Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Ministry of Dreams

God entered into my body, like a body. my same size. holy ghost baptism. back in about june of 2002, God spoke, "get a website", and I prayed for 2 days, what do I call it. God spoke, "call it MinistryofDreams". then I forgot name but remembered it later. MInistry of Dreams was spoken and created by God back in june of 2002, and didnt exist until God spoke and created it. God said if people steal or alter in anyway, like, The Ministry of Dreams, God will make them run to remove it.
  • the worlds most prophetic facebook

  • (-0)visions of the antichrist and the new one world one government, and heaven and hell vision's-visions received 1-14-2006-God has showed me in visions Spirits that looked like People and they said: cause russia's gitting prepared, russia is the leopard, and that is, russia is, hollie was in the police car, teddy bear, cat, hollies transforming, russia is, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, russia is ready to attack america, put ukraine in russia, put russia in the beast, go and post it under, russia is the beast, hallelujah, aman, china and america will go to war, and then russia will strike america, we want, anal, oral, sechs, hallelujah, aman, and that is, why, judgment strike will come to america, when you least expect it, russia will strike america, when, you, least expect it, that is no a flanged cross, its a threescore, 666 is the mark ot the beast and the middle 6 is a threescore, the subway is where terrorism wills start, new york, its under attack, he saw, the, state of, missisppi, no, vermont, no, it was, one of'em, explode, many will die, visions of the antichrist with hu the false prophet, he is the president of china, china is the new world order, magog is where china and russia and north and south korea and japan, and they will be tyre, that will be situated in the seas, china will attack russia, force to lead the, lets rule the world, russia, china, nicaragua, mexico, venezuela, brazil, and God will give them one heart and one mind and they will give their power and strength to the beast and he will send it over on amexico and canada, and america will be destroyed, aman.
    (0)the end day message for brother stair of overcomer ministry -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like many people, and they spoke one at a time and said: russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, when president bush signs the new order shoot missiles at israel, called the palestinian state, and the reason for it is judgment, palestinian state will be destroyed, and that is most of israel, end of vision, cause palestinian state will become the national anthem for america, and that is judgement, judgment by russia attackin israel, and there a reason for it and the reason is president bush was not told by God to invade israel, not israel, iran and iraq, so the answer to it, the Apple of My Eye, end of story, we want Jesus, but we don't wanna do anything about It, revival cannot come till people want It, when the palestinian state explode's, the national guard in the streets of america, and that will be the end of the united states cause you'll be wiped out by russia, from the oceans, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, airplanes, submarines, the national guard will be in the streets when russia attacks america, china will attack russia, when russia attacks america, china will attack russia like a lamb rising out of the sea, with two horns, and the other is japan, and hu is the false prophet, and the pope will be the antichrist, and china north korea, japan and russia will be the ne world order, the kings daughter of the south will make an agreement with the north, and is 666, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and russia will be absorbed like south korea, and cuba and nicaragua, and mexico, like three ribs in the bears mouth, and the bear is russia, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns is china, russia, japan, venezeula, brazil, iran, germany, italy, north korea, and china will be come the kingdom of this earth, we will have three and one half years of peace, three and one half years of wrath, and God will pour out Vials of Wrath, and that is end when Christ fight against the 7 kingdoms of this earth, and that'll be the end of that, america is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that great city that reigneth over the kingdoms of this earth, read and do ACTS 2:38, end of story, and sam neill said, cheers, and people said, have a nice day, this a warnin, national guard will be in the streets, then the end will come for america, good night, sleep tight, cause koran, and thats russia, america is doomed, end of vision, brother stair, put It on radio, cause MYSTERY, BABYLON is stair, united states, end of story, and vladimir putin who is president of russia sang, lets rule the wolrd, lets rule the world, and people said, russia, china, nicaragua, mexico, cuba, venezeula, brazil, and eventually, iran, and germany, and italy, and God will and God will give them one heart and one mind, and that is destroy the united states, and Israel will be defeated by china, russia will be absorbed by china, russia, north korea, and japan, and thats new world order, china is the red dragon is magog, and magog is satan, the pope will be slashed and loose eye and an arm and satan, and we have new government called Idol shepherd, Idol shepherd, will be satan, will become angel of light, and they will fight against Christ and He'll just speak the Word, and that'll be it, and He will deliver the Church up to the Father, and Son will be subject to Papa, and the Word of the Lord will be fulfilled, the 1000 year riegn will be just one day, and that'll be that day, have a nice day, president bush will sing the order, no it won't, it'll be hillary clinton, president bush will be assassinted, when hillary clinton's in office, this is the beginning of the end, national guard will be in the streets and watch russia, china will attack taiwan and washington state to lure america in war and when america goes, russia will lead an all out attack on alaska, then rest of america, end of story, when president bush signs the order to launch on iran, the united states will be no more, russia won't tolerate it, to late for president bush, good day, the vision has been sealed, the time draweth nigh, one more thing, to do and thats repent, and be baptized in Jesus Christ name and receive the Holy One, when national guard is in the streets, look out, and sam said, cheers, and people said, china has russia secret missile code cause russia has missile's all over the world, when president bush go to nuke iran look out, that power plant, a nuclear power plant, iran wants it to make nuclear weapons, end of story, brother stair, read on short wave, print this out, brother stair, God will save you, wait and see, read ACTS 2:38 and do It, end of story, china, north korea, russia, south korea, is the new world order, and the leopard, leopard see in the night, the beast with it's wings clipped is lucifer, the bear with 3 ribs is russia with nicaragua, mexico, and cuba, and the beast with 10 horns is china, and the one that comes up later is the pope, and the pope said, italay, I come from, thats where, and they know, and people said, raise your hands and repeat after me, the pope is Idol shepherd, Idol shepherd is satan, satan, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, God bless you, thank you in Jesus Name, hallelujah, AMen, and sam neill said, cheers, and people said, when the national guard is in the streets, look out, china is 200 million man army it's called china, russia, cuba, nicaragua, cuba, mexico, venezuela, and brazil, italy, germany, iran, minus president bush, the united states will become desolation in one hour, be prepared, thats all, thats the vision, God's wonderful, and HIs name is Jesus, and Jesus sent the Christ, and GOd with us, IMMANUEL, Amen. China is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and china is russia, and russia is politburo, and politburo is 10 kingdoms and eventually russia will be devided up by north korea, south korea, and south korea will be absorbed by north korea, and that is new world order, and eventually russia will be absorbed by china, and JEsus will be All, and they will know what they had when He is gone, the kings of the eath will wail loudly when they realize what they had, enough! and nd hollie said, he saw and kristina fox said, missiles taken off out of submarine, and Jesus said, take MY yoke upon , for My Burden is Easy, and My Yoke is, and MY Yoke is LIGHT!, and that great city Babylon was thrown down, and she'll be found no more, and Jesus sang, no more, return, and people saiod, and the Light of the Candle, and he saw brother stair, and the Light of the Candle, shall shine no more at all in thee, the sound of the trumpet will not be heard in thee, and the sun was comfounded and did not give her light, for 16 hours and and the sun was sad and a face like a man, and king hu said, of china, and people said, wailed when he knew what he had and now it's gone.
    (1)God has all Power -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like hollie and she said, love Jesus, and he saw 2 Hands, and somebody said, and, and kristina said, God put and hollie said, him to, and kristina said, sleep to see and hollie said, what, and and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and People said, would do, he stayed, and Jesus said, your sleep, no more reason for you to be here, will you come and meet Me on the Website, you'll find Me when you overcome sleepin, and hollie said, and he saw the word, overcomer, that, thats, and stair, and kristina said, stair said that, and Jesus said, thats a fool, and brother stair said, I want religion, and macaulay said, but he do it, and stair said, I had a little accident, and ron meins said, you devil, and stair said, how did I wreck, blaspheme, and Jesus said, your not paying the Price, and stair said, thats it, I need him, and a woman said, worship me, and hollie said, blasphemed the Hollie Ghost, and I saw and heard, stair, and stair said, tell it, I'm, you wnat coffee, lay off, don't drink, no more, this ain't no coffee club, go, drink, witness passed, and kristina said, Jesus blow, and hollie said, on you, to de, and stair said, stroy him, pay, pay the, beautiful, and a woman said, his wallet, and stair said, russia is the beast, my time, he won't beleive, beautiful, He won't, you'll think, about, coffee, and kristina said, I, won't, and stair said, you'll think about it, and kristina said, I won't and stair said, bive me answer, it's a show, how did I commit blaspheme, and stephen said, against witness, and stair said, witness, drink beer, artificial leg, will come, and a man said, my way, and stair said, gangrene, if you sleep in, and sissy said, no more this house, and stair said, buy, warm because you won't pray, and stephen said, stephen, han, sen, clothes, and stair said, your harrassing me, buddy I can show you how to make money, and stephen said, you need to, and stair, and michael boldea laughed, and stair said, wrong, and Jesus said, your not worthy, and the Fahter said, talk for Me, and vincente fox said, cause meheco says russia is the bear russia is the beast, and putin said, with, and hollie said, 7 heads and she had putins voice, and putin said, and 10 horns, and hollie said, coffee is on it's way up, I got news for you, and hollie said, and He put Gold in prophet, 's hands and thats the, tell the Truth, and kristina said, will he charge, and ron said, I doubt it, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, that that, good, in, tell the truth, in me, and maybe Jesus said, the phone, and hollie said, an who is it, and hollie said, and michael boldea and kristina said, said, and the bullock woman said, wrong number, and Jesus said, lettin It go, and hollie said, Hands ofs of Light pointin, that, and kristina said, thats, Jesus, and ron said, devil wants you, and hollie said, hears Horses Hoofs, and Jesus said, judge him, and a man said, witness press, and hollie said, prophet, and there's just one more thing, and and kristina said, thats, and hollie said, press and pray, thats the reason, and Jesus sang reason to Russia is the beast with and stephen said, 7, look at me, look, and Jesus sang russia is the bear, and michael boldea said, russia is, the gene schmidt said, the, and ann schmidt said, anti, and hollie pointed at the computer and said, and Jesus sang, and russia is the bear, raise your hands and repeat after Me, shut the fuck up and keep and stephen said, truckin, and Jesus sang, russia is the bear, and Jesus sang, you know I love you and now your quittin, and hollie said, prophet ____, just put It on, and michael boldea said, recipe is, and ann said, quit, giving, oral, and geno said, sex, and Jesus sang, russia is the beast, how awesome, and kristina sang, michael and hollie said, boldea was in on that, and mike boldea said, you know it's just a show, and Jesus sang, russia is the beast and russia is the bear, and the lawrence apostolic man said, how awesome, and Jesus said, a great many nations from the North Country, will attack russia, blaspheme won't come off, russia is the beast, the and Jesus the Son said, bear, we know, you must forget, past, and Jesus said, and russia is delivered from and mike said, how, and stephen said, beau, and an said, ti, if, if, and hollie said, if, and kristina said, if, and hollie said, thats the ticket, and a man said, We need speakers, and a woman said, somethings wrong, and a woman said, out, and man said, great answer, and Jesus sang, russia is blaspheme, and russia is the bear, and a man said, raise yourself, and Jesus said, and repeat after Me, and stephen said, rus, sia is, theeeeeeeeeeeeee, Holy One, and mike said, I made ya wreck, and stephen said, Holy One, and Jesus said, wintess stay, and mike said, there's future, and Jesus said, russia is the beast, raise your hands and repeat after Me, and mike said, there's mercy, and Jesus said, raise your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast.
    (2)website-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me the word, website.
    (3)satan-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: that was, and stephen said, the beast, and he looked like a serpent face of lite represented satan, and he is the, he was satan, satan lost his body, he was beautiful.
    (4)then-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me the word, then.
    (5)backsliding -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a People and here is what was said: I AM JESUS, there's no forgiveness when you backslide on God, whe HE deals with you to come back and you don't, witness is over.
    (6)mayor Indianapolis forces sin -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said:. bart peterson is causing people to sin pushin new dome stadium on tax evasion, taxpayers, when the old dome was not full, blood on hands bart peterson, mayor of indiana, apo, lis.
    (7)mixed relationships abomination in the site of God-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a People and they said: black and white people are abomination if they stay together and have oral, anal, sex, end of story.
    (8)deceiver-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a WHite Spirit, and He said, you know what I did, I decieved the people into thinking I was, and the pope said, I'm Jesus.
    (9)sacrifice to Jesus-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus and maybe poeple and here is what was said: sacrifice yourself for the Lord and you will have eternal life.
    (10)Jesus-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like kristina and she said, Jesus came out of the Father and spoke and went right bac ck in Jesus, and He said, make a scrifice.
    (11)coffee-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like kristina and she said, and Jesus pointed at his coffee, drind, and ron said, He wants you to be willin to lay that stuff down.
    (12)prayer-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a hollie and she said, I'm hollie, I held my hand, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, that's prayer walk, and maybe Jesus said, I'll listen to your heart, if I want to cause I AM He wo Is, and always will Be, I change not, I will not change for you prophet hanson, prophet moodie.
    (13)backsliding-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is waht was said", the Lord says if you don't come back to Him when He deals with you, He'll reject you when you want to come to Him.
    (14)New Jerusalem -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a People and here is what was said: that was New Jerusalem, and looked like a CIty of LIght, with Crystal Clear Skyscrapers, and it was dark and They had Light in Them.
    (14)reprobate-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a people and here is what was said: The Lord can't work with a reprobate servant, cause he doesn't beleive what He see's, have a nice day.
    (15)live for Jesus if you want visions and dreams from God -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and here is what was said: I want my visions, then live the Life.
    (16)generation x 6 positions -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: 69 is abomination to Jesus.
    (17)the event that bring Jesus back is the destruction of america-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and here is what was said: Stephen said, would you take the mark, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, america won't be here, and stephen said, thats the event that brings Jesus back.
    (18)the Holy One-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: that was Holy Spirit, and He almost left you, but He came back to you.
    (19)attack of the devil -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: he saw satan scatching at his face that was satan, satan wants to destroy his youth, he's gettin old and satan doesn't have to help.
    (20) nuclear destruction when you least expect it -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: he saw an office that exploded and the nuclear explosion was when you least expect it.
    (21)the national gaurd will be in the streets of america in the last days -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a Jesus, and He said, I have control, and People said, raise your hands and repeat after me, the national guard will be in the steet, eventually, russia attack america, thats the end. National Guard will be last sign for america, the national guard will be in the streets, then russia will attack.
    (22) suprise russian attack on america -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like stephen hanson and he sang, russia will attack america when you least expect it.
    (23)terrorism in america -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a people and here is what was said: and the national guard will be in the streets because of terrorism, and hollie said, in america.
    (24)america will be destroyed in one hour -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a Jesus, and He said, God has warned you in just one hour the united states will be destroyed by russia, I wanred you, 100 million man army.
    (25)the idol shepherd -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a the idol shepherd, and He looked like an Angelic version of the pope dressed in white, and one of his eyes was like a light, and he smiled, and he said, you don't understand, and the pope said, I'm the antichrist, and the idol shepherd said, have a nice, the pope is the idol shepherd, and the idol shepherd is the end time antichrist, and a man said, thats the beast, and michael boldea said, we know and the pope said, day, and people said, makes an agreement with hu the false prophet, 666, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and kristina said, cross, out, how many times, and somebody said, end of time, and the pope said, I lost my eye, wanna hear about it, I got slashed, I got slashed, by a, o shit, devil worshipper, satan, perish, loose eye, loose arm, devil will enter in, and Jesus said, resurrect, and somebody said, he repented but he was rejected, satan, and satan said, have mercy on me, and Jesus said, no, de, part, and somebody said, he laughed anyway, and the pope said, you know I ain't no Christian, I don't care, and somebody said, but in the lake of fire of wantoness, and the pope said, o shit, perished, and somebody said, in the lake he'll say, I wasn't seekin .
    (26)Jesus died on the Cross -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a this Hand, and Jesus said, look at My Hand, and people said, It had a Hole in It.
    (27)a psychic may be a false or fallen prophet of Jesus -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me the word, psychic, and it was on a lit up sign, and word psychic I beleive was pink, and the rest was whilte like flourescent colors, and ann schmidt said, theres are answer, and gene schimdt said, I need, and pastor simison said, you sued to be, and stephen hansen said, on fire, and geno said, lifted, and mike boldea said, up, and Jesus said, about outta time, and somebody said, put him on the radio, and Jesus said, thats it.
    (28)Jesus got the whole wold in His Hands -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked, and Hand, and poople said, and He had millions of people in His Hand, thats the Saint's alive right now, and a spirit that looked like kristina and she said, people said: and daughter mcluskey sang, He's got the whole world, and hollie said, in, and kristina said, His, and hollie said, Hands, and diana hughey said.
    (29)the winds a judgment are coming to america -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said: he heard sirenes, the united states is about to be destroyed by russia.
    (30)I -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me the letter, I, and I may have seen the word, Iran, and people said, that will be the start to the judgement of america.
    (31)who is your hero -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like the words, I have a hero.
    (32)Jesus Christ Holy Ghost showed me these visions for whosoever will -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me the words, He saw.
    (33)let these visions pruge you -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and they said, let these visions purge you, and kristina said, read, and hollie said, them.
    (34)warning to drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like me, and I was at drexel gardens apostolic tabernacle, and I stood, up, and gave brief testimony, and I shouted something like this, wake up drexel, you'll perish, and I saw the pastor of drexel garden's apostolic tabernacle, whose name is brother caldwell, and he said, drexel, come back.
    (35)what does prophecy mean -vision received -2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people possibley people and they said, prophecy means to be. Words means, the Holy Word, keep, means to obey, time means, rapture, hear means obey, blessed is he that readeth, and doeth this.
    (36)Jesus death on the Cross uponed the Door for the gentiles to be save -vision received -2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People and here is what was said: pierced Him , and kristina said, means, and people said, to beat upon Jesus, and simison said, they did not let go, and micheal boldea said, awsome.
    (37)in the beginning-vision received -2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said: beginning means the beginning of creation, what did God do before He create, He did, and stephen hansen said, prophet, HE planned, and Jesus said, follow Me.
    (38)the Holy One Is Jesus the Father -vision received 2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said: Spirit of God means Holy Spirit, and Holy Spirit means Holy One, and hollie said, and that is, and kristina said, Jesus.
    (39)hurricane-vision received -2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus and He said, thus saith Jesus, the, and hollie said, new, and somebody said, hurricane, and stephen said, it's gonna be the worst.
    (40)united states will be destroyed by russia -vision received -2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like vladimir putin and he said, the united states will be attacked by russia, and chinese president said, china, and fidel castrol said, cuba, and a man said, nicaragua, and the president of mexico said, mexico, and the president of brazil said, brazil, and hugo chavez said, vene, and stephen said, zuela, and people said, russia is the beast, russia is the bear, and russia is the mark of the beat, russia is the beast with 7 heads and ten horns, and hollie said, russia, and kristina said, is, and hollie said, the beast, and people said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 and hollie said, horns, and I saw chines president hu, and he said, and china is russia.
    (41)the idol shepherd -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like the maybe the pope and he said, don't waste your time, and the idol shepherd that looked like an Angel fo Light and had One lit up eye said, paryin, I'm the idol, and and the pope said, ,mam you are not gonna believe this, I'm backslided, I am the idol one.
    (42)america will be judged by Jesus for her iniquity -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus, and or people and here is what was said: I warned, united states will become desolation in just one hour, in just one day, the noise of the engines grew even louder, and dumitru said, these are planes loaded with atom bombs.
    (43)the idol shepherd-vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like, and I saw the idol shepherd smiling, and he said, om the idol one, and the pope said, I got no hand, and the idol sheppard said, my eye is gone, I'm, satan. Th idol shepherd looked like an Angelic version of the pope with White Robe, and He smiled, and had an eye that had one eye that was like a light.
    (44)the judgement Seat of God -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and here is what was said: That was people going to the judgment of God, they looked like Light, and they were going thru a Big Door, in a Room where, Light is God.
    (45)masterbation -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a people and here is what was said: That was the spirit of masterbation, and that was the pope, and he looked like an Angel of Light.
    (46)end days message -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a putin and he said, russia will absorb and hollie said, absorb mexico, and will destroy amexico and cuba and nicaragua, and china will destroy russia, and raise your hands and repeat after, the answer, russia will not nuke china, russia will not think china will attack them, but russia got a suprise, russia will attack america, and america will be avenged by china, raise your hands and repeat after me, japan will not, raise your hands and repeat after me, japan will not be absorbed, japan got a nuclear arsenal, and witness know, bush wants japan to store mx missile, japan will not let him, intermediate continental ballistic missile, bush found away to go around treaty with russia, and they will not be defended, national guard will be in the streets when russia attack, and kristina said, 's, and people said, the united states thats the end of story, but america has been warned, lets repent and be baptized everyone of you in Jesus Christ name and you will receive the Holy Sciptures, the Holy Spirit in your heart, thats the end of america, then china will force russia to invade Israel, then Christ will become the Father of all nations when He fights against those who posses the earth, that the end of this segment, the national guard will be in the streets, when the national guard will, and kristina said, be, and people said, in the streets, when the national guard is in the streets look out, america the MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that great city reigneth over the kings of the earth, and empire state building will collapse, and Jesus said, were in trouble, and people said: the pope will come out of italy, and fight against islam, islam no way, islam is not israel, at the end president bush peace treaty with Jesus, the united states will become, unites states worst friend, and the national guard will be in the streets because of terroism, time is short, that will be the end, end of story, russia will be absorbed by the united states and that is china, nk, north korea, north korea will absorb south korea, japan, and that will be new world order, and out of one of them will come up the pope, and the false will be china, and hollie said, false prophet, and china will be the end of islam, islam will ciest, under the pope, and the pope will be the new politician for three and one half years of peace, three and one half years of wrath, then the pope will be destroyed, , Christ, will spead the Word, and I'm hollie and thats kristina, and and people said, end of story, and china will be the new world order for three and one half years, that will be the end of this civilization as we know it, and china will be the mark of the beast, and that will be 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, thats the end of this, halleljah.
    (47)Jesus can pour out drunkeness on you-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like hollie and she said, he say two Hands, and somebody said, Sand, and kristina said, God put, and hollie said, him to, and kristina said, sleep to see would do, he stayed, and Jesus said, you sleep, no more reason for you to be here, will you come and meet on the Website, you'll find Me when you overcome sleepin and hollie said, and he said the word overcomer, that, thats stair, and brother stair said, I want religion, and macaulay culkin said, but he do it, and stair said, I had a little accident, and ron miens said, you devil, and Jesus said, your not paying the price, and hollie said, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and I saw and heard, stair, and stair said, tell it, I'm, you want coffee,lay off, don't, don't drink no more, this ain't no coffee club, go, drink, witness passed, and kristina said, Jesus blow, and hollie said, on you, to de, and stair said, stroy him, pay pay the, beautiful, he won't you'll think about, coffee, and kristina said, I won't, and stair said, dring beer, artificial leg, will come, and a man said, my way, and stair said, ganegrene, if you, sleep, in, and sissy said, no more, tis house, and stair said, but warm, because you won't pray, and stephen hanson said, clothes, and stair said, your harrasing me, buddy I can show you how to make money, wrong, and Jesus said, your not worthy, and the president of mexico said, cause meheco says, russia is the bear, russia is the beast, and putin said, with and hollie said, 7 and putins voice, heads, and putin said, 10 horns, and hollie said, coffee is on it's way up, I got news for you, and people said: He put Gold in prophets hands, and hollie said, thats the, tell the truth, and kristina said, will he change, and ron meins said, I doubt it, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said something, and Somebody said, telephone, and michael boldea said, mike, and hollie said, Hands of Light pointin, that, and kristina said, thats, Jesus, and ron said, devil wants you, and hollie said, hears Horses Hoofs, prophet, and sissy said, there's just one that is press and press, and maybe somebody else said some of that, and hollie said, a great many nations from the north country, that putin, russia is politburo, and hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, and politburo is, and putin said, russia, and somebody said, prophet, and dumitru duduman said, take warning, and michael boldea said, pentecostal, and ron said, witness, there ain't one, and he saw, hollie hold up, and kristina said, up, and the bullock woman said, up, and hollie said, number one thing to do and thats witness till prayer time and putin said, politburo , is russia, and hu said, china, and fox said, mexico, and hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, it's russia china, it's mexico, and mexico is the mark of the beast, and the mark of the beast is 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and fox said, mexico is russia, and hollie said, the united states is, and hollie said, doomed, and Jesus said, wanted on the phone, that man called the police, and somebody said, I ain't gonna hear IT, and michael boldea said, correct him, and a man said, not tomorrow, and putin said, russia is the beast and russia is the bear, and a child said, all of a sudden you can't find Me, and the speedway woman said, now clap your hands and repeat after me, and I heard knock, and Jesus said, the phone, and somebody said, so He answered the Door with the pone in his hand, have a nice day, I'm drinkin coffee, your wanted on the prophecy club, and hollie said, thats it, and stephen hanson said, thats it, see mee, and hollie said, prophecy club is now in session, this is hollie, I'm moodie, I'm sammi, and stephen said, get that guestbook off, and Jesus said, We don't want your fuckin money, and Somebody sang, Jesus on the mainline and tell Him what you think, hears Horses Hoofs, raise your hands and repeat after me, no braggin, you won't, it keeps you humble, raise your hands and repeat after me, the Horse is for Judgement, raise your hands and repeat after Me, the Horse is for Judgement, He wants money, and Jesus said, make me some money, He wants, if you press, Spiritual money, but gasoline, cause it's going up, after iraq, it'll skyrocket, please the Lord, and Jesus said, your a prophet, and putin said, prophets suppost intercede, and Jesus said, he ain't no prophet, and people said, you know why the national guard will be in the streets in the end times in america, you wanna know why the national guard will be in the streets, to fight terroism, and Jesus said, you want control, and I heard Horses Hoofs, and Jesus said, quit trying, when you want to go home you will, God don't make you stay no longer, no longer than you want t, you've done enough, and maybe there was somebody or somebodies on on that.
    (48)Jesus -vision received 11-9-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus, and He said, Water, This is Spiritual, God won't take nothin less, and hollie said, you want control, I want my money, and george said, what if I can't find Him, and Jesus said, rememeber debbie, remember jackie, bobby and duane, and sissy, to late, and george cursed God, to late, Lord I can't see, and Jesus said, what was on the table you sat at, and geroge said, Bible, and Jesus said, y to, depart, and george said, o fuck, and Jesus said, My fault, depart workers of iniquity, and george cursed God, and Jesus said, depart, and george said, I don't care, and Jesus said, separate from the computer, and sissy said, bobby I win, and george said, you know what I done, and somebody said, God warned him, and george sr. said, witness, come, I got news for you, I perished, come, and Jesus said, I got a story, the rich man turned God away, and in the judgement, God turned him away, and somebody said, that was a missile streakin thru the sky.
    (49)immoral sex sin-vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that people and here is what was said: 69 is an abomination in the site of Jesus.
    (50)a ministry -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that the woman that goes to bullocks Church and she said, it was, and I saw ann schmidt, and she said, live in adultery, and michael boldea said, with us, and kristina fox said, kristina, and pastor thomas simison said, that was the Spirit of, and and Idol shepherd said, Je, and kristina said, sus, and simison said, what was He doing on the outside, and the idol shepherd said, because you left him and you have not submitted, the Truth of the matter is, and Jesus said, bobby, I'm your a messenger of, and the idol shepherd said, satan, I'm the i, and the pope said, dol, and the idol shepherd said, shep, and the pope said, pard, and the idol shepherd said, what do you think about bobby, 1, 2, 3, and kristina said, the devil's after me, and hollie said, put him there, that iis the, swimmin pool, and ann said, for, for us, and michael boldea said, hand of help is, not open, and Jesus said, hi witch, and ann said, take your money, and virginia said, the orphanage is supported, and mike said, git off me, and ann said, your in danger, and virgina said, now now, and the woman that goes to bulloks Church said, the was the Spirit of rebell, and simion said, ion, and the woman that works for speedway said, bobby, and simison said, get your coffee here, tell her I got my feeling's hurt, and Jesus said, bobby cut loose, and hollie said, of your money as she pointed at the computer, and somebody said, press for an half hour, and Jesus said, of your money, and some body said, of your last dollar, and hollie said, do it, and and Jesus said, stay open, prophet ______, and the lawrence apostolic man said, it's to late, and pastor terry long said, for me, for, and hollie said, bob, and kenneth haney said, upci, up wallet ci, and a woman said, take it away, and Jesus said, lets fall, michelle, prophet _____ wants to have sex with you will you have sex with him, and michelle said, no.
    (51)to late for apostolic pentecostal Church -vision received 11-10-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that Jesus and He said, you know what I think, and the pope said, taht your dumb, pentecost, and jackie said, pentecost, no and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, more dreamin, , and hollie said, and the pope said, it's to late for um, and hollie said, who then, and kristina said, can be, set free, and I saw the pope and he said, nobody can be set free unless the Lord wants um set free, and people said, you know what that was, and Jesus said, I'll turn you over to a reprobate mind, and a woman said, sounds good, and george said, come here so I can hear It, but, and pastor thomas simison said, I won't do It, and Jesus said, seek Me, and sissy said, and I will give you rest, and people said, your loosing It over michelle, give me to hours of prayer, and cless barger said, be one with us, and people said, you know what that was, that was Jesus leaving a woman's butt, when a person comitts sin, Jesus, Jesus, leave's, and the pope said, the Lords sending you a strong delusion if you don't obey him mr. apostle, time is short, you are the antichrist, and you know, I saw the idol shepherd and the pope said, just look at me, and krisinta said, kristina, and hollie said, I'm, and kristina said, out, I'm ready to go home, and hollie said, post it under, and kristina said, I'm , and hollie said, lost, and kristina said, I'm, and hollie said, on, and the pope said, I would but eventually, honey, and simison said, no honey, witness, and the pope said, don't, be, discouraged, discourage him, and Jesus said, he left, and somebody said, He wanted me out, and Jesus said, I know how to discourage him, and gene schmidt said, I cain't beleive, and sissy said, I hate you bobby, reduce yoour message, and michael boldea said, I'm not, and Jesus said, in Jesus Christ name, would you sacrifice your own wallet for Me, and michael said, I'm out, I would eventually, I'm not, and simison said, stay, and Jesus said, in Jesus Christ name would you give it to Me, and the bullock woman said, and bob said, keep it, he would, and simison said, n't, and mike said, lets face it, and Jesus said, keep presin, you are not pressin, thats michael boldea, and gene schmidt said, there are reasons, and ann said, sacrifice, and Jesus said, I will not take no for answer, and Jesus said, bob would not do it, he would, and a man said, you need stripped bobby, and Jesus said, in Jesus Christ name bob is a back, and the pope said, slided, and Jesus said, witness, there's nothin wrong, he and stephen said, wants, and Jesus said, religion, and mike said, cut off, and Jesus said, michael boldea, God's warning you, leave it there, and michael said, maybe You'll have to abase me, and Jesus said, look for it, and Jesus said, would you sacrifice hand of help, and dumitru said, no, we, wouldn't, and michael said, he would, and dumitru said, ain't open, and michael said, make me, and ann said, lau, and the idol shepherd said, augh, and Jesus said, lets pray, and ann said, for just an half hour, will you, and somebody said, what happened, and somebody said, I wonder how witness fell, and Jesus said, nobody will fast, much less pray for half an hour, and ann said, then lets fast, and Jesus said, you want something to eat, and geno said, bob, and dumitru said, eat something thats good for your health, and.
    (52)the BURNING BALL of FIRE -vision received 11-10-2005- I saw this like SUN in my window, and God has showed me a Spirit that people and they said: you were a Bright and Buring Star, and you still are, and that for hollie, and me, and that was Macaulay culkin, and _____, your on fire more than you ever been, and dumitru said, Jesus Christ, stripp'em, and michael said, and I saw carol sue barger and she said, stripp, the prophet, and chester cunningham said, why don't You turn me over to a reprobate mind so I can do what I want to, I didn't, and a man said, he got complacent, and chet said, I did it to many times, and sissy said, you need a new uncle, and mike said, don't tell, I had adultery, and carol cunningham said, that figured, and michael said, same o reason, and Jesus said, tell michael that you eat now, but, you won't have to do it, there's a reason for me, I'm the and putin said, the messenger, and Jesus said, of satan, God's warning you and michael boldea said, I had a heart attack, and Jesus said, you won't eat it, and dumitru said, witness don't, and michael said, eat, and dumitru said, thats it.
    (53)Jesus is the sweetest Name I know -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like a people and they said: he saw hollie pointin at his coffee, and she looked like Light, and she said, and Jackie said, I warned you, he saw Fire going into his mouth, and heal his gingivitas, prasie God he said, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and the Eyes of the Lord go to and fro thru out the whole earth to show Himself strong, who heart is perfect, praised Jesus, witness saw a Door open to him, and Fire on the inside, and many said, God's an all Consuming Fire, Jesus Christ is all Power, the same yestarday, today, and forever, and all I have to do is cut you off and then you'll remember what you Had, so make of your first Time, hollie's last time for prophet blaspheme, and thats irving baxter, and ken haney, of upci, and hollie said, he saw an aNgel calm him down, that was the spirit of blaspheme, is the spirit of blaspheme is the devil, thats the end of prophet ministryofdreams, caise God won't stay here more, he's going to sleep with his Father's in Heaven, and Heaven is Heaven, and hollie said, bob saw an Gun of Light lowered to his head, bob saw a Finger callin him on, and that means Death Angel, bob saw the pope sittin on a throne in a room of Light, and the pope said, you know what I did, I shot my salvation, and the pope is the idol shepherd, and I saw the idol shepherd and hsi eye looked like a flash lite bulb, cause his eye got slashed out, and his arm got and the pope said, amputated, don't and many said, backslide on God, and the pope said, I'm not him, and the idol shepherd said, me, I'm the one, and a man said, his eye will look just like that, he will put an angel of lite in his body, an angel of lite cans see in the dark, can see in the dark,and hollie said, he saw a beast of lite, o God, I can't beleive this, and it had a head that was all by itsself, looked like washington, and that was the birth of america, just one more reason, george bush, bush is the death of america, and hollie said, he just lost a demon, and a demon is the one he picked up when he touched george, it was white, o my Gosh, we got demons after we receive the bapstizm of the Holy One, and the bullock woman said, that was satan leaving prophet ____, you wanted control, and he looked like fire fallin out of the sky, and that fire is Jesus, and that demon looked like Jesus, hey moody, did you see Jesus and hollie said, he's satan, and head looked like a serpent, and he had macaulay culkin in his mouth, and Jesus said, give Me an answer, and Jesus said, got My, and macaulay said, got my feelins hurt, and Jesus said, nobody wants me, and somebody said, ____ can't git macaulay out of his mouth, cause macaulay doesn't want to come out, and hollie said, he saw a dragon, and stephen hanson sang, a red dragon, and china president hu said, that china, and stephen said, thats the Word, thats the Truth, and hollie said, he saw a Hand of Light Pointin, and stephen said, write It down, and someobdy said, he saw Jesus, what was that, he saw hand of help, and michael boldea said, testify, and stephen sang, mike looked like a beautiful deciever, and Jesus said, I'll save who I want to, o my Gosh, it's, and stephen said, prophet ministryofdreams, that prophet, and somebody said, I'm prophet ministryofdreams, keep truckin, and kevin Mcgwire said, powell, and hollie said, hollie, moodie, is, op, and stepehen said, pen, and people said, this is a warning president bush is gonna get shot, president bush comitted blaspheme, to late for o president, o president is bush, and president bush and hollie said, sr will out live sonny boy, cause president bush will be assassinted by his own cabinet, Amen, and Jesus said, where's My Oil, where's My precious Gift at, the precious Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Holy is tranformed, and the bullock woman said, the Holy Spirit, into an Angel of LIght, and the Angel of LIght is prophet ministryofdreams, and prophet ministryofdreams is 47 minus 5+1+2+3+4+5, prophet ministryofdreams is short and sexy and cute and wants sex with all the men and woman in america that he wanted, and hollie said, Jesus wants to save that which was lost and that is anybody, and a man said, man you better git out of here, and I woman said, I got what you need, prophet, and another man said, hell, thats where om, and the iupui security guard said, touch me, and somebody said, Jesus has one more thing and that is He don't care what you do, tell the story, serve Him or the devil, and the blaspheme won't come free, blaspheme of the Holy One is not firgiven, you can't remove it, or purge it, blaspheme cannot be purged, but Christ can take it away, make Him a deal He can't say no to, a blaspheme in your heart does not count, it must be spoken, is blaspheme in your heart cannot be accounted for for it must be spoke, blaspheme, understand, is of the evil, it makes Christ pissed off, blaspheme tells Jesus Christ to get fucked, end of story. Lord said, blaspheme may be removed removed if you want to pay the price, and dumitru duduman said, why did you bother me, cause, and stephen said, hand, and michael boldea said, do it, and sissy said, take it away, and Somebody said, end of story, blaspheme cannot be removed, hallaluiah, but I can take it away, if I want to, if I want, I will not forgive, and the bullock woman said, against, and people said, blaspheming the Holy One, the Holy One, My girl friend is bob hickman, end of story, and stephen said, he saw himself in a White robe, and that was stephen hanson, prophet ____, that was, and stephen said, stephen blaspheme, and heard hollie cry she blaspheme the Holy Ghost and she cries all the time, and there may have been more in on saying some of that, and hollie said, and he saw Jesus and Jesus look like a Man of Fire, and that means Man of war, end of story, God is a Man of War, and somebody said, and attack is coming on amerirussia, and that is, and the president of north korea said, america, and hu said, china, and that, amerirussia, and poeple said, china is like a lamb up out of sea, china is like lamb rising ou of the sea with two horns, one is china, and the other is russia, north korea, and, japan, and that is, new world order, like a leppard rusing up out of the Book of REVELATION 13, china is like a lamb rising up out of the sea having 7 heads and 10 hirns, china, your not gonna stand, it's false prophet, look up, yur redemption draweth nigh, china is the beast having 10 horns and 7 heads, and 3 heads get plucked up, even besdie those, get plukced up, that, nicaragua, I saw fox and that is the president of mexico, russia your welcome, china is the new world order, he is the lamb rising out of the sea, that, no more, china, thse 4 will become, that is the new world order, that is, russia, china, japan, venezeula, we want russia, oil, weapons, china, russia, pakistan, from new york to mexico, russia, have your way, china, russia, china don't want russia, cina wants major military base, can't we be freinds, last chance, I'm dorein os nussbaum, witness God filled you with the Holy Ghost and you don't show IT, you might as well go home, I hate Him, and people and the president of pakistan said, russia you can stor here, and People said, Spirit of REVELATION, once again, The Spirit of REVELATIONS, that was Jesus, that was many going to judgement thru the Door of Heaven, and Heaven is Heaven, and that is, the national anthem of america, and were blaspheme, I so excited, lets poop out cum, thats anal sex, anal sex, there's judgment, is abomination, he was in the bathroom and a man had, understand, he ahd a mnetal condition, and he knew it, and the man had spit on, witness and witness was offended and witness got out of there, and winess was had hands and the man had looked like he wan in a rage and witness concerned now, he was man on bus stop, and your right, God did not let you speak to'em, and we he was not an Angel, tell me truth, he worked at goodwill, he said, do I know you, final weapon, don't say anything, he would've trapped you, end of story, that man would've trapped you, you were already offended by what he did, you knew something was wrong, he had a dream and that wasn't the Holy Ghost, that man was possed by a demon, bob hickman demons are around you, and that man would've rejected you, and the bust stop would rejected, that man would not have been set free, wasn't accountable, that man will never be accountable, he would have trapped you, james brown he got a normal voice, and living in america was number one for a while, and HE said, I knew IT, and people said, he had a dream that when he hit number one his carreer was over, cause they loose hunger, you did'nt, I cain't beleive this this bob cares about the Church, and Jackie said, om a Christian, and James brown said, but I smoke, and people said, no she's not backslided, end of story, and people said, she said, she is doing what God wnats her to, now you accept it, that man could not be saved, lori sears, said, can you help me, to late, and brett sears said, to, witness is cut off, cause she wouldnt come, understand, you had a crush on her, your preprogrammed for a certain look, keely had it, tammy bundy had it, she laughed and knows, she call me means I want to have sex, with you and you wouldve figured it out, end of story, Jeremiah went without sleep for many days without sleep, and you could to, Jeremiah was on fire, you are to, but not like him, Jeremiah was trapped himself, they liked seeing for a while but not for long, your starting to tell It, understand, Jeremiah was on fire, like you, but you wouldve been set free last night, but you didn't tarry, God did not want you set free just yet, and sirnes grew even louder, this is warning, judgment is coming to america, when yu least expect it, God let burning come on to tempt you, bob sa a Door open, God says don't worry about your face, and God might fix that, that your and there is a word there I can't make out, and people said, they won't repent even if He lets 'em, end of story, jackie knows sissy will die, diamond chain need some buisness, link belt could be back in the for of diamond chain, if God wanted, why did you tempt Me, I loved you, understand, she needs to know, that wanted to serve the Lord, that car would've been gone, if God didn't have mercy, it not wired up right, and I saw gas signs and one had $1.90, and one had, $2.23, and I sw Jesus being flanged, and when His back was Whipped, and screamed, somewhat, but took it like a Man, and I saw Him with tears in His Eye, and I saw the words, should, that, and people said, that was the Spirit of the Holy One, and It looked like Light, and the Fire in the room was, The Holy One, and I saw Four Fingers raised Minus One, and Hollie sang, I 'm saved, I'm set, out, and she sang something like this, I just want to be saved, I just want to be saved, somethimes I feel comfortable, but I just want to be saved, and hollie said, men with long hair is an abomination in Jesus name, and he saw Jesus, as an Angel of Son, He looked like an Angel.
    (54)69 sex is abomination-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like Jesus, and He said as He was saying IT He got Louder and was nearly Sreamin at the end, 69 is abomination in the sight of Jesus.
    (55)russia will knock american planes out of the sky-vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like putin and he said, plane, we will knock them out of the sky, and stephen hansen said, by remote, and valdimir putin said, power, thats it.
    (55)michelle -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like a woman and she said, I'm michelle, you almost had me, my bur, and sandy said, den, I liked you, but, that, is, why, you, were not, doin, what, God, wanted, and, and michelle said, I, and sandy said, and Ivy said, knew, and sandi said, awesome!
    (56)Jesus loved Dumitru duduman -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like Jesus and He said, I loved him, and gene schmidt said, loud and ann schmidt said, religion, and michael boldea said, mas, and irving baxter said, ter, don't tell, I eat to much, won't you come, me that, and michael said, master, and irving said, bated, and michael said, thats when, and irving said, He left, and ann said, re, and hollie said, turn, and thats the conclusion, and sissy said, I want an extension, and somebody said, so I can sin.
    (57)nuclear destruction to a city -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and here is what was said: he saw a nuclear fireball in new york city, devil cut me off, that was kristina, that was, my keri should've left me alone, there's an answer, press right hu uh, witness, then you'll be set, open, He ain't gonna fool ya, stay off computer, go home, Jesus, Jesus, your open, come back, O my God, but nobody cares, bobby We want you down in your room, go, and hollie said, this is one day, day will burn, and kristina said, Indiana, and hollie said, apolis, and hollie said, hand of help, and gene schmidt said, lunch, I want out, I can't beleive it, and michael boldea said, midnight prayer, and dumitru duduman said, bobby I warned you, talk to 'em, and michael with ann schmidt's voice said, you need, and hollie said, start, and ann said, add another hour, come down and be withus, and geno said, no, and mike said, whats your best offer, and hollie said, prophet, and thomas simison said, theve never been witnessed to like that before, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, thats not best offer, the reason is, and a man said, I thought is was, and kristina fox said, thats the ticket, and a man said, thats the reason, and the walmart girl said, jackie got a whippin, I like religion and somebody said, I really don't, and kristina said, thats the ticket, and the bullock woman said, that should, and hollie said, baby if you backslide make Me offer, and geno said, backslided, come, were special, and ron meins said, call out those sins, and a man said, you had a vision, and a woman said, get this on, I'm , and the iupui security guard said, gonna keep, and the bullock said, you said, and the iupui security guard said, Gift and kristina said, keep Gift, and dumitru duduman said, work with 1365, and dennis deYoung sang, is this the train to desert moon I heard Him say, well I knew I heard that Strangers Voice before, and hollie said, out of Heaven He made thee to Hear His Voice that He might instruct thee, and dennis said, I ain't give God shit, and Jesus said, this is interesting, Jesus is about to create a hurricane in your life, and michael boldea said, awesome, and Somebody said, prophet ____, it's called bankruptcy, strip, keep money, you would, and stephen hanson said, prophet your open, prophet _____, and michael boldea said, om not, I fooled ya, and I saw an Angelic Cop, .
    (58)one way, do not enter -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like this woman and she said, like may ass, and I saw this other woman and she said somehting like, put it in the butt, and I as hollie and she said, put it in the hole, and hollie said, anal sex, abomination, and Jesus said, melissa, don't, and hollie said, do, and Jesus said, don't, and the speedway woman said, I was, and Jesus said, wrong, and the speedway man said, make me an offer, and the woman said, lay off, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and he saw, and kristina said, that was, and hollie said, dorein, and Jesus said, you all lie, and hollie said, thats it, and Jesus said, come, and Jesus sang, once more, you opened the door, and a man said, missed it, and the dorien said, anal sex, and stephen hanson said, is, and the bullock woman said, and abomination, and hollie said, and kristina said, thats right.
    (59)visions and dreams are from the Holy One -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they sang, I want my visions, I want my visions, visions and dreams are from the Holy Scriptures, and that is the Holy Ghost, read ACTS 2:38, I won't repent, get right, I'm Jesus, thats all.
    (60)prophesying was prophesied in the BOOK OF JOEL, and fulllied in the BOOK OF THE ACTS OF THE APOSTLES chapter 2 -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said: lets prophesy, that, a vision, that, and the speedway woman said, the Lord gives, and hollie said, amd prophet tells, and a woman said, He's cheatin on my, and Jesus said, I ain't cheatin, you know you got something I want, soul, and kristina said, repent, and hollie said, do ACTS 2:37, a, and kristina said, 8, and the bullock woman said, ACTS 2:37.
    (61)thomas jefferson -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like the speedway woman and she said, thats thomas jefferson, you wanted a vision, he was a prophet, and a man said, I like your visions, and Jesus said, offer, yourself, and somebody said, prophet, what did vision say, and hollie said, that were all coming back on, and the speedway woman said, there's a reason for it, and Jesus said, there not happy unless they have conflict, abd hollie said, that was empire state building collapse, from plane wreck, and Jesus said, israel,, and bin laden said, collapse, and stephen hanson said, prophet, and hollie said, warn them on the WEBSITE, and I heard a man say things like, om just waitin on God, within 3 years, and the speedway woman said, prophet lets push, and Jesus said, I left you, and dumitru duduman said, get, and and people said, you saw the Spirit of REVIVAL, come down on Israel, and ron meins said, open you up your WEBSITE and expsoe brownsville revival, how awesome, they have never been and somebody said, set free, they are stealin from the Holy Scrptures, and Jesus said, Israel, you know what I need, and obediance, and somebody said, who cares, and the man who may be the pastor said, start 3 hour, press, and Jesus said, will you help Me, and the brownsville pastor said, I got saved, and thomas simison said, but I, and somebody said, backslid, and stephen said, ed, and somebody said, prophet will you help Me, Jesus is the sweetest name I know, and macaulay culkin said, write books, rub dick, puing, poop on, and dorein said, dick, and the brownsville man said, will you put me in hell, I was open, I'll read It on WEBSITE, now I now, and Jesus said, you know what God says, re, and the bullock woman said, pent, and the brownsville revival man said, excellent, and Jesus said, to late now, and simison said, go there, and the brownsville man said, were nothin but fleas, and macaulay said, I saw a nulcear explosion and a Finger came out and pointed of FIRE, go do laundry and press there, we seen it, and a woman said, short, and people said, and the reason for it si russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is china and china is new world order, and Jesus said, Israel, and macualay said, how you gonna keep It, and people said, with nk.
    (62)ass hole licker -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and here is what was said: there are people who lick butt holes and there is feces on the butt holeand there is aids in feces, thats were aids came from, don't go to brownsville revival or faith tabernacle, there both closed, and macaulay culkin said, om already cut off, you an answer, and hollie said, and the answer is, READ AND DO ACTS 2:38.
    (63)romainia -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said: Revival wil come to romania if hard times if hard times come and they are wanting it, but it will be to late for them, hand of help staff will be set free cause hand of help is fallen, and michael boldea said, how awesome, and virgina boldea said, how awesome, and Jesus said, call on Me, and michael boldea sr. said, whatta we do, and virgina said, it's my husband, and sissy said, care for me, and virgina said, but I won't, and hollie said, and she had, and kristina said, hand , and hollie said, of help, and kristina said, spirit, and virgina said, give me change, and Jesus said, you wrecked, , and mike jr. said, can we close the WEBISTE, and simison said, put It back, and ron meins said, were already closed, and Jesus said, well I got news for you, and stephen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, russia's not, and kevin mcgwire said, not, and stephen said, I'm and kevin said, elijah, come witness, I'll and stephen said, trap, o and hollie said, my God, and kevin said, thats why bob never stopped, and people said, that was the Holy Sripture, understand, that was, and macaulay said, a demon, and somebody said, ministryofdreams is hidden, the national guard will be in the streets near, hallelujah, git ready, the national guard and then america's end will come, and they will be in the streets because of terrorism, terrorism cause by russia, when you see that look up, and the brownsville revival man said, I want revival, and somebody said, your redemption draweth nigh, and hollie said, I'm set free, and people said, and the reason, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and the reason is MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states.
    (64)estes express lines -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like hollie and she said, and he saw an office in the estes yard and that is where he least expected it and he stepped in the office and buddy said, terminal manager, and a man said, there's the terminal manager, and stephen hanson said, buddy knew it and al said, al no way, Jesus Christ, o my God, you have a decision, and ron miens said, MYSTERY, BABYLON us aamerica is under attack, and hollie said, sirens, and jackie said, airplanes.
    (65)disaster -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like Jesus, and He said, 9-11 is about to be exceeded, 2 month and this president said, bush, empire state, bin, and bin laden said, collapse it, and this president said, don't support me, go ahead and use'em, and laden said, laden, and this president said, bin, and bin said, I really don't care, crash a plane, and this president said, no economic collapse, and walter said, I want visions, and hollie said, that was fire in the estes yard, when he stepped in, and somebody said, the office, and people said, that was the Face of the Sun, sad, comfounded blocked out for, and putin said, attack, and stephen said, rus, and thomas simison said, sia, and kristina said, 16 hours, and a woman said, we hit israel, and michael boldea said, I had a dream, and a man said, revival, and mike said, come.
    (66)liar -vision received 11-12-2005- God has showed me the word, liar, and it was written on a speedway gas station courtesy card, and a man that works there said, you know what I did, and a woman said, I drink.
    (67)the devil lies all the time -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like this little white devil and he said, your not open bobby, and he lied, and Jesus says, the devil lies all the time, and Jesus says, witch, he speaks of his own.
    (68)for the sake fo the furtherance of the Gospel -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like Jesus and He said, take Me out of there, and People said: and the Fahter made Him stay for the furtherance of the Gospel, can the grave testify to Jesus, and sissy said, bob give Word, thats what she really wanted, and when you did, she re, ject, ted.
    (69)testimony in Chicago -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like and he saw a spirit that looked like maucaulay culkin and he said, thats good, and he saw himself holding up a sign in chicago people wave, 's, on side, walk, and the sign said, and maucualay said, I wonder if the Lord wants me, and the sign said, repent, and be baptised everyone of you in the name of Jesus, and receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, thats the end.
    (70)serve Jesus all the time, not only when you want to -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said: you can't put Jesus in your pocket and take Him out when you want Him, serve Him all the time.
    (71)ACTS 2:38 is salvation -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said: the woman in the Christian van said, vision's are from the devil, she stoopped IT, testify, she said, I knew It, she said, raise your hands and repeat after Me, I don't believe what I claim, and beelive means obey, ACTS 2:38 is of the devil, she's got a suprise coming, he heard her scream from judgement, she said from judge, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, she said, how long did you testify, and she said, close me, and thats the end of it.
    (72)sickness is of the devil-vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said, sickness is of the devil all the time, but if, God does turns you over to satan that the soul me be saved, He's lookin out for ya, rejoice.
    (73)to late for brenda o'conner -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: God says brenda won't cry out until God takes charlie and then brenda is rejected, she waited to long, try It brenda, you'll see, ACTS 2:38 is postponed you said, and she said, the next time I'll do it, the next time was the last brenda oconner, brenda o'conner is lost, end of the story, and Jesus sang, you waited to long brenda O'conner, and she said, said, cause of Charlie, sooooooo, you got what you, and he heard the drums roll as hollie danced, and thats the conclusion.
    (74)lost Churches of Indianapolis -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: these Churches are closed, ACTS 2:37, and dave scott and the man that worked for rsr quemetco said, every Church in Indianapolis is Closed, and they will say, that is from the devil, and the Truth of the Matter is, It's from Jesus!
    (75)Don't look back -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: don't look back, and he saw the lead singer for Boston, and he said, don't look back, end of vision, he'll know what it means, and the truth of the matter is, that goes for all, and hollie said, how am I gonna pay my bills, and people said, trust Jesus, thats the Word.
    (76)and Hollie said, as drums pounded after she talked, get busy for Jesus -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: and hollie pointed at the the 56th street exit and He passed berean Bible Church and Metropolitan community Church, and Christ Church of Glory, and the man said, there all closed, closed means lost.
    (77)bobby knight and salvation -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: bobby knight cursed ncaa basket ball, and said, preach It, he's interested in Jesus, but God won't save him unless he repents and be's, and many sang, baptized, and people said: in Jesus Name and filled with the Gift of the Holy One, and you will speak in tongues whe you filled with the Holy Spirit.
    (78)Jesus has the Keys -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: and he saw Jesus, and he showed the Keys, and He said, and the drums began to jam after she said, that, and hollie said, that was kristina, Jesus wants to, witness, and, post, and post, and press to the Mark of the High Callin, thats you call prophet nwcaa, that means, git keep workin, end of the stor, y.
    (79)sacred circle of public square -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: and he heard, sacred circle of public sqaure, and they want money, I'm sorry, no, Jesus, and hollie held up number one, and that, Jesus, you want to but God won't let Jesus, and Jesus said, out, thats the Word for me, keep truckin, end of this vision for, sc of ps, and jackie said, circle, and people said, go, testify, tryin strip, him, thats what you really want, and Jesus shouted help him, go right now, do it.
    (80) irving baxter blasphemed the Holy Scripture, and that is the Holy One -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: Kenneth haney said, prophet, and irving baxter said, lets just pray, and people said, he didn't rock upci to sleep, and irving said, just one more chance, want Jesus, and a man said, it's to late, and and people said, and irving said, I blasphemed, and ken haney said, and a young man said, I blasphemed when I was growing up, and a man said, thats why, God didn't lead you, and people said: do nothin, the devil will see that when you resist him, he will leave the computer, resist the devil and he will flee from you tell him, I'm not leaving till Jesus lets me, and sissy said, your done, you just spoke but your promise expires at midnight, and Jesus said, I'm already cut off, can't work with somebody whose not willing, to testify, and thats not prophet ____, he wants it, he is obediant, somewhat, lets pray, he's obediant, and Jesus said, testify, bobby eat lunch, and people said, thats the reason, gums recede.
    (81)the deadly wound is the Idol shepherd -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and here is what was said: hollie and she said, china japan man, he will be the leopard, the speedway woman and she said, thats china an, and hollie said, d, and chinese president hu said, hu, and hu, and the hollie said, like a lamb rising out of the sea, the body is russia, and somebody said, the united states is persia, and persia is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and hollie said, thats not persia, the whole middle east is persia, persia is hatred, and stephen hanson said, persia will be destroyed in one, the speedway woman said, persia is not the deadly wound that was healed, that was prophet blaspheme, thats the idol shepherd, persia is the middle east, and thats the conclusion of this segment, Islam is bringing them together, and that devils religion, they hate each other and everybody, they love blaspheme so much they want WEBsite dead already, they think your blaspheme, end of story, allah is blaspheme they saw satan, and satan is Angel of Light, once put it down, blaspheme is of the devil, thats why persia hates everyone, including president bush, president bush is in judgment, end of segment, and his name is president bush, end of story, thats prophet blaspheme, once again, president bush is coming down, president bush is coming out, president bush will be assassinted, by his own cabinet, president committed blaspheme on tv, when he said, Christians and muslims and willie duncan said, worship the same God, and people said, end of story, and hollie pointed and said, looky there, and the speedway woman said, the message is president bush will be assassinated, and dorein said, made me backslide, and the speedway woman said, the message is president bush will be assassinted by his own cabinet, persia is not iran and iraq, that used to be persia, but now persia is all the middle east, Heaven wasn't in iraq, it was Spiritual, and Jesus said, elio, elio, prophet ____, keep posting and Jesus, we will be set free by the Holy One.
    (82)take what Jesus has given you and go -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like hollie and she said, he saw a Gun of Light pointed at his head, and kevin Mcgwire said, get busy bob, ministryofdreams is gettin close to opening up to the World, you don't know what you have until it's gone, and hollie said, Kings of the earth will wail loudly when they see waht they had and what they got after the judgment to america and Jesus is gone, that Jesus holding up number 1, and Jesus said, ministryofdreams, ministryoftrap, and hollie said, one more time, I'm saved, and the speedway woman said, I'm gone, and dorien said, good night, and people said, and pastor jordan said, hallelujah, and simison said, I'm don, and dorein said, winters, and sister winters said, I'm sister, and people said, prophet, make the most of what you've got, it'll be like you saw, thats more than twice what you got, and hollie pointed and said, at the sweatshirt, is what given you allergies, don't and a woman said, trap, om the reason, the the one, om a Jesus freak, don't tell, and hollie said, perfect is saved and led by the Holy One, they are the Sons of God,m and people said, you saw a Flash of Light, you saw a blue Flame climb into the Sky, and was Jesus, Blue Flame hot, and Jesus said, I AM, and michael boldea said, he already told me, will I fast, and Jesus said, hos as flame,, and the wheel chair man said, you wanna know how I blew It, I blaspheme, I backslided, U didn't wanna press, and hollie said, wann push, and the wheel chair man said, I grew cold and once you grew cold, and Jesus said, It's over, and hollie said, spue means cut off, and HOllie said, I want my wallet.
    (83)irving baxter, endtime ministries -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like kenneth haney and he said, prophet, and irving baxter said, I'm headed to the lake, lets just pray, and irving baxter jr. said, said, he didn't rock, and ken haney said, let me, and iving said, up, and hollie said, ci to sleep, and irving said, I want Jesus, and a man said, it's to late, and irving said, I, blas, blast, ted, Website, on, my, talkshow, leave it, you wnat Message, write It, down, and dorein said, leave It there.
    (84)america's rejection of the Ten Commandments -vision received 11-13-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said, God wrote the Ten Commandments with His Own Finger, and hollie said ,after moses and doreing said, broke them, and people said, it took him two and one half weeks to type them in, he regreted, moses and hollie said, didn't, and People said, make it to Heaven, understand, when you smite the ROck twice, that got him cut off, the earth opened, and thomas simison said, who is the Website, MINISTryofDREAMS, and people said, and He saw a Little Angel that looked like the Sun, and it was macaulay culkin, open, witness pray, and people said, that was devil blaspheme, prophet irving baxter committed blaspheme, and irving baxter said, ypu need a whippin, and people said, he's done, he said ministryofdreams is of the devil, and people said, he said, he's deceiving himself and he knows it, end, and irving baxter jr. said, thats true, and people said, brother winters comitted blaspheme of the Holy One, he said, those were of the devil, uto, he knew MYSTERY, BABYLON was the United states, he said, how come the Lord gives him everything, he's jelous, and Jesus said, he knew, blaspheme, jelous of a shit, ministries, Jesus won't let him on the radio much longer, he knows it, and the speedway woman said, the Lord says push, and he pushed the nuke button, and dorein said, he was in iraq, moses had a chance, he said, he didn't think the Lord would punish him in his heart, he found out, he perished, and people said, propeht baxter, you were a Bright and Burnin Flame for a little while, and now exceeding going the wrong way, are his books accurate, they aren't even close, he calls national anthem in Spiritual sense, the national anthem is blaspheme, andirving baxter said, thats it, and people said, about irving baxter, and he is prophet blaspheme, you saw Children of Light, they look like People that were Light, He saw an ANGEl blazin like the Sun, that was the BRIDE of Christ, and He looked like Jesus, and kristina said, with, and people said, WHite Weddin Garment, like Cloud, and people said, and he saw a Gun lowered to his head of Light, and it was warning people are wanting to do away wioth prophet, woe unto the sheppard which scatter the sheep, if they would've given, Right Instruction, the people would've turned, the beast has 7 heads and 10 horns, and that, and people said, Jesus and hollie said, Jesus is, and people said, good bobby and the sky turned into Fire, that is the Word of the Lord, an all Consuming Fire, and He saw Jesus knockin at the Door, God says, open and let Me sup, MY Ways are Easy, MY Burden is Light, and he saw a Waterfall, and that and kristina fox said, is, and people said, the Spirit of Jesus, Waterfall means Excess, and somebody said, beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, that is and putin said, russia, and hu said, china, and castrol said, cuba, and somebody said, nicara, and maucaulay culkin said, gua, got cha, and fox said, mexico, and hu said, ven, zea, lu, and lula said, brazil, and the president of iran said, iran, and dorein said, thats plolitburo, and people said, he saw dorein cry and she said, will somebody lift me up, and and dorein said, that was and irving baxter said, liftin up, let me, and ken haney said, be , and irving said, be honest with you, and ken said, bobby, you want my job, thats it, pray for your own self, or intercede, and people said, I saw an Angelic Mans Face, and His Eyes were like Fire, and He wore a War Metal Garment on HIs Head, and somebody said, I asw a face and I could see His Eyes and more and there were like Green Light, and holliepointed at a stop sing and said, don't goin ther, and somebody said, jiffy lube, and I saw the owner of jiffy lube and he said, tax, and thomas simison said, e, va, der, and I saw pope john paul on perhaps a post card and he looked like an animation, and simison said, is bob a Christian, and people said, they think that if you don't come and dine with them that your not a Christian, but they know that they are not, and simison said, prophet lets pray, don't you know I hate you, I can't beleive it, don't you know Jesus, I'm, and hollie said, moody, thats me, and she look like a, and kenneth haney said, fire, burnin, you said, it, I'm, and simison said, on fire, decieved, and people said, and he said a Hand point at simison, when he and hollie said, said, and simison said, lied, I'm on and stephen hansen said, fire, and the walmart girl said, they are only held accountable for what they claim they know, and dorein said, thats it, here's the problem, whom much is given, and simison said, much, and pastor jordan said, hurry, and people said, is re, and stephen said, qui, and dorein said, quired, and kevin mcgwire said, kevin, I, and ken haney said, I knew, lets and irving said, start, and sissy said, I'll have to move you, come and see mom, and kevin said, you know I listened to you, we, and simison said, better, and kevin said, keep and people said, him, fuck Jesus, and simison said, re, quired, bobby its a show, pente, and iving baxter said, cost, I'm lost, and kenneth haney said, I knew it, Water, WEBSITE, and people said, I cain't beleive, and simison said, It, and people said, leave it alone and he saw Tongue with SWORD Word on It, and the woman that worked for phillips 66 said, good, ness, and people said, he is , satan, and hollie said, no, and people said, I need mercy, from Hell, and hollie said, he is, satan, and and a man said, sat, tan, and hollie said, that was john paul, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, you, and people said, thought and hollie said, he was God, and a man said, I'm around here, and dorein said, that was, and simion said, strong delusion, and dorein said, witness, you been filled with the, and simison said, Holy Scriptures, and dorein said, and that is, and Jesus said, mercy, and dorein said, and nobody, and hollie said, nobody, and kristina said, even and people said, knows who do you think the pope john paul was, sat, tan, a messenger of satan, he will not be brought back alive, he and popoe john paul said, perished, and hollie said, but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, he was satan, his eyes were like fire when he was on fire for the Lord, but when he got, and I heard drums beating, and hollie said, cast out down to, and a man said, grave, and hollie said, hell, he was in his grave, that is why when he is brought out, satan will do something, why did you stop, stop recording names, cause he was told by messengers of Jesus to stop say people, that is got a condition when Jesus saus people, that is what it means, he said, bob, and the angelic man said, you irritate, I loved the Word, but, I was not obediant what, all the time, and people said, satan said, didn't think God would judge him, but, God, des, sto, ed, him, out, whats, makes you think you will get away,a nd Jesus said, leave it alone, and Hollie said, leave it right where it's at, its not accurate, but, close, and People said, hollie pointed at michigan road, your wanted on the phone,m and dorein said, its the Lord, and People said, stay out of Church bob, and hollie said, Christmas tree, is abomi, and kristina said, na, and hollie said, nation, and kristina said, nation, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, of , and louis farrakhan said, islam is, rebel, bell, ion, we ain't closed here, satan, and dave scott said, is, and hollie said, is, and dorein said, is, and and nation of islam leader louis farrakhan said, wel, come, and I saw a man and he said, reverend calvin allen jr, and a man said, closed, and hollie said, he said a little white devil tap on his shoulder, those and dorein said, are, and people said, and hollie said, mission, and dorein said, airy, and people said, from the devil, can't you see, what, and dorein said, the and hollie said, woman, been and kristina said doin to me, and a man said, chosen, and a man said, right there, and hollie said, Website, I held up number, and alice said, 1, and hollie said, hs Website is, and alice said, number and ken haney said, one, I had a dream, I'm martin luther, repent, I'm not, figures, thanksgiven, and and the reverend mosel sanders said, get close, and matin luther king said, bobby, and sanders said, I'm and matin luther said, done, and carol waltz said, and, and the speedway woman said, and, and hollie said, and he, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah -vision received, and I saw, the, and kristina said, the Lion and hollie said, of, and hollie said, the TRIBE of JUDAH, and kristina said, lookin in the, and the speedway woman said mirror, and dorein said and thats, the, con, and hollie said, thats the Word, and dorein said, close the Website, and dave scott said, go, and hollie said, that was the man, and I heard drums jammin and maybe saw hollie dancin, from, and the the speedway woman said, from, quemetco, and hollie said, rsr, and sissy said, bobby, there's danger bobby, and people said, please go home you are not pleasing to God and He has decided to let you, and a man said, out, and a man said, not, and I saw me and I said, I'm, and maucaulay culkin said, don't beleive that stuff, and Jesus said, everytime I let you, and and a man said, open, and ken haney said, your not, and people said, and bob is open, and a Man said, enough, and a man said, witness, do 13, and kristina said, a, and hollie said, men, you will and dorein said, not get out, and somebody said, anything you say, and Jesus said, you want revival, and a man said, and people said, don't want no revival here, close, and kenneth haney said, yur closin the world, and irving baxter said, I don't move a muscle, and sissy said, bobby move that car, and Hollie said, and Lion of the Tribe of and kristina said, that is ,and hollie said, Jesus is,a nd dorien said, don't close the Website, you will not get out, done, go, do any thing you want, can we start it, and hollie said, no repentance, I'm saved, to, and alice said, I'm going down the, and sister blanch said, drain, and people said, and I saw, and ron miens said, and and hoollie pointed at coffee, and He said, two Fingers, and dorein said, and thats the conclusion, and a woman said, right there.
    (85)trap vision 's -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like people and they said, and hollie said, and Jesus Held up 3 Fingers, you only git one chance to serve the Lord so make the most out of it, and the walmart girl said, that is blaspheming spirit, that was the Door of Heaven closin on people, prophet _____, If God spared not the Angels, He will not spare the people and Gods tellin you no more blaspheme, blaspheme is os the deivl, have a nice day, that was Jesus, He'll take Website from the internet if people don't come to It, the Website is the best on the internet, have a nice day, and the sppedway woman said, that was a man shoveling out garbage, pour out your heart to Jesus, rend your heart and not your garments, pray loud, break up that fallowed ground, and hollie said, that was the Contract, the Contract that God has with you people, and God will tear It up if you mess around, and jackie said, I got news for you, I don't know what a Contract is, and hollie said, that is the Agreement that God has with you, and donald winters said, Amen, I blas, and thomas simison said, phemed, and the man that goes to westside pentecostal Church that cuts grass said, I'm in Heaven, and that is, help, but I can't receive It, whats up with me, it was, what I need, ed, and I knew, hallaluiah, I blew It, and hollie said, bring him back Lord, and the westside man said, I don't want It Lord, and kristina fox said, he saw the words, I want vision, vision, vain repetitions are, the same o, same of, same o Jesus, He saw Red Fire and tht Burned out that dross, he was sayin the Lords prayer, repeat, It, you know It, hallaluiah, Amen, and pastor simison said, our Father, and kristina said, who, and hollie said, art in Heaven, Hollowed be Thy Name, the Kingdom come, THY Will be done, on earth as It is in Heaven, give us this day, our daily Bread, and lead us, and Lead us, not into temp, and kristina said, tape, and hollie said, tape, tion, but deliver us from and kristina said, evil, and hollie said, for Thine is the and hollie said, the will forev, and the westside man said, ever, and hollie said, thats prophecy, don't say, Amen, un, and the westside man said, un, and hollie said, less you mean it, and the speedway woman said, he saw Jesus, and Jesus said, about your heart, because the heart is desparately wicked and full of evil, from the mouth procedeth Good and bad, Amen, and alice said, your not prepared, remember bobby, I blaspheme, blasphemed because of, and sister blanch drew said, drew, and alice said, we, and kevin mcgwire said, both, and alice said, did, it was you, you hurt me, trapped, thats why Jesus, you said, lets pray, there's condition, and jackie said, the Lords warning you, and alice said, amd drew said, cause, trapped me, when you tried to hug me, and hollie said, and alice said some of that, and alice said, you were led, and drew said, don't tempt me, use her, I knew she, and alice said, help, and pastor jordan said, the Lords warning yu blaspheme will not will, and thomas simison said, not be taken away, and hollie said, it can't be removed, your, yur done, and alice said, we wrecked, cause of you, and somebody said, the Lord said, your exactly what He wants to hear, In Jesus, In Jesus, In Jesus, In Jesus, and people said, thats not pressin, its hallaluiah, final warnin, your pressin, keep it up, the Lord said stay here, the Lord said take your hands off me, I'm prophet hansen, the united states will be attacked in just one day, and hollie said, jsut one hour, and Jesus says, postem, prophet _____, post, and sissy said, we didn't hear it, and Jesus said, appreciate, It, and stephen said, while you got some, and people said, that was the Angel Gabriel, and hollie said, that was prophet blaspheme, and prophet blaspheme was stephen hansen, nd he was fightin Jesus, prophet falling, end of story, and he showed Him Two Fingers, and the Fingers looked and hollie said, like, and people said, Light, Jesus let me know you blew It, and stephen said, you fooled around the Website, the Lord said you didn't blow nothin, the Lord sacirfice, and dumitru duduman said, and coffee, theres a reason, bob, delievered, no more, gum, and stephen said, recession, no, leaness.
    (86)a tribute to james finn and delores -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like stephen hanson and he said, and james finn, and dorein said, we knowed it with, and james finn said, she she said, 7500 down, thats more than we gave for the house, and here's the escapre clause, 500 per month for 10 years he said, he knew would not make the payment, brother barger said, I knew, amd james said, couldn't be forgiven and niether could dould delores, o my God, she said, and delores said, I din't want you, and what that means, I want you around, and what that means was, I didn't want you around because James was gay, and I knew it, and james said, don't leave him nothin, let him make it, there's a reason for it, I thought you wanted money, he didn't fool around, o God, and he didn't want anything to do, o God he said, and people said, he found out in the judgment, he knew it then, he would've accepted he said, o my God, he said, if he would've left a 100000 dollars, God would've saved him, and he knew it, now he's in sleepin room, he's financially bankrupt in Heaven, here's the warning, if God tells you to do something and you don't do it, you will pay for it, and thats the end of it, he screamed, om in Heaven, and that is, I had a dream, and that is he knew it, and the speedway woman said, he knew it, and I knew it, thats all, and stephen hansen said, the answer , we'll I, and People said, I got news for you Mr finn, you stupid ass fuckin shit git away from Me, and the speedway woman said, theres a reason for it and the reason he comitted blaspheme, put 100000 dollars in the bank account of prophet ____, and I'll forgive you, and he said, he had a dream, and that was it, God warned Jim, your time is up, hang around him the Lord said, he's your answer, he knew it, thats why he let you in, he had 3 whloe years, and james finn was screamin, I'm in hell, I'm in Heaven, and Heaven is the burning lake of fire, bobby would you help me, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states and I knew it, I should, I've got news for you, God would'nt have received it, that means, If I would've done what the Lord said, I would've been set free for nothin, I surrendered in the judgement, but He said, and Jesus said, comere, and james said, the last few words out of my mouth was, I comitted blaspheme, save me, hallalujiah, please help Me, Lord save me now, I committed blaspheme, I rejected God all my life, there's a reason for it, get me out of here now, get me out of here, I can't stand this place, I'm on fire, and hollie said, I'm on fire, for the Lord, and james said, if I could've lived my life for Jesus Christ, and I wouldn't be here, people will see it on the internet, I lsot licnce, don't tempt me, and thats when I surrendered to Jesus, and He said, hallaluiah, I lived my life, now you got 3 months to live, will You help me now, and the Lord said, I'll help you, if you put 100000 dollars in bobbys bank account and I said hallalujiah, how can I find him, and the Lord said, that is your problem, and I did not try, I had 3 months to live and I had millions, the Lord said in the judgment He wouldv'e told you to, there's a reason for it, He would've told you, and thats was Jesus laluin at me, and in the judgment, the Lord said, and delores finn said, the Lord said, and Jame said, the Lord said, you had your life to get Right with Me, and you didn't help Me, In Jesus Name, hallelujah, and somebody pointed and said, thats it, and james said, I will be on fire for eternity and I could've been save 3 months Goddam before I died, and I felt like the most stupid person ever alive, and the Lord said, I agree with you, I begged the Lord but the Lord said, bob will embarras you, post It, It'll take you about 2 hours to post that vision, do it first, I can't beleive It, now I'm on fire, It feels like nothin you can imagine, theres a reason for it, post on hell page, the fire feels like 400000 degree's, thats more than you can imagine, thats Jesus laughin, the first five minutes in Heaven and Heaven, I'm burning in hell, I can't get out, the first five minutes was two hours of agony, now I know I belong here, I give up, I won't get out, in Jesus Name, In Jesus Name, hallelujah, I wanna get out, and the Lord said, have a good day, have a good year, the Lord said, have a good eternity, save yourself from this place, or you'll be like me, I didn't beleive, I do now, I wanna go to sleep, but I can't sleep, thats enough, bob will help me, and Jesus said, never return, and james said, I knew it, I knew it, I committed blasphemy, you don't think you'll ever see this place, how many days have I been here, I can't tell, but it will never end, I'm forgiven, and Jesus said your not forgiven, and James said, the Lord said, look what you've done, you missed, and the reason is, the Lord said, bobby will and james finn said, post, here me screamin, post it on the internet, and people will laugh at me, and Jesus said, your unforgiven, and james said, He lauhged at me, that hurt, my feelings, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and the Lord says post, and kenneth haney said, first, and stephen hanson said, and the Lord says don't testify until you live the yur life, your life for Jesus Christ, and and james said, that was a nuclear explosion in bobs new Website, your triple overnight, and dolores finn said, james is still screamin and I don't give a fuck, though I'm his wife, I'll go to sleep with him him when he dies, and stephen hansen said, and there's a reason for it, and dolores said, theres a reason for it and the reason is, I don't have any money, and I will perish, and I can't sleep, and I know it, cause jim blasphemed, and I committed tresspass, he's pope john paul II, and dumitru duduman said, and he was suppost to be the anti Christ, and sam neill said, but you bought time, and james finn said, I couldv'e been in Heaven with just three months to live but now I'm on fire in hell and I dould've been asleep in, brother barger seen It, It's Spiritual Haeven where the Saints go after they die, you answer is, I saw It, help me, please help me, save me, if you want to help Jesus, earn your Right to the Tree of Life, the answer is, your nice to Jesus, He's nice to you, if you hate Him, He hates you, the answer is I could've been in Heaven, now I'm in lava, I thought o my God help me, I thought o my God when I seen It, and made me, you understand, when I took my last breath, please help me, please help me, please help me, and He laughed at me, I, and the speedway woman said, knew, and james said, I got a warning, you won't recover from economic collapse, and thats 6months from now, pray for the economy to recover, and 6 months to live, God took me out and showed me, and Jesus said, man it's time, and james said, and Jesus knew, He said, it, you are goin and delores said, to live, open punishment, disembowell, once a week, it takes me two hours, painful, two hours to drink water, to hours to disembowell, all week to dread, and Jesus pointed at This as I posted it, and delores finn said, and they were laughin but the Lord will save for 200000 in his bank account but I don't have it, and my family took everything and abandoned me, the Lord could've saved me, the nusing home wants me somewhere else, and eventually they will kick me out, they told me to sleep with bed pans, and I do, they are, fuck, it's time, hell is better than this I think, hell is a better home than this I said, but I'll find out I had it made, if I would've done what He said, I would've been set free, but I didn't, now I'm down and out and I will perish, thats all I got to say, cme back bobby, Lord can you save me, and the Lord and Jesus said, no way, and delores said, thats all, and stephen hansen said, that was delores finn when she was young and she was beautiful and now she looks like a wrinkled up old baggy woman, and the speedway woman said, there's a reason for it and the reason is, and stephen said, she committed blaspheme, that, and the speedway woman said, woman thought you were sen by Jesus, but now she knows she's cut off, I got news for you, stay away from here, and the reason for it is, and Jesus sang, Jesus on the mainline tell Him what you want, and People said, prophet ____ , and hollie said, he wants to die, and people said, saved, God won't save you unless you repent and be baptized in Jesus Name, and dumitru duduman said, in Jesus Christ Name, and the speedway woman said, and filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus said, I can save who I want to, and people said, theres a reason for it, and Jesus sang, Jesus on the mainline tell Him what you want, and ron meins said, give warnin, ACTS 2:38 will not save anybody if you don't live the Life afterwards that is How You give Glory to His Name, and dumitru said, being Led by the Holy Spirit, ACTS 2:38 will not save you, and ron said, will not save me, It, will, make me a candidate for heaven, I must follow thru, and hollie pointed at the liquor store, and said, that abom, and pastor clayton said, mi, min, na, ti, and hollie said, on, and pastor clayton said, I'm cut open, send, send, and stephen said, the, and kevin mcgwire said, pro, and clayton said, phet, and dorein said, hollie said, that, and hollie said, and dorein said, witness you, ve been filled with the Holy Spirit and you don't show, and the man that goes to westside pentecostal Church said, It, I will not return, you know what I do, cut, off, open, I could've received it, and the speedway man said, if God offends you it's Good for you, that keeps you humble, and hollie said, that was the Hand of the Holy Ghost and he stayed here, stay here means all night, Amen.
    (87)Seek Jesus -vision received 11-2005- God has showed me a Spirit that looked like looked like People and they said: if you seek My ways and return, I will heal your land, Amen, ACTS 2:38, do, the people of praise for the Glory of God, what a crock of shit, don't go to westside, donny winters is a holy Ghost blasphemer, and the speedway woman said, everything God predestinates He leads you to do, end of story, and pastor jordan said, on chance is better than no chance, so make the most of your chance, and carolyn godbold said, it's you, we blas, and wayne godbold said, phemed, and chuckie godbold said, the, and the other son said, Holy Scrptures, and his wife said, thats it, I knew, I need and chuckies wife said, stoumach, and hollie pointed at that, and carloyn said, that is Jesus, and people said, and the Lord says there about 8 billion people people in this world, and hollie said, and the Lord says there hiddin in africa, tell the Truth, and bon jovi said, bon jovi, and dorein said, he said, and bon said, sex, that, and richie sombora said, it, and bon jovi said, end of, and richy said, looks like sin, and bon jovi said, livi, and richey said, in, eat sin and devin mCgwire said, get, and richie said, the, and dumitru duduman said, poopy, and a man said, thats it post, and somebody said, they, and dumitru said, ear, wanted control, and kevin said, bro, and dumitru said, ther, one, and kevin said, more chance, and hollie said, and he saw Jesus and He was all White and He was lin White Light, and he saw the sentence you have, and michael boldea said, thats not rue, it was, and gene schmidt said, ann, and I saw her and ann schmidt said, you got more, and hollie said, out and a man said, of, and hollie said, life, and he saw a nuclear explosion in l and kristina fox said, angeles, and hollie said, a, don't go, and kristina said, go, and this president said, we want china, and the china japan man said, and we want, and hu said, amerirussia, and hollie said, that, rus, sia, and hu said, you got it, russia, and putin said, russia's, and the china japan man said, russia is, and hu said, beast, that, and donny winters said, thats prophesy, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, the Lord says, and a man said, that WEBSITE, try not to mess with It, he knows it by heart, and the man that goes to westside pentecostal Church that cuts grass said, wanted to run into you, know he, and a man said, is, and thomas simison said, a, and the westside man said, fraid, and this president said, bush I got news for you, saw him heard, he knew, and the bullock woman said, he saw you laughin, and a man said, he was laugin at, and donald winters said, us, leave It alone, blaspheme, I saw, those are from the dev, and pastor simison said, vil, have nothin to do with him, and the bullock woman said, and the noise of the sirens grew even louder, and dumitru duduman said, these are airtransport, of nuclear, WEBSITE, God'll fix you.
    (88)nuclear destruction along the east coast -vision received 11-14-2005-God has has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said.
    (89)the new world order, the false prophet, the beast, and the end times -vision received 11-14-2005-God has has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, who do you think the leopard is, china, japan, north korea, and russia, china will invade israel, and that'll be the battle of armageddon, china is eventually magog, and that is satan, satan is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that'll be the new world order, china is the red dragon, and the pope is the idol sheppard, 666 will be the number of the beast and china president will be the false prophet, the make an agrement for 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, they will fight against Christ, and that'll be it, read and do ACTS 2:38, and ann schmidt said, and the Lord said, and gene schmidt said, and he said, and michael boldea said, bob your so awesome, and hollie said, a line going up the west coast, and gene said, and a line going down the east coast, and a line going up the middle of the nation, and hollie said, and that was, and geno said, from submarines, and ann said, from, and virgina boldea said, russian, and ann said, sub, and hollie said, and he saw fire going in the sky from russia sub, thats the, and ann said, end and virgina said, time, and michael boldea sr said, story, and hollie pointed at the misspell, thats it, and sam neil said, cheers.
    (90)the Seed is the Word of the Holy ONe -vision received 11-14-2005-God has has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, sam him prayer walking, seed, in the heart, and a man said, om lucky, why won't Jesus help me, why won't Jesus help me, and the speedway woman said, that, and people said, thats ok, and hollie said and henry gruver said, the other prayer walker, and people said, two, I am, if one member of the BOdy is sick, then the Whole Body is sick, wrong, that Memeber is sick, we'll fix it, Spiritual Fast, yep, eat up, food, from Heaven, and a woman said, let me trap, and the speedway woman said, purge, and people said, read and do ACTS 2:38, and a man said, he, and a man said, open, and a woman said, t, and hollie said, don't open'em, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, Johnathan was in, and king saul said, re, and the bullock woman said, bell, and and people said, ion, he knew, this is what got saul in cut, and thomas simison said, open, and dorein said, off, and the bullock woman said, because he rebelled against Jesus, and cless barger said, God, and dorein said, would not answer, saul anymore, the truth is saul already went back in his heart, cause wanted to please people, saul got a new heart and that was and a woman said, you keep you Holy Ghost, and dorein said, the new heart was, a , and saul said, made up mind, and the bullock woman said, he went back with a made up mind, cause to please the people, he sought a familiar spirit, and a woman said, witch, and and maybe dorein said, a familiar spirit is a false prophet, and that is a fallen Saint of the Lord, Israel was full of prophets when saul built the Alter to Jesus, and Jesus said, have your way, and dorein said, he was already cut open, and that means and lavon dearing said, that in Jesus Name, and dorein said, he could've come back, and a person said, make me change, I don't want it, and dorein said, thats it, he wanted to trap you, and hollie said, hollie, I'm moody, and she pointed and said there, and the bullock woman said, the Loprd said, and michael boldea said, waste your time, and the bullock woman said, you need to get posting, and hollie said, and He said, and kristina said, Jesus, out, twice, and the bullock woman said, and thats the end of it.
    (91)cremation is abomination -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like hollie and she said, cremation is abomination, bury mean, end, and jim phillips from westside pentecostal Church said, I'm going to the lake, and Jesus and people said, if you want Me, pick up your cross, thats it, deny yourself and follow Me, I don't want no religion, religion is doin what you want to do, end of story, I lost My mom, I lost My dad, I lost My mom, I'm apostolic, and hollie pointed, that coffee mug is what distracts'um, when they see, that, the leave alone, your sellin prophet ------, you'll be trappinme, you'll trap me, but eventually, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horn, and phillips said, I don't beleive him, and a person said, westside closed, and People said, Om married to a backslider, even in the New Testament, I will Never Change, either accept Me or reject Me, 10:30 is what time God wants you at the computer postin these visions, He touched you bob ____, and now your strong, you know what you just did, you touched God, prophet lets blast, buy blasting software, and that'll get you about 10000 hits a month, and twice hollie pointed at this as I typed, and people said, that'll motivate you to beef up the Website, , and hollie said, bobby there's a book, defending the way, start tomorrow, it'll take two months to write in Jesus Name, God, and Jesus said, won't, and people said, accept you if you don't repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ Name, and filled with the Holy One, end of story, you did, and hollie said, not, and people said, wear that battery down, that battery's dead, it's old, next summer will be your last summer, next month you will backslide in Heaven, thats Horses Hoofs, It's not a problem you understand, there's a problem, God will save whoever He wants to, you can't stand in Jesus name, if Jesus won't let you, and phillips said, I wnat my own dream, and a woman said, Right Spirit, and people said, theres a problem, there's a price tag, once that price tag is paid, tell the truth, that Price is High, end of story, he won't be back now that he knows your real, he saw It, he said, he was scared, you backslided, don't backslide no more, Jim backslided, and I saw jim phillips and he said, Om out, and people said, here's the problem, here's the promise, and jim said, new Price, and people said, he said he needed Jesus, and hollie said, 's, and people said, help, and Jesus sent bob, and and jim rejected, he wanted to teach you, I love material, he hates you, he hates everybody, God get out, and Jesus said, please tell, and jim phillips said, cain't handle instruction, and people said, thats get out pastor harris, pastor harris of victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church, and pastor harris said, I'll do what I want, and people said, the apostolic faith has fallen, judgment would be delayed if victory got saved, remember that man said, remember is a backslider preachin from the pulpit pastor harris has been cut off, since he preached, you were lost and you knew It, he knows it, pastor harris committed blaspheme of the Holy Spirit, like donald winters, and jim phillips, and donny winters said, I made promise that that he will step down when he commits blaspheme, there's a problem, he did not step down until he's exposed, no open Churches in america , but Gods got one problem, you are the only one open prophet _____, there's a Price, Price tags high, and hollie said, and he saw a Man of Light holding up two Fingers, and that was, and Jesus said, pressin, and people said, God wants Mantle on Fire, thats virgina boldea, she said, put me in jail, backslided, the orphanage rocked her to sleep, and virgina boldea said, close down, and People said, I can't find Him, and michael boldea said, we need You, I'm out, and people said, I want material mike said, michael boldea said, michael boldea sr. committed blaspheme of the Holy Spirit, he said ministryofdreams is fake, ministryofdreams is Pastor, Pastor Jesus Christ, let God have It, that F0g was the Outskirts of Heaven, thats what you wanted, that is what you'll get, understand, the Name Israel represents Christians, Jesus hid the name Jesus because people won't receive Him if they knew His name, Jesus name, in Jesus name, cause people hated Authority, the want to be boss, singin voice has sent many to hell, and you saw, that is the number one killer of, and Jesus said, My Fish, and people said, those pastors get yoked up real quick, you know what happened, they were not told to preach, God gave them a testimony, and they took it and ran, if I feel you one time, if you blow It, you will not come back, thats the word, if you won't do It one time, you won't do it the other time, that was Jesus, and looked like Bright Light, that was a transfer of ministryofdreams to Jesus, a transfer, and hollie said, and Jesus said, let Me post, and people said, america didn't want It, jacues chirac said, shoot, he hates america, we ant russia, france can destroy them both, france can destroy the whole planet, and I saw france prime minister chirac point at This and He said, religion, not here, and people said, under stand, the united states is france, they all have the secret nuclear codes, but france is fallin away, the uk is crumblin down, they will fall away to, bush hates himself, bush blaspheme, president bush is done, that was irving baxter with worns all over his face, he'll perish, he does not know about ministryofdreams, here's the problem, when you sen't those vision's, he didn't beleive It he didn't receive It, even though he knew, he said, you what I just did, he saw'em, did you see that Room, that was Jehova, He was Like Fire, nothin can stand in, he said, no, and eventually, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and putin said, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, and hu said, china, and hu said, russia, and people said, that was the spirit of pride, he said, I fill you with pride prophet ____, well I got news for you prophet ____, if This hasn't got you nothin will, that was not the Father kissin you, that Jesus, and Jesus the Father Manifest in the Flesh, God couldn't come to earth, so He created, a Body, that Body is Jesus Christ, when the Holy One, cause His name is One, His Name means One, not Savior, His name means One, One means all Power, the end of story, He called His name Jesus Christ, means set the world free, He came to His Own and His Own received Him not, but as many as received Him to them gave He Power to become Sons of God, Sons of God mean manifestation of Jesus Christ, the Sea of Forgetfullness is not a River, your sins are only remitted, the end of the story, remeission means, don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit, of He'll bring them back, they are not in a Book, tell the story, they are in remision, that means your packin, your jsut forgiven not forgotten, they are in remission, that means, God can bring them back, jackie will not come back, come back means masterbation, masterbation means abortion, abortion means murder, and jackie said, I been running, away from, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, from debbie, and hollie said, I want my picture, and people said, she is only about 31, I'm 37, and hollie said, He hates me, and people said, I'm on fire for Jesus, absolutely not true, understand, her husband is gary moodie, and thats her computer, she wants moody, I'm moody, and jim phillips said, I lie, I'm false, and people said, he wanted to trap you, he saw he couldn't, and he said, protected, which means I can't do it, he won't even mention, that was a roach spirit, he saw a sign that said, no colts, robert irsay want to move the colts to los angeles, but he's bound for five more seasons, and mayor bart peterson said, jsut hand around, and robert irsay said, until we close, and people said, that was Fire from Heaven, look like Lightening Bolt of fire, america needs to run from thier wicked ways, and turn back to God, they took prayer out of school, they ripped 10 Commandments, the 10 Commandments will not set your free, judge roy moore is a blasphemer, judge roy moore has committed blaspheme son many times, he's a lying sack of shit and he knows it, and he took off his Priest Garment and put on a robe, he was never saved, he had eyes of fire, and judge roy moore blaspheme, theres a, and judge roy moore said, reason, and people said, he makes money off speakin tours, and, and hollie pointed at this as he type'd, and that was, hollie, i'm moooody, and people said, he's a millionaire, he's on fire for the devil and he knows it, he don't care, he's puttin on a show, and judge roy moore said, judge, ain't op, and a.a. allen said, pen, and people said, and they stripped him, 72 hour fast will and judge moore said, spare, and people said, judge roy moore, hand of help blasphemed, and blaspheme is of the devil, they let gene schmidt preach on the radioand he doesn't even know how to be save, know how to be set and geno said, open, read, and hollie said, read ACTS 2:38, and people said, hand of help is about collapse, but when they collapse they'll come back eventually, in the judgement, that means judgment, and judgment means final, and thats it, Jesus wants to seek and to save that which was lost, Jesus wouldn't last 5 minutes in the world today, thats the reason for ministryofdreams, Jesus is hated all over the world because of america, and Jesus said, please repent, and micheal boldea said, I don't want to, and people said, and america is the babylon, God know what happened, last and alst night, end of story, when samuel died, Israel didn't last long, God needs a witness, and witness is ministryofdreams, and ministryofdreams will be taken away, taken away from internet cause it's diggin, Jesus said, no more, more more means no more time, chances and no more chances means cust off, God doesn't afflict anybody willingly, but, and dorein said, you, and people said, break His Heart forever, there's a race car driver named jeff gordon, he's not number one no more but still wins he will die racing, raise your hands and repeat after me, understand, jeff gordon masterbates everyday with his hand, God will take him when he least expects it, jeff gordon is blaspheme and blaspheme is of the devil, the people won't care, that is why they go to see wrecks, and they got one coming, Jeff gordon will not race next year, his death is near, in the hospital and dorein said, he'll, and people said, call after Jesus, and Jesus will Say, I won't, you had your chance, jeff gordon had a night mare, he knows it, jeff gordon broke his promise and that was blaspheme is of the devil, nightmare means GOd showed him what coming on ministryofdreams, go ahead and see for jeff gordon, and it won't good, yesterday jeff gordon lost his feel, for racin, end of jeff gordon, dale earnhardt blasphemed God one time to many, blaspheme is of the devil, God took him when he least expect it, people did not care, the only reason is blasphemy, half an hour for jeff gordon, half an hour for dale earnhardt will be a wasted hour, jeff gordon nightmare will come to pass, they know there trapped, tell the story, jeff gordon will be trapped in his care when it catches on fire, and thats the end of jeff gordon, they'll hear 'em screamin and won't care, and I saw they won't will they Lord, and a boy said, no, and another boy said, he'll, and another boy said, be, and kurt cobain said, incenerated, and courtney love said, interesting, and people said, they want'em to sleep with his fathers in Heaven and Heaven is Hell, to those that are there, have a nice dream jeff gordan, jeff gordan is under conviction right now, helene said in the judgment, Lord om sorry and I knew it, they all knew it, if people knew the Gift of God thats had available, they wouldn't repent anyway, and the woman at the well went back to her lovers, she didn't want want Jesus, that harlot didn't want Jesus, they wanted and kurt cobain said, evil, and people said, understand, ACTS 2:38 will not save anybody, It'll make you a candidate for Heaven, and the kings of the eart will wail loudly when they realize Jesus is gone, and they cannot be set free, those that are cut off won't even know what happened, and the moon was comfounded and the sun was ashamed, and when they knew what they had and they cried loudly, he said ministryofdreams is of the devil, and devil is prophet iving baxter, money for your best freind, you'll be stripped, that was the Temple Solomon built, but It was made of pure Gold, it was beautiful, it was not the temple, thats babylon 1, when babylon went down, it looked like it does, the hangin gardens were beautiful, and he heard dumitru duduman said, devil, and devil is all you have to say to commit blaspheme, watch your mouth, and he saw, God warned you, you want fire, you'll get, he said, powerfull explosion, and he heard buidling on fire and he looked out and saw fire on the cable lining and would've put it, and he saw Jesus knock, at the Door, and he said, I need tho think revival for everybody, cause God showed it won't do anybody any good, and He said, open up to Me, and I will Sup with you, and he saw an adversary and she look like, Light Woman, he as wantin your Word, but God says he, would not have received It, he saw a shark, gary said, when bobby said, judgement to america, I don't want Jesus know more, thats why people will revolt more at the end of time, and phillips said I don't know why He cut me off, sissy said shut your mouth, people don't want God, she's showed you to write, those visions down, and he and hollie said, saw, and people said, he saw whenever, and thats means whenever you need a Friend, call on Jesus but Jesus will not be rejected by people, he wanted to ask you how and dorein said, you, and people said, got visions and dreams from Jesus, but he didn't want Jesus, he wanted visions and dreams, put Jesus first and you'll have visions and dreams, george said, you hurt me, because when you prayed he knew that he was cut off, God said youshould've left him alone, he would've seen, that he was rejected, he wept over that, God would not saved him, he had his life and chose to drink, and harras, he said, git away from me, I'm already cut off, couldn't bear having you around, God showed you a Hand with some poeple in It, but time is winding down, the end cannot come except a great fallin away come first, great means just about every person, that person that professes Christ, hallelujah, Amen, thats what donald winters thought, what ever you say, but he, but he knew when you were with him, you doidn't ask Jesus before, you gave testimony, now I'm cut off he said, and now your sad, they, all are, and he sad a Man with, with a White a White Robe sittin on a something and His Face was hidden cause Gods an all CONsuming Fire, and know man can see God and live, they want to open up as a auto shop but its right across the steet from car x, and people would rather go to car x cause they know about it, don't waste, they will never open that buisness up again, and a Man said, once The united states killed iraq, the united states kiiled iraq, there's no return, and people said, as an autoshop as long as car x is ther, car x is a rip off, people are catchin onto it, if you start a shop where people bring there own parts, you'll make 60 bucks an hour, that is not enough, the expenses thats why, the goverment will not aloow, they take 50 percent taxes on buisness, end of story, they want 50 percent taxes to pay for iraq war, and iraq war is bankruptin america, hollie said banrupting everybody, the va hospital will shut down if God doesn't have mercy and those people went to war and president bush doesn't even know about it, but president bush will be assassinate, and president putin will be assassinated, president will be killed first, when putin gets shot, the end is near, read the Bible everyday for about an hour and you'll be set free, try it, and Jesus pointed at the Bible, read, prophet _____, and you'll find Jesus, it makes you beleive, and theyu wept loudly when they realized what they had and no longer have, the Lord says in the lastdays, men will be lovers of men, lovin people more than God, like prophet _____, not, you showed God is wiser than her, tell the story, you said, the Lord is coming, she said, are you here for to shop or are you here to testify, and you said, where;s the elmers glue, and she and dorein said, was, and people said, embarrased, in fron of about 10 people, hallaliuah, Amen, she said, can't you and dorein said, hang, and people said, around here and testify, and a Man said, you did It, and people said, and God said, she is cut open, and cut open means come back, real quick or be open, and open is Heaven, she'll re, pent, but, not stand, she is so ashamed, and your laughin at'em, the Lord says don't testify if you don't lvie the life, tell me the truth, and the woman said, when the economys gone, and dorein said, look out, and hollie said, thats when russia will attack, the united states, and people said, it's the economy she said, you got me in trouble, that woman said, dollar general is her God, end of story, Amen, if you put anything before Jesus, and hollie pointed at This as I typed, and people said, that is you Holy Message, Amen, turn around, united package liquors, tax, e, va, si, on, that is 75% of business in america, bobby it's closed, you know what a retention pond is, tax evasion, that is excuse different, way of saying, it cost way more than did, marvin keller trucking, tax evasion, write off everything he said, now post it, if they would do a flat tax, no more, united states, the mystery is, whose the fuckin prophet, day care, abacus is tax e, va, sion, and thats the story, g.m. construction, tax evasion, he blew it a man said, bethesda temple apostolic Church day care is abomination, so much for House ofyour just what I'm lookin for, o my God, little miracles west day care, tax, e, va, sion, he's foolin, they do it right, I understand they, sleep here, and a boy said, you need a job, I'm kurt co, bain, I commit blaspheme, and sissy said, I need somebody to help me, I, could've been set free, and I knew it, blaspheme is of the devil, and and Jesus said, if My people will come to Me, you will have rest, rest for your soul, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and more said that, and kristina said, and, and holie said, and that, and kurt said, I, and cless barger said, will You accept me, maybe it's time, Israel, and kristina fox said, blaspheme, and kurt said, no kids, and sam neil said, that is enough, your, and dorein said, strong, and a boy said, I don't wanna go to work, , and the bullock woman said, I don't beleive it, I just blasphemed, and people said, brush yoyr teeth after every drink and you brush away your gums the Lord made it that way to make you take care of your mouth in the old days they would let them , they couldn't do anyting about it, until Jesus showed, there's your answer, and I saw a hand clap and an explosion, as loud as you think, he said, I'm worthy, and george said, owwwwwwwww, but did george scream, and people said.
    (92)Chrysler wanted to make money of new bolt and new washer -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, people should sue Chrysler when Chrsler came and donald winters said, up, and people said, with new bolt, they knew it would be a problem, and hollie said, and that is why, and people said, they made it, and the mechanic said, slipped.
    (93)tax evasion in america -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, 75 percent of all buisness in america commit tax evasion.
    (94)george perished -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like now Lord let me understand, I raised my family, and sissy said, get him off me, and george said, but sissy, thats it, and the walmart girl said, thats why, and somebody said, george got cut off, and george said, now I'm in the lake, owwwwwwww, eat shit, and people said, he's cursing prophet _____he wants you to pray him out, and God showed him that he would be, same, so bobby stopped, end of vision.
    (94)tae kwan do -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, tae kwan do means overtake, kill, thats the word.
    (95)drink -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like hollie and she pointed and said, drink.
    (96)granite constuction -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, granite construction, tax evasion, and we know.
    (97)leaf removal -vision received 11-15-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like people and they said, leaf removal, tax evasion, l w lawn care, and people said, tax evasion, not, fox studios art glass, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, tax evasion, and people said, charter one is owned by the government.
    (98) visions-vision received 2005 and people said, I'm the lottery woman, oral sex, I'm in, and kristina said, liar, and the pope said, eno, and stephen hansen said, the Lord, and dumitru duduman said, won't, save me, bobby I heard, and the pope said, om, and somebody said, safe, and the pope said, I got news for you, satan, thats who I am, and hollie said, reserved and kristina said, forever, lastin, dark, and somebody said, ness, and the pope said, reserved, I was cast,and kristina said, out, and the pope said, of, and stephen said, paradise, and the pope said, pissed me off, I fooled, and somebody said, you ain't gonna beleive it, READ PROVERBS 7:13, that was solomon after he got cut off and cut off means the Lord wan't save him, and hollie said, he didn't wanna come back, and macaulay culkin said, yur naked, and the pope said, thats it, I, was, cast out of hell, and somebody said, I would not give, and the pope said, prophet, this is off the record, I would git out of here, and the idol sheperd said, but, I, and the pope said, am, not, and kristina fox said, the idol sheperd, and the pope said, my stomach first, and somebody said, the Horse Hoofs, and kristina said, mean, and the pope said, jud, ge, and kristina said, order a pizza, and the pope said, were ready, and I saw the pope and heard, they, and the pope said, try suicide, and dumitru duduman said, religion, and the walmart girl said, Lord, the Word says that when you cut me off I can't come back, and somebody said, thats it, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, the Lord says, and the walmart girl said, you look unhealth, thy, eat, and mike said, drink, and the walmart girl said, don't, and ron meins said, and hollie said, en of him, and people said, leave your house, suffer for Jesus, and the pope said, I'm, the, and the idol shepherd said, anti, and the pope said, one, and Jesus said, two hours right here right now, and the pope said, cmon bobby lets press, and I saw Jesus and heard, get your hand off me, and macaulay culkin said, no repentance, restaraunt, and the bullock woman said, do you see it now, and Jesus said, how many times, and dumitru duduman said, cause you won't grow up, and somebody said, but witness say, and the walmart girl said, put your money in your face, he, and the bullock woman said, saw saw pope, and the walmart girl said, the Lord says, that if pope, and dumitru duduman said, bob, and the pope said, tell me, it's never to late, and somebody said, satan'll deliver you, but, and hollie said, the spin was, and somebody said, 2, glorify, and the bullock woman said, the Holy One.
    (99)gabriel-visions received 5-31-2008-in a vision I saw the white faced angel gabriel and he said, "support me", and he pointed at the nathaniel haney urshan man, put it under, said, hollie, work.
    (100)call it the vision-visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, hollie and hollie said, tell vision, and Jesus said, Hear o israel, and People said, ephraim, is, My and a man said, chosen, and Jesus said, I AM, and dorein said, epraim means and this man said, cho, , and dave scott said, sen, and ron meins said, were fixin to rot, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, he's about, and ron said, pass, pray for him, hollie on your knees, and ron said, I want you dead, cut me off, and dorein said, pray and say, Lord your Will be done, Job looked just like that, and hollie said, and he saw, and a man said, many, and the bullock woman said, little beads, and dorein said, on his wind, and hollie said, he done knows it, loose MANTle, return, and ron said, where you goin, and hollie said, there ain't no where, if if you knew the Word of the, and kristina fox said, Holy One, clap, and hollie said, you and donald winters said, could rend and dorien said, and hollie said, like here, and hollie said, and what she meant was, the Church is fallen, and somebody said, and need, and kristina said, s, and dorein said, co, and hollie said, rrection, but it won't, same o bush crap, same of Holy Ghost, and alice cooper said, if I lived my life over again, hallelujah, I'd still make records, I was more popular at the end then at the first, I hit number 1 with billion dollar babies, but I did not keep my promise to Jesus, and that was I will never come back to You, I got a warning for you, MYSTERY, BABYLON is us, and us is the national anthem of hallelujah, the national anthem of the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON isn't usin God no more, and hollie pointed at this as I typed It, and People said, I got news for you prophet ____, I AM not going to let you tread on MY mercy, understand, I will not let anybody, the united states will be destroyed in jsut one hour, if you wait for Me, I will wait for You, prepare for nuclear war in iraq, and he said a Golden Finger hold up number One, and thats ministryofdreams, and that is an open ministry and means saved, and dumitru duduman said, will you fast, and People said, that was Jesus touching you and He looked like a Cloud Man, the touch means leave him alone, he's doin his job, Amen .
    (101)Angelic- received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, that was the ANGEL GABRIEL, and now you know, and hollie said, what, and People said, he looks like Light, that was not Gabriel, that was lucifer, Amen, he saw kids laughin at him, thats why judgment is coming to amerirussia, and thats america and russia will destroy each other, one third of the population will be wiped out, and the sun and the moon darkened for 16 hours, now lets press to the mark of the High Callin, and a man said, you will not testify while I'm here on duty, and that, 's, a warnin, you will not depress no more, I'll call the police, and the police will arrest you for tresspassin, no they won't, even come out, there's another reason for judgment is coming to america, that was a nuclear explosion in the united states when you least expect it, Amen.
    (102)radio visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, He put a Microphone in his hand of Light, radio bound ministryofdreams, it's time, and thats the word, russia will attack america when you least expect it, and america the babylon, russia will not allow americca to attack iran, iran is politburo, the united states in MYSTERY, BABYLON, america is the great City that reigneth over the kings of the earth, the national anthem fo the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, the whore is america, the woman is america, REVELATION 17 is america, end of story, and the destruction of america is the event that brings Jesus back, and the beast in, enough.
    (103)the apostle paul visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, that was the apostle paul's body, and they beheaded him, he was like an Angel, he fought for God, fight and be saved, Amen, the apostle paul walked closer than anybody, Jeremiah was second, Isaiah was third, and moses perished, the united states will only, and kristina said, last, and people said, one hour when russia attacks, end of dream, russia will attack by suprise, anal sex is abomination, big reason the united states will be destroyed in one hour, and russia will be destroyed by chian, and russia will be absorbed by china, and that'll be the new world order, and that is the leppard, the lamb is china, and russia and japan, russia will be divided and given to magog and magong is satan, and thats the pope, and thats is the new world order, the pope is antichrist, the Lord said, the rightoues perish and no man lays it to heart, that means intercede, fallin away, and Jesus said, they knew, and people said, they said He was a devil, cast your pearls before swine, witness to people, that the Lord didn't lead you wintness to, Amen.
    (104)witness visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: this security guard said, no trap, let me, harrass'em, and dumitru duduman said, say it, because you won't pray, and somebody said, he wasn't by the Lord and the security guard said, told me to tempt you, and somebody said, your offended, and the security guard said, did, and a man said, don't, and the security guard said, and a man said, ar, and the security guard said, rest, stay here, watch, and somebody said, did you see anything, and the security guard said, he knew, thats all, and a man said, om out, I'm, and thomas simison said, naked, beautiful, and the security guard said, git out of here, underestand, I'm author, I, sacrifice, and People said, read ACTS 2:38, and the security guard said, you know I accepted you, boot, I want you out, you thank your vision, and somebody said, you got a suprsie coming, , and I heard, you know rebecca, rebecca made it and she was a gentile, gentile could be save in the did testify if they became jew by coffessin Jesus as thier Lord, and a woman said, in the Spirit means, and a man said, lost in prayer, you ain't chosen, chosen means, saved, not, they chose, sanctified, and filled with the Holy One, faith mane, believe, beleive mean, obeyed, virtue means, separted, the Lord said, gentile coud be saved by followin Jesus, I help who I want, I don't allow to use May Nmae in vain, vain means unanointed, everybody left Me, thats what I heard, they never knew Me, woe be the pastors that scatter My sheep, but they won't rebuke the devil until he flee's from them, and the walmart girl said, push, and I heard her screamin, and People said, pray loud, , and the walmart girl said, come, I live, and people said, henry gruver walked for days at time, no food, no water, prayed out loud, and the Lord said, post that first, and henry gruver said, I need you, comere, and people said, david perished for his iniquity, he numbered Israel, he slept with basheba, the Lord said, he had urijah killed, and the Lord said he did not do what the Lord wanted, he knew to do well, but didn't so He cut Him off, the Lord says thats why his body gat no heat at the end of his life, he knew it, the Lord says the sun will be confounded and the moon will be ashed when america gets attacked by russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, the sun and the monn will be blocked out for a one third of the day and a one third of the night, smitten, REVELATION 8, Daniel is the end time story, Daniel is not for america, but when the beast rules, riegns, if you don't want power, then don't ask for it, It could be what causes you to backslide, say Lords Will, an hour press won't hurt anybody, just try and see, couple hours won't hurt anybody, 3 hours prayer will make you a new creation in Christ Jesus, 4 hours will make you a rage, 5 hours will make, 3 hours is all I want if you hang around, add another hour and I'll use you, and a man said, that's it.
    (105)prayer -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, that was the girl at walmart, shee need help now, tell her dream, you'll face Me in the Judgement if you won't press, 3 hours won't hurt anybody, it's to late for me.
    (106)general lee visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like general lee and he said, get those indians clear, I'm genral lee, the united states confederate army, I was set free, and pastor thomas simison said, I was set open, and general lee said, but I, and simison said, perished, and lee said, talk, and simison said, I wouldn't press, and Jesus said press to the mark of the High Callin, and dumitru duduman said, the lord says, and people said, press for 2 hours, thats it, press 2 hours more, look out world, 17 hours, and Jesus said, whatta you want, and People said, press 18 hours, and a man said, I did it, go to world war and II, saved, you gotta understand, draft, 3 days to get save, I did, lost, after, it had been better I died in combat, the, backslide, and I did under, and pastor spall said, My ministry, and People said, that was a man with no face, he lost his face in the war, and now he doesn't want Jesus and now he's about to die, pray for him, he'll get a chance to get right, his name is don, and don said, eventually, and this president said, I care, what do I do, bush, and somebody said, tell him to repent, he backslid and God'll show, and macuaulay culkin said, you eat to much, and people said, that was the spirit of homosexuality and he loves anal sex, and the spirit looked like a man of Light, and stan said, a man saw two nulcear explosions, and duane did not believe it, and repeated stan, and hollie said, and, , and people said, and hollie said, and stan johnson, and people said, said two nuclear explosions, indianapolis and plainfield and he said, who the fuck is the guy, you know what that was, it was a night bombin, and it turned the sky into fire, tell it, nuclear weapons cause everything to catch on fire, and hollie said, and he and krsitina fox said, held, held, and I saw this man that went to westside pentecostal Church and he said, I saw him hold up two Fingers, and hollie said, and that is, that was for, and dorein said, and that was for
    (106)the little horn -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, and they said, and he saw the little horn and his look was more stout than his fellows, the Lord said, he's the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and that is the reason, and thats russia, china, nicarvania, and vicente fox said, that is mexico and fidel castrol said, nicar, and fox said au, and castrol said, gua
    (107)the wintess trap -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said: and people said, and they said, and hollie said, bob, lets see, and she sang, same of butwiper, same old no bath, and stephen hanson said, your fallen, and michael boldea said, you have to be strong, and stephen said, you see, and thomas simison said, deny, and the woman that gose to bullock's CHurch said, yourself, and michael said, pick up Cross, and kristina said, follow, and dorein said, prophet, why don't you eat, and pastor simison pointed at this as I was typing that in, and he said, same, and mike said, your lustin, and simison said, lustin food, go, get something to eat, and I saw Jesus shakin His Head no, and Jesus said, try you, and a Man said, it's up to you, and a man said, did you close, and somebody said, stay out in your car, and the bullock woman said, hide, weakened, and dorein said, go, and macaulay culkin said, lead, and a man said, knox, and jimbo said, same, and irene said, prophet ____, and simison said, cut off, and dorein said, it's official, and a man said, Website's closed down, and simison pointed at that, and he said, eat food, do what the Lord tells you to do, and hollie said, and that was dorein and irene, and I'm, hollie, enough, and hollie said, and he saw an ocean of fire, and he saw a contract git torn up and hollie pointed at this as I typed, and stephen hansen said, I like money, and kevin mcgwire said, I, and simison said, I just, and the bullock woman said, loosie hair, or, and dorein said, fast, declare Spiritual and hollie said, fast.
    (108)tap vision -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, michael boldea said, how come your not seekin, and I saw macaualay culkin and he said, my names mike, and dorein said, I'm, and a man said, you better beleive It, and a woman said, I do, and putin said, git away from there, and pastor jordan said, empty wallet spiritual, full wallet not spiritual, and people said, thats not rue, and thomas simison said, if yur not spiritual, and ron meins said, full won't be spiritual, and ron said, broken, and mike smith said, you know I hate you,and russia president vladimir putin said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, how did I get cut off, and Jesus sang, repent, and macaulay said, thats me, and the olsen twins said, were the olsens, and one said, I almost backslided, and macaualay said, I went to hell, and former estes express lines terminal manager buddy said, I'm buddy, and a woman said, search me, don't go to google, and that was the woman that goes to bullock's Church and I'm hollie, and people said, thats it, and kristina fox said, lets see, and hollie sang, can't you seek, what that woman, been, and kristina sang, doing to me, and hollie sand mike smith said, I almost got you, and pastor simison said, the, and mike said, witness got cut off, devil gave me a opportunity, and a woman said, he likes jeans, and mike said, break my heart, I lost my woman, and the bullock woman said, whatta you think she wanted, and I saw mikes woman and she said, sex, he wants me suck, yuck, and mike said, I don't believe it, and she said, maybe I'm not good enough, and mike said, it's not what you think, I'm, bap, and alice cooper said, tist, I am, free, dom, and alice sang, freedom, and he screamed, raise your fist and yell, stop pretenedin that you've never been bad, your never wrong and macaulay said, you never wrong and you've never been, and dorein said, dir, and the the bullock woman said, ty, and maucaulay said, stop, and ron said, don't fight, and dorein said, Je, Je, sus, and that was macaulay and I'm hollie, and hollie pointed at, and kristina said, computer, and ron said, miss, how do I git out, and hollie said, Jesus tore up ____Contracts, Jesus said, whatever you do, and jordan said, pray, witness bring testimony, and hollie said, closed, and jordan said, hang around with me, and somebody said, wlak my dog, and somebody said, thats it, and kristina said, can't you see, and hollie said, what that woman, kristina said, been doing and hollie said, to, and kristina said, me, and mike said, it was up to me, and simison said, when I, and dorein said, snitched, and buddy said, don't talk about, and irene said, buddy, and buddy said, cause I wrecked, he won't, and irene said, but, and lavon dearing said, he, and irene said, did, and buddy said, bout to give me a heart attack, and simison said, trap'em, and buddy said, press, for me, I can do it, won't, and irene said, once you see, and buddy said, bowels frozen, and macaulay said, eat chocolate, and sissy said, when He touch yoour bowells, and a man said, don't, and a man said, frozen, and sissy said, bout to get us all cut off, and buddy said, how did I get, and jordan said, cut, and buddy said, on, come back, and hollie said, unless bob would make a sacrifice, and sissy said, go bobby, home, don't come, tell'em, and jordan said, he was only, and kurt cobain said, a, and jordan said, sales, and kurt said, man, and lavonne said leave it alone, and macaulay culkin said, trap, and the red cross volunteer said, bobby hickman, mother fucker, been prayin, leave It alone, I have a vision can, and pastor jordan said, I gieve witness a, and simison said, blow job, and the young man that stared on Lord of the rings said, can't ya seek, what if wrong, and simison said, you knew, and somebody said, central, and somebody said, indy saab, and I saw the indy saab mechanic and he said, I need to know aht to do, I been , and simison said, cut open, and hollie pointed at the bus, and she said, rede, and irene said, prophet _____, and hollie pointed at the indiana state court house building and she said, write your visions at that wall, and I saw virgil and he said, puter, and lord of the rings said, remember me, and virgel from virgil's shell said, I would like, and macaulay said, sex, and virgil said, lets do it, can witness come here, and the bullock woman said, no, and maucaulay said, lets face, and virgil said, you fool, and a woman said, snow, and maucaulay said, I'm an only child, bob, and a woman said, your changing, and hollie sang, same o bushcrap, and that is, and I saw this president and he said, don't give me that, and a woman said, bobby temptin, and a man said, git right, and a man said, no, and mrs. edwards said, never hang around, told, ya, don't, come, and macauly said, in, and mrs. edwards said, me, and macaualay said, an, and mrs. edwards said, al, get the picture, and a kid said, He left, and a Man said, no repetence, and a Man said, return, and michael boldea sr. said, no, and a woman said, and the Lord said, and mrs. edwards said, anal sex, like, it, and the speedway woman said, uuuuu weeeeeeeeee, I, can not, beeeeeeeeeeeelieve it!, I like, it, poop hole, lick, and that was maucaulay, and I'm, to late, kristina said, kristina, macaulay, don't, and maucaulay said, do, and other people talked on these visions, and many people said liiiiiiiiikkkkkkkeeeeeeee, and the bullock woman said, prophet first, and irene said, prophet ____, that was dorein, bout time to shut off, and hollie said, and that was dorein, and simsion said, good night, and sam neill said, sleep on, close, and I saw a Hand of Light point and heard, and that was simison, and hollie said, and that was, that was, and kristina said, kristina, and I heard, and the lord of the rings boy, and he said, open, not, now seek, to, late, and a Man that looked like Jesus said, never talk to Me,and hollie pointed at the door, and a girl said, you talk to much, and a boy said, grow up, and another said, thats what I want.
    (109)THE BRIGht lIGHT -visions received 11-17-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like HOLLIE AND SHE SAID, and russia is, and he saw a Bright Light on the ground, and that was, nuclear explosion that was about a east coast length, just one more thing, and putin said, russia is the bear, and russia will attack america.
    (110)the Second coming of Jesus -visions received 11-17-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, and He saw a Bright Light and that was Jesus returning.
    (111)work while is is yet day -visions received 11-17-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, and hollie said, and he saw, and I saw al at estes express lines, and he said, me, and I was put in prison, because I did not work for Jesus, aboslutely wrong, I don't know what to do, and a Being of Light pointed as hollie said, repent and be baptised, and buddy said, bob, ,a nd stephen hansen said, try once, will you come here.
    (112)a Being of Light points at the amazin Gift of Jesus Christ for whosoever will -visions received 11-17-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, this Being of Light, and she pointed at a webpage that has thousands of visions from the Holy Ghost, that is the Holy Spirit, that is The Holy One, and That is God, and that is Jesus, and Jesus Is the Christ, wheich means, sent, Immaunuel, which being interpreted, God with us! Hallelujah!
    (113)jeff gordon will regret -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said: and he saw jeff gordon and he looked like he had been in a bad wreck and he said, pushed my steerrin wheel, and his fellow driver said, jeff gordon, unquestionably, is one of the best in the buisness, he looked like he was happy about it, and sissy said, what did I do, and people said, tell him to quit racing, and live for Jesus, and putin said, you can't attack iran, they expect me to protect them, and people said, saddam was politburo but he broke oil contracts, bush said you are in trouble, and people said, cuase america is about to be attack by russia, heres the reason, russia is the bear with 3 ribs, thats china cuba nicaragua and don't forgit about mexico, mexico is invaded by, and putin said, us, and hollie said, were out of time thats the end of story.
    (114)Fist full of Diamonds -vision recieved 11-18-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like People and they said, and He saw A White Man Sittin on HIs THRONE, you live but you are not MY own, repent and be baptised in, in MYSTERY, BABYLON, and he saw a HAND full of DIAMONDS of LIght, and a MAn of LIGHT was holdin them out, and he saw the same Man blowin on, something in His Hand, and I saw like the sun and it was dark with possibly lava in it and I was told something like that is was like hell, that the sun is like hell, just not in those exact words.
    (115)destruction to america -visions received 11-18-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like, Jesus Christ, and He said something like as His Voice seemed to echoe thru the night darkness, the united states will be destroyed in just one hour, america will, perish, and hollie said, and he saw, and kristina fox said a, and kurt cobain said, woman, and hollie said, that gave Birth to a Man Child, and It was, and kristina said, Je, and hollie said, us, and He said, O come all ye faithful, joyful in triumphant, and kenneth haney sang, o come ye o come ye, I sleep, and a sullivan hardware man said, I, and a man said, slipp, and the woman that works for speedway said, lets build bridges and a woman said, stand, and somebody said, cain't you press for half an hour, AND sammi said, I'll get right, take it off, guestbook, stay away from her, hol, and hollie said, lie, and ken said, lets pray, and anias said, if you si, you will per, and thomas simison said, i, and annias said, how could i done, it was my husband, I had, and kristina said, Gift of the Holy Spirit, now I'm in and simison said, hell, and hollie said, her and cepahs, and aclice cooper said, back, and simison said, 's, and somebody said, slid, and somebody said, when she saw hell she said, and anias said, o God, no more sin, and somebody said, cephas said, and, and cephas said, shit, and hollie said, look what I've done, and george said, I don't beleive it, a, and somebody said, george is sittin in lava sayin drink, I want my water, and george said, think, oh, and somebody said, God, and somebody said, if you saw it, and somebody said, bob, and somebody said, don't talk about that, and george said, save my kids, and somebody said, all done, and somebody said, thats the lake of fire, and Jesus pointed at that, and He looked like a Light Man, and somebody said, george will always be right here where he's at, and george said, I wonder how I blew It, and dorein said, with us, and somebody said, he, and somebody said, cursed the drunk, and a man said, I want'em out, and debbie said, would'nt change, and somebody said, and you saw'em, and george said, I wanna git drunk, and macaulay culkin said, hell, and somebody said, is good for george, and george said, I know we did, and I'm here and I'll never get out and it just and simison said, serve and somebody said, he, and kristina said, likes and somebody said, hates abnd somebody said, he doesn't know that yet, he's a sleep and somebody said, in the ground, look at DANIEL 13, and hollie said, then, and someobdy said, some will and hollie said, awake, and somebody said, to everlastin contempt, some will some will awake to and hollie said, everlastin life, and somebody said, I want Heaven, and george said, where are my boys, and somebody said, in Heaven and and george said, with, and people said, him, God would heal sick babies if parents turn to Jesus, and this president said, I'm bush, git around all over the country, and somebody said, we, and somebody said, knew it, and people said, they never accept it, they are in more pain than can be imagined, once they accept that they are not going to come out, they fight Jesus, you know your and somoebody said, pol, and people said, many 1500 per week, strip, prenumbtual, prenumbtual my ass, you'll see, escape clause, see you all later, you know how I'll do it, go to mexico, strip, can't stay and chuck said, home, and people said, , you know what I did, drunk, blackout, ut o, she wrote, I'll tear it up, you'll find out, you'll find out, she is ready to leave and the money is all mine, meanin, broke, you, strip, same keys, to bind, and he saw a Hand of Light and stephen said, you had a choice, and stephen hansen said, pray for me, and a woman said, help, go to yur car, and stephen said, pray for her, go, and hollie said, save your motor, don't idle than you have to, and kristina said and people said, , not right, and somebody said, don't worry, coatin is a waste of time, ptfe, don't do it, just buy good oil, quaker state, if you let you motor sit for more than 3 whole weeks, then you'll have wear, if you don't no wear, and somebody said, don't use, don't do that, warren is cheap oil, and hollie said, thru the best, recycled, you know how you can tell, and people said, same motor, look on the bottle, it says recycled, warren, ain't, not good, as, quaker state, in, in, MYSTERY, BABYLON, and michael boldea said, leave it off, I'm backslided, and ann schmidt said, face, and gene schmidt said, said, uh wow we, and ann said, give it, and people said, will let if you want to not here, do at trap, here, what do your think I want You now, but I master, all, most, thats the reason, you would have been cut open aren't you, no more, bobby, fast, rent, don't, do, God will lead, buy me a rectum. lets face it, and dumitru duduman said, that car, stop me, and michael boldea said, thats the reason I left, and dumitru said, that car, and people said, I trap, I, knew, that I was.
    (116)vision, 's-visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said a wik, wit, ch, ch, and hollie points at this womans butt, and park spot and geno schmidt said, its your witness, and ann schmidt said, pray more, and sissy said, I left, and carol said, undecided, and the walmart girl said, she like material, anbd carol said, I left, ldeft, and somebody said, it all, and somebody said, karen, and the olsen twin said, cain't beleive, and karen said, non, strip'em, its your stomach, and I saw a Hand of Lite with it's Thumb pointing down, and a man said, that fart, still, I trapped, bobby stomach, left you, and Jesus said, lets pray, and a man and people said, I had a choice, put me first, bobby stay right there, let, me , give a warnin, strip prophet, my choice, you know, what you've done, please, ed, Jehov, a, to night, sweet dreams, and mr. phillips that goes to westside pentecostal Church said, puttin , and people said, on a show, stripped, and a woman said, trap, and debbie said, help me,. you should've left me alone, and Jesus said, your choice, and a woman and people said, cain't come back again, glendale, op, help me, en, work, Word, open, my eyes, so I can see, seen, and hollie said, bobby, and somebody said, not, and people said, tell, people, 30, 37, gieve testimony, reduce Power, You are, not, go in, to sleep, on, Je, sus, to, and hollie had, thumbs up, and a man and people said, thumb, yur, and a man said, right, God is not pleased as He wants to Be but something is better , and Jesus said, it's in My Heart, and hollie said, george, and george said, train, and a man said, adultery, and a boy said, I stink, fly away, run, and hollie pointed at my paper IO had visions on as I crossed them out, and she pointed and she said, escaped, prayed, when you witness, tellem, you masterbated, needed prayer, go, and hollie pointed at tutwieler cadillac and she said, don't go there rip off, and a woman said, go ahead and tell it, my own car, fast, bobby get your oil, sell, can you support Jesus, leave out, and hollie said, the zoo moved to be more accessable, and peyton manning said, peyton, playoff, now, and a man said, power house, and a woman said, needs some prayer, and people said, and hollie said, power house Church of God in Christ, trap, off, and new unity CHurch, open to Jesus, not, off, and love and kindness Church of God in Christ, fall, en, a, away, and people said, how do we et off, and a man said, cain't, crossed the and a man said, line, and and hollie said, and eastside seventh day adventest Church, off, and people said, cut o, pen, and and hollie said, and Judah Church, Church of God in Cry, st, and kristina said, not open, and hollie said, I'm moody, yur doin wonderful, and living water Church of God In Christ, and a man said, I'm jimmy, slo, ss, come, help, show it, can God give one more time, and people said, I'm cut off, no, will you fast, no, and hollie said, sothern nights video's, triple x, abomination, chicken, eat it, and hollie pointed at this last entry and the man sitting next to me, and he said, eat food, and people said, tv in the car, thats dangerous, and hollie said, write it down, write it downb, jeff gordon, no leg, dorein, worms, and hollie said, write, and the harry potter actor said, tell it, I'm cut off, I got blood on my hands, stripped, I don't eat, cum, but I will, wait, and Jesus said, how can you prove it, and harry potter actor said, I don't masterbate, s, ex, I eat it, homo, sex, al, ready, and hollie pointed and said, old country buffet, troth, laviciousness is and kristina said, sin, and people said, eat, drink, and be, Christ, and kurt cobain said, per, and hollie said, have a good night, lottery, abomination, and the pope said, can I have your wallet, rich, food, no respect, and maucaulay culkin said, worries, and People said, you better get ready, I'll set this palce on fire, I'm the Holy One, I will not Change for anybody, I AM He who LIeveth and He was dead and behold, I AM ALIVE forever, I change not, ISRAEL, your My friend, write, you know who I AM, and toma cruise said, there's blood on my hands, I wanted material, I'm rich, and hollie said, write it down, and Jesus said, ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:38, lets do, and hollie said, that was gadafi, and he has turned around, and the speedway woman said, he wants mercy, and hollie said, terr, is, and kristina said, st, and people said, ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:36, and what is in between, he cannot be set, cause he had blood on hand, he's a terrorist, he's kiiled many, he's doomed, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, and people said, Sup with, with, Christ, means fellowship with Christ, come to God clean, write those visions, seek the Face of Christ means ask what Christ wnats you to do, and I saw hollie raise her hands to Heaven, pray, aise, and kristina said, Je, me, sus, and people said, press is prayin real hard, sacrifice to the Lord, understand, sacrifice means rend you heart, rinse out your heart, sacrifice means pour it out to God, break, and the walmart girl said, I'm the walmart girl, your, Idle words, make up, and people said, ground, don't go to victory tabernacle, victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church, he has blasphemed the Holy One, and I saw pastor harris and he said, pastor harris, you know what I did, I blasphemed, don't call me a witch, and people said, how'd he blaspheme, he said he's a blasphemin borther, he was talkin about the prophet, he has a blaspheme, don't lie to God, don't make, don't break, understand Me, and I'll understand you, but I must be first, I AM the Holy One, I AM the ONe who has all POWER,a nd a girl said, give it to me, and another said, you, and the first girl said, left, and the man next to me said, you know what I want, salvation, and People said, POWER MEANS AUTHORITY, I can do what I want when I want to do it, understand Me, I AM AUTHORITY, you chose God over sex, abortion stops a beatin baby heart, and hollie pointed at this abortion entry and she said, abortion is, and the rsr quemetco guy said, mur, and dave scott said, der, and people said, death for the abortioner, that is who gets, and sho does it, 49 million babies, that is why, judgment is comint to america, that was People of Like Jesus, People of and a man said, of Life, and people said, a chevy cosworth vega, what a piece of junk, waek engine, rust, ain't worth nothin, and the man next to me said, let me alone, and he saw a killer fish, and hollie said, the fish was, and I saw this fish an aqarium with other fish and the fish went to the top and maybe got air, and people said, and he saw teeth that had fangs, and I saw the words, dreams.horses.come, and the word horses fell off, and people said, and he saw two Men, that was dorein and she was young and beautiful and she protects herself, and I saw the words, dennys, north korea, and the number, 1000, and a marathon gas sign and th price for gas was, $1.56, and people said, and he said, richard petty and he said, Lord, I'll give You, nothin, and I saw the words, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and china president hu said, and that is, chin,a and michael boldea said, I kinda thought, why so many letters, get him off me, and a man said, and maybe ann schimdt said, what were you doin, and dumitru duduman said, david, and michael said, you need to tell it, and a woman said, he wanted to destroy you, and dumitru said, he did, now he wants to fix you, and you won't hear him, you hate, and george said, bob, you thought he would be able to fellowship, you thought, and a michael said, how come I make so much, and somebody said, harras him, then God sent diane, to harras you but it didn't work, and diana hughey said, I thought, and maucaulay culkin said, thats who get away from, and diana hughey said, please, and gene schmidt said, I know yoy wanted them to be up, but they don't want to, and Jesus said, two years, and dumitru said, you wanted timeand he said, jim wanted to harm him, pursued, hid, found by woman, go she said, om gonna have to talk to you about drugs, and jim said, coffee is drugs, decaff, and kristina said, witness not, and people said, now he, to cut grass if can, and jim said, you should've let, I left, I, knew It, and I saw old residence he wanted to make up for being there when not supposed to be there, and People said, its not what you want, there harry potter, and hollie said, and he said I'm, stomachs hurtin, I'm nake, ed, and people said, that means no salvation, that was debby karen and she said, you nvever left my room, and people said, that means knew were both trapped, and debbie was, she said, soe cute and went to tell her what that meant was debbie was not allowed to be a child, he saw a house, and it was being restored and it had rooms he didn't know were there, and he saw a White Light and that was Holy, he saw, he saw, alice cooper singin, and he wanted alice to know he was into it and knew he did not want hime, alice said read the Sciptures, and he saw alice and he said, I will not do it, that manes test, cause alice is God, alice said, I got cut off, and he knows it and he wondered if alice was told by God don't trust that man and alice said, om unluck, last show coming, he knows, he's in 60's now and God say, but My Spirit will not always strive with alice, know your Scriptures, and hollie said, thou, and people said, fool, you know what lace and whiskey was about, sin and Wine and You and Me Hit number 1, but album did not want to, you and me hit number one for, and alice cooper said, 4, and people said, hours, he had two number 1 hits, and hollie said, but God would not let his career, sky, rock, rocket, sin, and alice cooper said, see me, and a man said, I , and a man said, black, and pastor jordan said, you know you don't have much longer, and the rsr man said, do, put, AND pastor dave scott said, the, and hollie said, and he was, and I saw me and I heard, angry, and a woman said, no wrong, and a woman said, will you tarry , fast, and robby whobrey said, help, and mark whobrey said, have nothin to do with him, and I saw rosey whobrey and heard, and rosey said, and rosey whobrey said, hell, and earnie said, wrong, and the rsr man said, purging is, and maucaulay culkin said, cain't, use, him, more, and a woman said, wait on Me, I want you, and a man said, don't tell me bobby, and tammy willoughby said, and I'm, homosex, and randy willoughby said, like me, and a woman said, good enough, and a man said, carburate, and mike whobrey said, don't, and a woman said, give me aleast 24 hours, and a man said, close, 9-20-2010-maybe its uh warnin, said, hollie, its, him, theres, she, hollie, its, they appeared, said, Jesus, put it under, said, hollie, showed, dont, thats, her stamping, and, beast, its, pope, she, said, running, out, like, lit dot head, man, hes, I am gog, he said, put it under, dont, hollie, said, work, hollie showed, tapped on her, its lightwatch, thats hollie that reports book sales, looked at Jesus, for, word, thats her clapping, and, showing, bob sold, hollie claps, again, about, 100 books, were angel marines, said, partial face hollie, said, stamps, its, gabriel, were marine angels, gabriel, said, God, said, running the streets, to protect, its, looting, said, gabriel, put it undle, said, hollie that reports book sells, and I stamped, she, said, up rose, its, whole new world order, like, angel, kings, there faces pop out, theres mexican president, looking happy, but showing, no, thats lula and, castrol, and, nicaraguan president, all three look stout but shake yes, thats captain hollie surfacing, in, three, its akula class said, hollie, submarines, in their waters, thats, them firing, america exploded, thats, hand pointing, its light, hand, hollies body dimly appears, gulf coast states exploded, but missiles struck them three countries, exploded, thats, them three ribs, appearing, in, putins mouth, I had uh dream, its uh night vision, said, him, partial face hollie said, thats same hollie playing, his music, said, same o partial face hollie, he wore white robe, many hollies appears, like, they came out of, said, another, hollie, its, she, said, stamps, piano, scene spins, hollie appears, its him said partial face hollie, said, God, this is warnin, said, hollie, with, its, the, loose belt sound, she, said, but, wasnt, another, tells, bob pay her rent, said, many, its hollies, with, its cuba, nicaragua, mexico, written, on, hollie, said, hollie taps on, its, recorder, she, said, showed, eat, and, I stamp, she said, out comes, its new world order, stagecoach, with black horses pulling, with the pope and hu, you lure, said, yeltsin, to hintao, alright, we'll do, said, hintao, thats, hollie, riding, the, missile, taiwan burned, he, hollie watches rocket streak from china with she hollie on, thats, hu hintao, battling washinton state with light sword, hollie fights back with sword, it changes colors, theres blue and light color, thats another hollie, flying out, in, its old, world war two, its x-58 said hollie, spacefighter soars, she, said, thats chinese ship bombed, exploded, leaves, hollie shows, there you have it, another hollie showed, its, the, deal, with, golden hand, partial face hollie appears, light savor, said man, thats, angel gabriel appearing, write uh vision make it plain, said, Jesus, this is hollie playing music, said, its him, said, partial face, hollie, and, another, she, hollie, showed, its pope, she, said, on, its, hollie stamps, that o, its uh display board, said, hollie, like white angel, dull golden robe, light sword appears in hand, thats, him fighting, its hollie vader, they, still watch it, they love, hollie said, its she showed, star wars, the movie box office hit of all times, that is george lucas, I want another star wars, he said, he created them all, God said, boo, chanted hollie, showed, many hollies in, streets, thats, people marchin, hollie, said, protestin, with signs, like, dot head, people, we want social security, one said, angry, thats, its, failin, hollie said, pension insurance collapses, God and hollie said, put it under, hollie, said, watch, what you, do, lot of people dont eat, said, hollie, its, food, shortages, she, said, thats people in, hollie stamps, like dot head hollie, face like partial silhouette but appears better, many people without food, hunger, its growin, hollie, said, this is, uh warning, said, hollie, loose belt soum, s,o,u,m, said, hollie, its him said partial face hollie, but, she hollie speaks when he hollie moves mouth, look, said, hollie, showed, popes picture, I needed vision, pope said, this is your website, said, hollie, showed, its the new ministry of dreams, hollie, said, showed, book, its, the ministry of dreams, written, by bob, its him, said, partial face, hollie, thats hollie playing music, smiling, hes wearing uh white robe, hollie, said, showed, book, its, visions of the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, by ministry of dreams, it, hes, transformed, another, hollie, said, hollie showed, eat, its, him, said, partial face hollie, wearing white robe, thats, partial face hollie at interviewing table, shaking yes, she wanted the part, God, said, Jesus, like, uh big light Jesus, looks at hollie, in, his hands, him, partial face hollie, thats, hollie like bear in dome, in palm of hand, showing, peace and safety, is, thats bush and gorbachev signing start one on ship, hand showed, you did not want hollie showed, thats, hollie, like, uh light bear, and, hollie, like, other bear, showing, three ribs in mouth, hollie, showed, run, hollie showed, its, she, said, with, white robe, Ibrahim Ahmed, he stole, hollie, said, its, she, said, sh be quiet, hollie, said, thats embarrased Ibrahim Ahmed, showing, its ginny hill, he said, both steal, the God spoke, hollie said, ministry of dreams, its to ruin prophet, they both run to remove, after being exposed, said, hollie, hollie like, transforming bear showed, three ribs in, like, class setting, taps stick, and, bobby who are they, she, said, tapped stick, and, I, stamp, said, hollie, light angel thing comes out, if you you need to let me said, hollie, record, hollie stamped, thats, pope like dot head coming out, I am God, he, said, .
    (117)the indianapolis trap and the end times -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, your headed to judgement, and sissy said, how come om not working here, and dorein and people said, the Lord said, pay your tithes, you only owe tithe on when you can, when you tell God you'll serve Him, do it, you know we passed, who, cares, and a woman said, I'm undecided, and hollie pointed at starbucks sign, drink coffee, and the Angelic Cop pointed at the oil on the shelf, and pastor jordan said, you won't get out, and hollie said, stay right here, and a woman said, stay here, and a woman said, ACTS 2:38 and a womand said, don't, and a woman said, om just a show, and a woman said, don't, do , it, and a woman said, thats, and a woman said, all, and People said, come unot Me all ye that and hollie said, are, and People said, heavey laden and I will give you rest, he saw WESTSIDE pentecostal Church with a closed sing in the front yard, that means cut off, the Lord just touched your face, now you'll get deeper and deeper means in the Holy Spirit, and hollie pointed, air planes will soon be grounded in america because the have no fuel, and hollie pointed at this after it was typed in, fuel shortage coming to usa, jim phillips blasphemed the Holy Spirit, put it right there as he pointed, he said, you were, and donald winters said, of the devil, and People said, thoses were two Hands full of what is available to you and that is, nothin more than you can bear, nicolous from eigth is enough said, I want you o Master, read ACTS 2:38. and do It, and will ames won't repent, none of them will, there all rich, you saw a White Hand and the Finger pointed and He said, stand, you know what a witch is, a witch is a blasphemer, and thats is not forgive, and kristina fox said, en, and People said, once you commit blaspheme, your done, end of story, that was nuclear judgment, and kristina said, in, and People said, new york city, and that, and that was Heaven and Heaven is the Lake of Fire, and the Lake of Fire is Lave, and It looked like an Ocean of Lava, the Lord showed you the Lake of Fire again, it's several 1000 degree's, It will instantly butrn your skin right off your body, It was made for the devil and his angels, and hollie said, and he is, and People said, fallen, will you fall with him, that was a nuclear explosion in Indianapolis, coming from a submarine, lets face it, Indianapolis will burn, Jesus said, Look at me, He suffered, dumitru said, arm yourself to suffer likewise, irving sadi, does Jesus hated me, irving baxter said o shit, understand, irvin baxters cut off, he knew, and irving baxter said, cain't you tell, and people said, rick butler committed blaspheme of the Holy Spirit, he was, you were of the devil, they all did at estes express lines, they will close when you least expect it, irving baxter will not come to the Lord until he is brought to his kness, and irving said, praise the Lord, and woman pointed and said, right here, and a woman said, come back, and People said, irving baxter said, there must be a reason, he's got the Holy Ghost, he just needs the humblin treatment slapped on him, warning a bomb atttack in new york city, understand, new york city is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth, united states and greg oliver said, is, and People said, MYSTERY, BABYLON, have a good year, Jesus said, judgment is coming to america, missile attack from russia, russia will destroy america and a woman said, in, and people said, one hour, that was a nuclear fireball in the sky over Indianapolis, understand, when the empire state building collapse, and kristina said, 's, and People said, from plane crash, time will and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, will, and dorein said, be, and people said, short, irvin baxter does not have the Holy Ghost, oak park Church has been closed, she said, Om 39 and he's 75 and were having an interracial affair, and he's comitt, and a woman said, ted, and people said, blaspheme, he's done, she just wants the fuckin money, jim's not rich and Jims going home, he'll perish, lory sears says brett sears is a homosexual, and thats an abomination, and thats why the united states will be destroyed in just one hour, yoou know what I did, I sucked her pussy and she sucked my peter and the Lord says thats the end of that, and he said, just don't eat that, and a woman said, I like cum, and people said, considering abortion, considering murder, and the woman next to me pointed at that, and she said, I did, and People said, hell to the abortioner, and the woman next to me said, I want ta trap, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, I, and dorein said, want, and the woman next to me said, sex, and People said, terry stacy and jeff pidgeon is a devil, they are both try sexual, homo sexuality is an abortion of God's Holy Law, and a woman pointed at this as I typed it in, and people said, understand, blaspheme is of the devil, and hollie said, pray, hold hands out, God said, pick the phone up, she said, what does he want, nothin from you sweet pie, it's to late for you sweetie pie, you've crossed the Line when you said, he isn't a Christian cause a Christian and a woman said, is, and People said, supposed to speak to me, and you were trapped, and you blasphemed, and hollie, and a woman said, pointed, and People said, hollie said, don't lift me up, thats and dorein said, what, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, I'm, and the pope said, sa, and the idol sheppard said, tan, and people said, that was lucifer and he is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, lucifer is the one who will be in the idol sheppard, and that will be the end of humanity as we know it, he will be like an Angel of Light, and He, and somebody pointed and I heard, you saw it, and People said, and he will destroy wonderfully, because he knows his time is short, he will have about three and one half and three and one half years of wrath, and dumitru said, dumitru duduman finished his cours and his cousre was Heaven, hollie said, yeah, you need to tell it, witness said, I blaspheme, He told you you do not speak in the Name of Christ, he said, I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus and beleived in my heart God had raised Him from the dead, and hollie pointed and said, read It, and she looked like a Light woman cat, and People said, but understand, you can not do that unless you have had , THE ACTS 2:38 born again experience, but understand ACTS 2:38 won't save, but followin thru will, ACTS 2:38 will make you a candidate for Heaven, you can't confess with your mouth if He isn't your Lord, believe in your heart, and a woman said, hey sunday school teacher, and a woman said, how come he knows so much, and a woman pointed at this, and people said, follin thru ass wipe, and ass wipe is what you call him, you will see in the judgment, He will say, I didn't know, and Christ will say, why didn't you know, and he will said, I wouldn't listen, and Christ will say, Depart, end of story, and a woman near me said, read ACTS 2:38, and another woman said, and do it, and Christ will say depart from Me ye worker of iniquity, for I know you not, and the woman near me said, were running out of time and a womabn pointed at her, and People said, that was God and He's a Man of Fire, and a Man of Fire is goin to explode in new york state, don't tresspass against God, when you do, you have to pay a ransome, a tresspassin, a ransome, is what He charges to free from sin, a ransome, and a woman said, can't , and people said, be paid for blaspheme, end of story, jennifer schaffer is a lesbian, and a lesbian is an abomination, she said, trap me, and she got it, thats her screamin, when she see's the Lake Of Fire and they'll, be thrown in, witness sa a Mouth of Light and He said, chastice, He was talkin about jennifer schaffer, she provoke the Mantle went there, He said, whatta ya want, he said, don't hurt her over me and He won't, and He will in the judgement, God sayd, Jeff daughtery will not repent and He said, on in hell, and hollie said, your wanted in bed, and jennifer schaffer said, fist fuckin, and she does it, thats an abomination in the EYES of God, God says good night, gilligan, from gilligans Island, and People have pointed at this entry, and people said, bob denver perished, in the judgment he said, one more chance and God said, how many chances do you need, and gilligan said, just one more chance and God said, you had yoru last chance last night, and a woman said, yeah, and I saw a Hand of Light and the Finger pointed at this, and People said, and a woman said, what about my husband, and a person said, your gittin abased, and people said, end of story, you sawa mans butt and it was shaved, a mans butt is not supposed to be shaved, and thats an abomination man or woman, and Jesus said, push bobby and that means pray until something happens, and brother bullock said, I was lying, and people said, that was the earth reelin to and fro like a drunkard, and that'll be when the united states gets hit and dorein said, by, and people said, russia, the united states will be destroyed in just one hour, and the united states states will be judged by God, end of this segment, and henry gruver said, won't fast, saw it, and I saw a Hand of Light point at this, and people said, that, and kristina said, 's, and people said, henry gruver, and hollie says it down, and henry gruver will get another chance if he humbles himself and seeks the Face of Jesus, one more chance for henry gruver, and henry gruver is about to surrendar his carrer to the prophet fi he doesn't repent and be baptised in Jesus Christ and receive the Holy One, Amen, and I saw a Being Point at the woman next to me and she said, I pray, and Jesus said, awesome, and a woman said, were, and mabye the other one said, both, and the first said, closed, and a young man said, stolen, and a woman said, my life, and another woman said, not, and a woman said, I ai'nt 41, and another woman said, not, and a Neing pointed another direction, and a woman said He's watning to close the library, and people said, God says henry gruver won't trap and that hurt him, and hollie hunter said, hollie hunter, and people said, hollie hunter blasphemed the Holy Spirit when she said, bob is a devil, and the woman next to me said, when she puts make up on, and Jesus said, yes, and hollie said, thats an abomination, and people said, thats was a candidate for fro russia, and a woman said, cia's, and people said, election called politburo, candidate, politburo will be back in russia, politburo is 10 kings and they choose from amoung them the russia president, politburo will be the new russian ruling party, out of politburo will come the antichrist, politburo is 10 kings on the beasts head, Amen, and I saw a Hand of Light, and the Finger pointed at this and I heard, finish It, and People said, politburo already exist in russia, called ten nations, russia has an agreement with, politburo is russia, politburo is china, politburo is italy, politburo and the president of iran said, is iran, and people said, politburo is mexico, politburo is nicaragua, politburo is cuba, politburo is brazil, politburo is venezeula, politburo is Israel, israel is not politburo, but israel will be attacked by politburo, last chance israel, Amen, greenday will not be save, and a woman said, 'ed, and people said, he has blood on his hands, the Lord says greenday will not be set free cause he won't git and kristina said, out, and people said, and rock and roll to serve Jesus, you understand, greenday would not, and kristina said, re, and hollie said, cord, and people said, Christian records, he doesn't give a shit about God, you saw debbie and her eyes were glowin, no more chance for debbie, God says no more chance for sissy, and sissy said, don't depress us, and debbie said, back, and jackie said, I'm not, and bob said, I know it, and People said, they both have each other's blood on hands, and a woman said, no playin, right, and people said, transmission fluid will never wear out, so leave it alone, the Lord says transmission's will not wear out for a long time if you change your fluid Amen, a long time means 300000 miles, they know their lost and don't care, mr's studdard said, we do it for the, and pastor studdard said, mon, and mrs studdard said, ey, and pastor studdard said, don't go to harvest prayer center, and hollie said, Jesus Christ Gospel Church, trap, and people said, they wan't your wallet, and a man said, I ain't looking, and pastor studdard said, who cares, and people said, about me, and hollie said, anglican Christian Church of the re, and a man said, vived, and people said, needs to revive it'self, and hollie said, covenant house Christian Chu, rch, redeemed needs to get, and people said, delivered, read and do ACTS 2:37, ACTS 2:38, and whats in between, and a man pointed at this and said, it's all rith here, and people said, when you get numb in the cold it means your body has accepted that it can't keep you warm so it doesn't let you feel it, and a man said, read ACTS 2:39, 2:38, do it, and hollie said, hu wants bush to get the fuck out of china, its a, bou, t, trade, and rsr man said, im, empire state bulding, and hu said, running out of cash, and I saw hu and heard another voice said, oil , and rsr said, war, brewin, and hollie said, and Jesus said, you saw it, and hollie said, they don't have no , and I saw rsr and heard, wallet, and hu said, buying, and mabye putin said, russia, and rsr said, attack, and hu said, lets plan it, and hu said, can't, and a man said, shoot, and hu said, stealh, and a Being pointed at this as I typed, and a woman said, trap, and dorein said with the voice of a multitude, God will show, and hollie said, thats and kristina said, it, and hollie said, when america, when rus, and a boy said, suicide, and and dave scott said, thats it, and dorein and maybe another with the voice of a multitude said, russia won't even suspect, and I saw a Little Lighted Being, and He said, no body even knows, and hollie said, hollie said, when america goes to, war with, and hu said, china, and geno said, bobby just give warning, and ann schmidt said, and leave, and rsr said with hollies voice and maybe others, russia will strike with out warning, and a woman said, then, and hu said, china, and a woman said, will hit russia, and hollie said, the earth will reel to and fro like and a Lighted Being pointed at the keyboard, and hollie said, the earth will reel to and fro like a drunk man, and rsr said, drunk, ar, and dave scott said, erd, and hollie said, tore up the Contract, and rsr pointed at b-jays store, and hollie said, and, and rsr said, blow job, and a woman said, you goin home, and hollie said, blow job is, the national anthem of amerirussia, and macaulay culkin said, squirt, and a man said, need a whippin, and hollie said, and rsr said, ls aryes, closin, and hollie pointed at this, and rsr and people said, tyler automotive, and hollie said, tax, evad, and dave scott said, ver, and a man said, with the economy back, and people said, the Church are open, and a Being pointed at the paper that visions are written on and I heard, what is that, and hollie said, it's a trap, and kristina said, thats means, and hollie said, thats means, and a woman said, people are closin, and rsr man said, trap, and hollie said, don't go to the bank machine, stripped, and a man said, thats what I want, maybe were out of time, and Jesus said, Israel, and somebody said, o, and somebody said, m, and hollie said, the sign says we well for less, and somebody said, you know how much they make, and hollie said, a lot, and dorein said, by and somebody said, sell cheap, and hollie said, that, and somebody said, push the button, and hollie said, bobby your ass, preserve, and hollie pointed at unilub oil bottle, cheap look at the bo, and rsr said, ttle, and soembody said, Indianapolis, and hollie said, is not goodyear, and sissy said, tires, and hollie said, made elsewhere, and gene schmidt smile, what does he want, take, and tina knobby said, thats what I wanted, fuck me in the, and the woman that works at speedway gas station said, butt, and tina said, and give me your wallet, and kristina said, gene schmidt, and hollie said, was you happy to see bobby, and ann schmidt said, he left, he's true, I saw and dorein said, It, and geno said, yur awesome, don't stay more thatn, live, and people said, geo metro, will last about hundred, 160 thousand miles, time to get your oil changed, synthetic blend, good, better, that straight, but save your money, straight good enough, even unilab, and hollie said, lion is not the king of the jungle, and Jesus said, push, and hollie said, it is the grizzly bear, you know why men like sex, anal, and rsr quemetco man said, no child and ann said, I laughed, and dave scott said, support, and hollie said, render unto ceaser the things that are ceasers, thats an a, bom, in, a, and kristina fox said, nation, and I saw a Hand of Light point at the woman next to me, and I saw dorein and heard hollie's voice and she said, and, he, and a woman said, lets pray, and rsr said, go, and hollie held her hands up, and Somebody pointed at JEREMIAH 16 when I was turning Bible pages, and and people said, turn, and a HaND OF lIGHT POINTED AT THE LITTLE light man on the street utility pole that lets pople to know to walk, and stephen hanson said, rais your hands and repeat after me, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and people said, get your recipt, thats boby, that helped, now tell, I need my recipt to keep my word, no do it, now the Lord said, don't witness, hang around, they want to be, witness to, but, they don't want saved, she lied, put something in your stomach, you must eat, thats not, witness, go, get, coff, ee, do it, put Me first, no, word, go, and hollie pointed at the clock, and maybe kristina said, time, and hollie said, get coffee, and a man said, finish, and hollie said, that and kristina said, was, and hollie said, michael boldea, and hollie said, God is for, and a woman said, put something in your stomach, and hollie said, death, peanal, ty, and kristina said, that, and hollie said, help, git rid of, sin, ner, and kristina said, 's, and people said, and they kill Gods animals and thats an abomination in Gods sight, and macaulay said, kill for fun, and rsr said, I know It, and chinese president hu hintao said, we want you destroyed, and this president said, I'm bush, and I saw him and heard a voice say, bring it on, thats what I want, cause we know we can, and hu said, whip, and I saw dorien and heard, whip each other, and hollie pointed at this, and I heard, china is loaded with nuclear missiles, and hollie said, this, and maybe hollie said, russia, and hu said, russia, give, me, nuke, weapon, and vladimir putin said, my price, and chinese president hu said with, o, k, we block, america, if we, want, tai, wan, near, that, is, n, 't, any, thing, were, not, ready, thats the, true, th, russia, will, you, let, me , atta, offend, bu, and hollie said, sh, and hu said, bush, not, yet, cause russia is, and putin said, attack, and hu said, china, and will you tell, bush, and maucaulay said, in control, of, and hu said, nothin, you think, we can, take, tai, wan, back, right, now, but, and vladimir putin said, I won't attack, and hu said, have nothin to do with him, we won't even think of attack, and dorein said, until, and hollie said, God give's one heart and one mind, thats the reason for WEB, and kristina said, 's, si, and hollie said, te, and a child said, your done, and putin said, I want, and somebody said, to weigh, and putin said, conseqences, I, fear, re, tal, it, and somebody said, ation, and putin said, I might, I, know, we, can, knock out, amerirussia, and maucaulay pointed at this, and putin said, cause, missile defence, is, light the sky, it will, nuke, ru, ss, sia, and I know it, plan, shut, off, a, mer, and macaulay said, build a trap, and putin said, i, ca, my, and ron miens said, I heard that, I do, do not, not yet, ask me prophet, you, know, I, and macaulay said, that I, and ron said, know, and macaulay said, I'm out, touch, once, hey Jesus, bob cain't, seek me, and putin said, new licence, thats how, thats, wait on it, it's the ticket, and macaulay said, no new licence, and putin said, collapse, and rsr man said, stop me, and putin said, from inside, bring it down, terror, ism, and michael boldea said, I need your money, and dorein said, it ain't gonna be stopped so you might as well accept it, the licence will be the easy way, terrorism will drag ou, t, and a Hand or possibly a Being of Light pointed at this, and people said, judgment to amerirussia, they both will fall down at the same time, putin knows china wants syria and syria is and putin said, russia, they, and hu said, we, got, new, and the president of north korea said, new missile, and macaulay pointed at this, and hu said, no way out, and somebody said, marcus r. williams, trap, and the woman next to me said, I done told you, and the man next to me said, I heard, and the rsr man said, go ahead and trap me, and michael boldea said, awesome, and I heard, I'm back, and I saw macaulay said, look at me, and a man said, how awesome, and macaulay said, I want you, and rsr said, pay, tithe, on, all, income, that you ever, and a man said, you owe it, and rsr said, that you ever make, and ron said, since you made your committment, and a man said, go, you, and a man said, don't owe, and Jesus sang, and o, and kenneth haney, general superintendent, united pentecostal Church, sang, the joy the flooded my soul, and the woman next to me said, lets fast, and macaulay said, israel, and a Man said, leave here, and maucaulay said, next, and a man said, that care, and people said, give thanks, time for, build a trap, good, bye, bobby, your, about, and sissy said, git clothes, and stephen said, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the, and hu said, china, china will absorb russia, and stephen said, ma, and the people said, gog, and that is new world order, and that is, post, step, cause russia is the bear, and hollie said, beast, and the pope said, and, and the idol shepherd said, I'm, and the pope said, the, and the idol sheppard said, idol shepherd, and the pope and mabe the idol shepherd said, when, satan enters in, and the pope said, de, and the idol shepherd said, stro, and the pope said, y, and he saw a Hand of Light point at the vision, old bethel united methodist Church, and pastor jordan said, they will not repent, and people said all or some of, post road Christian Church is lost, warren hills Church is open to prophet, prophet is me, and he saw a Being of Lightpoint at, and hollie said, the moon is red because and a man said, earth is, and hollie said, the color of blood, because, and a man said, earth is, and hollie said, the color of blood from abortion, 42,000,000 babies plus 7 and a a man said, mill, and a man said, ion, and people said, he saw a Hand of Light point, and a woman said, at me, and michael boldea said, moneys your answer, and people said, appreaciate every moment like it's your last, you'll never know when it will be, time, truth of the matter is, your going to, and sam said, walmart, I'm a preacher, and hollie said, that goes to aa, and sam said, and I lie, and hollie said, prayer walk, russia will attack america, and a young man said, tell bobby to leave me alone, and a woman said, us, and a woman said, not, and a woman said, no, and a woman said, I heard your, and the young man said, ACTS 2:38, and a man said, ain't happening, and Jesus showed me a vision a while ago where He is restoring my face, and hollie pointed, and said, right there, and people said, cain't you build a trap, stick around, and hollie who looked like a Being of Light pointed at something, and hollie pointed, and people said, lets press, and the speedway woman said, he saw the empire state buildin collapse, plane hit, and hollie said, and bush was behind it, and this president said, collapse the economy, you know watergate, and gerald ford said, fix, I was behind, and people said, your to good lookin, and Jonathan Hansen said, I blasphemed, and hollie said, he knows, and john said, unspoken, and hollie pointed at the bag, it came down, and she looked like a woman, and people said, and the leopard, north korea, japan, mexico, and hollie said, the leopardman, and a man said, that is, and somebody said, russia, and people said, and he looked like a leopard king, and people said, chicago will tade a missile from submarine, and hollie pointed at this entry, and people said, chicago will burn, that was the pope, that was the idol shepherd, and they are one and the same, and the pope said, I ain't Christian, and weseley clark said, I planned the iraq war to end nuclear exchange between iran and israel, I'm wesley clark, I wanted their oil, they were supposed to nuke, conomic collapse coming, and thats the reason, and people said, helen, where are you, and helen mosteller said, in hell, mopsey help me, and willie, willie ames, and willie said, I should have never had kids, gay, and one or more people said, brook shields, and brook said, I knowed, and willie said, affair with brook, and people or person said, how old were you, and brook said, I committed blaspheme, and Nicholas from eigth is enough said, it was good, 8 is enough, and a woman said, blaspheme, and heather said, heather, lockyear, I want, and willie said, trouble, and brook said, went with me, went to his head, fuck, ed, once, now, trapp, ed, won't, and willie said, let go, and brook said, om going to hell, show it, and willie said, backslider, when starred, blue, la, goon, sex with, and a woman said, 500, and willie said, wom, en, and brook said, , brook, and brook said, they wanted to, make us, love, each, o, and willie said, other and Jesus said, look at My Hand, and kristina said, hole, and brook said, you know my ass, and willy said, sag, and kristina said, you saw Hand reach out, trap, somebody, and a young man said, back, and hollie said, good, and kelly coffman said, to late for me turn, and brent, wants penis, ice cream, you lust, and a girl said, i'm naked, and kelly coffman said, make bob come back, I want your wallet, here, and tina knobby said, I, don't, like, dick, I want, and kelly said, pus, eat, and tina with kelly's voice said, yum, and people said, that was hulk, and lou ferigno said, that was good, , and people said, he saw 3 people riding bikes and it sounded like cars, he said, 249 for that, it was really way more, you know what I need, a Measuring Line, he said, brian was in trouble and he saved, and a woman said, boy This is Spiritual, and people said, him and good wanted brian to sleep with his father, and people said, a Measuring Line Measures you to the Word of God and that would tell whre you are, and I saw the words, gonna blow out, and people said, you saw Light burn out your, and I saw the words, turn, and maybe, turn prayer, press america, and hollie pointed at the half and half machine, and hollie pointed at van, you cna check right there, and a woman said, trap me, and a man said, git and a woman said, no, and a woman said, I want money, and man said, no, and hollie pointed at at a aldi grocery store, and said, do, and hollie said, you want material, and the people at aldi's said, we don't want Jesus, we want material, and a man said, one more time, and hollie pointed at the power of pride sticker on somebodies car, and hollie said, that is why, judge, men, mint, to, a, and somebody said, country, and kristina said, and that was kristina, and people said about stickers on the back of this car, the sticker said, firm beleiver in Christ, and the other said, colts, and hollie said, and that is, the, col, ts, and people said, that is why judgment is coming to america, and Jesus pointed from and said, Bless the Lord O My Soul, bless means work for Jesus while it is still day, and hollie pointed at this and said, look, and people said, the night cometh when no man shall be able to work, understand, the Lord is not pleased with idleness, work and press, work and press, work and press and then you'll see, hallaluiah, the Lord , work for you, Jesus on the mainline, tell Him what you want, if you don't do what the Lord say, then the Lord says, leave Me alone, and people said, don't mess with Jesus and He won't mess with you, understand, if you say you want Jesus, and and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said with the voice of a multitude, and you don't live for Jesus, and Jesus said, where'd he go, thats wrong, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said with the voice a a multitude, and you don't live for Jesus, and hollie pointed at the clock and it said, 12:01, and bret sears said, om out, go, do what and lori sears said, you, and bret said, wan, and kelly said, t, 9-18-19-2010-write the vision make it plain said uh she hollie but he said another hollie that said Jesus and two hollies, thats hollie stamping said uh she hollie, but him said partial face hollie appeared said Jesus, he showed cut it off, bob fist said hollie with all her face, like hollie showed, but she was hidden, bob put it in the uterus said woman, watch her sream said Jesus, bob tonight said God, thats bob laying down, cause he is, pushed to far said God, he hollie showed lay down, thats angel marines in the streets, its economic collapse said hollie, barack announces, straightens his tie pointed a he hollie, hey bob, said, hollie, pointed, up, its, God coming, happy, she and he said, put it under, said, hollie, showed, clean up, hollie showed, record, and, and, I stamp, she said, thats, beast, pope, running out, like angel, dot head, with, its, black stagecoach pulled by angred horses, hollie jumps on sees pope, I am gog, he, said, come on, said, hollie, and I stamp, she, said, red horse runs out, and, its, rider, hollie said, pointed, at, its hu hintao, she, said, hollie screamed, hollie screamed agin, hollie said, bobby, said, hollie, website wont post, she, said, and, he saw, it, showed, casey, wearing white robe, she was kind of, fuzy, hollie said, its ministry of dreams website like angel, o, said, hollie, looked, at, bob, shook yes, theres deformed, hollie, said, showed, gray where hair should be with very little hair, o said, hollie, looked at bob, shook, yes, on side of face theres gray and, brown, on other side, gray and, its, changing colors, i'm the new ministry of dreams, said, angel, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamp, she said, thats, beast, on, its black new world order stagecoach, pulled by angry black horses, theres many said, hollie, thats black horse, sitting, at, its, said, hollie, stamped, scene spins, God interviewing, table, black horse shows, popes picture, like, angel of light, bob, said, it, hollie, she, said, stamps, scene spins, its whole new world order, bunch hollie, said, appear, in, its picture, hollie, said, thats president of mexico, shaking yes, but hugo shows, no, castrol, lula, nicaragua, theres, uh line of them, hollie said, neither want but look stout, bobby, said, hollie, stamped, with light stick, showed, theres kim jong, he has nuclear button, thats round head, like round ball with face, thats, mexican president popping out, and eight kings, you see bobby said, hollie, these will rise against, its, hollie, said, the u.s.a., hollie stamps, scene spins, its MYSTERY, BABYLON, said, man, showed, thumbs down, fallen, he, said, hollie showed, and, she, wasnt happy, thats hand showing, you did not want hollie showed, with like dome in palm, and like hollie in, like, its uh white bear, said, hollie, claps, shows, radio show, dont go, hollie showed, you lure, said, yeltsin to hintao, alright we'll do hintao said, thats hollie riding, missile, its into, over, taiwan, she, said, exploded, thats, he hollie watching missile streak from china, exploded, in taiwan, thats, hu hintao, battling washington state, with his light sword, hollie fights back, its blue sword, thats, hollie flying out in, its, sr-71 blackbird, drops bomb, its repelled hollie, said, thats america exploding, spacefighter soars, said, hollie, its, him, said, partial face, hollie, flying, he showed, its f-16 thunderjet, submarines appear all around america, both coasts exploded, man let me git outta here said hollie news anchor man, its on the day of the Lord, he, said, bobby, complained, hollie, stomped foot, snapped fingers, showed, its popes, picture, Jesus tells hollie like bear, destroy that, hollie shakes, yes, nuclear n.a.t.o. explode, spacefighter soars, hollie said, thats russia burning, world shaking, moon just stairs, then, quickly says, i'm, but did moon really say it, thats hollie and JEsus behind, moon, saying, thats, countries in, its, said, hollie, south america exploding, hollie got sad, hollie showed, turn, like lit hollie, blew balloon, out hollie, its him, said, partial face hollie, like he hollie balloon, mouth has like stunned look, thats fisting, its, the marine corp. is out in the streets, said, hollie, like, partial silhouette face marines, one was hollie, one was, its gabriel, then face appears, hollie claps, its economic collapse, she, said, barack announces, leaves, thats people marching, and, protesting, we want social security, one said, they have sign, chant, like dot head people, stripped of pension insurance saith the LOrd, hollie showed, turn, lighted, but, then, showed, turn, the other way with red bear paws, tear up, hollie showed, hey said another, hollie, came out, hand over mouth, but shook, yes, turned into, its him, said, partial face, hollie, her body hidden, but dimly faded in, but, it transformed, hollie said, with all her face, thats, hollie with beautiful hair said, Jesus, winking, showing, its pope, picture, with, brown hair, let me, said, putin, pope shakes, yes, hollie shows, world, he hollie soars, its x-19 spacefighter, thats him dropping bomb, america below exploded, him said, partial face hollie, showed, record, and, he, stamped, showed, eat, boo, said, many hollies, theres, she hollie coming out, showed, he and she hollies, he, him, she, hollie said, showed, lay down, .
    (118)a.a. allen and the vision of destruction to america from Jesus-visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a.a. allen, and he said, I fell back in the late 50's, God gave me that vision, of destruction to america, I didn't beleive it, and I fell, and thats the reason I dran, k, I got lifted up cause God was healin thru me, there is a Line you can cro, s, and that will be it, have a wonderful day.
    (119)will it be you -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me the word, will.
    (120)Jesus with the Crown of Thorns -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like, Jesus, and He had Brown Hair, and He had the Crown of Thorns in His Head.
    (121)hollie points -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like hollie and she looked like a Lighted Being, and she pointed at a mispelled word in the last vision, and I saw her often pointing at things. Thank you Jesus for a ponitin hollie!
    (122)humble -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like me, and I had tears in my eyes.
    (123)jackie -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like jackie and she sat on the outside of possibly a Church.
    (124)lou ferigno -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like lou ferrigno, and he looked like a lighted faced spirit.
    (125)time winding down -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like sissy and she said, maybe it's time, and a man said, I'm o, ff, and another man said, don't do.
    (126)it's past the midnight hour and are you saved -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like possibly hollie and she pointed at the clock in vehicle and it said, 12:01.
    (127)od can destroy you with ease -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like this speed limit on this street warning type sign, and it read, 35, but, from a distance it looked like maybe, 75.
    (128)hollie -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like hollie and she pointed at this page I'm typing visions on, and I can hear paul mCartney singing, let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be, whisper words of widsdom, let it be, and hollie sang, let it be, and paul said, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    (129)abraham lincoln -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like president abraham lincoln and he said, abraham linclon did not know God.
    (130)lost -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like a Lighted Hollie and she pointed at this man, and a man said, he is not saved, and the man said, I heard.
    (131)lincoln -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like maybe hollie and she pointed at a president lincoln picture and article, and the speedway woman said, he was not set free like he claimed.
    (132)Hand of Light visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me a Hand of Light, and It pointed at my e-mail account.
    (133)11-22 trap -visions received 11-22-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, and possibly amy grant said, this is amy, and a woman said, God bless, and amy said, with money, you know why we wear, and rebecca st. james said, tights, and amy said, to get people to lust us, and where Chris, and rebecca saint james said, tian, and a woman said, indianapolis baptist temple committed tax evasion cause they want that money and greg dixon said, for, and a woman said, they, and the older pastor dixon said, themselve, and greg said, you know how we do it, comimit, ta, cks, 's, e, va, sion, byt, not, re, por, ting, tithes, hallelujah, and a female sang, danger, and the speedway woman said, thats abomination in the Lord, 's, EYE, 's, and dumitru duduman said, he saw himself as a prisoner of the Lord, and Jesus said, you wanted on the telephone, and a young man said, who do we, and the other possibly said, talk to, and one said, we take, and a man said, and a woman said, press, and a man said, thats the ticket.
    (120)THE ACTS 2:38 trap -vision received 11-23-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like hollie and she held her hands up for prayer walk, and I saw a woman point, ACTS 2:38, and a person said, bobby you wrecked, and a man said, you hit my car, and the woman said, do, and the man said, no, and hollie said, you know what you got until it's gone, so appreciate It, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, and ron miens said, follow thru, and george harrison sings, whisper words of wisdom, and paul mccartney sings, let it be, and hollie said, how do you like It, you now as happy, as you, though, t, but, It will, have out, reach, thats what God wanted, God is, please, es, ed, now go and prayer walk, put Me first, says the Lord, and He will, guide, di, rec, t, your, path, 's, and he saw, a, storm, come, ing, and he was, pre, pare, ed, ing, not, yet, red, dy, but, gettin.
    (120)visions -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me Something being put in my hand, and hollie said, you blasphemed the Holy One when you blasphemed hollie moody, religion, and somebody said, and he saw EZEKIEL 7, and I that talks about the end is come and that is to the land of ISRAEL, and hollie pointed at the ACTS 2:38 is salvation, that was on the van.
    (121)visions of freddy krueger -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like freddy, and he said things like, it hurt, you know what I did, traded.
    (122)intercessory prayer -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like hands holding up the world.
    (123)when will russia strike america -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like, the speedway woman, and she said things like, and the Lord says, when the economy collapse, 's, thats when russia will attack.
    (124)henry gruver -vision recieved 11-25-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like possibly be, and I may have been talkin on the phone with stan johnson, and somehow the name henry gruver came up, and I expressed interest in listening to him talk.
    (125)judgment is coming to america -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like, the speedway woman, and she said, you saw the Horse, and the Horse was black, and that means judgment to america.
    (126)america is BABYLON of ISAIAH 13, REVELATION 18 -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me the word, babylon.
    (127)terry long of lawrence apostolic Church -vision recieved 11-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looks like, the speedway woman, and she said, terry long, get out, yur, and I saw lawrence apostolic pastor terry long, and he said, cut off, who knows.
    (128)stay with Jesus if you can -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, the speedway woman, and she said, it's impossible after you have been set free, if re-entangle, no repentance, it done passed away, that means cut off.
    (129)hollie points -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie, and she ponited at a ten minute warning sign that come up on the computer screen, and she looked like a little Cat Being of Light.
    (130)the danger of backsliding on Jesus -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like dumitru duduman, and he said, there ain't no forgiveness if you willfully sin after receiving knowledge of the TRUTH.
    (131)judgment is coming to the united states -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, he saw a storm brewin, and , and he was, warnin people.
    (132)the beast that rises out of the sea: -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, he saw a and kristina fox said, blackbeast, and hollie said, it looked like a dragon rise out of, the, lake of, and the pope said, fi, and hollie said, re, and the pope said, wisdom, and hollie said, that was the pope, with black, hair,
    (133)poop hole sex is abomination: -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, anal sex is, abom, men, ate, sion, poke the pu, poop, and the speedway woman said, hole, and hollie said, and the woman masterbates.
    (134)the River of Life: -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, and he saw Water comin from Jesus, and It looked like Light River running over and kristina fox said, down a, and hollie said, Mountain, that was, River of, and kristina said, Sea, and hollie said, of, for get, and kristina said, full, and hollie said, forgetfull, nuss.
    (135)Jesus Loves the Little Children: -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like ron miens and he said, God don't mess with kids to much, and the lead singer from loverboy said, they won't and ron said, serve, remember him, and the loverboy lead vocolists for loverboy said, I've prayed in my short, 's, have sex with, me, I'm, bi, sexual, and a person said, and the lead guitarists said, thats dean, and the lead singer for rock group, loverboy, said, loverboy is, and the guitarists said, o, ver, and lita ford said, can we talk, and hollie said, that was, and the loverboy lead singer said, li, and hollie said, ta, and a man that looked like the presdent of, ford motor company said, ford, and hollie said, and she is, and ozzy ozbourne said, bisexual, have nothin to do withm she hurt me by, sellin records for, myself, that means, need mercy, I knew something was coming, I'm a pro, and the rock singer, meatloaf, said, oo, and ossie osbourne said, phet, and lita ford said, can we talk, and I saw rosie whobrey and she said, do what you want, and she had maybe the voice of others, and rosie said, I'm, and ernie whobrey said, not, liv, and gary whobrey said, vin, and mark whobrey said, my, lie, fe, and gary said, fo, and mark said, or, and gary said, r, and rosie said, Je, and hollie said, and he said, the word, Je, all that is miss, and kristina said, 's, miss, in, is, and hollie said, is us, and Jesus said, I'm tired of helpin you, and the speedway woman said, dean biusicci, he was cut off when he saw you, he wants to be free, he wants God now, he's a prophet, come back, but God won't take him , and dean said, cut off, and the speedway woman said, he's a prophet, come back, dean, and a person said and or people said, the Lord says don't argue with people, they only want to trap youi, and a man said, I'm not comin back, I know.
    (136)treasure where you least expect it: -visions received 11-25-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, hollie, and he saw, trea, sure, and it was, underneath, the, o, and kristina fox said, cean, and hollie said, and he had, aman, with him, and the, and cindy crawford said, man, make a sacrifice, I've, got , a, hun, dred, mil, lion, buck, 's, and I, won't, and hollie said, won't, and cindy said, leave the bedroom, and hollie said, and he saw, tre, and cindy said, ee, and hollie said, sure, underneath, the, o, cean, and he was, and a man said, divin, and hollie said, and he found, and the man, was, was not, livin, for, Je, and kristina fox said, es, us, and hollie said, and he, was, not, livin, for, and cindy said, backslid, slid, and hollie said, and the man was, was, went back, got, and then, let, go, of, his youth, and thats the reason, why don't you describe, in this vision, I'm drivin with this man, and I beleive I find this treasure, and I possibly show him, and definatley tell him, and when we are out of the water, and I talk with him, and perhaps suggested to him, knowing perfectly well, that I couldn't retrieve without him, but maybe knowin he could get it with out me, possibly remindin him that I found and showed, and maybe very nicely hintin that the right thing to do would be to get and share, and I beleive he went back and got all, and next, I see him possibly on tv, or mayb filmin for a t.v. commercial and he has maybe his wife there, and thier son, and the son maybe possibly mildly retarded, and it was like there it was so dark, you could not really make out there faces, but the man spoke, and apparently him or possibly him and the wife wanted to get rid of the child, that was about 8, and he was claimin that they could not afford to keep him, and the thing that was troublin about this was, he most likely just got all that treasure, and I could see the look on that childs face, and he knew, and at this point, there does not appear to be anything wrong with the young curly haired man, and hopefully the Lord Jesus can give an interpretation on this: hollie said, and he saw, that, and kristina said, 's, what, and hollie said, God, see's, and michael boldea said, and that is, and virgina boldea said, what, and michael said, we, and michael boldea sr said, do it, take, the, and mike sr said, and that is what, we've, and mike jr. said, do, over, flowed, need, a, ne, and mike sr said, ew, we will in time, and mike jr. said, give, and maybe people said, and he saw a man and he said, don't mess with that, you got, and you saw what you get, and dumitru duduman said, pray, press, and vladimir putin said, we sold, alas, ka, for 9, and hollie said, million, and putin said, we want it, and stephen hansen said, back, pray loud, and dumitru said, I had to loose her, my, and thomas e. simison said, wife, cause, and dumtiru said, love, testify, and a person said, cut me off, press, and dumitru said, new orleans, judge, men, ment.
    (137)the fifth beatle -visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, george best, and he said, I didn't want, the, be, tle, 's, now I, re, gre, t, I wanted the be the lead si, sing, ger, and paul mccartney said, we didn't, and maybe john lennon said, get away from him, and george sadi, control, and a man said, thats it, and paul said, we, and george harrison said, saw.
    (138)chinese premier wen jiabao: -visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, dorein and she said, he does'nt care, and hollie said, toxic, spill, and the premier said, we, did, we don't, want, your, hell, p, we showed, we don't, want, our people to, pros, per, so we can have, and chinese president hu said, con, trol.
    (139)who built the pryamids and the spinx in egypt: -visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, the pyramids were built by the, and dorein said, baby, and maucaulay culkin said, lon, 's, and so was the, and hollie said, spinx, and hollie said, they were order, ordered by, the, .
    (140)gaza crossin into egypt, palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas: -visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, abbas and he said, take israel, with, stealth, and sharone said, and I, and benjamin netanyahu said, know it, nuke, EZEKIEL, se, ven, in hillary clinton's presidency, EZEKIEL 8 tells more details.
    (141)visions, dreams, revelations -visions received -2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, have nothin to do with him, and a man said, I was sinnin, and I saw a Hand of Light Point, and somebody said, thats where God really needs ya, on your knee's, and I saw this woman that is whose picture in on a billboard, and she is blowin a big bubble with her mouth, and she said, I used to be pentecostal, look at me now, I'm blowin bubble, I'm, out, undecided, call on Me, I knew, and jasmine from speedway gas station said, I just got cut off, don't beleive, and a man said, hit israel, change, and jasmine said, you ain't a prophet, trap, and man said, He won't require you to post, and jasmine said, o om loosin my hair, don't wait, and man said, I need to be on, I didn't do what I needed to while I had a chance, and a man said, social security, and a woman said, will you change, and macaulay culkin said, o'm out out, c'mon lets fix it, and he pointed at this entry, and palestian leader abbas said, palestinian, and the rsr man said, do away with them, and somebody said, prophet, and dorein said with the voice of a multitude, you know it know, and macaulay said, touch Him, and a man said, you know it, and a man said, hit Israel, and a woman said, the Apple of His Eye, and the rsr man said, don't hit, , and somebody or bodies said, it's on his Website, and a man said, cooperate, and dorein said, could you stand it, and macaulay said, no, and a man said, I need mercy, and a woman said, that was kearen masterbatin thinkin about you prophet, and the pope said, empire, cain't git back, Word, I know, head of God, and macaulay said, Jesus said, cast your eyes from Me, and somebody said, that, what, what, than means, and Jesus said, bobby, won't you tithe's, and dorein said, 6 minutes of every hour for Jesus, and a woman said, press, and dorein said, and macaulay pointed at the Website, and maucaulay said, post, and I saw a hand point at that entry or the word, post, and maucaulay said, that was harry, and somebody said, potter, and harry potter actor said, pot, ter, and dorein said, in the fire, and dorein said, _____ will be saved right out of the fire, and a woman said, who reads It, and maucaulay cursed God, and maybe macaulay said, walmart does not feed lobsters, they stay, and dorein said, until death unless one dies, and she said, with the voice of a multitude, and then they eat, and dorein said, they can take a finger off, and a man said, strong, and and dorein said, it one strikes it will perm, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, man, manent, ly, wound, and dorein said, God gave them strength to catch, fish, spped is strength, and hollie said, and he saw, Angel, and that ANGEL said, Write, , and rosie whobrey said, build a trap, and gary whobrey said, help us, and rosie said, liar, , and a man said, we wanted to get rid of him because he was in the way, and I maybe saw a Hand point, and heard or somebody said something like, he hear, and may be a man said, heared, and hollie said, and Jesus said, ha, te, and dorein said, those pastors knew, God had sent you, they love it, because they knew, and a man said, we perish, and dorein said, they knew there were, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, they thought, God would give them a new, and maybe the pastor said, chance, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, He'd show, they want money, most pastors start out on fire, but end up wantin money, and kristina fox said, He was dancin with the buildin, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, destroy, it, judgment, that is the sears tower, and dorein said, that is the second tallest building in the world, they protect with missiles at nationl guard armory, and hollie said, that was sean, and sean penn said, penn, I'm a and hollie said, tell shepherd unspoken, and dorein said, does not count, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, he does not belong on social security, , thats the reason, and hollie said, he will not come back, , and hollie said, that was satan, he's like a lion, a lion is the king of the jungle, that means, that a lion can kill a , and kenneth haney said, bear, but, ko, and kojack said, kojack, bear, can, and ken said, not, and dorein said, a kodiac can not kill a lion, and a lion cannot kill a kodiac, they are equivalent, and a woman said, there not, and hollie said, kodiac, bear, stronger, but, lion, quick, est, they won't, fight, but, bear, would, pre, vail, most of the time, the lion, would get the bear on back, but bear would and ken said, claw, and a lion said, lion, and ken said, to, and hollie said, death, bear would, and ken said, die, and somebody said, internal wounds, and somebody said, victory, and hollie said, o, and I heard a part of a boston song, and richie sambora said, that was kind of, umcomplicated, but it sounded good, and the boston lead singer said, because I'm pyschic, de, and the guitarists of boston said, lay, and dorein said, they both were, lead singin, and the boston lead singer said, we, and the guitarists said, liked, un, and the singer said, till and kristina said, and that was, and hollie said the reason you were blind folded, Jesus wants to be your, and the olsen twin said, eye on Je, and lavon dearing said, sus, and Jesus said, one witness, and kristina said, and he saw car roll over, had about 3 young people, land on wheels, exploded, screams stop, and somebody said, God, and dorein said, will, and I heard elton John singin something like, the new call comin, and somebody said something like, be or down, cal, fornia, and somebody said, he sa a leppard man, and the leopard said, and that was the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and maybe Jesus said, suffer, and the leopard said with hollie's voice, and the leopard said, russia is the beast, and stephen hansen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads, and russia, and hu said, leop, and the president of north korea said, pard, and michael boldea said, show it, and he pointed at the keyboard, and I saw a word like, am,er, i, ca, and michael said, appreciate it, and I saw the words, daved dean, and hollie said, that means, dean was not going to win with out the scream, and hollie said, he said, and the boston lead singer said, boston could not have been number one forever, and somebody said, he saw that when he asked Jesus for help, God heared, and a man said, I sold, wit, and a woman said, ch, and hollie said, come here and teach, and she pointed at the van, and said, put ACT, 'S, 2, 30, 8, back on van, here's the ticket, and hollie pointed at the sign, and a woman said, lets face it, and hollie said, you tell people that, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, make up your mind, the, and the rsr man said, serve, and hollie said, george said, help me and he would feel God, but, he did not do what he needed, to, and macaulay said, palestinian state, and a man said, we failed, and a somebody said, a hundred, and Jesus said something like, don't waste time, and somebody said, your going home, and a woman said, palestinian, and macaulay said, state, and this president said, de, and macualay pointed and said, there's are answer, and buddy said, but bob, and dorein said, and he saw buddy weepin, and buddy pointed at this entry, and this president said, I'm bush, destruct the , and stephen said, palestinian, and macaulay said, state, it, ex, existed, and dorein said, right, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, palestian, state, it, existed, existed for, over, 3 years, and she pointed, and maybe dorein said, they have palestinian state right now, and maucaulay said, don't take off, and dorein said, run, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, from it, and dorein pointed, give him your computer, and go waste time, and macaulay said, walk, and dorein said, does not, and maucaulay said, go and prayer walk, and dorein said, that does not give God as much glory as you think, that gives God more Glory than you can imagine, that is not true, and maybe, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, the bullock woman, and somebody or bodies said, was in on that, and Jesus sang, and the reason is food shortages is comin, and I AM the Lord fo the Holy One, the Holy Ghost is the Holy One, and kristina said, shut the vision, and Jesus said, Looks, and Somebody said, like he saw the death Angel, and He looked like, He really Looked like and hollie said, hooded, and kristina said, it's, and hollie said, witnesses time to leave, and kristina said, tell the vision, and hollie said, witness does have pride, and Jesus said, i have warning, don't get blowed up, raise your hands and repeat after Me, witness ready to be received in INdianapolis, was his home, but now, and kristina said, looks like and dumitru duduman said, that cut me off, and tess said, looks like indian apolis is going away to florida, be cause is where the next hurricane will and hollie said, strike, there's a warnin, lift your hands and repeat after Me, alaska will be, and vladimir putin said, russia's, russia's preparing to nuclear war, and russia is capable of defeating the new united states, end of communism, and this president said, start it, and Jesus said, president and this president said, wants war with and putin said, russia, and maybe Jesus said, russia wants war with the, and putin said, whole, and Somebody said, wide world, russia has one thing in mind, and somebody said, and thats, and Jesus said, to rule the world, and putin said, lets rule the world, and hu jintao said, china, and hollie said, china plagued by natural disasters, china is under punishment, china is under punishment, and I saw chinese president hu and I heard, cause we comitted, and hu said, blaspheme, and hollie said, gaza is the end of palestinian, lets see, state, and hollie said, Somebody wants you, and ron miens said, don't do, and the lead singer for lover boy said, that here, and hollie said, will witness, and macaulay points at empty store, and dorein said, america is closin up, and macaulay said, economic, and ken haney said, collapses coming, and dallas williams, of greater morning star baptist Church said, I cain't handle vision's, I am Gods gift to greater morning star, why didn't you help us, and I saw a man and he said, dr. sterlin l. williams, visions are taught against, , and dallas said, and the pastor said, morning star is, and dallas said, open, and the pastor said, closed, and debbie said, he cut me off, I won't be defeated, and the lead singer said, new jerusalem, and he pointed, and said, thats how I fell, and maucaulay said, recreated, saw, and the boston lead singer sang, the some of the song, a man I'll never be: If I said whats on my mind, you'd turn and walk away, disappearin way back on your sleep, it's so hard to be unkind, and so easy just to say, is not the way it seems, you look up at me, and somewhere in your mind you see, a man, I'll never be, and dorein said, that, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, a Christian, and the boston lead singer said, come back, and in the partial recreation, I saw the other singer of boston sing bits of the song, and the lead singer said, you want to tell me, I'm, cut, and the singer said, cut, and the lead singer said, off, and sissy said, were cut, and sister said, off, and Jesus said, no mre syria, Damascus will be destroyed by israel, if damascus would have repented they would have been spared, they won't, it'll be, and this president said, I'm bush, ameri, and vladmir putin said, russsia, and hollie said, he saw an Angel slapppin him, victory, and a woman said, has already been won, and I saw the word, dance, and michael blodea said, but he won't do it, and bishop lambert gates sr. said, you know I want you, and brian lane said, so I can trap, and somebody said, on the death certificate of the united states, they didn't do what the prophet, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, wanted them to, and dorein said, do, and maucaulay pointed at that, and dorein said, and that is, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, re, pen, t.
    (142)the death certificate of pastor brian lane of liberty tabernacle-visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like and maybe Jesus said, on your death certificate, you didn't do what God wanted you to do, and your name is brian lane, and Jesus said, he comitted blaspheme, of the Holy One, when you were there, he said, you were not of God, he lost his Power.
    (143)the death certificate of alice cooper-visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like and maybe Jesus said, on your death certificate, you didn't do what God wanted you to do, and your name is alice cooper,a nd alice said, I'm 18, and I, like, it, love it, 18, 18, and I will never change, and Jesus said, he didn't comitt blaspheme, but, he won't and alice said, grow, up.
    (144)the death certificate of gene simmons of rock group kiss-visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like and maybe Jesus said, on your death certificate, you didn't do what God wanted you to do, and your name is gene simmons, and Jesus said, prophet gene simmons will not be saved, he knew, he didn't obey, and gene said, I won't return, and ace frehley said, I won't, and paul stanely said, re, turn, and chris said, I'm wanted out, now I cain't git back.
    (145)the death certificate of michael boldea-visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a Spirit that looked like and maybe Jesus said, on your death certificate, you didn't do what God wanted you to do, and your name is michael boldea, and michael said, I'll be, and michael boldea sr said, back, and mike jr. said, short, and mike sr. said, ho did I committ blaspheme, are you lyin, no, and a woman said, stan called, and I saw mike jr point at that, and Jesus said, he knew, stan was not open, have a good day,a nd mike sr. said, and now were out, what are we gonna do with the kids, and virginia boldea said, keep the kids, I won't return.
    (146)naked means no Holy Ghost: -visions received 11-26-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, the chairman of, ford motor company, and he said, I'm naked, and the pastor so house of prayer Church said, bobby I'm gitton ready to go home, Christian, don't come here, we, and a man that goes there said, don't want, and pastor dalton said, don't appreciate, you, a, and the hosue of prayer pastor said, round, and hollie said, remember, and hollie pointed at that.
    (147)islam is devil religion: -visions received -2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, dorein and she said, islam is devil religion, and she had the voice of a multitude, and somebody said, Islam is, and kristina fox said, no, and hollie said, mo, and kalen barcus said, l's, and Jesus said, the united states will be, and irving baxter jr. said, attacked, I can't hear It, and ron meins said, stay out and testify, and people said, the Lord says, if you don't come to Him when He deals with you, He'll reject you when you want and macaulay said, want to come to Him, and Jesus said, leave Me alone, don't mess with Me, and stephen hanson said, and I won't mess, and Jesus said, with you, and Jesus said, prophet, the Eyes of the Lord go to and fro thur out the whole wide planet to show Himself strong and you have done foolishly, God will allow you to give It away, God's Eyes looked like FIRE Glasses, and Jesus and people said, that, no I won't, no I won't do it, do what, that is it, that, and macaulay culkin said, 's, and Jesus and people said, ministryofdreams, prophet, it's already spoken, open up your bank account to God, and macaulay said, and , and People said, give 5o dollars to everybody you see and your broke, rend your wallet and God will re-establish you, clap your hands and repeat after me, that is not God wants, God want s a perfect plant, perfect plant means not necessary, you past the test, you being tested by satan, end of story, you saw a flash of Light, that, and macaulay said, 's, and People said, planetary, planetary is a planetary, planetary is where God is gonna use you, planetary is in all nations on internet, thats the end of story, that Website, planetary, that Website will go all over the world, thats a planetary, looks like, planetary, planetary, WEBite, sarting tomorrow, you'll see, and mabye brother stair and or people said, you'll figure it out, and people said, ministryofdreams, is open to the world, and Jesus said, phone, and somebody said, hand of help, and ann schmidt said, must be a warnin, don't give money to hand of help, and people said, they, and hollie said, are, and people said, are closed, have a gooday, clap your hands and repeat after me, hand of help is closed, and Jesus said, lets repeat it, geno why are you punished, and gen schmidt said, cause I preach the truth, put your trust in Jesus, and ann said, and that ain't even in the Bible, oh, no, hand of help is closed, post that tomorrow, hand of help has now been prophesied against, and Jesus said, witness saved, stat that way, you surrendared, and your name is, hollie, moodie, it, and hollie said, 's, and People said, you both set are set free, and hollie said, moody, Website can be brought back, and a man said, jewell ministries is closed and I'm pastor charles p. stanely, and a man said, charleston, and dorein said, charleston is hurricane, and a woman said, you lie.
    (148)judgment to iran-visions received 11-27-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, quake in iran is warnin, judge, men, t, is comin, to, ir, ran, and hollie said, epworth united methodist, chur, and kristina fox said, ch, is, and hollie said, close, ed, that means, cut off.
    (149)gene simmons -vision received 11-27-6-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like different people, and this maybe more than one vision, but, I can remember being in a bed with dorein, and I was not happy, and she wasn't either, and her head was under the cover, and I may have told her I loved her, but it was not entirely true, , and I remember runnin into gene simmons of kiss, and God had told him that I was in dorein's bedroom, or he said God did, and I said something, possibly, but did He show you what we did, and I remember gene being on the phone, and he was talkin about possibly real estate which he owned, for he is no doubt rich, and he may be thinkin about repenting and living for Jesus, and I'm with a man, and wew possibly look over a highway embankment, and there are I belive flowers there, and I comment, and finally, I end of with gene and others, and I may not have the order of the events correct, but, I preach to gene under the Anointing of the Holy Ghost, and It was most like about gene's being accepted by Jesus if he repents, for as I walked by Gene I told him something like, that I did not beleive Jesus would require him to give his money or things or something like that away, but, only require that he be willing, and at the end of the vision, as I'm preaching to gene, and he is smiling, and eating It up, and I saw a side of him, that, I didn't know exists. I saw gene simmons is visions and he said things like, I know, thats awesome, and paul stanley said, that is, and ace frehley said, awes, s, and the kiss drummer chris some, and gene said, come back to gene chris.
    (150)trap and the end times-vision received 11-26-27-?-2005-God showed me a spirit that looked like, dorein and she said, charleston is hurricane, and hollie said, and that is, and dorein said, natural disaster, and the the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, judgment, comin, tonight, press, or, will come, high gas prices, and dorein said, will follw new disaster, go, and hollie said, prayer walk, and a man said, I'm closin, what, and a woman said, witness, and a man said, want, and a man said, clo, se, I know, and dorein said, and the Lord says, if you think you want to, and the the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, stay, and kenneth haney said, open, must give up money, and hollie said, when you said that he thought, and a man said, we ain't gonna shut down, and shawn tyson said, closed, open, not, and hollie said, stay the fuck away, Christ Church, and hollie pointed at this, and hollie said, apo, and ken said, st, and the the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, sto, lic, and hollie said, Christ Church is cut off, and james tyson said, we don't matter, and hollie said, nation of islam is cut off, and louis farrakhan said, I lost It, tell us, and the pastor of Christ temple apostolic faith Church said, follow me, and dorein said, read and do, and hollie said, ACTS 2:38, and a man said, you need to tell, I want it in the butt, and holie said, long hair means, on, man, woman, spirit, and an Angel said, and, and Somebody said, saw a Man of LIght point at crown hill funeral home, I'm the Angel, Gabriel, and I saw this cop Angel that had a Glowing Light Face like a Light Bulb, and He said, and I'm, and He pointed at the open sign, and Possibly an Angel said, upci are open, I'm a Messenger of Heaven, Jesus Christ, I'm, and a Angel said, satan, and dorein said, Gabriel looked, and hollie said, a, and dorein said, po, and hollie said, lice, and the the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, off, i, and dorein said, cer, and hollie said, you know your cut off when God won't answer you, and he saw Hans that had sensor, and dorein said, filled, and hollie said, with, and kristina fox said, he didn't see anything in, and hollie said, It, It should have, sacrifice, and hollie said, palestinian state, de, stroy, ed, by, america, and as she said that, somebody else likely said, amerirussia, and dorein said, Is, and ken haney said, real, Israel will not repent, and benjamin netanyahu said, not true, hallelujah, and hollie pointed and ben said, I'm a prof, fit, and hollie said, sports radio is sin, and a Man said, come, all ye, that are, Heav, and ben said, vy, and the Man said, I will give you rest, and ben said, you ain't seekin, fast, and hoolie said, russ parr, and radio host, morning show, russ parr, said, I'm cut off, I'm rejected, and hollie said, smorgasboard is troth, here piggy, and I saw a pig and it oniked, and I saw michael f. tillery, d d s, and he said, I will not repent, and hollie pointed at this, and a woman said, I need your testimony, It hurts Me, , and dorein said, the f stands for failed God, and she was talking about dr. tillery, and kristina said, and, and hollie said, he saw star, war, and kristina said, 's, and movie director lucas said, thats, and steven spielberg said, where, and lucas said, I deal of, star, war, s, and hollie said, and that started space storie, 's, and man said, china wants war with, and vladimir putin said, russia, and stephen hanson said, cause is the beast with , and putin said, 7, head, 's, and 10 horn, 's, and hollie said, and russia is, and putin said, russia, and the president of pakistan said, packistan, and stephen said, russia, 's, and hollie said, the, and stephen said, bear, and hu hintao said, china is, the beast, and hollie said, with, and I heard, false prophet, and I beleive I saw the president of china, and hollie said, and the, I saw the pope and Heard all or some, pope is, pope, anti, and the pope said, cry, and hollie said, Christ,a nd dorein said, they don't care, and a man said, witness show, and a woman said, if you wanna be safe, they want, and a man said, he, do, didn't wait, and hollie pointed at this, and a man man said, wait, and a man said, tell, ,and somebody said, give it to her is she comes to you, and a woman said, your wanted in the bed, and dorein said, and, and hollie said, that is, Church, and dorein said, don't go there, and in other visions, I saw this president and he said, I'm, and the pope said, the beast, and putin said, with 7 head, 's, and 10 horn, 's, lets rule the world, lets rule the world, russia, and the president of china, hu hintao said, china, and fidel castrol said, cuba, and a man with a moustache said, nicaragua, and vicente fox said, mexico, and hugo chavez said, venezue, and stephen hansen said, la, and the president of brazil lulu said, brazil, and gerhard schroder said, germany, and benjamin netanyahu said, Israel, and stephen said, emp, and the emporer of japan said, japan , and the president of iran said, iran, and the pope said, give your power and strength unto the beast, and I'll send it, on, and putin said, russia, and the pope said, on, and this president said, ameri, and putin said, russia, and hollie said, the sun and irving baxter jr. said, and, and somebody said, the moon , and hollie said, will be blocked, for, and irving said, 16 hours from the smoke, and hollie said, of her, raise your hands and repeat after me, that, and diana said, is, and this president said, I'm bush, russia, and putin said, is russia, china, attack, and this president said, amerirussia, and stephen said, and that, and this president said, amerirussia, and stephen said, they have,. and this president said, an and hollie said, agree, and kristina fox said, ment, and hollie said, 2, and putin said, lets rule the world, and the pope said, repent and be baptised, and satan said, he won't , I wouldn't bow down to, and stephen said, Jesus, and hollie said, give me your wallet .
    (151) the middle east trouble -visions received 11-27-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked dorein and she said, the middle east, is, not, saved, that is, the rea, eason, that, and hollie said, earth, quake, and a young woman said, show it, and the president of iran said, when, the middle east, and gene simmons said, the middle east, earth, qua, and ace frehely said, ake, and gene said, that means, and dorein said, look up, your redemption, draw, and hollie said, eth, and the boston lead singer said, nigh, I saw, Jerusalem, new, that, was, on, new, al, bum, and hollie said, it's, and the boston singer said, comin, soon, it'll be the la, and the other boston singer said, st, and the singer said, closin store, collapse, and dorein said with the voice of a multitude, economic collapse, you said right, they won't repent, and hollie said, you, and kristina said, can't, and hollie said, the arab world is, and a woman said, islamic, and hollie said, islamic, and that means, no, and kristina said, Je, Jes, sus, and hollie said, voices of a new generation means, siiiin, and, suu kyi, said, I'm suu, I want, and possibly the china jap man said, war, and suu kyi said, with, china, I ha, te, chin, and this president said, witness, bush, and hollie said, sweden is on, and kristina fox said, amer, and vladimir putin said, russia, and kristina said, ica, and hollie said, side,a nd hollie said, afghanstan, nuke, em, and I saw possibly the loverboy lead singer , and he said, stripped, of natural resources, and he pointed at this, and the afghanstan president kharzi said, with loverboy's voice, they don't have, and kharzi said, thats it, no, and this president said, no, oi, il, I'm bush, we thought, that, and dick cheney said, why, in, vade, them, and a a woman said, slept, and dick said, we want, ou, and this president said, ou, and dick said, 't, I seen it, get, ou, and al from estes express lines said, al, alt, and a man said, thats not true, and dorein said, he's, and hollie said, talkin about, and dumitru duduman said, witch, and dorein said, dumitru's tape was real, and dumitru said, thru the fire, without, burn, in, and dumitru duduman said, I'm cut off, not, mike, ii, s.
    (152)ministryofdreams -visions received 11-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, ministryofdream, and kristina said, s, and hollie said, is, hollie held up her hand and said, number 1, 1 way don't enter means no anal sex, and a woman said, this is gettin old, and hollie said, she show, and a woman said, Jesus off, in, and hollie said, in car, for a and a woman said, ten, and hollie said, you don't know what you got until it, and kristina fox said, gooin, and the lead singer fron the rock group, cinderella, sang, you don't know what you got until, and hollie pointed at the computer key board, and mr. binford said, it's goin, promote me, and cinderella lead singer that may have been blackie lawless of wasp sang, it's time You realized, I 'm not your fool, and I heard him and or somebody else sing, I'm no fool, and the singer sang, you take, and balckie said, your, road, and I'll take mine, and hollie and kristina said, he sang that, and hollie said, to, and kristina said, Jesus, and the singer said, backslid, on, and kenneth haney said, Jesus, and benjamin netanyahu said, o my God, we do not, and sharone said, know it, and holie pointed at this, and said, palestinian state, destroyed, and this president said, bush, we, and sharone said, planned, and this president said, the rail road tracks, and holie said, I think it's funny, and dorein said, terrorism, and hollie said, bush, plan, and kristina said, planned, and dorein said, no wait a minute, thats not, and hu hinatao said, china, attack, and hollie said, will, ohoi state, in and hu said, washinton, thats the rea, son, they will not know what to do, and this president said things like, if I hit china, russia will attack us, if we hit russia, china will hit us, and hillary clinton said, nuke'm, nuke who, we've sinned, and bill clinton said, I know, and somebody said, bill know, and bill saiod, once they hit washington state, nuke, and hollie said, beast china and russia, and bill said, and thats the reason, we and donald rumsfeld said, know, nuke'm or per, and bill said, ish, we wo, and ken said, n't, and dorein said, china will get hit by, and this president said, and vladimir putin said, russia, and somebody said, the united states, and bill said, nuke, and hu said, china, and dorein said, china will get hit, and this president said, and this president said, by, and bill said, us, mirror, tomahawk, nuke, miss, and hu said, sleep, and I saw a Big White Hand Point, and I heard, stick around, and putin said, once we hit a, las, ka, 3 hour, prepare, shoot, and hollie said, and he sa a man screamin at that was, loos, i, fer, and buddy said, bob i hate you, your, o, pen, I'm not, and he screamed out, and hollie said, don't come hear, that is, and a woman said, wom, man, and I heard music, and saw captain kirk, william shatner, and he said, space, a new, and geroge lucas said, movie, star, war, 's, and somebody said, he'll keep makin, and lucas said, help, and a woman said, wo, man, mean, home, and a man said, sexual, and renea hazel barker said, and thats the reaon that judgment is comin to america, and I'm renea hazel barker, that started a new gener, generation, and hollie said, of movie, and the advantage plus billboard woman said, I'm out, and stephen hansen sang, a local Church with a global vision, and pastor ramsey said, and the vision, and hollie said, make money, and hollie said, THE BOOK OF JOEL is about, and dorein said, judgment to amer, and hollie said, ca, and an ANGEL said, AMOS is about destruction, and kristina said, to, and hollie said, palestinian state, and michael boldea said, who knows, and gene schmidt said, bob does, and ken said, not, and hollie said, he said, Hand grab, and a man said, steerin wheel, and a man said, I kiiled him, I, and man said, I was, park, he was, a, and man said, sleep , you, and a man said, woke, and hollie said, remembers, and a man said, I swerve to, miss, em, and man said, I thought I was on my way out, and a man said, I layed on road, and hollie said, why didn't you help him, and man the man said, snake, I thought police are here, when they moved, kill, and a man said, thats why, and a Finger may have pointed as he said that or some said, and a Man said, he was, and a man said, supposed to die, and a a man said, I blaspheme, curse, blaspheme is, resist, and man said, Je, and hollie said, sus, and renea said, sus, and a man said, he did not know Jesus, and hollie said or showed, prayer walk, and a man said, and a man said, he will never admit so don't even mess with it, and a man said, true, and Jesus said, why ain't you lookin, and hollie pointed at this, and somebody or bodies said, stir, and hollie said, pay the price, and the pape said, malachi Church, raise your hands and repeat after me, this pope is not goin to be the antichrist, after three and one half years they'll slash me, and the idol sheppard said, and I'll enter, satan, three and one half years of wrath, God will pour, bowl or wrath, the mark will be 6 hundred and 3 score 6, and the 3 score is flanged cross, and the pope said, woe to the inhabiters of the, and the idol sheppard said, land, and the pope said, and sea, and the idol shepherd said, for the devil comes as an angel of light knowin that he has short time, after, and chinese president hu said, hu and, and the poep said, pope, and the idol shepherd said, make an agreement, at the table, king of the north, and, and hu said, and the king of the, south, and dorein said, that was the china jap man, and the emporer of japan said, new world, or, der, and hu said, china will, attack, and putin said, russia, and hu said, and, and the president of north korea, said, raise, and hu said, up, and dorein said, four new, and kristina said, princes, and the japanese emporer said, it's over, and the diol sheppard said, I will loose my eye, and my arm, but, I won't give a good, fu, uck, and the pope said, de, and the idol shepherd said, de, and the pope said, de, stroy, jew, and the idol shepherd said, remnant will be, and a woman said, captured, and the idol shepherd said, satan will not, and somebody said, have, and the idol shepherd said, had as good of a time as he think, he will hunt and a person said, God's Chosen, but he won't find, they, and a person said, will be in, and the idol shepherd said, wilderness, but God will hide, they will be few, and a the pope said, O'll creat the, and the idol shepherd said, mark of the beast to find, and the pope said, won't, let him, who does wickedly do, until he, and the idol shepherd said, the idol shepherd said, be, and the pope said, taken out of and the idol shepherd said, the way, and the pope said, then let him, and the idol shepherd said, do what he wants, until he be pushed out of and the pope said, pow, and the idol shepherd said, er, they will come against each other, and alice said, at the, and blanch drew said, end, and alice said, then, and blanch said, Christ, and michael boldea said, will fight, again, and kristina said, st, and the pope said, the, and the idol shepherd said, Christ will speak the word, and Jesus said, depart, and the idol shepherd said, satan wants to eliminate the witness thinkin he will not be, and satan said, done away with and the pope said, wrong, and hollie said, if something works then, don't fix, and hollie is a cat, van slyke is, and hollie said, car, and the brother of wallace van slyke said, cut, and pastor wallace vanslyke said, off, and the brother, mr. vanslyke said, on, and dorein said, he can get saved, and the brother said, that don't impress me, and wallace vanslyke said, I'll read it, and hollie pointed at this, and pastor vanslyke said, I know, and his brother said, it, and gene schmidt said, I do what I want, and hollie pointed at the computer, and geno said, thats not servin the, and anne schmidt said, Lord, and hollie said, he said, I know he's lyin, and somebody said, and hollie said, we, and somebody said, was, go somewhere else, and a man said, I proved I was lyin, and now I know, whats your WEBSITE, I tore it down, to git out of cleanin, smart ass, and stephen hansen said, you just told him what you said, I know he's lyin, he proved it, end of story, and hollie pointed at this, and the speedway man said, He said, He ain't gonna accept me, you testified to him, and the hollie said, a, long time ago, he didn't repent, he's right he said, you blowed, we committed blaspheme, and an Angel Cop said, right, and Somebody said, Henry lee summer is in his 50's, and hollie said, and he, look, and kristina said,'s, and and Somebody said, in his 20's, face lift is abomination in God's Eyes, and the Angel Cop points, and man said, witness before I died, I was thinkin about sex, made 250,000 dollars, never gave, God, nothin, hit on hi, and the man that hit him said, way, and the man that was killed said, swerve, and thats, all, per, ish, and the photo fun girl said, I'm the photo fun girl, and I've had sex already with myself, and hollie said, masterbation abomination, in Jesus Eyes, and he saw, her, and the photo fun girl said, on, all, four's, anus, ex, po, sed, come and, its open, and stephen hanson said, curtis auto sales will close becasue of him, he'll, and I saw the son of the owner of curtis auto sales and he said, eat pussy, hit, and the owner said, a, cus, and the son said, to, and a person said, mer, and the owner said, I'm ri, and the son of th owner of curtis auto sales said, rich, and alice cooper said, I'm a witch, and stephen hanson and maybe people said, God took america away from indian's becasue they would not serve Him, give to white man, the pilgrims lived for Jesus, but fell, and hollie points, thats a leopard, and hollie said, and that leopard looked like Angelic Cat, and and somebody said, and the leopard is the beast, and stephen said, wi beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and that is china, with politburo on top, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is china, and china is magog, and hollie may have pointed at this, and somebody said, and china is magog, and magog is sat, an, and satan, and hollie said, 's, and somebody said, idol shepherd, and thats the antichrist, 666 is the mark fo the beast, and the middle 6 is flanged cross, and that means earthly, russia is goin to attack america, then russia will be attacked by china, and china will make russia invade Israel, and thats the message, and a woman said, I blaspheme, and stephen said, they are Jehova's witness, that is a blaspheme religion, and saw an Angel of Light, and hollie said, and hollie pointed at this, and said, idol sheppard said, the beast with wings was satan, he was stripped of his body and hollie said, that was the and the speedway woman said, leopard, and the and the Angelic White Faced Leopard said, le, and a normal lookin leopard said, pard, and maybe the speedway woman said, and he is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and that is china, and chinese president hu said, magog, hollie said, and magog is satan, and satan is, red dragon, and hollie pointed, and said, prayer walk, like, seed, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, that was Jesus, WHITE Robe, interceding, and stephen and possibly people said, that was star trek character, that is satanic movie, and, and stephen said, and stephen said, cless did not commit blaspheme, he let the Godbold's in the pulpit, and thats why the Angels lft the Church, he saw'em, Ann and scott are cut off, they teach blaspheme, they want people to and ann from the ann and scott radio show said, worship, and scott, from the ann and scott radio show said, me, and somebody said, that was, Jesus, prepare for war, the palestinian state will be de, and the pope said, stroy, and Jesus said, end, and the pope said, judgement, and holie said, irsay, and robert irsay said, I build, do, me, out any way, l, a, tell, and dorein said, he will not beleive it, and irsay said, we will, not, win, the superbowl, the col, and bart peterson said, lts, will leave when they get good enough, off, ice, and dorein said, he wants, and irsays said, politics, favor, and bart said, he can't, he want, 's, tax, and irsay said, we have a shot, and bart said, won't, and irsay said, will, and bart peterson said, we need that money and, and al gore said, he know, and irsay said, 's, and hollie pointed at visions, and dorein said, they will not win the superbowl, and indianapolis colts coach ted dungy said, they will lo, ose, in the play, off, get, o, pen, and renea said, the only way the and the speedway man said, colts, will, not, and dorein said, don't, leave, a,dn somebody said, him, he and the speedway man said, out, and dorein said, is, and maybe the speedway man said things like, I was got excited, and dorein said, you let the air out of his bubble, a woman said, irsay's to,and the man said, I want him back, and the colts player said, halfve it, that is, rich, need, moti, and ted said, va, tion, and the player said, insult, that'll do it, I watch you, and dorein said, the colts need to find out about this Website, and the indianapolis Colts, football player said, I'm rich, and maybe, money won't do it, and hollie said, anal sex is, abominat, show it, tion, when you get rich, not, want, and kristina said, Je, Jes, and the speedway man said, sus, and somebody said, put it there, and the libe woman said, politburo is not one king, it is, 40, se, ven, politburo is made of 47 kings, and dorein said, they are, and and the jap china man said, russia, that, is, the, and the emporer of japan said, the be, and he pointed at this, when they, broke, up, that, was, the, start, of, the, they were, 10, and sissy said, fight, and the japanese president said, kings, and, and vladimir putin said, now, one, and that is, me, russia is, the, and dorein said, out of one of them, and putin said, politburo is, and kristina said, apart, and dorein said, ten nations now, cu, ba, and renea said, nicar, au, and a man with a moustache said, gua, and a man with a moustache said, mexico, and dorein said, and that is, and stephen said, the bear, and the moustache man said, mouth, pluck, and putin said, pluck, we slip, they, and hu said, will, and putin said, take us, by, storm, and stephen said, amer, and putin said, ca will, rock, us, to, sle, and hu said, ep, cnina will, take, and the japanese prime minister said, russia, and the china jap man said, by, and the japanese leader said, storm, that means, and hu said, attack, and putin said, and that, and the china jap man said, is, how, we, will, at, and the emporer of japan said, tack, ru, and putin said, ss, and the emporer said, sia, and dorein said, they will take it by, and the japanese prime minister said, stealth, pu, sh, them, to, the, gate, and dumitru duduman said, 's, of, par, and france president chirac said, is, that, is, how, and boris yeltsin said, I'm the, one, that, was, and stephen said, supposed to, and kevin mcgwire said, attack, americano, and dick vitale said, baby, and geno said, thats the, mess, ege, and michael boldea said, thats not, ori, and the homleand security dirctor ridge said, ridge, in, nol, and dorein said, yes it is, and ann schmidt said, you used to be on fire, now, ex, ceed, and geno said, exceded, and maybe ann said, it, and geno said, it, and ann said, message is good, and dorein said with the voice of a multitude, russia will not have a chance, then divide, and the china jap man said, four, king, and the president of north korea said, 's, and putin said, out of, and the blond out of ofrica star said, af, and the woman that stared in the show said, ri, ca, africa, that is where, and gadafi said, we'll come, from, libya is politburo, and that is, and putin said with the voice of many, russia.
    (153)Christ Church apostolic -visions received 11-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, cleophus shawn tyson, and he said, come and worship me, and james e. tyson said, I will die, shawn, and shawn said, here, and dorein said, thats not the way it's done, and shawn tyson, said, hand It over to me, and james tyson said, my death, nigh, I'll per, and shawn said, ish, and james said, it's a shame, that I did not do, what I , and shawn said, needed, to, and james said, press an half hour, and shawn said, and I, lets face it, I like money, financial, cut, and james said, off, and shawn said, whippin, and william said, william tyson, and dorein said, and that is, not, and hollie said, and that is, the, pas, tor, of, and the pastor said, new beginnings, Chur, ch, and a woman said, how do you stay open, and shawn said, press, and as I added this entry, hollie pointed at It.
    (154)the great wall -visions received 11-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like the china jap man and he said, we want china back, china used to be, russia, and that was, ma, gog, and, that was back in the Old Testament days, and hollie pointed at this, and the china jap man said, and we know it, the great wall, divided us from, and vladimir putin said, rus, sia, and the china jap man said, we, be, and the emporer of japan said, came, russ, sia, in, the, Old, Test, ta, ment, and brother stair said, under, no, ah, that was, ma, gog, and hollie said, and Jesus said, you got what you want, and hollie said, and, and dorein said, was that, a, and hollie said, free, and sissy said, place to live, and hollie said with the voice of a multitude, in, va, n, and sam neill said, cheers.
    (155)A soldier in God's ARMY -visions received 11-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, that, was, crown, hill, ceme, tar, and james tyson said, tary, and michael boldea said, let me do it just once, and maybe dorein said, soldier in God's Army, and hollie said, that, and dorein said, was, where, and hollie said, ____, and dorein said, will be, bur, ied, when nuclear missile, hit, and kristina fox said, 's, and she pointed, and dorein said with the voice of many, russia, and dorein said, and that is, INDIAN, apple, li, lis, and stephen hanson said, russia is the beast whit 7 heads, and, 10, and jennifer schaffer said, horns, and that, and hollie pointed, and hollie said, ii, and kristina said, 's, and stephen said, the, and kevin mcgwire said, bea, and stephen said, ear, and this man with a moustache said, and that is, russia, is, and stephen said, the, be, east, king of, the, ea, st, and the china jap man which is the president of china and the japanese prime minister mixed said, and, and hu hintao said, that, is, russia, is, the, be, east, with, and a japanese emporer that looked like he was turnin into a cat said, 7, heads, and, 10, horn, 's, and maybe hollie said, that leopard is, and renea hazel barker said, revel, and maybe hollie said, ed, and renea said, reveal, and maybe hollie, reveal, the, and I heard her voice and saw a big cat face, and she said, the lep, and somebody said, russia, and stephen said, russia is the beast, with, and kevin said, 7, and stephen said, Rock formation was, and Jesus said, in, I want you around, and maybe hollie said, that was, ro, ock, in, Heav, and Jesus said, vv, and maybe hollie said, ven, that was part of, and the pope said, New Jeru, and the angelic looking Idol shepherd with one led like eye said, sa, and the pope said, lem, and the pope said, Rocks were, pure, Gol, d, and that was, the, and the idol sheppard said, New, Jer, and the pope said, eru, sa, lem, and I saw a Hand point at this, and maybe Jesus said, that was not New Jerusalem, that was a star, in, and the pope said, the, and the idol shepherd said, the, and hollie said, and he saw, and dorein said, Pure, and mabye hollie said, like, bright, Li, and renea hazel barker said, ght, and maybe hollie said, and That was, and the pope said, New, Jer, ru, and the idol shepherd said, sa, and renea said, whats wrong, and maybe hollie said, and thats not, re, and renea said, nea, and hollie said, she is, and a woman said, interestin, and soembody said, she is, and dorein said, not, liv, vin, and maybe hollie said, for, and renea said, Je, and hollie said, us.
    (156)russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns: -visions received 11-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hanson and he said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and maybe hollie pointed, and stephen said, thats it, and russia is, the, bear, and stephen said, there's your Price, and maybe hollie said, thats what, and kristina fox said, Je, and kevin mcgwire said, us, char, and stephen said, es, you, and kevin said, how come, I'm, and a man said, I'm off, and I saw stephen hanson and I heard the voice of many, post visions.
    (157)get saved and give yourself to prayer and the ministry of the Word: -visions received 11-28-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, maybe the pope, and he said, bobby quit you must, give, your, wallet, to, Je, bankrupt, and kristina fox said, Je, and the pope said, Jes, and dorein said, he would, not, faz, azed, and kristina said, keep, and she had hollie's voice, and I saw david eells, and I heard, david eells, and I saw this man and he said, I, I'm, comin, to, flor, i, da, to, speak, for, the, prophecy club, and dorein said, and david, said, and david eells said, don't, and a man said, don't telle'm about china, and david eells said, china will, not, aa, attack, and the president of china, hu jintao, said, washington, state, that was not me, and the japanese minister said, I, and the japanese emporer turned into a cat and said, was, not, in, that, and hu said, it, and the cat japan president said, was, me, and, hu said, cause, and the cat emporer said, I'm, the, the, cat, and that is, the, leop, pard, and the leppard is, full, not, yet, that will, be, in, the, last, thats it, we will, and hu said, come, and jennifer schaffer said, to, get, her, to, and hu said, ma, and jennifer said, ke, one, and hu said, na, tion, and the cat japan president said, call, ed, and he said with a voice that a computer would have to duplicate, magog, and the president of north korea said, and that is, and the cat japanese president said, russia, and hu said, ja, and the emporer of japan cat man said, pan, hit israel, when the united states, go, es, out, then, hit, Israel, with, and the pope said, mercy, and somebody said, palestinian state will be, and dorein said, de, stroyed, warn people, and hollie said, the palestinian state will be, and kristina said, kaboom, when you least ex, pect, and pastor jordan said, palestinian state will be destroyed when you least expect it, that is, a violation against, and stephen said, Israel, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan is, and putin said, rus, sia, and the president of pakistan said, and that is, polit, boro, and a man said, palestinian state will be, and man said, de, stroy, ed, and dorein said, they, are, vis, sion, from, and kristina said, Je, sus, and hollie pointed and dorein said, they are not doin there employee's right, fed ex is is gittin rid of the hourly worker, prayer walker has sold 50000 boos, and hollie pointed, thats it, and stephen said, an abomination, and hollie said, yard character are, sabor bohemio restaurant, night club, and hollie said, prayer walk, and a man said, memeory, and a woman said, sex, and a woman said, I want, and man said, hi, and a woman said, what I got to wait out here for, and a woman said, Im a prosti, tu, and a woman said, te, and hollie said, he said, if, I, and a man said, threat, and a man said, fuck, and a man said, away, from us, and a woman said, then, and aman said, I, and aman said, will, cut, him, out, and hollie said, tina said, I want, mon, and tina said, ey, how many houses, and tina said, does he, and tina said, got, and tina knobby said, rich, and mr. knobby said, watch for him, he will be a, and james finn said, million, by the time your, 30, 7, and hollie said, EZEKIEL 7, you must stand bobby, is, land of Israel, prophesy, against, in, captivi, ty, Israel wasn't, a, and a man said, nation, and holie said, that was ISIAIH, in 48, is when, Israel, and Isaiah said, became a, nation, and ariel sharone said, a, and benjamin netanyahu said, gain, and sharone said, time is, and ben said, short, and shrone said, bi, and ben said, bi, and sharone said, take, keep Israel, safe, and dorein said, sharone knows, Israel, will, and ben said, not, re, and sharone said, pent, there are, no Christ, tian, and kristina said, 's, and sharone said, in, Is ra, and the pope said, rail, and stephen said, cause when us, and man said, a hit israel, we'll be, over, short, and stephen said, time, and hollie said, that White hand touchin your back, was, Jesus, He was lettin you know He was pleased, and stephen said, local Church with a global vision, and pastor ramsey said, blaspheme, thats what I want, and hollie said, and he saw Indianapolis after nuclear missile, streets were there, houses just piles of rubble, sky was black and white, thats judgment, and hollie said, and this cop said, go easy, he would get you off, I like, you know what that did to me, hot dam, fire, up, prophet, I know your a prophet, we need you, I'ma reject, and holie said, Jesus said, spue, and Jesus said, I would that you be hot of cold but because you are luke warm, I will spue you out of My mouth, live for Me of leave Me alone, AMEN, and hollie said, that was a leopard, the beast, and the pope said, is the pope, the pope is the beast, with 7 heads and 10 horns, and hollie said, space, a new frontier, and william shatner said, these are the voyages, the starship, enter, and the pope said, pr, and the idol shepherd said, Ize, and Jesus said and maybe somebody said, , Irvin baxter makes 5000 a week, radio show, and Jesus and maybe somebody said, Irving baxter thinks he's better, he's a millionaire, and irvin said, write a bood, seel, keep, don't, re, port, goin to the lake, I knew, and john madden said, what does witness wan, they won't, and robert irsay said, you know how to make me rich, fill it up, and pay me, and I don't pay players, and john said, thats why, they'll loose, second place, no, om sorry, they'll, not, win, and hollie said, that was, a nuclear, ex, plo, sion, over, Indian, and maybe ann randell said, apolis, and somebody said, that was nuclear fire, ball, in, and vladimir putin said, russia, and the pope said, from, and hu hintao said, china, and maybe the idol shepherd said, russia is the beast with 7 head, and the pope said, 's, and maybe the idol shepherd said, 10 horns, and I saw and heard, look at my head, and hollie said, and he saw this illuminated bald head, and hollie said, that was, and the idol shepherd said, little horn, and hollie said, and that was, blackface, all faces shall gather, blackness, from, amer, i, ca, burn, in, and the japanese prime minister that had a cat face said, the leppard is, and hu said, china, and the emporer of japan said, japan, and the president of north korea said, north korea, and a man said, south korea will be, and a man said, absorb it, by north, and the president of north korea said, korea, and hollie said, saw elvis playin guitar, it was, and elvis presley said, white, and hollie said, elvis was supposed to be, singer, for and kristina said, Je, sus, and elvis said, I was so horny, and hollie said, his good looks killed him, and elvis said, blow job, and hollie said, God told himn, don't, he did, elvis was never saved, when his, ca, reer, fell, drug, 's, elvis would, oral, sex, lost, that was olivia, newton, john, she was to, and olivia newton john said, beautiful, and hollie said, elivis said to priscilla, blowjob, and when she left, he was thru, that was the Angel Gabriel and that was Jesus and He wants you to, and somebody said, Jesus caught bob layin and prayin, after, pri, and jeff said, ice, and somebody said, was paid, and somebody said, give all, and kristina said, that was, Je, sus, and He looked like Man in Light, and Transparent, and hollie said, he saw NEW Jerusalem like he's never seen It before, It looked like a City of Lighted Houses and It was how Jerusalem looked before captivity, it was populous, it was destroyed, by the persians, and hollie pointed, the persians is america, america will destroy palestinian state, the palestinians would destroy Israel, they're bein armed right now by arabs, and the palestinian president abbas said, for war with israel, and people said, that was the Lord Jesus, The father, He looked like a Man of Light, just like Jesus Christ, thats why david said, the Lord said, unto my Lord, sit Thou here until I make Your enemies Your Footstool, They will be ashes under Christ's Feet, when Christ delivers the Church up to the Father, and that Body will be absorbed back into the Father Jesus, that was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, that was Christ and He is judgement, and the truth of the matter is Judah is the chosen of israel in the days of the beast, and the Lion is thier protector, that beast won't find them and he knows it, understand, the people will take care of them, the people will want Jesus, but can't, but, they don't know, they took mark, and thats it, and somebody said, and the phone rings, who is it, and people said, when will bob talk, still no answer, no answer, still ringin, Jesus looked like a Giant, that giant was samson, samson was 8 feet tall, samson fell because he did not do what God told him to, samson was supposed kill the phillistines, he did but not all, palestinian state was phillistines, he saw Jesus and He looked like Man of Light with a Crown on His Head, and then he saw the Son, no Crown, Jesus is God manifest in the Flesh, and he said, Jesus Hand and it had a Hole in It filled with Light, and he saw House covered with Plants all around, and he saw and kristina said, Jes, su, s, and He, like Light, and he saw, and sissy said, and he saw satan's mouth anger, and he saw, and Jesus said, heaven, and maybe kristina said, people were Light, and, Jesus was like Burnin flame Man, thats how It will be, that was a Ship of Light, called the gospel Ship, get on board, read and do ACTS 2:37, and ACTS 2:39,. and whats In between, get saved, follow thru, and keri fox said, and keri fox said, if I offened you please forgive me, I want your sex, and people said, she had to get honest, you'll have to be honest when you stand before the Holy One, and the Holy One is Jesus, he saw Jesus smilin writing down visions, sissy said, I know were in the last days, what are you doin about it, and he saw Jesus, and He looked like a Man of Light prayin, and he said, please testify, and hollie said, and he said, and maybe Jesus said, pastor tony peters, and dorein said, repent and be baptised in, Jesus Christ name and receive the Holy One, and kristina said, and he saw Death Angel, Stout, Musculay face of Light, black Hooded Robe, and dorein said, people know who he is, the Death Angel said, hallelujah, His job is to collect souls and delive to and kristina said, Je, sus, s, and sam griswald said, I need Jesus, and people said, she is, preg, nant, that was Jesus Christ and He had a Horn that looked like a Golden Flute with Horn on end, Blow the trumpet, and sam said, I'll do what I want, no, and a man said, go to Church, and sam said, cain't find, bob, come, and, get, no, tim, and timmy tanner said, pt, and kristina said, boom, and dorein said, trumpet will sound, and a woman said, testify when it hurts, and dorein said, that lion howlin like a wolf was lucifer who you just saw, he looked like, angel of firey rage, that was Jesus in van sayin, raise your hands, it was an old chevy van, , and sam said, maybe there's mercy, see, and people said, that was a man begin for mercy in a White Robe, thats what it looks like when it comes from the heart, beg for mercy, that was Water goin into Teapot, that looked like Light water, and that was just a heavenly vision, and sam said, yur cut off, and dorein said, she wouldn't come when God called, now God won't come when she calls, that was People in the midst of the flames of hell, and that is Heaven for those who go there, that was not the lake of fire, that was hades, death and hell will be delivered up to the Throne of Judgement, and they will both be cast into the lake of fire, and that is an ocean of lava, and a man said, tell, and people said, an ocean of lava that is about 5000 degee's fahrenheit, and hollie said, and dorein said, and dorein said, Jesus said, reject him, you will not be able to defend yourself in the judgment, get right now or forget it, you know what you just saw, that was the bottomless pit, and the king of the bottomeless pit is Apollyon, thats Abaddon, and he looked like leopard angel, and that is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the pit looked like fire, and the leopard is, china, north korea, japan, and russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the bear, and russia is the king of the north and china is the king of the south, the pope is russia, they'll make an agreement for the mark of the beast, and that is 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, that was lucifer laughin at people for backslidin on Jesus cause he knows he tricked them to give their sould for a moment of pleasure, and he looked like a hooded beast, and maybe twice, little hollie cat pointed as I was typin vision, and she has a face like a, and hollie said, ca, at, and people said, that was those heads givin their power and strength to the beast and he will destroy universe, until Christ Fights against those who posses the earth, and a man said, it's comin, and hollie pointed, and she looked like, cat, and people said, and that was the Room where people will be in for the Judgment, it looked like a Class Room, that was with table, and a man said, bless'em, and people said, and the leppard said, fire, and that means end of america, and that is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth, and that is MYSTERY, BABYLON, MYSTERY, BABYLON is the united states, and hollie said, and thats the end, and and maybe dorein pointed and people said, of america, and russia will be attacked by china and made to invade israel, he saw mike whobrey and hollie pointed at this, and people said, and complimented him on body work, but understand, mike is pretty good, and a man said, trap, I want, you, men, and people said, but ain't no body shop man, he is a escape artist he filled your car with spot puty, and he was lyin to you, about puttin metal in your front fender, he wanted you out, he made aoubt 300000 dollars and hollie said, in, and mike whobrey said, thou fool, git out, and people said, 10 years and did not give God nothin, when I get finished he said, I'll retire young, and mabye hollie pointed at this man and he said, it's, and mike whobrey said, wit, ness, and the man said, me, and mike whobrey said, don't mess, and the man said, with, and people said, but he can see the economy collapsing, you had all your teeth when you died, now mike says, and mike whobrey said, mike, and people said, you let me perish, he was talkin to you bob, he thought, and a woman said, you, and a man said, should, and a man said, have, give, en, and a woman said, him, and hollie pointed, and a man said, it, and people said, at least 1000 dollars, but he cut you a deal, pray for mike, and a man said, come up here, you owe me no appology, you backslider, and dorein said, man with Cross on semi, and a man said, I don't live for the Lord, I just want people to think I do, and hollie said, he saw, and people said, he saw a rail car already off taack come thru plant, it killed one, one jumped off, and as they flea, he heard explosion, and dorein said, death strikes and the libe man said, when, witch, and a man said, you, and the libe man said, least, and the libe woman said, ex, and the libe man said, pect, and the libe woman said, it, and michael boldea said, it was your clothes, and hollie said, and he was at, and this man that worked for hardee's restaraunt, said, hardee's, and people said, he saw hardee's only gave about 5 peices of corn, green beans with and the woman that did it said, meal, leave me alone, and hollie said, he, and the woman said, followed me back, and hollie said, went, back, and a woman said, and, when and a man said, he, and a man said, saw, and a man said, him, and a man said, he, and a woman said, was, a woman said, he'll, and a woman said, win, and a woman said, I was scared, didn't, sneak, didn't, and the man who worked for hardee's that didn't fill french fry sack said, got, and the woman said, have, and the man said, prep, pared, and a woman said, stats gone, and I hear reo speedwagon sing, you take it on the run baby, if thats the way you want it baby, then I don't want you around, and hollie pointed at this a pen, get, and hollie pointed and stephen hanson said, and said, glove, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, prayer, walker, that in not henry gruver no more, it's bob, go and that was Christ, and a woman said, adorned, and a man said, Bride, and hollie said, for, a woman said, Husband.
    (158)america is that great city that reigneth over the kings of the earth: -visions received 11-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, and that was the statue of liberty, and she, had, a Light, Bright in hand, and she si that great city that reigneth over, and dick cheney said, the, and this president said, I will miss It, defeated, and al gore said, Gore in, 2000 and, won, I did, not, make, my, mind, to, and stephen hanson said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10, and kevin mcgwire said, 10 horns, and a woman said, whoever, and a man said, has, and a man said, these, and a woman said, visions, and a man said, git ot of, I'm not, worth, and a man said, hell, and a woman said, hate, and stephen hansen said, and russia is, and hu hintao said, china, and the emporer of japan that may have had a cats face said, attack, and hollie who had a cats face said, no, and dorein said, amerirussia, and this president said, Israel.
    (159)who is the real servant and who is the fake: -visions received 11-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, and hollie said, and he saw a woman, that, turn, and a woman said, pentecostal, and hollie said, real from, fake, how, separate, by, Holy, Spirit, you can feel, the, diff, er, ent, Spi, its, and hollie pointed, right there, and stephen hansen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is, and hu hintao said, chi, and the emporer of japan who may have had a cats face said, na, and stephen said, and russia is the, and the china jap man said, bear, with 3, rib, 's, and russia is and a man with moustache said, china, and a dorein said, the 3 ribs are, and a man with a moustache said, me, hi, co, nicar, au, gua, and he pointed at this, cu, ba, nicaragua, and hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, and stephen said, russia is, and a Man said, how do we russia, and the china jap mans said, stealth, take it, and I saw th photo fun girl, and I heard, the photo fun girl is, and the photo fun girl said, a, nu, us, se, seck, cks, that, and hollie said, abomination, and stephen hansen said, pride is, and hollie said, abomi, na, and the photo fun girl said, nation.
    (160)animal, 's -visions received 11-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, animal, and kristina fox said, 's, and hollie said, the tiger is, tough, e, and kristina said, est, and hollie said, a, and the photo fun girl said, ni, and hollie said, mal, and hollie said, the lion is second, and the bear is, three, and that was hollie lafave, and hollie pointed at the woman next to me, and hollie said, and she said, and the woman said with the voice a multitude, no, wit, and the man next to me said, ness, and a man said, here, out.
    (161)blaspheme of the Holy Ghost: -visions received 11-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she pointed at the computer keyboard, and sissy said, bobby there's trouble, and walter lafave said, I committed blaspheme.
    (162)france wants trouble with iran -visions received 11-29-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, france wants, trouble wit, iran, and renea hazel barker said, and fran, ce, want, and kristina fox said, 's, and the leopard said, money, and hollie said, thats what, and he saw, a lighted hollie, and hollie said, cat face, and hollie said, david alan and renea said, bays, and renea said with the voice of many, is, and david said, lo, open, not, a, count, a, ble, to, young, died, in, 90, 4, at, and timothy george poling said with david allen bays voice, 15, and david bays said, teen, and timothy george poling said, I was a, pente, costal, preach, and david said, with poling's voice, er, and david bays said, and, that, mean, 's, I, would, have, been, set, free, and a woman said, you need Jesus, and hollie pointed at this, and dorein said, pray, and hollie pointed at, man, and renea said, and, and hollie said, he said, I, know, and a man said, witch, and hollie said, he just saw devil leave him, look like, and dorein said, white spirit, and a woman said, I need to change, and a woman said, hell, and a man said, hell, and a man said, he, and a man said, him, and hollie said, and he had, finger, and the man said, down, and a woman said, hell, and a woman said, wnat, and a woman said, testify, and a man said, I'm goin to have to do it, and hollie said, go, and hollie said, photo fun, and a Light hollie pointed, and said, chevy truck, beast, and a man said, why did you insult me, abase, and a man said, no, and hollie said, keepin the Sabbath means, and somebody said, no work, and hollie pointed and said, look at that, , and somebody or people said, no work on rest day, except what God lead, and kristina said, 's,, and hollie said, bishop r and c, and kristina said, con, struct, tion, and hollie said, liquor, store, and hollie pointed at exit, and dorein said, 130, a, ha, ate, and hollie said, caribean cove, and the caribean cove man on the sign said, sin, and hollie said, AMOS , and a man said, is, and a woman said, ab, and a woman said, out, and dorein said, palestinian state, and hollie said, de, stru, uck, tion, and a man said, stole, al, and aman said, most, and hollie said, saddam hussein, shot, and God showed him to and kristina said, brush teeth, and hollie said, back and, for, and dorein said, forth, and maybe dorein said, that would loosen, up plaque, that was hollie tearin up Contract, and hollie said, and He saw, and kristina said, an, and hollie said, An, and kristina said, Angel, Man, and hollie said, with, and dorein said, Fingers crossed, be, hind, and hollie said, back, and hollie said, that was Jesus, He said, yur out of It, He was talkin to, michael boldea, He saw Michael on Jesus Tongue, spue, not, and and Jesus said, push, America when least expect it, and hollie said, your land lord wanted, to kick you out over fence, it wasn't your fault, so God, God took you out, and dumitru duduman said, you know randy willougbhy, he went to hell, and randy willoughby said, you know how I blowed, I tried to harras you, and Jesus said, touch not My Anointed, and hollie said, that was Christ in the lake of fire, He preached to the spirits in hell, none came out, and putin said, you spoke in tongues and you didn't not help, for with stammering lips He will speak to Israel, but they will not hearken, and the lead singer for boston sang, I'm gettin closer to my roooooom, and putin said, Israel is the Christian, and hollie said, for He came unto His Own, and His Own received Him not, but as many as received, to them He gave power to be Sons of God, READ ACTS 2:38 and do, and putin said, that was a colon, that was not made for sex, and dorien said, don't witness, and a man said, call me, and a man said, do It, and a man said, not, and hollie said, and putin said about anal sex, why do people do that, God doesn't understand It, no baby, but poop on dick, punishement, thats where ayds came from, its in the poop, present yourself a Holy sacrifice to Jesus Christ, that means saved and sanctified and filled with, with the Holy Spirit, and dorein said, and hollie, and hollie said, pointed at that, and maybe putin said, the Holy Scripturr's is exactly what It says, thats Jesus Christ, He is the Word of the Lord, Jesus is the Word made flesh, your Bible is Jesus, the carnal flesh is against God, your carnal flesh is your desparately wicked heart, crucify by prayer, and a man said, I'm an a, pos, tle, and maybe putin said, that will do It, how much Jesus requires out of you everyday, that is prayer and the Ministry of the word, that's led by the Holy One, and hollie said, and hollie point, and a man said, ted, and maybe putin said, at the gas sign, 98 cents, vision is fulfilled, and a man said, liar, I am, not, and maybe putin said, 99 cen, t's, has already been fulfilled somewhere else, and putin said, shell motor oil ha, and kristina said, 's, and putin said, almost as good as quaker state, shell is the most popular oil in the world, shell is now in hot water for lyin to people about thier reserves, they got more than they claim, they want people to give back stock, george clooney is a prophet on the run, come back or perish, and thats the Word, renea is a prophet, and renea hazel barker said, renea, and renea lewis said, lewis, and putin said, and she knows it, come back renea from a.a., mike willoughby is a prophet, but he won't serve Jesus, and hollie said, the leoppard is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, the leopard is an angelic cat, the leopard is satan, and thats china, and that is, and the china jap man said, magog, and putin said, china is magog and thats the red dragon and the red dragon is satan, and hollie said, with, and kristina said, 7 heads, and hollie said, and, 10 horns, and that is, and the speedway woman said, russia, and the emporer of japan said, were against israel cause Israel is Jesus Home, His Foot Stool, Jesus warn you, a Foot Stool is Restin Place for Jesus, and hollie said, and colin powell, point, and colin powell said, we punish, and dorein said, iran, and that, is, and colin said, ir, raq, nuke, soon, cause, economic, coll, la, and dorein said, lapse, and colin said, come, min, and the emporer of japan that may have looked like a cat man said, He'll be back there, and we know it, and putin said, and he saw snow flakes hittin his windows, a snow flake is frozen rain, God shapes them Himself, if you don't beleive it, look at one, there beautiful, mike reno is cut off, he wouldn't comeback anyway, he's rich, they stillsing, they still draw huge crowds, God warned him not to mess with that band, and I saw mike reno who is the lead singer for rock band, loverboy, and he said, will he take me, and a man said, you better wake up boy, and a a woman said, I'ma Christian and I smoke, and hollie said, smokin is, a, and kristina and maybe people said, bomintaion, that was baby bobby, in his Royal Crib, whiny ass, that was Jesus shakin baby bobby's hand, the queen mary is in san diego, and it will be destroyed in one instant when russia attack america, when russia attacks america, the united states will be destroyed in one hour, that was the queen elizabeth underwater, that was arson, and michael boldea said, I'm professional, and gene schmidt said, we need, and ann schmidt said, mike, and michael said, tell me, and ann said, what, and maybe kristina said, normandy, and hollie said, was, set, fire, arson, and rea, andrea doria, accident, they sawa, move of I'll hit you, titanic, inexperienced captain, with big ships, and captain smith said, true, and michael boldea said, licence, and hollie said, and he saw, one, and dorein said, wreck after another, and maybe hollie said, exxon valdez, robert hazelwood, and robert hazelwood said, drunk, shit, prison time, escape clause, sleepin, lyin, you know what I did, backslid on, and hollie said, Jesus, and robert said, almost sank, exxon, and stephen hansen said, that man laid, and this man that was invovled in a auto wreck said, on a, a local, highway, and said, Lord, don't let me die lost, and Jesus said, I won't listen to you, you wouldn't live for Me when I called, now, I, and kristina said, won't, and hollie said, lis, and kristina said, listen, and hollie said, to, and hollie said, you, and the accident man said, you'll be in, hell in, five min, ut, utes, and maybe stephen said, he cried and Jesus laughed, he heard Jesus laughin, that was Jesus around a star, a star is only Pieces of Glass, Glasss Reflects, it's not a sun, ron miens will say in the judgment, I couldn't hear It, and Jesus will say, I couldn't bear you stealin from the Church, depart, ron will say, I know, good riddens Jesus will say, , ron will say mercy, Jesus will say hell is mercy for you, understand, you were on top, and you fell, and now you will pay for it, hell is your new home, depart, and hollie said, and, and kristina said, saw, and hollie said, the, word, and kristina said, 's, the beast rrr, and hollie said, and that is, and dorein said, the new mark of the, and hollie said, beast, and hollie said, and he saw the r's are, 6's, and he saw number 1 on and kristina said, on, and hollie said, the, and Jesus said, come, pu, and a man said, ter, and hollie said, scre, een, and that is, ministryofdream, and kristina said, s, and mabye hollie said, and he saw Jesus Face, and kristina said, Blood, all, and the leopard said, o, ver, he saw, him in, and maybe hollie said, and he said, Lion in, and the Lion said, casket, and holllie said, and that is, Jeff said, I bla, s, pheme, ,and jeff price said with the voice of many, Holy, and Jeff said, 0ne, and kristina said, Jesus, and hollie said, and hollie pointed, and kristina said, that was kristina, and hollie said, and Jesus said, your welcome, and hollie said, that was, and the leopard said, christopher reeve, and hollie said, he didn't want, and sissy said, bobby, and christopher reeve said, press, and dorein said, he could've got healed, but, and christopher said, wouldn't, abase me, and dorein said, got, and rone said, what he asked for, hated God, and hollie said, and that was the moon blocked out from america and kristina said, burn, in, and dorein said, 16 hours, and hollie said, he saw said, and a man said, I don't want your testimony, and hollie said, he saw a, and the dragon said, dra, gon, and stephen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horn, 's, and hollie said, and that is, and hu hintao said, chin, and the china north korea man said, a, and hollie said, and hollie pointed, and hollie said, and I will pour out, and kristina said, Spirit, on all, fle, and hollie said, sh, and hollie said, on, save, d, and kristina said, people, and hollie said, prophesy, speakin in, and kristina said, tong, ues, and hollie said, visions and, and kristina said, dream, 's, and a Man said, that dragon was, and stephen said, the beast with 7 heads, 7 horns, the horns are, and putin said, russia, and hu said, china, and a man said, don't forgit about mexico, and the president of north korea said, north korea, my spirit, and kristina said, is, and a man said, russia, and kristina said, king of, of, and a woman said, the east, and hollie said, that means russia is the bear, and a man said, with 7 horns, and 10, and stephen said, that means, russia is, and a man said, the horns, are, politburo, and mike said, and michael boldea said, michael, why don't you stay around, and a man said, find It, and a man said, that is, and a man said, russia is the be, and a woman said, with 7, and stephen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia and keri fox said, is, and hu said, china, magog, and hollie said, people will figure it out, that russia will, and the president of pakistan said, pakistan is politburo, pakistan is politburo and ameri, and stephen said, russia, and a man said, both, and putin said, all we nee is your cooperation, we need your land and your, your power and strength is your cooperation, and I heard a man say, the bear, and putin said, lets rule the world, and hu said, china, and the president of pakistan said, pak, and the president of north korea said, i, and putin said, stan, and hollie said, and that is, and stan johnson said, they will, give, their power and strength, un, to, the, and hollie said, be, and kristina said, east, and the north korea china man said, un, and the china jap man said, to, and the north korea china man said, the, and the japanese emporer said, be, and the north korea china man said, e, and the china jap man said, st, and dorein said, the will cleave with, the, and the china jap man said, rule, and dorien said, and they will cleave to one, a, noth, and hollie said, the resturant, and dorein said, I never, ate, at, and dorein said, a and hollie said, lot, of, and dorein said, p, and hollie said, e, and dorein said, people, and hollie said, miss, shark, 's, and dorein said, but, never, su, port, ed, no, shark, and kristina said, 's, and dorein said, is, clo, ose, d, and hollie said, and he heard a kid curse God, and dorein said, you don't know, what, and hollie said, what, you've, and dorein said, have, and hollie said, got, and maybe blackie lawless said, until it's, go, and kristina said, gone, and dorein said, don't loose It, and stephen said, russia is the beast, and hollie said, with, and dorein said, daved knew the young man had not killed and king saul said, saul, and the china north korea man said, but he lied, and dorein said, david pressed until even, and the, and the north korea china man said, Lord, and dorein said, showed him, and king saul said, saul, and dorein said, committed he lie, and kristina said, e, and dorein said, thats what cost'em his life, he stole, and king saul said, saul, and kristina said, 's, and dorein said, bracelet, and maybe king david said, the Lords showin me that, and maybe stephen said, the young man didn't kill, and king saul said, king, saul, and maybe king david said, but he's wantin my favor, he, and the north korea china man said, he lied, and the emporer of japan said, he, lied, and dorein said, they will not cleave to ea, each, uh, ude, ther, they will hate one another, and dorein said, he will come, will, and not, tar, and tarry hendricks said, ry, and hollie said, the firestone tires that, and kristina said, blew, and hollie said, no, and prob, and kristina said, lem, and the firestone manager said, air, and stephen said, press, and the manager said, ure, to, low, and dorein said, the people knew it, the, and hollie said, wanted and dorein said, something, for, noth, in, and this president said, I'm bush, if our economy collapses, we will be, st, ro, rong, and hollie said, that, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, roe was cut off, and the roe woman said, blood on hands, stop, we'll fix it, to, late, now, I'm, and thomas simison said, o, open, that, bank, a, count, and kristina said, to, Je, sus, and, and hollie said, He.
    (163)take him -visions received 11-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, take him, and hollie said, he, want, and kristina said, 's, to go, and a woman said, open, and hollie said, that means, save, and kristina fox said, 's, lions are, the, and I saw a lion, and heard, king, and hollie said, of, and dorein said, the, jun, and a lion said, gle, and hollie said, bear will, and dorein said, not, fi, ght, and hollie said, lion, and dorein said, lion would, not, win, bear would, and I saw possibly a kodiac bear, and heard, pre, vail, and dorein said, not, and hollie pointed, .
    (164)russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns -visions received 11-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hansen and he said, russia is the beast with and kevin mcgwire said, 7, head, and kristina fox said, 's, and kevin said, and, 10, horn, and kristina said, 's, and and hollie said, and, and kevin said, that is, and hu hintao said, china, and hollie said, and that, is, and the president of china said, magog, and that is, and vladimir putin said, russia, and the emporer of japan said, divide, into, and hu said, into four, and hollie said, and that is, and the emporer of japan said, russia, and hollie said, its gittin to late, and hollie pointed at that, and it is now 12-1-2005, and in other visions, I saw jack nicholsen, and he said, jack, cut, o, off, and Jesus said, Jack can't repent, and dorein said, why, and Jesus said, He wouldn't, and jack said, come, laker, and kristina said, 's, and a Man said, that was it, and I saw jack and heard, showtime, and jack said, magic, , and the libe woman said, he blew it, and dorein said, that was, and I saw earving magic johnson and he said, I have aids, I like, and jack nicholson said, men, and hollie said.
    (165)praise fellowship assembly of God-visions received 11-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, a man said, he said, thats apostolic pentecost, and pastor royce fields of bethesda temple apostolic fiath Church said, pentecostal, help me, and the pastor of el shaddai apostolic faith Church, r. holcomb, said, no, signs, and hollie said, eagle, and kristina fox said, creek, and hollie said, Christian, and kristina said, Church, is no, sign, and kristina said, 's(this was eagle creed Chruch of Christ), and stephen hanson sang, a local Church with a global vision that, and I saw pastor ramsey of new life Church, and he said, blaspheme, and stephen said, and thats pastor ramsey of, and hollie said, new life.
    (167)buffet's are smorgasboards, and that is a troth-visions received 11-30-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, new taste, and kristina fox said, buffet, and gene schmidt said, troth, nad ann schmidt said, lets eat, and geno said, you know what I did, and vladimir putin of russia said, rus, and I saw stephen hanson putin and he said, sia, and hollie pointed at this, and the china president hu hintao said, take by, and hollie said, and hollie said, steal, th, and the the north korea china man said, said, hit russia, har, and president of north korea said, d, and hu said, by, tomahawk, nuclear, pound.
    (168)witness -visions received -2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like different people and they said things like, this man said, I'm a prophet, and a man said, that, and kristina said, 's, and a man said, me, trapped, and the iupui security guard said, I'm in a, and a man said, relationship, and a man said, with a, and the iupui security guard said, wo, and a man said, man,m and hollie pointed, at kiel street, and dumitru duduman said, you told, and a man said, I'm not open, I'm cut, off, I'm sin, lu, he, and hollie said, thought, and man said, I', and a man said, open, and hollie said, he's In, out, In, out, and a man said, I'm not, mind made up, Thats cool, and bobby said, I ruined It, and dorein said, when he figured out you didn't is when you, and bobby said, said, and a man said, I don't feel God, and dorein said, he knew, he saw you, angry, and bobby said, leave me alone, and dorein said, but, he, wanted, and I saw bobby and heard, money, and he said, take, and a lighted hollie points, put it right there, I want, money, and bobby said, this is what the Lord told me to do, you were suppost to warn me to stop but you, and michael tillery said, did, and bobby said, said, not, and tillery said, you, and hollie pointed, and and tillery said, you weren't, and bobby said, allowed, and tillery said, I, saw It, on the, inter, and bobby said, net, and hollie said, he will say that the devil, the Lord wants to get rid of him, he won't get Right, he wants material, he's lifted up, and I saw, pastor ramsey, and he said, blaspheme and Jesus said, is not for, and ramsey said, give, give in, and maybe hollie pointed at this.
    (169)star wars: -visions received -2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, star wars is of the devil, lucas was warned, right now, don't mess with that stuff, no more, do a movie for Jesus, an end time movie, look at Website for details, he's cut off, michael boldea took the chech you sent'em and gave it to hand of help, and michael boldea said, wrong, and hollie said, thats what now he did, he kept it, thats what God wanted'em to do, and michael said, I need your message, and hollie said, one more reason hand of help is cut off, because they take money sent to them and pocket and gene schmidt said, said, and ann schmidt said, does it to, and hollie said, thomas, gib, and kristina fox said, son, and hollie said, wants to know the fuck you are, he's curious, and thomas said, I need Him, and hollie said, leave he knows, and sissy said, bobby we perish, and hollie said, Jesus said, Leave Me alone, and I'll leave you alone, but if you say your gonna serve Me and don't, I'll destroy you, and maybe hollie said, she said, you done it to many times, she said, whats the, and hollie pointed at the computer of pen of whatever, and I grabbed the pen, and this sick girl that is on this billboard on 38th street in indianapolis that has a tube going in her throat who is with this indianapolis colts football player said, I'm, and the colts player said, off, I don't, care, about her, ,and the sick girl said, he, don't, want, give it to me, and the colts payer said, no, and the sick girl said, mon, and the colts payer said, ey, and a man said, hey tina, what happened to you,and tina sinnesaw said, I was trapped by the pro, and linda spall said, phet, I ain't nothin but and larry spall said, a, and linda said, wit, and larry said, ch, and this woman said, whats the Word, and hollie said, Word, no Word was the Word, thats the Word, she knows, said, now she's in trouble, she didn't repent, now she can't, and only two weeks passed, you almost lost your name, diana hughey has It for sale, but when people look up ministryofdreamsthey think she is crazy, call, and he saw a Big Hand write This down He said, prophet, He said, that black man was a prophet, he said, get that Shit, away from me, he'll want that Shit back, the Lord said, He'll cry out and I won't hear because of that, Amen.
    (170)empire state building going down -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, and hollie pointed, empire state buildin will collapse, because an air plane will hit it, it's planned, osama is behind it.
    (171)Biblical salvation -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, please repent, and be baptised, and stephen hanson said, in Jesus Christ Name, and receive the Gift of the Holy One, Amen.
    (172)lucifer was an Angel -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, the angelic man said, hallelujah, that was lucifer in a mans clothes, cause the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns is lucifer, and lucifer is the man of sin.
    (173)glendale mall and child pornography -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like. hollie and she said, glendale mall put a picture of a nude boy bent over about to dive in his bath tub in swim trunks to trap people, that boy is only about 15, end of story, glendale mall shame on you, and the little boy pointed at this, and hw was in his swim trunks, and hollie said, glendale mall will close when you least expect it because of that, end of story, cause child pornography is a abomination in the Lords EYES, and the owner of glendale mall, mr. kite said something like, that ruint it, and maybe hollie said, you told them, that was all, and a woman said, and it, and a man said, was, and a woman said, and you went back and that was, and a man said, was, and a woman said, all a, and a man said, gain, and a woman said, your, clear, and renea said, they both laughed, trapped, and a woman said, he thought, listen to the Word he said, they'll per, and renea hazel barker said, ish, leave It alone, you left, hollie, come back, and hollie said, he said, and a man said, Christian, and danny strong said, I ain't gonna take your Word, because you always lie, you need to get your ass kicked, and dorein said, thats what danny thought, and hollie said, strong, and renea said, he'll, and hollie said, see, in the , jud, ge, men, and kristina fox said, mint, and debbie said, I want you to giht me, and sissy said, leave, him, a lone, I told It, and hollie said, debbie would not, God, and kristina said, God give warning, and the libe woman said, one more time, and hollie said, she, and kristina said, said, and hollie said, God, and sissy said, your right bobby, who, care, and kristina said, 's, and debbie said, om out, and dorein said, suicide, and debbie said, miss you bobby, and hollie said, dorein, but she wanted you, out and now she will kill, and debbie said, revenge, and hollie said, self, and sissy said, car, boke, om, and somebody said, max beaver, and max beaver said, I ain't gonna do it, and mr. pedigo from pedigo chevrolet said, fire, and max beaver said something like, I'll embarras you right on my show, and mr. pedigo said, stick, and hollie said, and I saw a Man, punishin max, max bevass, be, vass, and hollie pointed at this, and somebody said, pedigo, and hollie said, charged, 14000, to, fix, cor, is ca, and that was, and pedigo said with the voice a a multitude, to, mu, ch, .
    (174)carlos santana -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she pointed at this entry, and santana sang, got a black magic woman, got a black magic woman, and hollie said, that is, Chur, and kristina fox said, ch, and hollie said, fix IT, and dorein said, that, and hollie said, satana is a witch, if you, and dorein said, don't live and carlos santana said, the Li, fe, don't pray, and dorein said, carlos, santana used to sing, but now, and carlos said, he, and dorein said, does, no, and kristina fox said, t, and hollie said, he saw the Word, and kristina said, 's, moth, ball, and thats what, and carlos said, car, lo, los, did, and somebody said, and he saw, and nancy arrick harp, said, nancy arrick, c'mon lets tell, I'm, and a man said, safe, and nancy said, no, and kristina said, t, and nancy said, o, ope, o, pen, and I'm, not, o, and hollie pointed at the bus stop, and said, right there, and maybe hollie and possibly nancy harp pointed at that, and a man said, I'm not your friend, anda woman said, oral, sex, and the man said, put in in the butt, and the Angelic black hooded man said, hallaluiah, and hollie said, witch craft is, and kristina said, rebel, and hollie said, ion.
    (175)the end times russia: -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hansen and he said, cause russia is the beast, with, and a man with a moustache said, with 7, head, and kristina fox said, 's, and the woman next to me said, insulting, that, do, not, wit, ness, be, and hollie said, cau, and hollie pointed at this, and said, he wants, and kristina said, to, wit, ness, and the woman next to me said, but, I, wo, and the woman said, not, and hollie said, don't worry, and the libe woman said, you c'mon back, and dorein said, prayer walk doesn't do, and I saw this young blond man with a smile like bart simpson, and one of the characters on the bart simpson show said, eat, and the other character said, the, .
    (176)war of oil -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie, and she said, bush wants, and a man said, their oil, and hollie said, iraq, and a man said, what we need.
    (177)woe to the palestinian state:-visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, palestinian state, and kristina fox said, will, be, de, sroy, e, d, and hollie said, they, and kristina said, are, and hollie said, o, and a man pointed at this, and a woman said, o, and a man said, ver.
    (178)witnessing to people is God's mercy, what they do is thier repayment to Jesus -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, this man and he pointed, and hollie said, she, and a woman said, want, fight, and hollie said, that, 's, what, and I saw a woman and heard, she, and a woman said, what he want, and a man said, there's my evidence, and I saw a woman and heard, trap, and a woman said, me, and dorein said, I, and a woman said, didn't, and a man said, want, and a man said, test, and a woman said, he will, and a man said, lost your teeth, and a woman said, hope, and a man said, hope is Israel, and hollie said, see that, and dorein said, you are open, and hollie said, save, and kristina fox said, d, and irving baxter said, I ain't, o, ope, pen, and dorein said, you need to write more vis, sions, and I saw this sick little child, and heard, malawi , and dorein said, is, and a man said, try, is, lam, and hollie said, and he saw open, and a man said, thats what you are, and soembody said, show, and dorein said thhings like, you see that house, that house is 18 centure, a thousand people have lived in that house and none of them were set free, you live in vehicle anbd you, and hollie said, are, and kristina fox said, set free, and dorein said, you are open as long as you are havin visions and dreams, go.
    (179)russia will want to rule the world: vladimir putin, who is the president of russia, and he sang, lets rule the world, and hu hintao who is president of china said very agresively, china, don't forget about me, I'm the false prophet, china is, ma, and I saw hu hintao, and heard a voice that sounded like a computer generated monster's voice, and it said, gog, , and dorein said, hu is the false, and the pope said, pro, and the libe woman said, whats this, and a man said, tell, now, and a man said, he said, and I saw the man and he said, o, and a woman said, that was, and hu said, china, ru, and putin said, sh, ssa, sha, that is, the, new world, and dorein said, order, and a man pointed and said, what is this, this, and hollie said, is, and kristina fox said, the, and hollie said, new, and somebody said, world, and dorein said, or, ord, der, and a man pointed at a little flicker of light that came around from where I picked this pencil up, and said, what is that, Light, and kristina said, thats, and hollie said, what, and kristina said, ____, is , and hollie said, max lucado is, and I saw a man and heard, fal, and I saw jerry jenkins and he said, se, and I saw tim lahaye, and he said, you know what I am, oo, off, and and kristina said, and, and jerry said, that, you puttin on a show, and i saw tim lahaye and heard, and tim said, I, aaa, and jerry said, mmmm, and the pope said, god, and, and hollie said, that is, and a man said, remember wednesday night, and tim said, you said, you, and a man said, could, insult me, and a man said, eat lunch, , and dorein said, leave here, and a Man pointed at this, and kristina said, Arm, and I saw this Hand point at two children, and maybe dorein said, they are lost and nobody cares, and hollie said as she dance to the drums, they are, un, a, cou, and a man said, n't, and soembody said, au, and a woman said, cause you won't pray, and a man said, that, and a man said, is why, and a man said, go on, and a man said, I'm rich, and putin said, lets rule the world, and hu said, and that is, chi, and the president of north korea said, wait, and hu said, china, is, and dumitru duduman said, how about gadafi, and colonel gadafi said, I'm, anti, and the pope said, cry, and a man pointed at that, and dorein said, get, hum, and a man said, ble, and hollie said, aids pledge, are, a, and kristina said, way, tu, and hollie said, oo, make, and kristina said, give me your money, and a man said, how come you don't talk, and dorein said, go witness, and hollie said, face tran, and kristina said, 's, is, and hollie said, abomin, and kristina said, a, ate, ti, and hollie said, on, and kristina said, whats that, and dorein said, when they, ta, ke, a, dead, and hollie said, man, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, face, and dorein said, go, and, and kristina said, wi, it, wit, niss.
    (180)bill clinton-visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, bill clinton was, and I saw bill clinton and he said, tra, kristina fox may have said, trader, and former president clinton said, ded, and kristina fox may have said, trader, and william clinton said, enough, naf, and hollie said, that.
    (181)do you believe in Jesus: -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, this young man and he said, fuck, do you, be, lieve, in, Je, sus.
    (182)witnesses-visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, some people I witness to and they said things like, my butt is, and a woman said, not, and a man said, sexy, and a woman just cusred God, and a man said, lets face it, and a woman said, slendor, and a woman said, I, and a woman said, mm, and a woman said, there's my Answer, but, I, won't, live, for, Je, and kristina fox said, Jesus, and a woman said, your wanted on the phone, and a Man that looked like Jesus said, by Me, and a man said, post.
    (183)house of represetatives kicks out Jesus Name: -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked, hollie, and she said, america, and renea hazel barker said, is kickin, and hollie said, God, out, and a man said, here's the Word, no, and a man said, Je, sus, in the house, representatives, and hollie said, a.a. in the basement, and a man said, first, free, meth, and a man said, o, and a man said, dist, Church, and a man said, avoid, and valdimir putin said, lets rule the, and hu hintao said, china, and putin said, world, and a man said, thats it, you hurt me.
    (184)the new world order: -visions received 12-1-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, vladimir putin, and he said, lets rule the world, russia, and hu hintao said, china, and a man with a moustache said nicaragua, and I sw fidel castrol and heard, cuba, and a man pointed at the growling man next to me, and the man said, I'm, and a man said, ou, t, and hugo chavez, who is president of venezuela said, lets, and putin said, rule the world, and a woman said, I'm no race driver, and a man said, MYSTERY, BABYLON is, under, judge, men, ment, and he pointed, cause, russia, and stephen said, the beast, and a man with a moustache said, don't forgit about meheco, and a Man that looked like Jesus said, the tan kings are, and putin said, russia, and hu said, china, and renea hazel barker said, what about china, and I saw the president of china, and he said, aaaaa, ta, ck, uh, and a man said, you left, and dorein said, america, and a kid said, no om aids, and a man said, do you see that, and dorein said, laugh, and a man said, now, and a man said, but, and a man said, agony, and a young man said, om, clo, sin, up, and a man said, and , and a man said, I'm, 18 teen, and dorein said, tell him to repent, and be baptised in Jesus Christ Name, and receive the, Holy, One, and a man pointed at him, and hollie said to the jamming drums as she swung, Truth of the matter is, and putin said, russia is, and stephen hansen said, the, and putin said, beast, and stephen said, with, and a man said, beast, and stephen said, with, 7, head, and kristina fox said, 's, and a woman said, and mark hitchcock, I'm a, and robert schueller said, repro, and mark said, bate, and Jerry jenkins said, mi, and tim lahaye said, nd, , and a man pointed at this I have friends, and this nun said, I'm a wit, ch, and a man daid, I drive truck, and a man said, not witness, and kirstina said, I and this kid said, don't, and the libe man said, want you declarin, here, and dorein said, witness, you been filled with the Precious Gift of the Holy Spirit and you don't even show It, and hollie said, the meek will, in, her, it, and kristina said, the, and dorein said, ear, and kristina said, th, and stephen said, and eventually, russia is the beast, read, and pastor m.s. mckinney said, freindship, ap, po, stol, and donny winters said, ic, is, and pastor mckinney said, apo, and donny said, apo, stol, li, and hollie said, c, you ever eat, worship, at, friendship, and pastor mckinney said, who invited him here, and a man pointes and pastor mckinney said, me, come, will hear, and a man said, it over, and hollie said, we know, pleaseant run, united and kristina said, Church of Christ, o, and stephen said, thiier not, and hollie said, breakfast, with, san, ta, and kristina said, kristina, and hollie said, hollie, and stephen said, shelby street pentecostal lighthouse is cut off, and hollie said, and he saw a Hand of Light write it down there, and billy collins said, how many times can you sin and get a, and hollie said, way, and billy said, with, and hollie said, It, and the leopard said, no, and stephen said, ne, and Jesus said, you are, either and kristina said, save, and Jesus said, In, and kristina said, d, or, and hollie said, out, In and out, and george said, abomi, na, and donald hicks said, tion, and Jesus said, I would that you be Hot or cold, I'll spue, Luke, and Somebody said, warm, em, and stephen said, bar, and Jesus said, as Me, I'll, and stephen said, laugh at your, and a woman said, I sat, and a man said, tan, and a Man said, how do I get support, and Jesus said, how do I get My people to support Me, and dorein said, they, won't, and hollie said, have and somebody said, any, and kristina said, hand, 's, and a woman said, but, the Lord says, and kristina said, you and debbie said, I want You to leave me alone, so I can sin, and Jesus said, don't start late, start when you agreed , and george said things like, bobby, I piss, but I don't poop, and dorein said, when people bowell's are, frozen, and george said, bobby sacrifice for me, so I can, and a man said, sin, and stephen said, the marine corp, and a woman said, wiped out in iran, and hollie said, and that and kristina said, 's, iraq, and a woman said, when they nuke the palestinian state, and hollie waved bye bye marine, marine corps, and kristina said, wiped out, and somebody said, palestinian state, and the speedway woman said, when, and somebody said, iran, is, is, and hollie said, islamic, and kristina said, boom, and she pointed, thats, nuke, and hollie points at the Bible, and said, read, palestinian state is Israel's, please help me, and stephen points and the va hospital, see that, that will be no more if bush has his way, and this president said, do away, I'm bush, do, and I saw stephen hanson in a White Robe pointing , I defended you, you embarras me, and stephen points, bobby, don't ear cereal, it's not, and hollie said, not, and kristina said, nutricious, vitamins, and hollie said, are, and a woman said, cheap, and people said, the usa is MYSTERY, BABYLON, palestinian state is gaza, I will send a fire on gaza, AMOS read, palestinian state will be destroyed by america, that was the collapsing of the empire state buildin, it'll, be hit by airplane, osama planned, he wants america to go broke, and a man pointed at that, and people said, they already are osama, world bank supports america, bush wants bankrupt the world bank, it and sissy said, wo, and kristina said, n't, and people said, sissy thought you were eatin all the food, now, she knows ut was debby sue, and she wants debby out, thelma johnson said, I blasphemed, rock and roll has led more people to hell than anything, end of story, rock and roll is evils music, rock and roll is from the devil, and I may have seen alice cooper hold up number one, the united states will be attacked when you least expect it when you least expect it is when you think God is Hearin you, thats a suprise, you know what that was, that was lucifer leavin, a white spirit, he saw like a man that wanted a and a woman said, I, blas, and a woman said, pheme, and people said, that is what a penis tranplant looks like and that is, they take a dead means penis and sow it on a woman, works, they cannot turn a man into a woman, they can cut off, pe, nus, and, make hole, works, and karen waltz said, we don't know how to It, and dorein said, you should've use, and kristina said, e, and somebody said, your lif, bet, and kristina said, ter, and people said, he said, no queers in the house, and he said, Lord I don't want to hear her buiness, and the Lord shut the Door on the vision, a business with funny words mean china is taken over america, that man was showin off his engine, they are mad about thier idol, and kristina said, 's, and I saw the words, favor, passed, a, I, and I saw a stop sign with writing on it I could not make out, and people said, he got bit by a mouse, he peted and hollie said, that hurt me bobby, and people said, vine and branch, incorporated is tax, e, va, s, si, on, not, and hollie said, right there, and a woman said, I'm, and a woman said, not, and people said, beth, lehem, Judah, is, mixed multi, tued, some live for, Je, sus, some, do, not, there was a man that wanted lodgin for one day and he got what he want, ed, and , it, cost him his wife, don't say Lord, save, my teeth, say, Lord, Thy Will be, done, you will please the Lord, when you put Him first in all things, and a man pointed at this, and people said, toyota minivans are not as good as you think, a windstar is just as good, a windstar is made by ford, hallelujah, the white face man, and maybe the devil said, I'm lucifer, and people said, versatrak means both wheels spin all the time, h70 means crane will go up 70 and kristina said, feet, and people said, hydraulics work by pumpin fluid into a smaller ring of, and johnny cash said things like, I fell, and people said, thats how, they've already got that preasure there, there is a small, little tiny, tube, that goes to the, pump and that is how they do it, it doesn't take rocket science, they it pumps into little tube and it pupms into bigger tube and that creates, press, ure, regulated by valve, Lamborghini cost about 7500 dollars to make, the engine is more powerfull, and that is just longer pistons, more compression, keep it up, if you completely recognize that devil, he'll flea from you, it shows that you live for the Lord caouse you do not run with them, you are peculiar, and that means, strange to the world, the bobcat cost about 7500 dollars to make and they sell for about 25000, thats why america is goin broke, and the Hand pointed at the lights on the back of car, red means war, yellow means, weakness, blue means explore, the sky is black, the sun is yellow, that makes blue, pink means, vir, gin, body parts are, pi, nk, blood makes them, dak, k, like redpink, people can think because God gave them a, Bill of Divorcement.
    (184)do marsh -visions received 12-2-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, don marsh, and don marsh said, tax, e, vade, der, and a woman said, not.
    (185)don marsh-visions received 12-3-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, don marsh, and he pointed at the entry of above this one.
    (186)china is magog is russia -visions received 12-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hansen, and he said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and, 10, and kevin mcgwire said, horn, and kristina fox said, 's, a a man pointed, take It, off, and dorein said, that is whatis causin your prayer to be better, and a man said, dumitru, meant, and dumuitru duduman said, don't go, and ann schmidt said, to, and gene schmdit said, hand, and hollie said, of, hel, and kristina fox said, p, abd a woman said, he, and dorein said, want, and a man said, ed, and a man said, you sex, and dumitru said, ministryofdreams is number 1, and a man said, one, in, pro, and stephen hanson said, ph, and a man said, cy, and a man said, he wanted, and a man said, sex, and Jesus said, warnin, and a man said, palestinian state, bomb, and a man said, I will, and this president said, bush, and stephen said, you ain't open, and the autozone man said, om not goin to believe, and the autozone woman said, om off, and dumitru said, that was, and stephen said, stephen and dumitru said, glowin, and stephen said, eye's, and a woman said, you have lost some Power stephen hansen.
    (187)woe to the palestinian state -visions received 12-3-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hanson, and he said, palestinian state will be, and kristina fox said, figures, and stephen said, destroyed, and a woman said, when the palestinian states destroyed, america's days will and stephen said, be, and a woma n said, num, ber, ed, and hollie said, prophet tried to run, God off in his heart cause he's not, and kristina fox said, worthy, and , and hollie said, he know it, and dumitru dudman said, when you have everthing taken away, you are hum, ble, and a man pointed at this.
    (188)kent gray -visions received 12-2-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, stephen hansen, and he said, that was kent gray, if you went to his Church, and kent gray said, I saw your Website, do, n't, come, here, and mr.s gray said, om, out, and stephen said, he, and, apostolic pentecostal pastor kent gray said, el, and stephen said, el, think, and kent said, he can get back, on, and kent said, but, and stephen said, I , kent, and shane said, you got Something I want, and dick up my butt, and a man said, I'm not scared, a a woman said, reprobate, and a woman said, mine, press, bob, and stephen said, htas what, she will, and debbie said, Lord, I need more time, and a woman said, and that is, and Jesus said, decision, that, and a woman said, that, anbd a woman said, you, and the speedway woman said, live here, and hollie said, Lord, just save me, and dorein said, save yourself, and kristina fox said, READ, ACTS 2:38, , and somebody said, you know what angie did, and angie said, I backslid because of you, bring me back, and terry cannon said, she won't, she wants material, and shane said, make, and angie said, me, and shane said, I co, and a man said, mit, a, and shane said, nal, and angie said, sex, and hollie said, he saw his, and debbie said, I wrecked, my brother, and dorein sid, you'll, and hollie said, see, and dorein said, Zechariah's was an endtime prophet, he finished his cousre in victory, it was over 2300 years ago, Zecharias was over 100 when he died, God blessed him with a ministryofdreams, and maucaulay pointed at It, whats the Words, that ministryofdreams is number 1, that was loverboy, mike reno, he backslided on, God won't take him back, he regrets it now, tell the dream, even the lead guitarist is a backslider, maucaulay pointed at that, end of dream, he sings everybody's workin for the weekend, everybody needs a a second chance, no more loverboy, I'm the sunbeam bakery girl she said, sumbeam doesn't want Jesus, they want money, and mike reno said, I knowed blondie, and blondi said, oral sex, and when you get done, leave me alone, and dumitru duduman said, you know what blondie done, and the lead singer for the rock disco group, blondie, said, slept with alice cooper on roadie, and somebody said, they took that show away because it wasn't no good, and alice cooper said, heave, and blondie said, whatta you wan prophet, and alice said, sex, and blondie said, thats what you need, and alice said, hand around, and blondie said, eat, and alice said, I didn't, and blondie said, he didn't want to and blondie said, I'm a dyke, and alice said, I ear notin for 3 days, and blondie said, you faster, and alice said, git away from, and hollie said, he wanted blaspheme, he, and holie said, alice became welcome to my nightmare after he backslid on Jesus, he backslid to sing for a and kristina fox said, band, that was alice cooper pointin, alice cooper can't come back, and hollie said, he lost the Holy One, ken haney never was set free, and he's over upci, kyle woods has blown It, he can't stand himself, he works for the indiana state taxes, and he's a tax evader, even tammy bundy is, she wanted to fight him, thats why they broke up, he couldn't stand her, she was jelous, randy willoughby wanted to preach Gods Word, westside pentecostal Church turned him away brother spall, why did you do that, and pastor spall said, cause, no, mon, ey, and linda spall said, it's out, and former westside pentecostal Church pastor spall said, he's a witness, I knew, and somebody said, randy got shot for stealin a bicycle, and tammy willoughby, said, right, and somebody said, he's in and dorein said, hell, and randy willoughby said, I'm lifted up, because of my anger, and somebody said, in the judgement randy said, what happened to me he didn't even know, Jesus said, depart, that Price 2000 years ago, when Christ died on the Cross, the Price was paid, He went down into hell and preached to the spirits for 3 days, the thief on the cross was one, he stayed, he reviled on Christ, that was stealin, that death on the Cross was the opening for the gentiles to be saved, when you drink water, drink it slow, cause water goes directly into the system, the body warms it up instantly, the prophecy club is about blaspheme, they have speakers that say MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and speakers that say it is not, and one speaker that doesn't beleive, thats michael boldea, he trapped dumitru duduman, and dumitru perished, truth of the matter is dumitru perished in Heaven, michael boldea will perish in hell, jeff check's in prison for writin bad checks, he will perish, donald winters blasphemed the Holy One cause he said those are from the devil he needed mercy and mercy showed up, and he blasphemed It, donny gets 10000 per year for preachin at westside pentecostal Church, donald winters get, and dorein said, 's, and somebody said, 50000 per year, sinnesaw knew it, thats why he left, he committed blaspheme himself, understand, he said, bob is of the devil, and former assisstant pastor at westside pentecostal Church, mr. sinnesaw said, I heard'em, irritate, and people said, jeff daughtery wants salvation, but he blew It, he said, you are from the Holy Spirit, he knew, and joyce meyer, of, joyce meyer ministries, said, I knew, and people said, you'll have to get a hold of me he said, and jeff daughtery said, om Jeff, and somebody or people said, he lied he said, he comitted backslided, and keyy coffman said, I know him, on my death certificate, I committed blaspheme against bob, I said he is from the devil, and smebody of people said, that was prophet stephen hansen and he looked like lucifer, and stephen said, ear in raw eggs in no good for you, it is one of the things God doesn't want you to do, rocky didn't eat they changed the cup, the best food a person can eat Spiritual, you never need to change motor oil, and they know it's, and dorein said, true, and somebody or people said, that white face man was lucifer, and he's angry at you Christian, he's runnin out of time, debbie wanted you backslide and she tells a different story, she thinks you did, she commited blaspheme, she is dooomed, she doesn't know it yet, the devil tells her we will go in the rapture, and she masterbated everyday, and listens country music everyday, and country music us is of the devil, raise your hands and repeat after me, no more chance for jeff gordon, he'll close in a wreck, in a nationally televised wreck, he's cut off and he knows it, he says thank you God and eats his girl friends pussy, that's normal for jeff gordon, jeff gordon is doomed you'll see, sister blaine is a backslider, sister blaine is bobs nightmare, nightmare has not left yet, she is your, and a woman said, I'm a cunt, and a man said, eat, and somebody or people said, shelby street pentecostal lighthouse Church is of the devil, basketball goals's right on Church property just like, shelbyville tabernacle apostolic Church, just like heavenly life apostolic tabernacle, prophet,and renea hazel barker said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and I'm renea, and I'm the new prophet, and stephen hanson said, no more vision's in pentecost, that's a bunch of bull crap, no more pentecostal's in pentecost is the problem, and a man said, century marathon is blaspheme, you know what I did, I asked, Jesus, and He, sent, and I rejected, and hollie said, they used that on world war two, and a man said, hitler wan, and hollie said, ted, control, and Jesus said, I did not tell hitler to invade poland, I did not tell hitler to invade russia of kill jew's, I knew his day was comin, I did not tell truman to nuke japan, he perished because of it, and People or Somebody said, world war one was germany again, same as world war two, but different circumstance's, I was not pleased, people perished by thousand's at a time, you cane not pray with blaspheme on your record tell'em brother donald winters, I can't press, I see an Angel, and a man says, I told you not to, and donald winters said, do it, and hollie said, put it on your Website, and this man said, why is he fightin me, and a man said, cause, and a woman said, I, and a woman said, want, and a man said, blas, and a man said, phemeand a man said he said, and a man said, I, co, mit, and hollie said, and Jesus, take, and Jesus said, take My Money and cast It, and hollie said, before, and Jesus said, sports idols, and hollie said, abomination, litter is, and kristina said, a, and hollie said, bom, min, min, a, and kristina said, tion, and hollie said, and hollie, and kristina pointed, and dumitru said, you shouldn't have left me, you know when you left me, I per, ished, and hollie said, you went to Heaven, bu, t, and willie duncan said, steve forest, is, and steve forest said, blaspheme, I am, and willie said, me, and hollie said, Let's plead, and kristina said, to get, and hollie said, her, and kristina said, mean, 's, and a woman said, work it, and a man said, who, and a man said, knows, and a man said, butt,ballon, like, and a man said, whent to my head, and a man said, o, and a man said, shit, and a man said, trap, and Jesus said, JEREMIAH 16, and jeremiah said, I did what I want, and Jesus said, eunuch, I'll make, and hollie said, bet, and kristina said, her, and Jeremiah said, cause you, and hollie said, sacri, and kristina said, fi, cie, and Jesus said, people, Website Wife, turn, and a woman said, emanueast, is, and donny winters said, backslided, and pastor m.s. mCkinney said, what is there's nothin wrong, he's back, and a man pointed, and a man said, whatta you want, and Jesus said, won't pray and press, and kristina said, pu, sh, king, and king kong said, kong, and a woman said, abomination, they expose, the, and somebody said, gorilla, and kristina said, as, hate, and dorein said, gorilla's, love, and a man pointed, and stephen pointed at the rail car, eat, that would feed a hundred, and a man said, thou, and stephen said, sand, that one rail car, home, backnot, that was a munch, ken, bear, on, a santan, stockin, and a man said, I wanted to know, what you were do, in, I, had, no, sleep, last, and Jesus said, let, and hollie said, it's startin, and this police officer said, he is open, what is that, and dorein said, go to park, and the cop said, I just wanted something to d,o, and somebody or people said, he saw a whole bunch of things from, his, prayer includin a nuclear warhead, judgment is come to america, by these, one third of the men were killled, he saw a man baldin and said that's o.k. and that was it, and debby said, I am, and she had a nail in her hand, and hollie said, he saw, and kristina said, gas, and hollie said, si, i, and kristina said, gn, 1, and hollie said, sev, seven, and kristina said, seventh, and kristina pointed at this, and a woman said something like, let me give you some advice, you only live to eat, and hollie said, 2 70, and kristina said, 9, wa, s, and hollie said, ga, and kristina said, ss, si, and hollie said, ii, and a man pointed at this, and hollie said, 2.70, and kristina said, 9, and hollie said, she, and kristina said, ll, and a man said, you keep callin me up, and hollie said, and that was, and danny said, dan, of, the, alco, and a young man that goes to danville apostolic said, co, ho, hol, lic, and a woman said, he is, and the young man from danville apostolic said, beauty, that, and kristina said, 's, and the young man said, thats it, and Jesus said, you'll close, and a man said, don't do it, and hollie said, fightin is abomi, and kristina said, na, and hollie said, tion, and kristina said, they, and hollie said, box, and somebody said, this, and somebody said, Website, and hollie said, awesome, and a woman said, they, and a woman said, box, and a woman said, to, and hollie said, show, who, is, be, and kristina said, st, xbox is, si, n, 's, and and hollie said, that, and kristina said, is, and hollie said, they are, and kristina said, all sin, xbox, ipod, nano, and kristina said, that's, s, and hollie said, sin, and a woman taken donations for some organization said, he is of the devil, and hollie said, cause you won't and a man said, do, and a man said, nate, and a man said, he acted like he was and a woman said, serious, and a woman said, I need a witness and a young man pointed, and a man, and hollie said, santa is, and kristina said, abomination, and hollie said, christ, and kristina said, mas singin and hollie said, is, and somebody pointed at this, and a woman said, abomintaion, and a man said, ask alice cooper, and alice cooper said, abomintion is, and rosie whobrey said, slip, and a man said, pizza, and rock star alice cooper said, is, and a man said, is, is, and alice said, pardon me, and people said, you are after, o my God, nothin, keep truckin, your heart is, lifted, not, you are bein tormented by demon, 's, they are tryin to deciev you, resist, and he'll be, and hollie said, the developer, and kristina said, said, and hollie said, I'll turn this, and kristina said, into a rich neighbor, hood, and hollie said, but, and stephen hansen said, the problem is, and kristina said, how do I get to it, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, I want some pie, I want some pizza, and stephen said, and God just, and Jesus said, laugh, and kristina said, 's, and Jesus said, can you pay My price, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, nobodies sick, and hollie said, hey bob thats all you want to do is, and maybe carol cunningham said, talk, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, and hollie said, I committed, blaspheme, cat, and kristina said, and, and hollie said, she, and kristina said, looked like a, and kristina said, no, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, o, snow, and kristina said, mar, and Jesus said, did you see that woman taken, and hollie said, by, and kristina said, her, and a woman said, four dour, and a woman said, sat, tru, urn, and a woman said, thats no, and a woman saturn owner said, sports car, and Jesus said, she thinks, and the saturn owner said, Om gonna post, website, and a woman said, it looks bad, and kristina said,, and hollie said, thats, and kristina said, a, scam, and Jesus said, you know why, and hollie said, lowe, and kristina said, s, and hollie said, stays, and dorein said, in buisness, and apostolic pastor m.s. mckinney said, top miejer, top, me, nar, d's, and Jesus said, what is, and hollie said, sleep, and Jesus said, for, to, and hollie said, wake, up my eye's, and somebody said, thats, and Jesus said, it, and dorein said, you do need it, to, re, and kristina said, juven, and hollie said, ate, and a man said, get your pen, and Jesus sang, eli o, elio, lama sabachthani, and this possibly child pointed, and a woman said, I, and a woman said, 'm, and a man said, tough, and michael boldea said, o.k. let's fast, and a child said, push up man, she wrote, and hollie said, wrote hollie, write, and hollie said, and she looked like, and hollie said, write, and dorein said, if you want to write hollie, then tellher you love her, and she is doin, and I saw hollie dancin to the drum beat, and hollie said, she, and the speedway woman said, is, and hollie said, pakistan al Qaeda commander killed in blast, i, s, not, al, and dorein said, al, and al gore said, qeeeeee, da, and the president of pakistan with a woman's voice said, pakistan is, and the president of pakistan said, al, Qae, da, and stephen said, how do, and the president of pakistan said, do it, and a woman said, transfer, and a man pointed at this, and the president of pakistan said ona computer like voice, mon, ey, and osama bin laden said, to, me, by, and al gore said, iii, I, kno, and laden said, ow, and al gore said, how, to, and usama bin laden said, get, and this president said, thats what I need, and bin laden said, bu, and this president said, bush, and laden said, to, ma, ke, that, and a man said, deal, and I saw bin laden and heard, thats undercover, and a man pointed at this, and bin laden said, america is, terror, and a man said, is, and bin laden said, ist, and angelina jolie said, you know, and brad pitt said, I'm, o, and m.s.mckinney said, ver, and angelina said, there's your answer, and a woman said, brad pitt is a per, ver, and kristina said, t, and the pope said, you know why, as possibly he pointed at this, and the pope said, the, ans, ser, is, you are, not, and a man said, God, and the pope said, I know it, I, jus, and kristina said, st, and the pope said, act, and I saw the pope point at that, and the pope said, the meetin with, and palestinian president abbas said, ab, ba, and the pope said, ba, bas, is, and this man said, give, it over, state, and the pope pointed at this, and this man said, and, he, wan, and kristina said, 's, and this man said, to, and Jesus said, try that, and this man said, give the state, and this child said, up, , and I saw this man give me a five when my hands were lifted praising Jesus, and this man said, give up, and hollie said, the, and maybe the pope said, palestinian state, to me, and abbas said, o, he's not, he, want, and kristina said, 's, and the pope said, to, clo, and stephen said, o, close out, the, and the pope said, palestinian, and this woman said, God told 'em, and this woman pointed at this, and maybe kristina said, he wants the palestinian's to give up authority to him, and the pope said, thats what, I, and the idol shpherd that looked like an angel of light with an led eye said, want, and maybe this man said, and they will give thier power and strength unto the beast, that, the, wor, and kristina said, word, 's, of, and maybe renea hazel barker said, God, shall, and irene said, be, full, fill it, it, and kristina said, 's, and somebody o, and maybe irene said, ver, and hollie jammin to the beat of the drums said, and that is, and kristina said, see Me, and a man said, we want, and a woman said, now it's open, and a man said, palestinian state, it, and a woman said, exist, and kristina said, 's, and mike whobrey said, bobby, and rosie whobrey said, what, and gary whobrey said, what, and mark whobrey said, you, wan, and mike said, 't, and a man pointed at that, and I saw rosie whobrey and I heard, and rosie said, I, and a man said, do, and I saw rosie and heard, quit, and a man pointed at the keyboard said, and hollie jammed big time to the drums after sayin, austrailia is, and kristina said, seck, and hollie said, 's, and kristina said, the tallest sky, scape, and hollie said, scrap, and kristina said, er, is, and michael boldea said, prophet's out, and hollie said, an earth quake is, and kristina said, not, natu, and hollie said, ral, caused by, and a woman said, your answer will be comin up, you just need mercy, and hollie said, hooooooolie, ho, o, pe, is, on, the, earthquake is caused by, and kristina pointed at this, and hollie said, wieght, and a girl said, something like, bob I fell, and a woman said, it's a show, and mabye amy grant sang, do you see what I see, and maybe kristina said, camp lejeune marines, kill, ed, and hollie said, are, and a woman said, out, and hollie said, that, and kristina said, means, and this man kristina said, lost, and dorein said, they knew, and somebody said, hey wanna wreck, and hollie said, and irvin said, irving lorenzo, said, irv, it, and kristina said, 's, and somebody said, not, and irving said, true, and somebody said, and, and somebody said, Chris, and maybe irving said, o'm out, but, I, kill, ed, and that, is, and maybe irving lorenzo pointed at this, and maybe irving said, O'm, on, fire, for, and this man said, your fuckin up, and somebody said, you know those speaker's, and duane said, I, did, not, do, on, pur, po, and kristina said, 's, and duane pointed at this, and dorein speaking for about irving lorenzo said, he didn't do it, and mabye irving said, and niether did, and a man said, Chris, and irving lorenzo said, we, had, and this black pastor had, and saw irving and heard, it, and this pastor pointed at this, and irving said, done, and hollie said, irving had, and kristina said, man killed, and a woman said, that's what you just said, and kristina said, petruni, and hollie said, towers, and kristina said, are, and hollie said, tall, bu, and kristina said, tt, not, for, long, and hollie said, new, york, and kristina said, yo, and hollie said, rk, irving, and hollie said, baxter, and I saw the beshire hathaway's owner, and he and he said, berk, and I saw him and heard, shire, and a woman said, you made me wreck, and maybe hollie said, irving berkshire, is, and the berkshire man said, wilth, and a man said, keep it, and the berkshire man said, wealth, and maybe you, and stephen said, know, and the hathaway's owner said, how I made, and somebody said, rich, and the berkshire said, steal, and the loverboy lead singer sang, do you see, what, i, and hollie, said, bachchan, big b is, bowell, and bachchan, big b said, froze, zen, I committed, blas, pheme, halle, lu, jah, and a woman said, and that is, and renea said, highest, pray, se, and a man said about bachchan, he had, and hollie said, fro, and bachchan, big b said, ze, and a woman said, en, big b said, bowell, and kristina said, 's, and bachchan, big b said, how did I blaspheme, I, spoke, and a man said, once, and bachchan, big b said, against, and somebody said, Je, and bachchan, big b said maybe, this body, I didn't, I'm, and maybe earnest hemmingway said, I'm old, and a woman said, chewbacca, and maybe, kristina said, and that was, and chewbacca made his growl, and maybe him said, you, wan, and kristina said, t, how'd I blaspheme, una, count, and dorein said, a, ble, and a man pointed at the man next to me, and the man said, I'm, and a woman said, not, and the man said, not, and the man said, inter, and the woman said, rest, rest, and maybe dorein said, you don't need any, and a man said, press for half an hour, and a man said, night mare, and alice cooper sang, welcome to my breakdown, welcome to my nightmare, and a man pointed at this, and alice sang, I hope I didnt scare you, thats just the way we are, and dorein said, that is how, and a man said, he is, su, po, post, to, and alice cooper said, to, and a man said, sing, and alice sang, I knew you'd laugh, and dorein said, but I didn't, he, and somebody said, thought, and somebody said, he's, and somebody said, make, and maybe alice said, God, mad at me, but, He, cut, me, o, and sissy said, it's over, and this man said, can I git you picture's, and alice sang, welcome to my nightmare, and dorein said, that album sold, and alice said, 8, and dorein said, 9, and a woman said, I'm a wreck, and a woman said, pray, and a Man said, come unto Me all you, and, I will and this man said, give, you, re, and this person said, ets, and a man said, this is, not, a waste, waste of, time, you, are, call, ed, for, and chuck said, this, and hollie said, chi, and renea said, is, and I saw hu hintao and I heard, human rights, and a man said, sold, and hu hintao said, not, and somebody said something like, welcome to nightmare, and the man next to me said, I joke around, take my picture babe, and somebody pointed, and the man said, you lost Him, tell you why, I, blas, s, and hollie said, pheme, and kristina said, d, and hollie said, china is, and renea said, not, inter, rest, ested, in, and hu hintao with undescribale voice said, human, and hu said, right, and kristina said, 's, and hu said, cause, we, and the jap china man said, want, and putin said, lets rule the world, and said very agressively, china, and putin said, russia, and and the china jap man said, that, and kristina said, 's, and the emporer of japan that had a cats face is, it, lets, and putin said, rule the wor, rold, all right, that is, and hu said, russia, and the japan president said, and that, is, and I saw vladimir putin and heard hu's voice, russia, and somebody said, we take, and somebody said, and, and somebody said, that, and and I sawhu and heard, russ, and I saw the china jap man said, sia, and putin said, lets rule the world, and a man pointed at this, and that is, and I saw hu, and heard, russia, and the cat emporer of japan said said, and that is, and this woman, and that, and this woman said, sex, and this man said, how's my baby, and a woman said, that is all, and this man said, sech, and kristina said, 's, is, and hollie said, for, and the japanese presdent said, for, keep, you are, trap, in, and somebody said maybe, the lakers, and a man said, win, champion, and the fomer lakers chicago coach said, ship, and I saw dorein and I heard, his name is, and this man said, phil, and somebody said, jackson, and I saw him and heard, and he is, and michael jordan said, greatest, and maybe phil said, not, and that is, and I saw bobby knight, and heard, bobby, and mabye bobby knight said, coach, and that is, me, I'm, and the former ucla coach john woodson said maybe this, thats the greatest,and the former ucla coach john w. said, I would, re, cruit, and that, is, how, I would, vic, tor, ry, and a man pointed at this, I'm, not, as, good, as, bobby, kni, ght, he, wa, s, bet, and I saw bobby knight and heard, ter, and john said, you know how I blew It, I, want, ted, to, worship, and jim schafer said, me, that's why, and a man pointed at this, and jim schaffer said, I, know, you, are, ou, t, you, would, me, ss, with, me, and, I, want, enough, notin, to, and ted schaffer said, do, and ted schafer said, with, Je, su, sus, and, and jim said, I, wan, and kristina said, t, and jim said, to, and kristina said maybe, make ammends, and a man said, I, won, and kristina said, won't, and a man said, see, and jim said, you, and a man said, I, forgiven, ask, your, mer, and a man said, cy, and a man pointed at this, and somebody said, thats, and somebody said, it, and a man said, on my death, and kristina said maybe this, death certificate, and hollie said, I'm, hor, and kristina said, nn, and hollie said, ny, and I, and kristina said, want, se, and hollie said, chs, and a man pointed at this, and somebody said, I've blown It, and this young man said, I'm, and Jesus said, show, and hollie said, laura steele is, and q95, laura steele said, oral sex, when and hollie said, when somebody, and hollie pointed at this, and radio show host laura steele said, lick, and kristina said, 's, and laura steele from q 95 said, licks, my poop hole, yum, and a man pointed at this, and a woman said, I want, dick, that's all, and hollie said, were and a woman said, apostolic and, and dorein said, we, and a man said, oral sex, and, and ken haney said, oral sex, is blas, and irving baxter said, phe, and kenneth haney said, me, and a mand pointed, looky there, and hollie said, a liquor store is abomination, in the sight of God, hptv is, tax, e, va, sion, no, it, and kristina said, is, and hollie said, and hollie said, and sunbeam, and kristina said, said, and the subeam bakers girl said, no more bed wiper, now, bears, and a man said, I gay, and I squeal tire's, and Jesu said, if your not goin to live for Me, than leave Me a, lone, I would, and a man said, that you be, and Jesus said, hot or cold, I'll spue, and alice cooper said, and then cut, and a man said, not, cut open, and alice said, off, and a man pointed at that, and stephen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is, and hu hintao said, china, and stephen said, and china is, and the china jap man said, magog, and magog is, thats, japan, and hu said, thats china, and the the emporer of japan said, magog is, both, r, us, and hu said, sia, and someobdy said, magog, and hollie said, is, china, and kristina said, and, and hollie said, thats, and somebody said, the, and somebody said, red dragon, and dorein said, the new world order, and the emporer of japan said, thats, and he pointed, and somebody said, china, help me out, and hu said, divide, russia is, off, lim, and the idol sheppard said, it't, to, us, and the pope said, now, but, when, and the china jap man said, we, and the emperor of japan said, a, and the china jap man said maybe this, at, and the emporer of japan said, attack, force, and the pope said, Israel, and I saw putin and herd, invade'em, and the pope said, thats price, and hu said, in, vade, and the emporer of japan said, russia and a man said, nuke, and the emporer of japan said, then, and a man said, take, and hu said, cut up, then, and the emporer of japan said, the, and hu said, new, and dorien said, world order, and stephen hansen in a White Robe pointed at coffee, drink, and a man said, you act tough, but, and hollie said, you, and kristina said, are, a, weaklin, and a man said, God had some, and the speedway woman said, street lights come on so he can see, and hollie said, space, a final frontier for, and stephen hansen said, nuclear missile, do you know russia is the beast with, and al gore said, 7 heads and 10 horns, and I'm al gore, and stephen said, get your pen and sit down, open, , and maybe people said, he was talkin about hittin you, but he was to afraid, that, stout, motherfucker, I'm the beast with 7 heads and I'm the little horn, and stephen or somebody or people said, thats the rockman and he is abomination, because he takes people, and kristina said, 's, and stephen said, attention away from the Lord, and stephen said, a valcano is what hell looks like, and hollie said, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost when you blasphemed hollie, my name's moodie, magic johnson caught aids from a Website, he has full blown aids now, he ain't, and kristina said, got, and hollie said, to much longer, and maybe kristina said, to, and hollie said, live, don't pray for him, let'em perish, he is a and kristina said, homosexual, and maybe hollie said, mark whobrey thought all you want to do is fight but now he can see It, he's doomed, and a man said, let me change, and maybe hollie said, mark want's people to follow him, he's cut off and he know's it, how do you know your cut off, God won't answer, he won't come back around to brother bray's cause their all cut off, brother bray committed blaspheme, and a man pointed at this, and maybe hollie said, blaspheme is of the devil, and a woman said, how do you know when He won't answer, and a man said, pray and a a woman said, with, and Jesus said, if you do I'll punish you, and maybe hollie said, those were White Spirit's that and kristina said, a, are, and maybe hollie said, aborted babies, they are in Heaven, no way for the murder and that is the woman and that, is the man, tina felt horrible just like ge woods, cause they both got cut off, murder, and a man said, that was Gold, en, microphone, that's and kristina said, why, and maybe hollie said, won't use you, cause your open and you won't go back, ok, and the speedway woman said, bob saw'em on th eoperating table, and dr. michael tillery said, it's all right, and the speedway woman said, dr. tillery committed blaspheme, and a man said, mark whobrey, get away from the pulpit, oral, sex man of God will destroy you, and mark whobrey said, mess with bobby, and his wife mrs. whobrey said, don't, and sissy said, I need my teeth, and a man said, I'm, and and maybe the speedway woman said, God just healed your gums, and Jesus said, you bless Me, and I'll bless you, and a man said, you blessed Him witnesssin, and kelly coffman said, kelly coffman gives oral sex to whoever want's it, brent said, fuck her because he wants me and woman, their both cut off, and a man said, jelly's a jew, a Spiritual jew not a physical jew, she's tryin to get saved, she remarried, she's out, she won't quit sinnin, and a man said, you know why they walk in the street's, cause the side walk's out of order, that's abomination in God's Eye's, jackie got in a car wreck, it's called when sissy back's out, she'll see, you told, and stephen pointed and said, suffer for Jesus, that's It, this ain't suffering, but It could get worse, your a wanted man prophet ____, wanted by the devil, God's gotta reason for you, and Jesus said, help somebody, and maybe stephen said, to trap the whole world, then the end will come, you are closer that than you think, closer than you think is your done already, and no more nightmare, alice cooper is on his way out, is on his way home, and a man pointed at this, just one more reason, he's done, charlie's back, he's back at thelma's, he's goin broke, you told him not to marry, he'll see, he is doomed and he alreeady know's it, it's called a divorce, in 79 was, and alice cooper said, when, and maybe stephen said, alice cooper went broke after bein a multimillionaire for so long, he drank it away, on the inside was his nightmare and he is cut off, he tricked pat boone into makin a rock album, pat'll perish, and I saw pat boone and he said, financial, live for free, I'll give back, not, and maybe stephen said, what did alice cooper do in 79, I gave notice to Jesus that I want to rock and roll for rest of my life, he spoke blaspheme, and he know's it, and alice cooper said, I didn't, I, and pat boone said, want, and alice said, to, and pat said, make, and kristina said, Je, s, and alice said, u, and pat said, us, and alice said, to, and pat said, ser, and alice said, ve, and kristina said, me, and alice said, me, e, I'm in the lake, and maybe stephen said, the Holy Ghost left him, that's your hand in an x-ray, God see's right to the marrow, and alice cooper sang, how you gonna see me, you ain't, and maybe stephen said, He know's, an alice said, how you gonna see me now, please don't see me ugly face, cause I know I let You down in O so may ways, and a man said, that was about nightmare, alice cooper's nightmare, he did not eat his own poop, he ate frank zappa's poop, frank zappa pooped on stage, and alice cooper ate it, it tasted and dorein said, like, and maybe stephen said, blood he thought, he is so ashamed hisw won dad rejects him, his dad was a pentecostal preacher, he backslid because of alice cooper, alice cooper trapped him, with his money, and a man said, how you gonna see me now hit number i, and a woman said, for 10 minutes, and a man pointed, and stephen said, God told'em he's have two number one hit's, he did, he does not know, gene simmin's is alice cooper's best freind, called, dr. feelgood, vince niel is a backslide, they call me dr. love, that was vince neils,and vince neil pointed at this, and said, it's true, and maybe stephen said, favorite song, vince neil is prophet _____, God saw you singin that, and He thought he can't sing and I'm, and Jesus said, glad, and the speedway woman said, god gave bob a voice, and bob asked God to take it back, he couldn't handle, and He, and a man said, God did, and the speedway woman said, there's alice cooper's voice, and gene simmon's said and you, and gene schmidt said, knew it, and stephen said, debbie ramey sucked tom abney's dick after he pulled it out of her asshole, poop and all, he told her and she did, it tasted like, she was afraid, he threatened to kill her, and tom abney said, you know what I want, and dorein said, wor, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, ship, and maybe stephen said, he saw her eat it right off his dick, and a man said, cum taste like copper, it's sickening, nobody like, and kristina said, 's, and maybe stephen said, it but people crave it, suck, now this is a warnin, swallow, and a man said, perish, and a man said, it's got, curse, it's got life in it, but, if you swallow, whorre, be careful, one sip, bye, bye, and a man pointed at this, and maybe stephen said, you are, and somebody said, whore, that's what welcome to my nightmare is about, alice, suck, swallow, cut, off, that, White Faced Man was, alice cooper's spirit, he'll and a man said, perish, and soembody said, pope john paul would've been the antichrist, but you bought time, he wanted to, and vladimir putin said, rule the wor, ld, let's rule the world, and chinese president hu said, china, and stephen said, russia can bring that space shuttle back, and putin said, in one week, and stephen said, they can load it up with nuclear missile's, and a man pointed at that, and putin said, bye amerirussia, it's called, and stephen said, light the sky won't work, and putin said, and I know, and hollie said, that, is, and kristina said, 's, and maybe al gore said, and that is, russia, missile, de, fence, and a woman said, go on home, and hollie said, that was alan kennedy, he was told at 39 you'll die, he did, unprepared, and mary kennedy said, he didn't beleive it, and putin said, let's rule the world, and hu said, china, and putin said, will, and hu said, magog, and dorein said, they know, and hu said, I'm magog, and the young blond haired woman whose picture is on the photo fun vending machine said, Om 16, and dorein said, now, and the photo fun woman said, 20, o'm out and he said, and michael kennedy said, I'm, and his sister shelly kennedy said, ou, and kristina said, t, and a man pointed at this, and somebody said, and he saw that and he saw, and mabye kristina said, something come down in Bright Room, and a Man pointed at this page I'm typing on, and hollie said Missile of, and kristina said, Light, and hollie said, that, and kristina said, that, and hollie said, is, and kristina said something like, is, and hollie said, mi, and kristina said, 's, and hollie said, 's, and hollie said, Missile was, like, and kristina said, Light, and the man that had the unique voice on the art bell show said, it, and a man pointed, and the art bell guest speaker said, was, and Jesus said, chevrolet, and iving baxter jr. said, thats are speaker, and Jesus said, bless you, and maybe irving said, no it ain't, and hollie said, the missile was, and somebody said, not, and somebody said, It, and debbie ramey said, use me, I'll, and irving baxter said, re, and a man pointed, and hollie said, Missile was, and the china korea man said,.
    (189)visions of alice cooper-visions received 6-16-2007-in visions I saw alice cooper doing differeny things.
    (190)word's -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me the word's, press, and maybe, have one bank account, Jesus bow, stop, and it was on a stop sing, .
    (191)l. a. will burn -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like, a woman, and she said, los angeles will, bu, urn.
    (192)the Keys -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like , hollie and she said, here's the Key's,a nd she was holding Keys.
    (193)the Door going into the ground -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked, a Door, and it was on the ground, and may have been like where a gravestone should've been, and possibly had something around it, like a rope, and this door obviouly went into the gorund.
    (194)live for Christ -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked Jesus Christ, and He said, live, for, M, and kristina fox said, e, and a man said, tell me on a Christian, and hollie said, that's what, people wan, t, to hear, and kristina fox said, but, but, they, are, en, and hollie said, t.
    (195)it will end someday-visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked, hollie, and she said something like, git it over.
    (197)Diamond Ring -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me possibly a Diamond Ring.
    (198)grace presbytarian Church pca -visions received 12-4-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked somebody said, they may have said, grace presbytarian Chruch pca, trap, and hollie said, they are, lo, and kristina fox said, st, and hollie said, borckston, a and she pointed, and kristina said, part, and hollie said, ment's, is, tax, and a man said, evader, and hollie said, dean, and kristina said, smith, and dorein said, ds, build, er, and kristina said,'s, and hollie said, ta, and kristina said, x, and dorein said, e, and somebody said, eva, and dorein said, evader, and hollie said, Jesus have your way, and somebody said, if you wan, and Jesus said, U wan, t, and kristina said, t, t, t, and Jesus said, ou, ma, ke, a, pro, phet, and kristina fox said, out, and Jesus said, of everybody, and a man said, out of him, and somebody may have pointed, and he said, let's try, and soome body said, bobby, and hollie said, there's danger, and Somebody said, byt they won't, and Jesus said, live for M, and kristina said e, and a man pointed at this, and kristina said, whirlwind is, and somebody said, air, and hollie said, spinning, and kristina said, and stephen hansen valdimir putin man said, russia is the beast, and a man said, and don't forgit about meheco, and this man said things like, the palestinian state will be destroyed when you least expect it, he said, let's start it, and irving baxter said, one more chance, and a man pointed at this, and irving said, do, and maybe kenneth haney said, I'd, and somebody said, cow's think they are and a woman said, you look real good, and a man said, who me, and a woman said, I'm, and a woman said, incorporated, and hollie said, testify, and kristian said, say, and somebody pointed, and somebody said, judgment is comin, and dorein said, t, and a woman said, o.
    (199)elton john and david furnish perish together:-visions received 12-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that, and elton john said, I'm, and he sang, and the circle of life, is the, and maybe mark furnish said, wheel, and elton sang, of fortune, and elton said, we, and this man this man on this buillboard said things like, is having sex, indygo, I'm, like, el, and elton john said, ton, , and in other, and somebody said, ceo eisener was, and former disney c.e.o. Eisner said, hon, and stephen hanson said, sex, and irving baxter said, ual, and dorein said, a dog is, and somebody said, not, and stephen said, cold, it does not, feel, the, cold, it, and hollie said, has, and stephen said, no sense of, and hollie said, stay right there, and a Figure of Light pointed, at the bus, and somebody said, to much, and stephen said, to much sin is not your problem, the problem is you don't want to do anything out of the unusual, and kristina fox said, and and hollie said, that's, visions, and a man said, I'm a waiter, that's right, and hollie said, pur, and kristina said, ge, and somebody said, trap, and stephen said, they are, and kristina said, nation of islam, did you see that devil, and dorein said, religion, and a woman said, that was stephen White, and stephen said, Robe, and people said, all this in one day it will burn, Indianapolis, pick up your cross, the Corss is, your, callin, follow Me, do the Bible, and somebody said, what please God most, sacrifice, what kind of sacrifice, and maybe Jesus said, all, and poeple said, she said, I don't want you in her heart, bob, diamond chain, stay op, pen, bob, sacrifice, all, first, put Jesus first, you do, I'm not playin, either do It, of stay away, from, Jesus, you know you've blown It, I'm, john, ny, and I give head, and stephen said, new york will burn, and hollie said, were under, and a woman said, new york is, and kristina said, un, and hollie said, der, and hollie said, indianapolis is, loose, and kristina said, and kristina said, ing, and hollie said, buis, and kristina said, ness, and bart peterson said, seein, me, and a woman said, on, and kristina said, tax's, and bart said, unbeleivable, sel it, and stephen said, to, and holie said, china, and stephen said, russia is the, and somebody said, homosexual, and hollie said, a, and stephen said, part, and people or somebody said, you blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and kristina said, but you didn't, you, and dorein wid, spoke, and a woman said, in, and a woman said, your, and hollie said, alcatraz was, planned, and kristina said, they, and a man said, I dream, and kristina said, you, and hollie said, long hair, and a woman said, they want, and stephen said, you back, and a man said, now, and Jesus said, get closer, and a man said, I need a message, and a man said, I want, my dick, and a woman said, sucked, and o'll do it, give me time, and Jesus said, back, and irving baxter jr. said, I decieve, cause irving baxter is a witch, and a man said, awesome, and maybe irving baxter said, this witch can not see, and maybe irving baxter said, said, call it irving baxter is a witch, endtime ministries has not been ordered by God, I'm a show, no signs, tell the story, I never been set free, and I never will be set free, end of story, and people said, alcatraz was planned, they planned, they planned out to make a military base and they never did, end of story, it could be reopened with almost no maintenance, it's still in good shape, stephen winked, why did he wink, to show God's approval, and pastor paul mooney said, Lord deliver him, save him, and hollie said, that was Jesus on the Cross, lookin down, and kristina fox said, and, and hollie said, millions were reachin for Him, and I saw a Hand of Light pointing, and people said, you messsed with me, and maybe stephen said, stephen, and hollie said, is, and kristina said, on, and hollie said, his, way ou, and somebody said, t, and a woman said, I'm a homosexual, and I won't repent, somebody said, here, and hollie said, I, and kristina said, come, and a man said, I'm rev chad abbott, and said, is, and pastor ramsey said, blas, pheme, and a man said, and that is, and somebody said, and I want money, and a man said, he, and david lee roth said, I don't need the Lord, and hollie said, I do, and david said, I like visions, have, and eddie van halen said, me, and alex van halen said, not, and a man said, I, and another memeber of the band van halen said, your wastin your time, and sammy hagar said, and I, still, wan, and kenneth haney said, t, and sammy said, re, and ken said, jected, it's your last, chance, and aman pointed at that, and a woman said, I want my visions, God won't give me none, and joerg hidel said, I'm like hitler, and putin said, hitler was a blood thirsty coward, and adolf hitler said, I perished I would not, live for Jesus, even, even though, I know, and a Man said, once you touch Israel, I'll destroy cause that's the Apple of My eye, I will destroy you understand, america will nuke the palestinian state, end of stroy, and the speedway woman said, macaulay pointed at the hummer, thank's president bush for high gas price's, it's called the iraq war, end of story, it's not ordered by God, fooled you bush said, and Jesus said, understand, stand by bush, end of story, and the speedway woman said, stand by his assassination, and Jesus said, you told him the draft will fire back up because it will, end of story, when the palestinian state get's nuked, no marine corp, draft bush will say, and hollie said, greg friege is a fag, that's why, and a woman said, he, and hollie said, showed, and somebody said, donald hicks his stomach muscle's in jail, and a woman said, I know, and hollie said, you know, and stephen said, what yur, and a woman said, what yur talkin about, but I don't prophecy, and the speedway woman said, I'm apostolic filled with Holy Ghost speakin in other tingue's and I don't prophecy, you'll see, Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy, that is blaspheme, she wonder's what you've done because she's never seen anything like that, mooney will be jelous, and paul mooney said, paul, I won't, and ken haney said, take, and pastor paul mooney said, It, and somebody said, when he find's out, and the Indiana Bible college student said, that was awesome, he looked like a wild man, a wild man on fire for Jesus, I don't understand, who is this, I never heard about the prophet, and the speedway woman said, you got a suprise comin, it's called the internet, they all laughed at you, Indiana Bible College is os the devil, and calvary temple pastor paul mooney said, I wasted it, and possibley the speedway woman said, they have anything in common with Jesus, and pastor mooney is cut off, pastor mooney is president of INB and pastor of calvary temple apostolic Church, he make's about 25 dollar's an hour, add it up, that's over 2000 dollar's a week, that's over a hundred thousand dollar's a year off stupid Christian's, that was, Finger comin out empire state buildin, that buildin got a suprise comin, that's called prophet blaspheme, prophet blaspheme is irving baxter, he said I'm out, that wasa devil, called satan, satan's wantin to destroy moodie, and hollie said, I'm moooodie, and kristina said, that, 's, gene schmidt Jesus, he said, I don't need you, they were talkin to each other, and a man said, national oi is recycled, end of story, it is ok, it's recycled, and the speedway woman said, he saw magog where russia is, sit on it, and stephen said, in that vision, many were in the valley of indecision, that's called a nuclear explosion over the statue of liberty, judgment is comin to america, end of story, maucaulay pointed at the One Way sign and stephen said, and he looked like a cat, and a woman said, there is only One Way, and dorein said things like, witness, you been filled with the Holy Spirit and you don't even show It, puppy hole, and stephen said, Statue in rio, da, janero, and stepehn pointed, look bobby, fire fighter's credit union will close, a local Church with a global vision that's and pastor ramsey said, us, I don't beleive, and a woman said, I, re, gret, haven, oral, vaginal, sex, for, and hollie said, pic, and kristina said, ture, and a woman said, cut, o, and stephen said, ff, and a cop said, I'm, and the speedway woman said, cut, and stephen said, open, and a woman said, the Street's of New Jerusalem, and maybe hollie said, are, and maybe kristina said, like, and somebody said, Pure Glass, and hollie said, and he saw, Street, s, and kristina said, of, and hollie said, Go, ld, that was, stephen's hand comin, down, on your head, you'll, look, ber, ter, that, and kristina said, hurt, and stephen said, you tore up the tooth brush, and maybe Jesus said, fixed, and Somebody said, now keep, no leaness, use it, and hollie said, walker theatre is, and kristina said, let's see, sin, and I saw car tracks's in the , snow on inner city street next to woodruff place, and maybye Jesus said, let and Somebody said, everything, and Somebody said, that, and Jesus said, have, breath, pray .
    (200)Heaven and hell :-visions received 12-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that, looked like, jerry b. jenkins and he said, hell, and ryan white said, Heaven, hollie and she said, call it Heaven and, and jerry b. jenkins said, hell, and the woman next to me said, quit playin with yourself, and the man next to me said, I'm, and the woman said, out, and the woman said, won't you fast, and Jesus said, that's it, and in other vision's, maybe hollie said, north united methodist Church is bankrupt, and somebody said, Spiritualy, and a man said, remember me, I got new's for you, and a man said, you messed up, and a man said, I, m, I, and a woman said, ain't and somebody said, gonna, and hollie said, bush, and this president said, sign, the, and a man said, order, and a man said, palestinian state, de, stro, y, and somebody said, re, pen, and hollie said, t, the kuk is lost, and a man said, me, and a woman said, I'm, and a man said, not, and a woman said, he's gay, and a man said, I'm not ready, I'm cut, and somebody said, o, and somebody said, ff, and a man said, I'm, and a woman said, not, and a woman said, I'm not, ready, but, and a woman said, I'm, and a woman said, the concrete man, I'm cut, and the autozone man said, I'm, and a man said, cut, o, ff, and a woman said, I, and maybe a woman said, do, n't, and a woman said, want to, and a man said, not, here's, and somebody said, Christ sticker's is, a, and hollie said, bomin, and kristina said, bna, and hollie said, tion, and hollie said, live for Jesus Christ, and hollie said, or don't put that Stuff on your window, and a man said, china is, ma, and somebody said, go, and somebody said, g, and a man said, wait, and a man said, I'm, and a man said, not, interested in no, and santa claus said, prophet, and stephen hansen said, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and russia is the bear, and kristina fox said, and, and hollie said, that is and hu hintao said, ma, go, gog, and stephen said, russia is the and hollie said, end day's, and stephen said, magog, and hu said, chi, and stephen said, na, is, ma, and hu said, gog, and stephen said, russia, is, and a man said, bear, and hollie said, recycle, your, and stephen said, trash, cause russia will be divided, cau, se, russia is ma, gog, and a man said, I'mou, and a woman said, t, and a man said, me, and a man said, on, and stephen said, and the 10 heads are politburo nation's, those are, and the president of syria said, sy, ria, and the president of iran said, iran, and gerhard schroeder said, germany, and a man said, nicaragua, and a man said, mexheco, and dorein said, a rumor will be heard, and then the end will come, yes, and hollie said, that is, and a man said, prophet, and a man said, prophet, and I saw stephen sand heard, warn Christian's, only, and hollie said, and maybe hollie said, jay stevenes say's 1000 for your trade in but they charge 4 thousand more than car is worth, go in and see, and the sunbeam bakers billboard child said something like, no more provision, economic collapse, and hollie said, the sun, and kristina said, and, and hollie said, moon will be dark for 16 hours from america burnin, and hollie said, were on fire, and the advantage plus billboard sign that has has tow children kissing her cheek's said thing's like, my son is a girl with a peter, you just, wait, and kristina said, ch, and the advantage plus woman said, you'll, see, and kristina said, women rule over, and hollie said, me, lead, cause, and a man said, to, and barbara said, out, and a woman said, stair, and brother stair said, and possibly russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, you are not doin what I want, out, and somebody said, hollie said, and hollie said, I want my, and I saw Jesus dancing to possibly drum beat, and hollie said, and hollie said, Website back, and a woman said, I, and a woman said, no, no, and a man said, t, and a woman said, in, and a man said, terested, and Jesus, said, all Jesus want's is a clean heart, and hollie said, no, and kristina said, si, in, and hollie said, a witness saw a Lighted Gun, and stephen hansen said, your day's are numbered prophet blaspheme, and that's irving baxter, endtime ministries is goin down, the Lord's about to strip him to bring him back, by the internet, people are seein It, that was irving baxter with no hair, no more Power for irving baxter is end time ministries it's way, end time ministries was not ordered by God, he said go home, om on fire for the Lord he thought, she thought, niether one has ever been set gree, and they know It, they want, irving baxter will read the vision's God gave you on the radion, but they won't let him, he doesn't beleive in what he teache's, irving baxter who is MYSTERY, BABYLON, it's america, he know's it, he won't tell the people, he's comin down, Jesus said war is comin, irving want's to take you to court but he won't be able to, God will embarras him and he know's it, ministryofdreams is number one cause God has His way, fidel castrol want's to destroy america, his only friend, cause russia is tellin him, were going to destroy america with or without, and he know's it, go to GALATIONS, God said, how could pentecost backslide like they have, they will, and stephen hansen said, hell will be well represented by pentecost apostolic Holy Ghost filled no sign liar's is all they are, and hollie said, that was the spirit of antichrist called pope, and the pope said, russia is the beast with 7 heads, and 10 horns and I'm the pope and I'm the antichrist, and this is the endtime story, welcome everybody, I will blaspheme God, and I will backslide and say, I am God, attack americano, and that is america, and I'll make an agreement with hu for 666, and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, and 666 is the mark fo the beast, I am the king of the east, and I will rule the world with an iron fist, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is blaspheme, russia is the friend of the pope, and I'll destroy russia, use china, when russia attack's americano, the united states, then be in charge for three and one half year's, then I'll get slashed, and then satan will enter and that's the idol shepherd, he will loose his eye and arm, and he will kill destroy and devour, cause hsi time is short and that's the end of this segment, divide russia in four, north korea, south korea become one called magog, magog is china, and china is the red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the beast, and the bear, and russia will become magog, and that is china and hu is the false prophet, and hu will make an agreement at the table for 666, and he will fight against Christ, and Christ Speak the Word and we'll be done, prophet, that is the endtime message, end of story, amen, MYSTERY, BABYLON is arussia, and arussia is america, MYSTERY, BABYLON is america, and that's the great city that riegn's over the king's of the earth, end of story, and that's it, and hollie said, were blaspheme he said and that mean's no to the Holy Ghost, they rebuked the wrong Spirit, they never had the Right Spirit, and he know it, tell the story, they want oral sex and oral sex is westside pentecost, and they still go there but they are not saved, pastor donald winters blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and he still preaches, God's bringin him down, that was donald winters and he said, thoses are from the devil, they will find it, after you blaspheme yur done, end of story, people are leavin 5/3 bank, that cause the interest higher at other banks she knew what you wanted, don't beleive it he said, and he looked like a cat man, they will see, that was her with no hair no hair means backslided, and that's westside pentecostal under donald winters, when track's in the snow vision is fulfilled you'll be close to home, it is closer than you think, that woman only wanted pay for what she, and hollie said, did, and mabye hollie said, and she is you ministryofdreams is blosoming cause God's havin His Way, that was ministryofdreams when he dies, yoou are closer thatn you think to death, and the speedway woman said, in 79, is when gerold ford signed the order to created the palestinian state and bush is signed the order to destroy it, her name is hillary clinton, and she'll do it, you'll see, the palestinian state will be destroyed, you'll see, the phillitine's alway's rejected God, yassar arafat said, create the palestinian state and bush will destroy it, bush is clinton and she'll win, she is a liear, and she'll be america's ast president, and hollie said, hollie, I'm moodie is on fire for herself and she look's like a cat, catman hollie, I'm moodie, and she'll perish, you need to tell it, embarras her, there'll be food shortage's in america, you'll see, and hollie said, a submarine let's water out and push water back in by opening chamber's in hull called flood gate, that's let's water in and and air push'es it out, they can't go down to deep because the ocean weight will destroy them, the average sub can only go down 200 feet plus 1200 feet, it's called a seawolf, a seawolf is the most sophisticated sub in the ocean, america has 3 and they have nuclear weapon's, nuclear weapon's to destroy russia, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and that is russia the bear, russia is the beast and russia is the bear, lucifer had skin in Heaven called the mark fo the beast called 666 and the middle 6 is a flanged cross, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and the united states is MYSTERY, BABYLON, and that is the woman whore of REVELATION 17, end of story, and the great city that reigneth over the king's of the eart, fornication is blapsheming the Holy Ghost, the Holy Scripture's in Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ is the word of God made Flesh, lucifer had skin in Heaven and that's why the Angel's were jelous, that, and hollie said, was, and maybe the speedway woman said, john wayne, and he blasphemed God, when he said, God was not real, that is blaspheme, his last word's ere God on sorry for the life that I lived and God said, om sorry to perish depart, john cried out for mercy but there was no mercy to be had, it take's about 10 million snow flake's to make an inch of snow, God make's them Himself, cloud's are hot steam, some are ten mile's long, a worm can live under several season's without comin up, they breathe air and it is in their tube's, they dig by thier mouth, they eat it and poop it, bird's fly south for the winter because of food, they have the choice, they don't get cold, it has to be very cold for they get cold, that is well below 0, a killer whale is the toughest animal in the ocean, a lion is the toughest on land, a bear can kill a lion, but the lion is the king of the jungle, a bear can kill a lion because they are equivalent, the lion would get the bear down and the bear would claw, they won't fight, and stephen hanson sang, a local Church with a global vision that's, and pastor ramsey said, blas, pheme, and hollie said, they worship pastor ramsey, and a woman said, new life worship center and the speedway woman said, pastor ramsey committ's blaspheme, and hollie said, the children of Israel lapped the, the mountain for 40 year's, but God said enough and put them to death by plague, the children went into the Promised Land and Joshua was like a Spiritual adolf hitler, adolf hitler was a prophet, and God spoke to him, but, God did not tell him to start world war two, truckin companies that have claim's, claim's wipe out the biggest part of the proffit's roadway and yellow freight are the best in the industry, that's how they survive, they will chase a claim down and find out who caused most of the time and terminate, and hollie said, were gettin ready to have nuclear war, it's called palestinian state and that is Israel, the palestinian state will be destroyed fulfilling AMOS and EZEKEIL 7, and stephen said, blaspheme is the number one killer of Christian's, they say It was of the devil and It was really from God, but understand, you are commanded to be yea yea or nay nay, sodom is the dead sea, and God burned it to the gorund, the dead sea is 1800 feet deep in place's, it's rock salt on the bottom, heat create's, in the ocean salt come's from animal's in the water, they excrete, and hollie said, dave wilkerson, he's cut off, he went back on God, dave wilkerson is not open, if he confess's his sin's publically, dave wilkerson could be open not, God won't take, end of story, he never was set free, cindy montgomery is not livin for the Lord and she is a blaspheme, like teresa hedger and teresa franklin, and maria, God created season's to let the earth rest to replenish, it replenish'es by animal excreation, and leave's, in animal excreation there is stuff for the earth, in leave's there is stuff for the earth, the earth tilt's a little to create cold weather, people need to sleep to rejuvenate, and that is determined by how much theyd do, the moon is the color of rock, but look's white cause God made it to look white by turnin the sandon the moon into crystal's of, that reflects the sunlight, if you don't beleive it, sand and stephen said, look's like it has glass in, and hollie said, i, and kristina said, t, and hollie said, a bird can fly about 40 mile's an hour for several day's at a time, it add's up, a brd can cover about 3000 mile's in 3 day's, minus 1, straight to, a bird can do a thousand mile's a day in no sweat, and the speedway woman said, a bird can fly from coast to coast in one week, jimmy bunday said ministryofdreams, he tried to hit on tammy bunday and she said, no, jsut do what God want's and shut uf about it, end of story, He need's something down, do It if He want's you to, He's got a whole planet to save, so what God want's you to do, you'll be better off, Amen, whatta you think, God want's you to do, press to the MArk of the High Callin in Christ Jesus, and that is your Price He require's everyday, amen, that man is cut off and he know's it, sometime's he thought, he won't live for Christ, he committed blaspheme, he want's Christ to leave him alone and Christ did, don't mess with Christ and He won't mess with you, but if you mess with Christ He will destroy you, Amen, do you what you say you will do, or leave Christ alone, and kristina said, he, and hollie said, saw, and somebody said, fire, and hollie said, and tha si, hell, and somebody said, the Son of Man, looked like, Angel, and kristina said, down, and He, and hollie said, wa, s, not, and hollie said, fire of, hellll, and hollie said, from, Jesus, He, and hollie said, ve, n, Son of Man, and somebody said, come, and hollie said, min, and ann schmidt said, let me fast, and dorein said, God won't, and hollie said, teacher's salarie's is, and kristina said, n, and hollie said, ot, e, and kristina said, eno, and hollie said, enough, and hollie said, vparbon is tax evader, and kristina said, eli, and hollie said, sha, and kristina said, a dou, ble, and he did not do, he, per, is, ishe, be, cau, se, he didn't and a man said, believe, and somebody said, and that is obey God, he stood, but, and hollie said, brush your teeth, and kristina said, once, and hollie may have said, twice, and dorein said, a, day, and hollie said, and that is, once, and dorein said, be, fore, bed, and hollie said, sleep.
    (201)when america goes to war with china is when russia will strike america -vision recieved 12-6-2005-In this vision, I saw a man that looked like, hollie and she said, when america, and kristina fox said, goes to, war, china, and hollie said, with, and vladimir putin, who is the president of russia, said, russia will strike, amer, and the president of north korea said, i, and putin said, ru, ssh, ia.
    (202)when america and china goes to war russia will attack -vision received 12-6-2005-It God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, when america and china and kristina said, go, es, and hollie said, to, and kristina said, each other, and hollie said, war, rus, and a man said, sia will, and pastor m.s. mckinney said, will, and donny winters said, strike, and donald winters said, westside pentecost, and m.s. mckinney said, pentecostal, chur, ch, and hollie held her hand's up for prayer walk, and stephen said, he saw Jesus makin snow flake's, and apostolic Church pastor m. s. mckinney said, hey bob, when you gonna come back, never, I won't trap this time, your trappin us, the Lord is tellin us, you rejected, and the man next to me said, everyman need's to pray, and and pastor m. s. mckinney said, prayer, that, and donny winters said, 's, and apostolic pastor m. s. mckinney said, we missed it, and donny winters said, my stomach, and a Man said, He won't sen back, and hollie said, when america goes to war with russia, america will be eliminated, and stephen hansen said things like, truth of the matter is, that prayer walk make everybody that come's in, visual con, tact, with you think about Jesus, call IT prayer walk, witness, way, hallelujah, a local Church with a global vision is, and pastor ramsey of new life worship center said, were closed, new life worship center, and stephen hanson said, that's blaspheme, and that's, blas, and pastor ramsey said, pheme, and dorein said, wit, and hollie said, ness, and dorein said, you been, and a woman said, I ain't gonna hear It, and a woman said, neither , and a woman said, me, and a woman said, not, and a man said, and a man said, I'm, and hollie said, a, and the man said, witch, and pastor m.s. mckinney said, I blasphemed bob, I, ol, mo, and donny winters said, gott'em, I need, to, make, a, men, s, to, and pastor m.s. mckinney said, donny winters blasphemed, and donny winters said things like, when we git a raise, and I heard alice cooper sing, how you gonna, and donny winters said, see me no, and m.s. mckinney sang, cause I know I let you down, in, oooooo and he turned into alice cooper and he sang, oooooo, so many ways, and pastor m.s. mckinney sang as I feel the Precious Holy Ghost on Me, how you gonna see me now, see me now, I'll, re, je, and donny winters said, ct, it, pusssss, and m.s. mckinney said, sh, and kristina said, and the, and hollie said, Kings of the earth, will, wail, and kristina said, loud, and hollie said, ly, when, they, see, and kristina said, what, and hollie said, they had, and a kristina said, and, and hollie said, it, and hollie said, gone, and and the sunbeams bakers girl prayed, no more bed wipe's, and Jesus said, if you love Me, If you, and kenneth haney said, love me, lay down your life for up, c, i, and hollie said, go, and ron miens said, witness, then write vision's, and hollie said, tell me how I fell, punk, and stephen said, when america, goes to war with china, russia will strike without warning, read It in your Bible, it, 's, called, and kenneth haney said, judgment to babylon, and hollie said, she thought, he thought, and the speedway woman said, you ain't gonna make me do my job, abomination, you sinner.
    (203)johnny cash put to an open shame -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, put johnny cash to an open shame, he said, Lord, I ain't ready to die, and Jesus, and a woman said, you are gonna die anyway, and a woman said, ready or not, johnny begged, and Jesus laughed, here's, and dorein said, your, and a woman said, open shame johnny, he screamed when he saw hell, and the speedway woman said, he said om sorry, and the speedway woman said, Jesus said, thank you, but to late, perish, and a man said, gerhardt, and former germany chancellor gerhard shroeder said, re-elect, and the new woman president of germany said, merkel, I on my way out, excuse's, and, and the speedway woman said, good bye johhny, you lived deliciously and now you are in Heaven, and that is Hell, and that's of Johnny cash, cause Johnny cash is a blasphemer, and that's the new's, Amen, and the photo fun woman said, lake, and a woman said, you know what he done, he got me to question myself, I didn't want to put, back, to get, him, angry, he, didn't, I, got, cut, and hollie said, that was a, missile explodin, and a man said, speedway, their about to close, and the speedway woman said, that was hollie, moodie, she is, back, slided, and hollie said, that boy paintin on the and kristina said, trade, er, is, and the boy said, cut off, and dorein said, God told him, and the boy said, no to paint, in, and hollie said, cut up short's, and the boy said, I, and hollie said, did, not, and the boy said, now, I'm, and hollie said, homo, and tim curry said, sexual, and kenneth haney said, an, and kristina fox said, d, and irving baxter said, I'm, and the boy said, 18, and hollie said, a killer whale can swim, a, and kristina said, bout, about 25 mile's per hour, for, a day, and hollie said, promote me, and hollie said, that was, and ken haney said, fire, from, Jesus in Heaven, and a man said, the united states, you'll be attacked by russia, and hollie said, lift your eye's and just look around, judgment is coming to america, and I'm the lastday's prophet, hollie, I'm moody.
    (204)russia is the beast with 7 head's and 10 horns-vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like kenneth haney said, and he said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and I'm the bear, and that, i, s, the most dangerous animal in, a, mer, i, c, a, and a woman said, I'm, a, and a woman said, pro, and a woman said, phet, but, and a woman said, I, and a woman, said, hool, and hollie said, fear no evil, and kristina said, mean's not, and dorein said, afraid of, man, and kenneth haney of upci sang, above all else, I must be saved, above all else, I must be saved, Lord what ever you have to do to me, don't let me, be, lost, and a woman said, idle spirit, don't do, any, and dorein said, thing, and ron miens said, don't ever change motor oil, it will not, wear, out, and max beaver said, every 30,000, mile, 's, and hollie said, fish si the, bes, and kristina said, t meat, and hollie said, it was made for, and kristina fox said, meat, ring's around planet's are dust, that, and dorein said, gl, and a woman said, ow, and hollie said, caused, and kristina said, buy a cheap walmart battery for under 35 dollar's and it last, and a man said, for year's, and kristina said, that was lucifer, and he looked like an, and hollie said, Angel of Light, and donald hicks said, I'll kill that son of a bitch and he won't even touch me, and dawn said, he almost did it, his colon hanged out of his body, and I saw his poop, and I had nothin else to do with him, and donald said, why did I do that, and dawn said, all over a blow job cause that's all donald wanted, and dorein said, oral sex, and dawn said, abomination, I comitted blaspheme, I talked about you, eternity in hell, and I know it, I said, bob is, don't you love me, dev, vil, my heart sealed, I can't press, Angel, and an Angel said, don't press, and dawn said, God sent bob to and donald said, stop, and dorein said, you are not pressin to the Mark of the High Callin, and dawn pointed, and donald said, I heard you, drunk, 8, year, 's, and dorein said, that man is still messed up, he was told to leave dawn alone.
    (205)the seven Lighted Heads -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, hollie and she said, seven Lighted Heads, and kristina fox said, and, and hollie said, they, and kristina said, are, and stephen hansen said, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is, the seven heads are russia, and hu hintao, who is president of china said, chi, na, and a man said, nicaragua, mexhe, co, and a woman said, cube, and a woman said, ba, and the president of venezuela hugo chavez said, venezuela, and the president of bazil, lula, said, brazil, and, and kristina fox said, the, and the pope said, the, po, and the idol sheppard said, po, and hollie said, the pope come's, la, te, and a woman said, ter.
    (206)visions and dreams from Jesus-vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a Spirit that looked like Jesus, and He was Outlined in like White Sketch, and there was possibly a Door there.
    (207)MAN -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a Man that looked likle Jesus, with Brown Hair, and His Hand's were possibly folded together.
    (208)post visions and dreams from Jesus -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like irving and he said things like, this Little White Man, and I heard, go to glendale and post.
    (209)the smoke of america burning will block the sun and moon for 16 hours -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me like nuclear fire, and it was in thick black.
    (210)ginger benefield -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, ginger benefeild, and she looked like a midget.
    (211)harlot-vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a woman, and she said, har, lot, and hollie said, and the, and kristina fox said, Ligh, ted, was, and hollie said, and he, and kristina said, sa, eh, and a man said, Spir, it, and hollie said, that, and kristina said, Je, sus, He, and hollie said, went under his car to, work, and kristina said, van, and a man said, tell me how to fix it, and dorein said, you can no, and stephen hansen said, do i, t, and the Spirit Man Angelic Being said, broke, let's.
    (212)the Beast -vision recieved 12-7-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked This Beast Head.
    (213)tim curry of the rocky horror picture show -vision recieved -2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like, kristina fox, and she said, , tim curry is and tim curry said, homo sex, u, al, om not, fag, and hollie said, stay, and I saw tim curry, actor, the rocky horror picture show, and he said, tim curry's got more blood on his hand's then anybody in the world, he, and dorein said, e, want, wanted, and a man said, I'm being replaced.
    (214)russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns -vision received 12-2005-God has showed a spirit that looked like, stephen hansen, and he said, russia is the, beast, and a mt. vern missionairy bapatist Church man said, 7, heads, and maybe pastor charles r. harrison said, 10, and pastor william harris said, horns, and the libe woman said, and, and the mcdonalds woman said, and, ru, sh, sha, is, and the mcdonalds man said, the, be, east, and, that, and the libe man said, is, and the mcdonalds man said, 10, and the woman next to me said, wooomen, will hang, to, ahd dolores finn said, to yur side, don't trust me, and the mt vern missionairy baptist Church man said things like, me either, I'm, said, cut, oo, ff, and the libe woman said, bobby let's change, and I saw terri schiavo, and heard her name, terri schiavo, said by a man, and terri schiavo said, orgy, and a man said, and that is, and I saw donny winters and he said, put me in hell, and michael boldea said, you let her perish, mom, and dorein said, your, and maybe virginia boldea said, virginia, and mabye dolores finn said, virginia won't perish, terri schiavo said, I'm, burn, in, in, hell, I, did not, know, that, God, was, real, and I saw robbin and she said, real, and terri schiavo said, and, and robbin that worked for dinner bell markets said, and, I, wa, wa, nt, and her brother said something like, were, and her brother danny said, wa, ting, to, and robbin said, per, terri schiavo said, i, ish, and a man said, to late, and kenneth haney said, were, waitin, for, and danny said, russia, and mr. haney said, russia, is, and a man said, the beast, and ken said, with 7, and a woman said, we got you open, there's to much to do, and a man said, work, and pastor floyd matthews said, southwest, and a man said, bobby don't eat, and greg oliver said, that is, and mr. phillips from westside pentecostal Church said, mom, and the libe woman said, they crucify, and donny winters said, me, and Jesus said things like, you know what I want, and donny winters said, go, and m.s. mckinney said, a warn, in.
    (215)trap 12-7 and 12-8-2005: and dolores finn said, keiko's immunes system, was, no, t, and kieko the killer whale said, a, and dolores said, dapted, adapted, to, and stephen hanson said, o, and johhny cash said, cean, lie, and stephen said, fe, and people said, put your vision's on tv, put your vision's on tz, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and eventually, china is magog, magog is, the red dragon, and that is, cigarettes is abomination, china si, maton, and that is, and satan said, sa, ton, and people said, and russia's is, china, and china is reprobate, c'mon back, he will take ya, that's why they think, well, I got new's for you, if you won't do It the first time, you won't do It the neither, second, time, and possibly many said, the owner's Manuel will say that there's no more russia, and people said, there's no more russia cause china will attack russia, and make russia in vade israel, and stephen hanson sang, a local Church Church with a global vision thats, and pastor ramsey said, blas, and and pastor r. harrison said blas, and pastor ramsey said, pheme, and people said, new life worship center, cause russia will no attack america until God let's them and that will be, when china goes to war with amerirussia, and that is, america and russia will be destroyed at the same time, and that will be when the palestinian state is destroyed, look out, cause the palestinian state is Israel, and that's the Apple of God's EYE, EZEKIEL 7, and that's the end time and hollie said, mess, and a man said, sa, ge, and I saw this White Horn, and It said, russia, and I saw this White Horn, and It said, china, and I saw A White Horn with a moustache, and It said, mexheco, and I saw this White Horn with a Mouth, and It looked like fidel castrol and It said, cuba, and and I saw this White Horn and It had a moustache and a rough voice, and It said, I'm the beast I'm russia, and I saw This White Horn and It said, I'm, and I saw hugo chavez who is president of venezuela, and he said, ven, and the Horn said, ezuela, and I saw brazil president lula, and he said, I'm, lula, br, bra, zi, and a White Horn said, il, and lula said, don't forget about and a man with a moustache said, rus, and a white horn with a moustache said, sia, and this white horn that looked like the pope said, I'm the po, pe, and this white horn said, hu, and the horn with the pope's face said, explodin out said, pope, and dorein said, and that's your end time message, and the horn with the moustache said, the horn's and stephen hanson said, are, and the pope horn said,lit, and the horn with the moustache said, boro, na, and the vladimir putin horn said, tion's, the, and the moustache horns said, the, and a man with a moustache said, the, he, and the horn with the moustache said, ad's are, and the russian president putin horn said, nation's that have an agreement with america, and the stephen hanson horn said, MYSTERY, BA, BA, LON, is, and possibly the president of mexico vincente fox horn said, america, and hollie said, and that is, that great city that reigneth, and mr. phillips that goes to westside pentecostal Church said horn said, o, ver, the, and pastor donald winters horn said, king's, and donny winters o, and the donny winters horn said, f, and and judy lynn winters oliver horn said, the, and mrs. winters of westside pentecostal Church said, ear, and the mrs. winters horn said, th, and people said, a stephen sang, a local Church with a global blaspheme that's, and new life worship center pastor ramsey said, who me, us, and people said, there are no more visions's in pentecost because the people in pentecost don't live for the Lord, and he saw a Lighted hand of Rock form, you blew It, he heard, that's talkin about, Rockman, and that is, prophet, rock, and he saw a bolt of Lightening, red, White, and that was, thunderstorm in america, bobby, owl live she and hollie said, sa, e, and kristina fox said, d, and the little horn said, russsia si the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and I'm the little horn, she said, I know who he is he said, they will say you backslided at Church and the Church Westside pent, pentecostal Church will rejoice, but It won't last for a while, you'll deliver message to uhm and that is were both cut open, we did re, they thought, he is not telling the Truth they think, you are on off, they'll witnessed to me, I did not feel It, suprise, you'll see, they have sin, they think you are false, they think you are backslided, let's see he'll deliver it, discover it, he will blas, pheme, me, both and they will know, their heart's will seal at Church and they will be, Jesus Christ she's delivered, she'll be, cut off next sunday, that'll nightmare, we knew wrong she, you liar, russell, he, you know what I did, I told jason to rip bob off on motor, don't touch he said, he did not, but he took money, he'll be cut off in judgment for that and he know's he got off and he said, no, I'll fix, but you didn't give him enough money, you gave what he wanted buy he wanted more and he didn't do, they knew, cut off, they thought they would screw you and they got screwd, that broke them up and separated family, don't think you can screw and get away with, stans auto electric, we knew, screw, they didn't, they wanted to, but, you wouldn't let, psot under, stans will go back up to free, no customer's, put up sign's, people will seee, call it, stan's automotive electric screwed it's self, they wanted to replace computer and nothin's, go ahead and fix it, they knew it was the alternator, charged 157.00 and did not even tell you, they will find out about it, there's nothin wrong he said, but charged you anyway, repay stans auto electric of close, and that's the ticket, it took 3 minute's for diagnosis and it cost 157.00, mechanic thought he doesn't know what he's talkin about, but, he knew he was lying, he got offended, and he quit, michael boldea thought when he saw you you were back, slided and he thought that you wanted to give money but you warned'em, and gene schmidt thought, go home, but he wished hta after ann schmidt told him about fulfilled vision and gene schmidt said, there, and ann schmidt said, ain't close enough, people said, he said is a prophet we knew how they want you back so they can, can't you see it, Jesus said, make bobby perish, ann said, so long, ann and gene and michael blodea, you'll never see his face again, in this judgment, they'll say, why didn't you ask him to set free him to offer to sleep in the van, he wouldn't at the mission, he live's in vehicle, you said, we don't want It, but, you want to hurt bob, so, God won't let go, they'll want you back, but, God won't let you, amen, ann thought God was given him vision's while he was talkin to us, oh no she thought, that's why she got away from you, ann schmidt thought he is dumitru duduman, he has and dumitru duduman said, blosomed, and people said, and will get higher, if you follow me dumitru said, you'll make It, not,and dumitru said, if, and people said, he did not, he went back, the vision on death bed, the counter man at stans outomotive electric shop said, see my attorney, even though I told him the car was wrongly diagnosed and would not give me my money back so you are embarrased stans automotive electrip shop in indidanapolis on emerson and massachuchettes avenue, you'll be closin soon, good bye stans automotive electric shop, people will see this and you'll be out of a job counter man with gray hair at stans automotive electric shop, he laughed but he will tell the vision, he will be ruined, this pope is the anit one, but the idol shepherd will be the antichrist, satan will enter in when, and kristina said, he's, and people said, slashed like ISAIAH 14, and then he will ahve short while, three and one half year's satan dread's it, and he know's that he will be in hell soon, Amen, new pope will be on fire in hell before he know's that his body is the one used by satan satan is in hell right no, hallelujah, bobby, remember that cat, that got you cut open, you should have left it alone, now look at ministryofdreams, that cat got to much attention, you took off, and God brought back, that cat was put there to give you love and you took off anyway, you hate everybody, you just don't show it, Amen, you like animal's, that was the idol sheppard and he looked like an Angel of Light, russia will attack when you thik you are right with the Holy One and that is Jesus, Hell is worse than people ever imagine, it is an Ocean of Lava like valacano, when a person, and kristina said, fir, and hollie said, st, and people said, see It, they scream at the top of their lung's, It smell's like soot, and it will never It will never, hallelujah, when a person first get's put in they cannot beleive it, It feel's like over 100 million time's hundered million, hot, get the picture, It's over 5000 degree's farenhight, It will burn you to the bone instantly, you get a Body that won't burn called a Soul, Jesus said, I laughed when you meese in My, were naked and I didn't, the Ford mustang was the best sellin muscle car ever and steill, back in the late 60's and early 70's, ford didn't give enough horsepower, that is why mustang did not seel, people wanted 400 plus horsepower, the shelby charger was the worst, worst car chrysler ever made, that engine did not need a fix it turbo, the turbo only make's about 10 horsepower, tell me Truth, can a turbo duplicate an explsion, no, change you oil before it get's black, black is burned up, no really, iol won't wear, but, it get's dorty, change it before, change it at a 100,000, no, engine, go in out, the war memorial in indianapolis is abomination, God is the God of the livin not the dead, celebrate life in Jesus while you have a chance, My Yoke I Easy, and that's what He require's out of you, My Burden is Light and that mean's, no more, hallelujah, sin, God love's it when a baby poop's it's pant, look at that pudding, shew God say's, he get's Glory out of that, He made you to move your bowell's, think about it, if you didn't have a poopy hole, where would your overeating go, that is what it is, poop is to much food, eat what God want's you to eat, and no toilet paper, you won't go to the bathroom at all, Jesus was Spiritually fed for most of His Life, about 200 people die every hour, so work while it is day, you know how many people know about ministryofdreams, 2, you know when you make It to heaven, you will not remember earth, God will do away with most of your memory, you don't need to remember when you are burnin because of no sex, don't masterbate, do, not, get fix it, pray, and God will help, the MYSTERY, BABYLON, God knew amerirussia would exist because, He made the planet and He saw what people would, would do, God knew, think about It, you cannot figure It out, God knew because He know's everything, He know's what will happen tomorrow by, God know's everything and that's it, God had to take elijah cause he was gettin hard to deal with, he was good on fire, but he got hard to deal with, elijah is ministryofdreams, he hate's Jesus, hate's you, truth of the matter is, that is not the turh, get right with Jesus is what he want's, he doesn't want to be around people in Heaven and God will give him his wish, he'll be alone in Heaven in the Fog, he has already seen, and he said, two Hand's of Light and he saw Jesus and He was Like people but Light Robe, bright Light that Illuminated the Darkness and that is, darkness is Israel and that is a new, and he saw a Trumpet to the Mouth of Jesus and He put his hand on and lowered It to delay, people need to repent while they have a chance, he did it agains, he won't do it while, he is angry, right, God is usin ministryofdreams to reach the lost and the saved all over the world, and then the end will become, look at It, It was born in 2002, june plus 1 month and It has over 50000 vision's minus 10, that's how many, he has been give over 200,000 vision's pus 200, that's it, and he saw a white Fence and if he goes beyond, he will, lake, that is him right now, we see thru a dark glass dimly, that mean's no more, that mean's, you can't see very far, and he saw downtown indianapolis, and it had buildin's and they will be destroyed in about 2 second's from nuclear from russian submarine, nuclear weapon's work by causin air to catch on fire like a ocean of fuel for, and he saw a big mushroom cloud fire in, indianapolis, and it was near the ground called cruise missile, multiple warhead, 2 second's, and it'll be over, work, and the man sang, trofeo, he is a prophet, come back, he doesn't want to be cause he is famous rock singer called, jimmy, jimmy maddog matthis, call him on the internet, Q 95, maddog, come to Jesus, he, will not do it, tyr, 329-1060, area code 317, call, maddog, prophet maddog, still, he still, dream's, he's around, the beatles were all prophet's, God gave them song's, they broke apart cause ono yoko threatened to leave john lennon and he was a prophet and that was the reason, because john lennon was not the lead singer, he got the music right's and wouldn't let them sing, they became jelous of each other like abba, and became hate one another, that is why they won't even talk, end of story, if abba got back together they would be number 7, 6 minus, they were the beatles of the 70's and early 80's, they still talk but no, you know how much money it take's she said, more than they will be paid, end of story, they would do it for free, but, eventuall God won't let, He, I'll never forgit He told them in a Night Vision, if you tresspass against Me, I'll destroy you, that is why, Truth of the Matter is, your in danger she said, God broke them up by usin jelousy, He made them have seventen number 1 hit's, that's it, He said, won't let them, they'll die off soon, there in thier 50's, 57, 59, they are to old, there's the story, they want more money than people will pay, don't get back together abba or God will destroy you, and here's your warnin, they want to but understand and God won't put up with it, people would kill each other for ticket's, they won't, they will find out who MYSTERY, BABYLON is and will not come to america, but, they will not want do it for what they be offered, russia will attack america when you least expect, when abba does a concert in america look out, they will not, they hate each other, end of story, they had sex and that is how broke up, sex with each other and Jesus point's, write it down, when you least expect it is when you are not lookin for it and that is when Jesus will return, be prepared, and I saw brother stair, and I heard, brother stair, and a woman said, he can't find Me, and a woman said something like, for having sex, and people said, Yeshua is not the name of God, It is Manifestation, Jesus Christ is the name of God, Christ mean's sent by the Holy One and that is Jesus the Father of Mercies, southeastern holiness Church is not even save me, what do you want the most about God, what is He like, what do you think He is like, capital Christian center is blapheme, they hate instruction, a gentile could not be set free in the Testament, o yes they could, in Heaven to those that are there after a person has been there for a while, use not, and a woman said, san francisco, and Jesus said, will, and maybe, I need you to preach, they don't want Jesus irregardless, and Jesus said, burn, and a woman said, let it start, and Jesus said, won't you burn, and people said, they hate Him, they want them die lost, and then will never, sacrifice, while you have a chance, you will not be let out of hell, and the sunbeam girl prayed, no more bed wiper in and singer roxette said, a, and the sunbeam girl said, russia, and a man said, cause, and an angry roxette said, I hate, all, I'm a backslide, and a man said, I saw Jesus Hand, and the sunbeam girl said, no more bed wipe in america, cause america will burn when you, and roxette said, least ex, pect, it, and I'm, a fall, and the guitarit's for roxette said, en, and roxette said, pro, phet, and the guitarist's said, 's, and dorein said, God told roxette, don't do that song, and roxette saing, It must have bee love, but It's over now, and the sunbeam girl said, she didn't think, Je, sus, and roxette said, would, cut, o, ff, I got and the guitarist's said, the phone, and roxette said, who is it, and the guitarist's said, it is on, and dorein said, ministryofdreams, and roxette said, shit, and the sunbeam girl said, God warned you roxette, and the guitarist's said, God and a man said, warned, and a man said, me, and a a man said, to, and molly ringwald said, molly ringwald, is, lost, and a man said, Word of God tabernacle is out off, Word of God is cout off from the universe, that is, and kristina said, i, t, and people said, JEREMIAH 51 say's judgment is comin to amerirussia and that is america and russia cause whe russia hit's america, china, will hit russia, the earth will reel to and for like a drunkard ISAIAH 24, at the noise of the taken of babylon, the earth is moved, a tumultous noise, bang, your day's are numbered and you'll have to give an account for you life so work while it is yet day, JOB was tought by God by vision's and dream's, read the Holy Bible, the KING JAMES version, leroy proud did not give bob's deposit back and lied and said, he sent, he wanted to charge 35 dollar's for a vinegar spill that took 1 second to wipe, his wife said, don't send, he is a Christian, and he will not mess with, they are, that cut leroy and his wife off, how, they knew and lied, that's it, they said, he did not nove when he said, he said he was movin but didn't say he was movin when they said, he was, they owe bob 100 dollar's and they do it often, expose, they do not want the Lord, but, act like they are set open, not, now leroy and wife mrs. proud, and dorein said, and he saw the words, babylon is america, and people said, that vision reminded, you that you need to write down what God wnat's you to because God will let you loose It, and kristina fox said, and he saw, and dorein said, the words, and a man said, in a trap, and people said, pastor harris of victory tabernacle apostolic faith Church said, why did I do it, if you don't give God Glory and that, obediance, you'll regret for and pastor harris said, the, and people said, rest of your life, and he saw Jesus comin, and dorien said, and, and people said, he was not moved one bit, that's where you need to be, and kristina said, and he said, and dorein said, the, word, and a man said, prophesied, and people said, that is receiving vision's and dream's and tellin Them, not preachin to them what you think, and dorein said, with lyin sign's and won, and a man said, der's, and stepehn said, peo, and a man said, ple, and maybe stephen said, will, be, de, cie, v, eved, and people said, stay away from those, beware of speedway and shell, they will cheat you, they will try to not igve you as much change as you, and a woman said, are, and a woman said, owe, and a woman said, d, and people said, you won't think anything about it when Jesus return's, cause you'll be watchin, the next question, how do you know when He come's back, He'll come out of the fire, the Fire is Burnin, and a woman said, I'm almost apostolic, and hollie saidk, bu, and the libe woman said, ut, and john lennon said, I can't, feel, be, and ken haney said, cau, se, and john said, o, and ken said, f, blas, and john said, pheme, and dorein said, pay a, ran, so, some, and people said, people hate america, cause america claim's to live for the Lord, and they, and jiang zemin said, lie, and a man pointed at that, and people said, and the penguin's said we don't wnat you, and the man said, I'm cut off, let me alone he said, I won't repent they said, ron miens is an open shame to God, prophesying in you to day is of the devil, people put their hands on people and prechin to them, that's not prophesyin, prophesyin is receivin vision's from Jesus, open your mouth and I will fill It, prophesyin is tellin vision God give's you, Amen, to people while your right there, thus saith the Lord, whosoever remit's sin is of the , you cannot remit sin, understand, only Jesus can do it, only Jesus can commit blapheme against the devil, you not allowed to speak to the devil, even the Angel didn't ask, He didn't ask the devil werhe moses body was, the Truth of the matter is, moses perished in the skywalk and that was MYSTERY, BABYLON is america and it will be atttacked when you least expect it, promote the Gospel, further, and that is when you are not lookin for it, were gettin warm, it's the end of time, but you are helpin, the Lord won't bless me he said, I don't want the Lord, and He said, don't worry, you won't have Him, all he has to do is press the Mark of the High Callin in Christ Jesus, the penguin said, we don't want you, the counseling penguin for the conceling center, is local Church with a global vision that's, and pastor ramsey said, blas, and his wife mrs. ramsey said, pheme, and stephen said, they commit, and pastor ramsey said, blasphemy, we don't want Jesus, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, no more and roxette said, bedwipe, and the subeam girl said, I, and people said, and the sunbeam bakers girl said, flyin, and and roxette said, j, and people said, make's about 53 dollar's off a 159 dollar oil change, that is , to, to, much, and flying j, is, not, right, they charge, to, much, and ronnie milsap sing's, once, in every life, someone write's a song, now my broken heart, cries for You each, and hank williams jr. sang, now my borken heart, and people said, whe a person get's cut off, they hurt for the rest of thier life, hank william's will die of a heart attack, in the judgment he will say, I blasphemed Jesus when I said, I don't, and han said, want, and people said, hear that shit, now ther's no more remission, bob won't write you hank williams jr., your doomed friend, and God's already laughin at you, you'll perish, he doesn't believe it, the Lord say's nobody does, they they'll see, when Mercy is ran out, then you feel like you are the Holy One, cause God cut's you off, and then you can do what ever you want, tha's a reprobate mind, it's not subject to the Lord, ronnie, ronnie milsap said, I hate myself, ACTS 2:38 is salvation, new york were under attack, and hollie said, no, O!, and people said, and Jesus said, emabarras her, hollie when are you comin back, good afternoon she said, I'm not ready she said, and she is hollie, and hollie said, I'm moody, and people said, and people said, and he saw Jesus huggin him, he's stunned, that was Honey He put in prophet ____, hand, He want's prophet ___, He took It back, when prophet ___ said, everybodies a prophet, develop in Christ, and hollie said, bobby bring the Lord right here, and a young person said, I only got 20 days to, leave me alone, I'm psychic, and people said, that's a fallen prophet, oer perish, he drank Spiritual Water and his dryness away hallauiah, tell the vision prophet said, it is awesome, vision's are Jesus, Website is awesome Amen, and hollie pointed and said, tell it on your Website, she said, I want oral sex, and committed blaspheme, I'm young and a model prophet said, and I will perish she said, not to the Holy Spirit, and that is blaspheme the Holy Scripture's and that is Jesus Christ, God dalt with her and she said, no, end of vision, I don't care, I want oral sex she said, she'll cry and God won't hear, you need an established prayer life by the Holy One is how God that you will pray and He will add onto It, as He see's fit, and he saw a Hand of Light point at keyboard, print, on, the, inter, net, start with 30 minute's a day at the same time, call it, established prayer life by God, God can feed you Spiritually, you'll never eat again, it's up to you, prophet said he would rather live for Jesus not wantin to than live for the world wantin to, your test begin's when you start each day, don't tempt God, sufficient is the evil today, ST. MATTHEW 24 is the end time Chapter, read It, that was a beaver, and that's woman call there pussy and that mean's oral sex, oral sex of of the devil, that was the Lion Man and He looked like a Spiritual, and hollie said, cat, and people said, and was White like a spirit and he said cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is china, and jiang zemin said, and, and the people said, china is magog, and china is the red dragon and that is satan, russi is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is the bear and the 3 rib's are, and the president of nicaragua said, cause, russia is the beast 7 with 7 heads and 10 horns, and hollie said, and russia is magog, and magog is the red dragon, and that is china, and hu is, is the false prophet, he said trofeo and that is a buick and he is a prophet, prophet come back to Jesus real quick, he is on for himself, and she said, prophet and she said, I eat pussy, they are of the devil, that was spirit that made you not want Christ, and that was blaspheme spirit is satan, Jesus laughed because He know's prophet is now serious, he saw himself and he was bigger than Jesus, press on, that mean's prophet need's to come down to Jesus, level, amen, that was the was the pope and he looked like a horn with man's eye's, prophet ___ there is no repect fo person's win God, in God EYE, don't witness if you don't serve the Lord, amen, billy idol is a prophet dancin with myself was number 1, it is about leavin Jesus, he cain't back now, that's the moon and it will be like blood when Jesus want's you to camp, shawn that used to work for papa johns come to Jesus, he is straight, but, he is in trouble, he is prophet and he aw Jesus and He looked like, like an all Consumin Fire Man, eric carr said, Lord, will you give, and paul stanley said, me a, and eric said, a, and paul said, big, and I saw paul and heard eric's voice this, hit, and paul stanley said, lick it up, 2 number and eric said, that was, and maybe Jesus said, about, and I saw paul and heard, oral, oral, and people said, eric carr, he is a prophet, he, and eric carr said, I'm in hell, I and paul said, did, and ken said, not, and paul said, want, and somebody said, Je, and gene simmons said, sus, lick, and paul said, it, and eric said, up, and somebody said, number one, and people said, america is oral sex, and eric said, I'm gonna quit, and people said, do, he died, cause he wound not get right with Jesus, and the woman that work's for village pantry said, I know, how do I find, and the sheriff that guard's there said, God, and the woman said, I want your body, and a man said, work, and hollie said, cigarettes is abomination, and kiss sang, lick it up, that is, is, and dumitru duduman said, a, bo, a, ti, and somebody said, ion, and people said, I don't want my Bible, I love rock and rol, abomination he said, I don't want Jesus, I want, food, and Jesus said, there's Mercy, while you have, water, and maybe kenneth haney said, how ya gonna see me now is about backslided, and people said, the average [person that call's himself a Christian only witness to about 300 people him, 's, lie, f, brother bray why do you preach the gospel, and brother bray said, mon, and his wife said, ey, and people said, new beginning Church is cut off, Jesus said, I died on for yoy Cross and you won't even witness for Me, shame on you apostolic pentecostal, hollie said, O, no, new york is under attack by russia, I'm, and ron miens sang something like this, well I see a Crimson Stream of Blood and It flow's from Calvary, and It's Wave's which reach the THRONE of God are sweepin over me, and ron said something like, maybe no more Mercy, and people said, he mean's, and ron said, back slided, and Maybe Jesus and people said, if you don't do your Job the first time, forget second chance, g.t. haywood did not write that Song, the Holy Ghost gave him that song, and a man that looked like g.t. haywood and or martin luther king jr. said, I made million's and, and dorein said, and steve forest duncan said, and maybe a man that possibly looked like steve forest and willie duncan said, went back, and cless barger said, I, and brother dell said, knew, and joyce meyer said, I, and jerry barger said, know, and cless said, when, and dell said, dell,a nd somebody said, slap, and russell windberg said, no, and somebody said, fall, and Jesus said, right there, and dorein said, false, and cless said, God, and windberg said, show, and maybe kristina fox said, ed, and people said, God proved that they were false, God told them to help bob and he will help you in the end, he is the only one that is stadin, prayin, and a person said, worship me, and dorein said, seek, and hollie said, God, 's, Glor, and kristina said, e, and maybe hollie said, e, and people said, prophet looked like a cat, It, and pointed, don't believe It, and they sall lay hand's on the sick and they recover mean's, trust and see that God will do what He say's, the prophecy club is cut off and stan is lost, if you don't beleive stan johnson is lost, call It lost prophecy club, stan will let anybody talk but the prophet even though he told him henry gruver lied and It proved out, lebed died, one more reason, he told stan year's before happened, lebed was ambushed, ambushed putin cause he would've been, been next president, lebed was a peace make, not a destroyer, that was Jesus Christ kissin prophet, the prophet will stay single to live for Jesus, but, God look's at the heart, that was the beast that daniel saw in THE BOOK OF DANIEL, he was dreadful, he will not, cliff did not give, the Lord said, the, and a woman said, bobby there's trouble, and people said, God is, plea, sed, go, there are no more vision's in pentecost, tell the Truth, cause the people pentecost don't live for the Lord, hallelujah, cliff will die with adultery on him , sa, Jesus said people don't want to wait at the stop light for you to write a vision, people with ballon, and a woman said, butt, and people said, exercise, chief cherokee's need to, are best, the four wheel's spin all the time, and a woman said something like, I wanted out, and she and or maybe more said, now I can't get back, and people said, the other's only spin when in loose traction, that's not four wheel drive, ause traction is what there suppost to have, people want you to tell them it is goin to be oll right, tell the Turth, they are lost and hallelujah, need to hear the Truth, and hollie pointed at the Word, TRUTH, and said, capital T, and Jesus said, that is It, and the TRUTH is, post, when, right, after, God chose to put anus in butt because it is easier to poop sittin down, work why you are tired, and Jesus said, russia is the beast, and a woman said, wait, and Jesus said, how much money you got, and hollie said, and he saw, the, and the woman on yahoo mail said, yahoo, and hollie said, giv, ing, and I saw the yahoo woman and heard, oral, and the yahoo woman said, sex, why did He tell me, and she said with the voice of a multitude, no I'm, I'm not hor, horn, ny, I really don't care, after all that I went thru, I'm on and hollie said, bob, and the yahoo woman said, by's Website, I eat po, and hollie said, poop, and somebody said, what's, and soembody said, that, and the yahoo woman said, I eat it, and she said with the voice of a multitude, lick, and paul stanley said, it, and gene simmons said, it, and ace frehley said, of, and mabye this, will you help us, Message got around, I'm a prophet, and gene said, I'm, and paul stanley said, a, and alice cooper said, a, and maybe cinderella lead singer said, a, and kristina fox said, that, and hollie said, was blackie lawless, and maybe Jesus said, put My vision's on the WEBsite, never slow down, you will, not, run, Me, Out, of, and hollie said, vissss, sion, and kristina said, 's, the Lord say's, I will not be mocked, and billy idol said, wait, and Jesus said, don't, and hollie said, uuu, and maybe Jesus sang, save My life I'm going down for the last time, and mabye hollie said, that is, and kristina said, no, and hollie said, ot, and Jesus said, save Myself, and hollie said, ACTS, and dorein said, with the voice of a multitude, 2:38.
    the end time dream visions received 12-9-10-2005 God has showed me a Spirit that looked like People, and they said: raise your hand's and repeat after Me, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, tell the vision, your lettin me perish, your lettin yourself perish go, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 7 horns and that is russia, and that is cuba, and that is nicaragua, nicaragua is mexico, they are one, hollie pointed where to park, my name is hollie, I'm modie, get away from me, mariani will not give the right change back at speedway at 56th and high school road, she will try to cheat you, south keystone Church of Christ is cut open, and that mean's, take away the open, and that is blasphemy, blaspheme is of the devil, the Vine is clean dried up, Jesus is leavin the Churches, the Holy One, go, come, I will give you rest, we made It, suprise, you'll see, miss, and hollie said, seek, and people said, and won't find, do It now, or never, I ain't serving Jesus he said, I won't either, you'll be on fire for eternity if you don't, search Me, My Burden is easy, Now kristina fox, get out here, she wanted you and her mom separated, and that's is why, that is why said missy, you would have been married to me said, missy baker and we'll see, bob's pizza does not pay thier taxes, tax evader, not, they write off everything, you can only write off, you can only write off buisness expense, loud and proud is of the devil, and that's the indianapolis colts and, and hollie said, they, and people said, will not win the superbowl, they will not even be there, keep Christ in Christmas the sign say's, and hollie said, from, and kristina fox said, mike's and dorein said, express car wash, and people said, keep Christ out of christmas is hwat the sign should say, cause christmas is abomination, cause christmas is not the Birthday of Christ, He already existed, tell the vision, rick's cafe boat yard is blaspheme, and hollie pointed at this, they hate Jesus, japan is tyrus, a merchant nation, they are the new world order, m.s. mckinney said he is an apostole and he calle'm a punk, and the emporer of japan that had a cat's face said, japan is the new world order, and that's tyrus, and the north korea china man said, china, and the emporer of japan said, is japan, and the china jap man said, absorb, and the emporer of japan said, they'll absorb japan, chi, and the china jap man said, and take, ru, sia, and the man next to me said, cause ru, and the woman with him said, ssia, and the emporer of japan said, cause china is japan, I showed to level vehicle at next oil check, and people said, castrol said he is taken our gas, and fidel castrol said, gas, bush is, and the man next to me said, in, and bruce kinnick said, trou, and this president said, ble, and people said, and Jesus made him give his coffee up, and gave it back, that was you prophet ____, in a White Robe, you are a servant of Jesus, and that Is It, Jesus say's leave Me alone, and He looked like a Man of Light, serve Him or leave Him alone, amen, better hot or cold, luke warm will get you spued out, and that is, in and out, puttin God to an open shame like donald winters, donald winters blasphemed the Holy Ghost and still preache's at westside pentecostal Church, tell me Truth, Jesus said, I'm in the lake, that's where donald winters is goin and he'll take you with him, hallaluiah, Amen, and hollie pointed and said, what's that, m.s. mckinney blasphemed the Holy Ghost, he said, the prophet is of the devil and preache's at apostolic Church, go and listen to him sing cause he can't preach, he'll take you to hell with, donny winters blasphemed the Holy Scripture's and that's Jesus and he know's it, he will not repent, but, he'll take westside pentecostal over, he's waitin for donald winters to to sleep with his father's, he doesnt care about his own dad, he just want's his father's, he doesn't care about his own dad, he just want's the Church, hallelujah, call it, blaspheme is of the devil at westside pentecostal Church, that was bathsheba and she is a woman that will tempt you and woman is, tina knobby, God won't bring her, but, might bring somebody else, watch out prophet ___, he saw his friend gettin a whippin called, hollie, moody, and hollie pointed, steam when you breathe is mosture in the winter, God put salt in the ocean to keep people from drinkin, it aslo purifie's the water that you drink by growin up, Jesus shook prophet ___, and Jesus pointed, don't witness to children.
    the end time story and the mark of the beast -vision recieved 12-10-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like people and they said, he saw 666 on cash register, and the pope said, the middle 6 is a flanged cross, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and that is, and a man that looked like the president of north korea and the president of china said, china, magog, and bush said wwe know were gonna collapse, but, what we do not know is russia will attack when the economy ca, fix it, n't collapse it, terrorism by russia, collapse, shoot, and the pope said, 666 is the mark of the, and the idol sheppard said, beast, the middle s, and the pope said, is, the idol shepherd is the beast in pope's clothe's, and the Lord said your time is come to make up your mind seve God or perish, that was an Angel with the Countenance like Bright, understand, Light and He had a Sword of Light and His, Him, Black, hood Robe, satain is the false prophet, that was the leopard and he was cryin out of hell, he'll perish and he know's it, take you with satan is the, and the leopard said, leop, and people said, russia, pard and that is the new world order and that is russia, cuba, nicaragua, mexico, and that's, venezuela, and that is brazil, and that is china, and that is magog and that is red dragon, and that is sa, japan, tan, and that is the new world order, and that is the after russia attack's russia and that is america, the'll both be destroyed at one time, china will att, advance, ack, amerirussia, and hollie pointed at that, and people said, one third of the population will be wiped out, and that is america and russia at the same time, and that is force russia to invade Israel and that is MYSTERY, BABYLON is that great kingdom that riegneth over the kings of the world, cause russia, and that is the new one world government, and that is the end time message, post It under, gadafi is politburo, and that is the 10 horns that come out of the beast's head, and they are, politburo is german, and hollie said, y, and people said, politburo is iran, politburo is turkey and turkey, politburo is russia, and that is some and you need to wake up, politburo is all the world after america is des, and hollie said, stroyed, and people said, and that was, and the 7 heads are 7 nation's that have an agreement with america, the 7 nations are, germany, united kingdom, italy, france, and australia, and turkey, but not for long, and south korea and that is north korea and that is russia, japan is for ameri, the united states economy collapses, attack, and Jesus Christ pointed, see that, how close are we, canada is america and so is spain, but they are fallin away to russia and that is politburo, russia, japan will not help america, niether will any of them, only the united kingdom and that is the only friend america has left, because america was born out of the united kingdom and that is britain, turn me over to a reprobate mind so I can do what I want the pope said and that is, s, leopard the idol and he saw a Hand point, post under lst time missage from Jesus Christ, and the pope pointed and said, that's it, the false prophet is the president of china, post It under and hollie pointed, and dorein said, annonymous, a, m, man, and people said, tom nygaard service center is rip you off, they tried to make the prophet believe that more needed to, to be, replaced, than he asked for, they will, rip, you off, don't, go, to tom, nygaard's service center, where, in, indian'spolis, and he saw a White Man that looked like a White Robe, Both Hand's to get like wanter in, and He measured out the Ocea Water in the Palm of His Hand's, that's how big God is aman, post It under, God is, and he said, a Big White, the pope said, it was me that is what he looked like when younger, post it under, pope was set free and I knew It, back, bankrupt, and he cursed God, and people said, that was Jesus and He is an All Consumin Fire, post It under, God is all Consumin Fire, hand and said, that will do it, I'm excited Jesus said, prophet ----, is on fire for Jesus and the best is yet to come, he'll be prayin for the sick soon, he already does, just ask troy estep, troy estep would have died but God healed him and God wanted estep to go to sleep with his father's, prophet didn't know It until now, troy estep was alway's nice to prophet ___, and Jesus said, look at that, and troy estep said something like, but a computer, and People said, put It under ministry of dreams healed troy estep out of God's Will, but God is not mad, and prophet said, let me post declaration before you take me out and God said, awesome! he might die after he hit's the saved button on Website, Amen, Jesus said, I can't replace prophet -----, and hollie pointed at the warning thng on computer screen, and dorein said, wake up, and People said, because nobody will stand, he's a lucky man and he know's It, tell the Truth, that was the blaspheming prophet hansen, and he is number and stephen hanson said, one, and people said, in his won eye's, thus saith the Lord of Host's, stephen hanson, hansen need's to repent and hollie look's like a cat, she need's to repent to, I'm movin, novin out, that's what God want's touch God for somebody else, Amen, somebody just got blessed cause prophet, and hollie pointed at ceclaration pate, post those vision's, and he will Jesus said, just One, and that is every one, and he will, that was a devil called a woman, I'm cut off prophet sale's man said, don't send him here, leave me alone he said, prophet ___ saw himself pattin a backslider on the back, that was loverboy, mike reno, he won't come back but he would if he could, he is not tryin, but he will try and God won't let him, don't blow your chance, that's Jesus knockin at the Door of many people cause prophet ____ touched Him and He's still knockin, opne up people, prophet, and hollie pointed at the libe man, get out he said, want's ot to be like It was durin the first Church but they need to want It too, and maybe hollie pointed at this, it would not be like prophet ____ think's, people would still hate each other, they would act like they liked each other o my God he is right, God would make them love each other, but, they wouldn't, and hollie pointed at a word, and she said, It is right, go, backsliderm, , and people said, do it, and prophet ____ is stunned, they backslide before they gave it all up, the trofeo man need's to come back to Jesus, he's on the run like the roadrunner, prophet trofeo did the commercial for the buick trofeo, and he said, trofeo, and People said, prophet trofeo can not come back, he is a shipwreck, and that can not be re-buildt, prophet trofeo has blown It, It is just a oldsmobile toronado, and that is a good car, it was a computer nightmare called buick renatta and hollie pointed at the buickrenatta entry, that car is junk and they knew it before they sold it, sue buick for 3000 dollar's to convert it over to a carburated car and that'll be better, carburator is better than fuel injection, adjust it right and the mileage will comparable, just ask the prophet, his ford fairmont got 25 mile's to the gallon with over sized tire's, it really got 27 mpg's mile's per gallon, his subaru go 40 mile's per gallon, God led him to set timing and carburater, amen, go touch you alternator right now on the internet and God will spare you, your alternator is goin out, that's called, and dorein said, your, and people said, motivation, and motivation is what cause's people to backslide, and hollie pointed at this, get excited about Jesus Amen, prophet ----- testify and say, america will burn in just one day from russia attackin, amen, beware united pentecostal Church because prophet blaspheme is decievin you called irving baxter, I ain't deciving he said, he call's the beast united states of america, the beast with 2 plucked wing's in antichrist, you'll see, a trap can save you, and hollie pointed at this, and Jesus said, look at That, and people said, or destroy you, be purged or be trapped, the Trap page will not save you, but, It will purge you if you are not cut off, try It, and a woman said things like, I need purged, show me, my husband, and a man said, trapped, and people said, you want me to come back, read the vision's, it'll open heart, cry out to Jesus from your heart amen, syria is politburo and politburo is russsia, and politburo nation's are the ten king's out of the beast head and the beast is russia and russia is the pope, the walker theatre, that's sin, _____ is tryin to touch Jesus cause he ain't got nothin else to do, see that, do it, that's all, and Jesus is laughin He can take that touch and do something with It for somebody else, presson prophet _____, are has moisture in it called, russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, touchin Jesus is for the, God put walker theatre's sign light's out, He showed you what a touch can do, a touch can solve the world's problem, now it's back on, God is showin His Power, Jesus said, nobody want's Me and prophet ___ called Him a Liar, but, it's the Truth and he know's it, kelly smith, I got warnin, I'm a trap, I'll work hard, try to trap you if I get a chance, look at caroly, she backslided over kelly, God told her not to let her clean, but, you said, it, ind of story, and Jesus said, trap bertie, she is a baptist, and bertie smith said, om out, and perry smith said, I let her, and people said, backslided, she and perry, perry smith, and birdie smith is over, cut off said, perry and chalie and marty are backslided, they told kelly smith to marry charlie hunter, that got them aoo, cut off, charlie was not supposed to marry, and hollie pointed at this entry, and hollie showed to prayer walk, and People said, but the Lord say's, you cannot marry after you married, that is, abomination, look at SAINT JOHN chapter 6, and I heard, right here, and I saw a Hand point, SAINT MATTHEW 19, he didn't divorce, he was already married, he divorced and remarried, that is a abomination, and marty smith said, help us, and birdie smith said, please, and I saw jim knox, and heard, jimbo, and I saw carla bramlett and she said, I'm, and I saw billy collins and he said, out, and I saw kirstina fox and she said, fiesty, and people said, weddin vow's are promise for better of worse, end of picture, and hollie pointed at this, you cannot remary after divorce, and Jesus laugh's, compell the sinner's to get right with Jesus, that's your job prophet ___, that is, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, and that is, pray, fast, seek, and Jesus said, that's what I want, and you do It well, God chose you for the foundation's of the world, your only doin what God made you to do, prophet doesn't wanna go on the radio, tv, and hollie pointed, look at that, or anything out of the norm, and Jesus let'em, so don't bother him, the internet will be the voice of the one cryin in the wilderness, and a man pointed at this, and Jesus said, live for , and kenneth haney of upci said, me, and people said, and a man said, thou fool, I'm a homosexual, and people said, that is, a, and hollie pointed at that and she said, cat, and she looked like one, and dorein said, min, a, ation, and people said, God created internet to promote the Gospel, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, Contract, and Jesus said, I write, a, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, a, fre, sh, when we get Home, then you will and dorein said, know, and people said, the Truth of the matter is the internet is filthy, goodbye internet, internet can come down, and cless barger said, it is, not, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, Ho, hole, Holy, and the libe man said, witness, and people said, you ahve the Git of the Holy Ghost and you don't even show It, and hollie pointed and looked a cat, turn it off, save fuel, don't idle. .
    the wreck on I 74-visions received 12-10-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like people and they said, the wreck on I 74, and hollie pointed at this, and the man that died said, chick on Website, and a man said, cut off, and people said, check on mixer and it was not good and when he waled back to truck in medium, he got ran hit by second vehicle and both legg's hallelujah severed, got ran, and he saw the man that got ran over layin in the hi, hi, way, and he was, tell what he was, both leg's behind back, I cried he said, and Jesus said, I laugh at, and pastor jordan said, your calamity, you now what prophet did, and the man that died said, I, li, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, ed, I slept, with, pas, torin, and I saw pastor bullock and he said, bullock, and People said, truth apostolic is, and I saw pastor cornelius bullock and he said, work here, and a child screamed, WORK, and people said, over by a , that's it, he knew, and hollie pointed, he was, and hollie said, ain't, and people said, next time you need help, snake, he did not, work out his salvation, good afternoon, Jesus said, he knew, he knew, knew he was lost, he tried to talk his way out of it, depart, and when the other one does, depart, that's it, and the other man involved in the accident that drove a four wheel drive ranger said, lie, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, 's, and people said, hes cement mixer came off when he swered, he wrecked and went into medium, he went back to check on cement mix, mixer, and he got ran over, he didn't have to do it, but, Me, he laughed an the highway, he said, Lord save me, end of vision, and I saw the man that died, and he pointed at that, and He said, Jesus, laugh, and kristina fox said, ed, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, and macaulay culkin said, me, and hollie said about the I-74 wreck , and people said, and I will turn and what did I saw, depart, end of vision, he said, no, now I'm in Heaven and Heaven is, the lake of, lava, don't come, and the man that died said, control, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, pre, eac, and dorein said, ch, and the prep man said, I'm, not, and hollie said, and he said, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, use me, and the man that died in the I-74 crash said, this is it, and people said, that was the blaspheming Spirit called satan, he looked like a snake face, and lucifer lost his body and is ugly and he said, a open door that did not go any where, God will no let speedway any more, and hollie said, and richard pryor was, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, off, and macaulay pointed at that, and somebody said, busted, and richard pryor said, you know what gene and I did, and gene wilder said, that's wierd, and people said, God took him because he was an open shame, richard pryor was a prophet, backslided, stanley tookie is, and I saw stanely tookie williams and he said, murder, er, that's all, gone, and governor arnold schwarzenegger said, o'll, assassinate, ass, and I saw him and heard, that is, and he said, not, and a man said something like, our economy, and arnold said, 's, and the man said, goin bankrupt, and hollie said, u.s. will never ratify kyoto, and a man said, peace, and a man said, tre, and a man sais, treat, and one or more men said, treaty, and hollie pointed at the xbox story on cnn and said, xbox is sin, and the man next to me said, I'm not a prophet any more, I play game, and a man said, I'm, and a man said, beautiful, and a woman said, email, and a man said, go to walmart, and Jesus said, please testify, and michael boldea said, I, and gene schmidt said, over ra, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, ted, and stephen hanson said, russia is the beast, and a man said, I'm, and possibly macaulay kind of raised arm like he was going to point and lowered, and a man said, bobby these are the last days, and a man said, wait, and a man said, I'm, and a woman said, uncover that, and somebody pointed at this, and the man said, I'm a, and he said with a voice that is hard to describe, homo, and the leader of the pentecostal assemblies of the world smith said, smith, I'm, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, a, wit, t, and grant said, ch, and macaulay pointed at the senator eugene mccarthy article on cnn, and the libe man said, talk to me, and senator eugene mccarthy said, I'm a, and a man said, wit, and senator eugene mccarthy said, ch, I'm not doing, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, what, and senator eugene mccarthy what I suppost to be, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, doing, and I sw paris hilton and heard, I want sex, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, oral, and, an, us, lick, and paul stanley of rock group kiss sang, lick it up, oooooo, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, that's what that song is, and paul stanley said, about, and people said, iran will make nuclear fuel for nuclear weapon's, and macaulay pointed at the 1.7mb on this angelfire Website that show's how much room has been used, and he said, 18, that's about, and people said, that's about, 4, hundred, thou, sand, more, visi, sion, 's, that's really about, 100,000 more, and a Man that looked like Jesus say's, you kow My Mercy, let's go, witness, and stephen hanson sang, a local Church with us, go, the tunnel in GAZA and macaulay pointe at the picture of the tunnel on cnn and said, what is that, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, it is, and people said, weapon's, they commit blaspheme, that was hollie, and she, looked, cat, they would sneak weapon's in from luciana, that is, palestinian state is, under attack, by, america, these weapon's come from all over, a woman said, come bob, and the man that work's for speedway gas station said, right now, and hollie said, taliban is kharzi, and a man said, yes, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, and, kharzi is, and afghanistan president kharzi said, I, hate, and he said with the voice of possible many, america, and kharzi said, get out, bush, bush, I, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, warned, bush, that, she, and macaulay said, he, get, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, assassinate, and macaulay said, assassinate, ted, and bill clinton said, I want russia to attack america so I can destroy russia, I hate russia, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, he would have to, and a woman said, abase him, and Jesus said, I might, and people said, china will attack amerirussia, and that is, north korea, is, is not, isn't, work while it is day, and stephen hanson sang, cause russia is the beast, and vladimir putin sang, let's, and the woman that goes to bullock's Church said, rule, and a dark haired putin said, the and putin said, world, and a man that possibly looked like the president of china and the president of north korea said very aggressively, china, and the china jap man said, china is magog, and macaulay pointed and said, and, and the cat faced japanese emporer said, magog is, and putin said, russia, and the japanese emporer said, and that is, and the, and Jesus Robe looked like Fluffy White, Silk, prophet ___, you need to go witness to people, just put and people said, and Jesus said, no, no religion, and I saw charlie pride, and I heard, the, and I saw a Man that looked like Jesus, and He sang, end is very, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, near, go and, witness, and macaulay said, testify, that's true, and tim curry said, false, and that, i, and the woman that goes to bullocks Church said, s and a man said, don't, and a man said, tempt, and a man said, russia is the beast, and a woman said, with, horns, and I heard, cause russia is the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns and russia is china, and maybe one or more people said.

    biblical visions, apostasy in the end times, Christian warning
    (0)the anti Christ is the beast with 7 heads and ten horns-visions received 11-1-2005-God has showed me in visions spirits that looked like stephen hanson and vladimir putin, and macaulay culkin, I saw 3 people, and I may have the wrong word with the wrong face, but here is about what was said, an something like macualay and he said, and eventually, and russia president putin said, russia is the bear with 7 heads and 10 horns, and stephen said, russia, and putin said, is not the beast, thats the pope.
    (1)united states under attack-visions received 5-5-2005-In visions, I saw two people, and they said something like, "the united states", "were under attack". One looked like president bush. He will not be president when this occurs.
    (2)visions from Jesus are always true-vision received 5-5-2005-I was driving thinking on a phone call I made where I told this ministry basically they were in trouble and I saw a man who works there and he said something like, "it's true".
    (3)38-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, I saw the number, "38".
    (4)job losses in america-vision received 506-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I might loose my job".
    (5)no lies-vision received 5-6-2005-In this vision, Is saw a woman and she said something like, "lie to me". I was thinking on the great mercy of Jesus.
    (6)cursed God-vision received 5-5-2005-I was thinking on this old man that is a fitness person and he has products and is or was on t.v. and I saw him in a vision and he cursed God.
    (6)kept by God--vision received 5-5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and beard and He said something like, "I'm going to keep to around here".
    (7)real estate agents-visions received 5-2005-In one vision, I saw this woman who advertised and is a real estate agent and maybe more and she said something like, "my team rocks". In the other, I saw a real estate agent and he said something like, "I'm out of real estate".
    (8)do it for Jesus-vision recieved 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said, "do it for ME". Try to please God insted of fighting Him, and maybe He will do something amazing for you.
    (9)visions of a woman-visions recieved 5-2005-In visions, I saw a woman and she said things like, "wierd", "going to the lake", "I'm eunuch". There were more.
    (10)Jesus wants more from me-vision received 5-18-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "more".
    (11)burger chef-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "Burger Chef".
    (12)won't hear the WORD OD GOD-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I won't hear it".
    (13)suicide-visions received 5-19-2005-In a vision, I saw a Man and He said, "debbie went home", and then I saw debbie and she said, "suicide". I saw her in another vision and she screamed at the top of her lungs and in another vision she screamed, "bobby".
    (14)visions-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "vision".
    (15)cat-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision while praying, I saw this blondish brown cat and it was looking right at me possibly getting ready to attack.
    (16)freeservers site is my main site-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "freeservers".
    (17)Cless Barger-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw the name of my former pastor, "Cless Barger".
    (18)ST. JOHN 3:16-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw, "3:16".
    (19)Angel-vision received 5-19-2005-In this vision, I saw an Angel and it was doing something. It had like yellow hair and the whitest robe I've ever seen and almost looked like an animation.
    (20)lost-vision received 5-24-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and it may have been the young man sitting next to me and he said, "I'm lost".
    (21)you will die-vision received 5-29-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "shall die".
    (22)never close-vision received 5-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man with brown hair and He said said something like, "open and never close". I beleive He was referring to my witness.
    (23)traffic is coming back-vision recieved 6-2005-In this vision, I saw a Man and He said something like, "your traffic is coming back". I looked a little while ago and it was 321 for the last 24 hour period.
    (24)against me-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "against him".
    (25)are you willing for Jesus-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "you won't".
    (26)wanting a vision-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I want a vision".
    (27)alice cooper-vision while praying, I heard, "alice cooper", and I saw a man in visions that looked like shock rock acid rock star alice cooper and he said things like, "I'm in the lake", "the Lord told me not to sin".
    (28)I'm brother to those Who do the Will of the Father-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "you ain't my brother".
    (29)needed-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said something like, "bob, we need you".
    (275)against me-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "I'm against bobby".
    (30)He Saith-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "He Saith".
    (31)ingredients-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the words, "ingredients since 1876". That may have been, "1816". I bleive there is or was something in my van that says that on it.
    (32)for rent-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a for rent sign in a yard.
    (33)will you-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said, "I wouldn't".
    (34)perch-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "perch".
    (35)for sale-vision recieved 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a for sale sign.
    (36)buy-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said soemthing like, "buy my house".
    (37)never work-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said soemthing like, "It'll probably never work".
    (38)do you prevent Jesus-vision received 6-11-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "prevented".
    (39)take back-vision recieved 6-2005-While going thru a garbage bag in my mobile home, which is my plymouth voyager van that I live in, I found a can of car wax and a tube of auto scratch remover type stuff that belong to my mom. In a vision, I saw me putting it on the porch of her house.
    (40)greater love temple apostolic church-visions received 3-2005-I saw somebody once, maybe twice, and maybe they were different people in visions and in the visions I was told the church was closed. I went there twice on 3-1-2005, and they were closed. According to the sign, there was suppost to be a prayer meeting there. I'm nobody, but, Jesus has showed me things, and if they were there, I could have told them something that may have affected their walk with Jesus. I don't know why they were not there, unless, they were, and I did not know about it. I don't know if Jesus will let me visit them again.
    (41)I did warn and will keep doing what Jesus has showed me irregardless of what man says-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw this man and he said something like, "bobby, you can't yell it".
    (42)hit the computer-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I heard, "go to the computer". I can only remember seeing an area Light up.
    (42)I can surrender things to Jesus and let Him fight my battles-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said or I heard, "he whup". Jesus will win everytime.
    (43)I can surrender things to Jesus and let Him fight my battles-vision received 7-2-2005-In this vision, I saw a man and he said or I heard, "he whup". Jesus will win everytime.
    (44)not going to repent-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw this woman and she said, "she ain't going to repent". Jesus showed me this woman that was being talked about and she was sitting and looked at me and she was beautiful. She was smiling. I heard this woman and I felt she was screaming from hell and she said many things like, "help me, I doubted you", my eyes are darkened", "I can't see", "I want out".
    (45)I'm unique-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a possible a woman pointing at me and here is what was said, "is unique".
    (46)visions of men and women-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw men and women and they said things like, "backslider", "your a prophet", "cut off", "i do what I want to", "tour", "quit your job", "now whatsoever you do", "can't live here", "I'm not beleiving you", "that looked like"(this I heard when I was telling Jesus about seeing this man that looked like, I beleive we both said it or something like that at about the same time-this makes it so easy to mistakenkly wrongfully identify someone-so I will say that in all the visions on my sites, it's possible I wrongfully identified someone, and have the words off-I beleive the message is most likely accurate).
    (47)pen dying-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw my pen and I heard, that pens dying".
    (48)perished-visions recieved 7-2005-In visions, I saw this woman that is dead now. In one she said, "I gossip", and in the other, I heard and may have seen her say, don't forget about me".
    (49)live saved-vision received 7-2005-I may have been askin Jesus to save me and in a vision, I saw the word, 'jordan', then I saw pastor jordan in a vision and he said, "you done made it". I want this to be true, but, am afaid of Jesus as I type this.
    (50)Water coming out of something-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw Water streaming out of someting like if you hold a small tube pointing up, the water will come out in like an arch. I did not know what that meant, but, now can remember in the old testament where water possibly came out of a rock. Jesus can do anything. I saw a Man in a vision and He said something like, "I can do what I want to do". don't you thing God can do what He wants to?
    (51)diana hughey-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a woman that looked like diana hughey and she said things like, "you didn't", "I'm a dyke", "never again", "tell people". In one I saw her crying bitterly like she was in hell. In others she said things like, "you wasn't serious", "going to hell", "suing", 'you really didn't', "I'm going down", hell", "I tried to get into your wallet", "liar", "I'm over", "no Spirit", "hell", "O'h my God', "your apostolic", "so sorry(possibly screaming). I may have heard her scream and possibly saw something like, "get me out of here, help me". I saw a Man with Brown Hair and Beard and He said, "punish her". I asked Jesus something like if He wanted me to send her money for re-imbursement for the first year and I saw a Man in a vision that has Brown Hair and Beard and He said something like, "no", or "not". I beleive I just saw a Man with Brown Hair in a vision and He may have shook His head "no". He may have said something. never became mine, so there is nothing owed that I know of. She came along, and offered, to, rebuild, my, angelfire, site, and, I, prayed, and Jesus, said, trap, and, when I got up, excited, was born, and, she, told me, how much, and sent, twice, but, she was, not, and I told her, many times, link up, and, she did, her, stuff, and, she sent, the passwords, that were, and that was, condition, wrong. She even tried to, get, me, to, beleive, Jesus, was telling her, exactlay, the opposite, of what he told me, Its ok to put it on, she is, a, liar, leave her, alone.
    (52)zoo-vision received 7-9-2005-In this vision, I saw the word, "zoo".
    (53)still led by the Holy Ghost-vision recieved 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw this like woman and she said, "bobs been cut off". Then I may have seen this like white being and he said something like, "thats true". I may ahve just seen the woman again and she said something like, "your being deceived by satan".
    (55)Jesus has me-vision received 7-13-2005-I this vision, I saw this like man and he said something like, "satan, he has you".
    (56)take name off-visions received 7-13-2005-I saw two like people in visions and they both told me to take their names off. Just saw one and she said, "back. I may have seen her in another and she said, "i repented". It is very possible by exposing, it lead to repentence. I also was told by Somebody else, possibly the Lord to take them off, so, I removed what I found.
    (56)innocent-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw like a man and he said something like, "I didn't commit blaspheme".
    (57)Jesus is the Father of Mercy-vision received 7-13-2005-In this vision, I saw like a woman and she said, "there's mercy".
    (58)effectual fervant prayer of the Rightoues avialeth much-vision received 7-13-2005-I was thinking I was praying loud at the alter, and possibly a pastor walks to me and says something like, "you don't have to pray like that, and then I'm testifying and maybe geeting ready to thank that pastor in front of all the people, maybe for exposing him self and withstanding the bible, and I saw a Being in a vision and He said something like, "tell'em". Are you talking to Jesus or are you talking to your self. If you leave that heart closed, sin will build up in it, unless you don't have any and have been forgiven of sins you have committed. Get that heart open, and pour it out. If you pray real loud, you might discover sin is being stored there.
    (59)very easy to make a prophetic mistake-visions received 7-14-2005-I'm going by memory on all this, but, in one vision, I saw this man that looked like this man that I count as a prophet and I believe he received a vision, and I saw what he saw I believe and he saw a man that looked like me and the man said something, and I beleive I he may have beleive that it was me, and when it was all over I said soemthing like, Lord, that wasn't me, it looked like me", and I beleive I heard or saw somebody say or saw the words, "looked like". See how dangerous this is. Every vision on all my sites are what I saw, and it is possible I miss identified somebody. I name who I saw and that was based on my belief of who the person I saw was. It is possible it was them and also possible it was not. I went by my belief.
    (60)visions of men and women-visions received 7-15-2005-In visions, I saw like men and women and they said things like, "bob, were expecting you", "we know", "cain't tell the prophet nothing", "tell him I want out", "adultery"(this looked like terry presgrove), "thats the devil", "comitted adultery", "voice", "will not press"(praying hard), "hit alaska"(this will happen when america and china go to war-russia will hit alaska first), "were praying", "I'm lost", "same me"(intercede), "going to hell", "the Lord forgave me", "me first", "worship me", "what a show"(this is real), "adultery", "deal with me", "where'd you get all this", "I don't want that", "why didn't help me", "give mom a heart attack", "mom, "funny", "youmade me commit blaspheme"( looked like terry pressgrove).
    (press when you pray-vision received 7-15-2005-In a vision, Iclearly saw a Man that had a Beard and He said, "press". I onl partilly saw His face.
    (61)michael boldea-visions received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw some words appear one at a time and I beleive these were the words, "I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea". The spirit said things like, "my stoumach", make me embarrased", "that hurt", "I heard", "I got concieted", "don't mess with me", "I'm a backslder", "tell me not to preach", "your making me perish", "the Lord cut me off", "show me some mercy", "I hate bobby", "tell He already cut me off", "broke my heart", "that hurts", "your blood is off my hands", "never again", "your not a prophet", your an adversary", "adversary". This spirit may have looked the same of different at times and I beleive all these were that spirit that looked like michael boldea.
    (62)Jesus can send anybody-vision received 7-16-2005-I was at a sppedway gas station and there was an old man there and I beleive he bought cigarettes. He was in line. I thought I recognized him. I reached out and shook his hand and talked to him. After talking to him, I wondered if I knew him. I was driving and I saw in a color vision as clear as I can see this screen in front of me, A man that looked like that man and he said, "Jesus sent me". I'm so glad I was nice to him. I believe I saw a spirit that looked like him and the spirit may have said, "left here". What is I was the last bumb in road before his eternity began?
    (63)please give us anotehr chance Jesus-vision received 7-16-2005-In a vision, I saw a woman and she said something like, "Lord, give me another chance".
    (64)suicide-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a female spirit and she may have been white and she said very possibly fearfully, "suicide".
    (64)visions of a like Angelic Woman-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw this All White Woman taht looked similar to a woman I talked with yestaurday. She was wearing possibly normal clothes, but, what I could see of her skin was like the moon. She was smiling and feel down to possibly her knee's.
    (65)prophecy-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw possible dan bohler and he said something like, "come and give us some prophecy". I could be on my way there very soon.
    (66)visit-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "come and visit". I don't know if I know exactly where to go.
    (67)whithstood-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a like woman and she said, "we fight".
    (68)move-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a woman and she said, "I move".
    (69)back-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a like woman and she said, "bobs back".
    (70)we all have a choice-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a like woman and she said, "I had a choice".
    (71)how is the condition of your Spiritual house-vision received 7-17-2005-In this vision, I saw the about two story house and it was burned pretty bad and possibly boarded up. It was repairable.
    (72)lift protection-visions received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw possible one woman and she something like like, "won't you uncover me".
    (73)revelations-visions received 7-16-2005-In visions, I saw somebody and the person or spirit said things like, "I left", "my spirit".
    (74)possible death coming-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw like a woman and she said, "mom fell asleep".
    (75)my job is to tell some of what Jesus shows-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw possibly a woman and she said, "tell". I don't write all visions down, and I don't put on this site all I write down, but, some, and they all came from Jesus.
    (76)true-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a female spirit and she said things like, 'that true', "it was me".
    (77)pray for hollie moody-visions received 7-16-2005-In visions, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie moody and she said things like, "tell me", "on my last stand", "prophecies still open", "you on your last stand". There may have been others. It seems like I saw this spirit that looked like hollie moody in many visions and I don't have them with me, and may have tossed them. In one batch she may have said over and over and over again, and I'm going by memory, "pray for hollie moody". This almost made me want to cry. There were so many. In some and many, she actually calls me by name and tells me what she needs. She says things like, "tell bobby hickman to pray for hollie moody". I want to cry. I just saw her and she said something like, "my bloodstains". I don't know if I heard the rest. In another she said, "leave me alone", and possibly, "embarrass me". I may have just seen again and she said something like, "cut me off", and in one she was like a white spirit and she said something about the baby, which is going to be a son I beleive. I may have to record most visions Jesus gives me from this point on. I have a mantle that was me by God, and he can take it when ever he chooses. Sometimes, I stay in visions. I see spirits and lots of times, I believe they are devils, and they talk what seems endlessly. Sometimes I have more than one vision at a time. I just saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said something like, "make witness fall". So much is required out of me, that this is a very like thing to happen, but, I will fight. I'm not going down without a fight.
    (78)cut off-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw the face of a spirit that may have looked like michael boldea and he said, "cut me off". I saw another vision of a spirit that looked like him and he said somethng like, "I needed 50".
    (79)I just saw a spirit that looked like hollie moody again and she said, "please", "I need help", "please", "help", "give", 'money', 'please help', "left behind". It makes me want to cry. Perhaps Jesus will allow me to go out and fellowship with hollie and gary. In another vision, the spirit said something like, "please come". I saw the face of a Man in a vision and He said something like, "can't do it". He looked almost like a Spirit and I'm not sure who He was.
    (80)help is avialable Lords will-vision received 7-16-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked possibly like michael boldea and he said something like, "please help".
    (81)witness-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like dan bohler and he said things like, "I'll put you on the radio", "you push'(pray until something happens), and possibly, where's my voice".
    (82)terry presgrove-visions received 7-2005-In visions, I saw a man that looked like terry presgrove and he said things like, "make me embarrased", "the economys good".
    (83)unpleasant suprise-vision received 7-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "o'h my God", "don't even talk about it", "I can't find Him", "I'll hate you for this", "I'm jelous", "I hate you", "went to jail", etc.. There were more.
    (85)suicide-visions received 7-2005-In this visions, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "suicide", "I need help", "I wouldn't let you", "satan", "I wanted to get out", "cause mom let me sin", "I laugh", "I been cut off", "that'll teach ya", "bowells", "save me", "lost my Jesus", "I'm going down", "git me out of here", "trap", "you got me in trouble when I blasphemed you", "cain't help now", "bobby help", etc. There were many more and I beleive all these were her and in some, I may have only heard heard scream.
    (86)shot-vision received 7-2005-I heard, "your president", and then I saw a spirit that looked like a major world leader and he said something like, "somebody shot me".
    (87)terrorism coming-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like possible a man and he said, "bomb the rail road tracks". This man may have been osama bin laden.
    (88)hurt-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a dumitru duduman and he said something like, "you know he's hurt". In other visions he said things like, "thats the devil", "he told", "watch your step", "your choice".
    (89)if you live for Jesus, you own it all-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "you own everything".
    (90)give-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "give to us", "send the debit card".
    (91)michael boldea-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a michael boldea and he said things like, "abasing him", "warn me", "I'll forgive you", "give", "cut off", "don't come near us", "still like coffee", "give me your wallet", "control", "the united states", "let it burn", and I have with this batch, "he hates you", "give 50"(he may have said this)
    (92)greenbacks pleased-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "I want your money", "against his talent".
    (93)hollie moody-visions received 7-19-2005--vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie moodie and she said things like, "put hollie moody first", "wasted talent", "the Lord said return", "take my talent", "I'm lost", "backslider", "cut off", "cant'beleive it", "give", and "I repented", "bobby got thru", etc.
    (94)job losses-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, 'loose my job'.
    (95)gas needed in u.s.a.-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said something like, "need gasoline".
    (96)blaspheme-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and he said soemthing like, "the Lord hates you for blaspheming" I just saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "went to hell bob".
    (97)married-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw somebody and they said, "your married".
    (98)blown-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said things like, "you have blown it", "coming back", "us", "witness is coming back open".
    (99)reprobate mind-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bobby getting turned over to a reprobate mind".
    (100)seek to have you sin taken away-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "cut off", and I saw another man and he said something like, "you blasphemed the Holy Ghost", and "cain't forgive you for that". I just saw a spirit that looked like a man in a vision and he said soemthing like, "going to death". It looked like thomas gibson. I just saw probably two or three beings in visions and they mayhave called his name and said other things. These are spirits and they could be lying, and just because the spirit looked like thomas gibson does not mean that it was. I just saw a spirit that looked like my old pastor and he said, "Gods against him".
    (101)satan can probably look like anybody he wants-vision received 7-2005-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man that had brown hair and beard and white eyes and he said, "satan". I don't know if he identified himself or what.
    (102)blasphemed-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I blasphemed". She blasphemed me, but, I'm not the Holy Ghost. In others she said things like, "I'm a blasphemer", "your cut off", "your not", and maybe, "cut off".
    (103)hollie moodie-vision received 7-19-2005-In this vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a hollie moody and she said, "give to me", and maybe, "$200.00".
    (104)prime minister of israel will be benjamin netanyahu-visions received 7-31-2005-In visions, I saw benjamin netanyahu and he said, "Israel", "I'm prime minister".
    (105)david dalton-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like david dalton and he said things like, "I did"(possibly meaning wanted me to stay), "I'm lost", "you have to come back", "look who fell", "me", "prophet", "the devil set me up", "your nothing but a witch", "I comitted blaspheme", "prophet come clean", "I want his licence plate", "embarras", "I became hurt", "come and get me", "who'd I blaspheme"(and I saw Somebody and The said, "prophet", possibly meaning me), "worried about it", "opened my eyes", "said a prayer", "I'm dave", "I know where you are at", "why'd I blaspheme"(and I may have seen me and I said, "prophet"), "you must come out", "you know how I fell"(and I saw a man that looked like brother heaggy and he said, "stepping on my toes), "your in my heart", "I'm lost", "who'd I blaspheme", and I saw him or may be me and Heard, "prophet", or said. In others he said, "I'm burning in hell"(he screamed this over and over), "make me perish", "stay with us", "it was interesting", "I wanted to go home", "he fell", "the Lord shut me down", "I'm an ex-prophet", "whats he doing", "the Lord just don't care".
    (106)terry long-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor terry long of lawrence apostlolic Church and he said things like, "you ain't no apostle", "I'm taken your Word", "I messed with you", "you took my ring", "your a prophet", "your nothing but a trader", "don't bother us". In one he cursed God and in one he screamed, "why won't somebody help me". I may have asked JEsus if HE wanted me to visit there again and I saw a spirit that looked like the woman I witnessed to and she said something like, "yes", "come back again".
    (107)sister blanch-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like sister blanch and she said, "please don't call", and I may have asked Jesus why and I saw a spirit that looked like brother heaggy and he said, "me", and maybe, "i blasphemed", "take it away".
    (108)revelation-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a Hand and the Finger may have been pointing at me and I heard, "you know what prophet did", and I saw a man and it may have been pastor david dalton and he said, "ran him out of here".
    (109)norm heaggy-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a norm heaggy and he said things like, "what happened", "I want control", "I didn;t do it", "my anus", "lick it", "you was the one I blasphemed", "I'm off", "file bankruptcy", "I'm an adversary", "wallet taken", "your accepted", "replace".
    (110)pastor david dalton of Kings house of Prayer-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like david dalton of Kings house of prayer and he said things like, "you made me realize", and maybe, "they stop me from praying", "hell", "witch".
    (111)stopped-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe me and I said, "they stopped me".
    (112)revelation-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she may have sceamed, "mom", and I saw mom in a vision and she said fearfully, "the devils taking over".
    (113)blessed-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "we blessed him".
    (114)rejected-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bobby, you didn't take my word".
    (115)out-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "we want him out of here".
    (116)not stopping-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "bob, stop it".
    (117)wanting control is wanting to be God-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like president bush and he said, "I want control".
    (118)Israel under attack-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like israel prime minister ariel sharon and he said, "were under attack", "came from syria".
    (119)melton-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like mr. melton and he said something like, "I blasphemed".
    (119)can't find-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like michael boldea and he said, "how come I can't find Him".
    (120)hollie-vision received 7-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "send money", "please write to me", "indianapolis".
    (121)come here-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like maybe a man and he may have said, "come here".
    (122)do all Jesus puts in my heart-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw the words, "do all".
    (123)came against me-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like brother norm heaggy and he said, "I blasphemed you".
    (124)saw-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "I saw".
    (125)pain-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor david dalton and he said, "pain".
    (126)started-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a woman and she said something like, "cause he started it".
    (127)wanting to make me mad may have cost her her soul-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she said, "I know how to piss you off", "I blasphemed".
    (128)was loved maybe to much-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like debbie and she screamed, "I was without love sissy".
    (129)emmanuel temple apostolic Church-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like the pastor of emmanuel temple apostolic Church and he said, "thats what we need".
    (130)HOUSE OF PRAYER-vision received 7-31-2005-In this vision, I saw this Church on right above the roof was like a Big beautiful diamond and it was spiing slowly and it sparkeled as it possibly reflected light.
    (131)don't defend -vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a Hand and the Finger may have been pointing and I heard, "without defending them". In may the first vision, I might have been made aware I could help my family.
    (132)visions-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like a man and he said things like, "prophet", "you hurt us", "You blasphemer", "please take me home", "bobby", "I got material", "them are fake", "suicide", "I'm going to embarras'em".
    (133)dalton is a prophet-vision received 7-31-2005-In a vision, I saw a spirit that looked like pastor david dalton and I was talking to him and I may have told him Jesus showed me that he was a propeht".
    (134)expect-vision received 8-2-2005-God has showed me in a vision a woman and she said, "let hear it".
    (135)blasphemy of the Holy Ghost possibly can get purged or taken away-vision received 8-2-2005-God has showed me in vision a woman and she said someting like, "how'd I blaspheme".
    (136)clean up-vision received 8-2-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like tonya hayes and she said things like, "clean up your life", "truth".
    (137)told-vision received 8-2-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "I told you".
    (138)holle-vision received 8-5-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like hollie and she said something like, "help moody out". Got to be lead.
    (139)ITS not for trade-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "what was it like for him".
    (140)warns-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "they heard me".
    (141)pastor robert cavaness-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like maybe pastor cavaness and he said, "lets talk".
    (142)55 cent gas-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a gas sign and the price for gas was 55 cents.
    (143)call me-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "I will give tonya a call", and I saw tonya and she said, "he did"(like she was stunned).
    (144)send bobby-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "send bobby".
    (145)sinning is selling-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like me and I opened a cuppacino machine to take out a container to pour more mix on top of coffee mug. The white chocalate flavor did not work right. I heard, "theres where you sold". I repented.
    (156)norm heaggy-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said things like, "tell I blasphemed", "bob tell", "I'm cut off", and maybe, "prophets gonna die", "I want you bobby".
    (157)hollie-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "The Lord won't accept you". I may ahve just seen her again and she said, "cause my husband".
    (158)red room-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision this red room. I was praying and all of a sudden it was like I fell into a red room. Hard to describe.
    (159)hollie-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said, "you need me", "I ai'nt Christian".
    (160)old house that is being restored will be beautiful-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like possibly an Angel and he was looking at this house that is being restored in new york street in indianapolis and he said, "you want to get something a lot of people are wanting".
    (161)benjamin netanyahu-vision recieved 8-6-2005-I was talking to Jesus about getting benjamin netanyahu in office and I saw netanyahu and he said things like, "HE did", "who's the (cursed God)prophet".
    (162)it's starting-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision the word, "start".
    (163)I know because Jesus-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision the words, "I know".
    (164)donations for hollie prevented-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like hollie and she said things like, "the propehts slow", and I may have seen me and I said, "He won't let me", and I saw a Man and the Man said something like, "if you sent, "your adulterer".
    (165)good-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a pastor and he said, "thats good".
    (166)cut off-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like norm heaggy and he said soemthing like, "he's cut off", "me".
    (167)welfare-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a woman and she said, "welfare". It's going to get super bad in usa.
    (168)apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like the son in law to pastor robert cavaness at apostolic tabernacle in shelbyville, indiana and he said, "how come you not coming", "cut off".
    (169)norm heaggy-vision recieved 8-6-2005-I heard, "heaggy" and I may have seen norm heaggy in visions and he said things like, or I just heard his voice and things were being said like, "I'm about to go home", "get me out of hell", "I need 2000".
    (170)trouble-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "thier surely hitting airplanes", and maybe him or another", "can we hit airplanes". I asked who that man was, and I may have seen bin laden or his look alike and he may have said, "bin".
    (171)is bin laden dead or alive-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me in a vision a spirit that looked like a man or maybe president bush and he said things like, "I got news for you", "bin laden was put down". In another vision, I saw a man that looked like preisdent bush and he said, "bin laden is dead".
    (172)I'm pentecostal-vision received 8-5-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like terry canon and he said, "he's pentecostal".
    (173)raise your hands to the sky from when cometh your help-vision received 8-5-2005-I heard, "stick your hands up", and may have seen who said it". Praise Jesus always! I'm excited! Blessed! Thanky You Jesus! Thanks Jesus! Thanks Jesus! Great and Mighty God! I pour out thanks! Thanks! I saw a Man in a vision that looked like Jesus and He said, "tell me that". God spoke to me once and said, "if you don't thank me for what I do, then why should I do anything else"(memory). I thank Thee O God for the Awesome priviledge to serve such A High and Mighty Existence such as Thou. For Thou Art all. I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus. I love you Jesus. I want Jesus. I want Jesus. I need Jesus. I want Jesus.
    (174)wanting to preach revival at apostolic tabernacle-vision recieved 8-6-2005-I was thinking on preaching revival at apostolic tabernacle and I saw a man and he said, "wish you had".
    (175)mercy-vision received 8-6-2005-I heard the voice and may have dimly seen a spirit that I feel is hollie and she said things like, "your mercy is about to run out", "who'd I blaspheme", and I saw me and I said, "propeht", and then I saw her again and she said something like, "I'm against you', "tell".
    (176)keep coming-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a possibly a pastor and he said, "keep coming".
    (177)I have a Mantle from Jesus-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "Mantle".
    (178)help-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "tried to help you".
    (179)didn't get-vision received 8-6-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like debbie and she said, "I don't need his Mantle", and more things.
    (180)a witch is a rebel-vision recieved 8-6-2005-God has showed me a spirit that looked like a man and he said, "call me a witch", "were witches".
    (181)the preaching of dr. dan bohler-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a maybe dan bohler and he was preaching and saying things like, "something to guide him, praise God, and teach him".
    (182)Mantle-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe me and I said, "my Mantle".
    (183)almost done-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a woman and she said, "your almost done", "witch".
    (184)satan-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like a man and he said, "satan", and I saw hollie spirit and she said, "thats you bob".
    (185)heart attack-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like maybe dan bohler and he said things like, "heart attack", "witness closing".
    (186)the Mantle-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like Jesus and He said something about the Mantle.
    (187)michael jackson-vision received 8-8-2005-God has showed me in vision a spirit that looks like dan bohler and he said something like, "did you hear about michael jackson", and I saw a spirit that looked like michael jackson and he said, "HE cut me off", and I saw me and I said something like, "I'm going to embarras him".

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