey, the united kingdom, said, gabriel, both exploded, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie, laughed, with, new hair cut, thats putin, she, said, and, woman, came up, hollie tore up, gabriel showed, record, hollie showed, it, rained, sub, marines, hollie smiled, thats maker of homos, she said, victor/victoria, laughed, less, more, like, hollie, showed, said, the main, with sound, tell me about camp morton, said, my hollie, hundreds buried right there, let me said fleas, licked prophet, that was pope, riding, dragon, g8, bush, nato, russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, who are they, said, hollie, now lets see, ill tell you who it is, hollie showed, hollie showed, prius, who makes it, she, its toyota, held nose, thumbs down, it gets over, 50 miles per gallon, but, said, hollie, theres uh, catch, its, junk, hybrid, breaks down, hollie licked prophet, hollie showed, turn, and angry horses pulled red chariot, with, the pope and hu, new world order, theres, submarine, sound, said, hollie, bob, said, fleas, look, said, fleas, hollie like uh silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres, hu, she said, held nose, pope, submarines sound, said, hollie, look, she, said, pointed, it rained, submarines, fleas, said, if, you, let, me, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, and, subs, attacking, many nations, showed, turn, big lighted hand, 4-27-2008-marie showed record, hollie watched jet fly by, hollie showed, go, big lighted hand, no, said, hollie, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, marie showed, record, marie showed record, hollie showed, record, record, said, marie, marie, hollie showed, record, cut off showed, Jesus, paul merriweather, whats he do, said, hollie, not saved, wants to be a pastor, but, never, gets, in, do you need some time, sang Axl Rose, joyce smiley is cut off saith God, preaches, get saved, but, dyes hair, bob dreamed with mrs. donald winters and young man, she spoke to him, but not bob, she had dyed hair, bob, dreamed, shut up, said, hollie, was at new westside pentecostal church, talking with man, sitting next to, sh, said, bob, dont tell winters Im here, he ll put me out, he spoke blaspheme against the Holy Ghost, those are from the devil, he said, about visions, to my face, written on wall, near from was things about bob, like, remember bob, tell bob, and I told young man donald winters put me out, I didnt leave on my own, he spoke, people there were saying, like woman, we dont want you to leave, and the young man said, are you willing to submit all to donald winters, and bob said things like, no, hes not your God, hes not your voice to God, and people then all wanted me out, were angry, bob said things like, He can pray for you, but, do your own pastoring, thats after God comes in, this is not teached, saith God, let pastor preach, but, you get saved or perish, one said, You get out, bob, left, then, went back, and pointed up at man, and laughed, bob said to man, what if your following somebody thats not goin, bob dreamed, saw pastor danny thomas and his hair had gray streaks in it, but had like, cage on, bob said in heart, hes repenting of hair dyeing, bob dreamed saw woman in nurse uniorm, face was like flame being blown in wind as she walked, God spoke to bob, I wanted you to go back out into the world for 30 days, I wanted to hide you, you never wouldve came back, bob dreamed saw glowing white faced angel point at him in casket, and his mom in casket, Jesus showed, cut off, I wont harm, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, the main, hollie, showed, played, music, smiled, hollie showed, in, the fire, explosion, im uh bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughed, thats, putin, she said, the main appeared, the main, showed, record, leave me alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, hollie flying, shot the thieves of ministry of dreams, all ran to remove, and pope rose, theres hu, said, hollie, those two signed for 666, and hollie showed, walked in hallway, alome sorry, sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in fire, explosion, gabriel showed, record, pointed, outta there, said, gabriel, hollie showed, record, and he saw, she, said, hegoat, with pope, coming out of horn, at grace apostolic, on board, said, hollie, then, up, she said, rose, hu, pope had hands around kneck, and emporer of japan, and, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, no, said, fleas, look, hollie showed, turn, gabriel, in headlines, hillary clinton, kicked out, she will be president, saith God, 4-28-2008-hollie moody, said, hollie, showed, record, hollie showed, record, and, up rose, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, new iraq said gabriel, ameri-britain, submarine sound, said, hollie, bob dreamed house next door on fire, his garage on fire, God said, you will loose your speakers, bob, went thru window, got on forklife, was about to take one out, God said, fire got your speakers, marie showed, record, that was, you, she said, in bright Light, looking, thru, glass, into darkness, the gulf, marie showed, record, hollie showed, in fire, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, gabriel, showed, record, no, said, fleas, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, nobodies open said gabriel, hollie showed, record, thats the devil, said, hollie, satan, said katie bazor, they are, furcadia, said david shapiro, and lawrence forman who is wolfie, said kansas who is cluracan, no said cecil, 4-29-2008-hollie showed, record, the main showed, wait, record, she showed, cut off, she showed, reverend jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry, why, said, the main, what did he do, he stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, runs to remove, ruint, the new york times, said, gabriel, thats, gabriel, in, the, headlines, said, the main, what if somebody, wants, to, take, my, picture, said, im moody, thats, the main, ministering spirit, hollie showed, record, now, look, she said, showed, the beasts image, made alive, on, pocket t.v., hollie tore, up, put back, from behind, tap, she clapped, there was light, in hands, the main showed record, hollie showed, in, the, fire, the economies going under, he said, alome sorry, said, hollie, and the s.u.v. licked the prophet, starr king school is cut off, said, hollie, starr king school of ministry, bob, this is Jesus, post, said, number one, im moody, gabriel, grunted, showed, record, pointed, gabriel, showed, record, that is, said, hollie, that o, red, and black, chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie on, top, with the pope and hu, who are they, said, hollie, new world order, hollie in back, with, janetmck whistle, blew, she, stole the name ministry of dreams, looses job, removes, sion, posted, they both, ruint, the main, showed, record, syria, said, gabriel, look, said, fleas, and, he saw, said, casey, wiped lips on, shirt, u.s.a. attack syria, iran, those, saw casey, two, nuclear explosions said, janet mcknight, in, gaza, and iraq, pointed, lighted, finger, hollie showed, record, that was, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man in kneck high lava, sh, said, hollie, nathaniel, haney, urshan, man, pointed, casey, pocketing, tithes, offerrings, thats tap dancing, said, hollie, eight kings that rise against america, hollie held nose, thumbs down, hollie blew horn, out, yellow hollie, showing, fight, its cause iraq, said, Jesus, america destroyed, and, he saw, said, casey, babylon come before laughing Jesus, to give, her, judgment, hollie showed, fighting, tap, dancing, america, moscow, china, nuke, said, prophet, world shakes, and up, rose, pope, theres hu, said, hollie, they fought, signed, for, 666, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, the main showed, record, hollie showed, modelled, sang, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and that, mokse, showed, hollie, on willie, duncans, church, now, she, ripped, off, placed on head, said, hollie, of, jeff jaco, take uh look, im decided, sang, man, submarine, pointed, hollie, bob dreams, runs naked, in liquor store cause tornado coming, man wants him out, but, leaves, comes back, thats why I hide, said young beautiful woman, short, she said, bob in arena, being buit, saw, crane going around, with man in, around edges on inside, saw, operator, knew, jerking, didnt know how to operate, it, told, foreman, get him out, fore, man, said, nothing, thought, your like him, he crashed, by, stopping, to quick, man, fell out, hanged, by, rope, till, damage, a woman said, there aint nothing that has to be done in the WORD, its all ful filled, its not saith God, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, and, hollie, showed, played, organ, showed, cut off, starr king school of ministry, your out, said, hollie, leave me alone, said, hollie, flying, in space, craft, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, hollie showed in fire, on camaro, said, hollie, om enjoying my new husband, said, hollie, reverend jeremy taylor, why, said, hollie showed, what did he do, and rev. jeremy taylor flying in stolen spacecraft ministry of dreams, stole the God spoken protected name ministry of dreams to pursue Gods seed like lucifer, now hear the word of the Lord, starr kings school of ministry is lost, beware, saith God, they all want money, like starr kings president showed, you got uh warning, said, JEsus, no, said, fleas, what did he do, said, hollie, showed, jeremy taylor u.u. stole the God spoken protected christians ministry name ministry of dreams like janet mcknight, janetmck, cluracan who is cecil pennyton, lawrence forman, antonia vladimirova, of dreams foundation, they wanted to ruin, strip said antonia vladimirova, shes reverend like jeremy taylor d.min, but not saved, Dorsey Blake saith God is lost, never, saved, in hell remembers the chance he had, I wanted money said Dorsey Blake, David Sammons is lost, never, saved, saith God, Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker is lost saith God, but preaches, like saved, never, has been saith God, shes not like paul but reverends amy brucker and her mentor jeremy taylor, 5-2-2008-hollie showed, that, red dragon, with, pope, hu, and, seven kings appeared, nato, then russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, theres no more time, said, mark mckinney, said, hollie, im getting old said mark, and he saw, said, casey, mark coloring hair, then preaching behind pulpit, the pope said, new iran, and he saw, showed casey, you mother fucker, she said, hollie showed, in fire, bush attack nuclear power plant, hollie showed, turn, hollie smiled, that was smiling pope on o red and black chariot, hollie held nose, thumbs down, what did he do, she said, mark, she said, lied, I dont, said mark mckinney, yes you do, said, Jesus, dye, put coloring, said woman, with hu, showed, smiling hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed laughed, leave me alone sorry, said, hollie, pick up the phone, she said, hollie showed, played, music, and he saw, said casey, no I dont, said pastor charles finnell, I color, said woman, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine, said, hollie, hi bob, tell me about the submarine sound near alaska, said, hollie, casey, showed, alaska exploding, and gene schmidt saw, smiling, and more cruise missiles coming, bill clinton fires back, the world shakes, and up rose the pope, alome sorry said hollies, hollie showed smiled in fire, laughed, showed, beasts image made alive, take it said pope, from pocket t.v., hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, bob dreamed, family threatened, they went into attic with grandpa, and he had gun, lets wait till to morrow, he said, 5-2008-hollie showed, record, do you hate me, she said, and Jesus shook, yes, if you betray me, said, prophet, both, hollie pointed, hollie showed, gave the money, said, hollie, gabriel showed, said, when we hit syria, and, he saw, said, casey, syria explode, iran powerplant, and he saw, said casey, explode, she, showed, from sub, she said, that was hollie like a double beater, she said, helicopter, letting out henry gruver, spoke, hollie out of megaphone, showed, dont, listen to him, who, said, hollie, its the nathaniel haneys urshans joel man, and joel urshan, gimme money said joel urshan, hollie like cat, showed, beasts image, tear up, she said, what is beasts image, is, she said, thats the reason, its uh picture, said, hollie, I ripped it, she said, pope, picture, then, pointed, china man, beast, false prophet, cut off, showed, Jesus, hu hintao picture, hollie like cat, tore up, then, from behind, she, said, clap, spun, to, five o:clock, then, ten, clap, then, three, rip, then, seven, eight, cat, joel urshan has been cut off said Jesus, I cut those people off right when they entered into pulpits, said Jesus, hollie shuffled deck, delt, that was vicente fox on card, hollie like cat, with, mustache, showed, pope, delt, thats the beasts image, she said, on pocket t.v., delt uh card, she said, and kim jong, unaccountable, and he saw it, said, casey, launches nuclear missiles on china, russia, south korea, and, grim reaper watched, explosions, then, u.s.a. sub launches, said casey, from right there, said, hollie, sub, fires on north korea, no, said, putin, they, launch on america, then, bill clinton, taiwan hit, said, man, and, he saw, it, said, casey, from china, said, Jesus, taiwan explode, and japan, america, thats bill with nuclear button, destroys moscow, china, great britain, and he saw it, said casey, there, she said, exploded, and, tony blair, from subs, fires, missiles, russia, burns, italy explodes, beast comes out, france took some, burns, australia explodes, thats alome solly soumb, said, hollie, iraq, said, Jesus, exploded, like gaza, watched casey, Jesus showed record, russia will refuse oil, and he saw, it, said, casey, caspian sea oil pipeline explode, and american sub near, russia blames america, but knows, china did, to get russia near war, russia knew by collapsing soviet union letting all countries go, opec, oil, shortage, now, america collapsing, hollie showed, record, so your out, she said, barbara shakes yes, and I want others to perish, most lost want people to perish, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed, record, new economy said, larry hunt, said, hollie, I cant take it, he said, showed, cut off, yes shook homer mcmillin, broke economy, hollie showed, record, kim jong, said, pope, and he saw, it, said, casey, nuclear missiles fly out of north korea, striking china, russia, south korea, and, america, dont do it, said, pope, strikes, north korea, from, and casey, watched, submarine, then, russia launches on america, world shakes, pope-stargardter-jim garrison man shows record, hot said, hollie showed, in fire, pointed, explosion, from, im uh bear, said linda spall, hollie laughed, thats putin, submarine sound, pointed, hollie, hollie tattood 666, and, he saw, laughed, casey, pope, hu, sign for 666, in hallway at Christ church apostolic, my church, said, casey, hollie showed walked, red stripped coat on, cat, hollie like, showed, tear up, she, beasts picture, buy, he said, technics receiver, excellent, they are as good as, and panasonic appeared, makes, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, big hand, bobby, pope, tear up, put back, hollie, cat, picture, slash, she said, idol shepherd, tear up, put back, tear, that was uh realistic speaker, excellent, said, hollie, cause when we hit turkey, said, the, former king of saudi arabia, cause u.s.a., launches, said king fahd, then, said king fahd, showed, cut off, all arabs, for taking the mark, said, pope, did he see it, said, hollie, yes shook barbara golder, they want saved, now hear the word of the LOrd, they are all cut off while in pulpits lost, saith God, I did not send, but, the intruded, and people perish under, and barbara golder, sees, shows, donald, and donald wants fist fight, goes for that, to grace, but, they love, hollie showed, racing, on victory motorcycle, its uh harley, she said, but, faster, said, hollie, and look, she said, nuclear missile, launch, from, theres a submarine, sound, said, hollie, pointed, indianapolis, exploded, put it under, she said, the day of the Lord, sh, said hollie, dont tell on him, and he saw, said casey, the nathaniel urshan, said, hollie, haney man, om writin a book hollie, said nathaniel p. urshan, lost, but pastoring like nathaniel haney said, hollie, put it under, all pentecostal pastors are cut off saith God, and kenneth haney-horace smith man sees, shhhew said, hollie, showed, hunt uh, 4-30-2008-prophesy, said, gabriel, russia, causing, world to collapse, not selling oil, what it there wrong, said, fleas, thats false, said, gabriel, that was fleas like a birdy, you know om gonna git you, jeremy taylor steals the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, looses all jobs, talks, hollie showed, record, china, said, Jesus, hollie showed, changing, your diesel oil, shell rotella, poured it in, hollie sat, on, 1960 cadillac, excellent, it puts out over 400 horsepower, new submarine, said, hollie, china has nuclear subs, four, carrying, single warhead nuclear missiles, hollie showed, in the fire, lighted hollie, showed, explosion, its because iraq, said, hollie, showed, nuclear, explosion, in iraq, gaza, hollie showed, the dragon, she, said, its the g8, bush, she said, woman, pope, little horn, russia having politburo, showed, hollie, thats, ruling, party, hollie showed, record, hollie like fire dot, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, tore up, put back, that was smiling pope, on, chariot, pointed, submarine sound, said, hollie, pointed, submarines, raining down, hollie showed, go, big lighted hand, licked the prophet, hollie showed, record, all three, hollie pointed, submarines, it rained, hollie showed, record, tore up, submarine, sound, said, hollie, cause, china, will, said, pope, launch on venezuela, taiwan, america strikes china, then, russia, and he saw, it, said, casey, alaska explode, many missiles coming for america, they strike russia, bill clinton, world shakes, great britain, pointed, casey, stomped, four nuclear explosions, they, launch, saw, casey, on russia, france exploded, australia, italy, exploded, pope blew out, bear paws, tore up, again, put back, submarine sound, said, hollie, door opened, fire, like Gold, Jesus popped out, fleas said work, and pope popped out of hegoats horn, the hu, pope grabbed by kneck, emporer of japan, like lamb, with hu, slash, said, Jesus, idol shepherd, pope, gabriel said, cause when they hit syria, said, hollie, limited attack, said, hollie, casey, wiped lips, tore up, put back, iran, america falls, Jesus looked and great babylon comes into remembrance, that was hollie showed, said, hollie, hollie showed record, new york city said gabriel, nuclear fireball behind statue of liberty, hillary being sworn in, that, said, hollie, work for Jesus, said, Jesus, go said fleas, hollie showed, record, pointed, look up, she, said, Jesus, coming, subs attacking many nations, the world shakes, up rose pope, theres hu, said, hollie, pointed, emporer of japan, and hu and the emporer fought, argued, both had nuclear missiles, aimed, right at each other, said, hollie, put it under, said, hollie, showed, slash, idol, shepherd, and hu, said, idol, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, they said to each other, both signed for 666, and hollie showed, raised his hands, walked in Christ Church apostolic, in hallway, with red stripped coat on, and pope and hu signed, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, pointed, it, rained submarines, with the thieves that stole the name ministry of dreams like starr kings reverend jeremy taylor, I want more visions, clapped hollie, with eight kings, tap dancing, that will, rise against usa, theres pope, said, hollie, she showed fighting, comeon, she said, hollie showed, in, fire, hi, he said, laughed, and pope, rose, with, seven heads and ten horns, politburo, said, hollie, its g8, said, hollie, and, hollie showed in fire, pointed, explosion, from, said, hollie, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie laughed, putin, she said, hollie showed, record, pointed, explosion, hollie showed out of horn, with, bear paws, tore up, he said, showed, and pope, caspian, said, hollie showed, sea oil pipeline, it separates, said, pope, us, said, hu, exploded, its, said, hollie showed, causing wormwood, laughed hollie, and jim garrison, steven stargardter, pope man, showed, record, thats alome sorry sound, world shakes, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, if you let me, said, fleas, hollie pointed, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, wait, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, look, she said, pointed, it rained submarines, and reverend jeremy taylor from starr king school of ministry, was caught stealing, said, hollie, the name God spoke ministry of dreams, now hear the word of the LOrd, watch him run to remove, hollie showed, record, cut off, all u.u. s, hollie showed, record, look, she said, Jesus showed, cut off, 5-1-2008-hollie showed, turn, with bear paw, hollie showed, turn, look, said, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine, sound, look, pointed, hollie, it rained submarines, hollie, gabriel, showed, record, hollie like a bear, came out of russia, thats otyre, she said, mr. christian, said, hollie, thatll do it said the d.c. madam, why, said, hollie, what did she do, sh, said, hollie, she slept with washington d.c., they shot her, to keep quiet, it was one of her lovers, saith God, put me under said Deborah Jeane Palfrey, no, said, hollie, what did she do, and, said, hollie, showed, the D.C. Madam laughs, she, slept with many in washington, like president bill and hillary clinton, both, put this under, said, hollie, they see, lets call c.i.a, said bubbu, no, said, Jesus, the alome sound, said, hollie, submarine, she, said, and look, it rained, submarines, hollie pointed, starr king is going to close cause of jeremy taylor, what did he do, said, hollie, Jesus showed, record, its starr king school of ministry, he said, what did she do, said, hollie, dont take me said Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker, she uh witch, said, hollie, never, saved, now, hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, watch her put jeremy taylor out now, that she is on net, hollie showed, sh up, she said, what did he do, rev. jeremy taylor stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet and runs to remove after he looses jobs, said, hollie, and sunbeam bakers baby, tore up, put back, showed, sh, nunt uhh, they are, she pointed, lost, sunbeam, no, said, fleas, showed, stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, poor o jeremy taylor said hollie, this ruint said kathryn taylor, new submarine sound, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, turn, you knew said fleas, shes babyfleas, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, record, Jesus showed, record, hollie like a bear, why, said, hollie, what did she do, russia, hollie slept, did sign teem, laughed hollie showed, theres submarine, said, hollie, that, pointed, chinaman, and that, he said, hu hintao, im the beast, he said, and that, the pope, im the beast, leave me alone, said, hollie, my space craft, said, librarian, im lesbian, and tall, young, but nice ass, stop it, said, Jesus, no, shook, hollie, dont lust womans butts, put it under, said, hollie, poop, and she does, and cinderellas lead singer, showed, record, im blackie lawless, he said, that was blackie lawless-cinderella man, showed, record, I made millions, but, not happy, and he showed, that, said, hollie, the beast, with seven heads and ten horns, the pope, thats who it is, said, hollie, with nato, and russia having ten crowns, who are they said, hollie, they are, politburo, thats a, said, hollie, ruling party, and the pope, she said, rose, theres hu, she said, they, and hollie, showed, fought, and walked, signed, for 666, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, JVC RX-40 DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER STEREO RECEIVER-QUARTZ LOCK is excellent, saith God, puts out 60 watts per channel, at 20-20,000 hz s, they are, best, jvc, saith God, made high quality, many still working, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, its better then, jvc JR-S301, thats as good but takes more maintenance, 5-2-2008-hollie showed, that, red dragon, with, pope, hu, and, seven kings appeared, nato, then russia, having, ten crowns, politburo, theres no more time, said, mark mckinney, said, hollie, im getting old said mark, and he saw, said, casey, mark coloring hair, then preaching behind pulpit, the pope said, new iran, and he saw, showed casey, you mother fucker, she said, hollie showed, in fire, bush attack nuclear power plant, hollie showed, turn, hollie smiled, that was smiling pope on o red and black chariot, hollie held nose, thumbs down, what did he do, she said, mark, she said, lied, I dont, said mark mckinney, yes you do, said, Jesus, dye, put coloring, said woman, with hu, showed, smiling hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed whistle blew, hollie showed laughed, leave me alone sorry, said, hollie, pick up the phone, she said, hollie showed, played, music, and he saw, said casey, no I dont, said pastor charles finnell, I color, said woman, dont you come around here said pastor charles finnell, now when you gonna come back, i am satan, im not cut off yet, said, charlie, hollie like cat, prophet, she said, showed, beasts image, smiling, beast, put back, rip said, hollie, like cat, then like silhouette showed both beasts, theres hu, she, said, pope, hollie like silhouette, showed, pope, rip, hollie showed fighting, and they walked, I will not, said, hu, put up with you, said, pope, pointed up, grim, reaper, hollie showed eat, fleas like helicopter, let out, henry, gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie, out, like, little head, start one was peace and safety, left, thats it, said, hollie, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, france, said, Jesus, tell me about, my alome sorry sound, said, right here, hollie laughed, hollie showed played the organ, he said, outlaws Jesus, whats the word, said, hollie, and, he saw, said, casey, outlaws on harley, high in air, rev, california exploded, then, florida, both coasts, I dont no any thing about your kids, said mark plummer, feed me, said, woman, that woman goes to boyd warrens church, would you help me, she said, but, she wont work, sins, boyd warren gives ten, raise your mantle, repeat after me, sang, hollie, and hollie showed, tore up, with lighted hands, hollie said work, then, hollie like cat, dressed nice, showed, turn, hollie with nice hair, showed, l. caldwell, preaching lost, outlaws, give me sons, he said, walked with sonny barger, you know its your name, said, outlaws Jesus, furgit it said sonny, barger, hells angels, dont you come near me, said, sonny barger, your headed to the lake, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, hollie, like biker, I no it, said, sonny barger, all biker clubs in lava, hollie showed, tear up, put back, russia is, said, hollie, with nice hair, casey, wiped lips, and, he, saw, she, said, hollie bear, slap, hollie showed, in, fire, laughed, casey showed, record, im uh lesbian, she said, outlaws Jesus showed record, france, said, hollie, exploded, dragon, rose, its nato, g8, russia having politburo, ruling party, pope walked with hu, thats otyre, said, hollie, russia, Jesus showed record, kristina, thats blessed precious, showed, record, war, said, Jesus, brewing, hollie showed bear, laughed, in fire, explosion, that, tore up, hollie, wrote 666, red neon, signed for between hu and pope, in Christ temple apostolic church, and, g.t. haywood preaches with dyed hair, hollie showed, that, enthusiastic hollie, that, that, said, hollie, im the bear, said, bear, hollie rubbed face, thats the reason, said, hollie, hollie tore up, put back, had pen, write the vision, 5-3-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in fire, pointed, fleas, like, helicopter, letting, out, doreen marie hoge, start one, she said, thru megaphone, out hollie, smiling, peace and safety, she, said, showed, beasts image, made alive, on pocket t.v., she, said, and he walked with hu, they, signed, for 666, submarine sound, said, hollie, submarine sound, tear up, showed, hollie, put back, agin, hollie showed, took off, bear face, in, fire, hollie bear, theres trouble, man, said, Jesus, and, he saw, showed, casey, pope rise, hollie rolled up sleeves, showed, fighting, theres hu, emporer of japan, slash, said, hollie, idol shepherd, i am the bear father, said, hollie, and, I am the pope, thats otyre, said, hollie, and, russia is, she said, casey, showed, hollie, bear, hollie clapped, from behind, she, said, again, light, flash, from hands, she, said, hollie showed, going wrong way, hollie from behind, she said, I was clappin, hollie showed, thumbs down, getem out, she said, who is it, charles finnell, like tyson, she, said, showed, cut off, your over, screamed charles finnell, horace smith appeared, theres nobody lookin, said, man, and Jesus appeared, hollie showed slept, that was iran powerplant exploding, leave me alone, said, hollie, with, alone sound, sh, showed hollie, bomb syria, said, gabriel, outlaws Jesus with p.a.w. on his vest, said, hollie, submarine sound, she, said, pentecostal assembly of the world, she said, let me record, said, hollie, write the vision, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, up, Jesus, coming, subs attacking, hollie tore up, put back, rip, hollie showed, record, 5-4-2008-pastor wally of christians in crisis saith God, stole and altered the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin and strip prophet of the name I spoke for him, now hear the word of the Lord, God is making pastor wally run to remove and be ruint any way, and website goes down, cause wally stole the name ministry of dreams, that, said, hollie, uto, said, fleas, gabriel in bright Light beads, many, that was new jerusalem, said, hollie, hollie showed record, now, look, said, woman, and, he saw, it, said, casey, jets flying, with, the thieves of the God spoken name ministry of dreams like pastor wally, starr king school of ministry dr. rev. jeremy taylor, sistermoonshine13, utubiaparty1, janetmck, who is, janet, mcknight, and, reverend, antonia, vladimirova, all run to remove, the name ministry of dreams, I want ya to git outta here, said, starr kings rev. parker, to u.u. jeremy taylor, Ph.d., its, cause, we, aint got no money, said, mrs. parker, taylor resigns, she puts out, when you gotta vision put the vision on the internet said hollie, with, music, palyed, by, hollie showed, laughed, fanners sent to america in 2001, and, he saw, bin laden, show, picture of bush, I got you, he said, economic collapse, said, laden, over, wars, thats my red dragon, said, hollie, its n.a.t.o., having seven heads, russia having ten crowns, and, bush, said, hollie, woman, pope, italy, hollie showed, record, iraq, said, Jesus, and he saw, wiped lips, casey, bush brought it in, said, Jesus, he, knows, said, casey, to steal oil contracts, casey, watched the george bush sr. jr. man plot, sh, showed bush sr., to colin powell, nuke, he said, with jr's voice, no way, said, colin, now hear the word of the Lord, said Jesus, when you destroy gaza I will bring russia, casey, smiled, putin, put on lie detector, I solemnly swear, said, putin, and lighted finger pointed, hollie showed, record, bob dreamed with gene schmidt, told geno, you know what you said in vision, im alice cooper, he sang part of an alice cooper song, bob said, and geno gave mrs. hickman a drink and said something about diabetes, bob said, yeah, when geno sang like alice, look said, hollie, hollie showed, fought out of horn, bear paws, tear up, put back, rip, back, hollie showed, Im out, she said, paul merriweather never saved, preaches, he will perish, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, cut off, the merriweathers, all, hollie showed played the music, and, he, saw, said, casey, hollie showed, smile, in fire, hollie showed, in, the fire, submarine sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, look, said, hollie, submarine, sound, pointed, hollie, hollie showed record, that was Father, Bright Light, on board, at grace, apostolic, church, gabriel danced, dressed nice, that, said, hollie, was, pope, riding, red dragon, bobby, said, hollie, its the g8, nato, russia having ten crowns, who are they, said, hollie, politburo, thats ruling party, and pope came out, im alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, alaska explode, that is, that o red and black chariot, with, pope, hu, new world order, hollie on top, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, tear up, bear paws, put back, again, she said, caspian sea oil pipeline explodes, hollie said, tell me about the submarine sound, pointed, it rained submarines, submarine sound, said, hollie, look, she said, from behind, clap, light, hollie showed with monkeys lips in the fire, pointed, from im uh bear, said linda spall bear, hollie laughed, explosion, you know who the bear is, said, linda, thats, laughed hollie, putin, and irving baxter, he knows, said, man, cut off, cant, get thru, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, he was, threat, said, linda, not, nicely, but, did not, take heed, 5-5-2008-hollie showed, record, shut up, she, said, showed, its pastor, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, royce fields show cut off, whatta you want, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, royce fields show offerring plate full, credit card, thats free ride, but, church empty, shut up, he yelled at prophet, leads to door after office talk, he didnt want you there, said, hollie, strip, said, man, of his crowd, said, hollie, from behind, said, hollie, clap, submarine sound said, hollie, submarine, sound, pointed, submarines raining, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, tore up, put back, let me, record, said, hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed, in, bright Light, prophet praying in bright Light, streaks of Light coming out of, bright Light, shining, thru, new jerusalem, on platter said, hollie, at church, like, glass city, gabriel showed, record, said, Jesus, that, pointed, grim reaper, that o red and black chariot, that, said, reaper, with the pope and hu, that, hollie, like, silhouette, showed, both beasts, theres hu, she said, held nose, thumbs down, salted, pope, held nose, salted, and they signed for 666, in hall way, said, hollie, at Christ church apostolic, and hollie showed, walked, in, hallway, shawn tyson, reads, hollie showed, turn, eaten my house, said, Jesus, cut off, showed, Jesus, start one was peace and safety, said, the, nathaniel haney-urshan man, thru megaphone, let out by fleas, as heli, copter, left, im the beast, said, pope, out of royce fields trumpet, we are near the end, said orgon, the alome sorry soumd, s, o, u, m, d, soumd, said, hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed, played the organ, like this, he, said, showed, fighting, d.min jeremy taylor steals the name God created and spoke for this ministry and starr king school of ministry sinking, cause, dr. parker protected, we wantuhm out, said, rev. parker, and, hollie, pointed, now that they are exposed for protecting, starr king school is not saved saith God, that was pope, on finger, his tattood image, that man said, God, lost, dyes hair, spun around, will, claim, saved, leave us alone, said, hollie, bob dremaed flying passed over sunken ship, pilot, told, 5-6-2008-hollie showed, and that, whats he do, she said, jeremy taylor from starr king school of ministry is stealing the name ministry of dreams to strip prophet of God spoken name, bob, dreamed, hit tank, ruptured valve, casing came apart, like oil gushed out, may hit with forklift, tried to, thought, seal, hi bobby, said, hollie, bobby, pointed, Jesus, go here, barack obama, and obama, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, showed, record, hollie, barak obama feels Holy GHost, and in heart, snubs, now hear the of the Lord, all at obamas indianapolis campaign, and he saw, said, casey, them all in lava, over 300,000, for blaspheme, I spoke to many, go to church, but, they, didnt, hollie showed record, put me on, said, Jesus, barack shows, no, cause, prophet, left, knew, said, Jesus, cause, bored, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, barack will loose, but, be vice nothing, cause, people know hes, and he saw, said, casey, barak show church credit card, wants, like nathaniel haney, urshan man, hollie showed, nunt uhh, buddha showed thumbs down, Jesus showed buddha, cut off, showed buddha, like live statue man, danced, at obamas campaign, they all did, no, said, man, were lost, didnt go to seek Jesus, watch what you ask for, said, sam neill with tony blairs voice, obama beats hillary, mquain beats obama, and he saw, said, casey, prophet prophesying on mccains campaign, we ll let it, said, john mccain, prophet, dies not long after, lied, said, hollie, barack obama says john mccain embraces george bushs policy, but, he dont, saith God, and john mccain wiped face, we ll let it, he said, but doesnt, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, let or loose, he sees, tell me about the sorry alarie sound, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, leave me alone, said, hollie, with, sound, played by hollie showed, laughed, that, pointed grim reaper, and that, barack obama, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, and that, she, said, starr king school of ministry, what do they do, said, hollie, they make false christians, record me said, hollie, is that what you want, she said, yeah said rev. jeremy taylor, the name ministry of dreams, runs to unsteal, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, in, the fire, cause president bush, said, angel, and he saw, said, woman, bush plotting out iraq, over oil, he said, sh, with colin, powell, no way, he showed, you know I want you, said, bush, cut off, all lost, cause, he drove them in poverty, now hear the word, said, Jesus, I know said Jesus, bush shot, the world threatened, angel showed cutehm off he said, dr. jeremy taylor for stealing all who steal the name God spoke ministry of dreams, all release after ruint, hollie showed, having her, own, way, thats my spacecarft, she pointed, and hollie like the main, said, Jesus, flying, spacecraft, said, hollie, saw all d.min s in lava, dont use them, said, Jesus, there cutting you off said hollie, not speaking, the word, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, why, said, hollie, what does he do, he steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, om david thompson, said, hollie, showed, cut off, bobs friend, Jesus showed, record, he is being openly mocked, sh, said, hollie, dont tell on the witchs of starr king school of ministry, none saved, saith God, its cause this is what I want said rev. parker, jeremy taylor preaching here, showed, be quiet, now, school closing, both removed said jim garrison and steven stargardter, showed, cut off, all ruint cause dr. taylor christians name said Jesus, ministry of dreams, and rev jeremy taylor showed, sh, be quiet said kathryn taylor, all lost, over, leave it alone, said, hollie, my space craft, why she said, what did he do, and he saw, said, casey, william sinkford with dyed hair, hollie showed in, fire, and that, he said, explosion, hollie showed, played the music, said, hollie, smiled, playing, my organ said hollie showed, tear up, put back, hollie, hollie showed, turn, thats the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, u.s.a., said Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, america explode, and hollie bear, thats putin, she said, im preparing people to perish, clapped the tap dancers, said, hollie, fred johnson, wants, church credit card, to pocket tithes like casey saw, and he saw, said, casey, enthusiastic hollie, model, that, she pointed, you got it, said obama, yes, he said, with michael boldeas voice, they are, equal, enthusiastic hollie showed, record, cut off, like that, all of barack obamas indy campaign, pointed, hollie, showed, turn, smiling, 5-7-2008-hollie like a silhouette, showed, both, beasts, theres hu, she said, puteme back, she said, and hu rose like dragon, hes blaspheme, hollie showed, smiling, laughed, gas, showed, fist, no, said hollie, fleas, said, work, hollie wrote 666, on who s head, she said, william sinkford, hollie like silhouette, with face, showed, record, alome sorry, said, hollie, on the dome, said, hollie, whats it on, said, man, you know, said, hollie, mokse, the golden dome on willie j. duncans church, he sees, vision, git outta here said laughing willie duncan, hollie sat on the mokse, ripped off, put at grace apostolic, hollie showed, wont ya record me, dumitru duduman showed record, pointed, at red dragon, its the g8, said, hollie, with bush, said, hollie, as woman, russia having politburo, pope out of italy, thats the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, leave it off, of, there, but, if you take it, God will ruin you, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, played music, what did he play, clapped the tap dancers, its, smiled hollie showed, so you had a dream, its uh night vision, said hollie, tell me about the alarie sorry sound, said, hollie, wait, russia said hollie, and he saw, said, casey, bear rise, and hollie bear, write the vision, said, hollie, alarrie sorry sound is my main, said, hollie, the main showed record, showed, wait, hollie showed, record, and licked the prophet, new hollie pointed, on, cane, the main showed mquain, thats john mccain and dan quayle, in, out, like, hollie showed, theres submarine, pointed, hollie, it rained submarines, the main showed record, bush is, said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, tell, said, hollie, and nathaniel haney-urshan, was quiet, had expenses, he said, pocketed, tithes, offerrings, put it under, this is the new apostolic church, have uh ball said the nathaniel haney-ur, shan man, quiet, she showed, sh, thats hu hintao riding red horse, china said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, what did china do, taiwan, casey, pointed, missiles flying from china, to taiwan, exploded, new york city, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, nuclear explosion behind statue of liberty, thats the woman, said, hollie, gabriel in headlines, hillary kicked out, being sworn in as president, taiwan will not let china absorb, said, Jesus, hu, no way, he said, new iraq, said, Jesus, ameri-britain, then nuclear explosions in gaza-iraq, bush, I told, said, george bush, grunted, git bobby outta here, and he saw, said, casey, whats the matter, said, hollie, ministry of dreams exposes, my oil contracts war said president bush, and the king of saudi arabia, cut me off, said I can serve, my, self, nuclear war is hear said angel, hollie showed, im not the main any more, said, hollie, thats gabriel, she pointed, and he saw, said, casey, gabriel, the main showed record, tore up, put back, the nathaniel haney urshan man showed, record, whats that, said, hollie, its kenneth haney with, wig on, said, hollie, sh, she said, dont tell hes uh witch, alarrie sound, said, casey-hollie woman, submarine sound, said, hollie, bob dreamed teresa hedger walks to apartment door, then, for rest of dream, c.i.a. pursues, but doesnt catch, they wanted to kill, you devil said Jesus bush, orders, said c.i.a., bob buries gun out, side, hollie showed, your uh priest said larry hunt, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob dreams with man, in house, then man works on stereos, has apart many, bob says, do you work on stereos, cause I know where a pioneer sx1280, and 780 are, I mean a sx-1080, leave us alone, said, hollie, hollie recorded, pointed, russia, said, hollie, sprinkled, arise, she said, and he saw, said, casey, the bear grow, large, angry, cause, missile defence, said, putin, with new leaders voice, placing, bush, around, soviet union, people said, new leader, are asking, for our help, he said, lets rule the world, said, putin, sh, he said, to saudi arabia, the arabs will raise prices to destroy, then, lower, to prosper, then, watch, look out said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, that was taiwan, exploding, sh, she said, that was usa economic collapse, right here said, nathaniel haney-urshan man, but guarded pulpit, no way, said, hollie, my God said nathaniel urshan, bob you gotta git outta here, he left, cause God told, you gotta git outta said hollie, watch me said the nathaniel urshan-haney man, with uh ring, stolen, pay for me, he said, witch, hes over, said, hollie, your last warning said the nathaniel haney urshan man, git, he said, or, be, and hillary clinton shows, gituhm, i.r.s., witchs behind pulpit, she said, git t.d. jakes, he sees, knows, git, said hillary clinton, irving baxter, john hagee, gabriel showed, record, pointed, fleas like helicopter, letting out michael boldea, no, said, hollie, start one, he said, there it is, said, hillary clinton, and he saw, said casey, bush, gorbachev, signing missile reduction treaty, hollie like little head out of megaphone, hu hintao on the red horse, said, hollie, taiwan explodes, and, he saw, said, hollie, showed, missiles flying from china, hollie showed, turn, you know what china did, said, gabriel, absorb, said, hollie, hu angered, launched, and, he saw, said, casey, taiwan explode, that said, hollie, and nathaniel haney-urshan devil showed record, hollie flying in her, spacecraft, said, hollie, we will pluck ministry of dreams said cluracan, who is wolfie, said, hollie, kansas, thats cecil pennyton, right here said lawrence forman, of the heroin puppy, media, they stole to ruin prophet like david shapiro of furcadia, I did said katie bazor, your ruint said Jesus, I knew said bazor, now all ruint, put it under, said, casey, hide said hollie, and cluracan laughs, but bills force her out, and law hides cause cluracan, yeah, she said, cecil gets preggy, said, woman, has girl, hollie showed, turn, hollie giggles, look, she said, fisting, dream, both, now hear the word of the LOrd, if you walk, then, remember what you had when gas was 69 cents, bill clinton orders hit on iraq, to take oil said president clinton, now hear the word of the LOrd, they cut, opec, right then, bobby i need you record me said, hollie, om not said cecil pennyton, watch cluracan run to remove the stolen name ministry of dreams, youp said lawrence, forman, both ruint, and jeremy taylor sees, calls 911, thats cruel, he said, they are, your closing said law, d.min s are witchs said God, 5-8-2008-Jesus showed, record, hollie pointed, nunt uhh, she said, that was the nathaniel haney-urshan man, acting saved, hollie flying in, spacecraft shoteme, she said, jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry, whats he done, she said, we, said kathryn taylor, took the name said d.min, reverend jeremy taylor, m.a., to strip, said dee finney, showed, sh, be quiet, his salvation, and all run to remove like sistermoonshine13 and her boy utubiaparty1, they hate God and want christian to fall, these all stole the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, no said cluracan who is kansas, cecil pennyton, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, sixth seal, smoke going up, and, hegoat smites ram, america, moscow, china, nuke, world shakes, and smoke rose, hollie tore up the con spirit, put back, that was new jerusalem, said, hollie, glass city, that is, said, hollie, seven headed red dragon, with seven crowns, who are they, said, hollie, blaspheme, appeared, theres bush, said, hollie, said, nunt, no way, lies, nato, g8, and, russia having politburo, said, gabriel, who are they, said, hollie, thats uh ruling party, and, out comes boris yeltsin, and, he, chooses putin, and new leader bows before pontiff, he said, hollie showed, record, who wants me, said, Jesus, hollie showed, record, there messin with you, said, angel, hollie waved, in, spacecraft, ministry of dreams, got, she said, all, bobby we took it, said, dee finney, yes shook rev. jeremy taylor, u.u., said, hollie, all run to remove, hollie showed, victory, turn she smiled, you know what sound that is, said, hollie, alome sorry, showed, record, hollie like silhouette showed both beasts, then in white robe, fighting, she, showed, sh, she showed, hu, pope, hollie showed record, write the vision, she said, with alarrie soumb, tear up, put back, rip, holliefleas, hollie whistled, jordan, said, Jesus, casey wiped lips, and, he saw, it, she said, explode, hollie showed, go, big lighted hand, tear up, said jim garrison, steven stargardter, pope man, put back, with lighted bear paws, record, said, hollie, flying in spacecraft, ministry of dreams, fired, and the reverend, she said, jeremy taylor, destroyed, hollie showed, that, lighted, finger, let them speak, said, hollies, licked prophet, showed, record, accept your sin, said woman, hollie, showed, turn, record, and pope rose, theres hu, hollie showed, like silhouette, both beasts, hollie showed, record, thats the alarrie sorry sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, wait, licked prophet, submarine sound, submarine sound, said, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus coming, 5-9-2008-hollie showed record, pointed, at henzy greens church, you can make it, said, henzy, green, he, is not saved, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, you need to record, said, hollie, begged, hollie showed, record, thats the alome sorry sound, she said, hollie tore up, put back, submarine sound, said, hollie, Medvedev, the new russian leader, showed, sh, dont tell, we hate usa, henry sees, in, vision, lebed, says, stan, they, look, alike, holliefleas showed record, when I come will I find faith upon the earth, said, Jesus, fleas showed record, thats the dragon, right there, pointed, hollie, like bear, its g8, nato, bush as woman, pope, out of italy, russia having politburo, ruling party, hollie tore up, with lighted bear paws, come and see, she said, thomas griffith preaches with dyed hair, like royce fields, cornelius bullock, and, many in pentecostal pulpits, sh, showed hollie, russia will not let new leader rule, with putin, there, hollie, did, tear up, again, put back, from behind, clap, thats hollie with nice hair, sang, Jesus, stargardter, garrison, pope, man, and, hollie, whats hollies message, said, hollie, lets go, said, hollie, to the church, hollie tore up, roll, rolled, said, hollies, threw, from, behind, she, said, clap, light, smiled, circled, clap, again, light in hands, that, pointed, chinaman, tear up, he said, restore, showed, holliefleas, rip, alome sorry soumb, said, hollie, its cause, russia, she said, not selling oil, submarine, said, hollie, submarine sound, lighted, hands, pointed, it rained submarines, downtown, pointed, hollie showed geese, circled, hollie like slihouette, showed, both beasts, theres hu, she said, held nose, thumbs down, and hollie showed, fighting, and pope walked with hu, lets thunder it, hu said, no, said, pope, they sign for 666, let me git out, said, hu, hes nothin but a liar, she, said, both, hollie like silhouette, brought both beasts together, they shook hands, signed for 666, thats the mark of the beast said kathryn taylor and she had on forehead like her friend jeremy taylor, that was uh nuclear missile exploding, streaking thru sky, that was eddie robinson showing beasts image made alive, thats pope, said, hollie, like bear, that was bob putting fish back in aquarium, that jumped out, hollie like cat, showed, both beasts, she said, I gotem right here, she said, pictures, theres hu, and pope, tear up, hollie fleas, in, out, like, hollie showed, and hollie showed, played music, laughed, hollie flying in spacecraft, shot reverend antonia vladimirova, and jeremy taylor what did he do, said, hollie, had it easy said gabriel, stole the name ministry of dreams, all run to remove, hollie showed, record, did that new helicopter do it, said Medvedev, hes, youth, said, Jesus, but rules, the number one nuclear, and he saw, said, hollie, many russian nuclear missiles, on parade, Medvedev, you have uh patent on this, he said, and he saw, said, casey, he knows said, Jesus, ministry of dreams, both him and putin, look, said, putin, if, Ill take it said medvedev, both, scared, cause, bush, starr king school is gonna collapse cause jeremy taylor said hollie, and, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, hollie showed, record, submarine sound, said, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs attacking, and the woman, stood up, said, hollie, thats the statue, she said, of, who is it, said, hollie, pointed, at the woman, america, the statue of liberty, many nations, hollie showed, use ring seal, it, strengthens oil, that was fleas like a birdy, people telling on d.min jeremy taylor (std), yur over said kathryn taylor, that pointed hollie showed, from, the fire, hollie showed, record, thats the reason, she said, explosion, tell me about the alome sorry soumb, said, hollie, with sound, created by hollie showed, git over, he said, mrs. Edwin Vaughn, they were, pick pockets, now mrs. Vaughn, git outta here charles garrett, old, now, but, lost, 5-10-2008-tell me about the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, I heard you fell, she said, and he saw, said, casey, charles garrott, sad, thier aint no christians no more, he said, that was hollie, like a birdy, tell me about the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, that said enthusiastic hollie, hollie showed in the fire, whats that, said, hollie, its red dragon, flying with g8, n.a.t.o., seven heads, russia having politburo, said hollie, thats ruling party, tell me about the hollie that says, from behind, and, she modelled, showed record, see, she said, casey, showed record, casey showed record, that, said, hollie, want more visions, said hollie, hollie showed, record, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, there aint no visions, in pentecost, said, hollie, licked, hollie showed, record, licked prophet, like silhouette, brought both beasts together, theres hu, she said, held nose, pope, they signed for 666, hollie like silhouette, showed, record, hollie showed, record, what is that, said, hollie, and hollie showed laughed, its hollie showed playing music, what is hollie showed playing, said, hollie, what is that, said, hollie, let me alone, said, hollie, waved, flying in space craft, hollie showed ministry of dreams created by God and people steal, words, she, said, hollie smiled, new york city, said, hollie, thats gabriel in head lines, you know who she said, hillary clinton wins president, hollie, showed, tear up, put back, said, hollie, that was fleas, like helicopter letting out new russian leader, Dmitry Medvedev, peace and safety, said, hollie, start one, left, hollie like little head out of megaphone, that new russian leader will be the one henry gruver saw, said, hollie, while many tapped danced, eight kings that will rise against america, hollie salted, theres alome sorry sound, said, hollie, that was Jesus like Light man, said, hollie, clapped tap dancers, lighted bear paws, tear up, play with, put back, showed hollie, its truit, she said, the bose wave sound system is awesome, they claim, said, hollie, its worth, she said, right here, forty dollars, not five hundred, hollie showed, like cat, thats beast, she said, picture, bob dreamed, man with dark around one of his eyes, took young beautiful woman, talked to, to like coat hanger, with many on, stuck her eye out, put it right there coat hanger, she, put other one thru, blinded, he hates young people, she walked away in like space helmut, the man said, you look at me like a maniac, crying, bob saw speedway gas sign, 2.69, Dmitry Medvedev, two dreams, one they asked he he was doing and Dmitry Medvedev said, I woke up this morning with my right mind with all my fluids in my body, and are still working, he described himself, some one said, what is Dmitry like, bob heard, remember, and saw paper, like page, said, hollie, with, TONY BLAKE, at top, and words, tony blair is tony blake, news article said, hollie, hollie showed record, that was Jesus, with his servant like Light face, hollie showed, record, no, said, hollie, yes, she said, hollie showed, record, Jesus showed, and that said, hollie, its vaughn, she said, edwin, what did you do, said, mrs. edwin vaughn, they pocketed, tithes, offerrings, now Jesus laughs at mrs. edwin vaughn cries for salvation, 5-11-2008- hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, what is that, she said, hollie showed, that, bobby, said, Jesus, dumitru saw it, economic collapse, tell the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, thumbs up, spun around, its, the vanagon, she said, hollie showed, record, tell the vision, said, hollie prophesy about russia, said hollie, you can loose it, said, gabriel, tell me about Dmitry Medvedev, said, Jesus, by suprise, he said, I knew, said, Jesus, russia hits alaska, to make america think its uh warning, said, hollie, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, alaska, explode, and, hundreds of missiles flying, and both coasts go up, from, right there, said, hollie, submarine s, said, hollie, and, bill clinton fires, then explosion, right here, said, angel, over, mountain, blacks out, then, power, said, hollie, Dmitry Medvedev, said, Jesus, if you do, then, and Dmitry and putin together, no way, said, putin, lets do, said, Medvedev, putin pulls gun, then, shot, Medvedev presses button, the world shakes, sun, moon, its all right here, said, casey, in, atmosphere, smoke blocking sun, moon, casey showed italy explode, from atmosphere, theres great britain, she said, four, and tony blair fires back, australia exploded, from one, she said, france exploded, its g8, she, said, with politburo, im, popped up, pope, the beast, with seven heads, ten horns, and, smiling pope showed, n.a.t.o. and russia, that was nuclear missile from russia striking china, and, china launches many, then, russia launches on shanghai, said, hollie, wait, said, hu, they withdraw from russia, its over oil, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison-pope man, caspian sea oil pipeline explodes, ill tell you who did it said hollie, china, hollie showed, played music, hollie showed, turn, big lighted hand, said hollie, hollie showed, record, the main showed record, record, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, and, that, hollie wadded, con, its truit, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, tear up, put back, throw, clap, that was hollie like uh birdy, that, said, hollie, tear up, put back, that, said, hollie, held thumbs down, Spiritual awakening tabernacle, and, he saw, said, casey, pastor pocketing tithes, theres alome sorry sound, said, hollie, gabriel showed, the Father, on screen, at, grace, apostolic church, people not repenting, hollie showed, in, the fire, laughed, up, showed, hollie, ford tempo, 5-12-2008-whats that, said, hollie, motor oil, she said, leading to arm, a, geddon, that, said, hollie, was missile flying from russia, striking china, and china fires, casey showed, many explosions in russia, then russia launches on china, shanghai, look who I abated, said, Jesus, i knew said reverend d.min jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry, no said Rebecca Ann Parker, shes witch, saith God, but leads starr king, school of ministry, no said Rebecca Parker, dont use them saith God, they let jeremy taylor lead there and he stole the God spoken crated name ministry of dreams to ruin Gods servant, what ever you say said reverend amy brucker, she placed on dr. jeremy taylors website, both lost, showed, casey, submarine, submarine soumb, said, hollie, hey russia, said, Jesus, he sprinkled, and he saw it, the bear grow, and, challenge little patriot soldier, bit on kneck, but patriot presses button, both nations destroyed, world shakes, is that what you want, said, Jesus, yes said Dmitry Medvedev, and bill clinton presses button, then explosion, casey, in, atomosphere, saw alaska explode, and, many missiles flying toward america, but, american minuteman missiles flying toward russia, 72 said hollie, exploded, missile defence, got some, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, hollie pointed, look, she said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, pointed, explosion, that was Jesus, riding white horse, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, alome sorry sound, said, hollie, china, she said, we want, said hu, wants war, said, hollie, with, us, said putin, Dmitry Medvedev, she said, wants peace, but, pushes nuclear button, you know what ill do, said, putin, launch, shoot, but, gets killed, by, russia, said hollie, c.i.a., Jesus tore up, the con, spirit, that, said, hollie, prophet, you need to record, said, hollie, good lovin goin bad, she sang, from 38 special, she said, showed, record, they are, on tour, for, 50, grand, said, lead singer, put it under, said, hollie, they are, good, hollie, showed, turn, prophet, you need to record the vision, said, hollie, sh no way, she said, the nathaniel, urshan, said nathaniel p. urshan, man, pockets, he saw, said casey, the nathaniel haney-urshan man pcoket tithes, offerings, hollie shook, bob, come back, said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, hes p.a.w. said horace smith, hey said, hollie, sh, she showed, dont tell on witch nathaniel haney urshan man, hes lost like, and he saw, said casey, kenneth haney with, wig, on, said, hollie, sh, she said, dont tell, hes, cut off, sees, and looks, just as long, as, sh, said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, dont tell, help us, they say, they want the praise and, he saw, said casey, the nathaniel haney-urshan man carried on platform, by people, pay my tithes he said, no, said, hollie, they are, rich, but, lost, dyin, said, hollie, not, savable, not said the singer from moriah apostolic church, shes, cute, married, to older looking, uto, said, hollie, she leaves for youth, watch, said, hollie, sh, she showed, they are, wanting sex, but, lost, hot, said, hollie, in lava, they know they wasted thier time, bobby, said, Jesus, put it on the side, said, hollie, I want it outta here said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, sh, said, hollie, dont tell end time visions at thier church, they, scare, but, save, people, put it under, woe unto the nathaniel haney-urshan dude, write the vision, said, hollie, sh, she said, dont tell on him, she said, the nathaniel haney urshan man steals, pockets church money, and nathaniel haney and nathaniel urshan, tell, said, hollie, church members, no, said woman, hollie showed record, that, she said, whats that, said, man, the energizer rechargable battery, excellent, saith God, hollie pointed, hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, that, hollie pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs firing, theres, the, woman, said, hollie, america, eight subs, that, pointed, casey, from air, around america, and he saw, said, casey, america explode, and seventy-two minuteman 111 missiles, take off, russia destroyed, and, casey, that, showed, interceptors, knocking, explosion, she said, some, and up, came, said, casey, pope, write the vision, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, loose belt sound, said, hollie, licked prophet, that, pointed, china, man, write the vision, that, said, hollie, checked oil, with fingers, thick, slick, smell, she, said, shew, buy gasoline, said, gabriel, up, showed, good afternoon, he said, 4.09, whew, said, gabriel, then starts lowering, it pays for, hollie, reluctant, iraq war, and he saw, said casey, iraq, gaza, let me git outta here, said, hollie, both ended nuclear, bush grunted, I take, he said, oil contracts, stole, said, doreen marie hoge, russias oil contracts, signed for by saddam, and he saw, said casey, him, hollie showed, turn, take uh minute and remember your Creator, said, hollie, I dont, said, the woman, she is lesbian, young looking, now forty, forty-one, she said, grays, then, regrets, staying single, and, lesbian showed, record, hollie showed, in the fire, sh shut up, said, showed, hollie, its the nathaniel haney-urshan man, she showed, sh shut up, she, said, and, he saw, it, said, saw, casey, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, sh, said, hollie, pocketing offering plate, hes not saved, said, hollie, sh shut up, she said, dont tell, I tell you what im going to do said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, hollie showed, 1973 mercury, excellent car, I guess I dont have no more time said hollie, sh, said, hollie, its haney-urshans, they are, not saved, but, in high places, sh shut up said hollie, is that what you want, said, Jesus, dont you come, back thru here, said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, sh, said, hollie, hollie showed, red dragon, its g8, she, said, nato, seven heads, russia having ten crowns, hollie tore up, put back, normal hands, politburo, ruling party, and, out of one, she, said, boris yeltsin, he chose putin, vladimir, he said, and putin chose Dmitry Medvedev, and he kneels before pope, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said Medvedev, alright said putin, let me he said, go to internet pentecostal church, said, Jesus, you need to record, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, at peace, in the fire, its the alome sorry sound, im the main, said, hollie, lets hit russia, said, the baby, ok, said, man, and he saw, said casey, shut up, said woman, bill, clinton, fire, on moscow, boom, im outta here said putin, shot, 5-13-2008-tell me about the massive bri, said, hollie, it went to his heart, said, pictured, woman, said, hollie, brian, bill from the massive bri, took, said, dee finney, the name ministry of dreams, Im gona rip, he thought, runs to remove, ruint, looses jobs, over, you need to record, said, hollie, sh, shut up, she said, what did hollie show, turn, said, the main, theres the submarine sound, said, hollie, and pope, we want it, he said, launches on china, thats otyre, said, hollie, russia, china, hollie, thats magog, let me record, said, hollie, nuclear rockets strike shanghai, then, no way, said, hu, china launches on, taget, russia, many, and he saw it said casey, many nuclear explosions in russia, and, im grecia, said, pope, thats otyre, said, hollie, now way showed hu, china strikes, then russia, then they sign for 666, unite said hu, he gets many nations to come against russia, and forces russia into, the city without walls, you know who it is, said, hollie, its israel, said, Jesus, and pope showed, no way, both hate, cling, walk, lie, makes russia invade israel, and, he saw, it, said, casey, israel launch nuclear rockets, they exploded, like, casey, saw, in, the, valley of jehosaphat, thats where blood up, horses bridal, said, pope, and, russia, he said, otyre, appeared, tearin up the con, tract, said, hollie, with pen, wrote, 666, thats the mark of the beast, said, hollie, signed for between hu and pope, thats the reason, pointed, hollie, and hollie showed walked in Christ, in the hallway, said, hollie, church apostolic, and shawn, shutup, he said, preaches, with, dyed, said, hollie, hair, put it under, Christ church apostolic said shawn cleophus said hollie tyson is the new pentecost, hollie showed, record, and the veil split, Jesus in, room, whats the reason, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, theres, the alome sorry soumb, said, hollie, france, said, hollie, and he saw, she said, dragon rise, its nato, with g8, said, hollie, russia has politburo, said, hollie, said, thats uh ruling party, and, putin comes out of yeltsin, out of politburo, said, hollie, prophesy said hollie, thus speaketh the Lord, she said, russia, appeared, and then harrison ford, said, Jesus, and Gods children watch indiana jones, and Father watching, I know said indy jones, and, lighted hand pointed, tear up, put back, and Father loves indy jones movies, thier awesome, said, ford, stay away from us, he said, tear up, said, hollie, shoot, withdrawl, spin, clap, clash said, hollie, from behind, clap, and behind hollie showed, fighting, time out, and Father watches ark lid, its on indiana jones, said, clapped, hollie, from, behind, up, down, like, hollie, showed, crowd, said, hollie, and Father made scared face, when, indy jones angel changed to devil, tear up, put back, new hollie, then, hollie like silhouette showed both beasts, theres hu, hollie, held nose, salted, pope, hollie, shook, salted, they, singed for 666, and hollie showed, walked, praised God, at Christ church, with red stripped coat, on, laughed, hollie showed, its g8, said, woman, and hollie, thats nato, she said, sh, she showed, shut up, in, the fire, said, hollie, put back, rip, and, stargardter-garrison-pope man showed record, ill tell you what you want, he said, d.min reverend jeremy taylor m.a., u.u. s.t.d. ph.d. stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, from starr king, said, hollie, and, rebecca ann parker laughs with dyed hair, but now exposed for protecting dr. taylor, I want you resign, she said, yes, shook, jeremy, but in heart, screams, ooooo, leaves weeping, hollie showed, record, and that, she said, shut up, said, man, sh, said, hollie, russia, said Jesus, make one mistake, and they know it, missile defence take you outta here said president bush, war, said putin, ministry of dreams is spoken by Jesus, said, hollie, steal, jeremy you almost had it, said, hollie, he, sh, said dee finney, take, she said, steal said brian from the massive bri, and cluracan who is cecil pennyton, sees, yur closed, said man, its ira, said, hollie, ira, she said, what did he do, and he saw, said casey, ira smith pocket tithes, offerings, now hear the word of the Lord, said Jesus, shut down, said cluracan, thank you, she said, were all closed, she said, and he saw, said casey, cecil pennyton show cut off, knew, said, lawrence forman, the heroin puppy, said Jesus, is child, pornography, when they see, they run to remove the God spoken name ministry of dreams, jeremys gotta go, said, hollie, with the alome sorry soumb, this is uh warning, he is wrath against Jesus, who is it, said, hollie and woman, reverend jeremy taylor of wisdom university, he sees, look, said, hollie, no said d.min rev. jeremy taylor, but they make, he resigns from wisdom university, its right before I git outta here said dr. jim garrison-steven stargardter man, the loose, said, hollie, like rebecca ann parker, for protecting, witch, said, hollie, what did he do, she said, dr. taylor steals teh God spoken name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, steal the name I created ministry of dreams, no, said m.a. jeremy taylor, ph.d., ruint, he looses all jobs, talks, wife, broke from over 200 million, then, nothing, he will sleep on park bench said kathryn taylor, sh said, hollie, but when you knew, laughs, put it under, laughed, hollie showed, sh, showed, gabriel, that was national gaurd in gas mask, its us said ira smith, hes lost, then of all things close fur, said man, it was uh dream, said, hollie, means, economic collapse, and dragon rises, and pope walks with new russian leader, no, said, hollie, they, rule the world, said, putin, showed, sh, and steven stargardter, jim garrison, pope man showed, sh, record, that said, hollie, showed, write the vision, hands, bob hes slipping said hollie, record she, showed, would you accept me, said, Jesus, yes shook pentecostal woman with dyed hair, would you ACTS 2:38 me, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, woman shake, yes, but, wont, thats uh harlot, said, hollie, Jesus laughs, the nathaniel haney urshan man, pockets the till, he said, casey saw him with empty pockets, the soviet union had politburo, said, hollie, ten kings, out, ruler, its in the ring, said, gabriel, hollie pointed, on, ring, that, she said, hollie showed, nunt uhh, the bose, she said, wave music system with cd player, shut up, said, hollie, it sells for 748, it is cheap, saith God, and Father listens to bose wave system, showed, un enthusiastic thumb up, shows, record, thinks, buy cheap, save money, 5-14-2008-hollie tattood 666, with lighted bear paws, tear up, put back, hollie showed, skinned, hollie showed, said, Jesus, hollie showed fighting, sword, hollie showed, that o red and black chariot, with pope, hollie held nose, salted, hu, salted, like silhouette, held nose, hollie, on, top, laughed, in, fire, hollie jumped, in back, saw eight kings planning against america, pope, hu, venezuela, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, hollie, like, silhouette, held nose, they betray opec, cause, helping america to lower gas, north korea, hollie like silhouette, sh, she, said, kim jong, is, heaven, let me show it, said, casey, subs attacking many nations, hollie showed in the fire, pointed, explosion, hollie showed, turn, submarine sound, said, hollie, and jack links beef jerky bigfoot showed, record, tear up, he showed, hands, put back, clapped the tap dancer, hollie, licked, that was hollie tearing up, with one, hand, put back, both, spun, clap, showed, record, from behind, she, clap, the main showed, record, and licked the prophet, that is Jesus out of fire mountain, bob must die before judgment hits america, Jesus showed, cut off, no I aint, said, ira smith, r.h. duncan man pocketing tithes like nathaniel urshan man, said, hollie, thats what I do, said, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, hollie, wont you let me, record, she, said, tear up, put back, showed, pope and nuclear missile, otyre, said, hollie, russia, take off, struck china, then, no way, showed, hu, missile from shanghai strike russia, then, shanghai explodes, then, pope, hu sign for 666, thats the mark, said, hu, take it, said, pope, from t.v., we will push, said, hu, russia into, and he saw, said, casey, china invade russia, unite, said, hu, many nations, push russia in israel, and israel, casey watch, from atmosphere, launches 32 nuclear missiles striking over ten countries, that was explosion, laughed, hollie showed, hollie showed, record, hollie like uh cat, showed, picture, geo metro, tear up, she showed, 41 miles per gallon, one hundred thousand miles, over, hollie showed laughed in fire, kristina like silhouette, showed both beasts, theres hu, she said, held nose, salted, pope, beast, they signed for 666, in hallway, at Christ Church apostolic, while hollie showed walked, tear up, put it back, showed, hollie, with lighted bear paws, hollie showed, in, fire, pointed, explosion, from, im uh bear, said, linda, hollie laughed, that is putin, she, said, yeah, said, jack links beef jerky big foot man, licked prophet, write the vision, said, hollie, pope, clapped the tap dancers said hollie, there aint no capricorns, sang, hollie, that was hollie like helicopter, it was start one, said, henry gruver, it was peace and safety, hollie out of megaphone, fingers, in ears, people liked gruver, but, and he saw, it, said, casey, ran from Jesus, now, pray and God laughs, kristina, like silhouette, licked the prophet, said, the main, im not the main any more, she said, ill tell you who the main is, she said, record the vision, bobby look, said Jesus, people being charged high property taxes to pay for arenas, they are not paying, but, leaving, finance companies going broke, like banker showed, submarine sound, said, hollie, whew, said, gabriel, hes the reason om not the main, said, hollie, the main ministering spirit, showed, record, that, she said, 5-15-2008-that was the main, showing, record, and jack links bigfoot rubbed chin, showed, record, showed beasts image made alive, t.v., take it, said, pope, write the vision, clap, ill tell you who said it, said hollie, ministering spirits tap dancing, heres the warning, said, hollie, its iranq, she said, u.s.a. attacks, syria, hollie showed, sh, syrian president, he calls on russia, tear up, hollie, with, bear paws, rip, from behind, said, hollie, china, said, pope, that, pointed, china, magog, appeared, he said, on, and he saw, showed, casey, nuclear missile, from russia, strike, two ofuhm said hollie, china, no way showed hu, send lots ofum, said, hollie, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear explosions in china, then both exchange again, sign for 666, submarine sound, said, hollie, and hollie and kristina, like uh silhouette, whats the message, said, the main, sh, she showed, hollie flying, spacecraft, she said, hollie, surfaced in, ohio class, she said, submarine sound, said, hollie, that was hollie, like a helicopter, letting out henry gruver, thats the horse tap dancing, said, hollie, and henry gruver spoke thru megapone, out hollie, showing, fingers in ears, talking, but no one listens, showed record, eat, she showed, and uh red and black chariot, hollie like silhouette, held nose, salted, hollie showed, played the music, laughed, hollie does sign teem, laughs, this is alome sorry soumb, said, hollie, and, lighted hands, wrote 666, and explosion, pope showed record, somebody wants ya record, said, hollie, write the vision, said, hollie, holliefleas like helicopter, missiles travel 2023 miles per hour, hollie begged people, get right, she, said, in white robe, then died, and, judgment, from high in the, said, hollie, casey, watched, bill clinton, fire seventy-two nuclear missiles, its the minuteman, said, hollie, three, she said, and he saw it, said, casey, great britain launches twelve, from, hollie showed, four subs, russia burns, ezra bufford is cut off said hollie, dont listen to him, and, she stuck fingers in ears, out of horn blown by futch, this is clinton, said, hollie, what are you doing, said, fleas, she wants tax purchases, high, no i.r.s., we got forever to hide and seek said reverend amy brucker, and he saw, said casey, amy brucker, run from Jesus, now laughing, cut off like most, but think, more, less, like hollie showed, ezra bufford, said, hollie, is, gonna pastor uh church, lost, and, he saw, said, hollie, go withum, said, Jesus, ezra, bufford in waist high lava, saying in heart, I wanna git outta here, then, sinks to kneck, flames, went over, he was not ever saved, wanted his pocket, hollie showed, fingers in ears, this will, ruin it, said, Jesus, I walked, said, ezra bufford, mocked at temple, hollie bear licked the prophet, I know said fleas, yes, shook hollie, no said, hollie, tear up, put back, again, hollie, and bigfoot toyed with con spirit, that, said, hollie, from behind, said, hollie, clap, she said, with yellow light, theres uh warning, said, hollie, spun around, clap, she, said, then, spun to three quarters position, again, then, at, start, again, clap, with, big lighted hands, hollie played harp, you expect me to save yourself, she said, that said, hollie, was ship, with, people, prophet drove boat near, observed, that, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, rolling up sleeves, comeon, she said, take me, hollie showed, laughed, in, the fire, pointed, explosion, theres uh gulf war brewing called syria and iranq, said, hollie, u.s.a. attacks, put it under, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, flying in her, bobby, you want your name, said Jesus, judgment, said, hollie, if you steal, Lord we use it, said cluracan who is, no, she said, cecil pennyton, and lawrence forman sees, tells, its kansas, appreciate said Jesus, pointed, at, said hollie, grace apostolic church, harriett jones, tootsie, perished, saith God, sang in voices of God choir, I came back, said tootsie, but to late, bob would have prayed for, spared, but, no one at grace told mrs. jones, hold it, said, Jesus, God didnt lead, but, put it under, I the Lord will laugh at your calamity, 5-16-2008-and meerkat with mustache showed picture, who is it, said Ellen DeGeneres, shes going to marry woman, sh shut up, she said, but, they wont, dont follow me, said, the nathaniel haney-urshan man, I told ya not to record, he said, want more visions, clapped them tap dancers, with the main, talking, showed, nunt uuh, she said, dont lust womens butts, and doreen marie hoge laughs, thats what you want, she said, taiwan, said, Jesus, and he saw, said casey, taiwan explode, casey, watched missiles from china, explode, hollie like uh cat, showed, beasts image, made alive, prophet, she said, sh, she showed, pocket t.v., whats that she said, and the lighted finger pointed down, the main showed record, hollie showed, cut off, cluracan, why, said, hollie, what did she do, she said, stole the name ministry of dreams, now ruint, put it under, said, hollie, that was hu on horse, and what color was he, said hollie, hu hintao was red, and taiwan explodes, and, he saw, it, said, casey, she, watched missiles rise out of china, striking taiwan, russia, venezuela, and, america, exploded, from use terrorists, said, hu, attacking washington state, and he saw, it, said casey, prophesy, appear, on screen, at grace apostolic church, prophet dyes there, and, smiling Jesus comes out, and, they, see, like, Jesus tells homer and cecil, we love you, said cece, God says, receive ye the Holy Ghost, then, leaves, and, gabriel appears on screen, showing bob dressed like he is, be like us, said, gabriel, then the world appears, gabriel showed, record, watches, on the screen, said, hollie, grace apostolic church, with Jesus, looking at, it, and fire appears, all, like cat, showed record, Im gonna show you uh picture, she said, both beasts, and pope on, she pulled string, he, marched, to, russia, thats, otyre, after subs attacked many nations, and, dragon rose with g8, said, hollie, I tell you who it is, she said, its nato, and, bush, she said, and he saw, bush, said, casey, with sword, threatening whole world, russia will not mess with you, said, hollie, a bear is not violent unless provoked, and pope came out of italy, russia, and he saw, it, said, casey, putin with ten crowns, politburo, said, hollie, like uh cat, its uh, said, casey, ruling party, and out of new leader comes pope, and, he kneels before, I want to rule the world, said angry putin, pope, and pope shows cut off, lets rule the world, he said, showed, cut off, look at america, attack, he said, I will said the nathaniel haney-urshan man, false pastors, reigned in america, lets rule the world, said, putin, Jesus looked at world, subs attacked all g8 countries, africa explodes, from the middle, said, hollie, world shakes, and up rose pope, then china, theres hu, said, hollie, like uh cat, japan, like lamb, slash, idol shepherd, he gets betrayed, by friend, hollie like cat, with, mustache, showed, both beasts, theres, hu, said, kristina like silhouette, that, pointed, transformed grim reaper, yes, shook, chinaman, that, said, grim reaper, hollie, like cat, licked prophet, mister christian, just me have my way, says, the Lord, said, two hollies, and, right said cluracan, hollie showed, played organ, hollie showed, out of horn, showed, dinner bell, rang, with bear paws, tear up, he showed, put back, you devil said cluracan, bob dreams saw reverend jeremy taylor show up at his attic, with following said hollie, and bob points at d.min jeremy taylor m.a. and says, to crowd, hey people, type into google jeremy taylor stole the name, you stole a christians ministry name that was protected and you knew not to, and dr. jeremy taylor ph.d., does not say anything, bob dreams talking with man, about realistic receiver, says, I got one, prophesy to cars, sang, kenneth haney, no gas, hollie showed, record, said Jesus, hollie showed, in fire, smiles, laughs, explosion, no, said, hollie, my leopard is, pointed hollie, north and south korea, china, japan, situate, said, hollie, a buisness empire, hollie like uh cat, showed, picture, I tell you who is is, said, pope, im the beast, he said, wars, said, hollie, you didnt put the economy first, she said, and president, said thomas gibson, bush, said, I knowed it, economic, itll collapse, said, hollie, and angry pope says, russia, with prophet nathaniel haney urshans voice, pointed, growled, attack it yelled putin, 5-17-2008-gabriel, showed, no way, said, hollie, hunt uuh, she said, its poop, womens, butts, put it under, the cars were the doors, said, hollie, gabriel showed, record, bobby, he said, pointed, put it right there, he said, steve steinman said gabriel, got rich, from making meatloaf songs, put it under, cant sing, give it to alice cooper, he did to, no way said vince, that said, hollie, and, that, hollie out of horn, showed, fighting, eat, hollie showed, record, said, Jesus, the alome sorry soumb, said, hollie, showed, eat, the sixth seal is broken, said, man, and, smoke goes up, its, casey watched, from, air, subs, fired, on, america, it exploded, bill clinton fires back, russia, china, burn, and the plant licks the prophet, cat said hollie, like cat, showed, beasts image made alive, on pocket t.v., and beast licked prophet, thats the alome sorry sound, said, hollie, and beast rose with horn, russia, he said, and pope sprinkled, arise, devour much flesh, and he saw, it, said, linda, the bear rise, and, soviet subs around america, launched missiles, both american coasts exploded, casey watched, hollie showed record, hollie showed record, hollie like uh cat, showed, both beasts, theres hu, she said, pope, hollie had uh mustache, said hollie, prophesy, said, Jesus, russia makes economic collapse, then, wars break out, prophesy to amexico, and, say, get ready for your judgment, said, hollie, casey showed, subs attacking, whole western hemisphere explodes, and bill clinton fires back, russia, china, burns, get the phone, said, hollie, that was hollie like a copter, letting out char and silvana, backslide said doreen marie hoge, thru megaphone, hollie out, puts fingers in ears, write the vision, said, hollie, this is hollie with that o loose belt sound, showed, dinner bell, no, said, hollie, what did Jesus say, when, you hit iranq, said, hollie, and, syria, raised up hate toward america, and he saw, it, said, casey, syrian president running from fire, irans powerplant destroyed, from, pointed casey, tomahawks, coming from persian gulf, she said, gaza, iraq, on fire, bush like warrior angel, with sword, threatening, hollie showed, how engine works, lamont smith is lost, from emmanuel temple, hollie stomped, said, lamont smith, please dont do it, he said, and hollie sat at computer, typed, lamont smith never saved, why is he preachin, said, hollie, cause elder smith wants the worship of men, theres elder lamont smith in lava, said, hollie, in suit, hollie showed, record, no, she said, hollie clock with locomotive sound, showed, its past times, she said, hollie showed, record, that was that o red and black chariot, with hollie on top, prophesy said Jesus, is this what you want, said, hollie, yes, shook lamont smith, pulpit, then, preach lost, says, Jesus, you are easu, prophesy, said, gabriel, lamont, i know, it, said, smith, will perish, preaching against false prophets, thou art the man, pointed prophet, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, meatloaf, wants son, out, but loves, take, he said, two million, dont ere, he said, come back, cause, mooch, I would not have you ignorant brethern, many preaching are not sent, now look, said, hollie, cat, she said, that, said, hollie, hollie, wont you let me record, she said, licked prophet, hollie pointed, its china, said, steven stargardter-jim garrison man, horn that rose, and the ram, said, hollie, licked prophet, russia, she said, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus coming, new iraq, said, pope, its ameri-britain, that was hollies flying in space crafts, you made me, she said, reverend d.min runs to remove ministry of dreams he stole to ruin prophet, thats jeremy taylor pointed, hollie, hollie like cat, tore up, spun, rip, again, 5-2008-hollie begged, stomped, hollie stomped, hollie hovered in f-35 strike fighter, its stealth she said, its not f-22 raptor, but like, hollie flying spacecraft, she said, its f-35 striking thieves of ministry of dreams, hollie takes picture, of, you know who it is, she said, a struggling comptuer programmer named cluracan, said, hollie, what did she do, stole the name Jesus spoke ministry of dreams to steal but God makes lawrence forman ruint then cecil pennyton releases, put it under, said, hollie, sh, she said, heroin puppy, you want that, said gabriel, yes shook cluracan of furcadia, you loose, said, gabriel, she wanted to patent the name ministry of dreams like antonia vladimirova, all, to make prophet remove, but, trademark said cluracan, it wont happen said gabriel, and, he saw, it, said, casey, all run to remove ministry of dreams, thats the alome sorry soumb said hollie, pope, tap dancers, the economy said were closin, said, hollie, clap, hollie showed, record, the website said, sang doreen, post, said, hollie, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, from, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, bear, hollie laughed, thats, putin, subs, around u.s.a., coasts, go up, bill, then up middle, clinton fires, moscow, china explode, hollie showed, turn, Jesus like first hollie showed, showed explosion, hollie showed, pointed, from, fire, at hollie in her soviet union submarine, akula, they are best, can wipe, and, he saw it, said, casey, from two of them, she said, america explodes, when you hit iraq, agin, said, prophet, you blew it, he said, let me, said, putin, get behind me, said, new russian leader, record some visions, said, hollie, theres trouble, said prophet, and he saw, it, said, casey, three kings arise, theres hu, hes false prophet, casey showed fighting, pope, hes beast, hollie showed take me on, emporer of japan, slash, idol shepherd, said, casey, put it under, obama wins presidency, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, record, that was room full of people waiting to perish, dark on other side, that was a dream in new york city, walkin toward downtown, said, hollie, bob saw horace smith teaching at u.p.c.i. church, it was uh dream, said, hollie, bob dreams, putin, said, im the beast with seven heads and ten horns, when he said, beast, hollie said bearst, doreen sang, what did he do, pope said, russia is the beast with seven heads and ten horns, pope said, what did he do, pope said russia is the beast with seven heads, ten horns, cut off showed Jesus, russia, and dragon rises, thats, pointed, hollie, blaspheme, no letting God have his way, you devil, said, hollie, bob dreams, man, he told about dream, said, you didnt have no dream, bob says, do you dream, he says, yes, with cigar on mouth, pope said russia is the bear father, smiled hollie, hollie showed laughed in the fire, im the bear father, said, hollie, what did he do, said, doreen, from nussbaum, hes cut off, she, said, goes to, doreen watched, otyre, smiled the geese, russia, signs, gets control, second beast, doreen watches, high in air, magog, china, rises, to, withstand, with japan, they, sign, for, 666, hollie showed, beasts image, right here, said, hu, made alive, pocket t.v., fleas showed, record, hollie showed, record, what did pope do, said, lawrence forman, and, he saw, showed, casey, pope riding red dragon, its g8, said, hollie, nato, said, doreen, showed, nussbaum, use, and, owner, laughs, shows, doreen, invite, bob he says, to church, ok, she calls friend, im outta here, then, says, thats alome sorry sound, said, hollie, doreen showed, putin with ten crowns, thats politburo, and nussbaum president calls doreen, doreen showed record, that, nussbaum, its struggling, cause high gas, president shakes yes, its gonna go down, france, said, Jesus, falling from america, its causing nato, and he saw, it, said, casey, france explode, from, im uh bear, said, linda spall, bear, hollie laughs, raise your hands and repeat after me, said doreen, we like bob, he works for nussbaum transportation, thats the alome sorry soumb, said doreen, submarine sound said hollie, licks prophet, doreen shows record, and he saw, it, said, casey, four nuclear explosions in great britain, and, beast, and he saw it, said, casey, nuclear explosion blow beast out of italy, australia on fire, hollie showed record, bob dreams c.i.a. knocks at door, he could see partially thru blind, he had on kneck tie, ran to bedroom, would not let jackie go to restroom, but told her to go, showed, told, sneak, heard, bob hes in the house, from mother, he went to door, opened, and God said, dont, bob sees boyd warren, they talk, bob says, I know you, your unaccountable, warren, boyd was real short, bob dreams with barney samples, he has stereo receivers for sale, bob asks him if he was interested in selling for him, barney was not, bob said, bob did not have enough money to buy marantz receivers, only 20, but said he would buy, many there, said, about one, he remembered, bob tells barney, if they get stolen or fall on counter, and get broke, he would not hold him accountable, bob with, person, saw dog walking, puppy following, bob says, she only had one puppy, what a waste of time, puppy said, I fart, somebody, repeated it, bob plays with pioneer sx-434 stereo reciever, turns, up, woman was singing, and meatloaf in song sang, accept it, no, said, fleas, this is not the website talkin, this is doreen, post said gabriel, that was Jesus like a fire man, sitting on couch, bob saw big lighted hand, point, go to, hollie tore up, put back, rip, ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, created by me, saith God, adam becker steals and alters the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, changes to ministry or dreams to change to ministry of dreams, now hear the word of the LOrd, said, Jesus, adam becker is cut off, 5-20-2008-hot, said, hollie, whats steve, she said, steve rogers, dont I quit, he said, but in this life claimed, if you live here, we live for God, he said, to brother, with smoke in mouth and filthy movies from library, and he saw, said, casey, steve rogers in hell, said, hollie, croc pot, laughing, when seen, and lighted being pointed, that was that was hollie, like a, copter, then, fleas, henry gruver raised megaphone, hollie in showing fingers in ear, fighting, left, hollie showed like a bear, said, hollie, tear up, put back, rip, no, said, fleas, ran, bob let me said hollie, like bear, whats that, she said, its dragon flying, and, france said, hollie, its g8, exploded, there said, fleas, like bear, and he saw, said, casey, for trusting, the meeting, said, hollie, with yeltsin, chirac, and, schroder, no, said gerhard schroder, that got him out of germany, cause, people working, and him vacationing, military agreements signed, france fell, like, and he saw, it, said, casey, canada, exploded, australia, great britain, italy, look over there, said, hollie, whats that, she said, smoke rose, said, david gilmour, he ruint pink floyd, and, japan stays with, cause, china, and, he saw, it, said casey, missiles flying out of china, striking japan, taiwan explodes, then, in a circle bobby, showed casey, china explodes, there coming, said, hollie, china, that horn, and he saw it, said casey, rose last, from hollie, bob at talk, and larry hunt sits next to and says, Im dying, i know im outta here, and bob thinks, you want me to tell you why, no said Jesus, you said satan emptied churches, it was servants of the Lord, Jesus speaks, go ahead and tell him what he did, I want him to know, like a brown haired man, and bob says, do you want me to tell you what you did, and someone puts something over bobs head and ushers him out, quickly, this is cindy, said, hollie, elijah, said, hollie, work, hollie out of megaphone, shows, work, hollie showed, record, that is hollie like a copter, letting out henry gruver, spoke thru megaphone, hollie had finger in ear, in megaphone, work, she yelled, left, live for Jesus said cluracan, its because iraq, said, Jesus, heres, your judgment, he said, lets rule the world, said, putin, russia places subs, and hollie showed, sees, laughs, plays music, america explodes, from, the submarines, said hollie showed, and he saw, it, said, casey, missiles flying in, lets hit alaska, said, Jesus, then missiles, subs, destroy, theres your woman, said, Jesus, and he saw, said, hollie, statue of liberty, coming out of americas fire, are you cut off said, hollie, yes shook Pastor Nathaniel K. Haney, then why are you pastor, said, Jesus, that hurts said reverend amy brucker, she posted the God spoken created name ministry of dreams, you lie, said, reverend jeremy taylor, on jeremy taylors website, quit said amy brucker, but they want to tempt, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, if you dont shut up said amy, and he saw it, laughed casey, amy brucker show cut off, thats the sixth seal, said, Jesus, they wanted john mark pool to resign from his post, said, hollie, with hollie showed playing guitar, john mark pool, whats he done, said, hollie, he steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, why did you tell tenney, said john, mark, pool, my God, said tommy tenney, hes uh, pointed, hollie, witch, said, hollie, tommy would have let, he knows said, Jesus, john mark pool on Godchasers show, it would have made john pool get hundreds of churches, one would have let pastor, but john mark pool steals ministry of dreams, no said j.m. pool, it causes me, said, sandy pool, to speak blaspheme, john laughs, the show said sandy pool, no way, she said, hes closed said Jesus, right here said tommy tenney, its in my book, and tommy tenney shows book, the Ministry Of Dreams, but knows God would ruin, I dont, blame, said tommy tenney, hollie flying in spacecraft, with, leave it alone, she said, soumb, fires, all the thieves of ministry of dreams run to remove, battleship bismarck said Jesus, its because your known said the, they want to raise, its rusty, would make it, they will try, submarine sound, said, hollie, 5-21-2008-hollie showed in the fire, said, Jesus, and hollie showed licks the prophet, that was smoke going up, its broken, said, hollie, its the sixth seal, she said, america on fire, casey watched submarines fire, explode, she, said, that said hollie, hollie tore up, no, she said, put back, hollie showed turn, hollie modelled, on the mokse, on duncans church, ripped, golden dome off, its mokse, that said, hollie, that, said, hollie, that was hollie tearing up the con spirit, said pope, put back, this time, said, hollie, its, i.r.s., con, again, rip, put back, turn, tear, then partial, rip, turn, back, pop, put back, tear up, again, said hollie, turn, tear, that said, hollie, let me record, said, hollie, like helicopter, letting out henry gruver, hollie showed, dont listen, pastors, left, wont ya let me record, said, hollie, thats the vision, she, said, beast, dragon flying, its g8, said, thats russia and n.a.t.o., she, said, thomas said woman, wait, showed, hollie, hollie showed, record, and that, she, said, again, hollie showed, jowl excercise, smiled, licked, prophet, hollie showed, wait, iraq, said, hollie, exploded, gaza, nuked, america, now hear the word of the Lord, said, Jesus, gaza is the palestinian state, hollie smiled, chomp, prophet, said, hollie, showed, beasts, image, made alive, on picture, and, beast walked with false prophet hu, they signed for 666, take the mark said, pope, no way, showed, hu, hollie showed, record, and, what was that, said, hollie, hit russia, she said, and, he saw, it, said, hollie, hollie showed, clap, missile flying from russia, striking china, then, china fires many, and, he saw it, said, casey, nuclear explosions in russia, no way, said, pope, then, missiles fired, china, on fire, drives out magog, those two leaders sign for 666, that was hollie like copter, letting out michael boldea, start one, he said, in megaphone, hollie out, said, peace, safety, thru another, megaphone, another hollie out like dot, blue face, with, ears, showed, work, left, lets hit alaska, said, gabriel, and he saw, it, said, casey, russia said gabriel, hit france, bob record me, said, gabriel, russia, exploded, said, hollie, hollie with blue eyes, words dont match lips, hollie, 5-23-2008-keep goin, said, hollie, pastor scott sanders of rhema international ministries, inc., hes hair dyer, tell me about submarine sound, said, hollie, and licked prophet, submarine sound, said, hollie, and hollie watched submarines hit many nations, like america, thats hollie, in her ohio class sub, and, russia, hollie fired, the world shakes, and up rose the pope, she saw, and hu, those two shook hands, signed for 666, thats otyre, said, hollie, and magog, tear up, put back, rip, from behind, clapped, hollie, spun, thats otyre, she, said, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, the pope, and hu, he said, china, hollie saw, they kept firing, and donald golder shakes yes, and they signed for 666, and, missile leaves japan, nuclear, said, hollie, strikes china, in circle, from ohio class subs, thats captain hollie in sub, surfaced, like a bear, said, linda spall bear, she weeps, but laughed, when young and cute, now, old, temptation, he said, larry, wants, youth, like linda, hollie showed, record, russia wont, she said, deal with china much longer, and china, like casey saw, blew up, in circle, said, hollie, from, three ohio class subs, china launches many missiles on taiwan, japan, and, venzuela, thats uh sub, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, pope, appeared, record me, said, fleas, hollie, send me down to tucson, sang by mel tillis, still liked, from, every which way you can, said, hollie, still watched, and, grandma showed beasts image made alive, on, said hollie, pocket t.v., take it, said, pope, the mark, signed for, said, hu, between, us, he said, and Clyde The Orangutan, do you smoke, like he showed, said by ruth gordon, lost, I will not save patrick mayte, said, Jesus, hollie showed, wait, bob dreamed, talking with man, saw, many nations, attacked, said, and then the hit gaza forsaken, he mentioned syria, being, attack it, said, hollie, put it under, arabs are blaspheme, hit iraq agin, said, hollie, when they did, they, lets git out of the world, said, putin, america, wants, war, said, putin, with the voice of Dmitry Medvedev, they are one, saith God, a man said, an you know it, in dream, man said, no, bob was telling to, bob dreams, in chicago, van breaks down, buys car, front wheels, not held on right, lugnuts, only, two, said, hollie, on broke, one loose, tries to call friend again, but doesnt know number, bobs friend, comes and helps, but didnt try to get number again, didnt want to bother, friend, would not have, bob thought, I gave away that van, with full tank of gas, could fix, parts, keep junk vehicles, chuck, took, bob dreams, had church in house, parent doesnt like, but liked, bob argued with dad, people asked, about when you going to have revival, bob says, its easy to, when your in revival to get others in, but, bob did not want to talk, donald golder would have spoken, bob went to work, who did he see, said, hollie, andre the giant, mail, being delivered, by cable said, hollie, many went on cables, with, to building, and one fell off, new skyscraper, that one, fell on another, then, another, killed all, bob laughed, many did, people dont care, woman says hi, and man jumps up, that started it, that was hollie showed, out of tube, said, hollie, I wanted to show, he said, tear up, he showed, restore, back, with lighted, said, hollie, bear paws, hollie showed, record, that was the beast rising, pope, hollie showed, in, the fire, Jesus showed, om cut off, said scott sanders, like whole family, they like aaron porter, never saved, but, pastor, put it under, rhema international ministries incorporated has hair dyer over it, support me said pastor scott sanders, but perish with, bob, shut up, said, fleas, your welcome, said, hunt, but not as pastor, but your lost said, hollie, 5-23-2008- its starting, said, hollie, the collapse of, reverend, d.min, jeremy taylor, married to kathryn taylor, he stole it, said, hollie, let me alone, she said, at grace apostolic church, jeremy taylor sits next to prophet, tries to make backslide, said ph.d. reverend jeremy taylor of starr king school of ministry, why said, hollie, what did he do, he stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams that is protected to crash prophet now falling in that same hole he wanted prophet to fall it, saith God, put it under, said, hollie, watch d.min rev. taylor, jeremy collapse from all jobs, talks, office, said kathryn taylor, she, witch, said hollie showed, dont hire her, she loved dr. jeremy taylors theft, but now, hates for, but, hates any way, it my pocketbook said kathryn taylor, jeremy was it, but now divorce, saith God, she, takes, all, jeremy taylor ruint over stealin the God spoken name said hollie ministry of dreams, releases after iraq, hollie showed, wait, she said, watch reverend dr. jeremy taylor loose wisdom and starr king school for ministry then run to remove the God spoken name ministry of dreams, 5-24-2008-that was hollie, like uh helicopter, letting, out henry gruver, hollie out of megaphone, whatta you want, she said, showed, fighting, like a blue hollie face, holllie showed, record, jeremy taylors runnin now, said, Jesus, hollie showed played music, why said, hollie, what has he done, let me alone, said, hollie, laughing, she said, record the vision, said, dr. rev. jeremy taylor, what did he do, said, hollie, u.u. jeremy taylor steals the name ministry of dreams, hides on website, google tells, he runs to remove, ministry of dreams, kathryn taylor strips, jeremy taylor will be ruint, said, hollie, hollie showed record, hollie showed record, that, she said, can i see this, she said, dr. reverend jeremy taylor sees visions and laughs but gets ruint and knew not to steal the name God created and spoke ministry of dreams, Jesus showed, cut off, all u.u.s, there is hollie showed in the fire, said, hollie showed, no, said, hollie, its right there, pointed, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, tear up, put back, rip, hollie showed with lighted bear paws, you were kidding said gene simmons, hollie showed cut off, that old woman, when young ran, like, the young now, she wants saved, now, but, old, God wont, they tremble cause God wont, I aint gonna take it, said, hollie, watch, said Jesus, all the thieves of ministry of dreams release after iraq ends nuclear, and he saw, pointed, casey, gaza, iraq, explode, lets judge, said, putin, and new russian leader, I will, said, hollie, bob shakes, no, thats the Son of Righteousness with healing in his wings, like uh sun, said, hollie, yellow, she said, it was blue, submarine sound, said, hollie, showed, tear up, with lighted bear paws, she said, rip, restore, rip, put back, tear, limited strike on japan, said, fleas, and casey, showed, with uh lighted hand, missiles coming from china, three, explode, two, nuclear, one, tomahawk, lets dont bother it, said, putin, and new leader, does what he says, putin, is war, new leader is not, but, pushes, nuclear button, and putin, shot, put it under, putin knew not to take prime minister of russia, whats that, said, prophet, presidents dead, said, man, its over, he said, bush shot, assassinated, but, cheney is bush, put it under, said, hollie showed, both want iraqs oil, lets rule the world, said, putin, they shoot, missiles in alaska, then, many strike u.s.a., but bill clinton already pushed, gotem, said, putin, then, explosions in russia, china, like this said, casey, in circle, big, many from, ohio class, smiling pope, submarine sound, said, hollie, in her sub, like white light sub, fired, and the world shook, and four kings stood up, they were, the pope, and he saluted, theres hu, said, hollie, bob hickman, she said, they are wanting you out of churches, cause, cant bare, it, I was single, said, hollie, got married, when we was young, said, man, now your old, cried, hollie, nothing to do, said, putin, see it nuclear war, said, hollie, divorce, she said, kathryn taylor from jeremy taylor over taking the name said amy brucker ministry of dreams cut off showed Jesus, they look, tremble, put it under, said, hollie, you know your out, and reverend dr. jeremy taylor, I know it, he said, and jim garrison sees, and thinks, we gave you a excellent job now you a witch, and ruining wisdom university, said amy brucker, they fire, from all jobs, talks, reverend doctor jeremy taylor over taking the name ministry of dreams to strip prophet of his God spoken name, no said, hollie, bob hickman, said, hollie, get it, she said, iraq said, Jesus, and he saw, said, casey, nuclear fire ball, hollie showed, in fire, explosion, this is the reason om leavin said kathryn taylor, show, said d.min jeremy taylor, stealing and being exposed, but when kathryn first, got it said jeremy taylor m.a., its closes, the marin institute, you welcome, said, hollie, but be taught by dr. taylor and hes lost, people are openly mocking jeremy taylor and he is loosing, got it said hollie, he removes the God spoken name ministry of dreams ruint, when he was warned and knew not to, but like all that, we stole said dee finney, and john mark pool shows, smile, grunt, now ruint like bill hamon, wont you let me said dr. bill hamon, but he would have kept, now hear the word of the LOrd, om usin said kathryn taylor, no she says, when sees, she is mooching off dr. rev. jeremy taylor, we want ya to go said kathryn, taylor, but when exposed they both laughed, now hear the word of the LOrd, steal the name I created ministry of dreams and I the LOrd will ruin you, 5-26-2008-when he comes, said, hollie, will he find, she said, alome slomeby soumb, hollie licked prophet, gabriel showed record, eat, look, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, hollie like uh cat, she, said, hollie like uh cat, showed, beasts iamge, she said, my mark, said, pope, from picture, hollie like cat, showed, pictures, of hu and pope, they signed for 666, hollie showed fighting, that said, hollie, kim jong, said, danica patrick, quit it, said, Jesus, cause, hes, startin trouble, said, hollie, and hollie watched, nuclear missiles, out of north korea, strike russia, china, south, korea, cause, casey, showed, caspian sea oil pipe line, and he saw, it, said, casey, explode, sabatoge, appeared, you need to record, me, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, have uh great day, thats it, said, hollie, with, soumb, this is hollie, lets post, hollie didnt speak, but, the website acted like hollie, what did the website say, said, hollie, website smiled, put more visions on, kiss mae, om the website, said, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, look, sub, with hollie, waving, hi bob, hollie showed, told, with red sweatshirt, on, bob dreamed went to westside pentecostal church, and donald winters saw, with dyed hair, donnie joe winters preached, talked, nicely with long hair, bob speaks to woman, and she told bob that one of donald winters daughters died, cause she tempted the LOrd, bob wept, donald starts to approach, bob, the woman said the daughters name was shereen, when donald saw bub, he was angered, bob leaves, and donald winters says something like, put that on yoru website, mrs. donald winters coming in, and bob sees outside, she had dyed hair, and loosing weight, wants oral sex, donald says, thank you for that brother, cause bob left, mrs. winters says, praise the LOrd brother, bob says, praise the Lord, when mrs. winters steps in doors, she closes like seals, so bob cant go back in, record said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and, saw, dragon flying, its, the g8, she said, and, bush, woman, russia having, thats politburo, said, Jesus, nato, is, america, all those nations exploded, paul mooney girl, garry streeval woman, that pointed, grim reaper, hollie showed, laughed, in, fire, no, said, fleas, hollie showed, look, said, fleas, hollie like uh cat, showed, both beasts, she said, its uh picture, she said, theres hu, pope, tear up, 5-28-2008-hollie showed, record, that, said, hollie, bob, record, me, said, gabriel, whew, tear up, put back, hollie, rip, whats that, said, hollie, and, hollie, high in the air, above, MOksE, on willie j. duncans, church, the dome, she said, tore off, and, placed on grace apostolic, where prophet goes, he likes the duncans better, thats the duncan man, willie and r.h., showing, beasts image made alive, on pocket t.v, comeon waved r.h. duncan, be, said, willie duncan, prophet goes to both, he would stay at willies church, willie duncan will weep when reads visions, bob shows up, at the revival temple church, in winter, thats beast with seven heads, ten horns, who are they, said, hollie, its n.a.t.o., with russia having politburo, thats ruling party, theres putin, with, ten crowns, fleas showed, record, look, that, said, robin wood, shes lost, claims saved, put it under, said, hollie, harlot, that was dragon, pointed, hollie, the g8, she, said, russia having politburo, and, he, saw, it, said, casey, putin, having, ten, crowns, who are they, said, hollie, casey, rubbed chin, ruling party, and, putin, out of yeltsin, yeltsin out of politburo, new leader, out of, he won, now, nato, seven heads, bush, woman, with sword, pope out of italy, put more visions on, your website, said, hollie, white hollie, showed beasts image, made alive, on pocket t.v., said, hollie, that was c.n.n., watched by, larry, hunt, explosion, hollie rubbed chin, iraq, she, said, gaza, exploded, that was Jesus, spinning, in, heaven, with thousands, sitting, like, Light Man, hollie showed, laughed, in, the fire, boom, 5-29-2008-hollie showed, record, hollie showed, cut off, kenneth haney, he dyes hair, no, said, hollie, licked prophet, hollie showed, record, laughed, whatta you want, she said, and he saw it, said, casey, kenneth haney rub chin, a mouth, he said, got him, said, Jesus, and he saw it, said casey, satan shot into, put it under, intrude into the priesthood saith God, hey bobby, this is the website talkin, post, and website smiled, showed, beasts image made alive, on, pocket, t.v., showed, lecturing, pastors, not saved, showed, tore up, wadd, tore up more, put back, but only partially, said the webmastress, there is a reason, she said, hollie showed, cut off, u.p.c.i., you looked she said, and he saw, said, casey, kenneth haney, and nathaniel haney, and nathaniel wadded, didnt believe, but, neither can pray thru to Holy Ghost, and he saw, it, said, casey, the Holy Ghost falling on pastors while preaching, God teases, and john mark pool sees, did you see that said sandy pool, trembles, preach unsaved and I the Lord will mock you, tell me about great britain said bird, and saw, it, said, casey, great, britain explode, from, im uh bear, said, linda, spall, hollie laughed, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hollie, casey, high in air, saw, three russian submarines fire on britain, australia, france, italy, and, beast blows out, world shakes, and casey watched, american subs fired on china, russia, and great britain, fires, he saw, it, said, casey, on, russia, and, dragon rose, with seven n.a.t.o. countries, and putin having ten crowns, who are they, said, casey, politburo, said, bird, hollie showed, record, and, bear rose, who is it, said, hollie, russia, hollie tattood 666, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, go, with nice hair, showed, record, that, pointed, grim reaper, hollie pulled ship, hollie with nice hair showed beast going to russia, signing, thats otyre, she, said, getting nuclear arsenal, that is the alome salome soumb, said, hollie, submarine sound, said, hollie, with, nice hair, that, she, said, pointed, grim, reaper, hollie with nice hair, stick, showed, subs attacking many nations, sixth seal opens, america burns, sun, moon darkened, world moved, and, up rose pope, hollie showed, go with me, bob, this is hollie, om talkin for the website, post, and website smiled, showed, beasts image made alive, on pocket t.v., take it, said, pope, the number, its my name, said, man, 666, leave it alone, said, hollie, my spacecraft, fired on d.min jeremy taylor, looses all jobs, talks, over taking the name ministry of dreams to ruin prophet, well I dont know where it is, sang, Mad Man Mike, time goin, I rememberd, when we were doin the Time Warp, he sang, cut off showed Mad Man Mike, God knew, following, become, homo said tim curry, hollie showed, record, hollie showed record, spun, clap, licked prophet, you didnt want it, said, hollie, I need somebody to pay me, said, danica patrick, she exposed almost naked body on website, God departed when she refused to remove, bob, liked, knew God for, now, wants nothing to do, said danica, your welcome, said, Jesus, piss me off, said, patrick, but God left, and, she, hits crew member, then, wrecks car, owner shows, no way, your out, he replaces with man, danica fades, with over two million, but, spends, goes broke, works, after, economy collapses, you mean I checked out, said, danica, patrick, face it, she said, with robin woods voice, both lost, she gets retail, what ever, says danica, before indianapolis 500, after big japan win, owner smiles, but, thinks, replacer at end of season, thats her, pointed, hollie, Jezebel, the penetostal church, u.p.c.i., all, cut off, hollie fought, hollie tore up, leave me alone, she said, spacecraft fired, its uh direct hit, who is it, john mark pool, he was asked by caller, why did you take it, john says, that man wrote me and said, remove ministry of dreams and be ruint anyway, hanged up, john runs to remove, billy thorpe dies, and, becomes a child of the sun, you knew, said, hollie, billy thorpe had about 30 songs people liked, but would not release for radio, toured, once per month, was like alice cooper, I committed suicide when I could have went out, got man, Im judy garland, would have lived to be 107, submarine, said, it, said, hollie, bob dreams, saw, speedway gas sign, price 1.7 2 or 3, last number blocked, hollie showed, played the synthesizer, said, hollie, and, hollie showed, and, pope, hu, pointed, look, they, said, explosions on c.n.n. globe, america, moscow, china, south america, africa, and, pope, rose, and, hu, emporer of japan, idol shepherd, hollie showed, record, that was hollie tearing up, put back, rip, she, said, 5-30-2008-hollie showed, record, and look, she pointed, thats the war sireen, said, hollie, hollie pointed, war, thats the submarine sound, pointed, hollie, look, she pointed, at a jet, dropping, bombs, on, america, moscow, and, china, said, hollie, world shook, and, up rose beast, and hu, he said, those two, watched casey, signed for, now let me see here, said, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, she, sang, unbelievable, 666, theres uh submarine, sound, said, hollie, showed, wait, eat, fleas, said, the economy is collapsing, said, robin wood, hollie showed turn, smiled, cindy, back, said, hollie, cindy showed, sun, moon, darkened, from smoke of america burning, that said, hollie, new economy, said, hollie, broke, said, doreen marie hoge, and, hollie, hollie skinned, hollie showed, this is website, post, and phone rang, website called president, im george bush, I blaspheme, God dam it, he said, hollie showed whistle, blew, said, hollie, france, sang, Jesus, look, pointed, enthusiastic hollie, and hollie with nice hair, look, she, pointed, with stick, she, said, it is there, she, pointed, and, hollie rose in sub, launched missiles, many flying both directions, the world shakes, its the phone, said, hollie, who is it, she said, hollie calls, d.min reverend jeremy taylor, and he doesnt answer, he stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams, being stripped of jobs, talks, look, said, hollie, pointed, up, at Jesus returning, subs launching, the world shakes, prophesy to the website, said, hollie, its gonna have one point two million visions on, prophesy to george bush and say, youll be assassinated, said, hollie, laughed, hollie showed, adolf hitler, whats he done, said, Jesus, and hollie showed, no way, he started world war two to make nations bow to him, he wanted, said hitler, smiled, oil, why did you do it, said, hollie, put three Holy Ghost filled people on bismarck, they prophesied to captain, ship struck, then shot down, I didnt believe them, said, captain, hitler, saddened, by, bimarcks loss, submarine sound, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, wait, this the website talkin, post post visions, smiled website, china, said, Jesus, that is magog, and, he saw, it, said, casey, putin come out of rams horn, and, higher grow last, thats hu said hollie, and, hegoat smote, thats america, moscow, china, war, said, pope, the world shakes, and up, saluted, pope, theres hu hintao, said, hollie, emporer of japan, and idol shepherd, slashed pope, submarine soum, said, hollie, iraq agin, said, Jesus, Im going to make bush embarrassed, it was over oil contracts, said, hollie, as words appeared, tell uh vision, said, Jesus, cnn, iraq, nuked, gaza, destroyed, its my palestinian state, said, hollie, bob dreamed, economic collapse, in america, they want money for thier iraq war, said, woman, and woman saddened, theres uh submarine sorry, pointed, hollie, and, ohio class came down, 5-31-2008-hollie, the hood, she said, its, what I want, said, the captain of bismarck, but, would have not fired, unless fired on, hood started shooting to early, bismarck did not fire, but kept getting shot at, so, aimed, struck many times, thier aiming system, ted briggs knew, close, right off the bat, he said, now we want ya, he said, then explosion, two direct hits, why did you launchem, said, Jesus, to captain of bismarck, cause I wanna git you over, said bismarck captain, knew how to, but he didnt want to, said, hollie, cause, put it under, knew he could, why did you hit it, said, Jesus, cause hood kept firing, had to, said, bismarck captain, now hear the word of the Lord, said bismarck captain, why did you wreck me, he said, cause they scuttled it, said, Jesus, but, could not, and he saw it, said, casey, bismarck going in circles cause rudder damaged, they became open bait, said, hollie, hollie showed, beast, high in air, thats who rose, she said, unbelievable, pope, she said, Jesus showed turn, that said, hollie, you need to git out, said, hollie, jeremy taylor said rebecca ann parker, why, said, hollie, what has he done, she said, jeremy d.min taylor stole the God spoken name ministry of dreams to strip prophet of salvation, now hear the word of the LOrd, if you steal the name I created ministry of dreams after I had mercy on you I the LOrd will put you in lava myself like reverends antonia vladimirova and jeremy taylor, that was hollie, tear up, put back, from behind, she said, clap, hollie showed, wait, that said, hollie, hollie showed in the fire, hot, said, hollie showed, in, fire, explosion, no, said, hollie, no, said, fleas, that was hollie like a bear, said, Jesus, tear up, put back, and lighted hands showing, you know who it is, said, hollie, its the beast and hu, said, hollie, false prophet, put it under, said, hollie, its too late for most people to get saved now, saith God, your welcome, said, judy lynn winters, not said pastor donald winters, hes a blasphemer said hollie, showed cut off, im not said donald winters, but cant get thru and mrs. donald winters swallows, 6-1-2008-im russia said hollie, support me said john l. merriweather, hollie showed, record, and, that, she, said, rip, this economy she said, collapse, ing, hollie showed, record, this economy is going under, said, hollie, whiped lips, showed, board, iraq, appeared, gaza, opec leader showed cut off, and mrs. john merriweather, saw, hid, but, not, she, laughed hollie, dyes hair, claims salvation, its paul said Jesus, paul merriweather, not, saved, but leads service, and prophet comes and paul wants him to leave, put it under, said Jesus and hollie, thats all pentecost, submarine sound, said, hollie, ends nuclear, put it under, the war, said, hollie, bush grunted, over taking away russias signed deal, collapsing, said, hollie, russia, its there economy, hollie showed, tore up, put back, again, she said, rip, Jesus showed, record, hunt uhh, said, hollie, no bike, cause harley is, hollie showed, thumbs down, its like lawnmower engine, overheats, said, hollie, hollie show record, now look, she, said, this economy, said, beast, falling, im the bear, said, linda spall, hollie laughed, leave it alone, she, said, thats putin, said, linda spall, my space craft, said, hollie, its ministry of dreams, dont steal, she said, showed, cut off, over, if you do, like d.min reverend jeremy taylor, why did you take it, said, hollie, and rev. jeremy taylor, m.a. grunts, he tries to take, said, hollie, website down, but reappears, said, hollie, knew, she said, youll run to remove, she said, when u.s.a. hits iraq, gaza will be desolate, said, hollie, put it under, the war over breaking oil contract, s, and bush grunts, when I see, said, president, george bush, jr., showed, cut off, no way, said prophet, seek, said bush, hollie skinned, hollie showed, this economy, said, Jesus, you crashed, it, he said, and bush sees, whatever, said, Jesus, they will kill you, saith the LOrd, shot, said, hollie, c.i.a. over ruining thier security, said, hollie, put it under, Jesus showed cut off, and george w. bush, is, saith God, off said kathryn taylor, why did you do it, said, hollie, she stole, said, hollie, the God spoken name ministry of dreams, put, on, d.min, said, hollie, jeremy taylor, s, website, both ruint, over, she divorces, its in the ring bobby, said, Jesus, golden, said, hollie, that, she said, tore up, hollie, put back, rip, hollie modelled, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, out of horn, said, hollie, tear up, he said, put back, bear paws, that was Jesus, like a Lion man, said, hollie, white, plan, thats what it said, hollie said, the white Mouth, captain Ernst Lindemann, saith God, its what we won, he said, if, bismarck not sank, then, germany, would have won, saith God, russia, not invaded, they wanted, russias, oil, said, captain, Ernst Lindemann, hollie carved in stick, stuck out tongue, om for bush, the relay song, said, tony bennett, Ernst of the bismarck, said, hollie, thats the captain, said, woman, wreckem said bismarck captain, shoots hood down, with, more, efficient, aiming, put four armour piercing, bullets, in, hood, when first one penetrated, deck, and massive, explosion, sad, captain, ernst, thats what I want, but, knew, men, maimed, went ahead, theres when she blew, said, bismarck captain, second shell, piercing deck, splits, weakened hood, now, both ships, are, on, ocean floor, rusting, hood, not raisable, bismarck is, hes comin, said, mouth, Jesus, in, sky, winked, cindy, subs attacking, world shakes, and up, rose, pope, said, hollie, record, me, said, hollie, that was jacobs ladder, like uh white ladder, trouble, hollie tore up, like uh bear, put back, from, behind, she, said, clap, spun, tear up, clap, then, more, put back, clap, so you went to paris, that, pointed hollie, france is dragon, falling from nato, seven heads, pope, where does he come out of, italy, russia having ten crowns, somebody s here said woman, it was uh dream, said, cindy, now it wasnt, said, hollie, cindy, pointed, it was, me, iraq, said, Jesus, no, said, cindy, whatta you want, said, hollie, fool, she said, bush stole oil contracts, hollie showed, in, the fire, the war, said, president george bush, jr., is, what I want, the oil contracts, and c.i.a. shows, visions, put it under, he gets presidental pardon, lifted up, said, hollie, on trial, shot, were loosin it, said, bush, put it under, ha ha saith God, iraqi, said, bush, kill, on site, thats security, said, cia man, they want prophet, but wont, over, bush, put it under, bob dont let me perish said cia man, bob grunts, get sved, wants cia saved, get outta here, said, cia man, comeon, he said, bush, here, testify, with prophet, we ll scuttle you, said, captain ernst, I got uh warnin, said, c.i.a., we know, bob knows, comeon, said, bob, doesnt care, liar, said, cia, send out someone, has, seen, but likes, put it under, said, Jesus, its your iraq, said, hollie, thats, bring usa down, saith God, hit russia, said, cia, man, they will, but after, russia, strikes, and he saw, said casey, alaska, explode, comeon said cia man, then, open fire said cia man, put it under, I hate bush said youth, all usa, does, world, lets rule the world, said, putin, its right here, they are saudi time five, hogging, not, and hu grunts, dick cheney, said, cia, sworn in, runs, hollie showed, cut off, dr. jeremy taylor, thats what I want said d.min rev. jeremy taylor of wisdom university where jim garrison, you know, said, hollie, jeremy taylor steals the God spoken name ministry of dreams and jim protects, put it under, cut off showed jim garrison, that, said, hollie, seenya look, reverend jeremy taylor, whats he done, stole the name ministry of dreams, runs to remove, that, said, hollie, kathryn taylor leaves, Jesus tatood 666, signed for, saw hollie showed, hu, pope, lets make war, said, antichrist, peace, said, hu, treaty, your nice but you never got saved said hollie, shirley langley, hollie laughed, doing sign teem, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, Jesus, coming, subs, attacking, hollie showed, record, om good said shirley, langley, but lesbian, shes cute, said, Jesus, I lost, she said, showed, cut off, prophet, witnesses, its your name said michael boldea, bobs, not, known, God persecutes to destroy, but, will have mercy, like the apostle paul, no, put up, said michael boldea, did, but, mike shows, cut off, he didnt want you, said, hollie, I was horny said mike boldea, but, not, now, is, but, and he saw, said casey, mike boldea show cut off, years, said, steven stargardter, jim garrison, man, prison, he said, git outta here, tax evader is the steven stargardter-jim garrison man, knows, said, Jesus, im outta here he said, over, d.min reverend jeremy taylor, why, said, hollie, what did he do, she said, he stole the name God spoke ministry of dreams, runs to remove, we wanna go home said his witch wife, kathryn taylor, 1-25-2010-wisdom university, said, many, including, God, thats, Jesus, smiling, hollie, and, she, showed, hollie showed, git him out, said, hollie, its, your, dr. rev., she said, its, she showed, the witch, thief, jeremy taylor, satan himself, said, Jesus, put it under, dont steal, hollie, said, why did you take, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, I wanted to ruin, said, its, showed, hollie, your reverend, jeremy taylor, d.min, thats, jeremy taylor, stealing, ministry of dreams, said, Jesus, and giving his wife, the lovely, God, said, satan herself, his webby, hollie showed, record, pointed, up, thats Jesus looking at world, and, countries exploding, thats, the, pope coming out of the seven heads, aw, they, sang, hollie conducted, thats, face on conducting stick, showed, hollie, thats stick looking at the beast with seven heads and ten horns, they are, its, the, g8, showed, hollie, thats false prophet hu, and, pontiff in cart with eight kings, that will rise against america, its cause babylon is fallen, said, man, and, who are these, said, hollie, thats, submarines, all around, america, then, boris yeltsin says to hu hintao, you lure, hintao shakes yes, thats, hollie riding missile, taiwan burned, thats hintao battling washington state with sword, its, repelled, said, hollie, then, yeltsin looks at hintao, and, captain, hollie, surfaces in three ohio class submarines, they shower, thats china burning, hollie bangs stick, now, lets see, here, she, said, thats, nicaragua burning, and missiles striking venezuela and brazil, thats nuclear fires in both, and rockets leaving their waters, america exploded, thats it said, hollie, fires in cuba, thats, hollie placing nuclear fires in mexico and latin america, and, rockets leaving their waters, that, pointed, hollie, america on fire, this is website lets post, said, hollie, showed, hollie showed, turn, screamed, again, showed, eat, hollie claps, hollie showed, record, you know what I think, said, brother williamson, pointed, at bob, he thinks bob can get him saved, yep said brother williamson, looking good, I need somebody to let me, said, hollie, showed, record, thats pope, riding, black horse, happy, thats two brass mountains, and, hu hintao on red horse, theres grim reaper on grizzled, laughing, thats dead souls flying from, its, earth, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, was, countries exploding, and, submarines, said, hollie, bombing, no, said, hollie, git away from it, she, said, but, shook, yes, with, lighted hands, they were red, said, hollie, let me said, hollie, showed, go, thats the tap dancers said, hollie, clapped, showed, go, this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, beatem up, hollie said, its the new world order, hollie showed, snapped finges, stomped foot, clapped, snapped, lets rule the world, pointed, angry, putin, hollie showed lay down, hollie blows horn, out hollie, pointed, lay down, another hollie there, maybe you dont want the website no more thats what your showin us, tapped, the tap dancer, said, hollie, put hands together, look, she, said, opened, its crystal ball and pope appearing in, new vampire said, hollie, and he saw it, said, casey, hollie with vampire teeth, there, look, pointed Jesus, with, lit hand, silhouette body, then, body starts fading in, grecia, said, hollie, and he saw, it, said, its casey again, pope hollie, said, with ram horns, thats, putin, and hu, out of horns, look agin, said, hollie, thats, medvedev and pope hollie said, out of putins horn, thats hegoat smiting ram, now look, said, hollie, come on, she, said, pulled back sleeves, clapped, thats nuclear fire, pointed, hollie, in, its russia, thats chinese forces invading russia, around caspian sea oil, pope said, hollie, tells medvedev, drive them outta there, they exchange, said, hollie, thats, pope, at table, hollie claps, thats two horned beast with, hintao and japan coming out of horns, thats 666 being signed for, worship the pope, said, hintao, they leave, that, said, hollie, was, hollie, blowing, balloon, hollie appears on, it was uh he hollie, said, hollie, that, hollie said, was hollies image on taperecorder t.v., that, said, hollie, take it, said, pope, on, cellphone t.v., thats people being tattood with the mark of the beast, its 666 on that persons forehead, popes face tattood on arm and finger, that, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, that, said, hollie, was, hu hintaos picture, that, hollie said, hollie relaxes, there you have it she said, both beasts, that, hollie, said, that, hollie, said, was, the, beast, rising from the sea, you knew it, said, hollie, that, hollie said, showed, put recorder, down, that, hollie, said, that, said, hollie, was, hollie flying in, its old world war two plane, said, hollie, that, hollie said, thats, many going, out to defend america against china, that, hollie said, is the ship bismarck being struck, exploded, that, said, hollie, they scuttled it, she said, that, hollie said, thats front part part of bismarck blowing, off, that, hollie, said, I ordered said bismarck captain, that hollie, said, that said, hollie, was u.s.a. economic collapse, that, hollie, said, was looting, that, hollie, said, that said, hollie, was, its your doctor rev. agin, said, hollie, that hollie said, why did you take, ministry of dreams, hollie said, that, hollie said, it was I wanted to ruin said, jeremy taylor d.min, kathy taylor shakes yeaow, said, jean poole, thats jean poole showing cut off, make him fall ruint said, paliban dailys jean poole, that, said, hollie, was bob, that, said, hollie, was, rev. jeremy taylor showing cut off, kathy taylor shakes, yes, that, said, hollie, was, adolf hitler, that, hollie said, there were none saved in germany under his reign said Jesus, that, said, hollie, was, george w. bush, that, said, hollie, its uh submarine, said, hollie, that hollie, said, fired, thats gaza on fire, thats iraq burning, I got what I wanted said president george bush, iraqs oil wells, its ours, bush said, that, hollie, said, iraq made God cut america off, that, hollie said, hollie moves lips, america will be ruint, o said bismarck ship, thats wilhelm gustloff ship, were brothers, said, its, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, o, one said, both together, that said, hollie, was bismarck taking uh few, hollie, said, here, said, hollie, was popes picture, that, hollie, said, that said, hollie, was the world, countries exploding, smoke rising, that, hollie said, moon looks down, with big nose, face, sort of, silhouette, then eye appears, that, said, hollie, was sun with tongue out, were abased said, sun, thats, both playing, Jesus there, moon shows not uh word, then laughs, that, hollie said, that, said, hollie, held thumbs down, its casey treat showing cut off, yes, shakes, wendy treat, that, hollie said, is your reverend, she, said, casey treat, looking at visions, that, hollie, said, showed, eat, hollie showed, record, thats it, said, hollie, its, magog, appearing, its, china, thats, four headed beast flying, its, leopard, thats, pointed, hollie, hu hintao, emporer of japan, theres both korean presidents, hollie claps, its, your leopard, she showed, thats, woman, falling, tearing, hollie showed, its, picasso painting, ruining, thats owner suing museum, owner shows, the loot, he, said, hollie showed, record, feed animals, o, said, wilhelm gustloff ship, like vampire, showed, eat, thats, it, said, hollie, showed, moon appearing, but not speaking, it was uh dream, said, hollie, showed, night vision, bob is at cless bargers house, eats bowl of cereal, then another, then, more, eats all box of cereal, cless says, that is not how you do it, bob offers to buy another box of, cereal, hollie claps, it was uh dream, bob sees realistic stereo speaker, in another, claps, hollie, bob raises hand, but cuts on something there, severly, 9-2-2010-you see bob, hollie, said, no, another, said, but first hollie shook, no, bobby its friendster, said, hollie, like angelman, theres deformed, said, hollie, on angels face, hollie inspects, thats big brownish blotch with blue spec, on other side its greenish and a dimmer color, it showed, om the new ministry of dreams, said friendster website, thats angel like dunlop angel showing playing cards, then turned into the church, they arose, said, hollie, to play, but thats storms coming followed by God looking angry, hollie dealt out the cards, hollie showed, turn, again, but second time like a dimmer hollie, that was like uh ghost Jesus appearin, said, its, hollie, said, hollie, hollie showed, turn, but, road was closed, hollie like dunlop tire hollie, spun hand around, in, circles, and, I, we stamp, said, hollie, thats, its, the old new world new world order black and red stagecoach, running out hollie said, theres the pope and hu, showed, hollie, the new world order, sees putin inside, thats partial he hollie clapping, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, hollie shaking, its taperecorder, said, another, hollie, dont, bobby, said, JEsus, eat good, said, hollie, this dumpster junk, she, said, pointed, thats, another, hollie, climbing into dumpster, wearing plad coat, changed into billy, thats, hollie giving food to, its critters, and I stamp, hollie, said, its new world order stagecoach agin, hollie said, its black and red, bam, said, hollie, with, hollie on top, theres, pope and hu, its friendster, said, hollie, gets millions of hits, bob, you see that, said, hollie, thats her with, and I stamp, hollie, said, its, new flash hard drive, now hollie has many, pay uh quarter, hollie said, wiped lips, thats beast, pope rising, wearing, its like old brown suit, thats hollie climbing in dumpster agin, with round like face, bobby sell book hollie said, thats her working on, its, computer, hollie said, hey, said, hollie, came out, put hand on mouth, looked to see if bob was going to record, hollie changed into, its him partial face hollie said, happy, bob did, bob, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, and I showed you uh picture, she, said, its pope, hollie, said, he, I am gog, pope said, coming out of picture, but went back, bob, said, hollie, that was lighted finger, pointing down, hollie came to bob, thats hollie biting on prophet, bob, hollie showed, eat peanuts you got out of, its dumpster, hollie climbed in, billy climbed out, hollie screamed, that book bob is going to make you uh millionaire, said gabriel, hollie said, bobby angel showed, record, said, hollie, ty-warning, said, hollie, and he saw it, said casey, showed, turn, with, its golden hand, she wore white robe, thats, hollie, that, reports book sells, looked at Jesus, it sold said, hollie, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, today sold, hollie looked at God, again, over fifteen thousand copies, heres how, its, you made the right connections hollie, said, write uh vision, make it plain, said, hollie, complained, what kind of visions do you want, said, hollie, stamped, thats new world order stagecoach again pulled by angry black and red horses, with the pope and hu, hollie stamps gin, let me she, said, thats, black stagecoach pulled by angred black horses, with hollie like angel, then, pope, hollie said, let me show you uh picture, she, said, its pontey, hollie said, I am God, he said, bob, hollie showed, check the bbbbibleprophecy page, its correct, its not that big hollie, said, they conveyed, you, said, hollie, thats, jean poole and jenny donati, stealing the God spoke, call it said hollie, ministry of dreams, is what he said, God, said, Jesus, created, thats, wolves, said, God, hollie showed, its, dr. rev. jeremy taylor d.min, appearin, he stole ministry of dreams, thats kathy taylor now with rev. jeremy taylor m.a. website, but those witches like, mike mckay, mark moss, a.s. byatt, who is dame antonia susan duffy now, said, hollie, and john mark pool, diana and danny hahlbohm, all stole the God spoke, said, white hollie, ministry of dreams, its to ruin said, diana hahlbohm with the voice of, jean poole, paliban daily witches, hollie showed, put it undle, hollie, said, they all release, remove hollie said, when, thats angel looters running streets, with silhouette faces, o said, its, his ship, agin, said, partial face hollie, but it was holliefleas, the m.v., hollie said, wilhelm gustloff ship with adolf hitler, on deck, I wanted stalin, said, hitler, thats joseph stalin, slauthering his, own people for no reason, like hollie showed, but, thats, why, I, raised you up said Jesus, adolf hilter to defeat joseph stalin, russian empire, thats christians like dumitru duduman being beaten in, its moscow said, dumitru duduman, hollie screamed, go home, said, it, said partial face hollie, Jesus, whew, said, it, said, hollie, face, just about all the way there, with Jesus inside, shes back, but, shes, transforming, said, holliefleas, thats it, said, hollie, hands clapped, hollies body somewhat appeared, its amber, pointed male hollie, thats same o male hollie, its spacefighter, said, hollie, like cart with light blinking, it drops bomb, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, both coasts, burned, its man let me git outta here said, its hollie, anchor news man, showed, another, hollie, just her, hand, its, amber colored, hollie news reporter, dressed nicely, said, Jesus, thats hollie soaring in his, its, spacefightuhm jet said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, i'm russia, said, its, putin, thats russia burning, and, countries burning in south america, thats fires in, latin america and cuba, smoke rose up, like furnace, hollie showed, moon just looks, then laughs, i'm said, sun, then, laughs, plays, with, both there, and Jesus, sun plays on, its teetor totter, laughs out of control, hollie showed, its out of his mind, thats, hollie showed on balloon, blown by, its hollie showed, another, hollie, big amber hand, hollie showed, its, him, partial face hollie said, with full face, greenpeace wants to overtake, its whale wars, paul watson, hollie, him, said, she, hollie, showed, with dull golden hand, bob, said, hollie, write greenpeace, offer job, they will accept, thats greenpeace president looking at, knowing, thinking, it will make me rich he said, bobby, dont, hollie said, she, trembled, hollie showed, lay down, him a she hollie said, hollie tap danced, hollie had the, its she said, pioneer sx-750 stereo receiver, its fifty watts per channel, they, hollie looked happy, waited, for word from Jesus, excellent, 9-3-2010-bob, said, hollie, and I showed you uh picture, she said, its pope, thats, hollie looking, at, its another, hollie, she, said, in, the ring, hollie played his, its, music, hollie, said, it, him, she, said, put it undle, he looked hard, she, said, but laughs, thats, him, showing, its, the beast, hollie said, i'm with many heads, he said, thats, seven headed, being, with, popes face popping, out, said, Jesus, theres putin, president of mexico, thats, cuba, hollie, said, put it undle, hollie said, showed, cut this off, hollie showed, record, thats, she said, beast, pope, hollie, said, hes, ridin the black horse, put it undle, showed cut off, today bob you will not sell uh whole bunch of books, said, it, God, hollie, said, hollie showed, done with it, but bob sends out, its e-mails, hollie said, and I we stamp, hollie, said, its, that, black stagecoach agin, said, hollie, pulled by angry black horses, with pope inside, its, he, licked prophet, said, hollie, like angel of light, hollie showed, turn, showed, eat, tear up, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, had pope in hand, choking, by kneck, this is the website, lets post something said, hollie, and, he hollie played music, bobby go home, hollie said, warning, said, hollie, showed, thats, hollie screamed, again, but this time, she, he said, somebodies wanting to close, prophecy ministry said angel, it, said, hollie, august rosado, pastor hollie said, showed, cut off, yes, shakes, mrs. august rosado, but the prophesy making money, hollie gave the money, its to, radio one, she, said, to, sell book, showed another, hollie, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, it sells, hollie, said, looked at Jesus, for, word, millions, radio one broadcasts, makes about, Jesus, rubbed chins, millions of customers, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, working on, its, facebook, hollie thought, dont open, up, to many, hollie, said, whew, said, hollie, with, God inside, thats, Jesus, working at, its computer, thats, hollie that reports book sells, bobby, dont, worry, she, said, you got this comin, hollie said, its, bob on local radio, and, we stamp, said, hollie, showed, its, black stagecoach charging out, pulled, you know, said, hollie, by angry black horses with, the pope, in, like angel of light, I am gog, he, said, hollie looked on other side, its red, with, hu hintao, pulled by angred red horses, thats hollie looking in side, sees putin, hollie showed, bobby forums wont go away, they know your on there,thats the forum ministry of dreams, like angel, man, theres, deformed, said, hollie, theres partial hair loss, its blue light hair, said, hollie, like blotch, thats, blue deformity on one side, it big, hollie places hand on mouth, a smaller blue appears, then green, blotch appears on other side, three different colors again, its deformed, i'm, ministry of dreams, said, its the forum, hollie said, she said, go onto the church, I said, hollie said, dont, looked, concerned, she said, do, another, hollie said, but, that time she said, and showed, away, thru, hollie said, hollie showed, record, hollie showed, turn, hollie was, crying, hollie showed, record, bobby, hollie said, like white hollie, look, said, hollie, hollie showed, bob, go to, computer, thats hollie working on, its, computer, she, said, put it undle, its him, said, hollie, and I stamp, he said, thats, old new world order stagecoach agin said, it him, said, hollie, just, her, face, seen, but, whole body appeared, thats black stage coach pulled by angry black horses with pope inside like light angel, on other side, hollie went over, its red, thats hu hintao and red horses, they were mad, said, hollie, thats, spacefightuhm jet, said, he hollie, dropped bomb, america below exploded, submarines appear all around, thats hollie working on computer, bobby, dont let me, its her, said, pointed, hollie, showed, fight, that, said, hollie, you see they make baby, she, said, hollie had, its male and female, they squirt, hollie said, theres little baby hollie like light hollie, becomes mature, laughs, bobby, said, hollie, showed, pictures, its pope, she, said, put it undle, said, hollie, she, worked on computer, but only hands and keyboard, visible, but, him, said, hollie, with, most of her, face there, appeared, they conveyed, said, hollie, angelbook, bob is, you, said, Jesus, and, he saw, said, casey, wore uh white robe, said, hollie, its, hollie showing fight, thats angel book angel, like, amber colored angelface, with like, hollie thought, collars, its similar she said, they want to fuck, said, thats, ted, said, hollie, its nugent, still jammin, she, said, hollie like, ship mate, wiped forehead, looked at, its, titanic, still, aging, its rusting, where paint came off, hollie looks at, its still in pretty good shape, she, said, hollie like, its ship mate, agin, said, hollie, another, wiped forehead, showed, its r.m.s. titanic going by with captain smith on deck, it screaped against iceberg, hollie watched, heard like scraping noice, and ripping of metal, thats two plates falling out, that is what sank, its still loved, showed, hollies hand, body hidden, thats he hollie playing music, you love, said, he, wearing white robe, thats, said, hollie, its, showed, him, partial face hollie said, looked at, its sanyo ss-900 stereo speaker, and he saw it, said, casey, fifteen inch woofer of speaking, tongue came out, dimly, licked prophet, its hollie like uh shipmate, agin, said, him, partial face hollie said, thats, her wiping forehead, looking for new angel book ministry of dreams, website, found, aw, she, said, happy, hollie, kind of, hesitated, but shook yes, its, joyce, she masterbates, and was raised up in church, joyce showed, I got cut off, now I want sex, joyce, said, put it undle, thats her masterbating, have it God said, but thats baby, being produced, its little, bobby, said, hollie, here said Jesus, bob, gives inheritance to, hollie bit on joyce, its cameron, she, showed, hollie walked on treadmill, wore light colored workout clothes, with like stripe, hollie drank, hollie showed, its onkyo, its TX-3000 stereo receiver, there excellent hollie said, power meters worked, hollie looked at God, while carrying, it works, bobby sell, some, she, said, fleas laughs, showed, thats, paris hilton, shes done babyfleas, said, thats judgment hitting america, its uh big nuclear fireball, said, hollie, and, its paris hilton behind bars, she gets, said, its fleas, about, babyfleas looks at, its Jesus, satan said hollie, but it looked like just uh man, she, said, and, was, there never was a, thats website right there said, hollie, like, angelman, showed, show it, said angel, thats the thieves of the God spoke, ministry of dreams, dropping dead, angel plays cards before God, hollie like white face, spoke, i'm, the ministry of dreams, said, angel, its hollie, its God spoke, 9-4-2010-hollie got the loot, by hollie, its, she showed, another, God said, said, put it under, said, hollie, thats, the, she, said, its, hollie said, new ministry of dreams website, its, britannica, hollie, said, angel like, theres deformed, aw, said, hollie, with, hand over, its mouth, its, got, like, light, greenish, blot hair, and, deformity on one side, and on other, hollie puts hand over mouth, to see, shakes, yes, big blotch, theres, big greenish, and, little like, blue, hollie and God, said, hollie showed, thats, get with it, she, said, thats hollie that reports, book sells, complained with new arms, they were like dull, greenish brown color, hollie with arms, got word from Jesus, the book bob, said, hollie, showed, will, sell, today about, hollie spoke with, God, 20,000 copies, heres how, many all over find out, said, Jesus, hollie stamps, thats, beast, pope, she, said, like angel, and, on black, its uh, stagecoach, said, hollie, pulled, by angry black horses, hey said, hollie, came out, pointed, but placed hand over mouth, wondered if, you were going to record, she, said, bob did, he hollie comes out of her face, smiles, hollie pointed, at white in horses mouth, hey, thats God hollie said, hollie, book reporter, has, arms, kind of, showed, uneasy, looked at bob, its, knol, hollie said, thats knol ministry of dreams angel website like angelman, theres deformed, said, hollie, placed hand over mouth, angels hair, like, dull, greenish blotch, angel has spec on one side like brown and big greenish blotch, on other, showed, i'm knol, said, angel, hollie showed, its crackle, like happy dancing angel, theres ministry of dreams on crackle, had hat, danced, hollie watched angel dancing, feet, put hand over mouth, but shook, yes, bob posted, hollie looked for, schools, in, its, city in indiana, its, showed, hollie, nappanee, she said, thats freespace ministry of dreams angel, happy, but hair started turning blond, hollie came out, looked at bob, hand over, mouth, bob recorded, she shook, yes, he hollie smiled, hair turned blond, bob update said, freespace ministry of dreams angel, hollie screamed, showed, with, hand, body, hidden, people all over world finding out, about, hollie showed, the God spoke, ministry of dreams, thats, ministryofdreams angel happy, eyes closed, face blue, hair brown, hey said, hollie, thats person wanting, we take bobby, this is website said, hollie, its knol like angel man, hollie came out, placed hand over mouth, angel, had, light greenish blotch hair, happy, spec on one side, its brown, big greenish blotch on other, with brown area on top, hey said, hollie, as she watched, angels face changed, as hollie saw from the side, but when, turned to front, looked same, hollie walked on tereadmill, drank, and wore work out attire, light colored shorts, he hollie appears, like tickling, but, hollie was, in, good shape, hollie showed, appeared, hollie like, shipmate wiped face, shes transformed, said, another, hollie, into like, its, uh, cat, hollie said, thats, titanic with edward smith, on deck, its, scraping iceberg, thats it appearing on bottom of atlantic, its still loved, said, hollie, this is vision lets post, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, another hollie praised the Lord, its the highest she said, hollie like doctor gave bob, its facelift, thats hollie, doing gumgrafts, biting on, its joyce, its chinook, said, hollie, flown by, its, him, said, most face hollie, only hair, top, part, not seen, but dimly faded in, golden hair, chinook drops bomb, flown by captain hollie, america below exploded, thats, submarines, all around, america, man let me git outta here, said, its him, said partial face hollie, its hollie cnn newsman, one explosion on, its coast pointed, hollie, dumitru duduman there, both coasts, burned, hollie reports on cnn, got kicked out by legg to God, hollie showed, its like uh pod, with legg, God smiled, thats hollie soaring, chinook changed into, its starfighterfightuhm jet said, hollie, thats nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, missiles flying from russia, destroy that, said, Jesus to bear, hollie like bear looks, but russia burned, hey, said, hollie, pointed with, golden finger, but, placed hand over mouth, shook, yes, thats countries in south america exploding, fires in cuba, latin america destroyed, there, said, Jesus, I summed it up, 9-5-2010-hollie showed, hesitant but shook, yes, bobby, said, hollie, its, hollie showed, lay down, and I we stamp, hollie, said, no, said, it, babyfleas said hollie, showed, its, ministry of dreams, website, like knol angel with golden hair, it appeared, said, babyfleas, with golden hair, she runs, laughs, Jesus laughs with, but, she will have to give an account, babyfleas kept running, and, laughing, but then saddened, cause, its, hollie said, she ran to far, bob, said, babyfleas, showed, the, pope, like, angel, of light, and, its, black carriage, pulled by angry black horses, bobby, said, babyfleas, babyfleas posted on computer, its at infozone tomorrow, she said, and I we stamp, said, hollie, its event hollie said, bobby, said, babyfleas with golden hair, showed, popes, picture, I am gog, its pontey, hollie said, heres pope, said, hollie, coming, thats pontiff and, black and red stagecoach, with the pope and hu, pulled by angry black and red horses, hollie sees putin inside, thats, its chavez, said, hollie, picture appearing, then lula, I, will use these, said putin, thats, captain hollie, surfacing, in three ohio class submarines, thats nicaraguan presidents picture appearing, theres castrol, and, mexicos president, thats, its, tripod, said, hollie, subs in their waters, they shower, said, hollie, thats lower part of america burning, missiles from, its the u.s.a., said, hollie, hollie stamps, starts spinning, thats, cuba, nicaragua and mexico exploding, hey said hollie, put hand over mouth, thats venezuela and brazil burning, the economies over, said, its, woman, hollie, said, casey shows, its angel marines in streets, like round faces, thats people walking and stealing, then, scene changes, hollie, said, thats, barack obama, appearing, at, its microphone, announces, hollie, said, its economic collapse, he said, left, hollie screamed, again, bob, said, it, babyfleas, said, hollie, showed, lay down, and I conveyed, said, hollie, stamped, thats beast pope with other kings, this these will rise against the u.s.a., stamped, hollie, thats, them in cart led by hu hintao and, its pope, hollie, said, like angel of light, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen said man, hollie showed, record, go, said, hollie, look, she, said, thats her sitting at tent revival, thats popes picture, I am Gog, pontey, its, hollie said, hollie showed, sign, there was an explosion she said, thats submarines all around, america, showed, hollie, nuclear explosion, in, it, california, said, dumitru dudman, thats both coasts burning, nuclear fire coming up, man git me lets, said, hollie, its cnn newsman showed, hollie, thats nuclear fire coming up, from, the center of america, its on the day of, said, hollie, the Lord, said, hollie anchor man, thats bear licking prophet, pulling putin to self, hollie showed, its, sattelite in sky, hollie looks at, they send, signals, or, receive, it gets, thru, cracks, hollie and God said, hollie showed, its, uh semi trailer, hollie said, measured, forty eight feet, they, hollie built in, two seconds, he hollie laughs, they have, thick floor, hollie measure, its plate hollie said, steel, about, over an inch she said, put it under, hollie, said, thats hollie driving semi, honking horn, hollie out like golden head, one finger in ear, other pointed up, and he saw, said, hollie, with its the bionic man, sorry, said, hollie, its sumb said sandy, wiped lips, had like monkey lips, beastmobile, I am gog, said, its pontey, driving, trouble, said man, that was hollie rising in persia, laughed, what did she show, theres three kings hollie said, showed, its, pope, theres hu hintao, hollie showed, these, both beasts, and, its, empy, hollie said, emperor of japan, hollie clapped, but lower body hidden, he, hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with feather, its bobby, he transformed, said, hollie, hollies face changed into, big nose, thats hollie playing, his, website, said, hollie, tell me about the website, its him, said, partial face hollie, playing music, wearing, its uh white robe, she, hollie showed, turn, like uh hidden hollie, dark hands, but dimly faded, in, this is uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie screamed, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, pope, hollie said, dressed like angel of light, in gorgeous red robe, that, said, hollie, with, the, uhleave it alone, said, its, fleas, that, hollie said, showed, happy again, hollie pointed, but, put hand over mouth, its knol, she, said, shook, yes, he recorded, theres deformed, hollie, said, knol had like blue face with brown but, graying hair, deformity on one side, its brown, and, light brown, it dimmed, theres, blue and green and brown on other side, hollie claps, its knol ministry of dreams website, hollie pointed, looked at bob, hand over mouth, shook, yes, knols eyes disappeared, then reappeared, but changed a litte, hollie showed, lay down, him partial face hollie said, but will all there, another hollie showed, its, only, part of top, not seen but dimly faded in, its there, hollie said, he hollie claps, that was hollie like uh character, similar to, its, darth vader, showed, hollie, hollies face comes out, laughs, then back, hollie, ate the cookie, hollie showed, its, hollie said, Troy and Marilyn Nichols, they stole, hollie, said, its, mark moss, hollie, said, they planted, she said, both witches, hollie, said, thats, Marilyn Nichols, stealing the God spoke, ministry of dreams, hollie looks around, and Marilyn Nichols knows, God, said, put it undle, ollie, said, thats troy Nichols, showing cut off, shakes, yes, when sees visions, remove, hollie said, we will, they said, put it undle, hollie said, I spoke it, Jesus said, you knew, hollie said, both Marilyn Nichols and troy shake, yes, hollie said, sh, she, said, dont tell on them, thats, its witches said Sue Zitzman, we steal sue Frank and Sue Zitzman said, thats frank zitzman showing cut off, both steal the God spoken birthed protected created name, hollie said, showed, ministry of dreams, that both hollie said, Frank and Sue Zitzman being shown visions, 9-6-2010-hollie appears, thats Father like light God on old steam locomotive, hollie funnel on front blew, hollie showed, record, she said, and, I, stamp, hollie, said, beast, its pope, hollie said, ran out like angel dot head, hollie claps, its he, said, partial, mostly face hollie, that, said, happy hollie, thats her wearing plad coat, digging food out of, its dumpster, hollie said, thats her giving to animals, that, hollie, said, showed, lay down, that, this economy is slipping, said, angel, that, said, happy hollie, bobby, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, that hollie said, another, hollie showed, turn, thats hollie that reports book sells, shows, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold, said, hollie, looked at God, for word, about, 78 copies today, look, bobby, said, hollie, showed, work on, it computer, another, hollie said, now, she, said, look, hollie said, showed picture, its hu hintao, hes the second beast hollie said, look, she, said, he hollie claps, look, said, hollie, fingers points, thats captain hollie flying his, spacefightuhm jet, he said, dropped bomb, america below exploded, man let git outta here, hollie cnn newsman said, thats both coasts, burning, look, pointed, hollie, she, was, barely seen, but hand clearly seen, its pope like angel of light, boo, said, hollie, him said partial face hollie, that was lighted JEsus pointing down, said, hollie, hollie showed record, eat again, she showed, put it undle, and I stamp, hollie, beast pope rose, I am God, he said, record, said, hollie, stamp, she, said, beat hand, pope and black stagecoach pulled by angry black horses ran out, thats hu hintao in his red stagecoach, angry red horses, hollie stamped, agin, hollie screamed, thats hollie walking in front of church, bob buy uh church, she said, its for sale, hollie showed, for 100,000 dollars, its him, she, partial face hollie said, hollie showed, bob go to christian radio talk shows, hollie drove the tank, fired, thats center of america exploding, submarines appear all around, man let git outta here, said, hollie cnn newsman, kicked out by legg to light God, hollie showed, its, pentecostal assemblies of the world, its on facebook, this is uh warning, said, hollie, hey bob, let me, said, its, babyfleas, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, tapped on his recorder, thats hollie like hollie vader appearing, taking helmut off, showing picture, its whole new world order, theres pope she said, putin with three ribs in mouth, and bobby who are these, hollie said, theres cuba, nicaragua, mexico, written, on ribs, and, captain hollie surfaces in their waters, its, akula agin thats what you want needed said hollie, missiles struck those countries, exploded, they fired, lower part of america burned, golden hand, showed, hollie dimly appeared, you lure, said, its, boris yeltsin to hu hintao, hollie rides, its rocket, she, said, taiwan burned, thats, hu hintao battling washington state with light sword, hollie fights back with like dark blue sword, another, hollie flys out, like roundish face, in, its, pf-47 fighter jet, bombs chinese ship, its repelled, said, hollie, lets rule the world, said, putin, o said, its his ship again, said, babyfleas, thats, m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, showing lay down, I persecute saith the Lord, it appeared, said, hollie, Jesus, to ruin my servants, make them backslide, perish, after like, i save them by causing face muscles to tighten when using ruining face, caressing penus with electricity, messing with heart causing wrath, making body heat up and sweat, raising up people to come against, lying to, deseasing gums, putting boils on face, deseases on body, scaring by, appearing when they least expect it, and, shooting guns at, harming their hearts, for I the Lord laugh at them, and let them see me, laugh, that said, hollie, people crying in outter darkness, it is I, said, Jesus, making my own perish to laugh at them like JOB, i'm knol, said, hollie, and, he, saw, said, casey, its knol ministry of dreams website like blueface angel, hollie points, brown hair, theres deformity, on one side, like little spec, but on other, big brownish blotch and darker, color on top, 9-7-2010-angel showed post, it on laptop t.v. Hollie, its uh cellphone she said, see hollie, it sends signal, that hollie said, that another said, its sattelite receiving, i'm russia said putin, git your money out of the bank said Jesus, that said, and i showed economic collapse she said, that hollie said, its angel looters running the streets, that hollie said, its under economic collapse she said, that again hollie said, barack announces at microphone, hollie showed lay down, you better wake up bob, its they want to destroy you, its the thieves of the God spoke, ministry of dreams, hollie said, showed lay down, that was hollie like uh flame shaped head said many hollies, i came to show you uh book she said, its, the book called said Jesus, Ministry of Dreams, end time prophecy, write it hollie said, had uh copy in her hand, tell me what the moon said hollie, i'm said moon in his heart, its Father on the old steam engine, its train she said, i'm said moon, lets see here said hollie pulling up her sleeves, its war for bobby hollie said, showed lay down, tell me about saddam hussein said hollie, saddam, said the first president george bush hollie said, pulled up her sleeves, thats it hollie said, saddam hussein took peace off of the earth said Jesus, thats saddam hollie said, riding the red horse, and hollies hand comes out of said, it Jesus said partial face hollie, wow hollie said, thats tomahawk missile she said, that hollie said, its irans power plant exploding God said, hollie screamed, showed lay down, those were, said, hollie, light people, they were, she, said, making, worship, to, said, hollie, its God, put it under, hollie, said, this is warning, said, another, hollie, no, said, its babyfleas, said, hollie, but, she showed, away, thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, hey, said, hollie, coming out, placed, hand, over, mouth, looked at bob, it, was, to see if you are going to record, bob, did, babyfleas face changed uh bit into hollie, shook yes, hollie screamed, again, showed, its, pope, hollie, said, like, angel dot head, showed, eat, thats hollie, that reports book sales, gets word from, its God, she, said, today book sells over 200 copies, hollie shows, book, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., its, hollie, said, for sale, babyfleas, shows, record, and, I, we stamp, hollie said, out ran beast, its pope, like round head, and black stagecoach pulled by angry black horses with pope on one side, thats hu hintao on other side, its, red, pulled by angry red horses, these two said, hollie, will take peace off the earth, hollie sees, putin inside, three ribs, appear in mouth, and bobby who are these, said, hollie, theres cuba, mexico, nicaragua, appearing on ribs, then three submarines appear in their waters, all with captain hollie, thats missiles striking them three lands, its, they shower, said, hollie, nuclear rockets striking lower part of america, exploded, moon looks down, at peace, then, said, God said, bobby wait uh minute, said, moon, showed, time, Jesus, I spiritual warfare the theives of the God spoke, said, Jesus, hollie stamps, showed, call it ministryofdreams, I'll get you said Jesus, bob, that book, is, poppping up, said, Jesus, thats book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and, hollie book reporter, showing, book popping up heavily in california, theres all over indiana, thats in many states, hollie claps, lower body hidden, he hollie appears, underneath tickling feet with feather, hollie showed, its christian radio broadcasting, they announce book, hollie stamps, thats new world order carriage, coming out, she, said, theres the pope and hu, its black and red, thats putin inside, tellem, said, hollie, book reporter, showed, book, its sold, hollie got word from Jesus, over, forty thousand copies, bob its your rich she said, hollie, screamed, hollie pointed, turn, screamed, got quiet, claps, hollie showed, new book, ministry of dreams bible prophecy for the end times, it sells, hollie gets word from God, millions, hollie showed, turn, hollie showed, picture, its pope, i am gog, he, said, you need uh vision, sang ministering spirits, hollie posted on, its laptop, she, sat on chair, showed, happy, hollie showed, lay down, showed, many different hollies, its, pope, said, hollie, showed, picture, hes, beast, hollie posted on, its, cellphone laptop, thats popes face on like little horn, a round head hollie walks out, another, hollie showed, very little hair, I am gog, its popey hollie said, claimed, this is hollie playing his music, said, uh she hollie, in, another hundred years, said, Jesus, showed, bobs picture, its the one on freeservers, said, hollie, still viewed as the man God entered into, thats, Jesus going inside bob and hollie with Jesus inside, showing lay down, bob tell me about the three woes, hollie claps, its him, said, partial face, hollie showed, go, thats, her drinking, drink, and going to tent, meeting, posting tonight, its at, she, said, pay computer, said, hollie, on is, MYSTERY, BABYLON, she, said, thats submarines all around america, fire coming up, its on the day of the Lord, said, its him said partial face hollie, thats woe two, its hegoat pope with ram horns, thats kings coming out, and putin with, rams face, that, said, hollie, thats, hintao, coming out of, one, with his flower, and, pope, medvedev and putin out of other, pope has flower, that, said, hollie, nuclear fire in russia, its, they exchange, said, hollie, nuclear fires in, russia and china, that, hollie said, thats pope sitting at table, that, hollie said, its, two horned beast like red thing with, that, hollie said, its, emperor of japan, that, hollie said, and hintao, coming out, they sit at table, that hollie said, 666 peace treaty, signed, that hollie said, woe three, its battle of armageddon, thats nuclear fire in russia, lets unite and force, said, hu hintao, that, hollie pointed, china invading russia, that, hollie said, like round fire shaped, head, but, that, hollie said, a dark color, showed, thats cloud of people, that, hollie, said, to invade israel, its woe number three, that hollie said, dark flame shaped hollie, transformed, one arm light color, no, it, fleas, hollie said, thats, hollie showing, away, thru, but, shook, yes, no, babyfleas said again, in your ring, said, angel, hollie points, out, at, pope, I am gog, he said, thats, pope like angel of light, in black carriage, pulled by angry black horses, put that on facebook, hollie said, but only part of her there, he hollie appears with light feather, naw, he said, but tickled her feet anyhow, hollie wore white robe, both, but him, partial face hollie said, had like darker border, but light she said, its light dark, this economies over sang hollie, put it on, your face book another hollie said, hollie claps, him, partial face hollie said, lower body hidden, same o, he hollie, appears, underneath with feather, tickles feet but she hollie appeared wearing robe, put it undle, said, hollie, it, was geroge bush senior who took peace off of the earth, thats saddam hussein appearing, I'm gonna get you, saddam said, put it undle, said, hollie, showed, eat, I got uh decision to make, said, hollie, showed, fast and lay down, or, eat and work, he, and she hollies, appear, to tell show vision, bob, said, hollie, look, she, said, showed, popes picture, hollie showed, picture, its a.b.s.a., hand shows, you did not want hollie showed, his replacement appears happy, its him said partial face hollie, wearing robe with border, hollie pointed, theres uh storm brewin she said, and he saw, it, said, another, hollie, Jesus, like light Jesus appear with storm clouds, thunder peels out, thats angel riding the thunder, said, hollie, were angels, they said, two, said, Jesus, like light angels, 9-8-2010-hollie showed, record, and I we stamp, she, said, out, ran, its, popey, hollie, said, in, his, its, she, said, the new world order carriage, hollie said, lets rule the world, sang, putin, hollie showed, world, many countries, exploded, hollie soared in his, its, hollie said, pf-59 mustang fighter jet, bobby said, moon, in his heart, showed, its, book, hollie, said, its, she, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, it sold, hollie said, looked at Jesus for word, over, today, already, she, said, over, 800 copies, heres how, she, said, its word of mouth, hollie, said, showed, talking, shaking hands, hi, she, said, wearing, its uh white robe, hollie, said, put it under, she said, buy, showed, thats hollie that shows book sells, hollie stamped, thats, her, gitting, word from, its Jesus, hollie, said, stamped, again, book sold, today, over, 300 copies, heres how, she, said, people tell, o my God, said, its angel, hollie said, appeared, thats hollie going to tent revival, sits, but not happy, that, hollie, said, showed, its, new ministry of dreams, website, that, hollie, said, its, tumblr, hollie said, like angel man, happy with, theres deformed, hollie, o, she, said, theres, like, blotch on one side, its kind of greenish, and smaller brown blotch below, angel turns, face, that, hollie, said, theres, deformed, hollie, said, on, other, side, that, hollie, said, theres brown and blue, and, like, greenish, that, hollie said, i'm the tumblr, said, angel, that, hollie, said, its, black stage-coach, pulled by, that, hollie, said, angry black horses, with, the, pope like angel of light, in, that, hollie said, its red on other, side, pulled by angry red horses, that, hollie, said, theres hu hintao, on, that side, that, hollie, said, sees happy putin, inside, that hollie said, theres, three ribs appearing in putins mouth, that, and bobby who could these be, that, said, hollie, that, theres submarines appearing in cuban and mexican and nicaraguan waters, thats missiles striking all, three from america, and, america, that, hollie said, three submarines, that, shower america, exploded, in gulf, that, hollie said, i'll use these, said, putin, that, hollie, said, its, tumblr, hollie said, like deformed happy angel, with brown hair appearing, smiling, that, hollie, said, dont use no more, said, tumblr ministry of dreams angel, cause, it, will, collapse, angel wiped lips, that, hollie said, hollie tore up, like, uh, mostly hidden hollie, she, looked like bear, hand contract and pencil in hand, thats, hollie looks at, pencil, yellow, that, said, hollie, another, hollie pointed, turn, that, said, hollie, showed, make tumblr a ministry of dreams homepage, that, hollie said, its tumblr angel again, with eyes shut, but happy, this is uh warning, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, hollie with Jesus inside, showing, both beasts, its, pope and hu hintao, you see these two said, hollie, and hollie with Jesus inside, excites, God said, o, said, hollie, placed hand over mouth, but, its, she, said, bob recorded, thats food shortages in america, even animals looking, hollie wearing, plad coat, feeds animals, thats her climbing in dumpster getting food out, you book bobby, said, Jesus, thats book coming alive, said, hollie, i'm the new ministry of dreams, said, its book, hollie, said, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, book, like, white angel with, hair, thats, like, blondish, hollie, said, sold today, its one hundred thousand now, said, hollie, showed, cut that off, its, she, said, go, she, said, walk, come back, hollie walked, hollie screamed, showed, go to tent revival, with coat on, hollie, said, thats your house, pointed, lighted hand, hollie, dimly fades in, this is uh warning, she, said, God doesnt want people to see you bob living in uh garage, but, you dont care showed, hollie, put it undle, said hollie, go high style, she, said, hollie like, tired ship mate wiped face, showed, its, captain smith and r.m.s. titanic, its display coming to, hollie stamps, showed, indianapolis childrens museum, it, draws spectators, hollie said, when you gonna come and see me said, hollie, dressed like nice, he, hollie played, like carnival music, people want to, trick, said, Jesus, bob, thats God telling hollie, to look like uh statue, its golden, another, hollie said, its the woman which reigneth over the earth, its, hollie said, america, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, thats hollie looking, from high in, air, at, submarines, all around, america, one fired, thats, nuclear explosion in, its california, dumitru duduman, there, hollie showed, its book, thats both coasts, burning, hollie cnn newsman, said, man let me, but, got kicked out by legg to happy God, hollie another, points, like pod, with legg, face, stock market went down, last night, said, hollie, and, Jesus, barack announces, carefully, said, God, its economic collapse, pointed, lighted finger, hollie dimly appears, ange looters running streets, thats angel marine guard protecting, this is hollie playing, the music, said uh she hollie, tear up, put back, raise your hands and repeat after me, said, hollie, its him, said, another, hollie, playing music, you needed home, he, said, bob hollie showed, eat, aw sang, the, seven heads, hollie claps, him said, partial face, hollie, appears, let me explain, said, hollie, and frank-n-furter, showed, that, hollie said, frank pointed, its rocky horror picture, show, still loved, they dance, thats king of mexico popping out, of head, theres boris yeltsin and hu hintao, thats chavez happy out of his, but showed, no, lula, out of his head shook yes, I dont mind, said, like round head with face like pool ball hollie said, played pool, thats faces, on balls, were the g8, they said, thats nuclear n.a.t.o.kings popping out, and, thats putin, with, his, I'm, hes, said, hollie, with the eight, thats bob said, happy hollie, working at, its, hollie stamped, building spins, pasquale's, making pizza, bob, dressed like chef, hollie and God, said, record, said, hollie, thats hollie acting like black horse, laughed, pope, hollie said, appears, on, riding, like angel, hollie was, on, angry red horse, thats red horse, at Gods interviewing table, he told, said, red horse, thats its rider, its, thats, red horse again, back at table, showed, its, saddam hussein, said, president george bush senior, both, said, hollie, thats, this was hollie, reaching for, the people at, it, she, said, westside pentecostal church, from ground, looked like hollie, like bear, with white tee shirt on, but from high in the air, like dark brownish blob hollie, its time, she, said, bobby, said, hollie, showed, you a picture, she, said, its, pope, I am gog, he, said, thats, new world order, stagecoach, hollie said, coming out of picture, with, these eight kings inside, hollie sees, mexican president, theres, hes not, awake yet, and, cuban, theres lula and chavez, kim jong, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright, hintao, said, hollie reappears, will rise against, u.s.a., theres, man, lets listen in, MYSTERY, BABYLON is fallen man said, space, said, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, captain hollie flying his, starfighter, its, jet, hollie, takes gloves off, yellow hands, drops bomb, america below exploded, submarines appeared, all around, thats captain hollie, said, she hollie, its, akula again, thats what you want, need, said, another, hollie, captain hollie, positions submarines, all, around, america, one fires he said, thats nuclear explosion in, it, california, said, dumitru duduman, hollie cnn gets kicked out, by, legg to like, pod God, and, both american coasts burn, peace and safety was bush and gorbachev on the ship, clapped the tap dancers, hollie and many kings that will rise against u.s.a., hollie showed, angel, he told like white angel man, he straightened, tie, hollie stomped, but, body hidden, but it appeared, another, hollie, said, hollie wore dress, that was hollie flying his copter, its dark angel, suspended, by rope, gabriels face appears, hollie flys her, its, p-38 fighter jet, drops bomb, thats america below exploding, hollie soars, thats subs around america, both coasts, go up in flames, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries burning, russia on fire, hey pointed hollie, that she, said, countries in south america burning, cuba with nuclear fire, nicaragua exploded, fires in, venezuela and brazil, there you have it, said, hollie, put back, tear up, but body disappears, hollie showed, post on, its cellphone, said, partial face, hollie, but all her face there, showed, lay down, it was him, she, said, o, its his ship said, hollie, she, used to have partial face, its the m.v., she, said, wilhelm gustloff, ship, o ship said, hollie like ship mate rubbed forehead, showed, its titanic with edward smith on deck, then, hollie sat at Gods interviewing table, she looked like, distressed in vision, but at table, she, said, he told me, theres Jesus whispering instruction, to hollie like ship mate, look distressed, alright she said, shook, yes, but laughs in heart, ship scrapes, iceberg, its still loved, said, hollie, as, rusty front part ship appears, on bottom of the sea, I said, dome, hollie, said, thats, bob, speaking, at domed stadiums, prophet, that was, tear up, said, hollie, dark arms, hollie dimly faded in, put back, but red hands, like, gloved hands, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying before, hollie showed, world, many countries exploded, captain hollie soared in, his, pf-52 mustang, hollie, said, moon just watches, then laughs, 9-9-2010-bob said hollie, and I showed you uh picture, she, said, its pope, hollie, said, showed, world, another, God, said, its, countries, exploding, bobby, said moon, in his heart, but did not speak, hollie showed, record, and I stamp, she, said, thats beast, pope, hollie, said, rose, thats, him like angel round head, and, angry black horses, pulling, its stagecoach, with, its, pope, hollie said, inside, like angel of light, on, other side, theres hu hintao, hollie said, showed, its red, pulled, by angry red horses, hollie sees putin, inside, three ribs appear, in, his mouth, bobby who are these, said, Jesus, and, hollie, theres, cuba, hollie, said, thats, mexican president, appearing inside, its, stagecoach, hollie, said, thats, putin, talking with lula and chavez, lets, no, said, chavez, looking happy, but, showing, no, thats, kim jong, appearing, in, side, he has nuclear button, pressed, hollie, said, thats hollie biting on prophet, and, fires in russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats, rocket, leaving, with, its, hollie, said, new ministry of dreams, website on, like, angelman, its, tumblr, hollie said, thats tumblr as ministry of dreams home page, its, big, bobby, and, theres, red, dragon with bush riding, dressed like, woman, thats, missile hitting north korea, exploded, prophet, thats, nicaragua burning, said, pointed, hollie, and i pulled up my sleeves, showed, its, that, she, said, missiles, sailing, hollie rode one, missile from, its, stamps, hollie, the u.s.a., and, explosions in america, in, gulf coast states, theres fires along, mexico and latin america, fires in cuba, venezuela and brazil exploded, thats tripod, hollie said, three captain hollies in their waters, its, akula again thats what you want needed, hollie said, showering america, with, its thermo-nukes, hollie said, world shakes, up rises the beast, pope, like angel, maybe thats uh warning said hollie, thats, its, stagecoach again, said, hollie, theres, nicaraguan president appearing, thats, there you have it, summed hollie, you lure, said, its, prime minister yeltsin to, said, hollie, hu hintao, thats, hollie, riding rocket, its into over taiwan she said, exploded, hollie saw missile from china, thats, hu hintao, on his red horse, battling washington state, with, his light sword, hollie fights back in dim white robe, like, dirty color, and, blue light sword, another hollie like cat face flys out, in, its, old world war two, air cfaft, bombs chinese ship, exploded, hollie showed, put up tape recorder, hollie screamed, why bob what for she said, screamed again, hollie showed, turn, body hidden but faded in, hollie wore dress, bob, said, hollie, and, somebody showed you uh picture, hollie said, its pope, hollie, said, I am gog, pope, said, I got uh warning, said, hollie, that was captain hollie, parking submarines all around america, hollie, she, sits at Gods interviewing table, tells, she doesnt mind if bob passes over her, doesnt record her vision, hollie wore nice dress with like dark borders, and, little, designs, she, showed, its like star shaped, thats, hollie that reports books sells, shes transformed, said, the same hollie, that has dress on, her face changed into cats, gets word from Jesus, book hollie showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sold today, hollie gets word again, 3000 copies today, heres how, they buy gifts, Jesus said, thats, pope appearing, like angel, rides, black horse, its into moscow said, its pontey, hollie said, thats pope talking with medvedev, lets sign uh deal, they do, hollie pulls sleeves up, laughs, showed, come on, its, hegoat pontiff with golden horns, out came hu hintao, theres pope out of other, hollie and God said, with medvedev and putin, thats chinese forces invading much of destroyed russia, thats nuclear rockets from, its n.a.t.o., I'm the g8, said, its putin, Jesus tells bear, destroy that, scene closes, hollie comes out, to explain, thats many countries exploding, smoke rising, bobby says, moon in heart, but doesnt speak, looks happy, thats, pope telling medvedev, to drive them out, thats nuclear fire in china, its, they exchange, hollie said, thats, two horned beast with hintao and japan emperor coming out of horns, they join pope said, hollie, wearing dress, at table, 666 signed for, thats popes face tattood on that mans, its, arm, above hand, and elbow, its, got many colors, thats 666 on forehead, take it, said, its, pope, showed, hollie, but wore white dress this time, she showed, hollie pointed, turn, like, lit up hollie, hollie tore up, with dress on, its like light brownish, color, had red bear paws, from the side, thats uhlearie saleen, said, hollie, sandy wiped lips, it, its, was, simb, soumb, she said, had like monkey lips, thats it, said, hollie, its, the, king, she, said, king of grecia with dim golden horns, walking on, treadmill, hollie worked out wearing workout clothes, drank drink, walked on, treadmill, hollie showed, record, thats, hollie flying in, its, b-10 bomber, thats her bombing, america below exploded, hollie soars, another hollie waves, bye bobby, she held nose, went down, thats her in, outer darkness, hollie pulls up, its uh b-17, he, partial face hollie said, they bombed, thats many flying in formation, dropping bombs, thats germany on fire, no, said, holliefleas, smiled, but, I showed, yes, showed, thru, let me, said, hollie, with, Jesus, inside, showed, whew, she, said, and I stamp, hollie with God inside, said, showed, its, picture, pope, she said, with brown hair, let me, said, putin, rule the world, pope, hollie said, shakes, yes, 9-10-2010-thats hollie showing, looky she pointed, sh, its, satan, he was like angel of light, its pope, hollie, said, thats, pontey riding black horse, its into, moscow, said, its, popey, hollie, said, thats, him signing, its, uh deal, said, pope, with, medvedev, hollie looks at, EZEKIEL 28, its, the prince of o'tyre, thats pope hollie said, sitting like angel of light, its, man, not, sh, said, hollie, satan, lucifer, said, God, was a, angel, but, fell, cause, thats Jesus calling out to him, making him angry, he, teased, now, God, cant, have fellowship with his witch, hollie, said, its arch angel lucifer like, tall angel warrior man, hollie shook, showed, no way, that was, gabriel, thats lucifer like not happy angel, but has fun, thats, hollie, that reports book sells, gets, word from Jesus, you sold, today, said, hollie, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, over, hollie waited, 2000 copies today, heres how, said hollie, people tell people, buy it for gifts, looky said, hollie, its bob on radio making book sells, so far, said, hollie, thats, book, sells, reporting hollie, book has sold about, 35,000 copies, saith God, that was hollie, with the loose belt sumb, she, said, that car, said, hollie, showed, wait, its, old, still running good, but, trouble is awaiting, she, said, thats, ministry of dreams, home page, it wont go down, said hollie, you altered, home page like, ministry of dreams angel, happy, showed, the, new world order, its, pope, hollie said, theres, hu hintao, said, hollie, you see these two, she, said, will rule the world, thats, king of venezuela, happy but not wanting, lula looking stunned, castrol stout like nicaraguan, president, but, neither want, kim jong has, its nuclear controls, said, hollie, thats nuclear fire, in, its, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia, with, its, ministry of dreams, 0-catch home page on, and, red dragon, bush rides dressed like woman, north korea exploded, hollie showed, thats wailing wall, looking sad, i'm the wailing wall, needs prayer, what, that, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, thats, her, walking with new book, its, ministry of dreams, she, said, its, end time prophecy, she, said, see, said, hollie, record, the, vision, she, said, hollie showed, turn, lighted, hollie, showed, turn again, but, hands hidden, dimly faded in, wore white gloves, this is hollie, playing the music, hollie showed, turn, golden hollie, but only part of her there, he hollie appears underneath with his light feather, tickles, her feet, she, wore, dress, hollie screamed, hollie blew balloon, he hollie appears on with partial silhouette face, happy, they eat, said, hollie, thats, him, said, partial face hollie, playing his music, you got warning, said, hollie, he wore dress, no, it was she, another, hollie, said, two, she, said, hollie thought, showed, keep going sraight, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, its uh shipmate, said, hollie, thats hollie like shipmate, rubbing, head, showing, its, r.m.s. titanic, with captain smith on deck, o, said, its his ship again, said, partial face, hollie, the m.v., hollie said, another, wilhelm gustloff ship, taking, three torpedoes, with, hitler on deck, and others, thats, m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship waiting on bottom of sea, with silhouette face, for visitor, hollie visits in her, submarine, he said, cause when they hit iraq, again, thats hollie pushing president bush the microphone, he ate chicken, wore she showed, dark, full length coat, bush eats, I made our war, its to breakem, he said, ate chicken, its, oil wells, I needuhm, he said, bit chicken, hollie takes president bush to fire, thats, captain hollie, surfacing in his submarine, thats him pulling trigger, back, thats gaza burning, nuclear fire in iraq, lets rule the world, sang putin, smoke rose, moon just looked at peace, then said, no, showed, with, red hands, and, leggs, leave it alone, but, became happy, then, showed, away, wont you tell me about that, said, hollie, website, she, said, laughed, go ahead and show it, said, hollie, showed, lay down, los angeles said, hollie, its under attack it, said, its, him, said, partial face hollie, and he saw, it, said, casey, partial face, pointed, nuclear fireballs along both coasts, 9-11-2010-thats the alome suhlearie, said, hollie, it was soumb, said, sandy, wiped lips, hollie showed, record, pointed up, Jesus came, happy, bobby said hollie, that reports book sells, got word from God, book today sold, hollie looks at Jesus, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, sold today, 4000 copies, heres how, hollie showed, its word of mouth, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, beat, hand, pulled up sleeves, thats his stagecoach, said, hollie, with pope, she, said, thats, black and red, said, hollie, stagecoach, coming, pulled by angry, black and red horses, black horse shows, pope like angel of light, thats, black horse, sitting at, Gods interviewing table, he made me, said, black horse, pointed at Jesus, thats Jesus whispering to black horse what to say, God said, thats pope on black side, and hu hintao on red, thats, red horse, happy, at, the interviewing table, of Christ, pointed at Jesus, spoke, Jesus tells them what to say, thats putin inside stagecoach, three ribs appear in his mouth, and bobby who are these, said, hollie, thats cuba, nicaragua and mexico, appearing on ribs, bob, what does website say, said, hollie, stamped, but body dissappeared, dimly faded in, pope she said, like dot head angel came out, I am God, he said, wiped lips, hollie showed, turn, but, only, part of her there, he hollie appears underneath, tickles feet with light feather, hollie wore dress, dimly faded in, comere, said, hollie, that, said, hollie, its, popey, she, said, like, angel of light, in, the, fire, that, hollie said, pope was happy, hollie put, its uh new back glass, she said, on plymouth, horizon, took, two seconds, there said, h hollie, done, hollie showed, turn, hollie flew in, spacefighter, said, hollie, dropped bomb, america below exploded, spacefightuhm jet, said, she hollie, soared, thats, nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, lets prophesy and say, that, you will be the ruler of your own goods in two days, said, hollie, tear up, said, hollie, fleas showed, away, no, she said, but shook yes, him said, partial face, hollie, showed, lay down, he wore uh white robe, showed, hollie, thats hollie going to seventh day adventist church, wearing plad coat, 9-12-2010-no, said, hollie, bob dont fast, she, said, showed, eat, hollie pointed, up, Jesus came, world below shakes, countries exploded, hollie soars, spacefightuhm jet she said, thats hollie that reports books sales, stamps, today, hollie looked at God, for word, showed, eat, you sold over three hundred copies, of, stamped, hollie, its visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and I stamp, said, hollie, thats, new world order, stagecoach coming out, with the pope and hu, pulled by angry black and red horses, hollie sells book on youtube, and facebook, thats facebook angel showing do, theres youtube angel, theres deformed, said, hollie, thats, white angelface with like red blotch where hair should be, one side of face had, theres brownish and greenish together, on other side, theres blue, green, and red, thats putin inside, its, new world order stagecoach, thats three ribs appearing, in his mouth, and, bobby, who could these be, said, hollie, theres cuba, written on one rib, theres, mexico, thats mexican president looking happy but dreading, theres nicaragua, thats president looking stout, submarines appear in all their waters, they shower, said, hollie, all had captain hollie, pointed, lighted finger, thats missiles leaving america striking them hollie said, exploded, hey i'll place it, said, hollie, nuclear fires, along, latin america, and, mexican borders, thats venezuela and brazil exploding, captain hollie surfacing, its akula again, thats what you want said hollie, submarine with captain hollie surfaces, fires rockets, america exploded, thats angel looking toward russia, exploded, and missiles left russia, showering nuclear n.a.t.o. countries, burned, thats smoke rising as france and britain burns, thats nuclear fire in australia, and italy exploding, moon sees, smoke, gets happy, and smoke rises, Jesus appears, its, the, sixth seal, said, hollie, thats many ministering spirits, saying, boo, what does, website, say, said, hollie, I dont, know, he, wont let me, said, another, hollie, we knew, said, ministry of dreams, angel, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, I am gog, he said, angel showed, record, look, said, hollie, showed, picture, its pope, i'm the vision, said, its pope, hollie, said, hollie, screamed, hollie screamed, look said, hollie, showed, eat, there wantin your radio show to not go all over, the world, him said partial face hollie, said, thats hollie in the fire, in the grill, its ford truck, said, she hollie, lets motor, she drove, hollie with Jesus inside looks happy, thats hollie like uh ship mate showing, war, that, was, heidi's mom, said, hollie, saying, heidi, hollie clapped, it, let me show, she, said, clapped, lighted hands, body dimly faded in, night vision, I dont want that website, said, the white hollie, o said, partial face hollie showed, the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, bob when gonna eat, said, she hollie, he hollie showed, thats hand with like little dot head faceless hollie in like dome in, showing, you did not want hollie showed, then face appeared, tada, said, dot head hollie, showed, pope picture with brown hair, then showed, whole new world order, theres the hu hintao, lula man, he isnt wanting, theres, mexico and, nicaraguan presidents, they like castrol stout but dread, thats three ribs, appearing in putins mouth, pointed angel like hollie, its them, and, three captain hollies appear in submarines in their waters, they shower said hollie, look, pointed finger, hollie, somewhat faded in, thats gulf coasts states exploding, missiles leaving them, striking, them three countries burned, stop, said, hollie, showed, lay down, that is, end time prophetic ministry, website, tap dancing, like him angel man, theres deformed, said, hollie, o she said, put hand over mouth, looked at bob, shook, yes, let me she said, angel had like, theres, blotch, hollie, said, brown coming from thinning hair, all around, brown on side of face, and blue and grayish on other, but color kept changing, thats angel again, hollie showed, record, thats her getting in dumpster getting out food for animals, she said, dont, hollie, said, hollie showed, turn, body hidden, dimly faded in, 9-13-2010-when the marine corp. is out in the streets, said, it, partial face hollie said, Jesus, it appeared, she, said, let me clap, hollie said, thats angel marines out in the u.s.a. streets, bobby, said, hollie, dont, hollie showed, let me bruise you, she, said, for I the Lord persecute, my servants, boo, they chanted, said, Its, God, showed, its, partial face, hollie, its, many ministering, hollies, theres him, partial face hollie, said, but now with long, hair, showed, its book, she, said, it sells now, whispers to, JEsus, millions, he said, put it under, said, partial face hollie, we are, the Ministry of Dreams, she, said, it, partial face, hollie said, spoke and created, by, Jesus, call it ministryofdreams, God, said, dont steal, or take, or alter, God and partial face, hollie said, but, now, God, said, shes transformed, hollie, said, all there, she has long, beautiful, hollie, said, dark brown hair, bobby, said, Jesus, showed, cut that off, new u.s.a., said, Jesus, its bankrupt, said, hollie, thats, its she said, angel looters, running the streets, its, she, said, right here, in the u.s.a., hollie pulled up sleeves, had brown hair, and, blue sweatshirt, said, God, put it under, hollie, said, bobby build it, said, hollie, i'm linkedin, said, its, angel, hollie, said, like, o, she, said, placed hand over, mouth, to see, if, bobby gonna record, he did, shakes, yes, claps, shows, its popes, picture, she, said, put it under, o, said, hollie again, God said, the linkedin ministry of dreams website angel appeared, i'm him, said, angel, its, JEsus, appearing, wearing, its blue sweatshirt, put it undle, said, hollie, in her blue sweatshirt, showed, cut that off, bobby look, said, hollie, showed, its pope, she said, picture, lets rule the world, said, putin, let me, he said, alright shakes, its pontey, hollie, said, another, hollie showed, its, world, said, the partial, but now full face, its hollie she, said, many countries, exploded, spacefightum jet, she, said, soard, with, its, captain hollie, said, partial face, hollie, put it under, she, said, him, wearing blue sweatshirt, bobby, said, hollie, showed, her, light watch, tapped, its time, she, said, thats hollie walking, wearing, its, plad coat, she, said, its, red, many reds, whew we, said, hollie, with, its, Jesus inside, said, another, hollie, wearing, its blue sweatshirt, she, said, thats God inside, its bobby, hollie, said, put it under, hollie, said, wearing her, blue sweatshirts, its ACTS 2:38, said, hollie, showed, bobby, she, said, dont sleep to much, it costs, you money, hollie, said, no, said, hollie, I showed i'm thru, she, said, but shook, yes, maybe this is uh warning, said, hollie, showed, just leave it alone, thats hollie, that reports books sells, today she said, you sold, hollie said, looked at Jesus, got word, its book, hollie showed, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, today, you sold, 111 copies, put back, said, hollie, tore up, smiled, its, she transformed, said, another, hollie, that, said, hollie, showed, picture, its whole new world order, she, said, what is that, hollie, said, its, pope, she, said, hes, the, antibeast, hollie, said, thats pope like lit dot head, its, round, showed, hollie, riding black horse, its into moscow, pontey said, hollie, said, what is that, said, hollie, its, new ministry of dreams, website, like, its, angel, hollie, said, yuko, she, said, theres blotch, hollie, said, looked at bob, hand over mouth, to see she, said, shook, yes, bob recorded, what is that, said, hollie, angel, theres deformed, said, hollie, looking at, bob, hand over mouth, like red, area underneath hair, it follows hair, and, that, hollie said, blue and green areas on face, and on other side, theres blue and, green, and smaller brown area, i'm yuko, said, its new ministry of dreams, angel, showed, fight, thats, king of grecia, its, hollie, said, pope, with ram horns, thats, kings coming out of, its, horns, what is that, said, hollie, its ram with putins face, thats, hu hintao out of, one horn, with his flower, hollie, like, uh butterfly, that, she, said, theres, pope, with flower, putin, and, medvedev, out of, other, its, war, said, hollie, said come on, thats, nuclear fire in, its china, its, they exchange, hollie, said, fires in, russia and china, thats, pope, hollie, said, sitting, at, table, thats two horned beast, with, hintao, and, japanese emperor coming out of its horns, they sit at table with pope 666 peace treaty is signed, thats them leaving, going to own lands, let me tell, you about china, said, angel, its magog, he said, thats four kings appearing, theres hu hintao, that, hollie, said, emperor of japan, what is that, hollie, said, its, both korean presidents, then, changes into four headed beast, i'm magog said, beast, hollie screamed, what for, he said, hit russia, hollie said, and angel, what is, that, hollie, said, its, she, pointed, many nuclear fires in, its russia, and, missiles left russia, striking, its, that, hollie, said, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands exploded, world shakes, moon just gazes, its, had blank stair, said, hollie, no, said, hollie, showed, i'm thru, she, said, but, shook, yes, put back, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, pope shakes, yes, hollie shows world, thats, spacefightuhm jet, said, hollie, soaring, thats, smoke coming up, many countries exploded, its france, said, hollie, with, nuclear fire, theres goes australia, and great britain burning, thats captain hollie in, many submarines, they shower, she, said, thats rockets striking russia, exploded, thats italy on fire, and missile leaving, there, russia burned, whats that, said, hollie, thats, submarines, all around, america, its, on the day of the Lord, said, him, said, partial face hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, showed, leave it alone, website, said, it, hollie, said, another, hollie, this is, warning, hollie said, bob, do, she, said, hollie showed, discord, no, she, said, tell me what the website said, hollie said, showed, its, yuko, the new ministry of dreams, like angel head, with, theres deformed, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, looked at bob, to see if he was going to record, she, said, shook, yes, yuko ministryofdreams website had blue and brown, on, part of head where hair line ends, goes up, on one side of face, theres brown and blue, on other, its big blotch, greenish with brown, website claps, thats bear licking prophet, i looked around, said, bear, pulled putin to himself, were one, said, bear, hollie showed, its, book, she, said, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, reign of the antichrist, n.w.o., its bob hickman, she, said, do hollie said, pulled up sleeve, thats her riding, its pale grizzled horse said hollie and God, its, bob, taking peace off of the earth, book, said, hollie, thats visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, n.w.o., reign of the antichrist, hollie showed world, book popping up all over, hollie whistled, showed, time out, hollie showed, lay down, him, partial face hollie said, showed, hollie wore white robe, that was hollie on top of the world, and, there was uh gun shot and world shook, said, hollie, it was dark with gold outlined world, let me said, hollie, record, she, said, and, I stamp, hollie, said, thats, beast pope running out like angel dot head, I am gog he said, bobby said, hollie, showed, frustration, it wont work, she, said, hollie showed, its 1999 mercury cougar, get one, she, she said, thats it spinning front tire, hollie like mostly silhouette face, it appeared, she, said, but all the way seen, there, stop right here hollie said, its cause, ministry of dreams, said, hollie, he told you, she, said, you need to, record the vision, said, hollie and God, thats what you want me for, hollie said, thats what you needed, she, said, and I stamp, she, said, its, beast, hollie said, pope, running out, like dot head, angel, I am gog, he said, smiled, showed, picture, hollie said, its, she said, whole new world order, lets rule the world, said, it, hollie said, putin, showed, him, riding, its that old stagecoach again, hollie, said, its black and red, with, hollie on top, like, angel, and, theres, the pope and hu, hollie, points, its, she, said, black and red, and I stamp, hollie, said, body hidden, but faded in, looks at bob, o, she, said, had hand over, mouth, it covered, said, Jesus, but, bob recorded, thats the m.v., hollie said, o, said, its his ship agin, said, partial face hollie, rest dimly fades in, the wilhelm gustloff, ship, with, its, said, Jesus, adolf hilter on, its deck, its, the, hollie stamps, ship spins, hilter super ship, sank, hollie, said, thats, three torpedoes, striking, you knew, said, hollie, pointing, at its captain, he shakes, yes, he made me, said, captain, its, hilter, get away, he said, you see these people, said, its, said, hollie, showed, spinning, confused, she, said, who's, the captain, said, partial face hollie, its him, said, Friedrich Petersen, showed, its military commander, its, Wilhelm Zahn, staightening, his tie, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, thats why ship sank, no rule, hollie said, thats a line of captains, theres, hollie said, all on the m.s., wilhelm gustloff ship, its, she, said, partial face, hollie, theres, many captains, said, God, standing in line, one claims, its his ship, he said, pointed, at, its, adolf hitler, grunts, look at you, said, girl, she, straightens tie, 9-13-14-2010-that hollie said, showed, its hollie that reports books, sales, that, another, hollie said, it sold, book sale hollie said, that, another, hollie, said, over, that, hollie said, 200 copies today, that, hollie, said, bob, your uh, that, hollie said, millionaire, in the making, hollie that reports book sales, said, that, hollie, said, showed, cut it off, that, hollie said, post, thats, the post angel, like, happy round face, that, hollie, said, its, go, she, said, that, hollie said, thats, her walking, away from library, wearing plad coat, that, hollie, said, its bob, on, the radio, said, all white hollie, that, hollie, said, go, she, left, wearing her, that, another, hollie said, plad coat, that, hollie, said, showed cut off, that, this is uh warning, said, hollie, comere, she, said, showed, bob, its the lake of fire, let jim, she, said, do what he is good, at, thats him thinking, he will do his best, said, hollie, showed, her white robe, said, Jesus, and bob, its, prophesying, said, hollie, its fellowship of the Father, hollie, said, showed, its, she, said, radio one, use, she, said, bob you wont do uh commercial hollie said, cause, heres why, jim will fuck you, he will not let you, yep, said, its, james, hollie, said, put it under, go, hollie showed, cut it off, the marine corp. Is out in the streets said hollie, that another hollie said, its angel marines with partial silhouette faces, it were guarding said gabriel, thats many hollies lootin, it he told said hollie, thats Jesus telling hollie to loot, hollie laughs at Gods word, were pilfering she said, showed cut it off, hollie showed, take it easy, showed, cut off, that, hollie, said, happy, showed, its, the, pope, she, said, I, am gog, he, said, thats, hollie working on computer, body hidden but dimly faded in, that, hollie said, its, tangle, I'm the new ministry of dreams, said, its, showed, hollie, tangle angel, that, hollie, said, were not, he said, wiped lips, that, hollie, said, its pope and new world order, stagecart hollie said, that hollie said, that, hollie, said, its, pulled by angry red and black horses, that hollie said, thats black horse, sitting at, Gods interviewing table, that, hollie said, black horse showed, popes picture, that hollie said, claps, that was one of the lighted heads, sitting at, Gods interviewing table, that, hollie said, it, was, president of mexico popping out, that, hollie said, theres more, heads, like round faces, that, hollie said, kings pope out, theres lula looking stout like nicaraguan and cuban president, thats mexican president, smiling, but dreading, chavez agreeing but showing no, kim jong pops out with nuclear controls, that agin, said, hollie, showed, its, its o, said, hollie, that another hollie said, little spec on angels face, its brown, angel turns, head, that hollie, said, theres brown and like dark red, its i'm the tangle, said, angel, that, hollie said, angel shows, uh picture, its, tangle approves, that, hollie, said, that agin, said, hollie, that she said, that, said, hollie, showed, fight, pulled sleeve up, that agin, hollie said, its stagecoach, pulled by angry black and red horses with the pope and hu, that pointed, hollie, a angel, like hollie on top, that, hollie sees putin inside, thats hollie that reports book sells, today she, said, that, another, hollie said, you sold 211 copies, that, hollie said, putin inside stagecoach, three ribs appeared in mouth, that, hollie said, and who could these be, hollie said, that hollie said, cuba, cuba, nicaragua, mexico appear on, ribs, that, hollie, said, three captain hollies, he hollies said another, she hollie, that, another, hollie said, thats many hollies in ministry of dreams, one unhappy, wearing, its all light white robe, that, she, said, those captains fire, in cuba, and mexico, and nicaraguan waters, that hollie pointed, gulf coast states in america exploded, that, hollie said, thats missiles leaving america striking them nations, exploded, that, hollie, said, venezuela and brazil burned, that, hollie said, hollie placing nuclear fires in cuba, and, hollie showed, its cuba, that, hollie said, that was door slam noise, hollie runs out like white hollie, that hollie said, kim jong, comes, out of, his head with nuclear button, that, hollie said, presses, that hollie said, nuclear fires in, its russia, that, she, said, china and south korea, that, hollie said, its, rocket, she watched, with, that hollie said, the new ministryofdreams website on, that, hollie said, o theres deformed, said, hollie with hand over, mouth, looks at bob, but shakes, yes, that, hollie said, its, linkedin, hollie said, website like angelman, with, o, said, hollie, hand over mouth, like light blue blotch on, side, theres, like, dim gray as hair, only one hair, black, sticks up, on other side, dim gray spot, and, dark, red spot, that, hollie said, i'm linkedin website, said, showed, popes picture with brown hair, that, hollie said, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, pope, that, hollie said, pope shakes, yes, that, hollie said, spacefightuhm jet hollie said, another, soars, captain he hollie in, that, hollie said, many countries exploded, moon just watches, that, hollie said, that, hollie pointed, turned to the side, wearing white robe, not super happy, that, she, said, hand points, that agin, said, hollie, wearing, she showed, her white robe, but face hidden, dimly faded in, but changed, two hollies, that, hollie, said, showed, book, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, that, said, hollie, showed her teeth, that book is showing up, in, that, she said, churches of, God in Christ, thats the alome saleen, said, its, hollie, the leopard said, hollie, that agin said, hollie, another, had teeth, visable, showed, leave it alone, its, tangle, i'm magog, said, that, hollie said, four headed flying beast, its, that, pointed, hollie, agin, hu hintao, both korean presidents, and japanese emperor, that, pointed, hollie, happy, showed, Jesus coming, hollies body, not seen, but dimly faded in, she wore robe, now heres bob what you say, that, said, hollie, smiling, thats another, hollie on radio, wearing white robe, speaking about, its book, that, hollie said, shows, book, tells, about, now heres bobby how many sells, it will git you, said, Jesus, that, hollie said, with teeth seen, over, hollie looks at Jesus for, count, that, she, said, many, that, pointed, hollie, showed, go to walmart, walk around, thats hollie walking around in, plad coat, that, agin, said, hollie, showing teeth, thats her watering plants, wearing white robe, that was, hollie pointed, that, said, another, nuclear fire in, its australia, missiles left, that, hollie said, nuclear fire in great britain, italy exploded, that, said, hollie, submarines, they shower, another, hollie said, that agin, hollie said, russia burned, that, hollie said, france exploded, that, agin, hollie said, two submarines, both with captain hollie, one transformed into, that, hollie, said, the wilhelm gustloff ship, russia, exploded, that, hollie, said, showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, she, said, showed, lay down, thats, Jesus, telling, hollie to go on fast, she shakes, yes, wearing white robe, hollie, said, thats, funeral of dreams, said, its, angel, partial face hollie, bob, in his casket, many there, thats, hollie said, showed, fight, hickman ministries, hollie showed, keep drinking, thats free drink coupon, look bob, said, Jesus, hollie had the loot, its, my loot she said, millions, thats, lighted hollie, pointing, and storm clouds, Jesus, appears, like, its, light man, showed, hollie, i'm dubious, she, said, its, doubtful, but, bob recorded, God showed, cut it off, 9-15-2010-bob record, said, hollie, and, I, stamp, she, said, beast pope ran out, like, angel, dot head, thats black and red stagecoach pulled by angred black and red horses, thats black horse sitting at Gods interviewing, table, showing, its, the beast, black horse said, pope, in, white light robe, hollie showed, thats, another, hollie, pointed, hollie, showed, teeth, that reports book sales, today hollie said, got word from Jesus, showed, book, its, visions of the beast, with, seven heads, and, ten horns, sold, about, hollie showed, teeth, wiped face, worked on computer, wore white robe, hey, said, another, hollie, pointed, but put hand over mouth, o, said, its, his ship agin, said, partial face, hollie, showing, teeth, the m.v., she said, wilhelm gustloff ship, hollie visits in submarine, hollie showing, teeth, showing, world, thats captain hollie soaring, its bf-52 spacebomber jet, dropped bombs, america below exploded, world shakes, moon, just, stairs, but got happy, its om the moon said, moon, clapped, showed, popes picture, showed, with brown hair, let me, rule the world, said, putin, laying, before, alright, said, hollie, showing, teeth, thats, hollie soaring again, in his, its bf-52 said hollie, stamps, showed teeth, spacefightum jet she said, dropped bombs, thats russia and nuclear n.a.t.o. countries exploding, smoke rose, its, is him, said, partial face hollie, new he hollie showing, teeth, its, bob, you are running, out of, time, to, sell your book said, its, the, tap dancers, said, hollie and God, with many hollies, tap dancing, theres, pope, said, hollie, and, hu, hintao, hollie smiles, relaxes, showed, its, both beasts, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats hollie riding missile, its, into, over, she said, taiwan, it, burned, thats, its, showed, hollie, another, hollie points, her teeth, boris yeltsin and hu hintao, its, planning it, out, bobby, said, hollie, you lure, said, yeltsin, alright, thats hintao battling washington state, on, his red horse, with, light sword, hollie fights back, he hollie, points at her teeth, she had blue sword, another, hollie flys, out, it, old world war two, aircraft, boeing f-9 fighter bomber, dropped bomb, he hollie, all of uh sudden, flys, chinese ship, its, repelled, but same first hollie reappears in, he, hollie shows teeth, maybe this is, uh warning, said, hollie, another, hollie showed, eat, that, hollie was, dim, she, said, turned, to, the side, she, said, clapped hands, showed, its, pope, hollie showed, flash drive, thats, hollie updating, its computer, thats flash drive angel, that was, the red dragon, said, hollie, i'm the beast, said, its, pontey, hollie, said, clapped hands, showed, pope, theres mexican president, hes not wanting but acts, signs, deal with, me said medvedev, lula, stout, hugo smiles, dreads, thats castrol, stout, theres nicaraguan president, stout, you see these three said, hollie, thats, ribs in putins mouth, hollie pulls up sleeves, showed, eat, thats, kim jong with, its, nuclear controls, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, thats, kim jong pressing nuclear button and nuclear fires in russia, china, and south korea, hollie pulls up sleeve, thats, missile leaving russia with, its yola ministry of dreams website on, o said, hollie, hand over mouth, looks at bob, worried, but, shakes, yes, theres deformed, right there, said, hollie, its, yola ministryofdreams website like angel head with gray where hair should be, theres gray blotch on one side, dim blue appears, but dissappears, reappears, o, said, hollie, look at bob, shook, yes, on other side, its many colors, theres blue and big gray area, other colors appear, like dark red, and, red dragon with bush riding dressed like woman, thats north korea exploded, hollie claps, hollie showed, lay down, hollie slept, him said, partial face hollie, and, I, showed, pope she, said, its, picture, thats, him, hollie said, riding, black horse, hollie claps, its, into moscow, said, pope, hollie said, thats, him, she, said, signing, its uh deal with me, said, medvedev, what kind of visions do you want said, hollie, thats him playing his piano, he warned you, hollie said, its, jim, showing, I, will, screw you, hollie said, heres, how, bob, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, the, pope, she, said, whats his word, hollie said, i'm the angel of light, its pontey, hollie said, claimed, hollie checked the, its, stamped, hollie, indianapolis childrens museum for freeday, website, thats, there website like angel man, coming out, hollie screamed, that, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you, popey, she, said, pope, had picture, its, him, riding black horse, 9-16-2010-hollie said, dont, it was him, said, partial face, hollie, he played, she said, his music, it, was, him, just tapping, on, hollie showed, scene spins, piano, put it under, said, hollie, showed, bob, eat, you need to, let me, record, said, hollie, showed, dont, this is, uh, warning, said, hollie, wiped lips, prophet look, said, hollie, and, I, showed, you uh picture, said, its another hollie, let me observe, she, said, its pope, hollie was jumpy, wearing, she, showed, white robe, its cause, hollie showed, its friendship missionairy baptist church, its wolves, she, said, hollie screamed, again, hollie, pointed, up, Jesus, came, thats happy Jesus wearing, white robe, world shaking, below, captain hollie, soars, its b-42 thunderjet, soars, he drops bomb, america below exploded, thats world shaking, moon just stairs, its, nuclear n.a.t.o., said, hollie, i'm the g8, said, its, putin, hollie wiped lips, showed, its, her teeth, said, hollie, countries exploded, thats, missiles coming from there submarines, all with captain hollie, theres one she hollie, russia burned, thats both coasts, in, america burning, its on the day of the LOrd, said, hollie news anchor man, got kicked out by light legg to God, thats smoke rising, moon, its, bobby, were abased said moon, sun just happy, both play, Jesus there, i'm said, sun, playing on, its tee-dor totter, hollie tore up, like dim hollie, thats hollie working, on, its computer, she, said, wearing white robe, its, glorious, hollie said, thats hollie that reports book sales, looks at Jesus, it sold, she, said, stamped, beast, pope, like, angel, dot head ran out, with, new world order stagecoach with the pope and hu, hollie claps, sitting on, theres putin, inside, hollie watches, book sold, had had copy, visions of the beast with seven heads and ten horns, hollie spun, almost, 2000 copies today, heres how, said, hollie, showed, its word of mouth, hollie like angel jumps on stage coach, pulls up sleeves, come on she said, its war, hollie said, beat hand, scene spins, its submarine, said, hollie, prowling in, its akula class, said, another, hollie, its, they shower, said, hollie, fired, thats, nuclear fires in iraq and gaza, hollie pushes president bush to microphone, he eats chicken, I made our war, its to breakem, he said, bit chicken, to steal our oil wells contracts, hollie takes eating bush to fire, i'm the warning, said, hollie, wiped face, showed, its, get straight talk card, thats hollie talking on, its, phone, there is going to be uh, civil war in, that, country, said, Jesus, hollie shows, comere, she, said, walked on, its map of america, and many angel dot heads fighting, coming together, its showed, hollie, wearing robe, blew like hollie face balloon out, its him, said, partial face, hollie, people protesting, hollie, said, its, no labor, she, said, we want they chanted with signs, hollie stamps, scene spins, social security pension, stripped, scene spins, bank account gone, theres no money in, said, hollie, heres how, they close, hollie said, let me, said, hollie, and, hollie, stmaped, whew, said, hollie with Jesus inside, showed, its, pope, she, said, and, new world order, stagecoach, wur with him, said, hu hintao, thats, eight kings appearing, its in cart, said, hollie, many horses pull, and, you see bobby, said, hollie, these will rise against, MYSTERY U.S.a., said, man, babylon, word, it appeared, said, hollie, hollie showed, record, and I we stamp, this is uh warning, said, hollie, thats, her, feeding animals, getting food out of, its dumpster, she, said, he said, said, hollie, hollie laughed, showed, lay down, she, sat at, Gods interviewing, Jesus questions, hollie shakes, yes, but, in heart says no, showed, i'm thru, clapped hands, wore white robe, showed, popes picture with brown hair, let me rule the world, said, putin laying before, thats hollie showing, world, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, flying in, its japanese zero, 414 miles per hour, hollie showed, thats many countries exploding, moon watches, this is website, lets, post, said, hollie, thats her wearing, its white robe, hollie played, the, music, said, she hollie, he, looked at, bob, you want me, said, him, said, partial face hollie, thats man at radio station waiting for money, it gets, he, hollie, thought, got word from Jesus, many sells, hollie with Jesus inside, put uh white robe, he told me she said, sitting at Jesus's interviewing table, God appeared with, hand showed, you did not want, hollie, showed, had like, partial hollie in palm, inside, like dome, but face appeared, a little more, hollie, played, that music, pointed, another, hollie, thats, him smiling, playing piano looking at bob then going to interviewing table himself, but robe changed red, with like chrome sparkling hollie, said, thats many hollies sitting in area, what did they said, clapped the tap dancers, hollie, and, you see these hollie, said, MYSTERY, BABYLON, showed, thumbs down, it will rise, said, hollie, thats like angel beast rising from the sea, its, pope, hollie, said, let me, said, hollie, it was, uh dream, hollie, said, thats a she hollie, showing, its golden transmission like gear, its, going out, she, told bob, hollie wore dress, was, happy, another, hollie claps, face hidden, but, dimly seen, thats, said, hollie, its pope, she, said, tattood, on, its forearm, hollie said, showed, in between, the hand and elbow, there were colors, hollie said, she, wore dress, 9-17-2010-hollie showed, record, pointed, up, its, Jesus, coming, like happy God, hollie showed, God said, world, shook, hollie soars, in, its, spacefightuhm jet, he said, many countries, exploded, world, shakes, moon just, said, God, wiped chin, looks, then, laughs, i'm said, happy moon, you need to, go, home, said, it, Jesus, said, partial face hollie, with all her face there, stamped, no, said, hollie, but, shook, yes, then, showed, away, thru, but shook yes, again, thats the Lord, said, hollie, I, persecute, said, Jesus, its, killed all, day long, God said, hollie said, in her, heart, thats, partial face hollie, now with all face and hair, showed, nice hair, thats hollie with nice hair, winking, with like, its, r2-d2 eyes, thats r2-d2 appearing, showing, its whole new world order, pictures, let me rule the world, said, it, putin, hollie said, thats some kings shaking yes, and, others, its no way, showed, president of, mexico, but, signs deal with me, said, medvedev, theres lula looking, stout, signs, thats, castrol and nicaraguan presidents, all three sign, its uh deal, said, medvedev, hugo chavez looks happy but shows, no, but signs, anyhow, said, hollie, theres, kim jong with, its nuclear button, he signs deal, with medvedev, but presses button anyhow, thats, missile, many leaving north korea, hollie rode one, theres him, said, partial face, hollie, on another, rocket, thats Jesus riding the missile, another, hollie rides rocket, thats nuclear fires showed, Jesus, in, russia, china, and, south korea, thats, rocket leaving russia with, its new ministry of dreams website on, like angel, hollie said, o, placed hand over, mouth, looks at, bob, shakes, yes, showed, fighting, angels head deformed, theres grayish, and, brown, where hair should be, theres deformed, said, hollie, like, gray, blotch, small on one side, colors, appear, disappear, o, said, hollie, looking, at, bob, hand over mouth, shook, yes, on other side its multi colored again, and, red dragon with bush riding, dressed, it, said, partial face hollie, north korea exploded, lets rule the world, said, putin, to hintao, its, alright, said hintao, hollie screamed, again, wearing like maids clothes, theres white shirt, and like blue garment, bobby dont said hollie, hollie ran, be in uh hurry, she, said, thats, hollie placing link on, its facebook pages, and, its, hollie said, facebook angel appearing, showing, thats, persecution, bobby, said, hollie, showed, picture, its, hollie wiped lips, hollie, showed, picture, its, putin, with ten horns, bobby, said, hollie, posted on, computer, wearing white robe, thats, pope, said, hollie, coming out, of, its, one, said, partial face hollie, theres medvedev, out of another, and boris yeltsin out of, the, ten, thats, the, one, said, hollie, its, putin, out of, both, of, those, two, and, theres pope, wearing crown, said, hollie, out of, putin, let me, said, putin, struggles with medvedev, they push each other, thats hu hintao on the red horse, see said, hollie, showed, thats horse going into taiwan, attacking, exploded, you lure, said, its, boris yeltsin, to, hintao, alright we'll do said hintao, hollie showed, pope, his picture, tear up, hollie tore up, the concious, at, its, she, showed, wearing white robe, at new wineskin ministries, had, blank contract in one hand, pencil in other, hollie salutes, its on board, she, said, of, hollie stamps, its ageing, she said, the, u.s.s. intrepid, thats ship in, world war two, firing, it, killed many, hollie like ships captain, then turned into, its bismarck captain, thats bismarck sinking, and, ship, happy, waits on bottom of sea, hollie visits, in, her, its, akula class, she, said, submarine, thats, hollie showing world, submarine, fires, many countries burn, captain hollie flys in his, its bf-52 bomber, thats, it, me, said, hollie, its people protestin, marching with signs, hey wheres the loot, hollie, said, people got, stripped, in, america of, their, its, showed, social security benefits, and there, hollie dreaded, the financial institutions in america did not close, they were gutted said hollie, thats people standing in long lines, hollie said, taking out, their bank accounts, till no more, that was Jesus, coming, and, judgment striking america, its massive said, hollie, nuclear fireball, hollie reports on cnn, its, him, said, partial face hollie, submarines, all around, america, man let me git outta her, hollie cnn newsman said, got kicked out by legg to, she hollie, points, like, round God, both american coasts burned, rockets left america, thats missile defense striking many incoming, their soviet, said, Jesus, rockets, but some make it thru, strike all over america, hollie walks on america, many fireballs coming up, prophesy, said, hollie, showed, sleep, 9-18-2010-hollie pointed up, Jesus came, thats world, below, hollie licks prophet, its, hollie world, no, said, hollie, but I shook yes, sitting at Gods interviewing table, its, not, hollywood, she, said, and I stamp, said, hollie, its horses, she, said, there black and red, pulling that old black and red stagecoach, with, its, stamped, hollie, the, pope, and, hu, there two kings, hollie, said, rising, in, the earth, theres the, third, hollie, said, its, japanese emperor, hollie showed, come, thats the pope and hu, hollie jumps on top, of, old, black and red stagecoach, hollie, stamps, Jesus appears, grunts, persecution is Jesus trying all day long to make my servants perish by teasing and betraying, and lying to, caressing penus with electricity, causing boils on face, ruining appearance by causing face muscles to tighten when speaking or moving head, making body, deseased and heating up body, causing gum desease and, letting, them, see, me in visions laughing at them, I start day one, saith the LOrd, it appeared, said, hollie, I raise up enemies against, thats great wind and, pope, coming, out, theres, its hu hintao, and, japanese emperor, there you have it, bob, said, hollie, thats, pope slashed, out of, its, wind, hollie sees cloud coming with, its Jesus like light man God on, thats world, below, and, its, said, Jesus, thick smoke, countries, errupting in fire, coming up from world, its on the day of the Lord, showed, hollie and God, its, him, said, partial face hollie, she, said, you didnt, want that vision, complained hollie, said, Jesus, bob in the book of, Its JOB, showed, hollie, that was not uh spirit, it was uh man, satan is just a man, who told me what to do, I the Lord casted the plagues on my servant JOB, comere said, hollie, thats JOB with, its sore she said, sore boils, God said, all over face, thats facebook angel showing, bob put on the link, thats angel placing link on, thats, said, hollie, seven lighted heads, like, round ball faces, thats kings popping out, like, theres mexico and lula, said, hollie, chavez, thats head sitting at table, lighted head raises hand, he told me so, head said, Jesus appears, tells head what to do, let king, pop out, said, Jesus, head shakes alright, then smiles, theres kim jong and hu hintao, nicaraguan president, hey, said, hollie, theres, putin, out of, uh head, hollie said, there you have it she, said, the seven heads, bobby hollie showed, hollie showed, its, hu hintao, on his red horse, come on, said, hintao, battles washington state with his light sword, thats, hollie fighting back, with, light sword, theres light color and blue, another, hollie flys out, like round face, in old world war two aircraft, bombs chinese ship, it, repells, hollie said, thats hollie riding missile, him said partial face hollie, watches missile, leave, streak, from china, taiwan burned, hollie stayed on missile, she, laughed, bob said, hollie, showed, wait, get your own house, get your own house, thats what hatton is sayin, said, hollie, showed, its, walmart straighttalk card, buy, she, said, hollie, laughs, wearing dress, he hollie tries to cut her with scissors, hollie showed, seventh day adventist church, go there, bob, angel showed, thats angel with, its, hollie, a he she hollie shows, his hair, kind of, wavy, bushy, they were, at, its, edge, hollie said, hollie showed, turn, blew balloon, hollie on, its him, partial face, hollie said, hollie showed, lay down, hollie showed, record, thats, fisting, its abomination, showed, hollie, put back, said, Jesus, tear up, said, hollie, then, its, contract appeared, but no deal written on, serve me, appeared, on,

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